YFP 397: The Art of Rebalancing: Maintaining Your Investment Portfolio

Tim Baker, CFP®, RICP®, RLP® and Tim Ulbrich, PharmD discuss the importance of maintaining a balanced asset allocation, the nuances of risk tolerance and capacity, and the different accounts you should be rebalancing.

Brought to you by First Horizon.

Episode Summary

In this episode, Tim Baker, CFP®, RICP®, RLP®, and Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, explore the essentials of rebalancing your investment portfolio.

Tim and Tim discuss asset allocation, risk tolerance, and key accounts to rebalance. They also highlight common mistakes and effective rebalancing strategies for long-term investment success.

Key Points from the Episode

  • [00:16] Introduction to Rebalancing Your Investment Portfolio
  • [01:34] Defining Asset Allocation and Rebalancing
  • [02:43] The Importance of Rebalancing
  • [04:37] Accounts to Consider for Rebalancing
  • [09:23] Risk Tolerance vs. Risk Capacity
  • [17:44] Common Mistakes in Rebalancing
  • [22:43] Timing Your Rebalancing
  • [25:38] Conclusion and Financial Planning Services

Episode Highlights

“ What we’re really talking about here is like maintaining the amount of risk that you feel comfortable with.” –  Tim Baker [1:04]

“ Rebalancing is the process of realigning the asset allocation of your investments to maintain whatever your desired level of risk is.” – Tim Baker [2:30]

“ But the question behind that is like, Where are we going with these investment accounts? What’s the overarching goal? What’s the target amount that we’re trying to achieve?” – Tim Ulbrich [7:06]

“ The longer time horizon that you have, the more capacity that you have to take risk because the more likely that that portfolio can recover over those 30 years.” – Tim Baker [11:06]

“ Risk tolerance is what you want to take. That’s kind of your emotional response. The risk capacity is what you should or need to take.” – Tim Baker [11:54]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich: Tim Baker, glad to have you back on the show.

Tim Baker: Good to be back with what’s new, Tim.

Tim Ulbrich: I think this is back to back, right? It’s been a while, uh, since we’ve done a back to back. So last week we talked about couples working together with their finances, certainly a relevant and important topic. And today we’re going to go pretty narrow and pretty nerdy.

Uh, as we talk about rebalancing your investment portfolio and Tim, let me start with that. We talk a lot [00:03:00] about. our savings rate and how much we’re going to save and how much we need to save for retirement. And sometimes what we lose in that conversation, certainly not with clients when our team’s doing this one on one, but maybe in a broader education sense is how we actually allocate those assets.

Where, where do those dollars go? And then what do we do when that asset allocation perhaps get it out of whack over time, which is our topic, uh, with rebalancing. So I think, I think naturally there can be a focus on the accumulation, but we might lose some of those details along the way.

Tim Baker: Yeah. I mean, it’s an important thing to consider because what we’re really talking about here is like maintaining the amount of risk that you feel comfortable with, with, and for a lot of people are like, I don’t even know what you’re talking about. So I’m just putting in a target date fund. Um, so if you’re in a target date fund, Um, you know, primarily this episode won’t apply to you, but if you’re kind of pulling the strings and want a little bit more precision, um, want to pay a little bit less, that’s one of the, the, the, the beast that I have with target a fund, this’ll [00:04:00] be an episode to kind of tune in and, and, and listen to in terms of, you know, at least how we approach it.

Tim Ulbrich: So let’s start with just defining rebalancing and maybe at the same time, define asset allocation, because those are going to go hand in hand.

Tim Baker: Yeah, so asset allocation is really just the percentages between stocks and bonds, um, at a high level. Um, so. Um, you know, if you’re, if you’re in, say, an 80 20, um, portfolio, that means 80 percent is in stock. So you think traditionally more exponential growth, um, you know, more, more stocks and an accumulation phase.

And then bonds are, I, we typically explain as more like linear growth, which is where you’re, you know, it’s fixed income, you’re, you’re being set, you know, being paid, um, you know, interest and those types of things. So typically the higher the bonds, the more risk. Um, avoidant you are. Um, and typically this is for people that are approaching retirement or in retirement.

So the percentage of stocks and bonds is really what we’re talking about with [00:05:00] that asset allocation. Rebalancing is the process of realigning the asset allocation of your investments to maintain whatever your desired level of risk is. And, you know, return. So over time, Tim, Tim. The market fluctuates, obviously it goes up and down and certain investments may grow faster than others.

So this causes your portfolio to drift from its original target allocation. So give me an example. Let’s say your target allocation is fairly conservative. It’s 6040. So 60 percent in stocks and 40 percent in bonds, a strong stock market, which we’ve been experiencing lately, um, over the last couple of years, although volatile could shift that to a 7030.

Um, ratio. So if you’re in a buy and hold strategy, which is basically you, you buy and set it and forget it, you’re going to continue to drift 20, um, which, which ultimately increases your portfolio’s risk. So what rebalancing [00:06:00] basically involves is selling some of the stocks and buy in bonds to return it back to that original 60, 40.

So basically. You know, you sign up for a certain amount of risk, you know, whether you’re working with advisor or just in your own mind and as the market does what it does the You know the percentages shift and you just want to basically reset that so In the event, you know, I always kind of think about in the event of um, you know the market taking a significant downturn Um, you’re protected as much as you can be with the the percentages that you signed up for.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah. And for the DIYers out there, right? This is something they have to keep on, on their radar to come back to at some frequency. You know what, whatever that might be determined, or of course, we’re big advocates of, Hey, this is one of the many things that a financial planner can help you with. Like, I, I selfishly know that, hey, I’ve got Kim, uh, on our side, you know, in our corner, one of our CFPs, that like, I’m not thinking about risk.

You know, I’m not thinking about the rebalancing, you know, of course we’re constantly re [00:07:00] evaluating what are the goals, what’s the risk tolerance, what’s the risk capacity, but that aspect’s being taken care of as naturally market fluctuations will happen. So Tim, what accounts should people be thinking about here with rebalancing?

You know, perhaps the obvious people are thinking, Oh yeah, my 401k, but it’s, it’s bigger than that. Right, 

Tim Baker: Yeah, it’s pretty much all of your investment accounts. So, um You know, IRAs, HSAs, if you’re invested in your HSA, 401ks, 403bs, TSPs, brokerage accounts, um, you know, and, and, and to kind of drill down a little bit more, Tim, it’s not just like. You know, stocks and bonds. You, if you look in the equity side of your portfolio, you know, it could be that small, small cap has performed, you know, outperformed.

So, you know, we have to sell some off the, some of the small part, a small cap to maybe redeploy that to a merging market or an international exposure. So, um, but it really is anything that you have. You know, investments, right? Which could be IRAs, HSAs, [00:08:00] 401ks, brokerage account. Um, these are the, these are the accounts that you want to pay the most attention to.

Now, I would say that 401ks, Are typically less, there’s a less of a need to rebalance a 401k. And the reason for that is typically 401ks are contributing to every pay cycle. So if you get paid 24 times a year, every time some of your paycheck goes in, it’s almost like a natural rebalance, right? There’s still some drift there.

And it’s still important to look at this because oftentimes this is the biggest asset that many of us have outside of maybe a home. Um, so it’s a big asset on the, on the balance sheet that needs attention, but, but oftentimes you kind of have that natural rebalance because of how regular the contributions are made into your 401k.

Tim Ulbrich: And I would add to this, you know, you mentioned kind of the, the various accounts, right? So 401ks, IRAs, [00:09:00] TSBs, 403Bs, HSAs, 529s would fall in there, right? As well. If we’re,

Tim Baker: Yeah, 457s. Yep, exactly right.

Tim Ulbrich: I think too. It’s worth mentioning this. I’m thinking of the DIY or in particular where, where I often see this overlooked him that there’s a question behind this question that we can’t overlook.

Right? So the question we’re addressing is what is rebalancing? And we’ll talk some about the strategies, what accounts need rebalancing and ultimately how does that connect and relate to your risk tolerance and capacity, all important stuff. But the question behind that is like, Where are we going with these investment accounts?

What’s the overarching goal? What’s the target amount that we’re trying to achieve? And how are we balancing that with all these different goals? Once those decisions are made in those conversations happen, then within that, we can begin to think about, okay, how do we make sure we rebalance and keep on track with the plan that we set?

Tim Baker: Yeah, if you’re, [00:10:00] if you’re looking at a checklist of reviewing your financial plan. You know, this is probably item number

Tim Ulbrich: Right.

Tim Baker: and all of the other things, you know, that are going to be important of like, Hey, where are we at? Where are we going? What’s the purpose of this are the things that we talked about, you know, last year, the year before still important.

So, I, I think this is very much the technical after all of those really value based conversations and questions are answered, but it’s important all the same. Right? So I think that. You know, um, And this changes, right? So, so what, what your, there’s so many people are like, ah, like nothing’s going on. Like I got this, but I always like do the thought experiment is like, you know, even for us, Tim, if we look back at like two years ago, how much things have changed over these last two years.

And I think as humans, we, we think. We kind of, we kind of lose sight of that and we think that the next two years are not going to be, [00:11:00] you know, kind of laissez faire type of thing. So I think, I think, yeah, the, this is, this is a, an item on a long list of things that need to be answered. And I think it’s just important to ask that question, um, kind of do that mental azimuth of like, is this still kind of serving me and what I’m trying to accomplish with my financial plan?

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah. And I want to make sure to say that out loud and we don’t miss that because, you know, the thought that was coming to mind, Tim, that stimulated that, that comment was there’s a lot of work that has to be done to determine what percentage of our income are we saving and why are we saving it? And then within that conversation, what vehicles are we going to use?

And then within that conversation, there’s the risk tolerance, risk capacity rebalancing. So making sure we just don’t get lost in the weeds, right? Especially for people that are, that are DIY in this. Um, let’s talk. I keep throwing around these terms, risk tolerance, risk capacity, but so important, right?

Because that ultimately is going to inform What is your [00:12:00] asset allocation, which will then inform, what are we going to do with the rebalance? So talk to us about risk, tolerance, risk capacity, and then even a, uh, peek behind the curtain for those that are financial planning clients, how we handle this through something like an investment policy statement.

Tim Baker: Yeah. So the way that I simply put risk tolerance versus capacity, risk capacity is risk tolerance is a risk that you want to take. The risk capacity is the risk that you should or need to take. So I’ll give you an example, you know, I could be a 35 year old pharmacist and I, I could be very risk adverse, right?

So when I take a questionnaire about how I view my investments and how I view about money, I’m like, I just want to keep, you know, I don’t want to lose anything. I just want to, you know, I’m, I’m much more comfortable putting everything into a high yield savings account and, and, and doing my thing there.

The problem is, is because we know about things with inflation and. [00:13:00] Um, uh, taxes that we have to do more than the 3 percent or whatever high yield savings accounts paying these days. Like, we have to outpace inflation. We have to outpace. Um, if you’re 35 or 40 years old or younger, or even a little bit older than that, you have more capacity.

Take risk. If we’re thinking about it in terms of retirement planning, because I might have 30 years To invest. And the idea is that the longer time horizon that you have, the more capacity that you have to take risk because the more likely that that portfolio can recover over those 30 years. So as you get closer, I could be the most, you know, so I’m, I pretty much like pretty aggressive with my investments, but once I get to, if I’m going to retire at 65, once I get to 55 or 60.

I don’t have the capacity to take the [00:14:00] risk because my time is so short. So even though I’m aggressive, you know, I need to know I, in the back of my mind, I’m, I’m fighting what’s called sequence of return risk, where if my, if I’m 58 and I’m trying to retire at 60 and I’m super aggressive. And my portfolio, you know, drops by a third.

It’s hard for me to recover in a 22 year period. So risk tolerance is what you want to take. That’s kind of your emotional response. The risk capacity is what you should or need to take. And sometimes if you’re 50 years old, 60 years old, and you’re trying to retire in the next 5 or 10 years and you haven’t done much.

Your risk, you have, you know, you have to take more risk because you have no choice or you’re going to just be working forever. So there’s, there’s this Venn diagram, Tim, of what we kind of look at your risk tolerance, which is typically a result of a questionnaire that we do. And then we overlay the demographic of how much you have saved, what your age is, what’s your time horizon.

And we come to that asset allocation [00:15:00] of, you know, the magic percentage of stocks to bonds. And then to kind of answer your question, what we typically do, um, at YFP is we just have a one page document. We call this the investment policy statement. This is kind of our North Star of how we’re going to manage your investments, both the ones that we are managing at our custodian directly, but also held away investments, which are typically 401ks or 403bs that you’re contributing directly, you know, cause you’re still employed.

Um, so that investment policy statement is kind of like our instruction manual of how we’re going to, you know, what the asset allocation is, how we’re going to rebalance. You know, the, how you, how you have visibility yet that you’ll receive statements and all that kind of stuff. So it’s really kind of a, a, um, North star of how we’re going to handle the investments that gives us kind of a, a scalable way to manage millions of dollars for our clients, but also for the client to understand, okay, this is what the [00:16:00] team at YFP, this is how they’re, they’re handling, you know, my long term investments, et cetera.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and I think that helps people, especially if they’re new to that relationship, feel comfortable, like, hey, we’ve been through the evaluation of risk process. We’ve agreed upon these set of terms, but I’m also, in part, delegating. This work to the team I hired, but I’m delegating this work to the team that I hired within the sandbox we’ve agreed upon.

Um, which I think is, is really important. And I love your visual, the Venn diagram, right? Because I think it encompasses when we talk about risk capacity, risk tolerance. Yes. We’re thinking about the emotional part, how much risk can I stomach, but we’re also considering how much risk do I need to take Based on all these goals.

And that’s where a third party can really have a valuable role of like, let’s talk about both of those things and where there may be differences. Let’s have a conversation and kind of figure out what gives, right? Are we willing to push ourselves maybe a little bit in a direction that we weren’t thinking, or are we willing to adjust the goals?

Oh, [00:17:00] 2 people doing this partner spouses, thinking of others, you might have 2 different. Risk tolerances and risk capacities that you’re dealing with and to have those conversations can be really valuable.

Tim Baker: Yeah. And I think one of the things that I, you know, ultimately say, you know, when I was working with clients back in the day is at the end of the day, it’s your financial plan. So even though I might reckon, you know, you might come in at a seven 30, a 70 30, and I think that you can be more aggressive, you know, 90, 10, or even a hundred zero, you know, all equity portfolio.

I’ve had some clients will say, like, let’s start at 80 20. And then I just say, like, I’m just forewarning you every time we meet because you’re 28 or whatever it is, like, I’m just going to bring this up that. You know, we need to be more aggressive and, you know, ultimately clients might step into that over a couple of years because I think they realize it’s, it’s working smarter, not harder because again, typically the more conservative you are, the harder you have to work, i.

  1. save. Or work longer to kind of reach that [00:18:00] portfolio amount that we can have a sustainable paycheck. So, and that goes back to, you know, in the past, I’ve talked about aggressive Jane and conservative Jane and everything being equal and the delta between their portfolio after a 30 year career is significant.

Um, and the only thing that really changes is, is the asset allocation. So it’s 1 of the most powerful things. And I think, tending to that. IE through a rebalancing strategy over time is going to be really important as well. So, um, yeah, at the end of the day, you know, you have to feel comfortable, but I think what most people realize is.

Hey, even the portfolio goes down in 2025 and I’m retiring in 2055, who cares, right? It doesn’t matter. We’re not even going to remember that. And in fact, we’re going to probably have, you know, six, seven more of those. It’s just, is this, when we get to that eye of the storm close to retirement, um, that’s when we really need to be hyper focused and conservative on the, on the asset allocation.

So we don’t, you know, again, fall to sequence of return risk.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah. And it’s worth noting, Tim, especially for [00:19:00] newer investors, how you think you’re going to feel and how you actually feel might not always line up. Right. Until you go through a dip where you have a sizable amount of assets and kind of experience that. I do think some people go into that thinking. Hey, I’m in this for the longterm.

I can stomach it. And it market drops 30 percent and they still feel the same way. Like that’s fine. You know, I’m in it for the long run. I think other people might go into that with that mind, same mindset, see that number go down on their accounts. And all of a sudden there’s this gut feeling of, of like, whoa, I didn’t think this would impact me in the way it did.

Tim Baker: yeah. And, and sometimes that gut feeling leads to that whole idea that I talk about is like, I want to take my investment ball and go home. And then that could lead to really. Um, the word is not inappropriate, but really, um, unproductive decisions and actions with your portfolio when you’re selling into cash, then you start feeling a little bit better because the markets recover and then you buy back into the portfolio higher.

And it’s [00:20:00] probably 1 of the biggest mistakes that novice investors make. And it’s basically playing on our loss aversion that affects all of us. So.

Tim Ulbrich: Let’s go there to common mistakes investors make when rebalancing, you’re, you’re talking about one really important one right there. And specifically, I’m thinking about the DIY investor where, Hey, when the hands in the cookie jar, you know, we might, might make some mistakes or be more prone to making mistakes than we would be otherwise.

If, if we had, um, a financial planner advisor, someone in our corner kind of talking through some of these things. So what, what are some of those mistakes that folks should be. Aware of that. Hey, we can avoid these if, if at all possible related to rebalancing.

Tim Baker: Yeah, so I think it’s, it’s kind of what I just said is like that emotional reaction, um, to, to this, uh, or taking a short term view of a, of a portfolio that has a long term outlook. Um, you know, I think sometimes like, and rebalance in itself seems [00:21:00] unnatural because you’re taking your highest performing asset class, some of it selling some of it and putting it potentially in your lowest performing asset class.

So it feels weird. Um, Uh, you know, again, if you’re overwatching your portfolio, it could lead to you making irrational decisions to time the market, which we know over the course of a long investing career, you just can’t do. Um, You know, I think the other thing is not considering the shifts in risk tolerance over time.

Right? So if, if you set this and forget it early in your career, and then your mid career and late career, and you’re still in that same asset allocation, there’s a problem there. Um, and I think, I think the other thing too, that is kind of related to this, but tangentially so is. Like if you’re in, if you’re thinking like, oh, I’m going to target date fund.

I don’t have to worry about that. Like in my 401k, that is true to an degree. But the, the other thing is like, we’ve talked about like, not all HSAs or 401ks are create equal, not all target date funds are created equal. [00:22:00] So you could be in a 2060 target date fund. That’s actually too conservative to what you actually need to be in.

And even, you know, all of those as they lead up and they had to have this glide path of, you know, taking out equities and re you know, re um, reinvested in the, in the, Stocks and bond or, uh, bonds. It’s, it’s not necessarily lines up with what you’re thing, it’s all those, it’s the easy button. I would think.

I would say look at the fees and look at the, the actual asset allocation within that fund to make a good decision. Um, I also think not considering tax cons, consequences in certain accounts or chasing something because of a tax benefit. So the big, the big thing that we haven’t talked here, um, is like rebalance is, is different in a brokerage account versus a.

401k or an IRA. Um, and what I mean by that is we’ve always talked about like the, the tax benefits of a 401k or, or an IRA or a Roth IRA, the, in those accounts, [00:23:00] the money that is in those accounts is either tax going in, so that’s in the case of a Roth or tax going out, which is the case of the, the traditional, the, the added tax.

Um in a brokerage account is that when you buy and sell a Stock bond mutual fund inside of a 401k you pay no capital gains. So the growth is tax free, which is which is another benefit Um of those accounts inside of a brokerage account you’re paying capital gains on any gain or or loss Um in the side of those accounts.

So sometimes we do weird things because of tax Ramifications and I think it’s losing, not losing sight of that, you know, as well. And then, um, I think also kind of related to this, Tim is, is account location. So this is kind of related to rebalancing, but having a good amount of, you know, I just, we just signed on a client, um, recently that they’re in [00:24:00] their early forties, forties, they want to retire in their early fifties.

So they have about a decade left, but they have nothing in a brokerage account. Um, which is typically what we’re going to use for an early retirement paycheck. So this is kind of the do we have a Do we have enough in? Uh, a taxable pre tax than an after tax to basically build a sustainable paycheck. So not necessarily related directly to rebalancing, but important to know again, as you’re asking yourself those questions and we’re getting to that 80 second step of rebalancing that we, we could look at the situation and be like, our account location is off.

So we need to, we need to reallocate assets that way. And then obviously rebalance the portfolio in general. 

Tim Ulbrich: That’s a great example, right? Because that’s one of those in the weeds types of things where we can be, you know, neat, neat, deep, and trying to rebalance within an account, thinking about the asset allocation, maybe even trying to think about some of the tax benefits, especially if it’s not in a retirement account all the while, you know, bigger question of, Hey, might I.

Need these funds [00:25:00] prior to traditional retirement age. And do we have the right account locations? A really good example of, of the bigger, the bigger puzzle that we need to be thinking about.

Tim Baker: Yeah,

Tim Ulbrich: Last question I have for you here is on timing, Tim. So we’ve established that, Hey, once we set an Alice asset allocation based on risk tolerance, based on risk capacity, based on goals, that risks, that asset allocation will inevitably shift as the market does its thing over time, which then.

Puts in the, the need for what we’re talking about here, which is rebalancing. Um, so then the next natural question is, well, how often should I do that? Is this a once a year? Is this a twice a year? Is this a, it depends based on market volatility and you know, some seasons of the market may be more volatile than others.

What are your thoughts here on timing?

Tim Baker: yeah. So typically, the three common approaches to rebalancing is time based rebalancing, which is kind of what you’re talking about. So rebalance at regular interviews, you know, I quarterly, annually, maybe in semi annually, it could be [00:26:00] threshold based rebalancing, which is rebalancing when an asset class deviates from the target by a certain percentage.

So if it drifts 5 percent or 10 percent Transcribed by https: otter. ai Then we rebalance and then there’s a hybrid approach. So combining time and threshold methods for more flexibility back in the day, Tim, this was a concern because, um, and even, I think even today it’s a concern depending on how you’re invested is, um, you know, we, we would rebalance in, in my previous firm, we would rebalance like mutual funds.

We didn’t use ETFs, which is what we use now. And those would generate like. Ticket charge and commissions. Um, and some of the listeners might have heard of things called like churning where an advisor is kind of selling, not unnecessarily, but in a rebalancing to kind of earn a commission. Um, and even like even ETFs or stocks, anytime that you, you buy and sell, sometimes there’s a ticket charge.

Now, a lot of those have kind of gone to zero. So you’re able to, to do this kind of at will. [00:27:00] Um, Um, but that was a, that was a, that was a, something that you had to be aware of back in the day of either, you know, what’s the ticket charge related to the trade or like, what’s the commission that you’re going to pay an advisor?

Um, so obviously being fee only, we don’t earn commission since that’s not part of what we do. Um, today, a lot of these, a lot of these methods are going to be. Threshold based. Um, so if you’re working with a robo advisor, it’s going to, it’s going to look at a drift at a certain percentage and then basically realign you.

Obviously, you’re paying a fee for that, which you need to know what that is. Um, but we kind of do a hybrid approach of, of both. Um, you know, some people, Okay. Want to overdo this and rebalance this, you know, if you’re a tinkerer and that’s typically not the best approach. So I would say at a minimum, at a minimum, you know, at least once a year you should be looking at this and rebalancing back to a target percentage.

And again, having those conversations with yourself about, is this what I still want and need? And how is this best supported my financial plan?

Tim Ulbrich: [00:28:00] Awesome, Tim. Great, great stuff. Uh, appreciate your perspective as always. And for those that are listening and saying, Hey, I could use help with rebalancing asset allocation, making sure I’m thinking about my risk tolerance, risk capacity, and other investing goals, as well as other parts of the financial plan.

That’s what our team of fee only certified financial planners do at YFP. Again, we’re talking about a very narrow aspect of the financial plan and there’s so much more opportunity Beyond just this topic. As we look at all of the different parts of the financial plan, whether that’s investing in retirement planning, whether that be debt management, credit, estate planning, insurance, and so on.

So to learn more about what it means and what it would look like to work one on one with a YFP fee only certified financial planner, head on over to our website, yourfinancialpharmacist. com. You’ll see an option there to book a discovery call. We’d love to have an opportunity to talk with you, learn more about your financial situation.

You can learn more about our services and ultimately we can determine together. Whether or not there’s a good fit there again, your financial pharmacist. com and click on the link to book a [00:29:00] discovery call. Thanks so much for listening. Have a great rest of your week.[00:30:00] 


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  • Introduction to Cryptocurrency and Digital Assets Series [0:00]
  • Role of Digital Assets in Portfolio Diversification [3:12]
  • Investing in Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Spot ETFs [8:52]
  • Tax Considerations for Digital Assets [13:43]
  • Use Cases and Future of Digital Assets [23:13]
  • Fee Considerations for Digital Assets [24:50]
  • Conclusion and Next Steps [30:41]

Episode Highlights

“There’s a lot of things that digital assets can solve. If you’re in countries where you have hyperinflation, where the price of bread is double or triple in the morning than what it is in the afternoon, something like a stable currency is really attractive to you.” – Tim Baker [12:18]

“Digital assets are taxed as property, so the IRS looks at it as property. So, and that’s kind of one of the rubs here when Bitcoin was kind of introduced. It was supposed to replace the dollar, or that was the idea. And again, I do think that a digital asset will replace the dollar. It’s just not going to – it won’t be Bitcoin.” – Tim Baker [13:45]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

The transcript will be included following the release the episode.

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YFP 386: Cryptocurrency & Digital Assets: Definitions, Origins, and Risks

Tim Ulbrich and Tim Baker discuss cryptocurrency, examining its advantages like decentralization and transparency and risks such as volatility and regulatory uncertainty.

Episode Summary

In this first episode of a two-part series on cryptocurrency and digital assets, YFP Co-Founders Tim Ulbrich and Tim Baker explore the world of digital finance and its relevance in today’s financial landscape. Tim and Tim unpack essential terms and explore how the 2008 financial crisis served as a catalyst for the rise of cryptocurrency, with Bitcoin leading the charge.

The discussion highlights the unique advantages of digital assets, such as decentralization, transparency, and their fixed supply, contrasting these features with traditional currencies. Tim and Tim also address critical risks, including market volatility, security concerns, and regulatory uncertainties.

Key Points from the Episode

  • Overview of Digital Assets and Cryptocurrency [2:26]
  • Defining Digital Assets and Their Characteristics [4:25]
  • The Financial Crisis of 2008 and Its Impact on Digital Assets [8:29]
  • Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology [14:13]
  • Advantages and Risks of Digital Assets [18:43]
  • Regulatory Concerns and Security Risks [18:55]
  • Volatility and Comparison to Traditional Investments [19:12]
  • Conclusion and Preview of Future Episodes [34:33]

Episode Highlights

“There’s a lot of people that invest in more mutual funds in their 401k that don’t fully understand how mutual funds work. So I think that’s where an advisor or somebody that you trust can be a guide in this. But I do think that something like this, with it being new, doing some research and understanding what that looks like is important.” -Tim Baker [7:59]

“If you look at the US dollar, it used to be backed by the gold standard, but once it moved to a fiat currency, it derives value from the trust and the issue in government. Whereas Bitcoin derives value from the trust in the decentralized system.” – Tim Baker [24:05]

“The US dollar gets value from the widespread acceptance as legal tender in the United States, but even across the world, like dollars are valuable anywhere or in most places. Whereas, you know, Bitcoin, its acceptance is by its users and people that believe that this is the future.” -Tim Baker [24:46]

“I think the biggest risk is the volatility. So, you know, digital assets are highly volatile and can experience dramatic price swings in short periods.” – Tim Baker [30:18]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

The transcript will be included following the release the episode.

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YFP 358: Top 6 Financial Moves to Make as a Mid-Career Pharmacist

YFP Co-Founder and Director of Financial Planning Tim Baker discusses six financial moves for mid-career pharmacists, including re-evaluating the vision for the financial plan.

Episode Summary

Tim Ulbrich is joined by YFP Co-Founder and Director of Financial Planning at YFP, Tim Baker to discuss various financial planning strategies for mid-career pharmacists, including resetting the vision for the financial plan, prioritizing retirement planning and emergency funds, and reevaluating, reviewing and updating insurance policies.

Regularly reviewing and adjusting these funds to account for the various life changes ensures that policies align with current financial goals and circumstances. Tim and Tim also address the importance of having those uncomfortable conversations, such as end-of-life care and inheritance to avoid potential legal and financial issues in the future.

About Today’s Guest

Tim Baker is the Co-Founder and Director of Financial Planning at Your Financial Pharmacist. Founded in 2015, YFP is a fee-only financial planning firm and connects with the YFP community of 12,000+ pharmacy professionals via the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast podcast, blog, website resources and speaking engagements. 

Tim attended the United States Military Academy majoring in International Relations and branching Armor. After his military career, he worked as a logistician with a major retailer and a construction company. After much deliberation, Tim decided to make a pivot in his career and joined a small independent financial planning firm in 2012. In 2016, he launched his own financial planning firm Script Financial and in 2019 merged with Your Financial Pharmacist. Tim now lives in Columbus, Ohio with his wife (Shay), three kids (Olivia, Liam and Zoe), and dog (Benji).

Key Points from the Episode

  • Financial moves for mid-career pharmacists, including resetting financial goals. [0:00]
  • Financial planning, goal setting, and prioritizing life ambitions. [3:54]
  • Emergency funds and savings goals, including rechecking amounts and locations. [9:17]
  • Emergency funds and retirement planning for mid-career pharmacists. [14:34]
  • Retirement planning and nest egg calculation. [16:46]
  • Social Security benefits and retirement planning for pharmacists. [22:43]
  • Updating estate plans for mid-career individuals. [29:13]
  • Financial planning for aging parents. [33:39]
  • Financial planning for mid-career pharmacists, including insurance checkups and estate planning. [37:48]
  • Insurance planning for pharmacists, including long-term care and property casualty assessments. [41:17]

Episode Highlights

“And I think the other thing is that things change. I think checking up on your financial plan is really, really important.” -Tim Baker [5:08]

“I think it’s really important to kind of recast the vision, recast the organization of your financial plan and go from there.” – Tim Baker [5:52]

“I think one of the things that I would challenge people who are mid-career, from a goal setting perspective is, are you doing the things that make you whole or that you’re passionate about?” – Tim Baker [6:28]

“So, you know, I think being critical and actually like slowing down and saying, is this what I want to do. And then using the resources, the time that you have, the dollars that you have, to kind of right that ship, and because again, we’re here for a very finite amount of time. And it goes by quickly, and it sounds very cliche, but it’s true.” – Tim Baker [8:08]

“I typically say that the estate plan is really important, really, for anybody, But particularly for people that have a spouse, a house, or mouths to feed. So if you have those things, and you don’t have documents in place, I think that that’s probably the biggest thing that we need to look at.” – Tim Baker [32:58]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich  00:00

Hey everybody, Tim Ulbrich here and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. This week, Tim Baker joins us back on the mic to talk through six financial moves to make as a mid career pharmacist, we discussed the importance of resetting the vision for the financial plan, how to determine whether or not you’re on track for retirement, gaps to look for in your estate planning and insurance coverage, and much more. For more information and details on each one of these areas, go to yourfinancialpharmacist.com/midcareer. That’s one word again yourfinancialpharmacist.com/midcareer. 

Tim Ulbrich  00:37

Before we jump into this week’s episode, I have a hard truth for you to hear. Making a six figure income is not a financial plan. Yes, you’ve worked hard to get where you are today. Yes, you’re earning a good income. But have you ever wondered, am I on track to retire? How do I prioritize and fund all of these competing financial goals that I have? How do I plan financially for big upcoming life events and changes such as moving, having a child, changing jobs, getting married or retiring? Or perhaps why am I not as far along financially at this point in my career as I thought I would be? The answer may be that your six figure income is not a financial plan. As a pharmacist, you have an incredible tool in your toolbox: your salary. But without a vision and a plan that good income will only go so far. That’s in part why we started Your Financial Pharmacist. At YFP, we support pharmacists at every stage of their careers to take control of their finances, reach their financial goals, and build wealth through comprehensive fee-only financial planning and tax planning. Our team of certified financial planners and our CPA works with pharmacists all across the country to help our clients set their future selves up for success while living their rich lives today. If you’re ready to learn more about how Your Financial Pharmacist can support you on your financial journey, visit your financialpharmacist.com/learn. Again, that’s your financial pharmacists.com/learn. Alright, let’s jump into today’s show. 

Tim Ulbrich  02:05

Tim Baker, good to have you back on the show.

Tim Baker  02:07

Good to be back. Tim. How’s it going? 

Tim Ulbrich  02:09

Good. It’s been a while official congrats on the baby. I know you’re off for a little while. But we’re glad to have you back on the mic. 

Tim Baker  02:17

Yeah, thanks for thanks for hosting, it’s trying to get back in the swing of things with baby here. Sleep’s at a premium. So, it’s all good.

Tim Ulbrich  02:28

Well, this week, we’re talking about moves that mid-career pharmacists should be making things that they should be thinking about. And really whether someone is early in their journey, you know, these are things to be thinking ahead of or those that are actually in this season. Hopefully, this is more of a checklist type of episode where you can go through different parts of the financial plan, or perhaps tune up or look back at some of these items. Tim, it dawned on me though, as we’re preparing for this episode of like, that’s us mid-career, you know, it’s really that that phase where you start to feel like, Hey, we’ve kind of checked off some of those basic foundational items. But there’s this whole other set of issues and things that we need to be thinking about going into the future. So for better or for worse, here we are in the middle of our career, as well. And we’re excited to talk through these six moves that mid-career pharmacists should be making in each one of these we have covered at length, if not once, maybe twice, or three times on the episode before. So we’ll make sure to mention that when we get to these individual items and link to those things in the show notes as well. Tim, I think it makes sense that we start number one, really with the goals. You know, this is an opportunity, I think to reset the vision for the financial plan, there often is a lot of transition that can be happening at this phase, you know, this might be the time where people have kids are getting a little bit older, maybe beginning to think about them moving out of the house, we obviously have to be thinking about taking care of ourselves. Maybe we have elderly parents that we’re trying to prioritize as well. So just a lot of transition, I think an opportunity to take a step back and really look at the vision and the goals for the financial plan and how those have changed over time.

