YFP 201: How and Why Trey Made the Transition from a Six-Figure to Resident Salary

How and Why Trey Made the Transition from a Six-Figure to Resident Salary

On this episode, Tim Ulbrich talks with Trey Lowery about his experiences taking a non-traditional path towards residency training. They discuss why Trey decided to go back to complete residency training, how he and his wife were able to make the transition from a six-figure to a resident salary, and financial tips for those going back to do residency or making a job transition.

About Today’s Guest

Trey Lowery is a clinical outpatient pharmacist at the Iowa City VA Health Care System. He attended pharmacy school at Mercer University College of Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia and moved to Iowa City, Iowa with his wife, who attends graduate school at the University of Iowa. He began his pharmacy career as a staff pharmacist for Hy-Vee Pharmacy following graduation in 2018. He then matched to the Iowa City VA’s PGY1 pharmacy residency program in 2019 and continued there in his current position upon completion. In the few years following pharmacy school graduation, Trey experienced the transition from student to the seemingly never-ending job search, to full-time salaried pharmacist, to resident, and back to pharmacist salary again. He is excited to share his experiences with other pharmacists in hopes it will encourage them to not allow potential decreases in pay to prevent them from pursuing their dream job as a pharmacist.

how to Summary

On this episode, Tim Ulbrich welcomes Trey Lowery to the show to discuss his experiences with his non-traditional plan towards residency and the many adjustments that came along with it. Trey shares some of the challenges he and his wife worked through along his journey to residency and how both compromise and financial savvy helped them through the transition.

Some of the best tips and advice that Trey shares in this episode include making sure that you have a solid budget and financial plan ahead of time. Trey shares his long history with budgeting and how he views it as a tool for success rather than something limiting. Tim and Trey go over Trey’s very practical advice on budgeting during residency, including a formula for building your residency budget even when you are not sure of your salary and specifics.

Additional advice includes building your emergency fund up to be able to fund at least 3-6 months of expenses. The reasoning for this is simple, with a 6-figure salary, unexpected expenses and events are much easier to manage, but with a resident salary, those same unexpected expenses and events can be a bigger problem.

Trey closes with a little motivational push and encourages anyone who is looking to take a non-traditional path to residency to do so.

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Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich: Trey, welcome to the show.

Trey Lowery: Thanks, Tim. Appreciate you having me.

Tim Ulbrich: Appreciate you taking time to come onto the podcast and really share your story and pearls of wisdom for transitioning from a student pharmacist to a pharmacist with a six-figure income to a resident salary and what that meant for you, for your personal situation, and how you were able to financially plan for that transition. And so let’s start with your pharmacy background and give our listeners a little bit more of a picture of where you went to pharmacy school, when did you graduate, and then the route that you took through residency to your current role.

Trey Lowery: Sure thing. So I grew up in the state of Georgia and then went to pharmacy school at Mercer University College of Pharmacy, which is in Atlanta. I then got married after school and my wife decided she wanted to pursue a PhD program. And she chose to do so at the University of Iowa, so then we made the transition and moved from Georgia halfway across the country to the great state of Iowa. And when I got here, I didn’t really have many connections, I wasn’t licensed yet, so I had to figure out how to transition into passing all the different licensing exams and attempting to find a job without a license and without any knowledge of anyone in the area. So thankfully, I was able to do so after a couple of months. And I ended up working at Hyvee pharmacy. It was about an hour away from where I lived, so the job search was certainly expanded. And then after about 9-10 months of working at Hyvee, I applied to the several different residency programs and ended up matching at the Iowa City VA, where I completed my PGY1 and then after finishing it, I was happy to continue on in my current position as a clinical outpatient pharmacist there at the Iowa City VA as well.

Tim Ulbrich: And I’m excited to share your story with others as I suspect there may be many pharmacists out there listening that for whatever reason, you know, didn’t complete residency training right out of school, which may have been Plan A for them in their mind or perhaps they discovered later on that they wanted to do residency training. And that could either be a financial decision, that could be a family situation, a move that’s going on, it could be a match situation, lots of reasons why folks may not necessarily complete residency right out of school. But there may be an interest to go back and complete a later program at a later time. And I think one of the common barriers is wow, this is a big financial change to be considering, right? Going from student income to finally you’ve got that pharmacist six-figure income and then taking a step back at least financially in terms of that resident income. And so we’re going to dig into that in more detail here in a little bit, but I want to give our listeners more perspective on your Plan A and then obviously your work that you ended up doing at Hyvee. But my understanding is your goal was if possible to do residency right after your P4 year and because of the timing, because of the move, you weren’t able to enter Phase 1 of the match, didn’t yet know where you were going to be because of location with your wife’s PhD programs and the options and then at that point were able to move into Phase 2 — for all that have been through this process know how difficult Phase 2 of the match can be in terms of the number of applicants that are out there relative to the position. So talk to us through about that experience. How challenging was that in terms of that being up in the air, unknown, as well as having to make that decision that this is Plan A but I’m going to put that on the back burner because of this move. And if it works out in Phase 2, great. If not, then you’ll pursue something else.

Trey Lowery: Sure, I think that’s one of the interesting parts of my story is that I went into pharmacy school thinking I didn’t want to do a residency because I had worked originally as an intern and as a technician for a company called Kroger, which is very similar to Hyvee, back in Georgia. And I thought that that was the path I wanted to do. I was thinking retail pharmacy, maybe some type of independent or ownership later on. But it wasn’t really until my fourth year rotations when I actually got experience in the clinical and hospital side of pharmacy that I really decided, you know what? I actually really like the idea of the work that I’m doing here, so much so that it was basically around September when I decided OK, I definitely want to pursue a residency. But then the applications were due in December. So that was also part of the speeding up process that I had at the time. So I did what I could in those couple of months, tried to get some research experience, doing some more experience in the clinical areas and bolster my CV as much as I could. But yeah, the unknown of having to wait for Phase 2 was certainly challenging I suppose would be the word. I mean, we didn’t know where we were going to move, we didn’t know how we were going to financially survive after the move because if I didn’t match, then I wouldn’t have a job already lined up in the area. So it was certainly a challenging time. And it was one of those things to where we basically had to decide which of our careers would help the other one, sort of. So my wife was willing to take a year off if that meant that I could pursue a PGY1 anywhere in the country. But ultimately, we decided to go with — stick with the plan of her going ahead and going into school because it was going to take significantly longer and then my ability as a pharmacist to find a job would likely be a little bit easier than hers just coming out of undergrad.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and I’m glad, Trey, that you guys were able to work through that and come to that decision as a family because obviously now you guys are in a great position at the Iowa City VA, your wife’s continuing on in her PhD degree, so it all worked out, but I’m sure that was incredibly stressful in the moment as you guys were evaluating the options that were in front of you. And so you make this move, you obviously get into Phase 2, limited options, lots of applicants, and ultimately weren’t able to land a position in Phase 2. So now you’re at the point of getting a job, right? So you land a position with Hyvee pharmacy, and my question here is once you were in that role, obviously I’m sure in the back of your mind you’re still thinking about residency as a path that you may be interested in, some of your career goals that you identified here in the fourth year that were of interest to you, but you’re making a good income. And I think this can be a hard thing to really objectively say, “I want to go back and pursue this training pathway,” knowing that it’s going to reduce my income by a half, certainly probably even more than that for some positions. And so talk to us about that decision-making process, you know, how you were able to really objectively evaluate, you know what, this path of residency is best for me, even if it means taking a pay cut to go back and do that.

Trey Lowery: Well, for me, Tim, it really stemmed from thinking about what my long-term career goals were as well as my wife’s — you know, obviously that was certainly a sacrifice for both of us in doing that. So when I got to thinking about what I wanted to do over the course of my career for the next 40+ years, I really just didn’t think that my current position was something that I was comfortable with thinking about in the long term. I really thought that I wanted to get more involved in the actual act of patient care, being able to handle some of the decisions instead of being more reactive by when they just come to the pharmacy and drop off prescriptions, it’s hard to really make a lot of interventions in that setting. And depending on when my wife finishes her PhD, we don’t exactly know what’s going to happen there. So it may involve another move, it probably — it will likely involve another job search. And I figured that if I could do anything to bolster my ability to be more marketable in that area by having residency training, then I’d also improve my chances of finding a job in the future and then hopefully being able to land something that I really enjoy like I have right now.

Tim Ulbrich: Well, and good call on the VA. You know, obviously we have many, many VA pharmacists that listen to this show that we work with as clients. And we know how much they enjoy the VA from a scope of practice, from obviously the quality of employment, the benefits, but also from the ability to transition. You know, one of the benefits of the VAs, if you guys have to pick up and move across the country, if you’re able to locate with another VA, you know, that minimizes a lot of the licensure concerns and other things of transferring your practice. So what a great opportunity that you have there. What about the experiences at Hyvee? You know, one of the things I’ve noticed as a residency program director and previous experiences is I have found that those that have some work experience, so graduate from pharmacy school, go out and work for a year or two years, however long that be, and then come back and do residency, seem to be a little bit better prepared to take on the demands, the challenges, the rigor of residency. Are there specific experiences that you had at Hyvee or skills that you obtained through that year that you felt like really benefited you during the residency year?

Trey Lowery: Yeah, and I think that’s an important point for those seeking to go back to do residency is using that to your advantage rather than saying, you know, I’m actually multiple years out of school, I’m well into one specific area, how can I go into a residency program that’s going to require well-rounded, maybe things that I haven’t done before? But I think like you mentioned that that is actually something to use to your advantage because one thing you’ll have over the other candidates that are applying that are still in school is that you’ve actually made that transition into I am an independent practitioner, I have ownership over my practice, when I scan the barcode to verify my prescription, that’s the last check. It’s completely up to my abilities as to whether or not the patient is getting the right thing, and I’m now the one responsible. So I think between that, you also gain some supervisory experience because you’ll actually have technicians that it will be just you in the pharmacy, you have to do a little bit of kind of management of time and management of people in that area. And then for me, it was just kind of the relationships that I really was able to develop with my patients. You know, actually seeing that your work is having an impact on them really makes you want to take more ownership of that. And so then going back into residency, I’d already seen the effects that I could have as a pharmacist on my patients. And so I think that made me care about it a little bit more knowing the sacrifices that I was making to be there.

Tim Ulbrich: Trey, one of the things I think about besides the financial transition, which we’ll get to in more detail here in a few moments, you know, just having a year I guess off — not necessarily off, you obviously were practicing, using skills, but you know, it’s a different pace from happy clinical rotations where you’re being evaluated and you’re expected to do so many interventions and have a certain autonomy of practice. So being, having that transitionary year and even just schedule differences, you know, I think about the pace typically of a residency probably were in more of a normal, not going to say not stressful, but normal schedule, so you finally graduate from school, you get to somewhat of a normal scheduled routine, and then you say, “You know what, I’m going to raise my hand to make a lot less money, to work a lot more, to be able to develop these skills further.” So money aside, just talk to us about the transition of a year off, not using some of those skills perhaps that you obtained in your final year of school or throughout your PharmD as well as just the schedule differences and how you were able to get back into the flow and the rhythm when you started residency.

Trey Lowery: It was definitely a transition, to say the least. For the first couple of months when you’re getting licensed and studying for your board exams, it still feels a little bit like school because I was taking most days of the week to study for that and for job searching purposes and that kind of thing. So for the first couple of months, I didn’t feel like I could just completely relax and not have to worry about the scheduling part. But you’re right, once I got into the position I was in, it was very much I go to work and then I come home and then I don’t necessarily have a bunch of projects or schoolwork or studying to do. And it is definitely easy to get caught up in that position. So when making the transition back, I’ll be completely honest, it was difficult the first couple months. I really felt like I had to do some extra reviewing so that I knew the topics I really hadn’t used in a year or plus, since my rotations when I’m actually going through my rotations in residency. And the scheduling, it was very much a team aspect in our household. My wife definitely helped so much with figuring out ways that we could be able to make sure that we spent time together, that we were — that I had time to focus on my residency projects and had ample time to be at work when I needed to. And it was certainly not easy. But after the first couple of months of residency, I suppose you kind of get used to it. You know what you have to do at that point, but yeah. Certainly a big difference from how it was before then.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah. So let’s transition to talk about some of the financial tips that you shared with us prior to the interview that I think would be really helpful for folks that are considering a similar pathway, you know, student, practicing pharmacist going back to residency or folks that may be transitioning jobs or careers. I can think of situations where someone’s salary might be reduced or they’re looking to go part-time or they’re making a transition to another position that doesn’t have the same salary and just general financial principles that I think are helpful for individuals that find themselves in a similar situation. And the first one that you mentioned, Trey, is to make sure you have a solid budget and solid habits around budgeting before you get started. So tell me about budgeting, how you and your wife created good budgeting habits and effectively budgeted prior to making this transition back into the residency position. What did this look like?

Trey Lowery: So I am thankful that both of my parents are very financially savvy and both of my wife’s parents are the same. So I actually started my first budget when I got my first job at age 16 because for me, I looked at budgeting not as something that was limiting what I got to spend and where I got to spend the money that I was earning, but I felt very relieved in that I could actually allocate where certain parts of my income was going and then it was OK for it to go to those areas. So when I — when we got married, that was very important to me. I had listened to plenty of examples from different financial advisors throughout the country and from YFP as well to where I knew that money can certainly become an issue in marriage. And so we really wanted to focus on that at the beginning to make sure we were on the same page and go ahead and knock that out. So I use primarily Mint.com and then a couple of other different spreadsheets to track the budgets that we make. And it certainly took a couple of months for that to really become an effective tool. It took some balancing in certain areas and making sure that we were on the same page of all the different categories and that kind of thing. But the reason I say that that’s such an important aspect is because if you don’t have that going into residency, you’re not going to be able to create it while you’re there. You’re not going to have enough time, probably not enough energy, and then if you do have a family, it’s going to be very difficult to get everyone on the same page in the chaos that is residency. So that’s why I recommend if you can, go ahead and — I mean, useful budgeting, good budgeting habits are beneficial for anyone at any time I believe. But if you can make sure that you have those working effectively beforehand, it will only benefit you once you actually enter the reduced salary stage.

Tim Ulbrich: That’s great advice, Trey. And I think sometimes it’s easy, you know, P4s that are listening that are going to be starting a residency, starting a job, folks that are in a position such as yours that might be making a transition where there’s a salary change, sometimes it’s easy to say, “I’m just going to wait until I see what that actual pay stub and take-home pay is,” but I think you can get close enough, right? You can estimate close enough, work through the budget. It won’t be perfect, but the point is you’re being intentional, you’re being prepared with the transition, and then you can fine tune and refine it once you actually get that first pay stub and begin to move forward there knowing that you’ve been intentional and been prepared. Yeah, we have a budget template for folks that are looking to get started with a budget. If you go to YourFinancialPharmacist.com/budget, we have an Excel template that you can download, work through that. We use a zero-based budgeting method and system, and then you can take that information and plug it into a tool like Mint.com, like YNAB, or any other budgeting tool or software or good ol’ pen and paper or Excel if that works best for you as well. So that’s No. 1 around budgeting. No. 2 here is increase your emergency fund if you don’t already have 3-6 months of expenses saved. So why, Trey, did you decide to focus on building emergency fund prior to residency? How did you guys practically do this? And did you end up having to use that fund at all during residency?

Trey Lowery: So this is something that we did initially upon finishing school. That was kind of our first major goal. And it was fun because it gave us something to work towards together that wasn’t high-risk, high-reward, that kind of thing. It was something that we knew that once we got there that would just be a nice cushion for us to have going forward. So the reason that I would recommend increasing your emergency fund or at least having the usual is kind of 3-6 months’ expenses is the recommended is because obviously if you’re decreasing your salary that much, a $1,000 home repair or a car expense or some kind of unexpected family emergency happens, when you’re on a six-figure salary, that isn’t that big of a deal. You just say, “OK, I’ll just move around this part of the budget, and we’ll cover it.” But when you’re in a residency salary, you know, let’s say you bought a house, you have a family, it’s going to be very difficult to make that unexpected expense be able to be covered. And then that could lead to things like putting it on a credit card and then that will only amplify and amplify as things continue to happen. So when you’re in residency, the last thing you want to be concerned I think is some kind of unexpected financial emergency. You’ve got plenty enough on your mind already. So if you can already have a good-sized emergency fund going into it, I think that will just help everything going forward.

Tim Ulbrich: That’s great stuff. And this third one, you know, really caught me off guard the first time I read it. I had to reread it, and then I got to what you were saying exactly. And it’s really a great, great piece of advice. And that is look for salaries at prospective residency options, pick the lowest salary option — say what? — pick the lowest salary option, create a new budget using that salary. Depending on the results of your new budget, you may need to make adjustments. I think this tip is bold. Trey, tell us about what you mean by this, why you took this approach, and why this can be so valuable.

Trey Lowery: Like you mentioned, you may not exactly know the dollar amount that you’re going to have in your paycheck in order to create a full budget around. So for us, because we knew we were going to be located in the Iowa City area, I knew I was going to be applying for residencies within, you know, a 30-minute, hour range and not too much further. So I went on the forecast website and they have actually all the information regarding the salaries and some of the benefits of each of the programs that you’re applying for. And so when you match, you’re very much committed to that program that you match with. So if you have a bunch of different salary options, if you’re looking all over the U.S., it certainly I’m sure varies. If you can create your budget around the lowest one such that if you happen to match to the lowest salary option, which I actually did, so it ended up working out well. I didn’t have to change any of my budgeting once I actually started residency from that perspective. But if you can pick the lowest one, that will be your most strict option for your budget. And if you end up matching with a program that’s anything above that, then at that point, you’ll have extra to put towards other goals or other discretionary expenses, that kind of thing when you’re going into residency. But for me, it was just a way of not getting caught off guard when you had such a massive decrease in income all at once.

Tim Ulbrich: That’s great advice, especially considering the separation you can see of resident salaries, depending on where they’re located, types of roles and things like that. So that can be a big difference if you’re looking at, I don’t know, $48,000 versus $40,000 for example. That can be a significant impact on that year and during that year as well. No. 4 is have a plan for your student loans during residency. What would it be in terms of a YFP podcast if we didn’t mention or talk about student loans? So let’s go there for a minute. How did you decide to handle your student loans during your first year working and then also in residency? Talk to us about the plan, the approach, the strategy you’ve taken, and how you ultimately have gotten to that decision that that is the best repayment plan and option for you.

Trey Lowery: So when I first figured out that I was going to be using student loans to get through graduate school, I had to figure out basically what was going to be my approach to either whether I’m going to pay them off or attempt to go for forgiveness, that kind of thing. When I first started pharmacy school, I really didn’t know that there was such a thing as forgiveness. And my dad always told me, “You know what, you’ll make enough, you’ll be able to pay it off. It’ll be good in the long run. Just go ahead and take them out. You’re going to need to because we couldn’t afford to send you all the way through graduate school.” So I went through pretty much all the way through school thinking that that was going to be my plan, that I was going to pay them off. And then in my fourth year of school, I actually went to a financial advisory meeting led by one Tim Ulbrich from Your Financial Pharmacist. And that is where I discovered that there actually were forgiveness options available, which I had not realized at the time. I feel like I might have already been somewhat committed because the financial gurus that I followed were like Dave Ramsey and some others, which are very much you took out the debt, you need to attack the debt and tackle it in order to make your own financial goals become a thing. But like I said, I hadn’t considered that there were actually other options. So ultimately after looking at the numbers and weighing how we felt about our debt, I did decide to go for the pay-it-off method, which I’m currently doing now, although granted the 0% interest and no payments are certainly a benefit in that.

Tim Ulbrich: Right.

Trey Lowery: With them being federal. But that was what we ultimately decided, and additionally, because I was at first at Hyvee and I wasn’t at one of the accredited organizations that would qualify for PSLF, I really didn’t know if I was ever even going to be in a position to do that.

Tim Ulbrich: Right.

Trey Lowery: So I did use my first year to do some paying off of the debt then as well.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, I think that’s great, Trey. And you know, as I shared with you before we hit record, as I’ve said many times on this podcast before, this really is an individual situation. And you know, I think at the end of the day, it’s about having a plan, that you understand the options that are out there, and you feel confident in evaluating those options and knowing that when you apply those options on top of your personal situation that you’ve gotten down the path of the best repayment option or strategy for you personally as an individual. And I think for folks that are listening, you know, this can be a topic that obviously can be overwhelming, there’s lots of options, there’s forgiveness, there’s nonforgiveness, there’s federal, there’s private, the list goes on and on, and it can feel overwhelming. It can become paralyzing. And I think really digging in to understand the options is important and a great piece of advice here for those that are — really for anyone with student loans, but especially for those that are going back into a residency position or going through residency training to make sure that you’re using this time to evaluate those options. So I would recommend to our listeners, Tim Church wrote an awesome book on student loans for us, “The Pharmacist’s Guide to Conquering Student Loans,” really an A-Z guide of all things student loans, customized to the pharmacy professional, really meant to go through all of those options and help you apply that to your personal situation. You can learn more about that at PharmDLoans.com. Trey, this has been outstanding. I think for those that are currently in training, going to pursue training, whether it’s right from pharmacy school, going back, I think they’re going to find a lot of value in your advice and there’s a lot of wisdom here. Any other advice that you have, financial tips, wisdom to share with those that are listening that are going back into a residency position or going right into a residency position, making this transition? Any tips or advice that you would have for them as they go through that transition?

Trey Lowery: Well just like with finances, I think this is really a personal decision, and it depends on what your career goals are. Personally, I feel that if you are someone that is committed to pursuing your residency and you know that that’s the path that you want to take, you’re going to be able to figure out the finance part and make it work if you’re committed enough to following that path. So I think just taking some time to figure out what your career goals are and what steps you’re going to need to take to get there are probably the most important. And when I look back on my time during residency, obviously I’m not 40 years down the road at the moment, but I can say even nine months out that I really, really absolutely feel that it was worth it. And I think that in the long term, having a position that I really enjoy, that I feel like I gain a lot out of and I’m really able to make an impact on my patients’ lives the way that I think I would like to, no matter what, that’s going to be worth the $60,000, $80,000, however much you’re giving up for just one year. And if you were to develop good budgeting habits before that time ever comes, then that actually may end up benefiting you financially even more in the long run than not doing a residency in the first place. So I think there may be multiple benefits to pursuing that. But like I said, for me it’s really just depending on the individual.

Tim Ulbrich: You beat me to it, Trey. One of the things I believe — I have no evidence to support this, you know — but one of the things I believe is that a benefit of that year, if you take full advantage, or two years perhaps, is that it really does force you on some level to build some of the behaviors that can have a very long-term benefit throughout your career. So I think one way of looking it at is ‘Oh man, I’m not going to make much money at all.’ Another way of looking at it is, ‘Hey, maybe there’s an opportunity to learn some things throughout this year, whether it’s goal-setting, budgeting, being intentional in other parts of the financial plan, that can have a benefit well beyond those training years.’ So Trey, again, thank you for your time. And appreciate you and your willingness to come on the show to share your story.

Trey Lowery: Thank you so much, Tim. I’d like to say if anybody is in the YFP community on Facebook, feel free to reach out. I’d be happy to continue to share any other points that I might have. If this is something that you’re pursuing, definitely consider it because you definitely can do it. Thank you, Tim.

Tim Ulbrich: Thank you, Trey.

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YFP 199: Introducing the YFP Real Estate Investing Podcast

Introducing the YFP Real Estate Investing Podcast

On this episode, Tim Ulbrich welcomes Nate Hedrick and David Bright, co-hosts of the brand new YFP Real Estate Investing Podcast that is launching on Saturday, April 17, 2021. Tim, Nate, and David talk about the mission and why for the show, who the podcast is for, the content that will be covered, and the guests that will be featured on the show. They also discuss the newest guide developed by Nate and David, The Pharmacist’s Guide to Real Estate Investing, which details a step-by-step plan on how to get started in real estate investing.

About Today’s Guests

David Bright, PharmD

David Bright is a pharmacist with a heart for teaching. He’s been a full-time professor since 2009 with a passion for implementing and improving pharmacy services. Themes of “implementing and improving” in the pharmacy space are quite similar to themes of “building and fixing” in real estate, which has been a growing hobby for David and his wife, Heather, who bought their first house more than ten years ago. That fixer-upper house became a live-in house flip, which they sold a few years later, only to repeat the process with their next house. When David and Heather got sick of perpetually living in a construction zone, they pivoted to fixing up rental properties in West Michigan, where they now live.

David invests in real estate as a way to bring greater diversity to financial planning and to fund memorable life experiences with family and friends.

Nate Hedrick, PharmD

Nate Hedrick is a full-time pharmacist by day, husband and father by evening and weekend, and real estate agent, investor, and blogger by late night and early morning. He has a passion for staying uncomfortable and is always on the lookout for a new challenge or a project. He found real estate investing in 2016 after his $300,000+ student loan debt led him to read Rich Dad Poor Dad. This book opened his mind to the possibilities of financial freedom and he has been obsessed ever since. After earning his real estate license in 2017, Nate founded Real Estate RPH as a source for real estate education designed with pharmacists in mind. Since then, he has helped dozens of pharmacists around the country realize their dream of owning a home or starting their investing journey. Nate resides in Cleveland, Ohio with his wife, Kristen, his two daughters Molly and Lucy, and his rescue dog Lexi.


On this episode, Nate Hedrick and David Bright, cohosts of the brand new YFP Real Estate Investing Podcast join Tim Ulbrich to discuss the podcast launch, the why and mission for the show, the target audience for the show as well as the guests and content.

Nate and David also share some of the steps from their guide, The Pharmacist’s Guide to Real Estate Investing. Here are some of the highlights:

  1. Get your financial plan together: Taking stock of your own finances and financial picture will help you to better understand which investment and financing strategies may work best for you.
  2. Time to study up: Learn about and do your research on which real estate opportunities will best match your personal skill set.
  3. Location is everything: Choose where you are going to invest, taking into consideration factors that will impact your investment such as rent to income ratios, population growth, and more.
  4. Choose a strategy: Choose which strategy of investment you plan to implement of the many options, including house hacking, flipping, long-term or short-term rentals, or BRRR.
  5. Build your team: Build your team of professionals around you, specific to your investing needs. This likely will include a realtor who is familiar with real estate investing, a lawyer, an accountant, contractors, and property managers among others.
  6. Double check the math: If you do the math wrong with real estate, it can be a bad experience. If you do your math correctly, with the use of some tools and resources, you can get familiar with the numbers and more easily find a deal where you are comfortable in making a decision.
  7. Make an offer: Keep emotion out of the decision and realize that not every property is going to work out. Stick to the plan and research you’ve conducted in steps 1 through 6 and make your offer.

Mentioned on the Show

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich: Hey, what’s up, everybody? Welcome to this week’s episode of the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast. And today’s show is a special one, not just because it’s Episode 199 — hard to believe that we’re almost to Episode 200 — but special because we have something exciting to announce that we’ve mentioned on the podcast and in the YFP Facebook group over the last couple weeks and something that really has been in the works for much longer than that. On Saturday, this Saturday, April 17, we’re launching a brand new podcast through the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast channel called the YFP Real Estate Investing Podcast. Now, as much as I love the new podcast and the focus on real estate investing, I’m excited that the hosts of the YFP Real Estate Investing Podcast are two pharmacists, real estate investors, and friends that I have known for awhile, two guys that I have a great amount of respect for in the work that they do as pharmacists and the integrity in which they approach their business and their investing and the heart that they have for educating others and who have both been on the show before. And that is Nate Hedrick, the Real Estate RPh, and David Bright. Nate and David, welcome back to the show.

Nate Hedrick: Thanks so much for having us.

David Bright: Thank you.

Tim Ulbrich: So I know you both have been on the show before. Nate, you’ve joined us many times on the YFP podcast. And David, we had you on not too long ago, Episode 167 where we talked about must-know real estate terminology. But I don’t want to assume that our audience knows your background and really important information that they get to know you as we get ready to launch the Real Estate Investing podcast of which you two will be serving as the co-hosts. So David, let’s start with you. Tell us a little bit about your career, how you got started in real estate investing, and your why behind pursuing real estate investing while keeping your pharmacy career.

David Bright: Absolutely. Yeah, I started in pharmacy at 16 working in the drug store and went from there where pharmacy school, community pharmacy residency, and really just loved that outpatient community pharmacy drug store opportunity that was there. A lot of the implementing and improving of non-dispensing clinical services really got me excited about that outpatient space. And then later as well with academia, that implementing and improving also mirrors hobby of real estate, the building and fixing of real estate. And so that was something that my wife and I had enjoyed too. We bought our first house as a short sale. It need a lot of work, so that kind of live-in flip was a way that we could diversify our financial plan, also just create some extra money for those memory-making experiences with the family. And so we’ve just enjoyed kind of doing that over time. At some point, we decided we didn’t enjoy living in a construction zone anymore, so we started enjoying doing that in other properties. But that’s just been a fun hobby along the way and part of our why behind real estate.

Tim Ulbrich: Great stuff, David. And I know you and I have had this conversation before, but we’ve known each other dating back to community pharmacy residency all the way back in 2008-2009. And I like the connection you’ve made before about really some of the challenges around developing, implementing, evaluating patient care services in the community pharmacy setting and really the connection between some of the interests and passions that you have in real estate as well. So excited to have you experience, your perspective, on the show, really to be sharing that information with the community but also what I have always taken away is really your passion to help other pharmacists and really lead with education, really teach some of these principles, and help folks understand how they might be able to apply that to their own personal situation. So Nate, as I alluded to, we’ve had you on the show many times. I think now officially the most frequent guest on the YFP podcast. So starting way back on Episode 040 and 041 where we had a two-part series talking about 10 things every pharmacist should know about home buying and then most recently on Episode 193, building v. buying a home, what to consider. And that was in early March of 2021, and I think many of our listeners know you as the Real Estate RPh. So for those that haven’t caught one of your several — I think at least five or six at this point — episodes on the YFP podcast, Nate, tell us about your background, pharmacy career, and how you ultimately ended up as a realtor and real estate investor.

Nate Hedrick: Yeah, and I expect the trophy for most frequent guest to be arriving.

Tim Ulbrich: It’s on the way. It’s on the way.

Nate Hedrick: Alright, good. Yeah, no. So I started off full clinical track. I did a residency right after graduating from Ohio Northern back in 2013 and really fell in love with the pain and palliative care space. And was a hospice consultant for a long time and really just, I loved that role. And then as time went on, I kind of moved into more of a sales-y type track where I was working with outside clients and really kind of touting what the other pharmacists were doing rather than doing that work myself. And as all that was happening, I was getting this interest in real estate and real estate investing. I think the story I tell all the time was I read “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” and my mindset just completely shifted. So when I should have been going out and getting my BCPS or some sort of additional certification in pharmacy, I told my wife I was going to get my real estate license. And she looked at me like I was crazy at first, but we’ve really fell in love with where that stake in our career and the opportunities that I have. And so back in 2017, I took that same idea and launched Real Estate RPh, a website all about educating pharmacists about home buying and home selling and real estate investing. And really just have been growing that ever since. And so really excited that we are able to launch this podcast today. I feel like it’s the culmination of a lot of that stuff coming together, that idea of education and connection really in the purest form. So I’m really excited about this.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and this really has been in the works for I would say a couple years. I mean, it started with the idea of hey, we were seeing a growing interest of real estate investing, wanting to learn more among the community, how can we help provide some education, some awareness, how can we connect pharmacists with other pharmacists, and all of that really led to hey, let’s start with a podcast, let’s start with the education, I think something we’re all passionate about. And then let’s see where it goes from there into the future. So let’s dig into the new podcast launching this Saturday, April 17, on the YFP podcast channel. Nate, what’s the mission and the why of the show?

Nate Hedrick: Yeah, the mission is actually pretty simple. It’s to empower pharmacists to leverage real estate as part of their financial plan. We realized that not everyone’s listening to this podcast trying to take over a real estate empire, right? And really, when David and I sat down and started thinking about what kind of philosophy are we going to have behind the show and what kind of guests are we going to have on the show and all that, we really sat back and said, we don’t need to replicate what’s already out there. There are some fantastic resources in the real estate space, Bigger Pockets being kind of the most obvious one with excellent podcasts and books and all these things that I think really promote the idea of real estate investing. But what we felt like was missing was this idea of how do you couple a really fulfilling career, i.e. pharmacy, and real estate investing? How do you do both? And so our whole idea with this show is that we’re going to show you how to not just leave pharmacy but stay in pharmacy while also investing in real estate. And so that’s really the overarching philosophy behind this program and this show.

Tim Ulbrich: Great stuff. And I think to reiterate that, that really is going to be the focus of the content and the audience that we want to reach. So you know, not to say some folks may get started and eventually build that empire, Nate, that you talked about, but knowing the vast, vast majority of pharmacists that are listening have either not gotten started yet but have the interest piqued, wanting to learn more, or maybe have taken a step or two, might be saving for that first property, might have bought a property or two, but really looking to take it further from there. And that’s going to be the focus of this show. So David, with that in mind, you know, what can our listeners expect? The kind of guests, the topics that we’re going to be covering as they listen to this podcast that we’ll be launching each and every Saturday?

David Bright: Yeah, I think the obvious one is we don’t really intend on focusing on pharmacists that have left their career of pharmacy. That’s not really our focus. Again, we’re focused on pharmacists that want to have real estate as a part of their financial plan. So there’s a lot of other, better resources out there for those kind of things. But for those that are looking for tangible and practical tips on getting started, on growing, on getting better at what you’re doing, that’s where we’re focused. We’ve got guests that are on talking about short- and long-term rentals, talking about house flipping, talking about rehabbing, property management, taxes, lending, all those different things go into buying your first or your second or your fifth property. And so focusing, again, on ways that you can jump into that and make that even better.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and our goal is, David, you know, I think one of the things we’ve discussed thus far is that real estate investing can look like a lot of different things. And we’re going to obviously highlight a lot of different stories that will emphasize that. And it’s probably going to take a lot of guests and a lot of episodes to even fully uncover the variety of options that are out there. And so we’re not suggesting that there is a one right path to real estate investing. What we want to do is explore many different areas, feature many different stories, the good, the bad, the ugly, make sure we’re representing all sides of that and then really give folks an opportunity to go learn more and say, ‘Oh, that’s interesting, I think that might fit or might not fit for my personal situation,’ as they evaluate where real estate investing does or does not fit in the context of their financial plan. So Nate, if someone has a question about real estate investing that they would like to be answered or perhaps they have a story that they want to have featured on the show, where can they go?

Nate Hedrick: Yeah, and so as this podcast drops, we’re going to also be launching a new website just to help out with that. And so YFPRealEstate.com will be your go-to source for getting in touch with us, asking questions, you can apply to be a guest on the show, all sorts of stuff. So as this podcast launches and you guys start listening here, you can head over to YFPRealEstate.com. And then we will also have — we’ve already launched, and it’s been running for about a week now, and that’s a Your Financial Pharmacist Real Estate Investing Facebook group. So if you’re looking for community, looking for a place to connect with others, we’ve already seen some great photos posted and people talking about their investments already on there. So definitely check that out.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, I’m glad you mentioned the Facebook group, Nate. One of the goals we had with that group and with this effort overall is to connect other pharmacist investors with one another. And we had a question last week in the group that was in essence like, “Hey, where are you from? Welcome to the group. Where are you from? Tell us a little bit about what you’re hoping to get out of this group. Tell us a little bit about your investing, what you’ve been working on.” And to see pharmacists, “Hey, I’m from Buffalo, New York,” “I’m from Columbus,” “I’m from this part of the country,” I think we’re going to see a lot of that connection start to happen organically. So I hope folks listening will join us in that Facebook group as well, which we’ll link to in the show notes. David, I want to come back to the concept that we don’t feel like real estate investing is something that folks have to choose it’s either that or it’s my pharmacy career. We really feel like folks can be successful in their pharmacy career, still be passionate about what they’re doing and what they’ve spent a lot of time and money to train to do and still pursue and potentially reap some of the benefits that come from real estate investing. So David, tell us, how can one enjoy their profession while also investing in real estate?

