YFP 378: 10 Questions for Early Retirement

Tim Baker, CFP® tackles 10 questions for those considering early retirement from sources of income, handling market volatility, health insurance options and more.

Episode Summary

This week, Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, RICP® and Tim Ulbrich, PharmD tackle 10 questions for those considering early retirement. They discuss sources of income in retirement, handling market volatility when no longer working, health insurance coverage options, timing to draw on Social Security, and much more.

About Today’s Guest

Tim Baker is the Co-Founder and Director of Financial Planning at Your Financial Pharmacist. Founded in 2015, YFP is a fee-only financial planning firm and connects with the YFP community of 12,000+ pharmacy professionals via the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast podcast, blog, website resources and speaking engagements. 

Tim attended the United States Military Academy majoring in International Relations and branching Armor. After his military career, he worked as a logistician with a major retailer and a construction company. After much deliberation, Tim decided to make a pivot in his career and joined a small independent financial planning firm in 2012. In 2016, he launched his own financial planning firm Script Financial and in 2019 merged with Your Financial Pharmacist. Tim now lives in Columbus, Ohio with his wife (Shay), three kids (Olivia, Liam and Zoe), and dog (Benji).

Key Points from the Episode

  • Early Retirement Goals and Challenges [0:00]
  • Defining Early Retirement [6:02]
  • Questions to Consider for Early Retirement [8:42]
  • Replacing Pharmacist Paychecks [17:41]
  • Health Insurance Coverage [24:17]
  • Dependents and Social Security Timing [31:08]
  • Inflation and Tax Planning [34:57]
  • Partner and Spouse Alignment [37:20]
  • Long-Term Care Planning [39:56]
  • Conclusion and Resources [44:58]

Episode Highlights

“I think there’s this misconception, or this illusion of control that we have over our retirement age. I think around 40% of people retire earlier than expected. It’s usually due to a medical issue with themselves or a family member, or could be something like a layoff. There is this illusion of control. Now, there are things that you can do to help with that. But a lot of the time we don’t have that.” – Tim Baker [4:59]

“Define retirement. I think for a variety of reasons this question is important, because for a lot of people, we think that retirement is the destination, but it’s really just the next chapter in the journey, right?” -Tim Baker [10:32]

“I think it is really important when we talk about this question: are we accounting for inflation? I think the best way to do that in a retirement setting is, as much of your dollars can come from Social Security as possible is great. But then also taking intelligent risk in the market, where the market is kind of performing in a way that kind of keeps pace or outpaces inflation is what we want.” – Tim Baker [36:25]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich  00:00

Hey everybody. Tim Ulbrich here and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast, where each week, we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. This week, Tim Baker and I are tackling 10 questions regarding early retirement. We discuss sources of income in retirement, handling market volatility when no longer working, health insurance coverage options, timing to draw on Social Security and much more. And to supplement this week’s episode, we have a free resource for you to download: Retirement Roadblocks: Identifying and Managing 10 Common Risks. Because here’s the reality, when planning for retirement or early retirement, as we’ll discuss on today’s show, so so much attention is given to the accumulation phase, growing your assets. But what doesn’t get a lot of press is how to turn those assets into a retirement paycheck. And when building a plan to deploy your assets during retirement, it’s important to consider various risks to either mitigate or avoid altogether, and that’s what this free resource and guide is all about. It’s available for you to download at yourfinancialpharmacist.com/retirement risks. Again, yourfinancialpharmacist.com/retirementrisks.

Tim Ulbrich  01:11

 Now, before we get started with the show, I want to let you know about our next YFP webinar coming up on October 7, at 9pm Eastern: Aliquot Investing: Small investments in Big Real Estate Investing. This free webinar led by YFP Real Estate Investing podcast co-hosts Nate Hedrick and David Bright explores how syndications fit into a well rounded real estate investment strategy, especially for busy pharmacists who don’t have time to source, vet and manage real estate investments. In this webinar, David and Nate will be joined by Alex Cartwright, PhD, and economist who has also led syndication projects, including one in which both David and Nate have invested themselves. You learn more about this webinar and register at yourfinancialpharmacist.com/syndication. Again, yourfinancialpharmacist.com/syndication. 

Tim Ulbrich  01:59

All right, let’s get started with today’s show. Tim Baker, welcome back to the show.

Tim Baker  02:06

Yeah, good to be back. How’s it going, Tim?

Tim Ulbrich  02:07

It is going well. I’m excited. This week we’re talking about early retirement, which is something that I keep hearing more and more pharmacists expressing as a goal. And so Tim, I’m curious to hear from you before we get into the details of our discussion, is that something you’re hearing a lot of as you talk with pharmacists that are engaging with us to learn more about our services? Is early retirement coming up as a frequent goal? And what do you suppose might be driving some of that?

Tim Baker  02:37

Yeah, I think, I think for a lot of people, there’s a there’s this notion of, like, I’ll never be able to retire, you know, and a lot of it’s because of the student debt burden. I do hear on, you know, refrain of, I want to get to a point where I work because I want to, not because I need to. I only, I hear that almost verbatim a couple times a month from a prospective client. So the the notion of early retirement, I don’t, I don’t want to say it’s kind of in the forefront. Obviously, we do, you know, work with a lot of people that are interested in kind of the FIRE movement and what that looks like. But I think that there’s this shroud, maybe, of student debt, that it’s like, how do I even overcome this? And, you know, in a way that puts me in a place to retire, let alone retire early. So I think those that don’t have that, or have kind of navigated a plan for the loans. I think there’s a little bit more of like, sunny skies, but I wouldn’t say there’s a lot of people that are saying, like, I need to retire by, you know, this age. I think that that’s kind of few and far between. 

Tim Ulbrich  03:50

And for those that aren’t familiar with the FIRE term, we’ve talked about it on the show before, financial independence, retire early. Lots of resources out there that folks can learn more more about that. But I’m glad you mentioned, Tim the work because I want to not have to. That’s something I hear a lot as well. And, you know, I think for some people, they love the work that they do, and it brings them a ton of value. It brings them a sense of purpose and meaning. Perhaps others, you know, maybe early retirement is, hey, I want to get out of the stressful environment that I’m working in, and I don’t necessarily love the work that I do, but regardless of those desires, that work because I want to not have to is a thread that I think often comes out and within that I typically will hear, hey, I want to have flexibility. I want to have options. So, you know, maybe I get to a point that, hey, I’d like to work part time, or maybe something happens, you know, health wise, or with a family member, or something unexpected, or pursuing a passion project or hobby, whatever would be, the reason that their financial plan is in a position that, whether it’s something they can see or not see at this moment, that they have options if they need those options in the future.

Tim Baker  04:59

Yeah, I think there’s this, this misconception, or, like, this illusion of control that we have over our retirement age, which is, and I think it’s something like 40% I don’t have that stat in front of me, but I think it’s like 40% of people retire earlier than expected. It’s usually due to a medical issue with themselves or a family member, or could be something like a layoff, that type of thing. So there is this illusion of, like, I have control now, there are things that you can do to help with that, and to, you know, to build, you know, whether there’s something like really to consult in that you have that flexibility, or things like that that gives you a little bit more control. But a lot of the time we don’t have that. And that’s kind of an illusion that we think we have.

Tim Ulbrich  05:44

Since we’re going to use the term early retirement throughout the episode that that implies that there’s an accepted norm, maybe, of what retirement means. So when you hear early retirement, that term and throughout the discussion today, what? What are we referring to? What assumptions are we making? What defines early retirement?

Tim Baker  06:01

Yeah, to your point, Tim, I don’t know if there is an accepted, like, when we say early retirement, this is the age that we’re talking about. Yeah, if you look at it from like, Social Security, early retirement, as defined by Social Security as 62. So there’s really, there’s really a couple ages related to Social Security. It’s your early retirements at 62, your full retirement age, which is different for a lot of people. Most people, it’s going to be 67 and then you have delayed retirement a that’s typically 70. So early retirement in the Social Security system is 62 and you can’t collect the benefit before that. The age that I think of like if you were to say, hey, I want to retire early. The age that I think of is 59 and a half years old. So why do I think of 59 and a half years old? The reason for that is all those retirement accounts, a 401K, an IRA or Roth IRA, they they’ll have basically guidelines to say if you take money out before 59 and a half years old, you’ll be, you know, penalized. Unless there’s, there’s exceptions to that, but you’ll be penalized by 10%. So that’s typically the the age that I’ll use. So like, if you were to say, Hey Tim, I want, you know, I want to retire early, and I would say, Well, what is that? If you say 55 then between 55 and 59 and a half years old, we have to figure out an income stream that’s probably not going to come out of your 401K or, you know your other retirement accounts. So that’s what I typically will use in my brain. I think you know, if you talk to people in the fire community and you say 50-59 and a half? That’s probably not early retirement for them. So those are kind of the few, the few dates, or the few ages that jump out to me when we have this discussion. But I think for all intents and purposes, it’s 59 and a half for me. 

Tim Ulbrich  07:55

I think the same thing. And I agree. I think some of the FIRE enthusiasts, although there’s many different flavors of FIRE, right? But the FIRE enthusiasts, a lot of people might think a early retirement, you know, late 30s, early 40s, right? Type of ages that you typically see. But I think 59 and a half, for the reason you mentioned is, is what often comes up. The other one 62. You mentioned social security. When could I draw Social Security? 65 Medicare, that often comes up. You know, we’ll talk about health insurance. So the point being is, as we say all the time on the show, we’ve got to have intentionality on like, what’s the goal? What’s the purpose? Why is this a goal? If it’s a goal for you, and then we can start to plan around that, like, what does that mean to you? You know, is it 59? Is it 54 and for what reason? And then what does that mean in terms of various savings accounts? So let’s jump in. We’re going to talk about 10 questions that we think are important questions to consider for folks that are thinking about early retirement. And that could be someone listening and says, Hey, I know I want to early retire and I’ve set that date. Or it could be folks that are just thinking about this as something that they’re they’re curious about and want to learn more. As we go through these 10 questions, the intent is not that we’re going to cover each one of these areas in a significant amount of depth. We’ll reference other resources that we have on each one of these topics as we go throughout but really to introduce the question and get you thinking about these different areas as it relates to early retirement. So Tim, the first question that I think is important for folks to consider is, Will I work at all during retirement? Right? And as obvious as that sounds, I think if, if people are thinking of very traditional retirement, it’s, hey, we work for 30, 40, years, and then we don’t work at all. But for others, it may be that we work part time. And pharmacists, I think, are in a unique position where they have more of the opportunity to work part time, work as a contractor, versus other professions out there. So why is this question, will I work at all during retirement so important?

Tim Baker  09:52

And I think, like, if we’re defining early retirement, I think you can even define like retirement. I think so many people, in a traditional sense, they. Think of retirement as, you know, you punch the clock the last time, and then the next day, you’re sitting on a beach or you’re up somewhere, and that’s it, right? And, you know, a lot of people, especially in the fire movement, when they talk about, you know, financially independent, retire early, I think the retire, I think that’s what rubs people the wrong way, is because they overlay that traditional picture of retirement into that paradigm. And a lot of people are saying like, Well, we are still working, we’re just working our on our own terms, right? So I think for, I think for a variety of reasons, like this question is important, because I think for a lot of people, we think that retirement is the destination, but it’s really just the next chapter in the journey, right? And so much of our, for a lot of people, so much of our identity is wrapped up into our role as a pharmacist or whatever we’re doing, and once that like is gone, that can be jarring for a lot of people. So it’s not just a monetary thing. So to me, I think this is where some life planning really gets in, gets you know, it would be really important is, you know, okay, if we don’t have to work, we truly don’t have to work. What are we doing? You know, are we volunteering? Are we taking care of grandkids? Are we getting into hobbies? Are we traveling? You know, there’s a lot of stats that say, if you work, the longer that you work, the more you know, the better your retirement will be. In terms of, like, the financial planning part of it, because you’re just delaying a lot of the things that work, you know, for you, whether that’s health insurance or whether that’s income, things like that. But it’s also like, you know, your social circles are often connected to your work in a lot of ways, like if that goes away. So to me, this is really important to kind of, I think, look at it both from a dollars and cents perspective, Tim, but also like the social aspect of who are you post, you know, full time pharmacist, you know, and looking in the mirror and doing some deep digging of, like, what does what does this actually look like? So I think it’s an important question to ask. 

Tim Ulbrich  12:14

I agree, and I’m glad you mentioned, you know, what does this look like? But how I be spending my time? It’s actually not one of the other questions we had. So we’ll kind of knock both of those out, knock both of those out together. But this is one of those things that we, myself included, we have this idea of what retirement might look like. That could be how our parents have gone through that phase, or grandparents, maybe what we see on commercials, whatever. But taking it to the next step of, what does a day look like? I’ve heard people go through this exercise. You mentioned the life plan, which I thought was great, and having some clarity there, but going through the exercise of actually, like mapping out for a month, like, what would I be doing on a Monday at 11 o’clock, right? On a Tuesday at four o’clock? And you know, not that you have to get that granular per se, but the idea is a good one, that right now you think about the percentage of your schedule that is occupied by work, and especially, I think about folks, Tim, in our phase of life where it’s work, and young kids like, that’s a big chunk of our time, right? And if you fast forward to a date and time where we’re not working, and the kids out of the house, Whoa, that is a big gap of time. So what are we doing with that time? What are the goals you mentioned? You know, is it travel? Is it volunteering? Is it spending time with with the grandkids? Like, what does that rich life look like in retirement? And the second layer I would add to that, Tim, is, if there’s a partner, spouse, significant other involved, like, what does that look like for the individual and then for the we. You know, Jess and I were joking recently that, like we love spending time together, but we also have individual things that we love to do. And I very much see in retirement that we’ll have things that we want to do together, whether that be volunteering or traveling or other things, and then we’ll have other things where it’s like, she’s doing her thing, I’m doing my thing. So, yeah, I think that discussion of, what does this look like for I and what does this look like for we as well?

Tim Baker  14:06

Well, especially in retirement, as you age, like, one of the things that you know, often doesn’t get talked about, and it’s a risk in retirement is loss of spouse, and a lot of it’s it comes from the perspective of, like, loss of a social security check and things like that. But what about like, you know, I look at my parents, love my parents, but my dad doesn’t have his own interest, like, he just kind of does what my mom wants to do. So like, if he were to lose my mom, like, like, what happens, you know? And so I think, like, that’s, that’s a big thing. And, yeah, in the, in the life planning, we go through an exercise called ideal schedule. So you go through and you say, Okay, what’s the ideal day, from the moment you wake up, from the moment that you, you know, put your head on the pillow, then what’s the ideal week? So Monday through Sunday, like, what are we doing? And then it goes out to the ideal year. Like, are you spending, you know, the summertime up North, or are you, you know, are you visiting family, those types of things? And I think that for a lot of people, you know, they realize how much of their day is tied into work, and then once, once that’s gone, like, what happens? So, yeah, those are the exercises. I mean, we’ve talked about, like, the three questions, and I think those are all, you know, important things to kind of reference back to and revisit, especially as you’re going through the next, like, phase of your life. But I think really put pen to paper and I’ve talked about this, I think with you. I don’t know if I’ve ever talked about on the podcast, but like, when I did my sabbatical, I had a month off where I did not touch work, and I kind of had a little bit of like, what am I doing? Like, like, how am I gonna, like, fill the day, which sounds crazy, but like it was a struggle for me, and like I wanted to make the best use of the time, but I also felt like I had some constraints here and there, but like that, that little window was, like, important for me to kind of put myself in someone’s shoes who’s kind of going through that transition. And it sounds silly, but it’s it’s not.

Tim Ulbrich  14:34

That’s a good point, though. I’ve actually heard people talk about, I’m thinking back to the interview that I did on episode 291 with Dave Zgarrick, who is has made that transition in retirement. And he talked about redefining retirement, really thinking about as like a half time to kind of reassess where are we going. Why are we going here? What does this look like? But I think some of those break periods, you know, you mentioned the sabbatical, other people talk about mini retirements. I think it’d be really helpful to having some of these experiences where we get a feel for what this might look like. And you know what? What are some of the ahas of how I do want to spend my time, or what the gaps are in time? I mean, joking aside, we’re just in a phase of life, both of us right now, we’re really sun up to sundown. You know, it’s work, kids, that’s the schedule. 

Tim Baker  16:08

I made the comment like, hey, we haven’t, like, Shay and our kids haven’t really hung out with you and Jess and your boys in a while. And I think I would just look at our schedule and it’s like, soccer, football, swim, soccer, football, swim. Like, it’s just, it’s just so many things that are going on, but eventually that’s going to go away, right to your point, like, that’s, that’s going to be in our rearview mirror. And that’s why, I think, like, even, even couples, sometimes, because they’re so in their, you know, in their kids, you know, activities in their lives that they almost forget about each other. You know, spouses and that can be, you know, I think there is a pretty high level of, you know, divorce and things like that as you, as you age, because you kind of lose that connection with your spouse. And I think that’s important to make sure that you’re continuing to kindle so all these things kind of play into it.

Tim Ulbrich  17:38

So that’s our first two questions, will I work at all during retirement? How I be spending my time? The third question, Tim is, how will I replace my pharmacist paycheck? Again, seems like an obvious question, but for decades, we have a an employer that’s paying us on a monthly basis. And if we were to stop work altogether, again, that may or may not happen, but if we’re to stop working, we’ve got to make our own paycheck at this point. So we’ve talked about this on the show show before. We’ll link to that in the show notes. But thoughts on this question of, how will I replace my pharmacist paycheck?

Tim Baker  18:10

Yeah, I don’t really think, I don’t really think a lot changes here. I think what, what is, what does change in terms of, like, the sources, I think what does change is kind of like, where in early retirement? Where do they come like, where does the money come from? So, you know, if we’re retiring at 55 the the sources of your income is probably going to be from part time employment. It could be from your traditional portfolio, but from, like, a brokerage account that doesn’t have the 59 and a half, you know, 10% penalty, which you have to build, right? So lot of people, they’re really set on, you know, they’re 401, K and their Roth IRA and things like that, which is really important. But the third bucket, so that we have the pre, pre tax after tax. The third bucket is the taxable, which is going to be in an early retirement bucket. So I would say probably those are the two big things for most people. Would be part time employment, and then, like a brokerage account, or like traditional savings. If you’re in the real estate, it could be rental income or liquidation of like a rental property. But then as you age, you know, the things that kind of get the green light are Social Security. You know, if you decide to collect that at 62 or you wait to 67 or even later to 70, and then getting into, once you’re past 59 and a half, you know, the traditional portfolio where you don’t get that 10% haircut, you know, you can start, you know, distributing from a 401K, IRA, etc. There are other things out there, like annuities. It could be, it could be a pension. You know, if you have a company or government pension, which we know aren’t necessarily, you know, a thing that a lot of people have, but that’s typically based on an age that you can, you know, get to that. It could be, you know, tapping into the value of your home, things like reverse mortgages, which get a nasty reputation, or selling a business, or could be cash value life insurance. But I would say the heavy hitters here, especially early on, it’s going to be part time employment. It’s going to be things like a brokerage account savings, and then, you know, potentially, you know, real estate, things like that. 

Tim Ulbrich  20:08

And as you mentioned, especially with the brokerage account, especially with real estate, there’s planning that has to be done there, right, for us to be able to accrue those savings, to tap into those in early retirement. So, you know, early planning, of course, really important here, and when we talk about priority of investing, this is always the one asterisk, right? Hey, if you’re if you’re thinking about early retirement, you know this sequence changes when we think about more the traditional buckets, like the 401K, 403B’s, IRAs, etc, because of that 59 and a half restraint that you mentioned earlier. Tim, number four on our list is, hey, what if there’s a market downturn early on in my early retirement? So I’ve decided to retire early. You know, let’s say there’s a market downturn and we experience some of that volatility, that that can be disruptive to the nest egg. Always a problem, but maybe more of a problem here if we’ve got a longer runway of years that we need those funds in retirement.

Tim Baker  21:06

Yeah. So what we’re talking about here is sequence risk, or sequence of returns risk, which, which is the potential negative impact that the order of your returns, your investment returns, on your portfolio due to the market, is heightened, especially in the withdrawal phase. So if you take and I’ll run through this, I know we don’t have a ton of time, but I wanted to kind of, I feel like we’ve talked about sequence risk, but I haven’t really talked through, like a scenario. So I actually did a scenario where we have one where it’s favorable returns, so like double digit returns, like the second that you retire. And then one that is like negative returns. So, and then what does the, what does the outcome look like at the end of I did it for like a 10 year period. So if you look at, if we start with a million dollars, and you have an annual withdrawal of 50,000, which is 5% and we have a, you know, we’re doing this over 10 years. If we go into the first year of favorable the favorable scenario, the first year, we get a 15% return, 12% return, 8% return, even taking out 50, you know, and over the 10 years, it’s like 4.7% in aggregate, a return. At the end of the 10 years, you’re gonna have $1.2 million. So early on we’ve got, you know, the first, you know, three years, you know, 30 some odd percent. If we look at the same thing, instead of getting positive 15, we get negative, you know, negative 15, negative 12. That same portfolio, even over the 10 years, which is going to get a 4.7% return, is going to end with 361,000. So it’s almost a million dollar swing. So it’s the same aggregate, you know, 10 year, you know, return. But after the first year, for the favorable, you end with 1.085 million. After the first year, you end with $800,000. So you’ve taken off 15% because that’s your that’s basically the market downturn, but you’ve also withdrawn $50,000. So that’s what we’re talking about here with sequence of return risk is that the timing of when you retire is probably one of the most important things related to the market. So what we’ve always said is like flexibility here. So if the market is tanking, it might be worth to, like, work another year, and most of the time, like, you know, in this scenario, we have, you know, four years minus 15, minus 12, minus eight, minus five. Typically, the market doesn’t do that. You know, we don’t have, you know, consecutive years, maybe two, maybe three of year. But like, this is where, you know, pushing that out and having flexibility of like, okay, maybe I’m not going to retire at, you know, 53 I’m going to retire at 56. I’m going to retire at 57. That type of thing. So that, to me, is really important, and that, and that speaks to the the timing of the investment returns that you’re getting. Now, the ways to combat this is, which is really hard, is, is really to kind of be more conservative, take your money from, you know, equities to bonds or even cash. But the problem with that is, you know, nobody has, like, a, you know, a crystal ball to say, like, when’s the best time to do that? So that’s, that’s kind of sequence, risk at play.

Tim Ulbrich  24:20

Number five on our list, Tim, I alluded to this a little bit earlier, is what will I do for health insurance coverage? We’re not yet at the age of 65 we can’t necessarily put Medicare into play. We no longer have employer coverage if, if we’re working part time or not working at all. You know what options are we thinking about here and and obviously we’ve got to factor this in as a cost as well.

Tim Baker  24:42

Yeah. So I mean, unfortunately, and we’ve kind of bemoaned this fact being business owners, there’s not a great option here. You know, I think you know, looking at employer sponsored COBRA coverage, but that only typically lasts 18 months, and that’s really expensive because you’re paying the full premium. If you have a spouse that you can ride his or her coattails, that’s one way to do it. It could be private health insurance. So looking, you know, at the exchanges, things like healthcare sharing ministries like that, that might be something. I know you looked at those in the past. It could be, you know, there are some, and I don’t know if Starbucks still does this, but I remember a lot of people. I think my sister worked for Starbucks, you know, when she was in college, just to get in, you know, insurance through them, she was working part time. It could be Medicaid if you don’t have assets, like, if, you know, I would say that you probably shouldn’t be retiring if that’s the case. Or just, like, short term plans that provide, like, temporary coverage. So probably, for most people, it’s going to be looking at the exchanges and trying to trying to find the best, you know, probably catastrophic plan that they can. But unfortunately, there isn’t really a great, you know, a great solution here to kind of bridge you before you get to 65 to get to Medicare, you know, yeah, it’s, it’s kind of, you know, pick your poison, so to speak.

Tim Ulbrich  26:00

You know that you mentioned the Starbucks, there’s actually a FIRE pathway, barista fire that’s named after that, that play, right? Which is, you know, working part time at a place like Starbucks or a place that has those benefits to be able to get access to those. You know, the other other comment I’d make here, Tim is, I think while these costs are very real, like, we have to put them as objectively in play as possible. What I mean by that is, like, if you’ve done a good job and the dollars are there, like, even if this feels scary or you don’t want to spend money on it, like, if the math supports it, like you just factored into the plan, right? I’ve seen some people, I think, talk about this as like, Oh, I’ve had employer coverage my whole life. I’m three years away from Medicare. I’m done working. I’m over it. Don’t need it, you know. Don’t want to be working anymore, but I’m gonna wait till I get to 65. And maybe that’s the play. But if the nest egg is there, like, we just need to factor this in as an expense and consider it. I mean, the other note and comment I’d make here, back to our discussion of early planning with something like a brokerage account. This would be another play of early planning with something like HSA contributions, where, you know, can we be accruing and saving money in HSA throughout our career, such that one of these instances here, we’re talking about early retirement. We’ve got some dollars that are earmarked specifically for that, that we don’t have to have to necessarily draw separately from our portfolio.

Tim Baker  27:21

That’s right, yeah. HSA would be a great bucket for this, because it has the triple tax benefit, but the flexibility to be able to use for you know, now and later. So yeah, that’s a great bucket for that.

Tim Ulbrich  27:34

Number six is, are my dependents independent? And if not, have I factored that into my planning and assumptions? Tim lots to think about here, kids and elderly parents, but looking at dependence and cost of dependence.

Tim Baker  27:48

Yeah, this is, um, this is, this is kind of hard too, because, you know, I always joke with my with my kids, that, you know, they they need to move out so I can, you know, turn their room into a a whiskey room. And, you know, my kids are 10 and five or whatever. Obviously, Zoe’s always younger, but I think this is hard, because I think we are all trying to prepare our kids to kind of launch, right? But, you know, oftentimes they come back. And you know, we have to kind of figure out what that looks like. So that could be, you know, it could be for kids managing, like, their college and expenses related to that. But then after, like, if they don’t get a job, or if they’re not, you know, able to support themselves. Like, what are the, what are the rules around rent and things like that, and just, how does that affect your overall financial plan? And then elderly parents, there’s a lot of, you know, pharmacists that we work with that they say, I am my parent’s retirement plan. Like, that’s the thing, right? And, and I respect that, you know, a lot of it’s like, Hey, I’m a first generation immigrant. You know, they’re you know, they’re sacrificed to get over here. And my sacrifice is kind of making sure that they’re okay, you know, in retirement. So, you know, we have this term called the sandwich generation. It typically is, you know, people in their 40s and 50s that are taking care of, like adult children, but they’re also taking care of, like elderly parents. That’s a big thing. And again, like, I would say, it kind of goes back to when we talk about, like, education planning, like you have to put your mask on first and then put on the mask of your child. I don’t think that ever goes away. So I think that, you know, this can be an unexpected thing for a lot of parents, but you know it can, really, especially like elderly plant parents, if you’re the one that’s kind of, you know, caring for them, and these are often the things that kind of force can force a retirement early for you is that you’re taking care of other people, right? So I think having these conversations with, you know, your kids, with your elderly parents and and come up with a plan and kind of ground rules. I think is really important. So we can kind of include this in the plan and know, you know, when does zig and zag?

Tim Ulbrich  30:06

Yeah, Tim, anytime we talk about this topic, always comes to mind conversation we had with Cameron Huddleston on the show a couple times, who wrote the book, Mom and Dad, We Need to Talk. And, you know, in the context of elderly parents, this is where those conversations are so important, as uncomfortable as they may be, right? Because, you know, I’m thinking about even discussions I’ve had with my parents about, you know, what does their financial position look like? What are their retirement goals? What are their desires for, you know, staying in the home versus other living arrangements. What is their long term care insurance policy look like? And, you know, part of those conversations, obviously, is focused in a genuine care and desire of what, what do my parents want? But there’s also a reality of like that may impact our financial plan, and that’s not being selfish, like we’re just trying to be responsible. And I think you know, if we can get into those open conversations, we can start to plan around that a little bit, to understand what the impact may or may not be of that situation with parents on our financial plan. 

Tim Baker  31:05

That’s right.

Tim Ulbrich  31:06

Number seven, we touch on this a little bit. Tim, but when will I draw on Social Security? We talked before in episode 294 about common Social Security mistakes to avoid, and a big part of that discussion was around when we opt into starting Social Security benefits. For someone who’s saying about early retirement, you know, and building that retirement paycheck, a Social Security benefit might, might be an important part of that, and the temptation, perhaps could be there to start those benefits early and just understanding what the impact of that could be versus a delayed benefit selection. So thoughts here on this question of, when will I draw? 

Tim Baker  31:41

I think a lot of financial planners are, you know, coming around to the fact that, like, if you can delay your Social Security benefit as long as possible, the better knows for the the overall plan. And I know this, to your point, it can be if you’re, if you’re working for or if you’re, if you’re retired for, you know, 10 years or whatever it is, and your funds are dwindling in some of those, you know, brokerage accounts or savings. I think it can be tempting to to draw earlier, right? But I think if you look at the math, and I have, you know, I think I pulled, I think this is from my Social Security statement. If you look at my Social Security statement. If I were to retire at 62 my monthly benefit would be $1,826. if I were to retire at not full Social Security age, but 65 it would be $2290. If I then go to 67 which is my full retirement age, it goes to $2662. If I delay it till age 70 so I’m getting those deferment credits, it goes to $3,306. So the spectrum of early at 62 is $1826, to delayed is $3307.  But the big thing here, Tim, that doesn’t get enough press, is that it’s inflation protected, which there’s no other pension or annuity out there that you can get that does that. So one of the big hang ups for for retirees is like, I’m working on a fixed income. I’m working on a fixed income. But once you know inflation takes over, as we’ve seen in recent years, that really, like, you know, provides pressure on, okay, how am I going to let you know, how I’m going to make this, you know, these dollars last. So that would be the thing that I would implore, you know, people, when they’re looking at their, you know, their, their benefit for Social Security is, you know, if we’re planning this, can we plan to at least get the full retirement age, or, you know, can we delay it from 62 to 67 at least, to get from, you know, an $1,800 benefit to a almost $2,700 benefit because this will pay you out for the rest of your life, which we don’t know what that is, inflation protected. And that’s where you see that exponential benefit versus, you know, if you, if you, if you peg it at $1,800. So it’s still inflation protected, but I think you want that, that percent of your paycheck to be as high as possible that is covered by, you know, the Social Security and Inflation. So it’s really, it’s a really important discussion to have. 

Tim Ulbrich  34:21

Tim, it’s a good plug and a reminder for folks, if they’re not already doing this, to check out their My Social Security account ssa.gov just to dig into that report, what are the expected benefits? Always a good thing to build into. I typically try to check it in just once a year, kind of see what’s going on. So since you mentioned inflation, Tim, let’s jump down to that one, and that question being, have I accounted for inflation? You mentioned social security being inflation protected, but really nothing else beyond that. So, you know if we think of inflation as of late, which has been higher than historically, although that’s come down, you know, more recently, but even the historical rate of inflation, if we’re retiring, let’s say, in our early 50s and were afforded the opportunity to live into our 90s, like costs are going up right significantly over that time period. So the question here is, have I accounted for inflation when I’m looking at these early retirement numbers?

Tim Baker  35:13

Yeah, and one of the best ways to account for inflation as retire is to be in a you know, is, have some of your your assets in equities, right? Which gets scary, because then we talk about, you know, the sequence of return risk. But I think, really, for a portfolio to endure 30, 40, 50, 60, years is, is to make sure that you’re taking, you know, intelligent risk in the market. So you know, we just got news of the rate cut yesterday, and immediately, you know, you’re seeing like our cash account at our custodian went from 5.1% which is really solid, to 4.6%. So savers, and often, you know, people that have reached you know that are in retirement have a good amount of cash, or they should, because, you know they’re they’re basically taking slugs of cash out to basically build their paycheck. That’s going to affect them potentially negatively. Now, you know interest rates, you know in inflation, sometimes, you know we’ll see interest rates go go down, but we won’t see like the cost of goods go down because they’re pegged that we talked about that in previous episodes, they’re kind of pegged at that high watermark. So I think is really important, you know, when we talk about this question is, you know, are we accounting for inflation? I think the best way to do that in a retirement, you know, setting is, again, as much as your dollars can come from Social Security as possible is great. But then also taking, you know, intelligent risk in the market, where, you know, the market is kind of, you know, performing in a way that kind of, you know, keeps pace or outpaces inflation, you know, is what we want. So, you know, on the so that’s, that’s kind of on the asset side, but then on the debt side, you know, just making sure that, you know, we’re, we’re efficient, you know, there with with rates and where inflation is as well. So I think it’s important to, you know, for retirees that are potentially living on a fixed income to account for, and a lot of people this, and really, taxes. Tim, it’s kind of like, can be a second, you know, an afterthought.

Tim Ulbrich  37:20

Good point on the taxes, probably a whole separate episode, yeah, around like, tax planning and early retirement. Um, number nine on our list is, is my partner spouse significantly now they’re on the same page. We already talked about this in the context of, hey, what does that, you know, schedule look like? What does that ideal life, that rich life, look like in retirement? And, you know, what’s the I? What’s the we? But I think it’s also just a bigger question of, like, are we on the same page with this concept of early retirement, and maybe, if one spouse wants to work longer than another and one’s having to draw down from their assets, like, are we good with that? You know, does that jive? 

Tim Baker  37:55

And I think, I think this kind of starts with, you know, where are we at and where are we going? So you know, when we do this with clients, we we call the first meeting, Get Organized where, you know, we’ve plugged everything into our client portal, checking, savings, credit cards, student loans, investment accounts, value, the house, the mortgage, all the things, right? And for a lot of people, it’s the first time they’ve seen their stuff all in one spot, right? Because we bank over here, we have debt over here, we have investments over here, and then for spouses, that’s also true, right? Because I don’t necessarily see everything that Shay has, you know, if I’m not tuned in. So if we plug that all into one platform, we can kind of see the landscape of where we’re at, and then I think from there, once we establish where we’re at, we talk about where we where we’re going. And then I think this is some of these questions that come up is like, okay, Shay, if I retire and you’re still working for 10 years, like, Are you cool with that? Probably not, right. So I think those that’s the space to have the conversation again. I’m biased, Tim, right? Because, you know, we’re planners, but sometimes these are hard to have with your spouse. So having that third party, like the independent third party that has your best interest, that can ask questions, is, I think, a safe place so to speak, to have these conversations. Because, you know, if Shay says I’m going to retire early and you can keep working. I’m going to say, Yeah, that’s cool, whatever. But maybe I have some resentment about that, you know, and I think if you’re in a in a place where, you know, it’s safe, and we can kind of talk these out and get on the same page, it’s really important because, you know, we’re trying to row this boat in the same direction. And if, you know, if we’re just, you know, having these service conversations and not really getting, you know, into depth, then we’re just kind of spinning in a circle. So I think it’s really important to to make sure you know, and this goes back to life planning, to make sure that you know your vision of early retirement, you know, overlaps. It doesn’t have to be the same, yeah, but it overlaps with your spouse or with your partner to make sure that you know your needs are taken care of, but also your spouse’s needs are taken care of. 

Tim Ulbrich  40:08

What came to mind, Tim, as you’re talking about, is my I think my parents, to their credit, have done a really good job of this. My mom’s been retired now for a few years, and my dad has no plans in the near future retire. He just loves his work. It’s energizing, and he acknowledges maybe that will change at some point in the future when it does, and maybe it looks part time or consulting or whatever, but they have kind of figured out like for them individually. My mom, you know, has a ton of joy that she gets from just the daily rhythms and routines that she has, and it doesn’t mean my dad has to be doing the same thing. So I don’t think there’s a right or wrong here. It’s more about what works for you as a couple. And as you mentioned, having some of those conversations to avoid, or try to avoid, as much as you can, some of the resentment or other feelings that might come up along the way. All right, our last question, number 10 on this list of 10 questions to consider for early retirement is, am I prepared for potential long term care expenses? Tim, we talked about Medicare already briefly, but here we’re talking about some of the significant expenses that can come beyond what Medicare may cover, and specifically here thinking about long term care insurance, we talked about this on episode 296, we’ll link to that in the show notes. Your thoughts here on, am I prepared for potential long term care expenses?

Tim Baker  41:25

Yeah. So I think the stat is, is that you know, a person that’s age 65 is going to spend $157,500 on health care and medical expenses, you know, throughout the course of their life, a couple of $315,000. So you know, and this doesn’t necessarily include the cost of, like, long term care. So when we talk about long term care, this is really, you know, help with kind of the the daily living thing. So like being able to get out of bed, you know, move around your house, use the bathroom, dress, feed yourself, but also kind of more like, you know, cognitive things like being able to pay bills, or, you know, shop so, you know, oftentimes, and actually one of the biggest, the biggest cause for, like, you know, a long term care policy to get triggered, is Alzheimer’s. But the second one is, the second biggest is arthritis, Tim, believe it or not. So, you know, a lot this is one of those things. It’s like, Ah, this will never happen to me, or I don’t got to worry about that, or I’ll figure this out later. But you know, it’s, it’s one of those biases that we have that, you know, it often can come and bite us in the rear end. So what we talk about with long term care is, there’s, there’s really two ways to prepare for this. One is to self insure. So just like we’re talking about being able to, like, pay our own health care and things like that, this is kind of, this is not that. This is where we’re basically saying we’re going to forego a policy. We’re basically going to, you know, if this comes up, we’re going to reach into our own pocket, reach into our own portfolio, and pay for the care that we need. The alternative, and what I would recommend, is purchasing a long term care insurance policy where it really affords you access to benefits that allow you, at a minimum, to age in place. So these, you know, there’s studies that show that, you know, couples are willing to spend, you know, $2500 to $3,000 a year on a long term care policy. And you can get a policy that you know can kind of get you a basic, a basic policy that will have, you know, someone come in the home, or things like that. I think a lot of people, when they think of long term care, they think of like, of like a nursing home and things like that. This is really trying to, you know, get, get a policy that provides benefits that can bring people into your home to assist you as you age. So, you know, there’s typically a Goldilocks zone. Is that you should start, you know? So we talk about early retirement, you should start discussing this, probably in your 40s and 50s, start really assessing it in your 50s. And the kind of, the sweet spot the purchase of policy is, like, early 60s, yeah. So this is really important, because, again, like the once you once you kind of go into, like, a facility, if that, if that’s the case, like, that’s where expenses can get really astronomical. So the longer that you can stay in place and have the help that you need, the better, I think it is for you from a psychological perspective, but also from a financial perspective. And again, this is one of the ones. It’s like, like, not going to happen to me, Tim. I think important to look at. And I think we look at these policies as almost as like a a coupon for future care. So, like, hey, you know, if I get a benefit, that’s $3,000 a month, but you know what I need is $4000 then I’m only reaching in my pocket $1000 bucks to kind of cover down on the difference.

Tim Ulbrich  44:54

Again, episode 296, five key decisions for long term care insurance recovered that topic in depth. We’ll link to that in the show notes. Tim, great stuff. And one thing I would say to our listeners, early retirement or not, we touch on a lot of areas of the financial plan. We talked about the importance of having a life plan, having the vision for where we’re going, why we’re going there. We talked about building a retirement paycheck. We touched on insurance, Social Security, investing priorities and decisions to make around investing and how to prioritize different parts of the investing plan. And at YFP, this is what our team of certified financial planners and tax professionals do. We support pharmacists at every stage of their careers to take control their finances, reach their financial goals and build wealth through comprehensive – looking at all the different areas we discussed – fee only, financial planning and tax planning. And we’d love to have an opportunity to talk with you, to learn more about your situation, to learn more about our services. Determine if there’s a good fit. You can book a free discovery call with Tim by visiting yourfinancialpharmacist.com top of the page there, you’ll see an option to book a discovery call. Thanks so much everyone for listening. We’ll catch you again next week.

Tim Ulbrich  46:01

As we conclude this week’s podcast an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts and podcasts, is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyzes expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist, unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward looking statements which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer, thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast. Have a great rest of your week. 


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YFP 377: 10 Moves to Make to Become Financially Fit

Gathering wisdom from his own journey and those of many other pharmacists, Tim Ulbrich, YFP CEO, shares ten moves that are key in building a strong financial foundation.

Episode Summary

YFP CEO and Co-Founder, Tim Ulbrich, distills the lessons learned from his own financial journey and from speaking with thousands of pharmacists about their financial plans into a list of ten moves that are key in building a strong financial foundation. 

Whether you’re just getting started and have the opportunity to build a strong foundation from the beginning or you’ve been at it for a while and sense the need to reinforce that foundation, this week’s episode is for you.

About Today’s Guest

Tim Ulbrich is the Co-Founder and CEO of Your Financial Pharmacist. Founded in 2015, YFP is a fee-only financial planning firm and connects with the YFP community of 15,000+ pharmacy professionals via the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast podcast, blog, website resources and speaking engagements. To date, YFP has partnered with 75+ organizations to provide personal finance education.

Tim received his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Ohio Northern University and completed postgraduate residency training at The Ohio State University. He spent 9 years on faculty at Northeast Ohio Medical University prior to joining Ohio State University College of Pharmacy in 2019 as Clinical Professor and Director of the Master’s in Health-System Pharmacy Administration Program.

Tim is the host of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast which has more than 1 million downloads. Tim is also the co-author of Seven Figure Pharmacist: How to Maximize Your Income, Eliminate Debt and Create Wealth. Tim has presented to over 200 pharmacy associations, colleges, and groups on various personal finance topics including debt management, investing, retirement planning, and financial well-being.

Key Points from the Episode

  • Financial Moves to Build a Strong Foundation [0:00]
  • Commitment to Living Off Less Than You Make [4:05]
  • Building an Emergency Fund [5:59]
  • Developing a Plan to Eliminate High-Interest Debt [10:17]
  • Determining the Best Student Loan Repayment Strategy [12:07]
  • Tracking Net Worth and Understanding Insurance Needs [14:53]
  • Starting to Invest Early and Often [19:03]
  • Refusing to Accept a Fixed Income [20:04]
  • Implementing Systems and Automation [21:30]
  • Conclusion and Encouragement [24:51]

Episode Highlights

“As I truly believe everything else we talk about, right the X’s and O’s, whether it’s investing, insurance, debt repayment, tax planning, whatever it may be, all that stems from understanding and improving our own financial IQ.” – Tim Ulbrich [4:07]

“Life happens, and you want to be prepared. I want to be prepared so that those bumps don’t derail momentum and progress in other areas. The last thing we want is that we feel like we’re finally making progress towards building wealth, saving, investing for the future, achieving the goals that we’ve desired to achieve, and all of a sudden, we haven’t prepared for an emergency, and something sets us backwards and disrupts that momentum.” – Tim Ulbrich [5:00]

“Your six figure income – it’s a great tool, but it is not a financial plan. Without a vision and a plan, that good income is only going to go so far.” – Tim Ulbrich [27:51]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich  00:00

Hey everybody. Tim Ulbrich here and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast, where each week, we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. This week, I’m flying solo with an episode that is short and to the point. One that distills a lot of learning from my own journey and from speaking with 1000s of pharmacists about their financial plans. I’ve taken those experiences and narrowed it down to a list of 10 financial moves that are key in building a strong financial foundation. Think of these as the prerequisites to building wealth and living your rich life. So whether you’re just getting started and have the opportunity to build a strong financial foundation from jump street, or perhaps you’ve been at it for a while, and sense the need to reinforce that foundation, this week’s episode is for you. And if you’re looking to identify areas within your own financial plan that could use some love and attention, we’ve got a great free resource for you. We created a five minute financial fitness test so that you can learn about the areas of your financial plan that you may need to work on, where you’re doing well, and resources that can help along the way. So head on over to yourfinancialpharmacist.com/fitness and see how your financial health is tracking. Again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/fitness will also provide the link in the show notes. 

Tim Ulbrich  01:25

All right, let’s jump right into our list of 10 moves to make to become financially fit. Number one on our list is be a sponge. Be a sponge. This is intentionally number one on the list as a consistent commitment to learning, I believe, is going to yield the greatest return on your investment. The earlier you learn, the higher the return on investment of your time. At most, some pharmacy schools offer a personal finance elective but the vast majority have little to no personal finance that’s embedded in the curriculum, whether that’s at the graduate or the undergraduate or even the K through 12, although we see that expanding more recently. While you don’t need a master’s degree in finance to be successful with your money, you should have the basic knowledge that helps you make good decisions and develop good habits. Read books, listen to podcasts, watch YouTube videos, whatever works for you. Some of my favorite personal finance books that have had the most impact on my journey include Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki;  I Will Teach You To Be Rich, by Ramit Sethi; The Millionaire Next Door, by Tom Stanley; Money: Master the Game by Tony Robbins; and of course, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the book that we wrote, Tim Church and I co authored, Seven Figure Pharmacist. These resources, as well as many other podcasts for me in my own journey, were instrumental to just developing that hunger and habit to learn, recognizing that there’s always an opportunity to grow, right? This is a journey. This is a marathon. This is not a sprint when it comes to long term financial success, and we have to put the work in to make sure that we’re upping our financial IQ over time. So be a sponge. When I think about some of the guests that have been on this show recently, right Brandon Gerleman on last week’s episode 376, that shared his debt free journey paying off about $160,00 of debt. Or Dr. Manny on Episode 375, a new practitioner that has opened up his own community pharmacy, is building his business. Or Mike Beyer from 365 who shared his story, going from a net worth of zero to becoming a Seven Figure Pharmacist. These are just a few of the stories, but one consistent theme and thread that I think of from their journeys is that they really believe there is no arrived. There is no arrive. When it comes to the financial plan, they are hungry to learn, to grow, despite the success that they have, they recognize there’s always an opportunity to learn, to improve and to grow. So that’s number one on our list. As I truly believe everything else we talk about, right the X’s and O’s, whether it’s investing, insurance, debt repayment, tax planning, whatever it may be, all that stems from understanding and improving our own financial IQ. 

Tim Ulbrich  04:22

Number two on our list is make a commitment to live off of less than you make. Make a commitment to live off of less than you make. Outside of learning, outside of being a sponge, this is at the top of the list because other goals require cash flow. It’s that simple, right? If we want to pay off debt, if we want to save and invest for the future, if we want to invest in experiences and travel, whatever goals we have, they’re dependent on cash flow. And cash flow comes from living off of less than we make now, easier said than done. Many of you know that firsthand, but until we figure out ways to take off the cap on our income. We’ll talk about that here in a little bit. The cash flow will come from the difference between what you earn and what you spend. The financial plan is this simple and this hard right. Executing, of course, is the hard part. But without cash flow and without a monthly system, we’re going to talk about that here in a little bit as well. We’re going to find ourselves spinning our wheels financially long term, right? We want to implement a system that from the breathing room and the cash flow that we create, we’re able to fund our goals each and every month, and know that we have a process in place for those goals, the dreams that we have to become a reality. So that’s number two on our list. Make a commitment to live off of less than you make.