Tim Baker  04:05

Yeah, I would package these, I would actually package this together with like, what is the balance sheet look like? And then what is the vision going forward? So you know, we kind of look at this, you know, when we work with clients as a get organized and kind of a goal setting, you know, as a one two punch, and this is typically where, Tim, when a pharmacist asked me a question of Hey, should I do X or Y? I say it depends.  A lot of it depends on what is what is the financial picture look like for you? And then what does a wealthy life look like for you both today and in the future. And for everyone that’s going to be different. So, that to me is where that answer comes from. So yeah, like I think in prepping for this episode, Tim, I kind of learned you know, two things or realized two things that I think is really important to say out loud. One is just like a lot of stuff when I was looking at my you know, I was looking at my insurance stuff in my in my nest egg calculation, some of the things that we’ll talk about in this episode. It’s just a lot of moving pieces. And it’s a, and it’s changed a lot over the years. So that’s, that’s the first thing. And I think the other thing is, like, you know, this thing, things change, I think having, you know, checking up on this is really, really important. So, when we look at, like, the, when we look at the balance sheet, again, if you haven’t looked at your balance sheet in a long time, I think it’s really important, it’s not necessarily necessarily something that we feel in our day to day, yeah. But if you, you know, if you if you put your head down, and you’re working, and you’re raising a family or doing whatever you’re doing, and, you know, two or three years later go by, you can actually see the progress that, you know, has been made, right, so you can see, you know, how your assets, you know, been built up, how have you How have your liabilities been paid down? Or not, you know, do you have a different set of, you know, versus if it’s was it student loans in the past the past and now its a HELOC, or something like that. So I think it’s really important to kind of recast the vision recast the, you know, the organization of your financial plan and go from going from there. From the vision perspective, it’s, it’s laughable when you think about, you know, like, when I, you know, had these conversations with myself and my wife, you know, even three or four years ago, and then what that looks like today, like, like, and you don’t sense that, but like, when you when you actually look back, and you kind of memorialize, hey, in 2019 pre-pandemic, this is kind of our viewpoint, this is what we wanted to do. And then we look at that today, it’s vastly different. So I think, like, you know, one of the things that, that I would, you know, challenge people that are mid career, you know, from a goal setting perspective is, are you doing the things that, like, make you whole, or that you’re passionate about? You know, like, I was joking around with my team over the weekend that I kind of felt like an Uber driver, because I was driving to soccer practice and swim practice, soccer practice again, and swim practice again. Which is great, like, I love that I love you know, you know, you know, seeing my kids, you know, do well on their sports and their activities. But, you know, though conversation that I had with my wife over the weekend was like, are like, Are we are we good? Are we on like the track that we want to be on and kind of checking in with and sometimes that’s a check in with yourself, some that’s a check in with a spouse, sometimes it’s a check in with like, a close advisor, like a financial planner. And I think it’s really important to do that, because again, you can put your head down, and you know, live, you know, be living your life, but then, you know, you’re doing that vicariously through your kids or, or whatever, and not actually take the time to do the things that you’re passionate about. And sometimes, you know, again, your own goals. And ambitions are kind of taking a backseat to your kids, which is a it’s a natural thing. But at the end of the day, like there typically is enough to go around, like we can carve out time, we can carve out resources to do the things that you want to do whatever that is. So I think it’s really important, you know, as you are mid-career, and I think this is where, you know, people like to talk about, like a midlife crisis, because they kind of get caught in the rat race, and they’re like, this is not really the life that I want to live. So, you know, I think it’s that, you know, that self, you know, being being critical and actually like slowing down and saying, is this what I want to do. And then using the resources, you know, the time that you have, the dollars that you have, to kind of right that ship, and because, again, we’re here for a very finite amount of time. And it goes by quick, and it sounds very cliche, but it’s, it’s true. And I think you can I always talk about this, like, you know, that whole that sense of being on autopilot. I’ve worked at jobs where, you know, like, my commute to the office in the morning was in darkness, I would you know, I would drive there 30 minutes, I wouldn’t remember that drive, and then you back was in darkness, I would get in my car, and 30 minutes would go by and I’m home. And I don’t remember any of that. And that’s, that’s like an analogy for life is that if you’re not actually slowing down and think about is this what I want to do that’s important. So that’s just my life planning hat. You know, are we are we putting the first things first are we doing, you know, the things that we want to do and making sure that we’re, we have a plan and we’re being intentional for that. 

Tim Ulbrich  09:16

I love the example you gave of you know how for you and Shay, your family, right short period of time, the goals can look very different, and why it’s so important to be looking at these regularly and talking about them together to have a third party, you know, kind of help, whether that’d be a plan or someone else. I was even thinking as you shared that, you know, for Jess and I, when you did the planning with the two of us how helpful it was when we would get together to flash up the goals to say, hey, yeah, a year, a year ago, you guys said this is important. Like, is it still important? If so, like, what what are we doing? What are we doing to kind of move this forward? And ultimately, like, where are the funds, right? If it requires funds to do that, and that’s so important. You know, you and I had a very similar season of life where, you know, to the point you gave of the weekend and being the Uber driver We’re like, the days and the months are flying by to really have that mechanism to stop, pause, slow down and remind ourselves of like, are we running the path? Are we running the race that we want to be running? And we’re not gonna get it right all the time, right balance in every season of life, but to have some built in mechanism to not just set those goals, but also to refresh and to look at those periodically. 

Tim Baker  10:23

Yeah, absolutely. 

Tim Ulbrich  10:24

All right, number two on our list is savings. And we’re gonna talk about a few different areas. Here. We’ll talk briefly about the emergency fund, and an opportunity to recheck where we’re at with that, we’ll briefly talk about retirement. Again, we’ve talked about all these at length, we’ll reference other episodes, and then we’ll touch on some kids college stuff as well. Tim, let’s start with the emergency fund and a recheck. I just talked on Episode 357, last week about five questions that we need to be asking ourselves related to the emergency fund. So make sure you go back and check out that episode. But I think this is one of those areas that where we set the emergency fund maybe early on in our career, and then we don’t think about, wow, a lot has changed, we really got to relook at is the amount that we have there sufficient? And how does this fit in with the rest of the plan? 

Tim Baker  11:09

It’s one of those things where yeah, it’s kind of a forgotten, forgotten thing. And, you know, you know, what we really want to do is check in and make sure that you know, what’s in there is appropriate, and, you know, are there things that we can do to, you know, to, to improve it. So, you know, for for a emergency fund, what we’re looking for is three to six months of non discretionary monthly expenses. So these are expenses that are gonna go out the door, regardless of if we work or not. So things like, you know, a mortgage and insurance premiums and utilities and a food bill. So, unfortunately, we tend to get to that number, we have to actually look at spending data and understand like, what that looks like, and then, you know, we kind of look at, you know, what is what is discretionary? What are things that are non discretionary, and we add up all the non discretionary if we have, you know, two incomes, we multiply that by three, if we have one income, we multiply that by six for six months, and then and then that’s our number. For a lot of our clients. You know, it typically can be I think, in a, I would say, anywhere between 15 and $50,000 is what is what the number is, um, so I think like, you know, and this is something that that Shay, I looked at recently, and I think, for us, because of three kids and you know, daycare and all that kind of stuff, it’s, it’s crept up, and I’ve kind of tried to, you know, the interest that I that I accumulate in my high yield, or  I do, I do a combination of a high yield savings account. And then like, a laddered CD that I do every quarter, like a year CD for every quarter. So I have a q1, q2, q3, q4 that I just renew, and I kind of let those ride and I’m actually adding more money, both to the high yield, and the, and the CDs as we go here. But I, the only reason I knew to do that was to actually look at the spending, and it’s kind of crept up, you know, just because of family of, you know, probably the last time I did it, we were a family of three, now we’re a family of five. So I think that’s important to do. And again, like, there are so many people that I talked to that they’re like, Okay, this brokerage account, this, this taxable investment account, that is my emergency fund, that is not an emergency fund, it’s, it’s, you know, if you’re investing in it, and you can see volatility, that’s not what we’re trying to do. So I think having you know, the right amount, and then the location is going to be really important. And to get the right amounts, typically, looking at the budget where you’re at today, and again, like I don’t look at the kids swim or, or soccer or other activities as a discretionary as a, that’s, that’s a discretionary thing. So if times get tough, we, you know, try to try to cut that. So I think even, you know, examining what is, you know, what should be in there and what shouldn’t, is important, but, you know, to me, it’s, it’s a little bit of nails on chalkboard, right Tim, because I don’t want to keep cash, I want to get that into the market and get work. And so I need enough to get us through a tough spot. But then also know that, you know, for me, I want to get money into mortgage and a lot of people typically, you know, later in mid career and beyond, they’ll they’ll start because they have an asset like the house, they’ll even use something like a HELOC as like an even deeper reserve. Yeah. So to have access to a HELOC, or something like that is going to be important that I’ve seen people use as a mechanism to, you know, to safely and I wouldn’t say cheaply because of where rates are, but somewhat cheaply access cash if needed, and not necessarily tie up a ton of money in a checking error, high yield savings account, I should say. 

Tim Ulbrich  14:33

I like the hack that you mentioned. And yes, I do the same thing where you know, any any earnings on a high yield savings, we just kind of dumped back in the emergency letter, I let it ride right. And the idea being that’s going to help kind of keep pace at some level with inflation, maybe not fully, but to your point, it doesn’t cover those big jumps, right. So like now we’re a family of five instead of a family of three or, you know, we bought an investment property and we’ve got to be thinking about that or we moved homes and you know, mortgage payments went up and so those kind of big moves, where all of a sudden, you know, that emergency fund might go from that 15 to that 30, 35. Are we looking at that periodically.

Tim Baker  15:09

And for you, Tim is probably like your food bill, right? Oh, pre preteens? Like, like, that’s gonna that’s that’s like No, that’s no joke, you know like when you, even Olivia. Olivia is going to be 10 this year and she’s a swimmer. I mean, she eats I feel like as much as I do. And you know, when you when you think about that, that’s, that’s gonna move down quite a bit. So you know, it’s it definitely adds up. And at the end of the day, the emergency fund is there for that rainy day when, when when you need it and just making sure that’s properly funded is going to be important to kind of give you that peace of mind.

Tim Ulbrich  15:42

The second part of savings Tim, I want to touch on as we work through these six different moves for mid-career pharmacists is, you know, I think this is a natural time where we ask ourselves, Am I on track with retirement? Right? And, and this is a season where when we talk with pharmacists mid-career, you know, the visual I have is you’re getting hit in every direction, right? You maybe kids expenses, kids college has grown, we’ll talk about that a little bit. You’ve got this pressure facing you on retirement, you might be caring for elderly parents, you know, perhaps there’s debt still hanging around, we’re working through student loans or other things. There’s, there’s all these different pressures and headwinds, and naturally, that retirement piece made maybe wasn’t a top priority for a while. And all of a sudden, we get to this point where previously we couldn’t visualize retirement now we can start to and it’s like, Am I on track? And I know, we covered this in Episode 272. How much is enough? We’ll link to that in the show notes. So people can dig deeper, but just at a high level, you know, some some tips or some thoughts for folks that are asking this question of, Hey, am I on track? How much is enough? When it comes to retirement? 

Tim Baker  16:45

This is such a, this is such a hard one. Because like, I’ll ask like prospective clients, like, Hey, do you feel like you’re on track to meet like your goal for retirement? And if you’re talking to someone in their 30s 40s 50s? I would say even in your 50s, it can be somewhat nebulous anytime it’s like a decade or more out. And typically, that the answer I get is like, you know, Tim, I really have no idea. Which is, I think, problematic, especially if we’re trying to, like, you know, build out a plan. So that’s obviously something that we can fix. But also, it’s kind of that default of like, well, like the 401k, you know, company or the 401k that I have, they have a calculator that says I’m on track. And I’m like, I just don’t know how they calculate that. And I almost feel like, all the compliance things that, Tim, that we have. So it’s almost like irresponsible, yeah, to, again, they’re looking at it very much from it, but people don’t necessarily know that, you know, it’s very much a vacuum. I think that like, the problem with like, Am I on track for retirement is that there’s so many variables that go into it, there’s so much time that goes into it, you know, and I always talked about this, like, when we, when I first started working as a financial planner, I remember working with my previous firm, and it’s like, you know, we would do financial planning by hand, and we would do a time value money calculation. And we would say, Hey, Tim, hey client, you know, your, your, your, what you need for retirement is $3.1 million. And we’d be like this exact number. And then we’ll kind of go on to like, the next thing, I’ll make sure you’re doing this. And it’s like, it just never connected. It was almost like this disassociated moving, because you’d like to look at like what the client had, which might be three or $400,000. And you’re like, I need to, like 10x this in 20 years, or 15 years. And there’s so many people that come back to me that when they start and then they’re like four or five years, they’re like, like, damn, Tim, like, actually, my assets I’ve actually grown like, I almost didn’t believe you. And it’s still hard to even to see that, you know, the progress to get to that, that millionaire level. But I think it’s really important. And so like, I took that, as a financial planner, I would look at the clients, like their eyes would kind of like gloss over because they’re like, that doesn’t mean anything to me. And I can’t we build up this nest egg calculator that basically goes through. And I did it recently for Shay and I, you know, what’s your current age? What’s your target? You know, so how many more years do you have left in the workforce? How long do you expect to live? Which is again, that’s one of the hardest, you know, that’s one of the risks in retirement is like longevity risk, like, are you gonna live really long or not? So again, that’s a little bit of a crapshoot. So we kind of make make some assumptions there. Social Security kind of has an idea of when they think that you’re gonna pass away, what your current retirement savings is with kind of think of it as your present value and your time value money. And then what your current calculate your current income is and then what that kind of projects into what you need for retirement. So we make some assumptions on how is your current assets actually invested? So for a lot of people that I see at least it’s in my opinion, too conservative, especially mid you know, if you follow the rules of thumb of, hey, if you’re, you know, if you’re 40 years old, you take 110 minus 40, your equity, equity amount should be 70%. And then the other 30 should be in bonds, I think that is wrong. But then we do some, you know, asset assumptions when you’re actually in retirement, so might be more conservative. And that kind of gets down to the total need. And then you have to factor in things like social security. So I pulled my Social Security, I think we’ll talk about that in a second. And then like, what does that mean, in terms of what do I need to actually save today? So it’s, it’s the idea here is to take this big number, whether it’s 3.1, 3.6, 2 million, 4 million, and actually break it down to a number that I can digest. So like, if you say, if I’m, if I’m the client, and I say, hey, you know, if I’m talking to a client, I’m like, Hey, you’re putting in 10%, for you to actually get on track to retire by 65. To live to 95, whatever that is, you need to go from 10% to 15%. Like, I can track to that. And also, you know, so that actually is a tangible thing, that’s a, that’s a digestible thing that I can do versus just saying, we need $3.1 and we kind of just are like, it’s a hope and a prayer, right. So it’s not, it’s not a perfect system. Because like, when I look at my own nest egg calculation, you know, I’m maxing out my 401. K. And let’s assume that I’m going to be doing that for the next 29 years, if I retire at 70, which, that’s a, I don’t know, I don’t know if that’s going to be the case. I’m hoping that’s the case. But so there’s, there’s, there’s some assumptions that we have to make to make, to make it kind of come to life. And I think the next level of this, Tim, was kind of going through some simulations. So if I were to, you know, if I were to, you know, take part of my portfolio and purchase x, or if I were to, you know, go and go down to part time, or, you know, do something else, you could actually run scenarios, if I, if I buy my Mountain House 10 years earlier, there’s some Monte Carlo analysis that will actually affect, you know, show you how it affects your success rate with your with your retirement. And I think that’s kind of the next level stuff. But for a lot of people, it’s where am I at? What are the things that I’m that I’m doing today? How can I tweak those things to get a better outcome, and that could be contribution rate, that could be my allocation, that can be a variety of things. So I think that’s important to kind of break down and really see, you know, because the more the longer that we wait to kind of effect change here, especially if it’s negative, the steeper that gets, right. So when you’re, when you’re early in your career, you know, a tweak here there can really have monumental changes, the closer you get to that retirement, just the the steeper that climb is and the harder it is to kind of meet goals. And that’s where you have to start, then potentially taking a haircut on lifestyle and retirement, or you know, the amount of time that you have to work etc. 

Tim Ulbrich  22:43

What I love about the nest egg exercise is, you know, going through it for Jess and I, again, just a reminder, with all these things, we’re told it’s not a one and done, right. So if you do a nest egg when you’re, you know, 45, there’s assumptions, we’re building into all of these types of calculations, both in terms of the mathematical assumptions, but also what you want. And you know, you mentioned the different scenarios, and that can change and probably will change over time. So revisiting this periodically is so important, but it really moves I often hear people talking about retirement as like a hope, wish or dream, meaning like, I hope I can retire by 58, or 67, or whatever, or, you know, I would love if I could potentially work part time at some point in the future. And it’s like, hey, yes, those assumptions can change, many of them will change over time. But we can put a number to these into your point, let’s get it down to what do we need to be doing on a monthly basis, because these numbers do seem scary. And you can see, kind of the peace of mind that comes when you walk through these calculations with people when you start with those big numbers, three, four or 5 million. And then you get down to that monthly even if we don’t love the monthly number, when we factor in employer matches, other things, savings we already have. We’ll talk about social security here in a moment. It’s like, oh, okay, like, we can work with that, because we can put our arms around it and start to figure out, can we build that into the rest of the planet, a monthly basis. So, so important, especially for those who are mid-career listening. If you’ve done this before, you know, revisit this, you know, we’d love to have opportunity to work with you on the financial planning side, if you haven’t done it before need to revisit this as well. But something we definitely need to be updating. And looking at periodically. Let’s move to number three, which is really looking at our Social Security benefits and the projected benefits, which I think fits so well into the how much is enough calculation. And, you know, this is an opportunity to really look at our [email protected] to look at our statement, our projected benefits. I think a lot of people probably aren’t necessarily familiar with these tools that are out there. And to begin to figure out and build some assumptions of, hey, if I have social security benefits, what might those be? And then certainly we can project down if people are worried about the future of the benefit. I’m sure you’ll talk about that as well. But thoughts here on on kind of revisiting or looking at the social security piece? 


Tim Baker  24:57

So if you go to ssa.gov Like if you have haven’t done this, I would encourage you, especially if you’re mid-career just to kind of see what your social security statement looks like. So to me, that’s really important to kind of get a sense of, and again, like, I think a lot of people, when they, when they think about security, it’s kind of an eyeroll of like, uh, that won’t be there, when I’m when I’m ready to retire, or it’s going to be greatly diminished. You know, I would, what I believe is that, you know, Social Security is one of those things where so many people rely on it to actually survive in, you know, it’s kind of a hand, um, you know, unfortunately, we’re kind of like a hand to mouth in terms of like, a lot of people don’t do a great job of saving themselves, especially, you know, no offense to Baby Boomers, where there was pensions and things like that pensions, and Social Security could go a long way, in terms of retirement, that day is done, you know, so when we moved away from pensions, and more to 401k, the onus has really shifted from the employer to the employee, to make sure that we’re doing what we need to do. And again, social security still there. But there’s lots of, you know, press about, you know, will be viable, and, you know, will it go bankrupt? My sense is that, you know, it will be there, Tim, when we retire it at 70. But it’s kind of one of those things where it’s, it’s unknown what that benefit would be, and again, maybe when we retire, you know, it’s not 70, it’s 75, or something like that, because of a variety of reasons. But the I think the big thing here is to pull your statement. And then when I look at mine, it actually shows me, you know, what my personalized monthly retirement benefits would be, if I started from age 62. So right now, my my benefits $2,076 or if I wait until age 70 and actually get the, you know, credits $3,777. The big thing with Social Security that doesn’t get enough play is that it’s inflation protected. So when we had that big jump into inflation the year before last, yeah, everyone’s payment went up, I think 8.9% or whatever it was your over a year, that’s huge. Because if you’re thinking about, you know, building a retirement paycheck, most of the things that you have, most of the income streams are not inflation protected. So every time, you know, we go through bouts of inflation, you’re you know, you know, the checks, the checks that you have running it coming in, are not going to account for the fact that, you know, your your grocery bill went from 100 bucks per month to $140, just because of where that’s at. So Social Security, you know, plays a part in that. So I think the big thing here is to try to check, you know, when you pull your statement, you can actually see your work year, and what your earnings tax for security were from, you know, I’m looking back from, like, 1991 to present day. So I think to make sure that that’s accurate, that’s, that’s going to be a big thing. And again, like, I think the sooner that you can kind of look at this and kind of get a sense of where you’re at. And then and then look at the you know, look at the the the retirement calculator that’s there, you know, if you if you retire early, versus if your full retirement age, you know, for us, it’s going to be 67. Or if you delay it out to age 70, which to me, I think a lot of people should really look at doing and if you have a plan, you know, before the kind of the knee jerk was like, get the money when you can get it, but that’s a that’s a mistake. And a lot of people are understanding now that it is a mistake. So doing a proper analysis. Again, it’s kind of a microcosm of your of your financial plan is, you know, inventory. So get organized in terms of what does the statement look like? What are the goals in retirement, and then how to properly deploy this, this inflation protected income stream, I think is going to be a big part. Now, for pharmacists, you know, your it might be 25%, 20% of your retirement paycheck, whereas, you know, the typical American it’s, it’s north of 50%. So but I think making sure that we’re positioning ourselves from, you know, to ensure that the income is correct. And then the basically the way that we collect the benefit is going to be in line with your overall retirement picture and financial plan.

Tim Ulbrich  29:13

And I think once we have that number, and again, we can adjust up or down, as you mentioned before as we’re running assumptions, but we can then build that into the nest egg calculation as well and see how that impacts where we’re at on a on a need for a monthly savings. Number four, Tim, on our list of six mid-career pharmacist moves to be considering would be the estate plan. We’ve talked about the estate plan in detail on the on the podcast episode 310. dusting off the estate plan. We’ll link to that in the show notes. But this time well, you and I were just talking about this last week. You know with your new baby in the house right there’s an opportunity to update documents we haven’t yet done our updates with with our youngest who soon to be five, so we’ve got to make sure his name is present, although he’s covered in language, but his actual name isn’t present in the documents. So I think again, and talk to us through why there’s an opportunity mid-career to really be updating these documents or perhaps for some even even establishing these for the first time. 

Tim Baker  30:10

It’s probably, you know, I can say this being a ginger, but it’s probably the redheaded stepchild of like the financial plan. It’s, it’s ignored. And unless you’re military, a lot of the clients that are coming through the door really don’t have an estate plan in place. And one of the things that we implemented to kind of really combat this and really supercharge our ability to support clients is we have a an estate planning solution now that we, when we work with clients, if you don’t have a will, a living will, and well trust, if that’s needed, we can actually get those documents in place for whatever state that you live in country, which I think is awesome. So you know, it’s one thing to kind of, you know, say, Hey, Tim, this is what you need something to actually like, walk side by side with you and get the documents in place to make sure you’re covered. So I look at this really from a from from to, you know, to? Well, I would say it’s one big perspective, just change, right. So like, you know, if you think about, you know, maybe when you were, you know, early career to where you’re at now, for some people like could be different relationships, like there’s horror stories about people that are leaving money to like an ex. So I think it’s really important to kind of do a beneficiary check to make sure that the money is going to the right people, you know, Shay is going to be my primary beneficiary for like, a lot of the things that I have. But then right now, it’s like, Liam, my, my, my, or Olivia, my daughter, and Liam my son who are the contingent beneficiary, so if something were to happen to both, it likely would go to the kids, so like Zoe, or our newest baby has to kind of be in on that. Or it could be to like a trust, you know, a trust that is for the benefit of the kids, which is probably the better way to go with minor children. So to me, it’s more of again, looking at the the relationships, whether they’re, you know, out with the old in with the new, or, you know, brand new in terms of kids to make sure that the documents that you had in place clearly reflect your wishes today could even be things about, you know, bequesting, or, yeah, hey, I want to leave, you know, money to my alma mater, or to my cousin Fred, or things like that, that that’s a really reflects the things that you want to do. But also, you know, to, to ensure that from a protection perspective, you know, if you have dependents, they’re there, they’re taken care of, in a sense that, you know, if you were gone, or you can speak for yourself, the documents are that are in place, do that justice. So, for a lot of people mid career, it is adjusting what they have, or it could be it says that, that thing that’s been neglected that you’re like, I’m gonna get to it, I’m gonna get to, I’m gonna get to it, and you have it. You know, what, when I’m talking when I’m talking to prospective clients, and I bring up the fact that we can do this, that like, perks them up, because I know, it’s important. They know, it’s like, uh, I gotta find an attorney, or I gotta find some sort of solution. We got that covered. And to me that alone, I think, especially if you’re, you’re, if you’re a family, or if you you know, I typically say that the estate plan is really important, really, for anybody, particularly, particularly for people that have a spouse, a house, or mouths to feed, right. So if you have those things, and you don’t have documents in place, I think that that’s probably the biggest thing that we need to look at. You know, it’s important to get, you know, a plan for debt, it’s important to get your your nest egg and a plan for your assets and retirement planning. But this is really going to be important to shore up and make sure you’re good to go in the event that something were to happen to you. And again, it’s one of those things like, oh, that won’t happen to me, it will happen to somebody else. And then eventually, you’re going to be that that’s someone else. So not to be morbid, but you know, I think it’s important to cross those t’s and dot the i’s with regard to the state plan. 

Tim Ulbrich  33:39

I mean, the reality is just like we’ll talk about in the final item number six on the insurance side, like it’s not fun to think about, right? So it’s easy, but been there myself, it’s easy to kind of drag your feet and let this be the call to action to either update, take a fresh look at those or get those documents created. Number five on our list of six mid-career pharmacists moves to make tip is probably one that a lot of people maybe aren’t thinking about, again, not necessary, the most comfortable thing to be doing would be some of the financial conversations with aging parents, you know, I think it’s common that we see mid-career pharmacists that are entering into a new stage of caring for elderly parents sometimes that, you know, could be a time investment that they need to factor in, that could be a financial investment. And for some, you know, that might be Hey, this is an expense that we need to be thinking about caring for our elderly parents or others. It might be, Hey, do they have the documents, the right documents in place that we just talked about? And do we have an awareness, understanding and transparency into that information? Which admittedly, is a very hard and awkward conversation to have no matter which way we’re looking at it. So thoughts here on some of the financial conversations with aging parents? 

Tim Baker  34:44

So I think this can be both from an estate planning perspective, but also like a retirement perspective. So it’s very common for you know, our clients, you know, maybe who are you know, first generation immigrant that you know, they basically Say, Tim I am the retirement plan for my my parents. Right. So I think like building that into their into the our clients plan is gonna be really important because that’s, that’s part of their culture. That’s part of the goal. That’s I think that’s important. I think beyond that, you know, is more of the estate planning stuff. So I look at this as we have to, we have to secure our own estate plan. So our clients estate plan, but then what are the what are some of the things that can negatively affect, you know, and I’m talking negatively in terms of like financial, and maybe some of the legal and logistics, it could be the your parent, like elderly parents that don’t necessarily have a sound estate plan. So whether that’s, you know, we’ve talked about this, what’s the book “Mom and Dad, We Need to Talk” about some of those some of those conversations or some of those instances where, because of a lack of estate planning and foresight foresight, it’s negatively affecting the child’s plan or finances or time because they’re, they’re suing for conservativeship or you know, there, there’s just things that you’re don’t expect. So this is a tricky thing, because again, like I grew up in a household where we really talk about money that much, so it’s kind of a touchy subject. So how do you how do you go about having those conversations, and have, you know, have access to the detail that you need, but not being respectful, and not necessarily prying where you know, that it were, your parents made me feel uncomfortable, but they’re adult conversations that need to be had, because if you wait too long, then again, you’re you’re putting yourself in a position where you either can’t care or provide, you know, the support that you need to a parent, and it can ultimately, you know, negatively affect your own plan in terms of your, you know, financial resources, but also time. So, I think this is one of these things where, again, whether this is a family conversation around the holidays, or it’s a, an email or a letter, or it’s, Hey, this is a shared document, even give me passwords, and you know, I’m not going to access it until the time is needed to be able to do the things. But, you know, if something were to happen to your parents today, like, Do you know how to log into their different accounts? And what is the what’s the plan, and that can be a very uncomfortable conversation for some people, and for some people it’s not, like this, what it is, so I think, just to have that conversation, and understand where to go, what are the proper documents? What are the accounts? I think if you can do that before, you know, there’s capacity issues, or whatever, I think that’s gonna be really important. So that’s, that’s the big thing here. 

Tim Ulbrich  37:47

And that’s one of things I appreciate so much, Tim, about Cameron Huddleston book, you mentioned, “Mom and Dad, We Need to Talk” is, it does provide a nice kind of third party and she’s got some great suggestions in that book of specific questions to ask, how to ask them how to ignite the conversations. And, you know, I think having that third party resource, even if you’re referencing that of, hey, I read this book, and you know, got me thinking that we should have a conversation and, you know, likely it’s not gonna be everything addressed in one conversation, but it opens up the door. Sure, it’s gonna be uncomfortable, but for, as you mentioned, for some people, maybe not depending on how they grew up around money, but so important that we understand, you know, what, what is the potential financial impact, as you mentioned earlier, for some if that means caring financially for the parents. And even if that’s not the case, there’s just a lot to consider in the estate planning process that we want to make sure that we’re honoring the wishes and aware of what’s going on as well. So number six, our final item on the six moves to consider for financial moves for mid-career pharmacists, Tim, is an insurance checkup. Again, not the most exciting part of the plan to be thinking about here, I’m talking about term life insurance, long term disability, perhaps beginning to think about long term care insurance as well. I know we’ve talked about term life, long term disability, even long term care extensively on the show before. Is this an opportunity to reevaluate those policies, you know, I’m thinking of this situation just as one, where let’s say somebody in their early 30s, bought a 20 year term. Now they’re at the end of their late 40s. And they’re looking at that saying, hey, the terms coming up here in the next, you know, five, six years. So talk to us about how we might look at the insurance part of the plan here as a mid-career pharmacist. 

Tim Baker  39:25

I think like, in the absence of like, a, like an actual insurance calculation, you know, a lot of people will use a rule of thumb for term insurance of like, 10 to 15 times income, which again, that could have changed over the years. If, you know, if you have a 20 year policy, and you bought it in early 20s or 30s and now you’re you know, 40s 50s, like, what does that look like, you know, going forward? So I think like, I think, you know, and I think the other thing, too, is are there other wrinkles in your financial plan, i.e., hey, if I were to pass away, one of the questions I would ask myself is like, do I want to be able to send like, do I want to do I want Shay to have to worry about the mortgage or paying for the kids education? Right. So maybe that’s something that, like, I built into my, my plan going forward, and I didn’t have that, you know, 10 years ago. But now I do. So like, the other thing, too, is like, you know, again, mid-career, if you’re, if you maybe bought a house and moved out of the house, and now rented it, like, what, what happens from an insurance perspective? Like, do you want that property to be paid off? So I think like, I think, yeah, there’s there’s this renewal period, potentially, like, what do you need? And again, maybe it’s not, you know, maybe maybe you buy a 10 year term policy to kind of bridge it maybe don’t need another 20? Year? Maybe you do. But I think there’s also things that you can, in a proper calculation, say, Okay, this is important to me, this is not important to me, and then reflect that in insurance. So, obviously, I think the the life insurance is going to be really important. For some people, even getting it in place, which people just like the estate plan will drag their feet on that long term disability again, that’s one of the things I’m not really worried about short term disability, I think without it, I would just plus up the emergency fund, but from a long term disability, you know, again, how is your income changed over the over the course of the years, you know, if you’re, if you get it through a group policy, that’s going to typically be a function of what you earn. But, you know, if you have your own policy, should you  supplement that policy? Because your earnings have continued to climb? You know, does that make sense long term care, we typically, you know, the our thought here is that we want to, we want to support the client as much to age in place. So so much of the science or so much of the studies show that the longer that you can be in your own surroundings and age in your own home, whatever that looks like. So that typically means bringing in some help as you age, you know, that’s going to be important. So what can we do to buy a long term care policy to meet that minimum, and then again, different parts of the country, that’s going to be a different, different amount per month. But we typically want to look at this, believe it or not, in our late 40s, early 50s, because there’s a sweet spot of, you know, if you’re too early, it doesn’t make sense. If you’re too late, it doesn’t make sense in terms of the availability of the of the policies. So what does that look like? So, typically, late 40s, early 50s, is when we want to have that conversation. And again, a lot of people, they kind of just like security, they kind of blow this off, like this is not for me, but you know, I think more and more of of, you know, the the industry is trying to support clients as best they can, to, you know, age in their home residence, and you know, and do it versus going into a facility or something like that. So long term care is going to be really important. And then the last one, I would mention, Tim is property and casualty. So doing an assessment here, holistic plan, which is our tax tool, has this deliverable that we’re testing out now that looks at homeowner’s auto and an umbrella policy. And what it does is try to find gaps in coverage. And if you think about homeowners, if you haven’t dusted that off in a while, like what your home was, you know, if you bought a home at 35, and now you’re 40, over the last five years, your home has appreciated a lot. So are you underinsured in that regard? You know, do you have enough assets? Or is there is there a risk there that you should have an overarching umbrella insurance to cover risk if something were to happen, or if you were to get sued? So these are kind of, again, next level things to kind of consider and just doing a checkup from an insurance perspective, do you have the proper life, long term disability? Is Long Term Care something on the horizon? And then from a property and casualty perspective, are there risks there that we don’t know about that we should have kind of, you know, a circling back to make sure that the coverages that we that are currently in place are, you know, suitable for what you’re currently at in terms of, of risk?

Tim Ulbrich  43:53

Yeah, that’s a good call on on the property casualty just for the appreciation you know, is a good good reminder for me as you mentioned, I was thinking about we had a fire of a house in our neighborhood it’s probably been sitting now for over a year and a half note no movement on the home and all I can think of is it’s probably some type of insurance issue going on trying to work through the process but you know that that’s exactly the question that came to mind right of hey, you know, what, what is the replacement coverage that you have? What’s the timeline of that replacement and given the appreciation and the cost to rebuild a fresh look at those policies, you know, is certainly warranted.