David Bright: Yeah, I think it’s the same kind of answer that you think about when it’s how do you get 700 prescriptions and 50 flu shots done in a Monday in a drugstore. It’s you have a team around you that helps you, right? Like this isn’t an individual sport with real estate. Like I know that I am not a realtor, I am not a contractor, I am not a property manager. I’m not a lot of those things. But I can find people who are really good at each of those areas. And so by bringing that team together and by having some direction and leading that team, I can really step back from the day-to-day side of it and let other people that are really good at what they do do what they are good at. And to me, I think that’s how a lot of pharmacists can find real estate investing as a part of their financial plan without it taking over or taking too much time.

Tim Ulbrich: And one of the things that I know I’ve heard both of you talk about and seen you role model as well is that the value that a team can bring to the process and really thinking about how to begin to build your real estate portfolio with both the team and the system in mind. And I think that’s really critical. I suspect many folks listening are not only busy in their full-time career as a pharmacist but they perhaps have family, other commitments, other priorities, other things that they need to be doing, want to be working on, things that they enjoy. And so we need to be able to do this, if we’re going to do it, in a way that is realistic with those other responsibilities and those other roles that one has. So Nate and David, you created a really valuable guide, the Pharmacist’s Guide to Real Estate Investing, that details essentially a step-by-step plan on just that: how to get started in real estate investing. And we’re going to link to this in the show notes, and I’d like to walk through this for a few moments to give our listeners a taste of I think some of the information and the content that they’re going to get on the show. But that guide, the Pharmacist’s Guide to Real Estate Investing, you can download that guide for free by visiting YFPRealEstate.com or you can text REIguide, all one word, again, REIguide, to 44222. And you can download a copy of the guide that way as well. So Step No. 1 of this guide is get your financial plan together. So a topic obviously near and dear to my heart. And Nate, tell us about why this step, getting your financial plan together, is really such an important first step.

Nate Hedrick: Yeah, I think a lot of this comes back to the original mission of Your Financial Pharmacist as a whole. I think back to, Tim, when we had our very first meetings years and years ago, and I said, you know, I want to be the real estate side of what you’re trying to create here. And again, it all stemmed from that idea of you’ve got to have a good financial house first before you can move on and do anything else.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah.

Nate Hedrick: Again, as I approached my own real estate investing, we really stepped back and did a lot more time with the education side and the reading side because if you don’t have that financial base, that strong financial base, it becomes very, very difficult to escalate or to be successful in the real estate investing side. So we put that first because, again, it’s really the core philosophy of YFP, but it’s also just absolutely essential if you want to be truly successful I think in the real estate investing side.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and one of the things, Nate, I think you mention this in the guide that I like is if you think about real estate investing being similar to pharmacy school, personal finance is like your pre-reqs, right? Your basic science courses. So before we build upon that, before we get into our therapeutic courses, other more advanced content, we better be sure we’ve got a really good foundation or we’re going to end up in trouble when we get on rotations and we have the preceptor that exposes the lack of that information. So that’s Step No. 1, get your financial plan together. Step No. 2 is time to study up. So I love that you guys write that first, you need to learn the basics and then can decide what real estate investing niche fits your skill set. So David, talk to us about how to approach learning about real estate investing and what resources you have leaned on as you got started in your own journey.

David Bright: Yeah, I think just like you wouldn’t recommend a drug therapy without having any therapeutics courses, you need to have that time to study up. And with setting aside that time is probably the most important thing for the life of a busy pharmacist. And so for me, I found that during my daily commute, it was really easy to plug in podcasts and audiobooks. And so we will — as a part of the show, we have some outro questions where each guest recommends some resources. And so I would encourage you to take notes as we get through there. And we always put those things in the show notes as well. If you’re looking for good books and resources that got each guest started, we’ll have those going as well. So we’ll have several recommendations coming over the next few weeks. ANother thing I think are groups, whether that’s in-person meetups — at some point we can hopefully be doing that again — and then also just gathering with other friends and people that can bring accountability and education and you can share in that with. So carving out that time I think is really important, but I also think that there’s some even a life of a busy pharmacist, you can find 15 minutes here and there to get through an audiobook or podcast slowly.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and David, I’m envisioning a future state, post-COVID perhaps, where we have a real estate meetup of pharmacists at a state or national meeting or other venues, which is really exciting to think about. What is your over-under, David, on the number of times we’re going to hear guests recommend “Rich Dad Poor Dad” in the first 50 episodes?

David Bright: Oh, 48 out of 50 I think is what I’m thinking.

Tim Ulbrich: Yes.

Nate Hedrick: We’re going to have to strike that from the options. You can’t pick that as your favorite. I’m sorry.

Tim Ulbrich: So Step No. 3, location is everything. Nate, you know this, obviously as an agent. So choosing where you’re going to invest in real estate is such an important step. Nate, give us a broad overview of some factors to consider, whether somebody is choosing the location for their first or perhaps their fifth real estate property.

Nate Hedrick: Yeah, absolutely. So really it comes down to assessing those locations. I think as we look at investors when they are either starting out or they’re looking at a new market, figuring out where to invest is one of those big steps in terms of OK, well, is it going to be something that I need to have close by? Do I have someone there that’s a part of my team that I can tap into? Do I know anyone there already? And then it gets into the actual macroeconomic factors of that location. So is the city seeing population growth? Job market — is that diversified? What’s the rent-to-income ratio look like? All those things get factored into it. And so there are — you can be successful anywhere at any time. Anybody that tells you, oh, you can’t invest there. The market doesn’t work. It works for something. But what you have to find is a way to pair that location with your strategy and your goals. And so I think figuring that out together can be difficult. So we really try to address that in the guide about here are some factors to consider before you start moving forward.

Tim Ulbrich: And Step No. 4 then is choosing a strategy. So we’ve got our financial house in order, we’ve soaked up lots of real estate investing knowledge, we’ve decided on a location, and David, what comes next when one evaluates the strategies available?

David Bright: I think that as you’re figuring out that strategy, that’s just really important because you think through each potential real estate acquisition through the lens of that strategy in order to make sure that it’s effective. Like you may find this beautiful lakefront property, and if you run the numbers as a long-term buy-and-hold where someone moves in there and lives there for years, it may not work nearly as well as if it was an Airbnb or VRBO kind of vacation rental. The numbers may work much better that way. So figuring out your strategy and the way that you want to invest in real estate can really help you figure out which property is the right acquisition for that plan.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and we’ve talked about a few. I know you mentioned a couple earlier in the show, but we’ve had on guests talking about house hacking, we’ve had Nate on to talk about flipping, we’ve talked about long distance real estate investing, we’ve talked about using the BRRRR strategy. So we’re going to dig into these and others as pharmacists, again, evaluate, OK, what’s out there? And then as I learn more, which of those may fit into my financial plan. So Step No. 5, build your team. Nate, we talked about this briefly already but team, team, team, is so important when we think about real estate investing not only in the long-term success but also being able to make the most of our time and the limited time that we have. So talk to us about this concept of building a team and who we should be thinking about being included on this team.

Nate Hedrick: Yeah. And this applies whether you’re investing locally down the street or whether you’re investing across the country. There are just certain members that you’re going to need to build into that. And we try to one, demystify that process but also make it feel easy. I know every time I heard, “You have to build a team to be successful in real estate,” it just sounded kind of overwhelming. Like I don’t know how to build a team. I don’t know how to do any of that. So we’re trying to break that down and make it a little bit easier. But the idea is that you need to have that real estate agent, you need to have potentially a lawyer or an accountant, a financial planner. You know, there are all these different members that can help you out. And so how do you tap into the good ones? And how do you get to that team more quickly? So the guide helps with that a little bit. And then it also leads to our expansion of the real estate concierge service, which we’ve been doing on the home buying side for years but really this new model is looking at how do we connect you guys with investor-friendly agents? So again, head on over to YFPRealEstate.com. We have access to our real estate concierge service. We can get you connected to a local investor-friendly real estate agent, somebody that can actually help elevate that business wherever you’re trying to invest.

Tim Ulbrich: Very important distinction between agents that, you know, specialize on the primary residence home buying side and those that are familiar with the investing side and ideally maybe even have some experience themselves or have worked with many clients that have gone through that path and know what they may be looking at to be able to advise them. Step No. 6, David, the math. So we’ve got to actually figure out is this a good deal or not? And so Step No. 6 is double or triple check the math. So talk to us about the importance of running the numbers and obviously something we’ll dig into in much more detail as we go throughout the show on individual cases and scenarios. But you know, how is the math run? Why is it so important? Talk to us about this step.

David Bright: Yeah, I think we’re all familiar in the pharmacy space that if you do the math wrong, that can be life-and-death for a patient. And I think the parallel with real estate is if you do the math wrong with real estate, it’s life-or-death of that deal. Right? It can be a really, really bad experience if you do the math wrong. If you do the math right, you check it well, and that ends up being a great investment for you, then that’s also a huge win. So there’s some strategy in doing those numbers correctly. There’s some online calculators and YFP has one, I’m sure we’ll put the link in the show notes today. But those online calculators are just like in the profession of pharmacy where there’s different online calculators for things that we need as well. So just getting familiar with those numbers to the point where it becomes really understandable and simple of how to evaluate those deals makes it just that much easier to find something that you’re comfortable with to break through that analysis paralysis and to jump in.

Tim Ulbrich: And we will link to the YFP rental property calculator that David was alluding to, we’ll link to that in the show notes. And finally, Nate, Step No. 7 is we’re ready to make an offer. So talk to us about really two key points to keep in mind as folks are getting ready to make an offer.

Nate Hedrick: Yeah, I think when you get to this point where you’ve done all this background work and you’ve gotten to this point where OK, I think this is a deal that we’re going to go put this offer in, there’s two really important things to keep in mind. And that is that you need to keep emotion out of it. This is an investment. This is not your forever home. And so once you’ve done all that math like David said, don’t ruin it by ignoring the math and making a bad decision. So keep the emotion out of it, walk into that deal with ‘here’s where we’re going to go’ from a numbers standpoint, and we’re not going to vary from that. And then realize that not every good house is going to work out. Even if everything looks great, if you can’t get to that right negotiating spot, it’s worth it to walk away. So I think, again, Step 7 really should be do what you did in steps 1-6 and make sure you stick to it because that’s really what the offer is all about is that you’ve done all this background work to stay in line with what you’ve decided ahead of time.

Tim Ulbrich: Great stuff. So we just scratched the surface on these seven steps that are part of the Pharmacist’s Guide to Real Estate Investing, which you can download at YFPRealEstate.com or you also can text REIguide, again, all one word, REIguide to 44222 to get a copy. So I hope that you will join us for Episode 01 of the YFP Real Estate Investing podcast. It’s going to launch this Saturday, April 17, where Nate and David talk with Tim Baker and I about how real estate investing may fit into a pharmacist’s financial plan. We also talk about considerations for how long someone should be in their personal finance journey, where you should be perhaps with debt repayment, where you should be perhaps with your investing plan before jumping into real estate investing, and then we also talk about how one may balance real estate investing with a busy pharmacy career. So you can listen, again, to the YFP Real Estate Investing podcast right here on the YFP podcast channel. It’s going to launch each and every Saturday. What better way to start the weekend than learning about real estate investing, hearing from other pharmacists that are along this journey as well? So David and Nate, thank you both not only for your time on this episode but I know firsthand the time and effort that goes into putting a podcast together. It’s both exciting and exhausting at times. There’s moments of re-records, there’s moments of that was an episode that went great, but really an awesome opportunity as well to meet other pharmacists and connect with folks all across the country. So I appreciate your passion for this topic, your willingness to teach others, and the time commitment that you’ve made in being able to put this podcast together.

Nate Hedrick: Yeah, we appreciate you letting us do it. This has, you know, really been, like you said, months and months in the making. And it’s really fun to get to this point, and David and I have been having a really good time interviewing the initial guests we’ve been working with, and I can’t wait to see where we go from here.

David Bright: Yeah, we’ve got some really inspiring people coming on in the first few shows and so I’m really excited about it and looking forward to it kicking off officially on Saturday.

Tim Ulbrich: Great stuff. So again, this Saturday, April 17, I hope you’ll join us for Episode 01. And as always, we appreciate you joining us on this week’s episode of the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast. Have a great rest of your week.

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YFP 197: How to Leverage What You Know as a Pharmacist to Start Your Own Consulting Business

How to Leverage What You Know as a Pharmacist to Start Your Own Consulting Business

On this episode, Blair Thielemier, the creator of the Pharmapreneur Academy and the Elevate Pharmacy Summit, joins Tim Ulbrich to talk about ideas and strategies for how to monetize your clinical expertise, including where to start, how to know if you have a good idea and common barriers that pharmacists often have to face and overcome. Blair and Tim also discuss the upcoming Elevate Pharmacy Summit, where you can learn about building revenue with clinical service contracts so that you can help more patients while generating income along the way.

About Today’s Guest

Blair Thielemier, PharmD, is an MTM and business management consultant pharmacist specializing in pharmacy billing models. She consults on and produces e-learning programs for state and national organizations, pharmacy wholesalers, payers, technology start-ups. She has books and online courses available for individuals looking to leverage their pharmacy knowledge into monetized clinical programs at PharmapreneurAcademy.com She speaks internationally about trends in leveraging pharmacists to improve value-based care.

Blair is passionate about the advancement of the profession of pharmacy and believes the shift to a value-based healthcare model is an opportunity for pharmacy to play a bigger role in the system. She believes this shift will change the face of our profession drastically in the next 20 years and wants to help her colleagues prepare and adapt to those changes.

In 2015, she founded a pharmacy consulting business BT Pharmacy Consulting, LLC and currently helps train and coach other pharmacists looking to start their own consulting businesses through an online e-course and membership site at the PharmapreneurAcademy.com. Part of that business includes presenting at pharmacy conferences and pioneering the use of educational online courses for pharmacists interested in providing enhanced clinical services, such as immunizations, point of care testing, chronic care and transitional care management programs.

In April 2017, she launched the first online pharmacy conference in the industry. The Elevate Pharmacy Virtual Summit featured pharmacists of various backgrounds practicing pharmacy at the peak of the profession. There were over 1,800 pharmacists from across the globe who attended the free event.

In April 2020, the 4th annual Elevate Pharmacy Virtual Summit reached thousands of pharmacists across the globe helping them to identify and act on innovative opportunities. The five-day conference presented by the Pharmapreneur Academy has been leading the way in virtual education and events in the pharmacy industry for the past 4 years.

Blair’s interests include advocating for community pharmacy services that help providers in primary care and post-acute care improve quality measures and patient outcomes. She is dedicated to putting out helpful information about pharmacist billing options and the benefits of pharmacy consulting services.

In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and children, gardening and raising animals on their small farm and traveling abroad. She also enjoys reading personal development books, listening to business podcasts, studying meditation and human potential and learning about investing and personal finance.


Pharmacist and entrepreneur, Blair Thielemier, joins Tim Ulbrich on this episode to discuss how to leverage your skills as a pharmacist to start your own consulting business or side hustle. Blair touches on common barriers and hurdles to success in the mindset of the entrepreneur and ways to overcome self-limiting beliefs when it comes to your business. Pharmacists have such an impressive breadth of knowledge that can be applied widely. With some soft skills training, sales education, and business basics, that you just can’t get in pharmacy school, you can develop the mindset of an entrepreneur. This mindset shift means thinking about and actively asking about your clients’ and patients’ needs, anticipating those needs, and providing solutions to meet those needs and provide value. Consultation can be monetized in many ways, personalized to the pharmapreneur’s ideas, and applied through various methods whether consulting in an office, in a pharmacy-based setting, entirely independently or virtually.

Through her personal experiences, Blair discovered that she could use and monetize her own pharmacy skills and knowledge of the body to the cellular level, in countless ways to help others, ultimately leading to the creation of the Pharmapreneur Academy, her consulting business, and the creation of the Elevate Pharmacy Virtual Summit. The Elevate Pharmacy Virtual Summit aims to teach pharmacist entrepreneurs the skills necessary for building successful businesses and consulting programs, including methods for increasing revenue, relationship building, and a system for success.

Mentioned on the Show

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich: Blair, welcome back to the show.

Blair Thielemier: Thank you so much for having me again.

Tim Ulbrich: Excited. This is, for the record, your fourth time on the YFP podcast. So we’re excited to have you back. Last time we had you on was Episode 117, all the way back in September 2019 where we talked about three bold predictions for the future of pharmacy. And I want to put you on the spot here for a moment. So we had talked about predictions you had around automation continuing to happen and evolve in community pharmacy practice, the shift that you thought would be happening to appointment-based models, and the third thing that you talked about was the continued shift in focus on pharmacists being embedded in primary care practices. So since September 2019, we obviously have had all that a pandemic has thrown at us, which I feel like for many pharmacists, we’ve been focusing on vaccine distribution, serving our patients the best that we can. What have you seen in your space, your world, in terms of these predictions and where we’re at in 2021?

Blair Thielemier: Yeah, I mean, those predictions, you know, that we were going to be shifting at least diversifying our revenue streams away from just a product-focused business model to now include services, I also kind of saw this opportunity for pharmacists to step in and have an impact on preventive and community population health. So yeah, the COVID pandemic really was a catalyst, I think, in a good way for clinical services led by pharmacists. And it’s something that I’m going to continue to talk about and beat this dead horse that pharmacists need provider status. But we can also do more and help our patients, even right now when we don’t have provider status. So you know, two of those predictions I’m still not reversing my stance on either one of those. And the third one, for us to start becoming embedded in physicians’ offices, especially when we start looking at quality metrics and some of the pay-for-performance models that CMS is really, really focusing in on, there’s going to be a huge opportunity for clinically-trained pharmacists in the future.

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely. And we’ve seen — shoutout to my Ohio colleagues here have done an awesome job advocating on our behalf. We’ve seen some exciting evolutions here in Ohio with value-based contracts, embedding pharmacists, obviously the evolution of telehealth that’s happening. We’ve still got some work to do on the reimbursement side of that as well, but I think there’s exciting times ahead. And one of the things I often think about, if you think about telehealth as one example of if we could now move a model where you might have depended on a pharmacist being embedded in a clinic to be able to be accessible from a population health standpoint to serve multiple clinics and perhaps those are the highest risk or could improve those metrics to the greatest degree, wow. I mean, talk about really trying to leverage the pharmacist’s expertise. So 2019, we talked about some of that. It’s been exciting to see the movement and certainly more on the horizon. And today, we’re going to talk about ideas and strategies for how folks can perhaps think about some of their clinical expertise, their experiences, how might they turn some of that into a business or a side hustle? How might they monetize some of that? How might they think like an entrepreneur? Or what are some of the barriers, obstacles, case studies, things that you’ve seen from your experience? And so before we get into that conversation, remind our listeners who may not have caught one of the three previous episodes, a little bit about your background since graduating from pharmacy school, and the work that you’re currently doing with the Pharmapreneur Academy.

Blair Thielemier: Yeah, so after I graduated pharmacy school, long story short, went from being a clinical hospital pharmacist to having no job whatsoever. So you know, it was a rough time. I was six months pregnant with my first child. We now have three. And it was a small, rural hospital, declining reimbursements, just couldn’t afford to keep two full-time pharmacists on staff. And so I was really left out in the cold, kind of being six months pregnant and trying to figure it out. So what I did, fell back on my community pharmacy roots, and I went to a couple local independents and just offered my help. And they were like, ‘Well, we have this new clinical thing called an MTM and none of us know how to do it. We were kind of hoping that you might want to do it for us.’ And I did, I went through the first couple cases and worked with those patients and absolutely fell in love with clinical services and I thought, this is my purpose in life. I mean, I don’t mean to sound dramatic. But that was really the feeling that I had was like, this is my future. I don’t know what it’s going to look like. But this is the path I have to follow. So I really just tried to make myself as knowledgeable as possible on these clinical pharmacy services. And in doing so, I was talking about it on my blog and eventually ended up creating a training course in the Pharmapreneur Academy. And you know, now we work with pharmacists and independent pharmacy owner clients that just like you mentioned at the beginning, you want to work with a collaborative provider doing remote telehealth services for maybe three or four providers in your area and seeing 50-100 patients per provider? That’s a full-time position. You know, that’s creating new jobs for pharmacists and being able to really think outside the box and understand some of the nuances of the quality payment programs and pay-for-performance stuff. It really allows pharmacists to what I call think like an entrepreneur, which is to see these gaps in the marketplace and also see opportunities in the marketplace so that we can leverage those skills in new ways to impact our community’s health and also the health of people across the U.S. because with telehealth, I mean, I don’t see that going away.

Tim Ulbrich: Right.

Blair Thielemier: Anytime soon either.

Tim Ulbrich: And so you’ve made this transition obviously from a clinical pharmacist and the role that you had to now really what I see of educating, training, coaching, motivating various pharmacists, which is really interesting, I think is inspiring when you think about impact. And we’ll talk about the business side of it here in a moment. When you think about impact, when you’re able to help people take an idea and help frame, shape that idea, perhaps help them overcome some of the obstacles or barriers that may seem overwhelming to them in the moment and then think about seeing that service develop and hopefully thrive at some point and the impact that that will have on patients, obviously that’s far greater than the impact that you could have had alone. And I see so much of that happening, what you’re doing at the Pharmapreneur Academy. One question I have for you as you think back to your journey, would you have ended up here today doing what you’re doing if it weren’t for that job loss? And I ask that because I feel like when you talk with folks that I think have that entrepreneurial slant, itch, bug, whatever you want to call it, like it comes out eventually, right? I mean, it’s going to come out. You’re either going to get frustrated with the situation you’re in, see an opportunity, see a problem that can be solved. So as you reflect back on the journey, how critical was that situation, that moment, as difficult as it was to where you are today?

Blair Thielemier: I don’t actually know if I’ve ever told you this story, Tim. After I was working as an MTM consultant, like just kind of doing PRN for these local independents, it was probably my daughter was about 6 months old at the time and there became a director of pharmacy position come open at the local regional hospital one county over. So not the place I had been let go from but one county over. And I went there, and I applied for the job, and I got the job, of course. They offered me the job. And after the interview, they were walking me around the pharmacy, they were introducing me to the team, they were showing me my very own computer and all this stuff, and I actually that day was probably worse than the day that I lost my job the first time because I felt like there were like these two paths laid out ahead of me. And one was like the I know what that career path is going to lead to. I’ve been there, I’ve done that. There was more responsibility as the director but also I had what I thought was a pretty secure position at the other hospital. And you know, I just, I thought, how many more years am I going to do this before I finally go after what I really want, which is to own my own business and have the freedom and flexibility and autonomy to work the way that I want? And so I went home that evening and told my husband, I’m like, ‘Well, I got the job. Bad news is I’m not going to take it.’

Tim Ulbrich: But…

Blair Thielemier: Yeah. I got it, and I’m not going to take it. It was kind of one of those moments where my parents were concerned about me, you just spent a ton of money going to school, getting your pharmacist license, and you’re already like I’m going to try this other thing. But I really, I just at that time, I just felt like there wasn’t another option for me. It was really like, if you don’t try this, Blair, you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life. And that was the big turning point for me is like, you can still work your job while you’re trying to build up your side hustle. But there comes a point too to where you really have to decide, am I going to focus on this? Or am I going to focus on this? And that was the point to like just get that started. I think it was — I was originally pushed off that traditional path by when I lost my job. And then I actually chose the other path whenever I decided not to take the director position. So every day, I’m still choosing to show up at the Academy for my clients and to continue to really help them help their patients. That’s what I want to grow. And that’s the impact that I want to have is helping pharmacists leverage the stuff that they’re really good at that I can just support them with some of the business and marketing skills that we didn’t learn in school.

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely. And let’s go there and discuss that further as I suspect many folks will be listening and saying, “Hey, I’ve got this really cool area of expertise,” or perhaps I have this idea, and I just don’t know exactly what I could do with it. And you know what, I was trained to be a darn good clinical pharmacist. But I don’t know about marketing, developing business plans, and financing my business. And oh, by the way, this is really scary to think about. Maybe I have a young family or I’ve got a stable income. We talk about it sometimes, the golden handcuffs, right, in terms of being able to — or I have $175,000-200,000 of student loan debt that might be getting in the way of what I’m doing, which obviously connects through the work that we do. So someone that has an idea or even knows that they’ve got something that is worthwhile sharing with others, having an impact in the work that they’re doing, where do they start? You know, I think this is the common thing I hear is, I don’t know where to start. And that fear can often come to be quickly where you can convince yourself that I either have to leave what I’m doing altogether to pursue this or I can’t pursue this because I have limited time and I’m working on this full-time, and sometimes we don’t get past the start line, right, to even see what might be potential going forward. So as you coach folks in the Pharmapreneur Academy, I would assume from all walks of where their idea is at from maybe I don’t have one but I know I want to do something to I’ve got something to I’ve validated it to I’m trying to scale it and everything in between, like what advice would you have for folks that are hearing this and thinking, I just don’t know where to start.

Blair Thielemier: You know, we really have a process. Like it’s a step-by-step framework that we — I encourage people to kind of put their blinders on. So think about what you want, think about the program that you want to build, put your blinders on, work towards that, and then test it. If it doesn’t seem to be something that the market is interested in, it’s OK to pivot too. So I think we get so attached to our ideas, when we have one, you know, usually people are like, “I have zero ideas of what I can do as an entrepreneur,” or “I have 50 ideas about what I can do as an entrepreneur.” So both of them I really tell them the same thing, like baby step No. 1: Look at your career and look at your past experience, look at your network, because what you have to offer is very individual. Your past experiences, maybe you know, you’re like me and my undergrad degree, I was studying plant biology because I’ve always been a little bit of a crunchy plant nerd. And I was like, maybe when I go to pharmacy school, I want to go to the Amazon and research novel drug development. And now, like I’m finally kind of seeing this come full circle as I’m getting my Master’s in Ayurvedic medicine. I almost forgot that about myself. Like I forgot that I was really into plants and herbal and like even growing a garden and nutrition. I had kind of forgot that about myself. So we’ve got some places where people can revisit some exercises that they can do to figure out if they don’t have an idea what their idea could be, if they have too many ideas how to scale down and start with just one thing. So that’s what we call our three pharmapreneurial paths, which is essentially are you going to be a consultant in a physician’s office? Are you going to be a consultant in a pharmacy-based setting? Or are you going to try to do kind of completely separate, on-your-own, like a virtual cash-based kind of business? So being able to really hone in, figure out which of those paths I want to take really makes figuring out your offer, so we talk about deciding on your offer, we’re going to talk more on this year’s Elevate Summit about how to scale your business from $1,000-5,000 per month in revenue to upwards of $25,000 per month in revenue using these techniques and things that I have learned throughout the past seven years in the online business industry and figuring out how to apply those things to pharmacy. And the other thing I really work with people a lot on when I coach them is helping them to identify their limiting beliefs. So you know, I know, Tim, you’re a big self-development person. And this idea of the growth mindset versus the fixed mindset, one of the things that I really see people in this static or fixed mindset deal with is imposter syndrome. And they, they might say, “Oh, well I’m not a clinical guru,” or, “I’m just a retail pharmacist.” I hate hearing that. I’m like, you’re not just a retail pharmacist —

Tim Ulbrich: With just a doctorate degree, yeah.

Blair Thielemier: You just have, you know, this amazing breadth of knowledge underneath your belt. You’re trained unlike any other healthcare professional on Earth. I mean, ask a doctor some questions about pharmacokinetics and see what happens. Like your training is so unique. Our knowledge of biochemistry and physiology, down to the cellular level, is what I think really makes for an interesting recipe for a pharmacist to be able to take influence from all these different seemingly unconnected areas of health and even looking into stuff like Ayurvedic medicine and meditation, how that has an impact on our mental health, on chronic stress, on our gut health, like all of these things really play together with the pharmacological interventions, the modern medicine can bless us with.

Tim Ulbrich: And so you mentioned one, Blair, which I would agree with, you know, some of the self-limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome, being a hurdle that folks may have to overcome and doubting whether or not they can do something, perhaps making the mistake of looking at others and you know, making assumptions that may not be true about what others are doing or looking at others and saying, “I’m not sure I can do that,” when in fact those folks may have been doing that for 5, 6, 7 years and they obviously had a place they started, which takes me to the question, like what are other hurdles that you see folks having to overcome? Common barriers of folks that are coming to you in the Academy that are just trying to get started, whether they don’t yet have an idea or they do have an idea, common hurdles that folks need to overcome or work through as they develop this business idea further.

Blair Thielemier: Yeah, so a lot of people come to me and say, “Hey, how do I get a job as an MTM consultant?” I’m like, “Well, it’s not really a position you can apply for, unfortunately, at this time, anyway.” And what I think that maybe we aren’t taught in school is how to talk with someone, how to have like a sales conversation or a collaborative business arrangement with someone. So really, like I kind of teach them — I feel like I’m teaching them the language of business to where they can feel comfortable going out and not feeling like, oh, I’m just going to hand somebody my business card and wait for a call because I don’t want to be pushy or sales-y or whatever. So what I teach them really has to do with building up your selling skills, building up confidence in what you’re talking about. The having conversations with people that don’t feel sleazy or sales-y, we have the four A’s of selling, which what I call first, you start with Asking what challenges they’re dealing with. What have they tried in the past? If you’re talking to a physician maybe like what quality metrics are you reporting on? Or what are some of your biggest medication issues with patients? So asking that question is the first A. The second would be Assessing. What are some things that I’ve heard? I’ve heard Blair talk about chronic care management, I’ve heard other pharmacists talk about pharmacogenomic testing or whatever. So assessing what type of program could I put together that can be customized to this person that can really help them? Because it’s not necessarily what I want to do. Like maybe I went in there thinking, oh, I really, I kind of want to do annual wellness visits for this place, but come to find they’ve already got somebody doing annual wellness visits and they’re happy with that service. But they don’t have somebody doing chronic care management. So you know, you go in with this like kind of a loose plan but then leave it open for —

Tim Ulbrich: That’s right.

Blair Thielemier: Leave it open for changes and pivots. And so being able to assess what their needs are and agreeing on this could be a good thing, would you want me in the office? Or would you want me in my own office? And would you want to do a collaborative practice agreement? Or should we just work under a collaborative business arrangement? And finally, the final piece of that is Accepting, accepting of the program, accepting of you as an employee, signing off on that legal agreement, and really just kind of going through the pilot and implementation phase of any type of new business relationship is going to go through that kind of four-step process. So when people go in and say, “Well, I talked to my physician’s office about it and I handed them a flier and told them that I was available for hire, but I never heard back from them,” I’m like, “Yeah, that’s not really the way I would have tried to get my foot in the door. And here’s what I would recommend to you to do. Go back and have that conversation with them because they may not even understand who you are or why you’re trying to help them or what it is you do. So first things first, just build a relationship and talk to them like they are a person and that you are a person, and you just are looking to see if there’s any opportunities to work together.”

Tim Ulbrich: In that last example you gave is such a good one because I think sales and accepting some of the success and challenge that can come from that is something probably many pharmacists struggle with. And this is an area where I see the community and the network being so valuable inside of the Academy because I know firsthand, this is an area where one of the coaches that I’ve worked with before calls this “head trash.” Right? There’s things that, you know, are barriers that we come to believe are going to happen or the example you gave of I dropped off a flier, I let them know I’m available, reach out to me if you want to, that is not sales. Right? That is a “I want to feel comfortable walking out of this scenario without putting risk for it that I might get a no.” And I think in that example, I would encourage folks to reflect on like, why is that the approach? Because at the end of the day, remember, we’re talking about if you have a business idea, you have a problem that needs to be solved. And if you believe so wholeheartedly in that vision, then the outcome needs to be — if I have a solution to a problem, then I need to make sure we get to that solution because I know I’m going to better serve that physician, better serve the patients that that physician also cares for, and so my primary goal in sales is to be able to further that mission. And in that mindset, which gets back to some of the growth mindset, is a totally different perspective when somebody is thinking about a sales process. But if you’re trying to go about this on an island — and I think this is where an academy and a group can be so helpful, you know, you can talk these things out loud, talk to folks that have different levels of experience, and start to learn through one another and also reflect on those conversations and get some feedback as well. One thing you mentioned, Blair, earlier was think like an entrepreneur. And I know many pharmacists that I’ve talked with, you know, when they may think, hey, I’m a really good clinician, but I don’t consider myself an entrepreneur. And that can feel overwhelming. I think sometimes we glorify the image on an entrepreneur, tech startup, big offerings of companies and so forth, and we often don’t think of what may be realistic in terms of the work that we’re doing. What do you mean by that concept of thinking like an entrepreneur? Break that down a little bit further.

Blair Thielemier: Yeah, so I really think that pharmacy’s origins started with people like my great-grandfather, who owned his own pharmacy in the Chicagoland area in the early ‘40s. And it was that kind of person-to-person service, it was the idea that like if I don’t make an offer to help this person, they may not be able to get the solution to their problems. They may not even know that this option exists for them. So even giving like just a very simple answer, so one of my friends, she was doing like a intermittent fasting, keto-type diet, and so she was mentioning having some issues with muscle aches. And I was like, “Oh, well make sure that you’re drinking a ton of water if you’re going to do one of those diets because you’re losing water. You’re also losing a lot of electrolytes, so you need a really high-quality vitamin supplement.” And you know, she was like, “Oh, I never even considered that if I was going to change my diet that I needed to think about supplementation.” And she was like, “Oh, but I can’t take those big horse pill vitamins.” And I’m like, “Well, they make gummy vitamins. And they make liquid,” like there’s so many options that you can do. But because she had never really thought to ask me about it, I never even thought to talk about the different ways that you could — we haven’t even gotten to compounded medications to where you could really help someone if they do have those types of issues. So even thinking about just basic pharmacy services from an entrepreneurial standpoint, you’re thinking about, OK, well what time of the year is it? What are people needing? What are my patients experiencing right now? It’s hayfever season. We’re going into spring and thinking through like, what are these people’s needs right now? And right now, they’re needing some COVID vaccines, for one. They’re probably also needing some Claritin. So being able to think like that and see the opportunities in the market, the gaps in the market, to have conversations and talk to people about their pain points. You know, Elon Musk didn’t wait for people to come say, “Hey, I really need an electric car.” He was like, this is what the country needs, like even if consumers aren’t screaming that they want an electric car, I’m going to create something because I see this opportunity, and I see it as impacting the highest good. So we’re going to make it, and we’re going to make sure it fits people’s needs and their pain point and also let them feel good about the investment that they’re making in their next vehicle. So same thing, you know, I think when we talk about investing in people’s health, so many pharmacists are like, “Oh, I would feel bad if I charged my patients for a consult on their nutritional supplements or a functional medicine consult or whatever.” I’m like, “Yeah, but people need to have some type of investment in the program or else they’re not going to take your advice.”

Tim Ulbrich: Yep. And value it —

Blair Thielemier: And value it.