Tim Ulbrich  05:48

Number three, you’ve heard me say it many times on the show before, build an emergency fund. This is not just about the dollars in the account. It’s about the breathing room that this creates in your financial plan, getting out of the day to day, month to month, year to year, mindset, and ensuring that we can have the peace of mind. So if you haven’t already done this, open up a high yield savings account or money market account that is separate – keywords – separate from your checking account, and label it as your emergency fund. One of these, my partner, Tim Baker, often says is, hey, if you’re doing the mental accounting, do the actual accounting. What does he mean by that? He means that if we’re looking at our funds, let’s say you’ve got 20, 30, $40,000 that’s sitting in a high yield savings account, or perhaps in a checking account. Hopefully not the case. But if we know that, hey, about five or 10 of that is for an emergency fund. About five or 10 of that is for an upcoming trip, about 10 of that is for a future roof replacement in the home, right? That’s the mental accounting. So if we’re doing that, let’s create the buckets here. We’re talking an emergency fund, label it and do the actual counting of putting it in a fund that is earmarked specifically for the emergency fund. Now we’re going to want to work towards saving three to six months of essential expenses. That’s our goal. That’s our target, general rule of thumb. But don’t let that number overwhelm you if you’re just getting started, or perhaps you’re doing some cleanup work in other parts of the financial plan, because here’s the reality, if you’ve never had an unexpected car or medical expense or another emergency, it’s only a matter of time. Life happens, and you want to be prepared. I want to be prepared so that those bumps don’t derail momentum and progress in other areas. he last thing we want is that we feel like we’re finally making progress towards building wealth, saving, investing for the future, achieving the goals that we’ve desired to achieve, and all of a sudden, we haven’t prepared for an emergency, and something sets us backwards and disrupts that momentum. Now here are five questions that I think you need to answer for your emergency fund, just to get you started and hopefully to get you on track. Number one is adequately funded. We talked about that general rule of thumb, three to six months of essential expenses, not all expenses, essential expenses. So what does that mean? Housing, food, transportation, clothing, minimum debt payments, things that you would continue to fund, even in the event of a short term job loss or emergency add those up. Multiply them by three to six. That’s a general target we’re shooting for with an emergency fund. So that’s question. One, is it adequately funded? Number two, a problem, but a good problem to have is, do you have too much saved in an emergency fund? I’ve talked with several pharmacists that have done a great job saving, but big numbers in an emergency fund, and ideally, we would put these funds, probably elsewhere, to use in the financial plan now, right now, because of where interest rates are at, it’s not a terrible option to have money sitting in an account earning four to 5% in high yield savings account. But if we have other high interest rate debt, or we’re looking to build up our long term investing or savings, there is an opportunity costs that can come from having too much saved in an emergency fund. So that’s question two. Number three, are you optimizing your emergency fund? So what I’m talking about here is making sure it’s not sitting in a checking account, that we have it working for us, especially with where interest rates are at right now. Whether that be a high yield savings account or money market account. You know, right now, at the time of this recording, most of those are in the four to 5% range. So are we optimizing that fund. Number four is, does it need a boost? So this is something that we can set it but forget it, and we have to come back and look at this, right? So, you know, especially for those that are earlier in their career, where expenses creep at a rapid rate, right? Perhaps when you when you graduated, maybe you didn’t have a home, or you didn’t have a family, all of a sudden you wake up in 3, 4, 5, years, our expenses have gone up significantly. So we want to visit this, revisit this at least once a year, and maybe at one point you hit that target of three to six months. But do we need to look at it again? And finally, our fifth question here. Is, as I mentioned already, is it separate from our everyday checking account? Right? If we’re doing the mental accounting, let’s do the actual accounting. So that’s number three on our list, build an emergency fund. 

Tim Ulbrich  10:11

Number four on our list of 10 moves to make to become financially fit, develop a plan to eliminate any high interest rate revolving credit card debt, or any high interest rate revolving consumer debt. Now, if you don’t have any revolving, high interest rate consumer debt, credit card debt, high interest rate, car loans, etc, great, right? Let’s move on. But if you do, baby steps, baby steps, this, along with the emergency fund, is really a top priority, given the interest rates this debt often demands, right, especially when talking about credit card typically north of 20% we have to plug this hole before we can start playing offense with other parts of the plan. Now, I know that sounds obvious, but I see this mistake commonly made, where because student loan debts there’s there’s an emotional burden there, or because there’s a feeling that I need to catch up and save and invest for the future, we can often get these priorities mixed up, right? So if I have high interest rate credit card debt that’s accruing interest north of 20% but I’m paying down debt at 5% 6% whether that be student loans, or I’m trying to save and invest in various retirement accounts. I may have those out of order, right? So we got to look at that. Now. Last thing I want to say here is, if you have credit card debt, know that you aren’t alone. Okay? We often think that, hey, all my other pharmacist friends have this figured out. They’re making a great income. I’m the only one with credit card debt, I can assure you that is not the case. This is a fairly common struggle that we see, especially with new practitioners. Although others are not immune to this, but there’s a lot of expenses that ramp up in that final year of pharmacy school, or those that transition into residency or fellowship. High cost of living areas. There’s a tendency to accrue some credit card debt at the end of that training program. So know that you’re not alone doesn’t mean or minimize that we have work to be done. Of course we do, but you aren’t alone, and we got to really start to begin to tackle this. So that’s number four, develop a plan to eliminate any high interest rate revolving consumer debt. 

Tim Ulbrich  12:15

Number five is we have to get clear on determining what is the best student loan repayment strategy for you. Now, if you’re listening and you have no student loans, you’re further along in your career. Great. Keep moving on, right? But for those that do have student loans, this is often a huge piece of the puzzle that we have to figure out, given the magnitude of it so that we can then plan around it. Because what you’ll notice, if you’re not already aware, especially when it comes to federal student loan repayment, there are a variety of options that can result in either big, big, big monthly payments or much smaller monthly payments, depending on which repayment plan you choose. And so we have to understand what fits into the budget. What is ideal, what is optimal for your situation, so that we can then plan and budget around it. Now, the median debt load for a pharmacy graduate here in 2024 covering right around $160,000 and for many grads, this is one of the most important and overwhelming decisions that they’re going to make. And to be fair, this is way more complicated than it needs to be, both on the federal and the private side. For those of you that have private loans. And to make that worse, this is just a hot mess right now, right. There’s a lot of changes that are going on with student loan repayment, a lot of uncertainty. The Save program has been held up. We don’t know what’s going to happen with that in the future. And by the way, we’re in the midst of a presidential election where student loans are often discussed and used in terms of political jockeying, so there’s a lot of unknown, which means for a lot of borrowers, it’s kind of a wait and see. Right now, it’s a wait and see for many people. So if you’re not already plugged into Studentaid.gov, make sure you get plugged in. We’ll link to that in the show notes so that you can stay up to date. We’ll also try to bring information here on our channels with what’s happening with student federal student loan repayment. But again, given the size, given the magnitude, notice, I didn’t say debt free, and I was intentional there, because for some of you, this is going to be a loan forgiveness pathway. But what I did say is we have to get clear on what our strategy is. We don’t want to be wandering when it comes to how we’re approaching our student loan. So once we can determine what is the optimal repayment strategy, we can then figure out what does that mean for a monthly payment. And then, as I mentioned, we can begin to build around that. So that’s number five, determine your student loan repayment strategy. Number six is, start tracking your net worth. Start tracking your net worth now if you’re early in your journey, especially if you have student loan debt or credit card debt, you’re not going to like this number, right? Because it’s a number that’s going to highlight especially if we have a high amount of debt that hey. We make a good income, but we’re probably not at the point we would like to be in terms of our overall financial health. Net worth is your assets or what you own minus your liabilities or what you owe. And I believe this is a much better indicator of your financial health than is your income, right? Because your income a six figure income. It’s a tool, but it’s not a financial plan, and it’s a tool that we can leverage to grow our net worth by paying down our debts and growing our assets that are hopefully compounding over time, but net worth is really going to shine a light on are we or are we not making progress. And so understanding and respecting this calculation can propel your financial plan. I really think about this as the 20,000 foot view on what’s going on for Jess and I in our own financial plan. So this is something that we’re tracking monthly. Very easy to do. I’ll share with you the template that we use. If you go to your financial pharmacist.com/toolbox. You’ll see a network tracking sheet there. You can save a copy for yourself, edit it. Nothing complicated. You can set up your own sheet as well. It’s a simply a listing of all the accounts that we have, checking savings, retirement accounts, real estate accounts, etc. Add up all the assets, subtract the liabilities. Amount that’s due. That’s our net worth. We’re tracking that over time to make sure that we’re heading in the right direction. If you’re not already doing this, even if you don’t like the number implement a system a recurring task to track your net worth each and every month. That’s number six on our list of 10 moves to make to become financially fed. 

Tim Ulbrich  16:36

Number seven is determine what insurance policies you do and do not need and do not need is perhaps equally as important. And while there are a lot of different types of insurance to consider here, I’m talking in specifically about three that I see get overlooked most by many pharmacists: professional liability and having your own professional liability insurance policy independent of your employer. Term life and long term disability. With the latter two, term life, long term disability, we’ve got to be thinking about what coverage we need in addition to what our employer policies are providing, not only to plus those up if they’re not enough, but also we got to remember that those policies aren’t going with us when we transition jobs, right and so as time goes on, as we get older, these policies typically become more expensive. So if we can lock these in in terms of our own independent Term Life policies, long term disability policies, while we’re younger and we can get the coverage we need, that’s probably going to be the best action that we can take. Now, when it comes to long term disability, you put a lot of time, energy and effort to be able to become a pharmacist and make a good income, and that’s why it’s so important to protect it. Disability Insurance for pharmacists is really income insurance. It’s addressing what would you do and the event that you’re unable to work as a pharmacist, right on the term life insurance side, what we’re trying to do there is especially if we have dependents or someone else that relies upon our income, in the event that you were to prematurely pass away, and that income is needed. What is that term life insurance policy going to produce? What expenses is it going to cover both short and long term now, we’ve got more information and resources on all of this. You can check those out at our website, yourfinancialpharmacist.com, I’ll link to a couple resources we have specifically on term life and long term disability in the show notes; guides that we’ve written specifically for pharmacists, what you do need, what you don’t need. Make sure to check those out. That’s number seven on our list. Determine what insurance policies you do and do not need. 

Tim Ulbrich  18:54

Number eight is we have to start investing as early as we possibly can. Now I know we’ve all been told this, but again, as with many of these items easier said than done, because when you’re flooded with things like student loans and other debt, it can be hard to balance prioritizing investing, and it’s easy to fall into the trap and perhaps feel that you can put off retirement savings for a few years, but the reality is that you want to take advantage of compound interest, time, value of money, and the earlier you start contributing, the better. And your investing strategy, it’s going to evolve over time. It’s going to get more complicated. But don’t succumb to inaction, because you’re overwhelmed with all the options. Start typically, what we’re focused on is starting with the employer match to a, 401K or 403B, 401 k, for those that you work work for a for profit, 403B for those that you work for a non profit, assuming that you’re there long enough to be vested, that’s a key factor we have to look at. And then we’re going to build from there, right? We’re going to look at things like IRAs Traditional and Roth IRAs, typically. Roth IRAs for pharmacists. HSAs health savings account and other investment vehicles along the way as well. We have talked extensively on the show about various investing strategies, long term retirement plan strategies, so make sure to check out those episodes for more information. 

Tim Ulbrich  20:17

Number nine on our list of 10 moves to make to become financially fit is refuse to accept your income is fixed. Now, common misperception I see among many pharmacists is that there is a ceiling on their income, and that mindset can lead to stagnation. Stagnation. It can lead to career dissatisfaction, and it can really limit on what is possible. So whether it’s pursuing additional opportunities within your organization, or perhaps for some of you, it’s starting a side hustle or business or investing in real estate, these are just a few of the many examples of how pharmacists are taking the ceiling off of their income potential. Bob Berg, the author of the Go Giver, said that your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them. I believe that to be true, whether it’s people that start their own business, whether that’s people that get started in real estate and develop great collaborations and partnerships, or whether that’s folks within their own organization that really are able to demonstrate and provide the value that then unlocks additional opportunities for them. So that’s number nine, refuse to accept your income as fixed because,

Tim Ulbrich  21:25

as we talked about earlier, all financial goals stem from the cash flow that we create by living off of less than we make. One way to do that is cut expenses. The other way we’re talking about here in our ninth point is growing our income. 

Tim Ulbrich  21:37

And finally, number 10 on our list of 10 moves to become financially fit, implement systems and automation as soon as possible. Now, if you’ve listened to the show for a while, you know that I love automation, and Ramit Sethi he talks about this in his book, I Will Teach You be Rich when he says, and I agree that automation can be the single most profitable system that you ever build. And as you’re getting started, it’s the process, not the outcome. It’s the process that’s most important. Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint, and building and automating a system is ultimately what’s going to allow you to identify and fund your goals. You are directing your financial plan rather than reacting to it. That’s what we’re talking about here with automation. And it’s so apparent, so effective, so easy to implement, but it’s vastly underutilized. It involves essentially scheduling the transfer of funds to predefined goals, and doing so confidently, knowing that you’ve already accounted for it in your monthly spending plan. That’s what we’re talking about with automation. So whether it’s paying down your debt more aggressively through extra payments, whether it’s saving and investing money to an IRA or another type of investment account, whether it’s putting money towards a down payment on a home or investment property, whatever the goal is that we’ve identified and we account for in our monthly spending plan, once we identify that goal, automation, the next step here is to move those funds after we get paid, rather than waiting to see if there’s money left over, right? It’s proactive versus reactive. Sure, it takes a little bit of time to set up, but once it’s set up, it provides a long term return on your time, benefit and peace of mind, knowing that you have thought about, you’ve prioritized and you have a plan that is working itself to fund your goals. Do not underestimate how powerful that can be in terms of momentum and confidence. Now, what does this actually look like? So for my wife and I, we have a high yield savings account. We use Ally for all our online banking, this is not commercial for Ally, but in our high yield savings account within that, we have various buckets, and we name them according to the goals that we’re setting out to achieve. Now, of course, if there’s anything that I want to go directly to an account, not to sit in a high yield savings account, right? Perhaps this would be funding a Roth IRA or a brokerage account, or putting money into 529, those are going to be automated directly to that account. But for anything else, as I mentioned before, the mental accounting and the actual accounting, for example, this year we’re finishing, right now, a basement remodel project. So we have a bucket in our high yield savings account for a basement remodel. It could be a vacation. It could be the next car purchase. It could be gifts that you are funding throughout the year. It could be your insurance, homeowners or auto insurance that you pay once a year, twice a year, that you save up through throughout the year. Right? Any of these goals, we can create a bucket, and we can automate the contribution of the funds to that, and then we can see, and have a visual representation of what our goals are, and whether we’re not or not, we’re on track to achieve those. So this system, it took us about 15 minutes to set up, and could just as easily be achieved, probably through your own bank, or if they don’t have a bucket tool like that, through tracking in a simple spreadsheet. Again, resources I have that you can see more of our system. You go to yourfinancialpharmacist.com/toolbox, feel free to download any of those templates or resources and make them your own. 

Tim Ulbrich  25:06

Now, if you’re someone that’s listening, that’s feeling perhaps financially stressed or stuck or overwhelmed or confused or anxious, whether you’re a new practitioner, mid career, approaching retirement, or maybe you’re wondering, why am I not further along? Right? I’ve earned a good income, or I am earning a good income. Why am I not further along? I want you to close your eyes for a moment, unless you’re driving, of course, don’t do that and imagine a scenario where you are regularly investing in time to enhance your financial IQ, whether that’s reading, podcast, whatever you’re consistently learning and growing in this area. I want you to imagine where you have a fully funded emergency fund, where you have the peace of mind knowing that you have a backstop in place. I want you to imagine a scenario where if you have any high interest rate revolving debt, that that’s gone, and for other debt, you have a plan in place for how that’s going to be paid off and where that fits in the budget. I want you to imagine a scenario where you’re regularly tracking your net worth over time each and every month. I want you to imagine a scenario where you’re saving and investing each month and hopefully growing that each month, taking advantage of compound interest and time value of money. I want you to imagine a scenario where you’re advocating and negotiating for your income to be commensurate with the value that you’re providing and the confidence that can come from that. And I want you to imagine for a moment that you have a system in place that is accounting for and automatically funding your goals each month. And as you imagine those things. How does that feel? What emotions are coming up, and how does that contrast against those feelings of feeling stressed or stuck or overwhelmed, confused, anxious, notice that there is nothing complicated about what I have shared today. Sure, there’s a time and place for more advanced strategies, many of which we have talked about on this show, but first we have to do the foundational work that will put us in the position to take some calculated risk. And this just this isn’t just new practitioner stuff, right? I know many pharmacists, myself included, that sometimes we have to go back to the foundations, whether we’ve been out five years, 15 years or 25 years. And while all of this is pretty straightforward, you and I both know that executing consistently over time is a different challenge. So let me wrap up by saying that if you could use some help and guidance, we have a team of certified financial planners and tax professionals at YFP that can help. Your six figure income. It’s a great tool, but as I’ve said already once on this show, it is not a financial plan without a vision and a plan that good income is only going to go so far. That’s why, in part, I started Yfp back in 2015 because at Yfp, we support pharmacists at every stage of their careers to take control their finances, reach their financial goals and build wealth through comprehensive fee only financial planning and tax planning. Our team of certified financial planners and tax professionals work with pharmacists all across the country and help our clients set their future selves up for success while living a rich life today, both are important. So if you’re ready to see how yp can help support you on your financial journey, you can visit your financial pharmacist.com, and at the top right, you’ll see an option to book a discovery call that will take you to a scheduling page to book a meeting with my partner, a 60 minute meeting. Tim Baker, fee only, certified financial professional, where we’ll talk and learn about your situation, your goals, what’s working, what’s not working. We’ll share more about our services, and from there, we can determine whether or not those are good fit again, yourfinancialpharmacist.com, at the top right, you’ll see an option there to click on book a discovery call. Thank you so much for listening to this week’s episode. If you found this information helpful, do me a favor. Share this with a friend and colleague and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts which will help others find the show. Have a great rest of your day, and we’ll catch you again next week. Take care.

Tim Ulbrich  29:14

 As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyzes expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist, unless otherwise noted and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward looking statements which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer, Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast. Have a great rest of your week.


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YFP 376: From Student Debt to Financial Freedom: How Brandon Paid Off $160k

Brandon Gerleman, PharmD shares the strategy for how he paid off $160k of debt.

This episode is brought to you by APhA.

Episode Summary

Brandon Gerleman, a 2017 pharmacy graduate from the University of Iowa, shares his journey of paying off $160k of debt through not one, not two, but five refinances along the way. Brandon discusses his repayment strategy, why he decided for a more aggressive loan payoff, and what’s next for him and his family. He emphasizes the importance of living within your means, being aware of finances, and the impact of interest rates on repayment strategies. Brandon and his wife are now looking toward the future and he shares what other financial goals they are preparing for.

About Today’s Guest

Brandon Gerleman, PharmD is a 2017 graduate of the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy. He currently works as a Senior Product Manager on the Pharmacy Product Team at Outcomes, where he manages products to help pharmacists practice at the top of their training and provides tools to help drive pharmacy campaigns and increase efficiencies. After graduating in 2017 with $161,000 in student loan debt, he paid it off in May 2024. Brandon and his wife, Mariah, have 2 children and live in a rural community in Iowa. He enjoys spending time with his family, golfing, and watching Iowa Hawkeye football.

Key Points from the Episode

  • Brandon’s Passion for Personal Finance 1:36
  • Career Journey and Student Loan Debt 6:08
  • Refinancing Strategy and Financial Discipline 9:29
  • Balancing Financial Goals and Family Life 19:48
  • Future Financial Plans and Legacy 28:59

Episode Highlights

“Within that entire last seven years, though, I’ll say that we lived within our means, but we weren’t crunching pennies. We’re not in some fancy house. We’re within our means here. We still go on vacations with the kids. We still do fun things with the kids.” – Brandon Gerleman [20:59]

“For me and my wife, it was just like, how can we tackle the student debt and take that off our shoulders to then enable us to do more things? And it’s all about the family, and it was like trying to prepare for the future that way.” – Brandon Gerleman [21:38]

“At the end of the day, the math is the math, and we weren’t so aggressive, where we couldn’t do things. And we weren’t so passive, where the dollars kept loading on. So I think it was finding that right balance.” – Brandon Gerleman [22:34]

“We want to be able to live in the moment and celebrate and do things with our kids. I love the word intentional. Be very intentional about what we’re doing. We can still splurge on a Starbucks every now and then, right? You can still do things while living within your means and being intentional about how we’re how we’re approaching our student loan debt payoff.” – Brandon Gerleman [24:50]

“We’re always learning, I feel like the more aware we are around what’s happening. That’s why I was listening to all these Your Financial Pharmacist Podcasts back in pharmacy school, on fourth year rotations, and ever since, it’s just being aware. It’s always learning. It’s asking questions and trying to put ourselves in the best position for success.” -Brandon Gerleman [30:25]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich  00:00

Hey everybody. Tim Ulbrich here and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast, where each week, we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. This week, I welcome Brandon Gerleman onto the show, a 2017 pharmacy graduate from the University of Iowa and longtime listener of the YFP Podcast, to share his journey paying off $160,000 of debt through not one, not two, but five refinances along the way. We discuss his repayment strategy, why he decided for a more aggressive loan payoff, and what’s next for him and his family. Today’s episode of the YFP Podcast is brought to you by The American Pharmacists Association. APHA has partnered with YFP to deliver personalized financial education benefits for APHA members. Throughout the year, APHA will be hosting a number of exclusive webinars covering topics like student loan debt payoff strategies, home buying, investing, insurance needs and much more. Join APHA now to gain premier access to these educational resources and to receive discounts on YFP products and services. You can join APHA at a 25% discount by visiting pharmacist.com/join and using the coupon code YFP. Again, that’s coupon code YFP at pharmacist.com/join. All right, let’s jump into my debt free interview with Brandon Gerleman. 

Tim Ulbrich  01:26

Brandon, welcome to the show.

Brandon Gerleman  01:28

Hey. What’s going on?

Tim Ulbrich  01:29

Super excited to have you on. It’s been a while since we’ve done a debt free story and celebration. So I’m certainly looking forward to that. And you and I connected back in 2023 although, as we discussed before the interview, we had some connections before that we weren’t necessarily aware of. And at the time, I saw a post that you shared on LinkedIn of a pharmacy personal finance talk that you were giving to Iowa pharmacy students. So let’s start there. Where does your passion for personal finance come from?

Brandon Gerleman  01:59

Yeah, no, I appreciate that. Definitely comes from being aware, and that, you know, just being aware of your situation, and it kind of spurs from  my parents really having that instilled, instilled that at a young age, and just being aware, you know, living within your means, having the ability to kind of see everything that that has come in and coming out, and yet again, just just that awareness issue and a little bit of that pharmacist, hey, I need to control a little bit of something here.

Tim Ulbrich  02:31

I love that. And you shared with me, you know, 2017, year you graduated, you were on APPE rotations, and you ran across the YFP podcast, which helped, in part, light a spark that you certainly took and ran with, and you’ve done the hard work, but I love that you’re now giving that back as well as you’re sharing with other students, and as you and I both know this is such a topic of interest and need among pharmacists at large, but certainly students and new practitioners. So thank you for your commitment to this topic, and as you continue to share the good news with students and others as well. Before we get into the weeds on your student loans and your Debt Free Journey, how you paid them off, why you paid them off, tell us about your career path, what led you into the profession, and what’s the work that you’ve been doing since graduating 2017. 

Brandon Gerleman  03:18

Yeah, for sure. For sure. Graduated in 2017. Prior to even getting into pharmacy school. I live here in a small town of 5,000 folks here in South Central Iowa, and really that independent community pharmacist and seeing the impact on what they did to the community. That sounds super cliche. You probably hear that a lot. I’m sure pharmacists talk about that a bunch. But the pharmacist at the independent community pharmacy uptown, like they were the, know it all for anything. It was, you know, drug related, it was, you know, any ailment related. It was, when’s the next bus come in? I mean, it was any question, you know, community events like they were just that go to resource. And I just, I just admired that and thought, gosh, I just, I like talking to people, love science. I think this could be a really good fit. Started working there as a pharmacist, you know, technician, tech and training prior when I was an undergrad and just ran, ran from there and never looked back. So graduated from the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy in 2017 and immediately ran back home, right. Came back to my hometown and was overseeing a lot of the clinical operations within the small pharmacy chain that we had here. And that was a really nice, fulfilling, you know, giving back to the community. Being involved in the community; was there for about two and a half years, and really had the mindset of wanting to impact more than just 5,000 in my community. So made the transition over to Outcomes MTM, where I could really help impact millions upon millions of patients. Patients, and help them with outcomes for about five years now, so been there ever since, worn a number of different hats within outcomes, been on the clinical team, been on the payer product team, and most recently, I’m on the pharmacy product team. So I’ve got a little bit of a non traditional pathway, A, B, current position, so I’m a senior product manager, and I oversee all the clinical pharmacy products for Outcomes, and so that that that involves or brings in anything from looking at our collaborative practice agreements and being on the clinical lens to review those, to writing pharmacy sponsored opportunities on the outcomes platform, to also writing clinical workflows that enable the pharmacist to, you know, to practice at the top of their license and submit as a medical bill. So really, anything clinical in the pharmacy, in pharmacy land from outcomes I oversee, and I absolutely love it. I sit with software engineers every single day, and they’re a tremendous group of folks and provide that clinical lens on a lot of what we’re doing. And it’s a very fulfilling position, a need position, and the ability to not only impact patients, but to increase efficiencies and provide more tools for pharmacists to impact even more patients and truly get that fulfilling, that point of patient care, that great, we’re in a state we can do test and treat. But what does that mean? Where do I start? What do I do? You know, how can I decrease my my risk of, you know, DIR fees, you know, how can I practice, you know, practice at the top of my license. So it’s a fun, fun position that I’m at. And been there, been been there, five years, five years now. 

Tim Ulbrich  06:48

Outcomes holds a special place for me, and I didn’t share this with you in advance, and I’m dating myself a little bit. And our listeners may not know this about my career path, but I graduated back in 2008 and I spent a year residency in community practice, and then my first job out of community practice was a shared academic role with the university up in Northeast Ohio. And then I was practice component was with a local community regional chain. Giant Eagle is the name of the chain, and we were implementing medication management services across the region. That was my job to go to various stores and help them think about the clinical workflows and how to embed this into patient care models. And it was a really exciting time, right? This wasn’t too long after the passage of the Medicare Modernization Act, and this was for us in Ohio, there was a huge Medicaid contract that landed, and through outcomes was really the ability that we had to do many of these services at the time, so just really fun memories and and really being able to help expand practice at the time. So feels like it’s coming full circle as you’re talking here and sharing your career journey as well. 

Brandon Gerleman  07:55

Yeah, definitely it’s that next, that next chapter, right? And now we’re just, we’re beyond just traditional MTM, and now we’re trying to help pharmacists just do more on that same platform.

Tim Ulbrich  08:05

So let’s get into the student loans. Give us the juicy details. How much debt did you have when you graduated in 2017 and what was the average interest rate on your debt at the time?

Brandon Gerleman  08:17

Yeah, did some math here, and kind of added things up. And I still have, when I first graduated, just kind of memory of seeing the number in my head there. But just shy $161,000 in student loan debt from both undergrad and grad and pharmacy school. So I’ve got twoundergrad degrees. I went the four and four route, and they averaged across all of them about 6.75% so remember, just graduated and be like, Oh, that’s a kind of a tough pill to swallow. 

Tim Ulbrich  08:51

Yeah. And as you and I were talking about before we hit record, you know, the the interest rate matters a lot, and we’ll talk about how that played into your repayment journey. Unfortunately, we’re seeing those rates – I graduated again, 2008 6.8% a lot of my loans were fixed. You mentioned in the six, sevens. We’re actually seeing now rates on those unsubsidized graduate loans, you know, north of 8% so those are tough interest rates. We talk a lot about the number right, 161, 170, 180, 190. And actually the the average debt load is, we just got the latest data from the class of 2024, hovering around that hovering around that $170k mark still. So it has flattened off over the last several years. But we don’t give enough attention to the interest rate, and I think that’s going to come to life as we talk about your repayment strategy, because for you, as I understand it, it was refinancing your loans, not once, not twice, but five times, ultimately, getting your rate down to 2.24% now, before our listeners, you know, are just like, what in the world, those interest rates don’t exist today, right? So talk us through that decision to refinance. What was it primarily or only based? Based on that 2.24% because there are some considerations, right? When people take their loans from the federal system to a private lender, which is what you’re doing through a process of refinance, there are some things that you might be giving up. Oh, and by the way, when something like a global pandemic happens and there’s a freeze on interest and no payments are required, right, that was something we never could have seen coming as a potential negative impact and consequence of refinancing. So tell us about that decision to refinance and how you ultimately got to the point that that was the best plan for you.

Brandon Gerleman  10:33

Yeah, yeah. Definitely didn’t have global pandemic and halt on student loan payments in my in my Uno cards there. But yeah, for me, it was the aspect of I knew I was never going to, I shouldn’t say never, never say that you never know where the career is going to take you. But highly unlikely for me to go to a another career that kept me in that student loan forgiveness within the federal sector there. So knowing that it just came down to math, and at the end of the day, it wasn’t a jump from 6.75% directly to 2.24% it was refinancing. And I would just always got in the habit of, every three months checking, and I actually always go on on Your Financial Pharmacist and go over to see what deals were going on, right? You know what was the bonus for refinancing? What were the rates at playing around? And never, you know, never hurt your credit score by checking. And you don’t know what you don’t know. And so I would just continue to chip chip, chip away, and eventually got that down to that 2.24% with that auto pay, you know, the rate reduction there by a quarter percent. But it just came down to math. And at the end of the day, what we’re doing is, is math here. And I hate to pay in interest, oh my gosh, just to think that I’m like, giving, like, somebody giving money, and I’m paying them back, and the interest payments are, you know, what’s killing you. I just wanted to that was just a fire in the belly. Wanted to reduce that as much as possible.

Tim Ulbrich  12:05

Yeah, you know, I gave a presentation just a couple weeks ago to a group of student pharmacists, and I walked them through how interest accumulates, right? Because when we’re talking about unsubsidized loans, which you know for most pharmacy students, that’s going to be all of your federal student loans. When it comes to your pharmacy education, there’s the principal, which is the original amount that you’re borrowing, and then there’s the interest which accrues while you’re in school. I often say, Well, when I’m presenting, hey, not to scare you, but while we’re sitting here, the interest is accruing, right? That’s just a matter of fact. And then when you get an active repayment, that separate pot of interest gets added to your principal, and that grows interest. What I say is baby interest, which is referred to as capitalization. So the result of that, why that matters, is that most borrowers, myself, included my own journeys, you vastly underestimate how much you’re actually going to pay off when it’s all said and done, because you’re looking at as a pharmacy student saying, okay, you know, I’m borrowing 15, $20,000 a semester. I’ve got so many semesters, that’s the number, right? And what we’re leaving out there is the interest that accumulates in school, and then the interest that accumulates all the while in the repayment period as well. So such an important lesson, whether we’re talking about student loans, credit card debt, mortgage, car loans, anytime you’re borrowing, right? Interest is the cost of borrowing anytime a bank is lending someone money that that’s a risk they’re taking, and obviously you’re going to pay for that in the form of interest. We have to understand how that interest accumulates and how we feel as well, which is an important one that you mentioned in terms of your hate of that interest. I also want to highlight Brandon,  you said something important, which I don’t want to overlook for our listeners that are thinking about their own situation. You said, Hey, I first determined that something like Public Service Loan Forgiveness wasn’t going to be my pathway. Once I made that decision, it really came down to a math, the math. And I want to highlight that, because that’s how I think about it, in terms of a decision tree, right? If there is a pathway to be considered, and it makes sense. And there’s some pros, cons, things that we gotta factor in before you ultimately make that decision. Let’s have that discussion first, if that is not a possibility, then we’re looking at, how do we maximize our repayment options and strategies? And for some people, that might be a refinance. Now, Brandon, I know our listeners are listening to say, is anybody refinancing anymore, right? Given where interest rates are at, and the answer is, actually there are, it’s certainly not anywhere to the point of what you did when you got this all the way down to the low twos. We saw that right before the pandemic. A lot of people, flurry of activity into refinancing below threes. You know, that has largely gone away for the most part, but there are many people out there who have existing private loans that may be at eight, 9, 10, 11, 12, plus percent, which is crazy to say out loud, that certainly should be considering whether or not they can move that private loan and get a better deal on that. So I just want to kind of pause for a moment and make sure we address that. So when you look at the math, clearly, you know, 6.7% down  2.24%. That looks good. What did that actually mean in terms of how much time that took off the repayment period? 

Brandon Gerleman  15:11

Oh, I should have written this down! Every single time I would use the some of the calculators that that are on the Your Financial Pharmacist website and and every time I would, you know, crunch it. If I’m here, here’s where I’m at, bringing it down, here’s where I’m at. I have to dig in there. But I know it was of the 10s of 1000s of dollars, and then as far as a time, I think that’s where, that’s where I compounded and snowballed things. So like my wife and I were incredibly comfortable paying when I first graduated this, you know, unsightly amount that was more than our house payment and and thinking, Okay, well, if we’re comfortable paying that, we’re going to refinance from, you know, from A to B, and that reduced my interest rate. Well, I’m going to continue to pay that because out of sight, out of mind, but I’m going to add that extra because my payment went down. My monthly payment went down. I’m going to add that extra as principal only. And so by the time you did that five times you’re you’re knocking it down. It is dollars that you’re not even used to seeing because you haven’t seen it yet that are just snowballing toward that principle. And then every time I would refinance, I’d play around with the calculators as well. Can I, you know, decrease the duration, you know, of my student loan as well? And the last one that we did in 2021 that got me to that 2.24 I also cut it from at that point would have been seven years down to five years. And so that also helped me, you know, really snowball. And then I’ll say that anytime we had a, you know, a tax return, or any, you know, any type of dollars that we felt, hey, let’s, let’s start throwing, throwing additional dollars that way. We throw it as a lump sum, and we’d, we chase it, you know, chase a traditional payment with a principal only. Payments would only go toward that principal, and that was, you know, the combination of refinancing, reducing that, the length of that loan, continuing to pay what we were used to paying, and have it go to our principal, and then the lump sums, kind of, you know, along the way doesn’t have to be much. Can be 500 bucks. This one month can be, you know, $1,000 you know, this other month can just be adding on. Hey, let’s, you know, just add on a little bit. Add 20 bucks a month toward principal. Those small things added up where all of a sudden you became much more manageable. And every time I was very aware, I’ve said that a couple times, I’m very aware, I would always be checking, you know, you know, what’s the balance? Now, you wouldn’t check every single day. That would just drive about, you know, a person crazy. But you know, as you’re checking, then you’re noticing that your payments going more towards principal and less toward interest and and then you can start breathing a little bit, right? And then there, you know, there’s that light at the end of the tunnel and that snowball. And just continue to snowball and snowball and snowball.

Tim Ulbrich  17:58

Yeah, what I hear there is momentum and energy that is coming, which, which is really defined by that snowball approach. And we’ll talk a little bit more about that. But you know, often people will refinance to potentially save on a monthly payment, and then that frees up cash flow to do other things, no right or wrong there. That’s just an option that people choose. Others kind of take the approach you did, which is, hey, we’re going to refinance, get a lower rate, but since we’re used to this monthly payment, even though we only have to now pay 1100 bucks a month, but we’re used to paying 1500 or whatever the number is, let’s keep paying 1500 we’re going to make these principal only payments, and by doing that, we’re going to jump down the amortization table, right? And for those of you that haven’t geeked out on an amortization table, it’s important to understand these things. Again, it’s not just student loans, it’s house payments, car payments, any other type of debt. To really understand what percentage of your payment is going toward principal, what percentage of your payment is going towards interest, and after you make that payment, what’s the balance due? Oh, and by the way, if we make an extra payment, what does that mean, right, in terms of where we’re at, and so depending on your goals, what you’re trying to achieve, interest rates, all these factors are going to determine how aggressive you may or may not be in that debt repayment to that point. And you mentioned Brandon that you know, when you first started, you were paying this unsightly amount. I remember that feeling very well, and that for you, it’s Hey, I hate interest these need to be gone as quick as possible, as what I’m gathering from you, and that’s a decision point that people have to decide, right? We talked about the first branch of the decision tree, which was, Hey, are you going to pursue loan forgiveness or not? If not, then it’s a mathematical decision. Now, once you go to the next decision point, it is, how quickly do I want these gone? And what does that mean for our monthly cash flow and potentially being able to do X, Y or Z. That could be a myriad of things, right? It could be that, hey, we’re looking to save up for a home. We’re looking to buy a second investment property. We want to invest in more in our retirement. We want to have experiences. We got kids on the way. There’s a million other goals that could be coming. But ultimately, you decided that, sure. Or more cash flow would be nice, but we want these gone, you know, tomorrow. And so how did you and your wife get to that decision, that despite the rate arguably being pretty darn low when you get to that point, 2.24  and even before that pretty low, that even though those rates were coming down, you really wanted to go that aggressive repayment. What was the philosophy behind that for you guys?

Brandon Gerleman  20:20

Yeah, yeah. Great, great question. I would say it wasn’t hard to not even going to use the word convince. My wife is already on the same page. So just more of demonstrating, showing the math, and saying, you know, by doing this, you know, semi aggressive plan, instead of being done in 2027 we can be done in 2024 so that freed up, you know, three years of more than our house payment worth of student loans that then will allow us to do more things. And so I’ve got two young kids under the age of four. And, you know, now all of sudden we can, we can go out and we can maybe do something. And, you know, go on a vacation here, and within that entire last seven years, though, I’ll say that we lived within our means, but we weren’t crunching pennies. We’re not in some fancy, fancy house. We’re within our means here. We still go on vacations with the kids. We still do fun things with the kids. Went and saw Caitlin Clark play in Minnesota last week, right? So, yeah, you know, so we’re, it’s from, for me and my wife, it was just like, how can we tackle the student debt and take that and just, you know, a big relief off our shoulders to then enable us to do more things? And it’s all about the family, and it was like trying to prep for the for the future that way. Also say that the snowball doesn’t doesn’t just stop with with my student loans. We We’ve now taken what we’re used to paying for my student loans, and we’re snowballing into other things, a truck payment. My wife student loans are almost done, you know, yeah, so, like, by the end of 2024 you know, really being able to breathe. And then you know that that allows you, and I’m sure I’m leading on to the next question. You know that that allows a person to do a little bit more. And now I can start putting dollars for a 529, plan for, you know, for the kids. And I can start, you know, and add a little bit more in the 401K, which can then reduce my, you know, my taxable income. So there’s other things that that that we can consider while, you know, we have a, you know, freed up a little bit of monthly cash, you know, when it comes to looking at the cash in and out, but it’s really having that supportive spouse who, at the end of the day, the math is the math, and we weren’t so aggressive, where we couldn’t do things, we weren’t. So, you know, passive, where the, you know, the dollars kept, kept loading on. So I think it was finding that that right balance,

Tim Ulbrich  22:49

I suspect that balance was really important for the two of you to get on the same page. And it’s something I see often. It was true in our own journey as well, that, I think, where people run into some issues, especially if you have two different money belief systems. And I’m not suggesting that was the case here, but when that is the case, you know, when one person’s like, hey, we want to go all in and I want these gone tomorrow, and we’re not going to do anything. Like, obviously, there’s going to be friction there, right? And I think we often have this perception of, hey, I would love to be debt free, like Brandon’s debt free, but I’m not willing to sacrifice everything. And what I hear you saying is like, Hey, we’ve lived within our means. We’ve done hard work. I’m not going to minimize that. We’ve been intentional, but we haven’t been, you know, to the point where we’re not also enjoying things and living this rich life that we so often talk about on the show. And what I often see, and I’m confident I will see here as well, is that when someone is as intentional as you have been, and you and your wife have been for for as long as you’ve been, then when you go to the next decision point, when your wife’s loans are done, and you’re like, hey, we were putting x per month between our loans. Now what? That’s the question. Now, what? Right this money isn’t going to go off into the ether and you’re going to be like, what happened? We used to pay loans, and now we don’t know where that money went. Like, you’re going to be intentional about, hey, it’s the 529 account. Maybe it’s putting a little bit more towards investing for retirement. Maybe it’s being intentional if we’re going to take another vacation a year or, you know, do whatever it means for you guys to be living the rich life. So I love that, and I think we don’t talk often enough about that that there are benefits that come long term from how we approach our decision making and how we live today, that even when the debt’s gone, you’re gonna see the fruit of that well beyond that. 

Brandon Gerleman  24:35

Definitely. And you know, I’ve seen other folks that have been on your podcast that have paid off way more in a shorter amount of time. And I think that is phenomenal. It’s kind of driving your own, you know, your own why? And for me, it was in my wife. It was like we want to be able to live in the moment and celebrate and do things with our kids. And as you know, before we had kids as a couple, but also be and I love the word intentional. Be very intentional about what we’re doing. You know, we can still splurge on a Starbucks every now and then, right? You know, you can still do things while living within your means and being intentional about how we’re how we’re approaching our student loan debt payoff. 

Tim Ulbrich  25:15

As you and your wife look towards that finish line of her loans coming in the not so distant future, and obviously, as aggressive as you’ve been there, there’s going to be some cash flow available, which is exciting. And you’ve, in part, answered this. You mentioned the kids college savings of 529, accounts. I’ve heard kind of the family experience aspect of it as well. What else? What else is? Is a priority for you guys as you look towards, say, the next decade or so? 

Brandon Gerleman  25:42

Man, hard to look past the next decade. When you’ve got two kids running around, doing everything every single week, there’s something new! I would say, you know, free enough to be able to start investing more, right? So because, I’m because we were so intentional about paying down debt, we weren’t as heavy on on investing. And so I would say, you know, investing personally, as well as investing in my children’s future with, you know, 529 plans. I’m that’s probably my biggest thing is, like paying it forward. I will say, here’s the nice little asterisk that I’ll throw with my 161,000 in student loan debt, my folks took care of my undergrad. So that includes, you know, around just shy or about $35,000 out of that $160k my mom and dad were very intentional to pay off for my twin sister and I, to allow us to then kind of pay it forward. So I’m really looking forward to being able to pay it, forward to my to my children. So I’d say, you know, between 529 some investing, some decreasing my taxable income, as well as saving for retirement. And then I, I think the biggest thing is, like taking a breath and just saying, Hey, we did it. Let’s just kind of, you know, relax, enjoy it for a little bit and and really enjoy the family and start doing more things and really getting those, those family experiences involved. We’re not anytime we’re doing presents for kids or anything we’re not big on, like a product or an item, like, for all those that are parents out there, Tim, yourself, included, like, man, like you, for you, the kid forgets about it maybe in two weeks, or plays with the box instead, right? Or and so those are replaceable, the the memories and the experiences are what we’re really trying to pass on, I think that’ll allow us to do a little bit more, you know, travel, and just be even more involved with our kids.

Tim Ulbrich  27:38

I love to hear that Brandon, and I’m intentionally asking the question, you know, to encourage our listeners to be thinking about this as well, and to encourage you and your wife to continue these conversations as well, because they’re so important, right? You’ve done incredible hard work with the student loan debt. You’re going to do great work with saving but, but there’s a bigger story here, right? And that’s what I’m asking about, because there will be a day. I call it the rocking chair exercise. There will be a day when I look back, when you look back and, you know, yeah, oh yeah. Remember, we paid off all that debt, yeah, we did that. You know, remember when we got to the point of financial independence because we saved for the future, and we don’t have our mortgage anymore, and our kids are taking care of, yeah, yeah, we did that. What do we remember, right? What’s the So, what? What’s the vision? What’s the engine behind all of this? And at the end of the day, money is a tool. Money has value because we all agree it has value, and as long as that’s true, it will have value, but it’s what we’re able to do with that money. And getting clear with that no right or wrong answer is really what this whole financial plan is about. So I hear a strong why of family experiences. You know, that’s something I often hear when I ask this question. You know, for other people, it might be a dream they have of starting a business, or it might be, you know, some type of giving aspect of time, reminding you’re having an option to work part time. Or it could be a myriad of things, and really getting clear on that, I think, for those that are listening, that are in the middle of the weeds of going through a journey like this. You know, it’s not a hey, I’ll think about that tomorrow. It’s, let’s think about this now, because that’s going to propel and give us some motivation while we’re in the midst of this journey. And we don’t want to wait till we get to the finish line, because this is something we constantly want to ignite the fire in the flame with. And for those that are doing this with a significant other, partner, spouse, so important, so important. We’re having these conversations because all the strategy is somewhat noise. If we aren’t clear on where are we going or why are we going there? And that really, I think, is where we see so much of the joy come and the opportunity. So I love what you shared there, Brandon, I’m so excited to see where you and your wife go into the future, and congratulations on the success that you’ve had so far. 

Brandon Gerleman  29:43

Very much appreciate that. And I will say one more thing, and that is, you know, nobody pretends to be an expert in this area, right? We’re always learning. And so even myself, as I’m going through this last year, learned about, you know, a. 529 you know, Secure Act. And then I was able to, you know, throw some dollars toward that,  a 529 plan over last year and this year, that even helped me from a tax benefit that I knew I was going to pay them off this year. So I might as well throw it in an account that I can kind of shelter a little bit through taxes. Had no clue about that. I was just kind of over a beer, discussing with with another colleague, and it’s like, Wait a minute. So I just just want to throw that out there that, you know, we’re always learning, I feel like the more aware we are around what’s happening. You know, that’s why I was listening to all these Your Financial Pharmacist Podcasts back in in pharmacy school, on fourth year rotations, and ever since, it’s, it’s just, it’s being aware. It’s always learning. It’s asking questions and just, you know, trying to, trying to put ourselves in the best position for success, for whatever that why is 

Tim Ulbrich  30:50

What I hear there is a curiosity, a desire to learn and grow. I love that example, right? Because there’s a state tax deduction that you’re talking about from a 529 to be able to pay off your loans, and that was opened up, you know, others might be using it to pay for kids private education, you know, K through 12. That’s a relatively new thing as well. And some people might hear that and be like, Well, what actually is the dollar savings, right? And sure, you know, we could look at that and say, you know, are we talking 1000s and 1000s of dollars? No we’re not, but it’s, it’s an important example, because it’s an indication of the curiosity you have, the desire to learn, to grow. And as I often say, there is no arrive at the financial plan, as long as we are hungry to learn and grow and be open to different ideas and strategies and figure out what’s best for our plan, right? There is an infinite number of possibilities for where we could go. So that is such a cool example of what comes from from compounded learning over time. So Brandon, thanks so much for taking time, time to come on the show again. Congratulations to you and your wife. Look forward to following your journey as well into the future. 