Tim Baker  44:27

I mean, I just I just got a picture here from Shay- fire in the next neighborhood. Fire started in the garage with a lithium battery charger catching on fire. So this is like as as we’re recording here, this is the picture from Shay so like, this stuff is important. Again, if we haven’t dusted that off in a while you’re leaving yourself open, you know, to risk that we don’t and I think it’s a somewhat of an easy fix to mitigate that.

Tim Ulbrich  44:53

Well I hope all was good there. Thanks again for great, great stuff, Tim, as we look through these six mid-career for pharmacist moves. For more information and details on each of these as a reminder, go to yourfinancialpharmacist.com/midcareer. Again, midcareer is one word. And for those that are looking to work with one of our certified financial planners at YFP on your individual financial plan, which would certainly touch these six areas as well as many more, make sure to head on over to YFPplanning.com. Again, that’s yfpplanning.com. You can book a discovery call. We’d love to have the opportunity to talk with you to see whether or not our services are the right fit. Tim, thanks so much and we’ll catch up again here in the future. 

Tim Baker  45:32

Thanks, Tim. 

Tim Ulbrich  45:34

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YFP 325: Retirement Roadblocks: Identifying and Managing 10 Common Risks (Part 2)

YFP Co-Founder and CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD and YFP Co-Founder and Director of Planning, Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, RICP®, wrap up a two-part series on 10 common retirement risks you should plan for.

Episode Summary

While a lot of emphasis is placed on the accumulation phase when preparing for retirement, there is considerably less focus on simple strategies for turning assets into retirement paychecks, for example. This week, Tim Ulbrich and Tim Baker wrap up a two-part series on 10 of the most common retirement risks you should be planning for. Today, Tim and Tim cover the five remaining risks: frailty risk, financial elder abuse risk, investment risk, work risk, and family risk. 

Key Points From the Episode

  • A brief recap of part one. 
  • Frailty risk and what its major financial effects are. 
  • How a good support system and a clear living situation can be a solution to frailty risk. 
  • Financial elder abuse risk, why it often goes unnoticed, and how to mitigate it.
  • Why unity among siblings is important to avoid financial abuse of elders. 
  • Insight into investment risk and its subsections. 
  • How ensuring that your paycheck isn’t tied to the market can solve market risk. 
  • The value of flexibility and inflationary protection to protect yourself from investment risk. 
  • How liquidity risk plays a role in investment risk. 
  • Sequence of return risk and how it can damage your overall retirement sustainability. 
  • Work risk and some of the reasons that you might have to retire early. 
  • How planning for retirement readiness at different ages can assist with work risk. 
  • What re-employment means and how it affects work risk. 
  • How the loss of a spouse affects the person left behind financially and how to mitigate this. 
  • Ways that having unexpected financial responsibility can affect your retirement plan. 
  • Why having a third party you can trust to help with unexpected risks is helpful.

Episode Highlights

“Studies have shown that, the longer you retire, the more your mental health decreases over time.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:03:25]

“Involve trusted family members [to avoid elder financial abuse].” — @TimBakerCFP [0:10:16]

“You mitigate market risk when a lot of your paycheck is – not tied to the market.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:14:12]

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Episode Transcript


[0:00:00.8] TU: Hey everybody, Tim Ulbrick here, and thank you for listening to The YFP Podcast where, each week, we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom.

This week, Tim Baker and I wrap up our two-part series on Ten Common Retirement Risks to Plan For. Now, in planning for retirement, so much attention is given to the accumulation phase but what doesn’t give a lot of press is how to turn those assets into a retirement paycheck for an unknown period of time. When building a plan to deploy your assets during retirement, it’s important to consider various risks to either mitigate or avoid altogether and that’s what we’re discussing during this two-part series, where today we cover the five remaining retirement risks, including frailty risk, financial elder, abuse risk, investment risk, work risk, and family risk.

Make sure to download our free guide that accompanies this two-part series, Retirement Roadblocks: Identifying and Managing 10 Common Risks. You can download that at, yourfinancialpharmacist.com/retirementrisks. Again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/retirementrisks. 

Before we jump into my conversation with Tim Baker, let’s hear a brief message from YFP team member, Justin Woods.


[0:01:11.5] JW: This is Justin Woods from the YFP Team with a quick message before the show. If you listen to the YFP Podcast, you may learn something every now and then, either from Tim Ulbrick, Tim Baker or one of our guests. A lot of people listen to this show but they may not execute or implement the things they learn. As pharmacists, we know the impact of non-adherence on patient outcomes and their overall well-being. 

As a pharmacist myself and part of the YFP Team, I talk with pharmacists every day who are confused about how to implement financial knowledge. Pharmacists share with me that they are treading water financially, maybe took a DIY approach, reached a plateau, and are confused about what to do next, or those who work for decades can see the light at the end of the tunnel and feel uncertain about how the next chapter will unfold. 

If that sounds like you, one, it is not uncommon to feel that way, and two, does it make sense for us to have a conversation to see if YFP Planning can help you? Visit yfpplanning.com or follow the link in the show notes to find a time that works for your schedule.


[0:02:16.9] TU: Tim Baker, welcome back.

[0:02:18.7] TB: Good to be back Tim, how’s it going?

[0:02:20.1] TU: It is going well. Last week, we started this two-part series on 10 common retirement risks to be planning for. We talked about things like longevity risk, we talked about inflation risk, we talked about excess withdrawal risk. Listeners can tune back to that episode. We’ll link to that in the show notes if they didn’t already listen, and we’re going to continue on.

So number six on our list of 10 common retirement risks to plan for, number six is frailty risk. Tell us more about this.

[0:02:49.0] TB: Yeah, so this is more related to – it’s a risk that as a result of either mental or physical deterioration of your health, mental health, physical health that you as a retiree might not be able to have sound judgment in managing your financial affairs or care for your home, those are the two big ones. 

So just like we talked about in the last episode, like, with long-term care and a long-term care risk, this is one that people are like, “Oh yeah, this is important but it’s not going to happen to me” and you know, what studies have shown is that you know, the longer that you retire, the more your mental health decreases over time. 

So this is going to be, you know, where we really want a good support system. So a solution here is if we work longer, obviously, our mental acuity, our mental sharpness kind of stays intact longer. We’re not as isolated, there’s lots of studies about depression and loneliness, Tim, you know, creep in.

A lot of things that have not really been talked about as regarding retirement in the past and I think a lot of this points back to some of the frailty risk. So having a good network involving your family to have help, whether it’s with decision-making or chores, hiring someone to manage money or a trustee is another good solution here. 

Set up a power of attorney for you know, the financial situation. It can even be you know, things like healthcare. Probably a big thing that I often hear is having a good discussion and analysis of like the living situation, right?

[0:04:40.9] TU: Yes, yes.

[0:04:41.1] TB: So a lot of people as they age, they might not necessarily want to move out of the house where they raise their family. A house that might be three, four, or five bedrooms that has a big yard, lots of yard work, lots of housework. Maybe stairs to go up and down and because of the – you know, kind of the emotional attachment to the house, it’s just hard for the retiree to move on and you know, potentially downsize or you know, move into a townhome or a condo or a community that is different. 

That’s probably has one of the biggest effects on the frailty risk. You know, if you’re less likely, I think, to kind of be exposed to this risk if you have, again, more people around you that are dealing with the same thing. We mentioned a trust, so potentially putting assets in the living trust that are basically managed by the trustee which could be used as a retiree and then you could have a successor-trustee, which can be a family member or family members.

But the whole thing I think is to kind of you know, plan for this. You know, we want to make sure that we don’t necessarily have to go through the courts that we can kind of do this preemptive, even simplifying the finances. So things like you know, direct deposit, you know, automatic withdraw for bills, you know annuities, checks coming in the door rather than you know, having to make decisions regarding, “Okay, how much should I withdraw this year?”

These are all things that I think would help, you know, simplify and make this risk, not avoidable but mitigated, Tim.

[0:06:14.2] TU: Yeah, and as we wrap up the previous episode, part one, talking about the importance of planning for this early, right? So here, we’re talking about potentially deteriorating mental or physical health. You know, obviously, if and when that happens, guess it’s just a matter of time, right? For all of us but if and when that happens, we don’t want to be making these decisions in that moment, right?

So, how can we be having these conversations in advance? You talked about an important one that often comes up around housing, what’s the desire? You know, I’m thinking about things like legacy folders and making sure you’ve got good systems and documentations in place. I think the housing one comes up so often, you know? I’m thinking about even my own family. Like, sometimes it’s just hard to cut through the noise on this because you know, you gave one example where people may want to stay in their own home, I think that’s a common one.

The other one that I see as well is where people are adamant on like, “Hey, I don’t want to be a burden on the family. So, just put me in a facility.” It’s hard sometimes to cut through the noise of like, where does the true desire and how is that being projected and you know, maybe there’s an interest and a willingness and the financial means for children, you know, to be able to care for their elderly parents and that’s a desire, you know? 

For them to do but you know, you can’t get through some of those conversations. So just again, I think in a point of advocacy for talking through as much of this as possible, as early as possible, and for those that are listening where you know, maybe they have adult children that are going to be important caregivers, you know initiating that conversation with your adult children and those that are the children that have aging parents, you know, initiating those conversations as well.

[0:07:49.6] TB: Absolutely.

[0:07:50.8] TU: Tim, number seven, one that’s not fun to talk about, one that we have to just given, you know, the reality of what it may be, which is financial elder abuse risk.

[0:08:00.5] TB: Yeah, and this is the risk of being – basically being taken advantage of because of frailty. So these are kind of linked, Tim, and I saw a stat out there that this can cost anywhere from like, three to 36 billion dollars a year or something like that. It’s insane and probably the biggest culprits of this is people that the retiree knows and knows well. So that could be an advisor, financial advisor. 

It could be a family member, so adult children are probably the bigger abusers of this but 55% of these cases are family members, friends, neighbors, or caregivers, and the crime or the abuse can be anywhere from bad advice to fraud, barred against the person’s home. Theft, which could either be, you know, cash, taking money out of accounts, using credit cards, embezzlement. 

You know, misuse of power of attorneys, and unfortunately and I think it’s why it’s so hard to kind of like put a number to this, in terms of like what the losses are is that the abuse often goes unnoticed because you know that retiree can be embarrassed. They really don’t want to punish those that are close to them or they have fear of losing care that is being provided even though they’re being abused or even reprisals. 

And it’s one of the things that you know, as an advisor, even though we’re on that list of abusers, that we’re kind of trained to look for and ask questions in terms of like, “Okay, is there something going on? You know, what is the cognitive ability of this person? Are they making sound judgment? You know, who in the family is involved?” That type of thing.

And there’s been you know, I’ve heard of cases where it’s like, Mr. Jones is having USD 50,000 of work you know, done to his kitchen at 85 years old and that doesn’t necessarily make a lot of sense but it could be a contractor that’s kind of taking advantage and sometimes, Mr. Jones, it’s a little bit of – it’s being taken advantage of but it’s also could be like they like the company, you know?

So I think you know, a major solution for this, I would say is you know, involve trusted family members and I underline trusted and I underline the asset members. It’s a little bit of checks and balances. You know, if you have you know, two siblings that are kind of looking after, hopefully, they’re not both, you know, criminally minded but I think it’s good to have a few people that are you know, over-watching so to speak, the situation.

I think as much as the person, the retiree can protect themselves by staying organized, tracking possession, tracking their assets, you know, as much as they can open their own mail, sign their own checks, manage their investment, manage their statements, their investment accounts, their bank accounts, you know set up direct deposit as much as they can for social security checks or annuity payments.

That can again, help, not necessarily avoid but mitigate some of the exposure to this risk. You know, screen calls, solicitations, you know, get second opinions on, you know, we come across things even with clients where like, “Is this legit?” You know, like clients that are in their 30s, 40s, 50s and sometimes are like, “Uh, it’s not.” 

So you know, get a second opinion and make sure that we’re kind of hyper-aware because this is a big problem unfortunately and it’s tough to kind of diagnose and see and you know, at every angle, you know, because often the person that’s being abused is like for what I mention, is not necessarily willing to kind of come forward with this.

[0:11:54.5] TU: Tim, I have to bring it up since you mentioned siblings. I think this is an area where there’s so many dynamics, right? Every family’s different but you know I think that when you’re dealing with assets and estates and you know obviously, one, at the end of the day, is going to get assigned as a power of attorney and you know, people that are in are not in the will and whether those conversations are transparent or not. 

I feel like, any sibling dynamics, you know, you can just put a magnifying glass on them here. So you know, Cameron Huddleston, who we were referenced in a previous episode and we had her on a few episodes ago about initiating some of these financial conversations with your parents, talks about the importance of sibling conversations in unity, ideally, easier said than done, to then be able to obviously translate that with parents as well.

[0:12:40.4] TB: Yup, absolutely. 

[0:12:41.9] TU: Tim, number eight, investment risk, we talked about this briefly in the first part of this two-part series but I think it warrants going a little bit deeper. 

[0:12:50.8] TB: Yeah, so, investment risk, I’m kind of going to break this down into kind of sub-risk to this. So what I really want to kind of address here is market risk, interest rate risk related to the investments, liquidity risk, and then kind of come back to the sequence of return risk. So if I take these in turn, market risk is really the risk of financial loss resulting from movements in market prices. 

So, unfortunately, Tim, the market just doesn’t kind of increase steadily. As we go, we have lots of you know, ups and downs and twists and turns with regard to the market which often makes us kind of queasy as – and I would say, even more. I feel like for me when I first started to invest back in my 20s, you know, I would kind of feel those investments and I’ve kind of got to a point where I get zen and I try to like not pay attention to it because again, it’s not going to affect me until hopefully 30 years in the future when I do retire.

[0:13:46.6] TU: You should do some market meditations, right? Like – 

[0:13:48.6] TB: Yeah, exactly but for a retiree, who you know, like their paycheck and their livelihood is kind of tied to the market, I could see how that could be overwhelming and distracting. So a solution here is I think, I really strive for balance and flexibility. So, we kind of mentioned in the past, like a flooring strategy.

So you mitigate market risk when a lot of your paycheck is not coming or not tied to the market. So that’s where we you know, are essentially, we’re looking at essential expenses and we’re saying, “Hey, my essential expenses or my basic needs are covered with an annuity” or social security or very low risk, you know, government securities like treasury bonds. You know, treasury bonds, notes, that type of thing and we’re good.

The other part of that is allocation. So obviously, a lower percent of your portfolio in equity, you know, particularly leading up to retirement is going to be important to kind of mitigate market risk. So even in some of the – you know, the dot com crisis, the subprime mortgage crisis, you know, the COVID crisis, like the market is still doing this but if you have less equity exposure, it might not be Rocky Mountains ups and downs. 

It might be Appalachian Mountains ups and downs, where it’s a little bit smoother but I think, knowing what your allocation and what your glide path is, actually approach retirement is going to be important and then you know finally, I think for this particular risk is kind of going back to flexibility. 

So if you’re in a year where the market is down and maybe inflation is up, you know, inflation is up, like maybe we say, “Okay, we’re not going to take that USD 15,000 out to go travel.” you know, do this huge cruise or make this, “We’re going to forego that and see when the market kind of recovers and then we’ll kind of assess it from there.” So flexibility of like, what you’re withdrawing and when I think is going to be important with regard to market risk. 

The other ones, Tim, interest rate risk. So this is related to investment risk. So this is the risk of the change in value of an asset as a result of volatility in interest rates. So what does this mean? This essentially means that when interest rates go up as they have been over the last couple of years, the price of bonds go down. So there’s an inverse relationship. So, the price of individual bonds and bond mutual funds decreases. 

So when interest rates go down, the price of bonds go up. So this is not necessarily a concern when bonds are held to maturity or what I was mentioning in the last episode, a bond ladder. So if I buy a year, a bond, or six-month bond that basically, you know, comes up at the end of the next or at the end of this year or a year, 18 months, or whatever that looks like, if it holds maturity, the fluctuation in interest rates do not affect the bond price.

So you’re kind of inoculated from that. It’s when you kind of are coming in and out of bonds, that’s where it becomes problematic. The other risk associated with this is and I’ve seen this, so one of the things that I – because I’m a nerd, but one of the things I do with my emergency fund is I buy 12 months CDs every quarter. So I have a quarter one CD. So let’s pretend I have USD 20,000 in my emergency fund. 

10,000 might be in the high-yield savings account, 10,000 might be split up between four CDs and you can kind of think of these as like bonds. So Q1, I have 2,500, January one. Q2, April one, so on and so forth. So as prices, as interest rates have gone up, if I look back 12 months ago, man, I look at that interest rate, I’m like, “Man, that’s really low”. So when I renew, Tim, the – what I’m getting in terms of interest is a lot higher. 

The opposite came true, and this is what’s called reinvestment risk. I could have this bond that I just bought at five or you know, the CD or bond that I just bought at 5% but in a year or two years, it could be at 3% and then that’s the reinvestment risk. So that’s another risk that we have to, you know, kind of be aware of. So I think the biggest they hear is, again, things that are inflation-protected. 

So any type of income stream or investment that has inflationary protection like tips or strips, any type of COLA protection that’s going to really – what’s going to be to help reduce that risk and then finally with – or not finally, the third one is liquidity risk. So this is just basically the inability to have assets available to financially support unanticipated cashflow needs. I don’t think that this is a risk that’s really inherent just to retirement, we all have this at all times. 

It might be a little bit harder to overcome because we don’t have – we don’t necessarily have cash flow from like a set job but planning for this, you know kind of plan as best you can for what could happen. So what are the situations and then what levers can we pull? What are the assets that can be sold? You know, what are things that can’t be sold, which you know, assets that can be sold. 

It could be things like stocks and bonds and things like that. Maybe not so easily, it could be a business interest or real estate. You know, what are some other things that we can talk about to pull? Whether that’s life insurance, a HELOC, a reverse mortgage, and then one of the best reasons to employ a systemic withdrawal strategy is because of the flexibility. 

Because you have this pot of money that you can reach into and say, “Okay, I didn’t think needed USD 30,000 for X but now, because that money is there and I can put it into liquid form and pour it” then you know, that’s one of the things, versus, if you were to say, “Hey, I’m going to put all my money to an annuity” that’s not flexible and that’s not liquid.

So it allows you to change your strategy in the face of you know, new information, new situations, and finally, the last one here and again, Tim, we could probably do a whole episode on sequence of return risk is this is the risk that the timing of your withdrawals from a retirement account will damage your overall return and really like sustainability.

So when you withdraw from a bare market or when the market is down, it’s more costly than if you draw – you make that same exact withdrawal in a bull market. So this is – so what we’re saying is that a large negative return during retirement, so during that risk zone, that eye of the storm of you know, 10 years before retirement, 10 years after retirement, has a much bigger impact on wealth accumulation and success in retirement than a negative return outside of that.

You know, so that’s why I’m saying that at 40, you know, I get zen because I’m like, “It doesn’t really affect me if the market goes down 40% because I know I have 30 years for it to recover” and it’s going to go down 40% a couple of times probably over the next 30 years but if I’m retiring in five years, I’m worried, Tim. 

And again, like that’s where we have to be as safe as we can, you know, throughout our wealth accumulation journey is right in that zone, you know, five to 10 years before and five to 10 years after and this is when your retirement accounts are most vulnerable to investment returns and if you think about it, it kind of makes sense because this is typically, Tim, where you have the highest balance. 

[0:21:29.9] TU: That’s right.

[0:21:31.2] TB: So wealth rises rapidly as you approach your retirement date due to the fact that you’re putting in probably the most in contributions you ever have because you know, a lot of people are like, “Oh, I didn’t do enough of this, I need to make up, I got to catch up” because of investment returns and compounding.

So that’s when you’re – you know, and the research says that in a defined contribution plan, say, like a 401(k), this is interesting, you accumulate half the value of the account in the final 10 years of savings. So we say save early and often but what moves the needle most is in the last 10 years. In the early years of savings, additional contributions can replenish account losses but later, the contributions are a much, much smaller needle mover than it is like investment losses or gains.

[0:22:21.2] TU: Yeah, and Tim, just to put – you know, I was thinking about this because I think it’s harder, especially if folks are earlier in their career to understand kind of the numbers of this. If you’re nearing retirement, you have a three-million-dollar portfolio, as you mentioned, one part that’s going to keep driving that up is typically your, maybe you feel like you had to play catch up or you’ve got more discretionary income at that phase.

You’re hyper-saving, trying to max that account but even if we just look at that three-million-dollar portfolio and assume something like a 5% return in that year, you know, USD 150,000 of growth that’s going to happen in that portfolio in that year, right? And you know, people that are early saving, the timeline to get to 150 can feel like forever, and here, we’re talking about 150 of growth in a portfolio just in that single year. So I think that makes sense.

[0:23:05.4] TB: Yeah, and if you compare that to what you can legally contribute, that’s the big thing.

[0:23:11.8] TU: Oh my gosh.

[0:23:12.7] TB: Whereas like, you know now, you’re like, “Oh, 20,500, that’s like, that might be a third of my savings.” So it’s huge. So really, what the research shows that the magnitude of the impact of a large negative investment return or shock grew as the shock occurred closer to retirement. 

[0:23:34.8] TU: Yeah, exactly. 

[0:23:35.7] TB: So it’s like if the epicenter is – if the epicenter of that shock is close to age 65 when you retire, the consequences are greater than if it were at 58, which makes sense. So for sequence risk, the order of returns becomes a far more important concern in that span of time over the breadth of the entire portfolio, particularly in accumulation, it’s the average return that matters, right? 

So one of the things that I often say is like, “Hey, you don’t need a lot of bonds in your 20s, 30s, 40s” and I would even say even your 50s unless you’re retiring in your 50s, you don’t need a ton of bonds. So you want to almost have like a cliff, where you’re very much like pedal to the metal, you know you’re primarily in equities and then when you get to that 10-year, that’s where you start shifting, downshifting considerably. 

So like a hard break versus what a lot of people do is they kind of glide into it. So in their 40s, they put a little bit more bonds, in their 50s they put a little bit more bonds and so on and I just think that and I understand why, you know, you’re kind of easing into it but I just think you leave a lot of meat on the bone with regard to investment returns but the same is true is like you kind of have to like you know, you kind of have to get into that period of 10 to 15 or 10 years pre-imposed retirement date and then start adding equities back in, which a lot of people don’t do. 

So the solution for this is asset allocation and whether you follow on collide path or not in terms of you know, percentage of equities to bonds. Knowing what that is, we often see in the accumulation phase I think not the proper asset allocation, so too heavily in bonds and then closer to retirement, actually too heavily in equities. So if you have one of those shocks where the market is down, that’s where we have to have real conversations of like, “Hey, maybe we need to push out retirement to the market.” 

[0:25:34.3] TU: Retirement date, yeah. 

[0:25:35.6] TB: The market corrects. Again, flexibility; allow for changes and what is what’s wrong. So if it’s a down market, you know either decrease the amount that we’re withdrawing or actually that the entire – shift the entire equation where you know, we’re not retiring this year or next year, we’re retiring when the market recovers and then another solution is to kind of get out of the game or at least partially convert a portion of the portfolio to an income annuity, which essentially you know, means less overall volatility because you have that income for in place. 

[0:26:10.7] TU: Yeah, Tim, great overview. The investment risk to your point, we probably can and should cover this in more detail in future episodes and I think flexibility keeps coming back as a theme but I want to acknowledge how hard that can be, right? When you talk about something like, “Hey, maybe shifting your retirement date” makes a whole lot of sense objectively, right? 

If I had planned a retirement age, I’m listening of you know, 2026 and we see the market tank in 2025 like I’ve been mentally preparing for retirement in 2026, that’s a hard thing to consider but I think that open-mindedness and the options to be able to pursue some of those things that gives you more of that flexibility to maximize your portfolio is going to be really important. The other thing I just want to mention that we see a lot because especially folks that are maybe introductory in terms of investing or learning or aren’t working with a planner. 

I’m thinking about a lot of folks that are investing heavily in target date funds, where we maybe see some of that conservative investing happening too early, in my opinion, in the portfolio, yeah. 

[0:27:12.5] TB: Yeah and just to go back to what you’re – yeah, I completely agree it is and again, not every target date fund is created equal. We actually crack those target date funds open and you can see the allocation, you know something then might be 2035. You know, if you stack up a 2035 or 2055, you know target date fund, what is in target date fund A is going to be, you know 2035 is going to be a lot different than what’s in a target date fund B that’s in 2035. 

But to go back to your other point, you know like and we’re going to get into this in the next couple of risks here, sometimes like you’ve mentally said, “All right, I’m going to work for another two years” sometimes that decision is made for you and that could be hard. So then what do you do? 

So I think a lot of these risk is like if you can kind of maintain as much control over your destiny and I think part of this is having options, particularly with things related to work, it allows you to kind of pivot and adjust and kind of parry some of these things that are thrown at you because I keep saying, “I want to retire at age 70” you know? I mentioned earlier in the first episode of this is like that might be out of my control and you know, that’s something else we have to account for. 

[0:28:36.5] TU: Yeah, if Mike Tyson were listening, he’d say, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” so yeah. 

[0:28:41.0] TB: Yeah, exactly. 

[0:28:42.4] TU: So let’s talk about that, work risk is number nine on our list. What is that? 

[0:28:46.5] TB: So again, I’m going to break this down into some sub-risk. So the first one would be forced retirement risk. So this is the risk that work well and prematurely because of poor health, disability, job loss or to care for a family member because of some of these issues and this is an eye-opening stat, Tim, is 40% of retirees retire earlier than they plan and it’s really because of one of those issues, health, job loss, caring for a family member. 

This happened to my dad. My dad tells the story, you know, when we try to talk about this, you know his company was bought by another company. He was kind of duplicitous, you know, kind of at the tail end of his career and he was laid off. So it was – so if he was planning to retire by X and his portfolio and all, we had to kind of reconfigure, jostle things around, and make sure that we’re planning accordingly. 

So I think having like a pulse on kind of your retirement readiness at different ages, “So okay, what happens to my plan if I have to retire 10 years before I want to?” So for me, it will be 60, right? 65 like what happens. 

[0:29:54.8] TU: Yes, zero, one, two, three. 

[0:29:56.3] TB: Yeah and you know, what happens to my lifestyle, you know, what do I have to – like are there things that I, other levers that I can pull? So one of those I think is career. So I think staying current, you know learning new skills. You know I think, Tim, like we’re naturally like this as like lifetime learners and always trying to you know, self-improve. That’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I think maintaining your network. 

I don’t know the last time I actually put my resume together, Tim but I think that would be something that you would want to do. It is a lot easier to kind of brush that up every year or so versus kind of cracking that open every decade. Are there – is there opportunities to pivot to consulting, to kind of work on your own? I think a lot of people paying attention to severance policies and negotiating benefits related to your career is going to be important. 

Another thing to kind of you know, mitigate the health stuff is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. So you know diet, weight, sleep, exercise, and potentially reducing stress by cutting back hours. So we kind of mentioned of like a glide path of going from a one to a point eight to a point six, you know to work in a couple of hours here and there. So I think that can potentially allow you to work part-time longer into retirement by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, maybe meditation, all that kind of stuff. 

The second work risk we talk about is re-employment risk. So this is the inability to supplement retirement income with employment due to kind of down job markets, poor health, or if you’re caring for others. So I think for my dad, you know when I happened to him you know I think it was hard for him because he had worked for the same company for 40 plus years to actually go into market and interview and do something else. 

So for him, it was kind of more about like comfortability and he really didn’t have anything else outside of that where he could consult or do part-time. Like I’ve heard people like drive a bus for a school and liking that because you know, they’re connected to kids or turning hobbies into profit-making activities. I was talking with my brother and his fiancé last night because we were actually talking about, “Hey, when do you want to retire, and when is that?” 

You know, one of the things that he brought up that I thought was interesting, he’s like, “I think I’d love to do like a bed and breakfast.” That’s cool. You know, he likes to cook, he likes to host, so I think that would be something that would be good for him. 

[0:32:37.3] TU: That is cool, yeah. 

[0:32:39.4] TB: Planning on earning significant income in retirement may be unrealistic for a lot of people. There are certain industries where it’s very easily, you can very easily kind of pivot to a consultant role and make just as much money as you would working full-time but that’s not necessarily the case for a lot of people. 

So I think kind of again, planning for this, talking through this, and understanding you know, what are some things that you can potentially lean on or pivot to in the event that what you thought was a short thing, which was like your employment is not so much and again, I think this often is one of those things where it’s like, “Hey, that’s not going to happen to me.” 

[0:33:25.4] TU: Yeah. 

[0:33:25.8] TB: I think this has probably evolved over time, right Tim? Because again, it’s rare where you find someone like my dad that’s worked for the same company for 40 or 45 years. So I think our eyes are a little bit more open to this risk but I think what maybe might not be is the fact that like, “Hey, your health or someone close to you” or something like that could affect your timeline, so to speak for retirement. 

[0:33:50.1] TU: Yeah, and as you’re talking Tim, I’m thinking about many people in our community of which many of them have been on the podcast where you know I think they may intentionally or unintentionally are preparing themselves for something like this and the risk you’re talking about, right? They’ve got you know, maybe they’re investing in real estate in a variety of ways, they’re working a full-time job. 

They’re doing some consulting, they’ve got a side hustle, they maintain an active network, you know, they’re constantly developing their skills, right? Just multiple strategies of diversification that I think help mitigate against some of the risks that you’re talking and maybe they’re not even thinking about it in that way, it’s coming from an area of energy and passion but it can be really helpful as we talk about strategies to plan for this type of risk. 

[0:34:33.3] TB: Yeah, absolutely. 

[0:34:35.0] TU: All right, number 10 on our list is family risk. Take us home, Tim. 

[0:34:41.4] TB: Yeah, so the two kind of sub-risk that we would talk here is kind of the loss of spouse risk and then unexpected family financial responsibility risk. So the loss of spouse essentially is where you know, I’ll use myself, I retire at 70. I think I’m going to live at least to 87 or 95 and I pass away unexpectedly at 72, right? So the problem often with that is you know, you’re often, for many spouses, you’re kind of known two social security income streams, right? 

You know, so one of those goes away, you keep the highest one but the problem – so you still have all of the assets. The spouse will inherit all the assets that are in their name obviously but what typically doesn’t reduce is a lot of like living expenses, right? So your food might go down but you’re still going to have to pay if you have a mortgage. 

[0:35:41.9] TU: Property taxes, yeah. 

[0:35:42.8] TB: Or you know, rent or things like that, tax, all of those, your utilities are going to be very similar. So just because your income or a good chunk of your income could be cut in half or even a third, your expenses don’t and what we’ve seen at least with baby boomers is that you could be a widow or a widower for 15 or 20 years. So it’s not like you know one and this happened where one spouse dies and the one will die within a year or two. 

I mean, but that does happen but you could have long periods of time where you’re by yourself. There was a stat that I saw that was really interesting Tim, was within five years of a death of a spouse, 40% of widows become impoverished. 

[0:36:29.9] TU: Wow. 

[0:36:31.1] TB: That’s insane to me and I think if I had to guess, I don’t know this Tim, but if I had to guess, I would think that that’s probably again, people that are lower income that might like a huge chunk of their livelihood is in disability. So if a good chunk or not, disability, social security, so a good chunk of that goes away, so you have two paychecks is now one, you know that could be very problematic for kind of sustainability of overall wealth.

But that to me was eye-opening and I’ve heard that before with husbands will say like, “I just want to make sure my wife is taken care of if I’m gone” and again, I don’t want to get into much of like gender roles and things like that. 

[0:37:17.4] TU: Sure. 

[0:37:17.8] TB: But I still think that that exists in a lot of relationships, particularly older couples where you know, one partner handles the money and the other one doesn’t or has an interest in the other one doesn’t. So you know I think the solution for this is and I’ve talked to people in the past is like, “I want a relationship with like an adviser where I trust them because even when I’m gone they’re going to take care of the person, you know, my spouse.” 

So I think having a relationship with that, with like a planner I think can be important. I think involvement, you know I often say this with couples of all ages, you know the more that you are involved with your plan. 

[0:38:00.6] TU: Absolutely, yes. 

[0:38:02.0] TB: And the more you are engaged with the plan like both of you, I think the better the results will be but I also understand that there’s some like, there’s some couples that there might be engagement in the front end and then maybe one spouse kind of you know drives the train after that but then often what happens is like again, if that spouse dies like they kind of have to reengage is necessarily like the easiest thing. 

So you know, what are the contingency plans if this were to happen? Even sometimes like when we – so if we were to say, “Hey Tim, you know we’re going to peel off a quarter million dollars of your portfolio to provide an income for you and Jess.” What’s attractive about those payoff schedules is like the one that just pays your lifetime is the highest but we would want to say, “Okay, let’s have a joint life payout.” So it would pay you as long as one of you are alive but that benefit is going to be lower. 

[0:38:54.8] TU: Yeah. 

[0:38:55.4] TB: So decisions like that, you know if you have second-to-die policies or you know again, social security claim, and there is a lot of people that they don’t look at the layers of that decision that says, “Okay, even if Tim is in poor health than Shay, if I have a larger benefit that I want to defer that I should defer, that benefit grows and then when I pass away, Shay takes that on.” 

So some of that, some of those nuances aren’t necessarily you know, evaluated. So those would all be things that you know again, it’s not just the abrupt, “Okay, the husband is gone or the wife is gone,” these are things that we have to bake into the plan as we go because you know, things like social security or you know, payouts and things like that have to be decided. So it’s not just the abrupt, “Okay, what happens once that happens in that moment?” 

It’s the multitude of decisions that you have to make potentially leading up to that and then lastly, it’s the unexpected financial responsibility risk. So this is kind of the risk of failure to launch, Tim. Like, “Hey, I’m 40 years old. I just lost my job” or “I’m divorced. I’m moving back in with mom and dad” or you know, care of a grandchild or because parents have problems with the law or drug addiction.

These things happen you know and sometimes, we can kind of put this thing in like a liquidity risk of like unanticipated events but I would say like those would be things that I would want as a planner to know like, “Is there a possibility for this and if this were to happen, what do we do?” 

[0:40:40.8] TU: Yeah. 

