YFP 274: Risk Tolerance vs Risk Capacity (Retirement Planning)

Risk Tolerance vs Risk Capacity (Retirement Planning)

In part three of the four-part series on retirement planning, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, and Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, explain why it’s critical to evaluate how much risk you are able to stomach versus how much risk you should take to achieve your long-term savings goal and considerations for setting asset allocation in alignment with your risk capacity. 

Episode Summary

YFP Co-founders Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, and Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®,  explain the difference between risk tolerance and risk capacity in this episode, the third part of the four-part series on retirement planning. Tim and Tim explain why it’s critical to evaluate how much risk you can stomach versus how much risk you should take to achieve your long-term savings goal, and considerations for setting asset allocation in alignment with your risk capacity. Tim and Tim break down some strategies to employ when your risk tolerance and capacity are not in alignment. They connect the topic of the retirement nest egg to asset allocation. What we determine we need for the nest egg, combined with risk tolerance or risk capacity, will guide asset allocation. Tim Baker shares the value of a financial planner as an objective third-party in making retirement planning decisions, explains how preconceived notions about money impact the financial plan, and mentions early and ongoing financial literacy to increase risk tolerance. The five to ten years leading up to retirement can be a period of uncertainty, and Tim and Tim explain the sequence of returns risk during that time frame. They close with a reminder to revisit asset allocation percentages over time to maintain the amount of risk initially planned.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[00:00:00] TU: Hey everybody, Tim Ulbrich here and thank you for listening to The YFP Podcast, where each week, we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. 

On this week’s episode, Tim Baker and I continue our four-part retirement planning series by discussing the difference between risk tolerance and risk capacity, and how this impacts your asset allocation plan. Highlights from the show include why it’s critical to evaluate how much risk you’re able to stomach, versus how much risk you should take to achieve your long-term goals. discussing strategies to employ when your risk tolerance and your risk capacity don’t jive and some considerations when setting your asset allocation plan to be in alignment with your risk capacity.

Before we jump into the show, I recognize that many listeners may not be aware of what the team at YFP Planning does in working one on one with more than 270 households in 40 plus states. YFP planning offers fee only, high-touch financial planning that is customized to the pharmacy professional.

If you’re interested in learning more about how working one on one with a certified financial planner, may help you achieve your financial goals, you can book a free discovery call by visiting yfpplanning.com. Whether or not YFP Planning’s financial planning services are a good fit for you, know that we appreciate your support of this podcast and our mission on how pharmacists achieve financial freedom.

Okay, let’s jump into my conversation with certified financial planner, Tim Baker.


[00:01:25] TU: Welcome everyone to this week’s episode of the YFP, podcast excited to have Tim Baker alongside me again as we continue our four-part series on retirement planning. On Episode 272, just two weeks ago, we talked about determining how much is enough when you’re saving for retirement. Last week, episode 273, we talked about the alphabet soup of retirement accounts with a focus on those tax advantaged accounts. In this episode, we’re going to focus and dive into further on how to differentiate risk tolerance versus risk capacity, which ultimately leads to how the funds are going to be allocated within your various accounts as you’re putting together your savings strategy, also known as asset allocation.

So, Tim Baker, let’s start with why this topic matters and the connection to the nest egg ultimately, that folks may need to take just about the risks they think two or perhaps even more or less.

[00:02:18] TB: Yeah, I think this is one of the probably the most important concepts to understand. Because I think once you understand it, it’s kind of the easiest thing to adapt to better improve your financial situation, especially for like long term investment for the sake of retirement. So, I think a lot of people leave a lot of meat on the bone with regard to opportunity to improve their financial planning, because they either lack the experience or they don’t understand it, or it’s scary. But I think understanding this concept between what your risk tolerance is and what your risk capacity is, and then adapting that to your portfolio is huge. Again, we’ll kind of talk about conservative Jane versus aggressive Jane and really, all of the factors that are involved in that. One of the easiest ones to kind of change your dial up has to do with risk and ultimately, your asset allocation, which we’ll get into today.

[00:03:08] TU: Yeah, and I think this is a topic, Tim, where like, just being honest with yourself and having some self-awareness on how do I feel about the risk that I’m taking. Obviously, we’re going to talk about the importance of putting that alongside of your goals, do those jive, do they not jive. And I think this is really where the value of a third party can come in as well, when you’re looking at whether it’s one individuals, two individuals doing the financial plan, but often we might need to be both pushed and or held accountable. Obviously, an objective third party can play a really valuable role there.

So, I think we’ve all been told before, at some point or another that, hey, we’ve got to take some risk, if we’re willing to achieve, those big lofty, long term goals that we have. We talked about in episode 272, we need this big number 2, 3, 4 or $5 million, that seems way off into the distance, or perhaps for folks that are a little bit closer to that, not so far off in the distance. But regardless, it can feel overwhelming. And so, we’ve got to take some risk to get to that goal. But I don’t think we often differentiate this concept of risk tolerance versus risk capacity. So, Tim, let’s start there, break these two down in terms of definition of tolerance versus capacity.

[00:04:16] TB: Yeah, the tolerance is what we’ll start with, and this is typically the one that most people understand and know about. When I think of risk tolerance, I think of like the questionnaire. So, probably a buyer’s perspective, one of the things that we need to do to make sure that we’re doing our due diligence with a client is to ask them some questions about their experience, their outlook on the market, their understanding of how stocks and bonds work. If x loss, how they would feel about x loss or x gain and what their actions would be.

So, it’s really based on a questionnaire. From the advisor perspective, it’s really based on what we think the client can handle in a down-market. So, we’re trying to build out the best, and again, what we’re trying to do here, ultimately, is to get the best possible return for the least amount of risk, and that’s what asset allocation is. So, from the investor’s perspective, or in our case, the advisor or the client’s perspective, it’s the amount of risk that you want to take. It’s more of an emotional thing.

To me, that is basically the starting point for the conversation at least. And there are a lot of ways to get about, like what your risk tolerance are. So, one of them is kind of the rule of thumb, and I think I misspoke on a couple episodes back when we talked about this, because I think they’ve actually adapted it, the general rule of thumb. So, the general rule of thumb is that, to get your risk tolerance, you take 110, and then you subtract out your age, and then that gives you the amount of stocks or equities that should be in your portfolio.

So, if you’re 30 years old, 110 minus 30, you should have an 80% of your portfolio in stocks, or equities, and then the remaining 20% in fixed income or bonds. I think that that is a terrible rule of thumb myself. I think that’s a rule of thumb that doesn’t like necessarily hold up. But it’s what a lot of people use to kind of get started. The other way is to kind of go actually go through like a risk questionnaire, and I know Vanguard is one that – you can do that for free, go to their website and basically answer a few questions and it says, “Voila, you are 60/40, or you’re 70/30”, whatever that is. And I would actually start there before using any rule of thumb.

So again, the risk tolerance team is basically what we think you can handle on a down-market, or what you think as a client, you want to take. It’s more of an emotional thing.

If we shift over to risk capacity, this, from an advisor perspective is based on what you can actually handle on a down-market. So, this is actually using some numbers and looking at time horizon, and things like that. So, from your perspective or the investor’s perspective, it’s how much risk you should take. It’s more objective, and factors, and savings rate, goals, time horizons, think things like that. Again, it goes back to that amount of the risk that you can handle.

To give you an example of a risk capacity, versus risk tolerance, say we’re both 40-year-old pharmacists, and me close closer to you, and I’m not a pharmacist. Say, we’re just –

[00:07:23] TU: Coming up. It’s coming up.

[00:07:24] TB: So, if we both take a questionnaire, you could take that questionnaire and be a very savvy investor, have read up on the topic, and you can come back with a very, say, aggressive allocation for where you need to be. And I could do the same thing and come back very, very conservative. So, I could be a 50/50, you could be a 90/10. That’s risk tolerance, is basically based on our inputs in a questionnaire. For risk capacity, it does have to do with the individual itself, but it’s really about, I think, kind of where you’re at in life as well. So, in the same breath, if we’re both 40 years old, and we have 25 years left in the workforce, and we both kind of have the similar amount saved or earning potential, our risk capacity is so much higher than, say, my risk tolerance because I’m scared of the market, because I just have a longer time horizon.

So, where risk capacity is typically the lowest is right at the point of retirement. Because that is typically your longest time horizon, where you have a fixed dollar amount, i.e. your nest egg to work with. So, you just don’t have a lot of room capacity to take a lot of risk. You have to be somewhat conservative. Whereas if you have a longer time horizon, you have good earnings, a good savings, your capacity is a lot, a lot more. Maybe a convoluted way to say it, but to recap, tolerance is kind of like what you feel or like what you want to take. Risk capacity is what you can or what you should take. One of the things that often happens in this, is that those two things are not often equal. So, what we do as a third party is kind of have a conversation about this, and educate a client and sometimes that is over years, because sometimes they’ll say like, “Hey, Tim, I understand what you’re saying, but I just want to be safer.” I’ll say, “Okay, I’m going to bug you about this again.” The next time it’s like, “All right, well, my head didn’t fall off when the market went down 20%. It’s doing what it’s doing. Maybe I’ll be a little bit more aggressive.” And I think that is all the difference when it comes to long-term investing, is making sure that you are – again, you keep expenses low. We’ve talked about that numerous times with regard to your investment portfolio, but your asset allocation, which is based on your risk tolerance, and your risk capacity is set where it needs to be and then the big proponent of that.

[00:10:00] TU: Yeah, this is Tim, where I think the rubber meets the road of what we started this series on, with the nest egg calculation and looking at how much is enough, right? Because you and I could punch numbers in a calculator, or like, “Great, we need 4.2 million 3.7”, whatever the number is, but then we start to get a layer deeper. We talked about the tax advantaged accounts of how we might get there. But the next layer of which we’re getting into today is really that how are we going to invest within these types of accounts, which is the asset allocation. Which, as you just mentioned, comes down to, ultimately our risk capacity and the potential friction that may or may not be there with the risk tolerance.

So, I think that my question here, let’s lean into that situation where there’s a disconnect, where there’s a rub, where I understand what you’re saying, risk tolerance is what I’m able to stomach, risk capacity is maybe what I need to be able to do to get to that nest egg number. So, let’s say I punch in my numbers in the nest egg, they come out at $4.2 million, but then I realized, like, based on the rate of return and the level of aggressiveness that, those numbers are determined upon. I’m not comfortable with that. So, play that out. Is that a scenario where, as you just mentioned, we’re kind of working towards this and getting more comfortable in the long run? Is it adjusting down that nest egg goal? How do you begin to work through this with a client?

[00:11:20] TB: Yeah. The nest egg is a multivariate problem. So, the two defaults that I would always go to is like, if you’re not comfortable with taking more risk, and again, I would say, investing is definitely risky. Of course, it is. But what I would say over a 20 plus year time horizon is actually fairly predictable. We have enough data points that says that the US market, and again, there’s not necessarily any – it’s not past performances are indicative of future performance. But I think we’re not gambling here, we’re not speculating.

So, we’re not taking a bet all on like one stock. But I think if you’re uncomfortable with that, I think, the second thing I would say, is you have to save more though, you have to invest more. When we talked about conservative Jane versus aggressive Jane, and we kind of said, “Hey, conservative Jane, she makes $120,000. She gets 3% cost of Living raises, she saves 10%. She has a 30-year career. And then this is her nest egg.” What’s your income? What’s your cost to live? What do you actually save? And then the time horizon, 30 years. So, the other thing that you could say is like, “Okay, well, maybe we’re not retiring at 65 in 30 years. Maybe we’re retiring at 70.” So, it’s a 35-year career. And that’s the thing is like, you can always work longer. 

One of these things have to give, and that’s why I say like, the easiest thing for me, is to say like, “Look, if you’re 30, 35, 40, even 45, and you have 20 years, left until retirement, who gives a crap if the market goes down in 2022?” But, we as humans, we feel that loss, we’re like, “Man, my portfolio was $200,000 or $20,000, and now it’s $140,000 or $14,000.” You feel those losses. But again, this goes back to like what I was saying, it’s hard for us to conceptualize time, and when the market went down during the pandemic, I don’t even think about that and a lot of people freak out about that. But we know that the market is going to do this, and this is like on a podcast, I’m just waving my hand up and down like a roller coaster. But typically, it’s going in a positive trajectory. You’re just going to have some of those ups and downs.

What I would say is that, if you can stomach those ups and downs and lean more towards equities, you’re going to be better off. I think what people do is they put more bonds or fixed income in their portfolio, to smooth out those rides, even those rides are still the same. But what they do is they make themselves feel better in the near term, at the behest of like long-term performance.

So, on the other side of this, Tim, is like, if we’re talking to the pre-retiree, the person that’s going to retire in the next five years, sometimes you look at that portfolio, and it’s looking at him like, “Whoa, we’re taking way too much risk.” Because if the market does go down 40%, then we don’t have enough time to recover from that. So, it’s really indicative to like, say, “Hey, I’m glad you took risks throughout your working career. But now we got to start protecting the principal.” And this is where you probably want to be the most conservative with your portfolios is kind of that right in the eye of the storm, which is 5 to 10 years plus or minus, your retirement date. And people get that wrong, too. That’s where you almost – you’re at risk for like sequence of return risk, which means that if the market is down, say 20%, 30%, 40%, and then you’re taking 40 or 50 grand out of your portfolio to live on, the failure rate, meaning you’re going to run out of money is so much higher than anything that you could be doing leading up to that.

So, it’s really, really important to know where you are in space and time, and ensure that your portfolio is positioned in a way that’s going to, one, get the best returns, but also protect you. For a lot of us, it’s kind of not knowing. And I would say it’s one of the major missteps that I see, looking at people’s portfolios is a misalignment of that.

[00:15:31] TU: Yeah. Tim, one of the things I’m sensing, at least anecdotally, and talking with pharmacists, about this in various settings, is that the mid-career pharmacist, so I’m thinking about the group that is maybe 10 to 25 years into their career, they’re not yet feeling the retirement date right around the corner, but they’re certainly past kind of the early part of their career. I think there’s a real risk here, as you highlighted. Some of the limitations of the rule of thumb, to get too conservative too early. And I think, in this moment, we’re in a period of volatility right now in the markets. And depending on when people graduated and started investing, this might be the real first significant downturn that they’re feeling in the market, right? You look at even some of the start of the pandemic. That was very short lived. It was significant, to drop. But it was pretty abrupt and recovered quickly.

So, I think this is really – I graduated in 2008. I’ve talked about this on the show before. This is the real first test for me in my portfolio to say, “All right, am I really adhering to my asset allocation plan and what I need to be doing, and the rub potentially the tolerance capacity.” And I think it’s different than a new practitioner, because you have worked hard for 10 or 15 years, you have built up several $100,000 or more of savings, and you’re looking at this saying, “Man, this hurts in the moment.” But if we’re looking 20, 30 years into the future, as you said, over and over again on the show, the worst thing we can do is buy high and sell low. So, the third party here, I think, it’d be really helpful making sure we have a plan to kind of weather the storms. But I specifically am thinking about that mid-career group right now, in this period we’re in of volatility, and they’ve done hard work, they’ve built up some savings, and this might be the first test, of that happening.

[00:17:12] TB: Yeah, I mean, and when those numbers get bigger, you feel that even more, right? I’m human. When I do catch a glance at my portfolio, I’m like, “Oh, is this really?” But I had to step back and look at the long term. I almost have to like detach myself emotionally from it. Because what happens, and I say this all the time is like, when the market just does this, and it’s just a downward plunge, your first reaction is you want to take your investment ball and go home. You don’t want to play anymore. Oftentimes I say, is like, you want to do the exact opposite of how you feel. So, that’s when I reassure myself and I say, “Hey, Tim, you know what, you are putting in x amount of dollars into your 401(k) at every pay period. And now, what you’re buying with those dollars is going. It sets the dollar cost averaging.” So, when it’s up, I’m not buying as many shares, but I’m still like, patting myself on the back, because I’m like, “Yeah, my portfolio is up.” But when it’s down, I have to basically say, “Look, if I’m putting money into my portfolio systematically, on a recurrent basis, which is typically what people do in their 401(k), your dollars are just going farther.” So, then when it does rebound, you’re going to see that impact even more.

So, it is one of those things where it’s, again, it’s not getting caught up in the moment, and it is really looking at the long term. But when you hear the news, or you hear other people talking and there are things that – it gives you pause, and you start to doubt yourself. But I think at the end of the day, what I always say to myself is like I trust the market. I trust what the data has showed. Again, maybe it’s not always going to be 10% when you just sit down for inflation, it’s 6.87%. But always not be that. And sometimes people go to the catastrophic thing. I’m like, “Then we have other problems to worry about, if that’s the case.”

I really believe that, if you look at all this all the things, whether it’s you can make more money, and then potentially save more or you can work longer. To me, the easiest thing to do is to kind of like surrender yourself to the market and say, “Look” – to your point, Tim, like the rule of thumb, it’s this gradual, and I have – I’ll share the camera here, which I’ll be on the video, but this is like a really terrible sketch. Because I was trying to like sketch this out conceptually, because I’ve never showed this. I’m a visual learner. In the rule of thumb, it has you go in and say like, “Okay, if you’re 30, then how do you start in 80% equities?” And then when you go to 40, you’re at 70%. In my mind, I’m like, “No.” Hell to the no. Because it’s just so much lost opportunity.

Whereas mine is more like, my belief and this is more of a capacity thing, is more of a cliff. So, you should be very much mostly equities, and there’s a lot of criticism against an equity portfolio. And again, this is not investment advice. This is not investment advice. But it should be typically closer to the equity or equity portfolio. And then when you get close to that eye of the storm, that’s when you start to basically divest out of equities, and go more to the fixed income, the bonds, and then you go through that eye of the storm where you’re here, and then you start to gradually, as you get to 75, 80, and you’re really looking for combating its longevity risk, which is the fear of the money running out. You need that to last into your 90s, 100, that type of thing. So, you’re going to take more risks on the back end, but typically, you have a more of a handle on spending, and things like that, post eye of the storm time.

So yeah, I mean, no matter where you’re at in life, this is an important conversation to have. And there is no right answer. But I would say that there are wrong answers in my estimation. But I also think it’s important to say that, at the end of the day, we say this about student loans, but at the end of the day, if you’re like waking up and you’re like sweating bullets, because you’re worried about how your investments are faring, especially in a volatile market, then we talk about this with the emergency fund, it’s just not worth that.

[00:21:20] TU: But, something’s got to give.

[00:21:21] TB: Something’s got to give. That means you either have to save more or work longer, and there’s a lot of –

[00:21:27] TU: Spend less.

[00:21:28] TB: Spend less, yeah, which, which is really hard. That’s the one I didn’t mention, because that’s really, really hard to do, for most people. And I think I said on a previous episode, some people look at a 60% to 80% of their income, and that’s basically what they need is. Some advisors just look at what the tax return says, and if you’ve earned $180,000, leading up to retirement, that’s what they plan for, because that’s basically the money that’s flowing through. So, there’s lots of different ways to kind of look at that as well.

[00:21:59] TU: Tim, I think one of the interesting things here is for folks, again, I mentioned the self-awareness thing. I think they really dig deeper about like, where might these beliefs come from. Wherever you are, on kind of the risk tolerance, what you’re able to stomach scale. You mentioned earlier in the show, some folks might be like, “Hey, I’m scared of market. I’ve heard that multiple times. I have no interest kind of investing in the market. Don’t trust it. Not comfortable with the risk, whatever the case may be.” And then there’s obviously the other end of the spectrum, which is like, I’m all in on whatever investment strategy could be equities, could be cryptocurrency, could be real estate, could be a combination of things. I don’t even feel the risk. It’s like, “Man, you could have two people at the same point in their journey, and are just dichotomously in very, very different directions.”

I’m just curious from your life experiences working with clients, is that coming from some of the money scripts and things that were growing up in? Is that coming from experiences like, “Hey, I lived through the 2008 recession. I saw my parents lose a significant amount of their nest egg or grandparent”, whatever be the case. Obviously, the pandemic could have an impact. Where does that come from?

[00:23:13] TB: I think it’s a combination of all those things. I mean, you even look at it, the Great Depression, that generation didn’t put money in banks, because they just didn’t trust banks, and then that can kind of filter through later generations. I think it’s a combination of, kind of your – I think your upbringing, like I would – I talked to my parents, and they’re older now, but even when younger, I think, my mom opened up a Roth IRA for me when I was really, really young, but I think it was like, mainly in cash, or like, very, very conservative bonds, or something like that, that we actually invested in which , again, doesn’t really make any sense if it’s going to be used for 14-year-old in retirement, 50 years later or 60 years later.

So, I think it is a lack of understanding and kind of, I think, a lack of education, or financial literacy around investments is part of it. That’s not anyone’s fault. I just think it should be more part of the curriculum and the things that we talk about as students in grade school, in high school. And again, we kind of talked about you can take out hundreds of thousands of loans, but not really not understand like the financial implications of that. So, I think we need to do a better job of that. I think, again, to go back to my own experience, Tim, we didn’t talk about money growing up. It was very much a taboo thing. So, it was kind of just something that was hands off, which I think kind of does lead to stunted growth in that regard. I think that a more openness to kind of talk through some of these things, and some of like the head trash, I think, a lot of it goes – it does come from your experience. I think there is a curiosity for a lot of people and we see it, where we kind of talked about maybe some missed prioritization of like, you’re invested in penny stocks or individual stocks, but you’re not necessarily taking your match for 401(k) or you have zero emergency fund.

I don’t hate on that too much, because I think it’s someone’s willingness to kind of learn and understand, like how markets work, right? I’ve been in that boat. But I think over time is like, the market is very, very humbling, where you – it’s almost like going to the casino. No one ever says, like, “Oh, man, I lost all this money.” It was like, “I had a great” – those things get lost in the fold. I think that over time, I think people’s experience with the market is, even professional. I just read a headline somewhere that Warren Buffett says, like a monkey could pick stocks better than most financial advisors, which I would agree with. Because there is a lot of randomness with that. So, it’s, again, buy the market, don’t try to beat the market.

I think it’s a little bit of that. It’s experience, it’s education. So, people that are nerds about this, that read up, I think kind of understand what to do. But I think a lot of it is the fingerprints of what our families put on us, and sometimes those things are overcomeable, and we are aware of those things, and sometimes they’re not. Sometimes it takes someone to say, “Maybe we need to look at this a different way.” Because if you want to get to where you need to go, and for a lot of pharmacists, especially if they’re a lot of pharmacists out there, they might be the first person in their family to have graduated from college. They might be the first person that make a six-figure income.

So, with that, comes, I think, a different set of issues and things to think about as you’re – because, again, typically, the higher you are on the income scale, we look at like Social Security, less of your retirement paycheck is coming for security. The lower you are on the income, the majority of your paycheck is going to come from security. So, you just have a different set of issues and things to think about, as you make more money and have that paycheck. So, I think it’s all of those things that can shape your money script, the things that you’re saying to yourself, but I think it also is even deeper than that. It’s kind of the caveman, cavewoman approaches like you don’t want losses, right? So, you want to protect yourself in any way that you can to shield yourself from those losses. So, we do sometimes irrational things just to protect that pain. I think that’s just in our DNA. We’re here today because our ancestors have survived, some didn’t. But as the evolution of sorts is that you are programmed to do things that maybe don’t necessarily make sense in here now.

[00:27:45] TU: Tim, that’s so true. I think it’s human behaviors, you mentioned. But as you’re talking, I can and always will, I think vividly remember the significant losses in my portfolio. You feel more in the moment, but I don’t remember the significant gains in my portfolio. The long-term trend is up in a positive direction, and the significant ups have been bigger than or equal to some of the significant downs. But I don’t remember those. Like I do the losses.

Let’s wrap up this third part of our retirement planning series by connecting all of this to the asset allocation plan. So, what we determined we need is the nest egg. We talked about that in the first episode. What our risk tolerance or capacity is, those two things combined is going to then help us inform what our asset allocation plan is. So, how we actually are going to distribute these dollars within the accounts, the various alphabet soup of accounts we talked about in the last episode. So, what is asset allocation, Tim? Just to find that a little bit further, and then what are the main variables. We’ve obviously talked about one in terms of the risk, but other variables that can impact our asset allocation plan?

[00:28:51] TB: Yeah, so the asset allocation is basically the art, or you can say, even the science of construction of portfolio with a mix of stocks and bonds to achieve the most amount of return for the least amount of risk. That’s what you’re really trying to do. So, at a very strategic level, there’s basically two buckets or two asset classes. There are stocks, which are basically where you own an equity share and a company, and you’re afforded things like dividends and capital appreciation. These are the things that we need to outpace things like the inflation monster, the tax man, et cetera. And then the second part of the portfolio are bonds or fixed incomes, and these are typically IOUs or notes that say, “Hey, government, I’m going to lend you the money.” Or, “Hey, corporation, I’m going to lend you my money. Give it back to me sometime in the future, but give me an interest payment as we go.”

Between the two, typically, bonds are more like a linear growth. Stocks are more exponential growth, but there’s typically more risk with stocks and less versus with bonds. That’s asset allocation in a nutshell. And then what you could do is, you can kind of go more granular in terms of like, “Okay, well, if I have this” – if 80% of my portfolio is going to equities or stocks, you can divide that up between things like large cap, mid cap, small cap, international, emerging market, real estate, that type of thing. And then same thing with bonds, if 20% of your portfolio is going to bonds, you can divide that up between junk bonds or international bonds or short duration bonds, long duration bonds, government bonds, that type of thing.

So, it is more granular. But at a very high level, to tie risk to asset allocation is, either using the rule of thumb, or using some type of risk tolerance, gauge or questionnaire, you can say, “Okay, I’m going to answer these questions. It’s going to say I’m an 80/20 portfolio, maybe a more balanced 60/40 portfolio.” And with that, if you have kind of an unexamined, approach, meaning like, most of the time, I think a lot of people will take that, and that’s how they invest. And I think, what we, as an advisor would do is say, let’s say, “I’m you’re 35, I know what saying you’re at an 80/20. But here are some numbers to show you that you should probably should be more aggressive.” We’re not going to spend this portfolio for another 30 years. Who cares what it does for the next 20, for the next 10, whatever that is. But let’s take a little bit more aggressive. 