Brandon Gerleman  31:49

I appreciate it. Thanks for having me on. 

Tim Ulbrich  31:51

Before we wrap up today’s episode of The Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. I want to again thank our sponsor, the American Pharmacist Association. APHA, is every pharmacist ally advocating on your behalf for better working conditions, fair PBM practices and more opportunities for pharmacists to provide care. Make sure to join a bolder APHA to gain premier access to financial educational resources and to receive discounts on YFP products and services. You can join APHA at a 25% discount by visiting pharmacist.com/join and using the coupon code YFP. Again, that’s pharmacist.com/join using the coupon code YFP. 

Tim Ulbrich  32:33

As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyzes expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist, unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward looking statements which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week.


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YFP 375: Breaking New Ground: Emmanuel Ayanjoke’s Vision for Altev Community Pharmacy

Tim Ulbrich interviews Emmanuel Ayanjoke, PharmD, on his journey to opening an independent pharmacy in Avondale, tackling challenges with vision, risk-taking, and community care.

This episode is brought to you by First Horizon.

Episode Summary

In this inspiring episode, Tim Ulbrich interviews Emmanuel Ayanjoke, R.Ph, PharmD, MBA, a third-generation pharmacist with a passion for community care. Emmanuel shares his remarkable journey to opening an independent pharmacy in Avondale, Cincinnati. Driven by a desire to make a difference, he pursued a pain management and palliative care fellowship, gaining invaluable entrepreneurial experience along the way. Through the support of Project Oasis, a McKesson initiative aimed at addressing pharmacy deserts, Emmanuel was able to turn his vision into reality.

Despite facing significant financial challenges, including high student loan debt, Emmanuel underscores the importance of calculated risk-taking and the power of strong relationships. Emmanuel offers insights into the future of independent pharmacy and how he has strategically aligned his personal and business financial plans to achieve his goals. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the evolving landscape of independent pharmacy and the bold steps required to succeed.

About Today’s Guest

Dr. Emmanuel (Manny) Ayanjoke, R.Ph, PharmD, MBA is the proud owner of Altev Community Pharmacy in Cincinnati, Ohio. A graduate of University of Toledo College of Pharmacy, Dr. Manny has spent over 5 years serving various communities as a dedicated pharmacist. Before opening Altev, he worked at Ziks Family Pharmacy, honing his skills, and understanding the vital role of pharmacists in community health. His work as a clinical pharmacist at Ziks had notable success and he was featured as a keynote panelist at the American Pharmacist Association (APhA) 2022 conference. Alongside his clinical role at ZIKS Family Pharmacy, Dr Manny completed a fellowship in pain management and palliative care fellow at Cedarville University where he engaged in teaching, research, patient care, as well as creation of innovative ways to advance pharmacy practice.

Key Points from the Episode

  • Opening Remarks and Sponsor Introduction [0:00]
  • Emmanuel’s Career Path and Family Background [2:28]
  • Pursuing a Fellowship and Entrepreneurial Vision [4:58]
  • The Decision to Open a Pharmacy [10:45]
  • Challenges and Support in Opening a Pharmacy [19:51]
  • Intersection of Personal and Business Finances [27:30]

Episode Highlights

“I wanted to pursue something that allowed me to be an entrepreneur in some way; I knew it had to be something that would leverage my school as a pharmacist, and with my experience, I was like, well, in every other you know, area of pharmacy practice, they’re already really the people that are dominating. I want to sort of create my own niche.” – Dr. Emmanuel Ayanjoke [5:53]

“I wanted to sort of carve out a niche for myself in pain management, to be able to be an entrepreneur, be a consultant, pharmacist, and do all these things until the point that I was able to actually stop my pharmacy so it was still in line with my overall vision of being an entrepreneur and being able to self, direct, direct my destiny, and not, you know, be beholden to a paycheck.” – Dr. Emmanuel Ayanjoke [6:24]

“I think your biggest asset to success, for anyone, any successful person, is people.” – Dr. Emmanuel Ayanjoke [20:43]

“I’m not saying this because I’m anywhere yet, but I’m saying this because I’ve seen other people, and I learned from a lot of people, but what I found is people that tend to be successful often go against the grain, go against what the crowd typically does.” – Dr. Emmanuel Ayanjoke [23:17]

“My vision and the way I see things and my general approach to life and business is sort of like planting trees, right? And what I mean by that is, yes, you might not have the perfect nutrients for a tree that’s several feet high, but you can at least plant something for now. And that that is kind of has been my approach to everything. You might not feel like you have the financial capacity to do certain things, it’s still important to plant the tree. – Dr. Emmanuel Ayanjoke [28:37]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich  00:00

Hey everybody. Tim Ulbrich here and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast, where each week, we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. This week, I sit down with Emmanuel Ayanjoke to discuss his decision to open an independent pharmacy as a new practitioner, his perspective on the future of independent pharmacy and the intersection of his personal and business financial plans. Let’s hear a note from today’s sponsor, First Horizon, and then we’ll jump into my interview with the Emmanuel. 

Tim Ulbrich  00:29

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Tim Ulbrich  01:58

Emmanuel, welcome to the show.

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  02:00

Thank you, Tim. I’m delighted to be here today.

Tim Ulbrich  02:03

Me as well, and I’m looking forward to the opportunity to talk to you about your experiences opening up in independent pharmacy. We crossed paths through the Ohio pharmacy circles over the past few years, and once you announced the grand opening of your store, Altev Community Pharmacy and the Avondale, Cincinnati area, I reached out to invite you on the show so we can learn more about your entrepreneurial journey. And before we get into that, let’s talk about your career path into pharmacy, Emmanuel, what led you into the profession and to the University of Toledo, where you completed your PharmD in 2020 

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  02:38

Absolutely. So I, you know, I’m Nigerian. Grew up in Nigeria. That was born in Nigeria, till I was I grew up left Niger when I was about 15 years old, and I was fortunate enough to grow up in the family of that pharmacy is a thing. So my dad was a pharmacist and a pharmacy owner, and his dad was a pharmacy, pharmacy owner. Now, back then, they refer to them as chemists, because this was way back then in the days, but they were, you know, I come from a long line of pharmacists, and I would never forget when I was about seven years old, because I think that’s the age where everyone kind of starts to pick up on things. And, you know, observe our parents doing different things, and I remember so vividly, so many moments where patients will just come in. And, you know, one of the things I always like to say is pharmacists. Pharmacy in Niger is very different than here. Pharmacy is much more front line of healthcare. You went to the pharmacy first before going to the doctor, they actually the pharmacist referred you to the doctor in things that were too complex to be handled in outpatient. So I grew up in that setting, seeing my dad as a pharmacist, business owner, taking care of his family, but also taking care of the community. And people just come into the pharmacy asking questions, having their needs, health needs met. You know, it was a different way to impact people’s lives, and that resonated with me very deeply. I, you know, grew up in that environment that I knew I wanted to direct my own destiny and own a business. And what dawned on me over the years is what’s more important in owning businesses, doing something that impacts lives. So put it short, I’ve always been in pharmacy. I grew up in a pharmacy, and I didn’t see myself doing anything else, because that was what was just in front of me. 

Tim Ulbrich  04:33

So third generation chemist, then, right?

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  04:36


Tim Ulbrich  04:38

So after you finished your PharmD at the University of Toledo, you went on to pursue a pain management and palliative care fellowship. And some might be looking at that and saying, All right, so you grew up in a pharmacy environment, independent ownership, owning your own business. And this seems like a different type of an opportunity. So tell us more about the pursuit of that fellowship, and what were some of the experiences and things that you took away from that?

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  05:04

Yeah, so the reason why I went to pursue a fellowship was at the time when I was in Toledo, I was an intern, and I because I knew I wanted to own a pharmacy at some point, I decided to only work in an independent pharmacy, and that so me served me really great, because I started to experience first clients, what it took to run a business, run a pharmacy business in the United States. And I was fortunate enough to have a great pharmacy owner who showed me so many things. But you know, unfortunately, what that did to me was kind of give me a very bad perspective of how pharmacy should what pharmacy is. And I thought that, well, pharmacy is what I want to end up doing, but I don’t think it’s the time. I don’t think it’s the right time. But knowing that I wanted to pursue something that allowed me to be an entrepreneur in some way, I knew it had to be something that would leverage my school as a pharmacist, and, you know, with my experience, I was like, well, in every other you know, area of pharmacy practice, they’re already really the people that are, you know, dominating. I want to sort of create my own niche. I don’t like to follow the general trends and what people do, you know, go to AMK and those things, and those things are great, and I do a lot of that, and I did a lot of that in my career so far, but I wanted to sort of carve out a niche for myself in pain management, to be able to be an entrepreneur, be a consultant, pharmacist, and do all these things until the point that I was able to actually stop my pharmacy so it was still In line with my overall vision of being an entrepreneur and being able to self, direct, direct my destiny, and not, you know, be beholden to a paycheck. I just that idea just just doesn’t sit well with me, so that, that was why I pursued the fellowship, and was a great, great experience for me. 

Tim Ulbrich  06:58

So what I hear there, Emmanuel, is there was this throughline of entrepreneurship that’s always been there, not surprising, right? Multiple generations in the family. And so you had this thought pretty early on, of, hey, I would like to own my own business, own pharmacy. Had some real life experience in independent pharmacy working for someone else, which I always recommend people that are thinking about, Hey, open up a business, get that experience, kind of see it firsthand, see what you like, what you don’t like. But through that experience, it sounds like you you butted up against the real challenges that we’ll talk about, you know, in the profession, and maybe that tampered down some of that interest, at least temporarily. And so you pursued this other pathway all the while, this through line of entrepreneurship, was there of, hey, I’m not sure exactly what it’s going to look like or when it’s going to happen, but I want to continue to pursue opportunities that are going to put me in a position in the future when I’m ready. Is that right?

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  07:49

Yep, that’s perfectly that’s that’s accurate. That’s exactly what happened. 

Tim Ulbrich  07:53

One thing you said I’d love to hear more from you on is, you know, I knew that I didn’t want to be beholden to a paycheck. I sensed some emotion in that statement of just, you know, I know myself, right? I know that that’s not for me. Tell us more about you know that realization and why that was important to you?

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  08:12

Yeah, I think that realization has always been there in the one thing I didn’t also say was, my mom was also an entrepreneur. She had her home business, and she, you know, used to run convenience stores and couple gas stations back at home then. So I knew for a fact that, you know, that that’s just what I wanted to do. But, but one of the things that I’ve also learned about the system of America is the reality that, unfortunately, those who you know pay for everything is the middle class. And when I say middle class is those you know who are professionals, and you know, you’re hit with so much taxes and so many there’s so many downsides to being a W2 earner. So I realized that real, that part, but also the quite honest reality is that you’re never paid what you’re worth as a W2 earner. That’s just a reality down. There’s no two ways around it. If you were paid your worth, no one would create companies, right? 

Tim Ulbrich  09:15

It wouldn’t make any sense.    

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  09:17

Yeah, it wouldn’t make any sense, right? So I just didn’t like that idea. I felt like there was a lot more I need to do in this world than to have my, you know, my impact kept by being by working at a place. But that’s just what drives me, you know, again, it’s okay for most people, and that’s, that’s fine. There’s nothing wrong about it. I just didn’t, I don’t think that aligns with me, internally and throughout my life experiences. 

Tim Ulbrich  09:43

Yeah, it’s interesting. And we’ll talk about the challenges of owning your own business. You know it’s real. I know it’s real. There are highs, there are lows, but it certainly does take off the ceiling. It also takes off the floor, right in terms of, you know what could go wrong, but you know what you’re sharing is very real. There’s no knock whatsoever to the path of a W2 you know, for many people, that is what makes the most sense, for a variety of reasons, but it is a reality that in the US, from a tax standpoint, the tax code is very much written in favor of people that own a business and own real estate. Those are really two things. And you know, it’s interesting we think about a lot of independent pharmacy owners, despite the challenges. You know, they’re really tapping into both of those things, and I can really sense how it was important you have that autonomy to be able to pursue not only the decision making in the business, but also to have some of the financial upside flexibility. But I want people to hear this loud and clear, like there is real downside as well when it comes to owning the business. And both must be considered, and we’ll talk about that here in a little bit. So take us back then you open the doors of the pharmacy in the Avondale, Cincinnati area in April of this year. And so at some point, you know, while you might have temporarily went away from Hey, I’m ready to open my pharmacy, it came back, right. So what was the moment where you said, All right, I’m ready to do this. And what led, what was the spark to really get into that place of alright, let’s go.

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  11:11

Yeah. So this was in 2022 which feels like last year, but two years ago, when I was in the middle of my fellowship, and I, you know, one of the things I value is network and having people around you that always look out for you. That is the value of that has just been immense in my life. But, you know, I was in my fellowship at the time, I was working part time, sort of, I mean, I wasn’t the official pharmacy manager, but I was basically the manager at the independent pharmacy that I worked at. So I was quite busy, you know, being the fellowship, doing research, and doing all these different things, and still fully commit, you know, helping out at the retail pharmacy. And I remember it was Stu Beatty, actually, from OPA. 

Tim Ulbrich  12:04

Oh, no way. 

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  12:06

Yeah, yes, yeah. He sent me the flyer to Project Oasis, which is the program that I got the opportunity to open the pharmacy through. And I started to learn about it. And initially I brushed it down. I was like, Well, this is some national program. There’s no chance that I’ll even get anywhere close to this. And I sort of didn’t even, you know, want to, I knew that’s what I wanted to do, but I really didn’t think I would get anywhere. And then, you know, two weeks later or so, Antonio Ciaccio who have gone to me, you know, through different experiences, and we’ve connected very well, he’s forwarded that same flyer to me, saying, Hey, I think you’d be a good candidate. I think you should apply to this. I was like, Oh, my so I guess the stars are aligned, and everyone thinks that I’m, you know, I tend to think of myself more humbly, and I didn’t think I would get anywhere. But you know, was these two folks that believed in me and encouraged me to go out and apply, and I took on the process and started doing my due diligence, drawing from my knowledge, and really leaning in on people that I know. Again, once I started to digest and understand what Project Oasis was trying to accomplish, it was almost mirror of what I wanted to do in every way right, make an impact in a place that doesn’t have a pharmacy, be the pharmacy, be the pharmacy shepherd, quote, unquote, in that community and helping address the needs and concerns of the community. So that just resonated with me on a very personal level, and it just aligned. And the biggest part of all that was that you got to open a pharmacy, but not just by yourself. You had the back end support of so many people that are committed to seeing this successful. So to me, was like, a no brainer, to at least pursue it. If it didn’t pan out, at least I learned a thing or two about writing a business plan that needed to be presented in like, you know, really, really hire people in McKesson, and so I applied for it, and that’s basically all where the story started.

Tim Ulbrich  14:22

You know, it’s interesting. Back to the through line of entrepreneurship. Emmanuel, I often say that, you know, for people and your story is such a good one, the synchronicity here is not accidental, right? So you might have kind of taken a sidestep or a pause, but it chased you down eventually, right? It chased you down in the form of Stu Beatty, now the Dean at Ohio Northern and Antonio Ciaccio, two incredible individuals in the profession and Ohio pharmacy practice that clearly saw a potential and an opportunity, and really, you know, that was a big nudge and an avenue forward. You mentioned Project Oasis a couple times. Tell us more about that for those that are listening, what exactly is that? How is that helpful to you getting this off the ground?

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  15:03

Yeah, so Project Oasis, was, you know, being that, you know, of course, I’ve been involved in no ins and out. But if you know, McKesson always tries, tries to tell everyone to just, you know, say certain lines. But I’ll give more, more back into how we started. You know, in Avondale here we had one of McKesson employees who lives and doesn’t live in Avondake, but family’s from Avondale here and has a very personal ties with community. This is way back then in 2018-2019 and he started to notice that his community was losing access to so many things. Grocery stores were closing, pharmacies were closing, and a community that’s in the heart of Cincinnati, literally, you see, health is right behind us, doesn’t have these critical things, grocery store, a pharmacy and so many other things that were needed. And there was this general talk within McKesson of trying to do a community impact project, something that would impact lives. And I think every organization of business should always try to do something beyond just their typical mission of whatever it is that they do to impact lives, because that’s where that’s all that matters at the end of the day. So they, you know, he took on the idea with support of folks within his division McKesson, that was a Russo O’Neill, okay? And he pushed his idea that, hey, let’s try to start a pharmacy where it’s needed. And they did an analysis and found that Avondale, Cincinnati, truly was, like, top of the list in terms of, you know, an urban region that doesn’t have a pharmacy, health isn’t where it needs, where it needs to be as a community level, and so many other things, disparities that were going on in Avondale, and that’s where it all started from. And, you know, fortunately, those within the higher ups of McKesson saw the impact that this project could make. And, you know, they dubbed the Project Oasis with the term that, you know, desert, pharmacy desert, and you’re putting the pharmacy there. And so, yeah, that’s what, that’s where Project Oasis started from, but one of the things that I learned through applying to it was the level of commitment that people had, not just as you know workers within this, you know, Fortune 10 company, but also the personal connection that people had towards a Project where people you know, you meet folks, are like, hey, whatever you need to be successful. I am happy to help you out. This is important. We want to make an impact in your community. So that was really, that’s really what Project Oasis is about. Now I don’t know what their what McKesson and their goal is right now with Project Oasis. But the goal was to sort of address this pharmacy deserts that come across, you know, the United States. 

Tim Ulbrich  18:07

So we’ll link to that in the show notes for folks that want to learn more about that program. Do you have an idea? Manu, I’m just curious now, how many pharmacies have been supported by Project Oasis?

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  18:19

Oh, so right now, I am the first.

Tim Ulbrich  18:21

Let’s go!

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  18:22

Yeah, I’m the only one so far. And you know, it’s quite, quite a responsibility to be success, to make this successful, because a lot of other communities are, hopefully, maybe might be impacted by this. So failure is not an option. That’s how I see it. So I’m sort of a test run to see, yeah, if this can work.

Tim Ulbrich  18:45

Well, you and I both know, from a business standpoint, there will be micro failures that happen along the way. I hear you in the global failure, right? But, but naturally, for you to see this vision through, you’re going to have to embrace some level of failure along the way and take some risks. One of the things that stands out to me, Emmanuel, is that, you know, I talk with a lot of people on a regular basis, they have an idea, but it often dies at that point, right? The idea doesn’t go forward. It’s a whole nother level to actually execute, take on risk and begin to see that vision through and and I’ve since in your journey, while you’ve always thought about owning your own business, clearly the support and the resources through Project Oasis have been huge for you to say, All right, I’m ready to jump. I’m ready to move this forward. In addition to project Oasis and the team from McKesson that support you, what other resources have been critical to you as you’ve gone through this, this journey of open your own pharmacy?

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  19:41

I mean, if I started to list them out, you provide spend the next hour of this going through it. But I think the most important resource for me, in addition to the things that I try to do personally, like reading a lot of books, listening to a lot of audiobooks, has been people, the people that have gotten to meet. For me, I value relationships at a very high attribute, a very high value to relationships. So people that played a key part in my life, as been my former boss that I worked with in Zik’s Pharmacy. He’s just been a terrific human being to me, and has helped me with the realities of owning the business and how to be successful. So it’s people. I mean, I could go down a list of folks at Cedarville who have helped me personally my personal growth as a pharmacist, helping me understand certain things. It really is just people. I think the big, your biggest asset to success, for anyone, any successful person, is people. 

Tim Ulbrich  20:49

Yes, relationships, people, absolutely. Especially in our profession, you know, where that community is is so small, right? Relatively speaking. And one of the things I asked you, before we hit record, I said, Hey, Emmanuel, how you doing? And you said, Hey, I’m going 1000 miles an hour, but I have so much support, so much support, and I think that speaks to the work that you’ve done in fostering those relationships, and the growth that has come from those. Emmanuel, I have to ask the obvious question that I think a lot of probably new practitioners that are thinking about owning their own pharmacy, or anyone, for that matter, that maybe is thinking about owning on a pharmacy, which is Wow, opening a pharmacy in this climate, right? We know the challenges are real. According to a recent NCPA survey, over 30% of respondents reported that they’re considering closing their doors in 2024 because of the financial challenges, and over 90% of them said that they may drop out of Medicare Part D in 2025 if the challenges still persist. So from the outside looking in, it doesn’t appear to be the best time to be launching a new pharmacy. So tell us more about how you’ve been able to, you know, see through that despite those challenges being real, and say, Hey, I’m still going to go at this. 

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  22:02

I think the first thing I’ve learned in life is nothing is truly as good as it seems, and nothing is truly as bad as it seems. It’s always all gray. There’s no exactly this is black and this is white. It never is that way. It’s always all gray. And what I mean by that is, will you dive deeper and understand in a specific market the factors and headwinds going on in that market is very different. For example, in Ohio, if you’re in a Medicaid an area that has high Medicaid concentration, you have a fair dispensing fee that covers your costs of operating as a business. So that alone is a huge difference than a pharmacy that doesn’t have a high Medicaid area, right? So, yes, there’s always there. They are real, harsh realities of the pharmacy right now, even as a new business, when I look at my Medicare, you know, scripts, and performance in those scripts, I mean, I want to, I would throw my hands up and just, it’s, it’s horrifying sometimes, you know, but the reality of what I’ve learned is, you know, typically, to be successful in life. And I’m not saying this because I’m anywhere yet, but I’m saying this because I’ve seen other people, and I learned from a lot of people, but what I found is people that tend to be successful often go against the grain, go against what the crowd typically does. And there’s cycles in life. There’s always going to be naders and high points. And I think pharmacy is out of Nader right now. But when you are the Nader, that’s not necessarily negative thing. That’s a good thing when you started a native because it’s only high from there. And there’s a lot of factors and a lot of things and challenges that are going to happen in next 10 years for pharmacy to be where it needs to be. But I think that I am hopeful that we’re at the lowest point, and from here it’s just moving forward. 

Tim Ulbrich  23:59

Yeah, I really hear mindset there Emmanuel, which I think is huge as a business owner, but I also hear optimism. I’m an optimist by nature, you know, as well. But I agree with you, actually, you know, it reminds me of Seth Godin talks about this in his book, The Dip, where, you know, often we go through these cycles, could be a project, could be a business, wherever you know, where we have an initial momentum and surge, and then we, you know, for whatever reason here we’re talking about market conditions and factors and reimbursement. You know, we kind of go down right, and we get to this low point, and we start to just come out of the other side of it, but we can’t yet see what’s coming. And that’s the point where a lot of people give up, you know, is when they’re in that low point, in that dip. And I think that it feels, and again, I’m a half glass full person, it feels like all signs are pointing towards some reform and these things, I think you and I look at this just as a common sense business owner, and we’re like, How in the world can this be okay to operate a business with these practices going on right? Now there’s a lot of headwinds that we’re facing in terms of why that’s the case, but I’m curious to hear from you as you look at as an owner and someone who shoulders some of the responsibility to advocate for, you know, the viability of community independent pharmacists to be able to provide the value that we know. The literature is very clear, the positive value and outcomes that a pharmacist can provide in their community, especially in an area where there’s a lack of access to healthcare. The data is clear. It’s there, but we continue to be undervalued and under reimbursed globally speaking. So as you look at this from, hey, I’m a business owner, but I’m also an advocate for the profession, what are some of those key issues that we really have to address?

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  25:35

Oh, where do I start? I think the biggest key issue is, you know, we live in a capitalistic society, and we just have to accept that reality. Our businesses are not, you know, they’re not you know, pharmacies are not nonprofits. They have to be able to make money doing a certain service. And there are two ways to incentivize people to do things. You either use the carrot or use the steak method, right? And to really move the needle on a lot of things in pharmacy practice, to get community pharmacy practice to be where it needs to be, there has to be payment reform. Reform in a sense that it covers us to operate as a business and provide those scripts, but also reform in a sense that we’re actually paid for the clinical knowledge that we provide. So those are, I mean, that sums, encapsulates lots of challenges, but those are the key. I think those are two things that need to happen for pharmacy, community pharmacy, to be where it needs to be. I think the values there. I mean, everyone is the values there. I’ve been opportunity to be on the tables with payers, physicians. I mean, everyone, even patients, everyone agrees that the values there. The challenge now is just getting rid of those barriers that allow us to be able to create a clear path to making these realistic, or, I guess, tactile, changes in the payment models that allow pharmacists to be paid.

Tim Ulbrich  27:08

Yeah, amen, you know, I think we it’s very clear. We don’t need another study to demonstrate the value of what a pharmacist can bring, right? We don’t need another pilot project, you know, to demonstrate that. They’ve been done. We see the value and the reimbursement, I think, is really the issue. And two individuals you mentioned earlier that were pivotal, you know, you started the pharmacy, Antonio Ciaccio, Stu Beatty, have been key advocates of this in the state of Ohio, you know, over the last decade, if not more. So last question I want to ask you is really the intersection between the business and the personal side of finances. You know, I talk with a lot of new graduates, and it’s not uncommon for me to hear something along the lines of, Hey, Tim, I would love to do X, Y or Z. And that could be on a business that could be, you know, do something different, work part time. It could be a variety of different things. But what comes next is my $200,000 of student loans, or insert any other financial challenge that is so common among new practitioners is a barrier to being able to go work towards these other goals that they have, right? And I think the golden handcuffs can be very real when you’re looking at a couple $100,000 of debt, and you can sign up and work for 120 130 $140,000 it’s hard to say no for that, and it doesn’t incentivize a whole lot of people to take risk in the way that you have done. So tell us about your decision, your journey to reconciling your own financial plan as a new practitioner, and ultimately making that decision to take on some risk as a business owner.

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  28:35

Yeah, absolutely. My vision and the way I see things and my general approach to life and business is sort of like planting trees, right? And what I mean by that is, yes, you might not have the perfectly, you know, I guess nutrient swallow for a tree that’s several feet high, but you can at least plant something for now, and that that is kind of has been my approach to everything, and why you might not have the financial capacity to necessarily, you know, you might not feel like you have the financial capacity to do certain things, it’s still important to plant the tree. And that’s, that’s how I see things. So I have about, honestly, have just slightly I’m a little bit better, and in comparison to a lot of pharmacy graduates, I have about $103,000 in student loans, which, which is still a lot of money, quite a lot of money. But it’s not nothing compares, in comparison to others who are just graduating. But the thing I would say is the way I would approach this is, do I have the cash flow to sustain my ability to eradicate those loans in a reasonable way? And if I do, or if I don’t, what ways can I mitigate that, even if I went to going to you know, own a business, that would be how our approach is. Because no matter how you see it, right, if owning a business is your end goal, if that’s where you want to be, time is going to go on. You know, time doesn’t wait for anyone. 10 years down the line, you’re going to be in the same place having, I mean, if you’re lucky, cleared all this debt, but at the end of the day, if this is something you want to do, you have to figure out to make your finances accommodate that in a way that makes sense. Now, again, it doesn’t mean you’re just blindly taking risks, right? Yeah, you actually have to calculate and see, okay, yeah. What is the worst case scenario if this happens, you know XYZ, and be able to be okay with that. If you can’t be okay with it, then maybe, I mean, some people, just maybe, the reality is that they actually are aren’t fit from a mindset perspective, to own a business, and that’s okay because it requires that you’re okay with, like, literally, things burning down. You just being by yourself and being able to weather through storm, you have to be okay with that reality, and that shouldn’t, shouldn’t scare you or deter you from accomplishing what you actually want to do. Yeah,

Tim Ulbrich  31:12

What I really hear there is, is, there is risk. It’s real, but it’s calculated risk, right? You’re not blindly entering into something, but we’re also not being paralyzed, you know? We could wait forever for the stars to align, you know. And I think that’s something I had to reconcile on my own entrepreneur journey. Is sure, could there be a tomorrow where it’s a better time, maybe, but there’s also a lot of things I don’t know that are going to happen tomorrow. And the question I always ask myself, not only in starting a business, but also in making decisions within the business, is, how high is the ceiling and how low is the floor. And I think my mindset, and probably for a lot of pharmacists, that I’ve kind of untrained myself, or I’m still untraining myself over time, is, you know, we tend to overestimate the worst case scenario, when, in fact, if we write it on paper, often it’s not as bad as we think it is, or built it up to be in our heads, and we maybe give we underestimate the potential of where this could go. Now, you got to be careful about that, right? If we have naive optimism, you know that that could burn us, but really assessing risk, you know, I think risk can bring a ton of emotions of fear, and we lose the objectivity of what are we actually talking about, right? What is the worst case scenario, and how can we begin to work through that? So I appreciate you sharing that as it relates to your own journey. Well, this has been fantastic. Dr. Manny, right as your patients call you, so grateful for you taking the time before you open the store today. A lot of inspiration that you provided to me in your own journey. I look forward to continuing to stay connected with you and to see where the journey goes going forward. Thank you so much for taking time to come on the show.

Emmanuel Ayanjoke  32:41

Thank you so much. Tim. Glad to be on.

Tim Ulbrich  32:45

Before we wrap up today’s show, I want to again thank this week’s sponsor of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast, First Horizon. We’re glad to have found a solution for pharmacists that are unable to save 20% for a down payment on a home. A lot of pharmacists and the YFP community have taken advantage of First Horizon’s pharmacist home loan, which requires a 3% down payment for a single family home or townhome for first time homebuyers and has no PMI on a 30 year fixed rate mortgage. To learn more about the requirements for First Horizon’s pharmacist home loan and to get started with the pre-approval process, you can visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan. Again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan. 

Tim Ulbrich  33:30

As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. Furthermore, the information contained in our archive, newsletters, blog posts and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyzes expressed herein are solely those of your financial pharmacist, unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward looking statements which are not intended to be guarantees of future events, action results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward looking statements. For more information, please visit your financial pharmacist.com/disclaimer. Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week. 


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YFP 374: Pharmacy Innovators with Aaron Emmel, Founder of Pharmacy Tech Scholar

In this episode of the Pharmacy Innovators series hosted by Dr. Corrie Sanders, we meet Dr. Aaron Emmel, a pharmacist with a diverse career path. 

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Episode Summary

In this latest episode of the Pharmacy Innovators series hosted by Dr. Corrie Sanders, we meet Dr. Aaron Emmel, a pharmacist with a diverse career path. 

Dr. Emmel shares how open doors and opportunities led him on a journey from a community pharmacist to executive health system leadership and the pharmaceutical industry to entrepreneurship. With many lessons learned along the way, Dr. Emmel reflects on trusting his intuition, leaning on mentors, working hard and staying curious. Throughout his journey, he explored other income streams, including real estate investing, consulting and eventually launching Pharmacy Tech Scholar, an online education program for pharmacy technicians. 

Dr. Emmel’s career journey exemplifies the extraordinary versatility and potential of a PharmD.

About Today’s Guest

Aaron Emmel graduated with his Doctor of Pharmacy Degree from the University of Florida in 2007. After a short stint as a staff pharmacist at Walgreens, he was afforded an opportunity to work as a clinical pharmacist at his local community hospital. He developed a passion for critical care medicine and spent years as the dedicated ICU pharmacist. In 2015, he earned his Masters in Healthcare Administration from the University of North Florida. With a goal of moving into executive health system leadership, he transitioned into a role as the Director of the Clinically Integrated Network and ACO owned by the hospital and local physicians. He served in this role until 2018, when he made the decision to transition into the pharmaceutical industry where we worked in Medical Affairs roles until his decision to end employment in 2024. 

Aaron launched his first business, SmarterMeds, in 2010. Focusing on MTM services, he learned many lessons on entrepreneurship and business before abandoning the effort in 2012. He first began consulting in 2014, and significantly increased this work following his departure from the hospital in 2018. In 2020, he launched Pharmacy Tech Scholar, an online education program for individuals interested in becoming certified pharmacy technicians. He also invests in real estate.

Aaron has been married to his high school sweetheart, Allison, since 2010. They have two amazing daughters, aged 8 and 11. In his spare time, Aaron loves traveling with the family, fishing, exercising, and fueling his coffee obsession.

Key Points from the Episode

  • Dr. Aaron Emmel’s Career Journey [0:00]
  • Dr. Emmel’s Early Career and Decision to Leave Retail Pharmacy [3:38]
  • Transition to Pharmaceutical Industry and Consulting [6:48]
  • Financial Decisions and Career Transitions [11:44]
  • Building and Diversifying Financial Portfolio [30:06]
  • Final Thoughts and Advice for Listeners [1:01:16]

Episode Highlights

“I’m just so grateful that I’ve had an interesting journey and I’ve been able to do so many different things. I’ve met so many amazing people along the way. So when I reflect on this, I’m just so grateful for everything that’s happened, and I’m excited for what’s to come, because I feel like I’m always trying something new and navigating things, maybe accidentally, just the right way.” – Dr. Aaron Emmel [1:58]

“I’m not out there to make, you know, a bazillion dollars and live on a mountain somewhere. I mean my mindset at this point has become one of, I want to be prepared for anything. I could be in a position to retire pretty soon, if I really wanted to, but that’s not what I want. I want to be able to weather any storm, and I want my family to be set no matter what. That’s what’s driving me. – Dr. Aaron Emmel [29:46]

“I do good work because I want to do good work. But there’s other ancillary benefits that come from that, just aside from just doing well in your employee role and growing that career ladder.” -Dr. Aaron Emmel [32:54]

“Being brave enough to make tough decisions that you know are in your best interest, always try to do things the best that you can. And the other important lesson that I’ve learned is to do them for the right reasons.” -Dr. Aaron Emmel [42:51]

“I didn’t have enough of an altruistic mindset at the time, but I’ve literally built my career ever since then on the concept of trying to do the right thing for people. So if you do all that and you do it well, opportunities come”. – Dr. Aaron Emmel [43:42]

“With all these inflection points in my journey, it has had just as much, if not more, to do with the other people around me than it’s had to do with me. And I definitely come to understand that better now.” -Dr. Aaron Emmel [1:01:45]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

Corrie Sanders  00:00

Hi YFP community. Corrie Sanders here, host of the Pharmacy Innovators Segment of the YFP Podcast. Pharmacy Innovators is designed for pharmacists navigating the entrepreneurial journey. In this series, we feature stories and strategies that help guide current and aspiring pharmacy entrepreneurs. Today, we have Dr. Aaron Emmel, whose unique career pathway and experience highlights the true flexibility of a PharmD. After graduating with his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Florida in 2007 and a short stint as a community pharmacist, he was afforded an opportunity to work as a clinical pharmacist at his local community hospital, where he specialized in critical care. After earning his master’s in healthcare administration from the University of North Florida, he transitioned to Executive Health System Leadership. He then made a large career shift by leaving clinical practice for the pharmacy industry, where he simultaneously started various businesses and consulting while expanding his investment portfolio. In 2020, he launched Pharmacy Tech Scholar, an online education program for individuals interested in becoming certified pharmacy technicians. Today, we speak to Dr. Emmel about the importance of mentorship and decision making and building unique and valuable skill sets in each chapter of his career. But what really stands out to me the most in my discussion with Dr Emmel is his passion for helping others by problem solving through the lens of a pharmacist. I’m sure you all will enjoy the true diversity of D.r Emmel’s path. So let’s jump right into our conversation. 

Corrie Sanders  01:31

Well, Aaron, thanks for joining us on the podcast today. We’re excited to have you here!

Dr. Aaron Emmel  01:35

Yeah, thanks for having me. Corrie, I’m flattered. Hopefully my story adds something to the podcast.

Corrie Sanders  01:41

I’m sure it will. So before we dive in too deep, why don’t you give our listeners a little bit of background. So describe your path in pharmacy. Where’d you go to pharmacy school? What kind of training do you have? And just a general overview of your career to this point.

Dr. Aaron Emmel  01:58

Yeah. Okay, so where do I start? I will say up front, I’m just so grateful that I’ve had an interesting journey and I’ve been able to do so many different things. I’ve met so many amazing people along the way. So when I reflect on this, I’m just so grateful for everything that’s happened, and I’m excited for what’s to come, because I feel like I’ve always trying something new and navigating things, maybe accidentally, just the right way. But I went to the University of Florida, so I graduated with my Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2007. I was, I think, the second class that did remote campuses at UF so I actually went to a campus in Jacksonville, Florida, met some awesome classmates that are still close friends of mine to this day. Here we are almost 20 years now after graduating, but all throughout pharmacy school, I worked at Walgreens as a technician/pharmacy intern. I’m sure we’ll talk about this in more detail. But with that, you know, I was kind of, I don’t want to say indoctrinated, because, you know, people have made great careers out of working at Walgreens, but I had bought into, you know, the long term career path with them, and took all the tuition assistance, and when I graduated, thought that that was going to be my career. And I’m ambitious young man. At the time, I kind of saw a path for myself, growing in the business sense, so I took the sign on bonus as soon as I graduated and worked for them as a staff pharmacist. But thankfully, after that, I had a couple of months later, a phone call from my local hospital where I did many of my clinical rotations, and they offered me a job to come there and work as a pharmacist, which at the time, I was starting to feel like I had made the wrong decision. Couldn’t have been better timing, and we can dive deeper into this, but to have that opportunity without doing a residency, I knew it was now or never. So I made that transition then, and had the wonderful opportunity to end up specializing in critical care, which to this day, is my clinical passion. I worked almost 10 years as the critical care pharmacist at Flagler Hospital in St Augustine, and I don’t know that we have time in this podcast where come with that, but that was by far my most professionally rewarding work. And I often fantasize one day about going back. I don’t know if that’ll be possible this many years later at this point, but just had an amazing career as a critical care pharmacist. Got to do a lot of really cool things at the institution and really drive some pretty substantial change in their ICU practice and even in the pharmacy practice in general, and I had some mentors that I looked up to in terms of what they had done in their careers and their health systems. But again, you know, kind of ambition driving me to think I’ve got a long career path ahead of me. What am I going to do with my life? I don’t see myself being a critical care pharmacist forever, and it’s a stressful job. And starts the way on you mentally, at least it did for me. So I went back and got my master’s in health administration, and kind of thought of having a goal that maybe one day I’ll be the CEO of a hospital. So that was the path I started to pursue almost 10 years in to having worked as the critical care pharmacist. So once I got that degree, I had always been pitching business ideas and thoughts to the hospital leadership, and I started asking for more and more responsibility. So they gave me a really cool opportunity to take a dual role as the Assistant Director of Pharmacy and then as the Director of Quality for their clinically integrated network, which essentially functioned as an accountable care organization, and I built their entire quality program, all the claims analytics that went along with that, all the infrastructure necessary to execute quality reporting for the entity. And it wasn’t long in that role where they really saw the opportunity for me to grow and take on all the administrative leadership for that organization. So I became the Director of the organization, handled everything from physician relations to finances and contracting, continued to oversee the quality program, and for that two year period, just had an incredible professional growth and sense of just learning about healthcare administration, working very closely with payers, and working very closely to oversee population health in the community and working with the physicians to do that. So that role was amazing in that sense, but it drove me into the ground. I mean, it was tons of work. You know, 60 plus hours a week, missing many evenings at home to be in physician committee meetings, lots of stress, because the organization, just as all community health systems in the past five years have experienced, for sure, just struggled financially. So I started to get the feeling that that wasn’t a long term path I wanted to pursue. And I had, you know, my mentor in that role, who was my boss, had gone on to be an executive member of the leadership team for the healthcare system. I saw what that was like for him. I didn’t want that for myself. So again, I kind of hit this inflection point where I saw the need to maybe pivot one more time. And I had just as many clinical pharmacists, you know, they get friends that go to the pharmaceutical industry and work in medical affairs and hear about how wonderful that job is. And I had so many people that left clinical practice that went and did that either came to see me in their role, you know, to kind of to do their opinion leader meeting, you know, requirements, or they’d call me and just tell me how amazing that job was. I never thought I’d work for the pharmaceutical industry, because at the time, I was always the clinical pharmacist that gave everybody from industry a hard time when they’d come in and try to detail people. And you know, to me, that was, quote, The Dark Side, just like that perception exists amongst many of us in the pharmacy world. But I, you know, thought, why don’t I give it a try? Let me see what it’s like. I was always afraid of the travel, but I did it. So in 2018 I moved into a role with Otsuka pharmaceuticals as they were building the Medical Affairs field team for new indication they were getting in rare diseases and kidney diseases. And again, it was just a great growth for me. I got to experience something new, meet a ton of different people, learn about the pharmaceutical industry. Got rid of a lot of the misconceptions I had about it, and really thrived in that role for six years. So I worked for that company for a while. I pivoted and took a director field role with another company shortly after, or five years later, and then at the same time, I had started some additional side ventures. We haven’t even gotten into my all my side businesses over the years, as I’m trying to keep all this story straight, but that it just became very difficult for me to handle everything else I had been doing on the side. So I stepped away from the director role. I took another just individual contributor role with another company as an MSL, but even that individual contributor role, I just couldn’t fulfill, you know, the duties of that role in my opinion, everybody thought I was doing a great job, but I didn’t feel that I was doing good service to the company or myself for my business ventures and other reasons too. I saw the need to leave employment, and I made that decision professionally earlier this year. And again, we’ll dive much deeper into all that, especially the finances and considerations that went into that, but that would be probably too long of a summary professional career as a pharmacist. Um, and at the moment, I would consider myself, you know, still a pharmacist, because I’ll always be a pharmacist. I do think I will be going back at some point to do something professionally as a pharmacist, and more than I’m doing right now with with my education business for pharmacy technicians and the consulting work that I’m doing. So yeah.

Corrie Sanders  10:26

That’s a great summary to at least kind of set the stage for where this conversation is going to flow, the many different aspects and transitions that you’ve made into the career. So just to summarize it for the listeners too, to paint a picture of where we’re going. But started in community pharmacy, transition to inpatient pharmacy, where you worked your way up through the leadership chain, and then making another career pivot into industry, which I can’t wait to talk about that, but then ultimately switching to consulting and really starting your own business. So diving full time into entrepreneurship, and I’m sure the wide variety of things that you had done prior to that were able to give you a really steady foundation as to what you wanted your business to look like, and different financial considerations and all that experience, I’m sure, came into play in a really positive way for you. So let’s break this down into the smaller chunks, so we can really dive into the details. I know you started in community pharmacy. You said you were a technician at Walgreens for a couple years through pharmacy school, and I know there was some financial incentive to stay on board as a community pharmacist once you had graduated. So can we dive into some of those benefits that that company had offered, and then ultimately you made a pretty quick shift into inpatient pharmacy, so talking about the benefits of community pharmacy, and then ultimately that really quick flip into to inpatient and kind of the decisions that went into that, if you could elaborate a little more.

Dr. Aaron Emmel  11:59

I’ll be happy to. You know, when I was going to school, I will say my financial mindset and my financial education was not very sound. I thought it was. It certainly wasn’t. There’s so many mistakes that I’m just so grateful I can share them with my children now. But you know, I was of the mindset that it was ridiculous to do a residency, because why would somebody in their financial life take one to two additional years where they’re not able to earn a substantial income after investing all the time and money into pharmacy school? A very, very short sighted mindset, by the way, if, if, if I didn’t know how my career was going to pan out and I had to do it all over again, I would certainly have done a residency, no doubt about it. I’m fortunate things worked out the way they did when I didn’t. But you know, I was kind of committing myself that I wanted to earn as much money as I could, as fast as possible. And at the time, the salaries that pharmacists were earning in community pharmacies, for the most part, were substantially higher than they were in hospital pharmacies, at least in terms of what those dollars look like for a student who wasn’t making much money at the time. So I’m thinking, why would I earn $20 to $30,000 annually less a year to work at a hospital, when I could just make that much more money in the community and not have to do a residency to be competitive. So that was the mindset that drove me to do that, and I was ignoring all the subliminal things I was feeling, especially as I started to go through my clinical rotations. And I loved all of the clinical rotations I did, and I don’t feel like I was a great pharmacy student. I probably was just going through the motions at the time as just kind of a young guy that just wanted to get out and make a great living. I have learned so much since then, and you know, I certainly have a much different mindset when it comes to learning now and what the pharmacy career is all about, and the role of the pharmacist. I was ignoring all that because I was so focused on the dollars. And at the same time, I was living a life that was not financially healthy at all, you know. So it was kind of a really terrible path I was leading myself down, and I wasn’t happy, you know, with the day to day work that I was doing at the community retail pharmacy level. And again, I was kind of trying to ignore that, because I was so focused on the finances. So, you know, after having gone through all the clinical rotations and knowing what experiences I enjoyed and what I didn’t, and then committing myself when I got done to work for Walgreens, and this is nothing again, I’m not throwing shade on Walgreens in this podcast, but it was just my personal experience and feelings. I just wasn’t happy, and I really started acknowledge that a little bit more when pharmacy school was over and I was working as a pharmacist, and I’m getting those first paychecks, and those paychecks weren’t really satisfying enough to warrant, you know, the experience I was having in the work. So I definitely had regrets, and I was so grateful when I got that call from the director of Pharmacy at Flagler. And I will tell you, this to me, was the most important inflection point in my professional career, by far, was the decision to leave retail pharmacy, to go to the hospital to do that. And you got to realize at the time, I did the stupid stuff that so many pharmacy students do. I had bought a house, bought a car, taken out all these loans before I even graduated, right? So, you know, I was in a negative net worth situation that took me a long time to dig out of, and then I’m faced with the decision that, okay, I’m going to take a at the time, I think it was about a $30,000 a year pay cut to leave retail, to go work for the hospital, and I had to write Walgreens at check for all the money I took, you know, because there was a fulfillment criteria for that tuition assistance and the sign on bonus. So I don’t even remember the dollar figure at the time, but it was $30 to $40,000 and at the time, that was a whole lot of money that I didn’t have. So, you know, I borrowed money to pay them back, and it felt like financial suicide at the time. And I will tell you from my personal experience since then, might have had a wonderful career that I never would have had had I not made that decision, and as I learned better financial management over the years, that singular decision has probably also put me in a financial situation now I never would have been in before in a positive way. I didn’t know it at the time, but all the opportunities that have come to me since then would have never come had I not gained the different experiences I did along this journey. And it all goes back to that decision.