[0:40:41.3] TB: So that’s another you know, risk associated with family. Families can be great obviously but sometimes, you know that’s kind of my biggest fears. You know, I want to make sure that as I’m raising my kids and I know it’s the same, it’s true with you, Tim, like they can be contributing members of society that can you know, be self-sustaining but sometimes that’s even out of their hands, right? So we want to make sure that in the event that that happens, we can plan accordingly. 

[0:41:11.4] TU: Tim, as you talk about loss of spouse, a couple of things are coming up for me. One that’s timely, you know where Jess and I are working on, just updating your legacy folder that we created several years back but in our planning with Kelly from our team. You know, it’s a part of the process that we need to go back to and update it and you know to you comment about the importance of joint planning and all parties being involved ideally. 

Even in this situation where Jess and I feel like are both very well informed, I do take a little bit more of the lead but it is very much a shared agenda and execution and both of us engage with Kelly and the planning. You know, instructions on that legacy folder, while they’re spelled out as much as possible, you know for either one of us or in the event that both of us were to pass away, for our parents or whoever it be taking care of the finances and the boys, it’s, “Go call Kelly.”

Like someone we trust that knows this plan inside out, that has these documents, that understands all of the nuances and what is going on and that is so reassuring. Again, assumption is you have someone you trust. It’s so reassuring to know you’ve got a third party that not only is there to help you develop the plan but is there in the event of some of these challenging situations that may come up to make sure that we’re executing how we wanted it to be executed. 

[0:42:29.1] TB: Yeah, and I think what’s not covered in that like I love the idea of like, “Okay, Kelly is a safe haven. She has the documents, she knows your situation” I think it’s hugely, hugely important but I think what’s also not necessarily discussed in this is kind of like the emotional or social like you know, my parents were in town this week, last week and this week. It’s been cool because my brother has been in town too. So the three of us have been spending – my dad just turned 77. 

[0:43:04.9] TU: Baker pow-wow. 

[0:43:05.7] TB: Yeah, and we’re joking with my dad that like if mom passed away like I don’t think my dad knows how to do like a load of laundry. I love you Dad but he’s very much dependent on my mom over you know, decades and decades of marriage. If something were to happen to them like I think he would have to move in with one of us to live and I’m sure a lot of people are thinking about their parents and they’re like, “That’s my dad” or “That’s my mom.” 

You know, I think even that of the loss of spouse not just from a financial standpoint or like where are the documents or things like that, it’s kind of a day-to-day living in terms of like what am I doing or what can I do or what can I not do and who am I leaning on and you know, I think that kids are probably the first people that are in that role but I think like having those conversations before that happens where maybe there’s less emotion involved is smart. 

So it’s not just the numbers, it’s what’s the quality of life? What are the things that we’re going to do to move forward? And unfortunately, it is part of life and I think the more that you can kind of get in front of things just like anything else, I think the better result you’ll have. 

[0:44:28.6] TU: Yeah, the other thing to your point about the emotional journey that’s coming up is a throwback almost four years ago now but we had on episode 127, we had on Michelle Cooper, who wrote the book, I’ve Still Got Me: A Widow’s Journey to Love, Happiness & Financial Independence, lost her husband to suicide and talks about not only the importance of joint planning and shared understanding of processes and documentation but also navigating that in the midst of that emotional loss. 

Great interview, great resource. We’ll link to that in the show notes as well. Tim, this has been fantastic as we’ve covered in two episodes now 10 of these risks we need to be planning for and mitigating the best that we can. For folks that are listening, you know you heard a theme here of early planning. Obviously, we would love to have the opportunity to talk with you if you are interested in working more with one-on-one with a financial planner that you can trust. 

We’ve got a team of fee-only certified financial planners, tax professionals that work with pharmacists households all across the country at all stages of their career. You can learn more by going to yfpplanning.com and you can book a free discovery call from that site. Again, yfpplanning.com. Tim Baker, as always, great stuff. Thanks for the contribution. 

[0:45:41.4] TB: Yeah, thanks, Tim. 


[0:45:42.4] TU: As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and it is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information on the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts, and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist unless otherwise noted and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward-looking statements, which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. 


Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week.


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YFP 324: Retirement Roadblocks: Identifying and Managing 10 Common Risks (Part 1)

On this episode, sponsored by First Horizon, YFP Co-Founder and CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD and YFP Co-Founder and Director of Planning, Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, RICP®, kick off a two-part series on 10 common retirement risks you should plan for.

Episode Summary

While a lot of emphasis is placed on the accumulation phase when preparing for retirement, there is considerably less focus on simple strategies for turning assets into retirement paychecks, for example. This week, Tim Ulbrich and Tim Baker kick off a two-part series on 10 of the most common retirement risks you should be planning for. Today, Tim and Tim cover five of these risks, including longevity risk, inflation risk, excess withdrawal risk, unexpected health care risk, and long-term care risk. You’ll find out why thinking about retirement as “half-time” is a good idea, the different options for taking out annuity payments, and why it is important to think about your withdrawal strategy, as well as what a bond ladder is and why you should consider unexpected medical expenses. Whether you are nearing retirement or are still in the accumulation phase, this episode is full of valuable insights. 

Key Points From the Episode

  • Introducing our two-part series: 10 Common Retirement Risks to Plan For.
  • Background on why this topic is so important. 
  • A couple of important disclaimers before we dive into the first risk: longevity risk.
  • Viewing your retirement as half-time.
  • Setting realistic expectations and planning as best as you can.
  • Lifetime income: a careful analysis of Social Security claims and strategies.
  • Options for taking out annuity payments.
  • Thinking about your withdrawal strategy to mitigate longevity risk.
  • The risk associated with inflation.
  • Defining what a bond ladder is.
  • Why social security is one of the most important things to evaluate in retirement.
  • How higher rates of inflation have influenced Tim and the planning team’s models.
  • Whether or not there should be a glide path from a work perspective.
  • Excess withdrawal risk: depleting your portfolio before you die.
  • A quick recap of the bucket strategy.
  • Healthcare risk: facing an increase in unexpected medical expenses in retirement.
  • Different Medicare plans: Part A, B, C, D, and Medicare Advantage plan.
  • Long-term care risks, misconceptions, and potential solutions.
  • The tough conversations we need to have. 

Episode Highlights

“You get to the end of the rainbow and you have hundreds of thousands of dollars, millions of dollars. The question is how do you turn these buckets of assets into a sustainable paycheck for an unknown period of time?” — @TimBakerCFP  [0:04:02]

“Longevity risk is the risk that a retiree will live longer than – they expect to. What this really requires is a larger stream of lifetime income.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:06:48]

“There’s a whole other race to run after your career.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:09:44]

“The more flexible you can be with your withdrawal rate, the greater the portfolio sustainability will be.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:18:15]

“Essentially, in retirement, inflation could erode your standard of living.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:21:57]

“Abrupt retirement sounds sweet, but in reality, it’s really hard.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:29:37]

“It’s less about the actual return and more about the sequence of when that return comes that can affect the sustainability of [your] portfolio.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:35:55]

“You don’t want to get to a point where you’re having to go through the courts to get the care that your loved ones need. If you can avoid that at all costs, even if it means having an uncomfortable conversation – I think it’s needed.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:48:07]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[0:00:00] TU: Hey, everybody. Tim Ulbrich here, and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast, where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. This week, Tim Baker and I kick off a two-part episode on 10 Common Retirement Risks to Plan For.

When planning for retirement, so much attention is given to the accumulation phase, but what doesn’t get a lot of press is how to turn those assets into a retirement paycheck for an unknown period of time. When building a plan to deploy your assets during retirement, it’s important to consider various risks to either mitigate or avoid altogether. That’s what we’re discussing during this two-part series, where today we cover the first five common retirement risks, including longevity risk, inflation risk, excess withdrawal risk, unexpected health care risk, and long-term care risk.

Now, make sure to download our free guide that accompanies this series, that guide being the 10 common retirement risks to plan for, and you can get that at yourfinancialpharmacist.com/retirementrisks. This guide covers the 10 common retirement risks you should consider and 20-plus solutions on how to mitigate these risks. Again, you can download that guide at yourfinancialpharmacist.com/retirementrisks.

All right, let’s hear from today’s sponsor, First Horizon, and then we’ll jump into my conversation with YFP Co-founder and Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker.


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[0:02:36] TU: Tim Baker, welcome back to the show.

[0:02:38] TB: Good to be back, Tim. How’s it going?

[0:02:39] TU: It is going. We have an exciting two-part series planned for our listeners on 10 common retirement risks to avoid. I think as we were planning for this session, just a lot of depth and great content, that we want to make sure we do it justice, so we’re going to take five of these common retirement risks here in this episode. We’ll take the other five next week. Tim, just for some quick background, one of the things we’ve talked about on the show before is so much attention is given when it comes to retirement, is given to the accumulation phase as we’re saving, especially for those that are maybe a little bit earlier in their career.

It’s save, save, save. But I even think for all pharmacists in general, that tends to be the focus, but we don’t often think about, what does that withdrawal look like, both in the strategy, which we talked about on the show previously, but also in what could be some of the risks that we’re trying to mitigate and avoid. Just give us some quick background on why this topic is so important as we get ready to jump into these 10 common mistakes.

[0:03:39] TB: Yeah, I think to your point, I think a lot of the, even the curriculum in the CFP board standards is very much focused on the accumulation phase of wealth building. I think there’s a lot of challenges and a lot of risks that you have to deal with during that phase of life and during that phase of wealth building. But I think what doesn’t get a lot of the press is like, okay, you get to the end of the rainbow and you have hundreds of thousands of dollars, millions of dollars. The question is, how do you return these buckets of assets into a sustainable paycheck for an unknown period of time?

While navigating a lot of these risks, I don’t know if it’s risk avoidance, Tim. I think it’s just planning for the risk. We’re talking about avoiding risk. Some of these, you can’t really avoid. You just have to plan for it. I think that what we’re finding is, I think the whole general rule of like, “Oh, I’ll get to the end and I’ll have a million dollars and I’ll put 4%, $40,000 a year for the rest of my life.” There are a lot of pitfalls to that. I think that hopefully, this discussion shines a light on some of that. I think it is just important because we think that the – the hard part is, hey, I just need to put assets aside, but I think equally as hard as, okay, how do I actually deploy these assets for a wealthy life for myself in retirement?

[0:05:04] TU:  Yeah, good clarification, right? Some of these, as we talked through the 10. Avoidance isn’t necessarily possible. It’s the planning for, it’s the mitigation, minimizing the impact, however, we want to say it. I think, what you articulated is just spot on, right? I think when it comes to retirement planning, saving for the future, we tend to view that nest egg number, whatever that number is, 3, 4, 5 million dollars, whatever is the finish line. So many other layers to consider there.

Not only getting there, which again, we’ve talked about on the show previously, and we’ll link to some of those episodes in the show notes and the strategies to do so, but how do you maintain the integrity of that portfolio? How do you optimize the withdrawal of that portfolio? If we’re doing the hard work throughout one’s career to be saving along the way, we want to do everything we can to get as much juice out of that as possible.

That’s the background as we get ready to talk through some of these 10 common retirement risks to plan for. Just a couple of important disclaimers; We’re not going to talk about every retirement risk that’s out there, of course, Tim, so there’s certainly more than 10. You’ll notice them overlap as we go through these. This is not meant to be an all-encompassing list. Of course, this is not advice, right? We obviously advocate that our listeners work with a planner, no matter what stage of your career that you’re in to be able to customize this part of the plan to your personal situation.

For folks that are interested in learning more about our one-on-one financial planning services, our team of certified financial planners and tax professionals, you can go to yfpplanning.com and book a free discovery call to learn more about that service.

All right, Tim. Let’s jump off with number one, which is longevity risk. What is that risk? Then we’ll go from there and talk about some potential solutions.

[0:06:48] TB: Longevity risk is the risk that a retiree will live longer than what they expect to. What this really requires is a larger stream of lifetime income. We’ll talk about that in a second. The hard part about this whole calculation, Tim, is that there are lots of unknown variables. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I guess the way – depends on how you look at it, I don’t know when I’m going to pass away. Social Security obviously has a good idea of what that is. When I was preparing for this episode, Tim, I looked at, I went onto socialsecurity.gov, and put in my – basically, my gender and my birthday. It comes back with a table and it doesn’t factor in things like health, lifestyle, or family history. But it essentially says that for me at 40 – oh, man, it’s tough to look at that, Tim. 40 years old in 10 months, that my estimated total years, I’m halfway there.

[0:07:47] TU: Halfway. I was going to say. Yeah.

[0:07:49] TB: I’m 81.6. Now, once you get to age 62, then it starts to go out. At age 62, it says I’m going to live to 85. If I make it age 67, then it says, hey, I’m going to live to 86 and change. Then at age 70, which is when I think I’m going to retire, Tim. That’s my plan, at age 70, 87.1 years. I think that for a lot of people, this is an unknown. I overlay like, okay, when did my grandparents pass away and things like that.

Some general stats, one in four will live past age 90 and one in 10 will live past age 95. I think these stats fly a bit in the face of Social Security, but maybe not. I think they factor some of this in. One of the big discussions that we have in our community is like, what should we plan to? What should we plan to? Should it be age 90? Should it be to age 100? We default to 95, which is right in the middle. For me, being in my 40s, it says 87.1-years-old.

I think, this unpredictable length of time really puts a huge unknown out there in terms of like, okay, because there’s a big difference between I retire at age 70 and I pass away at 87. That’s 17 years of essentially, senior unemployment retirement. Or if I live to 100, which is another 13 years. It’s huge. I saw a visual table recently, not to go on too much of a tangent, but it was like, your youth and then your college years was – If you imagine a square, was a shade on the square and then your career and then your retirement and your career and retirement in this visual were pretty close.

[0:09:33] TU: Which we don’t think about it like that, or I don’t, at least.

[0:09:36] TB: No, I don’t either. But I saw that. I’m almost eyeballing them, like, they’re pretty close. People think of like, “Oh, rat race and things like that,” but there’s a whole other race to run after your career. I think we overlooked the time on that. I do think that people will, because especially with a lot of the economic things people may be joining the workforce later, starting families later, maybe starting to save later, we’re living longer that it could push everything to the right a little bit. I think that could be one of the things that they do with Social Security is that maybe we don’t get our for retirement age of 67, then we get the for all credits at 70. Maybe they push those back a little bit. But it’s still a long time, Tim, is what I’m saying.

[0:10:23] TU: Yeah. It really is. As you’re sharing, Tim, it reminded me of a great interview I had with a retired dean and faculty member, Dave Zgarrick on episode 291. He talked about exactly what you’re saying in terms of that timeline perception. He was really encouraging our listeners to reframe your retirement date as essentially, half-time, right? We’ve got some opportunities to reset, reframe, and figure out, but it’s not the end of the game. There’s a whole other half that needs to be played. Obviously, here, we’re talking about making sure that we’re financially prepared for it, but there’s certainly much more to be considered than just the financial side of this as well.

I think the piece here that really jumps out to me, Tim, when people think about longevity risk is there’s really a lot of fear that I sense from individuals of – and the last thing I want to do is run out of money. I don’t want to be a burden to my family members. I really want to make sure I plan for this. The challenge, I think, here is there’s a balance to be had, right? We also don’t want to get to the end of our life and we’ve been sitting on this massive amount of money that maybe it’s been at the expense of living experiences along the way. I think this is just a really hard thing to plan for. To your point, I think a general number is a good place to start. So much of this literature on longevity comes down to family history, lifestyle, and other things that are going to help inform this.

[0:11:44] TB: I don’t think that you can – oftentimes, when we work with particularly younger pharmacists, we’ll get to a point and they’re like, “Hey, I got it from here. I’m good.” It’s almost like, they chunk the next five or 10 years of their life is autopilot. I always be – if I look back at the last five or 10 years of my life, it’s been anything but that. What I would say to, even in retirement, you have to take it year by year and you have to assess this year by year. I think, hitting the easy button and saying, okay, for the next five or 10 years, it’s going to be like this, is not great for your plan, right?

I think that’s probably if we talk solutions, we’re probably going to say this on repeat with a lot of these is like, you have to plan for this as best you can. Whether it’s set in a realistic expectation. For me, I think it would be irresponsible for me to say like, okay, 87 years old. I’m going to retire at 70, have set – and again, we’ll talk about this, too, is I might not retire at 70. I might have to retire a lot sooner than that. If I say, “Hey, 70.” Then I have to plan for 17 years, I think that would be really irresponsible. I think, set in realistic expectations in terms of life expectancy. Consider personal and family health history.

I think, you do pay a price, Tim, for a longer plan horizon, to your point, because you need more resources, which means that you have to save potentially more in your accumulation phase. Then when you’re in retirement, you have to be more conservative with what you’re withdrawing. That could lead to, again, you forgoing things today for a longer future, I guess, or being all sustained. That’s definitely one thing. It’s just, how do you best plan for that longevity?

[0:13:32] TU: You know, the other thing that’s coming up for me, Tim, as you’re just sharing this solution around planning for longevity is if folks end up erring on the side of your example, right? Social Security says one number. Maybe we’re planning 10 years further than that. Then there’s an interesting – certainly, you’re mitigating one risk, but you’re also presenting another risk, which is potentially having excess cash at the end of life, which obviously, there has to be planning done for that. What does that mean for the transfer of assets? Is there philanthropic giving that’s happening?

Then there’s a whole tax layer to that as well, right? In terms of, how are the taxes treated on that if we’re planning, perhaps, to not die was zero, but we may have additional funds that are there at the end of life. Just another great example, I think, of where financial planning comes together with the tax plan, and obviously, everyone’s situation is going to be different.

[0:14:21] TB: Another solution that would bring up for this risk, Tim, would be lifetime income. This is where I think, really a careful analysis of Social Security claims and strategies is needed. Because I think a lot of people, they’re like, “Okay, I’m 62. I’m eligible for my Social Security. I think, my parents died at 80. Probably going to die right there.” There’s a lot of things that I think we just blow through. One of the biggest retirement decisions is just going to be this decision on how and when you’re going to claim. Social security is a lifetime income. If you start claiming at 62, you’ll get that until you pass away. Start claiming at 70, and you’ll get a much greater benefit until you pass away.

There are not very many sources of income like that. Pensions might be another thing, but that would be one of the things that we would want to make sure that if we need X per month, or per year, a good percentage that is lifetime income, meaning not necessarily out of your portfolio, on a 401k.

Another way to do this is to transfer the risk of longevity to an insurance company by purchasing something like an annuity, so you can provide protection from the risk of dying young by purchasing a term certain. You could say, “Hey, I want this annuity to pay me for a lifetime and I’ll get a lesser amount, or for the next 10 years and I might get a higher amount.” But a lot of people are really not crazy about that, because they could give an insurance company $100,000 and then get one or two payments and die the next month or whatever. There are refund riders and things like that, so I think looking at that is something that definitely in the lifetime income.

I think, one of the things that people don’t know of, is if you have a 401k, a lot of people, they’ll take a lump sum and they might put it into an IRA. One of the things that you could do is take annuity payments for life out of that plan. What they essentially do is go out, most of the time they go out and buy an annuity for you. That’s a way to do it, instead of taking a lump sum, you can buy, basically, annuity payments from a 401k, that type of 403b. You can get lifetime income from insurance contracts, so cash value, life insurance, death benefit, there’s an annuity option.

This can even be true for a term policy. If I pass away and shay, most times will elect a lump sum, but you can say, “Hey, I want this payment for life, or for X amount of years.” Those securities are probably going to be the biggest ones, but then an annuity or something like that would probably be a close second to provide lifetime income for you to negate some of the longevity risks that’s there in retirement.

[0:17:04] TU: Yeah, a couple of resources I want to point our listeners to episodes 294, 295, you and I covered 10 common social security mistakes to avoid, along with a primer we did back on episode 242 of Social Security 101. Really reinforces what Tim’s talking about right here. Then we covered annuities on episode 305, which was our understanding of annuities, a primer for pharmacists. Certainly, go back and check out those resources in more detail. Probably lots of avenues to consider, but any other big potential solutions as people are trying to mitigate this longevity risk?

[0:17:37] TB: I think, probably the last one, and I mean, there are others, but probably the last big one I would bring up is probably, what is your withdrawal strategy? We’ve mentioned the rule of thumb of 4%, but I think that’s limited in a lot of ways. One is a lot of those studies are based on a finite number of years, i.e. 30 years from age 65 to 95, and we know that people are living beyond that 30 years that that’s been planned. That’s one thing.

For longer periods, the sustainable withdrawal rate should be reduced, but typically, only slightly. What’s left out of that, the 4% study is flexibility. The more flexible you can be with your withdrawal rate, the greater the portfolio sustainability will be. When the portfolio is down, and you can withdraw less, that allows you to sustain the portfolio a lot longer. Then, I think, the other thing that’s often overlooked with this is that typically, and we’ll talk about sequence risk, but typically, once you get through that eye of the storm retirement risk zone, you want to start putting more equities back into your portfolio.

I think, just the proper allocation strategy, which is where you’re considering portfolio returns, inflation, what your need is, what your flexibility is. Again, I think that becomes a lot easier, or palatable if you have, say, an income floor, or if you have a higher percentage of your paycheck coming from Social Security. All of these things are kind of, just like systems of the body are intertwined, but just your withdrawal strategy and allowing for that to sustain you for a lifetime is going to be very, very important along with some of the other things that we mentioned.

[0:19:19] TU: Yeah. Tim, I think there are a couple of things there that are really important to emphasize, that I think we tend to overlook when it comes to the withdrawal strategy. One of which you mentioned was that flexibility, or the option to be flexible on what you need. When we show some of these examples, we just assume, hey, somebody’s going to take a 3%, or 4% withdrawal every year, but depending on other sources of income, you’ve mentioned several opportunities here, depending on other buckets that they have saved, right? That flexibility may, or may not be there, which ultimately, is going to allow for us to be able to maximize and optimize that even further. All right, so that’s number one, longevity risk.

Number two is inflation risk. Tim, I think this is probably something that maybe three, four, five years ago, people were asking, hey, what inflation? Obviously, we’re living this every day right now. We’ve seen some extremes, although our parents would say, we ain’t seen nothing yet from what they saw growing up. What is the risk here as it relates to inflation?

[0:20:16] TB: We’re going to talk about inflation a few times in this series. What we’re talking about with regard to this risk is this is really the risk that prices of goods and services increase over time, right? The analogy or the story I always give when I talk about investments is that the $4 latte that you might get from Starbucks in 2020, 30 years might be $10, $11, or $12. If you look back at, I would encourage a lot of people that, hey, I had a conversation like this with my parents like, “What did you buy our house back in New Jersey?” I think they said, it was $41,000.

Now, when they – because they were – we were talking about what we bought our house at and the interest rates are like, it’s unbelievable. They don’t understand. I think this is a huge thing, especially with retirees, you’re thinking, or you’re dealing with a fixed income, more or less. The larger percentage of your income that’s protected against inflation, which social security is, which is another reason that it’s also very valuable is because it’s lifetime, but then basically, it gets adjusted by the CPI.

When you work, Tim, inflation is often offset by increases in salary, right? The employer has to keep pace as best they can –

[0:21:42] TU: Hopefully. Yeah.

[0:21:43] TB: Yeah. Or they’ll lose talent. In retirement, inflation reduces your purchasing power, so you don’t have an employer to raise. Now, like I said, you can think of social security like that, because they’re going to do that adjustment every year. But essentially, in retirement, inflation could essentially erode your standard of living.

Again, the first solution here is to plan for this. I would throw taxes in here, but even inflation is often overlooked in terms of like, how do we project these numbers out? What is a realistic estimate of inflation over the long term? I would encourage you, again, I’m a financial planner, so I’m biased, but I think using software and accounting for inflation almost by category of expense. We know that things like medical expenses, and the inflation for medical expenses is going to outpace a lot of other things, whether it’s fuel, utilities, or food, that type of thing.

That would be the big thing. I think overlaying some type of inflation assumption into your projections and seeing how that affects your portfolio, your paycheck is going to be super important. Another solution to this, Tim, would be going back to longevity. We talked about lifetime income. I’m going to say, not necessarily lifetime income, but inflation and adjust in income. Social Security, again, is the best of this. That we saw last year, I think it was – someone might have to correct me. It was like, 9% year over year. That’s pretty good.

If you were to buy an annuity, a lot of insurance companies won’t offer a CPI rider. They might say, “Hey, your payment in your annuity, you can buy a rider, which is going to cost a lot of money,” that it says, it’ll go a flat 2% or 3%. The insurance companies are not going to risk saying, “Okay, it’s with whatever the CPI is, because they’re not going to be able to price that accordingly.” Inflation-adjusted income.

Some employer-sponsored plans, like a pension, could offer some type of COLA increase. This is more typical in government pensions, government plans than it is with private plans. Like I said, you can purchase a life annuity with a cost-of-living rider, but it’s typically very limited and very, very expensive. You might get, for kicks, Tim, these are just round numbers. You might say, “Hey, give me straight up $1,000 as my benefit.” But if I add a, COLA rider, or something like that, it could cut it down to $800. Again, that’s not real numbers. That could be the cost there.

Then the last thing for this is to build a bond ladder using tips. A bond ladder is essentially, and we could probably do a whole episode on this, Tim, but a bond ladder would be, hey, basically, I want to build 10 years of income, say. Let’s say, I’m retiring in 2024, or let’s say, 2025. My first bond ladder might come due at the end of 2024. Then that’s going to give me $30,000 or $40,000. At the end of 2025, going in 2026, the second run of my bond ladder is going to pay me and basically, do that for the next 10 years.

Then essentially, what you do is you try to extend that ladder out. You might go to year 11, might go to year 12 as you’re spending that down. A good way to do that is with tips, which is an inflation security, an inflation-protected security. That’s one way to inoculate yourself from the inflation risk.

[0:25:14] TU: I looked up Social Security while you were talking there, you’re spot on. 8.7% in 2023. Yeah, that’s significant, right? I think especially for many folks and hopefully, as our listeners are planning, that won’t be as big of a percentage of the bucket for retirement. The data shows that across the country, it really is.

[0:25:33] TB: Yeah. I think, again, I think, when we’ve gone back to my own, it was something like, if I claimed at 62, I have to remember the numbers. If I claimed that 62, my benefit would be $2,500. If I claim at 70, I think it’s over $4,000.

[0:25:49] TU: Something like that. Yeah.

[0:25:50] TB: But then, if you then tack on the inflation on that, it’s just huge. Again, I think, that is going to be one of the most important things that you evaluate in retirement is the social security stuff.

[0:26:01] TU: One of the other thoughts that have gone to mind, Tim, as you were talking with inflation is just rates of return. We tend to, at least on a simple high level, right? We think of rates of return and a very consistent 7% per year. We know the markets don’t obviously act like that. We have huge ups, huge downs. We’re seeing that with inflation as well, right? We tend to project 2%, 2.50%, and 3%. But we lived in a period where inflation was really low. Obviously, we’re now seeing that bump up. My question for you is, as you beat this up with the planning team like, has this period of high inflation, at least higher than what we’ve seen in our lifetime, has that changed at all? Some of the modeling, or scenarios that you guys are doing long term?

[0:26:42] TB: I think, we’ve ticked it up a bit. I definitely think it’s probably too soon to say like, hey, for the next 30 years, we got to go from 3%, which has typically been the rule of thumb, to 5%. I think as we get a little bit further from quantitative ease in and putting a lot more money in circulation and we’re seeing the result of that, that I do see some modification of models and that’s going to be needed.

One of the things that the government and the Fed try to do is keep inflation at that 3%. I just don’t know if they’re going to be able to – the new norm might be keeping it as close to 4%, or 5%, right? I would say for me, and again, I try to keep on this as best I can, but I think for me, I think it’s a little too soon to tell. To your point, the reality is that I would say, less so for inflation, because I think there is a little bit of the thumbs on the scale with the government and the Fed, but we do see fluctuations in market returns. We’re seeing now more fluctuation in inflation.

I think, a lot of what I’m reading is that we’re probably at pretty much the end of rates going up. But I’m interested to see is like, okay, when they start to potentially reverse, or normalize, what is the new normal? I think if you put as much money in circulation as we have, I think this is one of the side effects, and we’re paying for that now.

[0:28:15] TU: The thing that’s coming to mind here as you’re talking about inflation risk and even tied to longevity risk is we often assume retirement is a clean break, right? You were working full-time, you’re no longer working full-time. For many folks, either based on interest, passion, or financial reasons, there could very well be some type of part-time work, right? Whether that’s consulting, whether that’s part-time PRN work, or whatever. To me, that’s another tool you have in your tool belt, when you talk about inflationary periods, or what’s happening in the market and whether or not we need to draw from those funds. Having some additional income, if you’re able and interested, could be an important piece of this puzzle.

[0:28:57] TB: We often think of a glide path in retirement. Meaning that, the closer we get to retirement, the less stocks we have, the more bonds we have, safety, that type of thing. I think, we have to start talking more about a glide path, like a work perspective, where you go from 1 to 0.8 to 0.6 to 0.2, or whatever. Then maybe, it’s just 10.99 PRN, or something like that. This is for a variety of reasons. It’s for the reasons that you mentioned market forces, and inflationary forces, I think even more so for mental health.

[0:29:29] TU: Mental health. Yeah, absolutely.

[0:29:31] TB: IR, like we talk about our identity and role and things like that and a soft landing. I think, abrupt retirement sounds sweet, but I think in reality, I think it’s really hard for, if you’ve been in the workforce for 30 years and there might be people that are like, “Nope. You’re crazy, Tim.” I talked about this and some retirees will probably roll their eyes. When I took my sabbatical, it was just a month, right? It wasn’t a ton of time. I literally was like “All right, I’m not going to touch work.” I’m like, “What am I doing?”

I guess, my thought process was I could see how it could be where you’re directionless, right? I spent a lot of time planning for just that month and I’m like, it was an interesting test case for me to be like, all right, I just need to make sure that when I’m positioning myself, I still have availability for meaningful work and other interests and things like that. Yeah. I mean, everything that you read is that the best thing to combat a lot of these risks is actually not to retire. It’s to work or work at a reduced – If you’re working and you’re not drawing on your portfolio, then problem solved. Obviously, we know that’s not necessarily the best solution.

I think, having the ability to do that, there’s from a mental health perspective and a lot of these other reasons. I think pharmacists in particular are positioned with their clinical knowledge and things to do things with their PharmD that provide value in retirement and that are not necessarily stressful, or strenuous. So — 

[0:31:04] TU: Yeah, I think that feeling of contribution is so important. I just listened to a podcast this week with Dr. Peter T on one of my favorite podcasts, The Huberman Lab Podcast, and he was talking exactly about longevity and some of the risks to longevity in that context of mental health. He was talking about the value of contribution, the value of work. I think for all of us, it’s natural in those moments and seasons of stress. That feeling of contribution can get overlooked, right? I mean, I think it’s a natural thing to feel. Really, really good discussion. I think, it highlights well. We’re obviously talking about X’s and O’s in terms of dollars. But when it comes to retirement planning, so much more than that.

Number three, Tim, we talked briefly about, but we can put a bow on this one, would be excess withdrawal risk. Tell us more here.

[0:31:52] TB: Yeah. This is really just that you’re withdrawing at a rate from the portfolio that will deplete the portfolio before you die. Which is one of the biggest fears and one of the biggest risks is like, “Hey, I just want to make sure that I have enough money to last me throughout retirement.” I think, the biggest thing again for this is to have a plan, have a strategy and be flexible with that plan.

There are ways that you can build your retirement paycheck, and we’ve talked about this before, where it’s coming from a variety of sources. At the end of the day, there is still going to be a portion of your paycheck, the retiree, you are pulling the string. You’re saying, “Okay, I’m going to get X amount from Social Security, potentially X amount from maybe a floor, an annuity, but then the 60%, or whatever it is has to come from these buckets that I’ve filled in the accumulation phase.” Like I said, the default that a lot of people use is, hey, it’s the 4% rule. There are other strategies, like [inaudible 0:32:54], guardrails that are more, look at market forces, look at inflation, and then basically, adjust your portion of your paycheck accordingly.

If you do that consistently and you stick to that plan, you’ll basically see the portfolio sustained for 30-plus years. I think that’s probably the big thing that in all the research says is that if you can adapt your spending, which is hard, right? It’s hard for us to do that in the accumulation. It’s often hard for us to do that in retirement, but if you can adapt your spending with the ride the roller coaster of market volatility inflation, it lands in sustainability. We’ve also talked in the past about the bucketing strategy. You make sure that you have the next five years, basically, in very CDs, money markets, very safe investments. Then that allows you to inoculate, at least for the next five years to do more mid-risk type of investments. Then for those 15-plus years, more risky investments with regard to the portfolio.

The bucketing strategy is just a take on the systemic withdrawal strategy but allows the retiree to understand more and compartmentalize and say, “Okay, if I have the next five years planned out, if I need 40,000 times five years, I had that in that bucket. I don’t really care what the market does. If the market goes down today, I know that in most cases, it’s going to recover in the next three and a half, four years and we’re good to go.”

Again, a lot of people, I think will say, “All right, well, this year, regardless of what’s going on in the world, I need this. Then the next year –” Then they wake up and they’re like, “Man, I had a million dollars, seven years in retirement, I have 200,000 left. This is no bueno.”

[0:34:51] TU: Yeah. Another important point you’re bringing up here and you mentioned earlier in the show, I think we tend to oversimplify, especially when we’re thinking accumulation of, “Hey, I’m going to save two, three, four million dollars. Maybe I’m going to be moderately aggressive, or aggressive. Then I retire.” We don’t think about what is the aggressive to moderate to non-aggressive strategies of investing in retirement, right? We’re not taking a portfolio of two, three, four million dollars, and also just moving it into something that’s liquid. We still have to take some calculated risks, to your point earlier, that we’ve got potentially a long horizon in front of us.

Tim, what I think about is the double whammy of potentially, when you retire, which depending on where the markets are, you may or may not have control of that. I think about people that may have retired pre-pandemic, not knowing what was coming and then the markets did their thing. The double whammy I’m referring to is if you retire and start withdrawing at a period where the market’s down significantly and you’re dependent on that draw, we’ve got a double effect of what we’re getting hit there.

[0:35:52] TB: Yeah. We’ll get into more of that in the sequence risk, in terms of, it’s less about the actual return and more about the sequence of when that return comes. That can affect, basically, the sustainability of that portfolio.