So, that’s where you kind of get that talk about risk capacity. And then what you do is say you say, “Okay, we’ll compromise. We’re going to like a 90/10.” Then essentially, if you have $100,000, we’ll just say you’re a government employee with a TSP, if you have 100,000, know that 90,000 is going to go into some type of equity portfolio. So, the big one in TSP would be the C fund, which mimics the S&P 500. And then 10%, would go into the bond fund. That’s basically it. That’s where you connect the risk of where you’re at which again, is partly derived from the things that we just talked about, your upbringing, the head trash that you have, your experience. If you’ve experienced any pain, et cetera. And then, it should be then examined from where you’re at in terms of your time horizon, what you have saved. You’re working with an advisor, obviously. If you don’t have experience, you have a little bit more cred there to come up with, you know, what your final number is for your asset allocation. And then you put that into practice.

And then the idea is that over the course of a year, five years, 10 years, that portfolio is going to drift. So, say you are at 90/10, it could drift to a 95/5. It could drift down to an 80/20 or an 85/15, and you really want to make sure that you rebalance that over time. Because if you don’t, then if you’re an 80/20 portfolio, and you drift to something like a 90/10, if the market was then to go into a spiral, you’re taking more risk than what you signed up initially. So, sometimes when I say to rebalance, it just means to basically lock your percentages back to what you originally had agreed upon with your advisor or with yourself. That’s the big thing. So, you are kind of just resetting the percentages.

[00:33:12] TU: Again, this is a really important connection, as we bring this all together and talk about the value of a third party and the value of a planner that can really help your –it’s not – the value is not coming from picking stocks or picking investments that are going to beat the market. We’ve established that, what you’re describing is more passive investing strategy and here, we’re just talking about investing, which again, is just one part of the financial plan. The value really comes from okay, what is the game plan? What is the life plan? What is a wealthy life look like now? What is retirement life look like? What’s the number for us to get there? What does that mean today? How much do we need to be saving today to get there? We talked about that, in the first part of the series. What accounts are we going to leverage? How do we optimize this tax strategy? And within there, how do we begin to pick the investments, rebalance those portfolios over time.

Again, just such an important reminder, there are a lot of nuances in there alone, but investing is one part of the financial plan. So, we need to take that step back out of this silo that we’re in retirement planning and say, “Okay, what else is going on? What are all the other aspects of the financial plan that are happening? And does that impact or does that change potentially how we’re going to approach our investing plan?” I think, sometimes, we can hear this and hear the passive investing strategy. We can hear the nest egg calculators and think like, I can do that, I’ll just rebalance every once in a while. And you certainly can do it yourself. But let’s not lose sight of what can happen when you bring a third party into the equation, and we also have some value in zooming out and making sure this is fitting in correctly with the rest of the financial plan and the other puzzle pieces that are involved.

[00:34:56] TB: Yeah, the act of investment is a necessary, I don’t want to say evil, but it’s a necessary thing that we need to do to, again, get in front of things like inflation and taxes. A lot of advisors make that the central part of their practice and it is important. I don’t want to say it’s not important. But it typically takes a backseat to a lot of the other things that are going on in life, whether that is, “Hey, I need to pull money out of this investment, because we have to put an additional on our house, because I’m taking care of an aging parent.” Or, “Hey, we have a kid that’s going to college. So, we need to, again, change some things around.” Or, “Hey, I lost my job, so I’m not going to be able to invest like I was.”

The thing with a financial plan is that, the value is more in planning, not the plan. And the investment piece is very important, and it can be as complicated as you want to make it. But even in the simplest version, it can be complicated, because again, if we’re talking about an asset allocation, the example that I gave is in a TSP, but if you’re trying to do that across a brokerage account, an IRA, a Roth IRA, some of the task, it can very quickly, when you add layers, get more and more complicated. But I think that the – yeah, the value, I think, with working and this is at any part of the financial plan, not just the investments. It’s almost like an am I crazy type of – am I crazy to be doing this? Should I give myself permission to do this? And sometimes, because of the environment or the way that we live today with social media, like there’s so much gaslighting. You can almost start to doubt your own judgment. So, it’s sometimes good to have a rock or a steady influence, and this is at, really, any part of your life, but I think finance is what we’re talking about here to just say like, “Hey, am I crazy? Or what do we do here? Or this is a variable or this is a bump in the road? Or this is an opportunity, like what’s the best way to proceed?” Again, super biased. But I think that’s really the value. It’s not necessarily saying like, “Hey, we’re going to beat the market and all that nonsense. It’s like, life has happening, and are we living a wealthy life or not?

[00:37:20] TU: Yeah. And so, to that point, whether you are a new practitioner listening, early on in this journey of saving for the future, mid-career pharmacists wondering, “Hey, am I on track? Are there other things I should be thinking about? How does this fit in with other goals that I’m working towards? Or, pre-retiree, retiree thinking about more the distribution stage and building that retirement paycheck, which we’re going to talk about on our fourth and final part of the series. Regardless of where you’re at in the financial journey, our fee only financial planning team of five certified financial planners, in-house tax team that includes a CPA and an IRS enrolled agent. They’re ready to work with you to build your retirement plan, among work with you on your other financial goals.

So, you can book a free discovery call, learn more about our one on one financial planning services that is customized for the pharmacy professional. You can book that call at yfpplanning.com. Again, that’s yfpplanning.com. Thanks for listening and have a great rest of the week.


[00:38:09] TU: As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and it is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog post and podcast is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analysis expressed herein are solely those of your financial pharmacist unless otherwise noted and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward looking statements, which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer.

Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week.


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YFP 256: Why YFP Planning’s Lead Financial Planners Are All CFPs®

Why YFP Planning’s Lead Financial Planners Are All CFPs®

On today’s episode, sponsored by Splash Financial, YFP Planning Financial Planner, Kimberly Bolton, CFP® discusses why the CFP® designation is the most valuable credential when providing comprehensive financial planning, why the term financial planner in and of itself doesn’t mean a whole lot, what questions you can ask to find a planner who is a good fit for you, and what someone can expect when working with a financial planner.

About Today’s Guest

Kimberly Bolton, CFP®, is a Financial Planner at YFP Planning. Along with her team members, Robert Lopez, CFP®, and Savannah Nichols, she strives to help YFP Planning clients on their financial journey to living their best lives. To go along with her CFP® designation, Kim has a B.S. in Consumer Sciences with a concentration in Family Financial Planning and Counseling. When not working, Kim enjoys being in the sunshine, hitting the gym, hiking, traveling, taking her dogs Nugget and Toot on adventures, being a food enthusiast with her husband Allen, and spending time with her bonus kids Brianna and Brady.

Episode Summary

This week, YFP Co-Founder & CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, sits down with YFP Planning Financial Planner, Kimberly Bolton, CFP®, to discuss why all of the lead financial planners at YFP Planning are CFPs®. In their discussion, Tim and Kim cover why Your Financial Pharmacist believes the CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER, designation is the most valuable credential when providing comprehensive financial planning. Kim shares her personal story of becoming a CFP®, the rigorous education and experience requirements to become a CFP®, the comprehensive nature of the CFP® exam, the ethical standards associated with the credential, and why the CFP® is considered the most prestigious financial designation in the industry. She digs into why the term financial planner, or financial advisor, in and of itself doesn’t mean a whole lot, what specific questions you can ask to find a planner that is a good fit for you, and what someone can expect when working with a financial planner. Kim also explains common fee structures in the financial planning industry and why YFP Planning uses a fee-only structure. Tim shares a little bit of his own experience as a YFP Planning client himself, echoing Kim’s sentiment that the partnership between planner and client is an intimate one and that as a client, feeling comfortable with your planner will make an incredible difference in your experience. Kim closes with an awesome client success story, sharing how one couple was able to make their home-owning dreams come true years earlier than planned. 

Key Points From This Episode

  • Background on Kim’s professional journey to becoming a CFP®.
  • What inspired her to pursue a career in financial planning.
  • We find out about the work that Kim is currently involved with at YFP Planning.
  • Why the YFP team believe so much in the CFP® designation.
  • Some examples of how comprehensive the CFP® training is.
  • How working with a certified CFP® is beneficial for the client.
  • Kim tells us what is required to enter the CFP® course.
  • What people taking the CFP® board exam can expect.
  • Learn about the experience requirement needed after passing the exam.
  • The expected ethical standards once you are certified.
  • Differences in the types of CFP® planners in terms of fees and services.
  • A brief breakdown of the different fee structures associated with CFP® planners.
  • Examples of good questions to ask a financial planner to ensure they are the right fit for you.
  • Kim shares a success story about working with a CFP®.


“If you do any research on it, you’ll see that [being a Certified Financial Planner] is titled the most prestigious financial designation that you can have within the industry.” — Kimberly Bolton, CFP® [0:10:02]

“Here at YFP, it’s really important to us that our clients are comfortable with our recommendations. We want the clients to feel that the recommendations we make are made because it is in the client’s best interest.” — Kimberly Bolton, CFP® [0:11:58]

“Talking about your finances is a very intimate conversation. You want to make sure you are comfortable with your financial planner, because you’re going to have some intimate talks about your finances!” — Kimberly Bolton, CFP® [0:22:33]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


 [00:00:00] TU: Hey, everybody. Tim Ulbrich here, and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast where, each week, we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. 

This week, I had a chance to welcome YFP Planning financial planner, Kim Bolton, onto the show. We discuss why we believe the CFP, Certified Financial Planner, designation is the most valuable credential when providing comprehensive financial planning. We also discuss why the term financial planner or financial advisor in and of itself doesn’t mean a whole lot, what questions you can ask to find a planner that is a good fit for you, and what someone can expect when working with a financial planner. 

Now, before we hear from today’s sponsor and then jump into the show, I recognize that many listeners may not be aware of what the team at YFP Planning does in working one-on-one with more than 240 households in 45 states. YFP Planning offers fee-only high-touch financial planning that is customized for the pharmacy professional. If you’re interested in learning more about how working one-on-one with a certified financial planner may help you achieve your financial goals, you can book a free discovery call at yfpplanning.com. Whether or not YFP Planning’s financial planning services are a good fit for you, know that we appreciate your support of this podcast and our mission to help pharmacists achieve financial freedom. 

Okay, let’s hear from today’s sponsor, and then we’ll jump into my conversation with YFP Planning financial planner, Kim Bolton. This episode of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast is sponsored by Splash Financial. With interest rates on the rise, it’s a good time to evaluate the refinancing of your student loans. If you’ve ever considered refinancing your loans, check your rate now through Splash Financial. If you qualify, refinancing could help you get a lower monthly payment on your student loans or get a lower interest rate. Splash helps you shop and compare loan refinancing offers across lenders nationwide. 

Browsing rates through Splash Financial is fast, free, and won’t impact your credit until you complete a full application. Now, when you successfully refinance $50,000 or more, Splash Financial will give you an extra $500 in cash bonus using our link, splashfinancial.com/yfp. So check your rate today and see what you might be able to save at splashfinancial.com/yfp. 


[00:02:21] TU: Kim, welcome to the show.

[00:02:22] KB: Thanks. Thanks for having me. I’m really excited to be here. 

[00:02:25] TU: Well, this has been a long time in the making. We just celebrated your two-year anniversary here with YFP. So Kim is one of our financial planners that works with the team at YFP Planning. Today, we’re going to be talking all about why our financial planners are all CFP, certified financial planners, and why we believe so much in the CFP designation. The reason we’re putting Kim on the hot seat to talk about this topic is Kim just completed all of the components of the CFP to be able to use those marks. So, Kim, congratulations officially. Exciting to see that to the finish line.

[00:02:57] KB: Yeah, thanks. Thanks so much. It was a long journey. It took me – If you counted like my school and everything, it was about a six-year journey that it took to have the three little letters put behind my name. 

[00:03:11] TU: We’ll talk about why that takes so long and why those three letters are so important. But before we jump into learning about the CFP requirements, a certified financial planner requirement, tell us more about your career journey leading up to and including the work that you’re doing with YFP Planning.

[00:03:26] KB: Yeah. So my career journey in the financial planning industry actually began with YFP. YFP is the first financial firm that I have ever worked for. Before Tim found me, I had applied and interviewed with a couple of big corporate financial firms, and I had just realized like that’s not really where I want to be. Like that didn’t feel like home to me. Prior to the financial planning industry, I actually worked for the University of Alabama. I was an office administrator in their maintenance department. So I kind of already had experience with like the customer service piece and like invoicing and paperwork and the admin part of the job. 

[00:04:03] TU: Where did that interest come from, Kim, in terms of that pursuit of a career in financial planning?

[00:04:08] KB: So I was actually four months from graduating from college with an English major when I realized I want to be a financial planner, not an English major. So it started way back probably when I was like 16 and first started working. So I learned at a pretty young age how to semi-manage my finances since I had a car payment and insurance and things like that. Then I went through college thinking I was going to be an English major, and I realized in my thesis analysis class that that’s not where I wanted to be. 

So I went and talked with my college advisor. Just through like brainstorming different jobs that I could have, I had kind of come up with the idea of a finance major. A finance major and a financial planning major are – It’s similar, but they’re very different. The finance major is more broad than the financial planning major. So you get pretty like concentrated when you do just a financial planning major. So when I had first mentioned finance to my advisor, we were going through the different jobs that I could have with that degree and everything, and we eventually just realized that I wanted to help people with their finances, and I wanted to help people be able to retire and live a financial-free life. 

 Then that’s when we decided that financial planning is what I wanted to do. So four months before graduating, I changed my degree to be financial planning. It added a year and a half onto my schooling, but it was completely worth it, and now here I am, being a financial planner.

[00:05:39] TU: I think for those, Kim, that have not worked with a planner, it can be hard to understand, like what do I expect? What is actually involved in that relationship? What does it look like? One of the things we’re going to talk about is how different this service can be. Certainly, that term financial planner, that term financial advisor, wealth manager, lots of terms that are used, it does not mean that all things are created equal. So there’s a variety of ways that it can be done. 

But I think for folks that have not worked with a planner, it can even just be hard to wrap your arms around what does this actually look like. So as it relates to your work with YFP Planning and working alongside lead planner, Robert Lopez, give us a sneak peek into what your day-to-day, what your week-to-week looks like, as you help support the financial planning process for over 100 pharmacist households. 

[00:06:23] KB: Right. So day-to-day, we’re pretty much in the nitty-gritty financial planning. So day-to-day, I’m helping Robert get prepared for meetings, making the presentations for him. So if you are a client of YFP and you’ve ever seen any kind of slideshow or slide deck, that is definitely me and Savannah, working behind the scenes to kind of put that together for him. Working with Robert to help make any kind of recommendations, usually like the two of us brainstorm together to make the best recommendation for the client based on their certain situation.

Then from a week-to-week perspective, that’s kind of when you get a bigger picture, and you have like more projects coming in. So right at this moment, it looks like transitioning our clients into like a quarterly meeting schedule and kind of what that looks like for them, what that involves from us from like a workflow perspective, and really kind of catapulting that into existence and moving clients into a quarterly schedule. 

Overall, I directly support Robert and just make sure he’s prepared to give the client the recommendation, and I help him do any kind of research that is needed so that we can make sure we’re making the right call on different financial scenarios.

[00:07:37] TU: Robert, for folks that have not heard him on the podcast before, Robert Lopez is one of our lead financial planners, along with Kelly Reddy-Heffner. We had Robert on the podcast most recently on episode 248, where he talked about some public service loan forgiveness, PSLF, success story. So if folks are wondering, “Who is Robert,” that is who Robert is.  

I think you highlighted well, Kim, that there’s a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes. I think about as we bring on a new client into YFP Planning, there’s a lot of work involved in terms of the onboarding, making sure we have all the information and then, of course, in the ongoing basis, preparing for meetings, following up for meetings. There could be transactions that need to happen, tasks that we need to make sure that we follow up on. 

Even as one example, myself that you help, so I’m a client of YFP Planning, and Tim Baker is my financial planner. As I made the transition from Ohio State to working full time at YFP about a year ago, I had to do a rollover of my 401(a). So I had some questions as I looked at those forums. I wanted to make sure I did it right. I wanted to make sure there was no implications in terms of taxes or penalties. So you helped me execute that transition and that rollover. Lots of things that are happening that people may not see at face value, even for those that are engaged with the planning, where they jump onto an hour meeting or so with the lead planner. 

Kim, one of the things we’ve touched on in the past is the importance of understanding, as I mentioned just a few moments ago, that not all financial planners are created equal. So they can have varied educational experiences. They can carry different designations. They can be regulated in different ways. They can charge in a variety of ways. We’re going to link to in the show notes an important resource that we have available to download for free, and that is the nuts and bolts of hiring a financial planner that I would encourage listeners to check out. 

In that resource, we cover what are the different types of planners, how do they get paid, what are some questions that folks may consider asking when they hire a planner. Again, that’s the nuts and bolts to hiring planner. You can get that and download that at yourfinancialpharmacist.com/nutsandbolts, and we’ll link to that in the show notes as well. 

So we’re going to focus our time on the CFP designation, the certified financial planners. We believe that that is the credential that’s an important criteria to do comprehensive financial planning and to do it well. We’re proud to have five CFPs on the YFP Planning team that collectively serve over 250 pharmacist households for one-on-one planning. Kim, let me punt this to you since you’re the most recent designee of the CFP on the YFP Planning team. Why does YFP believe so much in the CFP designation?

[00:10:10] KB: So the CFP designation, if you do any kind of research on it, you’ll see that it’s kind of titled the most prestigious financial designation that you can have within the industry. I really think that YFP believes in the CFP designation the way that we do, simply because when you have the CFP designation or you’re working towards that designation, you’re really proving to yourself and you’re proving to others how high of standards you have for yourself. So when someone is either in the process or has a designation, they are being extensively tested and quizzed on their knowledge of financial planning. 

The questions and the coursework that you go through, it really digs deep and it makes you apply those financial planning concepts to real-life scenarios. So even though like you may be answering a multiple choice question when you’re being tested or when you’re doing like practice quizzes and everything, if you don’t understand how to apply the concept to a real-life scenario, then chances are you’re not going to be able to answer that question correctly. So the CFP designation really just sets you aside from everybody and shows how serious you are about your career in the financial planning world. 

Another part to that is CFP designation requires that you be a fiduciary, which in short means you put the client’s interest above your own, even if that recommendation doesn’t necessarily benefit you. It just benefits the client. This would come into play, for example, like if a financial planner had recommended that somebody go out and get like a $1 million life insurance policy. There are scenarios where if you’re not a fiduciary, you could be recommending that to that client because it’s in your best interest, because you possibly get a commission off of that. 

Here at YFP, it’s really important to us that our clients are comfortable with our recommendations. We want the clients to feel that the recommendations we make are made because it is in the client’s best interest. We don’t want that client to think like, “Hey, are they just making this recommendation because it benefits them, not because it benefits me?” So that’s really the big picture why I think YFP takes the CFP designation and so serious, is because it gives our clients that peace of mind. It gives them that level of comfort with us that we are working in their best interest, and we are doing what’s going to benefit them more than what’s going to benefit us.

[00:12:35] TU: Yeah. That was a great explanation, Kim, the fiduciary piece. We’re actually going to link that in the show notes. If people want to learn more about what the fiduciary standard is, why it matters, how it’s different from what’s known as the suitability standard, John Oliver has a great segment on this topic, and we’ll link to that in the show notes. Kim, you explained it well. So I think the highlights there would be the fiduciary piece, the rigors we’ll talk about in a moment, what makes up the CFP designation. 

As Tim Baker often says, “The bar of entry into financial advising and hanging a shingle to be a financial adviser is fairly low.” So being able to have some rigor, some documented evidence of the work that’s been put in, the seriousness of that training, and obviously being prepared to then provide comprehensive financial planning, that’s something we see often that traditional financial planning services might not necessarily be serving at folks in all different phases of life. Are they well-versed in things from retirement planning to debt management and everything in between? I think if you look at the CFP curriculum, very intense but also very comprehensive. 

So to that point, in terms of the rigor and the intensity, Kim you mentioned several years it took you to obtain that designation. So talk to us about the requirements that one must go through in order to be able to use those three letters by their name. 

[00:13:52] KB: Right. So there’s a couple of different ways that you can be qualified for the CFP exam. The most common is for someone to go through the CFP board’s coursework. In my situation, my college degree qualified me for the CFP exam. So you either have to have a bachelor’s degree that qualifies you for the exam, or you have to go through the CFP board’s coursework. Then once you have completed the education piece, you were then allowed to sit for the exam. The exam is 170 questions. They give you a six-hour limit, and it’s broken into three-hour segments. So three hours and then they let you leave for 30 minutes, and then you come back for the remaining three hours. Yeah, it’s pretty brutal. 

When I was taking mine, the lady that was working the front desk at the testing center when I left or when I was leaving, she told me, she said, “You’ve been here a long time today.” I’m like, “Yes, I just took a really long test.” Then once you pass that exam, which again during that exam, you’re tested on the ability to apply financial planning to real-life scenarios, and then you’re given a few different case studies where you have to dig through. It’s like a multiple answer question that you have to really look at. 

Then once you have passed the exam, you are then required to fulfill an experience requirement. So if you are working directly underneath another CFP, which in my case, I was working directly under Robert and Tim Baker, so working underneath them, I was required to get 4,000 hours of experience, which comes in at almost two years of work in the financial planning industry. Once all that is complete, then you basically sign your life away, saying you will be a fiduciary from here on out, and you will uphold to the CFP board’s like ethical standards and their standards of conduct.  

Then every year, we have some CE courses that we have to do. It sounds simple, but it’s really complex. After you’ve done all that, so the education, the exam, the experience, and then once you agree to the ethical requirements, you become a CFP.

[00:16:02] TU: Yeah. So I think pharmacists, they can relate to this, right? You described an educational component, you described an examination, and then you described what I would consider like an experiential component. So you mentioned 4,000 hours of practical experience and not until all of those have been completed and plus the acknowledgement that you’re going to uphold the fiduciary standard. Then at that point, you can use the certified financial planner marks. 

We think about pharmacy education. You’ve got the doctor pharmacy program. You’ve got the experiential rotations, which are typically throughout school, and then the final year of pharmacy school. Then we have the licensure examination. So we have a NAPLEX exam, and then we have a state law examination. However, what I’ll point out here is that I won’t say the NAPLEX is easy, but the pass rate of the CFP is much lower than the NAPLEX. I’m looking at the March 2022 examination of the CFP, and the pass rate was only 65 percent, so a very rigorous exam. 

Typically, we see board pass rates in pharmacy – I think the last I looked at it, we’re closer to 85 to 90 percent, so very rigorous exam. Then to my comment earlier, it’s a great benchmark, certainly not the only thing folks should be looking at as they’re shopping for a planner, but a good indicator that someone has gone through a rigorous process, educational component, examination, and an experiential piece that demonstrates their ability to do planning. 

Kim, I mentioned this briefly earlier, but I want to talk more about it in this concept of are all CFPs created equal in terms of types of services and how fees are assessed. Really, when you get the CFP marks, you have demonstrated that you’ve gone through all the things that you just talked to, but that may not mean that all CFPs are operating in the same way in terms of the services that they offer or as well as in the fees that they’re charging, correct?

[00:17:44] KB: Yeah, that’s right. So it’s really a wide range of like different services and different fee structures that you can have. Kind of to be brief with it and not go down a rabbit hole, you can have CFPs that are comprehensive planners. So that’s like us here at YFP, where we go from one end of the spectrum to the other. We can help you buy a house, we can help you invest your 401(k), or we can help you improve your credit score, anything along the lines. So it’s really everything under that financial planning umbrella. 

Or you can have CFPs that strictly do just investment management. This is going to be CFPs that worked directly with your investments, so like that employer retirement plan or that traditional IRA or Roth IRA that you may have. Just another different spectrum that you could be on is you could simply work at an insurance company, and you could be the financial planner that is selling the insurance, whether it’d be life insurance, disability, umbrella insurance. It’s a big world out there, and so your options are kind of limitless on what kind of services you provide. 

Then as far as fees go, so really the three most common that most people have probably heard is a fee-based, commission-based, or a fee-only. So fee-only is what we are here at YFP. I’m sure we’ve mentioned it a few times on the podcast but fee-only basically. When you come on board with us, and we quote you your price to work with us, that is the price. That is what we are paid. We don’t get any kind of commissions or any kind of kickbacks or anything like that. Whereas with commission-based fees, that planner is going to work strictly off of the commissions that they make from selling you products. 

Then fee-based gets a little sticky because it is where it can be a flat fee, but then you also receive kickbacks off of people’s investments or insurance policies or things like that. So fees and services can get a little bit sticky and can be a tad complicated, but that is in short are like the major ones that are the most common.

[00:19:44] TU: Yeah. As you described, Kim, it really is the Wild Wild West in terms of how services are constructed, how often you meet with a planner, what to expect, what they’re managing, what they’re doing, as well as the fees, and how those fees are assessed and charged. So that really means there’s due diligence on the client side to be asking the right questions as they’re conducting that search. We talked about this in detail in episode 54. Several other resources we have as well available at yfpplanning.com. Folks can look for more information there. But it really talks more about the model that we do at YFP Planning, as well as the concept of fee-only.

I want to just for a moment give an example, Kim, of fee-only and why we believe that matters. So you gave the definition of it. Let’s say you’re working with a client, Kim, and you determine that there’s a need for, let’s just say, long-term disability insurance on top of some employer coverage they may have. Well, under the fiduciary standard, under the fee-only model, as you work with that client to determine what the benefit need is, you’re not selling the insurance policy, number one, and you’re not getting any direct kickback for the recommendation of any specific product that you would be recommending. 

In that case, you can really help evaluate objectively what does the client need, what does the client not need, and then help look at a variety of different options as they shop those policies around. So I think that many pharmacists that will resonate with them in terms of wanting to have unbiased recommendations as possible. To that point that I made that it’s important, we’re asking good questions to understand what do people do in terms of services and how do they charge. What are some questions that you would recommend, Kim, folks ask as they’re looking for a planner that is hopefully a good fit for them?

[00:21:25] KB: Yeah. So I think the first question you should ask is are you a fiduciary? Because simply, you want somebody that is going to give you advice based on your best interest, not the planner’s best interest. The second big one is like what qualifications do you have. You want to make sure that your planner is qualified to actually be giving you financial advice, and it’s not just somebody like posing as a financial planner. Then how are you paid is going to be another big one. So that’s going to tell you like, “Do they receive commission off of me like. Is this a fee-only relationship?” So how are you paid is a big one. 

Then another one would be like how is our relationship going to work. So you want to make sure that you and the financial planner are on the same page about how the relationship will work between the two of you. So like how often will you meet? Like how will you manage my assets? How do you plan to help me buy a house? Like kind of what does the relationship look like? Other than those big questions, I would simply just make sure that you jive with that financial planner. 