Corrie Sanders  17:14

Yeah, I think that that’s a really great point. Is that as pharmacists and really calculating the risk and reward for some of these financial decisions that we make, or just career decisions in general, it is always really easy to look at the dollar, because that’s such an objective measure of success. But often I feel like pharmacists just have their blinders on and they’re looking at a very shortstarted, sighted mindset of, what’s my next step? Where is the paycheck coming from, but not seeing the long term implications of what is this risk going to play out in the long term? What is my career path going to look like long term? What are the opportunities that are going to exist for me in a certain role long term. So you’ve done a very good job of elaborating and eloquently explaining why this decision was so important and what this inflection point meant for you. So I want to again highlight the short sighted mindset that you said that you had with the financial decision and the career decision that you made, and how you just hadn’t trusted your gut. So it’s great that you had the opportunity to make that transition so early on in your career, but then talking about that tuition assistance program, so that was huge, that you were getting some assistance, and that you had to sign on bonus with this job, and you still decided to walk away and to pivot into something different, which ultimately changed the trajectory of your career. So kudos to you. As a very young pharmacist for, I guess, being prompted to move in a different direction.

Dr. Aaron Emmel  18:45

So I had help with that, by the way, so the encouragement of my girlfriend at the time now my wife, my high school sweetheart, she was right there to support me, and she could see and feel what I was experiencing, so she knew what was best for me and my peers and one of my biggest mentors, even to this day. So I did a lot of my rotations at the St Vincent’s Hospital System in Jacksonville. There was a wonderful pharmacy director there. He’s been retiring now for quite a bit of time, but Jim Makava, I did a couple of my rotations at his health system, and I was blown away by what they had been able to accomplish as a community health system, not an academic health system, but the level of clinical pharmacy services they had just blew me away. So I knew right away that was somebody I needed to maintain a relationship with and look up to. So he helped guide me in that decision, too. I called him many times as I was trying to decide what to do, and he helped, you know, he didn’t tell me what to do, but he asked me all the right questions to make me realize what I needed to do, and I had my one of my best friends that I met in pharmacy school had the same exact scenario as me, and we both went through this together. And I can’t speak for him, but he made the same decision I did, and he’s now a systems director for ascension at this at the systems level, and he’s had a wonderful pharmacy career, brilliant individual. So we both benefited, I think, from going through this pain together, the fortitude to make the decision now.

Corrie Sanders  20:28

It certainly helps not to go through things by yourself in any chapter of life, especially something as as drastic as this, to really change the trajectory of your career so early on. So something else I want to highlight too is that you had mentioned having a pretty significant lifestyle creep up to this point. So you’re spending money that you don’t have. You know, you’re looking at the what the paychecks are going to look like, but your financial literacy is not matching what’s going in and out of your bank account. So also, for our pharmacy student listeners, I think it is so important to highlight how necessary it is to be financially literate and educated as you’re making some of these decisions very early on in your career, especially with the significant loan burden that a pharmacist generally has. So that was a, I’m sure, a tough learning lesson for you, but ultimately set you up for Financial Success down the line when you were able to reflect on on some of those changes.

Dr. Aaron Emmel  21:19

Yeah, it did. I mean, the education that came from that invaluable. Sometimes I look back and I’m like, Oh man, like, I’m in a great place now, and I’m grateful for that. But how much of a better place would I be in had I done things a little better for that 10 year period?

Corrie Sanders  21:38

So then Aaron, I want to move from making that initial career transition so switching from community pharmacy being given the opportunity to navigate your way into inpatient and then ultimately staying within the Flagler Institution for a significant amount of time, working your way from a staff pharmacist to a clinical pharmacist, up through the leadership team and then your next big career transition is moving from the hospital setting to pharmacy industry. And you said something to me earlier that really struck a chord with me was that, you know, a lot of pharmacists call industry the dark side of pharmacy, or going to the dark side, or some of the misconceptions that you had. So let’s talk a little bit about that decision. And I know in your initial summary of your career that you were just talking about the work life balance at the hospital setting, but I really just want to dive into the financial implications of that transition, and then what ultimately went behind making the jump from the hospital setting to the industry setting? 

Dr. Aaron Emmel  22:47

So the biggest impetus, I would say, for me, making that change had everything to do with work life balance, you know. So if I rewind the clock to late 2017 as I’m thinking, I’m going to have to make a pivot. I’ve got a one year old, and I have a three year old, soon to be four year old at the time. So I’ve got little girls. I’m realizing the importance of being present and the fleeting nature of this point in time that you know, I didn’t want to miss out on and also, it wasn’t just the time to it was the level of stress and and the impact of that stress on my behavior and, wellbeing at home, and, you know, me and me and my wife, Allison, we had many talks about this. We knew this wasn’t sustainable. Sustainable both from just a family time together standpoint and from a health of our family unit standpoint. So that decision I made to go to industry based purely on that. I mean, I was all in. So I had, I had a game plan for all the jobs I was going to apply to, you know, a game plan for how I was going to interview and get in front of people. I didn’t have any other factors. I mean, I knew I was going to do this, my assumption at the time, because I was an executive director at the tail end of this period. So I’m making a pretty good salary that at the health system level, and I’ve got great benefits. I mean, I’m getting like, 36 days paid off a year, you know, all the ancillary benefits that come with being at the director level at the hospital. I didn’t think I was going to be able to match that, to go and just be an individual contributor, medical science liaison to start in the industry. So I made that decision, thinking, once again, I’m going to be taking a pay cut. Well, when I interviewed for my first job, I didn’t negotiate at all, and I got an offer after the interview, and it was a pay increase, and the benefits were incredible. I couldn’t believe it. I just never forget I stepped outside to take the call from HR, and they gave me the offer. And I came back in. I misunderstood at first, and I said, Wait, it’s this much, you know. When I came in and told Allison, I said, you’re not going to believe the offer I just got to come do this. And she’s like, well, you’re going to do it anyway. You better do it now. So I will say, from a financial standpoint, I was committed to do it yet again, because I wanted to just have a different experience and a work/life balance and be more present at home. But it turned out to actually be an improvement financially. And importantly, I will tell you, it gave me the time and energy to be able to do additional things as well. And again, while making the decision to go to from retail to clinical was the single most important decision in my entire professional career, this decision and just the way that things happened, completely changed my life financially. And it’s not because I made, you know, 10% more going from the director role to industry, but because of everything else that came with it. So I had done consulting before, and I My mind’s always racing. I’ve always got ideas. So I would always chase you know, opportunities and make pitches for doing these short term consulting arrangements, but when I left, there was nobody to fill my shoe my shoes at the hospital, then nobody that understood how to run the quality program. So they asked me if I’d be willing to stay on as a consultant to advise them and help them run the operations to execute the quality program requirements. I got approval from my new employer to allow me to do that, and that additional consulting income that I got for doing that, which, by the way, from a time in to dollar amount ratio at the time, I felt bad because I just didn’t understand how these things were valued, and I my business education has increased substantially since then, but I wasn’t making all that much less than I was getting paid, you know, as an employee, to essentially work five to 10 hours a month as a consultant. And that was income that was not factored into our budget so that additional money allowed me the opportunity to invest, invest in a new business, and put away money that we would have never put away before. So you know, I had done so much financial damage to myself in pharmacy school in the 10 years it took to dig me out of that hole, I hardly had a positive net worth, even going into that transition, and my life financially changed afterwards, because of everything else that came from being able to do things in addition to my employment.

Corrie Sanders  27:52

And that’s great reflection to hear. I love that you said, you know, you made this transition, not just for yourself, but for the overall health of your family unit. I think that that’s just a great lens to view any career transition through. Is not just looking at the professional aspect of it, but thinking again of the bigger picture and the others that are affected by your career. And I do want to give you kudos to I think you’re doing a great job of shifting your identity as a pharmacist, which I don’t think a lot of people do. They become so tied to:  “I am a critical care pharmacist, and that is where I’m going to hang my hat for the rest of my career.” But you’ve done such a great job of not only being flexible throughout different positions, but really stepping back and taking a look at the bigger lens of your your career and what that ultimately means to your family. So I think looking at the logistics and the nitty gritty of that transition too – really helpful to know where the flow of some of those funds went. So you mentioned, you know, you put yourself in a pretty bad spot early on, but being able to leverage some of these new opportunities to give yourself some stable financial footing, and then what a great way, even if it wasn’t intentional, but to be able to capitalize on having a consultant position on top of a new position. So when you’ve already made a little bit of a career transition, but being able to dabble in consulting so early on. So how long did you maintain that consulting piece, and then ultimately, what has that turned into, if anything at this point? 

Dr. Aaron Emmel  29:26

So still do it, and I’ve done it for other institutions as well. So I would say at this point, from in my financial picture, and I had this discussion too with Tim, just about my my mindset now, and I don’t want to get too derailed, but I’m not out there to make, you know, a bazillion dollars and, you know, live on a mountain somewhere. I mean that my mindset at this point has become one of, I want to be prepared for anything I’ve. I could be in a position to retire pretty soon, if I really wanted to, but that’s not what I want. I want to be able to weather any storm, and I want my family to be set no matter what. So that’s kind of what’s driving me. And when I think of how to accomplish that, it’s just basically to make sure we’ve got enough income coming in, and a stable enough income where one income stream can go away or get hurt, but we’ve got enough other diverse forms of income coming in. So the way I view that is this consulting work, I found I’ve been able to string that along, and there’s many opportunities I could get after if I really wanted to. So that is a very important source of stable income for us at this point. We haven’t talked about the education business yet, but that one’s doing pretty good too. So that’s a nice right now, stable form of income. I view a lot of external threats to that, which is why I feel the need to diversify income from investments. And right now, I’m focused more on real estate as a better cash flowing vehicle for investing income. So I want to grow these three as much as I can, and that way we have a very diverse income stream coming in. So the consulting piece has been excellent. And the thing that I have learned about consulting and where these opportunities come from, they come from doing a good job and building really good relationships. And I hope not getting too sidetracked here, but I think it’s important for the listeners to know that there are so many consulting opportunities that exist out there if you had the reputation and the experience to be able to present them or capitalize on them. So the consulting opportunity I got from the hospital came because I did a really good job with the quality program, and I spoke well, and I built great relationships with everybody, and they knew I can fulfill that need very well. They can count on me to do it. That’s why that opportunity presented itself, and we’ve done really well. And I say we because my wife, Allison, helps with that. She’s a nurse, and she does a lot of the chart reviews and quality abstraction we do as part of the services we provide. So that’s one and because of word of mouth and the ability to reference some of the key stakeholders and physician leaders, additional opportunities come with that. The other thing, and it might be a little early to talk about this, but you know, I exited industry employed employment in industry just recently, but I’ve already had opportunities come up to consult for industry because of all the relationships that I built and the fact that I did a really good job while I was in it. And those may end up being quite a bit more substantial than the ones that existed from the health system. And it all came from just always remembering that you have to present yourself well. You have to do good work. I do good work because I want to do good work. But there’s other ancillary benefits that come from that, just aside from just doing well in your employee role and growing that career ladder, so to speak. 

Corrie Sanders  33:07

I think that that’s honestly been an underlying theme throughout our conversation so far, is doing a great job in the position that you’re given and creating and cultivating those meaningful relationships and realizing your value within whatever company or institution, it is that you’re performing in and then being able to leverage that amount of skill and those relationships as you’re navigating through different chapters in your career. But also, I think that you’ve done a great job of not only maintaining those relationships, but tapping into mentors when you need to, and seeking guidance and advice on what you should do next, or people that have gone through this experience yourself, so you don’t feel like you’re moving through these decisions in a silo. You feel like you’ve got that level of support and level of knowledge where you’re able to confidently make a decision and pivot as needed. So I wanted to point out those underlying themes too, but now I want to dig into So you’ve now been in industry. You’re leveraging some of these relationships, but you’re also given a lot of flexibility to pursue some ancillary interests on the side. So you’ve now got your consulting business, and I want to dive too into some of your other the other ways, you’ve diversified your financial portfolio. So you started investing in real estate, and you’ve also started a business. So let’s talk about both of those things, when which one came first? How did that come about? I’ll kind of let you take the floor there with with how you’ve gotten to this, what seems to be like a three pronged financial diversification portfolio strategy.

Dr. Aaron Emmel  34:43

Sure. So I have always been, I would say an entrepreneur at heart, I mean, and that probably just comes from my nature. I never stop. I mean, I’m up hours before anybody else in the house. Just so I can think of ideas and do work. It’s not, you know, work directly related to the objectives I had as an employee or a consultant. So the wheels are always spinning. And, I mean, I had iterated a couple of things over the years. My first try was back in 2010 I started a business essentially to do medication, therapy, management services. We don’t need to get too deep into the details on that one learned a lot of lessons about you know, what you need to do to be successful. One of those being having a target market that’s interested in your service. But we could always revisit that if needed. The way I wanted to do it, in my mind, wasn’t one that was suited to the market at the time, which was a really important business lesson learned. I had started an analytics business too, as I was starting to do all of the health system quality stuff when I was still an employee to health system. Didn’t really have the bandwidth to do anything with that, but after working in industry for a year, things were going well. I loved the job I was doing well, as a family, we couldn’t believe what that was affording, in terms of just the flexibility and work life balance, the fact that I was able to perform so highly yet still have such a flexible schedule. And even with the travel, and at the time, I traveled a lot. I mean, I was trying to get out there and do really well on the role, but the flexibility of being present when I was home, oh my goodness. I mean, the time that I gained, you know, with my family, good quality time, just couldn’t believe how well that was going. But at the same time, I had this energy where I’m like, man, you know, I really have the bandwidth to do more. So I really saw the need to try something again. I said, Okay, well, what is my skill set? Where is there an opportunity in the market? And at the time, you know, it was the concept of online courses and stuff was a growing fad and kind of the side hustle industry, and I had read all those, you know, side hustle kind of books, and listened to podcasts and lean startup concepts and things like that. So I landed on, well, why don’t I develop an online course for something? And I tried to think of all of my hobbies and expertise, and, you know, really, where was there truly a market that I could attack. And I fell back to pharmacy. I said, Okay, you know, maybe I could create, like, a prep course for a pharmacy certification, like a board pharmacy specialties kind of thing. You know, there was already a few solutions out there, and that, to me, was probably a little more than I wanted to tackle in my mind. But then the one thing I did in my market research that stuck out to me was really an opportunity for pharmacy technician education, especially tailored towards helping somebody become a certified pharmacy technician. And there wasn’t a lot of competition specifically in that online market at the time, there were a couple players that had done a really good job, but I thought, you know, I’m so ambitious, and I always execute things really well, why don’t I get throw something together and give it a shot? So I spent about a year while I was employed, and I had a conversation with my employee and my direct line manager at the time. I said, Hey, I’m going to try to do this. We went through the official process of conflict of interest and all that. They allowed me to do it. So I built an online education program. I learned how to do computer code, I learned how to build and develop a website. I could we could have eight hours of a podcast of everything I’ve learned since in terms of running a business and operating a business in this kind of niche aspect. But, you know, I built the entire curriculum, I had a few people kind of advise me in terms of making sure that it was something that would meet standards for pharmacy technician education. That’s a whole other conversation as well. But as an online only program. It wasn’t something I was going to be able to get accredited by ASHP, but the pharmacy technician certification board didn’t have a limitation in providing just didactic online education. So I pursued that, built the curriculum, submitted everything into the PTCB, got the approval for the course to be recognized by them, to qualify people to take the pharmacy technician certification exam. And after a year of hard work, click the button to launch the website. And didn’t really have much of a marketing plan, other than learning things about search engine optimization and different digital advertisements you can do, and didn’t get much traction for a while, but after, you know, a lot of work in terms of trying to tune up the website and get more visibility on it, slowly started to gain some business to customer market share in terms of people finding the website and paying for the course to go on and get certified. And I did all that on the side, and I shouldn’t say side, because I learned real quick it was quite a commitment in the way that I wanted to do it, and that, I would say almost, kind of turned into my primary focus. At the same time, I wanted to meet all the obligations of being an employee, and I worked very hard for a few years to be able to do all that together, but here we are today, and I got myself through the consulting and the income from the business. Those two things alone are more than enough at the moment for me to just be able to do those and not be able and still be able real estate stuff as well.

Corrie Sanders  40:44

So that, and that’s a great lesson, I think, for viewers and listeners to hear, is that you really bootstrap the business together outside of your W2 job with, I mean, truly bootstrapping. I think a lot of pharmacists that make the pivot into entrepreneurship aren’t doing the level of detail with coding and SEO optimization and all these different things you had to do.

Dr. Aaron Emmel  41:04

I mean, bootstrap. I didn’t even count the hours that I put into this, but I did and it was with a true business owner mindset now and being in a completely different situation from a capital standpoint. I mean, that’s not always the best way to launch a business, but because I had the bandwidth and I just did it, I’m grateful I did, because not only was I able to do it at a relatively reasonable startup cost, but everything I learned along the process made me an extremely nimble business owner in this space, because now, I mean, I understand all these technical things. You know, I serve business to business clients now too. So I’ve got health systems and a few GPOs and educational institutions across the country that I’m doing group contracting with, and there’s a lot of vendor credentialing requirements that come from that. And now I know more about cyber and information security than I ever did before. I would have known all these things had not spent all the time to learn it as I was trying to figure out how to build and launch this.

Corrie Sanders  42:19

Which makes you even more valuable in a way that you probably never imagined.

Dr. Aaron Emmel  42:23

Over the years, that you know they want to do something similar and wanted guidance. I’ve had people ask me to be a business coach to help them be able to do that. I haven’t latched on to that because I feel at some point you know, you have to maintain some focus. I don’t want to throw too many things out there again. Yeah, it’s I would say my biggest take home that I can think of from the audience, other than just being brave enough to make tough decisions that you know are in your best interest, is to just always try to do things the best that you can, and do them in a sense too, that the other important lesson that I’ve learned is to do them for the right reasons, and that’s, you know, to be mission and vision focused, and to build genuine relationships with people, and to have a primary goal of helping other people more than anything else. And that was another mindset that I go back 20 years ago, where I’m focused on the money that wasn’t the right reason. I mean, I had stories I could tell you of some of the feedback I got from preceptors and, you know, education factor, educational faculty about, okay, do you really understand what the pharmacy role is supposed to be like? And I didn’t have enough of an altruistic mindset at the time, but I’ve literally built my career ever since then on the concept of trying to do the right thing for people. So do all that and you do it well, opportunities come. That’s one thing I’ve learned, yeah.

Corrie Sanders  44:00

And that’s a great, I mean, career lesson, but life lesson in general, too. And I want to back up just a little bit to make it clear. So you’re in this position where you’re doing some consulting, but you’re still within the industry, and the business that you built out on the side, or what became your full time business was Pharmacy Tech Scholar. So that’s what you’re building up this platform to ultimately provide education and certification courses to pharmacy technicians that can be purchased all online. So for our pharmacists that are listening, that do work with pharmacy technicians, I want to give you the opportunity to just elaborate a little bit more about this business. What is the goal of Pharmacy Tech Scholar, who are some potential clients and and how have you envisioned, you know, where the business is going in a way that’s understandable to the audience, and hopefully, if they need some of those services, is, how can they reach out to you.

Dr. Aaron Emmel  45:00

Awesome. I wasn’t even thinking of having any kind of talk here. But so the mission is simple. It’s to empower anybody to become a certified pharmacy technician. So the opportunity that I saw at the time, and the one that I believe in very strongly, this comes from my own financial experience as well is that there’s such a demand for pharmacy technicians right now, and there is a massive supply gap that exists today. It’s been going on for years now. I mean, I could I hear all these things from employers that contact me of how hard it is for them to find qualified pharmacy technicians, and there’s a major gap between from a pharmacy association perspective, on the type of training and preparation that you want for somebody to go out in the world and be a competent pharmacy technician and fulfill the level of scope of practice that role can provide and elevate, elevate the profession as a whole. It’s a lot of training and education. So you know, if you look at the ASHP accreditation model, as the gold standard for pharmacy technician education, which which I believe in, and I support, it is robust, and it’s extremely hard to attain that accreditation status. And if you’re not an employer, and you do this to recoup the cost of running that program, you got to charge quite a bit, whether you’re a vocational school or secondary educational institution, for somebody to go through a training program. And I just in my mind, it’s tough for me to see somebody invest, you know, the 1000s or 10s of 1000s of dollars that education might cost to get out and earn what a pharmacy technician earns, quite frankly. And there’s been a significant increase in the pharmacy technician wage, even over the past three years, if you look at the Bureau of Labor Statistics data. But it’s still not one that’s equitable in terms of what the outlay would would need to be for that level of education and training to go out and make that money. So I’m trying to envision the path for what I’ve done and being able to fulfill at least the didactic component of the education that a pharmacy technician needs at a very low cost. And the whole goal of this is to empower anybody to do it without any financial constraint. So my goal is that somebody can, as an individual, take our program, then go on to take the pharmacy technician certification exam and get their certified pharmacy technician status, which in most states is kind of the barrier to entry that are lower to be able to register and get out into the world and start to get some on the job training. So that’s kind of the path that I see from an individual standpoint. If somebody wants to be a pharmacy technician, that’s a really efficient path to take. You get your didactic education in a very inexpensive manner. You get your rubber stamp. So you can go out and get employed, and the employer is going to take the impotence to give you that experiential training that you need. So that’s kind of, if I frame it from the individual or the aspiring pharmacy technicians perspective. That’s the vision that I have for where we fit into their journey. Now, what I envision in terms of going forward, how, how do we how do I our business. How does our business deliver that service and help meet the standard that the pharmacy profession wants to see for pharmacy technicians? So especially with this audience, if it’s mainly pharmacy professionals, you know, my goal is for us to be able to fulfill the didactic component of a fully accredited training program which needs to include simulated, experiential training. We’ve done a really good job building a very interactive and active, didactic learning experience because, you know, we have a multimodal learning system in our learning management or multi multimodal experience in our learning management system, from, you know, video lectures to self study material to we provide all the readings as well at no cost, student discussion board, interactive messaging with with me. I mean, I’m on hours every day communicating with all the students. We’ve got self study activities. We’ve got, like, different educational games and these different h5p modules on the site. So it’s a it’s a really holistic student experience from a didactic standpoint, and integrating a lot of active learning and adult learning principles. So what I like to think is that we’ve built pretty much the best experience you could get from a self study, self paced, online, didactic perspective, that would be a really nice supplement for any holistic training program. So it alleviates the burden from the employer, essentially, if you think about an employer based training program that didactic components covered, and then you can focus just on the simulation. An experiential piece of that, and the students are already going to have a good background of that technology to be able to then move on to those types of activities. Go back to my time at the hospital, you know, in the state of Florida, which is kind of ironic, because that’s where I’m at. It’s one of the states that you know that’s not enough. You have to complete an ASHP accredited program, or a fully, you know, accredited educational institution program. You can’t just do an online program and get certified. But at the hospital, we didn’t have the bandwidth to go out and pursue ASHP accreditation, and we had a really hard time sourcing pharmacy technicians because of that, and I believe that the hospital still struggles with that. I’ve been trying to think about how to approach them, to work out some kind of combo deal, but yeah, so that’s kind of what I’d say, is we can offer what I personally feel is the best didactic experiences you can get from an online self study program.

Corrie Sanders  50:58

It sounds like a really robust experience and a really, you know, detail oriented, hands on experiences that has a lot a lot of thought put behind it. I love, I think it’s so ironic, not only that you’re in Florida with whatever restrictions may exist for the technicians, but I love that you had worked your way so far from community pharmacy and then ultimately reflecting back to a service that can totally help community pharmacy, not only the inpatient setting too, with recruiting technicians, but in a way that can really serve the pharmacy industry as a whole with that gap in the market, and really seizing the product market fit for that specific opportunity with Pharmacy Tech Scholar. So once you’ve got that up and running as your side hustle, that’s now become a full time job at this point, when do you lean into real estate and divesting even further? Is that before or after the Pharmacy Tech Scholar component leveraging some of the other consulting salary or your salary as a hospital employee? What did that step look like with diversification of your finances and just in general, can you help paint a better picture of when you reached into some of these other avenues?

Dr. Aaron Emmel  52:07

Yeah, excellent question. And again, we don’t have enough time to get into all my financial thoughts and ideas at this point, but I will say I thought about investing in real estate probably starting about 2018, 2019, I didn’t really have the capital to do much at the time, and I’ve got a lot of opinions too, about all the, you know, flashy real estate podcasts and ideas about all these crafty ways to invest in Real Estate. But I started to build my education around that time, probably way too much. So I certainly suffered from analysis paralysis. So I mean, I probably consumed 50 to 100 books on real estate investing build all these financial models on the side, because I’m a geek like that. But it wasn’t until really a couple of years ago, that I started to set some real goals, because I didn’t really have the capital to do much until then, at least in addition to all the other investments I had, I didn’t want to be able to pull out any money that I already had invested. And the rationale in my mind, was, ultimately, I want to get to a point where it’s just the investments that that fund, you know, the expenses that we have as a family, not because I don’t want to work or do anything anymore, but that, to me, puts us in a position where we can weather the storm no matter what happens. And I just don’t think any of us know what the world’s going to look like in five to 10 years. Five to 10 years or 20 years or 30 years, and to me, the more I can do to put our family in a situation where we’ve got that buffer. I’m doing my job. So the problem that I saw was that most of my or all of my investments, are in these tax protected vehicles that come with substantial penalties if you tap into them. So, you know, 401K, 403b, 529, plans for the kids health savings accounts, I had built up a pretty good nest egg, I would say, for my age as of a few years ago. But they weren’t producing any cash flow I could realize. So I made the decision on my mind that all the excess income that I have now, I’m just going to start investing in the real estate assets that ultimately I can get to the point where they’re cash flowing. And it’s cash flow that I can realize. And there’s some tax advantages to that too. So there’s not like, a huge additional tax burden that would come from that. In fact, I’ve got a situation this, this last tax season, where it was highly advantageous the way I did a couple of the investments, but that was the thought process. I didn’t execute my first real estate investment until early last year. And help focus me, if we need to stop me and ask me questions If you need but I went through all the different asset classes of real estate in my research on where can I put money in a real estate investment vehicle that’s going to produce both a very safe return overall and will cash flow? And I had a hard time finding anything, and maybe because I didn’t have the bandwidth to do a ton of lead generation. I mean, the to really generate, you know, major opportunity leads is a lot of work and a lot of investment in marketing. And I’m doing all this on the side. I don’t want to create another full time job for myself. And, you know, I couldn’t find anything in my area on the MLS, whether it was a multifamily or single family residence that pInned out from an investment standpoint, that would meet my metric criteria, I started looking into commercial assets, same thing with everything that was on LoopNet or that you could publicly find for commercial properties. And it wasn’t until I met somebody to become one of my best friends, whose kid was in my my youngest daughter’s class, and told him about my aspirations to invest in real estate. And he was a commercial real estate developer, so we started bouncing a ton of ideas around, and made the decision last year to do a couple of investments out of town in South Carolina for some commercial properties. So I did a couple of investments up there as a partner in a venture LLC for two retail complexes in South Carolina. And both of those, and these are pretty large outlay what many people would consider to be high risk investments, but they were such great opportunities at such a low acquisition cost that there was so much buffer for things to go wrong, and things have gone wrong, and even though they’ve gone wrong, you know, we’re still standing to make a substantial double digit rate of return, whether we refinance those this year or dispose of them in the coming months, the coming years. Well, so lots of thoughts. I mean, there’s so many things I could discuss about that, but ultimately, I made the decision to do this more as a passive partner, because I didn’t have the time or bandwidth to really pursue an active real estate investment with a strategy that was going to generate an investment that performed well from the outset. I think there’s a big misperception in my opinion, of people that think they can just go out and buy a house or a duplex and it’s a good investment. If you’re looking at the market, and whether you’re paying all cash or you’re leveraging it, especially these current interest rate environments, you’re probably going to lose money, or you’re probably at least in the near term, without knowing where inflation is going to go, you’re better off putting that money even in a money market account right now, unless you’ve got a really sound investment and you really understand the capital requirements of what you’re doing.

Corrie Sanders  58:08

And again, it’s so nice to hear that one you had already kind of financially leveraged, you know, with all these different forms of income, the ability to start investing in real estate a little bit later in your career, but ultimately, the ability to do it in the way that you did came from another relationship that you had made and some more conversations that you had had with people that are like minded. So I want to point to a couple different things, and then we’ll try to summarize it all up and with some clean takeaways. But I think overall, just listening to your journey one, you are great at doing different ways of self reflection. I feel like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders with where am i right now and where do I want to be? And then, if those two things aren’t aligning, for whatever reason, you’re another great example of you know, there’s no perfect time for a shift. There’s no black or white idea of when you have to be a certain thing in the pharmacy profession, but being able to have a shift in mindset or a shift in your career at any point in time, just based on what feels right and doing the right thing and working really hard has opened yourself up for a lot of different opportunities. So to summarize things up, we started in community pharmacy. We pivoted to that inpatient setting, and then ultimately switching into industry, and once you had some financial leverage, really working on diversifying that financial portfolio, so then reaching into real estate, looking at some of those hard and soft skills that you had developed from different points in your career and leveraging those in a way that was financially advantageous, but being able to eventually walk away from a W2 job because of these different diversifications that you had built with both the business, Pharmacy Tech Scholar and then some consulting. So anything else that you know you want to highlight in your career that you think would be useful to our listeners that, before we summarize it even further?

Dr. Aaron Emmel  1:00:10

My goodness, there’s so many things. And again, if I, if I take your kind words about my my ability for reflection, I would say the other important lesson I’ve learned is to have, at least in my own history, the need to have a higher degree of respect for everybody else around you and the things that they know. So that was my other lesson that I’ve learned over time, and I’m on a continual path with this, is, you know, when I got out into the hospital and here I am. I think I’m so smart, I didn’t even do a residency. I mean, I know everything right, and I had that mindset. I was so judgmental if somebody didn’t review something, or they let this medication get verified, or, you know, I assume none of the physicians knew anything about anything they were prescribing, but I have since come to learn that I don’t know as much as I think I know. That’s still true today. I’m always trying to learn more, but I missed out, I think, on a lot of opportunities to learn from other people early on, because I had that brazen mindset, and I would say it served me well as the years have gone by to have a more grounded perspective that other people know a lot more than I thought they did, and probably more than I do, and the ability to learn from other people and having that mindset has really served me well. So that was my own personal thing. That’s probably too many of your readers, but I would say that to me, and you noted too, with all these inflection points in my journey has had just as much, if not more, to do with the other people around me than it’s had to do, and I definitely come to understand that better now, and that circle could have been much bigger, And I could have learned much more had I been a little more introspective, I would say, and empathetic as well with everybody else in my space.

Corrie Sanders  1:02:10

No, that’s so beautifully said. Everyone’s got something to teach you. It’s just whether you want to see it or not. And the last question Aaron that I’ll ask, we’ve talked about a lot of different resources that you tapped into, so mentorship from a very early point in your career, you talked about consuming a lot of books and a lot of podcasts. Is there any other useful vehicle in your entrepreneurship journey that you want to point out to the listeners? Anything that you tapped into, or maybe your most valuable resource to this date.  

Dr. Aaron Emmel  1:02:44

Letting go of the fear of failure, I would say that’s a big one. And I’ve failed quite a bit, and I continue to fail, but every time you do that, it’s an opportunity to learn something, and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. That’s the other thing that I still struggle with today, we spoke before we started recording, about, you know, I’ve recognized the need to be more present socially, at least in terms of social media and stuff. And it’s got more to do with my, I guess, lack of like excitement around being that publicly visible. But if you want to succeed, I mean, you have to have a brand you know. You’ve got to be out there. You can’t be afraid of what other people think you know. And that’s something that I try all the time to let go of, and I still need to work on. It’s so important. If you’re going to be putting something out there that’s new, or putting something out there that’s going to compete, you’ve got to be fully behind it and fully visible, and you’ve got to be willing to just look stupid if you think that’s the way you’re going to look, but just put yourself out there.

Corrie Sanders  1:03:47

Well, on that note, Aaron, if people want to find you, what’s the best way for them to get in touch with you?

Dr. Aaron Emmel  1:03:53

You can find me on LinkedIn, it’s AaronEmmel. No period. My tag on LinkedIn. I just now put up my own personal website again from many years back. So themedicineguy.com There’s no content on there as of this minute, but hopefully in the coming weeks, we’ll have some I’ll have some stuff on there as well. And that’s also my Twitter/X handles @themedicine guy. Haven’t been tweeting since 2020 but again, I’m going to try to get active.

Corrie Sanders  1:04:21

Well, that sounds great, and there’s this has been such a beautiful conversation, I feel like there’s a lot of great life lessons worked into a lot of this professional journey. So wanted to say thank you again for taking the time to be here with YFP, and wish you all the best. Thanks, Aaron.

Dr. Aaron Emmel  1:04:37

Thank you. Corrie. I really appreciate it.

Tim Ulbrich  1:04:41

As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offered to buy or sell any investment or related financial products, we urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. Furthermore, the information contained in our archive, newsletters, blog posts and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyzes expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward looking statements which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast. Have a great rest of your week. 


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YFP 373: Pharmacist’s Playbook to Buying Your First Home with Nate Hedrick

Nate Hedrick, the Real Estate RPh, discusses six key steps in the homebuying process for first time buyers.

This episode is brought to you by Real Estate RPh.

Episode Summary

Nate Hedrick, the Real Estate RPh, joins the show to talk about the pharmacist’s playbook to buying your first home. He discusses six key steps in the homebuying process including:

  • How to determine if you’re ready to buy
  • Getting clear on what is most important in a home purchase
  • Key individuals to have on your homebuying team
  • Factors to consider in choosing a loan
  • What is/not negotiable in today’s market
  • What to know when it comes to inspections, insurance, and closing

This episode is brought to you by Real Estate RPh.

About Today’s Guest

Nate Hedrick is full-time pharmacist by day, husband and father by evening and weekend, and real estate agent, investor, and blogger by late night and early morning. He has a passion for staying uncomfortable and is always on the lookout for a new challenge or a project. He found real estate investing in 2016 after his $300,000+ student loan debt lead him to read Rich Dad Poor Dad. This book opened his mind to the possibilities of financial freedom and he has been obsessed ever since. After earning his real estate license in 2017, Nate founded Real Estate RPH as a source for real estate education designed with pharmacists in mind. Since then, he has helped dozens of pharmacists around the country realize their dream of owning a home or starting their investing journey. Nate resides in Cleveland, Ohio with his wife, Kristen, his two daughters Molly and Lucy, and his rescue dog Lexi. 

Key Points from the Episode

  • Home buying process [0:00]
  • Home buying in a changing market with a focus on rent vs buy decision. [2:46]
  • Budgeting and affordability for first-time homebuyers. [6:50]
  • Financial readiness for pharmacists considering homeownership, including budgeting, ongoing costs, and prioritizing what’s important. [10:17]
  • Real estate agent roles and changes in industry regulations. [16:52]
  • Real estate agent commissions, pre-approvals, and loan options for home buyers. [21:41]
  • Home buying process, including pre-approval, loan selection, and home negotiation. [28:01]
  • Home buying process for first-time buyers. [34:47]
  • Home buying process and budgeting with a real estate expert. [41:10]

Episode Highlights

“Taking a step back and spending 30 minutes to figure out what your budget actually looks like, can go so far in terms of the long term affordability and giving you flexibility down the road.” – Nate Hedrick [9:00]

“Regardless, whoever you’re working with, make sure you’re interviewing them. This is somebody that’s helping you make a huge decision and you want to have a good experience. Spend the time to make sure that you’re getting somebody really high quality and somebody that you’re going to be able to work with.” – Nate Hedrick [18:38]

“You really want to have that pre-approval letter in hand up front. It’s a pretty simple process to get done, and it’s good for, typically, three to four months. And it’s really easy to renew. So it’s pretty simple, and something that everybody should be doing up front.” – Nate Hedrick [27:43]

“Try to keep your budget criteria in mind. It is very easy if you’ve got a $300,000 budget to fall in love with a $500,000 house, right? Really try to restrict yourself from doing that because it’s just gonna cause heartache.” -Nate Hedrick [33:54]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich  00:00

Hey everybody. Tim Ulbrich here and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast, where each week, we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. This week, Nate Hedrick, the Real Estate RPh, joins the show to talk about the pharmacist playbook to buying their first home. We discuss six key steps to the home buying process, including how to determine if you’re ready to buy, how to get clear on what is most important in the home purchase, key individuals to have on your home buying team. Factors to consider when choosing a loan, what is and is not negotiable in today’s market, and what to know when it comes to inspections, insurance and closing. Let’s hear a brief message from today’s sponsor, the Real Estate RPh, and then we’ll jump into the show. 

Tim Ulbrich  00:42

[AD] Are you planning to buy a home in the next year or two with the state of current home prices and mortgage rates? The home buying process can feel overwhelming, but what if you can leverage the knowledge and ongoing support of someone who has worked with dozens of other pharmacists through their home buying journey, all at no cost to you. I’m talking about Nate Hedrick at the Real Estate RPh. Nate is a pharmacist who has been a partner of YFP for many years now, and offers a home buying concierge service that can help you find a high quality agent in your area and support you throughout the entire process. So head on over to RealEstateRPh.com or click on the link in the show notes to schedule your free 30 minute jumpstart planning session with Nate. 

Tim Ulbrich  01:28

Nate, welcome back to the show. 

Nate Hedrick  01:30

Hey, Tim, always good to be here.

Tim Ulbrich  01:32

So you are fresh off a trip to Iceland. Give us the good details. How that came to be, and what was the trip like?

Nate Hedrick  01:39

Yeah, man, the Land of Fire and Ice. It was, it was really cool. So the short version of a long back story is that my oldest daughter for one of her goals this year, we do goals at the beginning of every year, and one of her goals was to go visit a foreign country. And so we were quickly informed by her that Canada doesn’t count, so we had to find an alternative. So we took her to the library, checked out a bunch of books and tried to, you know, weigh the budget options with her, and anyway, she focused it on Iceland, and we made it happen just just last week. And it was, it was really cool. It was a place unlike anywhere else I’ve ever visited. The the landscapes there just so unique. The travel there is just very, very different. But it was really cool, very worthwhile trip. 

Tim Ulbrich  02:23

You and I were talking before we hit record of how cool of a first experience that is from international travel, right? It’s different enough, but there’s still some bridges where, you know, the kids can be comfortable and things so that’s great. Love that. And as our listeners know, we talk so often about this balance between taking care of the future and living a rich life today. What a cool example of that, Nate, and bringing the family into that. So I love that. 

Nate Hedrick  02:45

Thanks. Yeah, we had a really good time. 

Tim Ulbrich  02:46

So perhaps while you were there, maybe on the flight home, back back in the US, we saw interest rates drop here recently, I think you know, the lowest they’ve been in a handful of months. And what are you seeing in terms of the impact on that rate drop, something we’ve been anxiously awaiting, and how that would shake out in terms of all the people that are on the sidelines waiting to buy a home?

Nate Hedrick  03:10

Yeah, you know, I haven’t seen dramatic changes. In fact, I’ve still seen parts of our market that are still relatively slow. I think you know, what’s interesting about the rates in general, is they don’t tend to affect the day to day. I think they sort of affect these trends and these these movements, but without things changing, you know, two and a half percent overnight, you’re not going to see all of a sudden, everybody’s showing up to the bank for an application. I saw a stat float around this morning, something that the effect of even though rates are 1% lower than they were just a year ago, mortgage application rates are still down eight or 10%. So I think, you know, there’s, there’s some movement out there, there’s some improvement, but we’re not at a level where people are going to refinance yet. We’re not at a level where it’s so good that that it’s, you know, beating inflation, or anything like that. And I just think that people are slower to react, even as these rates start to get a little bit better.

Tim Ulbrich  04:03

Yeah, I’m really curious to see kind of where that goes. And as we’ve talked about many times on the show before, there’s a lot of interested buyers out there, and I think a lot of people that are itching to get into a home and we’ll see where the rate trends continue to go, and we’ll bring you back to make sure we’ve got the most up to date information for our listeners. So I think that’s relevant to our discussion today, because, as I mentioned, there’s pent up demand. There’s interest rates. I feel like there’s a lot of first time pharmacist home buyers that are out there, and they’ve been kind of stacking right on top of one another for the last few years. And so today’s focus is we want to go through a step by step guide, step by step playbook, if you will, to buying your first home, we’re going to discuss how to determine whether or not you’re ready, factors to consider prior to beginning the home search, how to select the home loan option that’s the best for you, and ultimately, what are those costs that are involved in buying a home, and what can and cannot be negotiated in today’s market? So Nate, before we get into those specific. Six let’s talk about the benefits of home ownership, because given the housing market that’s out there right now, a lot of people are questioning whether or not it makes sense to buy a home. And I think the rent versus buy question is getting some renewed energy for good reason. So how are you thinking about the rent versus buy decision? The rent versus buy calculation in today’s market, and someone making that decision, of course, knowing that every market is different.

Nate Hedrick  05:24

Yeah, it’s it’s always been a question, right? No matter what the market looks like, even when rates were crazy low, even when 2021 when home buying was at just an absolute fervor, it’s always a question like, is it better to wait? Is it better to buy now. A lot of it has to do with how stable are you looking for? How long are you going to be in that in that particular property? If you’re in a location for a year, and you’re doing your residency there, and you’re planning on moving out after that, it’s probably never going to make sense to try to beat the market, quote, unquote, by buying a house, selling it, hoping for the best, like you might make out it might be okay, but in almost all those cases, renting is probably going to be preferred. Now, as you move that timeline out a bit further, if you’re going to keep that property and rent it out, let’s say, or you’re going to move to a location that you hope to find a long term job, that conversation starts to shift, and it starts to become a conversation of how much do I have to put down? What are closing costs? What are all the factors that go into this upfront fees? And what is that gonna look like in terms of what I could rent this for? Because, as we’ve said, you know, rates are better. They’re still high, but rents have been going up too. So you’re you’re factoring into a lot of different pieces when making that decision.

Tim Ulbrich  06:38

Yeah, and you and I cover this. Gosh, it’s probably been 3,4,5,6, years ago? Now I’m not…I’d have to go back and look what episode it was! But actually getting into the weeds on that rent versus buy, very different market, of course, than what we’re looking at today. But one of the resources we talked about in that episode, we’ll link it in the show notes again, is the New York Times has a pretty cool rent versus buy calculator that really helps avoid that trap of I’m paying X for rent and the mortgage payment is Y. And comparing those right? There’s a whole another layer of cost and things that we want to evolve really evaluate to determine what’s the apples to apples, right, or as close as we possibly can get. So again, we’ll link to that in the show notes. So Nate, let’s jump into our six steps for first time homebuyers, the playbook for first time homebuyers. And if listeners want to follow along and take notes, you can download our free YFP First Time Homebuying Quick Start Guide, and you can get that by going to yourfinancialpharmacist.com/homeguide. That’s all one word. We’ll link to that in the show notes as well. So Nate, step number one is making sure that you’re ready, building on the conversation that we’ve already started. And buying a home can be a great move, but dot, dot, dot. You got to be in the right position, and that really starts with knowing your budget and considering how the home purchase fits as a piece of the broader financial puzzle that accounts for other goals, such as student loan debt, of course, very common among first time homebuyers, making sure we’ve got the right reserves and emergency funds. How do we get started with investing in retirement savings? We have all these things that we have to consider. And of course, the home all, albeit a big one, is one of many different aspects of the financial plan. So tell us, from your experience as a first time homebuyer, it’s been a while and coaching many first time homebuyers through the process how the buyer and the bank really answer this affordability question?

Nate Hedrick  08:24

Yeah, I was just thinking it’s actually going to be 10 years since first time homebuyer status, just like this month. So, yeah, it’s been a minute. But, you know, I think this is probably the most boring part of this six step guide, right? But it’s arguably the most important. And I think people are like, up, skip it, budget. Don’t want to look at it. But I can’t tell you how many I meet with somebody every week and talk about this stuff, where, if you don’t set yourselves up for success, if you just jump into Zillow and say, I need a four bedroom house, and I already live in Cleveland, Ohio…beautiful, sunny day here in Cleveland, like this is what the house is going to cost. Rather than doing that actually taking a step back and spending 30 minutes to figure out what your budget actually looks like, can go so far in terms of the long term affordability and giving you flexibility down the road. One of the things that, again, we lucked into, because again, 10 years ago, I had no idea what I was doing. We bought a house that was, you know, less than than max, right? We way undercut what we could have possibly spent on a house, and now we’re still in that same house 10 years later, and couldn’t be happier because we’ve got this nice, reasonable payment. So even as Kristen and I have cut back a little bit on work or taking trips to Iceland, the housing is so much more affordable. And I can’t tell you the number of pharmacists that I’ve talked to that didn’t lock into that right, or went the opposite direction and said, I’m going to spend as much as I can. I want this big, nice house, and then they’re paying for it later, and it becomes problematic. So it’s something I really encourage people to do, take a hard look at the numbers and and it will benefit you in the long term.

Tim Ulbrich  09:57

You know, I was thinking of Nate as you were talking a webinar I did several months ago, talking about budgeting. And as you said, right? We bring that topic forward, and people are like, end episode. I don’t want to talk about this anymore. But what was interesting is I had several pharmacists ask them to submit their budgets in advance that we would share anonymously if they were comfortable doing so. And I kind of analyze them, talk through them. And to no surprise, one of the things that we saw is the percentage of income that was allocated to fixed costs –  very high, right? And then the home, of course, tends to be along with student loans, along with car payments, along with child care costs, which is probably the big four, as I see them. But when you’re talking about a 30 year decision that for most people, is a fixed payment outside of some of the taxes and other things that will increase over time, like we’re locking in a big piece of the financial puzzle, right? And so easier said than done in today’s market, totally get it, but we want to make sure that we’re not putting ourselves in a situation where we’re looking up a year or two years later saying, Hey, I make a great income, but I don’t feel like I’m progressing. Because one of those big reasons, at least being that home purchase.

Nate Hedrick  11:08

Yeah, I think that’s, that’s spot on. And I think that it’s, it’s, again, it’s very easy to sit here and say, right? It’s easy to say, look at the budget, don’t spend too much. But then I again, I can’t tell you the number I’ve talked to, where they look in their market, and the only option is to spend 35% of their income on a house for them, like they need three bedrooms. Is all that’s going to fit. So I think it’s a lot easier said than done, but you have to at least have a wrangle on those numbers so that you can start making an informed decision, rather than just jumping in and hoping for the best later on.