[0:36:06] TU: Since you mentioned the buckets and building retirement paycheck, as you call that, we did cover that previously, episode 275. We’ll link to that in the show notes. That was one of four episodes that we did, 272 through 275 on retirement planning. All right, so that is number three, excess withdrawal risk. Tim, number four on our list is unexpected healthcare risk. Tell us more here.

[0:36:29] TB: Yeah. This is the one we haven’t really covered much. We probably should give it a little TLC, maybe in future episodes. I think that Medicare and the decisions around Medicare is also another huge decision to make in retirement. This is the risk of facing an increase in unexpected medical expenses in retirement. One of the things that people often get wrong is that it’s like, okay, I qualified for Medicare at 65, I’m good. All my medical costs will be taken care of. That’s not true.

The decision of when to enroll and whether to choose the original Medicare or Medicare Advantage plan, choosing the right Part D plan for drug prescription is really going to be important. The figures, they’re not overly impressive, Tim. In 2019, they said, the average male at age 65 is going to spend about $79,000 to cover medical, or healthcare costs in retirement.

[0:37:25] TU: That’s lower than I would have thought, to be honest.

[0:37:26] TB: Yeah. Now, I think it goes out – I mean, again, you can see for if you look at the tables, what did it say for me at 65? I was going to live to – does it have at 62 to 67. Let’s say, it’s another 20 years. Yeah, it seems low to me. I mean, females, age 65 is a lot more, a $114,000 to cover healthcare expenses in retirement. It doesn’t seem a lot in terms of your – it is outside of housing. It’s going to be one of the bigger things, especially when you’re in the phase of older retirement.

I think, probably the default here is how – it goes back to planning and understanding what’s available to you. I think, choosing the appropriate insurance is going to be important. One of the things, and we’ll talk about this in the next for us, but a lot of people think that long-term care is covered by Medicare. It’s not. Another thing that a lot of people don’t know is that Medicare doesn’t have a cap on out-of-pocket expenses. If you have large amounts of medical expenses, you could be paying in perpetuity, that’s where a supplemental plan, or a Medigap plan will be important.

Part A, to break these down, covers a lot of hospital visits and inpatient stuff. Part B is more, I think, outpatient, like covers medical necessary services, like doctors, service and tests, outpatient care, home health services, durable medical equipment, and that type of thing. Then part C is going to be the drug. Then there’s going to be lots of variations of part D. Then what people then assess, Tim, is, should I get a supplemental plan, or a Medicare advantage, which is not to say under traditional Medicare, but it’s more of a reimbursement through a private medical, or private insurance company.

This is one that I think that is often overlooked. It’s hard because every state and area of the country is going to be different. What you can get if you’re a resident of Florida is going to be different if you’re a resident of New Jersey or Ohio. I think, going through this and probably on an annual to reassess is going to be an important part of making sure that you’re mitigating, as much as you can, the risks of those increased, or unexpected medical expenses while retired.

[0:39:44] TU: A couple of things are coming up for me, Tim, here. Obviously, one would be, if we’re factoring this into the overall portfolio nest egg. Certainly, that’s one strategy. The other thing I’m thinking about, if folks have access to an HSA and are able to save in that long term, without needing those for expenses today. Obviously, if you need them, you use them. That’s what it’s there for. If not, the opportunity is for these to grow and to invest and invest in a tax-free manner, such that it could be used for six-figure expenses right in retirement.

We’ve got an exciting – October is all going to be about healthcare insurance costs. We’re going to have several episodes all throughout the month. One of which is going to be focused on Medicare. We’re also going to be talking about healthcare insurance for those that are self-employed. Then we’ll be talking about open enrollment, other topics as well. Looking forward to that, that series that we’re going to do in October.

Tim, number five on our list, which will wrap up our part one of this two-part series is long-term care risk. Now, we did talk about long-term care insurance previously on the show. That was episode 296, five key decisions for long-term care insurance. You just mentioned not something that Medicare is going to cover. Tell us about this risk and potential solutions.

[0:40:56] TB: Yeah. This is the risk of essentially, not being able to care for oneself. It basically leaves you dependent on others to perform, or help you perform the activities of daily living. These ADLs are called activities of daily living, are bathing, showering, getting dressed, being able to get in and out of bed, or in and out of a chair, walking, using the bathroom, and eating.

Typically, if you need help with two or more of these things, this is typically where a long-term care insurance policy will actually trigger. These could be cause for a variety. It could be chronic diseases, orthopedic problems. Alzheimer’s is probably the biggest one that is the biggest threat for this particular risk. Planning for this is huge. It’s funny, Tim, because – not funny, but it’s interesting is that this is one of the risks where it’s like, it’s not me, right? It’s someone else. Most people see this as an important thing to plan for, but not necessarily for themselves.

The reality of the situation is that in most cases, family members will provide the care, which is about 80% of the time in the home, which is unpaid care, averaging about 20 hours per week. If you imagine that, Tim, if that were laid at your feet, how that could affect your health, your finances, just your career. That’s the effect that it has on the family. Like I said, most people think that Medicare covers long-term care costs. It doesn’t. Many people think that this is a risk, or a concern in retirement, but not necessarily for them, it’s for somebody else.

I think, one of the misconception is like, if you look at things like insurance, a lot of people think, “Hey, it’s too expensive.” In that, I think, that reputation is probably earned, because I think when they first priced these policies, when they first came out, there were a lot of policies that were not priced expensive, or the right way, so they got more expensive year over year. There was a study that said that less than 10% of people that were age 65 and older had long-term care.

Really, the need is not as long as you think. The average time that a male needs long-term care is about a little bit more than two years. For females, a little bit less than four years. Solutions for this is plan for this. Understand what are the risks and costs associated with it. Again, every state is going to be different in terms of what these costs and what is the cost for something like, anything from being able to age in place and have care given in your home, to a nursing home. Understand, what is that in your area? How do you want to pay for long-term care? I mean, how do you want that care delivered?

A big part of this is just getting organized with, okay, if this were to happen, where can we get this money from? Is it insurance policy that we purchased? Is it family members? Is it something like a reverse mortgage? Are there government programs, like if you’re a veteran, there’s some programs for that. Could be Medicaid. That is a program that’s probably the largest funding source of long-term care, but you have to be impoverished to do so. A lot of people will purposely spend down their estate to become impoverished, to get care, which there’s a lot of hoops and things that you have to be careful of.

But insurance is probably, and I know we did an episode on this is like, that’s another one to really look at is when to purchase a lot of people, we should really start talking about this in late 40s and purchase in your 50s. I think 55 is the average, if I’m not mistaken. If you wait longer than that, Tim, that’s when you have increased instances of the coverage being denied and it gets really expensive. You have to thread that needle a bit. What is the amount needed? 

I think at a minimum, we should be pricing and we say, okay, for us to be able to age in place, so have someone come in 20 hours a week, five days a week, or whatever that looks like, is that $3,000? Is at $6,000? Find that number and be able – A lot of the study says, the longer that you can stay in your home and not in a facility, the better. What’s the amount? Is that inflation-protected? What’s the elimination period? Is it a straight-up long-term care insurance plan? Or is it linked to an annuity purchase or a life insurance purchase?

Or if you go through all that, you’re like, “You know what? I got this and we sell fund, which is probably the most popular sell fund with the family as ad hoc caregivers.” Unfortunately, I think that’s really more of a lack of planning than anything. But that is a solution as well to say, okay, if that’s the case, again, looking at funding sources and things like that. This is another thing that I think is often overlooked, because, I think, some of the misconceptions about long-term care. But if you can get a policy that pays you $3,000, $4,000, $5,000 a month for care, to be able to stay in the home, I think for a variety of reasons, that’s worth looking into.

[0:45:57] TU: Yeah, Tim. I agree. I think that this is often overlooked, perhaps from a misunderstanding, or evaluating the risk. The other thing that comes up for me often here is just the difficult conversations that need to be had to really navigate this. We just, a few episodes had back on the show, Cameron Huddleston, who is just fantastic. She wrote, Mom and Dad, We Need to Talk, how do you navigate difficult financial conversations with parents? Some listening to this are thinking about it for themselves, certainly. Others may be working with aging parents and trying to navigate these conversations.

Who wants to initiate a conversation of, “Hey, Mom and Dad, what are you doing for long-term care insurance?” Or, maybe that age window has passed, where a policy makes sense. Now, we’re back to, okay, what’s the game plan? What does this look like financially? What does this look like in terms of the ability of our time to be able to care and care well? I think, there’s just a lot to navigate here that is not just financial, but that is emotional as well. She does a great job in that book, in the episode, we just recorded as well, of how do you initiate these conversations in a loving and respectful way? But more than anything, to get out in front of the planning. Again, whether you’re planning for yourself, whether you’re planning for aging parents, so important to be thinking about this.

[0:47:14] TB: This is a little teaser into our next few risks that we’ll cover in the next episode, in terms of just tough conversations that need to be had, so we can prevent things happening in the future. It’s just a byproduct of old age and being able to care for oneself. That can be hard to broach those subjects with your children, even adult children. There’s some vulnerability. I think, just the way you approach that, and obviously, people have different relationships with parents, and some people are really close. Some people brought up in a house where you don’t talk about money, you don’t talk about some of these things. It can be really hard.

I think, one of the things that really stuck with me with Cameron’s work and her writings is like, you don’t want to get to a point where you’re having to go through the courts to get the care that your loved ones need. If you can avoid that at all costs, even it means having an uncomfortable conversation, or maybe it’s not a conversation, maybe it’s a letter to break the ice and you go from there, I think it’s needed.

[0:48:25] TU: Yeah. Whether it’s the courts, or in her instance, and we’re going through this right now with my grandmother as well. But in Cameron’s instance, she had a mom who is struggling with memory loss and Alzheimer’s that her message, and one of her main messages, hey, you want these conversations and planning that be happening before those instances are in question, where you’re now dealing with more challenges of, is someone in the right state of mind to be able to make those decisions, and what are the legal implications of that?

Great stuff, Tim. That is five of the 10 common retirement risks to plan for. We’re going to be bringing the rest of this list back on the next episode, so make sure to join us here next week. Of course, for folks that are listening to this and thinking, “Hey, it’d be really helpful to have someone in my corner that really can help me plan for retirement, as well as other parts of the financial plan,” we’d love to have a conversation with you to have you learn more about our one-on-one fee-only financial planning services, as well as to learn more about your individual plan and the goals that you have. You can book a free discovery call by going to yfpplanning.com. Again, that’s yfpplanning.com. All right, we’ll see you next week.


[0:49:33] TU: Before we wrap up today’s show, I want to again thank this week’s sponsor of the Your Financial Pharmacists Podcast, First Horizon. We’re glad to have found a solution for pharmacists that are unable to save 20% for a down payment on a home. A lot of pharmacists in the YFP community have taken advantage of First Horizon’s pharmacist home loan, which requires a 3% down payment for a single-family home, or townhome for first-time home buyers and has no BMI on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage.

To learn more about the requirements for First Horizon’s pharmacist home loan and to get started with the pre-approval process, you can visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan. Again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan.


[0:50:18] TU: As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment, or any other advice. Information on the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation, or offer to buy, or sell any investment, or related financial products.

We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. Furthermore, the information contained in our archive, newsletters, blog posts, and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of your financial pharmacists, unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward-looking statements, which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements.

For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week.


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YFP 314: RMDs: What They Are & Why They Matter

Tim Baker, CFP®, RICP®, RLP® discusses RMDs: What they are, why they matter, and factors to consider when building a retirement paycheck.

Episode Summary

No matter where you are in your career journey, it’s never too early to start optimizing your retirement plan. One important factor to consider when building your retirement paycheck is Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs). RMDs refer to the minimum amount that you must withdraw from certain retirement accounts each year after reaching a certain age. 

On this week’s episode, YFP’s Co-founder and Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, CFP®, RICP®, RLP® unpacks the many intricacies of RMDs, like which accounts demand RMDs, which ones don’t, and what to consider when planning how to build your retirement paycheck. You’ll learn about how RMDs are calculated, the penalties you can expect when you don’t fulfill RMD requirements, how to optimize and reduce the impact of RMDs, and why optimizing your retirement strategy starts in the accumulation phase.

Key Points From the Episode

  • Introducing Tim Baker and today’s topic: Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs).
  • Planning for retirement and the taxes you typically need to pay. 
  • The importance of understanding RMDs, even if you aren’t near retirement age.
  • How the IRS defines RMDs and a run-through of the accounts that typically include RMDs.
  • An overview of a Roth IRA and how it is contributed with after-tax dollars.
  • How contributing after-tax dollars allows your retirement to grow tax-free.
  • A rundown of what happens if you inherit a Roth account.
  • The primary benefit of Roth accounts: control.
  • Why traditional accounts are still beneficial despite RMDs.
  • A breakdown of how RMDs are calculated in various scenarios.
  • The rules and penalties if you don’t fulfill your RMDs.
  • What to consider when planning how to build your retirement paycheck.
  • Why optimizing your retirement strategy starts in the accumulation phase.
  • How to optimize and reduce the impact of RMDs.

Episode Highlights

“The government doesn’t really care because they’ve already taken their bite of the apple. With Roth IRAs, and then Roth 401Ks, 403Bs (especially heading into 2024), you’re not required to take RMDs.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:10:53]

“With Roths, it’s about control. It’s the control of when you’re paying your taxes or a known quantity of what your tax bill is going to be but then it’s also [that] I don’t have the burden of being forced to distribute the account when I don’t want to.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:13:03]

“So much of building a retirement paycheck (and all this strategy we’re talking about) really starts with ‘in what buckets are you saving?’” — Tim Ulbrich [0:27:16]

I would still advocate for the use of these accounts because the long-term benefits of having tax-deferred growth is a huge benefit. – I don’t want people to think ‘I don’t want to use these accounts because I don’t want to have to pay RMDs’.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:30:01]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[00:00:00] TU: Hey everybody, Tim Ulbrich here, and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast, where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom.

This week, I welcome YFP co-founder and Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, to talk about required minimum distributions. Also known as RMDs. We discuss what they are, how they’re calculated, strategies to optimize, and why this topic matters to building a retirement paycheck. 

As a supplement to today’s episode, make sure to download our free checklist; What Issues Should I Consider When Reviewing My Investments? You get a copy of that resource by visiting yourfinancialpharmacist.com/investmentreview. Again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/investmentreview

Okay. Let’s hear from Justin from the YFP team and then we’ll jump into my interview with Tim Baker. 

[00:00:55] JW: This is Justin Woods from the YFP team with a quick message before the show. If you listen to the YFP podcast, you may learn something every now and then, either from Tim Ulbrich, Tim Baker or one of our guests. A lot of people listen to the show but they may not execute or implement the things they learn.

As pharmacists, we know the impact of non-adherence on patient outcomes and their overall well-being. As a pharmacist myself and part of the YFP team, I talk with pharmacists every day who are confused about how to implement financial knowledge. Pharmacists share with me that they’re treading water financially. Maybe took a DIY approach, reached the plateau and are confused about what to do next. Or those who work for decades can see the light at the end of the tunnel and feel uncertain about how the next chapter will unfold. If that sounds like you, one, it is not uncommon to feel that way. And two, does it make sense for us to have a conversation to see if YFP planning can help you? Visit yfpplanning.com or follow the link in the show notes to find a time that works for your schedule. 


[00:02:01] TU: Tim Baker, welcome back to the show. 

[00:02:03] TB: Good to be here, Tim. How’s it going? 

[00:02:05] TU: It is going well. Last week we talked about four reasons that we believe you should have your financial planner manage your investments. Great episode. If you haven’t yet, check that out. I hope you will do so. We’ll link to that in the show notes. 

This week we’re going to be talking about a topic that we have not really covered before at length or in depth. And that is around required minimum distributions or RMD. 

Tim, maybe not the most exciting topic to talk about. But considering some of the questions that we’re getting considering some of the rule changes have come around this with the Secure Act and, obviously, an important part of the retirement planning, a topic that we need to address. 

[00:02:43] TB: Yeah. It’s one of those overlooked things until you’re kind of right up against it, unfortunately. And we kind of talk about it at a high level more with regard to your investment assets and what has yet to be taken by Uncle Sam. 

I always kind of talk through, if you have a million dollars in a traditional IRA, a million dollars in a Roth IRA and a million dollars in a brokerage account, like how much money do you have? And unfortunately, it’s not $3 million. Because at least in the traditional IRA, when that money goes in pre-tax, it’s tax coming out. So if you’re in a 25% tax bracket to keep the math simple, you have 750,000 of that and Uncle Sam has 250,000. So you’re in a partnership with Uncle Sam in that account. 

The big difference or when where RMDs come into play is that, just like when we retire, or how we retire, or things like that, we’re not always in control of how that money is to be poured into retirement. And, essentially, what the government says is, “Hey, remember all of those years that you were able to defer? Now we’re kind of requiring you to distribute those assets over time based on a table in terms of how much you actually have to do or actually have to distribute.” So we’ll kind of talk about that in this episode.

[00:04:16] TU: Yeah. And I really do believe, while this is a topic that I think tends to focus more on those that are nearing retirement planning, to build that retirement paycheck. Really, for folks at all stages of their career, even if I’m early on in my journey, really understanding how RMDs can be helpful in understanding, as you mentioned, the different bucket than how you’re saving and even some of the early investing strategies. So stay tuned regardless of where you are throughout your career. 

Tim, let’s start with the definition. What exactly is an RMD? Requirement minimum distribution? 

[00:04:49] TB: So this is the minimum amount that you must withdraw from your retirement account each year. I think that’s how the IRS defines it. And essentially, what it means is that if you have that million dollars in your traditional IRA that we talked about, you don’t have to pour all million dollars out in one year and Uncle Sam gets 250,000 and you get 750,000. That’s just used for kind of illustrative purposes. 

But depending on your age, you have to pour out a portion of that million dollars. And essentially, what it’s doing is it’s forcing you to pay the tax on those pre-tax retirement accounts. And this has moved over time. 

I think, Tim, when I first started learning about studying for the CFP and things like that, the age four required minimum distributions was 17 and a half years old. Now it’s 72. And this is part of the changes of the Secure Act. It’s going to move to 73. And then I think starting in 2033, the age will be 75. That’s a benefit for us. Our required minimum distribution at present will be 75 years old. 

What that means is that we can hold on to these investments in the tax-preferred account longer. Now what the government is saying is that, yeah, you could hold on it longer. We also know that you’re living longer. So that’s one of the things that you’re trying to do. 

The accounts that are in question, Tim, that often require – not often but do require minimum distributions are the 401K, the 403B, the 457, the TSP, the traditional IRA, SEP IRA, SARSEP IRA and then the simple IRA. These are the ones. Again, most people don’t have SARSEPs these days. 

And then what’s weird is most Roth accounts do not require RMDs, which is one of the main advantages of a Roth. However, today, in 2023, and this will change in 2024, if you have – with YFP, we have a 401K with YFP. Part of the dollars that I invest into our YFP 401K goes to a pre-tax, a traditional 401K. But a good chunk of my dollars go into a Roth 401K. 

If I were 73 and I had a balance in that Roth 401K, technically, I would still have to take an RMD from that account. In 2024 and Beyond, RMDs will no longer be required from those designated Roth 401K, 403B. So another little quirk in the – 

[00:07:34] TU: Tim, just to highlight that for a moment because I think that’s point of confusion that’s going on right now. Roth IRAs have been like that. If you have a million dollars in a Roth IRA, as you highlighted, the buckets, a little bit earlier, you’re not required to draw from that in terms of what would come out of it with taxes. And we’ll talk about how that could impact beneficiaries if that money was transferred here in a moment. 

And so, really, the change you’re referring to is for what has been a more popular employer-sponsored account. We see more and more people that are in these Roth 401Ks or in Roth 403Bs. Where the Roth is a part of an employer-sponsored account. And up until – coming up in 2024, those would have required an RMD even though they had the Roth term. But that’s going to change. Correct? 

[00:08:22] TB: Correct. 

[00:08:22] TU: Okay. 

[00:08:23] TB: Yep. 

[00:08:24] TU: So will that be a part of it will, part of it won’t? I’m thinking about my situation, right? I’ve got all this Roth 401K money that’s sitting in that bucket that’s pre-2024 and then after 2024. So some of it will be subject to RMD. Some of it will not? 

[00:08:43] TB: No. When you’re in retirement, the only thing that’s going to be subject to an RMD for you would be what’s in your traditional 401K and any – if you still have a 403B, if you have a 457, a traditional. So it won’t be – that rule, you’re not going to have to take a little bit out of the Roth in 401K in the future. No. 

I guess, in 2024, no one will be taking any money out of a Roth 401K or 403B for the purpose of an RMD. It was just one of those weird rules that kind of just needed to be satisfied. And I think that was put into the Secure Act 2.0.

[00:09:21] TU: Got it. Okay. So talk to us about Roths. And one of the main advantages I often – I guess debates I often hear around Roth is the whole tax rate today, tax rate in the future. But I think what we don’t talk enough about is the benefit of Roth’s not being required to withdraw that money until after death. So not only not having an RMD, right? Which is a positive. But also, that there’s not a requirement of those monies being withdrawn. So tell us more about that. 

[00:09:49] TB: Yeah. So as part of the Roth – and again, you think about it from the government’s perspective. So the government, although we joke inefficient and like why the heck are we doing this? Or why is it written this way? From the government’s perspective, they’re looking to access tax dollars where they can. And for a Roth, they’ve already taxed those monies. 

A Roth IRA is contributed with after-tax dollars. Again, the example I use is if I make $100,000 and I put I put $5,000 into a Roth IRA, the government taxes me in that year as if I made $100,000. So I don’t get a deduction for that. So it goes in after-tax and then it grows tax-free. 

As those investments – as that $5,000 grows to 10,000, 15,000, I’m not paying capital gains tax on those dollars. When I pour that out in retirement, that doesn’t hit my 1040. I don’t get a 10 – like I’m not reporting that as taxable income. So the government doesn’t really care because they’ve already taken their bite of the apple. With Roth IRAs and then Roth 401Ks, 403Bs, especially heading into 2024, you’re not required to take RMDs. 

Now if you inherit a Roth. Say you inherit a Roth from a deceased spouse, essentially, what you’re going to want to do is roll that over into your name and then no RMD will be required. If you inherit a Roth, say, from like a parent or something like that or any type of non-spouse, typically, there is an RMD required and it’s typically over a 10-year timeline. And that’s just the kind of exhaust the legacy account and close that out. 

That’s one of the major bene – so I think one of the major benefits of the Roth and probably not talked about it directly is control, right? Because in a Roth, you are controlling when you’re paying the taxes, today. Whereas in a traditional, it’s kind of you put your finger in the sky. You don’t really know what your tax – your marginal tax rate is going to be in the future. We have no idea. 

The government, the Congress could say, “Hey, these are the new –” the IRS could say, “Hey, these are the new tax brackets.” They’re a lot more than what they are today. Or they could go down. I think most people think that taxes are going to go up. That’s one of the benefits of like, “Hey, pay the tax now and go from there. 

But the other thing that often doesn’t get talked about is, if I’m going to retire in Florida, Tim, we know that Ohio – one of the reasons I put a lot of money into Roth now is because – because we’re business owners, one of the weird nuances is that we don’t get hit with taxes for the first set amount of dollars that we make as business owners. 

Right now, I’m like, “Okay, that’s a good opportunity for me to kind of circumvent.” It’s almost like I live in Florida or Texas from a – but if I didn’t have that and I was going to retire to Florida or Texas, where I don’t have state income tax, and I’m going to pour that out then, then that’s another thing that we have to kind of consider. 

With Roth, it’s about control. It’s the control of when you’re paying your taxes or a known quantity of what your tax bill is going to be. But then it’s also I don’t have the burden of being forced to distribute the account when I don’t want to. 

That is a huge benefit to a lot of people, is being able to have control over the tax rate and the time. And again, that’s not to say that these traditional accounts are bad. They’re not. They’re good, in fact. But when we kind of get the question of like where should I have my money? It’s a little bit in pre-tax. It’s a little bit in after tax. And it’s a little bit in tax-free. And I think all of those are going to play an important part as you approach retirement. 

[00:13:53] TU: Yeah. And Tim, I wasn’t aware of the difference between the spouse versus non-spouse with a Roth being passed on to a beneficiary. 

[00:14:03] TB: They’ve changed those rules like recently too. Yeah. Because it used to have stretch. And the stretch IRAs and inherited IRAs. And there’s lots of different nuances with that. And even the rules around inherited IRAs are pretty complex. Like they’re not straightforward if you’re an entity, versus a non-spouse, versus a spouse, versus keeping it in the decedent’s name or your name. There’s lots of different things that are going on there. 

[00:14:31] TU: This too is another example we just talked about in the last episode of how we don’t want to look at any in a silo, right? For our younger practitioners who are listening that may be working through something like a student loan, forgiveness strategy, right? Implications here of traditional versus Roth contributions on the student loan equation. 

We’ve talked about that before. We don’t need to go down that rabbit hole now. But when we talk about like Roth or traditional, another example yet where it’s not just a blanket, this one is better than the other, right? It really does depend in someone’s whole situation. 

[00:15:03] TB: Yep. 

[00:15:04] TU: Tim, how are the RMDs calculated? 

[00:15:07] TB: The required minimum distribution for any year is – essentially, the way I learn this is that you look back for the balance. So this is the balance of your 401K, your IRA, your SEP IRA. So you look back at 12-31 of 2022 as an example. And then you look ahead, essentially, the year of – so if I’m turning 76 this year, that I look at that year as the year that I need for the IRS’s uniform lifetime table. 

What do I mean by that? Let’s do an example to kind of flush this out. Let’s pretend it’s June 2023, which it is. And I’ve just turned 76. Or I’m about to turn 76. Essentially, when I look at age 76, the IRS uniform lifetime table returns a column. It’s distribution period in years of 23.7. 

As a 76-year-old, essentially, I have 23.7 years to distribute the account out. So that’s the factor that I use. I go and I pull my statement from the end of last year and I see that, in my traditional IRA, I had $250,000. I take that $250,000 and then I divide it by that factor from the IRS table as a 76-year-old. $250 000 divided by 23.7. And it says that my required minimum distribution for that year is $10,548.52. 

That is what I’m required to distribute to kind of – to not be penalized by not taking the proper RMD. Essentially, I would work with my advisor and I would say, “Okay, at a minimum, I need to, either in a lump sum or in payments over the course of – we would probably just build this into the retirement paycheck. That, hey, we need to essentially allocate this amount of cash from the IRA and make sure that that satisfies the RMD requirement. That’s the first example, Tim. Did you have a question? 

[00:17:18] TU: Yeah. And so, in that example, 10,548, right? You mentioned $50,000 balance in your traditional IRA. [inaudible 00:17:25] 10,500, that would be the required minimum distribution. That 10,500 is then taxed as ordinary income, correct?

[00:17:34] TB: Correct. If the custodian is what we use that TD Ameritrade, which is TD Schwab. Essentially, TD Schwab would send me a 1099R and it would show that distribution. And essentially, I would be working with Sean, my CPA, when I go to file my taxes. And that would show up as income. I might still have some W2 income or I might have some other 1099 contract income of doing some consultant and when I’m 76. Maybe I’m doing that for YFP in the future. 

I might have some W2 income. I might have some 1099 income. And then this 1099R our income would be recorded on my taxes. And then depending on what tax bracket I’m in, that’s when I would be taxed. 

Right now, if I’m in a 25% tax bracket versus maybe when I’m 76 – I know I’m conflating years and everything. But maybe when I’m 76, maybe I’m in a 12% tax bracket. So that would be benefit to essentially – let’s say I’m earning less than $90,000, which is the 12% bracket for married filing jointly. That’s kind of what’s at play here. You basically get the 1099R and record it in your taxes in that year. 

[00:18:50] TU: Okay. Got it. 

[00:18:52] TB: Another example of this is let’s pretend, Tim, that I have a traditional IRA, a SEP IRA and a 401K. Same fact pattern. It’s June 2023. I’ve just turned 76. And that distribution period in years is still 23.7. When I look at my statement, I see that, okay, I still have the $250,000 IRA. But I also have $100,000 in my SEP IRA and I have $500,000 in my 401K. 

My RMD this year, if I take 250,000 and divide it by 23.7, it’s still at 10,548. The SEP IRA, $100,000 divided by the same factor, 23.7. The RMD for that is now $4,219.41. That’s still in addition to the 10,500 from the traditional. 

And then the 401K of half a million dollars I have to distribute. So, $500,000 divided by 23.7. I have to distribute 21,000. We’ll call it 21,1000. $21,000. My total RMD across all three of those accounts is $35,865. 

Now just to make this even more complex, Tim, with the traditional and the SEP, I could take all of that out of my traditional. That’s the bigger account. Or I could take that all out of the SEP if I wanted to. With the 401K, I have to take it out of the 401K. 

Or let’s say I had a 403B. I would have to take it out of the 403B. So those that are administered by the employer, or in my case, a previous employer, I have to take it out of those plans if I have those IRAs that I’m managing. Or an advisor is managing for my benefit, I can aggregate those and have that come out of one. That’s one of kind of the nuances there. 

[00:20:53] TU: That makes sense. So the I in IRA is an individual account, right? It stands for individual. In that example, we had a traditional and a SEP. You could take the RMD out of one of those accounts. Either the tradition or the SEP. But since the 401K was an employer-sponsored account, that RMD has to come directly out of that account. 

[00:21:11] TB: Yep. Correct. 

[00:21:12] TU: Okay. Got it. So we’re going to talk in a little bit about why this topic really matters and some of the strategies to reduce CRMDs. But let’s talk about the penalty side of this. What happens if, Tim, I don’t take an RMD? So maybe I’m not familiar with the rules. I’m DIYing this and just not paying attention to logistics or something gets overlooked. What happens in that case? 

[00:21:33] TB: In the old rules, before the Secure ACT 2.0, it would be basically 50% of what you fail to take that would be taxed. In the case that I was saying, it’s like if I had to take 10,500, 5,200 of that would be basically the penalty. And then you’d have to file form 5329 in your federal tax return for the year that the RMD was not taken. 

With the new rules, it’s basically they tried to make this less – they try to soften this a little bit. So now it’s 25%, which is still substantial. And then if you correct it within two years, it’s 70 – it’s 10%. Excuse me. One of the things – again, one of the weird nuances is let’s say I’m turning 72 this year. Technically, I don’t have to take the R in the first year. Don’t ask me why is this, Tim. In the first year, I don’t have to take the RMD until April of next year. 

But then every subsequent year I have to take it before the end of the year. Let’s pretend I say, “Oh, I didn’t take it. I’m taking it April 15th right before I file my taxes.” But then in that same – if I have to take that 10,500. In that same year, I have to take another RMD for 73. That’s another one of the weird nuances. Yeah, it’s 25%. But 10% if it’s corrected within the first two years. 

[00:22:54] TU: I mean, even 10% is no joke though, right? 

[00:22:58] TB: Yeah. I mean, some of these rules is like if you over contribute, it’s like a 6% excise. When you go from 50% even down to 25% or 10%, it’s – and the dollars get bigger. I mean, your balances are supposed to get smaller. But every year – so when you go from like 76, where the factor is 23.7, the next year at 77, it’s 22.9. 

And one of the things that the IRS has done is they extended it out. I think it goes all the way up to like age 120 and older. But at 110, as an example, the factor is 3.5. If you have a million dollars at 110, about $300,000 and $400,000 is what you have to distribute in that year. The factors get smaller, which means that the RMD gets bigger as you age. Again, if you’re not doing it properly, the penalties can be quite robust. 

[00:23:54] TU: Whether we like the rules or not, Tim, they are what they are, right? We’ve got to factor them in. We’ve got to plan for this. And my mind is spinning around, “Okay, I’ve got all these different buckets of funds that I’ve been building throughout my accumulation phase.” Right? We’ve talked about some of the alphabet soup here in this episode. And now there’s this strategy of how I withdraw not only from those buckets. But also, how do I factor in the RMDs? And in which order? Which priority? 

At the end of the day, the topic matters, I think, as you try to build a retirement paycheck and think about the order of withdrawal and how you’re going to put together that paycheck in retirement. 

[00:24:33] TB: Yeah. I mean, if you look at what are the sources of income that you’re going to have in your retirement paycheck, one of the big ones is going to be Social Security, which, as we continue to go on, more and more people, their Social Security will be taxed. Because a lot of the phase-outs for that have not been adjusted for inflation. 

But if you think about it, the average today, Social Security check, per month, per recipient, it’s like $1,780. Just about 21,000 and change per year. That might be your baseline. And then for most people, if I need $80,000, then 60,000 is going to come from your traditional investments. 

And what we’ve seen here is, in this example, 35,000 of that has – in this example, has to come from the traditional, right? So then you’re playing the game of like, “Okay, if I’m trying to get to 60,000, that still puts me in a 12% tax bracket.” Again, if I’m just looking at myself and not necessarily Shay. 

What is she getting from Social Security? What does her RMD look like? Are we going to try to fill up the 12% tax bracket? Are we looking at the 225 tax bracket? Are we pulling anything from Roth at all? 

I think, again, having the ability to pull from pre-tax, you have to, especially with the RMDs. But then to then move to something like a brokerage account, which is after tax to a tax-free, which is a Roth. All of those things are going to be in play to make the most efficient play at building a retirement paycheck. 

And depending on where – again, if you have certain assets in certain accounts, they are not going to be optimized with kind of the strategy. You have to be wary of that too. What are the things that are going to be most volatile or higher risk, higher return? Most capital gains, things associated with that. Those are all going to be important when you’re kind of building this out. 

Is there an annuity? A lot of annuities if you buy a qualified annuity. If you take some money out of your traditional IRA, so to speak, to buy an annuity, those have RMDs. And a lot of that can satisfy the RMD or delay it. There’s some strategies there. There’s lots of tax implications. But also, how does this relate to your investment allocation? The location of certain assets? It’s all very nuanced. 

[00:27:10] TU: Yeah. And Tim, the place that I’m thinking about right now, I’m 15 years into my career. I put myself in that mid-career bucket. But so much of building a retirement paycheck and all this strategy we’re talking about really starts with ‘in what buckets are you saving’, right? 

