YFP 365: Millionaire Theme Hour: From $0 to 7 Figure Pharmacist with Mike Byers

Mike Byers, PharmD shares how he was able to achieve financial freedom and replace his retail pharmacist income through savings and real estate investments.

Episode Summary

In this episode, Michael Byers, PharmD shares how he was able to achieve financial freedom and step away from his job as a retail pharmacist at age 42. Mike outlines how he went from a position of financial weakness to a position of financial strength through frugality and real estate investing. A father of two young boys, Mike talks about the importance of having options and flexibility in this season as he and his wife raise their family.

About Today’s Guest

Mike Byers is a 2008 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy. He spent 16 years as a retail pharmacist for Giant Eagle where he worked as a staff pharmacist, a pharmacy team leader and a floater. After successfully investing in real estate for over 10 years, Mike decided to take a break from pharmacy in 2023 to spend time with his wife and two young boys. He loves his family, houses, outdoor adventure, and trying to find the right balance between YOLO and delayed gratification.  He can be found on Instagram @DIYrentalGuy.

Key Points from the Episode

  • Pharmacist’s financial journey to seven figures, early retirement, and mindset shifts. [0:00]
  • Financial journey after graduation, including materialism, divorce, and saving for retirement. [5:59]
  • Saving money, investing, and finding balance in life. [13:58]
  • Real estate investing, personal growth, and overcoming setbacks. [23:17]
  • Building wealth through real estate investing and managing cash flow. [28:54]
  • Financial independence, real estate investing, and career development. [33:12]

Episode Highlights

“You have to be honest with yourself and say, what am I doing now? What is the result going to be? If I’m saving so much that it’s driving me crazy, the result is you’re going to go crazy. But for me, the end result was adventure.” – Mike Byers [20:51]

“I mean, just because you go down a path of a certain savings rate doesn’t mean you have to stay there, you can make adjustments.” – Mike Byers [21:41]

“What I’m looking at is that I have this money saved because I was diligent in being able to save, what does the next 10 years look like? Am I going to sacrifice weekends with my family and nights in order to have one or two extra million dollars?” – Mike Byers [32:07]

“And that’s something that you think about when you turn a certain age and you start wondering how much more do I really need to be comfortable after 65. I don’t want to be self-insuring myself if there’s an insurance product or an annuity that you can buy that would serve that same purpose.” – Mike Byers [32:52]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich  00:00

Hey everybody, Tim Ulbrich here and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. This episode we have a millionaire theme hour featuring Mike a 42 year old retired work optional pharmacist living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We discuss the highs and lows of his journey as he looks back, including how he felt trapped by big fixed expenses as a new graduate, why his early savings paid off big 20 years later, how his mindset shifted over time, why his real estate investing played an important role in his journey, ultimately replacing his pharmacist income, and why patience and short term frugality and sacrifice were key ingredients to his success. 

Tim Ulbrich  00:41

Now, before we jump into today’s episode, I have a hard truth for you to hear. Making a six figure income is not a financial plan. And we’ll hear that on today’s episode. Yes, you’ve worked hard to get where you are, yes, you’re earning to get income. But if you ever wondered, Am I on track to retire? How do I prioritize and fund all of these competing financial goals that I have? How do I plan financially for big upcoming life events and changes like moving, having a child, changing jobs, getting married, or retiring? And perhaps why am I not as far along financially at this point in my career, as I thought I would be? The answer may be that your six figure income is not a financial plan. Yes, as a pharmacist, you have an incredible tool in your toolbox and that’s your salary. But without a vision and an intentional plan that good income will only go so far. That’s in part why we started your financial pharmacists back in 2015. At YFP we support pharmacists at every stage of their career to take control their finances, reach their financial goals and build wealth through comprehensive fee only financial planning and tax planning. Our team of certified financial planners and tax professionals work with pharmacists all across the United States and helps our clients set their future selves up for success. While living a rich life today. You can learn more and book a free discovery call by visiting yourfinancialpharmacist.com/learn. Again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/learn. Alright, let’s jump into my interview with Mike. 

Tim Ulbrich  02:11

Mike, welcome to the show.

Mike Byers  02:13

Hey, I’m happy to be here.

Tim Ulbrich  02:14

Before we jump into your financial journey and the path of becoming a seven figure pharmacist, tell us more about your career in pharmacy. What led you into the profession? Where do you go to school? When did you graduate and the type that you have work you’ve been doing since? 

Mike Byers  02:28

I think I started off like most folks going from high school to college, I went to the University of Pittsburgh. I started there. And of course, I was thinking about medicine, dentistry, pharmacy as my options and I was thinking about the path to get there. I don’t quite know what I wanted to do. My life kind of hit a roadblock sophomore year, I have a condition called ulcerative colitis. And I had to drop out of school at that time. And for a semester I was in the hospital for 16 days. And after the end of it and being in the hospital and experiencing things firsthand, I said, I think being a doctor is too hard for me. I think it’s it’s just not in the cards for what I have going on. And I didn’t know at the time that this disease wouldn’t be a huge part of my life. I found medicines over the years to control things. But I was also still dating my high school sweetheart at the time. And oddly enough, her father was a pharmacist. He owned an independent pharmacy. And I thought why not. So I finished my undergrad, I got a degree in economics and also a minor in engineering. And I went to pharmacy school from there.

Tim Ulbrich  03:54

And after graduation, those that are native to your area or where I lived for 10 plus years in Northeast Ohio, they’ll recognize the name Giant Eagle, but others will not. So tell us more about the work that you’ve been doing with Giant Eagle after graduation. 

Mike Byers  04:09

Sure. So that was an exciting time to be in pharmacy school. I mean, you were going to school, you were learning things that were helping people and developing these skills and it was very fulfilling and the whole time, salaries were going up and you hear you would hear interesting things like the Alaska deal and all the things you’ve probably heard about it that time. But I did graduate and I worked for Giant Eagle. I was an intern there and stayed on as a staff pharmacist. I had some experience leading three different stores, which I learned a ton from and I was also floater and then staff again. So it was about 20 years from the time that I signed on as an intern to last year when I did resign.

Tim Ulbrich  04:59

Mike is a fellow 2008 grad. I graduated from Ohio Northern, I remember those times, right? It was the sign-on bonuses with the cars and classmates showing up with new cars in the parking lot and the Alaska deal, which I never saw on paper, but I heard of it as well. So we’ll share with our listeners, what is that all about? What I remember if it was, it was a big retail pharmacy chain that was offering a three year deal in Alaska for a million dollars. That’s what I remember the deal. 

Mike Byers  05:28

The only thing I remember is sitting in class and hearing somebody turn around in their seat and say, I heard this. I heard a million dollars, three years. I’m gonna do it. And then I’m going to retire. Yeah, so maybe that planted the seed for some kind of early retirement financial independence at that point. 

Tim Ulbrich  05:46

Nonetheless, it’s a very different time right here in 2024. So we’re going to dig into your current state of being a seven figure pharmacist achievement, financial independence, getting to this point of being work optional. We’ll talk about how you did that, and how real estate and traditional investments played into that. But I want to go all the way back to 2008 when you graduated with a net worth of zero, clean slate, no mounds of student loan debt, right, our listeners today are graduating $150k, $200k, you know, smaller debt loads, some might look at that and say, Hey, net worth, is your graduation, smooth sailing, but not so fast. Right? Tell us more.

Mike Byers  06:23

Yeah, before you throw tomatoes at the podcast, I did have a little bit of student debt. Which it was I mean, the difference between what I was making what I was spending, I can’t even remember how I paid it off. It was about $20,000. But I did go through a divorce, which cost some money, and I did have a real estate deal go south where I lost a lot of money. So I have had to dig myself out several times since 2008. But yes, I did. I did graduate with roughly a clean slate. And worked my way up to now where my passive income through real estate pretty much replaces my salary at 30 hours a week as a pharmacist.

Tim Ulbrich  07:13

What were some of the decisions, and we’ll dig deeper as we go throughout. But what were some of the decisions that you made early on as a new practitioner, you know, as it relates to car purchases and other things. You know, one of the things you shared with me prior to recording was that quote, “I became obnoxiously materialistic, which I partly blame for my marriage falling apart.” What do you mean by that? And how did this ultimately, you know, play into not only the financial plan, obviously the relationship but what would be the beginning of of, you know, that trench that you would eventually dig yourself out of.

Mike Byers  07:44

So like, like we mentioned, it was exciting times to graduate with bonuses. And we I graduated and I was married, we got married the last year of school during rotations. And we were living in her parent’s basement, not because we needed to financially, but because we weren’t sure where we were going to end up for her job. But I bought an Audi. A luxurious Audi. While it wasn’t even three months after I graduated, still living in my in-laws basement, bought this fancy new car. And it just seemed like the thing I was supposed to do. Long story short, I mean, we eventually moved. She got a job north of the city, we moved into a nice townhome rental. Not much longer after that, I’m on Zillow shopping for a nice, big, fancy house. So the fancy house came not much long after that. And I did become obnoxiously materialistic. And it wasn’t long after I moved into that house where I saw the house on the next street. He said, Gee, I wonder when or what it would take to get that bigger house. And that was just the way I was operating and had we not gotten divorced, I could still be operating that way. But it was just a mindset where I blame being really materialistic 10%. 90% we were young and ultimately not right for each other. But it wasn’t much longer after living in that house a couple of years where the bomb went off and divorced, trying to pick up the pieces again.

Tim Ulbrich  09:34

So you don’t go from that point to becoming a seven figure pharmacist by continuing that mindset and continuing those behaviors. So something shifted, something happened from a mindset and a behavior perspective. It sounds like that was the divorce. Tell us more about that.

Mike Byers  09:50

It absolutely was. I realized that I didn’t need a big house and a fancy car to be happy. I said the exact opposite – how little can I survive on? Or how little can I have material wise in order to live a happy life and I somehow found a studio apartment in the city, it was 350ish square feet. When my mom first saw it the first time, took her breath away, because it was just that small – the bedroom was in the kitchen. Yeah. And those were those were happy times. I lived that way for a couple years. And it felt really comfortable. But I still wasn’t saving. A couple years goes by and I’m like, well, kind of on this path where my rent is relatively cheap, my salary is relatively high. Why don’t I have a savings goal? Because I didn’t feel like I was doing the right thing at the time. So my goal that year, I think this was about 2012. So a couple years after divorce four years after graduating, I decided I wanted to save in addition to 401k, I wanted to save $2,000 a month. And each month I would play the game, if I wanted to buy something I worked extra. If it looked like I wasn’t going to hit my goal I cut back. And that’s what I did for that year to in addition to maxing out 401k to build up some cash savings.

Tim Ulbrich  10:11

So if I’m following correctly from jump street, you’re maxing out your 401k. So you’re leveraging the tax advantage account. And then you hit this point, shortly after the divorce four years into your pharmacy career. You’re in this studio apartment 350 square feet, and you realize, Hey, I’ve got an opportunity to more aggressively save. And so you set this target, which you know, to be on, I mean, $2,000 as a percentage of one’s take home pay, that’s a big chunk of money. And you see this a lot in the financial independence, retire early the FIRE community where there’s very aggressive savings rates, right, you’re in your early 40s. So to get to a net worth of seven figure plus, it’s going to take a substantial amount of savings to do that at an early age. So did your savings rate stay there? What did the trajectory look like as you were building that over time?

Mike Byers  12:21

So I hit that number, okay. And I was able to save about $25,000 that year. So I built up my cash savings. When I after going through the divorce, I didn’t have that cash savings. And I built that up and again, I kind of felt comfortable like, Hey, I hit that goal for that year, and I got a new apartment, that apartment had one bedroom. Not necessarily more happy in that apartment, but it was more expensive. And it seemed nicer. So at that point, it was a little more rent, and I wasn’t saving money and about a year had gone by and I said to myself, What am I what am I doing now? I mean, I had this surplus, and I was on a good path. So I for whatever reason started Googling. I figured it was taxes. I said I typed into Google, “single high earner how to save on taxes.” Okay, so real estate comes up. And I’d always been interested in homes. I love home remodeling and you know, watching a little bit too much HGTV at the time. But the next day, my friend came over to watch a football game. Oddly enough, he says my mom was thinking about selling the duplex. I had known him in college. And my ears perked up because why not? So, long story short, I fell ass backwards into owning a duplex. 

Tim Ulbrich  13:58

Little house hack. 

Mike Byers  13:59

Yeah. House hack. Yeah. 

Tim Ulbrich  14:01

How did  that one work out? Tell us about that is an investment property?

Mike Byers  14:06

I mean, it was it was a huge learning curve. So I said yes. I said I contacted his mom. We did the whole thing without an agent. It needed a lot of repairs and the whole thing flooded while we were in escrow. The pipes burst it was during winter the heat wasn’t on. So I had to jump into renovating and immediately kind of learning how to increase the value of the property. So I did that. And you know, I went from a studio apartment to half of a duplex even though it didn’t have air conditioning. It felt I mean, I felt amazing. I renovated it. It was nice. And I was just living in the duplex I was charging downstairs rent that mostly covered my mortgage. And it was shortly after that time when I discovered Mister Money Mustache. I’m sure a lot of people that you’ve talked to have started that or had that at some point in their journey. But that’s when things really started to go pretty quickly and I’d love to talk about that experience.

Tim Ulbrich  15:25

Yeah, and we’ll dive into that deeper and we’ll link in the show notes and Mister Money Mustache. For those that aren’t already familiar, I suspect many people are, great resource great blog will also link to other episodes, we talked about house hacking for those that that’s a new term. The idea is that you typically lots of different ways to house hack but you know, the most common we live in a duplex triplex or quad, you live in one unit, and you rent out the remaining units, obviously trying to generate income streams and hopefully cover a portion or majority of your mortgage payment in turn your what you think of often separately, your primary residence and then investment properties, bundle those together. And there’s some creative financing strategies of ways that you can, you can do that. And I want to come back in a little bit to talk more about real estate because I know it’s been such a big part of your plan. I do want to go back to the savings rate piece because I know you started with that $2,000 month goal. You shared with me in advance that eventually you’re pushing that up closer to $4000 to $5,000 a month. A lot of pharmacists hear these aggressive savings rates. And they’re like, how? Right, how? You know, you think of a typical pharmacists income, take home pay $7000 to $7500, maybe $8,000 a month, depending on what they do. You look at large fixed costs, like house, cars, student loan payments, daycare, childcare, other expenses. And we work with many pharmacists where there’s just not a whole lot of margin, at least in current expenses. So give us a little bit more of the behind the scenes of how you were able to actually allocate a large percentage of your income? What sacrifices did that require? And then where were you putting that money? I heard early on it was cash savings beyond the 401k. But was that in IRAs? Was that brokerage accounts? Where were you putting that money? 

Mike Byers  17:13

As far as stocks and retirement accounts, it’s just 401k. The Roth and the traditional just, I was saving so much at the time, the income limits, and then the limit that you could put in just seem too small for me. So how do you save? I mean, you mentioned that the three biggest things housing, transportation, and whether or not you have kids, I guess your third one would be food? If you don’t have kids, that third one, if you do is day care. Yeah. So house hacking. That’s the big way to save on your housing costs. So at one point, my housing costs were zero, because the rent went up. And I was saving at that time, I had paid off the loan on my car, and I kept it. So a lot of folks will pay off one vehicle and buy in the next or keep buying new vehicles that are pretty, pretty frequent pace, but if you keep your vehicle eight, nine, ten years, when you get to that point, it’s paid off. You can save a lot of money. So I was saving probably in the realm of $5,000 a month. So that included a paid off vehicle. It included rent from downstairs, a little bit of overtime manager salary. And saving on food. I mean, just not going out to eat a lot. That was a big thing for me. I mean, you can play the game where you get pretty extreme. And it was too much for me. I mean, there was one point where I was calculating the cost of the extra food I would have to consume to walk to work versus the cost per mile of gas if I had driven so what I was doing with that $5,000 a month, I was putting it all in my checking account. Okay, fine. It was just building out pretty quickly. I called the mortgage company and I said, hey, this PMI insurance. I have, you know, a certain amount of equity at this point. Can we make that go away? And they said no. I said why? And they said, Well, this is an FHA loan. 

Tim Ulbrich  19:26

Yeah, right. Did it. On my first home. Didn’t know that.

Mike Byers  19:30

Yeah, blame myself. I blame the mortgage seller, whatever. I was so angry by that. And I was saving so much money that I paid off. I think it was $100,000 loan balance relatively quickly, like within a year and a half. Just because I was mad about that. And I wanted to make $120 a month go away. So I was putting it back into the real estate.

Tim Ulbrich  19:55

Got it. Okay. You mentioned something really interesting. You talked about of extremes, right? And you see this sometimes in the FIRE community and and let’s, let’s say out there and everyone’s on their own journey, everyone’s situation is different. You know, everyone’s cost a living expenses are different family situation is different. So everyone has to figure out what is the journey and pathway that allows them to achieve the goals that they want to achieve. But those that are on this financial independence, retire early or retire optional journey, you know, there is what you call the potential for this frugal fatigue. Right. And I love that term, because it’s real. And there’s a time and season for it, for that grind. And there’s a fatigue that comes with that as well. And so, my question for you is, how did you combat this? When you recognize that? What did you do to say, Hey, this is real, and I’m achieving all these great goals, and I’m saving a lot per month. But this fatigue is real. How did you combat that fatigue?

Mike Byers  20:51

I mean, you have to be honest with yourself and say, What am I doing now? What is the result gonna be? I mean, if I’m saving so much that it’s driving me crazy. The result is you’re gonna go crazy. But for me, I would. For me, it was adventure. So when I got pretty fatigued with the daily saving, and it wasn’t like I was living this life where I was, you know, things were relatively scarce and I wasn’t having fun. But at time, like I bought an Airstream when you’re holding back so much, and you’re just kind of yearning for adventure, you see a commercial for the new Airstream. You just buy it. And you can adjust. I mean, just because you go down a path of a certain savings rate doesn’t mean you have to stay there, you can make adjustments. I ended up selling it a few years, a few years later. And the money that I lost, I guess you could say last was a great experience. So you just keep adjusting yourself and you have honest conversations with you or with your spouse if you’re married on okay. What are we saving? What experiences aren’t we having? Right? What is that going to result in in the future? Because you could have two different ends of the spectrum. You could have YOLO. And I know people like this and they’re happy. You only live once, they’re spending their whole paycheck. They’re not thinking too much about the future and holding back on some things. They’re just living life now. But there’s the other end of the spectrum, which is deferred gratification. Yep, either one of those two, seems a little extreme. And you could get screwed either way. So if you’re YOLO, and not saving anything, and leveraging all your salary and income to have fun today and you live to 100. I mean, you could be screwed. Sixty-five When you start to not have energy and ability to work, I mean, yep. But if you defer everything and you die at 50, you’re screwed as well. So you have to find your balance in the middle and continually be honest with yourself and have the conversations with your spouse on what the right balance is.

Tim Ulbrich  23:17

Ton of wisdom there, Mike. And there are several resources that are coming to mind that I feel like of what you shared. You’re kind of pulling from, you know, some different philosophies and putting it together. What we often say is, hey, we’ve got to figure out how we can save and invest for the future to take care of our future selves, but also live a rich life today. Both of those things can happen and be true. While that looks different for everyone. And, you know, I’m thinking of some of the resources that have influenced my journey. Rich Dad, Poor Dad, The Millionaire Next Door or Die with Zero by Bill Perkins. 

Mike Byers  23:45

I just read that.

Tim Ulbrich  23:47

Bigger Pockets. Like, I kind of hear a little bit of pieces of these. And what I love is you’ve taken these teachings, and probably many others, and said, Hey, this is what is ideal for me and my journey. And I think the way you articulated that is beautiful, and I want to talk more about the real estate. So 2012 You buy the duplex sounds like that was a good move in the house hack. You weren’t a one and done real estate investor. 2019, you decide to do a deep dive deeper dive into real estate beyond that initial house hack, which ultimately, when we talk about current state would allow you to cut cut back your work altogether to replace that income, but initially go from that full time to less or full time 30 hours a week. Where did that motivation and drive come from? Do that deeper dive in real estate and tell us more about that second investment, the one that you you kicked off in 2019.