Talking about your finances is a very intimate conversation, so you want to make sure like you are comfortable with that financial planner because you’re going to have some intimate talks about your finances. So you want to make sure that you’re comfortable opening up with that person and that your personalities kind of go together. In that way, you feel comfortable talking to them, and you feel comfortable sharing details about your finances, and you don’t feel like you have to hold back because either personalities clash or because you’re not really comfortable opening up with them.

[00:23:03] TU: Great overview. As we always say, shout out to Justin here who does our business development and our discovery calls on the front end, it has to be a good fit from both ends, right? If you as a client are going to make an investment of time and money, and our planning time is going to make an investment in that relationship as well, there has to be a good fit, and that starts with expectations in terms of folks being on the same page. I think that starts with making sure you’re comfortable what that relationship looks like and by asking some good questions, as Kim just highlighted there. 

Kim, do you have an anonymous success story or two that you can share of clients of YFP Planning that really highlights the impact that a CFP can have and that the planning team can also have at large?

[00:23:46] KB: Yeah. I actually have a really good example. I had even mentioned it to Robert to make sure he was okay with me sharing. When I told him the example that I was going to use, he was completely on board with it, so I’m excited. But we had these long-term clients. They’ve been around with YFP I think longer than I have, but they had gone through residency. The wife had already graduated, and she was in her career. But the husband was still in residency. It was cool to be able to watch him finish his residency program. 

 Then once he had finished, they moved states to be closer to where he had received a job. They were living in a townhome, and they had done a couple of budgeting meetings with us, make sure they were saving correctly and make sure that they were saving enough for retirement. Then the question came about. They were like, “Well, we want to buy a house.” Behind the scenes, they had done all the math to figure out how long they needed to save in order to have that 20 percent down payment that we always hear about when it comes to home buying. 

They had figured out that it was going to take them five years to save a 20 percent down payment, and they were really in the dumps about it. Like they enjoyed where they live, but they also wanted to be homeowners. They wanted to get that next chapter in their life started. So we had a call with them. We could kind of tell that they were down in the dumps about it being five more years before they could even really begin to seriously look at houses and put in offers and everything. Then we made the recommendation to them. We told them like, “You are eligible for a doctor loan, which with the doctor loan, you don’t have to have the 20 percent down payment.” So we went through the whole process of educating them on what a doctor loan is and what those terms look like and like why they don’t need the 20 percent down payment. 

Then it was literally like 30 days to the mark after that conversation. They were closing on their first house without a 20 percent down payment. At this point, they’ve probably moved in. I haven’t talked to them lately, though. But it was awesome to be able to help them realize like, “Hey, we don’t have to wait five years to buy a house. We can buy a house now.” So they were over the moon, they had found a home and that the home ownership chapter was beginning. It was awesome to watch, and it also just made me realize, and they even mentioned it. Like without the YFP Planning team, like who knows if they would have ever even known what a doctor loan was, and that it could have been five more years before they actually got in the home. So it was awesome to be able to help them make that transition into the next chapter of their life.

[00:26:24] TU: I love that story. Thanks for sharing. What I love about that too is when we think about the pharmacists home loan, doctor loan products, we’ve talked about them on the podcast before, one of the I think challenges that can be there is if folks aren’t really evaluating that home purchase in the context of the rest of the financial plan, is that home-buying can be exciting. It can be emotional. It can be stressful. We can easily find ourselves down a path of the home purchase that may not jive with the rest of the financial plan. 

You are here. Robert is with a client and not only being able to open up a new avenue that maybe wasn’t considered to make this home purchase a reality, but also considering and evaluating that and the rest of the financial plan. So how does a home purchase fit with also making sure we’re progressing for retirement and with other financial goals as well? So really cool story to share, and I think one of the things that you and the planning team do so well is striking this balance between taking care of our future selves but also living a rich life today. Both are really important, and that’s a great story and example of why it is. 

Kim, thank you so much for taking time, number one, to come on the show, and excited to get you in front of the YFP community, if folks don’t know who you are, aren’t familiar with you yet. Again, congratulations on all the hard work that went into getting the CFP. I would remind folks that we’ve got a great guide an overview of the nuts and bolts to hiring a financial planner. You can download that for free at yourfinancialpharmacist.com/nutsandbolts. 

Then for folks that are hearing this and saying, “Hey, I’d love to learn more about the planning services offered by Kim and the rest of the team at YFP Planning,” you can book a free discovery call with Justin Woods, our Director of Business Development. You can do that by going to yfpplanning.com. So, Kim, again, thank you so much. 

[00:28:11] KB: Yeah, thank you for having me.


[00:28:13] TU: Before we wrap up today’s episode of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast, I want to, again, thank our sponsor, Splash Financial. If you’ve ever considered refinancing your loans, check your rate now through Splash Financial. If you qualify, refinancing could help get you a lower monthly payment on your student loans or get a lower interest rate. Splash helps you shop and compare loan refinancing offers across lenders nationwide. Browsing rates through Splash Financial is fast, free, and won’t impact your credit until you complete a full application. 

Now, when you successfully refinance $50,000 or more, Splash Financial will give you an extra $500 in cash bonus using our link, splashfinancial.com/yfp. So check your rate today and see what you might be able to save at splashfinancial.com/yfp. 

As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding material should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts, and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist, unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the date published. Such information may contain forward-looking statements which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. 

Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week.


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YFP 251: Zero to One: How to Get Started in Real Estate Investing

Zero to One: How to Get Started in Real Estate Investing

On this episode, sponsored by Insuring Income, Nate Hedrick and David Bright, co-hosts of the YFP Real Estate Investing Podcast, share their top tips and strategies for getting started in real estate investing.

Episode Summary

The concept of real estate investment can be so broad, with many different avenues you can choose to take, that getting started can feel like a daunting task. One key concept to ensure that you can weather the storms that may come when investing in real estate is to, first and foremost, get your own financial house in order. By building a firm financial foundation, risk-averse pharmacist real estate investors can be more confident with the ups and downs in this ever-changing market. This week, YFP Co-Founder & CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, welcomes David Bright and Nate Hedrick, co-hosts of the YFP Real Estate Investing Podcast, back to the show. Top moments from the episode include David discussing the main categories of real estate investing and why he and Nate have favored buy and hold investment strategies. You will also hear a frank discussion on the individuals you should consider surrounding yourself with as a part of your real estate investing team, plus a few strategies for finding and evaluating an investment property. Nate and David also take a few moments to answer some frequently asked questions about real estate investing for those getting started in their real estate investing journey.

Key Points From This Episode

  • An update from David and Nate regarding their coaching program.
  •  The importance of having a strong personal financial foundation.
  •  How to break down real estate investing.
  •  Categories best suited for first-time investors.
  •  Nate shares the team aspect of real estate investing to bring down the stress and reduce the barriers to entry.
  •  Where to find a good investment property: off-market.
  •  The importance of being able to define and state your criteria to a real estate agent.
  •  Using math to evaluate an investment and what that looks like; setting up categories.
  •  FAQs you’ll hear when starting in real estate investing.


“Getting your [own] financial house in order, [is] such a critical first step before you go on that journey to invest in real estate.” — Tim Ulbrich, PharmD [0:05:34]

“Having a firm financial foundation beneath you means that you can weather some of those storms and deal with some of those ups and downs of real estate.” — David Bright, PharmD, MBA, BCACP, FAPhA, FCCP [0:07:13]

“We’re investing in houses that are far enough away that we’re not going there and we’re not in that day to day aspect of the investing, which is really helpful when you work a full-time pharmacist job and you don’t want to be distracted by your real estate investing.” — David Bright, PharmD, MBA, BCACP, FAPhA, FCCP [0:22:02]

“To be considered a good investment property, it needs to pay for itself every single year, year in and year out, and put money back in your pocket. Running [those] numbers is important and not just looking at the simple things but truly diving into the details.” — Nate Hedrick, PharmD [0:24:30]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[0:00:00.4] TU: Hey everybody, Tim Ulbrich here and thank you for listening to The YFP Podcast, where each week, we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom.

This week, I had a chance to welcome back onto the show, David Bright and Nate Hedrick, co-hosts of the YFP Real Estate Investing Podcast. During the interview, David, Nate, and I talk through zero to one, how to get started in real estate investing and make the hardest move, which is that first move.

Some of my favorite moments from the show include David talking to the main categories of real estate investing and why he and Nate have favored buy and hold investment strategies, a discussion on individuals you may consider surrounding yourself as a part of your team as you begin your real estate investing journey and strategies for finding and evaluating an investment property.

Make sure to hang with us to the end of the show when I ask David and Nate frequently asked questions for those getting started in their real estate investing journey. Now, one of the things that we talk about on today’s episode is why getting the financial house in order is such an important and crucial first step before diving into real estate investing.

That is a great opportunity to highlight what I think many folks may not be aware of, which is the incredible work that the team at YFP planning does and working one-on-one with more than 240 household in 40 plus states.

YFP planning offers fee-only, high touch financial planning that is customized to the pharmacy professional. If you’re interested in learning more about working one-on-one with a certified financial planner may help you achieve your financial goals, you can book a free discovery call at yfpplanning.com.

Whether or not YFP Planning’s financial planning services are a good fit for you, know that we appreciate your support of this podcast and our mission to help pharmacists achieve financial freedom.

Okay, let’s hear from today’s sponsor, and then we’ll jump into my interview with David and Nate.

This week’s podcast episode is brought to you by Insuring Income. Insuring Income is your source for all things term life insurance and owned occupation, disability insurance. Insuring Income has a relationship with America’s top-rated term life insurance and disability insurance companies so pharmacists like you can easily find the best solutions for your personal situation.

To better serve you, Insuring Income reviews all applicable carriers in the marketplace for your desired coverage, supports clients in all 50 states and make sure all of your questions get answered. To get quotes and apply for term life or disability insurance, see sample contracts from disability carriers or learn more about these topics, visit insuringincome.com/yourfinancialpharmacist. Again, that’s insuringincome.com/yourfinancialpharmacist.


[0:02:40.9] TU: David and Nate, welcome back to the show.

[0:02:43.8] DB: Hey Tim, always great to be here.

[0:02:45.7] NH: Yeah, thanks so much.

[0:02:46.8] TU: First of all guys, congratulations on the work that you’ve been doing with the YFP Real Estate Investing Podcast. You’ve crossed the 50 episode threshold, which is really an incredible accomplishment and I think it just speaks volume to the commitment of time and energy and effort that you guys have put in so thank you so much for that and it’s been fun to see the reception among the pharmacist community in terms of the focus here on real estate investing and the community of pharmacist and I think that’s a good segue. 

I’d love to hear from you guys, just for a moment, an update on what you’ve been up to. When we talked last at the turn of the year, you guys were just getting started with the none to one group coaching program to help folks begin their journey in real estate investing. So, David, Nate, we’d love to hear the update of how that course has gone and what you’ve been seeing.

[0:03:34.7] NH: Yeah, we had a ton of success with that. It’s been really fun to bring together this group of pharmacist that are really eager to buy their first investment property. We actually ended up taking on 10 pharmacist and we are meeting every Sunday for the past two months now, David, and it’s been going really well. It’s a really cool class of individuals, it’s been a great time to talk to everybody and learn along with them, right?

We’re there to teach and kind of coach but at the same time, there’s always more that we can learn and so it’s been really interesting to have problems brought to us and we’re dealing with people all over the country, so it makes David and I expand our horizons a bit. It’s been really enjoyable.

[0:04:08.0] DB: Yeah, it’s also been a lot of fun to see the victories come out too, right? The problems are one thing and the problem solving is like inherent to pharmacist so we enjoy that, right? The victories are also a lot of fun seeing folks who get offers accepted and move through inspections and conquering that investing world has just been really inspiring to see other pharmacist jump into that and do that.

[0:04:27.0] TU: We’re excited to hopefully share more of those stories into the future and be able to offer that out to other pharmacists as well so we really appreciate you guys and the commitment you’re putting enough time, we’re recording here on a Monday, early morning, you guys are up last night with that group. I know it’s got energy and enthusiasm that you’re putting into it as well but it is an investment of time, so thank you guys so much for that work.

This is a follow-up to episode 241. We talked before and we’ll link to that in the show notes about some common objections and barriers to getting started in real estate investing and the idea with this episode is that for those that have worked through or are working through some of those objections and are ready to make the move, what should they be thinking about in terms of going from none to one, right? That hardest move that we often hear folks talk about in the real estate investing journey.

Let’s get started, I want to jump in and talk about the importance of having a strong personal financial foundation, it wouldn’t be a YFP podcast if we didn’t talk about that. Getting your financial house in order, such a critical first step before you go on that journey to invest in real estate. Let’s start there, Nate. Tell us more about why you and David emphasize this concept so often on the YFP Real Estate Investing Podcast as well as for your own personal journey why this has been so important.

[0:05:49.4] NH: Yeah, it’s something we reinforce all the time, right? Even the very speaking in the none to one, the very first half of the first class was all about, like, “Okay, you need to establish your own financial house and if you don’t then we need to take a pause and reset,” because without that, right? Nothing else can really track from there, right? We need to make sure that our own financial house is in a state where we can feel comfortable investing and that that investment decision is not going to be make or break, right?

We are very risk-averse, safety-oriented pharmacists as David and I like to say and with that, comes the concept that you need to be in a position where if things don’t work out perfectly, you’re going to be just fine financially. These are decisions we’re making not in a do or die situation, right? We’re trying to buy these properties or invest in a way that it supplements our financial plan, rather than, is the make or break piece of it.

[0:06:39.3] DB: Yeah, and there’s a lot of just potential instability or seeming instability in terms of real estate investing versus a lot of other types of investing. Kind of like in your personal budget, if you’re saving up for a car, you might be putting away money every month and eventually that car happens. There’s same kind of thing with the real estate investment if you may need to save monthly for a roof replacement or save monthly for furnace placement that’s coming at some point though those kind of things maybe a little harder to plan for. 

So those evictions, late rent, there’s just a lot more instability and so having a firm financial foundation beneath you, means that you can weather some of those storms and deal with some of those ups and downs of real estate, knowing that in no month is it ever coming out perfect, that all of the bills just perfectly line up but over time, hopefully, the average is added to something and ends up being a good investment.

[0:07:29.4] TU: There’s lots to dig into of course in that topic, in that umbrella, building a strong financial foundation, we’re not going to do that here today because that’s what we do every week on the show but I would point folks to episode 212 where I talk through some of the components of building a strong financial foundation, what does that exactly mean and why is that so important as you begin your real estate investing journey.

We know that real estate investing is such a broad umbrella and I think that’s one of the things that you guys have done such a nice job on the YFP Real Estate Investing Podcast is really introducing folks to the variety of different ways that they could invest in real estate but I think that because it’s so wide and because there’s so many options, that can be intimidating for a new investor. So David, tell the us more about how you and Nate break down real estate investing and what categories might be easier for first time investors as they get started?

[0:08:21.3] DB: Yeah, there are plenty of different avenues for real estate investing, kind of like the professional pharmacy, many different ways that you could practice pharmacy. As far as real estate investing goes, Nate and I like to break this down into buy and hold real estate investing where you just buy something, you rent it out long term, or flipping real estate where you buy it, you may fix it up and you may quickly then sell it.

You could apply those terms to single-family houses or multi-family apartment buildings or storage units or vacation properties or so many different categories. Just to make things pretty simple and to stay with areas of investing where people have some general familiarity often times just from buying their own primary residence, we talk a lot about the single-family, buy and hold, long-term rental where you’re simply buying a house, presumably a lot like what you live in and renting that out to someone else so that that simplicity and the clarity of buying a single-family house seems to be one way that people can make an easier jump into real estate investing.

It seems just a lot less intimidating to go buy a single-family, three bed, one and a half bath house than it is to buy an apartment building or buy a strip mall or buy a storage unit complex or something like that, there’s ways to dial back the intimidation factor that way.

[0:09:40.8] NH: Yeah, at the same time, we got a lot of people that come to us and say, “You know, Nate, I want to buy a vacation rental anyway, tell me about the short-term rental thing, you know? Can we do that?” And so there are other ways to get more adventurous with it if that’s what you want to go, where you can buy a property that you can use on the weekends here and there for the rest of vacation property and then rent it out the rest of the year.

We also see people and we’ve talked to individuals that are house flippers or even wholesalers where you’re taking basically, a great deal putting some capital into it or maybe very little capital into it and then flipping it to someone else. There are lots of options out there and just like David said, it’s just as diverse as pharmacy, you can – the term real estate investing is so broad, there’s so many different avenues you can walk down.

[0:10:18.0] TU: Yeah, for folks who haven’t yet listened to the many great stories on the real estate investing podcast, this is one of the areas that I love that you guys have done. I think really focused intently on the buy and hold strategy, David, for the reasons that you’d mentioned but you’ve also featured and then sprinkled some other areas to show the diversity that can be there, you know?

I’m thinking about the recent episode 46 where you had on Stuart and Elizabeth talking about motel hacking. I know you’ve had a couple of folks talking about short-term rentals so certainly, a lot of buy and hold, more of that traditional investing stories but other avenues that folks maybe thinking about as well. Now, I’ve heard you both talk a lot about the team aspect of real estate investing as a way to bring down the stress, reduce the barriers to entry. 

Nate, do you mean investing in partnerships when you talk about the team, finding a mentor or something else altogether?

[0:11:06.8] NH: Yeah, it’s kind of a little bit of everything right? There’s nothing wrong with a partnership or a mentor but a lot of times, we focus on just building this team around yourself that can help and it can be something as simple as the YFP community, right? As part of your team, you’ve got people that are helping you out, supporting you in those decisions, helping make things just a little bit less stressful but really, truly, that team that surrounds you, starts with a good real estate agent.

Someone that has your fiduciary interest and making sure that you’re going to be successful and really, as that starts to expand, then your team can expand as well. You know, when we talk about building a team, it sounds really intimidating and so we really try to focus more on starting with really good core individuals around you and then expanding from there and then as you build your confidence and as you start to expand what your kind of projects you’re able to take on.

[0:11:50.3] DB: Yeah, that’s absolutely how we guys started to, we started with the realtor from our own investing and that realtor helped us, the first property that we bought, we needed someone that new plumbing because there’s a plumbing issue so I asked the realtor for a contact for a plumber, the realtor offered us a few different contacts, we were able to find a plumber. From there, we needed someone that could do dry wall, we reached out to the realtor.

And so, our team grew very organically just in terms of reaching out to that realtor, even when it came to an insurance agent or a property manager, those connections all happened just from that initial networking through that initial realtor and then contacts from contacts and going from there.

Even like Nate mentioned on the Facebook group, online connections, online networking, other local real estate meetups, we were able to over time add a book keeper and a tax accountant an attorney and lenders and other folks from there so you know, absolutely, that can sound intimidating on the front end of this enormous team that feels like is necessary when you listen to podcast and read books but for us, it just started out with a realtor and one foot in front of the other. Finding one contractor at a time as we needed people on our team growing that organically.

[0:13:01.6] TU: Love the simplicity of that, David. I’ve heard you and Nate mentioned that before as I think folks often hear stories of investors that have been at this for several years and they’ve got that team, right? They’ve got contractors, they’ve got insurance agents, they’ve got property managers, they’ve got, on the financial side where there’s bookkeeping, individual financial planning, tax side, they got attorneys, they’ve got a team that has really been built over time but they didn’t start there and so I think that step of my team and having that team in place can often paralyze folks if that’s something that they don’g think — maybe I can start with one individual, what if I start with a really good realtor that can help me take that step forward, that’s feasible, that’s manageable and then I can build my team out over time.

If I’m listening and I’ve narrowed down the type of real estate investing, let’s say I’ve determined what type is a good fit for me at least to get started, I thought a little bit about the team or finding that agent who is going to help me overtime, build out that team. The next question I think that comes to mind, especially in the current market is, where does one find a good investment property? Am I leaning on my team here, am I doing my own search on Zillow? Nate, what are your thoughts here?

[0:14:11.2] NH: Yeah, I think it’s a common question we get and I think the misconception that comes to us often is, the only way to find a good investment property deal is off-market because especially if you listen to some of the bigger players, people that are doing this for a long time, they find some of their best deals off-market but that’s not the only place to find them and so I think, again, that’s another intimidation factor that David and I really focused on dispelling is that there are absolutely deals that you can find on Zillow on the MLS or your real estate agent, you can go off-market and there’s advantages and disadvantages to doing that but you don’t have to.

Even something as simple as connecting with a good agent, getting an MLS, auto email setup and what I mean by that is, you put your criteria and your budget into the system and every morning, you’re going to get an email that says, “Here are the houses that meet your criteria,” and starting to understand your market, you’d be surprised at how quickly you’ll start to find a deal because now, you know everything in that market and so when a property pops up, now all of a sudden, you know, “Yeah, that one’s worth looking at” or “No, we can skip it, that’s not worth our time.” It just makes that deal-finding so much easier. 

We were actually just talking about this last night on the none to one course about an individual that’s like, “I know there’s exactly 10 duplexes available in this particular area when the 11th one pops up, I know what to do in terms of whether or not it’s worth offering on” and that is how you really understand the market and when a good investment property comes along, you can really take action on it.

[0:15:29.4] DB: Yeah, I think that’s really important. One of the things that Nate, that you said there was the word criteria. I think that that makes it so helpful for a real estate agent that you’re working with when you define, we need to say, I’m looking for a great investment property, the realtor in the other side there is like, “What precisely do you mean? What am I looking out for you?” 

That can be really puzzling but if you’re saying that, “I’m looking for a duplex between this street and this street, around this school” when you can be that clear. “At this price point, I want one half to be vacant, one half to be tenanted because I want to move in and house hack.”

Whatever those criteria are, the more precise and specific that you can get for that real estate agent, the easier it will be to find a search, even if there are only 10 on the market right now in that example, it’s so much easier to identify that when it pops up and to jump quickly, which is a big thing in this market is not falling into analysis paralysis once you see that opportunity but being ready to jump on that when it shows it face.

[0:16:29.3] TU: Yeah, speaking of analysis paralysis, you know, I think that pharmacists, it’s safe to say are very numbers-oriented and so when I hear you guys talk about like criteria and is it worth it, I am sure that many would be relieved if there is a sure-fire way to run numbers, identify if an investment is a good one or not and so you guys just released episode 50 where you talked about a spreadsheet analysis. 

That brings comfort to me as a pharmacist, right? I can put numbers into the spreadsheet and that can at least help guide me. Tell me a little bit about how someone can use math to evaluate an investment and what that looks like? 

[0:17:02.7] DB: Yeah, the math I think sounds intimidating right? When we talk about math pharmacist think like amino glycosides and it gets really complex in a hurry but when we talk about math in the real estate standpoint, it is relatively simple compared to what we do in the pharmacy world. 

There is a common misconception that as long as the rent is higher than the mortgage payment, I will be making money and I feel like that is one of the key drivers behind the episode that we had to walk through the numbers and what are the other expenses that you may not be anticipating but they factor in. 

So things like paying a property manager, if you choose to not self-manage the property or paying for those repairs and those larger expenses like we mentioned the roof and the furnace and things like that that if you own the property long enough, you will have to replace those things and setting aside money for that. 

There are a lot of other smaller expenses that are easier to overlook and so again, that’s kind of the driver of setting up that spreadsheet and not just setting that up to make sure that those categories are captured but also setting that up with some notes in there to make sure that the information going in is good. 

If you have your estimates wrong on each of those categories, it’s going to be a garbage in garbage out kind of analysis and it will be hard to trust those numbers, so we try to spend some time in that episode to talk through what are those categories, how might you estimate those, how would you get a little more precise in that math so that you have a better idea of how you might expect that property to perform from an investing standpoint. 

[0:18:33.2] NH: Yeah, really good point David about the numbers and not getting too lost in the spreadsheet. It is important to use and it’s a great way to start using math to evaluate a property but you’d be surprised the amount of things that you can catch that don’t have to do with math, right? Maybe the property you’re looking at is on the same street as another one that you like or another one you are comparing it to but it just so happens to be right across the school district line. 

So now, it’s not the same school district, which means it affects the property value or it affects the rent rate and so there is all these little nuances that can go along with it, and again, that’s where your team can kind of come in and help you out. Again, relying on that real estate agent, relying on maybe a property manager to help with rent rates and just taking a double look at things, once you’ve done the analysis to make sure that it actually marches out in real life. 

If you are interested too, I don’t think we’ve dropped this here but I would mention in episode 50, we actually put together that spreadsheet that you can download yourself. If you head over to yourfinancialpharmacist.com/analysis, you can download that spreadsheet for free. A great way to again, run the numbers the same way that David and I do. 

[0:19:25.8] TU: Awesome, thank you guys so much for putting that together. Again, yourfinancialpharmacist.com/analysis, we’ll link to that in the show notes. All right, so we’ve talked about several things so far. We have talked about the importance of having a strong personal financial foundation before we jump into real estate investment. We’ve talked about the different categories, the aspect of forming the team, and how you potentially find and evaluate an investment property. 

Let’s transition to some common FAQs that you all hear from folks that are getting started in real estate investing. David, the first one here is, “Can I only invest close to where I live? Don’t I need to see the house before I buy and drive by the house regularly?” this concept of investing in my backyard or perhaps, is there an opportunity to invest at a distance? 

[0:20:11.5] DB: Yeah, it’s a great question, one that we hear often and it has come up quite a few times in the none to one course particularly when we are talking with pharmacists that live in really pricey markets where it just feels intimidating to try to buy in that area compared to for instance the Midwest where Nate and I live and where properties are much more affordable than something on one of the coast. 

I think the short answer is you don’t have to invest where you live. It may be less intimidating to invest or to go through your first investment process close to you and that is something that I did personally. We bought a house that was very close that I drove past on my way to work and so it was just very simple to keep an eye on that and to feel that kind of sense of security until I started doing that and realized like really not bringing a lot of value to this. 

When I walk a property compared to when a contractor or realtor walks a property, they see a lot more than I see. When I drive by that house, I’m like, “Well, it is still there, it hasn’t burned down” I mean, there’s not really a lot of value that I brought to that so we started overtime in an area about a 45-minute drive from where I live, which I know to a lot of people that’s a daily commute, right? 

That is not super far but it’s the point where we’ll buy a house, there have been houses that I have not been inside or driven by because we just value that team so much and the team perspective that if the contractor has walked it, if the realtors walked it, if the property manager is on board, there’s again, just not a lot of value that I bring to that equation. Again, even though it is not far away, we’re investing in houses that are far enough away that we’re not going there and we’re not in that day to day aspect of the investing, which is really helpful when you work a full-time pharmacist job and you don’t want to be distracted by your real estate investing. 