Tim Ulbrich: — as such, right? I mean, I think that’s partly why we’re having some of the challenges that we have in the profession that we’ve largely given away what we have for free. Obviously that’s an overgeneralization in some regards. But I think the comfort may not be there of back to where we started the conversation, you know, any good business idea is a problem that warrants a solution, is one that you’re passionate about, and is one that people are willing to pay for. And if you can find that idea of what you’re providing value and providing a solution to a problem and you can obviously generate revenue from it, if that’s deriving value to an individual, it’s OK for them to pay for that, right? And it’s OK for that to be profitable because there’s a willing investment that’s being made as they see the return on the investment. And if we think about how we invest as a consumer, you know, I think that helps reshape our mind of, I invest in a lot of things that may not be a physical product, per se, but I believe has a lot of value and I’m willing to invest both time and money to invest in that solution that is going to provide some of that value. And I think this is a good transition, Blair, to an upcoming summit that you are hosting again, the Elevate Pharmacy Summit, which I’m excited about, April 9 and 10, and as folks are hearing this, thinking about OK, strategies that I might consider to monetize clinical expertise or I’ve got an idea and I want to think about how I might begin to flesh that idea out further or maybe I’ve started something, and you talked about kind of that growth phase from let’s say $1,000 in revenue per month to $5,000, whatever that growth would look like. And I know that some of what you’re going to be discussing on the summit. So tell us about the Elevate Pharmacy Virtual Summit, who it’s for, what folks can expect, and the theme of what you’re trying to accomplish in the summit this year, April 9 and 10.

Blair Thielemier: Yeah, so this year’s summit, we’ll be teaching our entire system over the course of two days. So it’s two days of live trainings, of live presentations that will help you really decide on the services and programs you want to offer. So like you just said, thinking about the solution that you could offer someone, how to put a value on that. So one example is a client that I’ve worked with. She had some issues with fertility and changed up her diet and nutritional supplement regimen and kind of fixed some of those issues with her microbiome and gut health and was able to conceive. And she, because of that experience she had, she really felt called to create a group program for other females that were of childbearing age who were looking to conceive. And you know, she was asking me about pricing and I’m like, “Well, if you help someone who couldn’t have a baby have a baby, what type of return on investment, you know, like what –”

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely.

Blair Thielemier: Can you imagine how much more enriching that person’s life would be? And there is value in what we can offer. And there is value in our solutions. So you know, she was able to really think about the impact that she wanted to have. And so I really have worked with hundreds of pharmacists to overcome some of these issues from absolutely no idea of what they want to do to OK, now I’m generating $5,000 in revenue each month, you know, I’m thinking about leaving my full-time position, I’m thinking about hiring someone else to help me, you know, scaling to that $25,000 to $50,000 to $100,000 per month in revenue and how that works for someone using some of the processes that I’ve built in to my own business. So some of the automation and some of the marketing and lead gen and social media strategies. That’s exactly why we created the Elevate Pharmacy live this year is so that we can teach those. It’s going to be also a very small-knit group. So there’s only 300 tickets available in our Zoom room so that we can take Q&A, so we’re actually working with them. It’s really a two-day workshop that we’re going to be teaching and talking about and then of course, Tim, you’re going to come on and talk about like kind of your book publishing empire and how you’ve been able to impact so many pharmacists and helping them improve their financial health and then also what to do with it when you do get to that, you know, $25,000, $50,000 to $100,000 in revenue per month. Like that’s a fun conversation to have with the Tims is like, what do I do with all this money? That’s a great place to be. And you can really start thinking about how to have the impact you want and how to structure your services so that you can — if you do choose to leave your job, you can have this as a full-time position and it’s something you can grow and really build out. So that’s pretty much what we’ll be teaching on those two days. It’s our system from taking you to low five-figure revenue to six- and seven-figure revenue as a pharmacist.

Tim Ulbrich: I’m really excited for the event, not only participating as a speaker, as you mentioned, but also that this is available to pharmacists. When you and I talked a couple weeks ago, I was going through the list as you’re talking about marketing, lead gen, social strategy, building processes, I was like, yep, fumbled through that, fumbled through that, fumbled through that.

Blair Thielemier: Me too, Tim.

Tim Ulbrich: And every one of those was an incredible learning experience but, you know, to have other examples and I certainly read lots of books and resources and blogs and podcasts and all those things, which were incredibly helpful to see things outside of the industry as well. But to hear from folks that I can connect with and to begin to develop a community that I can connect with, I certainly know the value of that. So looking forward to the Elevate Pharmacy Virtual Summit, April 9 and 10 coming up. You can learn more about the summit and register and join me at PharmapreneurAcademy.com/YFP. Again, that’s PharmapreneurAcademy.com/YFP. Blair, thank you so much for joining. Appreciate the time, as always. Appreciate the work that you’re doing to better the profession as well as those that have some of these ideas and entrepreneurial dreams. And excited about what this means for them individually but also for the patients that they serve. So thank you very much.

Blair Thielemier: Absolutely. And thank you for having me, and thank you for the work that you’re doing as well, helping pharmacists create this firm financial foundation so that they can really build something amazing on top of it.

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely. Thank you, Blair.

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YFP 196: How Cory Uses Improv to Create a Better Healthcare Experience

How Cory Uses Improv to Create a Better Healthcare Experience

On this episode sponsored by Insuring Income, pharmacist, improv comedian, and motivational speaker, Cory Jenks, joins Tim Ulbrich to talk about how and why he got started with this side hustle, how it has improved his ability to connect with his patients, and how you, as a pharmacist, can apply the valuable skills of improv comedy to create a more adaptable, empathetic, and humanizing healthcare experience.

About Today’s Guest

Dr. Cory Jenks earned his PharmD from the University of South Carolina in 2011 and completed a PGY1 residency at the Southern Arizona VA Healthcare System in 2012. His past pharmacy experience has included time as a retail pharmacist, outpatient clinical pharmacist, and inpatient clinical pharmacist. Currently, he practices as an Ambulatory Care Clinical Pharmacy Specialist where he applies his passion for lifestyle interventions in the management of chronic disease. Cory is also an accomplished improv comedian, having started on his comedy journey in 2013. Since then, Cory has coached, taught, and performed improv for thousands of people. Today, Cory travels the country (or at least Zooms around) teaching other healthcare professionals how to apply the valuable skills of improv comedy to create a more adaptable, empathetic, and humanizing healthcare experience. When not working or performing improv, Cory enjoys playing racquetball, basketball, and golf, exploring the science of disease management through lifestyle, and is currently earning his Master’s Degree in “Dad Jokes” with the help of his two sons Jacob and Henry.


On this episode, pharmacist, improv comedian, and motivational speaker, Cory Jenks, joins Tim Ulbrich to talk about his side hustle in improv comedy. Cory details his journey in improv as a curious student, his experience as an improv coach, instructor, and performer, and how improv comedy aligns with his profession as a pharmacist. Through his various stages of development as an improv comedian, Cory noticed his ability to more easily connect with his patients, and his professional satisfaction as a pharmacist grew.

Cory walks through the mental shift to positive from negative, outlining the importance of applying the improv 101 phrase, ‘yes, and…’ in his life as a pharmacist. Because of the skills learned through improv, Cory tells us that instead of dreading difficult cases or patients, he began to see each experience like a puzzle to solve.

Cory further explains how, not only his own experiences with improv but also the experiences of those around him and those who he has taught, have inspired and motivated him to share exactly how improv comedy can be applied in the healthcare professions. Through nationwide workshop facilitation and public speaking events, Cory is able to reach healthcare professionals with his message – to create a more adaptable, empathetic, and humanizing healthcare experience. He notes that balance, an open line of communication with his wife, and the ability to dedicate time to his passion projects have contributed to his success.

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Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich: Cory, welcome back to the show.

Cory Jenks: Hey, thanks for having me. It’s a thrill, it’s an honor, it’s a privilege, and I’m excited to be back.

Tim Ulbrich: Glad to have you back. And last time we had on the show was Episode 134, which aired in January 2020. Hard to believe more than a year ago, and a lot has happened since January 2020. Who would have known at that point we had a global pandemic in front of us? And in that episode, we talked about the journey that you and Cassie were taking towards Coast FI and some of the steps that you had taken or been putting in place towards financial independence. So how are you guys doing? What’s new? Give us the update.

Cory Jenks: Well, everything went according to plan, right?

Tim Ulbrich: Right.

Cory Jenks: It’s like, we’ve got this podcast recorded, we’re going to have a great 2020. It’s our year. And then COVID hit. But I think all things considered, we really have counted our blessings. I think being in a strong place financially set us up to weather that storm as well as we could, had hoped for. We had our second kid in June.

Tim Ulbrich: Congratulations.

Cory Jenks: Good time to have a kid, right in the middle of a pandemic, right? We’re home anyway, so we have to hang out with them. And I had a chance to continue to work and grow on my little business, which I think we’re going to talk about today. And Cassie’s had the opportunity to drop back further into a part-time role. So that was what that Coast FI journey allowed us to do was to reduce some of that income from her to spend more time with the kids. And she actually got an opportunity to work a little extra on a different, more passion project working on lifestyle for disease management and diabetes reversal. So that’s something that she’s been starting in the last few months that being able to go to part-time has afforded her the opportunity to pursue that passion. So guiltily good. We’re guiltily good in this 2021 now.

Tim Ulbrich: Well, we will link back to Episode 134 in the show notes. And I hope our listeners will take a listen back to your journey, really an inspiring one. And when we talk about financial independence or even FIRE at large, standing for Financial Independence Retire Early, I think sometimes we think about it as a finish line. And really, it’s more about the journey. It’s a trajectory. And I think about your story as an example of that trajectory, of that evolution. And so we’re going to talk to you about what that has allowed you guys to do as a family. Obviously a lot has changed, the addition to your family obviously with Cassie’s role changing, the work that you’re doing with ImprovRx, and all of that is in part possible because of the steps that you have taken related to the financial plan. So excited to talk about your side hustle, ImprovRx, and the work that you’re doing to help other healthcare professionals create a more adaptable, empathetic and humanizing healthcare experience. So before we dive into the nitty gritty of ImprovRx, remind us about your pharmacy journey, where you went to school, the work that you’re currently doing now, and even the other work that you have done as a pharmacist prior to your current role.

Cory Jenks: Sure, yeah. So I am coming up on my 1-year anniversary of graduating from the University of South Carolina, so go Gamecocks.

Tim Ulbrich: Go Gamecocks.

Cory Jenks: I’m wearing my Gamecock Pharmacy sweatshirt for all the — this is an audio podcast, so perfect segue there.

Tim Ulbrich: Yes, I can see it here.

Cory Jenks: Yeah, thank you. Yeah, it’s a beautiful garment color. So graduated 2011, and I grew up in Tucson, so I went out to South Carolina for pharmacy school because I just loved student loans and out-of-state tuition. And I ended up coming back to Tucson to do a residency here at the VA in Tucson, where I have been ever since. I’ve worked anywhere from in ambulatory care, inpatient pharmacy, I’m back in ambulatory care now as a clinical pharmacy specialist doing chronic disease management. So really cool job, getting to help manage patients’ health. And I have a real passion for helping sort of reverse the chronic disease, not just manage them but do my best to get patients off their meds and living a healthy life. And in between, I’ve worked a little bit of retail, I’ve worked in a community health center. And so I’ve kind of — it’s like the Johnny Cash song, I’ve been everywhere in pharmacy. So yeah, that’s where I find myself today in my day job.

Tim Ulbrich: And we’re going to make that connection here in a little bit for folks that are wondering, we’re going to provide that bridge between improv comedy and the healthcare practitioner and how that relates to the experience for the patient. Now, I know some funny pharmacists, Cory, but I don’t think about pharmacists and comedy that often and the two of those coming together. So give us the back story. Why improv comedy? Why did you start it? What drew you to that area? And tell us a little bit about the work that you’re doing.

Cory Jenks: Sure. So growing up, I loved Simpsons, I loved Saturday Night Live, I loved watching comedy. And so this was back before you could DVR stuff. You young punks in pharmacy school with your on-demand and your DVRs, so you had to watch the show on Saturday or Sunday night, and you’d talk about it with your friends the next day.

Tim Ulbrich: That is right.

Cory Jenks: And I loved it. And I mean, I enjoyed school, good at science, pretty bad at sports, that’s why I pursued pharmacy and not trying to play baseball. But always had this love of comedy. It’s always been a part of my life that I think as a pharmacist, a good laugh really is good medicine and something I enjoyed. And in undergrad and pharmacy school, there was an improv group at the University of South Carolina that I went and saw once, was like, ‘Oh my gosh, that’s amazing.’ And I didn’t do it because I was very committed to my academics. So I kind of put that dream and enjoyment on hold but always kept that sort of fire for comedy. And then when I finished my residency in 2012, Cassie was like, ‘Hey, you’re just kind of hanging around. You have this time on your hands. What do you want to do with it?’ And so I had a birthday coming up, and so I said, ‘Well, I’ve always been interested in trying to play the guitar or do improv comedy.’ So give me one of those two lessons or classes for my birthday. And so if you heard me play guitar, you would probably assume I did the improv. And that is correct. So it was 2013, I took my first improv class. And it was a local theater here where I live in Tucson. So just starting up, so the guy who’s now one of my best friends was — took a class, took another, and it was a matter of, ‘Hey, you have a pulse and you’ve taken these classes. We need people to perform. I’m trying to grow this theater. Do you want to do it?’ Yes. Love it. Let’s do it. Perform, get on stage, and it’s really a thrill. I had a ton of fun performing it. And then eventually, ‘Hey, Cory, you’ve been doing this a couple years. Can you help me teach my classes?’ Because he was scaling his business. So sure, I love teaching this. And so I got a chance to learn the intricacies of teaching it. And eventually, it was, ‘Cory, I need someone to run my comedy school. You’re a very organized pharmacist. Use those skills to organize my curriculum.’ Sure, let’s do it, would love to do that. And then while I was doing this and sort of bringing my wife back into it, she’s the real superhero of the whole story. She was in nurse practitioner school. She was busy every night, so I got my improv Master’s degree during her Master’s degree of her getting her nurse practitioner degree. So I was down at the theater 4, 5, 6 nights a week coaching, teaching, performing. And it’s a blast. It was fun. And along the way, I realized that these skills that I learned as an improv comedian, listening, communication, teamwork, empathy, all of these soft skills that we sort of talk about but don’t really find a way to teach or measure became better. I was connecting with patients, I was adapting, I was feeling like I was a better listener. And so as we had our first kid in 2018, as much as I enjoyed being down at the theater performing for 5-10 people in a very small crowd sometimes, the heat of the Tucson summer, I would get paid to teach classes but not quite the rate as a pharmacist, if that makes — if I’m making sense there. So and when you’re away from your kid and your family, you want to make sure you’re really getting a lot out of it. Not that I didn’t get a ton out of it, but I was kind of thinking like, what’s my next step with improv? How can I push this to another level? And auditioning for Saturday Night Live is just on the cards because I’m not moving to LA or New York or Chicago, abandoning the family to pursue this dream, which I don’t — it would be cool if I somehow SNL. I think I’d have to be some sort of unlikely national hero of something to be famous enough to do it, but then I realized, oh, I’m a pharmacist. It’s helped me as a pharmacist be better. What if I push it in this direction of applying it to healthcare? And so that’s where I found myself a couple years ago as I started the business of speaking and doing workshops.

Tim Ulbrich: I love the creativity in finding something that you were passionate about and connecting it to your skill set and experience and what you are trained to be doing as a pharmacist. I think sometimes we talk about side hustles or businesses, sometimes they’re connected, sometimes they’re not. And I think probably many folks like myself when I first heard about you and the work that you’re doing with ImprovRx, I was trying to find the connection, trying to see where that connection may be. And like yes, we can always use an extra lap, but when we talk about enriching our experience and interactions with patients and enriching the healthcare system at large, we all know there’s a lot of room for improvement. We’ve all been through it as a patient, perhaps some at the different levels than others. So I really start to see the connection of how pharmacists can benefit from some of the skills and training that we’ll get to hear about in a little bit. So dig a little bit deeper for a second on the connection between improv comedy and the ability to connect with patients as well as just your professional satisfaction as a provider. You mentioned some of the softer skills, but take me in the room. You know, Cory, I’m working in ambulatory care, I’m seeing patients, how do you begin to apply this personally in your patient care encounters?

Cory Jenks: Yes, so improv is actually — I would consider it very similar to a healthcare encounter.

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely.

Cory Jenks: And here’s why. So taking it a step back, when I go and practice improv when we’re not in a pandemic and can gather, I tell my parents, ‘Hey, I’m going to rehearse improv.’ And they’d say, ‘Cory, it’s all made up. What are you rehearsing?’ And I’d say, ‘Fair point. But improv, like a sport, you have specific skills.’ Like basketball, you ought to practice dribbling. You ought to practice defense. You’ve got to practice your — if you’re me, you’re practicing your slam dunks all day long. You’re just flying above the rim, right?

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely.

Cory Jenks: Well, with improv, we’re practicing characters, voices, playing on teams’ different format of improvisation. Like I perform on an improv hip hop team. I rap. I do improvised rapping. Much like an improv scene, we do have certain rules within improv. And I don’t need to get into the weeds of that, but there are rules within improv that help guide us in these scenes. Well, sports you have specific rules and then in healthcare, obviously we have this specific set of rules. But with improv scene, every basketball game, every interaction with a patient, anything can happen within that timeframe. No two basketball games are the same. No two improv scenes are the same. And certainly no two patient encounters are ever the same. So you’re able to take those skills of listening, being 100% in the moment, and adapting to what that patient is telling you and continue to provide them the best outcome. One of my best examples of this was one of my patients I was managing for diabetes. And he came to the room, was just demanding a prostate exam so he could get Viagra. Like this was just his connection. He was told he needed to get that checked out to get his Viagra. And I — how do I navigate — like I never had that question on a test in pharmacy school. No one gave me the “patient demanding prostate exam, what do you do?” but also continue to do the job that you’re assigned to do, which is manage their blood sugars but also make sure that he’ll trust you in the future to take care of what you need to do. And so pardon the graphic example of the patient, but the way I was able to navigate it, I was — the two words of improv are ‘yes, and.’ Those are the basic words. If you ever want a free lesson, ‘yes, and’ are the two words. We agree and build together. So how can I say yes to this patient who’s wanting a prostate exam from me, a pharmacist, who decidedly went into pharmacy so I did not have to do exams like that? And so I said, “Yes, I could give you a prostate exam. And you wouldn’t like it, and I wouldn’t like it. And you wouldn’t get the meds you want.’ So let’s focus on your blood sugar, and you talk to your doctor about that prostate exam. He said, “That’s great idea. Let’s do it.” So it was a way to connect with him without fighting him, right? I think a lot of times consumers, we as consumers will fight with the healthcare system. We agree, we get on the same page, and we work together as a team with your patient rather than seeing it as an adversarial issue when they bring something off the wall to your office.

Tim Ulbrich: Yes, and I love that. What a tangible takeaway for folks that are interacting with patients. So is ‘yes, and,’ is that like a staple of improv comedy, improv training? Like when you’re teaching that and you saw that connection with the healthcare, is that something that’s commonplace?

Cory Jenks: Literally like Day 1 of Improv 101, you learn this idea of ‘yes, and.’

Tim Ulbrich: Really?

Cory Jenks: So if you’re doing an improv scene and then you say to me, “Hey, we’re on the moon and it’s so beautiful.” And I say, “No, we’re not. We’re in a bounce house,” well, I’ve completely negated your reality. We have to rebuild everything. And so that scene grinds to a halt, the energy stops. And I have to explain why I thought we maybe we’re on the moon. But if I say, “Yes, and it’s so beautiful up here,” or, “Yes, and we only have 30 seconds of oxygen left,” we’ve now agreed to our reality, built on a detail or a consequence and have gone down this journey together rather than trying to fight and have this adversarial reaction. And in healthcare, that’s what we’re doing. We want to build together in the moment. That’s all we’re doing with our patient. So to get the outcome, improv is to get a laugh, with our patients it’s to optimize their health. And I also am a big proponent of the experience because we don’t get to control their health all the time. Sometimes the diagnosis is beyond our control. So we can at least agree to their reality and build together.

Tim Ulbrich: I love that. And one of the questions I like to ask folks — and especially, Cory, of the journey like you’ve had is when you have such a clearly defined vision of where you are going and you have obviously thought a lot about how this interest in improv comedy can connect to patients and create a better healthcare experience, that doesn’t just happen without a specific passion, without a motivation or without a why, whatever you want to call it. Was there an “Aha!” moment when you realized that you could help other healthcare professionals have a similar experience, develop their skills to better their connection with patients and ultimately better the healthcare system? We know there can be improvement there as well as improving their own satisfaction as a healthcare provider. One of the things we hear, of course, from healthcare providers, you know, I’ve lived it, you’ve lived it more than I have, I talk with many pharmacists, physicians, veterinarians, etc., I hear, “You know what, I’m burned out.” And so there is also this piece of provider satisfaction in addition to the patient experience. So what was that “Aha!” moment for you where you saw this connection?

Cory Jenks: I’ve just done all of this talk of ‘yes, and’ and how I would agree with you. And I have to say, it wasn’t so much an “Aha!” moment as a slow boil or a slow burn. In my own professional life, I started to realize like I didn’t come home as cranky. I enjoyed the — like when someone would give you, ‘This patient is difficult,’ I stopped saying, “Oh no,” and started saying, “Cool. What are we going to do here?” Right? It’s that mindset shift that it comes — it’s solving a fun puzzle versus dreading not having the answer. So I think that was part of the puzzle. My wife Cassie went through improv training and she was like, “Oh, wow, this is really useful as in my career as a nurse practitioner. I enjoy this.” And then I’ve had — we’ve had nurses and I have a physician who’s now a friend here in Tucson that went through the training. And his like, he was like pure “Aha!” Like every class was like, “Oh my gosh, I could use this with my patients. Oh my gosh, I’m too left-brained. Oh my gosh, I need to say yes more.” And so I think seeing the light bulbs go off in those that I have taught through our classes in Tucson, I mean, you get all walks of life. You get — in our theater, we joke we have a rocket scientist. He’s an engineer. We have nurses, lawyers. But then we have the typical theater artistic folks who live with that right brain a bit more. But it’s just that consistent reaction from people who buy into the ‘yes, and’ philosophy. So I really see it as more of a philosophy than just a rule of improv. I try to live that ‘yes, and’ life as much as I can. But seeing those light bulbs and “Aha!” moments is just energizing back to me. And I realized, oh, this is an opportunity to take what I do 40 hours a week and what I do on the weekends and improve that 40-hour life, not just for myself but I think we could do something for the other people that, as you say, we struggle. Healthcare is hard. Like, to everyone listening, kudos to you. We have hard jobs. It’s OK. Admit it. So how can we make those jobs a little less hard and a little more rewarding? And I think this is one of those avenues to find that satisfaction.

Tim Ulbrich: So I have to ask as a father myself, you know, I suspect dad jokes are a regular. Is that fair? I mean, are the dad jokes getting better? Are they getting worse? Where do the dad jokes come in?

Cory Jenks: I give myself like a 6.5 out of 10. So like the littlest one just turned 9 months old, so he just sort of like, I smile at him and he laughs. So the bar is low for him. And my 3-year-old is just getting a little sense of humor and a little playfulness. But I can make Cassie’s eyes roll pretty good with a lot of my dad joke humor. And just kind of circling back to what you said, you say you don’t know many funny pharmacists. The interesting thing about improv is that you don’t have to be funny to be good at it. I think improv is perfectly suited for pharmacists because it requires you to listen, be in the moment. And if you are smart, which pharmacists objectively are very smart, you can be really good at improv because you learn the patterns, you learn the rules. And as kind of left-brainy pharmacist as that sounds, once you learn that, you can play up and find the funny. You can develop that sense of humor. And so if you’re listening to this at home saying, ‘Well, I’m not funny,’ first off ‘yes, and,’ yes, you can be funny. You can do this. And so that’s my bit of pushback. I think that the smartest people make some of the best improvisers. So just brushing my shoulder off here.

Tim Ulbrich: So this connection of obviously bringing your interest in improv comedy or experience as a healthcare practitioner, your opportunity is, I suspect, as a patient, perhaps a caregiver, other experiences, recognizing that this could be done better. Insert ImprovRx, so an opportunity to train other healthcare professionals. So let’s talk about more of what you’re doing with ImprovRx. What do you offer? You mentioned to me before we hit record that you’re going to be doing an upcoming session for a Rho Chi induction. So give me some examples of things like that. What would it look like to the person in the room when you’re doing a workshop? What does this experience look like for pharmacy students?

Cory Jenks: Yeah.

Tim Ulbrich: Give us some more of the nitty gritty of what these types of sessions would include.

Cory Jenks: Definitely. So I offer basically — I’m an improviser, so I can adapt to whatever session or issue or event you’d like. But I can do a good old fashioned speech or a talk on it where I’m talking to your crowd, revving you up, inspiring you, pretty much what I’m doing with the audience today, just giving you just a bunch of motivation and excitement about what improv can —

Tim Ulbrich: I’m ready to go.

Cory Jenks: Yeah, like I’m glad there’s no brick walls in front of you because you might run through it.

Tim Ulbrich: That is great.

Cory Jenks: But I think my bread and butter really are the workshops. So what I do with those is I provide, depending on the workshop — and I have a menu of those depending on what the event calls for, what the particular organization wants. So I could either get right into some basic rules and we just get in and play. And what we do is we have the participants doing improv within 10 minutes. You’re doing scenes, you’re building things together. And then what we do, regardless of those different workshops, is we break down what happened in those scenes. What happened with those skills? What made them work well? What didn’t work well? And then how do we turn this into making ourselves better healthcare professionals. So how are you going to take what you did during this particular game and utilize it to be more in the moment with your patients? And so whether it’s something where we jump right into the improv or whether we do a little bit of background, a little presentation on some of the literature that supports — because ImprovRx is evidence-based comedy. There is literature supporting the use of role play and improv in education and pharmacy and medicine. So we’re pharmacists. We like to have that data to show that what we’re doing is worthwhile. And so there is — so I can dig into the data, give you the good background, and then we jump into the fun. And what I think the most important thing that comes from this is that people are going and taking risks, they’re trying new things, and there’s no consequences. Like in pharmacy school, for example, you can take a test and if you fail the test, you fail the test, right? In improv, if you do a scene that’s not funny, the scene is over, we move on, it’s disposable comedy. It’s beautiful. And you can learn that lesson in the moment. And I think that’s something that students — it’s really resonated with students because they are under pressure 24/7, get the grades, go to residency, get your job, get your student loans paid to tie it back here to YFP. So for an hour, we’re going to try something. It could be difficult. We’re going to be growing some skills. But the thing that I love — and I’ve been doing all these virtually right now because of COVID — is I’m looking at my screen and I see smiles on faces of students trying new things that are hard. And when do we have those moments in life where we get to try something and have fun doing it? And I think that’s the — like at worst, we come out of this having fun. And at best, you have fun, you challenge yourself, and you realize that those limiting beliefs that I’m not funny, that I can’t listen, that I can’t create, are not true because there’s so much more lurking — in a good way — inside of all of us as healthcare professionals that are waiting to be there to help our patients.

Tim Ulbrich: You know, I’m connecting back to my experiences in academia and even as a student where while we have come a long way in providing I would say more digestible learning experiences for students in terms of not as high risk of assessments, making things more spread out, smaller, lower risk and so forth to help foster the learning experience and take some of the anxiety out of it and an effort to try to help students manage stress and other things that they have going on, I suspect for pharmacy students listening, they would still say it’s a very pressure-inducing environment. And you can see it among students currently. They feel the stakes are high. And they certainly can be in a session like this and see value from this. And I can see it happening in a classroom, in a student organization event, as a part of another event on campus, whatever that would look like, where there’s just an opportunity to grow, to have professional development, but to have fun and to do it in a safe place. I mean, what an incredible experience. So if I’m tracking with you correctly, Cory, these hands-on workshops that you described as kind of your bread-and-butter type of offering would be provided to a college of pharmacy or offered at a national organization or a state organization or an organization like Rho Chi. Is that correct?

Cory Jenks: Perfect. Yeah, exactly. Those are all places that I’ve done this. I’ve done it at a state association, I’ve done it at a national meeting for a — I’ll be doing one at a national meeting for a pharmacy organization here in a few weeks. And I’ve done them in a small group with Rho Chi. And one thing that I actually did too was a pharmacy residency. So something — you think of pharmacy residents that the high stakes, the pressure —

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely.

Cory Jenks: So teaching them adaptability, some resilience, and having fun while doing it. So I had a lot of fun doing this with some pharmacy residents as well, doing it virtually, playing together and learning these skills in like a very — I hate to say zero gravity environment because it kind of — I don’t want to cheapen what I’m doing, but it’s just from a world where if you’re a pharmacy resident and you’re in training and you’re taking care of patients, like the stakes are incredibly high. It’s life and death, real life and death. So here’s a way to get a step away from the life and death but be more effective when those stakes are high and you need to communicate with that doctor in a life-or-death situation or that patient in a life-or-death situation.

Tim Ulbrich: Well, what is the reaction? You know, I’m thinking of my experiences with pharmacy students or other pharmacists and depending on where they are at, I can see that some might really get into this type of experience, others maybe kind of skeptical, maybe others warming up to it over time. What kind of reaction do you get from the audience during these sessions?

Cory Jenks: The beautiful thing is that it’s different with every session. So I’ve worked with student groups that they’re a little more tentative, they’re a little more self-conscious, and so it takes a little bit of we’ll say prompting from the organizer or the school to send me a private message on Zoom and say, “Hey, call on Davey or Suzy,” or whatever. And then they’re like, “Oh no!” And then there are some where it’s like they can’t get enough. Like, ‘We only have an hour? I want to go and I want to go again, I want to go again.’ And then there are the ones that they’re like, they’re really uncertain, but they do it. And then they realize, oh my goodness, that was fun. I did a great job. I had that in me. And so it’s like I said, everyone is going to be different. And that’s what makes it fun for me is that every group presents its own challenges. Some of them it’s like, we’ve got to slow this energy down, we’ve got to give someone else a chance. And some it’s like, OK, it will be more work to get you to come out of that shell. That is OK. That is my job. Let’s do it. Challenge accepted.

Tim Ulbrich: Which I think is a whole separate skill set, one I’m guessing you are continuing to hone and develop upon. I mean, there’s an art to it I think, interacting with folks, drawing things out of them, creating the experience and the environment that gives the best shot of participants engaging in the material. But it just depends sometimes on the group, on the culture, what is going to have those types of interactions, what’s going to lead to those types of interactions. And I can’t just roll by the fact that, Cory, we’re in the midst of a global pandemic where you are really just warming up to the work that you’re doing and things like traveling and being able to engage with other organizations and along the way comes a global pandemic, which I would suspect brings things like travel to a grinding halt. So for me to jump on to Zoom and to do a talk about personal finance, yeah, I would love to be there in person, but we can make it work at the end of the day. The information is the information. And I’ll try to do my best to inspire folks in that environment. Now, this, the work that you’re doing, feels like the experience that you would have with the learners in the room is so important to the outcome of the event. So talk to me about how you have been able to pivot with Zoom, with obviously what’s going on with the pandemic, and how you’ve been able to be flexible and the mindset that has allowed you to continue to press on despite the limitations that have been brought on by the pandemic.

Cory Jenks: So yeah, it’s a great, great point. I picked a wonderful year to decide to be a speaker, right? But don’t worry, what I speak on is drawn entirely out of what the energy in the room is. So no, I think that’s — you mentioned like the mindset. So one of the things we talk about in improv is that there are no mistakes, only gifts. So you don’t go to an improv show, watch it and say, “Well, they messed that line up there.” It’s not like a play where you’re expecting. You don’t know it’s going to happen. And so a good improviser will take whatever happens, whether it’s the tech person talking over your scene on a microphone, which has happened to me before, and turning it into some sort of narration of their life, we turn it into a gift. And so this past year of having to do everything remote, well, I’m an improviser. I teach adaptability. If I couldn’t adapt, you shouldn’t be dealing with me. And so I’ve been able to adapt the exercises to the Zoom or the virtual platform. It’s more of a challenge — like it is more of a challenge to get people engaged and involved, especially it’s very easy to have people just like, I want to turn my camera off and hang out on Zoom. So you have to work harder. Like in a way, it is harder to do to be able to do this virtually. But I have adapted the message, I have adapted the games, I’ve adapted the activities to make it much more interactive for those participants, even though we’re virtual. And in the world of seeing things as gifts rather than mistakes or problems, I will not anger your entire audience and say, “COVID’s been a great gift,” right? It’s been terrible for many people, myself included. Everyone has been affected by this. However, the gift of doing things virtually has allowed me to maybe reach some groups that I would not have been able to reach before. Doing Zoom sessions across the country from here in Tucson when the travel costs might have been prohibitive for a small organization. Well, you don’t have that barrier now. So I get to interact with your students, I get to share this message. And so the ability to adapt is baked into what I do. And so it’s been fun having that chance to adapt to see how these different things work and to get to talk to and interact with a bunch of folks that I might not have had the chance to otherwise.

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely. And I think what you said is just so on point. I mean, the mindset being so important, the adaptability piece being so important, but also the opportunity to reach organizations and groups that otherwise might not have been open to a Zoom session and because of, whether we like it or not here, we are. And we are all comfortable with it now. And so you’re giving things like this a try and obviously continuing to have the impact that you want to have by reaching more folks through the technology and what you’re able to do. And you mentioned the evidence. You know, my academic perspective is thinking, when it comes to the evidence, Cory, that you reference, I know that there’s likely something there. And you specifically mention some of the pharmacy and medical literature that’s out there. Tell us more about the evidence behind some of the work that you’re doing.

Cory Jenks: Yeah, so I’ve got to give props to the University of Arizona here in Tucson. This precedes me, but there’s an article from I think the late 2000s, the late ots, I guess we call them, where they incorporated — they actually have incorporated improv into their pharmacy school curriculum. So it’s a lot of fun. I’ve been able to help out with those sessions once the world found out that, ‘Oh, you’re a pharmacist that does improv. Well, we do this improv thing for pharmacy students.’ Wow! I have a clinical specialty! Here it is, it’s improv. So I get to go participate in that. But they’ve written up the improvement in patient communication with the pre- before and after doing their improv sessions. So it’s improved subjective communication. In medical school curriculum, it again showed that it improved communication. They felt like there was a quote where I don’t feel like I have to do things off of a checklist, I could just listen to it back in the moment. And most of the medical school students, I think they got 10 hours of improv instruction in the article that I researched and read, is they felt it was worth repeating. And now, put your hand up out there if there’s any classes in pharmacy school or medical school that you wanted to repeat. It was like, I’m done with this one, moving on to the next one. So to me, that — it’s not like where we can objectively measure like, ‘You were a 7 on communication and now you’re a 9 on communication.’ But getting at that human side of healthcare, like if students are saying they’d repeat this, I think they find it valuable. And so trying to promote that evidence more so would be something that I would love to be able to continue to pursue and really with what I’m doing, trying to make that more of a reality in more places for more students to get that training and of course graduates as well.

Tim Ulbrich: And I’m going to for a moment, Cory, connect the work that you are doing here in the improv comedy, the impact that you’re obviously having, you know, one of the things that really strikes me is the compound impact this can have. So if you’re training, let’s just say a session where you’re doing a workshop with 75 pharmacy students. Let’s be glass half full and say 40 of them are all engaged and they’re going to take away some things that they can then apply with the patients who they probably also will share with others and their classmates and have an impact on other folks, could be families and friends, and hopefully have an impact on the practice sites and the patients that they serve and the culture within that organization and within those experiences. So the compound effect of the work that you’re doing to me is really interesting. And the influence that you can have on really transforming the healthcare experience through the pharmacists that you’re able to have an impact through obviously your training, your understanding of what pharmacists are doing each and every day. So I want to bring together that work. I know from our personal conversations that your family is incredibly important to you, a big motivation of why for everything that you’re doing, and I also know that your financial journey, as we talked about on Episode 134, is important.

Cory Jenks: Yeah.

Tim Ulbrich: So fast forward to us five years. What does success look like for you in terms of the work that you’re doing here as it relates to ImprovRx?