Mike Byers  24:41

So I had lived in the duplex for about five years 2013 to 2018. I had gotten out of a four year relationship at the time and I’m driving to visit my brother in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It’s pretty long drive so I’m doing a lot of podcasts listening and I discover some things was about real estate. So again, I was kind of on the path. But I listened to some information on podcasts that said, well, you have another opportunity to continue down this path. I mean, I was sit still saving a bunch of money living there and earning a good salary. By the end of that trip, I decided that I wanted to buy another property. I wanted to continue, there was no, there was no reason not to grow this. And at that time, I felt like I had a little more tools and resources and experience to go down that road. So I bought another house, I was able to pay cash without a loan because of my savings rate over those last five years. And I lived in it, renovated it. I rented it out for a decent price. And I hit a certain number that I wanted to hit. And I thought I was the King of Real Estate in Pittsburgh. I bought another one. And before I was finished with that one, and ultimately ended up in another low point in my life where I just had too much going on. And I ended up selling that for a loss because it was just too overwhelming. But I, you know, these are the things you think about long car rides and long bike rides. It’s like what is the purpose of what I’m doing? And I had said to myself, I have this duplex, it has the opportunity to give me two rents. And I have the opportunity, because nothing’s really tying me down, to buy more real estate. And I think in order to do that, I need to cut back hours. So eventually, I asked to be cut down to 30. I got a really great store where I work three days a week, every fifth weekend. So that gave me the time and the freedom to eventually build more real estate. And the salary that I’ve lost over that amount of time, it’s, it’s really not a big deal. Because what you’re able to build with your time, or the freedom that you’re able to have is worth the cost. 

Tim Ulbrich  27:17

In terms of your portfolio, you started with the duplex, you buy another one in 2019. Sounds like that goes well. The one after that not so much. You mentioned a low point, what what did you do to kind of pick yourself back up and say, Hey, maybe I’m not the king of real estate in Pittsburgh, but I also have something here to offer. And I think I’m on to something in terms of building some real assets here. How did you get out of that trough and really get yourself back in the game?

Tim Ulbrich  27:46

And then that portfolio, the current day portfolio you just mentioned, has gotten to the point where work is optional. So you went from 40 hours a week to 30 hours a week. And now that portfolio is generating income such that if you need to, want to work in the future great, you can or if you want to pick up extra hours, but you’re not in a position of needing that income. 

Mike Byers  27:46

I mean, thank God, I met my wife at that time. Because she gave me the confidence and believed in me. And I’m the type of person that if someone believes I can do something I could, I could climb a mountain pretty easily. Amazing, amazing luck that I found such an amazing person. And she believed. She knew what I had done in the past with the single family home and the duplex and the skills that I have built and the knowledge that I had built during this time. And sometimes all you need is a partner that can believe in you and do it with you. So we basically went on a buying spree and use the equity in those two homes to buy four more homes and rent those out. And that’s what our portfolio looks like today. Four single families and a duplex plus our primary house.

Mike Byers  29:14


Tim Ulbrich  29:15

Okay. Yeah, man. That’s awesome. Congratulations on the journey all the work.

Mike Byers  29:20

Yeah. So that was a goal. And things change when you have kids. And we had two children born pretty close together. And we were coming towards the end of my wife’s maternity leave for our second child and we were deciding what to do and it was a decision for me to stay home and not work. And the investing in assets and growing those assets and having those assets give you a return to buy more is what allowed us to have a one income family.

Tim Ulbrich  29:58

And your boys are how old now? 

Mike Byers  30:00

They’re one and two. 

Tim Ulbrich  30:01

All right. All right. So you’ve got options for time and flexibility schedule with them. That’s cool. If we zoom out for a moment, and look at your pathway to becoming a seven figure pharmacist, and now looking at your asset base as a whole, not specific numbers, but just general percentages, if you were to break that down between, you know, more traditional, right 401k types of dollars versus the assets that you have in real estate, or potentially others that I’m not yet aware of, like, how is that net worth broken down?

Mike Byers  30:36

I would say 60 to 70% real estate. Probably 60% of real estate. And then the rest is in 401k.

Tim Ulbrich  30:46

Okay. Okay. And we haven’t even touched on obviously, a whole nother aspect of the real estate, you know, you’ve got your cash flow you’re generating now there’s future appreciation, there’s tax advantages, if anyone wants to dive into that deeper, Tax Free Wealth by Tom Wheelwright, great resource to kind of just open your eyes a little bit if, if that’s not something you’ve you’ve considered before. 

Mike Byers  31:08

I mean, for our real estate specifically, I mean, if you think about it, there’s three, three or four different ways where you make money. So there’s cash flow, there’s appreciation, and there’s loan pay down. So what we shoot for with our properties is $1,500 a month. $500 is $400 or $500 is cash flow. $500 is being paid down by the tenant and then above $500, is appreciating, and when you multiply that by several properties, you get that automatic savings in those two parts, you get the automatic savings where the tenant is paying it down, and it’s appreciating in value. And then you can use the cash flow to reinvest or if it’s a different season of your life where you need to live on cash flow, you can do that you can take a break from work, you can take a sabbatical. And it’s it just provides you options. Right now, what I’m looking at is, what kind of options has what I’ve built in the past, giving me to live a great life with like I, like you mentioned the book Die with Zero, you get to 40 years old, and you start thinking, Okay, I have this money saved because I was diligent and being able to save, what does the next 10 years look like? Am I going to sacrifice weekends with my family and nights in order to have one or two extra million dollars? You know, maybe your kids and your spouse they want you home? So that you know you can you can live a different life with experiences. And that’s something that you think about when you turn a certain age and you start wondering how much more do I really need to be comfortable after 65. I don’t want to be self insuring myself if there’s a maybe there’s an insurance product or an annuity that you can buy, that would serve that same purpose.

Tim Ulbrich  33:11

And options is the word I hear. Flexibility is the word I hear. And it’s interesting when I polled our community about the idea of financial independence, whether or not they want to retire early. You know, some people love what they’re doing. Some people don’t like what they’re doing. Some people might want part time or to pivot. But the goal of financial independence, I think, is one that resonates with people as a whole. And when I asked that question, you know, what excites you? What motivates you around that concept of financial independence? It’s options. It’s flexibility. It’s being able to choose and to have choice in those things along the way, which I think your story is such a good example of that as well. Mike, when you look back on this journey, and one of the things I appreciate is in the transparency and the vulnerability. You know, we could look at the current state and say Mike is crushing it, and you’ve done incredibly well. But there’s been highs and there’s been lows along the way. And there’s been a lot of learning that’s happened. As you look back on that journey from net worth of zero to becoming, you know, well into a seven figure pharmacist, what lessons do you take away as you reflect back on that, that you can share with our listeners?

Mike Byers  34:20

I think a good lesson to learn is have honest conversations with yourself about the alternatives. So if you’re on the path, and you’re making and not saving, if you’re making a certain amount and you’re not saving a whole lot and you get to the point where maybe you’re thinking there’s something more I can do. Maybe I can save a little bit more or maybe I can make investments outside of my 401k, they’re gonna be a good return and give me cash. flow like real estate. Just have honest conversation about what the alternative is. Because sometimes the alternative is you get stuck for a long period of time in what you’re doing because you didn’t take those five years to save diligently, or to pursue something that you’re interested in as far as a side hustle or take that job. So I sit down, evaluate what you’re doing and what path you’re on. And where that’s gonna lead to 10, 20, 30 years down the road. Five or 10? Whatever.

Tim Ulbrich  35:44

Yeah, and I hear a lot of patience in your story. I hear a lot of, you know, seasons of sacrifice, but also seasons of perspective, and kind of reevaluating where am I going? What are we trying to do? I’m curious, as you look out, you mentioned this time window into the future, as you look out, where do you see your real estate portfolio going? You know, now that it’s gotten to a point of replacing your income, do you see yourself kind of staying put in this model where you’ve got a duplex and several single family homes? Do you see an expansion within that same investment category? Are you interested in, you know, commercial or short term rentals? Like, what? Where are you envisioning the future of the real estate portfolio?

Mike Byers  36:23

So I’m envisioning, I mean, my, my vision is to work on it three to four hours a day, from a coffee shop and manage the investments. So I wish I could give you a better answer. And part of stepping back from the pharmacy job and trying new things is this level of uncertainty and really uncomfortability like, things aren’t amazingly comfortable right now. I mean, I’ve really had to unwind some of the programming that 20 years of retail pharmacy put in me, so it’s tough, and I can’t tell you exactly where I want to be in this is a period where I am. But I mentioned the word sabbatical. So it’s, it’s a period of time where you’re not forced to work, where, you know, thank God, my wife is just so amazing and understanding. You can take the time to figure out your next path. And instead of working nights and weekends for the next 10 years to figure out how to have your kids experience and watch you live an amazing life. So that’s an evolving thing. And maybe we’ll catch up in five years, and I can tell you what it evolved to. I you really have to think about what your passion and purpose is. And sometimes you look at 100 jobs on on LinkedIn or Indeed, pharmacy/medical related and you just can’t see yourself doing that. So I’m trying to find my passion and purpose right now. And I really think it is in real estate, whether it’s rental real estate, commercial, vacation rental or flipping. I’m trying to figure that out. 

Tim Ulbrich  38:19

And what excites me about that is I sense this is a season of, you know, some of that deep reflection and figuring out the next steps. You use the word sabbatical as well. But you know, another tip of the cap to the work that you’ve done, you’ve put yourself in a financial position, with the support of your family to be able to take the space to think and think strategically, right? And that’s an amazing opportunity, but it didn’t fall in your lap. You worked incredibly hard for that to happen. So congratulations, Mike on on the journey. I do look forward to following up and following your journey. Along the way. I know it’s been an inspiration to me, I’m sure it will to our listeners as well. So thank you so much for taking time to come on the show. 

Tim Ulbrich  39:01

As we conclude this week’s podcast, an mportant reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist unless otherwise noted and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward looking statements, which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward looking statements. For more information, please Is yourfinancialpharmacist.com/ disclaimer Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast Have a great rest of your week.



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YFP 364: Starting a Nonprofit: An Interview with Founder of Pharm to Tables, John Muchka, PharmD, BCPS

Dr. John Muchka, Founder of Pharm to Tables, talks about how he started the non-profit and its mission of helping end the hunger crisis in local communities.

This episode is brought to you by First Horizon

Episode Summary

In this episode, Tim talks with Dr. John Muchka, Founder of Pharm To Tables, a charitable organization uniting pharmacy professionals in a singular, focused mission of helping end the hunger crisis of our local communities

Dr. Muchka talks about how his service learning project during pharmacy school inspired the idea for Pharm To Tables, the why behind his passion to end hunger in local communities, how he was able to get his vision off the ground, and the lessons he has learned along the way.

About Today’s Guest

Dr. John Muchka received his Bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin- Madison followed by his Doctor of Pharmacy from South University School of Pharmacy in 2010.

Dr. Muchka is a seasoned clinical pharmacist with over 13 years of extensive experience in the healthcare field. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to advancing pharmacy practice and improving patient care.

As a Pharmacy Residency Program Director, Dr. Muchka plays a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of pharmacy professionals. His dedication to mentorship and education has empowered countless pharmacists to excel in their careers and make meaningful contributions to the field.

In addition to his role as a clinical pharmacist and Residency Program Director, Dr. Muchka is also the Co-founder and president of Pharm to Tables Charitable Organization Inc. Under his visionary leadership, Pharm to Tables has emerged as a driving force in promoting overall community health by helping to end food insecurity.

Dr. John Muchka is a respected voice within the pharmacy community on a local and national level. He currently serves on the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin Board of Directors. Dr. Muchka also represents Wisconsin in the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists House of Delegates. Through his active involvement in these organizations, Dr. Muchka advocates for policies and initiatives that elevate the profession of pharmacy and enhance the quality of patient care on a local, national and global scale.

Outside of work, John loves spending time outdoors with his wife Lindsey and two sons, Luke and Noah

Key Points from the Episode

  • Ending hunger in local communities with nonprofit Farm to Tables. [0:00]
  • Career journey from construction to pharmacy, including residency and nonprofit work. [2:59]
  • Starting a nonprofit to address food insecurity. [7:52]
  • Starting a nonprofit to address food insecurity through the pharmacy profession. [12:26]
  • Leveraging pharmacy connections for food donations. [17:11]
  • Nonprofit organization supporting food pantries through pharmacy schools. [21:08]
  • Addressing burnout in healthcare professionals through philanthropic efforts. [27:18]

Episode Highlights

“I said why do you guys come here after school when you could go to Forsyth and and play with some really good competition and the answer is what it was the reason why I started Pharm to Tables. They said, if we didn’t come here, we wouldn’t eat dinner. And when I heard that, I mean, you could have probably seen my heartbreak in front of these kids. And I knew that I had to do something.” – Dr. John Muchka [9:54]

“Because food insecurity is a problem everywhere, not only in urban areas, but also in rural areas, there’s food deserts everywhere. And if we can do something to generate food and or money to help give access to these people who need it, we’re going to improve community health.” – Dr. John Muchka [10:39]

“You know when you have you have an idea that just won’t go away? As you’re laying in bed and you can’t fall asleep? And that’s the one that’s the thought that comes back in your mind. So whether it was a calling or whatever it was, it was it was just something that wouldn’t go away. So it was time to take action on it.” – Dr. John Muchka [12:20]

“I know when you’re a kid, everyone says you know, it’s better to give than to receive. And that’s absolutely true. I mean, makes you feel good. It fills the tank, it gives you more purpose of what you’re doing here.” – Dr. John Muchka [23:09]

“Another thing that I learned was it’s not easy. Nothing’s easy, right? There’s going to be barriers along the way and it would have been easy just to hang it up and say yeah, I had this idea but nothing really came of it. But to have the vision and the foresight to say this could be something that could make a big difference in a lot of people’s lives. And just to keep going, I mean, no doesn’t mean no, it means not right now. And I live by that.” – Dr. John Muchka [24:50]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich  00:00

Hey everybody, Tim Ulbrich here and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. This week I interviewed Dr. John Muchka, Founder of Pharm to Tables, a charitable organization uniting pharmacy professionals in a singular focus mission of helping end the hunger crisis of our local communities. We talked about his service learning project during pharmacy school and how that inspired the idea to Pharm to Tables, the why behind John’s passion to end hunger in local communities, how he was able to get his vision off the ground, and the lessons that he has learned along the way. Let’s hear a brief message from today’s sponsor First Horizon, and then we’ll jump into my interview with John Muchka. 

Tim Ulbrich  00:48

Does saving 20% for a down payment on a home feel like an uphill battle? It’s no secret that pharmacists have a lot of competing financial priorities, including high student loan debt, meaning that saving 20% for a down payment on a home may take years. For several years now we’ve been partnering with First Horizon who offers a professional home loan option AKA a doctor or pharmacist loan that requires a 3% downpayment for single family home or a townhome for first time homebuyers, has no PMI and offers a 30 year fixed rate mortgage on home loans up to $766,550 in most areas. The pharmacist home loan is available in all states except Alaska and Hawaii, and can be used to purchase condos as well, however, rates may be higher and a condo review has to be completed. While I’ve personally worked with First Horizon before and had a great experience with Tony and his team, don’t just take it for me. Here’s what Molly from New Berlin, Wisconsin had to say about her experience with First Horizon: “The communication and always being available to talk over the phone was great for us. It also made an impact getting an initial overview and education on the process from gal being able to submit everything electronically made it more efficient.” So if you want to check out the requirements for Pharmacist’s Home Loan from First Horizon and to start the pre-approval process, visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan. Again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan. 

Tim Ulbrich  02:16

John, welcome to the show. 

Dr. John Muchka  02:18

Thanks, Tim. Happy to be here.

Tim Ulbrich  02:20

Well, I’m excited to have you to share the work that you’re doing and the story of the Pharm to Tables non-profit organization. We’ll get to that here in a little bit. I had the opportunity to meet you actually after I posted something on LinkedIn several months ago that said, Hey, I’d love to hear more about pharmacists that are involved in different philanthropic efforts or running nonprofit organizations. Someone reached out to me say hey, you’ve got to talk to John and hear about the work that he’s doing with Pharm to Tables. So here we are. Before we get into that, though, give us your background and career journey in pharmacy, including what led you into the profession where you went to school and some of the work that you’ve been doing since.

Dr. John Muchka  02:58

Sure. Initially, pharmacy was not on my radar, I come from a blue collar family- construction workers. I have three older brothers that that all work in the construction industry. My parents own a construction company so that was that was the logical next step for me to go just start working right away after high school. But when I was in high school I worked in, in a pharmacy in a in a community pharmacy. A family friend had owned the pharmacy and I worked there and I I enjoyed the work. And when I talked to my parents about maybe next steps, about me going to college and what they thought about it, they were they were on board 100% so I went to University Wisconsin-Madison. I got my undergraduate degree in biochemistry. Still really didn’t know what I was going to do. But then I thought back on my my time as a pharmacy technician, and I was like, you know, let’s let’s give this pharmacy thing ago. Decided to go out of state. I was in Madison for about five years and I was looking to go somewhere else, see another part of the country. So I went to pharmacy school in Savannah, Georgia at South University. Thought I was still going to do the retail pharmacy route until I started doing my appy rotations. And there’s a lot of army bases out there. So a lot of the collaborative practice agreement models where pharmacists ran clinics and I worked in a lot of the hospital settings and I really enjoyed that. So I decided to pursue a PGY1 residency. I was lucky enough to match back home here in Milwaukee at Froedtert and Medical College of Wisconsin. That was in about 2011 I think. After I completed my residency, I wanted to take what I learned at the academic medical center and take that back to the community that I lived in. So I wanted to take the cutting edge pharmacy stuff that we were working on there and take it from here community hospital that might not have the resources or, or the knowledge base of the pharmacists that were working there to implement some of this cool stuff. So I took a job as the 770 D-central pharmacist in the town and a hospital in town I grew up in. My mom was actually a unit clerk at the hospital when I was growing up. So I went back to the hospital that she worked at. And I knew a lot of the people that were still there. And I was able to implement some cool stuff in that in that pharmacy department.

Tim Ulbrich  05:22

Love it. And I love to hear the career journey coming back to home. And many listeners know that I’ve got four boys. So when you shared with me that you have three brothers, I love the brothers story you shared with me when we talked a couple of months ago that one of your brothers said, Hey, I’m not gonna hire you. You need to go to school. Right? Yeah.

Dr. John Muchka  05:41

That was probably the best career decision. Fourth career decision that I had. So yeah, he was looking out for me and he said, Hey, man, we don’t have the brains that you have, you can do the work. The work is great. What we do right now, and if you ever need a job, if it doesn’t work out, you can come back and work for us. But we want you to give it a go doing something else. 

Tim Ulbrich  06:02

Just love that. It’s such a brotherly way of saying like, I love you, I need to encourage you in this direction, I’m not gonna hire you.

Dr. John Muchka  06:13

After I spent some time at the Community Hospital, where where I grew up, there was something missing there in it was not having students in residence. It was a small community hospital, and I was used to that resident learning environment. So I decided to go back to a different teaching hospital within Froedtert and Medical college, it’s in Menomonee Falls, which is a suburb of Milwaukee. So I’ve been there the last nine years. I’m a Clinical Pharmacist there, I’m also the residency program director, we’ve got three residents, that’s one of the highlights of my day to day is watching them and mentoring them. And those aha moments that they have along the way, when when they come in, and they’re so green in July, and then at this point in the year now, I mean, they’re looking for jobs, I’m trying to open up my network to them, and just the growth that you see in those, that short period is amazing. So that’s where I currently am and who knows where the future is gonna take me. Digging what I’m doing right now.

Tim Ulbrich  07:15

Well, let’s talk about the Pharm to Tables organization that you started, I will link to the website in the show notes Pharmtotables.org. Tell us about the purpose of that nonprofit organization that you started. Sure.