I think sometimes there’s a tendency that, “Hey, we need to save whatever big number.” Right? Two, three, four million dollars. And we just start saving, saving saving. 

And saving is good, especially if we’re doing it over a long period of time. But saving intentionally so that we’re thinking about this from a distribution sense, I think we often disconnect that accumulation and decumulation phase. And, really, prioritizing that. Really, the accumulation, optimization, and the strategy around that, especially in a tax-efficient way, really starts back in the accumulation phase. 

[00:27:58] TB: Correct. Yeah. It’s kind of building – we talked about building a foundation of an emergency fund and getting the debt – the consumer debt in line and having a plan for this student loan. But this is right there in terms of, again, bucket selection. But then inside of those buckets, what assets are we actually put in? And are they the best for the long run? Yeah, those are definitely in play. 

And again, I think it’s often an overlooked thing. And this is where – and again, it’s not necessarily like if you’re required to distribute your account, that doesn’t necessarily – it doesn’t mean that you have to consume it. You can always direct those dollars elsewhere. Whether it’s a brokerage account or it could be real estate. It could be paying for a grandkid’s education or something like that. There are things that you don’t necessarily have to like move those dollars off your balance sheet. 

But, essentially, what’s in play here is the efficiency related to tax. And, again, in the context of like, “Okay, what is it that I need to sustain a retirement paycheck for from now until age 95, 100, 105, 110?” And that’s difficult to do. 

[00:29:13] TU: Yeah. And I’m thinking about this from a household perspective, right? Tim, you mentioned you’ve got, often, two people, multiple accounts. So now you’re talking about additional layers of complexity. Maybe different timelines of retirement and when they need those funds and goals that they have. This is where I really want for Jess and I. I want the two of us with our CFP and the CPA in the same room whiteboarding and kind of masterminding this to make sure that we’re really thinking about it from every angle. 

[00:29:43] TB: Yep. 

[00:29:45] TU: Finally, I know many of our listeners are thinking what I’m thinking, which is, “Hey, what can we do to optimize this? What can we do to potentially reduce the impact of the RMDs?” 

[00:29:55] TB: Yeah. So there are a few things. RMDs are inevitable, right? If you use any of these accounts – and again, I would still advocate for the use of these accounts because the long-term benefits of having tax-deferred growth is a huge benefit. I don’t want to say it’s not. I don’t want people to think I don’t want to use these accounts because I don’t want to have to pay RMDs. 

There’s a few strategies that you can employ. If you are still employed and you’re kind of within that RMD age. Let’s use 72, 73. You can delay your 401K RMDs. Not necessarily your IRA RMDs. But your 401K RMDs from your employer until you retire. You just can’t be a 5% owner, Tim, for you and I. Like that wouldn’t imply. We would still have to take RMDs. 

Probably one of the biggest things that you can do is just get money out of those buckets. So this would be things like Roth conversions. Essentially, over your career, you can identify times that it makes sense because of lower earning years. You’re still paying the taxes on it. But you’re doing it in more of a controlled way versus here’s the balance, here’s the factor, and then that’s your RMD. 

One way that you can do it is just manage the distribution. So most people take RMDs either in a series of payments or through like a lump sum at the end of the year. One strategy that you can, which, again, we bring up annuity, which is sometimes a bad word for people. But you can invest in a QLAC. 

A QLAC is a qualified longevity annuity contract. This is the deferred fixed annuity that you purchase with funds from your retirement account. Like a traditional 401K or a traditional IRA. And typically, because there is a promise in the future to pay out those funds, one of the special things about this is that there’s no required distributions until 85. Until age 85. You can push that out for a decade or so. 

The big selling point for this is, if you’re looking at – in the example I gave, “Hey, I had $500,000 in my 401K.” And that means that the RMD for this year is 21,000. I really don’t want to do that. I can peel off 100,000 or 200,000 and put that into a QLAC. And that lessens the burden from what’s coming out from the 401K. That is a strategy that you can use. 

Charitable donations. So you can either – you can do this one of two ways. And I think it just depends on the tax situation. You can make a QCD, a qualified charitable distribution, which is a direct transfer from your retirement account right to a qualified charity. And this will be basically excluded taxable income, which will lower your tax bill. Or you can use your RMD to make charitable donations and kind of get a – that’s typically where, again, you’re going to use the itemized deduction and maybe want to do a bunch in strategy or things like that to get the most benefit. So those are ways to kind of reduce or delay or get around the RMD, which at the end of the day is inevitable. 

[00:33:17] TU: Tim, great stuff. I feel like we’ve covered a lot of length in a short period of time a topic, again, that we haven’t talked about in great detail. We’ll certainly be coming back to this more as we talk about some of the retirement planning strategies. But again, a great episode regardless of what stage of career that you’re in. 

For those that are listening and say, “Hey, I’d love to have someone in my corner really thinking about this from an investment, retirement planning strategy,” we’d love an opportunity to talk with you further about the financial planning services that we offer at YFP planning. You can learn more and book a free discovery call at yfpplanning.com. Again, that’s yfpplanning.com. 

Tim, great stuff. We’ll be back here in the future. 

[00:33:57] TB: Thanks, Tim. 


[00:33:58] TU: As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of your financial pharmacists unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the date publish. Such information may contain forward-looking statements are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacists.com/disclaimer. 

Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast. Have a great rest of your week.



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YFP 313: 4 Reasons Your Financial Planner Should Manage Your Investments

Tim Baker CFP®, RICP®, RLP® discusses the 4 reasons why your financial planner should manager you investments on this podcast episode sponsored by First Horizon.

Episode Summary

Financial planners often get a bad reputation because people either don’t trust them or they feel like planners are a waste of time — they could be doing the job themselves. So on today’s episode, sponsored by First Horizon, YFP’s Co-founder & Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker is here to discuss the four reasons why having a financial planner is crucial for managing your investments. From our conversation, you’ll gain a better understanding of the type of accounts that a financial planner could manage on your behalf, what an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) is, and why it’s vital for your financial plan. Then, we dive into the 4 reasons why, if it is the right fit, having a financial planner manage your investments is a good idea. Spoiler alert…hiring a financial planner to beat the market didn’t make the list!

Key Points From the Episode

  • Introducing Tim Baker and today’s topic: Financial planners managing your investments
  • Taking a closer look at the investment accounts that a financial planner could manage for you. 
  • What an investment policy statement (IPS) is and why it’s important.
  • How having a financial planner will save you time and bring you peace. 
  • The importance of an integrated financial plan, and how a financial planner can help.
  • How a financial planner will ensure that don’t fall victim to behavioral mistakes and biases.
  • Using a planner to avoid technical mistakes, and the common technical errors that Tim sees. 
  • Why the role of a financial planner is not necessarily to help you beat the markets. 
  • What you can look forward to in the next episode.

Episode Highlights

“On my time off, on the weekends or whatever, I would rather pay a professional that knows what the hell they’re doing — they’ve done it, it’s not their first rodeo — than me waste a weekend.” — @TimBakerCFP [14:33]

“The more that you continue on and accumulate wealth; working with a coach [or] a planner is in line with that. The management of the investments and the stress of it should be delegated to someone else.” — @TimBakerCFP [15:31]

“If we don’t have the assets and the investment management integrated with the plan, it’s almost like we’re trying to fight with one hand tied behind our back.” — @TimBakerCFP [19:13]

“I often say that with investment, you often want to do the exact opposite of what you feel. But the statement that you have to make, even before you make that, is that investment is an emotional activity. It is. [And] a lot of that has to do with our aversion to loss.” — @TimBakerCFP [25:12]

“[Go] by the market, don’t try to beat the market, and the market will take care of you — if you invest in it consistently without bad behavior over long periods of time.” — @TimBakerCFP [36:46]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[00:00:00] TU: Hey, everybody. Tim Ulbrich here, and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast, where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom.

This week, I welcome YFP co-founder and Director of Financial Planning Tim Baker to talk about four reasons you should have your financial planner manage your investments. Spoiler alert, beating the market did not make the list. As a supplement to today’s episode, download our free checklist, “What Issues Should I Consider When Reviewing My Investments.” You can get a copy of that resource by visiting yourfinancialpharmacist.com/investmentreview. Again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/investmentreview.

Now, at YFP Planning, our team of fee-only certified financial planners pride themselves in helping clients manage their investments in a tax-efficient, low-fee manner. While that in and of itself is a win, that’s just one part of the financial plan. Our planning team that services more than 280 households in 40 plus states guides clients through the entirety of the financial plan, including retirement planning, debt management, wealth protection, and more. All centered around our philosophy of helping you live a rich life today and tomorrow. You can learn more about our one-on-one planning services while visiting yfpplanning.com. Again, that’s yfpplanning.com. Okay, let’s hear from today’s sponsor, First Horizon and then we’ll jump into my interview with Tim Baker. 


[0:01:28] TU: Does saving 20% for a downpayment on a home feels like an uphill battle? It’s no secret that pharmacists have a lot of competing financial priorities, including high student loan debt, meaning that saving 20% for a down payment on a home may take years. We’ve been on a hunt for a solution for pharmacists that are ready to purchase a home loan with a lower down payment and are happy to have found that option with First Horizon.

First Horizon offers a professional home loan option, AKA doctor or pharmacist home loan that requires a 3% downpayment for a single-family home or townhome for first-time homebuyers, has no PMI and offers a 30-year fixed rate mortgage on home loans up to $726,200. The pharmacist home loan is available in all states except Alaska and Hawaii, and can be used to purchase condos as well. However, rates may be higher, and a condo review has to be completed. To check out the requirements for First Horizon’s pharmacist home loan and to start the pre-approval process, visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan. Again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan.


[0:02:40] TU: Tim Baker, good to have you back on the show.

[0:02:42] TB: Good to be back, Tim. How’s it going?

[0:02:44] TU: It is going well. We’re going to be doing back-to-back episodes focused on managing investments. Next week, we’re going to talk about RMDs or required minimum distributions. We’re going to get in the weeds a little bit over the next two weeks, which I’m excited to do as we talk about some of the investing side of the financial plan. Tim, today we’re going to talk about four reasons you should have your financial planner manage your investments. Now, before we get into those four reasons, I want to make sure we’re all on the same page with what we mean by this. So, having your financial planner manage your investments. Talk about this at a high level, so we can have the right context throughout the show.

[0:03:23] TB: Yes. My attitudes have changed about this over time. Really, this is because of just working with pharmacists on their financial plans and just some of the things that we’ve come up against with regard to being effective and efficient with the financial plan. When we say we feel that your advisor, your planner should manage the investments, what we’re talking about are the investments that you’re managing, that you don’t necessarily need to. This means – these are things like your traditional IRA, your Roth IRA, your brokerage account, old 401(k)s, old 403(b), TSPS, 457 Plans. These are things that you’re not actively contributing to as part of like an entire employer-sponsored retirement plan.

What we found over the years, because I used to be more location agnostic, meaning, my viewpoint was, it didn’t really matter where it was. We either manage it or help your management. I think, in theory, that sounds nice. But in application, it’s not, it’s messy, there’s lots of hands in the cookie jar. There’s lots of moving pieces in regards to the financial plan that the investments are absolutely part of that. Our belief is that if there are held away assets, so held away are defined, you know, when advisors talking about this or assets that are not at their custodian. We use that YFP Planning, we use TD Ameritrade, which is recently merged with Charles Schwab. Schwab will be the predominant brand there. We feel that those client assets that can be managed by us, the advisor should be managed by us. We’ll get into a few reasons of why that is. That’s held away piece.

[0:05:25] TU: Let me give a for instance to define these just a little bit further, and hopefully put something that people can hook on to. Tim, if I, let’s say, I’m working with Kroger pharmacy right now, and I’ve been with them for five years, contributing to their 401(k). Then prior to that, I worked for, let’s say, CVS for five years. Once I left CVS, that money, I moved into a traditional IRA, let’s just say for that example. I’ve got $100,000 in an IRA, and then I’ve got this, let’s say, another $100,000 in my current employer, Kroger, with the 401(k).

When you say held away, that Kroger, my current employer count $100,000, would be a held away asset through my current employer and the contributions I’m making. When we talk about today, managing why you should have your financial planner manage your investments. We’re talking about that previous $100,000 that’s sitting in an IRA that maybe I’m self-managing right now, or it could be someone’s listening to another advisor that’s managing for it. But that’s a differentiation we’re making, correct?

[0:06:33] TB: Yes. You’re going to have held away accounts that some are going to be eligible to potentially be moved over for us to manage. That would be like the old employer, and then you’re going to have some that aren’t because you’re actively contributing to said account. Yes, that would be the distinction I would make.

[0:06:50] TU: Okay. An assumption I want to put out there before we get into the weeds here is that when we say why we believe your financial planner should manage your investments. The assumption we’re making is that that planner, from our perspective, best practice is, there’s a fee-only with a fiduciary responsibility. They have a really thoughtful approach to how they’re managing their investments, which would include an investment policy statement, an IPS, where you’re really spending time with the client to understand their goals, understand their risk tolerance. All of that is informing the direction that we’re taking with the investment. Let’s spend a moment just to break that down a little bit more in terms of what is an IPS, and why is that important? Obviously, the context here of fee-only as well.

[0:07:37] TB: Yes, IPS is not something that every advisor has or even employees. I think regulators like this because it’s kind of a set of instructions for them to see how they are managing client accounts. When I was in my first job in financial services, we didn’t have an investment policy statement. We knew, based on a risk tolerance assessment that we give them, that, “Hey, they’re conservative, or they’re a moderate, or they’re an aggressive investor,” but that was essentially it. We had it in their file that that was what they were, and then we try to match up their portfolios at such.

The way that we do it is, before we invest any dollars on behalf of our client, so let’s pretend that we moved that $100,000 over to a rollover IRA at TD Schwab for us to manage for the benefit of the client. Before we do anything with those dollars, we essentially go through a risk tolerance and questioning goals about the investments. And we issue an investment policy statement, so this is something that we send to a client via DocuSign. In the investment policy statement, it’s essentially an executive summary. What the purpose of the document is, and it’s really to outline investment goals, expectations, strategies, and responsibilities related to the portfolio? It’s to create reasonable objectives and guidelines in the investment of your assets.

We outline things like, what was your risk tolerance, what portfolio do we agree to, what is the asset allocation. Is it a moderate 60-40, or is it more aggressive 90-10, or an all-equity portfolio? What is that investment objective? Is it aggressive growth or growth with income? Are there any type of liquidity needs, any type of tax considerations that we should be aware of? What is the time horizon? 

If Tim, you’re the client, and you have 25 years left to retire, then the time horizon is 20, 25 years. What type of accounts most of – a lot of our clients will have an IPS, an investment policy statement for retirement accounts, but they might have something that is related to a tax bomb or a more near-term goal. So we have a different asset allocation. We outline what are the duties and responsibilities of reporting. I think one of the fears that people have, if they’re having their advisor manage their asset is, I think they fear that the money’s not theirs. One of the things that I’ll say is that we don’t have necessarily access to the money. We trade the account, but I can’t go in there and say, “Hey, Tim, you move from this part of Ohio to this part of Ohio.” You have to do that yourself. Because they want to make sure that the chain of custody from where they’re sending account statements is not broken. We used to be able to do that recently. 

It’s very, very much like we have very deliberate and specific responsibilities related to the portfolio, but we’re not – it’s not our piggy bank, which I think sometimes people get afraid about that. So, we do know the custodian does all the reporting with statements. We talk about what our responsibility is with rebalancing, how often we’re going to review the count if we take discretion or not. Then, part of our IPS is we outline the different positions that we’re in. So we go through what’s our large cap, or mid-cap, and all the different positions that we’re in related to the portfolio, what the allocation is, some nerdy stock analysis.

What parts of the world that we’re invested in, so whether that’s North America or Asia developing, Asia emerging, Latin America, what the bonds look like, so if they’re double A or single A, we show performance. We look back one, three, five years and show the annualized return, the risk, some charts. We’ll show what the income is on this portfolio. It’s a look back in terms of what the yield is, the stress test, which is a big thing. In the subprime mortgage crisis, this is how the portfolio would react, or when coronavirus happened, or the tech bubble? So, we show some of the stress testing on that. Then, the expense, which often is a huge driver in the overall ability for the portfolio to grow, what does the expense of the overall portfolio look like? That’s our north star, Tim. That’s the document that we use to trade and manage the portfolio as we go here.

[0:12:44] TU: I think that’s time really well spent, right? Because I think for folks, as you mentioned, especially I would say for people who have maybe not worked with an advisor before, who have gone through this type of process or experience where you have someone that is helping to manage your investments. This can feel scary, it can feel big, it can feel — at least as you hear, for the first time, a little bit like a black hole. I think when done well, and that’s the backdrop. We’re assuming as we go through these four points here today. When done well, as you just described in great detail, there’s a lot of time spent, a lot of thought, a lot of attention to make sure that there’s alignment and the decisions that are being made. 

Obviously, that’s an important part of the trust process as you’re working with a financial planner, and that should be something that you feel good about, number one. And that you understand and make sure you understand as you’re reviewing those documents and having the conversations with the planner.

[0:13:34] TB: Yes, absolutely.

[0:13:34] TU: With that in mind, let’s talk through four reasons that we believe you should have your financial planner manage your investments. Tim, number one, perhaps most obvious on the list is saving time. I’m busy; I don’t have to worry about this, maybe less stress involved as well. Tell us more about this.

[0:13:50] TB: Yes, I definitely think it’s a time thing. Obviously, this is something that we often talk about, less is more. But I think having your hand on the wheel with regard to this is important. I probably even more so than time; it’s just the brain capacity, Tim. I think sometimes we often really undersell or overlooked fee, the things that drag on our mind that don’t necessarily need to. I always – we’ve kind of talked about how the two of us were not necessarily the most handy people in the world. Could I go out and learn basic plumbing and things like that? Yeah. 

But I look at that as, like, on my time off, on the weekends or whatever, I would rather pay a professional that knows what the hell they’re doing; they’ve done it; it’s not their first rodeo. Than me waste a weekend, and either complete it at an hourly rate that is well below that than what I would make during my day job, or that it’s half done or not done. That’s the thing, is like –

[0:14:58] TU: With some curse words.

[0:14:59] TB: With a lot of curse words, and stress, and things like that. That’s just my mentality. I think that becomes more of a thing. The more you look at yourself as a professional as pharmacists should, right? To me, this is an area. We talked about this with small – it’s kind of a no-brainer with small business owners. The first thing that probably needs to go is bookkeeping. It’s one of those things, and I would say that the more that you continue on and accumulate wealth, this thing, working with a coach, a planner is in line with that. And the management of the investments and the stress of it should be delegated to someone else. Obviously, again, it assumes you trust the person, the team that you’re with, which is not something that I take lightly, or anyone takes take lightly. One on our team takes lightly.

One of the things that I really like about being a financial planner is that you’re in that position of trust, and I think pharmacists can relate to that. Again, not taking that lightly, I think is important. But just think about the convenience, and ease of management, paperwork that’s involved. I would love to be more paperless than we are now. We’re getting there. But it’s a slow go. But the ongoing account maintenance, rebalance, and other strategies that you’re going. If you can delegate that to others, I think that’s a huge time savings, but just a brain capacity savings. Then, I think you see this with people in the accumulation stage. But I think, even more so, retirees. I’ve joked about this with my dad, like when he retired, he was no longer doing his day job. He knew that I was, obviously, building out my business and I’m a financial planner.

It was almost like every time that we talked, we talked about the market. He almost preoccupied this, and it was almost a substitute for his job. His livelihood is very much connected to what the market is doing. But I think if you’re doing it correctly, you want to inoculate yourself as best you can. Those near-term ups and downs should not really affect your overall well-being. So to me, a lot of people miss the mark on that. I think that’s where a professional can help you as well.

[0:17:22] TU: Tim, that’s a really good example in terms of the retirement and the preoccupied nature of investments. It’s funny, my father, father-in-law, every time we visit, this comes up within 10 minutes prior. We’re talking about the markets and trends. I think it’s just human behavior that now you get more time available than you did, obviously, than when you’re working. But you’re thinking about things like distributions and strategies, especially if you’re DIY’ing this and not working with a planner. 

The ups and downs of volatility, especially the period we’ve been in here the last couple of years that can weigh on you. I think having someone in your corner to help talk you through that, coach you through it, making sure that we’re sticking to the plan, and that we have accountability to stay to that plan, it’s important all the way throughout, but probably even more important than that time period, where you just have the time and it’s front and center top of mind.

[0:18:14] TB: Yes, and I probably should give my dad less of a hard time. He’s probably just trying to find ways to engage me and talk about my business and things like that. But I know for a lot of retirees, definitely one of the things that they talk about quite a bit.

[0:18:29] TU: Number two on our list is ensuring an integrated approach, that we’re not considering this in a silo. Something we talked about often on the show, Tim, that it’s really important we look across the entire financial plan. When we’re looking at investments, retirement planning, debt pay down, insurance, any part of the financial plan that we’re really looking in its entirety, and we’re not just focused on one part of the plan, perhaps at the expense of other parts. Tell us more here.

[0:18:58] TB: Yes. I think, just like we talked about systems of the body, everything’s interconnected. I think one of the things that we’ve learned over from my time at script financial and now, YFP Planning is that if we don’t have the assets and the investment management integrated with the plan, it’s almost like we’re trying to fight with one hand tied behind our back. What we’re really trying to do here see the full picture. We want to make sure that the investment philosophy and management of such assets is aligned with your goals and your life plan. I’m a big, big believer in purpose-based investments. Another buzzword. But what I often find with people that are coming in the door, even do-it-yourself investors is, I’ll say, obviously, Roth 401(k), a Roth IRA, a traditional IRA, we know that those are for retirement by and large.

But I’ll often will see brokerage accounts and accounts like that. I’m like, “What is this money for?” It’s like, “Well, I don’t know.” Why do we even have it? So really aligning and drawing clear lines of distinction between what this bucket of money is for and executing to that. But probably – so you have that, which is more broad to the overall financial plan, but then making sure there’s alignment with other technical areas of the plan. Whether that be debt, the tax situation, retirement. It could be estate and charitable given. All of those things are interconnected. I think if you don’t have eyes on our hands on that, again, it makes our job a lot easier. From the depth perspective, Tim, we know this with regard to PSLF, and non-PSLF, that these things are interconnected. Oftentimes, they are disconnected if they’re not managed, I think, by a QB, one person that is overseeing the plan.

We know that tax is another thing. Is there synergy with the financial plan and the tax plan? By and large, most advisors will say, “Hey, that’s a tax question, go talk to your accountant.” Which is like nails on a chalkboard for me. That’s one of the things that we do differently. We have YFP tax that works in concert with YFP planning. We have a CFP, that is your financial planner, that is working in tandem with a CPA, which is your tax accountant. Looking at things like, are we going to have a big refund? Are we going to owe a lot of taxes at the end of this year? What are the tax loss harvesting strategies as we get more advanced multi-year tax planning? It might be bunching for charitable giving.

We know that retirement and the investment strategy is intertwined. In the accumulation phase, which a lot of our clients are in, that simply bucket creation, so having the different buckets. But then, where are we putting different assets? A lot of people don’t think that probably in your Roth, you need your most appreciable assets, which might be small cap or emerging market. Should probably go there. Where do we put tax advantage accounts that are in the brokerage, or is that somewhere else? 

Just knowing where to actually put the investments that you’re putting in that bucket is important in the accumulation stage, where a lot of people overlook that. Then in the deaccumulation, or the withdrawal strategy, whether you’re using a foreign strategy, a bucket strategy, a systemic withdrawal strategy. All of these have rules, Tim, that are clearly linked to the traditional portfolio, and how we either refill bucket one with bucket two or refill bucket two with bucket three. Or how we’re going to with inflation and the gains on the portfolio. How are we going to essentially send that paycheck to you in concert with social security in 2024? How do we create the floor? What are the tools that we’re going to use, and then how are we going to supplement from the investment strategy, and give those dollars to you in retirement?

Then, just overall, how do we manage the liquidity needs. There’s lots of things that happen in real-time. Over the course of many years, that if we’re managing through the client by proxy, is a is a challenge. We’ve had instances where clients will be upset because they’re trading their own accounts, and this is related to tax, and they’re generating lots of short-term capital gains. Then they’re upset with us because our projections are off. It’s like, “But we don’t have any visibility or vantage point of what you’re doing in these accounts that we’re not controlling or we’re not overseeing for you.”

It’s one of those things that, this is what we do. We do this for our clients across the board, and we think we do it well. So working in that way, I think, is important for us, and I think for the effectiveness of the overall financial plan.

[0:24:22] TU: Tim, I think for folks that are hearing some of these terms for the first time, when you talk about things like flooring, bucket tragedy, systemic withdrawal. We talked about this on episode 275 of the podcast, where we had a month-long series on retirement planning, and that episode specifically. We talk about how to build a retirement paycheck. I hope folks will check that episode out in more detail. That’s number two. Ensuring that we have an integrated approach. I think you explained that well, Tim. Number three, which is one that maybe our DIYers are going to get a hate, that we’re challenging this. But this is avoiding behavioral mistakes and biases. Tim, I tend to fall under this – I’ve come to appreciate where I need help. But perhaps, I’m over overconfidence, and really understanding the behavioral mistakes and the biases that we may fall victim to.

[0:25:11] TB: Yes, I often say that with investment, you often want to do the exact opposite of what you feel. But the statement that you have to make, even before you make that is that, investment is an emotional activity. It is. A lot of that has to do with our aversion to loss. Sometimes, it can be also chasing a big payoff if we’re doing things like chasing hot stocks. The market volatility, I think, really plays on our emotion. I always joke, like when the market took a downturn during the Corona Virus or during the subprime mortgage crisis. As you’re seeing your portfolio go from X to X minus 30%, 35%, you want to then take your investment ball and go home, Tim. It doesn’t feel good to see your balance get sawed off like that. But it often leads to bad behavior, and that’s typically where we’re doing things like selling low and buying high. 

When we sell to avoid that pain, then we wait on the sideline and buy when the market seems like it’s returned to normal. All of that upside. Again, l think people don’t see this in themselves. I would say that, Tim, that this is true for advisors as well. It absolutely is. But I would say that, if you’re, again – I’ve talked about this, related to the any type of salary negotiation. The big disadvantage that you have as an employee of a company when you’re – or a prospective employee of a company is that you might have a dozen times during your life where you’re negotiating on your behalf with an employer. Whereas your counterpart, whether it’s a hiring manager, an HR manager, they might do it a dozen times in that week. You’re at a disadvantage just because of reps. I’m not saying that we as humans or as advisors, we don’t have these. It’s just that I think we’re more aware of it, and we try to mitigate that with the way that we build out our portfolios.

The behavior thing is huge, and that can be again, it can be chasing hot stocks, it can be trading too much, trying to time the market, which we talked about the buying high, and selling low. Ignoring diversification that’s another issue. Sometimes we see portfolios that are overloaded in tech stocks or one particular security or even act on unreasonable expectations. I still frequently we’ll talk to people who are super confident in their prowess as an investor. But they will say things that just are not in line with reality. Like, “Hey, within the next year, I really want to start making passive income off of my portfolio.” I’m like, “That’s not a real thing in any time in the near future.” 

We have to be aware of our common biases, and I think a lot of the ones that you mentioned are things like overconfidence. I probably see that the most. Typically, that is more male than female. It’s just the reality of situation. But even things like hindsight bias, like, of course, the market went down, and this is why. Or herd mentality, or overreaction, these are all biases that I think that we don’t see in ourselves that really can affect our ability to grow our portfolios consistently over time.

We always cite Vanguard. Vanguard has done an advisor alpha study. Vanguard doesn’t have advisors. They’re kind of – they don’t necessarily have a horse in the race, but they basically said that an advisor can add 3% per year in return to your assets. Half of that Tim, 1.5%. I think it’s 2.9 or it might be three. But essentially half of that, Tim, is related to behavior. Paul Eichenberg, he talks about – he does manage some cash, or some investments himself. But he basically said, the core of his investments, what he talks about is, there’s a wall between him and his investments. It’s just so he doesn’t do anything foolish or crazy. That’s part of this as well, is sometimes, something – it’s the overreaction, something happens in the market and it’s like, part of our job is to say, “Hey, we’re okay here. Let’s continue to execute to the plan that we have in place.” The behavior and the emotion drives so much of this, and it can either be bad behavior or you can, again, delegate that out to help you with that.

[0:30:19] TU: Yes. I think, Tim, the time we’re in right now with the volatility, we talked about this a little while going in Episode 213 of investing considerations in a volatile market. But we are living at firsthand the ups and downs, the announcements from the Fed, the anticipation, the reaction to that, the inflation numbers. I mean, it’s just June, June, June. More than ever, I think there’s that risk of access to information volatility on top of that. Obviously, there can be some fear that’s layered on top of that, as well. All of a sudden, we’re feeling that edge to make a move, make some decisions, move our investments. Obviously, there’s tax considerations. There’s timing of the market; you talked about those considerations that can have a negative impact as well.

Great explanation there. Number three on the avoiding behavioral mistakes and biases. Number four probably the favorite of our team. Right, Tim? As it relates to clean these up, is avoiding some of the technical mistakes. You’ve talked about this at length on the show as it relates to backdoor Roth and some of the mistakes. I think one of the challenges here, and we even talk about this behind the scenes that we love putting out content and education. We do a lot of it. But as I often say, in presentations, one of my fears is that I’m oversimplifying information to try to explain and to do in a short period of time. And that someone may run, make some decisions, and maybe not have the full understanding. We just saw that, as we talked about some of the changes that are coming to tax laws and different things. We may not understand the whole picture. Talk to us about avoiding technical mistakes and some of the common ones that we see here.

[0:31:54] TB: Yes. I mean, it’s most base. Sometimes it’s just understanding what accounts that you have. I still hear investors that will say, “I have this mutual fund account.” I’m like, “Well, mutual fund isn’t an account, it’s a type of investment.” That’s very extreme. But then, understanding what are inside of those accounts, those investment accounts, which could be a mutual fund, an ETF, a stock. Again, this is not to – this is not to belittle anyone or make anyone feel bad. Again, I always joke that when I first got out of the Army, I was picking the investments for my 401(k). I looked at all 50 investment choices, or whatever, I’m like – Investing for Dummies, and I bought that book, and I read a few pages, and I’m like, “No, thanks,” and I just picked whatever. 

This isn’t something that necessarily is – we know this, Tim. It’s not taught in school or anything. It’s not to make anybody feel bad. It’s just that – this is what we do. It could be the types of accounts that you have, what are in those accounts, transfer accounts wrong. Sometimes this happens where accounts are moved between custodians, and they’re not performed accurately, and that can cause a lot of problems. You have the hyper investor, so it can be someone that’s trading in and out of positions that’s triggered in short-term capital gains tax.

Then, we have issues with the tax bill at the end of the year or other things that are going on. I’ve seen portfolios that have 20, 30, 40 positions, and I’m like, “What the heck is going on? What are we doing? What is the goal of this?” Sometimes it’s just overheard a stock, or I heard this, and I just bought it. Yes, overconcentration. That’s a technical mistake. Is there too much cash in the accumulation, too little cash when you’re in the withdrawal stage? 

But yes, one of the things that you’re talking about that, I think, is, again, we gloss over is just things related to backdoor Roth. Most of the people that we are working with are in that Roth IRA eligibility phase-out. So even us managing this as a team, it’s a project. It’s something that we have to be on top of. It’s difficult to do when you have to factor in phase-outs, pro rata rules, you have to look at other accounts that you have, the step transaction rule. There’s lots of things that go into that.

On the technical, I always joke like – kind of related, but unrelated, Tim. When I lived in Ohio the first time, there’s no way that I filed my own Ohio taxes correctly. This is impossible. There’s no way that I did it correctly because of the nuance there. Even some of this stuff is kind of in the same breath; it’s like there’s no way that if I had a similar savviness with regard to investments that I did back in the day, that I would be able to do this correctly without mistake. 

There could be a mistake with RMDs for retirements, obviously fees and things like that that are less technical but more an awareness thing. So the list is long with regard to this. Again, what often happens is we read a blog or a podcast. Some say, “Hey, that’s really easy,” and then we do it. Then, the reality is that it’s much more nuanced than – it depends on your particular situation in terms of how to execute some of these strategies.

[0:35:31] TU: Tim, we just talked about four reasons that you should have your financial planner manage your investments. What’s not on the list perhaps is something that everyone is thinking about of, “Hey, I’m going to have my planner manage my investment so that I can beat the market. Isn’t that why I’m hiring you after all? Where’s that on the list?”

[0:35:49] TB: Yes. I mean, I think it’s not on there. I think the reason, Tim is that, in order to beat the market, in order to beat the S&P 500 consistently, and there’s still no guarantee of that, is that you have to spend so much time, effort, energy, and money to do that. They say, we look at the most active mutual fund managers out there. By and large, the research and the studies show that, though, that type of active management in an effort to beat the market does not pay off on a consistent basis.

The strategy that we employ that I feel like a lot of fee-only financial planners employ is more of a passive by the market, don’t try to beat the market, and the market will take care of you if you invest in it consistently without bad behavior over long periods of time. It’s more of a singles and doubles approach versus, “I’m going to hit a home run in 2023, and then strike out for the next three or four years, and then maybe the home run in 2026, 27.” It’s kind of the singles and doubles approach to invest in. And over time, I think that’s a good equation for success.

[0:37:13] TU: We’re going to talk more about that. We have an episode plan for the near future on passive versus active investing, so we’re going to dig into that a little bit more detail in the future. Tim Baker, great stuff. For those that are listening to this episode, and would like to talk with us about the financial planning services at YFP planning and what we offer. Obviously, we’ve talked about managing investment, just one part, an important part, but just one part of financial plan. We would love to have that conversation. You can book a free discovery call at yfpplanning.com. Again, that’s yfpplanning.com.

Whether you’re in the early stages of your career, in the middle of your career, nearing retirement, whether you have an advisor, you don’t have an advisor; we’d love to have a conversation to learn more about your situation so you can learn more about us and determine whether or not what we offer is a good fit. Again, book a free discovery call at yfpplanning.com. Tim Baker, great stuff, and looking forward to talking about R&Ds next week. 

[0:38:06] TB: Thanks, Tim. 