Cory Jenks: I think success to me would be that I am at least — I’ve at least gone down to part-time as a practicing pharmacist because I am doing too much speaking and training with improv.

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely.

Cory Jenks: I think perfect world in five years, it’s really hard. I’m going to be vulnerable here in front of everybody. Like giving up this identity as a pharmacist would be really hard in this moment to think about not being. However, the energizing thought of being a full-time speaker and trainer, implementing this improv training, whether it be in healthcare associations, other hospital systems, in curriculum, at university level, that’s what I would love to be. Having that compound impact, as you said, is it’s one thing for me to go and teach this to a group of 70 people. But if I can go implement it into multiple curriculums in different healthcare settings, dental schools, pharmacy schools, nursing schools, that compound effect is exponentially more. And it’s just going back to this idea of something that you would not consider traditionally related to healthcare, improv. Like I would love to be known as, “Hey, it’s Cory. He’s the healthcare improv guy. Like he knows how to make that experience great by implementing these really fun, simple rules of improvisation.” And in five years, I would love to see cultures change. Like I talked about this ‘yes, and’ mindset. I think in healthcare, we often are stuck in a world of ‘no.’ Like the paradigm is ‘no.’ So like can I get more time with my patients? No. Is this drug covered by insurance? No. I had this new idea for this new service as a pharmacist. No, we don’t have the time or the budget for that.

Tim Ulbrich: Or did I bill for it?

Cory Jenks: No. There you go, right? See, you said you’re not funny. You just like followed the pattern right there.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah.

Cory Jenks: That is textbook comedy. Beautifully done. But I would love to build a culture where of course we can’t literally say yes to every request. Like we can’t say, “I want 1,000 Percocet.” Boom, done. Right? That would be irresponsible. But when we say yes to the idea of some — so here’s this idea for a new billable service, or when a patient’s asking for an obscene amount of controlled substances, we say yes to what they’re telling us. That is they have something deeply going on that we need to investigate and help. So it’s not — ‘yes, and,’ does not literally mean yes all the time, although I have had a improv student come back married after their first week of improv class. It was like, “You said, ‘yes, and,’ and someone asked me to marry him, so I said yes!” I was like, that is ultimate commitment. Beautifully done. But it means at least saying yes and listening. I think that’s a big thing that Cassie hears from her patients, I hear from my patients is they’ll say, “You’re the first person that’s just listened to me.” It doesn’t mean that we fix their problem all the time. It doesn’t mean that we give them exactly what they want. But that ability to listen and empathize with that patient is to learn, why are they saying this? Why are they frustrated with their system? Why are they feeling like they haven’t been heard? And so in five years, if I’m helping create a culture of that for patients and as you said, for providers who are burnt out, I’ll have considered it a wild success.

Tim Ulbrich: One of the things, Cory, that I want to ask you because I think I see folks struggling with this when they’re starting a side hustle or business, whatever you want to call it, is that they’re just crazy passionate about what they are starting. And they see some initial success, and that’s starting to build momentum, hopefully over time, and they’re having an impact. You know, it can be incredibly fulfilling work. So I know, again, as I mentioned, your family is incredibly important to you, the time that you have with your family is important to you. So how do you balance and reconcile the work that you’re doing with ImprovRx, the time that you’re spending preparing for presentations, obviously pre-pandemic traveling? You know, you and I both know that you can sign up for an hour presentation, but it’s much more than that when you think about the before work, the after work, the time that you’re spending thinking about that. So tell me how you handle and reconcile that in terms of scheduling where you’re spending your time and ultimately your decision algorithm for what you decide to say yes to and what you decide to say no to.

Cory Jenks: I think the first step in this is marrying up. So my wife is — my wife Cassie is incredible. We have frequent conversations about what we want our life to look like, what our visions are, what our dreams are, and I know it sounds hokey, but it’s just — the line of communication is open so well. So when it comes to the decision algorithm, a lot of it runs through her because we are on a team together. And every time I’m doing something, she is taking the burden on it. Like right now, she is keeping our kids quiet so we can have this conversation. Mostly quiet, I think. So I think that’s part of it. But I also — we have blocked off time for ourselves. Like these hours during the week in the evening, Cassie is doing her extra little passion project. These hours, Cory’s doing his thing. Oh, Cory wants to do this thing in three months. I check with her, and we look at our schedule, we make sure that there is no other family things, and she’s like, “Go for it.” Like she’s all in too. Like she is in this for making these dreams happen. And I think that relating it back to our episode, being in that Coast FI world of really, I’ve been out of pharmacy school a decade, so a decade of hard work setting ourselves up to take some of these risks to pursue the dream, right, is what has set us up. So the algorithm for what I say yes to at this point in my business is very much saying yes to as much as I can to get that experience, to get those reps, to get that network built. And then the goal is, like my goal that I write down every day, is to have to turn things down at some point.

Tim Ulbrich: That is right.

Cory Jenks: To get to that place where you’re in such demand that I can’t do everything. And so that’s how I see it. But really, it comes down to we have our protected family time, we have our day job time, and then these other hours are for us to work on these things or if I wanted to sit and numb myself with Netflix, which is OK sometimes, you can. But don’t ask me what WandaVision is. Like I have no idea, like no concept of these shows because at night, from once the kids are down, it’s laptop open and if all I have is an hour of energy, I give it an hour, and then it’s get that rest and bedtime. So that’s how I try to balance it. A lot of it is just cutting out the nonsense and unnecessary things that in 10 years, will I be happier that I watched the Cubs spring training games? No, it’s fake baseball for a baseball team. Like, no, I will not. But will I regret not having given this thing that seems to be resonating with the people I work with, if I don’t give it my all, that’s going to be the regret. That’s the broad strokes, I guess.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and I think some of the best businesses, you know, from a fulfillment/impact standpoint, are those that you can turn into a business, side hustle, again, whatever you want to call it, but that you do have an impact on others and that you feel a sense of contribution towards the work that you’re doing. And if you can build something that is also sustaining but is having an impact, obviously that’s a sweet spot that I think we often strive for when we’re working on things like that. Not just speaking, you also have a blog in the mix, you’ve got a book that you’re working on, so tell us more about those opportunities, in addition to the speaking, the things that you’re working on with the blog and the book, and what you’re hoping to accomplish with those projects.

Cory Jenks: Yeah, so as a fairly new side hustler, I think the struggle is I have this idea, how do I get people to know about it? And so is it a podcast? Is it social media posts? Is it this or that? And so for me, the blog is — I’ve always enjoyed writing. In undergrad, I actually wrote a blog for the University of South Carolina’s Admissions Department describing my day-to-day activities as a pull to get people to come to our college. So I’ve had that practice of writing, so it’s in a world, as you say, we have limited time, how do we say yes to what’s important? Well, writing is a low barrier to entry for me to get these ideas out that I have a chance to go deeper on, to take these seemingly unrelated concepts and put them together into something that’s really usable. So I’ve enjoyed getting the chance to write about that. Part of the gift of COVID — the “gift,” I’ll use my quotation marks here — is that I didn’t have the spring of — March of 2020, like everything shut down. What are we going to do? No one knows what’s going on. So I’ve had all of these ideas formed in my head, so I put them down in a manuscript for a rough draft for a book. So I’m hoping to publish that later this year, to provide that value that I can provide on a face-to-face basis but provide sort of the manual and the stories and the background as to why this is useful, to provide that support and that evidence and try to establish myself more so as an expert in this field. I think writing a book, as you have done, you’re the expert in this. So to the other improv pharmacists out there, let’s collaborate if there are others. This isn’t a — I don’t have to be the expert. Certainly not. Improv is a team sport. But yeah, I’m trying to reach folks with that message of application, really.

Tim Ulbrich: They are going to be coming out of the woodwork, Cory.

Cory Jenks: I know. We have a certain type that’s drawn to pharmacy. I know of all the pharmacist comedians, improvisers, you’ve got me on here. So I appreciate it.

Tim Ulbrich: What is the best way for folks to connect with you? You know, I’m suspecting that some of our listeners might be with academic institutions or state or national organizations, would like to have you do a speaking engagement or a workshop or just in general learn more about the work that you’re doing. How can folks connect with you?

Cory Jenks: Yeah, so I think my website, CoryJenks.com, that’s Cory Jenks — my parents were cheap and did not buy the vowel, no ‘e’ in Corey, so little dad Wheel of Fortune joke there. And if they want to find me on LinkedIn, that’s another great place to connect to. I am on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, but I don’t post much. My whole goal with improv is to have people being in the moment, listening, going deeper with their patients. I’m not going to say social media is not useful. It certainly is very useful. I think the value that I’ll give to people is going to be from my blog, my book and my face-to-face interactions. So you’re welcome to follow me on Instagram. If you like periodic posts of — I don’t even know what I posted last — so you can do that or on Twitter too. Twitter is kind of a — can be hit or miss as far as fun or terrible. But or you can email me, [email protected] email. So the beauty of 2021, there’s a million ways to find me. And I love to talk about this. And I really want to express my gratitude. This is an honor to be a two-timer here on the YFP. I know that you have all helped Cassie and me on our journey so much. And my hope is that I will resonate with somebody and I will help them on their healthcare journey and help them with their patients. So much gratitude to you and the team for having me on.

Tim Ulbrich: I appreciate that, Cory. And we will link to the blog, we’ll link to some of the social profiles, specifically LinkedIn, your email address, in the show notes so folks can find that information. Go to YourFinancialPharmacist.com/podcast, you can find this episode and the corresponding notes. You know, you are contagious. I mean, the whole heart of —

Cory Jenks: I don’t know, you might choose your words better in a pandemic, here.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, that is true. Not a good choice of words necessarily. But you know, the energy that you have, the interactions you have with folks that you remember is something that I often think about. And I always describe these as bucket-filling interactions. So you know, sometimes we have interactions with other folks that can feel exhausting or feel draining. And then we have those interactions with folks that they really exude energy and they’re contagious to be around, and it obviously hopefully makes those folks better in the individual work that they’re doing and the desired outcome that they have through that work. And I can honestly say, Cory, my conversations with you, you are really that individual that is bucket-filling. I love the passion for what you’re doing. I love the purpose and the intent behind what you’re doing. And I think there are really exciting times ahead for you professionally and for you personally and the folks that you’re going to impact through your work. So congratulations on the success that you’ve had thus far. I look forward to following your journey. And please also send Cassie my regards.

Cory Jenks: Will do. Thank you so much.

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YFP 194: How Karine Used Her Pharmacy Skills to Create a Successful Healthy Dessert Business

How Karine Used Her Pharmacy Skills to Create a Successful Healthy Dessert Business

On this episode, sponsored by Insuring Income, Karine Wong, pharmacist, educator, and entrepreneur, joins Tim Ulbrich to talk about her journey starting My Guiltless Treats. Karine discusses how she uses her pharmacy skills in her entrepreneurial journey, how to determine whether or not a business idea is worth pursuing, why it is so important to have a clear purpose and vision, and why saying ‘yes’ is so crucial when starting and running your own business.

About Today’s Guest

Dr. Karine Wong spent her entire pharmacy career in the hospital pharmacy. She worked as a staff pharmacist, director, and clinical coordinator. Over time, she became frustrated about the lack of compliance with her diabetic patients. After countless hours of counseling at the bedside, the patients would return in a few short months with the same problem; uncontrolled diabetes. In 2013, Karine and a colleague had an idea to make protein candies. The idea seemed intriguing; simple and yet revolutionary. The company could provide a viable, sustainable solution to the non-compliant diabetic patient. By 2018, Karine has led My Guiltless Treats on a successful journey to popularity, sustainability, and profitability. To date, My Guiltless Treats is the only company that specializes in healthy desserts.


Karine Wong, pharmacist, educator, and pharmacy entrepreneur, joins Tim Ulbrich to discuss her pharmacy career, how she’s used her pharmacy skills on her entrepreneurial journey, and how she’s built a successful business, My Guiltless Treats, by going above and beyond the usual standards.

Karine has also learned how to determine if a business idea is worth pursuing and outlines practical benchmarks to evaluate when starting a new venture. She explains that great ideas can turn into great businesses if they can solve a problem that you care about and are passionate about, solve a pain point, have a market (with or without competition), and help people on a large scale.

Additionally, Karine shares her personal experience with the power of being positive, how the act of saying ‘yes’ can have a huge impact on your business, and practical ways to say ‘yes’ in your own business practices. Business owners, aside from providing free product (if the business can afford it), can also provide knowledge and time in various forms to their customers, building relationships that may potentially turn into lifelong sales.

Mentioned on the Show

Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich: Karine, thank you so much for taking time to be on the show.

Karine Wong: Hi, Tim. How are you?

Tim Ulbrich: I am doing well, excited to have you on. We had a chance to meet virtually a few weeks ago and had an opportunity to learn a little bit about your pharmacy career as well as the work that you’re doing with My Guiltless Treats and said, “Hey, we need to get this in front of the YFP community,” as I know many folks may have an idea that they’re wondering about, whether it’s a business idea, a side hustle idea, and I think featuring other pharmacy entrepreneurs is really an opportunity for them to see examples of what others are doing out there. So let’s first start with your pharmacy education and career. Why did you go into pharmacy? Where did you go to pharmacy school? And what type of work have you done in pharmacy throughout your career?

Karine Wong: I went to pharmacy school right out of high school, straight into University of the Pacific in southern California and endured a 5-year program, the accelerated program to be a PharmD at the end of 5 years. By the end of the 5 years, I really loved the clinical field. I actually wanted to be a doctor at that point, but at that point my parents decided not to support me anymore. So I was stuck being a PharmD. That’s OK. At the time, pharmacy was — it’s a world that can be anything you want it to be. You can be a CVS pharmacist, a Kaiser, nuc pharmacy, ambulatory care. It was — the world’s your oyster. I chose to stay in the hospital field. I felt that was the best place for me to be surrounded by the greatest minds of Edison. And so I stayed in hospital pharmacy when I graduated in 1999. And I have worked up the totem pole. So I was a (inaudible) pharmacist, worked up to outpatient pharmacist, did some floating here and there, became a director of pharmacy at one point but stayed put as a coordinator, which is a fancy word for clinical manager. So I was in charge of all the PMT minutes, agenda items, formulary additions, deletions, and in these settings. I also got the precep student from West University for 8 years and I’ve also participated in rounds with the teaching staff of the hospital. So I’ve always been in academic settings in terms of the hospitals. I was always teaching nurses or students, interns or residents and pharmacy students. So that’s pretty much my journey. Always learning.

Tim Ulbrich: Always learning, which is a good connection to business. And we’re going to talk a little bit about how your pharmacy career has played a role in the work that you’re doing in running your own business. So My Guiltless Treats — and we’ll link to that in the show notes for folks so they can learn more, check out the website, learn about the products that you offer — give us the 20,000-foot view. What is My Guiltless Treats all about?

Karine Wong: My Guiltless Treats is not something I intended to start at all. If you had told me 20 years ago I would start a business, I’d laugh in your face. I’d be like, no, no, no, I’m going to live and die in my pharmacy office. That’s what I thought I would do. Kind of changed now, I think I got burn out in pharmacy. I was really good at what I was doing, and I was writing codes, I was helping the pharmacy staff with all the difficult cases we had at our hospital. When 2008 rolled around, I took some time off to give birth to my child and I came across this fitness director who wanted to increase my protein intake. But it did not taste good. And she complained about why does it taste awful? Now, as a pharmacist, I thought, that’s kind of funny. I don’t take protein myself, but don’t you think it’s odd that we can make steroid solution taste really great but we can’t make something as simple as protein taste better?

Tim Ulbrich: Right? Yeah.

Karine Wong: So I told her, I can make it for you. I’ll make you a protein candy. And that’s how My Guiltless Treats came to fruition. I did create a product that was a delicious treat. At the end of the 5 years of working with her with RMD and sales, we decided to split up. She went to pursue a different career path, but I stayed on board. The original treat that we had, they’re actually protein gummies, was not scalable. It wasn’t something that people wanted to buy. We had no sales to warrant the continuation. We had people who loved it, but it wasn’t like a lot to justify a $50,000 investment into buying a million gummies, OK? That’s a lot of gummies to sell. It’s almost like two pallets. And it wasn’t scalable, it wasn’t something that we could sell. So she took off, which is fine, but I stayed on with the company because I still believed it had so much potential for it. So I looked at Guiltless Treats as a vehicle to deliver treats or desserts to diabetics, to those who really need it. And this Aha! Moment came back to me when I was working at the hospital. I remember counseling at the bedside and doing diabetic teaching to our patients diagnosed with diabetes, and I would teach them how to use insulin and the syringes. One gentleman stuck in my mind because he was very noncompliant, his A1C was double digits. I had to tell him, “OK, senor, no more bread, no more rice,” and he said, “OK, I would love to do it. But senorita, I want my bread. I want my (inaudible) bread. I want that.” And I looked at him and go, “OK, I guess I’ll see you in 3-6 months,” you know? Right? What can I do? He told me he’s noncompliant. He’s not going to change. He gave me a dare. He said, “Unless you can tell me something that is good for me and delicious, I’ll eat that.” And I had no answer for him. That was the Aha! moment. That was the moment I realized, oh my gosh, he’s right. So I go downstairs, and I ask my dietician friends, my physician friends, “What do you tell patients what can they eat that’s good?” And you know what they all told me while they’re eating their Twinkies and their Ho-Hos, “You tell them to eat their kale.”

Tim Ulbrich: Oh gees.

Karine Wong: Quinoa’s good, brown rice is supposed to better. This is what they’re telling me. But they weren’t eating it. And I’m thinking to myself, OK, that’s — I can’t use that, OK? Because they don’t know how to make kale salad or quinoa rice. They don’t know how to do that. It’s not part of their culture. So I was up against the wall. So when my fitness instructor friend mentioned the protein gummies, I thought, that actually sounds interesting because I can take out the sugar and replace it with another macronutrient like protein. So even though the gummies didn’t come to fruition, there was a point to make the treats. There was a reason for it. I needed to make something for that gentleman. I needed to make a dessert, something that he can have that doesn’t taste medicinal, that doesn’t use artificial flavors or sweeteners, something that he can grab at the store, not have to make it, not have to thaw it or bake it but can eat it right out like a protein cup. So aha! Six months later, after intense RMD, I created or actually made a version of my own kind of pork bun, (inaudible) a type of dessert similar to flan or custard. It’s very soft in texture. I don’t use (inaudible) cream or eggs or gluten or milk. I just use coconut cream, which is better for you, doesn’t cause the same problems as animal fat. And I layer over real mango, pineapple, or guava. So it’s a tropical dessert. And then I fortify the dessert with protein from the protein. But it’s also filtrated, so there’s no lactose, there’s nothing that will make you bloated. I deliberately made my products allergen-free. I took the top seven allergens that we see in the States and took them away, so nuts, there’s no seafood, there’s no tree nuts, stuff like that. I avoid that. Coconut is not considered a same nut as a tree nut, so it’s OK to use that. And yeah. I’ve been successful with the panna cotta desserts, people love it, it’s a thing now. People know me as the kind of the panna cotta lady. I’m the only one that makes it. And I make it healthy. So it’s the only dessert that you can find that’s actually good for you. So you can eat it instead of your ice cream at nighttime, you can eat it instead of yogurt at breakfast or like my friends at the hospital, they eat it during their shift. So when they have a long shift, the protein sustains them for the entire 10-hour shift that they have. So it’s a great option for everybody. You don’t have to be diabetic or pre-diabetic to enjoy it. You could be anyone. It’s just a dessert that’s healthier. Other manufacturers can’t do that because they put lots of sugars in their products. They don’t really know what we know as pharmacists. And that’s why being a pharmacist really helps your product if you’re going for the food industry. Because you know so much.

Tim Ulbrich: Yes. Yes. Absolutely. That makes sense. And one of my favorite stories, Karine, from our conversation several weeks ago was, you know — and get the story right if I have it wrong, but you had mentioned at the gift shop of the hospital, you know, this being distributed and sold and how quickly it would come and go and that you knew you were onto something in terms of folks that obviously appreciated the product, the quality of it, and certainly those that could benefit from it from a health perspective as well. And it has me thinking, you know, we’ll take a little bit of an aside here, but many folks may be listening that have an idea, right? And so you had an idea of something that could be done better. You mentioned the protein gummies, which ultimately didn’t come to its full fruition. So what ultimately does make a good idea? As you’re thinking of this not only with your own business here and other experiences you’ve had but also potentially advising and giving input to other folks that have business ideas, what makes a good idea? What’s the framework in which you think of what is this idea and does it actually have viability going forward?

Karine Wong: That’s a great question. And I’m going to say lots of time and energy because I could break it down for you in this way. I actually have a lot of students or mentees that I work with who have ideas, and ideas come in and out of your mind all day long. Doesn’t mean you act on every single idea. So what makes a good idea, an idea that you probably want to sit on. First, the idea that you have, whether it’s a service or a product, should be there to solve a problem. And the problem could just be just to you, but if you find that this problem bugs you — let’s suppose that it bugs you that every year, your smoke alarm will run out of batteries and always at 2 o’clock in the morning, right? Every night.

Tim Ulbrich: Amen.

Karine Wong: I don’t know how they do it. And that’s the night that you can’t sleep, that’s when you jolt out of bed with almost an MI because it’s like, beep, beep, and it won’t stop, especially if you have like 5 in your house and you don’t know which one it is, right? What if that’s a problem for you? If it’s a problem for you, it’s a problem for someone else and probably many others that have smoke alarms. No. 2, if you could develop a product like a battery or a monitoring system that tells you when your battery is low, like if you can find a way to make an app that bluetooths the battery life to your smoke alarm, that would be superb. And you don’t have to physically make the app, you just have to hire someone that can code it for you. You tell them what you want, and they make it for you. It’s pretty simple. But you have to have the idea, you have to do the research and find out is there a market for it. So if I know every house in the United States has to have smoke alarms, right? That’s a law.

Tim Ulbrich: Yep.

Karine Wong: No. 2, so the market’s very big. No. 3, does anyone make that besides you? Like is there an option out there? Now if there is, it doesn’t mean don’t do it. Just know that if there’s no competition, you have a more difficult road because you have to pave the road for yourself. You have to do all your market research and find out how to get the pricing down, find the right coder, for example, and get the best pricing for that. But if you have competition, follow them and see how are they doing it? OK? I’ll give you an example. Protein gummies was my first skew. We had three competitors. That was back in 2010. Today, they’re all defunct. Why? Because no one wanted protein gummies. Interesting. They all went bankrupt. We didn’t go bankrupt, we just changed our name. Going into No. 3, you have to find out if there’s competition or not. OK? No. 4, if it’s a good idea, it’s an idea that will come back to you the next day.

Tim Ulbrich: Yes.

Karine Wong: So an idea that’s OK goes away the next day. You don’t remember. You just like, eh, whatever. I don’t remember the idea. It just came and go. It didn’t stick around. But if the idea is awesome and you find there’s potential in it because of what you know, whether it’s a pharmacist or a handyman or living your house and hearing that every year, the smoke alarm chirping, then that idea will come back to you. And you’re like, you know what? I won’t let it go. I can’t let it go. Because it’s a really good idea. And that’s how you know. So those are four benchmarks. And just like when you sig a patient, check them off, right? Do you have a problem that you’re solving? Check. Can you make a service or a product that will solve it? Check. Competition, is there any? Check, yes there is. That’s fine. OK? That doesn’t stop you.

Tim Ulbrich: Yes.

Karine Wong: It just means that, hey, there’s a market for it because so many people have tapped into it. Now if there’s too many competitors, you might want to like not do it because it’s too hard. Like I would never go into the beverage market now because it’s so supersaturated. I would not go into the frozen industry because you know the frozen aisle is very coveted shelf space because it’s frozen. So I can’t get in there if I had the best tasting item ever. I could not break into that. And No. 4, like I said, if the idea comes back to you and you won’t let it go, then you have a really good idea.

Tim Ulbrich: I love that, Karine. Very tangible advice. Checklists, we like checklists. We like thinking about things in sequential order. And I think your comment that resonates — several things in there — but you know, multiple ideas that may come to focus doesn’t mean we need to act on every one. What I actually do at home, my wife and I like to brainstorm various business ideas. And we write them down on a legal sheet, you know, 8.5×11 yellow piece of paper. It’s in my office. And then what I find is some of those we keep talking about, right? We come back two days later, four days later, six days later, eight days later, even some of those we may determine for other reasons in your four steps aren’t viable. But those that we find we can’t let them go, like that means you’re at least at the beginnings of something that obviously is important to you. The other thing I think about here, Karine — I’d love your input — is I think folks often struggle with is this an idea that I really care about solving this problem and I have a solution that I’m going to be really passionate about? And is it financially viable? Am I after the money? Am I after the purpose and solving this problem? Or both? And what advice would you have with folks, you know — here as I hear your story, obviously at the end of the day, you’ve got to run a business but also something that you saw could have a tremendous impact on patients. It was a problem that needed to be solved. And so the concern that folks might be chasing becoming rich or having a home run of a product and how important it is to be passionate about the problem that you’re trying to solve.

Karine Wong: The way I look at it is your company is a baby. If you’ve lost interest in your baby, the company, literally dies. So imagine yourself, like you’re in charge and you decide, you know what, I’m going to take a break and do something else. Guess what? The company that you built falls apart. It may take awhile, but it will fall apart because you are the glue that holds it together. So you’re the why. Why are you doing this has to be something that you will use every morning you wake up, every morning you clock in, you turn on your recording or you reach out to people for your interviews, that is your why, why are you doing it. And if you say, “money because I want to be a millionaire,” or “be featured on Ellen, the show,” you’re going to have issues, OK? Because the likelihood of that is almost as high as winning the lottery. It’s very rare. Just like people who want to be on TikTok and they want to make it big. That’s pretty rare. What’s your why? It should be because you’re solving a problem that is important to you, that bugs you. And you want to solve it. We as pharmacists I consider are problem solvers. Right? We fix people’s ailments with drugs and we tailor their regimens. And so the same thing happens with products or services. If I could fix your life to be better, even by a little bit, hey, that’s so neat. That is your why. I love that I know that my products help those that are enduring chemotherapy or those with the canker sores from the chemotherapy or has protein loss because of dialysis or they just can’t eat because they’re kekectic, be able to thrive. Hey, my stuff is better than Ensure+. My stuff is better than most medicinal foods. So that’s my joy. That’s my why. And if I stop my company, those customers are affected. And that’s why I don’t stop. And there’s more than one person. There’s a lot. In fact, in about a month, I’ll be celebrating my milestone — I had to tell you this, Tim — but I’ll officially have sold 25,000 units.

Tim Ulbrich: Hey, congratulations.

Karine Wong: That is not an easy feat. And I did it in about 18 months, so that’s a lot of panna cottas.

Tim Ulbrich: That is awesome.

Karine Wong: Yeah, I mean, I’m sure if I was a big company that packs and manufactures it, I’m sure it makes a lot. But a single person by myself using pharmacist-grade benchmarks, yeah, it’s not easy. It takes awhile to do because I’m very picky. When I make products, I go beyond, beyond the food safety measures. OK? Food safety measures are pretty low, OK? It’s like, don’t put stuff in there like debris. Yeah, I get that. But I don’t put piologens in there. I don’t put bacteria in there. My stuff is vacuum-sealed, sterile, no piologens. It lasts for six weeks without any bacteria count of significance. And I do this with technicians in laboratories, so it’s all certified. OK? So I go beyond the scope of a food manager because I’m a pharmacist. I don’t want to give people stuff that — it’s not a liability, it’s more like what makes you feel good? I don’t want my patients — or not my patients, consumers, to eat something healthy and that’s not dirty or have full of debris or particulates. That’s our nature as pharmacists, right? So going back to your question about your why, yes, your why, my why is because I want to help people be on the medicine. I want to help people at the marketplace, give them teaching, counseling. I do more patient counseling now that’s more viable, that’s more significant to them, than I would have at CVS. Because CVS is very fast-paced and you only have so much time. But at the marketplace, I’ve got time and they’re much more open to me. So when I give them advice or valuable tips, they love it. And they get to go home with that, and that’s going to help them from this point on. So I give them a lot of hope and insight into their management of their disease state, whether it’s diabetes or eczema or Crohn’s Disease. I’ve heard it all, so I am able to talk on that not as their doctor but as a pharmacist. And they trust me in that. And so it’s not about sales, but they end up buying it because they like who I am and what I represent. So the why for everybody should be that you want to help people or you want to solve a problem. Those are the best whys you can have in your life. But if you’re going to say money or stardom or fame, you can still do it. I won’t stop you. But your journey every morning will be so much harder because it’s tough. And so if you’re hoping to be on Ellen’s show and every morning you wake up and you make 1,000 panna cottas, you might go, God, is it really worth it? You’re going to be tired. You’re going to be kind of burnt out real fast. And that’s why those are really not good reasons to start a business. I’ll give you an example, Tim. I actually had an investor that offered me lots of money to make CBD gummies. This is right when the legislature passed the state law that legalizes like CBD and marijuana for recreational use. And he asked me to make it. He said, “You’ll make millions of dollars.” And I believed him. I would make a million dollars. And I said no, not because I couldn’t do it, not because I didn’t want the money, because it’s not my jam. It’s not my why. I could not make CBD gummies because it’s not like I don’t think it works. I think it works great, I don’t think it matters how much money you throw at me, I wouldn’t do it. It just doesn’t make me happy. It doesn’t solve anyone’s problem — at least, it does solve a problem, but it’s not a problem that I want to solve. Does that make sense to you? It is a problem. But it’s not my jam, it’s not my passion to solve that problem or to help those patients. It could be yours, maybe someone else’s, so that’s what I did. I deferred.

Tim Ulbrich: So important. And I can’t echo enough of what you just said there. Even thinking of what we’ve been working on at YFP, hearing your story here, hearing other stories of pharmacist entrepreneurs that I’ve talked with, you know, having that motivation and a why of something that you care about, a problem that you care about, that you want to solve is so critically important to invest in the time and energy that’s going to have an impact. Karine, I want to talk for a moment about the gap between having an idea and from there, getting to a minimum viable product and perhaps from there, being able to actually grow and scale something. Big separation, big gap between having an idea and actually being able to grow that idea perhaps into its full potential. And I think pharmacists may hear your story or hear other entrepreneurial stories and hear from folks that have been successful, however you may define success. And for you, selling 25,000 units in 18 months, that’s overwhelming. You know what, I have this idea and I hear Karine talking about RND, about growing, scaling, manufacturing, hiring a team, wow. Maybe I should just stop pursuing my idea right now because that feels overwhelming. What advice would you have for folks that are listening that say, “You know what, I have this idea, and I just don’t know where to go from here.”

Karine Wong: The fear of pursuing an idea is very common. It’s not unusual to hear an idea or come up with one and go, you know what, it’s a good one, but nah. It’s not going to work. And to have self doubt because you’re afraid. And I think as pharmacists, we’re more risk-averse. So we don’t want to take chances on something that we don’t know much about. That’s understandable. There’s a few things that I do in my career and my company that help minimize that risk. First, when you hear an idea, obviously we don’t put every single penny we have towards every idea. But look at the idea that you’re thinking about. A good idea is the idea that will solve a problem that is going to affect many consumers, not just you, not just your family, but other pharmacists or other people in your industry or your role as a mother or father, some of the frustrations you see as maybe a student. And that is a problem that if you have had it, and other people have had it, then that’s a good market. That’s why. You check that box, that’s a pretty good market, a pretty good idea. Second, you have to create a solution. An idea basically tells you that we need something to help fix that problem. Your job is to find a solution, and whether it’s a product like my product, a dessert, a snack, a service, or even a device that you create, then that is what you need to come up with. And that’s probably what you’re talking about when it comes to the minimum viable product. It is a product or service that will bring in people to buy your product or service in exchange for money to solve that problem. And that is what investors look for is how good or awesome is your end EP. Many pharmacists always tell me, oh, I’m not creative or I don’t know how to make dessert or I’m not a baker, I’m not an engineer. Neither am I. But you are resourceful. You’re a pharmacist. So you can easily hire a coder to perhaps make a software app for an iPhone that would track down smoke alarms in your house and find out when that battery is going to run out. You can hire engineers to create a device for you. My whole point is that designing, creating a product doesn’t have to be a solo mission. In my case, it’s a solo mission because oh heck, we’re always into compounding in laboratories and we’re always making something. And I’m a mom, so I’m always baking new recipes. It’s a small experimentation. So you don’t have to be a chef or a professional engineer or a writer or anything like that to pursue a product or device or something that solves a problem. So that’s No. 2 is find a solution, create it. No. 3, now you’ve got to test it. You’ve got to find out if your market that you’ve identified, like the other moms in your area, the pharmacists in your industry, like what you’re selling. And I don’t mean people like your mom or your dad or your brother or sister or husband. They don’t really count. Not to say their opinions don’t matter, but they’re really nice and they love us. So they’ll say whatever makes us happy. You want to know if your friend of a friend of a friend is going to buy your product or MVP. So this is a person that doesn’t know you, has no connection with you, and is more likely to give you an honest opinion. If they’re willing to give you money in exchange for that service or product you’re providing for a problem that you both share, you have an awesome idea that is worth pursuing. With that being said, if you get like a thousand ideas in a given month, maybe one or two might be feasible or fit all of those check boxes. To me, the ones that really require more attention are the ones that stick around. I have a lot of ideas, and I don’t always move on every single idea. But if an idea comes back to me in two or three consecutive days or weeks, like I just can’t let it go, I dream about it, I obsess about it, I think about it when I’m running, now that’s an idea worth pursuing because your subconscious knows it’s a good idea, Karine, don’t let it go. It’s something worth pursuing. That’s why if you look at my bio, I do more than just My Guiltless Treats. I’ve actually written a book, I have created an app for pharmacy students to help prepare for the board exam and medical students to help with their SEP boards. So I’m not just limited to the role of pharmacy. I’m not limited to the food industry. If I feel there’s a problem, in which I did, I hire coders, I learn how to write, I hire editors, I had a publishing team that all helped me get to my purpose.

Tim Ulbrich: That’s great. And one of the questions, Karine, that I’m thinking of as you’re sharing your story is when I hear 25,000 units in 18 months, obviously you are solving a problem that people are interested in that are raising their hand to purchase, but you haven’t scaled nationally into large retailers, despite the opportunity being there to do so. And that has been an intentional move, as I understand it. So my question here is how and why did you arrive to the decision that you wanted to control your growth?