Dr. John Muchka  07:29

So the purpose is, I mean, food insecurity is a problem everywhere. And I’ll get into the backstory of it, probably in a little bit here. But you notice that social determinants of health are a big, they have a big impact on overall community health. And I wanted to do something to increase food accessibility to people and not only my community, but the surrounding communities. So we had the idea when when I was in pharmacy school at South University. Part of our curriculum was servant leadership and we had a list of things that we could do. And being naive when I moved out there having only known Madison for the last five years. I just picked a picked a place that was relatively close to my pharmacy school that I could ride my bike to. And I was looking for the most inexpensive apartments to live in. No surprise after I got there, I mean, it was in a lower socioeconomic neighborhood, which I was fine with. But I picked one of the locations it was called the Savannah Baptist Center. And what they did there was mentored kids in the community. It was an after school program. They had a food pantry there and they also had a clothes closet. Miss Alice White was the lady that ran that she ran a pretty tight ship. And she wouldn’t give you access to the after school mentorship program until you earned your keep so for the first few months, I worked in the food pantry in the clothes closet. I made my desires known that I wanted to be with the kids after school, I wanted to mentor them. Some of those kids didn’t have a positive male influence in their life. And I thought I could be that. So after a few months, she gave me permission to start hanging out with the kids after school. I started doing it I think we were we were mandated to go twice a month. I started going two times a week, three times a week because I really enjoyed the work that we did there. And one thing that we did was provided a meal for them before they went home. And I didn’t really think too much about that. Until I started talking to the kids. There were two brothers that I was very close with. They loved basketball and if anyone’s been to Savannah, there’s a big park called Forsyth Park in downtown that that always has games running from sunup to sundown some very competitive games and these two kids were really good at it and I said why do you guys come here after school when you could go to Forsyth and and play  with some really good competition and the answer is what it was the reason why I started Pharm to Tables, they said, if we didn’t come here, we wouldn’t eat dinner. And when I heard that, I mean, you could have probably seen my heartbreak in front of these kids. And I knew that I had to do something. I didn’t know what it was yet. But that night, I went home and I talked to my wife and I said, Lindsey, we need to do something that I told her the story. And she’s like, let’s, let’s do it. Not sure what we’re going to do yet. But, but let’s do it. So I had her support. And that was, that was the dawn of Pharm to Tables, I still didn’t really know what I was doing. But that was the origin of why, why to get it started. Because food insecurity is a problem everywhere, not only in urban areas, but also in rural areas, there’s food deserts everywhere. And if we can do something to generate food and or money to help give access to these people who need it, we’re going to improve community health.

Tim Ulbrich  10:55

And I love that that started with a project right as part of the curriculum that led to a service opportunity, which led to an awareness of a problem, but then ultimately, you decided to take action. And you know, it’s one idea, one thing to have an idea, it’s another thing to take action. And I think especially when you think about starting a nonprofit organization, you know, there are a lot of hoops to jump through, there can be a lot of doubts that come up, even people that are probably like, John, what, what are you doing? There’s lots of resources that already exist, like, why are you trying to solve this problem? Maybe you had some that maybe you didn’t, but moving past that idea to actually execute on that idea is two totally different things. And I think that step is so important, not knowing exactly where it will go. And we’ll talk about kind of the future direction and where things are at today. But tell us about that early decision to actually get started. And what some of those initial steps were that you took.

Dr. John Muchka  11:47

Absolutely, yeah, that’s the biggest step going from idea to actually getting, getting it something tangible to something. And it took it took a long while. So I had the idea, but I was still finishing pharmacy school, and then I was doing my residency. And there were there were a lot of times where I thought, you know, let’s just scrap this idea. It’s a lot of work, I don’t really know what I’m doing yet. I want to just get through my residency, I want to be a pharmacist, I want to help people in that way. But I think I shared this with you in our in our meeting before but you know, you have you have an idea that just won’t go away. As you’re laying in bed and you can’t fall asleep. And that’s the one that’s the thought that comes back in your mind. So whether it was a calling or whatever it was, it was it was just something that wouldn’t go away. So it was time to take action on it. And again, having not having a lot of experience in nonprofits. Thankfully, my wife when we lived in Savannah, she worked for the United Way. And she had some resources and some experience on how to how to start. So I talked to some of her colleagues there and I just started started the paperwork, I didn’t really again know exactly the direction was going to go. But I knew I wanted to do something revolving around food insecurity, and tie that into the pharmacy profession and how we can we can help out. So I formed a board and thankfully, my college roommate from Madison is an attorney. So he helped me out with some of the legal paperwork and filling out those 501C3 national paperwork documents, that’s no joke, and then the articles of incorporation and your bylaws and all the stuff that we had to create before we could do anything before we were acknowledged as a 501 C three that timeline probably took close to a year to get the board set to get all the all the documentation in order and filed. And then we got it we got our employee ID number and we were a 501C3. So at this point, I’m very jacked. I’m ready to take over the world here. problems, though, the first thing I did was go to pharmacy leaders and mentors that I had to pitch my idea to do my elevator speech to them. And I thought it was gonna be I thought it was going to be acceptance across the board, but it wasn’t. There were barriers there. And it was, as you mentioned earlier, like Hey, John, it’s a good idea. But what do I mean what are you doing? You can allocate resources to other nonprofits to help with this and I really had the vision of trying to tie it to the pharmacy professional not not only pharmacy but the healthcare profession. Yeah. So it was a little rocky in the beginning when you hear no from people that you thought you’re gonna hear yes from you had to pivot a little bit and just keep on going and finding the people that that do support the mission that you believe in and found some pharmacy leaders and mentors of mine that were all in and said Great idea. Let’s let’s go How can I help and once you hear how can I help? Then you can definitely start leveraging those relationships and they open their networks to you and talk to other like minded people. And then it started taking off but I didn’t really know where to start with with the food or fund raising abilities. So I started with the pharmacy schools in the state. And I wanted to get students involved in, in servant leadership and giving back to their communities. And once you start that early on, they carry that throughout their their profession, professional career. So I met with the deans of pharmacy, and they were on board. And we had our first what we call the Pharmacy Food Fight. And it’s a competition on who can raise the most food and money. And it was over a week. And I mean, the beginnings were a little meager, I think, I think the first checks that I distributed to the meal programs that we support was $500 each, which I thought was great, I thought when I was over the moon about it. And then the next year, it started to grow. And people were aware of Pharm to Tables, and we got some name recognition. And then we started getting the alumni of those pharmacy schools involved. And that’s when it really started to take off. We also contacted the state organization, so pharmacy society, Wisconsin was an early adopter. And they allowed me to come and give presentations on servant leadership at their annual and summer meetings and have food drives at the actual meetings. So people would come in, bring their non perishable food item, we had options for them to donate online for what we were doing. And that gave me the platform to talk to other pharmacy leaders across the state and get buy in from them. We also have a food drive in October during pharmacy week that spans the state of Wisconsin. All the health systems in the state were involved one way or another. And I think we had about 35 sites that had food drives on their sites, whether it was a community pharmacy, a hospital, pharmacy, the clinics. And we keep all the food that’s donated local to where it where it was donated from. So I help connect the pharmacies or health systems that are not in my immediate area or geographic region, I help connect them to other food pantries that are near them and help build those relationships. So hopefully it continues for years to come.

Tim Ulbrich  17:11

One of the things I was struck by John and what you just shared is, is how critical of a pivot point that mentor mentors plural, really asking the question how I can help, right, because I think one of the questions I like to ask people when they’re beaten up an idea is that we say tell me more. Tell me more, tell me more. And the purpose of that is I don’t know intuitively what they may or may not know, intuitively, but I can help them process by asking questions. And certainly, if there’s an opportunity to help, how can I help, right? And what I heard there was, wow, like now there’s opportunities for networking relationships, and a natural answer to that question is, well, you can help by, you know, making an introduction here or connecting with a health system or connecting with a state organization or connecting with a college. And I would presume that led to the expansion of the work that you’ve been doing, which now is not only in the state of Wisconsin, but you also have expanded outward as well,

Dr. John Muchka  18:05

Right. Yep, we’re in four states now, hopefully adding a fifth this year. And that’s been working with the state organizations. So Sarah Sorum, who is the President at PSW introduced me to Kate Gainer, the Iowa pharmacy, resident, and they loved the idea. So they started doing something in Iowa every year. And then Kate gave me another connection with Anthony Pudlow, who is now in Tennessee, he was an Iowa, they’ve adopted it in Tennessee as well. So I mean, just meeting, just having those connections in the state organizations has really allowed us to, to expand out of the state of Wisconsin and try to do good work, not only in the Midwest, but hopefully, the plan is to expand it further as years to come. 

Tim Ulbrich  18:55

For those that are listening, if you have a connection with a state association, executive, college of pharmacy that you think might be interested, reach out to John directly, we’ll provide some contact information in the show notes reach out to us, we’ll help make a connection there as well. John, help our listeners understand the model. If I if I understand it correctly, you are facilitating donations, food drives, other types of efforts that then tie into other efforts and organizations that are already established as boots on the ground to provide food in addressing some of the food insecurity is that is that correct? 

Dr. John Muchka  19:30

that’s absolutely correct. So I don’t know if the term umbrella organization is the right term but so we utilize the Pharm to Tables name and try to leverage that with the with the pharmacy profession. But we vet meal programs and food pantries, so we raise money and and non perishables and allocate them to food pantries in our area. But for the model outside of the state, they’re using the name recognition of Pharm to Tables and I help make connections with those local food pantries and meal  programs. But there’s usually a site champion that that will handle the actual day to day or week food drive that they have and be in connection with those meal programs. So we do have the availability to donate online. Most of those online donations go directly to the Wisconsin organization. So the outside out of state meal programs, they usually have a site champion that they’ll donate actual money to. And then they allocate that money to the meal program. So it doesn’t go through the Pharm to Tables website for out of state solicitations based on different solicitation laws for others.

Tim Ulbrich  20:44

One of those lessons that your attorney roommate helped you navigate, right?

Dr. John Muchka  20:49

That’s exactly right. I didn’t realize how, how different some of those solicitation laws are from state to state. So to keep everything clean, if it is in another state, we usually allocate a state champion to raise the money and then that money will go directly to whatever meal program or food pantry they desire.

Tim Ulbrich  21:08

What I really liked about the model, what you’ve built, John, is it layers on you use the term umbrella organization whether or not you know that that’s necessarily a correct term, I’m following what you mean by that which it layers on the existing infrastructure, and organizations that already exist in alignment with the purpose that you have, but elevates the awareness of the need to other individuals that perhaps you’re looking for an opportunity to give that may not necessarily already be plugged in with that organization, rather than replicating the work of other organizations. It’s really helping elevate and support the work that’s already been done, which is great. I think that’s, that’s an awesome model for folks to think about. So if I’m following John correctly, essentially, there’s, when it comes to how your organization supports efforts, there’s monetary donations that folks can make directly, as well as donations of goods. And that often happens through some of the drives and other things that you’re doing. Is that correct? 

Dr. John Muchka  22:01

That is absolutely correct. Yep. So I know, in the state here we have we have fundraising events. In Wisconsin, we have two major fundraising events that we raised the bulk of the monetary donations through. But most of the offset or the out of state, run things are mostly food donations. There is the monetary donations that that again, go to that site champion, but we want to make sure that all the donations stay local for more they can. It’s 100%, volunteer organization, so any of the money that comes in is going to go back out. It’s a it’s a passion project and not making any profit. Sure. But it’s something that fills my tank and and keeps me going and when once see the impact, or when you give that check to the food pantry, or you drop off a trailer full of food to a food pantry, just just seeing the results of that. And when they say this is going to make such a difference, and they actually mean it. That’s what keeps me going and wants you to do more. I mean, I know when you’re a kid, everyone says you know, it’s better to give than to receive. And that’s absolutely true. I mean, makes you feel good. It fills the tank, it gives you more purpose of what you’re doing here. So it’s something that it’s been a lot of work to get going. But it’s been worth every hour that I put into it, just seeing the impact that has had on my community and seeing it grow and people buying in on the regional has been amazing.

Tim Ulbrich  23:37

Well, we’ve got 140 plus colleges of pharmacy now out there. So no excuse we should have all 140 plus colleges that are involved, I’d love to see a national right kind of food food competition supporting what you’re doing with Pharm to Tables. As you look back on getting the nonprofit off the ground and all of the work that you did to go from idea to executing on that idea to obviously the growth and to getting the buy in and to now actually raising raising funds and having the impact that you’re having. Are there one or two things that stand out to you as lessons learned along the way, you know, as you as you implemented the work and the efforts that you’re doing at Pharm to Tables,

Dr. John Muchka  24:16

I think I think the biggest is people are innately good and want to help. We just need to find the ones that are like minded and want to do it. A lot of people want to give but like you had mentioned before, maybe they don’t know what platform they want to do that on, but giving them an opportunity to give and get that get that feeling that that you get when you give. That was the probably the biggest lesson is people want to help. They just want they need to find a reason or how to do it a way to do it. Another thing that I learned was it’s not easy. Nothing’s easy, right? I mean, there’s going to be barriers along the way and it would have been easy just to hang it up and say yeah, I had this idea but nothing really came of it. But to have the vision and the foresight to say this could be something that could make a big difference in a lot of people’s lives. And just to keep going, I mean, no doesn’t mean No, it means not right now. And I live by that. I mean, a lot of people say no, and I take that as Okay, that’s a no, no, but not stop doing.

Tim Ulbrich  25:24

Yeah. Love the resilience of that. I think it’s it’s certainly good advice, as you think out into the future, John, let’s say 5, 10 years, and you know, that next evolution that next phase of the Pharm to Tables, what what does success look like? What does growth look like for the organization?

Dr. John Muchka  25:43

I think that success and growth are going to be hand in hand here. And our goal as the board is to add an additional state every year. Whether it’s one school of pharmacy, or one health system that wants to do something. So leveraging all of our combined networks to find the people that want to give and want to help and are in the position, maybe to pitch it to their board or pitch it to their school of pharmacy. That’s the plan. It’s, it’s, it’s growing a little faster than I had anticipated, which is there’s some logistical things that that we need to to button up. But I mean, it’s great just seeing how this thing is taken off. So just giving people that opportunity in that platform to make a difference and to give in, as pharmacists, I mean, that’s why we signed up for this thing to help people. And that can look a lot of different ways. It can be at the bedside, it could be in the community when you’re consulting or giving medical advice to someone. But this is just another avenue for us to to help our communities to improve community health. And I think that’s success right there. I mean, any little bit we can do to maybe make it a little easier on somebody in our community where then they might be able to afford their prescription instead of making a decision between feeding their families or, or buying their their chronic medication. I mean, that could make a world of difference, not only for their families, but for their individual health.

Tim Ulbrich  27:17

Yeah, and I think one thing that struck me, John, is you’re just talking, as you know, we know that there’s a lot of burnout that’s happening in among healthcare professionals among pharmacists. And, you know, I think, going back to some of the roots of hey, why don’t we get started in the profession of pharmacy. And I think being involved in philanthropic efforts being involved in giving activities, whether that’s monetarily, whether that’s your time, whether that’s both, I think that can be an important antidote to some of the burnout and other things that folks may be experiencing. And again, going back to the days when we were all in pharmacy school, even if that was 15, 20 years ago of hey, what why was I so excited and passionate about this project, this effort? You know, this initiative? John, as we wrap up here, what is the best way that our listeners can learn more about the work that you’re doing, to stay up to date with the work that you’re doing, potentially get involved, whether that be financially or make a connection, what what would be the best way for our listeners to do that?

Dr. John Muchka  28:11

The best way would probably be to visit our website to see what we’re doing. Or you can contact me directly and Tim, I can give you my contact information for people to contact but talk to your, your fellow pharmacists, talk to your families, talk to your community and see, hey, is this something that we want to do. It’s not a ton of work to put on a food drive or or do a fundraising activity to help your communities and I can definitely help guide them through those steps on how to do it. Because it was trial and error for me when I first started and I definitely learned some key things along the way on what makes them maybe more successful and gets buy in from from the people that they’re looking for. So start with the website, contact me individually, I would love to have a conversation about ways that we can help our community and hopefully help end food insecurity in the community that I’m in and the community that all the listeners are in.

Tim Ulbrich  29:09

So again, we’ll link to the website pharmtotables.org in the shownotes will also link to John, share your contact information. Thanks for giving that information out. I love what you have built love what you’re working on. When you shared with me a couple months ago, how you got started, the story behind getting started, how you took that step from idea to ultimately getting off the ground and now to see the growth  of that, have a lot of respect and admiration for what you’re doing there. So thank you so much for coming on the show to take time to share your journey. 

Dr. John Muchka  29:37

It was a pleasure. Anytime, Tim.

Tim Ulbrich  29:39

Thank you. 

Tim Ulbrich  29:42

Before we wrap up today’s show, I want to again thank this week’s sponsor of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast, First Horizon. We’re glad to have found a solution for pharmacists that are unable to save 20% for a down payment on a home. A lot of pharmacists in the YFP community have taken advantage of First Horizon’s Pharmacists Home Loan, which requires a 3% downpayment for a single family home or townhome for first time homebuyers and has no PMI on a 30 year fixed rate mortgage. To learn more about the requirements for First Horizon’s Pharmacist Home Loan, and to get started with the pre-approval process, you can visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan. Again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan. 

Tim Ulbrich  30:25

DISCLAIMER: As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. Furthermore, the information contained in our archive newsletters, blog posts and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist unless otherwise noted and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward looking statements, which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast. Have a great rest of your week.


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YFP 363: A Conversation with My Dad: Lessons on Entrepreneurs, Fatherhood, & Finance

YFP CEO Tim Ulbrich talks with his dad, Tom Ulbrich, on entrepreneurship, fatherhood, and finances.

Episode Summary

In celebration of Father’s Day, Tim Ulbrich talks with his own dad, Tom Ulbrich, to have a conversation on entrepreneurship, fatherhood, and finances. 

During this wisdom-packed dialogue, Tom shares his career journey starting with running a family business, to developing an e-commerce business out of the basement of his home, to achieving his MBA in his 40’s, to his time in academia, and to now leading a large nonprofit in Western New York. Tom shares his thoughts on his two sons going from traditional to non-traditional career paths, how he and his wife, Lynn, have defined what it means to be living their rich life, and his take on redefining retirement and why it shouldn’t be a one-size fits all approach.

This special conversation highlights the generational throughline in the Ulbrich family of entrepreneurship and how career and life choices are about the journey, not the destination.

About Today’s Guest

As a passionate advocate for small business and a former business owner himself, Tom Ulbrich intimately understands the power that entrepreneurship has to unlock human potential, create jobs, inspire wealth, and invigorate economies and communities across the globe.Tom is an entrepreneurial leader with broad-based management experience in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors. His passion for social innovation is focused on nurturing strong relationships and building consensus across diverse groups of stakeholders in the academic, for-profit, non-profit and government sectors.

During his prior tenure as an assistant dean at the University at Buffalo’s School of Management and School of Social Work he did extensive work in the field of social entrepreneurship with a focus on the emerging concept of the “entrepreneurial non-profit”. He retains an appointment at the UB School of Management as Executive in Residence for Entrepreneurship. He is a speaker and writer with a weekly newsletter titled Soar, Don’t Settle where he shares his thoughts about business, leadership and life. He is also a member of the Forbes Non-Profit Council and contributes content that you can find on Forbes.com. In May 2020, he became President and CEO of Goodwill of Western New York  where he is working with a dedicated team to apply an interdisciplinary approach to social innovation in a real world setting.