[0:38:07] TU: Before we wrap up today’s show, I want to again thank this week’s sponsor of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast, First Horizon. We’re glad to have found a solution for pharmacists that are unable to save 20% for a down payment on a home. A lot of pharmacists in the YFP community have taken advantage of First Horizon’s pharmacist home loan, which requires a 3% downpayment for a single-family home or townhome for first time homebuyers and has no PMI on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage.

To learn more about the requirements for First Horizon’s pharmacist home loan, and to get started with the pre-approval process, you can visit yourfinancialpharmacists.com/home-loan. Again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacists.com/home-loan. As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archive, newsletters, blog post, and podcast is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of your financial pharmacist unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates publish. Such information may contain forward-looking statements, which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements.

For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast. Have a great rest of your week.



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YFP 286: YFP Planning Case Study #5: Modeling Retirement Scenarios and How to Handle a Large Cash Position

YFP Co-Founder & Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP® is joined by Kelly Reddy-Heffner, CFP®, CSLP®, CDFA®, and Christina Slavonik, CFP® to discuss retirement scenarios and how to handle a large cash position in this YFP Planning Case Study. 

About Today’s Guests

Kelly Reddy-Heffner, CFP®, CSLP®, CDFA®

Kelly Reddy-Heffner, CFP®, CSLP®, CDFA® is a Lead Planner at YFP Planning. She enjoys time with her husband and two sons, riding her bike, running, and keeping after her pup ‘Fred Rogers.’ Kelly loves to cheer on her favorite team, plan travel, and ironically loves great food but does not enjoy cooking at all. She volunteers in her community as part of the Chambersburg Rotary. Kelly believes that there are no quick fixes to financial confidence, and no guarantees on investment returns, but there is value in seeking trusted advice to get where you want to go. Kelly’s mission is to help clients go confidently toward their happy place.

Christina Slavonik, CFP®

Christina is a Certified Financial Planner™ located in Texas and has over 15 years of financial planning and industry experience. She received her Certificate in Financial Planning from Southern Methodist University.

Christina is passionate about helping clients live their best lives now while not losing sight of the future. She enjoys the collaborative approach of creating a custom financial plan with her team at YFP.

Episode Summary

YFP Co-Founder & Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, is joined by Kelly Reddy-Heffner, CFP®, CSLP®, CDFA®, and Christina Slavonik, CFP® to discuss various retirement scenarios and how to handle a large cash position in this YFP Planning Case Study. Tim Baker introduces the fifth case study, examining the fictitious couple, Jane Smith and Tyra Lee, from Westchester, Pennsylvania. Jane, age 59, is a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, and Tyra, age 60, is a pharmacist working part-time. Jane and Tyra also have two teenage boys, Thomas and Robert. During the discussion on this case study, listeners will learn about the couple’s plans to retire in three to five years, earlier than previously expected. Tim, Kelly, and Christina discuss options for care and long-term care insurance concerning Jane’s elderly mother, college plans, and a recent car purchase for their children. The discussion leads to considerations for how the couple might handle their massive cash position and whether or not to pay off debts with their reserves. Tim, Kelly, and Christina talk through the couple’s housing situation as they transition to retirement, their plans for purchasing a cabin or potential forever home, and how that may impact the financial plan.  

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[00:00:00] TB: You’re listening to the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast, a show all about inspiring you, the pharmacy professional on your path towards achieving financial freedom. 

Hi, I’m Tim Baker and today I chat with two important team members at YFP planning Kelly Reddy-Heffner and Christina Slavonik, both CFPs.

In this episode, we discuss our fifth case study of a fictitious couple Jane Smith and Tyra Lee, and their teenage kids Thomas and Robert. Jane is 59 and is a certified registered nurse anesthetist while Tyra, age 60, is a pharmacist working part time. We cover a bevy of topics that include in retirement in three to five years, where we model out different scenarios using our financial planning software. We chat about long-term care insurance, how to handle their massive cash position, and whether they should pay off some debt, their housing situation as they transition into retirement, college planning for the boys, and potentially how to handle care for Jane’s elder mother.


[00:00:58] TB: What’s up everybody? Welcome to YFP planning case study number five. So, I am joined today by Christina Slavonik and Kelly Reddy-Heffner, two of our CFPs on the YFP planning team. So, Kelly and Christina, welcome.

[00:01:14] CS: Thank you, Tim.

[00:01:15] KRH: Thanks, Tim.

[00:01:17] TB: So, we are recording this right before Thanksgiving. So, excited to get this recorded in the books and then enjoy some time off with family. I just would like to say that we are very thankful for all the listeners out there, thankful for the community that we’ve built, thankful for the two of you, Christina and Kelly being part of the team. And yeah, just really excited for the upcoming holiday season. Let’s jump into it.

So today, we are exploring a couple in Westchester, Pennsylvania, Jane Smith, and Tyra Lee. So, Christina, you’re going to take us through the first part of the fact pattern, Kelly is going to get into goals. And then, I’m going to talk about the wealth building, wealth protection tax and some of the miscellaneous stuff. And then we are going to dissect this client case study and see what are some planning opportunities? What are the things that should be discussed with the client, that we should really get in front of to make sure that they are on track with their financial plan? So, Christina, if you please kick us off on Jane Smith and Tyra Lee.

[00:02:18] CS: Sure. So, the clients we’re looking at today are Jane Smith, who is a CRNA, aged 59, makes about 194,000 a year and Tyra Lee, who’s a part time pharmacist, age 60, salary is 65,000. They are married filing jointly. They have two sons. I have Thomas, who is age 17, and is currently a student, and Robert, who was 14 and currently a student as well. They reside in Westchester, Pennsylvania, annual gross income is 259,000, which breaks down into monthly around 22,000, and then net after taxes and whatnot, 15,000.

Expenses for these people are fixed at about $5,977 a month. Variable expenses are the 4,500 a month, and the savings of about 4,400 or so. Their current living situation is they’re in a five-bedroom, single-family home outside of Philadelphia. They apparently have a great first floor master. And if Jane’s mom had to move in, they could accommodate her as she is ill and cash resources are currently limited.

[00:03:37] KRH: Complicated, right? This seems like a scenario that we’re seeing a little bit more of with some of our like pre-retiree clients, just that intersection between nearly adult children, but not quite adult and parents kind of having some needs as well. They both would like to retire over the next couple years. But they are thinking through making sure the children are taken care of, parent needs are also taken care of. They have a fairly large cash position and are not sure if they should leave it in cash or pay off some things. They have that home in Philadelphia that they like, it’s functional, but they’re not sure that this is the forever home where they want to stay indefinitely.

With the kid’s college tuitions, one tuition has is about to start, I think based on the age. One is a little bit further in the future, but they kind of want to see what the 529s are going to cover, and what they can maybe do out of pocket and what they simply can’t do. They’ve asked about long-term care insurance, kind of understanding the premiums and how those could change in the future. They might want to buy a lake cabin, maybe that could be the forever home or the primary residents. If they wanted to retire earlier, they had started at age 65. Could they do it like 62, 63? They’ve got a little bit of debt. They have a car note for their own vehicle, 1.9% interest rate. There’s three years left on that note. They also bought a car for the teenage children, so there is a payment of 545 per month, interest rates 2.25, three years also left on that. Obviously, they made those purchases prior to our current interest rates, or it would be much higher. They also have a reasonable interest rate on their mortgage at 2.75. But it is a pretty recent purchase. So, the amount left on the mortgage is pretty high and that monthly payment is 2,858. So, early in that, and that’s one of their questions.

[00:05:58] TB: So, picking up on the asset side of the of the ledger, Kelly had mentioned that they do have a good amount of savings tucked away. So, 143,000 in a joint savings account, 3,000 in check in, and then another 9,000 in an HAS that’s Jane’s. From a 401(k) perspective, looks like Jane is putting in 11%, which is the max for 2022, 20,500 into her fidelity 401(k) through her employer that’s invested in a target date fund for 2030. Tyra also has a 401(k). She’s putting in 31.5%, which is also max amount of 20,500.

Now, for the two of them, one of the things we’ll talk about that you have a catch up available if they want to do that, but she’s also her Vanguard, she’s in a Vanguard target date 2030. Jane has a Roth IRA. This is from a previous employer. It’s invested in a Vanguard 2030 fund. She’s not contributing anything to that presently. Tyra has a SEP IRA from her previous consulting work as a pharmacist. It’s 100% in the S&P 500. So obviously, there’s some little bit differences there in their allocation. And then they also have a taxable account that they’re putting in about two grand a year, $167 a month into a Vanguard target date 2060 fund.

So, it looks like this is going to be maybe a retirement fund, maybe for the boys. We have to kind of get some clarity on that. They do have a primary home that’s valued at 920,000 versus the 683,000 and change that’s left. And then, looking to potentially, maybe buyout another property that they could transition to. We’ll talk about that in a bit.

Overall, you’re looking at total assets, about 1.9 million, total liabilities of just over 725,000. So, net worth is about $1.25 million. We look at the wealth protection stuff. Jane has an individual policy, 1.5 million that expires at age 65. She also has a group policy through employer which is one-time income 194,000. Tyra has a $750,000 policy that also expires at age 65. And then she also has a onetime group policy through employer which is 65,000. They both have short term and long-term disability through their employer that pays out a 60% benefit for short term and long-term disability. They both have their own professional liability policies. And the estate planning documents are up to date.

But one of the things that they’re not sure of is if Jane’s mother has anything, which obviously can affect their financial plan. From a tax perspective, they use YFP Tax. So, thank you very much for that. They’re concerned about their pretax retirement investments and when Roth conversions might be helpful, so obviously there could be time where they’re maybe sunset into retirement, so they might be in a lower tax bracket. So, it might be beneficial to convert some funds over to the Roth. And then Tyra is willing to work more over the next several years if both can retire early. They’re wondering if they should pay off their debt based on the interest rates, and they also want to make sure that they are maximizing the FASFA for their sons.

So, a lot of stuff to talk about. What are the big things, I guess for you, Kelly, that jump out, that you would want to tackle first with regard to Jane and Tyra?

[00:09:07] KRH: Probably the first two is just like the taxable account, the cash position, like having a good understanding of what they have those in place for. Is it a future expense that’s very short term? Is it something more intermediate where we could do a little bit more with those resources? I do think for the wealth building, probably three of the investments are okay-ish, like the target date funds of 2030. I would want to just double check what’s in those funds, make sure they’re close to the right asset allocation, but the SEP IRA for retirement is a little bit more aggressive than it should be for their age, and I suspect the Vanguard target date 2060 potentially could be as well. That seems to make it seem like it’s for retirement, if it’s in the target date fund, but something that I would agree should be confirmed, for sure. But also, what Jane’s mother’s need is, I think, if some of the cash has been earmarked towards helping with some of her care, that would make a difference in kind of the recommendations for how to best put it to work, short term, midterm or long term.

[00:10:27] TB: My thoughts on the on the estate plan documents. I definitely would run out would want to run those to ground. We had some content about a book about how your parent’s estate planning or lack thereof can really affect your own financial plan. “Mom and Dad, we need to talk.” We can link that into the show notes. But I think that’s a vulnerability, and we want to make sure that that’s lined up. So, we’re not having to sue for conservative ship or do things that, if those documents are in place, are really going to put us in a bind later on.

From an asset allocation perspective, Christina, how would you broach this subject? Because obviously, there’s, Kelly’s point, digging in to fidelity 2030 target date fund, Vanguard target, not all target date funds are created equal. We have one that 2030 is probably a little bit – we’re going to be a little bit more conservative than the S&P 500, or the 2060. So, what would be your process to kind of get them in the right model right now, three to five years from retirement, they’re probably going to want to be the most conservative that they ever want to be. Because if the market dips now, it’s very hard to uncover, and that’s where we have to start having conversations of potentially pushing retirement age back, which is not a fun conversation to have. So, from an asset allocation perspective, how would you tackle that with Jane and Tyra?

[00:11:46] CS: Sure. So, first thing I’d want to look at is taking a deeper dive, like what exactly is built into these target date funds? How are they allocated? Mostly looking at the ratio of equities to bonds. So, someone who’s about three to five years out, they can be a little risky, but we want to see more of the bond exposure. Things starting to dial back, their savings years, so maybe looking more at a 60% equity, 60% to 70%, equity 30% to 40% bond allocation for them. And yeah, and then revisiting the S&P 500, for sure, since that is definitely a lot more aggressive than we would want them to be invested at the moment.

Also, another thing to consider too, Tim is we got to get people thinking too, what does my cash needs? What are those going to look like, as I’m getting closer to retirement? So, yeah, we might have some money earmarked that we could be investing, but we still need to have money set aside for emergency fund. Maybe, as you get closer to the retirement date, like have at least a year or so of cash saved up, that is one thing that we’re considering keeping it in a money market, or high yield savings type of environment as well.

[00:13:06] TB: Yeah, for sure. I mean, I think really looking at our processes to really look at the investments by approaching the client with a risk tolerance and seeing what comes out there. And then kind of comparing that to what we think their risk capacity is. So, risk capacity being like, what is the risk that they should be taking? The risk tolerances, what is the risk that they want to take? And they should be taken to your point, Christine, a lot less risk, because we want to really protect that principle. We don’t want to lose anything, and potentially have to push back the retirement or do something different because of where the markets are going.

So, I think foundationally, making sure that that’s there is going to be really important. And to Kelly, your point, 143,000 in cash money savings is a good chunk of change. Christina, you mentioned like, you didn’t say the bad word, but the bad word would be like, what is the budget had been through retirement, which is going to shape the emergency fund. It’s going to shape a lot of things, what’s the retirement paycheck going to look like? The clarifying questions I would want to have is like, what is that 143,000? Is that to pay Thomas’s tuition next year? Do we run that money through the 529? I don’t see a 529 on the balance sheet. But the benefit that PA residents get from a state tax deduction is pretty generous. I think it’s 16,000 per beneficiary, 30,000, 32,000 per filing jointly.

So, if you can shelter some of that, that would be great. But what is the savings account for? What’s the taxable account for? Is the taxable account, is that earmarked for retirement? They’re in a position right now where I’m assuming Jane, if she’s not beyond 59 and a half, she will be sued. So, all of these 401(k)s, Roth IRAs, SEPs, like they can be accessed and used for whatever purpose so we can use some of that money for things that are other than retirement, but I would just want to clarify, what’s the savings account for, what’s the taxable account for, et cetera, before we kind of get into how to deploy these accounts, and again, making sure that, we need an emergency fund, let’s not invest it in a risky way. But we want to get that yield. I think, high yield savings accounts are now at 3%. You can get CEs at 4%. Even the eye bond is still attractive. I think it’s 6.8% plus a fixed rate at point 4%. So, there’s some liquidity issues there. But that might be a good place to park some dollars. You can put up to $10,000 a year there.

So, Kelly, if they’re asking, are we on track for retirement? How do we best answer that question? I’m a visual learner. So, are there things that we can show the client to kind of model that out a bit? What’s that look like on your end?

[00:15:50] KRH: I think these are very, very good questions that we do get from clients. And we ask clients to work on uploading and linking documents to eMoney. So, it’s a software tool that we use, that can be very helpful and looking at where things are at. Even to answer the question about the 529, they’re not listed on their spreadsheet. But they do have –

[00:16:17] TB: Oh, they do have. Okay, good.

[00:16:19] KRH: – do have them. And actually, they don’t pull across on a balance sheet either. So even when we’re working with eMoney, because they’re technically assets for the beneficiary. So, there are the two 529s in place. And you’re right, that Pennsylvania is quite 529 friendly with the rules. But when we get that question, like, good, not good, like we do a nest egg calculation, but then we can also go in the eMoney and look at goals, just to see overall. I’m going to pick one of the scenarios that they were kind of asking about the retire early. The baseline facts is like, based on now how things look towards retirement, and they originally had an age 65.

So, we’ve got the 65 in here, this 95% would suggest like, looks pretty good for being able to retire at that age. We have a couple expenses embedded in. We’ve got college costs, but we can add in college, I mean, we could probably spend the whole rest of the day and Thanksgiving, turkey dinner, talking about things we can do in eMoney. But just to give a high-level overview, we can enter education as like only the 529s cover that expense or do they want to pay out a cash flow a certain amount to help with that goal. We can enter specific school, so they wanted to see public school, public state school, and they wanted to see a private school just to have a comparable.

So, we’ve added in both of those. From here, I like to look at some cash flow reports, so this gives you a like, this looks reasonable and doable. Even the retire early like looks pretty reasonable, but then it is good to see the layers just to make sure things are input pretty well to reflect what the client wants to accomplish. Do the expenses. Tim, you’re right, spot on, are the expenses accurate for what the client is looking to do? So, we entered in living expenses, their liabilities, going to be the mortgage. They have some other expenses added in so they have car purchases every couple years. This is the 529 expense coming across.

So yeah, we do like to take the information that the client provides. Our data is only as good as what accounts are linked. But then we can go back in and run some of those scenarios too. Can they buy the lake cabin? Now, it’s entered as an additional property, not instead of their primary residence. This is less successful. We do like to see above 80%. I guess, I probably on the conservative side like to see 85 to 90. I think when Christina and I look at scenarios, because there’s things that can happen in between that really do impact. Like this really does not include Jane’s mom. Does a certain amount need to be embedded to help Jane’s mom and what is that amount per year? But we can add that? Is it an extra $1,000 a month for her care? Is it 500? Is it something different? But those are important combo situations like what do Jane and Tyra collaboratively think they can do? The conversation is really important with both of them. They have to be on the same page about what they’re willing and able to do and maybe make tradeoffs about to help in that scenario.

[00:20:19] TB: Yeah. So, for those of you that are listening to this, maybe in the car, don’t necessarily see the visual, if you’re not watching us on YouTube, on our channel, what Kelly is really presenting here is an illustration of what ifs. If we buy a lake house to retire early, what is the probability of success, if we have to use these monies for different goals that we have? Are we still going to have money at the end of our plan?

So, what the tool does is that it uses simulation, it uses 1,000 randomly generated market returns and volatility, called trial rounds to say, okay, 95% or 950 times out of 1,000, there’s going to be money leftover of the plan, and anything above the threshold of 80% or 82%, is good. And typically, if it’s lower, we’re going to adjust the plan as we go to make sure that there is money left over. So, the idea is to keep, there is money, between now and then when you when you pass away.

So, the nice part about this is it allows us to kind of toggle on and off different scenarios, to see how it affects the overall nest egg, so to speak, and provide some math behind it. So, the nice part about this is that, you can kind of talk to the client, and you can talk to Jane, you can talk to Tyra and you say, of all these different things that we’ve extracted from your goals, whether it’s a cabin, or being able to take care of your mom, or retire at this age versus this age, what’s the most important? And then basically turn those on and off to see, okay, once we get to this threshold, then the plan might be in jeopardy and we can adjust from there.

But I think this is great, and a visual perspective, and this is the way I learned. I think, like from a client impact, I think, this is huge. Yeah, this is great modeling Kelly. Christina, when you look at this particular client, at least from some of the models that we’re seeing, are there things that you would want some additional information, whether it is Jane’s mom, or maybe more additional information on what is the goal for the education planning? Is it the put the boys through four years of school? Is there a certain percentage? Are we using some of that? Are we counting on scholarships? Are we counting on debt? What are some of the approaches that you would take with the client to kind of refine this out a bit?

[00:22:39] CS: Yeah. So again, just digging more into the weeds. And to your point with the education. Yes, are they going to be relying strictly on loans? Or are there scholarships involved? Or is it a combination of all three? Are they going to be funding, maybe a third of it, from their cash flow? Some from the 529, others from scholarships?

So, we’d like to see some diversity, so to speak, when it comes to funding college needs, especially if 529 is not going to carry the weight. And then looking at savings and withdrawals for the education expenses, as is it does look like there is going to be a shortfall. So, having more of those conversations, again, what is the 143,000 saved for? Is part of that going to help Thomas and Robert. But then again, looking back at what they had given us with the 529, how is it invested? Kelly, when you had shown us that it looked like it was probably just in the money market at the moment, and I would be more curious to see, well, A, is it linking properly. But B, is it indeed invested? You have to have a good solid allocation in there, if you want that money to work for you, over the period of time they have left.

[00:23:53] TB: And probably a good chunk of that money for Thomas, who’s the 17-year-old should be for a money market. It’s almost like you were saying like you want, maybe, like a year’s worth of cash for retirement. That might be true for the first year or so for tuition. But then the balance of that should be invested. I think Thomas had 45,000. So, a good chunk of that should be either in a balanced fund or something like that. For Robert, who is 14, and he saw us four years until the first year, we probably can be a little bit more aggressive. And then, as we get closer, same thing with retirement, we’re having more of a bond allocation, less of an equity allocation. The money mark is going to do well today just because of inflation, but you’re also being killed by that purchasing power that’s kind of being eroded every year.

So, what Kelly is showing right now on the screen is kind of the shortfall, the projected shortfall for the education expenses and it basically showing us what percent is underfunded, which is not necessarily a bad thing. We kind of talked about the rule of 33% and where we want, if we’re saving for a kid, a kid’s college, and we don’t really know what our goal is, it might be okay, we’re going to try to get x amount into a 529, pay x amount from , in that year, that’s the salary in that year for college. And then maybe the last third comes from scholarships, student loans, et cetera.

So, this is kind of showing us what has been underfunded so we can kind of plan for that and know what to do, so great stuff. Kelly, can you shift back to the case study real quick, I want to have a discussion that we really haven’t had much discussion on. We talked about Social Security in the past, I think, again, pulling their statements is going to be really important to see where they’re at. But I really want to talk a little bit more about the long-term care, and then Medicare decisions. So, walk me through, how would we approach those? Obviously, these are two things that, I think, there’s a lot of kind of negative press around long-term care insurance. It shouldn’t be something that we sell fund. What is long term care insurance? Why do I need it? So, I guess, let’s start there, how would we approach this particular risk that Jane and Tyra have to their financial plan?

[00:26:12] KRH: I will admit, it is a little bit newer territory for us, like typically, with our client base, we’re not having a ton of conversations about an immediate need. So, we have done some work recently, just to be better educated and to kind of get up to speed on some of the products. So recently, talking through kind of two products. One is a pretty traditional, like, pay a premium, get a policy, and it covers a certain amount of care per day, calculated out on an annual basis. And one of the biggest issues with those policies is like premium goes up. We had some education that I found to be very concerning, and enlightening, just so we know the premiums can go up. But with state regulations, there’s not a ton of regulation on how much the premiums can go up. So, that’s one of the challenges is like, if you buy a policy, you have it for like 10 years, your age 75, and the premium goes up and it becomes unaffordable. Pay 10 years into it, but you have to stop, that’s a concern.

So then, there’s a hybrid product that has some insight into that premium piece, but also provides a death benefit. Because the other concern is you never need the long-term care. You’ve paid for this premium, you have, unfortunately, a death event, without any care happening, and all that money has not been allocated anywhere else. So, there are some things out there. I think that’s kind of one of the things we’ve been working through, is understanding those policies, and then write the comparable, like many insurance products, is like if you paid for it out of pocket and funded it yourself. So, kind of running some scenarios like, that’s one of the things we started to build out, and that eMoney scenario was, if you take the premium and put it away, like how much could that grow? Because it seems like the premium, happy medium timeframe is like age 60 to 65 to start a premium then.

But again, a lot of things that we are learning about too, because there’s been a lot of movement. I think there used to be the person that was talking with us about it, like thousands of long-term care providers, like insurance providers, and it’s down to a very small quantity now, so a lot has changed.

[00:28:46] TB: Yeah, when I was first getting into the industry, it was that and it was tons of providers, premiums going up. I think the industry didn’t have enough information, because this is kind of a newer product, and some of these policies were priced, not correctly. They were – I think it was like low interest rate environment, which makes it makes it tough for them. People are living longer, or they’re alive longer with conditions that pay out a policy, because our medicine is better. I think though that, we’ve kind of gone through the burst of the bubble. I think a lot more of these policies have stabilized. I think you can still see increases I think the hybrid model is good in a sense that there are – it’s guaranteed, so your premium is fixed. Whereas, that’s not necessary for long term.

To back up, for those that are thinking like what are we talking about, long-term care, really what it is, it’s a broad range of skilled custodial and other types of care that’s provided over an extended period of time, due to things like chronic illness, physical disability or some cognitive of impairment. And the scary number of this is like roughly 60% of Americans are going to need some type of like long-term care in their life, and I think that number is continuing to go up. So, this is where, I think, a lot of people think of like nursing home, and that’s not we’re really talking about. I think the idea behind aging in place and keeping you in the home, as long as possible. 

So, if you are getting older, and you’re starting to have problems bathing or dressing or with personal hygiene or eating, you would have someone come in and help and aide. For a lot of people, it’s a family member, or it’s a spouse, which can take a toll on their own mental, physical and financial health. I think, my perspective on this is evolving, but I think that studies have shown that couples, when they look at this type of care, are willing to spend, on average, in the range of $2,500 to $3,000 per year to get some type of policy, and you can get pretty decent coverage by doing that. I think it’s establishing a baseline at least to cover like home care. So, to have somebody come into the house and 80% of care that is provided through these policies, is homecare.

I think conversation, is what really what we need with Jane and Tyra. I think it’s to kind of demystify it a little bit, maybe not make it as scary as I’ve been led to believe or has seen. Because this is a major risk, like if you can – this can be a major drain on the financial plan if you don’t have that large reserve of cash or investments, or a policy in place. So, I think it’s important to kind of get in front of it, and just have a have a good conversation and at least have a baseline policy for homecare, I think would be a good starting point. And then see like, what are the social like, is Thomas, is Robert, are they going to be a safety net? Or my dad always says, “Just put me on the ice float and give me the Eskimo retirement.” That’s kind of what he’s looking for.

But I think, some of the social networks that you have, in terms of talking through this is going to be important as well.

Christina, how about Medicare? What’s your take on this? Obviously, they’re a couple years away from enrolling in Medicare. But how do you approach this with Jane and Tyra in terms of how that works?

[00:32:21] CS: Yeah, so I think it’s just giving them a high-level approach to what to expect like a year in advance. So, when you reach age 65, the window opens up three months before their 65th birthday, and they have until three months after their 65th birthday. So, in essence, is a seven-month period. You can go in, enroll your Part A, Part B, if necessary. Most of times, it will be, because if you’re retiring, you’re going to be off of your employer’s medical plan, and you may not have to worry about correlating benefits at that point. So, it’s really not that scary. And then, on an annual basis, once they are involved with Medicare, there’s ways you can change up your plan or your drug plan as you need to, and there are resources and people to help you with that.

[00:33:12] TB: Yeah, the enrollment period is going to be super important, right? It’s typically three months before you’re 65, and then three months after you turn 65, so it’s like a seven-month enrollment period for initial. You want to do that so you’re not penalized later, that can happen, so you don’t want to blow through that enrollment period. I think that you get a ton of mailers for that to remind you.

But I think the big decision from there is like do I do Original Medicare A and B? Or do I do a Medicare Advantage plan which is a kind of more like private insurance HMO that Medicare reimburses for on a per participant basis? There’s I think, hundreds of plan Ds, which is the prescription. Do you get a Medigap policy with Original Medicare? There are so many things that go into this. And that’s going to go into like, what’s your view on, do you want convenience? Most providers will accept Medicare insurance, but it’s not necessarily as simple as maybe like a Medicare Advantage. If you’re going to be a snowbird, like if they decide, “Hey, we’re going to buy this cabin, but we also want to buy a place in Florida.” Having care coordinated between those two, if you’re in a Medicare Advantage is more like an HMO. So, if you’re out of network, that can be problematic.

There’s lots of different things that go into this. At the end of the day, this is probably one of the bigger concerns, I think, that people have is like, what does this look like? If there is a gap, if they decide to retire before age 65, what do they do? Is that something like Cobra? Does the employer offer anything that’s becoming more and more of a dinosaur feature of late? The other thing that we didn’t mention that, Christina, we were talking about off mic was like, even long-term care insurance, I think we’re seeing that show up on an employer benefit. So, really taking a look at that and what’s provided there. The big things with long-term care, just to circle back to that is like, when we’re looking at this, what is the monthly benefit that we’re targeting? If we are trying to cover home care, you can – Christina was telling me about this awesome calculator that you can find at your state, this is what it costs. So, it’s 5,000, it’s 6,000, like, we’re going to target that. What’s your deductible period? So, that’s the elimination period or the time you have to wait before you have benefits. So, a lot. It’s just like disability insurance, a lot of them are built as 90 days. How long is the benefit going to pay out? And then like, do you want an inflation rider?

So, to circle back on those things, those are the conversations we’re going to having concert of like, what do we do with Medicare? If there is a gap in Medicare, what do we do, et cetera? But I think Kelly, the only other thing that we probably should discuss briefly, that the client brought up, I think this is the one thing that I have outstanding here is the debt. So, one, is should they be concerned about the amount of mortgage debt? Should they use some of that cash set savings for the car note and pay it off? Obviously, interest rates have moved a lot, over the last year or two. So, what would be your answer to that question? Obviously, we probably need some more context with what’s going on in different parts of the plan. But how would you approach that with them?

[00:36:07] CS: Right, so it is interesting, like, I think just baseline, high level, the mortgage, usually, it’s more desirable to not have a mortgage in retirement to have the cash flow be less. But I am intrigued by like, this is not the forever home. It’d be nice to know, well, like how long? When would the transition take place to either a smaller home or to that cabin? We see a lot of people talk about being expats too, which is kind of interesting, depending on what happens with Jane’s mom and the kids in college, is that on the radar as well? 

So, like the mortgage, I feel like normally would be a priority to not have on the table. But in this case, I don’t have as much of a concern about it, if there is a potential for a transition that we can talk through, to see what is affordable. Is the 2858, is that affordable in retirement with the rest of the expenses? The cars, I would say that interest rates are lower, which is good. I wonder if maybe the kiddos would like to contribute and pay off if they’re going to eventually take ownership of the car. I feel like having the kids have some type of responsibility, some piece of the puzzle that they have to take care of, whether it’s paying part of their car insurance, definitely upkeep, maintenance gas. I personally think it’s an important piece for them to feel some type of responsibility. So, I guess I’d be curious as to their student jobs and the college, and can they help take care of the one vehicle. I guess, I’d be inclined to maybe pay off the other depending on what the other goals with the cash flow is.

[00:38:03] TB: Yeah, mathematically, I wouldn’t be in a rush to pay off the notes if you can get 3% in a high yield and both these notes are 1.92, 2.25, doesn’t necessarily make sense. But some of that is just kind of peace of mind to clear the balance sheet on the liability side. But the mortgage is I think the bigger one, the bigger shoe that we’d have to figure out, like how it’s going to drop because there’s some equity in the primary home, what it’s valued at, versus the mortgage. My big thing is if they buy the cabin, they would have essentially two mortgages, that if they sold the primary house, they could pay off the original mortgage and maybe apply some of that back to the cabin. It’s just a matter of like, what’s their comfort level in terms of carrying a mortgage debt into their 70s, 80s, et cetera.

So, there’s nothing concerning about, I think they’re on a fixed rate for the mortgage, so it’s not like it’s a variable rate or an arm or anything they have to worry about, but it’s just kind of the comfort level and then how is that, to your point, that 2858 go into play on a fixed income when we’re talking about generating a paycheck from Social Security, from the retirement assets and maybe any part time work or whatever they’re doing, so that would be the main concern.

What did I miss guys? I feel like we covered a lot of ground here. This was great. This is a great case study. Did we did we miss any question?

[00:39:30] CS: FAFSA, Tim, which is –

[00:39:31] TB: Oh, yeah.

[00:39:33] CS: I mean, it’s mostly income in the formula and probably like that cash might be a little bit of – if you’re planning to use it for college expenses, like running it through the 529. Yeah, I guess if they retired, there’s the two-year look back period. So, at least Thomas would be pretty well through school. I think by the time, if they retired, but they might have an impact on Robert’s last year or last two years. But we get questions about maximizing the FAFSA and again, with the income being the biggest component, we don’t know what the kids’ assets are, those aren’t entered in the eMoney, usually don’t ask about those. But I guess I’d inquire about those too, make sure if they have an UGMA and UTMA that they spend those down first before the 529s, since they count different in the formula.

[00:40:34] TB: I think one of the things that I would say is I think some sometimes people are, because of the formula, they detract it from putting money into the 529. But I think, having that pot of money there that’s grown tax free, if it’s used for education expenses, is more valuable than I think not doing it because you think that the FAFSA equation is going to change.

So, just like, what we talked about, sometimes people do weird things that are out of character because they’re trying to like save on taxes. If going to college is a big part of the plan for your kiddos, the 529 is going to be one of the best – it’s depending on your state, but it’s going to be one of the better vehicles to do that and I wouldn’t let the FAFSA formula detract anybody from doing that. But I think, yeah, probably looking at some of those assets. I know you can also put assets in. I think grandparents’ name, and I think that doesn’t necessarily capture in the equation. So, definitely something that we want to look at as we’re tackling the other parts of the financial plan, so good stuff guys. I appreciate the chat here. I think very, very productive. And yeah, just look forward to doing more of these in the future and thanks for lending your opinion and how this client is shaping out. So, enjoy the holiday.

[00:41:55] KRH: Thank you.

[00:41:56] CS: You too. Thanks.

[00:41:57] TB: All right, take care.


[00:41:58] TU: As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and it is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

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YFP 275: How to Build a Retirement Paycheck (Retirement Planning)

How to Build a Retirement Paycheck (Retirement Planning)

In the fourth episode of the four-part series on retirement planning, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, and Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, discuss how to build a retirement paycheck.

Episode Summary

In this week’s episode, Your Financial Pharmacist Co-founders Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, and Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, wrap up our four-part retirement planning series by discussing how to build a retirement paycheck. Highlights from the show include a discussion on retirement income planning and how social security claiming strategies fit into retirement income planning. Three critical issues addressed include how to replace your paycheck with your retirement income that meets your retirement expense needs, how to plan for large one-time expenditures in retirement, and how to mitigate the risks one faces in retirement. Tim Baker shares three approaches to building a retirement paycheck, The Flooring Strategy, The Bucket Strategy, and The Systematic Withdrawal Strategy. Tim dives into the theory behind each and how to put them to use in your retirement planning. When it comes to retirement, the value of a financial planner throughout the timeline of your life is tremendous, not just in the accumulation phase of your retirement planning. It is valuable to take stock of where you are now regarding the social security statement, cash flow, budget, and net worth, in addition to plans for retirement. Tim Baker explains how life planning plays an integral role in retirement planning, often ahead of financial planning to build the retirement lifestyle you envision with a paycheck to match. 