[0:22:04.2] NH: As someone that does both in state and out of state myself, I totally attest to that like the ones that are out of state are so nice because I don’t have to worry about them, and then the ones that are in-state, you end up doing what I did, which is spend pretty much my entire Saturday painting and demoing a basement this weekend, so you can fall into that trap pretty easily. 

[0:22:21.4] TU: You beat me to it Nate, before we hit record you are talking about your time spent this weekend and I was just thinking about that in terms of being in your backyard. David, one of the stories that I remember you telling early, I can’t remember if it was snow removal or mowing the lawn but you had mentioned that itch. That hey, I drive by this property, I see it all the time and I maybe have a tendency to think like, “Ah maybe I don’t have to depend on the team. I could save a little bit of money if I just shoveled the snow myself” right? 

Obviously as you build out a portfolio, as you have, and of course you’ve built out a team that has helped you but that risk, I guess if you call it that can be real when you see the property so often.

[0:22:56.2] DB: Oh absolutely, yeah. I have vivid terrible memories of like six in the morning standing there with a snow shovel because the house was halfway between where I live and where I work and I am like, “Oh, I could just do this real fast” and then my feet are soaking wet and freezing and all that kind of stuff, it’s like why did I just pay someone the five or ten dollars or whatever it would be to shovel this? 

Why did I feel like that was a good use of my time at six in the morning? So yeah, with some of this stuff there is some healthy separation when you’re investing just far enough out that you aren’t tempted to go run and do these things yourself. 

[0:23:30.3] TU: Nate, the second question here and David hit on this briefly but I want to come back to it is this idea of is it a good investment if the rent is more than the mortgage and what’s the potential trap in that and what are some things that folks could be looking for to help avoid that? 

[0:23:44.9] NH: Yeah, I think this actually goes back to that spreadsheet we talked about was it is not just simple numbers of, “Okay, the rent is 1,500 and the mortgage is 1,200 so cool, I am cash flowing 300 bucks a month” like that is not actually how the math works, right? We need to figure out a lot of the other factors that go into it because this is again, it is truly a business. It is an investment and so it has to run itself and by that, I mean that the repairs take care of themselves. 

In terms of cost, the capital expenditures, big things like a roof or a furnace that breaks, again, the investment should be paying for all of those, so when we run the math on what a good investment property is, it needs to pay for itself every single year, year in and year out and put money back in your pocket to be considered again, “a good investment property.” I think running those numbers is really important and not just looking at the simple things but truly diving into the details and even though it sounds complicated, you can do this in three minutes, right? 

Running the back of the napkin math and then getting into the nitty-gritty details if everything checks out. 

[0:24:40.1] DB: Yeah and we try to sneak into that spreadsheet a couple of things too like other rules of thumb that you can look at. For instance, you may expect that the overall rent about half of that rent may go to general expenses like your taxes, your insurance, your repairs, property management, some of those things and so again, if that rent starts looking pretty suspiciously close to the mortgage payment, I get nervous that that property is not going to create positive cash flow every month. 

[0:25:09.1] TU: Next question David is, do I have to do major renovations to a property? I think that is one of the fears I know I had, I suspect many have is how handy do I have to be and obviously some of the financial things that can come to this as well. So talk to us through this question. 

[0:25:24.9] DB: Yeah, it’s a great question because people that watch HGTV think that yeah, all of these investors that jump in and buy these houses, they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on these extensive rehabs that take months and multiple crews and it just feels super intimidating. We bought a house late last year that already had a tenant in it. It had just been fixed up, it was a great house and we liked it for the simplicity of not having to do any kind of renovations to that property, so that’s definitely an option. 

We’ve also bought houses where all we had to do was go in and do paint and flooring and for a few thousand dollars it was done. So you can do no renovations, you can do minimal renovations or if you want to, if you want to do a pretty extensive rehab, there is potentially more money to be made and you could argue it is a potentially better investment but it may take more time. If time is scarce in your pharmacy world, don’t feel like you have to do major renovations to a property to have a solid real estate investment. 

[0:26:27.6] TU: Speaking of time Nate, you know I think one of the common questions that comes up is, do I have to work with a property manager? Could I save a little bit of money here and do this myself? Although recognizing that some time might be involved and invested here. Talk to us about that question of, do I have to work with a property manager? 

[0:26:43.8] NH: Yeah and again, I’ll bring in my own experience to kind of speak to this. I manage our local properties myself and then the out of state ones, I absolutely push off to a property manager. I have a foot in both worlds and there are advantages and disadvantages to both. I like doing some of the property management here locally one, because of the cost savings but two, it helps me be a better manager of my property manager. 

I know how I want things to operate. I am a very detail-oriented nerdy pharmacist, right? I know how I want it to run. I know what my expectations are and so I can put the same expectations on the property manager that I am hiring so it helps to do both but it is not for everybody. I think David and I talk to people all the time about individuals who quickly identify, “This is not for me” or “I always want to be have a hand in this, I want to be involved. I like talking to my tenants.” 

It is across the spectrum, there is no wrong answer to this. I think a lot of it pans down to what do you want to do and how do you want to operate. 

[0:27:35.0] DB: Yeah, even when it comes to the property manager I think one thing to consider is, what is your pharmacy job like? There are certain pharmacy jobs where you can be interrupted and take phone calls and manage things two minutes here, three minutes there and there is others where you just absolutely can’t and so for me, I didn’t want to be in a position where I had to take phone calls during the day, I wanted a property manager to create that separation but again, that’s not for everybody. 

If you do want to be a little more hands-on, you want to see those things, you want to be able to manage a little more closely, that is not necessarily something that you need to do and you could potentially save money if you are willing to take on those property management tasks yourself. 

[0:28:09.7] TU: David, last question I have here relates to financing. Nate and I recently did a home buying webinar. We also did a LinkedIn live session and it seems like one of the topics that has a lot of interest that relates to the pharmacist’s home loan products where there is either a low down payment or in some of the physician loan products are out there, a zero down payment. 

So often, I think folks might be wondering as we translate that from primary residence to real estate investment properties, are there zero down or close to zero down payment options for investment properties or what does that look like? 

[0:28:41.9] DB: The short answer is not really but kind of. So when it comes to real estate investing, if you are just going to go out and like I mentioned before, finding a property that already has a tenant in it that’s already fixed up, the lending options are mostly putting a pretty decent down payment, 20, 25% something like that down on a property like that. That is the most common type. 

If you are trying to get into real estate investing with less money down, there are options that just take a little bit more creativity or finding a loan product that aren’t quite as common. What we did in our first rental is we bought a property that we thought would be a good rental someday and we moved into it and we lived there for a period and then when we were done with that property and we were ready to move on to another personal residence, we kept that original property. 

So that is where if you’re buying a property to live in with a zero down payment or very low down payment mortgage, you can often times keep those properties as rentals when you move somewhere else. If you do zero down to move into it personally, two, three years later, you do zero down and move into something else and you retain that property, that can particular in the price of your market save you from that 20, 25% down payment that can feel kind of overwhelming to save up for, for a real estate investment standpoint. 

[0:29:59.2] TU: Great stuff guys. We’ve covered a lot of ground in a short period of time and I would highly encourage folks if they aren’t yet tuning in to the YFP Real Estate Investing Podcast, each and every Saturday morning a new episode goes live, please make sure to do so. We’ll link to that in the shownotes, you can find it on Apple podcast or wherever you listen to your podcast. 

Also, if you are not yet a part of the YFP Real Estate Investing Facebook group, we’ll link to that in the shownotes as well. A great opportunity to come together with a community of other pharmacists that are everywhere in the real estate investing journey from, “Hey, I wanting to learn more, I am thinking about it” to “I am actually pulling the trigger on the first property” to “I am beginning to build my real estate portfolio.” 

David and Nate, thank you so much for taking time to come on the show, I really appreciate it. 

[0:30:37.0] NH: Yeah, happy to be here.

[0:30:38.6] DB: Thanks so much. 


[0:30:40.0] TU: Before we wrap up today’s show, let’s hear an important message from our sponsor, Insuring Income. If you are in the market to add own occupation disability insurance, term life insurance or both, Insuring Income would love to be your resource. Insuring Income has relationships with all of the high quality disability insurance and life insurance carrier you should be considering and can help you design coverage to best protect you and your family. 

Head over to Insuringincome.com/yourfinancialpharmacist or click on their link in the shownotes to request quotes, ask a question or start down your own path of learning more about this necessary protection. 


As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and it is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information of the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog post and podcast is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analysis expressed herein are solely those of your financial pharmacist unless otherwise noted and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward looking statements, which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. 

Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week.


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YFP 249: 3 Silent Killers to Your Investments

3 Silent Killers to Your Investments

On this episode, sponsored by Insuring Income, YFP Co-Founder and Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker CFP®, RLP®, talks about the three silent killers of your investment pie and how to keep your investment portfolio fit.

Episode Summary

In this episode, YFP Co-Founder & CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, sits down with YFP Co-Founder & Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®,  to discuss the three silent killers of your investment pie: taxes, inflation, and fees. After a brief discussion about the most recent success of YFP Speaking Engagements, Tim Baker gets into the weeds on strategies to ensure financial security and freedom by protecting your investments. Tim and Tim discuss, in detail, how to keep your financial portfolio fit through evaluating your fees, investment choices, and the utilization of tax planning. Tim Baker explains some of the most common fees associated with investment plans and that often, investors do not know what exactly they are paying in fees. He shares the impacts of inflation on your portfolio over time and how to ensure financial security after retirement. You will also hear Tim Baker speak on his personal experiences as a CFP® and how tax planning permeates all parts of the financial plan, despite many planning firms not offering tax planning as a service. Tim Baker shares his answers to frequently asked questions like: why is inflation overlooked concerning the financial plan? What is the solution to inflation? How can market stability and fees negatively impact your retirement investments?

Key Points From This Episode

  • An introduction to today’s topic.
  • The importance of including tax in your financial plan.
  • How tax permeates all parts of your financial plan.
  • Tim Baker shares some of his experiences regarding tax, working as a financial planner.
  • Some examples of simple tax reduction strategies.
  • How to ensure the withdrawal of investments after retirement in terms of tax.
  • A discussion on inflation trends.
  • Why it is important to consider inflation in your financial plan and investments.
  • We learn how investments can help you get ahead of inflation.
  • A detailed discussion on the issues and impact of fees on your investment.


“I think what you can’t do is just not participate. I don’t think you can stuff your mattress and hope one day you wake up, and you’re going to have enough to retire.” — Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP® [0:21:32]

“I think it’s really important that we understand those dynamics and know that we’re not always going to be in a low inflation environment.” — Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP® [0:24:30]

“It’s really important to understand how inflation can play a role in your ability to sustain yourself in the future.” — Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP® [0:24:34]

“I think a lot of people are unaware of what they’re actually paying, and the transparency is a real thing that needs to be overcome.” — Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP® [0:24:09]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[00:00:00] TU: Hey, everybody, Tim Ulbrich here. Thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast, where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. 

This week, I had a chance to sit down with YFP Co-Founder and Director of Financial Planning Tim Baker, to talk about the three silent killers of your investment by taxes, inflation and fees or easier way to remember as Tim, mentioned on the show, is how to keep your investment portfolio fit by evaluating your fees, investments and tax planning. A few of my favorite moments from the show include hearing Tim, talk about common tax mistakes he sees pharmacists making, and why he decided early on to bring a tax practice in house with the financial planning services. Why inflation is often overlooked? But an important part of the financial planning consider. What the antidote to inflation is? Why those nearing retirement should be looking closely at inflation and the volatility of the market? Finally, the common types of fees associated with the financial plan. Why these fees can have such a large impact on your investment portfolio?

Now before we hear from today’s sponsor, and then jump into the show. I recognize that many listeners may not be aware of what the team at YFP Planning does in working one-on-one with more than 240 households in 40 plus states. YFP Planning offers, fee-only high touch financial planning that is customized for the pharmacy professional. If you’re interested in learning more about how working one-on-one with a certified financial planner, may help you achieve your financial goals, you can book a free discovery call at yfpplanning.com. Whether or not YFP Planning financial planning services are a good fit for you, we know that we appreciate your support of this podcast and our mission to help pharmacists achieve financial freedom. 

Okay, let’s hear from today’s sponsor Insuring Income and then we’ll jump into my interview with Tim. 

This week’s podcast episode is brought to you by Insuring Income. Insuring Income is your source for all things term life insurance and own occupation-disability insurance. Insuring Income has a relationship with America’s top-rated term life insurance and disability insurance companies so that pharmacists like you can easily find the best solutions for your personal situation. To better serve you, Insuring Income reviews all applicable carriers in the marketplace for your desired coverage, supports clients in all 50 states, and make sure all of your questions get answered along the way. To get quotes and apply for term life or disability insurance, see sample contracts from disability carriers or learn more about these topics, visit insuringincome.com/yourfinancialpharmacist. Again, that’s insuringincome.com/yourfinancialpharmacist. 


[00:02:41] TU: Tim, excited to have you back on the show. 

[00:02:43] TB: Yeah, Tim. Glad to be back. What’s going on?

[00:02:45] TU: It’s been an exciting start to the year. 

[00:02:47] TB: Yes. 

[00:02:47] TU: Lots of exciting things going on at YFP. We’re heating up the season of some of the speaking engagements that we’re doing for the year. Grateful for those opportunities, I think the team is humming and moving forward. It’s been a good, good first quarter of the year. You’ve got an exciting trip coming up tomorrow. I think you’re leaving, right, International.

[00:03:05] TB: Yeah, going international. My wife Shay, shout out to her. If she listens to the show, sometimes, sometimes not is running the Paris marathon. A couple of weeks ago she actually had fractured her foot in a misstep. She’s been doing a lot of cycling and pool work and things like that. She got the news a couple of weeks ago that she could run again. So she’s, yeah, she’s raring to go, heading out and excited to visit Paris again. It’ll be her first time and yeah, just enjoy some one-on-one time without the kids. It’ll be nice. I’m excited. I feel we’ve been so cooped up, because of the pandemic, haven’t really been traveling as much. Yeah, I’m pumped up. 

To go back to that thing Tim, I was shocked. I think when we actually sat down, and you tallied up the reach that YFP has had or the last couple years with, I think it was 72 different schools and associations that we’ve been speaking with and doing presentations and things like that. I think that was a little bit shocking to me but awesome to see that number and see it continue to grow. 

[00:04:12] TU: Yeah. We’re so grateful for that opportunity. We’ve partnered with just over 70 different organizations. It’s been Colleges of Pharmacy, State Associations, National Associations, Fellowship Programs, Residency Programs, some of the businesses that are out there and entrepreneurs, so super grateful for that opportunity. I think the reach to that has allowed us to have as we as we look to help more and more pharmacists on their mission towards achieving financial freedom. We’re looking to grow in that list here. If anyone is listening that, is looking to have a session on personal finance, financial education, we’d love to engage the YFP team, the YFP Planning team, so you can reach out to us at info at yourfinancialpharmacist.com. 

Tim. Today we’re talking about silent killers to your investment pie. We’re talking about things like tax inflation fees. We’ve talked about these separately on the show, but I want to keep coming back to these, we’re going to bring these together. We talked so often about the hard work of building your investment pie, right? Ultimately, we’re going to be paying ourselves out of retirement paycheck, we’ve got to do the hard work to save early, save often, take advantage of that time value of money. We might be underestimating the impact the silent killers like tax, inflation, fees that may not be as obvious or as front and center, but certainly can have an impact on our financial plan. 

We’re going to go through these one-by-one in three parts. We’ll start with the taxes, we’ll then talk about inflation, we’ll talk about fees, we’ll reference previous episodes, we talked about these for folks that want to dig deeper in any one of these topics. Again if you’re going to do the hard work, and you’re going to build that investment pie, we want to do as much as we can to maintain the integrity. Tim, let’s start with tax season. Could it be better timing, were about half a month now, away from the IRS tax deadline, the YFP tax team is knee-deep and making sure we get the tax filing and returns, and a shout out to that team if they’re listening to this episode. Here we are, it’s front and center for lots of folks, maybe they’re looking at the returns that they filed, and maybe they got it spot on, maybe they saw opportunities to improve, maybe they got a big refund, or were surprised by a bill that was due. So just talk to us about why this topic of tax is so important.

[00:06:25] TB: Yeah. I’m actually looking at the title of this, I see, Tax Inflation and Fees. I think if we were to go in reverse order FIT, this is I think, really about keeping your investment portfolio fit. We’ll go tax inflation fees as we talk here, but I think the reason we kick off with taxes because it just permeates everything, Tim. Every conversation that we have related to the financial plan, there’s a tax conversation close by, unfortunately. One of the numbers that always sticks with me is that we mentioned speaking over the course of a pharmacist career they’re going to make about $9 million. The actual dollars that flow into the bank account is closer to six. That’s alarming, because you’re like, all right, where’s 30 – where’s a good chunk of that go? 

That 3 million, that delta, a lot of that is being soaked up by Uncle Sam, the taxman. What we see related to tax is that there’s typically a lot of dollars left on the table in terms of what you can do to mitigate the amount that the government is taken from you. Again, I think everyone wants to pay their fair share, but no one wants to overpay if they don’t need to. Yeah, and I think for us, as a group I harken back to the day when we were starting, I have launched Script Financial now, YFP Planning, and even before that in my first job and financial planning, financial services. A lot of traditional financial planning firms do not do taxes. I found that to be very problematic, Tim, because, again, I think they’re just so closely aligned with what you’re doing on the planning side, that there needs to be some coordination on the tax side. 

Shortly after I launched Script Financial, we started to do taxes for our clients. It’s not a fun thing to do, the tax work, Tim, as we know, right now, it’s it can be hectic, you’re trying to cram so much work in a small window of time. It’s like trying to manage a lot of projects on a tight deadline that you have inputs and outputs from a variety of people. However, the reason that we do it is, because I think the value that it brings to the overall plan. I’ll give you some examples. When I would do planning for pharmacists, one of the biggest thing a lot of the pharmacists that we are working, with the tail that wag s the dog are the student loans, right? 

The student loans one of the major strategies there is the forgiveness strategy, particularly PSLF, or even non-PSLF, because in that strategy, one of the main techniques you could do if you’re married is to file separately to disallow the income of the spouse that doesn’t have loans and really just work off of the AGI and the student loan payment is off of one the spouse versus two. The problem is this, Tim. I say this like I would build out these dope, that’s the official term, dope, financial planning strategy related to the student loans. Then the client would say, “Hey, Tim, do you guys do taxes?” We’re like, “Nah, we don’t, but go work with his accountant across the street. They’ll hook you up.” We like what they do. But the problem is that, because most financial planners don’t understand student loans, so I think the stat out there that I saw is that 33% of financial planners will work with clients on their student loans. 

That doesn’t mean they necessarily understand them, but they’ll at least address them. That means the overwhelming majority don’t even really look at it. The problem is that because advisors don’t understand student loans, typically the accountant that they work with don’t understand it, and in 99 out of 100 times, for most people file in anything, but filing jointly for a married couple is wrong, but we just happen to work with a lot of pharmacists that it does make sense because of the huge benefit you get from maximize the forgiveness. I just got fatigued by building out this great debt plan, and then it being messed up by the lack of technical expertise on the tax side of things to see that through. 

Then I think the other piece of this is we’re planners, right? I want a plan. I remember, again, back in the early days, I would hire a tax person to do my own personal taxes, and I’m a business owner. So when I got a good referral from someone, I met with them, they’re like, “Oh, yeah, we’ll be able help diagnose some things with your business and all this.” I’m like, “Great, that sounds awesome.” Then a couple months rolls around, I’m like man, it’s April 14th, where are my taxes? I sent out an email, and I get an email back, and it’s a PDF of the tax return some DocuSigns to sign, and then an invoice. I equate, it seems like a paper route, right? It’s like, here you go. Chuck the paper out the window, you figure it out. I just didn’t like that, because again, I was looking for things that and I’m a nerd like that. 

Again, as a business owner, I want to make sure like, am I doing everything to mitigate my tax exposure. I just got zero guidance, zero planning based on – planning advice based on last year’s activities. I really wanted that. To me, I think there’s a lot of people that want that and are trying to figure out ways to get in front of the taxman. Then finally, I think just the reason that we did it is like I said before, is I think it’s just the coordination of your financial plan. It’s not just the debt piece. We would work with clients in my last firm where there probably needs to be a healthy conversation regarding the investment portfolio, just that this wasn’t had. I understand. I get it, during tax season it’s really hectic. 

You’re just trying to move the return through, but at the end of the day, the reason that we make sure that everything goes through the lead plan of the CFP, it’s a check to say, “Okay, does this jive with everything else that we’re trying to do.” Not this debt, but the investments and whatever else is on the client’s plate just to make sure that there is a clear intention of, hey this reporting period and Q1 all the way up to April 15. This is really a reaction to what happened last year. But then what are the things that we can do or what are the things that we learned from this year that we can apply to the present year in this case, 2022? 

I think if you stack just the financial plan, I think if you stack years of doing that, you really shrink that delta, that 9 million to six. I think you really start to shrink that in terms of what you’re keeping in your pocket. I think for most people out there that’s worth the conversation and with the planning. 

[00:13:11] TU: Yeah. Tim, just to that point that the delta significant and of itself 9 million to 6 million, and you and I both agree, like taxes have value, right? They provide services we all appreciate. We want to pay our fair share. It’s not just the delta, but also how can that delta be put to use, and what is the effect to that?

[00:13:26] TB: Yeah, exactly. I think that there’s just a lot of – from things that we see with clients, there’s just a lot of meat on the bone. There’s a lot of opportunity to, hey, have you thought about this? Or as an example, HSAs those are our every week, we talk about them a lot, but a lot of people don’t necessarily fund them. Even things related to children FSAs, particularly for dependent care, making sure money goes through their, education planning. Sometimes there’s this singular focus on things like Roth IRA and conversions, and backdoor and all that kind of stuff. It’s like, we shouldn’t even be having this conversation yet. I think some of it is overconfidence for the taxpayer of what’s important and what’s not. 

We see a lot of things with taxable accounts, Robin Hood, things like that, where there are, there’s a focus there that really shouldn’t be or disallow losses due to wash sale rolls or things like that. We’ve seen lack of record-keeping for side hustles as we’re talking about Schedule C, income expenses, lack of coordination for charitable giving with a larger deduction these days. There’s a bunch strategy where you should be bunching your charitable giving versus doing a consistent year over year. Cryptocurrency, we could have a whole thing on that, Tim. Cryptocurrency and then just the overlay of, hey, there’s a huge refund or a huge tax bill, that I think sometimes it’s due to either a lack of planning or a lack of follow-through on the planning or just an understanding of how withholding or the W4 works. 

This is a sample of things of what we see and I think again if you can start to work through some those issues, Tim. I think you start to see. Again, it’s hard to quantify year over year, but these are just little tweaks here that I think we talked about the investment portfolio being a rocket ship, sometimes like fees and things like that is drag on that. I think the same thing could be the case with taxes and your net worth, your financial plan.

[00:15:20] TU: Yeah. It’s great stuff. The compound effect of those changes I think about someone who unlocks things like the HSA or is able to really look at some of the bunching strategies or other things that you mentioned dependent care FSA, etc. or priority of investment and making sure you got that, right. It’s not only getting that advice, recommendation strategy put in place today, but what does that mean going forward in the compound effect of that. We talked about lots of that. We had our director of tax, Paul Eikenberg, on Episode 233, we’ll link to that in the show notes. We talked about some of the common tax strategies, tax mistakes that pharmacists should be thinking about. 

I’m glad you brought up the student loans to kick off that conversation. Just last week, we had three PSLF success stories, and through those stories, we heard about some of the optimization strategies and of course, one of that would be the filing status, which folks may mess up if they’re not getting good advice there. Tim, one of the things I’m really excited about and shout out again, to the tax team that’s been hustling this season, is you and I think are really behind this vision and approach of, yeah, “We got to file the IRS as we have to do it, or else they’re going to come knocking on our door, that’s great, we’re going to keep doing that, but we’re going to do that, really, if it’s a part of the planning and the strategy.” 

So you gave that story of April 14th, here’s the DocuSign, sign it, here’s your bill, that’s great. I mean, that’s stuff that’s been done, it’s in our rearview mirror. Let’s talk about what we can do going forward to really optimize the plan and perhaps avoid some of the mistakes that were made throughout the year. So we’re excited about really shifting away from just that filing to more that year-round planning, that strategy, that mid-year projection, that pivot, how do we really optimize this with the financial plan? Well, this tax season, we’ve closed the doors in terms of new folks that we’re going to be doing tax returns. Again, we’ve only got about 15 days, couple of weeks left in the season. We are going to start to build out a list of folks that are interested in more that year-round planning optimization and you can go to yourfinancialpharmacist.com/tax and get more information there. 

[00:17:19] TB: Yeah. I think the other thing that can take into consideration here is right now, we talk a lot about the accumulation of the portfolio and how tax is related to that. I think the other thing is really looking at the withdrawal. When you’re a pre-retiree, and again, simple if you have a million dollars in your traditional 401K, a million dollars, saying a Roth IRA, and a million dollars in a taxable account. Unfortunately, all of those dollars are not yours, particularly the traditional Uncle Sam so has to take the bite of the apple. But one of the main things that we look at when we’re trying to structure a paycheck that is going to be able to sustain that retiree for the course of their lives is the tax and minimizing the tax burden and how we draw on each type of account and the best strategy for it. A lot of that is a tax conversation. 

To me, it’s something that, it’s again, permeates every part of the financial plan, but it’s also every stage of life. There’s even conversations of okay, how do we structure, how much in this bucket or this bucket, as we are accumulating to get in front of that when we are starting to say, “Okay, I’m 65, I’m retired. We’re going to use 30 years as I’m going to live to 95, just to model this out. How do I draw from each bucket? Overlay things like social security and everything else, to make sure that I – the biggest I think stressor for a retiree is, “Am I going to have enough money? Is the money going to run out? I don’t want to be destitute or have to rely on family.” It’s really trying to, and again, if we can hold on to more of those dollars, that still have to be tax or take those moneys when you’re in a lower tax bracket, or whatever that is. It’s really important to have that coordination. It’s a frequent conversation. It’s not just, hey April 15th, come and gone, and it’s something that we continually look at and make sure we’re on top of.

[00:19:15] TU: Well, thanks for being a wet blanket, Tim.  If I’ve saved a million dollars, I might actually not have a million dollars. 

[00:19:20] TB: Yeah, yeah. Sorry about that.

[00:19:20] TU: Good plan. That’s a good summary of taxes. We’re going to keep coming back to this topic. So important for all the reasons we mentioned. Moving on to the second one is you mentioned in this concept of making sure and investment portfolios fit. The IB inflation. I think, normally we talk about inflation, and it’s like, nah, yeah, whatever. Especially for folks that are in the first half of their career, we have not seen inflation at the rate that we are seeing it right now. 