Tim Ulbrich  11:36

Yeah, yeah. And to your point, if that is what it is in the market, like, what else can we be doing in the financial plan to make some shifts or adjustment, knowing that, hey, that’s just going to be a big part, because you and I both know that pharmacists salaries don’t adjust necessarily with cost of living proportionally, right? 

Nate Hedrick  11:50

100% that’s one of the risks.

Tim Ulbrich  11:52

You know think this making sure you’re ready, portion also includes, we’re in looking at all costs of the mortgage, right? Nate, I think my experience, personally, going through this and talking with many pharmacists is most folks are probably thinking about what’s referred to as PITI, right, principal, interest, taxes, insurance, but might stop there. What else should they be considering, both one time and ongoing costs when they’re they’re trying to answer this question, Am I ready?

Nate Hedrick  12:19

Yeah, the big ones that I missed in terms of ongoing were the property taxes. So when I was a renter, I didn’t really think about property taxes. I didn’t have to pay property taxes. I knew they were a thing, but I didn’t really like factor that in. And often it’s tucked into your mortgage. But what you don’t realize is that those property taxes can go up, right? So those are going to be reassessed. In fact, here in Cuyahoga County, we just had our reassessment done, and everyone’s property taxes increased. So even though I haven’t sold my house in years, it still does go up over time, and tends to go up every year. So there are little things like that that are easy to miss, even something like utilities, for example, if you’re a renter today, and maybe utilities are baked into your rent, maybe it’s even just a couple of utilities. Maybe it’s just gas or the water and sewer bills, but all those are your responsibility now. And so if we had a really hot summer like this and our electric bills were through the roof because we’re paying for the air conditioning, that’s just that comes with the territory of homeownership, and it’s something that is difficult to calculate, but you have to kind of plan a little bit of buffer for those kind of things, because now they’re all your responsibility once you take on that homeownership.

Tim Ulbrich  13:24

Yeah, and those ongoing things, to me, are so important, right? Because when we talk about, you know, fixed costs in the budget, that we’re going to try to move other pieces around, you know, utility costs, you nailed that. Obviously those have gone up, I think, across the board, property taxes, I know, for us here in the Columbus area that’s been huge. We actually have a commercial property, our office space up in northeast of the city. And we bought that property in 2021 and property taxes nearly doubled. And, you know, and, and so those are the things as an investor, you know you’re thinking about, but you’re not thinking about doubling. And great, the property value has doubled. But guess what? Like, one is related to monthly cash flow. One is not, right. So at least in this moment. And then I think the homeowners insurance increases we’re hearing about all across the country, Nate are huge. I don’t know if we felt that as much here in Ohio. I know we’re hearing from people in Florida and other parts of the country that are more prone to natural disasters that they’re seeing some more significant increases, but these are the things that we want to be thinking about that breathing room right when we’re making this decision about, Hey, are we ready to purchase a home or not?

Nate Hedrick  14:28

Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. I mean, David and I just did an episode on the REI podcast about insurance, where we talk to an insurance agent. And it’s incredible to hear some of the stories around the country of carriers that are pulling out, carriers that are doubling policy costs. I mean, it’s, it’s pretty incredible. So it’s definitely those. Those things are not something to ignore, and even if they’re a little difficult to calculate, you have to at least plan for them. 

Tim Ulbrich  14:50

Yeah, that’s right, all right. Number two on our list of six steps in the playbook for pharmacists as first time homebuyers is determining what’s important. So once. We make sure we’re ready financially, it’s really time to determine what’s important. What do we want? What’s top of the list? What’s maybe a desire, but not at the top of the list? So Nate before keyword, before we start the search. How do you think about narrowing down this list of the must haves to a few key areas?

Nate Hedrick  15:18

Yeah, and I think part of this is not just you personally knowing, but if you’ve got a spouse involved in the decision, or you’ve got someone else involved in this process, it’s how do we all get on the same page? Right? One of the things I’ll often do with couples who are buying house together is I’ll send them both these must have sheets and let them fill them out separately, and then kind of come back together. 

Tim Ulbrich  15:39

That’s cool. 

Nate Hedrick  15:39

Yeah, it’s neat, and it’s fun to see what they put on paper, because a lot of this is, like stuff you talk about, but when you’re doing it separately, and you have to, like, write it down, and then it’s like the newlywed game, right? You get to see what they actually write down. You’re like, wait, what, you want that? I didn’t realize how important that was to you. And so kind of assessing those things can really make a difference, especially if you’re taking a step and looking at all this stuff before you hit search and you say, look, hey, we’ve got four kids, and so we need a five bedroom house, or whatever the you know, the math works out to that can drastically affect things like your budget or where you’re able to buy. You might not have five bedroom houses in the in the neighborhood that you want to look in, right? That might not be an option. You might have to build. You might have, you know, so it really changes the dynamics of how you’re going to search, and it affects a bunch of other things down the line. So again, if you’re looking at, let’s say you’re looking at, you want area for your horses. We just rode horses in Iceland for the first time ever. And so if you’re like, I need to have my Icelandic horse as part of my house property. That’s a very different location, very different agent, very different financing, all those decisions that play out after that change because of that decision of what is most important to you. So you have to have that kind of criteria established upfront. 

Tim Ulbrich  16:04

And I think knowing what flexibility Nate exists or doesn’t exist, or are some things non negotiable, right? Maybe that’s the number of bedrooms, whereas other things you’re like, Hey, I’d love if we could have X, Y or Z, you know, the finished basement or a pool or a fenced-in yard or whatever. But maybe it’s not a hey, it has to, because I think that really helps with the agent relationship. We’ll talk about that here in a little bit, and really making sure that person has the information they need, that they’re not wasting their time or your time, you know, sending a bunch of properties or going to visit a bunch of properties that ultimately, you know, aren’t the right fit.

Nate Hedrick  17:22


Tim Ulbrich  17:22

Speaking of agent, let’s talk about number three on our list of six steps, which is, assemble your team. Most first time homebuyers, I think, start their search like I did, which was driving by properties, scrolling listings online, but sooner or later, they’re gonna have to assemble a team to pull the trigger and ensure one of the, if not the largest purchases they’re going to make in their lifetime go smoothly. So Nate, talk to us about how the right team can make all the difference and who you’re thinking about as key team members.

Nate Hedrick  17:51

Yeah, I think this step always kind of feels overwhelming. Building a team sounds like a pretty serious endeavor, but what we’re trying to say is that you’re looking for individuals that are going to make the process easier and help you out. This doesn’t have to be a big, long, drawn out process. You want to make sure that you’ve got people that know what they’re doing to supplement right, just like you would on the team, rounding in the hospital or working in the pharmacy. You’re not doing all this stuff by yourself. You don’t have to know everything. You just have to have the experts in your corner. A lot of times, that’s going to start with something simple, either a lender or a real estate agent. Connecting with them, getting them to give you referrals to the other people that you might need, and then taking off and running from there. I do encourage people to interview whoever you’re working with, and we can. I’ve done webinars on this in the past where we go through like tips on interviewing an agent, for example, or tips on vetting an agent. But regardless, whoever you’re working with, make sure you’re interviewing them. This is somebody that’s helping you make a huge decision you want to have a good experience, and so spend the time to make sure that you’re getting somebody really high quality and somebody that you’re going to be able to work with. Well, yeah, I

Tim Ulbrich  18:51

think great advice. And again, this is something we don’t want to haphazardly walk into, and referrals can be helpful, but you know, your needs may be similar than someone else, different than someone else. So making sure you feel good about this decision and the people that are ultimately representing and working alongside of you. Nate, I think this would be a good place, just given the agent aspect here and talk about some of the changes that we’ve talked about in the podcast before, relating to the National Association of Realtors Settlement when we talked about it, three, four or five months ago is a hey, this is coming in the end of the summer, and here we are. So now that the dust has maybe somewhat settled, like, what? What is the impact that you’re seeing? 

Nate Hedrick  19:28

if you ask our brokerage, we were like, in the middle of the dust, because it just went live, where these these changes are now in effect. And so essentially, what happened is that the National Association of Realtors was sued. They decided to settle without admitting any fault. And the big change that resulted from that settlement is one, they had to pay out a whole bunch of money, as is normal, but also they had to get rid of the buyers commission that was advertised in the MLS. So the way it worked up until a couple days ago is that if I was showing a house for a prospective buyer client, I knew that there was a 3% commission, or a two and a half percent commission that is being offered by the seller, and that when I write a contract, I’m going to get that as part of working with that buyer. That is no longer allowed. You cannot advertise that that commission agreement basically. What is now required is that that commission has to be negotiated. It has to be a part of the buyer’s contract so it doesn’t go away, it doesn’t change necessarily. It’s just the way that it’s going to be talked about is very different, and it’s going to be talked about upfront. So if you’re a buyer and you’re working with an agent for the first time, there’s going to be a conversation about, hey, my job is to negotiate and work for you, to help you guys find the best house, but as part of that, I need to get paid. And so there’s going to have to be a number. Call it 2%, two and a half, 3% whatever that is in commission that I’m going to try to be getting from the seller. And we’re going to agree to what that number is right now, as a process of working with me, my goal is to get that from the seller, right? I’m going to write a purchase agreement to you, Tim, and I’m going to say the house is $200,000 with a 3% commission. For me, my goal is to get it from that seller, but there’s a possibility they come back and say, I’ll accept $200,000 but I’m not paying your agent anything. And then we have to figure out what we’re going to do. And so that’s where we are today, where that’s sort of in limbo, and we’re going to kind of see how the market plays it out. The likely options at that point are going to be either we write the contract for a bigger amount, we write it for $200,000 plus 3% and then, you know, you finance that, or the buyers are going to have to pay that 3% out of their own pocket. I think that’s going to be not the norm. I think that’s going to be exception more than the rule. But there are a lot of changes, and we’re sort of feeling out what this is going to look like as as the time goes on. 

Tim Ulbrich  21:40

And that last point you made, you know, in terms of, could this fall on the back of the buyer, right? I think that’s what most listeners that are looking at my home are wondering. And this is just such a stark change from you know, how we have thought about buying agents in the past, and, you know, I had a conversation offline a couple months ago of like, this really will, in my opinion, it’s going to take time, but this really will start to differentiate the value that a buying agent is bringing. And I’m a firm believer, and I know this from working with you and talking with other agents, not all agents, just like not all financial planners, are created equal. And when you think about the bar of entry into someone becoming a real estate agent, similar to someone else becoming a financial planner, like you know that bar of entry, you know, there is one but, but it’s not incredibly high.

Nate Hedrick  22:24

Its very low. You can say it!

Tim Ulbrich  22:29

And so really, then comes down to like, Hey, are you talking with an agent working with one that has experience? Like, how much experience? And what has that experience been like? And so this is really going to flip that conversation. And I think for buyers, is just so different, and I’m curious to know it’s so fresh right now, kind of how this shakes out and in this market Nate that we’re in, like that first option you mentioned, where, hey, we’ll write the contract and, you know, we’ll see if the listing, person selling the home, will ultimately pay it like, you know, arguably, we’re in a seller’s market, right? So is, do you see that happening? Or what do you see happening short term? 

Nate Hedrick  23:05

I think, I think yes, is the short answer your question. I mean, we’re doing that essentially today, right? If you think about again, it’s still that $200,000 house today, right now, that 3% is coming from the seller already. So, like, that’s not really changing. What I think this is going to do is going to provide a lot more transparency. Like you said, the barrier to entry on real estate is very low, and there were a lot of agents out there that would get their license, work with a buyer, knowing full well that it did not matter how good they were at their job, if they got someone to close, there was a guaranteed two and a half or 3% sitting out there waiting to be theirs, right? And I think the benefit of this change is that that that goes away, there’s no guarantee. You have to actually prove your value as a buyer’s agent now, and so I think that’s going to help the market overall. I just, I think it’s going to be interesting to see how exactly it shakes out.

Tim Ulbrich  23:53

Yeah, and this would be a good stop that I just want to pause and we’ll talk more at the end, but put a plug Nate for you and what you’re doing with your clients through the home buying concierge service. People can learn more RealestateRPh.com We’ll link to that as well as the site on YFP website, if you click on home buying on the homepage, you can get there, but you do offer value. Our listeners will get that from you know what we’re talking about here, and you have the experience. And you’ve done it, obviously, yourself. You’ve done it with many, many clients, locally. You’ve worked with a you’ve worked with agents all across the country. You’ve done this many times as an investor as well. And so I think finding that person, that relationship, that’s a good fit. You know, now more than ever, with these changes, is going to be so important so.

Nate Hedrick  24:37

I really appreciate that, Tim, and I think especially as more and more and more agents are going to require you to lock into a contract because that guarantee is gone, you kind of have to get it right the first time which, which sounds overwhelming, and I don’t mean that to be like intimidating, but you kind of have to get this one right. And so working with somebody that that has the experience you’re looking for, or being matched with somebody that we have vetted already. Can be a huge difference maker if you’re looking at buying a home for the first time, especially.

Tim Ulbrich  25:05

What do you think’s going to happen for the many people that are out there looking, who work with an agent but never actually go through with a purchase for whatever reason? I mean, is that? Like, will there be cost? I mean, there’s, there’s obviously cost of your time and stuff that now we’re looking at this relationship differently, like, will that still be no charge to the to the prospective buyer? What do you think that will look like?

Nate Hedrick  25:26

So I think there’s going to be a lot of people that try to get creative. I have already seen, and this is like on LinkedIn, so I don’t know how legit it is, but I’ve already seen some cases where someone will say, Look, I’ll charge $995 I’ll show you up to 15 houses, and I’ll negotiate one contract, and that’s the cost to work with me, right? And whether you buy or not, I don’t really care anymore. I think you’ll see people get started to get creative, but I think you’ll see the market probably wants to keep things as close to as they are now. So I think you’ll see people just negotiate these contracts with their buyers directly and then try to get them to negotiate with the sellers to pay the cost.

Tim Ulbrich  26:02

Yeah, I actually know an agent here in the area that’s doing kind of what you just shared. And I don’t know how widespread it is, but on a per listing fee, or it’s like a higher flat fee, you know, we’ll get you so many 10, I forget what it was, 10, 15, 20, but if you want to do it kind of a la carte, it’s per you know so curious to see where that where that goes. Yeah, all right, let’s talk about number four, which is choosing a loan, probably what many people are thinking about as a top priority. And before we talk about loan types, let’s talk about pre approvals, especially important in the competitive market that we’re in today. What is a pre approval? Why is it necessary? And what items are needed to get to that point of having one?

Nate Hedrick  26:43

Yep. So a pre approval plan plain and simple is someone, typically a lender, giving you a letter that is going to say, hey, there is a person out there willing to lend to this individual for a certain amount of money. So if I go with a pre approval letter to a seller and it says, I’m pre-approved up to $250,000 that seller has confidence knowing that that there’s someone else out there behind me willing to basically front that money. So it’s all that is, is saying that someone has basically vetted you and agrees to basically to back that up. The common misconception is, well, I don’t need that until I found a place, or I don’t need that until later. I actually just spoke with a potential buyer this past week, and she said, I said, Are you pre approved? You know, just want to get an idea. And she said, I wasn’t going to do that until I found the perfect house. Like, I don’t want to, I don’t want to waste my time and do that until then. The risk there is that if you find the perfect house, and there are five other people that think it’s the perfect house, and you’re not pre-approved, you’re not getting it right? It’s not going to be something that that we would even consider as a seller. So you really want to have that, that letter in hand up front. It’s a pretty simple process to get done, and it’s good for, typically, three to four months. And it’s really easy to renew. I renew mine all the time, even though, you know, we’re not, we’re not actively looking it’s just something to keep on hand. So it’s pretty simple, and something that everybody should be doing up front. 

Tim Ulbrich  28:00

And in order to get a pre approval, you’re going to have to make a case to the bank that you’re a qualified lendee, right? So you’re going to be providing paycheck information, assets, liabilities, kind of a snapshot of your overall financial picture. But to your point about, you know, not waiting on the sidelines, like my experience is that takes time, depending on the bank, it might take more or less time, and you know how nimble they can be, but to be able to get all that information, upload it, for them to make a decision on that, it’s going to take time. So you want to have that in hand, especially given that that’s good for a period of time, definitely. So once we get pre approved and we’re ready at that point, you know how we go about the loan selection choice. It’s probably one of the biggest decisions that people are going to make in the process, and I think is confusing to navigate, given the differences that are out there in the products that are available, which can vary in terms of percent down payment that’s required, minimum credit scores, whether or not there’s private mortgage insurance or PMI. So talk to us about the common types of loans that are out there, and the key features of those loans.

Nate Hedrick  29:08

Yeah. I mean, this is, this is such a broad topic, we could do two episodes just on loans. I mean, you’ve had Tony on the show enough times talking about loans, right? Like this is such a big area of focus that, you know, the it’s, it’s hard to cover it all. But the basics are this, right? You’ve got to have some, you’re going to have some sort of product, and that product is going to be backed up by the bank in some way. And they can back that up through the government. They can back it up through like your job. They can back it up through federal programs, like you name it. There are ways for them to basically underwrite these loans. And the the qualifications within those underwriting underwritings are what determines things like your down payment, your interest rate, what houses you’re available to buy, so on and so forth, right? So typically, people are going to see one of three types, and again, there are 1000s of others. But typically you’re either going to have what’s called an FHA loan, or government backed loan, a conventional loan, which is sort of like your standard 30 year fixed rate loan, or you’re going to see like a pharmacist home loan or a doctor’s loan. That’s typical to our to our audience. And so any one of those have different pros and cons, different down payments, different interest rates, different terms, so on and so forth. But, but all of those are pretty viable, and again, pretty common for most people. 

Tim Ulbrich  30:17

Yeah as you mentioned  we’ll, like in the show, and so we’ve talked about, you know this at ad nauseam, in terms of the options that are available. But this is huge. I talked with a pharmacist, Nate last week that’s out in California. I want to say it was in the San Francisco area that is looking to purchase a home 12 to 24 months. Now, I asked a budget question, right? And I’m like, holding my breath. It’s California. So you know it was, hey, about $800,000 and then I asked the loan question, like, Hey, what are you thinking in terms of lending? No clue and no fault to their own there’s just, you know, not, not yet there in the process. But I was trying to really encourage them, like, start to dig in. Because when you’re talking about an $800,000 home and qualifying, and what a 3% or a 10% or 20% on a conventional down payment. We’re talking about either a ton of cash or still a ton of cash, but not as much cash, right? And how that fits in with, Hey, your student loans and all these other things that we’re trying to achieve. So this, again, is big, and probably for first time homebuyers, that down payment piece comes to front and center, because, right, they’re focused on many other goals, student loans, etc, that we’ve been talking about, and really making sure that you feel comfortable with the product. And you know, if you’re putting less down, are you giving up on anything, on rate or terms or other things, you got to look at the whole picture before you make a decision.

Nate Hedrick  31:33

Yeah, all good points and all things that are difficult and overwhelming to consider at times again, one of the ways that you can sort of make this a little easier is start to talk with your agent about this. If you start with an agent, if you know no if you have no idea where to start with a lender, start with an agent, and they’ll be able to refer you to a couple good agents. I can usually parse out, even though I’m not a lender, I can usually parse out like, hey, it seems like you’re looking for lowest down payment options, or you’re all about monthly payments. So these are the people that I’m going to start directing you toward, then you can refer them to three different lenders that they can have a meaningful conversation with, rather than starting from scratch and just Googling, you know, local lender near me. So that’s a good way to get started if someone doesn’t know where to start.

Tim Ulbrich  32:13

Good stuff. Alright, number five on our list is find your home and negotiate. So at this point, we’ve determined what’s in the budget. We’ve narrowed down the list of must haves. We just assembled our team. We’ve gotten pre approved with the lender. We know the product we’re going to be pursuing. So now it’s time to get serious with looking right? So talk to us about what’s involved in this step, and especially in today’s market, like, what is the reality of negotiation? 

Nate Hedrick  32:36

Usually this is where people start, right? This is step number one. Is find your home. Like open Zillow and look for your favorite house. So it’s funny that we’re waiting all the way to number five to get there, but it shows the importance of the prep work, right? Because it’s how you’re going to do this successfully. So right now, there are a lot of ways to search for homes, right? You’ve got Zillow, realtor.com, you’ve got Facebook Marketplace, the MLS, which is where realtors are posting their sites. All of those are great options, and really, there’s no wrong answer. I think the thing to keep in mind is that there’s sometimes a preconceived notion that if I’m working with an agent, they’re going to go find me a house, right? They’re going to find me a property. With the way things are set up today, with the automatic emails that you can get with the notifications you can set on Zillow and realtor and all those, it’s typically much easier to to set criteria yourself, or give those criteria to an agent and allow them to build you an automatic email that’s going to be looking for the houses that might fit your criteria, and then you be the one to decide, does this? Does this make sense? So I think that’s something to kind of just put in people’s heads, because I’ve talked to some out there where it’s like, well, the agent, you know, is trying to find me a house, but, but I’m not having much luck. It’s like, well, be involved as well, because they can do a lot, but, but you can often do just as much with with some of the tools that are out there today. So that’s that’s kind of part one. Part two is to try to keep your criteria in mind, right? We did all these steps one through four up front for a reason, it is very easy to, if you’ve got a $300,000 budget, to fall in love with a $500,000 house, right? Really try to restrict yourself from doing that, because it’s just gonna cause heartache, right? It’s much easier to start to stick within your parameters and roll from there. So those are just some kind of key tips when you get started with the process. When you’re actually looking at homes, that’s when kind of the rubber meets the road, where you’re going to be doing the bulk of the legwork to see, do I see myself living here? Are there? Are this is actually meeting the criteria that I was expecting? Does this match the pictures? Is it matching the things I’m seeing online and so forth, and then relying on your agent and eventually an inspector to help with things like, is this a problem, or are we worried about X, Y and Z?

Tim Ulbrich  34:47

Makes sense. And I think what’s challenging this a little bit right now is, you know, we’ve seen in our area, I’m sure, all across the country as well, is, you know, in terms of the competitiveness of the market cash buyers that are out there. Or, you know, appraisal gap waivers. That are happening, lots of things that are competing with, with people trying to purchase a home is, you know, you might set that budget at the very beginning at $300k even if you hold the line and you got the filter criteria at 300 right there, there could be a, you know, that home maybe goes at asking, slightly below, maybe, depending on the market, perhaps above it, right? And some other cash that’s needed to close it well. So every market, of course, different, but I think it’s hard right now, just given where it is, and I think all the pent up demand to really hold tight to that budget.

Nate Hedrick  35:33

You mentioned it perfectly. It’s very market specific. We have areas here where that, you know, over asking isn’t happening anymore, and other areas where every house that pops up, I don’t care how badly they take the pictures, it’s flying over asking price, right? So it depends pretty heavily on the market and the location.

Tim Ulbrich  35:49

And that’s within Cleveland? You’re talking about, like, different communities within the area? 

Nate Hedrick  35:52

Even within Cleveland, yep, for sure. 

Tim Ulbrich  35:53

Yeah, that’s interesting. All right. Number six, Last on our list, Nate, inspect, insure and close. So we’re under contract. It feels like we finally have crossed the finish line, given the steps that we’ve covered up until this point. But there’s some more important details remaining that are in between the accepted offer and the keys in hand, that being the inspection, consideration for a home warranty and closing tell us more. 

Nate Hedrick  36:15

So I always say this to my clients, that there’s two parts of buying a home that feels scary, and Part one is putting in an offer, because it feels very final. It feels like, once I put this in, like that’s it. But the reality is, is that the second part, when you waive inspection contingencies, that’s the actual, like, serious, scary part, right? Because that’s when your earnest money goes, goes solid, and you can’t get it back. That’s when, essentially, you are buying that house. So there’s a period in there, that inspection window that you have a chance to do some really good due diligence. Usually it’s seven or 10 days, if you’ve negotiated that in, hopefully your agent is helping you do that, and during that time, it’s really your moment to figure out, does this actually work, right? Are there things in the house that we’re worried about? Right? Is the roof caving in? Is there water damage in the basement? Is there you know, properties going up nearby that we’re concerned about. All of those pieces are pieces you want to be spending time to do that due diligence on, because there’s going to reach a time where that it’s too late to really do that stuff down the road. So it’s, it’s the moment to get all those things figured out. And again, you mentioned insurance in there, there’s also a piece of like, contact your insurance agent and figure out what your costs are going to be for this specific house. That’s still part of your due diligence. And so many people I talk to wait until the very end to do this insurance piece, and then they find out, Oh, well, it’s got an old electrical system, and actually the roof is 20 years old, and they won’t insure it  or it’s in a flood plain. I mean, you name it, right? So, so do that due diligence during the time period that you’ve got, because it’s super important. And it really is the the the actual last thing before the scary step of waving everything,

Tim Ulbrich  37:52

You know that that’s what made me so nervous about the period of time that we’re in. And I’m guessing there’s still some of this out there, of waving inspection is to your point in a traditional process, you’ve got point one, and then you’ve got a later point, right? So you’ve got a little bit of time to sleep on it. Do some due diligence. Take a breath, you know, look at the inspection report. Make sure you feel good about costs and things that are needed repairs, like when that inspections being waived. That’s bang, bang. Yep, right at that point. So Are you still seeing that out there much?

Nate Hedrick  38:23

Some. Not here in the Cleveland market as much. I haven’t had a wavelength of inspections in ages, personally, but I know it’s still common out there. There’s a question I get all the time, Tim. It’s, it’s Nate is now still a good time to buy a house? And I’ve literally gotten that question my entire career of real estate, which I think is funny, but the only time I say no to that question, quite honestly, is if you’re in a market that is still in that sort of a fervor – where you are waiving inspections, you are waving everything because it doesn’t give you that pause button. Like I think, I think it’s really, really scary to go into a house purchase not knowing all the information and trying to spend hundreds of 1000s of dollars. 

Tim Ulbrich  39:03

Especially as a first time. 

Nate Hedrick  39:04

Yeah, exactly. Even on things like new builds, where, you know, they’re like, Oh, it’s a new construction. Don’t worry about it. Like, there are just as many problems with new builds as there are with with existing construction. So I you know, it’s, it’s, there’s never a blanket answer for everything. But do hit, be worried, I suppose, if you’re in a market where that’s the norm and then everything’s being waived, then you kind of have to just just hope for the best. I I don’t like those personally.

Tim Ulbrich  39:30

So there you have it, the six steps that first time homebuyers need to be thinking through again if you want to download this information and a guide that you can take notes and reference it later and go to yourfinancialpharmacist.com/homeguide. That’s one word. Nate, talk to us about the Real Estate RPh home buying concierge service that you offer and how pharmacists, no matter where they are in the country, could benefit from from working with you. Tell us about what that service entails and where they can go to find more. 

Nate Hedrick  39:57

Yeah, absolutely. So we alluded to this service a little bit earlier. But the idea was that, you know, years ago, when I bought my first house, I wanted to have a great real estate agent on my team, and didn’t really know how to get that person, right. I knew how to ask a couple of friends who they used and whatever. I knew how to Google “good real estate agent in my area”. But, like, that was it right? So we wanted to try to create a service that kind of filled that gap. And so we, we did that. It’s a totally free service available through our website. You can go to realestaterph.com There’s the home buying concierge service right there. It’s a it starts with a 30 minute call with me. It’s totally free. We’re going to chat about things like budget must haves, we’re going to go through loan options, answer any questions you have, and then after that conversation, we’re going to connect you with a really great real estate agent that’s going to be specific to be specific to you guys in the area that you’re looking in. Somebody that we’ve vetted, or that we’ve worked with in the past through like an interview process or that’s actually helped another pharmacist buy a home. And then once you get connected, you get off and running with them. So it’s it’s a nice way to take the guesswork out of it and not have to do any of the legwork of interviewing these agents and trying to find the right one when you’re just trying to make, you know, ends meet and get get through the day sometimes. So that’s why the service exists – its there to really be a helpful thing for pharmacists.

Tim Ulbrich  41:10

So again, realestaterph.com, you get more information. We’ll link to that in the show notes. You can book a call with Nate. Nate, if I’m listening and I’ve got a distant thought of having a buy in the next maybe year, two years versus I’m listening and, you know, I’m ready, ready to go right now. Like, when would you advise people to begin this process and working with you?

Nate Hedrick  41:31

Yeah, great question. So if you’re in that six plus months out range, that’s probably the time to be, you know, focused on budget, focused on all the things we talked about in the kind of the kind of the guide, the first couple steps to get ready for those things. Once you reach that, hey, we would reasonably buy a house six months from now or sooner, that’s probably when it’s time to engage with me all the way up until, hey, we’ve already gone to a couple open houses, Nate, like we’re ready to look at this place. I’ve even had people engage the service knowing the property they wanted to put an offer on. Right? They’re like, hey, Nate, we found the perfect place. Like, can you help? And we can help that quickly. So anything six months and before is probably a good time to connect with me. If you’ve got you know longer, it’s probably time to keep, keep working on that budget, make sure everything’s all your ducks are in a row, and then, and then get closer and engage me at that point.

Tim Ulbrich  42:18

The only asterisk I would add there is know thyself, right? So it’s very easy. I remember this myself, where it’s, Hey, we’re looking in one year, and then you start searching, and it’s like we’re looking tomorrow, right? Just thinking about that timeline, thinking about the budget, and really using that that point in time, as you mentioned, if you’re six months out, to really look at the rest of the financial plan and the pieces to figure out how this is going to fit in to that as well. Nate as always, great stuff. Appreciate your insights. Love the way you teach us up to date information that you’re bringing to our community. Thanks so much for taking time.

Nate Hedrick  42:50

Thanks for having me.

Tim Ulbrich  42:52

Nate and I have covered a ton of information in this podcast. So imagine working with Nate one on one through your home buying journey and having his support to give you much needed peace of mind. We know many pharmacists want to feel confident about big financial decisions, including a home purchase. So if you have fears of being house poor, concerns about the impact a home purchase might have on your other financial goals, Nate and his home buying concierge service can help all at no cost to you. You can visit realestaterph.com, or click on the link in the show notes to schedule your free 30 minute jumpstart planning session with Nate. 

Tim Ulbrich  43:32

[DISCLAIMER] As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offered to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyzes expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist, unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward looking statements, which are not intended to be guaranteed of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast. Have a great rest of your week.


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YFP 372: Rising Stars: Meet the YFP Gives Scholarship Winners

Tim Ulbrich, YFP CEO, talks with the five recipients of the first YFP Gives scholarships.

Episode Summary

This episode is filled with inspiration as we share the stories of the five winners of the first YFP Gives scholarship.

Let this episode be a ray of sunshine amidst some of the cloudy skies plaguing the pharmacy profession. If the future is in the hands of these outstanding students and new practitioners, then the future is bright. In this episode, you’ll meet: 

  • Alyssa Falleni, clinical pharmacist who specializes in addiction treatment, HCV, and HIV and is currently working in HIV outpatient care at Hartford Healthcare
  • Momitul Talukdar, who after working in the radiology department at a hospital, discovered her calling as a nuclear pharmacist. Momi currently works at PETNET in Cleveland, OH
  • Perrigrine Garner, a pharmacy student at the University of Toledo with a passion for helping those in need and a dream of owning an independent pharmacy that caters to those with chronic medical conditions and disabilities
  • Ruth Adeyemi, a fourth-year PharmD/MPH Nigerian International student at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy and College of Public Health and Health Professions, with a deep-rooted commitment to improving health outcomes in underserved communities, particularly in her home country, Nigeria.
  • Ai Len Nguyen Phan, a Rutgers Industry Fellow at Roche Genentech in San Francisco, with a desire to work in medical affairs and give back to the pharmacy community through her mentorship to the Rutgers pharmacy students

About Today’s Guests

Alyssa Falleni is a clinical pharmacist who specializes in addiction treatment, HCV, and HIV. After graduating from the University of Rhode Island, Alyssa went on to complete an ambulatory care residency at Hennepin Healthcare in Minneapolis, MN. Following residency, Alyssa completed a two-year VA Advanced Fellowship in Health Professions’ Education, Evaluation, and Research (HPEER) at the VA in West Haven, Connecticut. She will be continuing her teaching with the Yale School of Medicine as she begins a new HIV specialty position with Hartford Healthcare.

Momi Talukdar, MS, PharmD Candidate 2024 is a graduate of Northeast Ohio Medical University College of Pharmacy. She’s an incoming nuclear pharmacist at PETNET in Cleveland, OH. Along with her passion for nuclear pharmacy, she loves teaching nuclear pharmacy as an adjunct faculty at University of Wisconsin LaCrosse. In her spare time, Momi enjoys watching new films and art shows and trying out local coffee shops.

Ai Len (Aileen) Nguyen Phan is a second-year Rutgers Pharmaceutical Industry Fellow at Genentech, Inc. – Rare Blood Disorders Medical Science Liaison. She graduated from the University of Maryland, School of Pharmacy with her Pharm.D. and M.S. in Regulatory Sciences in 2023. She supported the US Medical Information & Communication Target Therapies teams during the first year of her fellowship. While Aileen has just recently started her industry career, she continues to give back to the pharmacy community through her mentorship to the Rutgers pharmacy students, such as supporting their scientific research on using artificial intelligence to assess oncology treatments. 

Perrigrine Garner, a non-traditional student, and mother of three amazing daughters, is currently a P4 at the University of Toledo’s College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Perrigrine is passionate about advocating for people with disabilities, especially in healthcare, as she is also a person with physical disabilities. Upon graduation, her dream is to help advance inclusivity in her community by opening an independent pharmacy that caters to those with chronic medical conditions and disabilities.

Ruth Adeyemi, a fourth-year PharmD/MPH Nigerian International student at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy and College of Public Health and Health Professions. Her journey in pharmacy is fueled by a deep-rooted commitment to improving health outcomes in underserved communities, particularly in my home country, Nigeria.

With this passion, she started The Compassionate Pharmacy Practice Project (TCPPP), a project dedicated to transforming the Nigerian pharmacy practice system. The goal is to ensure that Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) and Compassionate Care are not just concepts but realities in both urban and rural areas, significantly improving health outcomes in these communities.

While Ruth is Nigerian, her commitment to improving health equity in underserved communities extends beyond borders. She is dedicated to her goal of ensuring that all patients, regardless of their neighborhood and built environment, receive the patient-centered, optimal, and compassionate care they deserve.

Key Points from the Episode

  • Student loan debt and career transition with scholarship winner Alyssa Falleni. [0:00]
  • Financial planning, upbringing, and community support for a pharmacist’s future. [5:18]
  • Pharmacy career path and nuclear medicine technology program with Momitul Talukdar. [12:17]
  • Pharmacy school, career goals, and community service with Perrigrine Garner. [20:18]
  • Resilience and financial planning for pharmacy school student with disabilities. [28:24]
  • Pharmacy student’s passion for advancing health equity in underserved communities with Ruth Adeymi. [34:41]
  • Digital skills training for African women. [39:08]
  • Career goals and experiences in the pharmaceutical industry. [44:36]
  • Resilience and determination in overcoming challenges with Ai Len Nguyen Phan. [51:47]
  • Managing student loan debt and long-term financial stability. [55:50]
  • Financial goals and debt management for a pharmacy student. [59:31]

Episode Highlights

“I want to be able to be present. I don’t want to have money, and the fear of not having enough or running out or, you know, that is not what I want for my future. So I am trying to be very intentional in making these decisions to set me up, to keep me on that path that I want for my future.” – Alyssa Falleni

What I learned early on from my mentors is that when I was an API student, I had the mentality that I was an employee, and now that I’m an employee, I had the mentality of a student, and this way I always like to learn, and I always like to be in a growth mindset.” – Momi Talukdar

That’s what has helped me through this pharmacy school has helped me through pharmacy school, and just thinking of my kids and knowing I went into this to better the lives of my children and better the lives of other people with disabilities, that’s just what kept me focused. “ – Perrigrine Garner

“Wherever I find myself, always looking for opportunities to promote and advance underserved communities.” – Ruth Adeymi

“It was really focusing on what are my goals now? What are the long term goals? And working towards them has always gotten me to where I am today. Going from learning English to getting into being a first generation in college. For me, it’s always been setting goals and working really hard toward them.” -Ai Len Nguyen Phan

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich  00:00

Hey guys, welcome to this week’s episode of The YFP Podcast, where each week, we strive to inspire and encourage you on the path towards achieving financial freedom. This episode is filled with inspiration as we share the stories of the five winners of the first offering of the YFP Gives scholarship. Let this episode be a ray of sunshine amidst some of the cloudy skies that are plaguing our profession. If the future of our profession is in the hands of these outstanding students and new practitioners, I do believe the future is bright. Each of these five individuals featured on this episode recieved a $1,000 scholarship, along with one year access to our online community, yp, plus a copy of our book, seven figure pharmacist and a one on one Ask Me Anything session with myself or Tim Baker. Each of these applicants submitted a video recording that described their career goals and journey and how they would benefit from the scholarship, along with a letter of recommendation. Now, I expected these submissions to be good, but they were great. You’re going to hear yourself here in just a few moments as I share their incredible stories. And while I am grateful to have the opportunity to give out these scholarships through our nonprofit, YFP Gives, we want to do more, and we need your help. Please consider making YFP Gives a part of your giving plan and set up a one time or recurring donation by visiting YFPgives.org and clicking on Donate Now. As you’ll hear from these stories, your gift will have a positive impact and go a long way in helping students and new practitioners make that important financial transition early in their careers. Again, you can make a donation by going to YFPgives.org and clicking on Donate Now. All right, let’s hear from our first scholarship recipient, Alyssa Falleni. Alyssa, welcome to the show, and congratulations on being a YFP Gives scholarship winner.

Alyssa Falleni  02:01

Thank you so much. It is such an honor, and I’m so excited to be here with you today.

Tim Ulbrich  02:05

So give us a brief introduction of yourself, your background in pharmacy and the exciting work that you’re beginning now.

Alyssa Falleni  02:12

Yeah. So I am a University of Rhode Island PharmD graduate, and after spending six years there, I went on to residency in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at Hennepin Healthcare, where I focus primarily on ambulatory, outpatient clinical care, specifically in HIV and primary care. And after that, transitioned a little bit non traditional pathway to an academic fellowship with Yale and VA Connecticut in health professions, education, evaluation and research. It’s a bit of a mouthful, but just finished up my two years there, and thankfully have found a position working with Hartford Healthcare, where I will be doing outpatient HIV patient care. So I’m super excited to be transitioning into that new role.

Tim Ulbrich  03:10

So nearly a decade you’ve been training, right? You mentioned six years of school, three years of postgraduate training, a really unique academic fellowship program, and now you’ve got an exciting position that you’re heading into in the HIV outpatient clinical space. So all of that great on the career side, but we know with nearly 10 years of training can come a significant amount of student loan debt, right? That’s a big investment of time, big investment of money. And one of the things that you shared in your application submission for the YFP Gives scholarship is that you’re gonna be coming out with nearly $200,000 of private student loan debt. So as you reflect on the path going forward, couple $100,000 of student loan debt, that’s a big number. I’m sure there’s some weight that you’re feeling there also the exciting aspects that are ahead for your career. Just emotionally, how are you feeling about this transition financially?

Alyssa Falleni  04:06

There’s definitely a lot of excitement. I feel like all throughout pharmacy school, and even when I decided to become a pharmacist, everyone told me, you know, oh, what a great career. You’re going to be making so much money. And I have not felt that yet. I’ve been, you know, paying off my loans since I graduated on my trainee salary, which, again, very blessed to have at least that opportunity to be paid for that, but transitioning now to making more than double what I just was for the past three years, I’m excited. I’m also terrified. You and I talked a little bit about that a couple weeks ago, where I just don’t want to make the wrong decisions, and I want to make sure that I am putting every dollar in a spot that’s going to serve me well. So, yeah. A lot of excitement, but definitely some nerves about making the right choices.

Tim Ulbrich  05:05

Yeah, and you’re not alone in that kind of the split feeling right, the excitement, the enthusiasm, also the fear can be real, the overwhelming aspects of the student loan debt, and as you said, wanting to make the right decisions. And that’s one of the things I really admire about you, Alyssa, when we talked last week, I really sensed an intentionality and engagement of how you want to do this well. And I often say that mindset is such an overlooked yet important part of the financial plan. And many pharmacists are blessed with a great income, but if we don’t put that income to work, which largely depends on, you know, what is the mindset that we’re bringing? How intentional are we going to be? How proactive are we going to be in our planning? That income sometimes can only go so far, and so I’m excited to see where you go over the next several years, and I sense and feel that fear and some of those feelings have overwhelmed with you. But I also think you’ve got a bright future ahead of you. One of the other things you shared in your application, which is worth discussion, because I think we often underestimate how our upbringing can inform how we approach our financial situation today. And so you shared a little bit about some of the challenges, some of the struggles financially in your upbringing, and perhaps how you want to rewrite that story going forward.

Alyssa Falleni  06:24

Yeah, you know, I never felt like I didn’t have all the opportunities growing up, but now that I have, you know, looked back and seen what my parents did, so that I never felt that way. They definitely were stressed about money all the time. I’m one of four kids. We live in New Jersey, so, you know, property taxes are really high, and, you know, my parents gave us everything to be able to play, you know, club sports and do all the activities. But now, you know, hearing some of their discussions, because they’ve gotten a little bit more open, discussing with us about their finances, and I realized that they worked really hard to do that, and it was always on their mind, and that is not what I want for me or for my future family. I want to be able to be present. I don’t want to have money, and the fear of not having enough or running out or, you know, that is not what I want for my future. So I am, you know, trying to be very intentional, as you alluded to, you know, making these decisions to set me up, to keep me on that path that I want, you know, for my future, and I just got engaged, so my future husband and I, you know, we’re starting to really think about how we want to, you know, merge our lives together and make sure, you know, we make the right choices so our kids can feel that way. But also, you know, I feel a little guilty now as an adult. You know, never made to feel that way by my parents. But yeah, you know, I had known maybe I would have given something up or, you know, and I don’t want that to burden my future.

Tim Ulbrich  08:08

and I really admire, Alyssa, your awareness of that, because we often may not realize that, you know, some of the upbringing, some of the emotions, we call it, the Money Scripts, the Money Classroom we grew up in, we bring that into our own financial plan. And when we’re in relationship with someone else trying to do this together, we bring that together and and an awareness of that can really help identify, you know, in the moments when you’re like, Oh yeah, I sense fear, like, Where’s that coming from? Well, you know, that was probably a script that you grew up with. And then you can begin to work through that. So excited for your awareness of that. As you think ahead to this transition again, you’ve been in training for a long period of time, income’s about to go up. How do you feel like this scholarship is going to help you as you progress forward in your career?

Alyssa Falleni  08:54

Yeah, well, you know, a big part of why I applied for this scholarship was not necessarily for, you know, just the monetary award, but it was for that YFP Plus membership. It was being a part of a community that thinks similarly. It’s, you know, having that opportunity to get advice from people who are in a similar position. You know, as a pharmacist, we fall at a very interesting spot in healthcare providers. And so, you know, hearing from other people what they’ve done and in a similar career path, it does make a difference. It’s not the same as general financial advice, in my opinion. And so I think this scholarship gives me, really that community to become a part of that maybe financially. I you know, who knows if I would have found it, um, but I think hearing from those people and being a part of YFP Plus, and having, you know, the opportunity to see what other people are doing. Um. I’m also super excited for the book. I had a friend who lent it to me a couple years ago, and I got to read some of it before I had to give it back. But I’m excited to kind of have my copy and go through my financial steps, you know, as I read through that. So a lot of different areas, this has definitely connected me and made me feel a little bit more autonomous in making these decisions and not as fearful.

Tim Ulbrich  10:27

Yeah, I hear a sense of empowerment there. And you said something really important about community and being around like minded individuals, and so important in many phases of life. Here, we’re talking about finance. But you know, whether people engage with YFP Plus or they find another community that’s a better fit, so important that you’re being challenged, encouraged, supported by others that are on a similar journey. Community is huge, huge when it comes to making sure that we’re really progressing with our financial plan and really being challenged in the direction that we need to be growing as well. I’m gonna embarrass you for a moment and brag on you as we wrap up here and and read to our listeners just a segment from a letter of recommendation that came from a physician, Dr. Turner, that you worked with at the VA that speaks to you as an applicant, and I think why you really stood out to the selection community. Dr Turner had this to say: “Alyssa has a special collection of skills and abilities. She was able to excel on an interdisciplinary team with a variety of people from different backgrounds. She was universally well received, and I was especially impressed by her work ethic, humbleness, curiosity and ability to be flexible to make any team composition better and more effective. Alyssa has a rare combination of strong clinical skills, interpersonal skills, and a professional, hard working approach that brings out the best of those around her. I could, in good faith, recommend Alyssa to almost any team or project and be confident she would make the team stronger.” Alyssa, you should be proud of that. That is incredible. I don’t even know if you’ve heard that, seen it come in. So thank you so much for your application. Congratulations on the success that you’ve had thus far, and I really look forward to following your journey into the future. 

Tim Ulbrich  12:11

Momil, welcome to the show, and congratulations on being a recipient of the YFP Gives scholarship. 

Momitul Talukdar  12:17

Thank you so much. I am so excited. I was jumping up and down when I got the email about the YFP scholarship. I was actually standing in line to get Graeter’s ice cream. 

Tim Ulbrich  12:32

Good stuff!

Momitul Talukdar  12:34

Yes. So definitely celebrated with the extra scoop of ice cream when I found out! 

Tim Ulbrich  12:41

It’s funny, you mentioned jumping up and down. I was thinking before we hit record of when I think of Momitul, what I think of, and we’ve had the chance to cross paths a few times. We share a connection with NEOMED College of Pharmacy, and I have the opportunity to meet you several years ago, and in my brief encounters with you, I picked up on two things. Number one, is your joy. So when you said jumping up and down, that doesn’t surprise me. And number two, the passion that you have for the profession and the work that you are doing, and both of those things are contagious. And so it’s a pleasure to have you on the show and to be able to award this scholarship to you. Give our listeners a brief introduction of yourself, including what led you into the profession and the work that you’re doing right now. 