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Episode Transcript


[00:00:00] TU: Hey, everybody. Tim Ulbrich here, and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast, where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. 

On this week’s episode, Tim Baker and I wrap up our four-part retirement planning series by discussing how to build a retirement paycheck. Highlights from the show include discussing what retirement income planning is, three key issues when determining a retirement income plan, how Social Security fits into retirement income planning, and three different approaches to use or consider using when building a retirement paycheck.

Before we jump into the show, I recognize that many listeners may not be aware of what the team at YFP Planning does in working one-on-one with more than 250 households in 40-plus states. YFP Planning offers fee-only high-touch financial planning that is customized to the pharmacy professional. If you’re interested in learning more about how working one-on-one with a certified financial planner may help you achieve your financial goals, you can book a free discovery call by visiting yfpplanning.com. Whether or not YFP Planning’s financial planning services are a good fit for you, know that we appreciate your support of this podcast and our mission to help pharmacists achieve financial freedom. 

Okay, let’s jump into my conversation with certified financial planner, Tim Baker. 


[00:01:17] TU: Hey, everyone. Welcome to this week’s episode of the YFP Podcast. We are on our fourth and final part of our series on retirement planning. On episode 272, we talked about determining how much is enough, building that nest egg. Episode 273, we discussed the alphabet soup of retirement accounts. What are the different options or at least the tax favored accounts that we’ll focus on potentially? Then last week on episode 274, we talked about risk tolerance versus risk capacity and determining or beginning to determine our asset allocation plan. 

So this week, we’re going to talk about how to build a retirement paycheck. Ultimately, we’re at the point where we’ve accrued that nest egg we established at the very beginning, and the question is now what, right? How are we going to distribute those funds and ultimately replace what was our W2 income and be able to replace that with the various investments and buckets of savings that we’ve accrued over the years? 

So Tim, this feels like an overlooked topic and one that is not often discussed. You recently shared with me that, really, up until more recently, it has not even been foundational in the Certified Financial Planner training. So why is that the case with what appears to be such an important topic?

[00:02:28] TB: I think it’s kind of rooted in for a long time, the predominant advisor that was out there was – I’m not going to say an advisor was a broker. So when you work with a financial advisor back in the day, it was kind of more to transact investment trades. So it was you calling your broker and saying like, “Hey, I like this stock,” or, “I like this mutual fund,” or whatever. Like, “What do you think?” Then that would be the exchange. Really, it was more about placing the orders than kind of looking at something more comprehensively. 

The problem, though, is that even like in the CFP’s like curriculum, I feel like most of it is really geared around the accumulation stage of like gathering assets, and this is how to understand modern portfolio theory in investment, all that kind of stuff. But it’s kind of like when you get to the end, it’s like, “Okay, now what?” Like, “What do you –” We have these buckets of money that are separated between a Roth IRA a 401(k). You might have money in a pension. 

What we’re really trying to figure out is like, okay, how do we convert these pools of money into a steady, sustainable retirement paycheck that’s going to last the rest of your life? It’s really hard to do. It’s really hard to do. Again, like, I’ve worked with firms where the conversation is, “Hey, Tim. You’re the client. We’re going into 2023. What do you need next year?” I think that like if you’re in that relationship of like you’re kind of just advising on stocks or investments, maybe that holds up. 

But I think like what we’re seeing, like if I’m the client, the first question I would ask to that question was like, “Well, what can I take?” Like, “What can I take, so I don’t run out of money,” advice. Or like –

[00:04:19] TU: Shift of conversations. Yup.

[00:04:20] TB: Yeah. Tell me that like. It’s nice that – That’s kind of like what we talked about in previous episode is like investments are really important. But I think if you’re working with someone comprehensively, it shifts more to like, okay, what are the investments and less about the tactical and more about the strategic approach of like, “Okay, now that we’ve accumulated all these assets, like how can we do this with the mountain risks that we face?” 

Because one of the really hard parts about this, Tim, is like you could live to your 72 or you can live to your 102. We have no idea. 

[00:04:54] TU: That’s right. Yeah. 

[00:04:55] TB: Without that major variable of like the duration of the plan, which is connected to your life, super hard, right? So I think the industry is changing, where it’s trying to equip advisors with more tools and more education around this shift from the accumulation phase to withdrawal phase and really have meaningful conversations with clients because this is only going to get more important, right? The data says that roughly 10,000, baby boomers turn age 65 every day, and half of them have never really calculated where they’re at with what they need to maintain their lifestyle. 

So it is kind of a little bit of like flying by the seat of your pants. Like I said, it’s just a complex thing. If you’re looking at how do we convert assets to income streams while keeping the tax man in mind, and those income streams could be Social Security. It could be working part-time in retirement. How does that affect your Social Security paycheck? It could be distributed money from a 401(k) or a taxable account or a Roth IRA. There’s very strict ways you should do that to maximize your taxes or minimize your taxes, I should say. 

It could be a pension or like you convert part of that bucket of money into an annuity, along with – We’ll talk about that more with the flooring strategy. How does your home play a part in this? A lot of people kind of discount the home, even when that’s going to be the biggest expense of any retiree is your home. That’s typically at any phase of retirement, except for maybe like old old, where it might be more of a health – Those people that are kind of 90s plus is more medical expensive. 

So it is a complex thing to basically tackle, and you wouldn’t think it would be that hard because a lot of people are like, “Oh, $1,000,000. Four percent, $40,000. We’re good.” Kind of wipe your hands of it, and you’re good to go. But it’s a lot more complicated than that.

[00:06:59] TU: Yeah. I think it’s a good reminder, and I’m glad we’re digging into this topic, really, for the first time in detail. I think we’ve certainly spent a lot of time on the show talking about the accumulation phase. But to your point, we very much tend to oversimplify this, right? You need 3.2 in a nest egg. Or you need – Based on the four percent rule, you can draw so much per year. 

Well, what about all the various asset pools that are out there, right? What about your home, whether you’re going to work at all during retirement? How does that impact how and when you withdraw? What about all the tax strategies? What about taxable accounts versus tax-deferred accounts? I mean, just so many different layers to consider here. Then, obviously, Social Security is another one to put on top of that as well. 

So important that we’re thinking not only about the accumulation but also what’s the strategy and the optimization. I think this is another great example where like, in my opinion, obviously, bias, like the value of a financial planner is a lifelong journey. So early on, we’re working on accumulation, getting started, really understanding our options and our vehicles, doing it at a tax-efficient way. 

Here, we’re talking about a whole another host of things that when you look at advisor fees and other things that are involved, like if done well, the return on investment there is very strong, not only numerically in terms of tax saving optimization, but also in terms of having that third party, having somebody affirming and making sure that you’re feeling comfortable and confident in the distribution of all the hard work you’ve done to accumulate along the way.

[00:08:30] TB: Yeah. I think the big thing that I would say along those lines is that I think the difference between advisors today and then advisors of your, like it’s more of a collaborative process. Before, it might be like, “Hey, what do you need?” Or this is like what you get type of thing. Whereas more it’s coming from like a place of like what’s going on and like what are the things that are going on in your life and then basically constructing that from that approach. 

I think it is more of a collaborative approach versus like us saying this is what it is or waving our finger or whatever. So like I think that’s a big distinction to make too. 

[00:09:12] TU: Tim, what are some of the key issues? So here we’re talking about retirement income planning. Ultimately, we’re discussing how to build this retirement paycheck. What are some of the key issues that folks need to be thinking about when it comes to building this retirement income and planning for this?

[00:09:29] TB: Yeah. So the three big things that are out there are how do you replace a paycheck with kind of a stable source of income to meet your basic retirement expenses, which, again, can be a tough thing to figure out because you snap your fingers, Tim, and like you’re not going to work. So like how are you spending your day? 

For some people, it might be you’re just sitting in a room because your spouse is still working. For other people, it’s like your guys are both retired. So it’s like, “Hey, school’s out.” You’re kind of throwing your books in the air. You’re traveling. You’re dining out. You’re doing all those things that you didn’t do. So like maybe your expenses go up. 

So I think sitting down and looking at like what does retirement look like for you and trying to sketch out. We talked about budgets with clients, younger clients, and like they don’t go away like because like a big part of this equation is like how much you’re going to spend. So how do we give you a paycheck that’s going to meet your basic retirement expenses, number one? 

The second thing is how do you plan for those one time, large, large expenditures that are planned? So that might be like a car purchase, like big vacations. It could be –

[00:10:42] TU: Second properties, right?

[00:10:43] TB: Second property. It could be paying for a son or a daughter’s wedding. Like those types of things are big. Then the last part is like how do we start to not inoculate but mitigate the risks that you face in retirement. The risks are many. There’s lots of potential potholes that are out there that can trip you up. One is like life expectancy. We don’t know how long you’re going to live. So a lot of people, they base their Social Security decision making on, “Well, my uncle died at this age, and my dad died at this age, and I’m just going to take it,” which is typically not – 

Sometimes, it’s advisable. But sometimes, it’s not because the other thing that we have to remember is that in Social Security, your spouse gets the larger of the benefit that you’re collecting. So if I claim early because my life expectancy in my mind is lower, my benefit is going to be reduced. But it still might be better for me to wait and defer, so that benefit grows. So then like maybe I collected for four or five years, but then Shea would get that when I kick the bucket. 

So those are things that people just don’t think about. So life expectancy, big risk. Inflation. So sources of retirement income need to increase at the same rate as the cost of goods and services, which right now is tough, right? Because we were seeing a spike in inflation. So how do we combat that, the inflation, and how do we how do we make sure that the – So that’s another reason that Social Security is great because it gets cost of living adjustments every year, most years, that keeps pace with inflation. Most products out there do not. Even if you buy an annuity on the street, Social Security is going to beat that every single time. 

The other one is a death of a spouse. So income needs don’t necessarily go in half when your spouse dies. So how do we – Is that looking at things like insurance or second to die policies? The things like that to make sure that you are okay that you had two Social Security income streams, and now you only have one. It’s the greater one. But like how do we plan for that? 

Health care. So we know that’s increasing exponentially. How do we plan for that long-term care? So this is the possibility of needing care for those everyday activities like eating and bathing and using the bathroom, those types of things. I think the majority of people, they use family members. But do you buy a policy to help with that?

Investment returns. We talked about, Tim, the stock market is volatile. Fixed income portfolios, which are often retirement portfolios because we want more of that safety in principle, like those things changes over time. So right now, it’s probably good to look at things that have something with inflation tied into that. 

Then probably the last one, which I think is the most dangerous one, is the sequence of returns risk. So this is the risk of receiving a lower or negative returns early in your retirement when withdrawals are made. That’s what I talked about last episode. If your portfolio goes from a $1 million to $600,000, and then you’re taking 40,000 or 50,000 dollars a year out of that, it’s almost impossible to overcome both of those. 

So that’s where it goes back to like is your asset allocation right when you get into that eye of the storm before retirement. If it isn’t, maybe the hardest conversation that we have to have is like we have to wait for the market to recover because, ultimately, you might have to go back to work anyway if you go out and then you have to go back because we just don’t have enough money to sustain you for the rest of your life. 

So those are probably not all of the risks that are out there, Tim, but a good amount of the risk that you’re facing as you’re kind of saying, “Okay, how do I take this pot of money that I have and make it last for the next 30 years or so?”

[00:14:40] TU: Yeah. The example of that last one, Tim, the sequence of returns, I think about folks that have retired in the last, what, 12 to 24 months, right? If there wasn’t kind of a change of asset allocation in the eye of the storm, as you talk about. Some folks might be feeling that in the moment, right? I saw the portfolio drop significantly, and maybe that did or did not change. If they had more than enough saved, maybe that didn’t matter as much. But maybe that means going back to work for a little bit of time or elongating the timeline to retirement. 

Again, so important that we’re really planning this from beginning, all the way through the actual withdrawal phases.

[00:15:15] TB: Yeah. One thing to note is that sometimes this is out of your control, like when you’re going to retire. Sometimes, it’s like –

[00:15:22] TU: That’s right. 

[00:15:23] TB: When there is a downturn in the market, it’s also because the economy is bad. So companies could be looking to either get you out the door or force retirement, and that can be really, really bad for your – I talk to my dad a lot. Like his company was bought by another company, and he was kind of winding down. But he was not ready to retire yet. But he was kind of duplicitous. They’re like, “Hey, you’re kind of on the chopping block here.” 

So that is the other thing is like sometimes we assume. Just like what I was talking about, some people assume they’re going to die early, so they take – Most of the time, they like outlive what they think. But the other part of that is we assume that like when I asked you the question, “Hey, Tim, like when do you want to retire,” and you say, “Hey, I will retire at full retirement age.” For us, it’s 67. That that’s actually going to be an option. 

[00:16:12] TU: In our decision, right? Yup. 

[00:16:14] TB: Yeah. Sometimes, it’s either because of job, or it’s because of the health of yourself or a family member that causes you to retire earlier than you expected. Something like 40% of people kind of fall into that bucket.

[00:16:29] TU: That’s a good point and a good reminder. Before we get too deep into talking a little bit more about Social Security and then specifically three different approaches and strategies to build your retirement paycheck, I want to reference folks to a resource that they can use to download, follow along with some of the discussion, as well as provide some other information. That resource is What Should I Consider Before I Retire. It talks about some of the considerations around cash flow, assets and debt, health care and insurance, tax planning, long-term planning, and other topics as well. You can download that at yourfinancialpharmacist.com/retire. Again, yourfinancialpharmacist.com/retire. 

Tim, we can’t go too far into this topic without talking about Social Security. You’ve dabbled in it a little bit already. We talked about it in episode 242, which was Social Security 101, history, how it works, why it matters. One of the most common questions for good reasons is when. When should I begin to withdraw or begin to have access to Social Security? We all know. We’ve heard it before that the difference is significant between if we take it early at 62 or we wait until the age of 70. 

So give us some more information here on why this is such an important topic, what the differences can be in those numbers, and obviously the role that Social Security can play and will play likely in building retirement paycheck.

[00:17:47] TB: Yeah. I would even back up before we even talk about that, Tim, because I think it’s going to play into this. I think it’s kind of like people want to talk about like, “Oh, what do you think about this like stock or this investment or whatever?” I’m like, “I don’t know. Where are you at? Where are you going?” 

So I think the first thing, even before we talk about Social Security, is to take stock of those two things. Where are we at, and where are we going? So like, to me, I think the two biggest things to look at, and Social Security is part of this, is look at your Social Security statement. I’ve done this recently. You can go on to socialsecurity.gov and put in your Social Security number and create an account. It’ll basically pull up your benefits estimate. So like it’ll say – Like for me, if I retire early, like this is the benefit that I get, 2,200 bucks. If I retire at full retirement age, for me, it’s 67, my benefit’s 3,300 bucks. Then if I wait till 70, which you get deferral credits, 4,220. 

[00:18:54] TU: Wow, big difference. 

[00:18:55] TB: Yeah. Socialsecurity.gov is actually pretty – They have some good calculators and like – So it’s pretty decent. So I would say like take stock of where you’re at, which means looking at the Social Security statement, looking at your cash flow statement, i.e. budget, like what’s that look like? Then the big one is the net worth statement. So what are the assets? What are the liabilities? 

From there, I think we have a conversation of like where are we going. I think that’s like when do you want to retire. Some people might be like, “I want to work forever.” Some people are – They’re like, “Now. I want to retire now. I’m 45. I want to retire now.” So I think going through some of those exercises, like I’m a huge proponent of life planning. It’s like changed my life. But actually sitting down – I think so much of the emphasis on retirement is kind of this oasis of like, “I’ve made it. I have some type of financial independence. My calendar is back, and it’s like this destination.” But it’s really more of an ongoing journey of, okay, so you wake up. The retirement party’s over. You just got back from your Hawaii trip to celebrate your retirement. What are you doing? Are you by yourself? Is your spouse still working? Like how are you spending your day? 

So actually write down like what is an ideal schedule. What are the things that are still on your – Things that if you were to die today or tomorrow that you have left undone. What are the things that you’re passionate about? So sometimes, unfortunately, our passions might not necessarily align with like our ability to earn and make money. So sometimes, those things are left for retirement to say, “Hey, I always want to volunteer to do this,” or, “I always wanted to help kids here,” or whatever. 

So I think really having a plan for that. Because to be honest, like the finances are almost – They’re not almost. They are. The finances are secondary. The financial plan in retirement is secondary to like the life plan in retirement because so much of our identity is tied up in our job as director of pharmacy here or pharmacy manager or whatever it is. That it’s hard for us to like wake up one day and be like, “Okay, I’m not that person anymore.” Well, you are that person. You’re just not working in that job anymore. 

But it’s even hard for spouses too because so much of your time is at work, right? So kind of to relearn and do – That’s a real thing. A lot of retirees struggle with addiction, with depression, with kind of like a loss of sense of self and things like that, that I think needs to be addressed. More and more people are talking about this, which is good. So I think like once you get an idea of like, “Hey, where are we at numbers wise and like where are we going life planning-wise,” then I think it’s really important to start getting to things like Social Security and claiming strategies and things like that. 

So to answer your question, Tim, I think that it is one of the most important, if not the most important, decision that you make in building out your retirement plan. Actually, Morningstar did a study that said that – So I think it was based on working with an advisor. It helps you with better decision making can increase your retirement income by 37%. Nine percent of that, which is the highest one, was the Social Security claiming strategy. Of the 37%, 9% of that was that alone. 

You could see, when I rattled off my numbers, 2,200, 3,300, 4,200, that’s a huge difference. For so many people, for a long time, they’ve looked at it as like a breakeven. So they say like, “Okay. If I take 2,200 versus the 3,300, then I have to live to this age to breakeven on what I would be given up.” The problem with that is that the biggest risk that Social Security combats is longevity, meaning that your money doesn’t run out. So if a good chunk of your income is coming from Social Security, which gets cost of living adjustments and never runs out because it’s backed by the full faith and credit of the US government, like that’s huge. 

It really doesn’t matter if you leave some money on the table. But even in most cases, that calculation is typically early 80s for a lot of people. So unless you are thinking that you’re going to live less than that, and you don’t have a spouse because we talked about the spouse gets the higher benefit, then maybe you look at that. But it really needs to be looked at from I think more of an insurance. Like a safety perspective is when you’re looking at that. 

As we said, 78% is basically the amount of your Social Security benefit increases each year from age 62 to 70. So what that means is that every year you defer, you get a 7% increase, a raise in your retirement paycheck. So if you think about that as a working person, if I can lock in seven or eight percent as a raise for eight years, like that’s huge. But for whatever reason, we look at this as like, “If I don’t take this as soon as possible, I’m going to lose out. I’m not going to get the money back.” I think it’s a framing of the decision that we have to relook at. 

So I think the big thing here is like it’s kind of getting away from the water cooler. I think a lot of people claim benefits as soon as possible. I think it’s sometimes greatly influenced by family members, coworkers. It’s the same thing we say with like student loans, where people are like, “Oh, my classmates are doing this.” I’m like, “You’re not your classmates. You have your own financial plan. You do you type of thing.” 

Sources of income in your retirement paycheck do not have an inflation protection as Social Security does. So that’s also hugely important, especially in the times that we’re living in right now. So I think the steps to optimize your claiming strategies, one is to educate yourself. Determine what your benefit is and the implications of claiming at different ages, which means pulling your statement. 

I think that before you even get there, Tim, this is kind of in the get organized of like where are we at. One of the things that you’ll see on your statement is like all of your years. So it looks at 30 years, 35 years, I should know this, of earnings. You can actually say like, “Okay, this is right or this is wrong.” So if you have a beef with what they’re reporting, then you can basically say, “Hey, let me pull my 2008 return.” I can say I actually didn’t make 100,000. I made 150,000, and that will change your benefit. So that’s also a big thing. 

Then take the steps to figure out what is the best solution for you in terms of claiming, and that’s going to be so huge with kind of a jumping off point of how you’re going to build your retirement paycheck.

[00:25:34] TU: Tim, can you read your numbers again? I think those were really powerful. So you gave the early full retirement. I’m looking at mine as well, but they’re skewed a little bit because I worked at universities for a while, where I wasn’t contributing to Social Security, so much lower. But you gave your early number, your full 60 to 67. Then you’re delayed. What were those numbers?

[00:25:52] TB: So my early at 62 is $2,211. If I were to wait until my full retirement age, which for me is 67. Anybody that’s born after 1960, I think, the benefit goes to $3,325.

[00:26:15] TU: So almost a little over 1,000 more. Okay. Then what about 70?

[00:26:18] TB: Then at age 70, the benefit goes to $4,220, and there’s no benefit to defer past that. That’s the range, so again – It’s getting better. People are most – You can see like people are delaying claiming now, which I think it means more people are educated about this. But I think for a majority of the people that are out there – Even if I don’t work, my plan is to not to claim Social Security until and unless barring some unforeseen things, is I’m going to be claiming that 70, and I’m going to collect – Again, this will change between now and then because my earnings will change. 

[00:26:58] TU: Numbers will change. Yup. 

[00:27:00] TB: But you can see the impact is huge. Again, the other thing to remind ourselves is that this is inflation-protected. So at the end of this year, retirees are going to get a major bump in their retirement paychecks because of how inflation has been this year. Whereas if you buy a commercial annuity on the street, so you say, “Hey, I’m going to take $200,000, and it’s going to be paying me a paycheck,” you might get some type of like 2% or 3%, which you’re going to pay a lot of money for. 

[00:27:30] TU: I get 9%, though, when inflation’s up. 

[00:27:32] TB: No, new. So that is off. That’s another thing. Again, it doesn’t really hit home for a lot of pre-retirees or even before that because like the world is your oyster, right? Like when you’re accumulating, you can always earn more money. But like for retirees, especially if they can’t work, which it’s a fixed income, so if you can make a greater percentage of your retirement check Social Security that is inflation-protected, it’s just going to greatly improve your longevity. To mitigate longevity risks in the money running out.

[00:28:12] TU: So in your example, there’s round numbers, about $2,000 difference between your early and your delayed, 62 and 70. So just some rough math. So $2,000 a year, I’m looking at eight years difference between 62 and 70. So basically, if you were to take it at 62, by the time you got to 70, there’d be a little over 16,000, 17,000 dollars that you wouldn’t have otherwise had if you delayed, right?

Now, if you wait and delay till 70 and it’s 2,000 extra per month, you can kind of see the math there of how many years it’ll take to essentially breakeven, right? Now, what we’re not including there is, obviously, the inflation component. Someone could argue, “Hey. Well, there’s an opportunity cost. If you pull money earlier, you could do other things with those.” But again, it goes to really show the difference and how if we’re planning early on, as we’re working on our nest egg kind of coming full circle where you started the series, if we’re planning for a delayed withdrawal from Social Security, well, then we’re going to be able to mitigate that feeling or need at 62 of, “Hey, I’ve got –” Or whatever the age would be for individuals that I got to have this money at this point in time. 

[00:29:21] TB: Wade Pfau, who is the professor of retirement income at the American College of Financial Services, one of the things he stated, because I’m going through a certification for retirement income certified professional, his quote is, “Deferring Social Security is the cheapest annuity money can buy.” So he’s done that study, where from 62 to 70, and then if you take that money and you were buying annuity, like it’s not even close. So you could do it like, hey, if you were to invest this for eight years, but it’s not even close like to basically do a one for one if you were to buy like an annuity on the street. 

That’s the big thing here because, again, if you put the money in the market, if you’re putting into an S&P 500, you’re risking that money, and it goes back to the sequence of returns. If you’re eight years and you needed that money, it’s going to be very, very conservative. You’re not going to be able to get the return. So you’re talking about a seven to eight percent raise for yourself year over year, and that is also inflation-protected, which is huge. 

Again, like one of the things that we should address is that if you’re a 30-year-old or even a 40-year-old, a 20-year-old, and you’re saying, “Social Security, I get it,” it’s going to be there. Social Security, I think, is one of those things, and I hate to say this, but it’s too big to – It’s not going to fail because so many people rely on that as their every day. So there’s a lot of things that says like the trust will be depleted. But you’ll still be able to sustain payouts at a reduced benefit. 

I think that’s what’s going to happen. I think people – I think the Congress is going to be forced to raise like payroll taxes to fund the trust. But I think that we’re also going to either see a step back in benefits in some way or 

[00:31:00] TU: Yeah, combination. Yeah. 

[00:31:02] TB: But at the end of the day, even a reduced version of Social Security is still going to be your best. I’m still going to encourage to – If your retirement paycheck is 1,000 bucks theoretically, I still wanted that to be – If we can get that to be $400, $500, $600, the most of that paycheck needs to come from Social Security because of its safety and the inflation protection.

[00:31:27] TU: Yeah. Again, when you’re working with someone who kind of is helping you build the next egg, you can run it with it. You can run it without it. You can run it in a middle ground, to your point. So maybe it’s not the full benefit or numbers we’re seeing there, but we think it’s a reduced amount and kind of see how you feel with what shakes out in terms of whether you’re on track or not and what you need to do.

[00:31:47] TB: Well, one last point to make about Social Security is really looking at this as an insurance decision versus like an investment decision. So typically, like wealthier people or people that don’t necessarily look at or need Social Security, they look at it more as like, “Okay, how do I get the most out of my money?” Most of the times, they’re going to defer. But for a lot of people that are really relying on this to make sure that their retirement paycheck is sustained for at least 30 years or their lifetime, it needs to be looked at as an insurance decision. 

If you look at the different risks like longevity risk, which is the risk of your money running out, the larger – This is a larger stream of lifetime inflation-protected risk. Like that’s important. Long-term care risk, so you have like more resources later than life. So if you’re getting a bigger paycheck, so if I’m getting 4,200 at 70, versus if I would have taken the 2,200 at 62, that means I have to deplete my portfolio more later. Inflation. We talked about the larger percentage that’s protected by inflation. 

The other big thing is reality risk. Like as you get older, if a majority of your paycheck is just coming straight from the government, it simplifies decision making. You’re also less at risk for like elder financial risk, which is you want to have a greater stream of income. It’s more about income streams versus assets. You have less opportunity for people to defraud you. Unfortunately, like financial advisors are top. They’re not top of the list. Actually, family members are at the top of the list for that. 

But the big thing is like excess withdrawals. So like if your greater paycheck is coming from Social Security, you don’t necessarily are going to deplete your assets faster. Eliminate some market risk because, again, you’re not relying on your assets as much. Then that whole risk of like early loss of spouse, deferring that larger benefit that then your survivor would get. 

So in the case of like, Shea, let’s say Shea has a benefit that’s $2,800, and I claim it 2,200 because I feel like I’m going to, I’m going to pass away early, that’s a big mistake because she is stuck with her $2,800 because my 2,200 is less, whereas if I were to defer and say, “At 70, I’m collecting 4,200.” Then even if I die at 78, she gets the 4,200, and then 2,800 goes away. Those are some of the things that we’re talking about in practice. It just makes sense to really look at this closely before kind of just doing whatever your coworker is doing.

[00:34:14] TU: Great stuff, Tim. We’re going to come back to this topic more. We’ve touched on it here. We talked about it previously in episode 242. But, man, there’s so many layers of Social Security to consider, and I think regardless of where someone is at in their career journey, an important topic and part of the financial planning that probably doesn’t get enough attention. Or it maybe just prematurely gets kind of ruled out, especially for folks that are early on in their journey. 

Let’s wrap up this series and this episode by talking about at a high level the three approaches to building your retirement paycheck. I love when you talk on this topic because I think we’re starting to get a little bit more granular on how are we actually going to build this retirement paycheck. How are we going to produce this income? We all are familiar with the W2 income, the paycheck we get it once or twice a month. Now, we’ve got to find a way to build that same type of paycheck in retirement. 

So Tim, walk us through three approaches, certainly not the only ones that are out there, but three approaches to building the retirement paycheck.

[00:35:11] TB: Yeah. So the three are going to be the flooring strategy, the bucket strategy, and the systemic withdrawal strategy. So to start with the flooring strategy, so it’s probably going to be the most conservative approach of the three. Critics of this approach will say like, “I don’t want to survive. I want to thrive.” But what the flooring strategy does is it builds an income floor to meet essential expenses with things like Social Security or like an annuity. So the essential expenses might be housing, food, gas, utilities, medical expenses, insurance, maybe debt. 

So that is basically – If we determine that those expenses are, say, $5,500 a month, and we know that Social Security is going to pay us, say, 3,500, then we need to buy, essentially, like an annuity. So think of an annuity as like a private Social Security. So you give an insurance company a sum of money, and then they’re going to pay that back. Usually, it can be for a term certain, but it’s usually for the rest of your life. So you would buy a stream of income to make up the rest of that floor. So that if something were to happen, you always have the essentials met. 

Then the discretionary expenses, there are things like travel and gifts and dining out and entertainment and hobbies, are then basically funded by the portfolio. So you have $2,000 a month of discretionary. Then that money would basically come from the portfolio or could come from like part-time work or something like that. So the flooring strategy is for those that are very conservative, and they want to ensure that for as long as they are alive, they have money to basically keep the lights on and feed themselves. What that typically takes, which is hard for a lot of people, is parting with potentially a good chunk of your income. 

If we use this example, and I don’t know what it would take to get $2,000 worth of income, but say you have a million-dollar portfolio, and you get $2,000 worth of income based on your age, your gender, maybe to part ways with $300,000 or let’s say $300,000 that all of a sudden, you wake up one day, and you have the income stream. But your million-dollar portfolio is now $700,000 that you’re now drawn on for those discretionary expenses. Now –

[00:37:28] TU: You’re trading some of that nest egg for an income stream. Yeah. 

[00:37:32] TB: Exactly. Now, psychologically, they say that that’s tough to get over that hump. But it’s a lot better to do that, versus someone who is in a systematic withdrawal strategy. We will talk about it. That’s drawn down every year. Their portfolio is going down and down and down most years. So just to have that paycheck coming in is from a mental perspective good. 

Now, the bucket strategy is essentially where you set up separate pools of investments with the lowest risk investments in the near term time horizon or segment. Then you have like a middle bucket and then a longer term horizon bucket. The idea is that you would say, okay, bucket one is going to be funded with X amount of dollars, and it will say it’s like five years of spending. So it might have $250,000 in there that is going to be super conservative, and that’s going to be with cash, things like tips, which are inflation-protected bonds, a bond ladder, whichever year creates some type of income for you. 

Then the medium term bucket is going to be more moderate. So that might be for like a 6 to 15-year time horizon, and that could be in like income stocks or like utility stocks and maybe some bonds. Then you have a 15-plus year bucket. That might be the balance of your portfolio that’s more aggressive. So that’s going to be more growth stocks and things like that. The idea is that once the first segment is depleted, so that zero to five-year bucket, that $250 is spent over five years, then the bucket two kind of replenishes bucket one, and then bucket three kind of replenishes bucket two. There’s lots of different rules that you can put into place of how you do that. 

From a conceptual perspective, one of the advantages of this is that clients are like, “Okay, I get this,” and like, “All I’m really worried about is like do I have enough money in bucket one,” and knowing that, although like the market can be crazy, and bucket three is not good right now, I’m not going to touch that for another 15 years. So it’s a way to kind of bucket or segment different money for different purposes. This is one that a lot of advisors use. 

Probably the predominant one is the last one, is systemic withdrawal strategy. So this is based on essentially the work of William Bengen, who researched the all 30-year time periods, and he gets the 4% rule. So the idea here is that you look at your portfolio balance. You look at like what the market – How the portfolio performed and then inflation. Then you essentially – Like if you start the first year and you say, “Okay, it’s a million dollars,” and you get $40,000. Then that year, the market returns 6%, and inflation was 2.9%. Based on those inputs, you then adjust the paycheck, the $40,000 for the next year. 

So you might say when the market is up and inflation is moderate, then you basically give yourself a raise with maybe some caps. If the market is down and inflation is such, maybe you freeze it. Or maybe you actually reduce spending. So it’s a very rule-based way to kind of use the 4% rule as a guide. But to work dynamically year to year with the portfolio and with the market factors that are inflation and those types of things, to make sure that year to year, you’re given the client a paycheck that is sustainable for the longevity of the retirement period. 

Again, there’s a million different ways to kind of skin this as well. But the idea is that you’re working more dynamically with market forces, and it’s based loosely on the 4%. Now, a lot of researchers have said that like the 4% rule won’t necessarily hold up in the future because of when that was done, you have low inflation and really high equity valuations. So that’s important to take note of. Although he did his research, it’s not necessarily indicative of what’s going to happen in the future. 

So you have the flooring strategy, you have the bucket strategy, and then you have the systemic withdrawal strategy, are kind of different approaches on how to build out their retirement paycheck on a year-to-year basis.

[00:41:35] TU: Tim, great stuff. I’m just reflecting on the journey we’ve come over the last four episodes, and we’re going to dive into all of these topics in further detail on future shows. We’re going to be doing webinars. We’re going to have blog posts. Make sure to check out information at yourfinancialpharmacist.com. 

We understand the needs that are out there around retirement planning, wherever someone is at on their financial journey, a new practitioner midcareer, pre-retiree, or those that are even in retirement. So whether you have yet to work with a planner, and this is an opportunity to do so or perhaps you’re working with a planter but are wondering what might else be out there and interested in a second opinion, we’d love to have an opportunity to talk with you in terms of learning more about the one-on-one comprehensive financial planning services that are offered by the team at YFP Planning. 

We’ve got five certified financial planners and in-house tax team. That includes a CPA and an IRS enrolled agent, soon to be two IRS enrolled agents. So we’d love an opportunity to learn more about your financial goals, learn more about your situation, and determine whether or not those planning services are a good fit for you. 

You can learn more and book a free discovery call at yfpplanning.com. Again, that’s yfpplanning.com. Thanks so much for listening to this series, and we hope you have a great rest of your day. 


[00:42:47] TU: As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts, and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist, unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward-looking statements that are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. 

Thank you, again, for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week. 


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