[00:19:46] TB: Yeah. 

[00:19:46] TU: Certainly it has been higher than that historically, but it’s well above what we had expected be on an annual rate. So we’ve got as of January if you look at the yearly rate we’re hovering around 7%. We talked about this in episode 239: Two Financial I’s You Might be Overlooking: Inflation, I-Bounds, will link to that in the show notes. Since that episode, I would say this has been exacerbated by the unfortunate situation in Ukraine. We see oil prices going up. We see the market volatility that’s happening. Tim, we know inflation is real, we’re feeling it in the moment. Jess and I were just talking about this and in terms of month to month with this is playing out to be in terms of expenses, but still, hard, I think sometimes put our finger on it, and the impact it can have on the plan. Why is that? Why is it so important as we think about the integrity of our investment pie?

[00:20:34] TB: Yeah. I think inflation is really one of the main reasons why we need to invest. I say that if you’re looking at the markets, and right now, the markets are very volatile, up and down, negative in some cases. What you feel is that you want to take your investment ball and go home and be like, “I just can’t take the swings, Tim.” –

[00:20:54] TU: I’m feeling right now. I’m not going to lie, Tim. 

[00:20:55] TB: Yeah. I don’t looking at my accounts and seeing X and then the next day and seeing X minus 10%, 20%, 30% if we have a major correction. I get it. I think, if you’re 20, 30 years from your retirement date, and that’s the purpose of your portfolio. I think you really have to train your heart and your mind to be like, “Okay, it’s going to come back. Let’s not worry about it now.” I mean, if you’re in retirement now, and you’re relying on that, and we don’t have a good bucketing strategy, or what have you to sustain those losses, then I think it’s more problematic. But yeah, you can’t – I think what you can’t do is, is just not participate. I don’t think you can stuff your mattress and hope one day you wake up, and you’re going to have enough to retire. 

I think the inflation piece is one of the main reasons why we need to invest. One of the examples I gave is that $4 latte that you buy at your local coffee shop in 2020. If you use historical rates of inflation over the next 30 years 2050, that same latte will cost $10. But I don’t know, that’s a great, good enough example, Tim. Let’s put it another way. If you make $120,000 as a pharmacist today, and we fast forward 30 years and we’re using historical rates on inflation, which is typically most planners are using about 3%, which we know this year is high. It’s low because we’re seeing seven-plus. 

$120,000 today as a pharmacist in 30 years, that would be equivalent to $291,000. Think about that, $120,000 today would be equivalent to $291,000 in 30 years. From a planning perspective, if we’re trying to build out a portfolio that can generate a paycheck that is some discount at that 291 because we know that social security is going to be there. It’s going to be limited than what it is today, so we can take a little bit off for that. Then you’re probably not saving some of that 291 would go to retirement savings, but if you’re going into retirement, you’re not going to be saving for retirement. 

There’s some discount to that, but the idea is that, let’s say it’s $200,000, or let’s say it’s $180,000, whatever the case is. We have to be able to build a sustainable portfolio so then, Tim, if you’re my client at 65, 30 years from now, or whatever the number is. You’re going to say, “Hey, where’s my $200,000? At 66. “Hey, where’s my $200,000.” All the way up until 95 or whatever we’re planning as nobody knows when they’re going to pass away. 

That is really important, because the investments particularly an equity portfolio, in your accumulation phase is going to be really important for you to stay in front of inflation, and the taxman, quite frankly. So yeah, and just a backup, we talked about this in the “Two I’s”, when we talk inflation, it’s really, inflation is the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time. What it basically means is that a basket of selected goods and services in the economy will increase over a period of time. Sometimes that is due because the government is printing money, which is certainly true. In our case, we talked about quantitative easing and things that. It could also be supply and demand. So one of the things that you didn’t mention outside of the Ukraine crisis is all of the boats that are at the Port of LA or that are still need to be unloaded because of pandemic or whatever, that’s causing a lack of the supply demands, making prices go up. 

I think it’s really important that we understand those dynamics and know that we’re not always going to be in a low inflation environment. It can’t go up it has this year because of X, Y, or Z. Even back, if you look back in the 80s, in the early 80s, inflation was 13 and a half percent, and mortgage rates, as a result, were close to 17%. If you think about we know rates are going up now, there’s been a steep decline, and I think the government is trying to do what they can, but the fact is, we have printed a lot of money in the past that could rear its ugly head. I think the way that we can mitigate the impact of inflation is really to invest in equity stocks, and hold it over a long period of time, Tim. 

We know that we’re talking about 20 plus years, we know that the stock market is fairly predictable. Typically, over a 20 year period, the stock market will return about 10% on average, and if we have just that down for inflation that’s seven. So this year, that might not do a whole lot for you, because that’s the rate of inflation, so you’re breaking even at that point, but to me, it’s really important to understand that how inflation can play a role in your ability to sustain yourself in the future. Again, we’re feeling the pinch now, because inflation has gone up so high, and so much in a shorter period of time, where we’re starting to really notice. 

Tim, I’m sure with four boys, you’re noticing it with your food bill, or even we’re seeing in at the pump. Those are things that you were seeing it with housing prices, right? Those are things that get our attention, but we’re probably not thinking about how this affects us in 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, depending on your timeline for retirement.

[00:26:15] TU: Yeah. As a shout-out to your 76 years, you got to trust the process.

[00:26:18] TB: Trust the process. Yeah.

[00:26:19] TU: When you say investing is the antidote to inflation, a lot of people hear that in the moment and they see the volatility, and they’re like, “Ah, it’s the opposite of what I’m thinking.” 

[00:26:30] TB: Right. 

[00:26:30] TU: We’ve got to zoom out. I think this is where the power of accountability and a coach and having that long view is so valuable. Tim, I’m also thinking about the folks that are listening that are, “Hey, I’m nearing retirement.” Or I thought I was going to make that decision here and the next year or so and here we are when I’m going to be going into retirement in a high inflation period. I’m going into retirement, while there’s also a lot of volatility in the market. Just talk to us for a moment and another episode for another day about the timing of that decision of retirement when we start to draw from our portfolios, and how in high inflation period, and a high volatility period could have an impact on that.

[00:27:07] TB: Yeah. It’s probably – so what we’re talking about here is sequence risk. Sequence risk is essentially where what you’ve accumulated over the course of your career takes a hit. We’re talking 20, 30% which could be very well beyond the horizon for us in terms of a correction of the market. So now you’re will use a million dollars, let’s say your portfolio was a million, and then it bottoms out to $700,000, but then you’re also taken $80,000 a year, or whatever the number is. 

So in two years, and three years, you could see where your portfolio is almost half of what it was when you actually went to retire. You’re like, “Well, I had a million and now I have $560,000.” Or whatever the number is, that’s where you really see a higher rate of failure to the portfolio failure meaning that the money runs out, that balance goes to zero before you reach your end of plan year, which a lot of people use 30 years, so if you retire at 65, 95. It’s the combination of the portfolio being down, and then drawing down the portfolio at the same time, you almost can’t make it up. 

I have a little bit experience, it’s just a proxy. I remember, my first job out of the military was with Sears Kmart. It actually took over – I was a trainee for my first year. Then I took over for a lady that retired. This was right around ‘08, ‘09, and that’s when the market just completely got, the market was completely down, because of that subprime mortgage crisis. I think she actually had to go back to work because her portfolio took a beating and then she was actually drawing on it. She quickly realized that she needed to not draw on that portfolio. So really, in these periods of time right leading up, you could probably say about five to 10 years before retirement, maybe in five to 10 years after retirement, that’s where you need to be the most conservative. It’s the eye of the storm. 

In for some people, it makes a heck of a lot of sense not to retire than – and try to push it off, sometimes it’s unavoidable. Sometimes 40% of people retire sooner than they think either because of illness for themselves or for a family member or, or it could even be being pushed out of the workforce. Sometimes it’s out of your control, but when you overlay these decisions with things security, when to claim that and all that, it’s super important. You could do everything correct for 30 years leading up to retirement and then that those first couple of years in retirement be blow up your playing completely. That sequence for us at its finest.

[00:29:59] TU: We’re going to come back to some more episodes, we have planned out on building that retirement paycheck in consideration as you’re making that transition from all the hard work you’ve done, and now making sure we’re able to sustain that. We’ve talked about taxes, we’ve talked about inflation, certainly not least, but last on our list is fees. We know that fees can have a major impact on how much wealth one is able to build and something that many folks may not realize of how big that implication can be. We went into detail about fees on Episode 208, Why Minimizing Fees On Your Investments is so Important, we’ll link to that in the show notes. 

Tim, summary here of fee something that we harp on over and over again, that folks may not be aware of those fees often are not as transparent as perhaps we’d like them to be. So as we continue this theme of some of the silent killers of the investment pie. Talk to us about fees.

[00:30:52] TB: Yeah. There’s no such thing as a free lunch, right, Tim? When you’re investing or if you’re working with an advisor, there’s typically a costs associated with that. I think the thing that I think bothers me as an advisor, but then also as a consumer is the lack of transparency, right? We know even in healthcare, there’s people get upset about what is the actual price or even we talk about PBMs, and things like that. I think a lot of it comes down to transparency, and what’s going on behind closed doors. To me, and we see this a lot and actually, we recently, we have clients that are prospective clients booked time with us to see if they would be a good fit. 

We’ve added a button that they can upload a statement so we can talk at a high level, if they’re working with advisor what they’re actually paying, because most people either have the notion of, I’m not paying anything, which that’s actually a common belief or they know that they’re paying something, they just have no idea and often is the case that they’re paying a lot more than what they think. I always go back to this story. I remember, so my first job out of the military with Sears then I had another job with a construction company. I was like, “You know what, I want to do something completely different, go into a new industry.” I was like, “Hey, Mom, I think I’m going to become a financial planner.” I think verbatim, she said to me, “That’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard.” I’m like, “Why?” She’s like, “Well, we work with this as advisor and we don’t pay them anything.” I’m like, “That can’t actually be true.” Years later, when I understood the landscape a little bit, actually peeled back the onion, and they were paying over $8,000 in fees, unbeknownst to them so. 

To me, I think, it’s fees are aren’t necessarily a bad thing. I think it’s the transparency around that I think needs a lot of work. Really, the fees that we’re talking about here, Tim, that are most common are things advisor compensation. These are things that you would, these are fees that you would pay or commissions that you would pay to an advisor to either provide financial planning or investment advice to you. One of the more common things that we see is an assets under management fee. This is like, “Hey, Tim you have $500,000, and I’ll manage for you, I’ll charge you 1% in the fees. 5000 I’ll bill that right out of your investment accounts.” That’s very common. 

To be honest, that’s one of the reasons that pricing structure is one of the reasons why when we do find younger pharmacists that are working with advisors, so they’ll either be shut out, meaning the advisory would say, “Hey, young pharmacists, I’d love to be able to help you, but I can’t.” It’s not really because they can’t, because they don’t have those assets for you to manage that – in term of that that 1%. They’re either shut out of the market, or they’re sold, I would say less than suitable products, so they can make a commission and do some work with them. They kind of wait for the assets to build over time. 

This is where, if you’re out there, and you’re in pharmacy school, or shortly thereafter, someone tried to sell you a life insurance policy, a disability policy, those are the next best thing for a lot of advisors that can earn a commission, “help the client” and then stay in touch with them until they have some assets for them to manage. It can be the same things like, “Oh, well invest your Roth IRA, and we’ll sell you in A-share mutual.” I was looking at a statement where there’s both an AUM fee but then A-share. Any share mutual fund is a front loaded commission. You pay five and a quarter percent on that and the advisor gets the commission and goes from there. 

There’s lots of other fees there, Tim, related to advisors, hourly flat fee, there’s could be a hybrid unrelated to the investment portfolio, but still in mix, there are things like Life Insurance Commissions, Disability, Annuities, we recently saw a non-traded REIT, which is really sweet for the advisor, because that’s sometimes 6, 7, 8% terms of commission. So that’s a big piece. I think a lot of people are unaware of what they’re actually paying and the transparency is a real thing that needs to be overcome.

[00:35:08] TU: Great summary. We’ll get rolling back to Episode 208. Why Minimizing Fees in your Investments is so important. I think the transparency is one piece, Tim as you mentioned also just the tendency, we have to underestimate the impact of something like 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 right? As we look into individual investments.

[00:35:24]TB: Yeah, absolutely. I think if you’re not working with an advisor, there are other things that are present probably the biggest one is expense ratio, Tim. Justin probably – Justin was our director of business development, working with another advisor for years, before he came on to YFP. His portfolio, his all in expense ratio was about – it was almost 1%. 0.91 to be exact. What the expense ratio, it’s what the fund takes. If you have ABC mutual fund that’s managing billions of dollars, they might take 0.91% to pay for the mutual fund manager, the analyst, the fancy office on Wall Street, pay for information. They do that to keep the lights on. You basically buy that to get exposure to lots of different stocks and bonds, because that’s what a mutual fund is, or an ETF. 

0.91% on a $100,000 portfolio is $910 per year, whereas if you do something YFP portfolios, .05, so why would I pay 1000 bucks if that guy pay 50 bucks and have similar results and things like that, but so that the expense ratio is a huge one. Platform fee, some, when I was in the broker deal where we would charge $50 or whatever, just to have an IRA open. There’s things like annual account fees, closing account fees, retirement, especially in a low interest rate environment like you’re just trying to eke out fees, because you can’t make money on the float, but things trading costs, all of these things add up. 

Again, this can just be drag on a portfolio. Those are the four big ones I would say is advisor, compensation, trading costs, platform fees, and then internal to the funds that you’re in expense ratio. What we try to say to clients is like we try to minimize those as best we can, because at the end of the day, we want that portfolio to grow uninhibited as best we can. So there’s no such thing as a free lunch.

[00:37:25] TU: Yeah. That folks are going to pay for advising fee, and we’re not shy about the fees that we charge and the value they bring. The point being is you want the value to bring, right? So as you look at the coaching, the accountability, the holistic nature of comprehensive financial planning. There’s a fee there, and it’s transparent, you want to understand it, you want to feel good, that’s the return on the investment. We’re talking I think about in terms of minimizing other fees or fees that maybe don’t add value, or that are not transparent, so really evaluating closely the impact that those can have on your overall investment pie. 

I’m going to link to a blog post from way back when, that I wrote, we looked at two different individuals that were saving about $1,000 per month between the ages of 30 and 65, because of some of the difference in fees and things expense ratios, or other hidden fees, they ended up with a nest egg that was about a million dollars difference. Again, the impact that we can see over the long run and what those fees can have. 

For folks that want to learn more about the financial planning services that are offered by the team at YFP Planning, perhaps you’re working with a planner and interested in a second opinion. Want to have an analysis of that statement just to get some different thoughts as well or if you haven’t worked with the planner, we’d love to have a conversation as well. Folks can book a discovery call to learn and see if that’s a good fit with our Director of Business Development Justin Woods, also pharmacist and you can do that by visiting yfpplanning.com. Tim Baker as always great stuff and wishing you and Shay the best as you get ready for your trip to Paris. 

[00:38:54] TB: Yeah. Thank you my friend. Good to be on the episode here. I think some good stuff to be – to chat about and probably even expand on in future episodes. So yeah, I appreciate you having me back on.


[00:39:05] TU: Before we wrap up today’s episode of the Your Financial Pharmacists Podcast, I would like to again thank this week’s sponsor, Insuring Income. If you are in the market to add own occupation, disability insurance, term life insurance or both, Insuring Income would love to be your resource. Insuring Income has relationships with all of the high-quality disability insurance and life insurance carriers that you should be considering and can help you design coverage to best protect you and your family. So head on over to insuranceincome.com/yourfinancialpharmacist or click on their logo or link in the show notes to request quotes, ask a question or start down your own path of learning more about this necessary protection. 

As we conclude this week’s podcast and important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information to the podcasts and corresponding material should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward looking statements that are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. 

For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacists.com/disclaimer. Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week.


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YFP 247: 10 Common Financial Mistakes Pharmacists Make

10 Common Financial Mistakes Pharmacists Make

On this episode, sponsored by APhA, YFP Co-Founder & CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, talks about ten common financial mistakes pharmacists make.

Episode Summary

In this episode, Your Financial Pharmacist Co-Founder & CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, flies solo to dive into ten common financial mistakes that pharmacists make. Tim talks through the math behind the age-old retirement advice that we have all heard, “save early and save often.” He discusses some common mis-prioritization of investments that leave tax savings on the table, like prioritizing non-tax favored investment accounts. Tim further discusses two common student loan mistakes that can cost folks tens of thousands of dollars and in some cases, much more than that; paying too much interest and not maximizing PSLF. Tim shares about the importance of having an emergency fund, protecting your income, and saving for your kid’s college in the correct order. He details common financial missteps such as accepting that income is fixed (because it will change) and failing to or delaying retirement savings, plus some long-term impacts of each. Tim then wraps up with another look at tax planning and how proper tax planning each year (not just tax filing) can affect the financial plan. Lastly, Tim explains how having a financial planner that does not have your best interest in mind can be one of the biggest mistakes that you don’t have to make. 

Key Points From This Episode

  • The number one mistake on our list: paying too much interest on your student loan debt.
  • Tim shares the way to shift your mindset away from the ‘monopoly money’ feeling. 
  • Diving into student loan strategy and the different buckets to consider. 
  • Talking about service loan forgiveness and PSLF strategy, and how to maximize these.
  • Why emergency funds take a back seat and how to avoid delaying getting one. 
  • Some tips on starting your emergency fund.
  • Mistake number four: protecting your income.
  • Accepting your income is fixed, and factoring in inflation and debt loads.
  • Putting numbers to the retirement savings saying of ‘save early, save often.’
  • Investing in a way that maximizes your tax savings!
  • A reminder of why it’s crucial to create a tax strategy and do your tax planning.
  • Talking about saving out of order for kid’s college.
  • How to get a certified financial planner who has your best interests at heart.


“We tend to underestimate how much interest we’re going to pay over the life of a loan and therefore, we tend to underestimate how much we’re going to actually pay out of pocket.” — Tim Ulbrich, PharmD [0:08:37]

“When it comes to insurance, the balance point here is we want to not be underinsured, we want to make sure we can protect the time but we also don’t want to be over-insured.” — Tim Ulbrich, PharmD [0:19:23]

“You can borrow for your kid’s college, but you can’t borrow for your retirement.” — Tim Ulbrich, PharmD [0:30:48]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[0:00:00.4] TU: Hey everybody, Tim Ulbrich here and thank you for listening to The YFP Podcast, where each week, we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. 

This week, I fly solo to talk about 10 common financial mistakes that pharmacists make, no judgment as I’ve made many of these mistakes myself. Some of the highlights from today’s show includes talking through two common student loan mistakes that can cost folks tens of thousands of dollars and in some cases, much more than that, the math behind the age-old advice that we’ve all heard, save early and save often, as well as talking through some common mis-prioritization of investment that leaves tax savings on the table 

Now, before we hear from today’s sponsor and then jump into the show, I recognize that many listeners may not be aware of what the team at YFP planning does in working one-on-one with more than 240 households in 40 plus states. YFP planning offers free only, high-touch financial planning that is customized for the pharmacy professional. If you’re interested in learning more about working one-on-one with a certified financial planner may help you achieve your financial goals, you can book a free discovery call at yfpplanning.com.

Whether or not YFP Planning’s financial planning services are a good fit for you, know that we appreciate your support of this podcast and our mission to help pharmacists achieve financial freedom. Okay, let’s hear from today’s sponsor, and then we’ll jump into the show.


Today’s episode of Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast is brought to you by the American Pharmacist Association. APhA is partnered with Your Financial Pharmacist to deliver personalized financial education benefits for APhA members. Throughout the year, APhA will be hosting a number of exclusive webinars covering topics like student loan debt payoff strategies, home buying, investing, insurance needs, and much more.

Join APhA now to gain premier access to these educational resources and to receive discounts on YFP products and services. You can join APhA at a 25% discount by visiting pharmacist.com/join and using the coupon code, YFP. Again, that’s pharmacist.com/join and using the coupon code YFP.


[0:02:08.5] TU: Hey everybody, Tim Ulbrich here, welcome to this week’s episode of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. I’m flying solo this week and we’re going to talk through 10 common financial mistakes that I see pharmacists often making, that we see pharmacists in the YFP community often making. As I mentioned in the introduction, there is no judgment here in these mistakes.

I’ve made many of these mistakes myself. My hope with this episode, through sharing some of those experiences and other common mistakes that we see folks making, is to hopefully prevent those, right? For others that are perhaps on this journey towards achieving financial freedom.

Before we jump into the 10 common mistakes that we’re going to talk about in today’s episode, I am not going to be covering a few things that are worth noting because I’m going to assume that you’ve got these bases already covered, right? Those would be things like having a budget and being intentional with your spending, so important, right? 

We’ve ultimately got a certain amount of income to work with each month, we’ve got a lot of things that are competing for our attention financially, various goals, various expenses and so that budget is going to allow us to be intentional with our spending. I’m going to assume that that is already in place. 

I’m also going to assume that we’ve either eliminated any high-interest rate, credit card debt that is revolving each month in a current interest or we’re going to avoid that if we possibly can, right? Very important is, we look at how the impact of that interest can really hurt us as we look at trying to achieve other goals. 

Finally, of course, we need to minimize our lifestyle creep, right? For many pharmacists, we know that we see, certainly, a great income overall but that income often can be relatively flat throughout one’s career. Expenses tend to creep up on us over time, perhaps families grow, home expenses, other types of things throughout one’s career and so, we got to do our best to keep those expenses at bay and so that we can focus those limited dollars that we have on other goals each and every month. 

Again, things I’m not going to cover, having that budget, being intentional, spending, avoiding, eliminating credit card debt, minimizing lifestyle creep. Now, what we are going to talk about are some common student loan mistakes, we’re going to get really tactical with some numbers that highlight why these mistakes can really have a significant negative impact and really ultimately leave a lot on the table that could be put elsewhere in the plan.

We’ll talk a little bit of our emergency funds and protecting the income. We’ll talk about a couple of things in the long-term savings, retirement side, in terms of prioritization and delaying of savings. Then I’ll wrap up by talking about tax planning as well as looking for a planner that has your best interest in mind. 

All right, I hope you’re ready, I’m going to go quick, we’re going to hit a lot of information and we’re going to reference several resources throughout the show and we’ll of course, link to those who you could deep it to those deeper after the recording.

[0:04:49.0] Number one mistake on our list is paying too much interest when it comes to paying off our student loans. Now, you’ve heard me say a hundred times on this show, that pharmacists are facing significant student loan debt. The cost of 2021 to be exact, median debt load, have $170,000 as reported by the American Association Colleges of Pharmacy Graduating Student Survey.

Now, the good news is for the first time in over a decade, we’ve seen that number come down was $175,000 for the class of 2020. Bad news is, that’s still $170,000 and when we look at how interest accrues on a $170,000, those start to be really big numbers. One of the things I often say is that for me in my journey of paying off debt, when I was in school and even early on in the repayment journey, to be frank, it felt a little bit like monopoly money, right? 

Once we get into active repayment, once we see the impact of that interest accruing, it starts to become really real, really quick. One of the ways I like to shift that mindset away from that feeling of monopoly money is to calculate the daily interest that is accruing on our loans. The way you do that is take your loan balance that currently remains, you multiply it by your interest rate and you divide it by 365 days.

If you were to have $170,000, let’s just say the Median debt load, $170,000 if we multiply that by 6% and assume that’s an average interest rate across our federal loans, and we divide them by 365, we’re looking at about $28 per day of interest that is accruing. $28 per day. Now, of course, as that $170,000 gets paid down to 160, 150, 140, et cetera or, and/or, we’re able to reduce that interest rate either through our process of refinancing or perhaps some forgiveness opportunity.

Then of course we’re going to see that impact of interest go down but that really is the opportunity cost that we need to be thinking about. $28 per day, if we look at the median debt load of a pharmacy graduate that is going towards interest alone as they begin that repayment period.

[0:06:47.8] One of the feelings I had early on in my repayment journey is I felt like I was spinning my wheels in terms of making substantial monthly payments but not feeling like I was really making a whole lot of progress and momentum towards getting that debt load paid off.

The reason that was and the reason that is for many of you that might be listening to this show, is because the amount of that payment that goes toward interest, right? When we look at big debt loads like 170, 180, $200,000 or perhaps even more at interest rates, six, seven percent, maybe higher on some private loans, what we see is pretty big monthly payments but we also see a lot of that that is going directly towards the interest. 

Let me give you an example. If somebody has $170,000, again, let’s just use a 6% average interest rate, if we assume they’re going to pay that off over a 10 year period, that would be the standard repayment option, 120 fixed monthly payments, what we see is a monthly payment of about $1,900 per month for 120 payments or 10 years. $1,900, fixed payment for 10 years.

Now, of that $1,900 that first payment, about $1,000, 45% or so is going to go towards principal and about $850 is going to go towards interest. Right out of the gates, we see that in a standard 10-year repayment about half is going to put a dent in the actual principle and about half is going to go towards interest. And of course, with each monthly payment that we make, we’re going to see a little bit more going toward principle and a little bit less going towards interest.

[0:08:19.2] This is why folks often feel like, “Hey Tim, I’m making big monthly payments but I don’t feel like I’m progressing as quickly as I would like to in terms of getting this paid off” and that’s because of the interest that is accruing on those payments.

One of the common mistakes here that we’re talking about in terms of paying too much interest is we tend to underestimate how much interest we’re going to pay over the life of a loan and therefore, we tend to underestimate how much we’re going to actually pay out of pocket. 

I see this all the time and talk with the pharmacy students, they may say, “Hey, I’m borrowing $20,000 a semester” let’s say for tuition cost, the living expenses, they multiply it by eight semesters and they think, “Hey, that’s roughly my student loan debt number.”

Now, what they’re forgetting is of course the interest that’s accruing while they’re in school, outside of administrative forbearance period, such that we’re in right now, and they’re also not including the interest that’s going to accrue while they’re in active repayment, right?

If we’re looking at a 10 year, perhaps for some it’s even a little bit longer repayment journey, then we’re going to see a significant amount of interest that’s also accruing throughout the life of a loan. 

That’s why often, folks look up and say, “Wow, that’s a lot more that’s getting paid back than I really had anticipated was going to initially be the case.” What we want to be thinking about here as we talk about this first common mistake, paying too much interest is, what can we be doing to minimize the interest that we’re paying?