Karine Wong: There are two reasons why I chose to control my growth. In the food industry world, there’s a saying, you go hard in your backyard. That means that all your marketing, all your efforts to brand, to market, should be in your local region. It doesn’t make sense for me to let’s say get in Costco or Whole Foods nationally when I’m here in California. Nobody in Chicago or East Coast knows who Karine Wong or who the Guiltless Girl is or what panna cotta is that’s made of coconut cream. They don’t know. So it’s going to be a very hard sell. And now with COVID, it’s even harder because I can’t hire marketers to go out there to demonstrate the product. That’s the first reason is to always market your product in your area. If you’re able to do a service remotely, that’s a little different. But the point is that people are more likely to buy your product, buy my product when they know you, heard about you, seen the car, seen your Instagram posts and are more familiar. So in California, in Orange County, I am very popular as the Guiltless Girl. Selling product is very easy, I sell in a few stores, and they sell through it, which means that nothing is left over. They always run out. That’s a positive sign. I’d rather have those benchmarks than to be in let’s say 200 Whole Foods stores and sell 10% of what I stocked. There’s no glory in that. There’s no fame or money to be made when you’re only selling a little bit at those stores. And eventually, those stores will discontinue you because you could not show velocity in their stores. So that’s the first reason why you want to go hard in your backyard. And the second reason is that there has to be a balance. If all I did was My Guiltless Treats and nothing else, then yes, I would go national. I would go and find investors and get seed funding to go national. I would even go on Shark Tank because that’s all I got going on and my role is to go national. And I would actually hire a larger team and brokers to get those milestones. But I am not just the CEO of this company. I’m also a professor. I teach remotely for PharmD students for PGI West University and Yogi (?). So I’m busy with that, and I do love teaching pharmacy students. I’m also a pharmacist. I’m doing remote pharmacy from my home, and I’m a pharmacogenomics counselor. So there’s a lot going on my plate. So I’ve got to be home, and this is a good balance because I can spend maybe three days a week doing Guiltless work, including weekends, and the other days are spent doing teaching, being a parent, working out, kind of having time for myself. And the balance is fantastic because I’m very happy and I feel successful because I do make money. I have enough money to pay for my staff. I have enough money to hire people to design logos for me, I can basically sustain — the company is sustainable on its own. So that’s a sign of success. And I don’t need to make a million dollars from this. I just need to make it run on its own, which it is. And I need to have time for myself, my kids, my family, and teach. If I lost all that, there is no glory. There is no fame. So controlling growth is about finding a balance where you have time for yourself and your family and your other hustles and passions but also time for yourself and the company. It’s a balance, really. And you know, I’m OK making what I’m making right now. I am making profit. But yeah, I’m not a millionaire. And that’s OK. I’m very happy with what I’m doing. You’ve got to be OK with all those things. Other entrepreneurs, for them, it’s all about, I want to get in Costco, I want to get in Whole Foods, I want to be in all these Krogers and Vons. OK? That’s your jam. It’s not my jam. Just because they’re saying it and they want it and their business coach is saying it doesn’t mean it’s for you. So you have to look at yourself and your life and see is that for me?

Tim Ulbrich: That’s great wisdom, Karine. I would encourage folks, you know, to spend some time getting clear on your personal goals and why. In addition to what we’re talking about here today, which is the business goals and why, as Karine shared her personal goals, the balance obviously informed her business goals and the direction that she is taking with the business. And Karine, I’m glad to hear what you said about controlled growth. I think we have glorified the grind and hustle and working hard at all costs. Perhaps it’s the Shark Tank effect, you know, I’m not sure. But I think it’s a good reminder of us each individually thinking about what success may look like. So Karine, tell us about a lesson that you shared with me before we hit record, which was the power of saying yes. Tell us about for you and your journey, saying yes to folks, why this was so important, even recently, in terms of the value and the power of saying yes as a business owner.

Karine Wong: Being positive and affirmative is an attractant to other consumers. Consumers, when they buy a product or service, they’re not just buying a product or service, they’re buying from you. They’re buying you. They love you. They want to be in your life, they want to be engaged with you. If you’re negative or cheap or frugal or penny-pinching, they’re probably not going to come back to you. One of the things I adopt is generosity is key. If I can do it, I will, whether it’s emotional support, physical support, knowledge, expert advice, I’ll do it. I have no problem at all. I consider ourselves a drug expert. So if someone asks me a question randomly in the aisles of Target, I’ll be happy to help them. I have no qualms about holding back information because oh, I don’t work here or I’m on break or whatever. If you need help, let me help you. It’s better that I help you than for you to find the answer yourself on Wikipedia, which is not something I recommend. So when you say yes, the rule is this: Say yes to people if you can do it. For example, when you have a product or service and especially in the initial phases of the company, a lot of the times will be giving away product for free. And that may sound counterintuitive because you’re trying to make money. But the first couple years, you’re not going to make money. And your goal is to let people try your product, even if it means giving it away for free. Most people will not try a product and pay for it just to test the waters. It’s better for you to give it away for free, gift it, donate it, mark it as a tax writeoff on your income tax returns. And that allows people to try your product and go, you know what? She’s quite generous or he’s quite generous. They let me try it for free, there’s no contingency offers, there’s no like alternative motives. They’re going to feel warm and fuzzy with you. And they’re going to love the product because hey, you know, this is a good product. And I like it. And yeah, I would come back and ask for more and I would probably pay for it. So offering the first dose or first service or first product for free actually is a really awesome marketing idea if you could afford it. And usually, you can because you have the capital for that. If you can’t afford it, don’t do it. The other things you can offer for free would be your knowledge. If you know something, if you are very well read up on gluten diet, gluten-free foods or celiac disease or eczema and they’re going to shift to dairy, definitely talk about it. A lot of consumers will come up to me, once they discover who I am, they’ll open up their hearts and tell me their medical problems. So I know a lot about their eczema, rosacea, diabetes and other problems. And I’m happy to help them. And they feel pretty much open because I’m not timing them, I’m not charging them, I’m not going to ask for their medical insurance. And it’s a great exchange of information. So they value my input, and they usually walk away with a panna cotta, they usually walk away with something that I provide because they like who I am. So there’s the generosity of knowledge. The other thing you can offer is your time. You didn’t know this, but when the COVID hit, a lot of my colleagues were being fired for obvious reasons. So I offered free CV reviews because I have experience hiring pharmacists and technicians. I said, “Submit your resume to me and we’ll help brush it up.” And it was great because people were sending me — I actually opened up publicly to everyone in my community, my neighborhood, and all I could reach. And I got so much response, and people even said, “I liked it because I don’t know who you are, Karine, but I love it that you’re doing it,” so they were referring me, shared my post, and I didn’t charge them for it. I just wanted to look at their CVs, make recommendations, and I send it back to them. So I do it now for pharmacy students and those applying for residencies. Just my opinion, just make it nicer, cleaner. And usually I could find one or two errors, and they’re very appreciative. ‘Oh my gosh, I forgot to add this,’ or ‘Oh my gosh, I didn’t know I had to add a header or footer.’ Those are kind of core things you look at as a director because we get so many resumes for one position in a hospital pharmacy. So it helps to have page numbers and footnotes and lists of references instead of me asking for it. So those are little things that I want people to see what I see. That’s what I offer is my knowledge, time, free product if I can do it, free service. At the end of the day, it makes the consumer, the other person, just like you more, like your company more and guess what? All those people I helped the first few years of my career, of my business, have come back as repeat customers. So I didn’t charge them the first time, but guess what? They’re total lifetime revenue for one customer is well over $100. So is it worth it? Yes.

Tim Ulbrich: Great advice. And the resume service is a good example of serving others, whether it’s product, whether it’s time, you know, I think offering and bringing something valuable and serving others without necessarily a return in mind but just providing that value in the moment, we know reaps great benefits. So I think you articulated the value of saying yes well. I try to follow that advice from mentors I’ve received before. And it’s not about being reckless. I mean, as you mentioned, being the face of the brand, folks are looking for that energy, they’re looking for that enthusiasm, they’re looking for that we’ll figure it out type of mentality as you go along and build some of those relationships. Karine, I really appreciate the time that you’ve taken, the wisdom that you’ve shared. What is the best way for our audience to connect with you to learn more about your journey as well as to follow the work that you’re doing with My Guiltless Treats?

Karine Wong: Very simple, just go to MyGuiltlessTreats.com. On the very bottom of the home page is “Send a Message.” That goes straight to me. All of my emails and phone numbers and even an Instagram/Facebook, you can go onto My Guiltless Treats, it goes straight to me. I don’t believe in hiring a third party marketing agency for that because I want to engage my customers. So if you want to engage with me, just go straight on board to the website, email me, run by your ideas with me or any questions you have about possibly starting a company or a product, and we’ll talk about the feasibility of it. It’s better to rule it out or rule it in as early as possible before you need to put money towards the product or whatever.

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely. We’ll link to the website in the show notes. We’ll link to some of the social media connection opportunities as well. And again, appreciate you taking the time, sharing your journey and your willingness to also support and encourage other pharmacy entrepreneurs that are out there. So Karine, thank you very much.

Karine Wong: You’re welcome. It was a pleasure, Tim. If you decide to come up with that smoke alarm app, you owe me 10% of the royalties.

Tim Ulbrich: You’ve got it. It’s a promise. Thank you.

Karine Wong: Thanks.

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YFP 192: Findings from the 2021 Pharmacist Salary Guide

Findings from the 2021 Pharmacist Salary Guide

On this episode, sponsored by Insuring Income, Alex Barker, founder of The Happy PharmD, joins Tim Ulbrich to discuss takeaways from the 2021 Pharmacist Salary Guide, including the current state of the job market, trends in salary and compensation, and contributors to job stress and dissatisfaction.

About Today’s Guest

Alex Barker is a pharmacist, entrepreneur, author, and creator of The Happy PharmD and the Happy PharmD Summit.


Alex Barker, founder of The Happy PharmD, breaks down the 2021 Pharmacist Salary Guide, a helpful resource for pharmacists to understand trends in salary, the job market, and job satisfaction and stress. Alex and his team gathered data from multiple sources and reports to help share trends about the pharmacy job market. Alex shares that pharmacists are still well paid, earn a salary in the six-figure range, and are seeing a small increase in pay, however there are trends that pharmacists should be aware of when it comes to salary changes.

Alex first digs into the low ceiling pharmacists have on their salary. While pharmacists are very well paid when just getting out of college, especially when compared to other similar professions, after 20 years they may only see an additional $12,000 added on to their salary even if their job performance exceeds expectations. Some salary starting numbers may be even lower and it is difficult to work your way up to a top tier salary. He discusses that pay is based on what type of pharmacist position you hold. The highest paid positions are in management, pharma, and nuclear pharmacy, however a small percentage of pharmacists hold those types of positions.

He explains that the reason for such a small increase in pay is due to a ‘perfect storm’ he’s seeing in the pharmacy job market. Alex describes that due to the supply and demand of pharmacists, this perfect storm has been created: 13,000-14,000 pharmacists graduate each year, ⅓ of current pharmacists (~100,000) are looking for a new job, and a negative job growth is predicted due to the oversupply of pharmacists (321,000 jobs decrease to 311,200). Because of this, it’s important to consider your career trajectory. Alex also talks about satisfaction and job stress and Job Rx, a new job board that pulls open pharmacy positions from employment sites.

Click here to download a free copy of the 2021 Pharmacist Salary Guide.

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Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich: Alex, welcome to the show.

Alex Barker: Thanks for having me, Tim. I enjoy hanging out with you.

Tim Ulbrich: It’s been awhile, specifically Episode 092 when we talked about creating an indispensable pharmacy career all the way back in March of 2019. But for those in our audience that may not know you, I know many folks do know you and the work that you’re doing with the Happy PharmD. But tell us a little bit about your pharmacy career and the work that you are currently doing with the Happy PharmD.

Alex Barker: Happy to, but first I want to acknowledge — was it Episode 092?

Tim Ulbrich: 092.

Alex Barker: So you had me on 100 episodes later.

Tim Ulbrich: Nailed it.

Alex Barker: Wow, good job.

Tim Ulbrich: That was planned. No, I’m just kidding. It wasn’t.

Alex Barker: Yeah, so I’m Alex Barker. I’m a pharmacist. I graduated in 2012, did a residency, went into clinical practice, did not enjoy myself and struggled to find my way with my career. That led me to business, led me to coaching people, led me to creating a few other media companies and other crazy, random ideas. And then I saw, unfortunately, the need of our profession. A lot of people are burned out, a lot of people are unhappy, unfulfilled in their positions. So I took coaching along with our profession and kind of married it into this Happy PharmD where we help pharmacists and coach them into better careers and jobs, doing that since 2017 now.

Tim Ulbrich: Wow.

Alex Barker: We’ve got — yeah, it’s crazy.

Tim Ulbrich: It is.

Alex Barker: If it was back in 2019 that I was last here, I think we only had maybe four coaches including myself. We now have 11. And we have an awesome team, support team, we’re doing research. Lots of crazy stuff. And a good colleague of yours now is our lead coach, Jackie Boyle.

Tim Ulbrich: Yes.

Alex Barker: Who is at NEOMed in Ohio. So yeah. That’s what we do here at the Happy PharmD. And I know why you brought me on was to go over trends and what’s going on in the job market and specifically in pharmacists’ salaries. So, happy to be here.

Tim Ulbrich: Awesome. And for those that are not familiar, make sure you check it out, TheHappyPharmD.com. We’ll link to it in the show notes. And Alex, as you mentioned, today is a topic that I know is of interest to our community, one that I enjoy talking about on the show as well as our folks are certainly interested. What’s happening in the job market? What’s happening with the current state of jobs? And you have an incredible annual salary guide of which we will link to in the show notes and I mentioned in the introduction that distills data about pharmacist salaries, salary changes, job stress, job satisfaction, and overall the pharmacy job market. And one of the things you talk about in there, which we’ll get to towards the end of the show is the perfect storm and what that means as it relates to where we are as a profession. So you’ve been doing this now for several years, is that right, Alex? The salary guide?

Alex Barker: Since 2015, which meant we were looking at 2014 data. So yes, we’ve been doing this many, many years. We have a lot of data, and it’s — frankly, it’s all over the place. It’s a little frustrating. But we’ve got a good — you’ll be able to see in charts and graphs, you’ll be able to compare yourself to others. I’d recommend you look at yourself where you’re at rather than the trends as a whole, but we can dive into those here. Where would you like to hit first?

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, so my first question, Alex, is there’s other resources out there, you know, a couple that come to mind, several state associations do this, I know we do here in Ohio, there’s the Pharmacy Workforce Survey, which I believe happens every five years, one published last year. So what’s the need for this? Tell me more about why you felt like there was a gap and an opportunity to fill that gap with this resource.

Alex Barker: So one of the things that I like to do whenever I’m looking at a complex problem is multiple resources. You know what, that’s not really unique. I think every pharmacist does that, especially when we’re researching a disease state or a new drug. We’ve got to have the whole picture, right? And one of the things that frustrated me about the multiple reports were the indiscrepancies and the different numbers. So I didn’t really see anyone else putting all of this information together in one place. So that’s why I started way back in 2015 working on this report. I think I published it originally on Pharmacy Times. And we had since now put it on our website because obviously we weren’t around in 2015. I like looking at seeing multiple sources of data, multiple reports, to see and to look for those trends. Right? Because I think we all have hearsay and, you know, secondhand stories of —

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely.

Alex Barker — what’s happening in the job market. And there is some truth to that. And then we actually have some solid data for some of those hearsay stories. But overall, we can say that pharmacists are still well paid. We’re still in the six-figure range. We are continuing to see a very small overall increase in our pay, albeit that it is very slow and it is slower in comparison to the majority of other health professions. But we are seeing some trends that we should all be aware of when it comes to salary changes.

Tim Ulbrich: And Alex, one of those that you talk about in the guide that I know is something that is of interest to me and the financial plan because these topics are very connected I think for obvious reasons is that when it comes to pharmacist’s salary, of course we’d expect to see some difference based on experience, depending on areas of practice of which we can dig into further. But one of the things you mentioned is that there’s an extremely low ceiling for pharmacists. And this is one of those things — speaking of hearsay — that I have always thought is of course varies based on positions and we know that some areas, there’s more long-term upside and maybe some longer term growth opportunities, but for many pharmacists, outside of cost of living adjustments, if that sometimes, that there’s a relatively low ceiling of where you start, which is a great blessing, may not be too far off from where you end. And you know, that matters for a whole lot of reasons when we talk about the financial plan. So give me your read on that. You know, tell us more about what you’ve found and why is that so significant?

Alex Barker: We should be well aware as pharmacists, we are very well paid for just getting out of college. If you compare our education, the length of it as well as the job market and compare it to other similar professions, we are more likely to be paid higher. So according to a report by Pay Scale, which was the only one, unfortunately, that looked at years of experience with an annual average wage, you’re looking at about $113,000 is the average starting salary for less than years experience, which is, I mean, insane. If you told that to a high schooler, you’d get their ears to perk up.

Tim Ulbrich: That’s right.

Alex Barker: However, if you add on years of experience, so if you work in the profession 20+ years, according to this report, you’re only adding about $12,000 more per year to your salary, which I never realized that when I went through education. I never had my eyes open to that problem, but like that should be a sinking feeling that it doesn’t really matter how much harder you work, it doesn’t matter how long you work with a company, chances are your salary will not increase. In fact, for an institution I worked for, it was very clear that after a certain amount of time, years of experience, that my salary would increase incrementally up to a point. And then at that point, I was locked at the rate at which, you know, the cost of living increases, which in my area, is very low. So —

Tim Ulbrich: Regardless of performance, regardless of performance, right?

Alex Barker: Right. Right. And I would not say that I was an above-average pharmacist. I would say that I was just kind of in the middle. And it didn’t matter. And what made me the most frustrated was that finding out the amount of money that people got for doing insanely well. We had a few amazing pharmacists on our team. They worked really, really hard. And I found out that their — when they exceeded expectations was the measure that they had to get in their annual review, that when they got that, it equated to about $1,500. $1,500. And if you take that, you divide it by the hours that you work, I mean, it isn’t worth it. It isn’t worth it at all to even try harder. And so what we’ve kind of created, unfortunately, in this perfect storm, one factor of it is we have a profession where we are not rewarded for effort. And that’s disconcerting. It creates complacency, I would say for sure. I mean, it did within me when I was a clinician.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and I think especially at a time where you and I both know, we need some innovation, we need some risk-taking, we need some great ideas coming forward. And you know, compensation of course isn’t the only way that’s going to drive that. But certainly, you know, a low ceiling, as you mentioned in the report, may subtly not encourage high performance. And I think that’s a noteworthy thing. And of course, it goes without saying, we’re generalizing here. As you look at this data across the profession, there are certainly areas of the profession where there’s more upward mobility, I would use management/admin type of positions on the health systems side as one example. But there are certainly others. And of course when it comes to the financial plan, what screams to me here, Alex, is that you have to if this is going to be true for your career and the trajectory, you have to be that much more diligent about the financial plan from Day 1. Right? Because naturally what happens is expenses are going to go up if we let them. And so over time, if expenses go up proportionally but salaries do not, we’ve got a problem in terms of being able to achieve all the financial goals that we do. Another way of looking at this if we want to be a little bit more half-glass full is that you do have a great salary at a very young age coming out of school. And if you’re able to keep those expenses down, you’ve got a long trajectory where that money can be saved, you can have compound growth and other things where other professions, while there might be more upwards trajectory, it might take them longer to get to a point of savings. But of course, we haven’t talked about the $175k of debt that our graduates are taking on. Separate story for another day. So when we look at the pharmacist’s salary based on job sector, we know that there are a lot of avenues pharmacists can take in their pharmacy profession throughout their career. So tell us a little bit more about the variation you see in terms of jobs that have higher salary ranges, jobs that have lower salary ranges.

Alex Barker: I don’t think people will be too surprised, but perhaps maybe by the amount. So based on where people are working and the kind of job that they’re working, which by the way — don’t try to do this yourself, OK? Don’t go to look at all these reports because they call pharmacists by different names. I mean, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is a U.S. government organization, defines one of our professions as working at food and beverage stores. Tim, I’ll be honest, I don’t know what a food and beverage store is. It’s not a gas station. And they already have general merchandise stores and pharmacies and drug stores. So maybe I’m missing — I live in Michigan, so I haven’t been all over the world. I don’t know what this is. So where are the great paying jobs? Like you said, it comes down to management jobs, they are clearly paid more. We’re looking at ranges anywhere from $15,000 to even $25,000 more. We know that pharma jobs, particularly higher management jobs, pay extremely well. Nuclear pharmacist is one of the top-paying patient care jobs. JobRx reported that their average was at $157,000, which is very, very high. And again, we’re also seeing similar trends that where there is more responsibility, so more prescribing ability, we see pharmacists being paid higher, so clinical pharmacist roles, whereas where we’ve seen the lowest paid pharmacists, we’re seeing those typically in mail-order and PBMs. We’re seeing it in medical marijuana places, mail pharmacies. And as everyone would expect, we are seeing lower salaries, trending downward, in chains and of course independents, long-term care. Now, to clarify, everyone’s got opinions on these things. ‘Oh, well, I know of this person who got this. And I’m paid this.’ It’s trends. We have to keep all of this with a grain of salt because the reporting from each of these sources varies greatly. So I’m herding cats here, and I’m just telling you about my experience with it, OK? It’s challenging.

Tim Ulbrich: Sure. And it’s a good point, I mean, I hope our listeners will take it with a grain of salt. But it’s a great opportunity to see what’s out there. And what’s of concern to me, Alex, is I’m thinking of the distribution of pharmacists by practice, and that first group that you mentioned, management/admin positions, industry and nuclear pharmacy I think were the three you mentioned, that is a small sliver of the pie. Right? The bigger chunk of the pie is the community positions, is the managed care positions. And so I think it is something that we have to consider and we have to take seriously in terms of the significance. Now, hearsay — speaking of hearsay — one thing I have heard that I think is easy for us to hear and say, “Oh my gosh, the salaries of pharmacists, it’s falling apart,” and that is the instances of somebody starting at $35 an hour, $40 an hour, you know, and is it because of a saturated market? Is it because of this or that? Are they perhaps part-time? You know, 32 is kind of the new normal, what we’ve seen here in Ohio. Tell us more, give us the data. What are you actually seeing when it comes to these numbers of, “Hey, I’m starting at $35 or $40.” Is this isolated? Is it more widespread?

Alex Barker: Hearing you say that makes me feel like maybe I’m the one that needs to collect those reports and that data because no one is. You’re right, it’s all anecdotal. I’ve seen it in your Facebook group, I’ve seen people report some of the offers that they’re getting. It’s abysmal. The worst I have heard is $28 an hour. That’s a floating position. I think it was in Austin, Texas or one of the major cities in Texas. And we know that these typically are retail chain positions that are offering these insanely low salaries. We also do have reports of it happening as well in hospital positions. And we also know that there are a few remote clinical positions that are very low as well. And so we’re talking like MTM jobs where you’ve got a lot of flexibility. You work when you want to. But you’re looking at an annual salary of maybe $70,000-80,000. That’s not true across the board, but that’s what we are receiving reports from from the people that get jobs because occasionally, we do salary negotiations for people as well. But the only evidence we have as far as an actual report that’s been shown that I enjoyed seeing this year was drug topics. So if you look at their 2020 base salary, you see this very concerning skew of data — and I’ll send you a picture of this as well so you can put it in the podcast notes if you can do that, I don’t know — but you’ll see that 13%, which is a huge number of people, at the end of their report were receiving less than $70,000 a year or less. And unfortunately, what they didn’t report in this data is the number of people in that bracket who were full-time or part-time. But we do know that the total amount of people was only 13% as well that worked part-time. So I’d have to venture a guess that that 13% that worked part-time, you know, potentially were majorly in that bracket of 13% reporting that, I don’t know. But unfortunately, what we are seeing is because of the glut, because of how easy it is to hire a pharmacist, particularly in a very generic role, we are seeing a lower salary being offered to those pharmacists. And we — based on what we just talked about, that low ceiling, you should assume that you will not — you’re not going to work your way to the top tier salary, $120,000-140,000 if you’re being started at $70,000 annual.

Tim Ulbrich: And where you start matters for obvious reasons. It matters when you’ve got $175,000 of student loan debt, it matters when hopefully if you have something like an employer retirement match, you know, 4% of $70,000 versus 4% of $120,000, that matters over time and compound interest and growth. So question for you here — and I know this is more complicated than we have time to unravel, but what’s the reason? You know, is it simply that we’ve got supply and demand, we’ve got 13,000+ grads coming out per year, pharmacists aren’t retiring at the rate that we thought they may. Is it more about the evolution of the pharmacist’s role and we’re seeing faulty business models and not only those that are being strained financially from existing models but new, innovative ones not popping up that can just find new positions? Like what do you see as the main culprit here?

Alex Barker: Supply and demand. I am not a labor or economics expert.

Tim Ulbrich: Come on, Alex! No, I’m just kidding.

Alex Barker: I did consider getting a PhD once, but no. Not my thing.

Tim Ulbrich: And then you saw the light.

Alex Barker: I did. But now what we have is this perfect storm, as I alluded to in further of our salary guide. The perfect storm is approximately 13,000-14,000 pharmacy students graduating every year entering into the job market, approximately one-third of the current job market — so about 100,000 pharmacists — is looking for a new job — and that’s based off of the AACP national workforce study — and then we also have the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicting a negative job growth from 321,000 to I think it’s like 311,000.

Tim Ulbrich: Correct.

Alex Barker: So by the way, if numbers confuse you, if I’m saying a lot of numbers, check out the report. It’s all there. Because if I was listening to this, I’d be like, what did he just say? But you’ve got this gestalt of a problem where each factor is creating a much more complex issue. But ultimately, what we have is the main positions that pharmacists take, i.e. hospitals and community pharmacy, and we’re a dime a dozen. I asked on LinkedIn managers, approximately how many applications do you get per job? And it was anywhere from 60 on the low end to I think the highest was over 210. And so if you are a smart manager, you are going to think what is my biggest cost? Employees. So if I have that many people, am I going to give them a compelling offer when if I don’t get my top pick, I probably will get my second, third, fourth, fifth —

Tim Ulbrich: Who are all pretty darn good.

Alex Barker: Maybe even my 15th pick.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah.

Alex Barker: Because someone’s going to take this offer. Right? We’re pharmacists, we have a PharmD, we’re doctorates, we’re insanely capable people. So you know, getting your 15th pick isn’t the worst thing in the world for them. For our profession, however, what suffers ultimately is our salary, our buying power. We no longer have that. And back in the 2000s, we had that inflated need, right? We needed pharmacists. You got signing bonuses, you got cars when you got offered a job. I don’t know if students are told that anymore, but that’s the way it was. And now, everything’s flipped on its head. We’re in the exact opposite situation, albeit that there is a huge hiring phase happening right now simply because of the COVID jobs.

Tim Ulbrich: Yep.

Alex Barker: We’re seeing a ton of people readily take those. But these pharmacists are just probably going to be in the same situation once this vaccination rush passes through. It isn’t like we’re going to need all those pharmacists again to vaccinate every single year. They’re going to figure out cheaper ways. And everyone knows you can pay a nurse a lot less to vaccinate people. So this temporary demand is not going to last.

Tim Ulbrich: Now, I am — and I’m be remiss if I didn’t say, Alex, my audience knows this — I am a half-glass full type of person. And I will say the one thing — and it does not mitigate the concerns here — but the one thing that stands out to me here is, as I alluded to early today, I do think we desperately need some innovation, thinking a little bit differently, people taking calculated risk. And when you’ve got $175,000 of student loan debt and you have $120,000 contract that’s there to sign, it’s very hard to make an otherwise decision, right? I mean, it’s classic golden handcuffs situation. And I do think there’s a lot of pharmacists out there that have great ideas. And one of the reasons we’re so passionate about the financial plan side of it is that we know the financial pressures are very much connected to the career opportunities, the willingness to do either, whether it’s starting something or even just enjoying the work that you do and having some choice. So I am hopeful. I am also concerned that lower salary and a debt load that continues to climb is a compound problem. But there is also perhaps an opportunity out there where folks may now say, “OK, I can make $70,000, or I might go do this.” And that, “I might go do this,” might be something that’s of perhaps more interest or even an opportunity to pursue.

Alex Barker: You bring up a really good point that I didn’t consider in writing this guide is particularly for new grads, considering your career trajectory is insanely important for determining your financial plan because if you think right now that now’s a good time to be a clinician, trends are showing that clinicians, people who are able to prescribe or have some sort of agreement with a doctor, those jobs, we’re not seeing a major increase in those salaries. In fact, we’re seeing students — or I should say residents being offered less and less money. So you know, if you think you’re wanting to make a lot of money later in your career and you’re willing to work up to that, there are plenty of opportunities out there. We didn’t even go over the fact that as a pharmacist, you’re more than qualified to be a pharmaceutical sales rep. And that has an amazingly high ceiling. You could be paid insanely well. It is not a pharmacist job. It’s not a typical one. But you are overqualified to do it, and if you have the ability, if you have those natural gifts to sell, the ceiling’s really high. And so I think — you know, this is something I didn’t consider, so I’m glad you brought it up, Tim — that when considering your financial future, there is a space for you to take a job that pays you less if the trajectory, if the potential plan of that path could pay you a whole lot more because the reality is that as a clinician, your salary is not going to dramatically increase. One minor report that I didn’t touch on in my report is that Drug Topics said 41%, but in their report reported additional income in 2020, anywhere from the majority of them making around $1,000-5,000 in extra income. Now, they didn’t say how they made that money, but the case is that people, they want to make more. They’ve got things to do with that money.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah.

Alex Barker: So consider your career trajectory wisely. If you’re looking at the $175,000 and thinking, I need to pay this all down, you know, don’t make the mistake of rushing into a job that just pays well but is a dead end.

Tim Ulbrich: That’s right. Yep.

Alex Barker: That’s just a risk to take.

Tim Ulbrich: Got to think about the 30- to 40-year timeline. And here, we’re talking salary, which is one component but certainly not the only, right? We could have a pharmacist who’s got multiple job offers, is making great money, but they may not like the work that they’re doing or it may be stressful. So talk to us about satisfaction, job stress. Obviously we know job stress correlates to the rate of dissatisfaction that pharmacists are feeling in their work. What did you find here in the reports as far as the number of pharmacists, percentage of pharmacists generally speaking that are either satisfied/dissatisfied in their work and tell us more about those findings.

Alex Barker: Your term earlier, golden handcuffs, I think captures the feeling that most have. According to Drug Topics, they reported 44% are unhappy with their jobs. But a third of the entire group that they surveyed was looking for another job because of their unhappiness with their current one. I think they asked some wrong questions in their survey, but in my interpretation, we’re looking at 7 out of 10 pharmacists were not satisfied with their jobs. And we all practically I think know the reasons why pharmacists are unhappy across the board. But there are some other reports that show that we actually have a higher satisfaction score than that. Pay Scale said that we’re about 74% satisfied, which was higher than what I thought. AACP said 58%. But the pharmacists that were the most happy were those that were in independent community pharmacies, ambulatory care, or non-patient care, which kind of goes back to our problem — you and I have talked about this numerous times. We as pharmacists, we’ve got an identity crisis. If we’re supposed to be patient care-oriented, then why are people who are not in patient care more happy than those that are in patient care. Another survey question in that AACP report was that only 27% of people said — agreed to the statement, “I feel happy at work.” Grinds my gears. I’m supposed to be the Happy Pharmacist, but I’m not happy about that.

Tim Ulbrich: I mean, it’s heavy. And you know, again, this goes back to your comment — I hope the new practitioners and even the students listening are really thinking about the long horizon and trajectory. And this again goes back to me — for me, obviously, the financial plan and cost of living. If you rise your cost of living and everything that comes with it right out of the gates because you’re now going from -30 and debt every year to make $110,000 or $120,000, it is very hard to walk that back. Very hard to walk that back. And if you can hold the line — and I understand certainly this is easier for me to say in Ohio or you to say up in Michigan that may not be as easy for folks that are in higher cost of living areas. But if you can hold that line, especially as you’re going through this transitionary period where you’ve got multiple competing financial priorities, you’ve got typically big student debt loads, you’re trying to really understand what you do or do not like in the work that you’re doing, give yourself options. You know, we talk about all the time, put yourself in the driver seat rather than that being dictated for you. And I think, of course, this discussion certainly emphasizes that as well. Alex, I want to wrap up, you mentioned earlier in the episode talking about the Job Rx. Tell us more about Job Rx. You talk about that in the guide as well. What is Job Rx? And what can folks expect to get from that resource?

Alex Barker: Yeah, Job Rx is a website from a friend of mine, mutual friend of yours, Kevin Miro (?). And I included in this report simply because of some of this newer data that he’s been finding in his job board. If you look at the powers that be, there is a pharmacy demand report, which stated in the 4th quarter of 2020, only 12,000 new pharmacist jobs were created, which is not great but not awful either, which you know, kind of just makes me think like OK, doing the numbers in my head, it makes sense why we’re getting 100 applications per job. But Job Rx is — essentially, it’s a job board where it pulls in all these jobs from employers’ websites into one place so you can apply and get notified when the newest jobs are created. He reported to me that in December of 2020, they added 12,800 pharmacist jobs in one month versus this other demand report that said that that’s how many jobs were created over the entire quarter. This gave me a lot more hope than I’ve ever had before because I’ve never been able to have access to that kind of information or technology that says OK, what exactly is the job reports and how are you getting that data? He also — and I share this in the report as well — that 16,000 pharmacist jobs were added in January of 2021. So when I hear these numbers, I am a lot more hopeful. I do think that they are slightly probably more than what we would expect simply because of the COVID hire push that is going on. But ultimately, this is potentially an amazing resource for pharmacists to finally find the jobs that are out there. And I’ll make one final note that from what I could tell, the vast majority of these jobs, though, were community and health systems-related, long-term care, hospitals, things like that. So right now, I still know that the majority of the buzz, what everyone is selling as the promised land, is the nontraditional roles, right, the pharma, the work-from-home, the remote. And those are still out there, they are possible. But they are certainly not as available as hospital and community jobs.

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely. And our community can check that out, JobRx.com. We’ll link to it in the show notes. I think certainly a resource that’s going to afford us an opportunity to have some more real-time data, some more up-to-date information that I know will be helpful to not only pharmacists looking for positions to perhaps — I often found myself in a faculty administrative role trying to advise and help students looking for jobs. I see some value there as well. So JobRx.com, again, we’ll link to in the show notes. Alex, where is the best place that our community can go to connect with you, to follow the work that you’re doing and to stay up-to-date on information that we’re talking about here today?

Alex Barker: I’d love it if you connect with me on LinkedIn, that’s where I hang out, it’s where I spend the most amount of my time. We do have Instagram and Facebook, but after watching The Social Dilemma, I don’t know. I’m just trying to stay on one and not try to give away too much information about my life. But yeah, connect with me on LinkedIn. I’d love to have a conversation with you and I try to have one with every single person that connects with me. So that would be a great place to check it out. Otherwise, you can go to TheHappyPharmD.com where we’ve got a lot of resources, blogs about career paths and of course this salary guide.

Tim Ulbrich: Great stuff, Alex. We’ll link to Alex’s LinkedIn profile in the show notes as well as of course TheHappyPharmD.com and the salary guide. Alex, thank you again for joining us and sharing your insights and expertise on this important topic as we talk about the state of the job market and our profession. Appreciate it.

Alex Barker: Thanks, Tim, for having me.

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YFP 190: 7 Ways to Reduce Your Monthly Housing Costs

7 Ways to Reduce Your Monthly Housing Costs

On this episode, sponsored by Insuring Income, Nate Hedrick, the Real Estate RPh, joins Tim Ulbrich to discuss 7 ways to reduce your monthly housing costs.

About Today’s Guest

Nate Hedrick is a 2013 graduate of Ohio Northern University. By day, he is a clinical pharmacist and program advisor for Medical Mutual. By night and weekend, he works with pharmacists to buy, sell, flip, or rent homes as a licensed real estate agent with Berkshire Hathaway in Cleveland, Ohio. He has helped dozens of pharmacists achieve their goal of owning a house and is the founder of www.RealEstateRPH.com, a real estate blog that covers everything from first-time home buying to real estate investing.


It’s no secret that housing costs, whether that be your mortgage or rent payment, make up a large chunk of many people’s budgets. For some people, housing can be 30% or more of their income. Nate Hedrick, The Real Estate RPh joins Tim Ulbrich on this episode to share 7 ways to reduce your housing costs. Reducing your housing costs allows you to have more disposable income to fund your other financial goals. It’s a win-win, right?

The first is downsizing your home. Many people think downsizing means moving into a tiny home or to an apartment that’s drastically smaller than where they currently live. If that’s what you want to do, that’s great, however downsizing can simply mean moving into a house that’s a bit smaller to help reduce the costs of taxes, insurance, utilities, and maintenance. The second way to reduce your monthly housing costs is to house hack. While house hacking may not be for everyone, this is a great stepping stone into real estate investing and can allow you to, hopefully, live for free. The third strategy is to get a roommate. Like househacking, this may not be an option for everyone, but having a sibling, friend, or even stranger live with you can allow you to significantly reduce your housing costs.