Momitul Talukdar  13:25

Absolutely. So my name is Momi. Last name is Talukdar, but most people will call me Momi. I had quite the journey into pharmacy, so I had a very non traditional route. So after undergrad, I did my undergraduate studies at the University of Cincinnati, and that is my hometown. So I lived at home while I went to college, and at that time in my life, I thought I wanted to become an optometrist. Long story short, optometry was not for me, and at the time, I was a little heartbroken when things didn’t work out. But, you know, life led me into doing a Masters of Science program in Tennessee and so, and I encountered a lot of people at that time, and you know, I really developed a lot of my study skills in my Masters of Science program that I did at Lincoln Memorial University. And so after that, I moved back home to Cincinnati to work at Mercy Hospital, and I worked at the scheduling radiology appointments, and when I was scheduling radiology appointments, I encountered nuclear medicine, and a lot of nuclear medicine patients, and I was responsible for reading a lot of their patient prep instructions. And radioactive iodine piqued my interest in terms of all the patient safety things that patients have to do before and after ablating their thyroid with radioactive iodine. I actually reached out to the nuclear medicine manager, Ingrid, at the time, and I asked her, I’m like, Hey, like, this sounds really cool. Like, you think I could be a nuclear medicine technologist. And she said, yeah, like, go for it. I think it’s a very rewarding career. So I applied to Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic’s nuclear medicine technology program, and got accepted. And through my time at Mayo is what opened my eyes to pharmacy actually. I had a rotation at a nuclear pharmacy that’s on Mayo’s campus, and that was a 4am shift. And when I first got my schedule, I didn’t think I was gonna like it. I really thought I was gonna dread this rotation, like, you know, I’m just gonna try to, you know, get through it. I ended up loving it. And I ended up doing a project with the nuclear pharmacist, Dr. Andrew Paulson at Mayo Clinic. And you know, long story short, he convinced me to go to pharmacy school. And after, you know, some thought in the cold Minnesota morning, at 4am I decided to go to pharmacy school. I wanted to move back home to be close to my parents in Ohio, in Cincinnati, and I actually interviewed at NEOMED. And right from the start from the interview, even after the interview, I reached out to Dr. Jackie Boyle, and I asked her, What nuclear pharmacy APPY rotation opportunities there were, if that was my career goal, that was why I was going back to pharmacy school, is to become a nuclear pharmacist. And just after speaking with her and all the opportunities that she presented to me like, yes, we do have a nuclear pharmacy. APPY rotation. I picked NEOMED to pursue my pharmacy education. I know it’s a kind of a long story there, but that is really how I came into pharmacy, and especially nuclear pharmacy.

Tim Ulbrich  17:20

Bringing it full circle, today is day one, when we’re recording, of your job as a nuclear pharmacist. So tell us a little bit more about the position you have entered into.

Momitul Talukdar  17:30

Yes, so if anyone is familiar with the nuclear medicine world, so you have PET and then SPECT. So what does that mean? So this is referring to the two types of cameras that you’ll see in nuclear medicine. So PET is your positron emission topography cameras, and you are mostly dealing with oncology patients, and you’re looking at the metabolism of a tumor. And a lot of oncologists love to order PET scans to see a progression of a tumor, if it’s benign, if it’s malignant, okay, great. So then the other side is SPECT. And these radio pharmaceuticals that we deal with, spec cameras, they have a longer half life than your PET radio pharmaceuticals. Pet radio pharmaceuticals are very quick. SPECT is more diagnostic. So, S, P, E, C, T, so  Single Photon Emission Computed Topography cameras and so say you have gastroparesis, and the gastroenterologist wants to see how fast or slow food is moving through your stomach and your GI system. So they’ll probably give you a gastric emptying scan, and that is basically eating radioactive eggs in the morning and with sulfur colloid technetium, 99m sulfur colloid eggs. And after the patient digests or eats that very big breakfast, we have them come in and take pictures with two SPECT cameras at the one hour mark, three hour mark, six hour mark. That’s like one of hundreds of SPECT studies that are out there for nuclear medicine. My position is PET, so I will be dealing with a lot of the therapeutic side, not quite diagnostic side, of nuclear medicine. So it’s not chemotherapy. Often times that pet radio pharmaceuticals, or a lot of therapeutics in nuclear medicine, get confused with chemo. It’s a little more direct than chemo and less adverse side effects than your average chemotherapy that oncology patient would go through. But I do love the behind the scenes nature of nuclear medicine. I am a very much early bird, so a lot of radio pharmaceuticals are produced early in the morning, 12am 1am 4am because these radio pharmaceuticals are teed up for your 7am/8am patients, whether it be a treatment or a PET scan.

Tim Ulbrich  20:17

Well, congratulations on you know, you talked about the journey and progression to Mayo and the interest and the pharmacist that led you there, which led to pharmacy school, completion of pharmacy school and the job. So congratulations on the progression and achievement of that. I think I just learned more about radio pharmaceuticals. I don’t even know if that’s the right term, than I ever did in pharmacy school. All right there we go. And I also learned that I’d be a terrible spec patient because I don’t like eggs, and I definitely don’t like radioactive eggs, so hopefully I don’t ever need that therapy. But what will make do. Yes, shifting gears to the scholarship. In your application video, you talked about the magnitude of student loan debt that you and to be frank, many of your peers, are facing upon graduation and beyond the $1,000 award that’s associated with the YFP Give Scholarship, which, let’s be honest, any little bit helps, right, but that’s going to put a small dent in and the overall magnitude of we think about the average student loan debt today is about $160,000 for the graduate. So my question here is, how will the scholarship and the materials help you, as you make this transition as a from a student pharmacist to a new practitioner?

Momitul Talukdar  21:30

Yes, so as we know, transitioning from a student to a pharmacist is a little tough, because now I’m not reliant on student loans that I have been for the last four years, moving into our apartment, getting new furniture, just setting up a new life for myself. I know I’m no longer a student and the responsibility of a practitioner is a little bit bigger, but what I learned early on from my mentors is that when I was an API student, I had the mentality that I was an employee, and now that I’m an employee, I had the mentality of a student, and this way I always like to learn, and I always like to be in a growth mindset. And I say that to say transitioning from any position in life, whether you be a student, an employee, mentality or not, it comes with a financial burden. Moving is not easy, and nor is it cheap, and just setting up a whole new life for yourself. I lived on campus, so I had to benefit a lot of benefits you know, as a student that now I don’t have now that I’ve graduated, which makes sense right now, I have a paycheck that’s coming to me,but I say that to say it’s definitely eased my transition from student to practitioner. This scholarship has, yeah. 

Tim Ulbrich  23:01

I think you highlighted something that’s really important is that there is a lot of transition, both in financially, you know, no debt, to finally earning an income. Often there’s relocation that comes with expenses, as you mentioned, and so important in that transition to be setting a strong foundation for the rest of your career. So I’m excited for you, Momi, on what lies ahead into the future, I look forward to following your journey and staying in touch as well. And again, congratulations on being a recipient of the scholarship. 

Tim Ulbrich  23:32

Perry, welcome to the show, and congratulations on being a recipient of the YFP Gives scholarship.

Perrigrine Garner  23:38

Thank you so much.

Tim Ulbrich  23:40

Let’s start, if you could give our listeners a brief introduction of yourself, including what led you into the profession of pharmacy and some of your career goals after graduation. 

Perrigrine Garner  23:49

Sure. My name is Perrigrine Garner. I am currently a p4 at the University of Toledo, College of Pharmacy in Toledo, Ohio. What led I’m a non traditional student, so I like to throw that out there first. I’m a mom of three daughters, so I decided to go back to pharmacy school in my 30s. A couple reasons was, first of all, I’m a person with physical disabilities, and I just noticed in the healthcare setting, there was a disconnect between different providers and services for people with chronic conditions and disabilities for throughout their lifetime, and I wanted to go into pharmacy to not only educate myself to better my physical disability symptoms, but to assist others in helping them as well, and kind of close, try to close those gaps in access for people with disabilities and just healthcare education as well, and then also, my great grandfather was a pharmacist, and he managed and owned local pharmacies back in the 30s in Toledo and Sylvania, Ohio as well. So following that family.

Tim Ulbrich  24:55

I think the synchronicity is really incredible. You shared with me right before when we hit record that you happen to be living in Toledo, which has some big aspirations of becoming the most accessible city in America for those that have disability, and for you to be there with the goals that you have, I think is a really cool opportunity for alignment into the future. So tell us more about some of the career goals that you have after graduation.

Perrigrine Garner  25:20

For sure. So my biggest career goal, my dream, is to open an independent pharmacy, or have some sort of pharmacy business that caters to people with disabilities and chronic conditions, and that it makes it more accessible for them to access healthcare and medicine to make their lives better throughout their entire lives. And so I developed relationships with local nonprofits that help people with disabilities, for example, the Ability Center of Greater Toledo, and they are the ones that their mission statement right now, with their new CEO, is to make Toledo the most accessible community in our country. So we really my thought process and my ambitions really align with their goals as well.

Tim Ulbrich  26:05

It’s exciting. I look forward to following that into the future. We had a great conversation before we hit record about some of the directions that that might be able to go and really sense the vision and the passion that you have for that. You are recently recognized as a recipient of the 2024 US Public Health Service Excellence in Pharmacy Award. Tell us more about your work and impact that led to that award. 

Perrigrine Garner  26:28

So I want to, I want to state that was a complete shock. It was a complete surprise, and honestly, so what had happened was there was an opening for pharmacy director for our Community Care Clinic, which is a nonprofit, free clinic for people in need in the Toledo area community that is a student run by students, medical students, pharmacy, nursing, all different groups Through the University of Toledo. We have a little space in a church down the road where we help people every Thursday. And I just said, You know what? When that position came up, I said, that is exactly what my passion is, is to help people in need. So I’m gonna apply. And I got the position, and I just did what I thought was right. And I just said, Okay, we need donations. You know what are some ways I can just help people. And then I I realized that the Ability Center of Greater Toledo, like I’ve mentioned before, they take donations and but then I mentioned to them, like, oh, are there some items you can’t use through, you know, your services? And they said, Oh, yeah. Like, we have certain items. And I said, Well, we can use, we can use those items. Are we have items possibly you could use? And they’re like, Yeah, so I actually just developed this, continue to develop a relationship with them, and would get donations for the clinic. And I just, I just did what I thought was right, and I would just stay all night at the clinic, helping people, helping the students. I really wanted to educate students on how important it was to help people in need in our community. So I’d go to all the travel clinics and just try to really educate how important it is to help people and that I truly feel. That’s what led to that award, because, like I said, I was just doing what I thought was right and what I’m passionate about. And then one day I came into class, and all the staff of the university was there, of the college, and I was like, what is happening? 

Tim Ulbrich  28:23

What is going on?

Perrigrine Garner  28:27

So overwhelmed with joy, I was just so thankful for that to be recognized.

Tim Ulbrich  28:32

That’s incredible. And I hear what you’re saying in terms of, you know, some of the shock and surprise, it sounds like it was very well deserved. So congratulations on that award. I want to talk about resilience for a moment. You know, that was something that really struck me, and I think struck our scholarship committee as we reviewed your application, your letter writer spoke to it as well. But as a mom to three daughters, and someone who has openly shared some of the personal struggles with cerebral palsy, with a disability, what what has been your secret to staying resilient and maintaining a positive attitude that’s allowed you to lean into the efforts, the work that you’ve done, the impact that you’ve had, and even as you think ahead to the goals that you have.

Perrigrine Garner  29:12

For sure, you know what I love to say, so starting in pharmacy school, I was nervous about how I would do physically. I knew I had the mentality to get through pharmacy school, but with my physical conditions, I have, like, I get weakness and pain and that sort of thing. But I said, You know what? What’s the worst that can happen? So I was just like, I’m just gonna give it my best try and go and honestly, my education through pharmacy a lot of the clinical aspects of it, and learning about my body and symptoms has really helped me. So it it’s like that’s what has helped me through this pharmacy school has helped me through pharmacy school, and just thinking of my kids and knowing I went into this to better the lives of my children and better the lives of other people with disabilities, that’s just what kept me focused. And there were times I’d be sitting in class in tears because of just being in pain, but I said, You know what? It’s just a feeling, and then just push through it and keep studying and keep doing your best. And I would at some points, I even was going to physical therapy within the hospital or college is located in between classes, just to keep pushing through, because I knew if I could get through this, I would be able to help more people in my position.

Tim Ulbrich  30:32

And you said something there, Perry, that I want to reflect and mirror back to you, because I think it’s a really important point as you think ahead to the big goals that you have and the impact that you desire to have, and I think are going to have on other people. And you said, What’s the worst thing that can happen? Right? When you talked about going through pharmacy school, what I hear there is an openness and acceptance to step into something that’s unknown. And perhaps that means failure, however we define that, or perhaps that means success, but not letting that fear get in the way of taking that important step. And I just want you to hear that, because that’s going to be if you can hold on to that as you step into these next phases, whether that be as a mom or eventually as a business owner and this vision that you have to help others, the vision and the impact that you want to have is great, and in order to step into that, it’s going to require running up against that fear and being willing to kind of push through that, and it will involve some failure here, there along the way. That’s part of taking risk. And I think you obviously have done that once, and I look forward to you continuing to do that in the future.

Perrigrine Garner  31:36

Yeah, thank you. I’m so excited.

Tim Ulbrich  31:39

As you think about this scholarship, there’s a monetary component. There’s some other resources that we’re providing with this as well. What role will this scholarship play in helping you as you make this transition into your final year of pharmacy school and eventually as a new practitioner?

Perrigrine Garner  31:54

Yeah, so this scholarship was very, very important. So I want to preference with for my bachelor’s degree. Thank goodness I was able to get enough grants and scholarships to do my bachelor’s degree. But then when I realized the graduate part of it, I was have a struggling with grants and scholarships, and so this is contributing to that, and where I don’t have to pull as much loan for that. So I just spoke with Tim Baker the other day, and he says the average student loan debt for a pharmacy student is about $160,000 which is crazy to me, but I’m going to be at about $80,000.

Tim Ulbrich  32:39

 Let’s go.

Perrigrine Garner  32:40

Every penny, every dollar helps. And this scholarship, I actually immediately bought the NAPLEX prep guide book because I knew that was something. It’s expensive. And I said, You know what? This is going to help me push forward through my education and studying and to do that exam. And then, honestly, like, I have got the book right here. I’m already, like, halfway through, and I’m just making goals and plans for my financial success. I’ve had a lot of setbacks, but I feel like I’m on the right track, and this is definitely an amazing tool to help me through this. 

Tim Ulbrich  33:17

Perry you’re embodying something I think is really important for any other students that are listening is, you know, I think sometimes it’s sometimes it’s easy to look at a $500,000 or, excuse me, not, 500,000 a $500 or $1,000 scholarship, you know, is, hey, what impact is that really going to make, right, when I’ve got $100 or $200,000 of debt, or perhaps when it comes to, you know, taking out loans each semester, you know, does it really matter if it’s another $1000 or $2000 and the answer is, yes. It does mathematically. But what you’re really highlighting is it’s it’s really a mindset thing as well, because you know, when you make some of these micro decisions over and over and over again, that’s how you’re able to graduate with $80,000 instead of $160,000 and that’s going to give momentum as you make this transition, and through having a reduced indebtedness as someone who also wants to own their own business, that’s an important thing, right as you’re making those next steps financially as well. So just admire the great work that you’ve done on behalf of the YFP Gives Scholarship Committee. Again, I want to say congratulations, and you certainly have earned this award. We’re excited to be able to administer the scholarship, and I wish you the best of luck going forward.

Perrigrine Garner  34:25

I really, really appreciate it. Like I said, every penny counts, and it’s just, it’s just a wealth of information as well. So I really appreciate it.

Tim Ulbrich  34:32

Thank you, Perry.

Perrigrine Garner  34:33

Thank you.

Tim Ulbrich  34:36

Ruth, welcome and congratulations on being a recipient of the YFP Gives scholarship.

Ruth Adeyemi  34:41

Thank you very much. I’m very excited about that. It definitely met a need for sure. Well, let’s

Tim Ulbrich  34:47

Start with a brief introduction of yourself, including what led you into the profession of pharmacy.

Ruth Adeyemi  34:54

Yes, so my name for everybody listening, is Ruth Adeymi, and I’m a fourth year student at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy. Highly passionate about advancing health equity, particularly in underserved population. And I say I mentioned that because my passion for pharmacy actually stemmed from watching my uncle growing up. He passed away already, but then when I was growing up, he was just very devoted to his profession, and a lot of people nearby even thought that he was a medical doctor because he cared for his patients beyond what your average pharmacist would do. And then that led me to wanting to be more like him and also to carry on his legacy. And what I saw now that I’m grown is that in the rural areas in Nigeria, you have pharmacists that they’re very transactional. And then when you look at the urban areas, that’s not the case, because they they take their profession more seriously. Once you, you know, offer counsel and make sure that the patient understands why they’re taking the medication. But then when you look at the population of Nigeria, about 60% is rural, so the majority of the population are not getting that counseling. They’re not getting that pharmacy based care, you know. So my goal is looking at what my uncle did. Just wanted to go back home to promote the need for patient focused care, ensuring that counseling is a part of everything that we pharmacists and patients can actually trust us to do our job, to ensure that when they’re taking that medication off the counter, they know how to use it, they know when to use it, and they know what not to use it with and what to use it with.

Tim Ulbrich  36:37

I love that, and I shared with you before we hit record that you had a beautiful letter of recommendation that was written by one of your professors, Dr. Whitner, from Florida College of Pharmacy. And in that letter, one of the things that was mentioned building on what you just shared, is, “Ruth stated to me during one of our first meetings that following pharmacy school, she hopes to change the infrastructure of Nigerian pharmacy practice.” So you’ve done a great job of articulating that vision, obviously, to other people as well, and thank you for sharing it with us here. I want to ask you about your involvement in chartering a new pharmacy chapter of SNAFA, which is a national pharmacy organization whose mission is to serve underrepresented minorities and underserved communities, and chartering that new chapter at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy. How did that, or how has that impacted your development as a leader within the profession of pharmacy?

Ruth Adeyemi  37:32

Yeah, I like that question so much, because one thing for me is wherever I find myself, always looking for opportunities to promote and advance underserved communities. And when I came to the University here in Jacksonville, we’re literally positioned in an area where there is a need, you know, and realizing that we don’t have a student organization that focuses on meeting those needs and going out to share, you know, to the different marginalized communities on how to take their medications, you know, and even like, just different explaining to them when a vaccine is needed, explaining to them when a medical intervention is needed. To me, that was alarming. And then, you know, having Dr Whitner, who is also very passionate about underserved communities, when she raised that question of, you know, having an establishing a SNAFA chapter in Johnson, though it just clicked for me, because it was like two passions meeting two passionate people is meeting and wanting to achieve a common goal, which is ensuring that even the student population understands why it’s important to have an organization that is centered on promoting and advancing health equity in underserved population so and also using my expertise and the knowledge that I’ve gathered over the years, just working in Nigeria and working with Nigerian students for the vision that I just shared with you, that also helped in chartering this Chapter in Jacksonville, using the different knowledge that I’ve gathered from doing that and bringing all of that into chartering SNAFA in Jacksonville. And so far, I’d say that just starting this chapter has really helped me to number one when starting any initiative like this, first of all, just understanding like the needs of the community. That’s very important. Because when I started the compassionate pharmacy practice project, which is a project that I’m working on back home to advance pharmacy practice, that wasn’t one of the things that I did initially, just trying to understand the need of the people, but with chartering SNAFA here in Jacksonville, it definitely helped me understand the importance of knowing what the need is in the area and using that information to put together events right put together initiatives that would actually meet the needs of these people. So I’d say that this organization is definitely helping me and building me to become that health equity leader that understands those basic aspects of putting together an organization, and I’m hoping to use that knowledge to use the knowledge that I’ve gathered as I move on in my career.

Tim Ulbrich  40:13

Yeah, and it’s clear to me that you’re a builder, a creator, an innovator, which excites me. We need more of those in the profession of pharmacy, so that that is definitely exciting. It’s evident through the work that you’ve done in starting that SNAFA chapter you mentioned the compassionate pharmacy practice project initiative, and another I want to ask you about. You also started the SARM life Digital Skills Program, which to date, has served and coached over 100 African women across the continent, in Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya and Senegal to capitalize on the digital surge in an effort to build their professional brands. Tell us more about this initiative and how it came to be in the work that you’re doing. 

Ruth Adeyemi  40:52

I love that you asked it that way, because this initiative is very dear to my heart. When I graduated from undergrad at Jacksonville University, and my original thought was to go home say hello to my family, because I had not seen them for four years. So I wanted to go home to see my family, and then come back to the United States, because I already had my admission to go to University of Florida. But on going home, that was not the case. Funding became a huge issue, and because of that, I had to defer my admission for a year. Now, during that one year of deferring my admission in Nigeria, you have a one year service to the country program for those who would like to work in the country eventually, and based on what I’ve told you about my passion for going back home. That’s something I have in mind. So one of my mentors told me, You know what, Ruth, enroll for this program. And that’s what I did in 2019-2020, enrolled in the National Youth Service Corps. That’s what it’s called. And during the first month of the one year training, we all get to be together, the batch. We all get to be together, and then we learn different skills. We get trained, and then we get dispatched to the different states in the country. So during my time getting trained, I decided to learn digital skills, and then I learned, like, one other skill trade. But the digital skill was very dear to my heart, because I just started my website, actually, where I was talking about, you know, my travel to New York City, because, you know, I’m coming from, like, a very small village in Nigeria. So I just wanted everybody that, yeah, so with the digital skills, uh, training, every knowledge that I get in there, I put it into my website, and I saw the growth. So I share that online. And from there, people just wanted me to coach them and teach how I was able to grow my website within a short span. And I love teaching. I love to see technology. So that’s how my blog became. It turned into a business which is now storm life. Now what happened a few years later, a year or two later, was was started as just a passion, you know, for sharing information online via blog, became a business that come last year, was able to pay my tuition before paying my tuition for school. It was able to cater to my needs when I was in Nigeria and even when I moved back to the United States. So I thought about it. If having a digital skill, owning a digital skill, could impact and change my financial journey this way, I also want other people to experience that. The unemployment rate in Nigeria is quite high, and we as citizens can contribute to reducing that so that, that was the thought process that I had, you know, and then I started the summer live digital skills internship in 2020 that was the initial language that we used the Covid year. And we had a lot of students that joined. They just wanted to do something, because everybody was inside. And from there, you know, we thought about it and decided to grow the initiative from just focusing on Nigerian and Nigerians to expanding so this year and we expanded into different African countries, Ghana, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Senegal. And we had about 133 students this year that trained on eight different data skills, and I had to hire like coaches and these skills to ensure that they’re getting the best knowledge. So for me, it’s a journey of financial freedom, so to speak, and just wanting other people to benefit from that. 

Tim Ulbrich  44:35

And while, while there is a piece related to your own financial plan, there’s also a contribution component, right? There’s a building and skill development, and I love that. To me, those are the best kind of businesses when you can provide value and fulfill an unmet need while also growing a business that’s going to have positive financial benefits to yourself and allow for other contributions to be made as well. Those are the best kind of businesses to be building. So I look forward to watching that grow. We’ll link to the SARM Life Digital Skills website in the show notes if our listeners want to go and learn more about that work. Related to that you shared with me right before you hit record, that you’re in the final editing of two books, not one two books. And by final editing, I mean like coming out within the next week. At the time of this episode going live, those books will be out. So tell us more about those two books.

Ruth Adeyemi  45:28

Yeah, so the first book is Mastering the Art of Blogging for Your Brand, and this book literally walks a blogger or a potential blogger, through the journey of blogging. Everything you need to know, from what website platform to use, what themes to use, what plugins to use, and even how you could build a sustainable blogging business, so everything from A to Z, that’s what I’ve included in this book to ensure that a new blogger can use it and get good results. Then the second book is Mastering the Art of Search Engine Optimization for Brand Growth. Now, with blogging knowledge, what ensures that your blogging efforts is successful is understanding search engine optimization so earchers and users can see your information on search engines. So with this book, you’d understand the different aspect of search engine optimization, the different strategies, from local SEO to technical to content, every aspect of SEO to ensure brand growth on search engines. So that’s what those two books are about. I’m very excited, because it’s my first time publishing books ever.

Tim Ulbrich  46:40

It’s a big project. It’s a big lift. So I admire the work that you’re doing there, while completing your PharmD, while running the business, while doing other all these other things. So we will also link. We don’t have that information at the time of recording, but by time we go live, we’ll have some information on how folks can learn more about those books and get a copy if they’re interested. So we’ll link to that in the show notes as well. Ruth, I have just a ton of admiration for the work that you’re doing, the goals that you have for the future. It really was an honor on behalf of the YFP Gives scholarship committee to be able to award you this small monetary award, I think, is a recognition of the amazing work that you’re doing. So again, congratulations and thank you for taking time to come on the show. 

Ruth Adeyemi  47:21

Thank you very much. Thank you for the opportunity as well.

Tim Ulbrich  47:27

Ai Len, welcome to the show and congratulations on being a recipient of the YFP Gives scholarship.

Ai Len Nguyen Phan  47:33

Thank you. Thank you, Tim for having me here.

Tim Ulbrich  47:36

Well, let’s start. If you could give our listeners a brief introduction of yourself, including what led you into the profession and some of your career goals after completing your industry fellowship, upcoming this year with Rutgers and Genentech. 

Ai Len Nguyen Phan  47:50

Again, first off, thank you, Tim for inviting me here today. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my journey and story. Hello. My name is Ai Len Nguyen Phan and I am a pharmacist currently completing my second year as a Rutgers industry Fellow at Roche Genentech in South San Francisco. I grew up in Northern California and went to University of California, Los Angeles for my undergrad, and then I moved over to Baltimore, Maryland and attended the University of Maryland, Baltimore School of Pharmacy. I graduated back in May 2023 with my PharmD and Master’s in Regulatory Sciences. And then I moved back to California in July 2023 when I started my two year fellowship at Genentech. During my first year, I was with the medical information and communication team supporting the oncology and target therapies team, and then this year, I am with the medical science liaison team supporting rare blood disorders. So pretty much what got me into the profession is growing up in a family of my father worked in the healthcare system, and pretty much my uncles and aunts were all in the healthcare system. So growing up, I’ve always had this mindset of I want to be in the same setting, working setting, as they were all in. And so it’s never something that my parents pushed me to be in. It’s something that I have just grew up loving seeing the different stories that they share with me, the different experiences of meeting different individuals and how they are able to help them in small or big ways. So then that led me to really looking into pharmacy. And so that’s why I pursue pharmacy, first off, and then after the first year Pharmacy school, I got an internship with a company in Carlsbad, California. Love what I did. It was in rare diseases, and so seeing the impact again with helping people in a different way, different setting, I really fell in love with that. So I got the opportunity after my internship, and they offered for me to stay on as a part time. So I was able to be in the industry for almost four years throughout pharmacy school. So I grew in terms of my experience in industry, learn the ways of you know, like what medical affairs consisted of. And so here I am with the USMA team, or the medical affairs team at Genentech, but what my career goals are. So currently, I am completing my second year in the fellowship. I would love to stay within the medical affairs team, there’s just a lot of strategies and excitement and seeing how products go from, you know, a small molecule into the approval and seeing the amount of patients that we’re helping with the even in the rare space where there’s no treatment, or if there is treatment to cover any of that unmet medical gaps, is really fulfilling to me. And so that is my goal, short term, but long term, I would love to, you know, expand more within medical affairs or even in other functional areas, just because within the pharmaceutical industry, there’s so many opportunities. And importantly, I would love to be a mentor to those in that are in pharmacy school, in college, considering pharmacy or early in their industry careers, because I wouldn’t be here without the mentors that I have and then so still very new in my career journey, with a lot of things to learn every day, but outside of work and professional life, one of my professional goal, personal goals is to increase my financial and investment literacy. So I am thrilled to be here and speaking with you. 

Tim Ulbrich  51:47

Well that’s an exciting journey. And one of the things I want to highlight there, especially for any students that are listening, is what I heard was some internships very early in your career that opened the door to different aspects of the profession, how you could use your pharmacy degree, which, obviously those experiences led to pursuing fellowship, and now the career path you’re going to go, and I always am encouraging students to make the most of the seasons of internship that you have, right? There’s only so many of them before that partly gets the dictated for you, whether that be on IPYS or APYs is you only have so many options and choices, and really using those internship opportunities to pursue some more of the quote, “non traditional pathways”, and to explore the many different aspects of the profession that a pharmacist could go. So love that journey, love what you shared there. And I can really tell you know how mentors, preceptors have influenced you and your desire to give back in that area as well. One of the things, before we talk about some of the financial stuff, your application really centered around resilience and determination as two characteristics that you have embodied, that have helped shaped who you are today, and I suppose, will help you as well into the future. Tell us more about that resilience and determination and where that comes from? 

Ai Len Nguyen Phan  53:04

I would say the resilience and determination comes from my family background, and I see it through my father and mom. But pretty much, you know, I moved here as an immigrant when I was eight years old. I didn’t really know English, really struggle in school, and for years, faced bullying, but through that, I still continue every single night, I remember opening the thesaurus and the and the dictionary and learning from A to Z all the words in there. And I don’t think by the time I became proficient in English, I got through all the words in the alphabet the dictionary. But, you know, every night, I continue to learn each word. I learn past, perfect tense and all that, and continue to see the progress from there I saw, you know, it took me a long time to get to be able to be proficient in English. And so being able to get through that, and then understanding the language, being able to speak it well, has made me feel like, okay, if I can do that. There are other things in life that in the moment it gets difficult, but just determination. And I do think a little bit luck here and there, when opportunities come up, take them. They do help. But I would say for me, going through one hardship, really focusing on, like, what are my goals now? What are the long term goals? And working towards them has always gotten me to where I am today. So, like, going from learning English to then, you know, getting into being a first generation in college where my parents didn’t go to college here, so they didn’t know, like, what the SAT was, or, you know, like you needed to take the SAT to get into college at the time. And so me, just hearing people talking about it, and being curious, I just started to study for this exam, and being able to get into, like a really good university, and making my parents proud, being the first generation student, and from that working really hard to get into pharmacy school, and then now getting a fellowship, which is something that is also not the easiest thing to do. So I think for me, it’s always been putting my, setting goals, working really hard towards them, and then when I do face conflict, I reach out to my mentors. So I think the theme for me has always been, reach out to your support system, get their input. And then, you know, seeing those advices and seeing what works for me at the time, it makes me comfortable to take those actions or advice that they have shared with me and then implementing that in my strategy to reach my goals.

Tim Ulbrich  55:50

Yeah, and I think that mindset, as we transition to the financial aspect, I think that mindset I see is already translating for you on the financial side, one of the things that you mentioned in your submission was that the weight and burden of six figures of debt is real, and the impact of that debt is real when it comes to, you know, other expenses that can fit into the budget, being able to save and invest for the future. And as I shared with you before we hit record, I think sometimes as fellows, residents or even other new practitioners, there can be this mindset of like it is what it is like I’ll take care of in the future. I don’t really have the time or the money to kind of worry about this right now, but you’ve taken a different approach, which is, you’ve started to make student loan payments, you’ve applied for this scholarship, you’re pursuing opportunities to increase your financial literacy. And so that’s the mindset that I’m referring to it, and I’m curious, as you reflect on that, what keeps you motivated to have that long term mindset while taking one step at a time right now, even though those may not feel like big financial decisions you’re making in the moment, but that allow you to keep momentum without getting overwhelmed.

Ai Len Nguyen Phan  56:58

Tim, I would be honest the first time when I looked at my loans and I opened my No Net and I saw the amount, it was so scary to me, because when I went through college and even going through pharmacy school, I knew that I had loans, but just being able to open my account and seeing those numbers, it then hit me that at one point in my life, I am going to have to repay this. And so I was very lucky in a situation where I started work so I was able to work while I was in pharmacy school, and my motivation was really seeing those numbers each month or each paycheck that I received going down as I was making the payments and at the time as a student and based on what I was making, I did a different approach, where I don’t think I would be using the same approach once I later on, after I am done with my fellowship, but I tackled those loan groups that I knew I could afford and afford to pay off. And so over time, throughout four years, I was able to pay off multiple groups of loans, and that kept me motivated, and then I saw the numbers slowly going down. And truly, for me, it’s also a psychological thing where I was very happy and satisfied that I’m slowly making progress, but I’m also always I’m a planner. I think about what are my goals later in life financially? I want to be able to afford a home. I want to be able to live comfortably where, you know, I don’t have to live paycheck by paycheck or being worried that I have such a huge debt that I owe to their, you know, like in terms of loans. So for me, that has been kind of the mentality now, going being a fellow, I would say, you know, being a fellow now, I am making more than I did when I was a pharmacy school. So then again, it that motivation where, okay, if I was able to make payments while I was in pharmacy school working, I should also be able to make a payment now, especially if I’m making a little bit more and so. So then I think it helps me. I feel like what I’m doing now will ease the worry and the burden later on in the future, and again, always sticking to those long term goals, which is being able to be financially stable one day.

Tim Ulbrich  59:31

A lot of richness in what you just shared there. And you know, I think as as I heard you say, like, hey, when you think about your student loans into the future, you might have a different approach in terms of how you tackle those but as a student, it was all about momentum. It was about traction. It was about not getting stuck. And you know that meant going after the ones that you could tackle based on what you’re making as a pharmacy student at the time, and that is so important, we underestimate that in the financial plan. Yes, we’ve got to worry about interest rates and all that stuff. All. Important that we nerd out on it, but momentum is such a driver of the financial plan and progress, especially when we think about doing this over a long period of time. You know, with our careers, I often say that the financial plan, it’s a marathon, it’s not a sprint, right? We have to maintain that momentum, and this is what Darren Hardy is talking about in his book, The Compound Effect, when he says that small, consistent choices over a long period of time equal radical difference. It’s the compound effect. It’s the momentum. And obviously there’s strategy to be had there. But I love that you were thinking about momentum even when you’re in pharmacy school. That is great. Let’s talk about the future. So you mentioned in your application you have a 10 year timeline as a goal for paying off your loans. I think you’re going to do it faster than that, but let’s assume that it is 10 years from now. We wake up, it’s August, 2034 which is weird to say that out loud, it’s 2034 you’re debt free. What else is going on? What are the financial goals would you like to accomplish in this first decade of your career?

Ai Len Nguyen Phan  1:01:02

Yeah, I would say, you know, looking thinking about 10 years from now. So by then, I hope I would already, like, I said, own a home, financially stable, living comfortably. But also I really want to dive into real estate. I feel like that’s something that has always been a goal of mine, or at least thinking about it, or seeing I’m always either real estate, a parking lot or a laundromat. Those are like the three things that I always think about investing in. But truly, before even diving into those, I just think that, you know, like I want to take care of myself, but again, the core of my success has always been my family, my parents. So I do want to also be able to financially invest in them in one way or another, either it’s their retirement home or just their retirement plan. But then also thinking about my retirement plan as well, and thinking of what investments I can make during that time. And like I said earlier, when I was introducing myself, one of the things that I want to be able to do is gaining increasing my financial and investment literacy, just because I don’t feel like I am there yet to comfortably make any decisions. And I think that is somewhere that 10 years from now, I hope to achieve that by then, and at least have my own retirement plan established, as well as a investment plan.

Tim Ulbrich  1:02:32

Well, I have no doubt that you’re going to figure all of that out. I hear a lot of different goals around not only the paying off the debt. I hear goals around financial independence, whether that be through traditional investments, real estate, etc, I hear goals potentially in owning some businesses, supporting family as well, right? And that that’s the clarity that I’m often encouraging new practitioners to really spend some time thinking about hard to do when you’re in postgraduate training. You got a busy schedule, but we want to have a North Star for our financial plan, so as you’re paying off debt, as you’re saving and investing money, like what’s the purpose? What’s the why? Where are we trying to go to make sure that we’re finding that balance that we so often talk about between living a rich life today and also planning and saving for the future? I look forward to following your journey. We’ll have you back on the podcast. 2034 we’ll get an update, see where you’re at. But in all seriousness, Ai Len again, congratulations on being a scholarship recipient, and I’m excited for what lies ahead for you.

Ai Len Nguyen Phan  1:03:26

Thank you, and thank you again to you and the committee for believing in me. And I’m so grateful for this scholarship. I do truly believe every dollar counts, and so this will really help me too with my financial burden. So thank you for having me again.

Tim Ulbrich  1:03:42

Well, there you have it, five incredible stories of the first round of winners of the YfP Gives scholarship. If you’d like to learn more about the efforts that are happening within YFP Gives, our nonprofit, you can visit YFPgives.org from there, you can learn more about the scholarship as well as participate by donating. As always, thank you so much for listening to the YFP podcast. If you found this episode to be helpful and insightful, do us a favor and leave us a review on Apple podcast or wherever you listen to your shows each and every week, we’ll catch you next week. Take care.


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YFP 371: 5 Wealth-Building Strategies to Become a Seven Figure Pharmacist

Tim Ulbrich, YFP Co-Founder and CEO shares five wealth-building strategies to include in your own financial plan.

Episode Summary

In this episode, Tim Ulbrich, YFP Co-Founder and CEO, shares five wealth-building strategies you can incorporate into your own financial plan. Drawing from his own financial journey, these strategies have been tested, refined, and used by Tim and his wife, Jess.

From setting savings goals to tracking net worth monthly to increasing your financial IQ, Tim makes setting up your financial path for success more attainable.

About Today’s Guest

Tim Ulbrich is the Co-Founder and CEO of Your Financial Pharmacist. Founded in 2015, YFP is a fee-only financial planning firm and connects with the YFP community of 15,000+ pharmacy professionals via the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast podcast, blog, website resources and speaking engagements. To date, YFP has partnered with 75+ organizations to provide personal finance education.

Tim received his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Ohio Northern University and completed postgraduate residency training at The Ohio State University. He spent 9 years on faculty at Northeast Ohio Medical University prior to joining Ohio State University College of Pharmacy in 2019 as Clinical Professor and Director of the Master’s in Health-System Pharmacy Administration Program.

Tim is the host of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast which has more than 1 million downloads. Tim is also the co-author of Seven Figure Pharmacist: How to Maximize Your Income, Eliminate Debt and Create Wealth. Tim has presented to over 200 pharmacy associations, colleges, and groups on various personal finance topics including debt management, investing, retirement planning, and financial well-being.

Key Points from the Episode

  • Wealth-building strategies for pharmacists with student loan debt. [0:00]
  • Financial struggles and debt repayment for pharmacists. [3:21]
  • Financial planning for pharmacists, focusing on strategies for success. [8:28]
  • Tracking net worth and setting savings buckets for financial goals. [12:33]
  • Financial planning, saving, and investing for pharmacists. [17:41]
  • Wealth-building strategies and financial planning. [22:33]

Episode Highlights

“And I had realized that despite the amazing opportunities that graduating with a pharmacy degree had offered, there was a little discussed truth among practitioners in the field. And that is that most pharmacists make a good income, but have significant student loan debt and feel like, hey, there should be more here; I shouldn’t feel as stressed and overwhelmed as I do with my financial situation.” – Tim Ulbrich [2:52]

“But it takes a lot of intention, time and effort to translate that income, to making sure that we’re actually progressing in our financial plan and finding the ever so important balance between saving for the future while also living a rich life today and investing in those things that are most meaningful to us.” – Tim Ulbrich [6:46]

“We learned a very important lesson that there is no such thing as arrived. When it comes to the financial plan, there is always an opportunity to grow and learn.” – Tim Ulbrich [7:25]

“These strategies are not overly complicated. It doesn’t have to include fancy spreadsheets and nuanced investment vehicles. It doesn’t take an exorbitant amount of time. And it doesn’t mean that you have to live on rice and beans. I did it and you can do it too.” – Tim Ulbrich [9:36]

“I want you to take a step back and ask yourself a few questions. What am I trying to accomplish? What’s the purpose? What does success look like? After all, money is a tool for living a rich life. And it’s up to you to decide what that rich life looks like.” – Tim Ulbrich [12:04]

“Resist the urge to try to do too much. And eventually getting to a place of frustration where you don’t make much progress at all. What is the one next move that you can make? This is a marathon, not a sprint, one step after another over a long period of time will yield big results.” – Tim Ulbrich [25:44]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich  00:00

Hey guys, welcome to this week’s episode of the YFP Podcast. I gotta admit, I’m pumped up for this one, I’m going to be talking through five wealth building strategies that you should employ in your own financial plan. No theory, no textbook stuff here. These are all strategies, all five of them, that Jess and I have tested, refined and used in our own financial plan. Now, before I get into these five wealth building strategies, I have two goals for this episode that I want to share with you. First, my hope and desire is to motivate and inspire you to take action. It is so easy to become overwhelmed, and fall into that paralysis analysis when it comes to the financial plan. So for those of you that are listening, that are feeling overwhelmed, or anxious, or frustrated, maybe stuck, or just this lingering, nagging feeling that there’s something more that could be done, I want to be a source of inspiration through sharing my own journey, and encouraging you on your journey as well. Now, that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. That doesn’t mean that you’re not going to have some mistakes and roadblocks along the way, there certainly will be. My second goal is to give you specific strategies that you can implement, starting today in your own plan; to take the motivation and to then take action that can yield results as you take steps in applying this to your own situation. 

Tim Ulbrich  01:25

Okay, let’s jump in. I’m going to start with my own story that really begins back in 2009. 2009. So at this point in time, I had just finished my PGY one residency, I was making a whopping $31,000. At the time, thankfully, residents make a little bit more these days. And I finally had reached the other side, right? Ready to cash in on the mystical, six figure pharmacist income that I often thought about during pharmacy school. Now, everything was looking good. Until I realized that I overlooked one very important minor detail. And that was that I was broke. No not broke, broke, but definitely high earner high income broke. My wife Jess and I were in spectacular shape on the surface. But underneath our lifestyle and this new six figure income, really our finances underneath that had a different story, we had over $200,000 of student loan debt that was almost all my student loan debt. Actually, the vast majority of that $185,000 or so was my student loan debt. We had a house at this point with almost no equity. We had very little in savings. And we soon had a growing family to support today we’ve got four boys, our oldest was born in 2011. So there was a lot of things that were going on and happening financially, perhaps some of you can relate to that. And I had realized that despite the amazing opportunities that graduating with the pharmacy degree had offered, there was a little discussed truth among practitioners in the field. And that is that most pharmacists make a good income, but find themselves in exactly the same boat that I’m describing, right. Earning a good income, significant student loan debt and feeling like, hey, there should be more here, they shouldn’t feel as stressed and overwhelmed as I do with my financial situation. Now, as I reflect on that journey, I am certainly grateful for the experiences I’ve had, and for what I have learned along the way. I also feel though, the fear and anxiety coming up when acknowledging that my perception of the six figure income and the reality of what it could be, were two very different things. Now it took me four humbling years, hopefully it won’t take you as long but it took me four humbling years to realize that this six figure income wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be. Now one book in particular, if you’ve listened to the podcast before, you’ve heard me talk about this book, but one book at this point in time 2012, 2013 hit me at the perfect moment. It was a wake up call that I needed. And that book was The Millionaire Next Door by Dr. Tom Stanley. We’ll link to that in the show notes. And that book taught me a very important lesson. And that lesson being that net worth, not income, net worth is a much better indicator of your financial health. Now more to come on this here and a little bit but understand for the time being that net worth is your assets what you own, minus your liabilities what you owe, and it paints a nice picture of what did or didn’t happen with your income, right, that’s earned. And after reading this book, I decided that it was time to put pen to paper and do our own calculation. Now when I did this, the assets column, right, on the left hand side of the paper, I had the liabilities on the right hand side of the paper and the left side was pretty blank. Didn’t have a whole lot of assets at that point a little bit in a 401K,little bit in an IRA, we had some value in the home that that was offset by the liability. But the right side the liabilities, what we owed, there was a laundry list of things that are highlighted by none other than that couple $100,000 of student loan debt that I mentioned, most of which was at a fixed interest rate of 6.8%. A number I will never forget. I know many of you are perhaps facing a similar situation. Now this calculation, this net worth calculation at the time, showed that just four years after graduating from pharmacy school, finishing up my residency, had earned about a half a million dollars of income. But I had a net worth, again, assets minus liabilities of negative $225,000. Ouch, right? Ouch. I was overwhelmed with student loan debt. I was confused about how to best save and invest for the future, I was frustrated by the fact that, hey, we’re making a good income. But we’re not progressing financially as quickly as we should be, or at least as I thought we should be. So if you are like most pharmacists that I talked with, perhaps your journey may include something similar. You might even be there right now, some of you have gone down this journey before or perhaps for students listening. It’s something that you’re thinking about in the future. And, you know, as I think about this, it wouldn’t be so frustrating if you didn’t do everything that perhaps you were told was the right quote, “right thing to do.” Right, you got the degree, you landed the high paying job, you started making some of those smart decisions, some of you have already purchased a home, you’ve been investing, maybe you got that reliable car, and you’re finally reaping the benefits of all that hard work. But it takes a lot more intention, time and effort to translate that income, to making sure that we’re actually progressing in our financial plan and finding the ever so important balance between saving for the future, taking care of our future selves, living a rich life today and investing in those things that are most meaningful to us.

Now, thankfully, for our story, there’s a happy ending. Three years after that point where we realize, hey, we’re making a good income, but the net worth is negative, it’s not showing, we decided through that time period to really get serious, to stop messing around, to take control of our financial future. And in the fall of 2015, we hit submit on the very last payment of that $200,000 of student loan debt. I still have the screenshot saved at the time. Navient was the loan servicer, it’s an image I’ll never forget. Now to get there. We had to sever self teach ourselves personal finance. This was what led to me starting the Your Financial Pharmacist Community shortly thereafter, in 2015. And we made several mistakes along the way. And I’m going to talk about some of those here in just a little bit. Now, at the time, no one in our sphere no one in our community is really talking about this. And it was hard. It was hard, but it was worth it. Now, a little bit more on this story, when we hit submit on that last student loan payment is the fall of 2015, it sure felt like we had arrived financially finally, right? That would be the first however, of many times that we would learn a very important lesson that there is no such thing as arrived. When it comes to the financial plan, there is always an opportunity to grow and learn. Once we had crossed the line from a negative net worth to zero, and eventually working towards positive, it was go time it was time to play offense. Right. Finally, we could begin to play offense with a financial plan. And through methodical savings, investing, diligent spending, planning, and working our butt off building a business, we would eventually cross a net worth of $1 million in 2020. That’s right, negative 225,000 in 2012, to a net worth north of 1 million and approximately eight years. And I want pharmacists like yourself to be fully armed and empowered with the knowledge and tools needed, again, to find that balance between living a rich life today. And tomorrow, you can get there. But in addition to your income, it’s going to require that you have the right mindset, some strategy, and you have habits and behaviors in place that will help you to achieve success, it can be done. And that’s why I’m excited to share some of these strategies with you. It’s not complicated or overly complicated. It doesn’t have to include fancy spreadsheets and nuance investment vehicles. It doesn’t take an exorbitant amount of time. And it doesn’t mean that you have to live on rice and beans. I did it and you can do it too.