Key Points from the Episode

  • Career journey from family business to nonprofit leadership. [0:00]
  • Entrepreneurship, identity, and risk-taking in various professions. [7:54]
  • Importance of financial literacy and creative problem-solving in education. [15:06]
  • Entrepreneurship, risk mitigation, and leadership. [19:05]
  • Entrepreneurship, leadership, and strategy. [27:25]
  • Personal growth and career development through education and experience. [35:28]
  • Starting and selling an e-commerce business within a family-owned landscaping business. [38:42]
  • Career pivot from family business to entrepreneurship, with reflection on past experiences and their impact on current success. [43:50]
  • Parenting and entrepreneurship, balancing safety and individuality. [47:11]
  • Finding balance between saving for future and living a rich life today. [52:07]
  • Financial planning, relationships, and experiences. [59:20]
  • Individualized retirement planning and prioritizing personal goals. [1:02:18]
  • Financial planning, retirement, and career fulfillment. [1:07:49]

Episode Highlights

“I feel like everything I’ve done prior to this, all the pieces of that journey, have led me to sort of my dream job where everything is coming together. Entrepreneurship, leadership, all the things that I love to do, are sitting here in this job.” – Tom Ulbrich, [5:29]

“So to your point with with young pharmacists that are on a career path, I think the challenge for many people, especially when they have invested in education, a lot of money, a lot of time and have deep expertise in a field, you can get trapped and stuck, because it’s uncomfortable leaving something that’s comfortable. But by never leaving, what makes you feel comfortable is really that can potentially really rob you of having the thrill of being able to do something that you can make a good living at, and still be passionate about at the same time.” – Tom Ulbrich [5:48]

“There is you have to think about skills, not think about titles, not think about licenses. But think about the diverse set of skills that you’ve learned and that you’re that you that you’re a unique individual that’s put together all these little pieces along the way that makes you special, and whatever that next step is that you’re after.” – Tom Ulbrich [7:35]

“I don’t think we give our kids either in school or sometimes as parents enough teaching or learning around creativity because the truth is the world we live in today, a degree is a piece of paper. That’s great. And I know it’s required for many professions. But what you really need to do to be successful today is you need to know how to identify what the true problem is when you see a problem.” – Tom Ulbrich [14:25]

“The fact is, entrepreneurs are really great risk mitigators, they don’t gamble. What they do is they try to identify what the risks are, mitigate what they can, and then understand what true risks they’re taking.” – Tom Ulbrich [20:45]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich  00:00

Hey everybody, Tim Ulbrich here and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. In celebration of Father’s Day this weekend, I brought my dad Tom Ulbrich, onto the show to have a conversation on entrepreneurship, fatherhood, and finance. During this episode, my dad shares his career paths starting with running a family business to start another business in our basement, and then leading a large nonprofit in Western New York. His thoughts on my brother and I going from traditional to non traditional career paths, how he and my mom had to find what it means to be living their rich life, and his take on redefining retirement, and why it shouldn’t be a one size fits all approach. This is a good one, my favorite episode thus far in the 363 episodes, and nearly seven years that we’ve been recording the show. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there listening. I’m rooting for you. 

Tim Ulbrich  00:55

Dad, welcome to the show.

Tom Ulbrich  00:57

Excited to be here. Thank you for having me. I’ve been looking forward to this.

Tim Ulbrich  01:01

Well, it’s a joy to say those words, something I haven’t been able to say on the first 362 episodes of the podcast. I’m looking forward to the conversation. I think we could spend hours talking about a variety of topics around fatherhood, entrepreneurship financing. So we’ll see where the conversation goes, I do want to start with your career journey. And the reason why I want to start there is that, as I was talking with you about the other day, I see a lot of pharmacists that are stuck. Stuck defined by the sunk cost of time and money that they invested into getting their pharmacy degree and perhaps they’re interested in something else that might be within the profession that might be outside of the profession, but they’re unable to see paths, the straight line path that they embarked upon, many at a young age. So with that backdrop, give us an overview of your career journey, that I think highlights so well how it’s really much more of a journey and not not a destination. 

Tom Ulbrich  01:58

Sure. I’m happy to do that and cut me off if this gets a little bit long. It’s a long journey, right, at my age, but, excuse me, the so my path started with I had one goal in life when I was graduated from high school – that was to get married to your mom as quickly as possible. So the pathway for me to do that I didn’t didn’t have any particularly great interests in one thing or another, was overall, a decent student. But the family we had a garden center in the family, landscaping business. So I’m like, let’s go into the family business. So I can get done with school. I went to school for ornamental horticulture and landscape design, entered the family business, got married right away, and Michael came along almost immediately, then you. And for over 20 years, I stayed in the family business, not because I was necessarily passionate about it. But because it was that that sort of like straight line you were talking about where you’re, you feel I don’t want to say I ever felt trapped. That’s not the fair, fair word. But I felt responsible, like it was my job to provide for the family. So once you both were in college, I decided to pursue some of my dreams, which meant I went back to get my MBA, I decided to leave the family business and actually ran for public office unsuccessfully. And the reason for running was I was very involved supporting small businesses through the National Federation of Independent Business and thought, why not do this on public policy side. But when I ran under those auspices, what happened was I had an opportunity then given to me at the University of Buffalo to run their Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership. So went Hey, you want to do all this stuff. You don’t need to be elected official, come here and do that. And I’ll kind of speed that all up, but I was there for 12 years. I became the Executive Director of the Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and became an Assistant Dean and faculty member in the School of Management where I taught entrepreneurship. And then towards the end of my time at University of Buffalo, which ended in 2020, I had a dual appointment as Assistant Dean to the School of Management was well of the school as well as the School of Social Work. Where I working on a real passion project and that was social innovation or the the intersection of for profit, business and social sector or nonprofit business. In 2020, I was recruited by a recruiter to Goodwill. Have to be honest for probably six or eight phone calls, I said thanks for calling. I’m not interested in running a bunch of retail stores. I finally did meet with the board; was really intrigued with the business model here at Goodwill that we are a social enterprise and that we can you know we can raise money or profit through our retail stores and reinvest that into our workforce development. So the challenge to me as an as an entrepreneur, and I didn’t mention along the way, we’ve started a couple businesses and stuff, I’ve skipped that part. But having been an entrepreneur, the challenge was I’ll come out of academia and do this in the real world. And I kind of took the bait, and here I am at Goodwill. I’ve been here for four years, and absolutely love the work here, and feel like everything I’ve done prior to this, you talk about journey, all the pieces of that journey, have led me to sort of my dream job where everything is coming together. entrepreneurship, leadership, all the things that I love to do, are sitting here in this job. So to your point with with young pharmacists that are on a career path, I think the challenge for many people, especially when they have invested in education, a lot of money, a lot of time and have deep expertise in a field, you can get trapped and stuck, because it’s uncomfortable leaving something that’s comfortable, but by never leaving, what makes you feel comfortable is really that can potentially really rob you, I guess it’s the right word, I was looking for the right word, rob, you have the thrill of being able to do something that you can make a good living at, and still be passionate about at the same time. And I think what people have to think about is not the degree, not the technical skills that I have, but under the auspices of a pharmacy license, but to think about what skills do I have that transfer to many other things. You’re, you know, you’re a perfect example, and many of your friends are that you’ve taken those skills that come with what you’ve learned as a pharmacist and gained all this experience along the way, then you’re able to pivot into something that uses those skills. I think we were talking about the other day, you see this a lot and people that come out of the military, incredibly skilled and valuable people for any organization. But it’s really hard sometimes to transfer those jobs, like what you did in the military, and how do they transfer out into, you know, the business sector here back home, or? And I think what happens there is you have to think about skills, not think about titles, not think about licenses. But think about the diverse set of skills that you’ve learned and that you’re that you that you’re a unique individual that’s put together all these little pieces along the way that makes you special, and whatever that next step is that you’re after.

Tim Ulbrich  07:54

Yeah. And I think that goes back to this idea of identity not being attached to the degree or the title. And I think for our profession, we struggle with that, right? Because at 18, 19, 20, 21 years old you know, there’s a story of, hey, you’re going to be a doctor, you’re going to have a pharmacy degree, you’re going to do X, Y, or Z and a feels big, it feels weighty that you have to make these decisions. And I think there’s actually a lightness and a relief as scary as it may sound to the listeners of kind of stepping into this uncomfortable territory and detaching yourself from the identity of the degree or the identity of you know, I’m a hospital pharmacist or I’m an industry pharmacist. It’s it’s about these transferable skills that we’re talking about. And I think honestly, one of the many things you taught me, maybe it was said, maybe it was unsaid, it was role modeled, like I lived that firsthand. I saw you go through this journey. I was in high school, finishing high school, going into college, when you made this transition and entered into the MBA ran for political office took the next step. I remember the phone call when I was in the airport traveling when you’re interviewing with Goodwill, right? Like we’ve lived these things firsthand. And my brother, Mike, he’s a great example of this. You know, he’s an industrial engineer by training. He went in, worked in corporate finance was very successful. And then he got 10ish years in and realized like, hey, I want something different for my life, for my family. And the pivot moment from for him was when he was able, with the help of a coach and some others, to detach himself from the identity with the degree or the identity with the role that he had spent his first decade of his career in. And that’s uncomfortable, but I want to talk about that uncomfortable in this because human beings are wired for safety. Right? That’s that’s normal and everything else is a risk. And for pharmacists, that’s real. Doctorate degree, good paycheck, lots of debt to pay off. Any other path than the quote, “norm” is risk and that’s hard hurting our profession. Because what’s this? What’s the incentive for taking risks and taking innovation? So as you’ve taught many entrepreneurs, and you’ve lived this journey yourself, what would you have to share to those folks that are, hey, I’m wired for safety, I see that and this idea of stepping outside of that is uncomfortable.

Tom Ulbrich  10:18

So that that’s great background, and really a really good question. And remind me I want to get back to we’re, you know, Father’s Day, and I want to talk a little bit about how parents are part of that journey with us shaping us to, we’ll come back around to that, but back to, you know, I’m gonna go back to the classroom for a minute. So one of the interesting things they taught entrepreneurship, and anybody on here should be saying, how do you teach entrepreneurship? Well, the fact is, you you don’t. Really to become an entrepreneur, you need to live in what we teach people are, here’s some best practices, how to validate a business, how to do customer discovery. But what you’re really referring to is something that you that I picked up, I only remember where I picked it up from a long time ago, is in entrepreneurship is the concept of 50,000 chunks of experience. So meaning that you will not be successful until you gain that experience. And you gain that everywhere. From you talked about a pharmacy degree. But you gain it also from role modeling. So both of both of my sons, now we’re entrepreneurs, not I was an entrepreneur, my dad was, in a sense, an entrepreneur. So we learn these skills by role modeling and seeing it. One of the interesting things when you look at data around entrepreneurship, and most of the data I’m familiar with is around minority entrepreneurship and women owned businesses. Until the last maybe 10 years, the the those demographics struggled mightily with being able to be successful entrepreneurs. And the question is, why? What the research showed was the why is, where’s the role model? Whereas somebody that looks like me, that has done this before? So long winded answer to say, yes, we as human beings are risk averse, we are wired that way. And the further down a path you get in a good career, like being a pharmacist, the that risk aversion just tightens and it’s even harder to walk away. And many entrepreneurs, you don’t need to be successful, like Mark Zuckerberg is an outlier, the 21 year old that created something and blew it up. Most entrepreneurs are successful later in life after they gained their experience, and they are in a stuck track. But what often happens is we have a financial downturn, something happens and maybe they lose their their job. And they’re sort of forced into entrepreneurship and recognizing can do that. Yeah, if I can, can I back up to parenting for a minute? Because I think it’s important and and no and answer your question. Will not question but your your comment about, did I role model for you? No, not deliberately at all. In fact, not at all, but it may have happened. So I think one of the challenges too, as parents, we want what we think is best for our children, I think everybody does. And sometimes we maybe think about it through the lens of safety for kids. And we don’t, we’re afraid and we almost drive people to a profession. Remember, when you’re thinking about college, you didn’t really know what you’re wanted to do. And I think we’re like, oh, this is probably you’re really good in these things. 

Tim Ulbrich  13:39


Tom Ulbrich  13:39

But it doesn’t mean that something you were passionate about or wanting to do. So I think from a parenting standpoint, and I wish I would have known these things, you know, 40 years ago, but I we did the best we could with what we knew, right? Probably would have done things differently to just try to understand now that I know how successful you can be as an entrepreneur, focus a lot more with understanding the unique individual that each child is and spending a lot more time in creative play, teaching about innovation, and not so much in the structure of I don’t want to say school because I don’t want to say schools are bad. It’s not. I don’t think we give give our kids either in school or sometimes as parents enough teaching or learning around creativity because the truth is the world we live in today, a degree a piece of paper. That’s great. And I know it’s required for many professions. But what you really need to do to be successful today is you know, how you need to know how to identify what the true problem is, when you see a problem. How do I look for the root cause of that problem and know how to do that and you know how to seek out information, really. Those are and solve problems creatively, which is really creative, creative problem solving.

Tim Ulbrich  15:06

Yeah. And you said the other day when we were talking, you said, hey, if we as a nation, right want to remain great for centuries to come, we talked about two things, you know, personal finance education, our listeners will give an amen to that and then creative problem solving. Right. And it’s interesting, I was just read an article the other day, you know, you think about all the focus around STEM over the last 10-15 years, and I’m not saying STEM is bad in any way, shape, or form. But even look at an area of study like computer science, and I was reading article about computer science graduates coming out having difficulty, you know, finding jobs because of AI and some of the replacement and technology thing that’s going on in coding, etc. And, you know, we have this huge surge of focus in that area, you have an overabundance, right, in some regards to people that are going into those fields, and now we have disruption that’s happening right now. But when you look at something like creative problem solving, so I’m very hard to teach in a structured environment, very important skill, that translates that is not easily replaceable, as we think about where trends are going. 

Tom Ulbrich  16:02

Sure. And when what you just said is really critically important. Imagine if we taught these two things, from the time your kindergarten or even before – financial literacy, and creative problem solving. Yeah, if that was baked in to the basic sort of like a core curriculum that that was part of the core curriculum, those things it would really change so much for the better. Because, you know, in the work that you do, how many people don’t understand financial literacy, and we can’t blame the individuals, you know, yes, you’re responsible to learn that, but they’ve never learned it. And they also back to role modeling, we talked about with entrepreneurship, you also role model people with money, too, right. And so you have, you have poor role models, quite frankly, and aren’t sure themselves, because they never learned how to handle their finances. So I think those two things could really, really start to teach things. And what’s fascinating to me, we talked a little bit the other day about the Medici effect, which is, which is really important, which, if anybody’s interested in that maybe could put it in the footnotes of Franz Johansson has wrote the book and had some really great simple TED Talks and learn about it. But it’s really around the concept that creativity, and innovation are enhanced by diversity, which is really interesting to me, because we’re so focused on diversity, which it’s important. But it’s all those diverse experiences, which ties back to our beginning discussion, and its diversity and everything. It’s in diversity in the people we work with. And that diversity isn’t just ethnic diversity, its age diversity, education diversity, likes diversity. It’s all that diversity. When you take people that are diverse, and you put them together, the sharing, and the creative, problem solving that can happen is just really, really amazing. So again, to teach that, and to stop, you know, that whole concept sort of busts up our limited thinking, and that’s what holds us back is, is we’re, we’re just back to risk aversion. We’re wired to be risk averse, okay, I’m making $110 grand as a pharmacist, or whatever pharmacists make, and why do I want to give that up? Like, maybe you want to give that up to pursue something that you’re really, really passionate about, that you’re going to thrive in, and maybe you’re going to make way more money, doing something that you’re passionate about. And again, I don’t believe in the old saying, do what you love, and you’re going to be fine. I think you have to balance that you can’t just ignore, you have to look at your skills. But what also is nice about having a career like a pharmacist, you can you have the safety of your career, while you build something. So if you’re really want to do it, and you’re willing to put in that extra work in the evenings in the weekends, you can build it while you have the safety of your of your career at the same time.

Tim Ulbrich  19:05

Can we talk about that for a minute? Because I think we tend to generally speaking about pharmacists, especially because of the things we’ve been talking about with, you know, some of the fixed mindset around the degree and the ceiling of income and the debt we have to pay off. You know, we tend to miscalculate risk, meaning we blow it out of proportion. And I found myself doing this early in my own journey. And one of things I often say is that at the end of the day, your pharmacy license is the greatest emergency fund you’re ever gonna have. 

Tom Ulbrich  19:32

That’s true. 

Tim Ulbrich  19:33

So if you take a risk, and worst case scenario happens and it doesn’t work out, to be able to have something you can fall back on that you can make $55 to $65 an hour. I’m not saying you want to go do the work that’s available necessarily or want to do it forever. But that is an incredible asset to lean on. And it really changes your perception of worst case scenario and taking risk and I’m curious from your perspective of your own business journey and mentoring many other business owners, how do you help people really evaluate risk objectively, when it becomes so emotional often that we look at it, and perhaps it looks scarier than it really is.

Tom Ulbrich  20:14

I think that’s an excellent point. So so as we keep saying, people are naturally risk averse, most of us. Here’s the other fascinating, you know, studies around entrepreneurship. Many people and I think people that are maybe in your industry that are considering doing something different or building something, they look at entrepreneurs and assume that they are these insane risk takers and throw it all down, you know, I guess it’d be the equivalent of going to a casino and putting all your money on black or red, whatever it is. The fact is, entrepreneurs are really great risk. mitigators is what they are, they don’t gamble. What they do, they try to get the risk, they try to do whatever they can to identify what the risks are, mitigate what they can, and then understand what true risks they’re taking. And, and I know myself and probably most successful entrepreneurs, they’re not they’re not taking 80% chance of having a loss, they’re looking to make sure that they’re way better than a 50/50. If I go into this, and how do they do that, the way you do that is lots of research, lots of Proforma work, like trying to understand how I’m going to make this work. But the most important thing is if you have a new idea – customer discovery. Speaking to potential customers early and often, talking about what you’re going to try to sell or what you’re going to present to somebody. And if the market is there, you’ll be able to see that the market is there, because all too often, many of us have a passion about something and go run off and build a business without ever asking is somebody going to buy my product, right. I’ve done that a couple of times, and you start to customer discovery, realize you’re the only person that’s interested in this. So it’s really important to not be the gambler, is what it boils down to. And to do that work that you can do. And think about mitigating risks before you take that next step for it.

Tim Ulbrich  22:17

That’s so good. I often say that the best businesses are when you can combine something you’re passionate about plus a problem that needs to be solved plus is something that people are willing to pay for. And sometimes you can have one of those or two of those but not three of those, right you can have as you mentioned, you can have a passion, but people may not want what you’re selling, or it’s not necessarily solving a problem that is as big as maybe you think it is. Or you could be solving a problem that you know isn’t big enough that people are willing to pay for it. And so you’ve got to really do all of those things. And hopefully there is passion behind it. Because as you know, firsthand business is going to have ups and downs. It’s inevitable. It’s gonna have highs, it’s gonna have lows. And I believe that when the lows are there, like you better have a really strong passion that’s kind of grounding you right to keep you anchored in those seasons where things aren’t going so well.

Tom Ulbrich  23:06

No dead on. And I think our society too, we have to be really careful about that word, passion, meaning I’d like to talk, you know, flip that a little bit and say, purpose. Your purpose driven type of work. In our world today, I think we mix up sometimes passion and purpose. And I just wrote a blog post recently where I described a little bit – somebody had found that was very purpose driven in their work and what they did. And I’d said in the blog posts, I have a passion for music, I love music. And I, you know, I have four guitars, they can’t play any of them. Right? So am I really, really is is that a true passion? Or is it a like. So I think I think that’d be my first sort of tip to people make sure it’s not just something you’re interested in that you like, it really, truly is a passion. And again, in today’s world, I think we’re always told well, I’m passionate about this. I’m passionate about that. But making sure it’s a passion. And if it’s a true passion, you will never feel like you’re working because the drive that that purpose, that purpose driven drive, it just feeds you it gives you energy it gives you it builds you up even if you’re working full time you’ve got the juice to do something at night because you’re building something that you are truly passionate or purpose driven about.

Tim Ulbrich  24:30

I want to go back to your career journey. You know, it strikes me as you’re talking and you know, I kind of look at mine as the same and I don’t think that’s by accident. We talked about role modeling, and being comfortable with you know, kind of a staggered approach. It really feels more like a rock wall that you’ve climbed and you have climbed a ladder, meaning there has been exciting progressions but you’ve acquired the skills you’ve gone sideways, you’ve gone into different industries. You know, you started really what I would call if we over simplify your first half of your career. We are, you know, in a family business, starting your own business, then you had this time where you went back and got some additional training that led to other opportunities. You then were mentoring other business owners and coaching through the university. And now you’re in this stage where you’re you’re leading a large nonprofit organization. And so as you look at that journey, in hindsight, are there threads that you see that go across all of those, even though those roles are very different? You know, you’ve talked about entrepreneurship and problem solving, if you get a little bit more granular, are there things within those experiences where like, yeah, I see the obvious connections? 