The fourth is geo-arbitrage, a concept that’s been picking up some steam over the years especially among those in the FIRE community. Essentially, in order to save money on housing costs, healthcare, or the general cost of living (think gas, food, taxes, transportation, etc) and get more for your dollar, you pick up and relocate to a new place. We know that the cost of living can vary greatly between cities but that your income may not increase or decrease accordingly, so this can be a powerful way to save money if it’s an option for you. The fifth strategy is to use Airbnb to increase your income. Although COVID-19 may make it difficult to put this in action at the moment, this is one to definitely consider when state’s start to re-open more in the future. Renting out your home, in-law suite, or room in your home can bring in extra cash and help you pay down your mortgage. The sixth way to reduce housing costs is to re-evaluate your homeowner’s insurance policy. Just like you’d shop around for car or disability insurance, you can do the same with homeowner’s insurance. You can also check in with your current company to see if there are any discounts available for installing certain security measures or for paying yearly vs monthly. The last strategy is to refinance your mortgage. With historically low interest rates, you may be able to significantly reduce your monthly mortgage payment. However, it’s important to keep in mind the total cost of the loan and any additional fees and costs you may incur when refinancing.

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Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich: Nate, excited to have you back on the mic. How you been?

Nate Hedrick: Good, Tim. Thanks for having me.

Tim Ulbrich: It’s been I think a hot second since you were last on the show, Episode 178, where we talked about 5 lessons learned during your most recent investment property purchase. But I don’t want to assume that everyone listening knows who you are and what the Real Estate RPh is all about. So give us a brief background of you, your role in pharmacy, and how and why you started the Real Estate RPh.

Nate Hedrick: Absolutely. So I am a full-time pharmacist. I work with an insurance company here in Cleveland, Ohio. But I also moonlight or side hustle as a real estate agent. So I have my real estate license, have had that for four years now. And I work with local pharmacists and other health care professionals to help them buy and sell property here in Cleveland. And then that expanded a couple years ago into Real Estate RPh, which is a website that I run to educate pharmacists about the real estate process, help them find agents all over the country through our concierge service that we’ve partnered up with YFP for. So we do a lot of interesting stuff. And that’s really what my focus is on this year is really growing that network and being able to help more pharmacists around the country.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, it’s been fun to see that grow and more and more that are reaching out to you that are in that home buying process. So we will link in the show notes, obviously, to your site. We’ll also have some more information about the real estate concierge service for folks that want to learn more. We’ll come back to that throughout the episode. So today we’re talking all about ways — specifically, 7 ways — to reduce monthly housing costs. And I don’t think it’s any secret, I know from personal experience, that housing costs, whether that’s your mortgage or rent payment, make up a large chunk of many people’s budget. Now, check this out. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, people that fall into the top income quintiles, many pharmacists of course would be included in this, spend around 30-32% of their pre-tax income on housing. 30-32%. That’s a big chunk of your earnings that immediately are being spent on housing each and every month. And when you think about other competing financial priorities, the ones we talk about all the time on the show: student loans, child care, food costs and so — it may feel like there isn’t much money left to put towards other goals. So of course, thinking about strategies for reducing monthly costs I suspect is relevant for many. So Nate, when working with clients looking to buy a home, do you ever give them any insight on how much of their income they should aim to allocate toward those housing costs? And how do you determine that?

Nate Hedrick: Yeah, so you have to be a little bit careful as an agent, right? We are not financial advisors. You know, I don’t want to step outside my shoes a bit. But we always — whenever I’m meeting with a new client, I do make sure we talk early on about the importance of budgeting and making sure that they’re the ones setting the budget. I’ve had numerous clients come to me and said, “Hey, Nate, I got pre-approved for $600,000. What do you think about that?” And I said, “That’s great. What is your budget, though?” It’s a totally different question. So I always make sure that I bring that up, make sure that they understand that they need to set their own budget and then it’s my job to help keep them on budget. So if they come to me and say, “My budget is $300,000. I don’t want to spend a penny over that,” it is very easy for them to fall in love with a house that is $350,000. And it’s my job to make sure that they don’t go that direction, right? Especially if they’ve told me upfront, “This is our number. We want to stick to it.” I’ve seen it time and time again where if you start looking outside of your price range, all of a sudden, your price range goes up. So what I take my own role as is, “Look, I’m not going to tell you how to spend your money, but I’m going to help you stay on goal if that’s what you want me to do.”

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely. And I can’t overemphasize enough, you know, what you’re pre-approved for and what the budget is likely are two different things. And so really taking some time up front, you know, what are you looking for? How does that fit in with the rest of your financial goals? Obviously biased on our end — working with a financial planner to help do that. And then you go through the home buying process and make sure that that home buying purchase fits in with everything else that you want to do. Nate, when you heard that BLS statistic, you know, 30-32%, of course we recognize we’ve got listeners all over the country. Cost of living here in the great state of Ohio is very different than cost of living up in the Northeast or out West. So we recognize that. But generally speaking, is that statistic, 30-32% of pre-tax income on housing, is that pretty common what you see among pharmacist clients?

Nate Hedrick: Yeah, if not a bit higher, right? I think that’s probably about right, but it tends to be that or more, I would say.

Tim Ulbrich: OK, makes sense. And of course, we have friends, family that are spending much more than 30% of their income on housing, maybe even spending 50% or more. And again, sometimes that’s subject to cost of living in certain parts of the country. So Nate, why is spending this much money on housing something that folks should — you know, I don’t know if avoid is necessarily the right word. Obviously for everyone it’s a personal decision. But that they should at least be aware of the impact that this might have on other parts of their financial plan.

Nate Hedrick: Yeah, absolutely. I think sometimes it’s easy to look at it and say, “Well, I can handle that payment today. It won’t be a problem. But what does that look like in five years? In 10 years? You know, are you going to be working as much? Are both of you going to be working if you have a spouse? There are a lot of things that you want to plan for the future, and getting yourself into the highest possible payment right up front kind of cripples some of the opportunities you have later. So you could easily become house poor, you could — honestly, I’ve seen pharmacists, I’ve talked to pharmacists, who feel like they’re living paycheck to paycheck because that housing cost is so darn much that they have to commit such a large portion of their income to basically staying on track. Up front, if you can make that decision to pare that back a bit, it makes your options that much better down the road.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, makes sense. And I think we have a bias and a tendency — I know I do — to tend to look at our future state through the lens of today, right? It’s just natural. So of course things could change, you know, incomes could go up, but also incomes could go down. So do you have margin? You know, what about financial emergencies and being ready for those things, things that we may not be able to anticipate happening at this point in time? So it’s obvious that reducing monthly housing costs, if we’re talking about 30% or more of pre-tax income, can have a huge benefit on your financial plan. We know that when it comes to the financial plan, obviously income and disposable income is what we need to be able to allocate towards our goals. So whether that’s short- or long-term goals. So let’s dig into seven ways that people can reduce their housing costs. No. 1, Nate, we’re going to talk about is downsizing. And I think when people hear that word, they immediately think of living in a tiny home, moving to an apartment that’s drastically smaller than where they currently live. And if that’s what people want to do, great. You know, we’ve talked with several pharmacists that have had very creative housing situations. I think of Rena Crawford that we had on this show talking about her housing situation out in San Diego and her creativity with renovating a van while she was completing residency. And certainly those are exceptions probably to the norm. But what do we mean here when we talk about downsizing? And why can this be such an impactful way to reduce housing costs?

Nate Hedrick: Yeah, I mean, anytime you’re talking about a larger home, more expensive home, it’s not just the house itself, right? You’re talking about more utilities. If you have more square footage, you’ve got more to heat, more electricity, all those different things go into it, more maintenance costs. If you’ve got a larger footprint of house, there’s more stuff that can break. So all of those things start to stack up. It’s not just a bigger house is it. So that’s kind of important. And what I find is that it’s not always about necessarily downsizing but making sure that when you start, you’re not upsizing, right? So downsizing can be a good move if you’re already in a house where you’re like man, this is really crippling our budget. We need to make a decision. But what I see most often is that people who take this ahead of time, before they ever buy their first house and think about OK, I don’t want to have to downsize later, what can I start with now and then work my way up down the future?

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, that makes sense. And I think your point is a good one, being proactive — and not even just focusing on necessarily things like the square foot and the mortgage, of course, and those things but other things. You know, you mentioned taxes, you mentioned maintenance, you mentioned utilities. What about the lawn care? And really considering everything that’s involved — could be association fees and other things. How do clients that you work with — you know, I know one of the things folks may not necessarily be as obvious is OK, what is it going to cost me all-in per month? You know, of course you’ve got the mortgage and insurance and they’re thinking about those things. But they may not necessarily be thinking as much about utilities and other things. Of course, taxes are readily available information. I mean, is this information that’s typically forthcoming from the seller? Do people have to prod to try to get some utility payments and things like that to be able to best estimate what this is going to be for their budget?

Nate Hedrick: Yeah, I usually recommend to my clients to ask. I’ve seen some sellers — and I’ve done this once — where we actually posted, not our bills exactly, but I had the seller pull their previous utility bills and say, “Look, let’s just put this number out there. That way a potential home buyer can feel good about it, that it’s going to be $300 a month for all this,” or what have you. That’s definitely something that we’re seeing people ask for, and it’s a great way to get a true estimate of what that particular property might be costing someone.

Tim Ulbrich: Awesome. And I think it’s worth mentioning here, of course when we talk about real estate transactions, you know, there’s costs that are involved. So making sure you’re factoring that in. If you’re going to pick up and move, how great — this is a conversation my wife and I have all this — you know, what’s the true net difference, right? So you might look at, hey, we’re going to sell for $350,000 and we’re going to buy for $250,000. But when you really consider the transaction costs, obviously the fees involved, the moving expenses, really trying to evaluate this and understand what the net difference is. So that’s No. 1, looking at downsizing. No. 2 is house hacking, I think a topic that you and I love, love talking about, one that we have both said on this show several times, “Man, if I could do it all over again, I would have house hacked.” So something we talked about Episode 130, I had Craig Curelop on from Bigger Pockets, episode talking about house hacking your way to financial freedom. And that episode I thought was a great overview in his book of the house hacking process. And it’s a real estate investing strategy that we love but also can serve your primary home needs. So Nate, break it down for us. For those that aren’t aware or perhaps a refresher, what exactly is house hacking? And how can it be a powerful way to reduce housing costs?

Nate Hedrick: So house hacking at its core is the idea that you are buying a property in some way, shape, or form that you are going to live in part of it and you are going to have a renter live in another part. And so traditionally with a house hack, you’re looking at like a duplex, a triplex, or a quad, which you can buy as a — the bank looks at it like a single family home. But you can live in one unit and then you can rent out the others. And ideally, with a proper house hack, you’re having that renter basically pay for your mortgage or pay for your mortgage and your taxes in an ideal world. But the idea is that if you can live in part of the house, rent out the other part, you’re going to have far less housing expenses because you’ve got someone else paying for it for you.

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely. And I think it’s certainly can look very different for the reasons you mentioned. And one of the things I like about Craig’s book on house hacking, he gives a lot of different examples from his personal situation, others that did it, that I think will give folks a variety of ideas about what house hacking may look like for them and how it may or may not fit into their home buying goals. So Nate, have you worked with clients that have done a house hack? And if so, what was their motivation?

Nate Hedrick: Yeah, actually, I’ve got one right now that I’m working with locally here in Cleveland that’s looking to house hack, which is fun. We’ve been doing — running numbers on houses recently and looking for opportunities. And right now, this pharmacist is actually living in a house with a couple of roommates, wants to buy his own place but doesn’t want the housing prices or the housing expenses to jump dramatically, right? If you go from living in a $400 a month room or whatever the cost is there to this big housing payment, it might be a shock to your budget. But if he can transition to only a couple hundred dollars because the house hack is paying for some of that cost, you can get your own place, start building equity, all the advantages of owning a home without this huge uptick in expenses. So I’ve been working with him to try to find that opportunity. And then we’ve got a ton of concierge clients throughout the country that have done this. I think we’ve talked with a couple here and mentioned a couple in the past that have primarily been searching for a house hack when they’re looking for their first house.

Tim Ulbrich: Love it. And speaking of roommates, let’s talk about roommates. No. 3 here on our list of seven ways to reduce your housing costs, No. 3 is get a roommate. Nate, I thought this wasn’t college anymore. So similar to house hacking, getting a roommate obviously could be a way to reduce housing costs. Talk to us about the role that this can play.

Nate Hedrick: Yeah, especially again, I think people overlook this because like you said, once you buy a house, like I can’t — I can’t go backward, I can’t have a roommate now. But it’s a great way — if you’re in a personal situation where it makes sense, it’s a great way to reduce your expenses for both people. And you can take this as simply as, you know, I’m going to have my brother move back and he’s going to pay me a little bit of rent, or is as severe as putting an ad on Craigslist and having a stranger come live with you. You know, we’ve actually gotten a chance to talk to a couple of individuals here that are experts in this, I would argue. Ryan Shaw on Episode 173 knows all about how to deal with roommates and keeping them sane. And then Bryce Platt, one of our concierge clients that actually went out and bought — Episode 160 for those that are looking for it. He actually went out and bought a condo basically that had — was set up to have three other roommates with him. And so that’s part of that process. So it’s not uncommon anymore, and it’s a great way to reduce your overall expenses.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and I think it’s worth, you know, the reminder or maybe the obvious statement of your first housing situation will likely not be your forever situation, right? So whether it’s a roommate directly living with you or in a situation like Bryce, that may work for awhile and then you decide you may move on. But now you’ve got an investment property that perhaps you can hold onto as well. So that’s No. 3, get a roommate. No. 4, perhaps the most interesting, my favorite on the list, but also likely very unpopular to some folks that love where they live. This is geoarbitrage. And Scott Rieckens, author of “Playing with FIRE,” mentioned this on the podcast last week, Episode 188. And I think it’s such an interesting way to reduce your housing costs. And I think this actually stems back to some of Tim Ferriss’ work talking about geoarbitrage. So Nate, what is geoarbitrage? And how can it help someone’s budget?

Nate Hedrick: So it’s a concept that basically you are — and we’re seeing a lot of this grow in the FIRE community, like you mentioned Scott but many others in the FIRE community are embracing this idea that in order to save money on housing costs or the cost of living based on a certain area, you basically you pick up and move to a new place. And we’re seeing this really taking off, especially with the changes in how people are working during the pandemic and hopefully after the pandemic is over. Work from home is just totally different than it’s ever been before. And you can basically do your job from anywhere now. If Option 1 is to live in downtown New York in a tiny apartment for a huge, huge cost, but Option 2 is to do that exact same job in Cleveland, Ohio, here, your costs go down dramatically. And so a lot of people are looking at this like, are there other areas that I can live in that I can either find a better job or keep my same job and work remotely that are going to improve my overall housing costs without dramatically impacting my life?

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah and again, I think this is not a forever situation, right? I know I’ve brought this up to various groups when I’ve been speaking before. You know, often you get that look of like, Tim, are you really suggesting that I pick up and move? You know? And it’s not necessarily for everyone, right? Sometimes there’s family situations, other things, where this is not even a possibility for a variety of reasons. But I think sometimes, this is a way to think a little bit more creatively, especially for those that might be in an area where jobs are also saturated. You know, if you could get to a lower cost of living area and perhaps open up some additional job opportunities, this might be something to consider while also accelerating your financial goals. And I think, again, it really depends on one’s personal situation. But I think what makes this so attractive for pharmacists, Nate, you know this, I know this, our community knows this, we do see incomes change slightly in higher cost of living areas but nowhere near what they should proportionally to the expense of those areas, right?

Nate Hedrick: Right. Absolutely.

Tim Ulbrich: So an ambulatory care pharmacist in Cleveland, Ohio, and an ambulatory care pharmacist in San Diego, that salary difference — while there likely is one from my experience in talking with folks — it does not represent the cost of living differences between those two areas.

Nate Hedrick: Definitely.

Tim Ulbrich: And so you know, I think that because of the nature of how that is treated with pharmacy jobs, this concept might also be attractive. And check this out for a minute, Nate. We pulled some data from RentCafe. The average rent for a 700 square foot –703 square feet, to be exact — in Manhattan is around $3,800. But the average rent for a slightly larger place, 883 square feet, in Little Rock, Arkansas — shoutout to our community in Arkansas — is $830.

Nate Hedrick: There you go.

Tim Ulbrich: Of course, Manhattan and Little Rock are not the same thing. Very different cities, right, in terms of what people are looking for and so on. But it just highlights, you know, what does that mean for monthly cash flow, what are your options. And you know, when I see $3,800 a month for 700 square feet, you and I both know what $3,800 a month can buy in Ohio, right?

Nate Hedrick: Seriously. Yeah, it’s crazy.

Tim Ulbrich: It could go a long way. So again, you know, obviously leaving family, friends, your job can be tough. Certainly not for everyone, but I think it’s one thing to consider and for — you mentioned the reasons of mobility now with some jobs having some more remote capabilities. So that’s No. 4, geoarbitrage. No. 5 is Airbnb. Nate, this is one that I think really pushes people to be creative in how they are cutting expenses or bringing in additional income. And we had Hillary Blackburn on Episode 121, where she talked about creating another stream of income as an Airbnb host and specifically talked about how her and her husband rent out their Nashville home for about $600 a night. So talk to us about how folks can use Airbnb or a similar model, of course, we’re just mentioning Airbnb, and use their home to bring in some additional money.

Nate Hedrick: Yeah, I think it’s gotten a little trickier during COVID having somebody in your house or what have you. But still, the idea there is really solid. If you can use the space that you already have — and maybe this is an extra bedroom or maybe it’s a whole extra in-law suite or a pool house or you name it, right — if you’ve got a way to rent out some of that portion of that property that you already have, and it’s a desirable area especially, you can pull in a lot of extra income to offset some of those housing costs. And again, like you talked about Nashville being $600 a night, if you’re in an area that people want to travel to, especially as things start to open back up, I really think that there’s opportunity there for you to get some serious income for that place.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and again, this is one that may make sense for some, not for others. We’ve got an Airbnb calculator on the site. You can see, you know, roughly what you may be earning as an Airbnb host. That’s YourFinancialPharmacist.com/airbnbcalculator. We’ll link to that in the show notes. So that’s No. 5 on our list of seven ways to reduce housing costs. No. 6, Nate, re-evaluate your homeowners insurance policy. I just did this, so this one is top of mind for me. But I think this is something, you know, we haven’t talked a whole lot about on the show but certainly could be a way that folks may be able to shave off money off of their monthly budget, especially if their policies may have creeped over time. And because of escrow and other factors, they may not be aware or as closely aware as they could be of that. So talk to us about re-evaluating your homeowners insurance policy.

Nate Hedrick: Home insurance policy, if you have a mortgage, right, it’s really one of the only things that you can change. Your taxes are consistent, right? The county’s going to set those. The mortgage and the lender payment is set by the lender. HOA fees, that’s all fixed costs. But the home insurance policy, kind of the other piece that usually gets wrapped into that, is somewhat flexible. And it’s not — it’s not as common to mess with the home insurance policy as someone might shop around for like car insurance or disability insurance or life insurance.

Tim Ulbrich: Right.

Nate Hedrick: But realize that you can actually make quite a bit of difference with your home insurance policy. And it can change dramatically based on a number of factors. So if you change your deductible, for example. If you go from a $500 deductible on a home insurance claim to $1,000, you might save 25% on your home insurance policy in some cases. The other thing I’ll see a lot with home insurance is that if you are what’s called escrowing your home insurance or your housing insurance, a lot of times that bank will say, OK, well, we’re going to pay — and escrowing, just briefly, is that you actually pay the bank, you pay the mortgage lender to handle paying your insurance company for you. So usually you’re giving them money every single month as part of your normal housing payment. They’re taking a portion of that, setting it aside in an untouchable account called an escrow account, and then from that account, they basically pay your insurance company. But what I’ve found is that if you have that money in escrow, you don’t get a lot of flexibility with how that payment works. And if you can pull that out — and some lenders will allow you to do this free, some may charge you a small amount — but if you can pull that out, you can get even more creative with how you pay it. I’ve noticed that if you pay your home insurance premium monthly versus yearly, you can get a huge discount by paying it all up front. And so if you know you’re going to be there and you have the funds to do so, you can actually pay it Day 1 of the year and get a whole year’s worth of that payment taken care of at a much lower rate. So there are more flexibility here than I think people really realize, but a lot of it comes down to what are you allowed to do with your lender? And what are you willing to do in terms of that negotiation process?

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and I think too — great stuff there, Nate — I think it’s important to note, as you mentioned, these policies vary, you know, in terms of what they coverage, what the coverage includes, obviously personal belongings, other features of policies, and one thing I notice in this process, which certainly makes sense for those that have gone through this one or more times before, is that it’s easy to get focused on price shopping and not necessarily do an apples-to-apples comparison on coverage. So you know, some of these policies may present themselves as oh, well, you know, we could save you $300 a year or whatever. But when you look at the close details of the policy, you might be changing some of your coverage components. So I found it helpful, if you want to keep coverage the same, essentially as you’re going out and getting quotes, say, “This is my coverage. These are the eight things that are included. Here’s my deductible, here’s what’s covered in the policy. And basically give me a quote for this coverage.” You know? So you can do an apples-to-apples type of comparison.

Nate Hedrick: And watch because some will call things something different, right? They’ll have this special feature with Company A versus Company B and it’s literally just the same thing but with a different name. So watch out for that. The other thing I wanted to mention too is that some of them will offer discounts based on certain parameters of your home. So if you live in a disaster-prone area, ask them about what you can do to your homeowners insurance policy by doing some disaster-proofing. Maybe it’s adding storm shutters or maybe it’s actually a security discount. I’ve seen where if you put in electronic locks or deadbolts, just simple deadbolts versus a regular door lock, they will give you a discount on your overall insurance policy. So there are a number of things you should ask about too, like is there any way for me to get a discount on this? What can I do to improve this?

Tim Ulbrich: Yes. Always ask for a discount, right? Yeah, and as some of you are looking to shop around, you know, certainly many ways that you can go about this. Policy Genius is somebody we’ve talked about before, allowing you to compare life and disability insurance quotes, now also has a platform to compare homeowners insurance quotes. Also, renters insurance as well. If you go to PolicyGenius.com/YourFinancialPharmacist, you can learn more. So that’s No. 6 on our list of seven ways to reduce your monthly housing costs. No. 7 is refinance your mortgage. Again, something that’s near and dear to me. We went through this process last summer. We’ve talked about how low rates have been recently for purchasing a home, for refinancing your mortgage over the last year. Nate, talk to us about what mortgage refinancing is and how this can ultimately lower monthly housing costs.

Nate Hedrick: Yeah, so think about refinancing as basically resetting or getting a new loan. Effectively, what you are doing is you are clearing out your old loan, someone is paying that old loan off, and you’re establishing a brand new loan. So it’s similar to — we’ve talked about student loan refinancing. It’s the same idea, right? We’re paying off what you currently have with Lender A, and we’re moving that to Lender B at a new rate or at a lower monthly payment. And so the goal here would be obviously to lower the interest rate and then hopefully as a result, your overall payments are going to go down. So you’re going to eliminate your — hopefully maybe eliminate PMI if you have that in place today. You can, again, drop your interest rate from maybe a variable to a fixed rate that is much lower. You could lower the term over which you’re paying that loan. So you could go from a 20-year rate to a 15 or a 30-year to a 15. And now your overall expenses for the longevity of that house are going to go down. So there are a number of ways that you can use refinancing to cut your costs. But if you’re looking to lower your monthly housing payment, a lot of times it comes down to finding an interest rate that is lower than what you have today and finding a term that makes sense for your financial plan and is less than what you’re paying already.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and I think it’s, although obvious, worth reiterating one of the traps that I see folks often falling into is yes, you know, you can lower the monthly payment, but if you’re extending out the term, keep in mind the total cost of the loan, right?

Nate Hedrick: Yep.

Tim Ulbrich: So trying to make this as apples-to-apples as you can. If you’re already five years into a 30-year term, and you refinance out to a 30-year, obviously you’re tacking on five more years. So yeah, monthly payment might go down, likely will if interest rates are lower, but what does that mean in terms of the total amount paid over the life of the loan? And keeping that in mind as you’re evaluating various options.

Nate Hedrick: And don’t forget, you’ve got closing costs as well in there, right? So you’ve got to make sure that the actual process of buying that loan, you’re getting a new loan but there’s going to be closing costs associated with that to factor in as well.

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely. Great stuff, Nate. Seven ways to reduce your housing costs, certainly a topic for the reasons we mentioned at the beginning I think folks are interested in. This won’t be the last time that we hear from you and so if you’re listening and you’re looking to buy your first home or you’re looking to move and you want to work with an agent, you don’t currently have one, as Nate alluded to, we’ve got the concierge service working with Nate. It’s free to our community to work with Nate, who will help get you connected with a realtor in your area. And you can go to YourFinancialPharmacist.com, click on “Buy or Refi a Home” at the top, and once you do that, you’ll see an option to find an agent and that will get you connected up with Nate. Also, if you’re looking for a loan, looking to refi your mortgage, want some additional information, again, YourFinancialPharmacist.com, and then you can click on “Buy or Refi a Home” and get some additional information. So Nate, as always, appreciate your time and expertise and thanks for your contribution on the show.

Nate Hedrick: Thanks for having me.

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YFP 189: Options for Investing When You’re Maxing Out Your Retirement Accounts

Options for Investing When You’re Maxing Out Your Retirement Accounts

On this episode sponsored by LendKey, Tim Baker, Co-Founder and Director of Financial Planning at Your Financial Pharmacist, joins Tim Ulbrich to talk about strategies for investing when you have maxed out your traditional retirement accounts.


Tim Baker and Tim Ulbrich dive into what traditional retirement accounts are, how contributions have or have not changed, the priority of investing, and strategies for investing when you’ve maxed out your traditional retirement accounts.

Tim Baker explains that traditional retirement accounts are generally any employer sponsored accounts, like 401(k), 403(b), 401(a), or TSP accounts. Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SEP Ira, and Simple IRA accounts are also considered traditional retirement accounts. Many of these accounts have stayed stagnant in regards to contribution limits from 2020 to 2021, like 401(k) and 403(b) accounts which remain at $19,500. However, IRA accounts have increased to $6,000 (aggregate total for traditional and Roth accounts) and HSA contributions have increased to $3,600 (single) and $7,200 (family) with a catch up of $1,000 for those over 55.

Tim suggests a few areas of investing to consider after maxing out traditional retirement accounts. Real estate investing is a viable way to build wealth as it often provides flexibility and cash flow, can generate both short and long term gains, and comes with a lot of tax benefits. Of course there are risks involved with real estate investing and it isn’t as passive as a traditional retirement account, but can be a way to help grow your income and net worth. Starting or investing in a business is another avenue to take after maxing out your retirement accounts. This could be in the form of starting a side hustle or business, inheriting or becoming part of a family business, or investing in a partnership. Lastly, taxable brokerage accounts like Robinhood or Acorns are a good stepping stone to get into a different type of investing, however Tim suggests being intentional with what your setting brokerage accounts up for. He also shares that the more boring you can be with investments, like investing in the S&P 500 or total market index funds, the better it is.

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Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich: Tim Baker, good to have you back on the mic. What’s new?

Tim Baker: Not much. Just settling into our new office, YFP headquarters in downtown Columbus. So that’s coming together slowly with just furniture and everything else. But yeah, just getting comfortable. How about you?

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, exciting times, I think, for YFP. Excited about having you in Columbus. And we’ve got some exciting things planned for the year, and so here today we’re talking about all options for investing after you’ve maxed out traditional retirement accounts. So first of all, if you are somebody listening that hasn’t maxed out your traditional retirement accounts, kudos to you. That’s not an easy thing to do by any means. And remember, as we say many times on the show, investing is only one part of the financial plan. It can’t be looked at in a silo. And for those that are listening that are at the beginning of the investing journey or looking for a refresher, make sure to check out episodes 072-076, our Investing 101 series, as well as Episode 163, Investing Beyond the 401k, 403b, where we discussed IRAs and HSAs in details. And so we’re going to build upon that information here today. So Tim Baker, let’s back up a bit. What are we talking about when we say traditional retirement accounts?

Tim Baker: I guess the thing that pops into my head first and foremost are going to be what’s provided through the employer. That’s typically things like the 401k, the 403b. A lot of us have supplemental retirement plans, things like the 457, some people have 4018s, which are kind of like 401k’s. And then those that we kind of manage ourselves or through the help of a financial planner, so these are things like traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs. Sometimes we’ll see SEP IRAs for those that are self-employed or work for a small business. And simple IRAs also fall under that. So traditionally, those are the ones that we lean on first when we’re kind of looking at ways to defer income for the purposes of saving for retirement.

Tim Ulbrich: So talking about 2021 numbers here, have contribution limits changed from 2020 as folks are considering, alright, new year, what could I be doing to take advantage of these accounts?

Tim Baker: Some of them have changed, but a lot of them actually stayed stagnant. So the most common, the 401k/403b, is the same. So in 2020, you could put $19,500 per year. And that’s of your own money, so doesn’t matter what the match is that your employer gives you. That’s of your own money. And that’s the same for 2021. So you know, if you take your income, you take $19,500 and divide it by your income, that’s the max percentage that you could put in throughout the course of that year. So what I always say to clients that — particularly those that are starting out and maybe they have a little 401k inertia, which is hey, I put 3% and my employer matched 3%, and then they get stuck there. Years later, they’re 5-10 years into their career and they’re still there, that’s typically not going to be enough. So I kind of like the idea of planting the seed of a race to 10% or a race to double digits. And again, that’s kind of just a rule of thumb. Now, in the IRA world, the contribution limits are also the same. So you can put up to $6,000 per year, if you’re thinking about this monthly, $500 a month, into a traditional and/or Roth IRA. So that’s an aggregate number. So if I put $1,000 into my traditional, I can put $5,000 into my Roth IRA. And then probably the other one that I would call out that actually did creep up a bit is the HSA, the Health Savings Account, which is the one that we always talk about that has the triple tax benefit. So if you’re in a high deductible health plan, you basically qualify for that. If you’re an individual, you can put up to $3,600 per year. If you’re a family, $7,200. And then if you’re over 55, there’s a catchup of $1,000 per year as well. So those would probably be the ones that I would call out. So again, if you are in that population of people — which I wouldn’t say it’s always a lot of the clients that we’re working with — but if you are in that population of people that are maxing out the 401k, the IRA, the HSA, then this episode, you know, might be for you where you’re like, OK, well where do I go next?

Tim Ulbrich: And as a reminder, we have a new quick reference guide too. You can quickly take a look at 2021 key retirement numbers, including 401k, 403b, traditional IRA, Roth contribution limits, HSA, education tax credit incentives, required minimum distribution, tax rates. So for those number nerds out there, this is for you. YourFinancialPharmacist.com/2021, you can download that sheet. So Tim, that was one of my questions. I talked with a prospective client this morning who was really in this camp of, you know what, I need to full throttle my investing plan. So I’m at a point of or near at a point of maxing out my 401k, yes, I see another $6,000 I can put in an IRA, doesn’t necessarily have access to an HSA, so is at this point of alright, I’m ready to go with the next steps. So how often do you see this among pharmacists and clients of ours? How hard is it for pharmacists to max them out? And for those that aren’t maxing them out, what’s typically holding them back?

Tim Baker: It’s hard. I think, again, it depends on where you are in kind of your career and where you’re at. If you are a more of a new practitioner and you’re saddled with six figures of debt, to put money into a 401k can be a little bit of a tough go, especially if you’re looking at a $2,000 monthly loan payment. Sometimes, that is very much baked into the strategy that we are employing that the money that goes into these pre-tax accounts lowers AGI and potentially maximizes a forgiveness play, or if you’re looking at a I’ve refinanced, I’m trying to get through them quickly, I am paying $2,000, $3,000, $4,000, sometimes just not a lot of money left over to go into these retirement accounts. Now, there are 10% of pharmacists out there — those are the numbers — that don’t have loans, that kind of the world is their oyster. But that doesn’t always necessarily mean that their money is going into retirement accounts. A lot of pharmacists after going through years and years of training, it’s kind of like, alright, I need to treat myself a little bit. And then that can sometimes be hard to get out of as well. So I think the flip side of that is if you are further along in your career — so the answer, you know, one of the questions is like, is it a big deal that I’m not maxing these out? And I’m like, it depends. If you’re 35 and you’re trying to retire by 50, maybe it is a big deal. If you’re 45 or 50 and you’re trying to retire by 60, maybe it is a big deal. So I think it’s a little bit of, again, looking at the math and how you feel about what your retirement prospects look like and then marrying those two up. But I think if you are in early in your career and you’re maxing these out, it’s just such an easier lift because in the investments, it’s not about timing the market, it’s about time in the market. And if you can get your money working and have that work for 3-4 decades, that money, you know, is just going to go that much further rather if you wait a decade or two out before retirement. So typically, the earlier that you do it, just the easier that number is that you need to be setting aside per month versus waiting. And that’s really what we’re talking about here.

Tim Ulbrich: And I’m going to give a disclaimer here, Tim, before I ask my next question that none of what we’re talking about here is obviously individual investment advice. And for the reason you just mentioned there, it does very much depend on one’s personal situation. And it’s becoming the running joke of, “it depends,” on this podcast. But it’s so true and speaks to the value of one-on-one, customized planning. So my question is, you know, let’s say someone is investing in their 401k/403b or employer-sponsored plan, should they focus on maxing that out first? And really, what I’m getting here is what’s the order of priority when it comes to investing and how do we think through determining this order?

Tim Baker: Yeah, so if we kind of can figure out like how to navigate the multiple competing priorities — and obviously, we talked about like student debt, you know, we didn’t really focus on consumer debt, which we have a lot of pharmacists that come to us that are — we recently started working with a pharmacist, and their biggest pain point was about $50,000 in consumer and personal debt. So — and rightfully so. That’s the one that’s probably the most debilitating. If we can work through the other competing priorities like other pieces of debt and the life events that are — whether it’s marriage, buying a house, having kids, going on vacation, caring for elder parents, you know, saving for kids’ educations, and all that stuff, then really, the baseline I think priority that we typically look at — and I would probably say for Step 1, everything else aside, unless you have really terrible credit card debt, at a minimum I think everyone that has a match available to them from their employer, they should capitalize on that. So you know, the old adage is like, take advantage of the free money. So one of the things I’ll humble brag is like YFP, we have a Safe Harbor 401k that if our employees put in 5%, we match 4%. And I want to make sure that everyone’s taking advantage of that because it is free money. So to me, for the most part, everyone should do that. From there, you know, if there is an HSA on the table due to a high-deductible plan, I’d probably say that would probably be the second bucket to look at because it has a lot of versatility in terms of what you can use it for. You can use it for today’s health expenses, tomorrow’s health expenses, and then tomorrow’s like retirement. And with the triple tax benefit, if you can shelter $3,600-$7,200 per year for the next x amount of years, that’s a great benefit. And then from there, what we typically say is look outside of the 401k and look at things like IRAs, whether that’s a Roth IRA or a traditional IRA. The reason for that is typically, a lot of 401k’s are strapped with administrative fees and/or there’s not a lot of investment options. But it’s more tied to the fees. So if you can establish an IRA and keep costs low, I think that’s a big win. We believe that the expense related to investments is going to be one of the bigger drivers in making sure that you have an efficient portfolio. So if we can do that in an IRA — and to go back to that, a lot of 401k’s are not created equal. So you have some great 401k’s and 403b’s that are absolutely efficient and fantastic, and then you have those that are not. And it can be a very, very wide range. We’re talking about, you know, very wide differences between great and not-so-great. Typically, though, once you max out the IRA, what you want to do is go back to the 401k and max that out. So that’s that $19,500. So again, you calculate that by $19,500 divided by your — or your income divided by the $19,500 — and that’s the percentage that you use. And then finally — and this can probably work concurrently in some ways — you know, if you do have access to other retirement plans or SEP IRAs if you have a side business or things like that, that might be another good way to go. And then from there, from a traditional sense, you know, a lot of financial planners will just point you to a brokerage account. So those individuals that have like a Robinhood account or an Acorns account, where they typically do that Step 1 or Step 2, you know, in most instances, it’s better to kind of make sure that you’re doing all these other things first. But it could be a brokerage account, it could be where you get into real estate investing. It could be where you are buying into a business or starting a business, things like that. But that’s kind of a general rule of thumb for most investors on how to tackle the priority.