[0:09:38.9] That’s where we really get into student loan repayment strategy, right? A topic we have covered, lots of different ways on this show and there’s several different buckets that we need to consider. 

That could be tuition reimbursement programs, forgiveness programs, either public service or nonpublic service loan forgiveness programs or we’re going to pay them off but we have an option perhaps to move our loans into the private sector through a refinance that’s going to help us reduce that interest.

The first couple of areas that come to mind if I’m thinking about, “Hey, how can I avoid paying too much interest?” is number one, could I have somebody else pay the bill, right? That could either be through a tuition reimbursement program or through forgiveness, whether that’s PSLF offer or non-PSLF, if that’s not viable or of interest, then perhaps, might I be able to reduce my interest rate through a process of refinancing.

One of the things that we want to avoid is staying in a status quo position in terms of staying in the federal system, paying a high-interest rate, or paying a high private rate, if there’s a better option out there, whether that be forgiveness or whether that be considering a refinance.

A couple of things to think about as we talk about that first mistake of paying too much interest and I’m going to reference a resource here where you can dig more into student loan repayment strategies to evaluate that further.

[0:10:50.9] Number two mistake on our list of 10 is not maximizing public service loan forgiveness. Now, we have talked about this on the show extensively but I feel the need to continue to shout from the mountain top about this topic because there’s a lot of folks that maybe have the option or pursue public service loan forgiveness and for whatever reason aren’t making that choice or folks that are kind of half in and they’re half out, right? 

We’re leaving something on the table. When it comes to public service loan forgiveness, assuming that’s the right play for you and your personal financial situation, if we go that pathway, the goal is optimize and maximize forgiveness and minimize what’s out of pocket, right?

When I say, the common mistake here is not maximizing PSLF, what I’m referring to is that we’re leaving something on the table, either we’re paying more interest that we could have forgiven, or/and potentially, we’re not optimizing certain situations that would allow us to be able to also save through our forgiveness period. 

One of the things we need to do here is actually break down the numbers of what this means for your personal situation. Now, I’m not going to go through the rules of PSLF, again, we’ve talked about that extensively on the show before, highlights here, we have to work for the right type of employer so 501(c)(3), not for profit or federal government agency or organization. 

You have to be in the right kind of loan, so a direct loan, we’ve had some provisions with the Biden administration that have allowed some forgiveness and latitude on that, we’re going to talk about that more in an upcoming show. You have to be in the right repayment plan, which is an income-driven repayment plan.

[0:12:22.8] You have to make 120 payments and be consecutive but 120 qualifying payments before you’re ultimately applying for and receive tax-free forgiveness. Now, one of the things folks often omit, when they’re thinking about optimizing PSLF is really trying to figure out what can I be doing to pay less towards my student loans so that more is forgiven and that really gets to how the monthly payment is calculated towards your student loans when you’re in PSLF through an income-driven repayment plan.

The formula that is used is they take an amount that’s called your discretionary income and that is included of your adjusted gross income, so your taxable income reported on your tax returns, so your AGI, minus 150% of the property level, that is your discretionary income and then that gets multiplied by a certain percentage.

Just by definition of that calculation, there’s some things that we can do if we look at that discretionary income. That AGI minus that 150% poverty level, hopefully, you’re asking yourself, “What could I be doing to lower my AGI?” right? We don’t want to make less money but, “What I could be doing in terms of optimizing strategies to lower my AGI so that I can pay less towards my student loans, increase the amount that’s forgiven, and perhaps also, move forward other financial goals at the same time?”

What we know, what you know from listening to the show is there are strategies that we could do to lower our AGI, right? We think about accounts like 401(k) contributions, 403(b) contributions, HSA contributions. This is where we get to the strategy and the numbers start to become pretty wild in terms of not only optimizing what is forgiven tax-free but also, what could we be putting towards investments that over this repayment period of 10 years with PSLF, we also take advantage of compound interest and compound growth over that period of time. 

[0:14:16.0] You know, it doesn’t take a whole lot of whole numbers in terms of putting money away at three, five, seven percent of compounded growth each year. Again, it’s not just the tax-free forgiveness that of course is a huge benefit but also, what can we be doing to moving forward in accelerating our investment plan. That’s the second mistake, not optimizing our PSLF strategy. 

Now, a couple of resources I want to point you to here. Student loan repayment, you’ve heard me say it many times, one of the most important decisions pharmacists are going to make early in their career, one that we don’t want to walk into blindly, one that we don’t want to replicate what somebody else is doing that may not be a good fit for our situation.

This decision can be the difference, easily of tens of thousands of dollars, if not more, based on the option you choose and so, I really want you to invest the time and the energy to understanding this loan repayment options, as nuanced as they are. We’ve got a great comprehensive resource, The Ultimate Guide to Pay Back Pharmacy School Loans. It’s a free blog, comprehensive, almost like an ebook, to be honest, you can download that, read that blog at yourfinancialpharmacist.com/ultimate and we’ll link to that in the show notes.

Now, for those of you that are saying, “Hey, the information is great but I want one-on-one help with an expert that knows this in and out.” We do have a one-on-one student loan analysis survey that pairs you up with a YFP Planning certified financial planner and the goal of that is to analyze all of your options and ultimately decide on the best repayment plan for your situation.

You can learn more about that service at yourfinancialpharmacist.com/sla. Again, yourfinancialpharmacist.com/sla. All right, that’s number two, not maximizing PSLF. 

[0:15:57.3] Number three is delaying the emergency fund. Now, we just came off of talking about student loan repayment, right? That’s a gorilla that is often in the room. Many folks are also trying to think about saving and investing for the future, perhaps there’s a home purchase, kids that might be involved, kid’s college, the expenses, and the list of expenses goes on and on. 

Sometimes, the emergency fund can take a back seat for a couple of reasons. Number one, it’s not very exciting, when you think about making progress on our debt, to become ultimately debt-free whether that’s by paying them off or forgiveness or saving for investing for the future.

Those are typically a little bit more exciting goals to be thinking about. Putting money away in a savings account that’s going to earn minimal but not too exciting amount of interest and it’s there if we need it but hopefully, you don’t, not super exciting, right?

This often may fall by the wayside but the purpose and the goal of that emergency fund is to protect the financial plan when, not if, but when an emergency happens, and work from a position of financial strength with the rest of the plan, right? 

[0:16:57.2] This could be a short-term job loss, gap of employment, this could be a health emergency, an emergency with the home, the list of things that could be involved here obviously go on and speaking from personal situations, something will come up at some point, probably not too distant in the futures that is going to require you to tap into this emergency fund.

Generally speaking, our target here is three to six months’ worth of essential expenses. Not to say three to six months’ worth of income but three to six months’ worth of our essential expense because there can be a place where we have too much in this emergency fund. Obviously, we want to be comfortable with that amount but too much means opportunity cost of dollars that could be used elsewhere in the plan.

Now, in terms of where to put it, generally speaking, we’re going to be looking at a long-term savings account, a money market account, somewhere that we can get to the money, it’s a liquid, it’s accessible, it’s running a little bit of interest more than you’re going to see in a checking account, typically which is closer to zero. 

Maybe you’re going to getting 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 right now, not too exciting, we’re getting a little bit of interest but it’s a liquid, it’s accessible, this is not the place we’re trying to take a risk with our financial plan, right? We’re going to do that in the savings and investing for the future. 

[0:18:05.9] Now, one of the tips that I could share with folks is I think it’s incredibly helpful to get these dollars out of your checking account, right? This really gets to the intentionality of the financial planning.

If we have a bunch of money lumped into our checking account that is for our month-to-month expenses and then we say, “Yeah, I’ve got some of that, that’s earmarked also for an emergency fund,” get it out of the checking account, put it in a separate savings account. Number one, out of sight, out of mind. 

Number two, we’re really going to call that account an emergency fund and that’s going to show us our intentionality towards building that and protecting it and getting that out of our month-to-month checking account where we’re either doing our expenses or that we have tied to a credit card where those expenses are charged, so that’s number three. 

[0:18:44.0]: Number four is not protecting your income and this obviously gets to a whole laundry list of types of insurance we need to be thinking about including health, home, auto, renters, and so forth, professional liability. 

The two that I just wanted to touch on briefly here are term life and long-term disability, and one of the things I often share with pharmacists is “Hey if you are going to do the hard work to really figure out how we’re going to manage just a $170,000 student loan debt if you are going to do the hard work to build a nest egg and a retirement portfolio, we’ve also got to invest some time to make sure we’re playing defense so we are preventing the catastrophic from disrupting that progress in our financial plan. “

When it comes to insurance, the balance point here is we want to not be underinsured, right? We want to make sure we can protect the time but we also don’t want to be over-insured, which is something we often see folks might be in a position of a policy that has been sold to them that is not necessarily coverage that they need or that is in their best interest. 

When we are talking about term life insurance what we are talking about here is insurance that would be able to replace your income and what that income provides in the event that you were unexpectedly passed away, right? We’re big advocates of term life insurance. Other types of life insurance out there are whole life, permanent, value types of policies not to say that those don’t have a place anywhere but for the vast majority of folks that we talk with, a coverage with a term life insurance policy might be a 20 or 30-year term. 

A million, two million dollars, it really depends on your personal situation but that is going to allow for an affordable monthly payment that is a fixed monthly payment that is going to then allow us to free up dollars to be able to put towards other parts of the financial plan. 

[0:20:24.9] In terms of a term life insurance by definition, let’s say somebody buys a 30-year term policy for a million dollars and they’re 30 years old, they are going to pay a monthly or annual premium, depending on how the policy is set that is a fixed monthly payment over that policy length, so it will be a 30-year policy in this case. From 30 to 60 years old in that situation, they would pay a monthly or annual premium. 

Now, if they were to die unexpectedly at some point, so let’s say at the age of 50 that person passes away, well at that point their beneficiary would receive the money that’s known as the death benefit and that would be a tax-free policy that would be paid out to the beneficiary. Now, if they don’t die in that 30 year period, which is a good thing that’s the goal, a term life insurance policy, you’re paying those premiums on but you are not going to get those dollars back, right? 

If we get to 60, we’ve made it, we are still alive at that point, the policy ends and we are not going to recoup any of those dollars. We are really preventing things on the catastrophic side. We are not looking at this as an investment vehicle. Now, on the disability side, what we are talking about here is really trying to address a scenario where what if you are unable to work as a pharmacist because of a disability?

Car accident, chronic illness, whatever it may be, and obviously at that point, you are disabled and so you are unable to work, in that case, your expenses still live on but your income now here is in jeopardy. A long-term disability policy is the one that we’re often referring to here, again, monthly or annual premium, typically a percentage of your salary that you are going to purchase a policy for. 

It could be a five-year, 10-year, 20-year policy up to the age of 65 so it depends on the type of policy, lots of nuances here to think about and then if you were to become disabled, there is going to be known what’s an elimination period, which is the time period between when the disability happens and when your policy kicks in and you have to self-fund that period. It might be 30 to 180 days depending on the policy and then after that point, your monthly policy kicks in to help replace your income. 

[0:22:16.8] This is one of the areas we see pharmacists often overlooking and both with term and long-term disability, you may have some base coverage that is provided by your employer. It works a little bit different on the tax side of things of how that benefit is taxed or not taxed depending on where the policy lies and how the premiums are paid and really the question here is, what additional coverage might we need beyond what we have offered through our employer? 

If you go to yourfinancialpharmacist.com/insurance, we’ve got two additional resources pages on term life and long-term disability where you can learn more about those and see where that fits in with your financial plan. So that is number four, not protecting your income. 

[0:22:57.1] Number five is accepting that your income is fixed. Now, many pharmacists graduated in 2008. If you look at the average of pharmacists in 2008 versus what it is here in 2022, if you factor in inflation, not a whole lot has changed, right? Pharmacists tend to make a great income coming out of the gates but depending on the area of practice that they are in, that income may be relatively flat throughout their career. 

All the while our expenses are going up and we also see debt loads continue to creep up through that time period. One of the things we want to be thinking about here is how can we potentially maximize our income, right? This would be a benefit to both diversify your income, so I talk with many pharmacists that might let’s say, full-time at a community pharmacy pick up some PRN hours at a hospital pharmacy so they have their foot in the door at a couple of locations. 

Again, additional income but also to diversify, pharmacists that are working on side hustles and doing some medical writing or other businesses to generate additional revenue, also areas of interest. And so this could help us diversify but also can help us accelerate our financial goals, so lots to think about here and this really is very much an individualized decision and we’ve got a great resource available, 14 Extra Ways That Pharmacists Can Consider Making Additional Income. That is a blog that we have in the YFP blog, we’ll link to that in the show notes with this episode. 

[0:24:19.5] Number six is delaying retirement savings. Now, many of us have been told by parents, grandparents, perhaps multiple people that you need to be saving as early and often as you can, right? Time value of money, compound interest, as Albert Einstein said, it is the eighth wonder of the world and so what we’ve been told, what we’ve been taught is the longer we delay our savings, the harder it is going to be to catch up. 

I want to put some numbers to this because I think sometimes we hear that, were like, “Yeah, yeah, easier said than done. You don’t have $170,000 in student loan debt, you aren’t trying to purchase a home and doing all of these other financial goals at the same time” but the math here is really compelling. 

If we look at a pharmacist who is making about the average salary of a pharmacist that’s out there if we assume they are putting away about 15% of their income and they are getting an average annual rate of return on their portfolio around 6%. So if you look at the historical rate of return of the stock market around 10% net of inflation closer to 7% and so if they are putting away 15% of their income and they have a desired retirement age of 60, what we see is by putting away about 15% of their income each and every year, if they start at the age of 25, when they get to the age of 60, they’re going to have about 2.6 million dollars saved. 

Now, if they wait to the age of 30, that 2.6 turns into about 1.8. If they wait to the age of 35, that 2.6 that could have been if we started at 25 turns into 1.2 and if we wait to the age of 40, that 2.6 turns into $800,000. So that value, that advice is real, right? The earlier we invest and save, obviously we are going to have more time for that money to grow and to do its thing in terms of compound interest throughout many, many years.

Again, we’re just talking about one factor here in a vacuum as we talk about delaying retirement savings. We of course have to zoom out and consider this with other financial goals that we’re working on but ultimately, as we are able to do. We want to be focusing on starting as early as we possibly can. 

[0:26:17.9] Number seven here is prioritizing non-tax favored investment accounts. Now, we talked in episodes 72 through 75, we did a series on kind of an investing 101 series meant to be a crash course for those that are wanting to learn more about investing in terminology, some of the biases associated with investing, some of the information on fees, types of accounts, 401(k)s, IRAs, et cetera and so that is a great primer if you want to go back and listen to episode 72 through 75. 

What I am referring to here is investing potentially out of order. Now, this is certainly not investment advice, right? We don’t know anything about your personal situation but there is some low-hanging fruit from a tax advantage investing standpoint, right? When you think about 401(k), 403(b), employer-sponsored retirement accounts especially when we think about employer match, free money, right? We have all been told that before. 

If we keep working down there, we think about things like health savings accounts, triple tax benefits. We have talked about that on the show before, Roth IRA accounts. Again, another account where we might be putting dollars in that have already been taxed but they’re going to grow tax-free, we pull them out without a future tax burden, so if we are contributing to let’s say a brokerage account, whether it is through a tool like Robin Hood or Acorns or Betterment or whatever be the app or tool. But we are not yet taking advantage of some of those other things, the question we want to ask ourselves is, are we investing in a way that’s going to allow us to maximize our tax savings, right? 

Are we investing in appropriate priority? There certainly is I think a place and a role for a brokerage or taxable account but let’s be thinking about the order in which we are doing that relative to employer retirement accounts, IRAs, HSAs, and so forth. 

[0:28:02.1] Number eight here is tax filing without tax planning and strategy. Now, we’ve been hitting on this in the show in the last three to six months, shout out to the team at YFP Taxes doing a great job servicing the clients of YFP planning as well as some new clients here in 2022 and what I am referring to here is someone who is doing tax preparation but is not thinking more strategically on the tax planning side. 

So, if we look at a pharmacist on average, if they are making an average income working 40 years or so, and if we adjust up that salary for inflation of pharmacists throughout their career as going to earn about $9 million in their career. But only about six million of that depending on their tax situation is going to hit their bank account, so that delta of $3 million is what we want to be thinking about to pay our fair share, right? But we want to optimize how we can be able to use dollars elsewhere if we can allocate those towards a financial plan. 

Tax preparation, that’s what we are all doing, we’re required to do it, right? If we don’t file our taxes by April 15, the IRS is going to be coming knocking on our door unless we file for an extension. Tax preparation is historical. It is looking backward, so it limits the impact that we can truly have on our tax liability because things have been done at that point in time, so it is mechanical, we have to file, it’s looking back. 

Where tax planning is more of the forward-focus strategic part of integrating the tax plan with the financial plan. Here is where we can avoid common issues in advance, right? We can look at how we can adjust withholdings, do some projections, how can we optimize our savings accounts, how might we look at our savings and philanthropic contributions to be able to optimize those as well. 

Lots of things to consider, there’s optimization strategies around long term savings accounts HSAs, 529s, we know there is tax saving strategies with PSLF, lots of child-related optimization strategies, child care credits, dependent care FSAs, maximizing charitable contributions, you know really the list goes on, right? If we are able to do more of that planning and strategy work and look ahead, then we’re obviously able to take advantage of those, so that when we do the filing, we know we have optimized the situation throughout the year. 

I would reference folks to episode 233, where our director of tax, Paul Eikenberg and I talked about some tax moves to consider from an optimization standpoint and we’ll link to that in the show notes. 

[0:30:27.2] Number nine here is saving for kids college out of order. Guilty as charged, right? I found myself in this trap and as I reflect on that, I think about, “Well, why was that the case?” right? I knew about tax advantage, retirement vehicles, I knew that I have been given the advice over and over again that you can borrow for college, you can borrow for your kid’s college, but you can’t borrow for your retirement, so why was I not focused on the correct order of that? 

The more I thought about that, was that it was my reaction to my own journey of not wanting to see my kids incur a couple hundred thousand dollars of student loan debt, right? I think for many pharmacists, that may be the same thing where they are going through their own journey, they are living through that, obviously, the pain of it may be right in front of them right now. And therefore, they might be looking at saving in a 529 account with good intentions, but are we doing that in the right order, right? 

This is a great example of where we don’t want to look at one part of the financial plan and the silo because if we just answer the question, saving for kid’s college in a 529, is that a good financial move? Sure, there is tax benefits in doing that especially if we look at the potential growth over 10, 15, or 20 years. If we zoom out and look at what else we’re doing to financial plan that may or may not be the move to make at that time. 

We talked on episode 211, the ins and outs of the 529 college savings plans and we’ll link to that in the show notes for more information. 

[0:31:51.5] Finally number 10, hiring a planner that does not have your best interest in mind. Now full disclaimer of the bias of the planning services that are offered by YFP Planning, we wholeheartedly believe in fee-only financial planning and we’ll talk about that here in the moment. Obviously, I have a bias towards the services that the team at YFP planning offers, so we need to keep that in mind as we talk about this tenth point. 

Now, we talked on episodes 15, 16, and 17 way back when we did a three-part series on working with a planner, what to look for, questions to ask and we also talked about why fee-only financial planning matters. When you think about working with a financial planner here, is the term financial planner or adviser in it itself does not necessarily mean something that we can hang our hat on, right? 

We, in the pharmacy world, we’re used to the PharmD board certifications and residencies. We know exactly what those credentials mean and there is a relative amount of consistency in those credentials, so that when someone says, “I completed a PGY-1 residency.” We know what that means. 

When it comes to financial planning, financial advisors, wealth managers, wealth advisers, there are a wide variety in terms of education, training, and experience. And what those services look like that will inform and help inform whether or not those may be a good fit for you. So we need to be looking at, what is the educational background of these individuals, what is the credential, how are these individuals regulated? 

We firmly believe in the certified financial planner credential, we’ve got five CFPs on the YFP planning team. The CFP is certainly not a credential that is required to do financial planning but very robust in terms of the requirements of the educational portion of the CFP or rigorous examination to pass as well as an experiential component that we would think of as like appys in terms of pharmacy education. 

[0:33:42.7] Other things to consider here, I have mentioned the term fee-only, so fee-only by definition is that you are paying the planner and the planning team for the advice that they are giving, so they are not getting paid by recommending products such as insurance or investments where they’d be on a commission, and obviously a potential bias on that recommendation. And then we also really encourage folks to look at whether we are or are not the solution that is the best fit, someone who really offers comprehensive financial planning. 

The reason that’s important is that historically, the industry has focused a lot on investments and insurance, you know, think of folks that might be a little bit further along in their career, they have a substantial amount of assets to manage. And so, often there may be a minimum of assets to work with a firm, but when it comes to other things that might be of significance like student loan debt, like some of the early insurance discussions. 

Like, “Hey, I am thinking about starting a business or a side hustle” or “I’m looking at purchasing a home or investing in real estate” or “What about the estate plan?” or “What about the tax part of the financial plan?” Making sure the adviser regardless of the stage that you are in of your career, making sure the adviser and the advising team has the expertise and the experience to be able to serve you and the needs that you have for your financial plan. 

When it comes to working with YFP Planning, we’re really proud of the work that the planning team does. I mentioned five CFPs, shoutout to our lead planners, Robert Lopez and Kelly Reddy-Heffner who lead those two teams, working with Robert is Kim CFP and Savannah, working with Kelly is Christina, CFP, and Sarah. And then we also have a tax team that supports the financial planning. 

We are currently working with about 250 households and over 40 states all across the country, very robust in terms of the comprehensive nature of the plan. For folks that are interested in learning more about that service and what it would look like in terms of working one-on-one with a YFP certified financial planner, you can visit, yfpplanning.com, and you can book a free discovery call with Justin Woods, also a pharmacist who is our director of business development.

[0:35:40.8] Well, that’s 10 common financial mistakes that we see pharmacists making. I really appreciate you joining me on this week’s episode and we’ll see you here again next week. 


[0:35:48.4] TU: Before we wrap up today’s episode of Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast, I want to again thank our sponsor, The American Pharmacist Association. APHA is every pharmacist’s ally advocating on your behalf for better working conditions, fair PBM practices and more opportunities for pharmacists to provide care. 

Make sure to join a bolder APHA to gain premier access to financial educational resources and to receive discounts on YFP products and services. You can join APHA at a 25% discount by visiting pharmacist.com/join and using the coupon code, “YFP”. Again, that’s pharmacist.com/join and using the coupon code “YFP”.


[0:36:28.5] TU: As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and it is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information of the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog post and podcast is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analysis expressed herein are solely those of your financial pharmacist unless otherwise noted and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward looking statements, which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. 

Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week.


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YFP 225: How to Navigate Open Enrollment and Employer Benefits

How to Navigate Open Enrollment and Employer Benefits

On this episode, sponsored by GoodRx, Tim Baker, YFP Co-founder and YFP Planning Director of Financial Planning, joins Tim Ulbrich to talk about open enrollment and evaluating employer benefits. Tim and Tim dig into:

  • Considerations for choosing a health insurance plan
  • How to determine whether or not your employer-provided life and disability insurance is sufficient (one of the most common questions we get)
  • Understanding the differences between an FSA, Dependent Care FSA, and HSA
  • What to be looking for when putting money into your employer-sponsored retirement plan.


This week on the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast, Tim Ulbrich sits down with YFP co-owner and Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, to discuss open enrollment and the process of evaluating employer benefits. As you go into making your benefit selections for 2022, Tim and Tim share some considerations for choosing a health insurance plan and how to determine whether or not your employer-provided life and disability insurance are sufficient. Tim and Tim provide a general overview into understanding the differences between an FSA, Dependent Care FSA, and HSA and what to be looking for when putting money into your employer-sponsored retirement plan.

Whether you are reviewing your benefits for the first time or are a seasoned professional with open enrollment, there are many factors to consider. Pharmacists may not think to consult with their financial planners when it comes to open enrollment or the process of evaluating employer benefits, but these decisions affect the financial plan. When choosing a plan for the coming year, pharmacists should consider future life events or changes impacting money spent on medical expenses such as a child being born, marriage or divorce, coverage for a significant other, or a child aging out of medical coverage. The open enrollment period is a time to review history in medical spending, how much is spent out of pocket, and how to optimize benefits and cost savings based on those findings.

Tim Baker touches on life insurance and disability insurance, how to calculate your total need, transferability issues to consider when deciding whether or not to purchase a policy outside of your employer policy, and tax considerations.

Tim Ulbrich closes out by breaking down the differences between an FSA, DCFSA, and HSA. He also touches on retirement savings accounts in conjunction with open enrollment and the opportunity to re-evaluate investing and savings goals and how each fits in with the financial plan.

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Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich: Tim, glad to have you back on the show.

Tim Baker: Yeah, good to be here, Tim. Looking forward to getting into open enrollment discussion. ‘Tis the season. So yeah, I’m ready for it.

Tim Ulbrich: ‘Tis the season indeed. Fall is in the air officially here in Ohio, which does mean it’s almost time for open enrollment and ensuring that we’re taking the time to understand and maximize employer benefits. And I think whether someone is reviewing their benefits for the first time, whether that’s accepting a new position, going through another round of open enrollment, a lot to consider here, including insurance, retirement accounts and HSAs, FSAs, to name a few. So Tim, our team at YFP Planning includes employer benefits as a part of the planning process, perhaps an area that folks don’t necessarily associate working with their financial planner on. So how does this part, employer benefits, factor into the financial plan? And why is it so important that we’re looking at it in the planning process?