Tom Ulbrich  25:35

Sure. I think one is leadership. I like to lead and I learned actually talking about role modeling early in life that I had some of those pieces that would make me a decent leader. And that was in high school, a coach actually making me Captain the team when I was nowhere near the best athlete. My brain said, always said, well, the captains are the the superstars, right. But somebody identifying early, seeing something where you can connect people you can, you can figure things out, and how people can work together. So I think leadership is one of them. The other is, I really enjoy fixing things and building things and building teams up. And I can see that connection throughout the way and very think the other thing, we also didn’t talk about what your mom and I started an e-commerce company that we sold a few years ago, that started as a catalog business, really out of necessity and seeing opportunity. So I think also, just the other thread is just opportunity seeking. So imagine in a stable family business, the stress that can put on things. Because in a family business, a lot of it is about stability, and everything’s okay. And then it’s not true, always I get that. But you have somebody that’s always kind of like trying to push the limits and looking for something new. And I don’t want to say never satisfied, but it might feel to other people, like you’re never never satisfied. But what’s the thread? I think a lot of it is building things, a lot of it is leadership. And a lot of it is seeing problems and wanting to solve them, thinking there’s a better way to do something.

Tim Ulbrich  27:25

You said never satisfied. And I know you hedge that and caught yourself there, which I agree with. But I want to go there for a minute, because I think one of the things that you and I share is very much an achievement mindset that I often say through my own work of counseling, other things, I’ve learned that it can be my greatest asset and my greatest crippler, meaning that like it’s an innate gift, that I can solve problems, I can see opportunities. I can, you know, build a vision, execute on the vision, get people excited about the vision, get things going, I like to build and create I’m not a sustainer, necessarily as well. But if I’m not careful, like that can get out of balance. And it can be the next thing. The next thing, the next thing without seeing kind of the bigger picture of like, what’s the purpose? What are we doing here? It’s not just about achieving one thing after another. So share with me your journey and that kind of never satisfied achievement and how you reconcile that I know you’ve done work on that yourself. And you’ve come to appreciate like, Hey, that’s a good gift and a skill, but it also comes with challenges.

Tom Ulbrich  28:29

It’s a great gift and a skill. And it comes with lots of challenges, right? So yes, we do share that. And I think that it’s probably not uncommon with achievers, I guess it’s what I would call it. It’s almost like overachieving. So I I didn’t really address this until later. But I I still work with the same coach and the coach I work with he really like nailed it for me one day and said, You know what, Tom, you’re really good at climbing small mountains, grabbing the flag as fast as you can, getting the top and then looking around for the next mountain, the next peak. But he’s like, why don’t you get on a big mountain where you can change the world. And it’s gonna take you years and years and think about their journey as a climb and a plateau a climb and a plateau and climb and a plateau, which is really, really helped me also to, you know, I, I went through thankfully, it’s no big problem, but went through some medical stuff, the last few months, which made me really really reevaluate like what’s important to me, and what am I want to do, what don’t I want to do? And unfortunately, most people don’t have those events until they’re in their 50s, 60s. It’s something we should maybe think about a little bit earlier, but let me go back to your thing about achieving so I think number one is if if it’s purpose driven, make that mountain bigger. So you’re gonna we’re wired to climb. I bet you most of pharmacists listening on here, didn’t get through pharmacy school without being a type A, at least some level achiever. If you’re going to be an entrepreneur, what I want people to do is to understand what type entrepreneur you and me are, we’re founders. We are founders were the, you know, we’re the people that are good at seeing a problem, seeing if there’s a market for it, identifying the resource, it’s going to take pulling together the finances, finding the team. And that is a skill set that’s super important to a startup. What we’re best to do, though, is to build a team and go on to the next business or the next idea, and not trying to manage the team, because our type of personalities get bored with management. And, and yeah, we could argue like, well, you need to fix yourself, no, we don’t need to fix ourselves. We need to lean in, lean into who we are, surround yourself with people. And my team, if they were listening here at Goodwill would start laughing right now. Because they know I’m going to be popcorning ideas all day long. And I have surrounded myself with with people that are good at operational excellence, I’m not. I’m good at identifying the opportunity of solving problems, ideas, but actually, you know, we as a company gets larger, putting that day to day operational management, and you have to surround yourself with people. Comes back to our conversation about diversity. Diversity, makes it all better. So you have a diverse group of, you know, managers on your team too, that bring different skill sets to the table, you never want to surround yourself with people just like you. 

Tim Ulbrich  31:44

That’s right.

Tom Ulbrich  31:45

Because you will be, what you’ll be doing is seeing opportunities, not properly implementing the structure to run the business, and you’re gonna be starting and failing, starting and failing starting and failing.

Tim Ulbrich  31:56

You know, it’s interesting, as you’re talking, I was just reflecting back on, you know, some of the experiences I’ve had within organizations where I’ve built and created things. And where I’ve gotten in trouble is when I built and created and then I haven’t had the resources to help sustain, maintain, or be comfortable and willing to let go, for whatever reason, and then all of a sudden, you end up in this phase where you’re trying to implement and continue to implement and sustain when you really are a builder. And that’s not good for you as the individual. It’s not good for the organization either, right? Because I would argue Goodwill is best when you are building and popcorning ideas. So how do we surround you, with people, as you have, that can help you implement. And good leaders, good managers will see that with their people, and really help identify and say, Oh, hey, Tom’s a builder, he’s an innovator. He’s not a sustainer. And that’s okay. Like, we need him building. We need him out there innovating for the organization. 

Tom Ulbrich  32:53

I think the way you attract people is the one thing you must have as a leader. In our organization, especially as you get into larger organizations, the difference between a small business and a larger business is really the complexity of what you’re doing. So I always think of management from sort of the team of team concept. We have all these little mini teams that come together as a big entity, right? Like a matrix, and it’s in a, in a larger business, you have that complexity, and how do you track talent, you attract talent, through leadership, but what the important part is creating a vision with a clear pathway for it says we’re strategy, strategic planning, and communicating that in an interesting way, not a book that’s it’s up on a shelf someplace that nobody’s going to read. But how do you tell the story? What’s the story about where we’re going as a company, and if you think of your role as a CEO, or leader, I always think of it as your the chief energy officer, the chief inspiration officer, you’re not the Chief Executive Officer, although that’s the title, right? Your job is to really rally the troops, create the vision. And I always say, carry that flag in front of everybody. And remember, just when you are sick and tired of hearing yourself, talk about where we’re going, people are only beginning to listen. And it’s really important that we stay persistent as leaders, and also find creative ways to talk about strategy. So what we do here, we actually take our strategic plan, and we put it into different types of journey that we can share with the frontline people. So the first three years of our strategy, we we took our strategy, overlaid it on a map and we created a journey from Buffalo, New York to Hawaii, and where they were able to show people like where are we at on this journey? So really gamifying it a little bit? Yeah, I think that’s a good way but when you have a clear vision, you can attract and retain top talent. You also have to invest in that talent. You can’t be afraid to spend money to bring talent in, right? You need the best of the best. And then how do you keep them, and you keep them through good leadership involving them. One thing you have to watch out as a, as a founder leader is getting out of their way sometimes like, again, if you’re a problem solver, you want to jump in, you can’t solve problems for everybody, you have to ask the questions and help them solve the problem. If you’re going to build a great business.

Tim Ulbrich  35:28

let me ask you a question. I think when probably I’ve never asked you before, but when I think of your journey, it really feels like the point you went to pursue your MBA went back to college. And I remember speaking of role models, I remember at our old house, you guys don’t live there anymore. I remember you at the computer in the living room, you know, going through the application process, doing pre-reqs that ultimately led to the MBA program that led to other opportunities. But that really feels like a transition point where you said, Hey, I’m going to really live my life versus, you know, this being defined for me, and I’m going to really take some autonomy and ownership of the next step, the next phase. And I’m just curious of how you arrived at that decision, right? Because that was an investment of time, it was an investment of money. And to be frank, it has to take some level of humility, because you have how many years of business experience and now I have to go back into a classroom. And I know you went to an executive program where there was more experienced individuals, but you and I both know that a lot of people go into an MBA program with zero experience, right? You had the experience. So what made you say, Hey, this is a skill that I need to acquire, this is a degree that I need to acquire. And that ultimately led you to pulling the trigger and making that decision. 

Tom Ulbrich  36:42

so I felt, excuse me, the, excuse me, the, it actually was a it actually was part of a journey. So multiple times, I started back as early as my mid 20s to go to school. I was gonna go back and become a teacher. I did a lot of coaching, like some significant coaching for a long, long time. And had lots of times that I was if I look backwards, right, it was a journey like gait gaining the courage to step forward. And where the transition point was, it was right when you were in college, because at that time, it felt like we had got our children to a point where they’re going to be okay. And I could now invent and do this. So the MBA was probably it. Why the MBA? The MBA was really more about credentialing, I guess, similar to a pharmacist getting a license. And it might have been a little bit of impostor syndrome, to be honest with you to feeling like, I don’t have something that says I have all this business experience. And in order to be a successful politician, or whatever it was, the next step was going to be I felt like I needed to credential myself at some level. Little did I know that that journey was going to be so much more than credentialing. To be exposed to other people that thought, like I did, felt like I did that were on these journeys. To do whatever they were in, quite frankly, I learned a lot. A lot of people my class were on that find that straight line journey that you talked about. And it was just another step. And I learned, yeah, I don’t think I want to do that I want to do I want to continue to have that freedom of doing my own thing. And what was unique about UB, UB hired me as a clinical professor with the understanding that I had this ecommerce business, and that I would continue to run that ecommerce business. Yeah, because it was a clinical contribution variance. Yeah, experience to what I was doing it, you know, in the classroom.

Tim Ulbrich  38:42

So let’s talk about the e-commerce business. You know, we talked about the family business. So if listeners are curious, it was Ulbrich’s Tree Farm and then Ulbrich’s Tree Farm and Garden Center, that my grandfather started that my dad and his brother took over. Ultimately, you started in ecommerce business called Mow More Landscape Supplies. And let me paint the picture for our listeners. Because this goes back to role modeling experience. I remember, in our old home, I probably was, I don’t know, eight 9, 10, something like that, maybe a little bit younger, a little bit older. I remember I can see the carpet in the basement, I can see in the back of our basement where there were storage area, you had built shelves, that you had white index cards, I see the black Sharpie, that was the inventory for the distribution of the business. I can see the desk where you would do the financials, and eventually that would go into a warehouse and what you created in the business became a much, much bigger business. So why start that business? And how did you come to realize that that one in particular, was an opportunity? Oh, and by the way, I’m going to take this on in addition to another business I have, and I’ve got a young family that I’m raising. 

Tom Ulbrich  39:55

So I think one of it was seeing an opportunity. So we started the business or was related to the garden center business, we had a large landscaping business, we were buying so many parts to repair our mowers and all of our equipment, I decided to go directly to manufacturer to try to save some money. Was successful in negotiating with them to buy some parts and parlay that into selling those parts to other people. So it started, I remember that, you know, if your mom was on here, a lot of this was, thanks to your mom’s hard work. 

Tim Ulbrich  40:26

And I remember that, too. 

Tom Ulbrich  40:28

Yeah. But the first catalog you created, we can’t create a catalog on a typewriter in our basement stapled together, and was really successful for that. So that grew, we ran it out of the house until it got big enough that it was disruptive to the neighbors. And quite frankly, it was a bit unfair to the family business as this is growing. So I sold it to the family business. And we grew it then within the family business. I bought it back years later, and then we exited it back in, in 2019. But that started out of the thrill of building something, seeing the opportunity for it. And the energy came from just building something, like it was fun. It was an opportunity. It was a way to make some extra money. And you know, along the way, as I as my journey increased, really your mom ran that business if I’m being honest. Once I went to University of Buffalo, she managed it, ran it with the team. And until we were able to exit, I had some involvement in it, but not on the day to day. But there’s another example right, the founder, the founders gets excited starts, then walks away and goes and does something else. So that backs up your other other part of our discussion.

Tim Ulbrich  41:47

Well, thankfully, mom’s an implementer. So there’s a good, good and a sustainer. So there’s good, good connection there. Do you think it was fair, as you look back on that. You said that you started this, you had the idea. You felt like hey, there’s some rub here now with the family business. So you sold it to the business to then come and buy it back? Which I’m assuming you buy it back at a premium and then you grow it and eventually sell the business. Like, as you look back, like was that fair? Or? Or was that just some of the dynamics that were there with the with the family business? 

Tom Ulbrich  42:23

No, maybe a little dynamics, but I think in the big picture, it was fair. You know, I think the discussion with my dad was and actually he helped started, he invested in it. 

Tim Ulbrich  42:34

So cool. 

Tom Ulbrich  42:36

He was supportive of it. I borrowed $10,000 from him and paid it back over three years. That’s how we started the business. But I think it grew to the point and in all fairness to him as the leader of the family business, right. I think the rub was or not rub, but the question was, are you know, you’re taking a salary from here, you’re doing that and taking a salary from there? Is this fair to the rest of the family? And I think the answer was, was getting big enough that the reality was it probably wasn’t fair. So the discussion was, you can pack you can either come here and do this. Or you can leave, you know, and it wasn’t done in a negative way. It was just like, here’s the options. And so I went back and said, Well, how about, we fold it into the family business? And and that’s what we did. And so I don’t think it was unfair. Looking back, I think the entrepreneur in me wants to say it was unfair, like, why can’t I do all these things at the same time, but thinking as a leader of a business, I would certainly hear if I had somebody moonlighting, building something, there’s going to be a point where it gets big enough that I’m like, are you really doing everything you need to do to do your job? Well, so not unfair at all.

Tim Ulbrich  43:50

That was exactly the thought I had, there’s a combination, right? If someone’s looking at this, like as an investor, they would say like, No, Tom, it was your idea. Like you’re you, you were working your butt off, you came up with the idea. But if you think about as a leader, if you think about as a family, you have to put all these factors into play, right, when you’re making these decisions.

Tom Ulbrich  44:06

You do and I had the option to take it off on my own right. Yeah. So that was one of the options was to just go down that path and grow it. But what happens again, safety plays in, right. So that’s a safety decision, what would have happened if we would have taken it off on our own? I don’t know. But I know we were scared. It’s not big enough yet to give us a security back to our security discussion, right? And building up that courage over many, many years to step out on your own.

Tim Ulbrich  44:34

Which is interesting, because you would then take those experiences, right? You live this for two decades plus, and you would then apply and implement those and coach hundreds, thousands of entrepreneurs in their own journey as they’re as they’re navigating some of these things. So there’s the direct influence and impact from business. There’s the indirect and obviously you’re doing it and leading an organization right now. I’m curious as you look back now, you know, making the decision to work for the family business. Right? Ultimately, you’d kind of pivot made mid-career. But if you go back to those those first couple of decades making the decision to work for family business, that you then ended up starting your own business. As with all family businesses, there’s challenges that come into play. Right? So as you look back at that journey, like, would you do it all over again?

Tom Ulbrich  45:20

I think so. There’s pieces I’d like to eliminate for a bunch of different reasons, the struggles part of things. But looking back of who I was, at the time, I wouldn’t be who I am today without all those experiences. And sure, I could go back and say off, I would have went to get my MBA when I was younger, but a whole bunch of things can change. But would I ever have learned all the pieces that make me who I am today? And the answer is, probably, well, not probably the answer is no. I’d be a very different human being. And the truth is, I would probably be because of the safety factor, have been stuck in something I don’t like to do. So this has been a long journey. And you know, God works that way, sometimes. That you have to learn, you got to put your time in, and maybe mine’s longer than most people. But I’ve never been happier than where I am today. And I feel like all those little pieces of making this world successful today, and enjoying what I do, came from all those struggles and all those learnings, all the good and bad when you went through. And if you wouldn’t went through them, you wouldn’t have the skill set that you have today. 

Tim Ulbrich  46:40

I love that because I think sometimes when we make pivots in our careers in our lives, we run the risk of throwing out the experiences of where we’re going into the future. And I think so often the story is, you know, one that you’re sharing right of, hey, you know, sure, could this have been different, or I would have loved it, this went smoother, whatever be the case. But those experiences journeys, led to the moments that are here led to the development, the resilience, all the skills that you’ve learned along the way that are allowing you now to do the work that you’re doing. So I think that’s a great, great reflection. I want to come back. We talked a little bit about this. But Mike and I both started in very traditional career pathways, and now are both in entrepreneurial career pathways. So Mike, I alluded to this earlier, graduated as an industrial engineer, went into corporate finance, very successful, ended up leaving that work at the time, he was living in London, doing some international banking work, just had my niece, Annelie, decided they were going to move from London back to Buffalo without a plan. And he just kind of knew, hey, this is a point we need a pivot, ultimately would lead an advanced manufacturing company for several years, and then has since launched out to have a successful consulting business. And he also owns a business as well. So he’s got a couple of different things there. So went from a very traditional pathway to a non traditional, you know, my story is somewhat similar as well, starting in a very traditional pathway of pharmacy, you know, I’m still connected to the profession, but in a in a very indirect way, having an impact and in a way that maybe I didn’t necessarily think at the beginning. So as you look at that, from your experiences, and kind of where we’re going and you think about your own journey, we’ve talked about safety, like, does that scare you as a father? Does that excite you? Like, what, how do you think of that?

Tom Ulbrich  48:30

There’s times when it scares me, there’s no question, right? And I think there’s that safety baked in as a as a parent, right? Like, you want to make sure everything’s okay. But if you look at the, the, the person, you and Michael as a whole as an individual, and you look at the happiness level, and you know, even when there’s struggles, you’re doing things that you love to do. So it’s actually quite interesting and rewarding for me to watch it. I can’t speak for your mom she might be a little bit more nervous, but I can it’s fun to see that entrepreneurship as part of your lives in your you’re experiencing some of the struggles, but a lot of success from it. And I think about you, I know you’re you know your your time with family and everything and the flexibility that comes with being an entrepreneur, you would never have in a traditional career. Right? And I know you work really hard, but your your work when you need to work and you build time in to support the family when you need it. So I think seeing you do what you love to do is the more rewarding part, even though it can be scary at times, like Is everything okay? Is everything gonna be okay? But luckily you both have done fantastic jobs and with your businesses that are doing, you know, great work as well as seem to be loving what you’re doing. So it’s not, it’s rewarding at this point.

Tim Ulbrich  50:02

I think one of the hardest things I think about this a lot with the boys is like, how do we hold the space to not project our desires onto them, whether that’s a desire of safety, or, you know, it’s easy for me to project, my interests, my skills, but to really try to see them, each uniquely and individually, so hard to do. So hard to do. And I think that, you know, not projecting our desires. What we determined success may or may not look like, is so hard. But I know one of the great joys that I have, is whether or not the boys decide to pursue entrepreneurship. I don’t know, like, if it’s for them, great. If it’s not, that’s fine, too. But there’s a thread that you can see across generations, which is so cool, right? So they’re not in the house with you. But the behaviors, the skills right are being transferred from the role modeling that I had, and now the role modeling that I’m giving them the good and the bad, you know, it’s something I often think about that they hear Jess and I talking about business every day, and I’m trying to be careful about, you know, that that’s not just complaining, but they also hear the wins and the successes, and hey, this happened and this transformation with a client, and this happened with a team member, the highs and the lows, right? Because I think that I don’t want to give them an over glorified image of it. I don’t want to give them a gloom and doom, you know, vision that what it could be as well. 