Tim Ulbrich  09:56

I recently had the chance to talk with a group of pharmacists and I asked them to reflect on a question that was intended to help them clarify what matters most to them in their lives and how their financial plan can support those different areas. And here are just a few of the responses that I received. From that group of pharmacists, quote, “I would love to travel the world give generously, and fund my kids hopes.” Another was, “to take my kids to see the world.” Another,  “to have a home in space and time to host family and friends often.” Another, “to volunteer locally, spend time with family and learn new skills.” Another,  “To open my new business.” “Working part time without the fear of finances would allow me to volunteer more and do something more passionate about.” Another: “To create a community center for people who use drugs to help provide basic social needs and treatment.” Yes, yes. And yes. Notice what you don’t hear here. You don’t hear people talking about having a pristine, zero based budget. Yes, I think that’s important to help us execute, but that’s not what people are talking about. You don’t hear people talking about having a certain amount of money in the bank. You don’t hear people talking about having a complicated time intensive investment strategy. You don’t hear people talking about their 4.6% high yield savings account and how advantageous that is over another one that’s only 4%. You don’t hear any comments about how to optimize public service loan forgiveness or other student loan strategies. And while there’s nothing wrong with those things, right, I myself like a good budget, like a good student loan repayment strategy, things we talked about often in the show, it’s important to remember that these things aren’t the end goals and determinants of success, but rather steps that are along the way to support again, living that rich life today and tomorrow. So before I get into these five strategies, and before you go all Type A pharmacist on me and start making moves, hitting and checking things off that list, I want you to take a step back and ask yourself a few questions. What am I trying to accomplish? What’s the purpose? What does success look like? Right? After all, money is a tool for living a rich life. And it’s up to you to decide what that rich life looks like. Okay, so let’s jump into these five wealth building strategies, it’s time to take action. Again, none of that fluffy and practical stuff. I’ve implemented all of these in my financial plan. Step number one, you probably saw it was coming based on my discussion of net worth. Step number one is you have to be tracking your net worth. As I mentioned, and that book, The Millionaire Next Door, one of the quotes from that book from the author Tom Stanley is, quote, “one of the reasons that millionaires are economically successful is that they think differently.” And what he’s referring to is that those who build wealth realize that income is not the metric of success, but rather a tool for building wealth, right, and it’s worth repeating the calculation we talked about before, net worth what you own, minus what you owe, so your assets minus your liability. Net worth not income. But net worth is the true indicator of your financial health. And if you understand and respect this calculation, it will propel your financial plan. Discovering net worth was a mindset shift and a pivot point in our own financial planning journey. Now for Jess and I, we update a net worth tracking sheet once per month, which allows us to take a step back and see the overall trajectory and bigger picture, while also focusing on the short term goals. And I have this tracking sheet along with several other resources. I’ll reference throughout the podcast available in a Google Drive, a toolbox. We’ll link to that in the show notes. You can go to that toolbox to access those for free, you can make a copy, edit, customize, make it your own, and be able to implement it in your own financial situation. It’s a very simple spreadsheet. Again, nothing fancy, right, we have a list of all of our assets, all of our liabilities. So this includes things like our emergency funds, various business accounts, kids 529 accounts, all our retirement accounts, different real estate that we own, and so forth. All assets, all liabilities, once a month. This is the big view picture of are we tracking, are we trending in the right direction. So that’s wealth building strategy number one.

Number two, you’ve heard me talk about this on the show before is setting up savings buckets. I love savings buckets. All about intentionality. Once Jess and I are on the same page with our financial goals for a given year, it’s then time to write them down and prioritize them accordingly so that we can start to implement a plan to achieve them, right? Otherwise, it’s a hope, a wish or a dream. So for each goal that we have for the year, we defined several things. First, the amount that is needed to achieve that goal. So for example, if we were to say, hey, we want to refinish the basement, it’s a goal we’re working on here in 2024, we got to put a budget to that we gotta put a number to it. And we got to put eventually a timeline to it. So first, we have to have an amount needed to achieve the goal. Second, is we have to identify the current amount we have saved towards a goal, sometimes that’s a zero. Sometimes that might be a portion of the goal. The third thing is then the gap between the amount needed and the amount saved. Right? This is common sense stuff. And the fourth thing is the monthly contribution needed to close the gap. That’s the key. So we have to know where we’re going, how much do we need? When do we need it? What do we already have saved? What’s the gap? What’s the timeline difference and a monthly contribution that’s going to help us get there because then we can implement that, right, we can do something with that, to be able to put ourselves on track to achieve it. Now, I mentioned the tool box before, there’s another resource in there. I have our savings buckets spreadsheet that you can again, nothing complicated, you can download it, you’ll see it’s just a sheet that outlines different priorities, what the status is, what the goal is, what’s the current funding? What’s the amount, what’s the gap, and what’s the contribution needed to get there with some notes for each of those items as well. So once we have this from here, once we have a prioritized list of our goals, we can then work the budget, or the spending plan, whatever you want to call it to determine how much is available each month to allocate towards the goals and make any necessary adjustments. Now just to give you some context of things that we’re thinking about here, right, this would be items like home improvements, saving and retirement accounts, putting money away into an HSA saving for vacations, saving for a future car purchase, right? These are the types of goals and things that we’re working on. And once we have this prioritized list, and we can begin to weave it into the monthly spending plan, based on hey, we know what you’re gonna make, we know the fixed expenses, the discretionary expenses, we know what’s leftover, then we can allocate whatever is projected to be left over towards the goals we’ve already defined in advance. And this is where the buckets come in. Because once we do this work, we can set up savings buckets. Now we use Ally Online Bank, this is not commercial for Ally, you can do this with many other banks, or you can track it on your own, to have a bucket for each goal. Except for those things that go directly to outside accounts. Right. So I don’t want things like IRA savings, HSAs, 529s to be sitting around in a high yield savings account. But I want those to go to work as quickly as possible for us. But for everything else, right. I mentioned several of these: vacation, home improvement projects, saving for educational expenses, not for future like 529. But for us, that would be homeschool expenses and things that we know are coming throughout the year could be gifts, insurance payments. I said vacations, vehicles, etc. emergency fund savings, right. So when I log on to our Ally online savings accounts, I see all these buckets, which are really just virtual buckets within a high yield savings account that we can then identify and earmark. It’s so important that if we think we’re saving for something, let’s actually do the accounting for it and create the bucket that allows us to see the progress made. This can sound complicated, don’t let it fool you. It’s not complicated. This system took us about 15 to 20 minutes set up. Once we had already done the work right, which is the hard work is talking about the goals and prioritizing the goals. So that’s number two, setting up the bucket system. 

Tim Ulbrich  18:51

Number three in our list of five wealth building strategies, is creating a legacy folder again, something I have talked about in the podcast before. And while a legacy folder isn’t going to directly move the needle on your net worth, don’t underestimate what it can offer in terms of peace of mind. And knowing that in the event in an emergency, all your financial documents are organized and in one location. So think of the legacy folder as a one stop shop where you have all of your important financial information, records and systems such that if someone else had access, needed access in the event of emergency, something happened to you, they could quickly pick up where you left off. So our legacy folder is a combination of a shared Google Drive folder, and a fireproof safe at home. Right. So I think about things like passports, birth certificates, etc. copy of estate planning documents, those are going to be inside of a safe, and then we’ve got other things that are on a shared Google Drive. So our financial planning team at YFP has shared access to the Google Drive as well as family who would be caring for our boys in the event that something happened to us, and then we use One Password as a tool to share and store all of our passwords. You can access again in the toolbox resource I mentioned already, we’ll link to that show notes: YourFinancialPharmacist.com/toolbox, I have a legacy folder table of contents that we use that you can download, make a copy, modify and make it your own. 

Tim Ulbrich  20:25

Alright, number four on our list of five, upping your financial IQ. So here are just some of the questions I’ve received recently, from pharmacists in our community: how much should I save for retirement? How can I best save and invest for the future? What should my asset allocation be? Do I need a life or disability insurance policy? How can I optimize student loan or other debt payments?  Should I save and invest or pay down debt instead? If any of these sound familiar, this is real life stuff. And know that you aren’t alone if several of these questions are swirling around in your mind as well. And as I reflect on my own journey, I realized that knowledge, along with community and accountability, was a key missing ingredient early on. You know, despite being a personal finance nerd today, my financial IQ early in my pharmacy career was very limited. When I was just finishing up my pharmacy school training in 2008, residency 2009. At the time, I could not tell you the difference between a 401K and an IRA a stock versus a bond secured versus unsecured debt, unsubsidized versus subsidized loans, a tax credit versus a deduction, right, the list goes on and on. And my ignorance, my lack of financial IQ led to mistakes and really led to a delay in our progress. But that really wasn’t my fault as I reflect on the journey. Now, taking responsibility of that and learning those things. Certainly, there’s an opportunity there. But know that for many of us, we just don’t have that background. Right, that strong fine foundation and financial literacy, our K-12 system, to be frank does an atrocious job of prioritizing financial literacy. And while I’m grateful for my AP Calculus class, and how that saved me from having to take a semester of calculus in pharmacy school, I use very little calculus in my life today. But contrast that with personal finance, which I use in some form, or fashion every single day. So why do we invest so little time in financial literacy, knowing that its application will be wide for everyone? That’s a great question, right. And it’s a tragedy, but it’s one that we have to overcome, and we can take responsibility to overcome. And so the good news is that we can make progress here we can up our financial IQ if we’re willing to invest some time and energy and I’m not talking about an AP course level type of time, just a little bit of time invested is going to yield big benefits. I hope you continue to listen to podcasts, attend our webinars, read our newsletters, I think those are great ways that you can stay engaged and increase your financial IQ. 

Tim Ulbrich  23:04

Alright, number five on our list of five wealth building strategies is respect the power of compound interest and time value of money. If you aren’t in awe of that time value of money, you haven’t spent enough time nerding out on a savings calculators. As Albert Einstein is credited with saying compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it, he who doesn’t pays it. This quote should pique our curiosity about the power of investing, more specifically, the power of compound interest in time value of money. It’s one of those financial jargon terms compound interest, time value, money that we throw around, that we know is important, but may not be sure what it exactly means and why it matters. And simply compound interest is the process by which an investment grows exponentially over time, because both the original investment and the interest gain earn interest over time. So we save a little bit today, it grows and then the future growth is the initial savings plus the growth plus the growth plus the growth and we continue that over and over again. And you can use a simple compound interest calculator, we have one available on our website, we’ll link to that in the show notes. Just to see that what would it mean for you when it comes to savings and where you’re at and how much you have saved? And how will that project out into the future? So what we know, which is something we’ve all heard before is that the earlier we save, the less aggressive we have to be in saving, right? And that’s where we really start to see the magic of compound interest and time value of money do its thing. 

Tim Ulbrich  24:44

Alright, so those are five wealth building strategies that I think you can implement in your own financial plan. And it’s it’s your turn now, right and as you start to implement your plan, let me give you two words of encouragement First, avoid analysis paralysis by identifying what the next move the one next move you can make. Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint, and I just talked about a whole lot of things. And some of you are probably gonna want to this long checklist and start moving things forward. Resist the urge to try to do too much. And eventually getting to a place of frustration where you don’t make much progress at all. What is the one next move that you can make? This is a marathon, not a sprint, one step after another over a long period of time will yield big results. That’s what Darren Hardy is talking about, in his book, The Compound Effect when he says that small, smart choices, plus consistency plus time equals radical difference, small smart choices, plus consistency, plus time equals a radical difference. So that’s the first note of encouragement. The second one is your journey will inevitably include mistakes, trust me, I’ve made my fair share. Here are just a few I’ve paid too much student loan debt, because I didn’t understand the different options that were available such as loan forgiveness and refinancing. Second, I bought a home to be frank by just a little bit too early, without having enough equity in that home and a renting situation would have been fine for a little bit longer. Third, delaying the purchase of term life insurance with young children. Fourth, delaying the establishment of estate planning documents. Fifth, cashing out a small but still a pre tax retirement fund. And finally buying a car that at the time, we really had no interest in buying. So since mistakes will happen, right? It’s part of the journey, we must learn to give ourselves some grace. You’ve got this, I’m cheering you on. And I hope that you will continue to engage with our community as you go through your own journey. If you have a question that you have, in the moment, a roadblock that you’re facing, a win that you want to share, just an ear to listen of something that’s frustrating you in the moment, send us an email. I would love to hear from you [email protected]. And for those of you that are listening, saying hey, I really could use some help one on one, and really moving the financial plan forward to take all these different priorities no matter where you are in your journey, whether that’s a mid career pharmacist like myself, someone who’s approaching retirement, someone who’s a little bit early in their career, we’d love to have the opportunity to talk with you further. To learn more about our fee only financial planning and tax planning services and to determine whether or not they’re a good fit. You can book a free discovery call by going to yourfinancialpharmacist.com you’ll see a link to do so there to learn more about the services and to again, see whether or not that’s a good fit for your own financial plan. Thanks so much for listening. As always, I hope you found this episode helpful. And we’ll catch you again next week. Take care. 

Tim Ulbrich  27:51

As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist unless otherwise noted and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward looking statements, which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week.


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YFP 370: Your Retirement Questions Answered with Tim Baker, CFP

Tim Baker, CFP and YFP Director of Planning answers questions from the YFP community on saving and preparing for retirement. This episode is brought to you by First Horizon.

Episode Summary

Planning and preparing for retirement can feel overwhelming. In this episode, Tim Baker, CFP®, RICP®, RLP®, makes the steps to planning for retirement more manageable. He answers three questions from the YFP community on retirement planning, including:

  • How to determine the optimal amount to save for retirement
  • Strategies for dealing with market downturns during retirement
  • How different investment options impact retirement savings

This episode is brought to you by First Horizon.

About Today’s Guest

Tim Baker is the Co-Founder and Director of Financial Planning at Your Financial Pharmacist. Founded in 2015, YFP is a fee-only financial planning firm and connects with the YFP community of 12,000+ pharmacy professionals via the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast podcast, blog, website resources and speaking engagements. 

Tim attended the United States Military Academy majoring in International Relations and branching Armor. After his military career, he worked as a logistician with a major retailer and a construction company. After much deliberation, Tim decided to make a pivot in his career and joined a small independent financial planning firm in 2012. In 2016, he launched his own financial planning firm Script Financial and in 2019 merged with Your Financial Pharmacist. Tim now lives in Columbus, Ohio with his wife (Shay), three kids (Olivia, Liam and Zoe), and dog (Benji).

Key Points from the Episode

  • Retirement planning, investment options, and home loans for pharmacists. [0:00]
  • Retirement planning, including determining optimal savings amount and factors to consider. [2:24]
  • Retirement planning, nest egg calculation, and potential deficits. [5:51]
  • Retirement planning, including nest egg calculation and goal setting. [12:46]
  • Strategies for dealing with market downturns during retirement. [19:33]
  • Managing investment risk through asset allocation and flexibility. [24:25]
  • Retirement planning, investment options, and their impact on savings. [28:42]
  • Traditional portfolio allocation and retirement savings with emphasis on asset allocation and tax considerations. [32:49]
  • Retirement planning for pharmacists, including asset allocation and tax strategies. [37:30]

Episode Highlights

“I think the big thing is how do you define optimal [savings for retirement]? And then the factors are so important. What type of lifestyle do you want? I think what most people want is to live a similar lifestyle to what they’re living as they’re working. So they don’t necessarily want to be more lavish. But they don’t necessarily want to give up things either.” – Tim Baker [4:27]

“The nest egg calculation, to me, that’s the best way to make that big number, the kind of unknown, a little bit more digestible.” – Tim Baker [9:37]

“I think a lot of people think that they have control over when they’ll retire and they don’t. There’s a stat that says 40% of people don’t work to their expected retirement age, either because of health issues, or they were eliminated from a job, etc.” -Tim Baker [11:12]

“I think the best time to plan for retirement is now and the sooner you can kind of look at where you’re at and be able to adjust where you need to go, the better.” – Tim Baker [11:44]

“When you talk about the nest egg calculation, that is where the value really lies. The short answer of how do you determine the amount of savings needed for retirement? Nest egg calculation, three words.” – Tim Ulbrich [13:39]

“So, you know, and again, the most successful retirees are the ones that are most flexible.” – Tim Baker [25:45]

“It’s being in the right asset allocation. It’s keeping your expenses low. And being consistent with that structure. I think we’ll get people through any of the seasons that you’ll see over the course of an investing career.” – Tim Baker [28:28]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich  00:00

Hey everybody, Tim Ulbrich here and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. This week we take questions from the YFP community on retirement planning, we discuss how to determine the optimal amount to save for retirement strategies for dealing with market downturns during retirement, and how different investment options such as stocks, bonds, and real estate can impact your retirement savings. Let’s hear from today’s sponsor First Horizon and then we’ll jump into the show.

Tim Ulbrich  00:31

Does saving 20% for a down payment on a home feel like an uphill battle? It’s no secret that pharmacists have a lot of competing financial priorities, including high student loan debt, meaning that saving 20% for a down payment on a home may take years. For several years now we’ve been partnering with First Horizon who offers a professional home loan option AKA a doctor or pharmacist loan that requires a 3% downpayment for single family home or townhome for first time homebuyers, has no PMI, and offers a 30 year fixed rate mortgage on home loans up to $766,550 in most areas. The pharmacist home loan is available in all states except Alaska and Hawaii, and can be used to purchase condos as well, however, rates may be higher and a condo review has to be completed. While I’ve personally worked with First Horizon before and had a great experience with Tony and his team, don’t just take it from me. Here’s what Payton from Tyler, Texas had to say about his experience with First Horizon: “Aaron, Cindy, and Marilyn were very easy to work with. As a first time homebuyer, I shopped around for lenders at the onset of the process, Aaron was always very quick to reply and provide me with any details I requested in order to move forward and my decision to select a lender. Once I selected First Horizon, Marilyn and Cindy did a great job of keeping my wife and I informed of the process. Closing was a breeze yesterday at the title office. And I sincerely appreciate the team going above and beyond to keep my interest rate locked despite extending closing due to negotiations with the seller. I’ve already shared my positive experience with many pharmacists on the groups. And I look forward my brother, also a pharmacist, refinancing with you guys when he decides to.” So to check out the requirements for First Horizon’s pharmacists home loan and to start the pre-approval process, visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan. 

Tim Ulbrich  02:24

Tim Baker Good to have you back on the show.

Tim Baker  02:27

Good to be back. Tim, how’s it going?

Tim Ulbrich  02:29

It’s going well. I’m looking forward to this episode. We’re gonna be talking about retirement planning – a topic that we’re seeing a ton of interest in getting lots of questions about. You did a webinar recently around retirement planning. Lots of engagement that came from that. So we want to answer some of the most common questions we’re getting from the YFP community around retirement planning. And we’re gonna go through four different questions around how do we determine how much is enough? What are some of the strategies to deal with market downturns while you’re in retirement, I know something that you’ve talked about before of that important window before leading up to an after? And how we think about the investment strategies. We’ll talk about some of the different investment options that can impact retirement savings, and then we’ll wrap up by talking about some of the health care costs in retirement. So let’s start with the first question, Tim, which is how do you determine the optimal amount saving needed for retirement? And really, what are the factors that should be considered when setting what this number is what the goal is?

Tim Baker  03:24

Yeah, so huge question, Tim. I think, you know, I’m going to answer the question with with a question is, like, define optimal? Yeah. Right. So like, optimal? Well, we’ve talked about, you know, is, you know, should die with zero be the goal. And, you know, what am I mean by that is, there are a lot of people that, you know, they’ll save, save and save, and maybe the goal is to pass on some, you know, money to their heirs. You know, I always I think I’ve said it said this on the podcast before my parents have said to me, like, hey, we want to make sure that like when we die, like we we give, we give you and your siblings some money, and I’m like, I don’t expect that I don’t really need that. I’m not really banking on that at all. And maybe when I’m older, I would want the same thing for my you know, for my kids, but the die was zero concept is it’s kind of like, you know, you can’t take it with you type of thing. So you’re you’re kind of spending on your portfolio, you’re giving it away, etc, etc. And maybe there’s some, you know, maybe there’s some somewhere in between where you don’t want to be right on the on the needle there. You don’t want to be with zero. So you maybe you have a little bit more cushion. So, you know, I think I think that would be the big thing is like how do you define optimal? And then the factors I think are so important. So like, what type of lifestyle do you want? I think in a vacuum, what most people I think want is to kind of live a similar right lifestyle than what they’re living as they’re as they’re working. So they don’t necessarily want to be more lavish. They don’t necessarily want to give up things either. Unfortunately, some people have to give up things just because of you know, poor planning or they have to work longer. So you know, what, where do you want to live? What’s the geography? What’s your housing situation, that’s going to be the biggest fixed expense. The biggest expense in retirement typically is housing. You know, what are your hobbies? Activities? Are you taking care of grandkids? Are you? Are you jet setting? Are you working? Are you not working? Are you volunteering? Consulting? What does that look like? And, you know, I think from there is, you know, estimating, you know what your retirement expenses would look like? So I mentioned like, what are the fixed expenses? What are the variable expenses, which could be big trips, maybe you’re paying for kids’ weddings, maybe it’s a medical expense. And really kind of zeroing in on that. Unfortunately, Tim the B word doesn’t ever go away. Right. So understanding what your budget looks like, is, is I think an integral part of of retirement planning. There are there are rules of things and way that you can slice it, there’s some planners that will look at the tax return, and then assume like, whatever’s on last year’s tax return is what I need for this coming year. And that’s kind of a very top down approach. A bottom up approaches a budget, you can use, use a rule of thumb, like a replacement ratio. So hey, if I make $100,000 and 70, or 80% replacement ratio means that I need $70-$80,000, you know, in that in that year of retirement. Looking at accounting for inflation, so do you think inflation is going to go up? It’s going to go back down to kind of the 3% levels? The big question is, is like what’s the retirement duration? Nobody knows that, right? So, you know, some people are like, Oh, I’m gonna, you know, retire at 65. And I, maybe I have a good five or 10 years on me, most people, you know, live longer when they want, they think they’re gonna retire. And that’s probably the trickiest part about all this, unlike, you know, other types of planning that are similar to this, like education planning, we kind of know that, hey, our goal was to kind of get through four years, maybe eight years of, you know, education. Here, it could be five years, it could be 45 years. We just don’t know. And that’s kind of the the major wildcard, but then understanding like, what are your sources of retirement? Is it social security? Is it a pension? Is it a, is it an annuity that you buy? Is it your traditional portfolio? Is there other types of you know, is it real estate income, whether your cash flow in real estate, or it’s a liquidation event? Are you selling a business? Is there a part time work there? So I think all of these play into play a part in it, and then I kind of how you distribute the cash also plays and how you handle taxes. So from a distribution perspective, you know, are you looking at, you know, what we’ve talked about in the past, which is a floor and strategy, which is very conservative strategy. Is it a bucket? You know, where, you know, in this, this will be, you know, another question that we have, it’s like, how do we account for like volatility or, you know, in the market? You know, is it a bucket strategy? Or is it the systemic withdrawal strategy, where it’s, Hey, we’re distributing 4%, no matter what, or we’re being flexible, depending on what interest rates what the markets doing? So lots of different lots of different ways to kind of, you know, go about this, but I think defining like, what optimal is for you is going to be important. And again, that’s why a lot of people are like, I just want to, you know, die with zero, that plays.I think the best place to start in terms of the optimal amount of savings needed for retirement to answer that question is, I think starting with a nest egg calculation is the best the best way. It is the, it is the best way, in my estimation, to deconstruct a problem and problem is not the right word, but a scenario that is years in the future, that’s a big freakin number. So, and when I was talking about this, like when we would do retirement planning at my past firm, you’d be the client and we would say, Okay, now now’s the time to talk about your retirement. Based on our time value of money calculation, you need $3.65 million to retire. Alright, let’s talk about your insurance, onto the next thing. And we could see kind of like, maybe the color come out of your face, maybe that little glossy, you know, glassy eyed look, and just, it didn’t connect with people. So, you know, it got me thinking, how can I make this number impactful to you today in 2024? So a nest egg calculation, which says, Okay, this is the number $3.65 million, but then what does that mean to me today? And we compare it to what’s currently in your retirement portfolio? What’s your contribution rate? How was it allocated? And then how does it compare, you know, to what you potentially need. So where are we running a deficit, meaning we’re behind on that $3.65 million? Or are we ahead meaning that we’re, you know, we’re overfunded? So to me, that’s, that’s the starting place. And again, it’s not a perfect, it’s not a perfect calculation, there’s a lot of assumptions in there in terms of investment returns and inflation and actually, when you’re going to retire and when you’re potentially going to die, we’re estimating all that which you would do anyway, in any type of, you know, scenario analysis. But to me, that’s the best way I think, to make that big number that kind of unknown, a little bit more digestible. There’s other ways that you can look at it, where there’s Monte Carlo analysis where you’re looking at, you know, a randomize portfolio return or other things that are related to you know, economic variables that you can say, hey, we’re going to run 1000s of scenarios and what it shows you is, hey, you’re a 85% chance of success. And that one chance of success means is that there are assets left, at the end of the plan, whether you set that for age 90, 95, 100, or whatever that is, that kind of is the next level. The rule of thumb is, you know, what people have heard of is a 4% rule. So, you know, if you’re, if you’re looking at your optimal savings plan, and you have $500,000, in retirement, if you use 4%, that means you have $20,000, over a 25-30 year return. So you might say, Hey, that’s not enough. I need more. So obviously, the right way to reverse engineer that, Tim, is to say, Okay, what do you need, if it’s 40,000, use a 25x, ROI, you need a million dollars, and that’s just a 4% rule inverted. So to me in terms of practical things that I wish I would have a listener, you know, it’s like, okay, are you getting the match, get to that race to the 10%. So your employee contribution, again, this is a vacuum. You know, I’ve talked with prospective clients that had lots of credit card debt, and other things that are going on, I wouldn’t necessarily prescribe this for them, but you know, get to the 10% employee contribution, then eventually, you know, get to a phase where you’re maxing out, and then use IRAs or brokerage accounts to kind of supplement along the way as you can. So, but remember that this is a problem set, Tim, that I think a lot of people think that they have control over that they that they don’t. You know, there’s a there’s a stat that says 40% of people don’t work to their expected retirement age, either because of health issues, or they were eliminated from a job, etc. You know, those types of things, I think where in my mind, I’m like, probably work till I’m 70 and Shay is 65. But, you know, I could lose my marbles was between, you know, before that, like, who knows? So, you know, I think I think, the best time again, I’m a planner, so I’m biased, but I think the best time to plan is now and the sooner you can kind of look at where you’re at and kind of be able to adjust where you need to go, the better. You know, one of the things that I would always kind of lament working with at my last firm was that we only worked with like pre retirees and retirees. So people would come off the street, and they’d say, Hey, I’m 55 years old, I’d like to retire in the next five years, I have $50,000, to my name, I have credit card debt, but like, it was almost like doesn’t, it doesn’t add up the math is not mathing. And so those are yeah, those are all the kinds of things that go into this. And it’s, it’s a huge thing to kind of deconstruct but I think, you know, looking at this as in a vacuum is not necessary ideal. You want to look at all the different parts. We talked about this with our own plans, and kind of, you know, where we’re trending and things like, you know, but it’s, it’s a big question, I think, and there’s just a lot of ways that kind of, you know, look at it. Yeah,

Tim Ulbrich  12:46

The thoughts that are coming to mind, as you’re talking, Tim, is I think there’s risk here to oversimplify this and be overconfident in this. And what I mean by the over over simplification is like, you can run numbers in a calculator. But if you’re not having some of the important discussions and questions of the inputs into that calculator, then we’re not doing the work that needs to be done, right. You mentioned like what what do we mean by optimal? Like, what does that actually look like? What does it mean to be living a wealthy life and retirement? As you mentioned, some huge variables of are we working at all? Are we working part time? You know, is this 55? Is this 64? You know, might we be caring for elderly parents? What does travel look like? What are all these things? And then, you know, when we think about even that word, retirement, I think can carry meaning that you and I might look at that word and say it means two very different things, right. And so, you know, when you talk about the nest egg calculation, to me that that is where the value really lies, to me the short answer of how do you determine the amount of savings needed for retirement? Nest egg calculation, three words. But to do the nest egg calculation and put in all the inputs and variables, which again, as you mentioned, are assumptions and things might change and move. And there are things that we think we have control over that we don’t, but it’s the closest we can get, and we can modify or update that look at it over time. In order to put the numbers in the calculator, we got to have some really good conversations. And this, to me is really where the planning comes to base, we’re not just trying to shove money away into accounts that were, you know, like, somebody said, I should put money in a 401 K, or an IRA or an HSA or whatever. Or we’re looking at these big scary numbers in the future thinking, Am I ever gonna get there? Looking at the individual variables, having the discussion and the conversations, answering those questions, plugging those in. And then as you mentioned, bringing it back to today. So important. Especially for the people that you know, for someone who’s two, three years out from retirement, that may not be as critical as for someone who’s in the middle of their career, or even in the front half of their career where, you know, we got to come up with a number that I can actually put my arms around and do something with today because otherwise I’m gonna look at this number 30 years in the future 20 or 40 years in the future and say, the math just doesn’t even seem possible.

Tim Baker  14:58

Yeah, in one of the things that when we go through the Script Your Plan, which is our second second meeting, and the way that we kind of start building a financial plan, we go through what’s called a Get Organized meeting, which is we bring up the client portal. And we’re basically trying to get to like a clean snapshot of what the balance sheet looks like. So the assets, the things that you own, minus the liabilities, the things that you owe equals your net worth. And our job is to hope, you know, the idea is to kind of grow that quantifably to get your, you know, your net worth grow over time. The second piece of that is Script Your Plan, which is all about like goal setting, right? So it’s like, Okay, now that we know where we’re at, where are we going? And with those two things in place, that that answer of it depends that I always give, Tim transforms into this is given your balance sheet, given your goals, Tim, this is what I think you should do. So it’s no more It depends. Because like, we know, you, we know what your goals are, we know what your passion is, this is what your goals are. But part of that Script Your Plan exercise, when we would kind of talk about a timeline, you know, we I would ask the question of, hey, like, it’s July 2024, let’s fast forward a year, what is success? And you know, what does success look like? And then we go three years, five years, 10 years, 30 years. The further you get out, you know, the further away that you go, the harder it is for you to kind of imagine that self. So with retirement planning, you know, the way that you know, with the way that I would do this, it’s like, I kind of, you know, I would say, hey, let’s get into the DeLorean. Let’s go 88 miles per hour, rev it up, we get out in, let’s see, 2054. So it’s 30 years from now, what does success look like? And for a lot of people, it’s like, I don’t know. So I’m like, okay, like, how much? How would your dad, you know, if I’m, if I’m 40. My dad’s like, imagine yourself, as your dad, like, pitch yourself, as a seventy year old, what does success look like? So it’s just like, the next day where we’re trying to, like, equate the numbers in from a from a Script Your Plan from a lifestyle perspective is, the further that gets out, the harder it is for us to kind of relate to our 10 year older self,  20 year older self, 30 year older self. So if there is a group or a person that you know, very closely that you can say, okay, like, if I’m in their shoes, and you probably do that, anyway, I’m like, oh, like, when I’m retired, I’m not going to do what my parents are gonna are doing, or I am going to do what my parents would do. So you can kind of like, take that, but even 10 years out, Tim, if you look 10 years back, from, you know, if you look back to 2014, how much of your life has changed over those 10 years,. You know, like, like, things like time flies, but, you know, to me, it’s like, you look at, you know, time is so hard for us, as humans can conceptualize. And it’s no different in in something like this. So I think it’s like, really kind of going through those, like thought experiments and, you know, kind of assessing, because I think so much of this is really about the numbers. But when you deconstruct this, it’s really not. You know, I think, you know, if you’re working with a financial planner, again, shameless plug, I think the numbers are going to be fine. Especially if you have enough time, you know, the longer that you’re engaged with, with a plan, the more success, you know, you know, whatever version of success. It’s the people that don’t, I think is where you kind of run into problems. But to me, it’s really important to kind of deconstruct like, the answer that question is what is optimal, and then plan around that, you know, the nice thing about, you know, having decades so to speak in a financial planner, is that the micro things that you do today really steer that frigget to where you can have success, you know, in the long run, so. But it’s an interesting, you know, it’s an interesting problem set, because it is a huge number. And it’s far in the future for a lot of people, it just, it doesn’t seem real, you know, I have a lot of people that, you know, will work with us in their 20s and 30s. Like, I’ll never be able to retire. And when we show them how, you know, the math to get to that, like, I think that’s transformative. Now, I think the second piece of that is like, okay, like, what is a happy retirement? What’s a successful retirement and I think people are starting to figure that out, but it’s not necessarily a destination, right? It’s just the next chapter. And, you know, especially with sometimes pharmacists, or like highly, you know, people that are higher achievers, you know, their role and identity gets really tied up together. And it’s like, okay, if you step away from your career as a pharmacist, like, who are you? What do you do? Like you know, and that and that for some people can be really difficult to kind of again, unbolt.

Tim Ulbrich  15:42

Tim, one thing I want to say and separate topic for another day that we can dive deeper into, we’ve talked about in the show before, but when you talk about time, being hard to really, you know, wrap our mind around, especially for folks that are early in their career, you know, your 2014 examples, a really good one when I think back to 2014, like it’s a distant memory and and it feels like Yeah, we were doing some savings and things now, but if it weren’t for things like automation, you could see how a 10 year period slips by you without having the intention out. This is why we believe so firmly in automation is an important part of plan. Yes, we got to do the hard work up front. Yes, we got to check in periodically. But once we start to kind of remove ourselves from that equation, and we do that hard work, and then we turn it on, whether it’s automatic contributions, it could be automatic savings buckets or other things, that’s where we’re gonna start to really see the progress and prevent this scenario where we say, How did those 10 years go by? And I didn’t make much progress on my retirement planning?

Tim Baker  19:32

Yeah. Yeah, I think it’s so important, because we just get into this, like, autopilot and you wake up. It’s like, where did that? Where did it go? 

Tim Ulbrich  19:56

Yeah. Alright, second question we have is, what are some strategies for dealing with market downturns during retirement? If we even zoom this out a little bit more? I’m guessing this person might be asking, you know, given the volatility, certainly the markets had a good run lately, but it’s been pretty volatile, right, you know, over the last couple of years. So for those that are, you know, in what you call that eye of the storm, around retirement, or coming up on, just got to retirement, or maybe they’ve been in retirement for a period of time? How do we address and deal with some of the market volatility?

Tim Baker  21:11

Yeah, so this is market risks, and you really don’t have any control over at all outside of like, taking all your money out, you know, take your investment ball home, and, you know, and go home, right? So like, this is where people get scared, they’ll go to cash, and they typically are selling low, but then they like, oh, the markets good now, and, you know, dip my toe back in, and they’re buying high. So you know, what you’re talking about a sequence risk where is where it’s basically, you know, when the timing of your retirement, and the distribution of your retirement accounts, matters a lot. Probably more so than most of the other investment or the retirement risks that are there. So to kind of zoom out of this first, Tim, this question is, you know, what are some so the question is, what are some strategies for dealing with market downturns during retirement. So what we’re assuming here is that you are no longer in that accumulation phase, you are in the deaccumulation, that withdrawal phase. But I think like the, the, my thoughts is, are consistent no matter where you’re at. You know, to me, the big things that I look at from a retirement portfolio is I want to make sure that you’re in the right allocation, and that you’re driving the expenses down as much as possible related to your portfolio. Now, what I’m taking, typically talking about here is like expense ratio. So the right allocation is probably the optimal, you know, the optimal term in and I think, if you look at the rule of thumb, that I don’t love is the rule of thumb in terms of like, how you should have your portfolio allocated is, you take 110, you subtract your age, and that’s the amount of stocks or equities you should be in your portfolio. So if I’m 40, you take 110, minus 40. And I should be in a 70%, stock portfolio and a and a 30%, bond portfolio, which I think and it’s very much a linear thing. So as you as you age, go, 60/40, 50/50, etc, etc. I think that that’s wrong. I don’t think that that’s a great rule of thumb. I think that, to me, I look at this almost as like a, my, my strategy or my thought process is more like a cliff. So my thought is like, you know, if I’m 40 years old, and I have 30% of my allocation in bonds, I think that’s a mistake. And if we, if we zoom out, you know, if you look at stocks, and again, not all stocks are created equal, but in broad strokes, stocks are typically there’s a higher potential for growth, with a lot more volatility. Bonds or fixed income, there’s less potential for growth, but less volatility. So there’s more of an exponential growth with stocks and more of a linear growth of bonds. So, to me, what you give up during the accumulation phase, if you’re in your 40s, is you give up a lot of the market, the market is still gonna go up, but I equate it to like, if you’re in mostly equities, it’s gonna be kind of Rocky Mountain in terms of ups and downs. If you put bonds and there’s more Appalachian Mountains, there’s a little bit more, you know, you know, there’s less ups less downs, but they’re still they’re still that. So to me, I think that, uh, mostly equity, you know, again, this is not investment advice, but I think like maybe mainly in equities in your accumulation phase. And then when you get to five to ten years before and after your retirement age, that’s when you’re going to, that’s when you’re really going to manage the sequence of return risks that you mentioned. So think of that as like the eye of the storm. So let’s assume that my retirement age is 65. And I’m being as conservative from a timeline perspective, at 55. That’s when I really am going to kind of that’s what that’s the cliff where I’m going to say, Okay, I’m now no longer going to be mostly in equities. That’s where I’m going to be the most conservative and go to bonds. So instead of this glide path, where I’m going from 100% equities to 80, 90, basically, I’m not doing that over a period of years, I’m doing that right when I hit 55, and that’s where I’m going into more of a balanced portfolio, which could be a 60/40, or 50/50. And then over those years in that either storm, so 55, to 75. And the most conservative sense, that’s when you’re gonna be the most conservative in terms of your balanced portfolio. And then when you come out of the eye of the storm, that’s when you start ramping up the equities, again, whether that’s 60/40, 70/30, 80/20, which is very different than kind of the, you know, most people, it’s like, oh, you’re in your 80s, you should be in a 20/80 portfolio or whatever. And a lot of people, it’s, it’s not sustainable. So the the eye of the storm is to kind of get through the sequence of return risk. So, you know, and again, the most successful retirees are the ones that are most flexible. So if you go through like the subprime mortgage crisis, or the.com crisis, and your portfolio goes from a million to 700,000, and then you’re drawing $50,000, you know, for the next couple years, the portfolio and a lot of cases are going to fail. If you were to delay your retirement and wait for the market to recover two years later, it’s completely different scenario. So that to me, is what we’re talking about here. So you know, the strategies for dealing that is, I think the best thing is the being the right allocation is to not do what you’re feeling. So I always talk about do the opposite of how you’re feeling. So if you get scared, a lot of people should go cash and a lot of ways you should be doubling down and investing. Another thing that we’ve talked about in the in the in this forum, Tim, is something like an annuity, which is hard to really wrap people’s minds around, but like if I can peel off $300,000 from my portfolio, to supplement Social Security to say, Okay, come hell or high water, I’m gonna have the steady check between social security in my annuity, regardless of what’s going on. For that, for a lot of people, that’s a peace of mind. So like the the market volatility is not as as big a concern, because I’m like, I don’t I have all my basic necessities, necessities handled. Right. So the mental thing of like an annuity might be might be a big thing. Being flexible, as I mentioned in, it could be a bucketing approach where you’re like, hey, my, my near term bucket, my zero to five year bucket is spoken for me and I have that in cash or tips, I’m good. So I don’t care what the market does, you know, as long as it’s recovered in the next five years for me to kind of replenish that bucket. And this is where we’re basically have a short term and medium term, and then a long term bucket. So short term, zero to five, medium term, six to 15, long term 15 plus, and then those buckets kind of replenish themselves as time goes. If there’s, if we’re in a time where the market crashes, but I still have $100-$200,000 in my cash bucket, I don’t really care, I’m hoping the market will return in that period of time to replenish that cash bucket. And typically, it should. A lot of the most, you know, the Great Depression in the Great Recession, you know, those recover those market recoveries aren’t decades. They are typically, you know, two to six years, two to seven years, that type of thing. So that could be that can be something as well. So, you know, the market, the market does what the market does. And I think those are that are best positioned like they they understand that. It’s not, you know, we’re not trying to like game the market, outside of very few people in the history of the market can can beat the market and kind of, you know, foreshadow what’s going to come. So it’s, it’s being in the right asset allocation. It’s keeping your expenses low. And being consistent with that structure. I think we’ll get people through any of the see any of the seasons that you’ll see over the course of an investing career.

Tim Ulbrich  28:42

Tim, let me mention a few resources for people that want to dig deeper, and this will link to these in the show notes. It’s been a while but we did a whole series on retirement planning, digging into the question of how much is enough, some of the alphabet soup of different accounts, building a retirement paycheck, things that you’ve been talking about that was episodes 272 through 275. Again, we’ll link to that in the show notes. And then 305, episode 305. We did a primer on annuities, a lot of myths, conceptions around annuities, we try to break those down, understanding what they are: fees, costs. That was a great episode. Again, we’ll link to it in the show notes. And then several of the risks that you’ve talked about, we put together a guide that’s all around understanding retirement risks. So it’s Retirement Roadblocks: Identifying and Managing 10 Common Risks. It’s a free guide that we have available. One of the most popular resources we have, again, that will be linked to in the show notes as well. Tim, one thing that struck me is you were talking you mentioned flexibility, right is a key. And this is a piece I think that pharmacists have a benefit of, right. Many pharmacists work in a position, whether that be hospital, whether that be community practice where they have an opportunity to do something like PRN shifts or work part time and make a good income. And so, you know, maybe the game game plan was a full retirement at 55, but because of some of the things that you talked about, maybe they either choose to work longer, full time or hey, if they want to pick up 15-20 hours, making $60-$65 bucks an hour, a lot of pharmacists have the opportunity to do that. And so I think that flexibility piece can be really important, specifically to our audiences as they’re thinking about retirement.

Tim Baker  30:12

Yeah. And what I This, to me, this stat still like is unbelievable to me. So this was these two stats were put out by a paper called The Power of Working Longer published in January 2018, by Stanford’s Institute for Economic Policy Research. And basically, it makes the case for working longer. That’s the best, you know, medicine for if you have a shortfall shortfall in income for retirement. But we talked about sequence risk Tim, so we know the market. So like, let’s say, you know, you know, 65, in, you know, 20 years from now, not quite there yet. But say the market is not going great. Deferring retirement by three to six months is like saving 1% more of salary for 30 years. Deferred retirement by one month is like saving 1% more of salary for the final 10 years. So, to me, there’s I know there’s a lot of pharmacists that are listening to this that I speak to, they’re like, I need to retire as quickly as possible. And I get it, I get it, I understand. But but to me, like the people that are most flexible from a lifestyle, from a timing, are going to be the most successful in terms of their retirement. So if you have a lever that you can pull that you can consult or you can do, you know, you can do a shift or medical, right, whatever that is, you know, whatever that that is like that’s going to benefit you and over and help the overall retirement picture. So those would be two stats, I would leave you with us on this question.

Tim Ulbrich  31:44

That’s great. And it’s a balance, right? We talked about this all the time, it’s a balance between, hey, you make enough of these concessions. And you could always argue, hey, I should keep working longer, right? So we’ve got to get back to like, what’s the why, what’s the purpose, but also be in tune with those numbers, which aren’t wild when you talk about one month of employment, and the impact that it has in terms of dollars that could have been saved. Our next question: how to different investment options such as stocks, bonds, real estate impact retirement savings? And I think, Tim, this is a really interesting question, because one of the things we lose sight of when we talk about nest egg calculations, retirement planning, we talked about these big numbers, 3 million, 4 million, 5 million, is that not all dollars are created equal? Right? Both in how are they invested, and the types of investments in which they’re in and then eventually, how they’re utilized to build the retirement paycheck. So what are your thoughts here in terms of how do different investment options impact retirement savings?

Tim Baker  32:37

Yeah, so this question is really about like asset classes. So when we talk about a traditional portfolio, you know, there’s a, we talked about a high level, you know, a 90/10 portfolio and it would be 90% in stocks or equities and 10% in bonds or fixed income. That 90% you can, you can draw even a finer line, you can have large cap, mid cap, small cap, you could have international funds, you could have emerging market, you could have commodities, you could have, you know, you could have sector funds that are just in biopharmaceuticals or whatever. You could have digital assets. So, the big news this year was that they released spot Bitcoin ETFs. Last week, Tim, they released nine, eight or nine spot theoreum ETFs, which have come on the market and started trading last Tuesday. So that can be part of your your asset allocation now, because they’re, they’re in ETFs. The bonds at 10%, you could buy a total market bond, or you could buy different types. You could buy munis, you could buy treasuries, you can buy a total market and international bond, like there’s lots of ways to kind of, you know, slice it. But you can also talk to, you know, real estate, you know, one of the things is like, you know, is it real? Is it real estate, you can hold real estate in a mutual fund or an ETF, or you can hold it directly. So, to me, this kind of goes back to the one of the earlier questions is, you know, the more stocks, there’s the potential for more growth, but more volatility and risk, the more bonds less potential for growth, but less volatility and risk. So I think, at a baseline, being in the right, asset allocation from a traditional portfolio is really important. And this is what I’m talking about is, you know, should you be in an all equity or, you know, a 9010, and then hit that cliff and then go to a 60/40 or 50/50. That’s what I’m going to talk about from a traditional, but the things that we have to overlay, Tim, and I was talking about this with you a couple of weeks ago, I was kind of lamenting the fact that we talked about like tax allocation with retirement with your, your investment assets. So we kind of talked about we went a little bit in column A, Column B, Column C. Column A would be pre you know, like traditional. So pre tax, so these are, you know, traditional 401 K traditional IRA, etc. Then you want a little bit in Roth, which is kind of tax free since you’ve already paid  the taxes. So this is like And when you pour out a Roth, if you have a million dollars, all that million is yours because you’ve already paid the tax man. And then the last one is a taxable account. So I was looking at my taxable account as a percentage of my portfolio, I’m like, oh, that’s exactly where I want. Now, I don’t have any designs on retirement before 59 and a half. So I don’t really need, that’s typically what you use a taxable account for the purpose of retirement. But I know like when I sell my real estate, that’s probably going to go into a taxable account. So like, like, right now, I know the plan is, it’s kind of unequal scales, though, they’ll be equaled out in the future, or when I sell my share of our business like that will probably go into partly a savings account, but partly a long term investment, you know, in the form of a taxable account. So to me, that plays a part of this as well. So I think the the idea is to be in the right asset allocation, as opposed to what I talked about, typically, the one that you’re it’s going to be more stock heavy is going to have more volatility. So the closer you are to retirement, or in retirement, the less you’re going to want to have, although it’s still needed for the kind of that longevity risk of like not live outliving your savings. Real estate, it’s going to be typically how you know how your whole net, whether you are a landlord, or if it’s in a fund. But the things that we haven’t really talked about this, as part of this is things like digital assets, things like commodities, cash – right now, Tim, you could, you know, with our cash accounts at YFP, it’s paying like 5.1%. So I’m looking at that, and like, if I’m a retiree, if I can park, my short term bucket there, I’m pretty happy with that return. Now, I know inflation has been ticking up higher. So maybe need a little bit more to offset that. But these are all the things that kind of construct the retirement, you know, savings and retirement assets. And I think, you know, doing it with a traditional portfolio, but then overlay in some of the other things that you have going on, you know, if you have a pension, that’s going to affect how you retire, you know, your allocation is, because if you have a if you have a pension plus social security, you might not have to be super conservative, because you might say like, Hey, my, most of my things are handled, or if I buy an annuity, I can be more aggressive, because I’m not going to have to withdrawal that as aggressively as if I didn’t have that annuity or that pension. So there’s lots of different things. But I think the rule of thumb is kind of looked at your stock to bond, you know, ratio, and understand that with stocks, again, more growth, more volatility. With bonds, less growth, less volatility.