Tim Baker: Yeah, I think this is another area, Tim, where like when we say, “comprehensive,” we mean comprehensive. And it’s just like kind of the same conversation with things like home purchase. Most financial advisors are not going to kind of walk you through kind of the A-Z of buying a home because most of the time, a financial advisor is working with people in their 50s, 60s, 70s, right? And the reason for that is because those are the people that have assets, and that’s how they charge their fee. We have many, many, many clients that are in their 20s and 30s. And things like home purchase is really important and is often a big step in their financial journey and their financial plan. So we kind of take the time to go through that based on, I know you’ve said it, I’ve said it, we’ve messed those transactions up in the past, and we just don’t want to see our clients do the same thing. So open enrollment is kind of the same thing. A lot of financial advisors don’t really talk about this stuff because if you’re working with people in their 50s, 60s, like they’ve done it dozens of times, right? So they’ve gone through this. And a lot of our clients haven’t. You know, it’s not something that is kind of what we understand. And so to define open enrollment, open enrollment is the period of time where you can purchase or apply for health insurance for the upcoming year without a qualifying event. And usually a qualifying event is something like a marriage or a divorce or a birth of a child. So it’s typically very centered on the health insurance plan because that’s the big piece of the benefits. But then what the employer does is kind of have you opt out of other benefits that they might offer, which might be life insurance, disability, I’ve even seen things like pet insurance and things like that. You know, some things that are not insurance-related could be like a legal benefit. So that’s what this is is open enrollment. And it’s important because your employer benefits are a major component of your compensation package. And you know, this is kind of the conversation that goes back to things like salary negotiation is I’ve seen clients, they’ll say, “Hey, I’m making $110,000,” and they get an offer for $120,000 but they take a major step back with regard to their total compensation because of the benefits that are associated with that. I think it’s really important to understand what the employer benefits are and how to assess that. So that’s really what’s at stake here is really understanding that piece. And we know this, Tim, because when we plan to hire someone, we know that it’s not just about the salary pay. We apply a multiple on top of that because we know that the benefits that we’re going to provide for the employee are going to be above and beyond that. So that total cost or what I would say is an investment in that person is really beyond the salary. So this is what is really that bell to that. We’re trying to assess an an employee to say, OK, how can I best optimize this part of my compensation. And I would say that there is a lot, you know, a lot of people that don’t necessarily fully optimize this part of their financial plan or give it the attention that it needs because it sneaks up on us or bad information or what have you. So that’s really kind of the overall picture here of what it is and why it’s important.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and Tim, I think when you say sneaks up on us, bad information, it’s important I think for folks, basic stuff before we jump into individual benefits, you know, know your dates, obviously what’s the time span. You know, a lot of employers, depending on how they organize this, will do informational sessions, open Q&As, one-on-ones, group, and some of that might be automated, depending on the system and the platform they’re using. But making sure, understanding the dates, you know, simple things, how much time do you have if you’re going to be on vacation, things like that, making sure you can coordinate with HR. And then also, you know, just taking a look at your pay stub and your benefits. What do you currently have? And really taking a pulse on — and I think just a chance to go back and what’s gross pay, what’s net pay, what’s coming out in benefits, and taking this time that comes around every year as a chance to revisit some of these things that we want to be looking at often. And then of course, just thinking about upcoming changes, right, that might be happening. You know, I think of things like children that might be beneficiaries on the healthcare side, aging out if you think about 26 or folks that might be expecting or perhaps getting married, things that might have an impact on their benefits, considering those things as you’re in the benefits selection. And then of course just refreshing and updating the evaluation of who are the beneficiaries that are listed on certain policies. Tim, I want to start with health insurance. You know, I think it’s the one that typically carries the biggest price tag as we think about it relative to the other insurance and typically carries more options than things like dental and vision and life and disability, which I think for many employers it’s more of a one-way type of option. So the big question here is how do I determine which one to get? And of course, all plans are created differently but when folks are looking at these and you’re evaluating the deductibles and maximum out-of-pockets and premiums and copays and coinsurance, unfortunately, it’s a system that even though our audience is comfortable with all of those numbers because they live in it in the job that they’ve done or have been trained in it previously, there’s just a lot to consider. And if you look at plans, let’s consider a three-tiered plan where you’ve got like a bronze, silver, gold option, you know, you’re looking at OK, less out of pocket, more out of pocket, better coverage, but perhaps I could have lower out of pocket and I could use that money elsewhere. Like general framework, how do you begin to help clients think through this decision and not just look at it in a silo but also consider it in the context of the rest of the plan?

Tim Baker: Yeah, so I think it’s — you know, everyone can say it with me — it depends, right? So you know, I think a lot of it depends on past history or — you know, you mentioned a few things like what’s kind of on the horizon? Is it getting married or having kids? And some of those will allow you to kind of elect insurance outside of the open enrollment period. But those are typically qualifying events. But you know, an example is when we had Liam, when Shea was pregnant with Liam, we opted out of the bronze package, you know, the HSA plan to more of a gold package because we knew that the doctor bills and the hospital bills were going to be there. Our thought process was, you know, although in most cases we’re not going to the doctor a lot, you know, during a normal year, well, electing to a higher deductible plan, which means less coming out of our paycheck but then when we do go to the doctor, there’s going to be potentially more coming out of our pocket. So we did that to get in front of it a little bit. And you know, that’s really important from a planning perspective and kind of mitigating as much of the costs — and we probably saved ourselves if we did the math $1,000 by doing that. So that’s an important part of the plan. Now, sometimes things are going to come up and you’re just not going to — you know, it’s kind of like that emergency fund. You’re just not going to know for the future. But I would say is it’s a little bit of an exercise in looking at your past history, so looking at how often you’re going to the doctor and how often you’re reaching into your pocket to pay for things like copays and things like that. But then also projecting it forward, so that’s kind of where the conversation starts is that, you know, if you’re a younger, healthy professional and you’re not really going to the doctor, then you probably should really consider kind of a bronze, high-deductible, HDHP plan and couple that with the HSA, which we’ve said is a great forum to stash dollars. If you’re looking at regular doctor visits because of a chronic issue or something like that, that’s not going to be for you, regardless of your age. You just know that you’re going to be in and out of the doctor’s office. So I think it’s really looking at, again, kind of the budget and seeing what money has been spent on healthcare costs in the past and then what you think, project those going forward. And like I said, like this is not — it’s important, but these are taking it like snapshots one year at a time. So you can — like after Liam was born and the medical expenses were gone, then we went back to the high-deductible plan with the HSA. So I think it’s really important to kind of take stock of kind of your history, your medical history, your spending on healthcare, to form the baseline of your decision in that realm. The other comment I would make, Tim, is not all 401k’s are created equal. And as many of us know, not all health plans are created equal. So some are really, really great, and some are really, really terrible. And sometimes, that has to do with the size of the organization, sometimes the economies to scale, the bigger that you are, the less that each participant pays, whether that’s the 401k or the health insurance plan. So you kind of have to work with the sandbox, you know, that you’re playing in, so to speak, and something that can be very much out of your control.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and I think, Tim, your example of Liam is a great reminder of not putting open enrollment on auto pilot.

Tim Baker: Yeah.

Tim Ulbrich: And I think that’s what we’re trying to stress here is like, using this as a chance to re-evaluate each year, you know, what happened last year? What worked last year may or may not be what makes sense for this year for a variety of reasons. And I think this is certainly a place where we want to be evaluating what does the cash position look like? What does the reserves look like? And how do we feel about that? Especially if we’re going to be opting into a high-deductible health plan, you know, thinking worst case scenario — hopefully never happens — looking at those out-of-pocket maxes and really asking yourself, how comfortable are we with that happening? How does that make us feel? And could we weather that storm if it were to come?

Tim Baker: Yeah, and you know, and we’ve had some tough conversations with clients that are deep in credit card debt and they really need as much of their income to kind of like right the ship and get going, so sometimes it means sacrificing or being uncomfortable here. You know, one of the things I look at is like if we look at all the debts that are out there, medical debt is not necessarily a bad debt in terms of like they reformed a lot of things with it hurting your credit because it’s kind of been a nightmare, you’re typically not gouged with higher interest rates and things like that. So typically more forgiven. I would even say push back on a lot of medical debt because it’s wrong. I think Tim, you had a story about that when one of your sons was born. So there’s a little bit more give I would say than some of these other ones that goes like right to collections and you’re in a lot of trouble. So it’s kind of — this is all about like mitigating the risk and trying to understand where can we give a little bit so we’re OK.

Tim Ulbrich: I want to shift gears, Tim, to life and disability. Probably one of the most common questions that we get is, do I need to purchase additional life and disability insurance beyond what my employer covers? And of course the answer is it depends on a large part of the individual’s situation and what they have going on and what they’re trying to do with those policies and so forth. But you know, general thoughts and discussion on how one goes about making this decision in terms of understanding what coverage is there from an employer standpoint, determining what total coverage may be needed, and some of the gap and differences between an employer plan and if they purchased a policy out on the open market.

Tim Baker: I think if we look at most pharmacists out there, you know, professionals that are making a six-figure salary, I think there’s going to come a time when there probably is a need to purchase policies outside of what the employer provides. Now, the problem with the financial services industry is that a lot of “financial advisors” are trying to push those policies on a young professional when they probably don’t need them. That’s when you’re a pharmacist that has maybe six figures of debt that’s going to be forgiven if you die or are disabled with no dependents and really, you know, not much on your balance sheet. So there’s kind of like this gap of do I really need this? Or can I just make do with what my employer provides? I’ll say this about the employer-provided policies: Outside of health insurance, which is a health plan, I would say that things like life and disability insurance are not plans. They’re really perks. So they’re meant to supplement or meant to provide some type of benefit that will help the employee but also it’s a way to kind of retain you and things like that. So I really view these as perks and not necessarily plans. I would say, to your point, Tim, I think it’s really looking at the individual and say OK, does it make sense to buy a policy outside of that? Most employers will provide some type of life insurance benefit, whether it’s something like $50,000 or one or two times income, which you can then elect to either increase your coverage or not. I think the downside of that is, you know, if you’re working for an employer as a 30-year-old and you have all of your eggs in that basket and you’re saying, “Hey, I have $1 million” or a lot of times, they’re capped. Most times, pharmacists need a lot more than what their employer can provide. So that’s one of the drawbacks. But if you’re working with that company for 40 years and then you leave to go to another organization, which maybe that isn’t provided or it’s a lot less of a benefit, you have a gap, then you’re going out in the market 10 years older where you’re paying a lot more for that particular policy. So that’s one of the things that — sometimes they’re portable, meaning that you can take them with you, and sometimes they’re not. So for both the life and disability, you know, it’s really looking at your own situation. Just like open enrollment itself, this is one of the things that often overlooked, just insurance. And I know we’ve probably done a podcast in the past about what’s proper life and disability and things like that.

Tim Ulbrich: Yep.

Tim Baker: For the disability, the coverage is typically going to be a percentage of your income. And again, it could be capped, and some employers will offer both long-term and short-term disability. You know, both are great. But you know, oftentimes, because of one reason or another, there’s going to be a gap in the coverage either because of taxes or just that a pharmacist, what they make and what most professionals will say that you need to kind of cover down and typically, that can be anywhere from 50-80% of what your income is, that there is a need to go out onto the open market and buy individual policies. But from an open enrollment perspective, I think if you don’t have those policies, it’s really important to understand, you know, what is there for you? And what can at least tide you over until you get those policies in place? And again, it’s one of those things where it’s like, it’s not important to you until it’s important to you. And it’s really hard to kind of, to show that to clients unless they’ve experienced that pain themselves or a close family member.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah.

Tim Baker: But it’s going to be a really important piece of protecting the overall financial plan, which is — this is really what this is all about is, you know, insurance is really protecting the financial plan from a catastrophic event and ensuring that you can continue to build wealth and survive into the future.

Tim Ulbrich: Episode 044, Tim, How to Determine Life Insurance Needs, 045, How to Determine Disability Insurance Needs, two that we’ll link to in the show notes. We’ve got more information on the website as well, YourFinancialPharmacist.com. Tim, I think one of the common mistakes I see made here just relating to that discussion on gap in coverage is not digging into the policies to really understand, you know, life insurance is maybe the most obvious example where if you have a policy — if you have a need for life insurance and you have a term policy that’s offered for $50,000 or $100,000 or one times salary or two times salary, typically, those have a cap on them. For many folks, there’s going to be a gap and a shortage. And I think this is where, you know, sitting down one-on-one with someone to really calculate the total need, think about the transferability issues that you mentioned and what does it mean if you pick up employment, tax considerations, and really getting into the weeds of some of the nuances of the policies and things like own occupation, we’ve talked about that before and its importance. And again, thinking about how this fits in with the rest of the plan. And just a shoutout here to our fee-only financial planning team at YFP Planning, this is really where I think the value of fee-only comes in in that really sitting down with someone to determine what is their true need in their best interests. Not too much coverage that there’s dollars being spent that could be put elsewhere in the financial plan, but making sure we’re also not exposing the plan to unnecessary risk.

Tim Baker: Yeah, I mean, you know, this — what we’re talking about here are products. Like insurance is a product. So any time that you talk about dispensing a device, “Hey, Tim, you need life insurance,” and you say, “OK, great. Like where do I get it?” Like we can sell you this product. There’s going to be a conflict of interest. So having someone that is a fee-only fiduciary that is not further enriched by the advice that they’re giving, you know, strips away a lot of that, well, am I being advised in my best interests or in the advisor’s best interests, the one that’s advising me. So that’s I think the beauty of fee-only.

Tim Ulbrich: One example I just want to give here, I just pulled up, Tim, our long-term disability coverage that we added recently for the YFP team.

Tim Baker: Yeah.

Tim Ulbrich: And you know, if you look at it on kind of the main benefits platform, it says, “60% monthly income up to $6,000.” But this is an example where digging deeper is so valuable. You know, you get into things like what is the definition of earnings? So our policy, it’s base wage. So how you’re compensated could have an impact here.

Tim Baker: Yep.

Tim Ulbrich: What’s the elimination period or the timeframe from when the disability happens to when the benefit starts to pay out? Here, it’s 90 days. But if it’s shorter than that, perhaps longer than that, what’s the game plan to fund. Does it have own occupation coverage? We’ve talked about the importance of that before. What’s the maximum benefit? Our policy goes up to age 65. And then things like coverage restrictions, other incentives. So really, just a reminder of this time period and using this point here to really dig into this information and read the policies.

Tim Baker: Yeah, you know, and again, going back to those episodes you mentioned there, that’s where we kind of talk about the nitty-gritty, but I think the beautiful thing about this is like when we’re reviewing this and we kind of look at the — kind of go through the open enrollment optimization stuff is like as a planner, I’m looking at your balance sheet. So I’m like, alright, does it make sense to bolster — you know, because a lot of these, you can opt in. So like our policy doesn’t do this, but a lot of policies, they’ll say, “The employer pays for a 60% benefit of your earnings.” But then you can opt in to get that up to 80%. So you pay an additional — you pay out of pocket out of your paycheck for that additional 20%. If I’m looking at your balance sheet, Tim, and I’m saying, “Man, you have plenty of cash,” I would say, “Let’s not opt into that.” Or we might say, “Let’s do it,” because we know because the employer is going to pay for it, that that benefit’s going to be taxed.

Tim Ulbrich: Yep.

Tim Baker: If the employer pays for the benefit, it’s going to be taxed. That’s the gap. You know, so the idea is looking at your situation and overlaying what’s out there. I think the open enrollment, what I say is we want to look at the things that you’re paying for and say, does it make sense for you to be paying for it? I see a lot of AD&D insurance, and I kind of look at this as like — and again, this is not advice — but I kind of look at those as like when you buy something at Best Buy and they ask you about the warranty. You know, most of the time, you say no because it’s just not worth the money. Some of these things in open enrollment, it’s the same thing. It’s like AD&D, for those to pay out is very rare. So even if it’s $2 per pay period, I’m like, I just don’t think it’s worth it. So we’re trying to make sure that you’re not paying for things that don’t necessarily provide you much benefit, much utility. But then you are paying for things that do. And you know, kind of finding that Venn diagram of sorts to make sure that, again, we’re fully optimized with regard to this part of your compensation package.

Tim Ulbrich: AD&D, for folks that are wondering, Accidental Death & Dismemberment insurance.

Tim Baker: Oh yeah. Yep.

Tim Ulbrich: Tim Baker dropping some financial lingo here.

Tim Baker: Sorry about that. Yeah.

Tim Ulbrich: Tim, next I want to talk about FSAs, dependent care FSAs, especially since we’ve had some changes that have happened there as well as HSAs. And we’ve talked probably among these to the greatest extent, we’ve talked about HSAs because of the value of what that can provide as well as these other options. And we’ve talked about it on the podcast, we’ve got some blog posts, Episode 165, The Power of a Health Savings Account, also have an article on the blog, which we’ll link to, about really more of the strategic investing side of an HSA if you’re able to do that. So Tim, high level overview, FSA, dependent care FSA, HSA, and some of the differences and considerations for these accounts.

Tim Baker: The very crude way that I remember the difference between FSA and HSA is FSAs are really use-or-lose. So when you fund these with pre-tax dollars, if you don’t use those monies for the purposes of healthcare for an FSA for healthcare or dependent care for a dependent care FSA, you lose it. So it’s F-udge. Like I don’t get — you don’t get to use that money. Whereas the HSA, this is — can potentially be an accrual account, meaning that year over year, you can stack Benjamins and hopefully one day becomes that kind of stealth IRA that we talk about that has that triple tax benefit. So like I said, we’ve talked about the HSA ad nauseum. It has to be paired with a high-deductible health plan. You know, you can put the money in. It has a triple tax benefit, which means it goes in pre-tax, it grows tax-free so you can invest it like an IRA, and then you can distribute it in the near term for approved medical costs or when you reach a certain age, you can use it basically for whatever. So that’s the beauty of the HSA. But you know, again, it only works or you only have access to it when it’s paired with a high-deductible health plan. The FSA for healthcare is similar, but very different. So you’re allowed to use — you’re allowed to fund it with pre-tax dollars, meaning if you make $100,000 and you put $1,000 in there, you’re taxed on as if $99,000. So I think the limits for FSA for 2021, I think it’s like $2,750.

Tim Ulbrich: That’s right. Yep.

Tim Baker: Yeah. So the idea is that what you’re trying to do here — it’s a little bit of a game of chicken. So what you’re trying to do is really, again, see into the future and say, “OK, what do I know is a baseline that I’m going to use on my out-of-pocket healthcare expenses?” And if you know for sure that you’re going to spending $2,000 on that, then you should fund it with $2,000. And typically, there is a little bit of give at the end of the year where you can either carry some over or you have some time into the New Year to use it on.

Tim Ulbrich: Two months or —

Tim Baker: Yeah. And every plan is going to be different in its design. So you might be loading up on kind of some of the over-the-counter stuff. I’ve had a client buy a bunch of stuff for like contacts and things like that. So it’s going to be really important to kind of — again, this goes back to the spending plan, the budget, to understand what have you been spending in the past? Is that going to be indicative of what you will spend in the future? And then fund that with at least that baseline amount so you don’t lose it. The same thing can be said for the dependent care FSA. So this is a pre-tax account that you can fund that is used for care for your child who is age 13, for before- and after-school care, babysitting, nanny expenses, daycare, nursery school, preschool, summer day camp, and then also care for a spouse or a relative who is physically or mentally unable to care for themselves and lives in your home. So this money — this has actually been amended under the American Rescue Plan Act. So I think for single and married filing jointly couples, the pre-tax contribution limit went from where you could $5,000 a year, now it’s I think $10,500.

Tim Ulbrich: Significant jump. Yep.

Tim Baker: Yeah, very significant. So the higher limits apply to the plan year beginning Dec. 31, 2020 and before Jan. 1, 2022. So it is a temporary thing, but it allows you to park some dollars that you would otherwise — so if you’re in a 25% tax bracket, it’s as if you’re saving 25%, kind of thinking about it that way. So that’s what really — and for the FSAs, unlike the HSA, the FSA is — it has to be provided by the employer. I think we had a question on the Ask a YFP CFP about the HSA. And you don’t have to necessarily go through your employer. Sometimes, the employer doesn’t offer it. So you can go out and set up your own HSA. The FSA has to be provided by the employer for you to have access to it. So that’s really important. Again, these are all going to be — when you elect it, it’s going to take money out of your paycheck and basically fund these accounts for the appropriate purpose.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and this to me is where when we’ve talked with Paul Eikenberg, our director of tax, and working with our clients, one of the things he talks about here is these being untapped areas of potential.

Tim Baker: Totally.

Tim Ulbrich: And so I think there’s a lot of low-hanging fruit in the financial plan. And I think really evaluating these and perhaps the dollars of any one don’t jump out as being super significant, but I think as we start to add these up with other strategies, there certainly is value. And Tim, you had mentioned we did tackle a question recently on Ask a YFP CFP 084. The question was about fees on an HSA account, but we did talk about the opportunity to access an HSA account independent of the employer. So we’ve talked about health insurance, we’ve talked about life and disability, we’ve talked about FSAs and HSAs and dependent care FSAs. I want to wrap up our discussion by retirement saving options. And I think, again, this is an opportunity to take a step back, look at the overall progress on the investing part of the plan, overall goals, perhaps gap between the goals and where you’re currently at, and then to evaluate where does investing fit in with the rest of the financial plan. And so when we think about, Tim, employer-sponsored retirement accounts, two main buckets we have, which are those that are Roth contributions and those that are traditional. So define for us the difference between those two for folks that are — maybe have some outstanding questions about those or unsure as well as the limits of what we’re able to do in 2021.

Tim Baker: Yeah, so — and I’ll preface this by saying that most of — you know, open enrollment is a good time to check in on your retirement savings options. You’re not necessarily bound to that because you can go in —

Tim Ulbrich: Correct.

Tim Baker: — really at any time and say, “Hey, I was putting in 5%. I talked to a YFP planner, and they said I should put in 8%. That’ll put me on track to get my $5 million nest egg, so that’s what I want to do.” I can really do that at any time. Or I can say, “I want less Roth and more traditional,” or whatever the case is. So it’s just a good opportunity, it’s a good checkpoint to say, OK, where am I at and should I make any tweaks? So — and one of the things that they often do here is they allow you to put in an escalator. So you know — and you can do this any time too, but it’s a good thing to do in open enrollment so every year, you can increase that by 1% or 2% or whatever that looks like. So to answer your question, Tim, the Roth v. traditional, so most employers will offer a 401k or a 403b or if you work for the government, a TSP. So when you elect your retirement options here, a lot of them will now — you’ll have a traditional — so think of two buckets. You’ll have a traditional 401k and a Roth 401k.

Tim Ulbrich: Yep.

Tim Baker: And they’re all under the same plan, but they segregate the monies because for a traditional, these are pre-tax dollars. So that example I gave you is if you put in $1,000 into your 401k and you make $100,00 — your traditional 401k — and you make $100,000, you’re taxed as if you made $99,000. For a Roth, it’s after-tax. So same example, if you put $1,000 into your Roth 401k and you make $100,000, you are taxed as if you made $100,000 because you’re not getting that pre-tax deduction. So for these dollars, the money is either taxed going in or coming out. So for a traditional, you’re not taxed going in, but then it grows tax-free inside of that account, and then you’re taxed when it is distributed, hopefully in retirement. For the Roth 401k, you’re taxed going in, so you don’t get that deduction, but then it grows tax-free and when it comes out, it’s not taxed because it’s already been taxed going in. So a lot of people will say Roth, Roth, Roth. And again, it’s going to depend on your plan. It’s going to depend on what you’re trying to achieve. And a lot of people get this wrong as well. So this is another good check on it to make sure that you’re putting the dollars in the right spot. Your match that your employer provides, if there is a match, is always going to go into a traditional account.

Tim Ulbrich: Yep.

Tim Baker: So if there is a match, you’re going to have — some people get it twisted like, I’m 100% in my Roth 401k, but I see money in my traditional, like what gives? And I’m like, well, this is the money that your employer is matching. It’s going to go there, you know, regardless. So it’s really important, you know — so to kind of give you some numbers with 2021, to max out a 401k, a 403b, it’s $19,500. So you can put that in regardless of how much money you make. So that’s really going to be the limit for the 401k. IRAs are a completely different animal. They’re $6,000, this completely separate accounting mechanism. And that’s going to be dependent on your income whether you can put it in directly into a Roth or a traditional IRA and if you get the deduction. And I know we’ve had podcasts on that as well. But the point of this, Tim, is that the open enrollment exercise is a great opportunity to kind of just do a once-over for your retirement savings options and just make sure that one, you’re in the proper allocation but then it’s also in the Roth v. traditional, and then just making sure that you don’t get stuck in that hey, my employer matches 3%, so for 10 years, I’ve just been putting in 3%. You don’t want to do that because more often than not, it’s not going to be enough for you to retire comfortably. So this is another way to kind of check those things and push the envelope a little bit.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and I point folks back to Episode 074, when we talked about evaluating your 401k plan, also more recently, Episode 208, when we talked about why minimizing fees on your investments is so important. Certainly relevant here as we talk about employer-sponsored retirement plans where we can see a lot of variabilities in those investment options and in the fees. As we’ve said a couple times now throughout the show, open enrollment is such a great time to take a step back and evaluate the financial plan. And for folks that are going through this process and think, you know, I really see the value in working with someone one-on-one to look at the financial plan holistically, to determine how to prioritize the goals, make some of these decisions around open enrollment, could be debt repayment, investing, tax evaluation, and so forth. We’d love to have a chance to talk with you about the YFP Planning comprehensive financial planning services that we conduct on a one-on-one basis. And you can learn more about those services as well as schedule a free discovery call by going to YFPPlanning.com. As always, thank you so much for listening. We hope you have a great rest of your week and look forward to having you join us again next week.

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YFP 213: 5 Investing Considerations for a Volatile Market

5 Investing Considerations for a Volatile Market

Tim Baker shares five considerations for investing in a volatile market.


Recent media attention brings to mind the current state of the investing market. In this episode, Tim Ulbrich and Tim Baker discuss five considerations for investors in this volatile market.

Investors should consider and work to understand common biases, including but not limited to overconfidence bias, loss aversion, and others. Investors should also consider their personal goals and personal philosophies relative to building wealth and living a wealthy life. In gaining a better understanding of the personal philosophy, investors should consider their risk tolerance, long-term goals, and asset allocation. As investors approach their goals through investing, targets and strategies should be revisited and revised.

Given the volatile nature of the market and how easily it can be influenced by the news cycle in the short term, investors should be mindful of groupthink, herd mentality, and investing in a silo. While it may be fun to make high-risk investment choices, those boring choices of index funds and long-term strategies are often the best financially. Generally speaking, the market shows growth over the long term despite short-term dips and drops. Being aware of your asset allocation, making safe choices, and not over-extending yourself to the detriment of your financial plan benefits new investors. Tim Baker shares that even professionals in finance benefit from guidance from a coach to help prevent those missteps with exciting but risky investment choices.

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Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich: Tim Baker, welcome back to the show.

Tim Baker: Hey, Tim. How’s it going? Good to be back again.