Tom Ulbrich  51:23

Yeah, I think holding space for we were talking about this the other day, you and I were talking about this, is holding space for the individual gift that God made in each child, right, is really important. And it’s something I very much appreciate in today’s parenting, it seems to be much more thoughtful than, than we were parenting is like thinking like what makes that person unique? What are they truly interested in? What, what jazz’s them, what gets them excited? And also what are the things that maybe are going to derail them because of their personality and the people they are. But I, I really appreciate that, that thought about giving kids space to be who they are. But you also hit on something like many things, and I’m not an expert on all these but many things you can look back and you can see there’s generational like generational curses, generational blessings, 

Tim Ulbrich  52:20


Tom Ulbrich  52:21

You look back, like in our family. There was it goes back even further. So your grandpa’s dad, so your great-great grandpa, he actually worked for American Airlines. But he was very entrepreneurial, he was an intrapreneur within the industry. So that’s another thing you can do. Right? You can be entrepreneurial within a bigger business. He was at the very, very early stages of flight and worked his way from sweeping floors to being the lead of all mechanics in the country at one time for American Airlines. So and very, you know, in aviation was like this new industry…scary. Nobody wants to do a plane, planes used to fall out of the sky sometimes. Right? And prior to that, on your grandmother’s side, so your great-grandmother’s dad was an entrepreneur and had a giant jelly factory. 

Tim Ulbrich  52:28

Brinkman’s Jelly.

Tom Ulbrich  52:51

Brinkman’s yeah. So it, you can see it and I’m sure it goes back earlier than Yeah. So I think role modeling back to yes, that happens. But I think it happens more frequently than we see. And we’re not forcing that role modeling. It’s people wiring to it, right, it’s a young mind, seeing it, wiring it and normalizing something. So your life would be really scary to some other kids that were brought up in a very traditional family with so they’re going to be even more risk averse. I don’t mean traditional family, I mean, traditional career path, right? Where dad goes to work, mom goes to work, they work 8:30-5 o’clock in a big company, whatever it is, where your children are seeing, there’s another way I can do things too. So it’s likely they will do something creative or entrepreneurial, I would say. There’s probably a high propensity and part of their journey back to 50,000 chunks of experience might be that they work in industry for a period of time. Yeah, they may always have that itch. Want to go do something else and they’ll see an opportunity and they’ll you follow it.

Tim Ulbrich  54:32

So let’s shift gears and talk about some financial aspects. After all, this is a financial show. And I’d love to pick your brain, you know, as relates to your own financial journey, I think a lot of wisdom to share with our listeners. And one of things I want to start this conversation with is we often talk about the importance of striking the balance between saving for the future, right planning for retirement, taking care of our future selves while also living a rich life today and I know as someone who’s a saver and he does a good job of thinking about the future. You know, there is that balance for you. And I think that’s something you’ve probably been working on throughout your career. And so my question is like, how have you approached that balance? And like, as you think about this for you and mom, like, what does that rich life look like? What does that mean to the two of you?

Tom Ulbrich  55:17

Yeah, that’s, that’s a hard and interesting question. The, yeah, the fact is, I think you can get caught up in the extremes of both like, not understanding finances, and maybe never saving for anything and living paycheck to paycheck. And you can go the other extreme, of over saving, if that’s such a thing, you’re the financial experts, over saving and never having life experiences with your family, with your spouse with that, and also never having the thrill of philanthropic giving, and supporting other things, with your money, depending on what you what you personally believe you should be doing with that. So we I think we found a good balance, I’m not gonna lie, I still think we’re fine at this point in our lives. But I’m always thinking like, man it’d be nice to have a little bit, you know, bigger nest egg, a little bit bigger nest egg. But I think we found a really good balance many years ago, of starting to make sure we created experiences with family, your mom and I, you know, we do stuff with all of you, right? We try to create those experiences with family vacations. We also do vacations on our own to be a way to recharge, to spend time with each other. And we do a significant amount of that, we do, you know, some philanthropic giving, that we think is really important, supporting causes that are important to us. But I do think finding that balance is important. And I’m not sure, I think where are you find that I believe it’s just like the other topic we’ve been talking about. It’s a learned skill that can be taught. But it’s probably modeled and learned because one of the things I have noticed is, human beings all have a different relationship with money. 

Tim Ulbrich  57:04


Tom Ulbrich  57:05

And a lot of it is what they experience, if you grew up in poverty, you may be really, you know, risk averse about spending money, or you may be the opposite. I’m going to spend everything I make because I saw somebody lose it all, or I live with nothing for so long, I want to make it up. And you know, a great example, this is your grandmother, or great-grandmother lived through the Depression. So her dad was the Brinkman’s Jelly, lost everything in the stock market. And to the day she passed away, if she had a cup of tea, she would reuse the tea bag two or three times because that was how she was wired. Like, why would I waste this when there’s still something good in it, and I think those are situational, they’re how you grow up. But again, financial literacy and education, and the work that you’re doing, and the work that people are doing that, or, um, you know, listening to this super, super crucial that we understand how we’re wired around money, and the pros and cons of our genotype or whatever you want to call it, that that is who we are around money. But back to us, I think we found a good balance, you know, now we’re thinking about the point will come time soon, like, how do you spend it down? Yeah, and how much do you want to pass on to the next generation, but, you know, all those decisions, and I think for me, that’s more the hardest part gonna be. And I think that’s where your company or your business’s type of work, I believe where you really earn your money is probably working with people that are spending money down because that can be complicated. What go, what do I spend first, how much can I spend, I’m gonna run out of money, you know, all those type of things. But I it’s a real thing, right? people’s relationship with money. And it’s all very different. I don’t know it to be a fact. But I can imagine it can be very stressful in a relationship too. If you have people that come at, if their relationship with money, as a child was very different than that mean, then coming trying to manage finances together. So important work you you all are doing in your company. 

Tim Ulbrich  59:19

I’m so glad you mentioned the relationship with money. You know, it’s, it’s until we get real with that and honestly, self reflect what is our relationship with money? How healthy is it? Where did the behaviors come from? Does it cause anxiety, fear, shame, guilt? Do we have an open hand a closed hand without judgment as soon as we can actually understand and assess that we can get real with the financial plan? Because as much as we want to say it’s all objective X’s and O’s. It’s not. It’s not. I mean, that’s all important. Of course it is. But there’s so much behavior, so much emotion, so much learned experiences. Great-grandma’s a great example. It didn’t matter if she had $100 in the bank or $100 million in the bank. She was going to reuse that tea bag, right? The objective numbers didn’t matter, like and we have to think back to what was the dinner table experience, like, you know, what were those and we can’t change those experiences and the things that were great, we take gratitude for the things that weren’t, we can take responsibility and make changes for. But that’s where we start to learn these behaviors that really impact how we relationally connect with money. And the better we understand that, especially when you’re doing this with a significant other/partner/spouse, the better we can start to make progress and doing what we’re talking about, which is finding the balance of the objective side of it and finding the balance on the emotional relationship side of it. And you might not know this, but actually there’s a book called Happy Money we’ll link to in the show notes. There’s a researcher PhD that that’s what she does, she researches the connection between happiness and money. And what the research has supported is the connection, is there really on two things, on giving in on experiences. And when I think about what you and mom have done really well, it’s those two things. You have an open hand and a philanthropic mindset, right. And I think it’s natural that when you have an open hand, and you’re willing to give, you know, I think that you look at the rest of your financial picture in a different, in a healthier way. And when you look at experiences, right, those are memories, you talked about, you know, we take an annual trip as a family to the Finger Lakes. You know, next summer, we’re looking at a trip to Norway with a group of all of us, you and mom go on several cruises a year, you’ve done that, since we were, you know, in middle school. So like, I think the experiences and the giving are key components of the financial plan. And we really want to build the plan around to support those areas, if those are areas of goals for the individuals. 

Tom Ulbrich  1:01:42

That’s interesting. Two points you make that I think are super important is we forget about the motions part of my right, we want to do the X’s and O’s. But also when it comes back to parenting, if those two are really, really important, right, those two things, when it comes to parenting, we have to teach our children that really, really young, right? Like how do we teach our children that giving’s important? And there’s a bunch of ways that you all talk about how you do that. How do you teach that it’s healthy, to invest in experience, experiences that create memories, and it’s also healthy to save. And it’s not all one or the other. It’s all those aspects of what a successful money plan looks like. An even if we’ve talked about this month ago, but even decisions like what type of car you’re going to buy, like, you know, I often once in a while I get this itch, like I want to buy this really, really nice car, mom will say you really want to drive around in a car that’s cost more than people’s homes? And I’m like, no, I don’t want to do that. But t’s okay, if somebody does want to do that if they have the resources that that that is really an individualized decision, all of those decisions. And I think we have to be careful not to pick on our whole pigeonhole ourselves into it’s one or the other or the other. We’ve also seen people be philanthropic to the point that they’re, they’re punishing themselves. 

Tim Ulbrich  1:03:09

That’s right. 

Tom Ulbrich  1:03:09

They can’t, they can’t do anything because they give it all you know, they want to give everything away because it really jazzes them, but they don’t think about what their personal needs are, what other needs are, what long term needs are.

Tim Ulbrich  1:03:22

Yeah, and I think what I’m hearing there is individual. I think so often when it comes to finances we’re, we get caught up whether we know it or we don’t know it and kind of what other people are doing, and really evaluating like, what do we want? What what are the things that are most important to us, not what other people say we should be doing? What do we actually want to be doing and Ramit Sethi in his book, I Will Teach You To Be Rich, he, he talks about this as money dials. So find the things that really mean a lot to you and derive significance. And like prioritize them, dial them up and find the things that you don’t care about, that you’re maybe spending and dial him down, right. And for some people, the dial up might be a car, for others, it might be a dial down, right, everyone’s situation is different. So I love that. Let’s talk about pursuit of retirement. And I think this is interesting, because we just, we throw that term around. And for whatever reason, I think as a society, you know, people if you ask, Hey, when are you gonna retire? 62, 63, 65, right. And that’s kind of a vision they have it’s, it’s sort of this idea, this number, this age that we’ve just thrown out there and we kind of blindly accept. And again goes back to the individual aspects we’re talking about. But when I think about you, right, it’s someone who’s healthy, who enjoys their work, who has the flexibility within your job to do the things that mean the most to you. It really challenges that idea of retirement, like how are you thinking about the next stage in retirement? 

Tom Ulbrich  1:04:53

It’s interesting, because the world does. I think think like this magic number is 62, 65 years old. Again, I think it’s what I’ve learned it’s very, very individualized. Some people have to keep working, because they have to. That’s not my circumstance. I keep working, because I love what I do. And I imagine, I can’t picture the word full retirement, like not doing something everyday. So I don’t know what that means. But I know that at 64 years old, I’m not thinking of even thinking of leaving Goodwill for another four or five, six years, assuming I stay healthy, because I love what I do. And what’s also is really important. Your mom’s retired, but she supports me in what I do and my passions, and we work that out. Because I think sometimes that could be a challenge for couples, right? Yeah, one person’s retired wants to do this, and that, I’m fortunate to have a job, they do have a lot of flexibility in. Significant vacation time. And the most important if you work for somebody else, I have an incredible, we’re nonprofit. So I have a board of directors is my boss, an incredible nonprofit, that we talk transparently about who I am as an individual, what the goals are the company, for the board of directors, what my goals are, and they lean into other things I want to do. So I recently went to them and just went to the chair of the board and said, I thought about leaving to do more consulting, but like, why do I want to do that? And I asked myself, why do I want to go into consulting, I used to do it, I enjoyed it. The reason I wanted to do it is I miss that interaction with entrepreneurs and problem solving. And I found an outlet with that, and the board supported it. So I created a LinkedIn newsletter and launched it and I talk about entrepreneurship. And I talk about social innovation. And I have got so much feedback from people that said, I had you in class or I worked with you that is feeding that part of me that I was missing. So I hate you know, I don’t want to yeah, I don’t want to oversell, you know, I don’t want any of you coming for my job, but I got a really good, I got a good gig, that works for me. And I’m not I am not putting a date on retirement. If it’s not fun anymore, if it’s too challenging, if there’s a health situation, there’ll be a different discussion. But for now, I’m taking that word off the table. I’m gonna live and create, you know, maybe do more experiences, maybe take a couple extra vacations, we try to get down, you know, away to see the boys and do things with the girls. All that’s important. And I think retirement would afford more of that. But not enough to walk away from a job to just think you’re going to do that full time. Because we’re not.

Tim Ulbrich  1:07:49

Yeah, and not everyone right is lucky enough to be in a position where you love the work that you’re doing. And you feel a sense of contribution, right? Because we know I mean, it’s pretty darn clear. Like, you’re getting out, yeah, you’re working, you’re getting paid, but you’re getting a lot of intrinsic value because you feel like every day you’re making an impact and contributing, whether that be to the larger organization, whether that be down to the store level because of the efforts that you’re doing. Whether that be because of the impact you’re having of other entrepreneurs, or leading their staff, like if you just pull the plug on that, because of this illusion of like, I want to retire and do my own thing. We often underestimate what a gap that can be a contribution that you’re making, right? So I think there’s just a ton of wisdom in what you’re sharing there. And really making sure again, going back to the individual aspect, like what do you want, what provides value Oh, and by the way, you’ve put yourself in a position financially, that if something changes, whether that be health, whether that be something with the organization changes, something where you’re no longer, whatever, you have a choice you can make. And I think that that’s such a message we try to convey to our listeners that you want your financial plan to be designed in a way that gives you options, choice and flexibility. And that takes time and hard work. You’ve saved for a long period of time. But you now are in that position of choice as long as it’s going how you want it to go. You keep doing what you’re doing. But if something changes, that’s okay. Like you’re gonna be okay. 

Tom Ulbrich  1:09:18

For sure. And we’re, it’s certainly nice. I’m sure there are people that are trapped because they they didn’t plan successfully, right and or maybe even trapped and have to work longer. That’s not our, my position. You know, I’m fortunate that I could walk out today and we’re fine. Everything’s fine. But that did come through lots of planning and in you know, when we talk about financial planning, it’s not just about money. It’s about other things like health care and long term care and all those type of things that build safety nets around you are things that are getting probably very individualized to what the needs of the person is or what they feel safe around. But, but we’ve got all that. So we’re in a spot where we we could, you know, just stop which which that freedom allows you to really dive in deeper into what you’re doing. Because you’re not worried about all I have to do this or that, to sate to make sure I keep my job or, you know, I don’t want to do something that that might push the envelope a little bit. Because I can’t afford to lose my job and that and being surrounded by people that support you is really, really critical. 

Tim Ulbrich  1:10:31

Yeah. Well, this has been a joy. And by far, not even close, I mean it, that my favorite episode we’ve done in 363 episodes, so I can’t wait for this to get out to the community. I know. It’s one that I’ll be able to go back and listen to for some time. So thank you so much, Dad, for taking the time. I love you and appreciate you sharing your journey with us. 

Tom Ulbrich  1:10:53

You are welcome. I love you too. And Happy Father’s Day. The that will be here in in a day or two. Right? It’s coming quickly. So thanks so much. Appreciate having you again. Love you say hi to everybody. And we’ll chat again soon.

Tim Ulbrich  1:11:12

We’ll do and for our listeners if you want to connect with my dad, we’ll link in the show notes to his LinkedIn profile. Make sure to check out his newsletter as well. It’s great stuff. So thanks so much, dad, take care. 

Tom Ulbrich  1:11:22

Take care.

Tim Ulbrich  1:11:25

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YFP 362: Fatherhood, Family, and FIRE with Author Cory Jenks, PharmD

Cory Jenks, PharmD, author, speaker and comedian talks about his newest book on fatherhood titled, “So I Guess I’m a Dad Now.”

Episode Summary

On this episode, Tim talks with Cory Jenks, PharmD, a comedian, pharmacist, author, and speaker who helps create more adaptable, empathetic, and humanizing healthcare experiences. Cory shares his journey of writing his second book ‘I Guess I’m a Dad Now’, why he chose to write a book on fatherhood, the strategies he has employed in his journey of being a dad to three kids ages six and under, and why he and his wife Cassie used a Coast FIRE approach for their financial plan.

About Today’s Guest

Cory Jenks is a convention breaking pharmacist, comedian, author, speaker, and dad from Tucson Arizona. Since earning his Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2011 from the University of South Carolina, he has been on a mission to help people get off medications through lifestyle. Since 2013, he has taught, coached and performed improv comedy for thousands of people. And since 2022 when his 1st book Permission to Care: Building a Healthcare Culture that Thrives in Chaos, came out, he has been making readers laugh out loud while reading.  His newest book, I Guess I’m a Dad Now, provides practical and hilarious tips, tricks, and stories to help new dads earn that “#1 Dad” shirt they will inevitably be gifted on Father’s Day. With the little spare time he has, Cory enjoys harvesting rainwater, raising chickens, and attempting to play various sports with variable success. He is currently earning his Master’s Degree in Dad Jokes with the help of his daughter and two sons.

Key Points from the Episode

  • Fatherhood and new book release with comedian pharmacist. [0:00]
  • Fatherhood, healthcare, and intentional living as a pharmacist. [3:42]
  • Fatherhood, self-deprecation, and humor. [7:39]
  • The importance of being physically fit for dads, using examples from the speaker’s personal experience. [11:51]
  • Daily routines for physical and mental well-being as a busy dad. [17:43]
  • Parenting challenges and finding balance between work and family life. [21:56]
  • Balancing work and family life, prioritizing presence and play with children. [25:59]
  • Community and support for dads, emphasizing the importance of having a tribe for mental health and personal growth. [31:40]
  • Fatherhood, finances, and intentional spending. [35:01]
  • Financial planning and saving for a couple with different saving mindsets. [39:05]
  • Parenting, financial planning, and work-life balance. [42:20]

Episode Highlights

“And I think that with what I’m doing with this fatherhood book, and what I do with my other speaking, it’s, it’s not just healthcare in comedy, it’s it’s being willing, able, and I’ll use the word brave enough, to break the conventions to live that for life, too.” – Cory Jenks [6:13]

“Humans are humans regardless of their credentials or degree and you can go a long way just living those simple tenets. So a lot more showing than telling, which is great. Set a great example and your kids will do what you do as well.” -Cory Jenks [14:30]

“My vision as a dad is to help my kids fulfill their full potential being physically fit, in addition to mentally fit. Is this an important part and being financially fit as well.” – Cory Jenks [17:26]

“Playing with your kids is just so much fun. And I think the simplicity of that wins out over almost every complicated vacation, app, toy, tool, tech thing you want to do.” – Cory Jenks [31:14]

“I think for a lot of dads who I’ve talked to, they had these like relief moments of like I’m not feeling who feels like this. I’m not alone in this. And guys are not known for our open communication. So if you can find a real life tribe, if it’s an online community, but it’s really supportive and productive, that’s great too. And then sometimes reading a book that makes you laugh and realize okay, I’m not the only idiot dad that does dumb stuff sometimes like okay, if Cory did that, then you don’t feel so bad if you made that mistake, too.” – Cory Jenks [34:18]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich  00:00

Hey everybody, Tim Ulbrich here and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. This week I welcome Cory Jenks on to the show a comedian pharmacist, author and speaker who helps create more adaptable, empathetic and humanizing healthcare experiences. During the show Cory and I dig into his journey of writing his second book, I Guess I’m a Dad Now, why he chose to write a book on fatherhood, the strategies he has employed in his journey of being a dad to three kids six and under, and why he and his wife Cassie, used a Coast FIRE approach to their financial plan. 

Tim Ulbrich  00:36

Now, before we jump into my interview with Cory, I have a hard truth for you to hear. Making a six figure income is not a financial plan. Yes, you’ve worked hard to get where you are today. Yes, you’re earning a good income. But have you ever wondered, Am I on track to retire? How do I prioritize and fund all these competing financial goals that I have? How do I plan financially for big upcoming life events and changes? Whether that be moving, having a child, changing jobs, getting married or retiring? Or perhaps why am I not as far along financially at this point in my career, as I think I should be? One of the answers may be that your six figure income, while good is not a financial plan. As a pharmacist, you have an incredible tool in your toolbox. And that’s your salary. But without a vision and a plan that good income will only go so far. That’s in part why we started Your Financial Pharmacist back in 2015. At YFP, we support pharmacists at every stage of their careers to take control their finances, reach their financial goals, and build wealth through comprehensive fee only financial planning and tax planning. Our team of professionals, including our Certified Financial Planners and our CPA, works with pharmacists all across the US to help our clients set their future selves up for success while living a rich life today. If you’re ready to see how YFP can support you on your financial journey, you can learn more by visiting yourfinancialpharmacist.com/learn. Again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/learn. 