Tim Ulbrich: Great stuff, Tim. And we will link in the show notes, we have an investing priority document. We’ve talked about it previously on the podcast as well. I can’t help but mention, you brought Robinhood’s name up before — what a week for Robinhood with the whole Gamestop thing going on this week.

Tim Baker: Yeah, I know, right?

Tim Ulbrich: Pretty crazy times. But I think brokerage accounts are getting a lot of attention this week. So we’ve established some of these more traditional accounts, 401k’s or 403b’s, or for those that are working in the federal government, of course the TSP, you mentioned the HSA, the IRAs, going back to the 401k or 403b or equivalent, perhaps a SEP IRA. And then we got to this, you know, what’s next, right? And so of course, often the advice is a brokerage account. But you mentioned several other things that might be in the mix, so perhaps real estate investing, of course, the brokerage account, investing in a business — I know I often hear something like insurance type of investments may come up. So let’s break these down a little bit further. First off, real estate investing. This is something we talked about a lot in 2020 and are excited to dig into this topic even more in 2021 as we’ve heard from many of you that are interested in learning more about real estate investing, whether that’s hearing some of this for the first time, whether that’s investing in building the portfolio that you already have, or perhaps for some of you, hearing and saying, you know what, it’s not a good fit for me. And obviously, we try to bring both sides of this, of sharing stories of folks that have been successful but also appropriately bringing in the risks that can come here as well. So Tim Baker, from your perspective, I know you personally have an investment property, I know this is something that has come up with clients, something we’re talking more and more about with clients, tell us at a high level why real estate investing, from your perspective, can be something at least worth evaluating for folks out that are maxing out these accounts?

Tim Baker: Yeah, so I think, you know, if we step back and we kind of think about like traditional financial planners, I think, you know, what I typically hear is from a financial planner, like ah, like do you really want to do that? Because do you want to unclog toilets at 2 in the morning? And the answer is no, nobody wants to do that. But I think the sentiment is really rooted in how the advisor gets paid in a lot of ways. So traditional financial planners are really going to get compensated by you, the client, having as much money in your traditional investments, whether that’s an IRA or a brokerage account or a 401k for you to eventually roll over to them for them to manage. I guess the way that we view this is we view real estate as a viable way to build wealth outside of traditional investments that have both kind of near-term benefits of flexibility and cash flow, you know — for example, when you put your money into a 401k, like wave goodbye to that until you’re at least 59.5, for the most part. So you never really can get access to that where if I buy a property, like I could start cash flowing that and make $100, $200, $300 off of that property the next month. There’s that near term, but then you’re also building, and the asset is appreciating as the note that you’re paying down is depreciated. And then there’s a lot of tax benefits from that in terms of being able to make income but then offset that by the deductions. And there’s a lot of things that’s built into the IRS tax code that reward real estate investors. And I think the other thing that’s flexible is that you could keep that, you know, if you talk about a buy-and-hold strategy, you could keep that for the next 30 years just like you keep a 401k. Or you could say 10 years into it, I want to liquidate this and do something else and basically cash out the equity that you have in the property and go do something completely else, which means you could retire on that. So that is maybe another viable strategy. So because of the flexibility, I think because of the tax benefits that you receive, I think it’s a viable way to build wealth. Now, is it as passive as traditional investment? No. And the more passive it is, the less benefit and flexibility that you’ll get. The more actively managed it is, typically the more flexibility and benefit that you get. But then the tradeoff is that you’re actively managing and it takes time and there’s risk. Well, there’s risk in anything. But I think, Tim, really for those reasons, that’s why we like it. And we think it’s a vi — again, a viable way to build wealth. And at the end of the day, the way that we work with clients is what we’re trying to do is help grow and protect income so you could make an argument that we’re growing income in a real estate portfolio by, you know, we’re cash flowing and we’re protecting it because maybe we’re diversifying that away from a typical pharmacist’s salary. We’re growing and protecting the net worth, which means what we have a collateralized asset with a note that’s appreciating over time, while keeping your goals in mind. So again, if that means early retirement, if that means more of a nontraditional path in terms of the career, I think the real estate aspect creates a lot of opportunity to really fulfill financial independence in the eyes of the pharmacist.

Tim Ulbrich: And I’m so glad, Tim, you mentioned the story and example that’s often used as the objection early on of like, who wants to be a plumber in the middle of the night? And I remember — for those that have read “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” they will be able to resonate with this — but I remember reading that book for the first time, and it was like unlocking like a piece of information that I hadn’t really been exposed to or learned before. And that obviously is a little bit more philosophical in nature, and then you start talking to people who are doing it and learning more about it, and that’s one of the great things about where we are in 2021, I mean, the resources available out there to learn more and to connect with others that are doing it is really, really incredible. But I think being open to learning, you know, perhaps being willing to see what might be the answer to some of those objections is really important. And we’re excited to bring more pharmacist’s stories to this community in 2021 on real estate investing and also connect other pharmacist investors with one another. And I would point folks back to Episode 167, we brought on David Bright to talk about must-know real estate terminology. I think that’s a great place to start. You mentioned, Tim, many of the upsides and benefits, perhaps appreciation, cash flow, tenants paying down a loan, some tax benefits, obviously we’re just scratching the surface here. And obviously, you also presented some of the challenge. You know, it may not necessarily be passive, the quality of tenants may or may not be what you have in mind. I think too there’s a little bit of, you know, I call it HGTV syndrome, Tim, in terms of like, you know, you watch the flipping show and you’re like, yeah, I got it, right? And so I think we’ve all got to take a step back and really make sure we’re not overconfident. But I think for pharmacists, I’m not sure overconfidence is often the risk here. I think it’s probably being too passive and feeling like it’s out-of-reach and not necessarily being willing to take what they may feel is a very significant risk to get started. So we’ve talked about several of these strategies on the episode thus far, you know, obviously there’s the buy-and-hold strategy. In Episode 129, we brought on Aaron Howell, and he discussed how he built a 29-unit portfolio. We brought Ryan Chaw on Episode 140 about how he built his portfolio of college town investing. Episode 173, we brought him back on to talk about his systems, which was a really neat episode to hear how he actually operationalizes this. Obviously that’s one strategy, buy and hold. We’ve talked about flips before, Nate Hedrick, 178, five lessons learned from his flip. And we’re going to continue the conversation. There’s other areas, of course, in wholesaling and forming partnerships, and we’re excited about what’s ahead here. So real estate investing, Tim, is one aspect. Another that pops to mind that is near and dear to our hearts, obviously, with what we’ve been building at YFP is building a business, investing in a business, and this, of course, is a big topic. But at a high level, you know, what types of things do you see from our clients in terms of whether it’s side hustles that they’re starting, businesses that they’re starting or even perhaps looking at investing in other businesses and how they begin to evaluate whether that’s a path forward for them?

Tim Baker: Yeah, so I think what I see most frequently is an interest in a closely-held family business, so like a private company that was inherited from maybe a grandfather or things like that and, you know, the question is like, should I keep this? Like what’s the benefit? And you know, they’re getting K1 every year with maybe a little bit of income that they have to basically declare for the IRS. So it could be like more like that. But then I think that there’s also — I mean, we’ve had clients that have taken their side business, their side hustle, and made it a fully fledged, like a regular business. So it could be just plowing money back into the business itself rather than going into the traditional, but I also have had clients interested in investing in like a partnership, whether it’s like a gym or things like that that, you know, that’s a little bit more of a — there’s a lot of risk there. There’s a lot of, again, what’s your role? What do you bring to the business? Is it money? Is it expertise? Is it planning? Is it clients? And kind of really understanding that. Sometimes, it’s just money. So it’s like, hey, I’m going put money in and let you do your thing, and you’re kind of more of a silent investor. So this can come — just like real estate, this can come in a lot of different flavors. So can investing in a business. Again, one of my favorite shows on TV is “Shark Tank.” So I love watching that and how investors speak with business owners and I’m always interested in business just because I just like to talk small business, in particular, and what makes it work and not work. I think we have a lot of clients that are there. I would say for the most part, the predominant thing that I see is a share of an inherited family business or really, taking this hobby or this side hustle and really forming a fully fledged business and how to really handle that. And a lot of the conversation is, you know, do I take money out of the business? Or do I basically reinvest into the business so I make sure it survives and grows?

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and we will continue — one of the areas that I’m very passionate about in the profession of pharmacy is I feel like we are missing some creativity around helping students as well as helping pharmacists just imagine what could be different possibilities or ideas. And I think we do that by sharing stories. Not that they necessarily hear a story of a business or side hustle and say, “I’m going to do exactly that,” but to help them think about another area as an example of something that they’re passionate about in terms of solving a problem, creating a solution to that problem. And so we’ll be bringing more in that area. And you know, I agree. We have to know — you know, everyone knows the stats that most small businesses don’t work. Debbie Downer reality. But I think for those that really do their due diligence, understand what their business is all about, is there a market for it, you know, there certainly is some upsides financially in terms of tax, building equity. One of the things that gets me so excited about business is that there may not be a ceiling. Obviously there can also be a floor.

Tim Baker: Right.

Tim Ulbrich: Or falling through a floor that you have to be aware of and also access to some of the retirement options that we’ve already talked about. So we mentioned, again, in the context of investing beyond maxing out traditional accounts, we’ve talked about real estate, we’ve talked about investing in business. What about probably the most common area here, which is taxable and brokerage accounts? What are some things as you’re working with clients that you’re advising them, getting them to think about, whether it’s choosing where they’re going to be investing that money, how they might keep fees low, how they determine where those investments go? Talk to us about the approach in putting money into a taxable or brokerage account.

Tim Baker: The most common that you see are kind of like the Robinhood, Acorns just because they’re UI and they’re use is so clean and easy. And I think for a lot of people that are curious about investing, it’s a first way — you know, kind of the first way to kind of wade in and see, OK, I want to buy this stock, etc. Typically, we talk about the priority of investing, you know, we just started working with a client that had, again, $20,000 in credit card debt but then they have a $10,000 like Robinhood account. And I’m like, those probably don’t make sense. So I think like with brokerage accounts, what I am a big fan of seeing with savings is like what is this account actually for? So a lot of the uses that we see for brokerage accounts are a tax bomb. So those that are taking non-PSLF forgiveness, you know, they need to cover that tax bill. So they’re putting money into a brokerage account because they’re going to need to access it before 59.5 years old, so they can’t put it into their retirement account, and they need to be able to pay off that tax bill when the loan is forgiven. The other one is, again, when we max everything out, that’s a good use for it. So what I typically urge clients to do, though — and it really directs how we’re going to allocate that particular account — is what is it for? So if you’re trying to retire at 50, all of these traditional accounts that we’ve talked about, for the most part — and there’s some exceptions of what you can do, but you can’t really access them without a penalty until you’re 59.5 years old. So that means you have 10 years, 9.5 years where you have to figure something out. And usually, that figure something out is having a robust brokerage account or maybe liquidating part of a real estate portfolio to be able to cover those first 10 years of retirement. I think the big thing here is if you have an IRA, I probably would just have your brokerage account there. And I’m not down on any of these other apps or things like that, but I think for ease of use — and again, not every custodian is equal; there’s going to be different fees and things like that. So you want to be mindful of that. But I know the sexy and the exciting thing to do is to pick individual stocks, whether it’s Tesla or Gamestop or Ford or whatever it is. But I think, you know — and again, not investment advice — but I think the more boring that you are with your investments, typically the better it is because the sexier and the, you know, the investment strategy is, typically the more speculative and the more expensive it is to the investor. So it could be as easy as putting it into an S&P 500 index or a total market index or things like that and call it a day. So there are some advisors that are colleagues of mine, they hear me talk about real estate investing and all of these other things, and I’ll say like, “Hey, this is the reason I believe that a lot of traditional advisors don’t say it is because it’s a function of income.” And sometimes, it’s — and I get a little pushback on that because I’m kind of criticizing my brethren, but it also could just be it’s a ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid’ approach, which I think for finances, it can go a long way. So you know, there is absolutely nothing wrong — I know we’re talking about small businesses and real estate — there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a 401k, an IRA, and a brokerage account and doing a damn good job of building wealth and living an intentional, wealthy life with those tools.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and I think to that point, Tim, like I would encourage our community, like lean into what you’re comfortable on. You know, I think sometimes there’s some FOMO of like, you know, oh, so-and-so is doing real estate investing or so-and-so owns their own business, and it’s cool and flashy, which you usually don’t see the other side of it all the time. But maybe that is a fit, maybe it’s not. But you know, learn about them, understand them, understand your risk tolerance — and maybe for many folks, it’s really leaning into maxing out traditional accounts, maybe opening some brokerage accounts. But perhaps those other things aren’t a good fit. And I agree with you, I’m seeing more and more pharmacists that seem to be interested in financial independence, early retirement, some combination of those, whether they love their job or maybe not. And I think this is where these tools, the brokerage account specifically, come into play. And last week, we interviewed Scott Rieckens, author of “Playing with FIRE,” Episode 188 for those that are interested in learning more about Financial Independence Retire Early. Tim Baker, great stuff. I think this really highlights for me, again, we’re only talking about here investing, one part of the financial plan. But within the investing bucket, we’ve talked about several different things that of course are traditional accounts and all of the nuances there and then beyond that, lots of decisions to be made, priorities to be balanced, and evaluations to be done. And I think this is a great opportunity to promote and shoutout our financial planning team and our lead planners that work directly with clients one-on-one to have these types of conversations, to look at what are the opportunities, what’s the goal, what’s the purpose, what’s the priority, and then ultimately, how do we put a plan in place to make sure that we achieve it over time? So for those that are interested in learning more about the comprehensive financial planning services we offer at YFP Planning, head on over to YFPPlanning.com. You can schedule a free discovery call, and we’d love to talk with you to see if our services are a good fit for what you’re looking for. And as always, if you liked what you heard on this week’s episode of the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast, please leave us a rating and review on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen to the show each and every week. That’s going to help others find what we’re doing here over at YFP. Have a great rest of your week.

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YFP 188: Playing with FIRE: An Interview with Scott Rieckens

Playing with FIRE: An Interview with Scott Rieckens

On this episode, sponsored by Insuring Income, Scott Rieckens, author of Playing with FIRE, joins Tim Ulbrich to talk about his journey towards achieving FIRE. Scott digs into the ins and outs of the FIRE movement, why he and his wife decided to leave their friends and family in San Diego, how to calculate your early retirement number, and strategies for implementing your own FIRE plan.

About Today’s Guest

Scott Rieckens is an Emmy-nominated film/video producer, serial entrepreneur, and author. Scott has spent his career as a storyteller connecting people with ideas. Along the way, Scott’s work has generated millions of views through a feature-length documentary, multiple televisions series, short films, and a diverse range of commercial projects for Microsoft, NBC, Facebook, FOX, Taylor Guitars, BMW, WIRED and others.

Now, Scott has created Playing with FIRE, which explores the growing community of frugal-minded folks choosing a path to financial independence and early retirement. He and his family reside in Bend, OR.


When Scott Rieckens, author of Playing with FIRE and creator of the documentary Playing with FIRE, discovered FIRE (financial independence, retire early) a few years ago, it was life changing for him and his family. Achieving FIRE allows people to potentially retire decades earlier than they normally would, a dream that many think could never become a reality. There are some guidelines that allow people to reach this dream, like the 4% rule and 25x rule, however, Scott mentions that FIRE helps you learn habits that push you to save a lot more than you ever thought possible and gets you to start spending your money on things that align with your values. He says that if you start saving more than your spending, you can invest your money in index funds, max out tax advantaged accounts, and let compound interest take over.

Scott became interested in starting a journey towards FIRE after realizing that he wasn’t in control of his time and was spending more time working than he was with his family. With some calculations, Scott determined that if he saved 16% of his income he would retire in 33.4 years but if he saved 58% of his income he could retire in 11 years. He realized that his family was spending money frivolously and went on a quest to align their spending with their values to help reduce their expenses. To figure out his family’s core values, Scott and his wife, Taylor, independently wrote 10 things that provide happiness to them. They continued this exercise weekly and used it as a tool to reduce spending money on things that weren’t aligned with their values and created a budget around what makes them happy.

Scott also talks through how mental shifts can help you cut expenses, how to push yourself to save more money, how to calculate your early retirement number, and strategies for implementing your own FIRE plan.

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Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich: Scott, welcome to the show!

Scott Rieckens: Thanks for having me.

Tim Ulbrich: Really excited about this interview. As I mentioned before we hit record, I loved the book “Playing with FIRE,” couldn’t put it down, read it in about 24 hours. Loved the documentary. And I’m excited to get you in front of our community as I know this topic is something that is of interest, and I think your story as well as the broader conversation around FIRE is going to provide a lot of value. So thank you again for taking the time.

Scott Rieckens: Yeah, it’s my absolute pleasure. Thanks for having me on.

Tim Ulbrich: So for those in our community that are hearing about FIRE for maybe the first or even second time, give us a high level overview. What exactly is the FIRE movement all about?

Scott Rieckens: So the FIRE movement, it’s — FIRE is an acronym that stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. And I think it’s a community of people who are practicing sort of a preconceived set of principles so that they can put themselves in a position of financial independence, potentially retiring decades earlier than they would have expected with sort of the way we saw ourselves growing up. So you know, it’s sort of nebulous because there are certain rules that — well, there’s things like the 4% Rule that’s called a rule, but it’s really more of a guideline. And I kind of see many of the principles of FIRE being more of a guideline than a rule. So there’s no hard and fast rules in the FIRE movement. There’s probably not even a real movement yet. But I do think that we’re starting to see seeds of social change. And once, you know, once this can really hit mainstream to the point where we’re seeing social change predicated off of or because of the FIRE movement, then I think we can call it a movement. But for now, it’s fun to call it the movement because it helps those of us who are trying to make it a movement move along. But ultimately the idea is that you learn habits that help you save a lot more than you thought was possible or just really start spending according to your values and really taking a hard look at what those values are as it relates to your spending. And if you can start saving more than you’re making, well, we have a pretty tried-and-true investment strategy. You know, and again, it varies and they’re more guidelines. But in general, people like to invest the surplus in index funds and max out your tax advantaged accounts as much as possible. And then the beauty of compound interest takes over, and the next thing you know, you’re looking at a growing net worth, a growing portfolio, and before you know it, you might have enough to live off of for the rest of your life. So these were all foreign concepts to me three years ago. And then I heard a podcast with Mr. Money Mustache, who is one of the — maybe one of the modern founders of the FIRE movement — and he was discussing these things, and I had never heard of them. I always looked at investing as sort of this nebulous thing that I wasn’t too aware of and I would need a Master’s degree to even participate in. So I kind of brushed it under the rug. And then I heard about all these things, and it all sounded pretty easy to understand and pretty accessible, and it all made sense. And so that’s kind of how I got on the path to our FIRE journey.

Tim Ulbrich: That’s great. And I love that you mentioned, Scott, guidelines because I think that it can feel perhaps if people are learning for the first time that it’s an exact science or somewhat legalistic in some regards. But as we talk about many parts of the financial plan, it comes down to customizing it to your personal situation, and everyone’s situation is different. So I think the guidelines, the principles, are really important. And one of those being — you mentioned the 4% Rule. Talk to us about what is the 4% Rule, and how does that impact one determines what their “FIRE number” is?

Scott Rieckens: Yeah, so the 4% Rule, like I said, more of a 4% Guideline, is a pretty incredible little assumption. And it’s that if you withdraw 4% off of your portfolio annually that — I think it’s something like you have a 96% chance of not running out of your principal investment portfolio over 30 years. And it’s based off of this thing called the Trinity Study. So another way to look at it is — the way I like to look at it is the 25x Rule. And so basically, you take your annual spending. Let’s say it’s $40,000 a year. And you multiply that by 25. And that is $1 million. And so basically, it gives you a way to figure out how much do I need to retire? So if your annual spending is x, you multiply x by 25, and that’s how much you need to retire because you’ll have a 96% chance of never running out of the principal investment portfolio that you have. So it’s a pretty darn safe assumption and guideline. Now, there are some people in the movement that are maybe talking about 3.75% or 3.5% is even safer, and that’s — you know, that all has to do with so many different parameters: your risk tolerance, if you plan to have sort of a side hustle or any kind of passive income or non-passive income into your “retirement years.” And those things can affect, you know, when you decide or what your percentage or when you decide to pull the trigger on your path to financial independence. But in general, I mean, I was starting from scratch. So I couldn’t have even told you how to understand what I need to retire or what that would even look like. And so to just call it the 4% Rule or the 25x and the way I just described it to you, like that’s pretty simple. It made sense to me. And it’s backed by some pretty credible studies. And like I said, there’s people in the movement who are far superior to me in intelligence who pick this stuff apart annually. And so this isn’t something that’s like oh yeah, a study way back in the day said this thing, so we’re all good. This is something that people are constantly scrutinizing. And it turns out what it’s all predicated on is the stock market over time just continues to grow. And so if you’re putting your investments into the stock market — and one of the safest bets you can make is investing in index funds because especially really solid index funds like let’s say Vanguard’s VTSAX, there are a whole team of people who are ensuring that the index of stocks are the highest performing stocks they can possibly have in that index, and it basically represents the growing stock market. So what’s nice about that is you can take a pretty reasonable growth average, and then you can start building models for what your future might look like. And like we have a retirement calculator on our website that, you know, basically bakes in all these principles into one little calculator, and you just plug in your own personal numbers and you can kind of see, oh, alright, you’re on the path, and this is how long it’s going to take you to reach financial independence. Taylor and I did this early, early on in our journey, and for Taylor, it was a huge eye-opener. It was for me as well, but I had gone through a lot of this stuff because I didn’t bring it all to her right away because it was a lot to bring because we were making a lot of interesting money decisions at that time, and there was a lot to unpack there to keep our relationship together while trying to also convince her to maybe join me on this crazy quest to pursue FIRE. But ultimately, you know, when we did the retirement calculator, at our current spending at that time, we were looking at — I think it was something like 40 years of additional work. And at that point, we were so burnt out by work, 40 years sounded like a life sentence. And it was something like we’d be working into our mid- to late 70s I want to say. And then I did some rearranging and said, OK, well if we cut our rent by this and we get rid of our two leased cars and we buy a used car for $8,000 or whatever it was, and we cut our food spending — we needed to cut that quite a bit, it was more than half, let’s say that — and then all these other extraneous things we’re doing, I mean, entertainment. The amount of money we were spending on entertainment was insane, especially where we lived where there was so much free entertainment all around us. And I started doing those numbers and kind of just built a pretty reasonable budget, and I re-entered that information into the retirement calculator to see that we were I think at that time, it was something like 10 years or something away from financial independence. I mean, to shave three decades off of your working career by just making smart money decisions, to me, that was a no-brainer. And it was a huge eye-opener because it wasn’t as if we were spending because we couldn’t help it. It wasn’t because — we weren’t spending because we have an insatiable consumeristic bent, you know?

Tim Ulbrich: Sure.

Scott Rieckens: We didn’t see ourselves that way at all. We kind of were that way, but we didn’t see ourselves that way. And so to just have that eye-opening realization and to get that in order and to do so with the guidance of a pretty strong community online where I could go for answers at any time and have some pretty compelling arguments on why I would want to do these things, it was a pretty quick and swift decision I think in the Rieckens household. And then we got busy sharing that story with the world because I’m a content creator by trade, and this story just seemed too important not to share.

Tim Ulbrich: And it was a great story to share. And for those that want to check out the retirement calculator as well as the other resources and learn more about the book, the documentary, PlayingwithFIRE.co, again, PlayingwithFIRE.co. And Scott, the math is really incredible. I pulled a note from the book. You had mentioned that when you first crunched the numbers using that retirement calculator, you determined you could retire in 34.3 years with a savings rate of 16%, which is a pretty good savings rate. And that was using $120,000 annual expenses, $22,000 in savings. And then the next calculation showed a drop from 34.3 years to 11 years if you could cut expenses in half and get to a savings rate of 58%. So I think that’s what I love about the way you teach this material, the way others teach this in the community, the 25x Rule or maybe it’s the 27x Rule, whatever that number is is that it helps shine a light on retirement numbers. It’s math, right? It’s a set of assumptions, and then you can look at things and determine, OK, what can I change? What might I not be able to change? What levers can I pull? What will have more impact? And then you’re off and running if that’s a goal that you want to pursue. And so I want to talk more about your story. And I want to read for a moment a segment from the book, Chapter 1 is Work, Eat, Sleep and Repeat. And you say this at the beginning of the chapter. You say, “If you’d driven by me on the freeway in San Diego on this particular Monday morning in Feb. 2017, you probably wouldn’t have looked twice. A guy in his mid-30s, sitting in traffic in a relatively new but unremarkable car, drinking a cold brew from Starbucks, just another American heading to work. In fact, there was nothing particularly special about that Monday morning, and I would have lumped it in with 100 other ordinary Monday mornings that I had spent navigating traffic on my way to work, except that on this particular morning, I heard an idea that would change the course of my entire life, an idea that would cause me to quit my job, leave California and spend a year traveling with my family, to question everything I thought I knew about success, money and freedom, to find the secret to the American Dream, the thing that most people crave but few achieve, the ability to do absolutely anything I wanted.” My question here is what caused this desire and feeling? And when did this begin?

Scott Rieckens: Man. I haven’t heard that back in awhile. That was fun. I think we all have an inherent desire for a certain sense of freedom and independence. And you know, I think — I can’t speak for everyone, but when I was in school, when I was in high school and then getting into college, I look back with sort of I think I had sort of a relentless optimism that work would be interesting and what I would do would be great and the things that would follow that, family and friends and all the things, you know, that they would carry me along the way. And I think as you start to get in — well, in my case, got into my mid-30s, I’d been working for a decade, some of those things came true. I got to achieve some goals I had set for myself. I had done some things I was proud of, had just started a family, which I was also immensely proud of. And all those things are fantastic, but they weren’t the entire picture of fulfillment for me because what was weighing me down was I wasn’t in control of my time. Next thing you know, I’ve built this family, I’ve got this job, but there’s no balance here. I have to be at my job more that I want to be and see my family less than I want to see them. I think that’s what it really boiled down to was just why don’t I have that control? And when it hit me, what really hit me was it was my own decisions, it was my own choices, our family’s own choices that were hindering us from having that control and having that freedom. And that’s something that had not connected for me. And you know, at the end of the day, for better or for worse, money is how the world operates. You know, this is how our social construct has been constructed. So what it really boils down to is can you earn money? And if so, how are you using it? And I just had not spent the time to consider those things. One of the taglines of this whole project is what if a happier life were a few simple choices away? And I think that’s ultimately — like that encapsulates what I had found, which was that there is a happier life a few simple choices away. That’s incredible. And then the next question that we kind of posed to ourselves was like, how far would you go for financial freedom?

Tim Ulbrich: Yes.

Scott Rieckens: You know? And that’s ultimately up to you. So that’s why I always say like, the FIRE movement is a set of guidelines, not rules. And the FIRE movement may or may not a movement, but there’s certainly a community of people who really appreciate the idea of spending less on extraneous things that don’t really bring you value and really being smart with your choices. And when you have a group of people that see it that way, it makes it a lot easier to do because I also remember having to unpack our life a bit. You know, there were a lot of — whether it was true or not, whether it was sort of a figment of our imagination or a reality, it felt daunting to suddenly take on a new identity, right? Because you have all of your friends and all of your family that see you one way and have gotten accustomed and used to the way you are. And to have to just kind of throw all that out and start fresh can be really daunting. And so it’s really helpful — you know, like never before were we able to just connect with people that see it this way that might have more information than you do and would happily share it for free instantly. That’s never really happened before, and I think that, like many things that the internet’s provided, it’s created a place where like-minded people can come together and learn from each other and grow something really quickly, grow a social movement very quickly. And right now, you know, Phase 1 of the FIRE whatever it is, to me is getting the word out. It’s improving financial literacy and realigning our world’s connection with what’s most important. You know, that’s a big, daunting task. It’s going to take a lot of time. But the best case scenario would be that Phase 2 is liberating a bunch of really smart, ambitious people from jobs that they may be apathetic at best about and liberate them to go pursue their favorite future. And what could that look like? And how could that change the world?

Tim Ulbrich: I love the way you’re thinking about that because I share that with you, Scott. What would that look like for our communities? What would that look like in terms of people maximizing their talent and their passions? And you know, we’re so passionate at YFP about if we can help put together a financial plan that allows people to pursue some of those goals, wow. I mean, game on in terms of what we could see in people getting the most of the talents that they’ve been getting. One of the things in the book that really resonated with me, as well as the documentary, which showcases the process that you and your wife Taylor worked through to get on a shared goal and path to pursue FIRE. And you mention this wasn’t easy. You know, you were obviously on board, ready to go, had been learning a lot of information and trying to get on the same page. But what I loved was in the book, in Chapter 3, you talk about an exercise where you and Taylor independently wrote down 10 things that provided happiness. And then you came together to share those lists. Why did you do that activity? And what did you glean from doing that?

Scott Rieckens: Yeah, I think, you know, looking back, it was a lot smarter decision that I think I knew it was at the time. But ultimately, you know, if we needed to align our values with our spending, it’s like, well, what are our values? And I think an easy way to decide is just think about what makes you happy. And you know, we did a happiness list predicated on a weekly basis. And it felt like the right time frame. Like if you do like on a daily basis, you’re going to get in the minutia of life and you might get too specific about the things that bring you happiness. And if you go too far out, you might get a little grand. It might be international travel or BMWs or whatever Taylor might have put on the list at that time. But a weekly basis, it’s like, what are you up to this week? And it’s like, well, I’ve got work, I’ve got this, I’ve got that. And what am I going to do to kind of inject some happiness along the way? Well, I’m going to go for a walk. I’m going to go for a bike ride. I’m going to maybe make a nice dinner this week or whatever it is. So it becomes that sort of like centered, realistic happiness list. So I really like the weekly timeframe. But yeah, we sat down and did that, and there’s a couple elements to it. One is I can’t decide for Taylor what makes her happy. And at that time, we were living in this beach community and were spending a ton of money to do so. And if the beach was on her list, and the lifestyle that that particular area provided was just swarming her list, then I had my work cut out for me. We would have to figure out a way to make that work because, you know, the idea of pursuing FIRE was not to go create a whole bunch of disruptive, diminished returns. Like I wanted to make sure that this was going to improve our lives. And so I needed to hear that from her. And she needed to consider it too because you can easily be reactionary when you think something’s about to be taken away from you. You can easily be reactionary when you’re being propositioned with something as drastic as maybe FIRE could be, and it was for us, of like having to — not having to, but maybe making the choice to move. That’s a big choice. Leave your friends behind, leave your jobs behind, like whatever you end up doing. And so yeah, I think you need to start with ultimately like, what are your values? And I think that was a way to do it. So that was critical. And it actually helped so tremendously because we didn’t even talk about money first. We talked about happiness. And I can’t recommend that enough. You talk about what matters to you the most. Then go work on a budget. Don’t work on a budget and never talk about happiness.

Tim Ulbrich: Amen.

Scott Rieckens: Or go the other way, you know, talk about your budget and then talk about happiness. Like how are you going to budget for things if you don’t know what you care about? You know, it was such a small but critical piece to our journey. And yeah, I can’t recommend it enough. Whether you decide to pursue FIRE or not, going through your Top 10 list of what makes you happy on a weekly basis quite often, maybe quarterly or biannually, is a damn good idea because it changes too. You know? We’re evolving beings, and we care more about things sometimes and care less about things other times. And those things should be reflected in your spending habits. So yeah, that was critical. And I got lucky in that scenario because she did not talk about her expensive car and she did not talk about the beach. And so that really was an opening to mutually discuss the potential for leaving. And that was ultimately I think what I would credit with why that was so successful.

Tim Ulbrich: And that was the sense I got when I read it, and it’s quoted here, you talk it all out. I hope our listeners take you up on that challenge to do it. I couldn’t agree more. And just as I reread some of these, it puts things into perspective really quick, right? I mean, I see things on here like, “Hearing my baby laugh,” you know, “Spending time having coffee with my husband,” “going for a walk,” “going for a bike ride.” And I think starting with those types of conversations around happiness and then getting into the budget and the plan and how we’re going to get there is so important. We taught this often with the financial plan of think about the goals, script your plan, and then we’ll get into the x’s and o’s because the x’s and o’s should be within the framework of the vision that we have, and that vision should ultimately derive back to how is money a tool related to deriving happiness? And by the way, Taylor nailed this when she had on here, “Wine, chocolate, and coffee.” Three of my favorite things. So she crushed that list.

Scott Rieckens: Yeah. Yeah. And I told her, look, we can buy all the wine, chocolate, and coffee you want if we take these steps on all the rest of it. And it’s worked.

Tim Ulbrich: So you mentioned the BMW, and I know that comes up throughout the book, but in all seriousness, when our listeners hear the timeframe I mentioned earlier, going from a projected retirement in 34 years down to 11 and how do you get there, you cut expenses and you increase savings. And obviously the next question is, well, how do you make dramatic cuts to expenses so you can increase your savings? So you mentioned food being one of them. You’ve alluded to the BMW. Were there other big-ticket items that were instrumental to you guys knocking down a big expense so you could get the momentum you needed?

Scott Rieckens: You know, specifically, housing, cars and food are typically the top three items that cost the most for an average family. So housing, cars and food are the No. 1 three things that I would recommend taking a hard look at, how you can get creative. Outside of those specific things, I think the thing that was the most important was the mentality, the mental shift and being on the same page because — and I can tell you this from three years of experience now. We’re not always rocking the FIRE train. You know, it’s not consistent. Like it can be consistent. We can go months, even years, where we’re on track. And then like COVID hit. And boy, one excuse after another just start popping in. Like oh, hell no. I’m doing this, I’m doing that. I’m buying this, I’m buying that. I don’t care. And I don’t regret it. We looked back at the New Year, during the New Year here, we looked back at 2020 and we said, “You know what? I think it’s better if we just don’t look at it. Let’s forgive ourselves for the decisions we made and let’s look forward because the good news is we already kind of built up the muscle, you know? We already worked out, we already know how to do this. And so let’s just keep — let’s just do it again.” And it’s amazing because it was literally a mental shift. We sat down to kind of plan out our 2021, a little vision board kind of afternoon. And it really came down to like, we wrote down the things that we wanted to shift from 2020 to 2021. And it was like, anytime we make a purchase, we talk to each other about it first, no matter how trivial because that will make us question our own decision on whether or not we need that thing and will be less about what I have to say to her and it’s more about what she has to say to herself. And it kind of prevents this reflexive, oh, it’s on Amazon, let’s grab it real quick, it’ll be here in two days, easy day, done. And that can get out of hand so quick, and so it was — and we’ve done things like that in the past, like put something in the Amazon cart and you have to keep it there for three days. If you come back in three days and you still want it, you can get it. We needed to go a little harder this time into this new year because 2020 was a dumpster fire. But again, it’s just like the best you can do is flex that mentality because we immediately got on the same page. We didn’t have to have the difficult discussion again. And I think we had the financial maturity finally to look at 2020 and say, there was a reason for those decisions. And we don’t need to sit here and relive them, we don’t need to make ourselves feel bad about them. And it did set us back a little bit on our FIRE journey. But we’re in good shape, and thank goodness because with the destruction of this year, I mean, how grateful and lucky are we that we found this when we did?