Tim Ulbrich  37:30

And I think you just gave a great example there, why blanket asset allocation recommendations don’t work, right? Because, you know, if someone’s listening, and they have a pension, and they have social security, or maybe they have an annuity, like the floor that they’ve created, is completely different from someone else that maybe doesn’t have a pension or annuity, And therefore, they’re going to rely more on withdrawing from their investments. So how much risk they take with the remaining amount of whatever’s investable, and whatever buckets they have, could be very different based on you know, what those are? And I think this question gets at a couple different aspects of asset allocation, which you talked about nicely, but also a conversation. We don’t have enough, which is that d cumulation. Building that paycheck from what buckets are we taking from and how do we do that? And what order tax strategies all those things? And I think for people are listening that maybe have done the hard work, are nearing retirement, have two, three $4 million saved whatever the number is. That’s great. Now, hey, are we thinking about the decumulation side of this?

Tim Baker  38:30

Yeah, and that was one of the reasons, Tim, after going through the CFP coursework, you know, I decided to do the Ri CP, which is Retirement Income Certified Professional, because it really tackles that question that the CFP I don’t think does the best job. CFP is all about, okay, accumulation of accumulated assets and what that looks like. But once you get to that, that’s not the destination, then the next chapter, how do you take these buckets of money and build a sustainable, sustainable paycheck over time? Unknown, right. And actually, one of the open questions in in that is like, if you do build a floor for a client, and they’re, you know, they’re a 75 year old, but their allocation is something like 90/10 or 80/20. A lot of regulators will look at that and be like, that doesn’t look right. But you know, the justification, that’s why you can’t have a blanket, you know, yeah, one rule for everyone. The justification is like, we really don’t have to draw that much from that portfolio. Because, right, the floor is the floor, right? So I remember that being kind of like, oh, that’s odd. Because, you know, again, most, most planners, they kind of they go, they get social security in place. And then they say, Okay, what’s the total return? What’s the best optimal way to get the portfolio through the all the retirement years, but it’s much more nuanced than that. And I think, you know, it’s important to understand that.

Tim Ulbrich  39:54

And that’s why for the pharmacists that are listening, that are working for an employer, like the VA or whoever that still has a pension plan, be grateful for that. They’re not they’re not common, but it’s gonna play a huge role when it comes to building that floor  and creating that retirement paycheck. We’ve got lots more retirement questions. I’m gonna hit pause there. We’ll tackle more of those in future episodes, we’ve done a lot of information in a short period of time again, we got more resources. If you’re listening to this, and I want to learn more, make sure to check out the YFP podcast again, we’ll link to some of these older episodes in the show notes. You can go back and learn more, we’ve got more information on the YFP blog as well. We have more webinars that will be forthcoming related to retirement retirement planning that Tim and the rest of the team will be leading. So be on the lookout for those as well. For those that are listening and said, Hey, I really could use some one on one help with a qualified, certified financial planner, we’d love to have the opportunity to talk with you to learn more about your situation to see whether or not what we offer is a good fit in the form of fee only financial planning and or tax planning. If you’re interested in a discovery call with Tim Baker to learn more about the services, you can go to yourfinancialpharmacist.com you’ll see a link there to book a discovery call. Thanks so much for listening, Tim. Great stuff. We’ll catch you again next week.

Tim Baker  41:03

Sounds good.

Tim Ulbrich  41:06

Before we wrap up today’s show, I want to again thank this week’s sponsor of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast, First Horizon. We’re glad to have found a solution for pharmacists that are unable to save 20% for a down payment on a home. A lot of pharmacists in the YFP community have taken advantage of First Horizon’s pharmacist home loan, which requires a 3% downpayment for a single family home or townhome for first time homebuyers and has no PMI on a 30 year fixed rate mortgage. To learn more about the requirements for First Horizon’s Pharmacist Home Loan, and to get started with the pre approval process, you can visit yourfinancialpharmacists.com/home-loan again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan. 

Tim Ulbrich  41:51

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YFP 369: 10 Common Tax Blunders To Avoid (From 2023 Filings)

Sean Richards, CPA and Director of YFP Tax, talks about the 10 common tax blunders he saw and how to remedy those mistakes to optimize taxes in the year ahead.

Episode Summary

July might not seem like the time of year to think about your taxes, but for Sean Richards, CPA and Director of YFP Tax, it’s a great time to make projections for the year ahead and remedy any blunders from last year’s return. 

Reviewing 10 common mistakes he saw made with taxes in 2023, Sean breaks down ways to optimize your tax plan from utilizing HSAs, to adjusting withholdings, to making sure any side-income is planned for appropriately. Sean’s biggest piece of advice: planning ahead can help avoid these mistakes and can optimize your tax situation.

About Today’s Guest

Sean Richards, CPA, received his undergraduate degree in Corporate Finance and Accounting, as well as his Master of Accountancy, from Bentley University in Waltham, MA. Sean has been a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) since 2015 and is currently pursuing his Enrolled Agent certification. Prior to joining the YFP team, Sean was the Senior Treasury Manager at PRA Group, a global debt buyer based in Norfolk, VA. He began his career at American Tower Corporation where, over 10 years, he held several positions in audit, treasury and accounting.

As the Director of YFP Tax, Sean focuses on broadening the company’s existing tax planning and preparation operations, as well as developing and launching new accounting offerings, including bookkeeping, payroll, and fractional CFO services.

Key Points from the Episode

  • Tax blunders and optimizing tax situations with a CPA and tax director. [0:00]
  • Common tax mistakes and how to avoid them. [3:13]
  • Tax planning strategies and common blunders to avoid. [9:33]
  • Optimizing retirement contributions and HSA benefits. [12:59]
  • Tax deductions and filing status, with a focus on maximizing savings. [17:31]
  • Tax planning strategies for side income sources. [22:05]
  • Tax blunders to avoid, including not making estimated tax payments. [26:14]
  • Tax planning for small business owners, including extension deadlines and investment activity. [32:18]
  • Tax planning and law changes, including energy credits and potential future rate increases. [35:44]
  • Tax planning for pharmacists and households across the country. [41:34]

Episode Highlights

“Doing a projection mid year and identifying that you’re going to have a surprise bill or refund at the end of the year, or at least beginning to see that it’s trending in that direction allows you to begin fixing all those problems before they even become problems.” -Sean Richards [7:38]

“For small business owners or for a side hustle, when we’re doing projections about where you expect the business to land in profit and loss this year, and you have a pretty good idea, or at least you hope you do. But that can always change for anybody, not none of us can see the future. But the point here is, at least giving it some thought and trying to come up with a number and planning accordingly.” – Sean Richards [24:16]

“It all comes down to planning. To the extent you’re able to identify any kind of gaps in where you expect to owe money at the end of the year and can close them now whether that’s making estimated payments directly to the IRS or adjusting your withholdings, it’s much better to fix it now and get ahead of it.” – Sean Richards [31:57]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich  00:00

Hey everybody, Tim Ulbrich here and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. On today’s episode, I welcome CPA and YFP Director of Tax, Sean Richards, onto the show to discuss the 10 most common tax blunders that he saw pharmacists making during the recent tax season so that you can avoid these mistakes and optimize your tax situation. To learn more about our tax and accounting services you can visit yfptax.com. Alright, let’s jump into my interview with YFP Director of Tax Sean Richards.

Tim Ulbrich  00:41

Sean, welcome back to the show.

Sean Richards  00:43

Thanks for having me. It’s always a pleasure to be here.

Tim Ulbrich  00:46

So have you had a chance to recharge, recover? It’s now July. Tax season is behind us. But I know that work can linger on, that’s the nature of the business. How are you feeling at this point in the year?

Sean Richards  00:58

Yeah, I’m feeling good. Projection season. I mean, by the time this comes out, we’ll probably be in full swing there. But our projection season is going to be kicking off soon for most folks. But again, you know, we have some folks that are more complicated that we’re still kind of wrapping up 2023. Now, all by design, that’s where we’re taking the time in the summer where other accountants might be sleeping, I am catching up on some sleep, but also using the time to wrap up some of the more complicated returns, make sure we’re optimizing things for those folks. Maybe those projections are a little bit later in the year. So yeah, I’m feeling pretty good. I mean, there’s a little bit 23 stuff still in the works, but mostly close the book there. Looking a lot towards 24 and even 25 and beyond. So feeling refreshed.

Tim Ulbrich  01:38

Well, I’m convinced you’re gonna look back at this season of life as a blur at some point. I mean, you got young kids, tax season and owning business in that season. That’s a lot going on at once. So kudos to you and the work that you and the others have been doing on the team. So give us a rundown. You mentioned there’s some work still to be done individual business extensions. That would include Tim and myself as well. So we’re a couple of the stragglers, but how many returns have you in the team done this year on the federal and state side?

Sean Richards  01:50

On the federal side, we’ve probably locked down about 160 returns or households at least. So you got to factor in that you’re gonna have, you know, if you’re filing separate there, that’s that’s double on those returns. And then for each one of those, I mean, I’d say for each one, you probably average at least a state, because some folks have more states, some folks are in states like New Hampshire that don’t have state income taxes. So probably at least double that on the state side. And then you know, some some couple dozen or not, maybe not a couple of those in but a few business returns on top of that, and yeah, it definitely adds up quite a bit. So there’s only a couple hanging out there right now. If you’re listening, by the time you’re listening, you’re probably actually going to be filed unless you’re Tim Baker and haven’t submitted any of your documentation yet, but everybody else should be all set by the time you’re hearing this. So yeah, we did quite a bit this year. Maybe not as many number wise as before, but definitely, you know, more complex returns where we’re able to get in there and really do that maximization during the year. It’s awesome. 

Tim Ulbrich  03:13

does Ohio still win the award for the most difficult state to deal with? Or do we have a new winner this year? 

Sean Richards  03:20

No, Ohio still number one, as far as most difficult, just given the different municipalities and how you know, some of them are part of the RITA system some of them are completely not not the worst as far as the worst state tax liability that probably be somewhere out west California, Oregon’s up there but yeah, Ohio, I think still is the most annoying. 

Tim Ulbrich  03:41

Our tax liability here in Ohio very friendly, especially for small business owners. Grateful for that. But the bureaucracy of the RITA system, known as the regional income tax authority, shout out to them for listening wish I can assure you they’re not listening. But makes it very difficult because not everyone is in a RITA and just the complexities of dealing with that. So certainly feel for you and others during the season when you’re dealing with the nuances of a system like that. So anyways, not what we’re here to talk about. Let’s jump into the most common mistakes that you saw pharmacists making, the blunders during the tax season. Really an opportunity for us to learn and opportunities, were in the middle of the year. And we’ll talk about the importance of doing projections and looking ahead, but as we hear some of these common mistakes or blunders, it’s a great reminder of what tax planning can we be doing throughout the year. So we’ve compiled 10 I’m sure there’s many more and there’s some layers within each one of these but let’s jump into our list number one, on the list. Perhaps the most common probably will always be the most common is getting a surprise bill or refund at filing. What’s the usual cause here, Sean of some of these unwelcome surprises.

Sean Richards  04:56

And the reason we always have this number one we probably always will unless there’s some sort of broad tax reform in this country is that there’s so many different things that can cause that to happen, that I couldn’t even begin to answer. I mean, I can give some examples, you know, you could under withhold, you could have a side gig and not have, not plan accordingly. But, I mean, we have 10 things on this list, or I guess nine, not including that first one. And they all can kind of result in that number one issue of getting that big refund back, which, you know, that one might surprise some folks, because you might hear that and think, Well, what’s wrong with getting a huge refund back. But if you’re getting $5,000, back in April, that’s $5,000, that you could have been utilizing more efficiently, evenly throughout the course of the year. So you know, that side or the worst side, even, you know, the other opposite is owing that at the end of the year, and nobody wants to have that. So there’s just so many different things. We’re gonna hit on a bunch of them while we talk through this. But I mean, to even start talking about what the causes of that could be. I could be here all day. 

Tim Ulbrich  06:00

Endless possibilities, we’ll get to those throughout the list of 10 of where the most common ones are coming from. As you mentioned, it’s the surprise bill that causes the most pain, right? Even though this year, the number of people that reached out to us post tax deadline, say, hey, I’m interested in learning about what you offer for tax services. If they came after the tax filing deadline, I can assure you that most of them were because, hey, I just got through that that was a mess. I owed money. I don’t want to ever do that again. Right. So the good news is, there are remedies to that problem. There are solutions we can put in place, there are planning that can be done. And changes are going to happen. You know, as we think about the things that can result in those surprise bills that might be causing that to be the case. And so we can with diligent planning, be able to make sure hopefully, that doesn’t happen again in the future. So to that point number two on our list, which is the remedy to the surprise biller refund. Number two is not performing a tax projection. And Sean, talk to us about why this is important, when the projection should happen, what we’re looking at in doing that projection, and to be frank, most people aren’t doing this. 

Sean Richards  07:10

Most people aren’t. I mean, pretty much anybody I talked to who’s not a client working with us, has never really even heard of doing this or they’ve done something like it, but it’s not as formal of a process. And it may not be fair to start with number one being the overarching problem for all tax returns. And then number two sort of being the solution. And if you didn’t do that, that’s our, our issue. But frankly, I mean, not doing this piece really is the biggest second issue because doing a projection mid year and identifying that you’re going to have a surprise bill or refund at the end of the year, or at least beginning to start to see that it’s trending in that direction allows you to begin fixing all those problems before they even become problems really. And so a tax projection is basically just doing a little bit of an estimate of what your your where you expect your tax return to be at filing time. And as silly as that sounds or as simple as it sounds, it’s not something that a lot of people do. And a lot of it’s because you know, tax returns, there’s a lot of complicated or not complicated, but there’s just a lot of different inputs that come into it, you have your credits and your deductions, and you have various sources of income and having all those pieces kind of in your brain and trying to think about how they’re all being covered off. And then getting to the end of the year. And throwing it all on paper is is just chaotic. So doing something around this time of year, or at least mid year for your kind of tax cycle. So if you’re filing every year around tax day, or in the springtime, mid year, July, August, great time to be doing it. If you’re maybe extending and you’re more complicated, and you’re filing a little bit later in the year, you know, you can kind of flex accordingly. But basically, you want to give yourself enough time where you’ve seen enough of the year that you know kind of what’s been going on, what you expect to have happen throughout the rest of the year and maybe even early next year. But you also have enough time to make adjustments based on that. So you don’t want to do it too early. You also don’t want to do it too late. And ideally, you want to have your prior year return kind of solidified and everything to use as a basis. So yeah, I mean, again, it’s it sounds like a simple kind of concept. But it’s something that a lot of people don’t do, and just that one little activity will open up so many areas for you to improve your tax situation every year. It’s outstanding. 

Tim Ulbrich  09:33

These are the situation that again, there are endless possibilities. Right. You know, I’m thinking of the common ones that I’ve heard you talk about, hey, we bought a rental property. We switched jobs, you know, significant change in income. Got married. We had a child. Started a business, a side hustle. I mean, there’s there’s so many things that can adjust and change what our tax liability is going to be. I mean, I just lived this firsthand with you, Sean. As we think about our situation, we pay quarterly estimated taxes when it comes to the business income. When went to go make our first quarter payment, you know, we did kind of rough rough calculations number. We’ve got a well oiled machine process system that you’ve helped us develop internally. Made that payment. And then we said, hey, when we get to the quarter to like, based on what happened last year, my individual situation, I’ve got four kids single, single income in the household, let’s do a projection. And then from there, figure out what is the amount that we should be looking at based on Q2. And the reason why that was really important in my own plan is, as we had suspected, I probably didn’t need to make a Q2 payment or a very big one, because of what we made in Q1 and what the liability was projecting to be for the rest of the year. So to your point, we’ve got to have that return, complete or near complete. We’ve got to have some idea of what may or may not be coming here in the second half of the year. And then you’ve got some cool software that you can run some analyses. And we can put a visual to this, which I think really helps people understand how the tax liabilities work and how we want to think about making these payments.

Sean Richards  11:02

Yeah, I agree seeing it visually and kind of understanding Ah, okay, that’s where that comes into the equation. And this is where this is going to kind of fall into it. And I mean, even something like that. My first question back to you is, you know, what do you expect? I mean, I guess the answer is coming from me as your accountant. But what do you expect your business to have in profit or loss at the end of the year? And a lot of people don’t even really think about the fact that they have to answer that question first before we can even get to that. So it really starts getting you thinking about all the different inputs that ultimately work their way into that one little line on your return.

Tim Ulbrich  11:05

And this is where you can see like, hey, if we pull the lever, and we max out the HSA, or we put money into more into the traditional 401k, whatever might be the outcome, like what does it actually change when we get to the bottom and we look at the tax liability. So really powerful if we can get that projection process in place. So that was number two on our list of 10 common tax blunders to avoid. Number three on list is undervaluing the power of the HSA. We’ve talked at length on this show about health savings accounts. We’ll link to in the show notes our previous episodes on HSAs. Talk to us, Sean, it surprises me a little bit to be honest, that we’re still seeing the HSA be underutilized.

Sean Richards  12:16

Yeah, I think it’s one of those things and I think you, you certainly don’t see it once you’re kind of working with us. And you’ve been able to kind of see the power, hear us talk about it, or visually show, hey, this is what could have been or anything like that. But I think it really kind of comes down to sort of just the education in the country broadly about some of these things like 401K, HSA kind of everything. You know, you get thrown into your first job out of college, and you have to sign 1000 pieces of paper in your onboarding stuff from HR and put you know what percentage of this you want and traditional Roth and all these numbers kind of get thrown out there, and you lose the benefits or you think, hey, maybe I’ll I’ll throw some percentage here and some percentage here and some percentage here. And that’s, you know, obviously a pretty good strategy as far as spreading things out and stuff, but HSAs have a triple tax benefit. Most if any other retirement vehicles have that. So by not maximizing that HSA, if you have that available to you, you’re really losing out, even if you are kind of spreading the love to other places first, I mean, you want to really be able to get that triple benefit there before you start going elsewhere. So when I say triple tax benefit, when you make your contributions this year, or if they’re coming out of your paycheck, that’s a tax deduction, or it’s coming out of your taxable income, reducing your taxable income, the growth of the investment tax free. And then when you take it out, assuming it’s for qualified expenses, also tax free. So usually you’re getting one maybe two of those, like you tax free now, but then you pay the tax in the future, or vice versa. This is the only one that has that that triple, so it’s awesome. The one thing I will say there is that on the flip side, I’ll see plenty of times where you know, you get excited and sign up for the first time and might miss you know, you’re working a couple jobs or something and over contribute. So it as long as it’s something that you catch, not a problem, we can fix that even if we get past the end of the year, you know, you can have those things returned. But something to try to get ahead of, as I say with great power comes great responsibility. So a lot of power with the HSA. But rules just like everything else to keep track of and limits and everything. So you just want to make sure that you’re staying on top of those two.

Tim Ulbrich  14:28

Yeah, tracking expenses, are they qualified, making sure you’re using it appropriately? All important things. You know, I like to refer to the HSA as a legal tax avoidance vehicle. Right. So that’s a good one. To your point, we don’t see that in other accounts. And so, you know, I think there’s always the debate of, Hey, am I actually going to potentially need these funds for qualified health care expenses, and if so great, we can get the tax benefits. If not, and or I’m not projecting that I’m gonna need it, then there’s some options to use this as, you know what we call kind of a stealth IRA potentially, another option when it comes to long term savings and investing. Alright, so that’s number three. undervaluing the power of the HSA on our list of 10 Common tax blunders to avoid. Number four is not optimizing retirement contributions. Tell us more here. 

Sean Richards  15:21

So, that kind of follows the HSA thing, as you were sort of alluding to there. And HSA is kind of like a retirement vehicle. It’s sort of intended as being used for health expenses, but it can also kind of be used as a retirement vehicle. So that is, can fall under this umbrella. But what I’m talking about here is, you know, you hear IRAs, 401Ks. Another great example of where you start your first job, they start throwing all these things out at you, you know that there’s tax benefits, you know that you should be putting money into these things, but how to actually optimize that. And not only that, but how to actually optimize it for whatever your broader financial strategy is. Because I’ll have folks come to me and say, Hey, should I max out my 401K? Well, first off, do you mean traditional 401k? Or do you mean Roth 401k? Traditional, you’ll have the tax savings now, Roth you get in the future. And you know, that begins to go back to well, though, the question that I’ll get is, Well, which one should I do? And the answer is, you know, what is your broader financial plan? Where do you think you’re going to be? I mean, I’ll tell you now, as the tax guy, traditional 401k is going to give you the tax savings now, you look good, I guess, when we do our returns, but is that really what’s going to be the best for you and your financial situation, given where you expect to be in the future. So knowing that breakdown, I mean, even just I talk about IRAs and 401K’s people use those interchangeably. They’re very, very different. They’re very, very similar. They have, you know, similar components, where you have traditional and Roth to choose from, you can have pre tax components and non pre tax components. But they’re very different in the sense that there’s different limits that apply to them. There’s different phase outs, whether you’re in, you know, make more income and everything. So just understanding even Hey, what, what options do you have? Let’s start with that. And then from there, what are your financial goals? And how can we make the options available to you best suit those financial goals? So there’s just a lot being left on the table there. And I think it all comes back to you know, not planning ahead of time. 

Tim Ulbrich  17:26

And Sean, your your example of you know, when somebody comes to you and says, Hey, should I do Roth? Should I do traditional? And you say, it depends without saying it depends, like Tim Baker says it depends. But that’s really what you’re getting to is it does depends, because we can’t make that decision in a silo. And this is why we believe so much in the value of having a CFP and a CPA on your team that can communicate and talk with one another and really look at these decisions, you know, as you’re making a decision on what investment contribution or if you’re approaching retirement, and you’re thinking about the withdrawal phase that has tax implications, has planning implications, you put those two together, and we can start to look at the whole picture and make that decision that’s optimal. Number five, I’m curious about this one, Sean. So you’re referring to number five as quote, wasting itemized deductions? I’m curious, because it feels like with the rise in the amount of the standard deduction, that itemized deductions maybe aren’t as prevalent or common. So what are you referring to here?

Sean Richards  18:27

Well, that actually is what you just said, is actually one of the things that I’m kind of getting at there. And that’s kind of not factoring in the fact that the standard deduction is getting higher every year, and it kind of continues to go that way. And so, you know, traditionally, we’ve all kind of had this idea of once you buy a house, you’re gonna itemize deductions, and you have all these sort of miscellaneous deductions that come into play. But a few years ago with the the tax law changes, and the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, a lot of that stuff went away, and a lot of the deductions were either limited or or outright removed in favor of that standard reduction going up. And when I say wasting, you know, there’s a couple of different things here, but particularly, what you just said is, if you have a lot of itemized deductions, but they don’t hit that standard deduction amount, and you end up still taking the standard deduction, which is what we would typically do, you know, barring any other kinds of reasons why we couldn’t, a lot of folks feel like they’ve lost their itemized deductions. They’re like, wait a minute, wait a minute. So you’re telling me I, I put $1,000 towards charity last year, I paid this much toward my mortgage, and I paid this much in taxes, and I’m not, I don’t get credit for that?

Tim Ulbrich  19:35

That’s what the standard deduction is! 

Sean Richards  19:36

Yeah. And it’s hard to say, you know, you don’t get credit for it. But the standard deduction is more, so we’re going to take that and, you know, that’s, that’s what’s gonna give you the best savings. Now, there are ways to maximize that if you do kind of look at it ahead of time. You might have the ability to do something that we call bunching where you say, hey, let’s try to pull itemized deductions into one year and itemize then and then have less than another year and take advantage of that higher standard deduction. Or you know, you have PSLF is a huge thing, right, of course, with pharmacists. And typically when we have folks that are doing PSLF, we want to look at filing status and potentially filing separately. And when you file separately, you that brings in new itemized deduction, when you itemize, your spouse can’t take the standard deduction, vice versa. So you have situations there where you have one spouse that’s paying a bunch towards mortgage interest. But at the end of the day, you both take the standard deduction, there’s just a lot of things that can kind of come into play there. And that’s one of the ones that you really don’t have a lot of flexibility with after the fact. I mean, that’s the case with a lot of tax stuff. But this in particular is one of those things that you really want to think about it ahead of time, like where what filing status, are we going to be possibly filing as, what’s the standard deduction, what do we have for itemized deductions and try to maximize it as best you can? Because there’s nothing worse than telling somebody, yeah, that money that you donated, I mean, it’s great for you morally, but it’s not gonna help your taxes this year.

Tim Ulbrich  21:04

So Sean, let’s talk about bunching a little bit more, I think this is something we’re seeing more common among our clients and questions, and maybe just an awareness and an education about who this might be a good fit for. So if I’m following this correctly, if we if we look to 2024, the standard deduction for married filing jointly is going up to $29,200. So if someone’s listening, and they were to itemize, which again, it wouldn’t make sense if it’s below the $29,200. But if they weren’t itemizing, it’s $25k, $26k, $20k. Somewhere in that range, or ish, like, that’s where you start to look at and say, Oh, are there opportunities that, hey, maybe some of the giving we have planned for next year, or other things that we could push into this year? Maybe we itemize one year? And then the next year we go standard? Am I following that? right? 

Sean Richards  21:50

Exactly. And it’s one of those things, this is an example where the visual, I think, makes the most sense, because we can put a couple examples next to each other and say, like, Hey, this is what it’ll look like if we take the standard deduction every year. But this is what it looks like if we sort of shift these things around. And for some folks, you might not even have the ability to make those changes, right. Like if you’re, if the primary driver of your itemized deductions is your mortgage interest, and you’re not really doing any charitable contributions, there’s only so much you can really do about your mortgage, that I mean, maybe you can prepay interest or something, but that’s not going to change a lot. You have other folks who may have, you know, mortgage or lower mortgage interest, taxes get capped at 10k, too, as of right now, with the with the law changes I was talking about earlier. But you also so you might have some people who have a huge number of charitable contributions, and they can pull that lever and like you were kind of saying, hey, maybe we pull them into this year, or defer to next year. But the big thing I’ll say there is that a lot of people will then kind of come back to me and say, well, that doesn’t fit my giving strategy. I, I do a certain percentage every month, and it goes that way. And I don’t want to change that because that would change, you know, the way that the church is able to use my money or something like that. And that’s perfectly fine. I just want to have those discussions ahead of time, and be all on the same page and say, Hey, we’re making this decision for a reason, not looking back and saying, ah wish we had done this, you know, last year, maybe next year.

Tim Ulbrich  23:20

As we talked about all the time on the financial planning side of the business, right? financial decisions, or combination of the math, and how do we emotionally feel about those decisions, right? Same thing here, we might look at the giving strategy and say, You know what, we’re willing to give up a little bit of potential tax savings, because we want to give in this matter, so be it. Let’s just look at the options and what we have available. Number six is not saving for taxes when earning additional income. I’m laughing because I know this comes up all the time where you know, side hustlers, new business owners, people that are launching something, they’ve got some revenue, and then there’s a oh, crap moment, right?

Sean Richards  23:52

Yeah. And this one is tough because I mean, no one has a crystal ball. Right? So as I was just saying on one of the ones before, my question to you, when we’re doing projections is where you expect the business to land in profit and loss this year, and you have a pretty good idea, or at least you hope you do. But that can always change for anybody, not none of us can see the future. But the point here is, at least giving it some thought and trying to come up with a number and planning accordingly. And the biggest thing I would say here is not only just thinking about it, kind of in a one track mind, really thinking about the many different implications that side income can have. If you have self employment income, you’re going to have regular ordinary income tax on that just like you would if you’re working a W2 job, but you’re also going to have self employment tax on that, which is basically the government’s way of saying hey, we want the FICA that you’d be paying, we’re withholding as an employee and the FICA that you usually don’t see your employer pay for you in a W2 job. And that’s, you know, 17%. So all of a sudden you have that plus your ordinary income tax rate and you’re looking at 30 something percent at the end of the year. And now again, there’s different deductions that come into play, there’s a lot more that go into the broader calculation, but at least you know, getting ahead of that and saying, Okay, I’m expecting my business to earn 50k this year of of net profit. I’m going to have to pay income tax on that, self employment tax on that, state tax on that, at least saying, Alright, this is what I expect my liability to be at the worst. And putting aside a percentage of that or something. Again, and I probably sound like a broken record, it all comes back to planning and projecting and thinking ahead, because nobody wants to get to the end of the year and have their accountant say, Awesome work. First time, you know, doing the side gig, you made a bunch of money, now you owe a bunch of taxes. So again, just getting ahead of that putting the money aside, doing the math on it, thinking about those other taxes. If it’s rental income, you don’t have self employment tax, but you have passive loss limitations. So if you have a rental property, and you have a lot of losses there, you’re not necessarily going to be able to take those against your active income because of different limitations. So probably now starting to put people to sleep. But it all goes back to really trying to think about where those other side income sources are, and what is possibly going to hit your return at the end of the year.

Tim Ulbrich  26:13

Yeah, and, you know, to be fair, we also have to be realistic, right? So for new business owners, new side hustlers, you know, you can only do so much planning. Now, once you’ve got a couple years under your belt, you kind of get an idea where things are going, you know, just like we do in the business, you do some projections, even then we get it wrong, but we’re within the realm, right, because we’ve done it for seven or eight years, when someone’s launching a brand new business, your side hustle, you know, they may think they’re going to earn $50,000. And they end up earning two. Or they think they’re going to earn two and earn 50. Because they just don’t know, right at that point. So I think in those cases, you know, you don’t have a great bookkeeping system, that’s going to take time for that to build up, of course, but the point being set aside a percentage of the income to be conservative, call it potential tax. And then as you get further along, there’s going to be more detail to be done and what those projections are, but just don’t spend it all and have nothing there for tax.

Sean Richards  27:08

Right. Just put something there. And the other thing that that you mentioned that I almost forgot about is the fact that I’m kind of just broadly saying, Hey, Tim, what’s your profit gonna be in your business at the end of the year? For a lot of folks, you know, just figuring that out is difficult, you might be able to say, hey, I have a client that’s going to pay me $10,000 this year. And so I’m going to $10,000 of income. Well, yeah, that’s true. But we’re also going to have expenses. And the first question I get are, well, what expenses can I deduct? So asking those questions now, and talking about the different things that are deductible, what fits as a legitimate business expense, all those things is much better than at the end of the year, sending me a 1099 and saying, Hey, I made 10 grand. I don’t have any expenses. Let’s try to figure it out. Right. It’s just trying to get ahead of those things and thinking about it now. That’s where you can start making decisions and not being reactive.

Tim Ulbrich  28:03

Number seven, on our list of common tax blunders to avoid, many of these coming from the 2023 filing year that we just wrapped up is not making estimated tax payments. And, you know, the question here being, I think, who does need to be making estimated tax payments and what’s the blunder here? 

Sean Richards  28:22

Yeah, and I probably could have reworded that a little bit. But estimated tax payments, it kind of follows right after the the question above in the sense that most folks here are probably going to be folks that earn additional income. And when I say additional income, I mean income from sources non W2 where you don’t have those withholdings. So typically you think you get your paycheck every two weeks. And the employer, the payroll company is withholding your share of FICA, federal income tax, state income tax and remitting that to the government. Because think about your least financially savvy friend at the end of the year, if they didn’t have that happening, would they be able to pay their taxes? Probably almost certainly not. Because I see a lot of financially responsible folks who are very, very well educated and great with their cash and they still struggle the to put money aside the end of the year, let alone you know, people who are completely struggling. So the government recognizes this. They want your your cash on a regular basis. And for most folks, that’s going to be withholdings. However, if your withholdings aren’t covering off for whatever reason, whether you’re not withholding enough at your W2 jobs, or as I said is more of the common case you have side income, you should be making estimated payments to supplement it. So the rough rule there is if you are going to owe $1,000 at filing time, you should be paying estimated taxes. The first question I would probably get from someone is am I expected to owe that? And then of course the answer is well, let’s do a projection and find out. But basically, yeah, once you do a projection if you’re looking at this, and you can do it multiple ways where you’re starting with your business, but whatever, you gotta you have to keep in mind all the different pieces, right? Like I, a lot of people will say, Hey, I have this business, how much should I put aside for it and just like the example we just talked about, if I told you to put aside 30% to cover off on your income tax and self employment tax or whatever, that’s not necessarily going to work for you because you might have a ton of credits from children or you might have, you might have bought an EV this year and are getting a big credit. So you have to think about all the components and then look at and say, All right, am I going to owe or am I not going to owe. And when you get to that point, if it’s if it looks like you’re going to owe more than $1,000, either adjust withholdings or you should be paying in regularly. So estimated taxes is basically whatever that balance is that you expect to owe. They just want you to pay that in evenly quarterly throughout the year. It’s not perfectly quarterly because the IRS can’t be that easy about things. But it’s basically saying, Hey, we don’t have withholdings, so send us in that piece that you’re missing, that you should be withholding every few months to supplement. The one big thing I will say here is that a lot of folks will assume, hey, and especially with extensions, right? If you and I’ll say this till the day I die, if you file an extension, it gives you six months to file, but not to pay your ta liability. Like a lot of folks will say, as long as I pay my tax liability by tax day, I’m good to go no matter what. I mean, even if I do an extension, as long as I pay that money, then I’m fine. But the piece that I try to hammer home for folks is that even throughout the year kind of thing, the quarterly thing I was mentioning, so if you’re expected to owe 10 grand, and you go at the end of the year and pay that in April, when you file, the IRS is going to be angry and say hey, you should have been paying that in the year here. And they’re going to slap you. Yeah. So again, broken record, all comes down to planning. But to the extent you’re able to identify any kind of gaps in where you expect to owe money at the end of the year and can close them now whether that’s making estimated payments directly to the IRS or adjusting your withholdings, it’s much better to fix it now and get ahead of it. Then the flip side and trying to you know, request a penalty abatement in the back end.

Tim Ulbrich  32:18

Yeah, just to reinforce a an important point you made, Sean, is that if you do file an extension, which to be clear, like is not a bad thing. 

Sean Richards  32:26

Not at all whatsoever. 

Tim Ulbrich  32:28

Yeah, we really believe as we say over and over again and right over rushed. And there’s a value in the extension process. But that is not a pass on paying your tax that is due. So there’s work that has to be done, when you go to file that extension to figure out like, Hey, do we have a tax liability due, so we can make that payment, but we’re giving ourselves an extended time to be able to finish everything up and actually get the return in.

Sean Richards  32:52

And I mean, that might have even been an extreme example, like if you didn’t file an extension, even which again, I think extensions are one of the most underutilized things in the tax code. But if you didn’t do that, and you still owed at the end of the year and paid all that money in on December 31, the IRS is still going to be mad because they’re still going to say you should have been paying it in January, February, March, April. So the name of the game here is just making sure that you’re not ever getting too far away from where you expect your tax liability to be and what you’ve paid in any given point in the year. 

Tim Ulbrich  33:26

Which is why for the small business owner listening, this is why it is so important to have a system that is operationalized in your business where you have books and records that are being kept, whether it’s quarterly, whether that’s monthly, whatever your business needs, and you’re able to then use that information to feed into what you need to be making in terms of those estimated payments. So I’ll preach that. And I’ll preach it saying, Hey, we have it’s taken us a while to kind of figure this out. And to get into this rhythm and it’s not going to be perfect. It’s going to be you know, messy as you’re developing it. But so important over time as you get some stability in the business to have that type of system and predictability. Number eight on the list is overlooking investment, activity. Activity being the key word here, right?

Sean Richards  34:11

Yeah, so this is a lot I could you know, another example of one where I could spend a whole session or whole podcast going through this. But really, the big thing here is just thinking about the different types of investment activity that you may have. And right like you just said activity is kind of the name of the game here. So just because you have investments doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to have a tax liability or any kind of tax implications associated with it. But thinking about what types of activity you had going on in a particular year and making sure you’re getting ahead of that is going to be crucial, especially now with all these different types of types of stock performance incentives that folks have so restricted stock units, RSUs; employee purchase, employee stock purchase programs, ESPP; ISOs, incentive of stock options. All these different things, they’re all great. It’s just one of those things where you want to make sure you’re at least understanding the tax implications beforehand, because for some of those, you know, you won’t actually have a any kind of thing to do necessarily, or liabilities to take care of until you actually go and sell some of those shares. Typically, that’s the case. But again, just understanding how that works, knowing that you might need to get additional information to your accountant, hopefully us, to be able to adjust basis for taxes that you’ve already paid. I’ve seen a lot of people who paid double on some of these things, because they already paid when they were when some of the stocks vested. And then kind of paid taxes on that a second time when they sold those, those stocks. So lots to think about there. I mean, there was higher interest rates last year across the board. So a lot of folks had higher investment income, like interest income and stuff, which is great. But again, just something you want to plan for, there’s usually no withholdings there, you start making good money, the net investment income tax comes in. So that’s just a little additional tax on investment income. But it’s one of those things where the more I talk about it, the more people are probably spinning their heads. But a lot of folks have a lot of different types of investments, whether you think you do or you don’t, you know, even just having a few bank accounts and a couple shares of stocks here and there is enough that if you’re making moves on those, those can really affect your taxes. So just making sure you’re taking advantage of anything. And again, really think about the activity that you had in a year. What did I do? Did I sell anything? Did I buy anything? Did I convert anything? That kind of stuff.

Tim Ulbrich  36:36

We don’t typically think about, you know, interest in high yield savings accounts as being significant enough, right, that we have to plan for it. As you mentioned, we don’t have withholdings, right, that come out of your high yield savings account interest. However, when we think about this past year, especially people may have higher amounts in those accounts for people listening to that $50, $100, $150,000 across high yield savings accounts, earning four and a quarter, four and a half percent. That adds up pretty quickly.

Sean Richards  37:01

That’s literally what it is like, and, you know, we would do projections and get really, really close for folks, but be off by you know, a few $1,000 at the end of the year and looking at and saying, Hey, what what was often our, or what did we miss in our in our assumptions when we were looking at this? And a lot of the times we’re under estimating just simple interest income because people had cash sitting in some of the high yield savings accounts. But if you’re in high tax brackets, and you have that net investment income tax coming in, all the sudden a few $1,000 of income is a few $1,000 of taxes. So yeah, not a bad thing. But just something you want plan for.

Tim Ulbrich  37:39

Number nine on our list of 10 Common tax blunders to avoid from the 2023 filings is misunderstanding some of the tax law changes. What what are you referring to here?

Sean Richards  37:49

Yeah, so this one is going to be a little kind of twofold. So typically, when I’ve been saying tax law changes, the biggest things in the past few years have been energy credits. So the Inflation Reduction Act that Biden signed a couple of years ago, really expanded a lot of EV, green, other types of energy efficient credits. And those have been awesome for many folks, lots of good tax savings there. Again, it expanded a lot of things that apply, and it got rid of a lot of the limits that used to apply for some of these things. So there’s a lot of savings to be had. And tax credits. This is that’s what all of these kind of EV and green credits are, they’re their credits, those are dollar for dollar savings against tax liability, as opposed to a deduction, which just reduces your taxable income and really only reduces your tax by the percentage of your of your rate. These are credits. So it’s bang for your buck, the big deal. The only thing I’ll say on the energy credit side is as much as there’s a lot of room to save, there’s a lot of misunderstandings of, hey, I bought a plug in or a hybrid last year. So where’s my tax credit? Well, some plug in hybrids count, but not all hybrids count. Or, you know, I did this work on my house. And I was expecting to only get this much of a credit, but oh, actually, it was solar. So it’s a 30% credit with no limit, you know, you can have the opposite side of that, and planning accordingly with those things. Again, not that it’s necessarily the worst thing in the world to have a big refund. But if you can think about it ahead of time and say, Hey, I’m buying an Eevee this year, and you know that you’re gonna get 7500 bucks back as a credit. Yep, there’s a pretty good chance you can adjust your withholdings this year and get some of that cash back now and not have to worry about it at the end of the year. The flip side, and this might begin to scare folks, but it is thinking about other kinds of broader tax law changes. And when I think about this, I think of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act sunsetting. Which it’s supposed to be doing in 2026 or at the end of 2025. So a lot of the was things I was talking about the itemized deduction changes, but one that people might not really even have remembered is the fact that tax brackets all went down when that happened. And in a couple of years, those are supposed to go back to the rates that they were. Will that happen? Who knows, we have no idea who will the President will be what, Congress’s makeup will be. But having an eye on that, and knowing at least now, hey, in two years, we’re expecting these rates are going to go up. So being able to plan accordingly and knowing that, hey, in two years, itemized deductions are going to change quite a bit, or the standard deduction is going to change. Getting ahead of those things. I know, it sounds crazy to be thinking a couple years out in the future. But when we’re talking about projections and thinking about pulling levers, those things actually do start to come into play. So I don’t want to scare folks. But it’s one of those things where, you know, all of a sudden, there’s sweeping tax changes, and it’s kind of swept under the rug because of all the other political turmoil and everything going on. So something Yeah, I just don’t want lost on folks. 

Tim Ulbrich  41:02

It’s interesting. You bring up Sean the tax cut and jobs, I remember the passage of that, and 2016, you know, I filed graduated 2008. So I graduated, filed several years before that was in place, but you don’t think about that, right? As well, when when it’s going in the favorable direction of what that means to cash flow. But it’d be interesting, and we’ll see politically what would happen. You know, you can imagine some of the turmoil if that were to go in the other direction and impact on what could be.

Sean Richards  41:29

Exactly and you know, for most folks, your withholdings likely will adjust accordingly. So you’re probably not going to end up with like a huge tax bill, so to speak. But there’s a pretty good chance that in a couple years, you’re going to be paying in more of every paycheck towards the government. Or even worse, if you have a side gig, you might be having a liability building up that’s bigger than it has been in previous years. And if you don’t have a system for saving, you’ll be in trouble.

Tim Ulbrich  41:30

All right on the homestretch number ten on our list, what would it be if we didn’t talk about some of the real annoying stuff under estimating state and local tax complexities. This is your favorite topic, Sean? 

Sean Richards  42:08

Yeah, it is, because we’re probably what I will maybe not one of the few firms. But you know, there’s not a ton of firms probably that are virtual like we are and work with clients across the entire country, a lot of tax and accounting firms tend to be kind of specific to a regional area. So I’m probably you know, in a smaller minority, in a minority of CPAs that deal with this, but it definitely comes up quite a bit with our client base. And I think that’s a notion of, you know, just people doing a lot of traveling and moving. But especially with a lot of the careers now and being able to work remote. You know, you have people working from home part time, full time you have people doing traveling nursing or even pharmacy related gigs like that. And anytime you’re doing work and you’re crossing state borders, there’s most likely tax implications associated with that. And does that mean that you’re going to necessarily have to pay tax in another state, if you were working there briefly, maybe, probably not. But just understanding the different rules around those things and being able to maximize them too. If you’re living in a state where you’re you’re working in a state and living in a state and one has a higher income tax rate than the other, but you have the ability to kind of choose your residency based on the tax rules, you know, that’s something that you’d want to do ahead of time. So just thinking about those different types of things, making sure you’re withholding enough. Local taxes. There’s other states besides Ohio, but Ohio being the biggest one there. I don’t understand how, folks, you know, just working a job down the street can keep up with all those things, but local taxes, understanding where you live, what the school district taxes are versus the residence town tax versus the city town, you know, all these different taxes, it can be overwhelming, just under estimating how complex some of that stuff can be not having a hand on the wheel. I just talked about all those nine things. And those can all be applied to the federal income tax return. We’ll apply them all to the state and local returns as well. So I’m sure folks living in Florida, Texas, Washington, New Hampshire all shut off. But people in Ohio probably crank the volume on that last one there. So definitely not something to take too lightly. 

Tim Ulbrich  44:22

This is timely, and I was knocking on RITA earlier, but we are dealing with a RITA issue this week. And you know, just some lingering things and it feels like every once in a while we’ll get random notices from them for those that have a business that you sell product, you got sales tax. I mean, there’s just so many layers of things to keep up with. 

Sean Richards  44:39

Exactly and it goes back to kind of understanding the tax calculation and how all these things go together. Yeah, and sometimes visually really is the best way to do that and seeing like if I send an email to someone and say, Hey, in Ohio, you have this federal tax you have this schedule C, you have self employment tax. You also have Ohio tax, that you RITA and then you have a tax where you work, but also where you live. And then you also have a school district tax. People are like, What are you talking about? But when you actually look at where it falls into returns, it makes a lot more sense. So doing that only once a year to me just isn’t sufficient given how complex I see these situations becoming.

Tim Ulbrich  45:19

As Sean mentioned, at YFP Tax, we work with pharmacists, households, and others all across the country. So we have a virtual paperless firm that we’re very proud of. We also obviously supplement that with our financial planning services, which most of our listeners are well familiar with that. If you want to learn more about our comprehensive year round tax planning, what’s involved with that, I think we’ve laid out the case of why that is a good fit and a service that many people should be thinking about. But if you want to determine if it’s a good fit for your situation, you get a YFPtax.com You can learn more and book a free discovery call with my partner, Tim Baker to determine whether or not that’s a service is the right fit for you, Sean, great stuff as always, we’ll be talking more tax throughout the year. Thanks for taking the time to come on.

Sean Richards  46:04

Yeah, thank you. Have a good one.

Tim Ulbrich  46:06

You too.

Tim Ulbrich  46:08

As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding material should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. Furthermore, the information contained in our archive newsletters, blog posts and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacists unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward looking statements, which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacists podcast. Have a great rest of your week.


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