Tim Ulbrich  02:09

Cory. Glad to have you here. Glad to have this time together.

Cory Jenks  02:12

It’s always special with you, Tim. I was just saying before we went live, you’re super generous, super helpful, super supportive. And as a pharmacist and a dad and anyone in this community, you really lift up a lot of us. So thank you. You have been buttered up. Let’s go.

Tim Ulbrich  02:30

Well, I have been looking forward to this. Fatherhood is one of my favorite topics to talk about. We’ve got a couple neat interviews lined up, including yours. My dad’s coming on the show to do an interview next week leading up to Father’s Day, you released a brand new book, I guess I’m a dad. Now we’re going to talk extensively about that. I got my copy, which I feel super special to get a copy of this. I had a chance to read it. I think it was in the near final draft. It was really darn close several months ago and you just did a awesome job. We’ll talk more about that here in a little bit. And we’ve had you on the podcast as interviewed previously, Episode 134. You and your better half Cassie came on the show to talk about your journey as a FIRE enthusiast Financial Independence Retire Early. We had you back on episode 196. You talked about how to use improv comedy. We’ll talk about your role as a comedian to create a better healthcare system. This episode, this interview, we’re gonna take a little bit of a different angle centered around fatherhood. And again, your new book, I Guess. I’m a Dad Now. And before we get too far into the book and the discussion around fatherhood, which I’m confident is going to be rich, give us a brief overview for those that don’t know who you are in the work that you’ve been doing. What has Cory Jenks been up to over the last several decades? Who is this guy?

Cory Jenks  03:52

Oh my gosh, yeah, I don’t make sense. I’ll preface it with that. I get a lot of introductions. And I’ve literally can, I’ll keep this PG but I am a pharmacist. I live in Tucson, Arizona. So logically, I went to the pharmacy school at the University of South Carolina, go Gamecocks. And I moved back to Tucson in 2011 did a residency here at the VA, worked there for a decade plus. And I’ve done everything in pharmacy – inpatient, outpatient ambulatory care. Kind of kind of love the ambulatory care world 2022, I left the VA and worked for another company now doing ambulatory care, but going part time, and if you go back to the Coast FIRE episode with Cassie and I and my wife kind of explaining why we did that, because part of that is I’m a dad of 3- six and under: 6, 4, 1 basically. So drinking from the firehose, the life there. And beyond that I’ve been doing improv comedy and comedy in general for over a decade, which is not a normal pharmacist combination, but there are a lot of us out there. And so I do that and have been really working on reaching out to healthcare organizations about applying these skills, which are not just being funny, that are listening, empathy, communication You wrote a paper in 2019 kind of talking about pharmacy residencies, deficiencies or how our GPA is not measuring everything we need to be successful and it really dovetailed nicely with the start of what I was trying to do. Because I realized that was never going to be on a Saturday Night Live so I can go, please. Yet. Yeah, maybe I will get really famous. And I will then host who knows, I will not limit myself. So yeah, so now I, you know, I’m basically a convention breaking pharmacist, I get people off medicines when I work. In my practice. I do a lot of diet/nutrition counseling. I applied comedy to health care, which is not a normal thing. And now I’m a two time author. So that’s my other book is over my shoulder here, Permission to Care Building a Healthcare Culture that Thrives in Chaos came out in 2022. So if you’re not a dad, and you work in healthcare, and you’re like, I don’t need a dad book. You can get that book too. So, yeah, I think that I get uncomfortable talking about all the stuff I love. Not all, but the stuff I do because I don’t love the narcissistic view Millennials often have of like, I’m doing all these things! But it’s just, I like doing lots of stuff. And if we get into fatherhood, my dad is always someone who’s couldn’t sit still, my grandfather was always someone who couldn’t sit still. And I think Jenk’s men just like doing stuff. So I do lots of stuff that doesn’t always fit into one category. And I think that with what I’m doing with this fatherhood book, and what I do with my other speaking, it’s, it’s not just healthcare in comedy, it’s it’s being willing, able, and I’ll use the word brave enough, to break the conventions to live that for life too.

Tim Ulbrich  06:27

It’s interesting, Cory, you often say, break the conventions, which I see you very much as that person. I also see you as a very intentional person. That’s the theme, the word that keeps coming to mind for me, whether it’s as a father or husband, in your financial journey. Obviously, we’re going to talk about fatherhood today and your physical fitness. We’ll talk about the tie between that and fatherhood as well today, but I see a thread of intentionality and really encouraging motivating inspire in other people in their own journey. And speaking of intentionality, it takes intention, it takes work to write a book, this being your second one. And you and I both know that when you’re self publishing a book, there’s a big investment of time and money and it ain’t about the money. And so my first question is, why write the book? What were you hoping to accomplish when you sat down to write, I Guess I’m a Dad, Now.

Cory Jenks  07:18

I had too much time, money and sanity, it was like I need to throw…. So part of the part of the inspiration for the book came when I when I cut my hours to help watch the kids a couple days a week, hanging out with them at the park and watching other parents and dads interact, or in my case, like not interact with them. Like being on their phones being distracted. And I’m not going to pretend I’m a perfect dad. And then the audio version of this book, my brother-in-law’s an audio. He’s a musician that has a studio so he helped engineer it. And he said, you know, Cory, you know, this is a parenting book, I would expect to have a lot less like self deprecation. I’m like, No, I don’t want to be someone who thinks they know it all because I know they’re lying. So I’m not going to say I’ve never been on my phone around my kids. But seeing a lot of the checkouted dad’s just sort of started sparked an interest and perspective in me of like, there’s a joke there. And I literally wrote a joke in notes phone of like, you know, first idea for the book was, when you’re at the park, make sure you’re not looking at your phone. Yes, I wrote this as I was on my phone. So if you don’t heed this you have you will have wasted the fact that I ignored my kids for five minutes like writing this down. And then from there, it just sort of snowballed into other observations about fatherhood, like my own, our own struggles as parents because I do this along with Cassie, my wife, and observing other dads good, bad, my own shortcomings, my own wins. And basically then trying to turn everything into like a joke so that it’s more easily digestible. Because I think the other impetus for the book was reading, you know, talking about intentionality, like we read some parenting books, and that can be heavy that can be boring. With the acknowledgement that, you know, if dads don’t do our job, like society kind of collapses. So it’s really important job. And I start the book off with some statistics that show that, but also like, if it’s not fun, funny, dudes aren’t gonna want to read it. So how can I turn this message into something that’s easily digestible, realizing that…I don’t know if you’re a Seinfeld fan, but I have a friend that’s like, we could just talk in Seinfeld quotes for the next hour. Yeah, like we could try to give me like two steps of the Krebs cycle, which we had to learn like seven times, we couldn’t do it. But we could go through Seinfeld quotes because when it’s funny, you’re going to remember it. And so that’s kind of the other goal with this book is using that comedy side to turn it to funny, but also using that pharmacist analytical brain to analyze something and sort of flip it in a way that’s like, okay, yeah, that’s true. It’s funny. He made fun of himself or some other unfortunate dad that I observed, and I will not make that same mistake.

Tim Ulbrich  09:43

Yeah, it’s interesting. You mentioned that self deprecation. I thought the humility was there throughout you know, the acknowledgement. You gave the phone example but many others throughout the book where you’re in it, right, six, four, and one. It’s not like you’re waiting until a far off date in the future when you can look back with the glossy version of what was reality, right? You are in the thick of it. And I think as you’re writing in the thick of it, in the moment, it allows for it to be very real, very authentic. And I think it’s just natural, the farther we get removed from it, I know I feel this way with my oldest who’s about to be 13. Like, those memories become fuzzy right over time. And I love the authenticity. I love the realness of it as you wrote it.

Cory Jenks  10:27

Yeah. One is, as you get further from it, the hardness kind of fades, which I think is our nature designs it. Your youngest is what six?

Tim Ulbrich  10:27

Going to be five soon. 

Cory Jenks  10:33

Yeah, so if you, if you really remember how hard it was with your first three, you’d be like, I’m never gonna do this again. But nature is like, you know, we need more people. So I think it’s the same with anything like you look back into pharmacy school wasn’t that bad or high school wasn’t that uncomfortable? Like, no, it was terrible. It felt terrible at the time. And so the subtitle of this is:  A Humorous Handbook for Newish Dads Who Don’t Want to Suck. So it really is for that thinking about kids up to about age five, which is when I finished writing the initial draft. And so and I say it in the book, like, if you want advice for raising a teen, I couldn’t tell you because I’ve never raised the teen. Tim, you could write that book in a couple of years, but I’ve not been in it. So you know, the good joke is like the next volume will be like how to raise from like six to 11, which is like, from what I hear is like a really golden age of kids, because they’re not quite angry teens, but they’re, like, have enough skills, mental and physical to really make the most of those moments that teens won’t be great. And not that having little kids isn’t great, but like a newborn can’t play catch with you. And the other day, like yesterday, we actually played catch with my oldest kid, like he’s able to catch and throw. Like, I was like, Oh my gosh, I was expecting way too much when he was three. Yeah, but it’s kind of a cool moment. Not that you don’t love them when they’re younger. But like when you if they’re able to do more stuff with you, as a dad, you know, I don’t I don’t grow it, I didn’t birth it. Now I can kind of help shape and shape them, he, my kids. ,

Tim Ulbrich  11:57

You know, I was thinking about especially as we we get ready to celebrate Father’s Day here in a couple of weeks that you know how we show up as a dad. And this can be the good, the bad, the ugly, but how we show up as a dad so often stems from how our dad showed up. And you know, they did the best that they could and obviously how they showed up was largely from how their dad showed up. And you know, based on the dedication, where you give a shout out to your dad, I suspect that he’s had a big influence on you and your journey of fatherhood. So tell us about Papa Jenks.

Cory Jenks  12:29

Mark. Mark, was, I don’t know if he’s, he’s, he’s here. Like we’re doing this live as we record it on LinkedIn. He’s on LinkedIn. He likes to comment on my posts, but he still teaches he’s a PE teacher. He teaches at the University of Arizona now in the College of Ed, but he’s, you know, I think he was someone that really showed by example. He’s from a small upstate New York town. You know a few things about upstate New York. His parents, my grandparents were like, when that generation was called the silent generation. I think they named it after Harry and June, like not that they didn’t love you. But they just dinner was very quiet because we’re eating and that’s in my a lot of feelings talk not a lot of like warmth, I love you love us, but a lot of showing love by you know, all the memories I have with my grandfather – building things, having those memories together. And then my dad, like he loved me, he was always there to support me. And unfortunately for him, like he was a great athlete, played college football. I was not that good. But he still supported me, helped coach me. And I think that the big things I got out of it from him were how to work hard. How and we talked about finances like he would teach, he was a teacher. So in the summer he was off but he would teach swimming lessons, he would coach to earn extra money. And I remember going with him to the place he taught swim lessons because they had a place where I could play and he’s like, alright, well, this is our vacation this summer. Like those little things stuck with me. And he tells tells me about how grandpa would change the oil in their own car instead of taking it he’s like, Well, that’s a dinner instead of paying someone the money to do it. So I think he really showed me the value of hard work and utilizing those skills to support yourself and not being afraid to you know, we say side hustle now. Millennials and Gen Z is all about the side hustle like my dad and grandfather were the original side hustlers. They just didn’t call it that. So, taught me the value of hard work and then the message I write about in the book is he was very supportive in a pragmatic way. Like I would be you know, I’m going to pharmacy school, Dad,  this is healthcare. This isn’t just teaching kids dodgeball. Okay, this is big time stuff. He’s like just show up on time, work hard and be pleasant. It’ll be fine. But it’s healthcare, Dad! And then every step of the way through undergrad pharmacy school, residency, I was like, oh, yeah, you’re right. Humans are humans regardless of their credentials or degree and you can go a long way just living those simple tenets. So a lot more showing than telling, which is great. So set a great example of your kids will do what you do as well because you know, he played racquetball golf, like doing all the same activities as him too. so inspires me to try to make sure that instead of telling my kids stuff, I’m showing them.

Tim Ulbrich  14:55

Cory, when I think of you, you know the words that come to mind if we do word association with Cory, right I think pharmacist, I think FIRE enthusiast, I think comedian, author, speaker, I think fitness guru as well. I know that’s an important part of your life journey. And you brought that into the book and chapter two, you talk about the connection between your passion for fitness and health and why that’s important, as soon to be, although I would, I would argue whether it’s someone who’s expecting or thinking about having kids or, you know, your 10 plus years into it, it’s a priority, and they’re very much is a connection. Tell us more about what that connection is, and why you felt like that was important bring into the book.

Cory Jenks  15:35

There’s sort of the celebration of DadBod, which is sort of like, Oh, I’m, you know, my wife’s pregnant, and I’m gonna, you know, look like her too. You kind of let yourself go. And I don’t think that body shaming is great, I think they’re a little shame might be good. Like, because kids are energetic. They’re, they want to keep going. And I just see, so often, kids with fathers who are out of shape that are just like play with me, play with me that they’re just like, oh, I can’t, I can’t. And if you if you don’t have like, I there are, if you play the comparison game, there’s always gonna be someone who’s way fitter than you and way less fit than you. But if you are able to keep up with your kids have some muscle like, like every night that kids fall asleep in a different room, and I have to carry them to the other room, like my four year old is 40 pounds, and he’s on the other side of this full size bed, like, there’s some functional fitness picking up 40 pounds and lugging it across the hall. So if you really want to be there for your kids, as a dad, I think it’s non-negotiable to be in shape for to be there for them. And also to set the example because I can’t tell you the number of kids I grew up playing league or soccer or whatever, that their parents are very out of shape. And they’re like, you will play sports and the kids like, well, you’re not doing anything, right. Like, you know what your words are hollow with your actions or not. So and setting the example like my dad was a PE teacher, so he was always active, he hit me, he’s, he’s such a, I’ll use the term like adorable nerd about this stuff. So send me articles about like, you know, if you get 10,000 steps a day, you look five extra years, or like what you know, and it’s great. Like, that’s what a great example, the set and then we see that with our kids that for my six year olds birthday, he got a pull up bar for the door. So he looks like climbs and hangs and we play, you know, we’re active. And it doesn’t mean that you have to play sports or be in the sports. But I think that being physically active is non-negotiable. And I think that if you want to help your kids fulfill their greatest potential, which is sort of I got asked this on a podcast the other day, like what’s your like, kind of vision as a dad is to help my kids fulfill their full potential being physically fit, in addition to mentally fit. Is this an important part and financially fit as well. Yeah. Yeah, getting getting getting your gear in shape. And ignoring the siren song of the dad bod is is important to, in my opinion.

Tim Ulbrich  17:43

Yeah, the connection you just made is interesting. And we often talk about helping our kids to be the best version of themselves, which requires a ton of time, attention and understanding who they are. And each one of them is very unique. And I think that becomes a little bit more evident. Like as I think about where my boys are at in age, I’m seeing it more and more with my older three. And it takes time and patience. But what’s underneath that is interesting what you’re saying, right? Someone’s physical health, mental health, we know that as adults that how critical those things are. When those are humming, we are more likely to be bringing the best version of ourselves, right? We feel better, we feel more engaged. We’re better in relationships. I mean, there’s such a stemming effect from that, which is a good segue. I’d like to kind of peek into the author’s brain here. Like for you, physical health, obviously a priority. I know emotional health, spiritual health, financial health other things. What are the routines that you have employed in your day? Or your week, however, you want to frame this that have allowed you to bring the best version of Cory every day? What are those habits?

Cory Jenks  18:45

Yeah, this is this is the part where you’re, you might not want to hear all this because it’s hard for some to hear, but I get up early. Like so with kids, they’re either gonna get up early, or they’re gonna stay up late. So you so adjusting around my kids schedule, and I get up around most days between like four and five o’clock in the morning. And that first 15 minutes is usually some version of like brushing teeth, my eyes half opened and like getting chores done around the house, like prepping the day like getting getting lunches ready, like my wife and I make these like collagen gelatin beverages. So like getting those all teed up so that when she wakes up, we can just hit the button and we’re going. So taking care of my spouse, that’s a big part of it. I tried to sit quietly for like, even just like two to two to five minutes, just to have a few moments of just trying to like breathe a little bit. And then two days a week, I’m doing a 15 minute quick, quick and dirty fitness routine, which if you’re listening or watching this, if you buy the book, I’ll send you my my routine. It’s part of my preorder bonus, but it’s already out so I’m just gonna send it to you if you want it. It’s just a very simple short routine because with three kids I don’t have time to hit the gym a ton, and then two days a week it’s it’s like going for a run or doing some some HIIT like some sort of like, I don’t know what interval interval training or something like that and I have a father in my neighborhood that we go for a run once a week. So helping, you know, helping bring another dad into this fold, you know, he says I hate getting up in the morning. And that’s why I do it. So do that, if I’m able to, you know, a couple days a week, it’ll be some writing in the morning, because I write a newsletter and then trying to promote myself on Twitter or LinkedIn trying to come up with something there. And then a couple days a week, I’m at work. And then the other days, I’m with my kids, and just try and be with them. And then in the evening, it’s winding down, get them to bed, if I’m, if I’m humming real good, I just go out and read a book or strum a guitar or, or do something like that. And if it’s not, then I’ll try to check it up notification, I’m turning 30 minutes into warmholing. So I’m just like you, everybody gets stuck on the computer. So and then I mean, foodwise, if you want that part, too, I mean, from fitness side, I eat a lot of protein, a lot of veggies, not a lot of carbs, and fats, and don’t overthink it. So that’s, that’s the main thing. And then just always checking in from a from a from a relationship side of it, checking in with my wife, making sure she’s taken care of, her needs are taken care of. Because she bears the brunt of our baby at night. So she’s, you know, and on top of all this, I’m Cassie jokes that there’s a Laundry Fairy and a Dinner fairy. Because Dishwasher Fairy because I’m the one that does all that. So fathers are not off the hook there. Started doing a lot of the chores around the house, because she does a lot of the other stuff that I can’t do. And then usually at the end of the day, our joke is we say good morning, and we’re trying to lay down a bed at night because we’re so so busy. So it’s going to probably depending where you’re at in life, if you’re a dad or not, or even if you’re not a dad, I think having some of these routines is good. And I a big part of it for me is simplicity. And I know just spent three minutes rambling about stuff, but you know, there’s people are like you get up you do 15 minutes of journaling, you just seven minutes of breath work, you’d look at the sun with your eyes closed, you look at it without like, Yeah, but then your kid wakes up at 5:15 with a bloody nose and all that’s out the window. So how can you maintain that good day without having all these things that are locked in place.

Tim Ulbrich  21:56

That’s exactly where my mind was going. I’m so glad you said it. Because as I think about my own journey here in Utah, I have found the morning routine is a non negotiable for me. And granted, I’m a morning person, I’m not a four or 4:30 morning person, but I’m a morning person. And I’m grateful for the flexibility to really start the first couple hours of the day. And as my boys would be gotten gotten older, it’s more predictable, right. But it wasn’t always predictable. And there are seasons where it is not predictable. And I think my encouragement to those listening is to find the system and the routine that works for you. That gives you enough structure that really helps move the needle on the things that matter the most but also enough flexibility that, hey, one season looks very different than another and you can be humming. And then a month later, it’s like why aren’t my kid ever sleeping, I’m not getting up at 4am. And I got to shift some of this. I’m a morning person, but I gotta shift this. And I think sometimes if there’s too much rigidity, especially for those with young kids, sleep is variable kids get sick, we know this happens, right? That’s when we feel defeated, all of a sudden the guilt comes in. And that’s not productive, you know, in any way, shape or form. So I’m a big fan of like, hey, find, the system and the routine, but especially for those with young kids, like give yourself some grace and some flexibility that things are gonna change. It’s gonna happen.