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely.

Scott Rieckens: Imagine where we would be if we hadn’t. And imagine all the folks who are suffering through these difficult times, you know? And so we were able to look at that and go, OK, we’re super lucky. Let’s get back on track because it would be a real damn shame not to, considering everything we have, you know? It’s like, we can’t afford not to do the right thing here. So I hope that answers your question. I don’t like getting into the specific, specific things of how to cut budgets because it’s really personal. You know? You may live in a low cost of living area already with a budget that’s kind of maxing out. And you don’t know what to do, and that could be a matter of having to find ways to increase your income, negotiate a bigger salary, move to a better place — or not a better place but a place with better prospects for higher salaries in your job and then being more deliberate about what your costs are in that higher cost of living area so that you can reap the benefits of the higher pay but not have to also succumb to the higher living costs. You know, there are ways to do those things, the geoarbitrage stuff. But to me, that’s all the fun fine dining in the FIRE community. That’s all the stuff you can learn in the blogs and the podcasts and whatnot is all those very specific detailed minutia of how to really formulate your budget if you want to go hard. But to get started, I think the bigger challenge and the bigger quest is for people to align their values with their spending and start pushing themselves, you know? Taylor and I, we did something that I would recommend, actually. It was extreme in some cases, and I use that word kind of flippantly. I don’t know if it’s extreme, per se, but we — I mean, we did a lot of things very quickly. Within months, we literally packed up and moved our stuff to try to find a place that was cheaper to live, leaving behind a job. I quit my job to do this. And we left behind a whole set of friends and a whole culture that we had built for ourselves, you know? And we slashed all of our spending so hard that we ended up at our peak, we were at like a 76% or 78% savings rate, something in that range. It was extreme. We didn’t buy anything unless it was absolutely critical. And we started to get a little miserable, to be honest. Like it wasn’t fun, you know? And part of that was good, though, because we were ripping off the Band-Aid and showing ourselves how much retail therapy we were really doing. And it ended up being — that’s like such an old adage, but it’s like, you know, the best things in life are free and all that stuff. It’s like, yeah, and not only that but we were going to sushi dinners, let’s say, or just nice, fine dining dinners so often that I remember — I remember one time sitting down to a beautiful, amazing sushi dinner. And we were walking home from it, and I think our discussion was something along the lines of like, “Yeah, it was good, but I feel like last week’s was better.” And it was like, that’s horrible. That’s a horrible waste of money because if I’m comparing this amazing, decadent, unbelievable dinner that took — if you think about what it took to get that fish on that plate, it’s incredible.

Tim Ulbrich: Sure.

Scott Rieckens: And I’m sitting here comparing it to last week’s. And it’s like, oh my gosh. And so to go through and really rip that Band-Aid off and go through the sort of “hardships,” you know, and then all of a sudden we haven’t eaten out in two or three months and then you go to a medium fancy restaurant, and it’s like heaven.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah.

Scott Rieckens: It’s so amazing. And so it’s almost like it’s a weird hack where all of a sudden, you’re like, wait, I like this more now.

Tim Ulbrich: Yes.

Scott Rieckens: Because I’m doing it less. And that’s when you can get into stoicism and all these various philosophies. And I don’t know, it’s just like our life started improving, even when it was more difficult. And that was an interesting paradox that ultimately, to bring this all back, is the reason why I suggest if people are interested in this and you decide to do it, to go hard at first because, you know, push yourself as hard as you can to see what your real — not your breaking point, but like, you know, your proverbial budget breaking point, see what that is and then work backwards from that. Don’t start where you are and incrementally try to improve because I just don’t think that’s going to be as effective, and you probably won’t stick with it, you know? But for us, to like go to 76-78% savings rates and be miserable and start going, OK, what are the things that we should add back in? And that was a deliberate decision. Next thing you know, we’re hitting like a 50% savings rate, which is incredible. And it feels easy. It feels luxurious. And it’s like, oh, this is it. This is awesome. How lucky are we. But we could have been doing the whole time if we had just made better decisions. And so yeah, I hope that helps.

Tim Ulbrich: It does. And the book and the documentary really takes the reader or viewer through your individual stories. And I also like in the book, you bring in other examples as I think that, again, back to the comment about customizing the scene, the different variations, helps give people ideas about how this might apply to their own individual situation. And one of the questions I have for you, Scott, is when I read the book, I really connected with you as a father of four young children. You discuss in the book the birth of your daughter in 2015 and how ultimately, you’d be pursuing this journey together as a young family. And I suspect many of our listeners are wondering, man, is this really possible? Is this lifestyle and this goal realistic with children? You picked up, you moved, you made some drastic cuts along the way. What advice or what thoughts would you give people surrounding pursuing FIRE while they have a young family?

Scott Rieckens: I don’t know that the children thing — the children thing’s tough because they are expensive little buggers, you know? They are. They’re going to “set you back” from your financial independence date.

Tim Ulbrich: Fact.

Scott Rieckens: But that’s ultimately a tradeoff — I’m sure you would agree with me — is well worth it.

Tim Ulbrich: Sure. Yes, absolutely.

Scott Rieckens: Nothing’s more important. I think for me, I look at it a little differently. It’s not, “Hey, guys, you’ve got some kids? Here’s a couple of trick to make it totally possible to do FIRE.” If you use kids as your excuse not to pursue FIRE, you’re not going to pursue FIRE, but it won’t be because of your kids. It’s because you have decided that that’s what you’ve — that’s what you’ve decided. You know? Don’t use the excuse of your kids. I’m here to tell you, I mean, I only have one, so I don’t have four. But — sorry about that. Gees. Good for you. Wow. Fighting the good fight. But you know, ultimately, we’ve got such a better plan for our financial future and her financial future because we’ve decided to make these choices. And I recognize that not everyone could tomorrow pick up and make the choice. But I assume, you know, your audience is probably in the camp that could make these choices. They just seem daunting. And that’s a great place to be. And so yeah, I wouldn’t use kids as an excuse. There are ways to — obviously there are hacks in everything we do when we spend money. And there are things that you think you need to spend money on that you don’t, you know? You can — just to be clear, I mean, you can buy the brand new Italian-made stroller. Or you can look on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist and find a used one. It’s all the obvious tips and tricks. But what’s more impactful, in my opinion, is you look at that and you go, yeah, but for my baby, I want the best or for my baby, it needs to be this or that. And those are the types of things where if you’re really aligning your values with your spending, you may look at it a little bit differently after you really do some reading up on the FIRE movement and you understand why you’re spending and the decisions that you’re making. And the next thing you know, you go from only the best for my baby to only the best for my baby and what that entails is not a brand new, Italian-made stroller. It is buying the budget stroller because the amount of money that we can save by doing that will ultimately lead to that child’s college fund or our ability to spend more time with that kid, which will then allow that child to grow better, have a better relationship with their family, with their parents, get more attention and so on and so forth. I mean, these shifts are exponential. The compound interest does not just take over on the money. Yeah, that’s how I would look at it. It’s not a matter of you’ve got kids, here’s five budget tips to help with FIRE when you have kids.

Tim Ulbrich: Sure.

Scott Rieckens: It’s, you have kids? Don’t use them as an excuse to pursue financial independence, which will ultimately benefit everyone in your family.

Tim Ulbrich: And speaking of daunting, many of our listeners, Scott, unfortunately are facing big-time student loan debt. For those that came out of pharmacy school in 2020, about $175,000 is the average, $175,000. So maybe this goes in the excuse bucket, maybe not, but obviously big student loan debt, granted they have a decent income to work with. But what are the thoughts for folks that have big mountains of student loan debt? Obviously that’s a barrier, but is something that others are facing. What have you heard from your experience? And what advice or thoughts do you give folks that are looking at student loan debt but want to pursue a path towards financial independence?

Scott Rieckens: First of all, I have the utmost empathy for people that have that kind of a mountain of debt. And you know, the hope is that that debt was an investment in an education that’s going to give you the ability to pay off that debt and ultimately be even better off for it in the long run. And so with that in mind, nothing changes about my advice or the way I see it because if you have debt, as insurmountable as it may feel, that is ultimately just one barrier in the way of financial independence. And so I guess instead of starting from $0 and then starting to build your net worth, you’re starting from negative and starting to build your net worth. Either way, I would say if you have that amount of debt, you should consider it and treat it as an emergency and a crisis. And people with that situation should absolutely pursue FIRE, at the very least to get themselves out of that debt and starting at $0, you know? And what you do see oftentimes is people that I’ve seen, I’ve seen it, I’ve seen it with my own eyes, I’ve talked to people that did these things and then pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, got the FIRE thing going, and pulled themselves out of this situation. You still have all of these choices. And a lot of times, you’ll see you’ve got this mounting pile of debt, but you have a nice income, and the debt only costs x amount a month, so I’m going to lease this new vehicle, I’m going to get this nice house because I worked so hard to become this profession and now that money’s coming in, so this is what we’re going to do. And all of this boils down to still is choices. It’s those choices. Hey, I’m going to buy a used vehicle with cash that I saved up, and I’m going to eliminate these monthly payments. And those monthly payments are going to go to fund our 401k’s and our Roths. Or if you have a mountain of debt, we are going to pay off that debt as voraciously as we possibly can to get ourselves in a better position, you know? I don’t know, the advice doesn’t change. If anything, it becomes louder if you have a mountain of debt. And that’s a non-empathetic but realistic way to look at it. And another thing I should say is one of the prominent people in the FIRE movement, his name’s Johnathan Mendanza, he’s a cohost of Choose FI, he was a pharmacist.

Tim Ulbrich: Pharmacist.

Scott Rieckens: Yeah.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah.

Scott Rieckens: And he walked away from a job about a year after finding FIRE because he realigned his spending with his values, he got right, he got on a good track, and then he built what was originally a fun side hustle into something that could sustain him. And he chose a different path than pharmacy. And I’m not suggesting people need to do that. Some people may love their jobs. And by the way, the whole retire early thing? Let’s not get caught up on it. It happens all the time. You may like your job. Great. This is still for you because if you enjoy your job but you have the freedom and flexibility if conditions change, that’s still a win-win. You know?

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely.

Scott Rieckens: Ultimately, it’s about gaining back your freedom of choice.

Tim Ulbrich: Couldn’t agree more. I think financial independence is a goal we all should strive for. And I think that should resonate with folks, whether they love what they do every day, they don’t, or somewhere in between. And I want to again point our community to both the documentary, “Playing with FIRE,” as well as your book, “Playing with FIRE.” I can’t say enough about both of those, what they’ve meant to me, the impression they’ve left on me and my wife, Jess. “Playing with FIRE,” the documentary will be available on Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, Vimeo or folks can pick up the DVD at PlayingwithFIRE.co. Storytelling is outstanding, it was named a Top 10 Best Finance Movies of the Decade by U.S. News. It includes a cast of personal finance and FIRE all stars, including Mr. Money Mustache, Vicki Robbins, who’s the author of “Your Money, Your Life,” The Minimalists, the Mad Scientist, Jonathan Brad from Choose FI and more. And then the book, you know, we’ve just scratched the surface here and there’s much more to learn in the book, including the seven steps to achieving FIRE, where to learn more about FIRE and the FIRE community, how to crunch your own FIRE numbers, many FIRE stories, and much more. And that is readily available wherever you normally purchase your books. So Scott, thank you so much again for taking time to come on the show. What is the best place for our listeners to go to learn more about you and the work that you’re doing?

Scott Rieckens: Thanks, Tim. Yeah, PlayingwithFIRE.co, it’s got it all. I’m a big fan of Twitter, so we’re on Twitter @playingwithfireco, and we’re on Instagram as well. So yeah, those are the places you can find us. And hope to see you there.

Tim Ulbrich: Great stuff again, Scott. And on behalf of the YFP community and our team, thank you so much for taking the time.

Scott Rieckens: Thanks, Tim.

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YFP 186: The Picture Perfect Side Hustle

The Picture Perfect Side Hustle

On this episode sponsored by Live Oak Bank, pharmacist and photographer Landen Conner shares how he turned his side hustle into his main gig, why and how he started his photography business, how he found his niche, and the mechanics of his business.

About Today’s Guest

The career of pharmacy accelerated Landen’s path to becoming a photographer, but where he met his passion was at the intersection of pharmacy and photography, which was “people.” Seeing people heal in an instant on camera was magical. Then hearing the unexpected wins after, such as landing a job, gaining more clients, even dates was the icing on the cake for him!


Landen Conner became interested in photography after one of his friends shared with him that he was able to create a successful business as a wedding photographer. Although Landen was a full-time pharmacist at the time, he was experiencing major burnout from his job and needed to step away from pharmacy. Landen soon realized that being a photographer was more than just picking up a camera and taking pictures. He found his niche in headshot photography and helps clients heal by taking their picture and sharing the stories of his clients.

Landen was debt free aside from his mortgage loan and knew he didn’t want to start his business without taking on any debt. He used cash to fund his start up and leaned on his pharmacy day job as a way to invest in his business. Knowing that he was paying cash for the majority of his equipment allowed him to be more present with potential clients. He estimates that he spent around $10,000 to $15,000 starting his photography business.

Landen now focuses on headshots, family shoots, commercial photography, and marketing and branding. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Landen started working a couple times a week as a per diem pharmacist to help bring in a steady stream of income. Landen also discusses how he automates functions of his business, his advice to other pharmacists looking to start a side hustle, and how he’s taking his business to the next level.

Mentioned on the Show

Episode Transcript

Tim Church: Landen, thanks for stopping by and for being part of this side hustle edition.

Landen Conner: Thanks a lot, Tim. I appreciate you for having me.

Tim Church: I recently learned about your story as I was perusing Google News alerts and an interesting article came up from the Orlando Business Journal titled, “Side Hustle to Main Gig,” and one of the biggest reasons I was excited to have you share your story on the podcast is basically, you have the reverse side hustle where pharmacy is not your main gig. But before we dive in, I do have an icebreaker for you.

Landen Conner: Yes.

Tim Church: Alright, you ready for this?

Landen Conner: I hope so. Let’s roll with it.

Tim Church: Alright, the pandemic is over and you’re out at a bar or restaurant and your name comes up to sing karaoke. What song are you singing?

Landen Conner: Oh, wow. Talk about a curveball. This may be funny. How about the Lion King Can’t Wait to be King?

Tim Church: Oh my gosh. I love that Disney movie.

Landen Conner: It’s like 1A in my book.

Tim Church: That’s awesome. I was not — let me just say, I was not expecting that. That’s a good jam. Do you like blast that in the car?

Landen Conner: The only reason why I’m hooked on it as like my second favorite Disney movie of all time, probably right there with Aladdin. But my wife just designed this whole room for a newborn with Lion King. And I’m hooked back onto Lion King now.

Tim Church: OK, that’s awesome, man. I love it. Well, Landen, before we kind of jump into your main gig now, really, talk a little bit about your career path as a pharmacist.

Landen Conner: Started out at 18 with a tech — as a tech/student. And wanted to see if I wanted to be a pharmacist. I got a job at Walgreens pharmacy, loved it, started school at Xavier University. The first day, I got scared and flipped my major from computer engineering to pharmacy because I got scared — I heard about 50,000 people were going to be laid off. So I was like, I’m just going to go to my second strongest thing, which was science. And that’s where my career began as a pharmacist.

Tim Church: OK. And talk a little bit about what are some of the positions that you’ve had when you were working full-time.

Landen Conner: I’ve been pretty much the full gamut. Went from retail pharmacy as everyone does pretty much to long-term care — loved that one — specialty pharmacy — loved that one as well — to MTM pharmacist and now to basically a per diem pharmacist filling in on call positions.

Tim Church: Now, obviously to where you got to that point, going from full-time to per diem, you talked a little bit about something in the article because at some point in your pharmacist career, that initial vision you had when you were training, you were starting out as a pharmacist, that changed. And in the article, you mention that you had been diagnosed with extreme stress related to your job and were quoted as saying, “As a result of this, my vision became blurred, memory loss occurred, as well as pains all over the body. The diagnosis made me sit back and think seriously, was it or anything worth the cost of my health? The simple answer was no.”

Landen Conner: Yeah.

Tim Church: Now, when I read that, I was really taken back because we’re not just talking about oh, I’m stressed at my job. We’re talking that it got to the point where it was physically affecting you. So obviously, that had to be pretty severe in the position that you had at that time to get to that point. So talk about those feelings that you expressed and how did it get to that point?

Landen Conner: The feeling that I expressed, I was actually helped along. I won’t mention her name because of the company she works with, but I was sitting next to this lady, we were really good coworkers and friends. She had mentioned her story to me years earlier when she was progressing in this company, going up the management chain. It got to a point she was taking on so much, she got sick. And she had to make a choice whether to keep working or keep progressing. And I asked her about that story and what would she recommend? And she said, “Landen, if I could do it again, I would choose to take a break and stay away for my health purposes.” So hearing that, I took that as a sign from God to say, you know what, choose your life. Because you can always find a way to make money with an entrepreneurial mindset versus how we’re taught in pretty much — you’re a pharmacist too, Tim — we go to school, we’re in school all day. And when you come out, you still practice those similar principles, but after awhile, you experience burnout. And that’s where it was with me. It was just burnout.

Tim Church: And can you elaborate a little bit more? Like what specifically were some of the things that were contributing to that? And how long did that take to develop?

Landen Conner: I think it developed slowly, honestly, going through recently a new marriage, working all the varying types of shifts, 5 a.m. shift, 10 p.m. shifts, then going from working early in the morning maybe to a photo shoot that evening and then just constantly repeating those cycles, finally caught up to me. Not being able to take vacations when you wanted or when you needed, rather, not just wanted per se, when you needed it. And just going through that, it was accumulation. Then you just start feeling the headaches, you start seeing the double vision, sometimes memory loss where you don’t really remember verifying certain things because you’re under that amount of stress, you think you’re keyed in, but you’re not.

Tim Church: How did you get to the point where you said, you know what, I’ve got to transition. I have to do something to get out of this situation?

Landen Conner: Sitting back, taking a look and starting to organize your life. I’d be lying to you if I said being debt-free except for the house didn’t matter because then I could start to organize, hey, it takes this amount per year to live. And then you break it down into monthly cycles, you know living in Florida, your bills may be a little bit higher due to the summer weather, then in the winter, you can dial it back. So you kind of average, put everything in perspective. And you don’t have your credit cards that you have to pay, the bills you have to pay. And that helped.

Tim Church: So obviously, that setting yourself up in a good financial position allowed you to make that transition, it sounds like. But one of the things that I wanted to ask you is while you were working full-time as a pharmacist, your side gig at that time was photography. And so before that became your main gig, how did you become interested in photography? I think that’s interesting because the last time I checked, you know, that was not an elective in my PharmD. I don’t know if it was — what was it, Xavier that you went?

Landen Conner: Yes, that was definitely not an elective. I tell you, I was sitting in a desk working specialty pharmacy, and I was — I kept saying the same thing over and over again. I was like, man, I’m basically saying, “You want fries with that?” And I’m like, God, you’ve got to have better for me than this. And then one of my best friends back home in New Orleans, Calvin Gaveon, called me. He told me how much he was making doing wedding photography. And I said, “No way, dude.” He’s like, “I promise you, man.” And I’m like, “Cool, I’ll pick a camera and do the same thing.” But it was so much more than just picking up a camera and shooting a wedding. I found my personal niche in headshot photography. And that grew into branding and marketing a person because the joy that I experience meeting that person one-on-one and attacking those internal securities — insecurities — watching them heal in front of the camera was just golden, knowing that you could do that in the power of a millisecond with a click, this person’s whole life can change.

Tim Church: So Landen, your friend Calvin reaches out and says, “Hey, you should try this out because I’m making great money, and it’s an opportunity for you to do something on the side,” not knowing it would eventually become your main gig. But you talked about something there that I think is really important and really stuck with me is that you said you had the opportunity to learn other people’s stories and to help them get to a point where they weren’t so insecure about getting even just a simple headshot. Talk about that.

Landen Conner: I’ll take you — I’ll make it relational. Like whoever may be listening to this, you go back to the age, I mean, to your kindergarten age. And you get your mom and your dad, and you think they’re doing the greatest thing in the world by having to take kindergarten photos. Most kids don’t want to take them. Or you’re being bullied in school or someone, that one person in life tells you you’re not beautiful and you’re not worth it. You carry those insecurities with you throughout the rest of your teen years, your adult childhood years. So once someone’s steps in front of a camera, they’re carrying it, like I’m not photogenic. I’m uncomfortable in front of cameras. I’d say that’s 99% of people I shoot, they tell me that they don’t think they take great photos. And they don’t value themselves. And once I meet them at the corner of that insecurity and just give them small coaching tips and walk with them through, it’s like, “Hey, you’re beautiful,” or, “You’re debonair.” Who told you that lie? And they pour out their heart to me. I can give you a story, a couple stories if you want.

Tim Church: Yeah, let’s hear it.

Landen Conner: The first time where photography became so much more than just a photo, I walked in shooting this behind-the-scenes interview that a guy from my church asked me to do. And I said, “Sure, I’ll do it. I just need to get some headshots to build my portfolio.” And the main interviewee said, “I hate my photo being taken. I really don’t want to do this.” So I asked her, I said, “Can you give me five minutes? If you don’t like it, delete it. It’ll never see the light of day.” And she allowed me to do the photo. I edited it, sent it to her probably within 48 hours. Then she called me back about a week later, kept me on the phone for maybe an hour, and said, “Landen, I put this on Facebook, and I got over — at that time, I think 75-100 likes.” And she was almost in tears because she said, “I am beat up verbally so bad in a marriage, abused in a marriage, abused in her childhood, I thought I was the ugly duckling in the family.” And from that moment on, it completely changed every time I stepped behind camera and had someone in front of my camera. The second one that made a massive difference was probably about a month or two ago, I photographed this young lady that was a resume writer. She came in, she got her head — she was ready to do her headshot. First five minutes, we shot, made sure my lighting was good and everything. And then I was just talking to her, getting to know her, and then in five minutes, we got a photo that she loved. And walking back to the bathroom to change, she stopped midstream and said, “I can’t believe you made me look this beautiful.” And I said, “Why? You’re beautiful.” She’s like, “I just had a kid two weeks ago, my body is out of shape from the weight gain from the pregnancy, and I didn’t feel like I was myself.” And I was like, “Hold on, you’ve got to stop because you’re about to make me cry.” And she just kept going on, and the session was just magical.

Tim Church: So did you ever think that when you were getting into the photography business that you were going to hear these stories from people or that you were going to have the opportunity to walk with them in what was a very difficult thing to do, which may not be for other people, but for a lot of people, it is?

Landen Conner: Absolutely, 1,000% no. I had no clue this would happen. I had no idea. I’d be lying to you if I said I did.

Tim Church: And so how has that really changed your perspective? And was that part of how you flipped that switch to basically say, I’m going all in?

Landen Conner: Yes, absolutely. Recently I joined a Christian Chamber about three months ago, and the leader of the Christian Chamber was Crystal Pocker. And she helped me to marry the two fields because I thought pharmacy had nothing to do with photography. And she said, “Landen, the common thing you have, you did one P with Pharmacy and now you’re doing another P with Photography, but in the middle, that P was People, that you care for people and want to see them win in life and not just meet the status quo because everybody is unique.” I’m different from you, Tim, you’re different from me. We may have some commonalities, but you have your own personal traits.

Tim Church: I think it’s just amazing, the work that you’re doing because it goes beyond just putting images on a website, on social media account. It’s driving a lot of impact and helping people get to a place where they’re comfortable with themselves. And I mean, I think that’s huge. It has to really give you that warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

Landen Conner: It does, but you want to know something, Tim? I was scared as I don’t know what to share people’s stories initially. I really battled with that because let’s just say if I took a — because if I took a photo of you and you shared something personally with me, I would — I would say about a year and a half ago, I would just put, “Had a great time working with Tim. And he was excellent to photograph.” That tells the viewers nothing. But sharing those stories, it makes it so relational, just like I shared with the lady that was mentally, physically abused in her previous relationship or with the guy who was molested at a young age, those type of things. I don’t have to put the molestation, but it’s a sense of rejection from another person’s perspective. You need to make it totally relational. I just posted something a couple of days ago. I said, the title of it was, “Don’t be Stiff.” As soon as I put that up, I said, man, this is so relational. Because I get in front of a camera and freeze up every time.

Tim Church: How have these stories that you’ve collected from the clients during the photo shoots, how has that helped with the marketing of your business?
Landen Conner: It’s humanized it because when you see those headshots, you see a healed person. You don’t see the person that looks like everybody else. You see that actual person. If I photograph Tim, I’m not shooting just with Tim. I’m shooting for Tim’s audience. I’m shooting so they can meet who Tim is, not just the, “Smile, Tim!” That’s not it.

Tim Church: Well, Landen, I want to switch a little bit and kind of dive into the mechanics of the business. The article mentioned that you used cash to fund the initial startups and you said this was something really important to you. So talk a little bit about that.

Landen Conner: I was at a photography conference, and this one photographer told me, he said, “Don’t look at your business” — I mean, “Don’t look at your day job as just a day job. Look at it as an investment into your business.” And since I already had a limited school loans, I didn’t believe in debt for the business because it did one big thing. I bought one lens on credit, and it would make me talk to people — I would allow myself to talk to people differently, thinking I had to book this client to justify putting this lens on debt. But when I paid cash for everything, I didn’t have that type of burden in my life. So it allowed me to actually sit and talk with clients freely and to serve their best needs.

Tim Church: And what were some of the other startup costs that you had besides the lens and some of the basic equipment? Anything else you needed to kind of get up and running?

Landen Conner: I would say the biggest thing — of course, cameras, different cameras, more up-to-date cameras, lenses. But getting to be able to afford automation because I photograph different people on different days, and that’s a lot of storage to kind of keep inside. So I don’t want to just share everything all at once because you get tired of seeing it after awhile if I overload you with too many stories. So I just needed to hit with that one person that one day or two people so they can know that they’re not alone. So the automation was the biggest thing.

Tim Church: Do you mind sharing approximately, what was the cost that you needed to kind of at least get started? What are we talking?

Landen Conner: I would say anywhere from $10,000-15,000 maybe. If it was now, I think you could do it — actually, I know you can — as much as half that amount.

Tim Church: That’s not a little amount to kind of get started. I mean, was that sort of intimidating looking at those costs? Or was it much more palatable considering you started it while you were still working full-time as a pharmacist?

Landen Conner: It was easier because at a pharmacist’s salary, did I know it at the time? No, not until I did my taxes at the end of the year, and I’m like, “I spent what on what?” But I’ll tell you this, for any aspiring people, do your research first. Even though I didn’t research, there were some of the marketing tricks that I fell for, which I allowed myself to waste money in certain areas. And that would have cut my costs in half, by at least 25%.

Tim Church: So do your homework. Know what the bare minimum you need to get started. But it may not be as expensive as you think is what it sounds like.

Landen Conner: No, it’s definitely not as expensive as what you would think. Right now, they’ve came out with better products at a much more affordable cost. So that’s going to knock your costs from where I started for probably down by more than half.

Tim Church: Wow. That’s a big deal. So you said a little bit earlier that headshots are basically your jam, that’s the space that you excel at and how you’re helping people. Are there any other services that you provide or that you do?

Landen Conner: I still do family shoots when my clients ask for them. Weddings, I’ve kind of stepped away from. I’m doing my last wedding this Sunday. My bread and butter now is marketing and branding, commercial photography. And we just start with the headshot and build all the way down. Why? Because everything starts with you. As a small business owner, I want to know who you are. We don’t have the luxury to hide behind a brand name such as a Nike or Apple.

Tim Church: So talk a little bit more about that, that beyond just individuals marketing themselves, you’re talking about other businesses and helping them with their marketing materials, specifically with photos but even other things as well. Talk a little bit more about that.

Landen Conner: Sure. With the marketing and branding is — you know how we, like when we start a business, we always go to those free stock image websites?

Tim Church: Yeah, of course. I’ve used those multiple times.

Landen Conner: Oh boy. Should we change the question? So as a photographer, there’s nothing wrong with those starting out. But you should try to get away from those type of websites within your first 6-12 months, especially if you’re getting big. Because if you look at it, those are models and those are ideal situations. I’ve seen a lot of times where people use those stock imagery images, and I can go to another website and see the same stock images. So it causes a disconnect in the viewer’s mind. Or let’s just say that small business owner to mid-size business owner invites me to their office, I go to their website, it doesn’t look anything like this. So now I have my defenses up because I think you’re lying to me. They’re never going to tell you this, but it’s the same scenario. When you’re doing your marketing and branding, you can’t market and brand on things such as Facebook, Instagram, using non-organic photography.

Tim Church: And so what it sounds like is you’re basically helping to foster that image of that company, of maybe that individual as well, and making that more of an authentic feel versus something that is not actually representing who you are and what you’re doing.

Landen Conner: Correct. Absolutely, 100% correct.

Tim Church: So one of the other things I wanted to ask you — what about matching pajama holiday photo shoots? Do you do those too?

Landen Conner: Yes. I’ve done that, two years ago, actually. Two years ago.

Tim Church: I mean, I could see there could be a lot of high demand for that one.

Landen Conner: It’s funny you should mentioned that because you just brought to mind this family that I photographed like two years ago. And the story behind that one was they wanted holiday photos within their home. It meant something to me when they called me because a kid was born so prematurely and was fighting for his life. And now, I believe he’s running, walking and just going all over the place being a kid. But knowing the story, the backstory behind how this kid fought for his life to live and then was able to do the whole photo session and now he’s — you wouldn’t even know he was a preemie.

Tim Church: Wow.

Landen Conner: Those types of sessions are magical.

Tim Church: That’s cool. How specifically are you marketing your business?

Landen Conner: Definitely LinkedIn. Trying to get better at Facebook. Christian Chamber has definitely been a blessing in my life.

Tim Church: Hopefully the YFP podcast as well.

Landen Conner: There’s a new one, another blessing, the YFP podcast. And just word of mouth has been my mainstays right now.

Tim Church: Does anyone help you with the business? Anyone with assistants or doing some of the behind-the-scenes things to get you up and running to kind of do the sales or is this all Landen?

Landen Conner: This has been all Landen — and I use the word ‘has’ because until recently, I realized that with people in my life, I can start to delegate and hire out to do different things. So now we’re moving into video and we’re able to move into doing a full scale brand and market build. So if you need copywriters, if you need graphic design artists, then we’re working purely organic — with organic material for the particular individual or business.

Tim Church: So sounds like things are happening and you’re growing, which is awesome because it means that a lot of people are valuing the services that you’re providing, which I think are huge. Landen, talk about how did you get back into pharmacy? You said you were doing that full-time, you switched to photography, and now it’s kind of coming back to some extent. Talk about that.

Landen Conner: I got back into it because COVID did put a kind of damper on the business for awhile. That and the house note was the only debt that I had that was left to pay off. And then with my wife’s health, with her being diagnosed with MS, I had to provide even when you don’t have a constant income coming in as a entrepreneur. So doing those on-call maybe 1-2 times a week, it does keep a constant flow when I don’t have clients that are coming through.

Tim Church: One of the things that often comes up is how do you even consider a side hustle with a full-time job? People talk about in the YFP Facebook group, they’ll message me on LinkedIn, they’ll say, “How do you do it? How do you work full-time, have a side job, and also maintain your family, your relationships, and do it all?” So how do you do it?

Landen Conner: I would say automation really helps. The other thing is I started to sit back and remember why did I get into this in the first place? Meaning pharmacy. And then the second thing — I mean third thing was do you want to make a difference in just your life and build something only for you? Or do you want to make an impact in others’ lives and change one life at a time and challenge yourself a day at a time? Can you make someone else’s life better? You make time for what you desire to have fulfilled in your life.

Tim Church: I love that. That really pumps me up. But I totally agree with you that if you’re buying into that mission and the results of what that work is going to accomplish, that that can be a huge driving factor for being able to make it work. Totally agree with you on that one. You mentioned automation, so talk about that a little bit. I think that’s an interesting way that you’re making it happen. So talk about that.

Landen Conner: You mentioned that a lot of people ask how do you do it? Let’s just say if you want to do email blasts, ConvertKit is an excellent source. If you want to do Facebook posts, you can schedule out your Facebook posts, your Instagram posts, your LinkedIn, all of those things have built-in automation. And the other thing I would explain to people who are interested in a side hustle and they’re doing those email campaigns, they’re doing those social media campaigns, there’s seven days in a week. One day, you’re going to have a groove. And let’s just say that groove is an hour to two hours. You get in that one or two hours, and you just write or bang out a bunch of posts of things that you want to go on, schedule them out. They don’t have to be every day. They could be weekly. And then as you gain more experience, as you gain more clients, then you add to it. So you’re building slowly. And it adds up over time.

Tim Church: I think that’s big. I think you’re right. You have to harness technology. We all have the same amount of time. We have 168 hours every week. And after sleeping and working your full-time job, I mean, you’re limited. That gets substantially cut. So I think that really is a huge one because you have to think about OK, realistically, how are you going to make it work? And how are you going to do the things that you want? I think that’s big. I mean, I think that’s great advice. So speaking of advice and recommendations, what advice would you give to other pharmacists out there who they have other interests, passions beyond pharmacy that have the potential to be turned into a business or they have an entrepreneurial mindset?

Landen Conner: Go slow. That was one of the biggest things that I say now I understand because if you think of the story of the tortoise and the hare, the tortoise always wins. Get out of debt. Organize it from biggest to smallest. If you watch Dave Ramsey, you understand that. And give yourself small wins. Look at the pharmacist’s salary allocated in percentages. If you want to take 10% out of your salary and invest into your business to get those automation programs, they’re going to pay off huge in the end.

Tim Church: That’s so good. I want to bring another one up that you mentioned in the article, which was find the right group of like-minded people who won’t just tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear. How has that helped you?

Landen Conner: Immensely. A lot of times, it’s hard to hear what you need to hear from people. I haven’t had that issue because I have friends that they’re going to tell me whatever it is that they feel like they have to tell me. I know it’s out of love. So it’s getting to a place that I know that they love me and tell me up front versus hiding the truth and hurting me or damaging me long-term. My grandfather, before he passed when I think I was like 8 or 10 told me something I never forgot. He said that there are only going to be three people that make it off your block. And lo and behold, there was only three people that made it off my block that was successful. And he said, “Watch the company you keep because whatever company you hang around is what you will become.” Is that always the truth? No, but a good majority of the time, I’ve seen it come to fruition.

Tim Church: I definitely agree. And sometimes, we need that criticism, that feedback, if we want to make it to the next level.

Landen Conner: True.

Tim Church: I totally agree with you on that. Well Landen, thank you for coming on the show, for sharing your story. Thanks for being open about the burnout that you experienced as a pharmacist. I know you’re not the only one out there who has gone through that or is going through that. A lot of pharmacists are dealing with that, so thank you for being open about that. And you know, I really look forward to hearing about your progress as your business continues to grow and you continue to create memories but also share people’s stories with the work that you’re doing. And I think it’s just amazing, that work that you’re doing right now. So if somebody wants to reach out to you for a holiday photo shoot, wants their headshot for LinkedIn or they just want to learn more about who you are and what you do, what would you recommend?

Landen Conner: Of course reach out to me on LinkedIn at Landen Conner or my website, www.landenconnerphoto.com, and it’s with e’s. And of course the last one, which hardly anybody takes advantage of — give me a call. (514) 905-2249.

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