Cory Jenks  23:13

Yeah, I liked the things you said there, the seasons. I think that’s something that Cassie and I talk a lot about us that, season X where we I mean, we had a newborn, a five year old, a three year old and it’s just chaos. What we found works is what is the minimum we both need, like we talked about, you know, you and I have talked about, like filling your bucket every time like, what’s the minimum you need, and Cassie knows that I need like 15 minutes to lift weights and like a 30 minute walk. And I’m like in a much better like she’ll say you need to go for your walk or you need to go for your run. And I know that if I get that she knows if I get that like I’m good to go for the day I like I just need physical movement. I mean I’m a pharmacist, I work at a job where I sit like hunched over all day, so I need some of that movement. But for everyone’s going to be different. And like you say that the rigidity and there’s you don’t have to feel guilty about taking care of yourself as a parent. Your kids are pretty resilient. Like that doesn’t mean you ignore them for eight hours while you watch Netflix. But it does mean that if you need to like they watch a show for 30 minutes while you walk or do you just even if it’s clean the dishes and or whatever in your house. It clears your mind so much so and then also to stay off Instagram because every father Instagram account that I was trying to use to like promote my book just makes you feel like the worst dad ever. So just ignore those and you’ll be good to go.

Tim Ulbrich  24:31

Yeah, one of the greatest challenges great, I think a parenthood is being present, truly present in the moment and the experience that’s in front of you, you know, not cut up in analyzing the past worrying about what may or may not come in the future. Easier said than done, off course and we’re not going to get this perfect. But you talk about this in the book in chapter six. All it takes is being president let me read the first couple paragraphs and then I’ve got a question for you. You say, “A lot of newish dads wonder if they will be ‘enough’ for their kids. Will they make enough money to support their family? Will they provide enough emotional support? Will they be enough for their kids to love them, or at least tolerate them? To make this happen, dads can sometimes go overboard working, trying to pry the feelings out of their kids and smothering their kids with so much love that the kids will actually push away. I shared those feelings of needing to be enough. While more money is nice, it’s important to be a loving and emotional pillar. There’s just one trick to success as a father, be present.” Be present. Now, this if you had to say, Hey, Tim, what’s probably one of the greatest challenges you’ve had, as a father, I would say it’s really honing in on this. And again, there’s permission and grace that needs to come in here as well. What, for you, has been the secret or has allowed you to be as present as possible as a father? You just talked about in the book how important it is.

Cory Jenks  25:52

Well, I don’t know if it’s a secret so much as a lot of self reflection and being called out for not being present. I think having having a having if you’re there, if you’re raising them with you, with your spouse, with your wife, and she’s like, Hey, you’re on your phone, that like that’s a dagger to be like, Okay, I’m not there. But like going through the different pillars of like, what would take you out of the moment with your kids. So there’s, there’s work and so I, the longer I’ve worked, the better I’ve been at leaving work home when I come home. That being said, like in a world of entrepreneurship, like the work typically, I mean, literally never ends. So there’s always like a notification, you could check, there’s always something you can do there, so trying to block time to be like, okay, when they’re at school, like for this hour, I’m working on it, and then like letting it go. So just letting stuff wait. And it could wait. I do comedy, there’s never a comedic emergency. So like, there’s no, there’s no need to get to that. I think that the other pillar’s of presence. So like trying to earn a ton of money for your kids, like my kids. It’s like the trope of like, they’ll play with a box or like a stick in dirt, or a balloon. And this is something that’s probably one of the biggest conflicts with the grandparents, it’s like you stop getting them stuff, like they’re so happy with the balloon like imagine a world where you could be entertained with a balloon for an hour, we would all be so much happier if we didn’t have to feel like we’ve spent money on stuff. So if I’m not taking myself literally, physically away trying to earn money to buy stuff I don’t need that I’m going to be more present. And fortunately, again, I’m married to someone who’s not a huge like checking phone person. So I kind of take cues from Cassie and we have a spot where we charge it in our laundry room. And we’re pretty good about just ignoring that and just not trying to kind of piggybacking off that, like there’s a chapter in the book, like don’t try to like make memories. Like you let the memories happen. So if you’re not in this is a sort of pet peeve of mine, like we don’t try to document everything with like every, we don’t do a picture of video of like every little cute thing, because you literally can’t. Because if you’ve tried to do that, you’re going to take yourself out of the moment of taking a picture, is it good enough, we’ll take another picture. Well, now the kids want to look at the picture. And then if you’re someone who posts stuff publicly, then you’re posting it, then you’re checking on the comments of those things. And so we don’t, we don’t put anything with our kids on the internet, short of like the backs of my kids heads, which just hit the back of my baby’s head spoiler alert, you can see the back of my baby’s head at the end of the book, if you make it through. I think that’s been a big part of it is just living within our house instead of worrying about what other strangers on the internet or, you know, acquaintances might think of what we might post. So we, we we like we’d go on vacation, we have a policy, like we take one picture at the beginning, we put the phones away, and then we just play, we’re gonna like we accept that we’re gonna miss stuff. But we were telling our kids last night about the good old days when you had 25 count disposable cameras and that’s all you got. So trying trying to live a little bit less fast, I guess.

Tim Ulbrich  28:40

And what I heard throughout all that Cory was: we. You know, we we, we, right? There’s tactical strategy you talked about where you put your phone and how you handle vacation, the posts and all that stuff. But it’s we. It’s, hey, we’re on the same page with this and through the “we.” There’s accountability, you know, in that process as well. So great, great insights to share there. I want to ask you about play. I have found for me, when I am truly involved in play with my boys, like those are the moments that really are rich memories. But those are the moments where I am all in present. I’m talking about like rollerblade hockey on the driveway, like epic games of soccer in the basement. You know, freeze tag. Not we’re like I’m kind of having like a yeah, I’ll play, or I’m watching, but like I’m actually in on the play. And I’m curious to hear for you, like is that a similar experience? or what have you found in terms of how important play is when it comes to engaging and be involved present as father.

Cory Jenks  29:39

I’m glad you said that because it was a great reminder for me that it’s probably one of the most if not most important ways to be present. I can’t you know, yes, we all have presence. I’d even say play. My goodness. Read my own book. Yeah, I think and this is just to use that improv comedy side of my brain. Improv is adult play and kids we play we live in the moment. We grow up, we have responsibilities, we have jobs. So like when I’m doing an improv scene, like you have to totally be in that moment, it’s you talked about the like moments of flow and creativity and being all present, like improv forces you to do that and playing with your kids. If you’re doing it right, if you’re not trying to record everything to put on YouTube, if you’re not trying to document every little thing, you’re just playing, those are the moments that you’re going to be totally in it with your kids, you’re having fun, you’re and the time like slip like it’s a combination of it, like slows down and it speeds up because you’re like, oh my gosh, that was an hour of playing. But it was so much fun. And for kids development, I this is you know, not an expert writing a book. But it’s everything that I’ve been reading and I just read a great book called The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt talking about all the issues that screens potentially could be having on our kids. Like play builds resilience, it builds it builds neuroplasticity. So for all you pharmacy leaders out there who want to have another PowerPoint on resiliency, just like let your staff go out and play tag or something. Like you’re literally better off than trying to like cram down more information. That’s a little side pet peeve of mine, but yeah, the place where they’re gonna like they’re gonna learn like right and wrong, what boundaries to push. And yeah, for us, it’s a lot of a lot of wrestling to the point of you talking about being physically fit, like, like, kids beat me up. There’s strong. But yeah, we were just they just learned the great game of Three Flies Up the other day. So and it’s just it’s it’s so much fun with like, let’s play Three Fies Up. Let’s play this. And you’re just playing. And and that is I think the the simplicity, the simplicity of that wins out almost over every complicated vacation, app, toy, tool, tech thing you want to do. And yeah, yeah, you’re right. I won’t ramble anymore on that, because you actually made the point better than I have in the last two minutes.

Tim Ulbrich  31:40

No, it’s great. And it really is a good reminder and challenge for me, I wish I get there more often, when I really let myself into those moments like, again, were really rich memories. But as you alluded to the time really does kind of fly and pass away. And I think it’s important that they see Dad, in a very different environment, you know, I can get into a very structured, everything so serious, we got things to do, places to go, right life’s busy, and like to really have a space where we can play and engage without that type of structure. I think it’s so rich, to really see me in a different light right than they probably do. And other other moments and other seasons. I want to ask you about community. You mentioned this a little bit when you’re talking about a neighbor. I sense that there’s maybe some community there and the influence there. But I have found for me, you know, I’ve got a core group of men that are absolutely critical. When I think about having a safe place, a truly safe place where there is vulnerability that is allowed. There’s accountability, that is key to that group. And I’m curious for you, whether it’s a group, a guy, some friends, like as a father, as a husband, when you think about bringing your best self, like, what does the role of community play for you?

Cory Jenks  32:56

Oh, it’s huge. I think you got to have your tribe and I think we’ve evolved as tribal creatures and we’ve now found these like weird online tribes that don’t actually mean anything and support us in fact, actually probably hurt our mental health. But for me, I have there’s four or five other families in our neighborhood around the same age, kids around the same age and we joke because all the the wives and moms are older than the dads so they’re the Cougar Club. We call ourselves the Manthers. I mean, it’s silly. Like you’re talking about play, like it’s ridiculous. So we’ll go on, like yesterday I went I went on a run with one of the guys. Like everyone has their own little like strength like there’s one that’s like a phenomenal engineer that helped me design and build my chicken coop. There’s one that I go run with. There’s the one that’s like the more like feelings guy, so when I need to talk about something like that, we go for a walk and it’s it’s really great there. And then I have friends that are across the country that it’s just a text. I text my buddy Kendrick more than I text my wife so we go back and forth with the wins the losses and just there to share and listen. And that’s one thing that and even like yesterday at this Memorial Day party we were at as we record this, like was talking to the dads and the moms too like sharing our struggles with our own families and issues and just being having just, sometimes just talking about it you feel so much better. It doesn’t solve the problem but it helps to feel like you’re not alone. And I you know as selfishly, like this book I think for a lot of dads who have read it and I’ve talked to, they had these like relief moments of like I’m not feeling who feels like this. I’m not alone in this. And guys are not known for our open communication. So if you can find a real life tribe, if it’s if it’s an online community, but it’s really supportive and productive. That’s great too. And then sometimes reading a book that makes you laugh and realize okay, I’m not the only idiot dad that does dumb sometimes like okay, if Cory did that, then you don’t feel so bad if you made that mistake, too. So and then having your group of people that are have skills you don’t have mostly because I’m not handy. So I talked about the importance of that, too.

Tim Ulbrich  35:02

My experience has been, you know, in the absence of community, or present in isolation, I think the challenges that we inevitably will face can start to bleed with our identity. And we get those two things confused. And I think really having a group of people around us, you know, you mentioned your book, right? The people that read that and say, hey, wow, like, I’m not alone, I have these feelings, it’s okay to have these feelings. I don’t have to be defined by these feelings like, these are to be expected on some level. And there’s other people that are going through this journey. And again, it’s going to have highs, it’s gonna have lows, that is a roller coaster. That’s the reality of fatherhood. And so I think whatever that community looks like neighbors, you know, people across the country, friends, whatever be – so important, you know, and for me, at least, as I think about my own journey of fatherhood. I do want to talk a little bit about finances as a finance platform afterall. You talked about finance in the book as well, chapter 15, titled Money, Money, Money. And I think you scratch the surface on some important topics, you know, life insurance, estate planning and building a strong financial foundation. Obviously, you didn’t, you didn’t set out to write a personal finance book, so I wouldn’t have expected you to go a lot deeper. But I want to go a little bit deeper with you. As I know, this is an important part of your financial plan and journey. And as we’ve already established, I think there is a connection, when we think about this to fatherhood as well. We’re not going to re live your entire financial journey. We talked about a lot of that on episode 134, with you and Cassie talking about your FIRE pathway. But I do want to start there FIRE: Financial Independence, Retire Early. I know that’s been a key pathway for you and Cassie, as you think about your own financial journey and success, why has the FIRE ourney been important, continue to be important for the two of you?

Cory Jenks  36:45

Well, I will say I will disclose that we are not at the FIRE level. So it is a journey. But I think what we found in 2017, when we kind of found this idea of FIRE was it forced us to re examine our finances. It forced us to look at how we were spending money and you you mentioned the word intentionality at the beginning of the recording, that we realized a lot of our money was going places we weren’t really being intentional with and because we were blessed with big shovels. She’s a nurse practitioner, I was working full time as a pharmacist, you paper over a lot of your mistakes. And you the 401k is growing pretty good things are looking good. You’re living a happy life or taking vacations. And then realizing that there’s there’s this point like 1000s of dollars a month that we can be reallocating to more efficient and effective ways of establishing our future in a more secure way, then you become intentional with that. And while we haven’t hit full FIRE, we talked about this idea of Coast FIRE where we stayed really despite our mistakes. Because we are we are blessed to have jobs that have the big larger incomes, compared to the average American, we hit a place with the idea of Coast FIRE, you save a lot in retirement and get to a place where at that point like time and competition will get you get you to the finish line. And so we’ve more or less hit that place. It doesn’t mean we’ve totally stopped saving, but it’ll allocates more funds for inevitable kid expenses. It allowed me to cut part time. Gives me a little breathing room when I invest in a another self published book. Because, by the way, if you want to write a book get really famous first so they give you a big advance. If you have a huge audience to start, it really helps. Just a little insider tip there. But it’s been an important part of us to be intentional with how we spend money and like, it’s a mindset, like we just bought a new, like a new vehicle to us. It’s an eight year old vehicle. But we spent two years figuring out what we wanted. Like it was a two year process. Our family was so tired of us talking about it. But when you think about I could spend $70,000 on a new vehicle or I could spend $25,000 on a vehicle like what’s the delta of that money? What could it be used for? What’s the opportunity cost? What’s the time I’m going to spend and I we talk a lot about like the life energy to buy something, your money or your life concept. And so it really affects us when we decide do we really need to buy that thing for the kids, we really need to buy that other thing, or with going out with three little kids to a restaurant really bring us much joy? No. Save the money and cook at home and, you know, watch a Netflix movie or something instead.

Tim Ulbrich  39:04

Yeah, and I think it’s a Coast FI is an interesting pathway. You know, not everyone obviously is able to do it, everyone comes out with a different income level, different debt position, other goals that they’re working on. But when I think about the journey that you and Cassie are on now that you’ve got six, four, and one, you know, essentially, as you mentioned, you’re not not saving anymore, but you’ve largely checked that box because time value money is going to do its thing, right? And so you’re entering into the ages were experiences and time to get those experiences is going to be more readily available, right? I mean, there’s only so much you can do with a one year old, obviously. But as they get older, like the opportunity to travel, the flexibility that you guys have in your schedule to do whatever it means for you guys to be living your rich life that’s going to become more available and to have the opportunity to invest in those experiences to a greater degree I think is exciting. And you know, perhaps a reason for aggressive saving early is great. I am curious. I know one of the most common questions I get, Cory, when people are thinking about really FIRE any part of the financial plan, is how to me and my spouse get on the same page. You know, one person may be an aggressive saver one is not or there’s different philosophies, different mindsets, different ways that they grew up with money. So for you and Cassie, as you’ve been on this journey, I sense you’re very much on the same page. But what allowed you the two of you? Is that where you started? Or was this a process that you guys developed over time.v

Cory Jenks  40:31

I was definitely much more like the saver mindset, not that she was like a frivolous spender. But I think what we did was a lot of shared, like we did podcasts and book clubs. I would literally listened to an episode of YFP. And be like, hey, what do you think of this idea of an HSA account? And you know, the various financial podcasts, but I’m gonna plug you guys because you’re the best, and your pharmacists. If you Google other resources, you can find them. But YFP is  a great place to start, so you listen to a podcast. And  we do book clubs together, like we would read a book or because she’s kids, I read a book, take notes and go through the highlights with her. And it just it provokes questions. It provokes discussions. And it’s never a, you’ve spent this, I can’t believe that you didn’t spend this, I can’t believe it. I don’t know, I’m just I’m very blessed to be married to someone who’s like we’re both when it comes to finances pretty reasonable people who want to meet in the middle and have not had a lot of, I can’t remember a money fight honestly, we’ve ever had. Because maybe the only one being like Cory, we can spend more like okay, fine, save less. And that was that was the hardest thing was to take the break off the savings. But I think like turning it into an activity versus a chore. If it means you have a nice dinner and talk about it, if it means you’re on a walk together. And you each have a Bluetooth pod, like your air pod, and you’re listening to Tim and Tim and talk about something. You pause it and say that was good, or I don’t understand that. That’s where we started. And it really hasn’t been a huge conflict for us.

Tim Ulbrich  42:04

Yeah, and I love the concept of the book club and just getting thoughts moving, right, conversation starters, we did an episode not too long ago, around 25 Financial discussions that couples should have, and it really wasn’t about like, Hey, you should do X, Y, and Z. It was about start talking about, you know, these areas. And there’s, of course more questions in that and figure out for the two of you what what does it mean to be living that rich life? What does it mean to have that balance between today and tomorrow? And, you know, the back of the back of your book, you referenced several books, one of which, you know, I know has been transformational on my journey Die with Zero by Bill Perkins. But even reading books that have different philosophies, different perspectives, just to get things moving. Conversation wise and figure out, hey, for the two of you, what does success look like? And I often share that we get in the weeds with the X’s and O’s. All of those are important. But we often have to start at a higher level, which is what what is the vision? What does success look like for the two of us? What do we want this to look like for our family? And then from there, the X’s and O’s have to support that vision?

Cory Jenks  43:07

Yeah, I think I skipped over the strategic vision and goal setting and skipped right to the tactical stuff that we would do. But yeah, I think yeah, you nailed it. Having the, I think I think what helped us get on the same page was, what do we want our life to look like? What are the what’s the one year goal, five year goal, 10 year goal? What’s retirement goal look like and then working backwards from there, you can decide what that how that fits into your day to day. And I think having that ultimate vision of how we want our life to be is important. And for both of us, the biggest thing we care about is options. We want to have options to manage, to own as much of our own time. And we were not 100% there yet, but it’s been a very useful journey in helping us get to where we, you know, it’s we’re recording this on a Tuesday morning and she’s home. She’s not working today, and I’m not working today. And our kids are, you know, in a perfect world, they’d be home with us and we you know, making memories but they’re exploring. We get a little bit of adult freedom and don’t feel guilty about that when you do need it, by the way.

Tim Ulbrich  44:05

Yeah, options and flexibility. When I poll a group of pharmacists, I serve a group of pharmacists and say, hey, what, what’s most important to you, right? That those are the two things I hear over and over and over again. And sometimes we get lost in the weeds of hey, do we need 2 million or two and a half or three or three and a half million and those are good conversations, but really, it’s often the emotion behind that. What are we trying to achieve? What does that vision look like? Cory, this has been great. So I Guess I’m a Dad Now:  A Humorous Handbook for Newish Dads Who Don’t Want to Suck. If I can make one gentle amendment to your subtitle, I appreciate the focus for new-ish but I found this as a father of four soon to be teenager. I don’t consider myself a new or new-ish dad. But I found this to be incredibly insightful and helpful. So I would say for dads everywhere at any stage, adult children, soon-to-be, expecting, planning kids, could make a great Father’s Day gift. So where’s the best place that people can go to get a copy of the book and follow your work? 

Cory Jenks  45:03

It’s on Amazon. So you could look you could just look the title up there on Amazon. If you go to my website Coryjenks.com C-O-R-Y-J-E-N-K-S.com. My parents were cheap, didn’t but the “E” in Cory, although I should probably buy that domain and just send people to my website. You can, you can get some information on like, I still have my pre order stuff up so you can see what if you if you order the book, just email me I’ll send you all the pre order stuff. We’re dads we’re busy. We didn’t get we didn’t get there in time. It’s okay. You can kind of see the other stuff I’m up to and you can connect all my different socials from from my website.

Tim Ulbrich  45:35

Awesome, Cory thanks so much for doing the interview. Appreciate it.

Cory Jenks  45:38

Anytime this is you know, you talked about playing time flying by I can’t believe it’s almost been 50 minutes, Tim. It always happens. So that’s a sign of a great a great time. So thanks again and anytime you want to chat, happy to. Thanks.

Tim Ulbrich  45:50

Thank you so much. Take care. 

Tim Ulbrich  45:53

As we conclude this week’s podcast an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding material should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward looking statements, which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacists podcast. Have a great rest of your week.


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