Tim Ulbrich: Excited for this episode. Now, call me old school, Tim, but I get the Wall Street Journal delivered to my house every morning. I’ve shared with you before, I hear the car coming in the driveway, it’s a feel-good. But one of the things that I couldn’t help but notice and therefore led to today’s episode is in reading the Journal, the volume of attention that has been given to investing lately, whether that be the stock market, the bond market, inflation, the housing market, crypto, meme stocks such as AMC, GameStop, Wendy’s, and so forth, you know, could be that the market is going to come crashing down or folks that think there’s going to be sustained growth, what will the Fed do or not do? All this really goes on and on. And I think if you read that news any given day and make a decision, the next day you might be kicking yourself. And so I wanted to talk in this episode about how one can have that long-term investing mindset that we have talked about often on this show in the midst of a lot of noise and attention that is out there just in the time period and the volatility that we are in right now. And so we’re going to talk through five considerations for the investor that’s going through this time period. And Tim, this really reminded me of an important philosophy that you and I adhere to and preach when we talk about long-term investing, one of the things that I’ve heard you say before is that a good investing plan should be as about as boring as watching paint dry. And Tim, this is just really hard to do in a time period like this.

Tim Baker: It really is. I mean, even sometimes I like have that moment of pause and I have those doubts. Then I quickly get over that and realize that no, stick to your guns, you know, what the market does over long periods of time is actually sufficient. And it’s that singles and doubles approach to building wealth over a period of time. But it’s easy I think to get distracted because of the news and the news cycle, especially in the times that we’re living in today. When you think about like even in the last downturn, ‘08 and ‘09, the news cycle, even just the social media presence of like what is everyone doing, and then if you go back to the ‘90s where the dot-com, that stuff is not like always in your face like it is now. So it’s like really easy to compare and contrast of what you’re doing versus what everyone else is doing and really kind of derail your long-term plan if you have a long-term plan. So you know, more so than ever before I would say, it’s like really being disciplined and kind of sticking to your guns and allowing the plan to unfold as you’ve outlined. And for a lot of people, like I said, it’s a slog because of water cooler talk, you know, about, hey, crypto, or this stock or buying houses. I just was talking to a couple the other day, and they’re like, “Yeah, we have this timeline of buying a house in the next 3-5 years, but we’re seeing our friends buy a house and them being really happy and excited, and it’s tough not to compare or tough not to get sucked up with kind of that keeping up with the Joneses mentality,” so it’s a challenge.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and it is. I mentioned I think it’s really had to stay true to that long-term approach in the midst of a time period such as this. And as we’ll talk about here in a little bit, you know, this isn’t unique. The circumstances may be, but what we’re going through in terms of volatility certainly isn’t unique, certainly is not unique. And so we’re going to talk through five considerations for folks, again, that are investing during this volatile time period in the market. Now I do want to be fair that while we’re going to talk about the long-term approach, you know, I do want to acknowledge the difficulty that is there considering the volatility that has happened. So for this show, I went and pulled the S&P 500 numbers, just as one indication that we can look at. And Tim, check this out: February 14, 2020, so that would take us back to pre-pandemic or at least our recollection of pre-pandemic before life had changed. And at that point, the S&P was 3380 on Valentine’s Day of 2020. Now, one month and one week later, March 20, 2020, it went from 3380 to 2304. And then today, it stands at 4350. So February 2020: 3380, March 2020: 2304, today: 4350. So it saw a 32% decrease in one month and a little bit of change. Then an 89% increase from that dip after the pandemic started to now. We saw an 89% increase. And if you look at the net change over the time period from February 2020 to now, it’s been up 28%. So I think it’s important that it’s perhaps a little bit easier to talk about this long-term investing approach and strategy but like these are real numbers. And you shared with me before you hit record that you individually did a nice job of ignoring some of this noise when the dips happened. I didn’t do as good a job as you did. But you mentioned logging onto that 529 account for the kids and having that “gasp” moment, right?

Tim Baker: Yeah, I mean, I think people think that I’m like joking, but I’m not. Like when the correction came — or not the correction but just the dip because of the pandemic came last year, I did not look at my accounts. I think because I know the reaction. It wasn’t until, I don’t know, maybe like May or June of last year when it hadn’t completely recovered where I logged into the kids’ 529s. And I did get that — I looked at the balance and kind of dip and I was like, I got that like pit in my stomach and I was like, oh my goodness, it actually did fall quite a bit. But the reason for that is that I know that — and we’ll talk about this a little bit more — but you know, investing is such an emotional thing. And oftentimes, what you want to do in investment is the opposite, right? So like let’s go through that roller coaster. When the market declines like it did and you’re seeing, if you’re logging into your account — and I’m sure there’s a lot of people listening that look at their accounts daily — when you’re seeing hey, I had $100,000, now I have $80,000, now I have $65,000, that plays with your emotions, right? So in that moment, the feeling that you have is — and I kind of say you want to take your investment ball and go home. You’re like, ‘Alright, I don’t want to play this game anymore. It’s not fun. I’m going to go home.’ And what happens is that that relates to basically people selling off their investments low and getting into cash where it’s really cozy and safe. And then when it rebounds and it goes back up 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, you miss that upswing. Right? So then you’re trying to figure out when to get back in. You’ve missed a lot of the returns. So more often than not, if you know your risk tolerance and you set your allocation, less is more. The less that you kind of fiddle with it and look at it, probably the better off you will be. And I know that’s not like an exciting answer, right, because the sizzle that typically is involved in a financial plan if there’s any sizzle at all, but if you’re a financial nerd like us, like it is the investments. They’re interesting. They’re somewhat exciting. You see your wealth compounding as a result of an efficient long-term investment strategy. But typically, the most efficient and I think successful are just really boring. They’re not individual stocks, they’re not cryptos, they’re not all these things that you hear about on the news that may or may not be a fad — I’m not saying crypto is a fad — but it is index funds and buying the market and things that are not necessarily exciting to someone that might be reading the Wall Street Journal every day or in terms of like what is the — what are the things that are making headlines, what’s going to print so people will read that? That’s just the reality of it.

Tim Ulbrich: So since we just proclaimed this as boring, we might as well just send the episode right there and call it a day. So now let’s jump into these five considerations for those that really are trying to reaffirm, Tim, I think much of what you just shared. No. 1 — and I mentioned this a little bit earlier — is recognizing while the circumstances of today’s market are unique, market volatility is not unique. And so what I’m referring to there is of course, we all have lived through firsthand a global pandemic, we know the supply chain issues that has caused, we know that obviously there’s some issues that we see currently happening around inflation and of course with the housing market and lumber prices that were up crazy and now they’re actually going down the other way. And so circumstances may be different, but the volatility and the concept of volatility is not unique. And I think, Tim, this feels relevant because for those that are investing, I would say within the first — I don’t know — 10-15 years of your career, if you have maybe known only this bull market, like this might seem or feel like behaviorally that some of this volatility is unique. So tell us about just historically, the precedence of volatility and why this concept is important.

Tim Baker: Yeah. So you know, the markets are very fickle. And it’s interesting to see that something that a president might tweet or a jobs report or whatever can really swing what is happening on Wall Street. So it can be influenced, I would say rather easily. I think that again, even more so because of the news cycle, but it’s really not a new thing. So I think the status is that since World War II, I think there’s been 12 or 13 economic recessions where you’re seeing these things do come in cycles. You know, it’s very rare to have the expansive bull market that we’ve had, meaning that we haven’t had a major correction. But along the way, it has gone up and gone down. And it’s evident by what happened early last year with a lot of the economy shutting down because of the pandemic. So the long-term investors should know that along that road, it shall be somewhat bumpy. But you know, the more that we zoom out, if we look at an investment portfolio over a month or two months or six months or even a year, very, very volatile. Lots of swings. But the more we zoom back and we go to five, we go to 10, we go to 20 years, it’s actually very predictable. And that’s the comfort that I have when I start to doubt myself is to know that over long periods of time, the market is very predictable. And it takes care of you. It allows us to outpace things like inflation and kind of get ahead of the tax man, so to speak. So that’s the comfort that I have. But — and I try not to get too caught up in the week-to-week, month-to-month, day-to-day stuff because I know, you know, as a human being, it can be — the volatility can be very emotional. And it can lead to things that causes us to do irrational things. So I’m cognizant of that, and that’s what I try to preach to clients. But again, it’s in that moment, you have those feelings and reaction that compels you to do things. And again, most of the things — all of the decisions that we make in life, Tim, are really based on an emotion. And if it’s an emotion like loss, we typically — and we talk about things like loss aversion — we typically do things at the detriment of our long-term plan.

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely. So that’s No. 1. No. 2 is understanding common biases. So Episode 124, I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Daniel Crosby, who wrote “The Behavioral Investor.” And in the book, he actually talked about 117 behavioral biases at the time — perhaps there’s more since he’s done more research and others — 117 behavioral biases in total that he has come across throughout his research. We’re not going to talk through obviously all of those on this show but some that we think are relevant to the time. We also talked about this in Chapter 1 of “Seven Figure Pharmacist,” where we talked about the concept of mind over money. And so Tim, the first one that comes to mind here is overconfidence. And tell us a little bit about what overconfidence bias is and ultimately what it may lead to so that we can be on the lookout for some strategies to prevent this.

Tim Baker: The overconfidence bias is a tendency for people to have just more confidence in their own abilities. So like one of the things I always think back on when I learned about this is that if you were to poll pharmacists out there and you would say, “Hey, how well do you think you’re doing your job?” the overwhelming majority of people would be like, “I’m great,” or “I’m average or a lot better.” But we know that like on a bell curve, you’re going to have people that are really outstanding, people that are average, and people that are kind of below expectations. But the way that we view ourselves is we never really — even though sometimes we are our hardest critic, we’re not saying that when we’re actually taking stock of our abilities. So I see this a lot in pharmacists. And sometimes I see this in pharmacists that we work with in a sense of we get through a portion of the financial plan, and it’s like, “Hey, I got this.” And I’m like, “Well, do you? Because three months ago or six months ago or 12 months ago, you said, ‘I have no idea what I’m doing with my money.’” And you know, I think it’s a good thing we’re making progress, but sometimes there is this feeling that ‘Hey, I’m good to go,’ or ‘I have it all figured out.’ And it’s untrue. It’s an inflation of our own ability to manage the portfolio, manage the taxes, or whatever that might be with regard to the area of life that we are looking at. To me, overconfidence can really come into play with how we react to our financial planner or where we’re placing money. Again, it could be to the detriment of the long-term direction of the financial plan.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and I think this is one, Tim, you know, I kind of put myself in the bucket of guilty as charged here. Like I was looking at one of my 401k statements recently and giving myself the pat on the back, right, of what’s happened over the last year. Like I literally have done nothing except like, you know, the hard work of a plan up front, obviously you played an integral part in that, but doing that and rebalancing — like that is the market doing its thing. And I think it can be in times like this where it has been significant growth — I graduated in 2008, so I started investing after the dip of the financial crisis of 2008. So it’s only been up in my career, for the most part, outside of —

Tim Baker: Only been up, yep.

Tim Ulbrich: Only been up. So you know, again, my comment about newer investors, like history I think is an important lesson to learn in terms of the trends but also that when we think about something like overconfidence, you know, is success in one area, does that necessarily translate to other areas or not? And how much of this is the market doing its thing versus undue credit we may give ourselves for making certain decisions.

Tim Baker: Yeah, and this might be something — you know, I’m just thinking about this now as we’re talking about this. You know, you often hear stories about people that grew up during the Great Depression. And there was almost like this underconfidence bias, right? Not necessarily just in maybe themselves or just even in the system, and maybe it’s the sign of the times, but I just wonder if there was the inverse of that. And sometimes you see that with like, with when people do come out in terms of the job market and things like that, they are more conservative in that part of life that was really kind of down-and-out. So it’s like, ‘Hey, I don’t really want to take this job for granted or do a move because it’s safe here because when I came out, I was $200,000 in debt and I couldn’t find a job.’ So you know, I think we — I do see a lot of overconfidence. And you want to be cognizant of it. Like what you were saying, Tim, is like, you know, you set your asset allocation, and that’s the right thing to do. But for the most part, the right thing to do is probably just to keep on keepin’ on and not overextend yourself or do things that I think will ultimately lead, again, to the detriment of the long term.

Tim Ulbrich: The next bias, Tim, that seems really timely right now is herd mentality/bandwagon effect/groupthink, whatever we want to call it. So tell us about this one, maybe some examples in the moment of what we’re seeing and obviously why this can have some negative impact.

Tim Baker: Yeah, this also can be called like mob mentality. So like this is the tendency of like the individual in a group to think or behave in ways that kind of conform with others in that group rather as individuals. And you know, probably I see this more in like things like AMC or GameStop or even crypto. It’s like, it is kind of like that water cooler talk of everyone’s doing it and we were kind of talking about this off-mic of, you know, I might not really be interested in that, Tim, but because I kind of want to be part of the conversation and part of what’s going on, maybe I do invest, right? And we were kind of — the analogy somewhat is fantasy football. Like if my pro football team stinks but I am in a fantasy football league and maybe there’s a little financial incentive there to win it, there’s some sizzle there, right? There’s some incentive for me to kind of be plugged in and pay attention. And I think sometimes that’s true. And I think it’s also because it’s like the new, like at least with crypto, it’s kind of the new thing and it’s not really understood. And I think there is like a lot of promise and upside, but it’s really speculation right now. I think the thing that I get a little frustrated with is that a lot of the people that I see that are investing in crypto don’t really have business investing in crypto. But it’s really easy with some of the apps that are out there and things like that that kind of drive that forward. And it’s exciting, right? We do things that excite us. We’re talking about, hey, keep it boring, don’t do anything that there’s a lot of juice behind it. It’s like ah, it’s so boring, Tim, like I don’t want to do that. I want to do something that I can get excited about. But oftentimes, those are more expensive to the investor and again, not necessarily the best thing from a fee perspective or just in the long run in terms of the swings in the market.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, I mean, I think we just take a step back, Tim. Like opening xyz app and making an investment purchase, like there’s an endorphin rush that’s happening, right? Not looking at your account balance for three months, like you ain’t getting any endorphin rush from that. I mean, there’s just one that obviously tends to be a little bit more exciting, might attract us in that direction, and one that’s going to take some discipline behavior, perhaps a coach to kind of help keep us on track in that. And I want to be clear, as we talk about some of the current trends, we’re not saying in any way, shape, or form there’s not a place for cryptocurrency.

Tim Baker: Right.

Tim Ulbrich: I think you made a good point there in terms of like the priority of that or you and I have talked before about for folks that are interested in individual stock picking, we’re not saying nobody should ever think about that. I think what we’re suggesting is looking at the bigger picture, where does that fit? Are we putting the priorities in the right order? And then if we’ve got to scratch that itch, like OK, but let’s make sure we’re doing it within a reasonable way in the context of everything else we’re trying to achieve.

Tim Baker: And just know what you’re getting into. And for a lot of people, people don’t. And again, not investment advice, but we’ve talked about keeping it boring, low-cost, passive index funds. They’re about as boring as they can get. But for the most part, I think it’s kind of that building out a portfolio like that that buys the market, doesn’t try to make strides to beat the market. And you know, what we said about the market is that it takes — it does take care of you. If you can stick to your guns during those volatile markets, it’ll take care of you over the course of the long run. And some of these things that we talk about — and again, it’s not to say that these things don’t — some of these things don’t pan out.

Tim Ulbrich: Sure.

Tim Baker: Sometimes they do. It’s like hey, if you would have bought Amazon at this — you know, you see those clickbait articles: This guy bought Amazon at $x per share and now he’s sitting on a beach somewhere. Like those things do happen. But for the most part, if you’re looking at — if you’re a novice investor and you’re looking at building a robust investment portfolio that is going to see you through to retirement or whatever your goal is, that’s typically the being greedy instead of successful portfolio.

Tim Ulbrich: Tim, let’s talk briefly about loss aversion bias. Again, there’s many biases we could talk about. But I think these three in particular are really relevant right now. Talk to us through about what is loss aversion bias and what are some of the implications here.

Tim Baker: It’s a cognitive bias that kind of explains why individuals will act in a way that they avoid pain or they say that the emotions of pain are twice as impactful than the pleasure of a game. So the loss felt from money or an investment or in some type of valuable object or something like that can feel worse than gaining that same thing. So the example is that if you were to lose $20 reaching your hand in your pocket and pulling your keys out and that falls on the side of the road, you feel that a lot more than finding that $20 in your couch. Now, that’s pretty awesome if you find $20 in your couch, but to me — and the movie that I always think about, Tim, when I think about this bias is “Rounders.” And I think I’ve talked about this on the podcast before. But “Rounders” is about — Matt Damon’s character is an amateur poker player who’s studying I believe law. And he is trying to scrape together money to go to Vegas to kind of make a run at the World Series of poker. And his character describes I think early in the movie where it’s like, you don’t remember the huge pots that you rake or the huge hands that you win. What you really remember and what sticks to you are when you go bust and you really lose a terrible hand. And I even see this, even this week, Tim. And I found myself doing this is like, we’ll sign on two, three new clients, but the first thing that comes out of my mouth when the team congratulates me is like, “Well, we lost this one,” or, “This person didn’t show up to that meeting,” and I feel like I’m happy that we are growing YFP and people are coming on and working with us on their financial plan, but it’s almost this unconscious reaction of I feel that loss and I’m like, well what could I have done? What could I have done better? Or what could we have done to kind of win those too? So it is really a thing that drives us is that we will recall those negative losses and that will affect our behavior, and we overweight that more than any gains that we have. And I look at it in this market really from two sides. You know, you see people that look at the market, and they’re like, ‘Tim, this is kind of scary. It’s up and it’s down. It’s like super unpredictable.’ And I’m like yeah. And we look at the risk tolerance, and it’s super conservative. But you’re a 25-, 35-, even 45-year-old pharmacist. There’s a lot of time horizon there. Like there’s a lot of time before — and again, we’re talking about long-term investing for retirement. Over long periods of time, we should be somewhat aggressive because it’s just, again, you’re not going to remember what happened in 2021 when you go to retire in 2051. But we — because of the losses, that dictates our behavior. But the other thing too is from a loss aversion perspective, Tim, and I see this also where it’s like, ‘Hey, Tim, like how’s it going? Like financial plan looking good? A lot of people talking about crypto, a lot of people talking about this stock or that stock.’ Like it’s almost this FOMO, this Fear of Missing Out on this trend or this herd mentality that’s going on of excitement around these things. And this fear of missing out or this kind of the loss of missing out on this opportunity is driving people maybe to be more aggressive or more speculative, I would say, in investments they would not have otherwise thought about or even entertained. So I think it can play on both sides of the loss of if my portfolio does go down but also the loss of like a missed opportunity. And I think that, you know, I look at it, and I try to — I try to look at this with context, Tim. So like, you know, I hear a lot of people say like, “Ah, the country is going down the drain, blah, blah, blah.” And like I’m sure that they said during the hippie and free love movement. Right? Like it’s this bias that we have like right now, it’s — and maybe that goes into the recency bias — but like it’s this bias that we have that everything — and the same is true with things like crypto — is that like when the dot-com crisis was going on, people were insane in terms of what they were doing to take out second mortgages to buy — I always joke — cats.com or whatever or this.com or even in the subprime mortgage crisis where people were doing really aggressive and ill-advised things to buy real estate because the market was just so hot. And again, if you think about it from an emotional perspective, what you’re feeling, Tim, is probably the — what you should be doing is the opposite of what you’re feeling in a lot of ways. So to me, it’s just really interesting to see how these play out in real life. And it’s just, again, part of the value that I bring, even though I’m human and even though I feel a lot of the same things is that check. And you know, Paul has even said this, Paul Eichenberg who is our IRS-enrolled agent, leads the tax work, he’s like, you’re there to kind of be like the stopgap to my portfolio because there are things that he wants to do and he wants to tinker and I’m like that barrier, so to speak. So even people within the profession that are espousing this and talking about this with clients still have those biases or those emotions because we are human. And these are things that just are innate to us.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and I would argue, Tim, just to drill that point home, sometimes the closer you are to it, the harder it is to keep your hands off of it.

Tim Baker: Yep.

Tim Ulbrich: Well, good stuff. No. 2, we could talk about biases certainly probably a whole separate episode and dig into that further. But the whole purpose of that as we think about these five considerations investing in a volatile market, this is all about knowing yourself. Right? So if we can understand the biases that we’re perhaps more tending towards or leaning towards, then we can start to think about some of the strategies to overcome those. No. 3, Tim, is understand your investing philosophy and goals. One of the things I think about often with investing, especially right now, is that we’re talking so much about the x’s and o’s, right, whether it be what stock am I investing in or what am I doing in terms of what account I’m putting money in? All important stuff. However, we might be doing that without taking that important step back to say, what’s the vision? Where are we going? What are we trying to achieve? What’s the purpose? And then from the vision, we start to derive, OK, what’s the plan in terms of how much we need? And then we start to think about the x’s and o’s, right? Where are we going to put the money? What accounts, asset allocations, all those types of things? So I think a time period like this where so much of the attention and noise is on the x’s and o’s, it takes some discipline to take a step back and think about the direction, the vision, where are we trying to go. So Tim, talk to us a little bit about the importance of this. And I’m thinking specifically from the planning perspective, how do we go about this in terms of working with clients to really make sure we’re defining that vision, that purpose, that why, for our investing side of the plan and then ultimately keeping that front and center as we make those decisions of how to execute?

Tim Baker: Oftentimes, this is something that’s like way overlooked, right? So with philosophy, a lot of people, they don’t necessarily know what their philosophy is or know enough to kind of verbalize what that is. But in terms of goals, I think people that do have goals, a lot of times what I find is that they’re very singular in nature or what I’m trying to say is like, ‘Hey, we’re just trying to pay off this credit card debt,’ ‘We’re just trying to get through the student loans,’ ‘We’re just trying to save $30,000 for our emergency fund,’ or, ‘We’re just trying to save 10-20% for a down payment on our house,’ or whatever that is. But — and it’s almost like when I think about fitness, it’s like the person that’s trying just to get like six-pack abs. Right? But we know that just like the financial plan and kind of like systems of the body, they’re all interconnected, right? So to me, I think those things are good. But I really want to look at when we’re talking about understanding where you’re at in the universe, at least financially, is what does the balance sheet look like? Because a lot of this stuff in investments — actually, we just signed on a client that were very really big into Dave Ramsey. And one of his big tenets is like, don’t invest even with a match, don’t invest until the debt is gone. And I’m paraphrasing here, but like, that’s what they were doing. And they recently just switched gears a bit because there was a pretty healthy match, and they wanted to get that going and they kind of stumbled upon the FIRE movement and x, y, z. So I think it’s really looking at that balance sheet because there are going to be some people — again, we see it. We see people that have massive amounts of credit card debt but they have a Robinhood account that’s investing in crypto. Like those things necessarily don’t compute. So I think it’s looking at, again, like what are the — we’re always talking about the baby steps. What does the emergency fund look like? What’s the consumer debt? Is there a plan for the other types of debt, whether it’s a mortgage or student loan? So really understanding where we’re at on the balance sheet, on the net worth statement, and then from there, you know, I think the big thing that people talk about a lot these days is like self-care. And I think sitting down — my wife and I, Shea and I, we did this last night. We went out, kind of an impromptu date night, got a babysitter, and it was just talking about where are we at and kind of where do we want to go and really kind of looking at, you know, the next couple years and what’s really driving us — and Tim, we’ve talked about this a bunch — is our daughter Olivia is 7 this year. And that means we have about seven or eight years before she no longer wants to hang out with Mom and Dad. So we’re cool. So like we really want to capitalize on those years. And that’s really what’s driving that emotion, that loss, is really what’s driving what we want to do today. And I think really taking that time to reflect yourself, reflect with your partner, I think it’s about as good as you can do from a self-care perspective. And unfortunately, because we’re so busy, we have all these screens in our face all the time, we don’t do that ourselves. And sometimes I even see this with clients just talking out loud or I just did this this week with a client that we reviewed their goals that they made 2.5 years ago, and they’re like, ‘Wow. We’ve done a lot of these things. There’s some things we’ve got to tweak, right, we’ve got to work on. But it’s amazing how well we’ve done, and yeah, and the numbers are looking good too.’ So I think once you get there and then we start diving into different pieces of the financial plan, a la investments, that’s when you’re really looking at what is your risk tolerance or what’s your risk capacity, how much risk can you take, what are the long-term goals, Tim? So for you, it’s maybe you want to retire at 50. Maybe you’re like, I just want to retire at 70. Maybe it’s I want to relocate. What are the things that are really driving you? And then I think that really sets things like the asset allocation — so the asset allocation is just how you divide up your portfolio into different percentages. And again, we’re going to be super boring with that. And then rebalance it over the course of time and then adjust it as you get closer to whatever that time horizon is. So it is a lot of moving pieces. Again, we haven’t really even talked about things like tax. But there’s a lot of things that we see that are not being fully fulfilled on the tax side — and Paul could probably come on here and he’s probably shared it — where it’s these are real dollars that we can save that we’re not realizing but we’re focused on speculating over here or doing that. And I get it because again, taxes are also super boring.

Tim Ulbrich: Boring.

Tim Baker: There’s no sizzle there, Tim. So yeah, so like but in terms of like real dollars and things like that, there’s a lot of things that are typically not uncovered or captured before we start doing some of these other things that, again, kind of catch all the headlines.

Tim Ulbrich: I know we’ve got some nerds out there listening because I’ve talked to them that got super excited when we started talking about tax strategy.

Tim Baker: Oh yeah.

Tim Ulbrich: But for the other 99% of the people, we lost them for a moment. Yeah, you know, Tim, I think what you’re saying here is a good reminder. You and I talked recently about why net worth matters. And we talked about the importance of the balance sheet, taking care of our future self, but it’s not just about that, right? And I think this is a good reminder that the balance sheet matters, right? But ultimately, like what’s the purpose? What’s the goal? Where are we trying to go? And I’m encouraging folks because I’m encouraging myself when I say in real time is that the balance sheet and what’s in your accounts and your net worth shouldn’t be the finish line and the measuring stick. Right? It’s an important thing that we’re going for, but ultimately, we’ve got to look at what else is of greatest priority and ultimately the concept that we talk about often, which is living a rich life along the way. Tim, No. 4, you know, you talked about the analogy of the financial plan being interconnected just like the body and the systems of the body. And I think that is a nice segue into No. 4, which is avoid investing in a silo. So you’ve said it many times, I believe it firmly as well, that investing is one, albeit an important one, one part of the financial plan. And so here we’re talking, again, in this time period of volatility, that we’ve got to take a step back. And you alluded to a couple things of the baby steps in terms of thinking about the emergency fund and paying off that high interest consumer debt, but give us that reminder, Tim, that investing is one part of the financial plan, an important one, but it’s just one part.

Tim Baker: I’ll say this caveat here, like I was going to say, the thing that’s capturing all the ink right now, it is the market. It’s the investments. And you’re not really seeing a lot of front page stories about life insurance or tax. I mean, you’re seeing a little bit more because like we’re looking at what does a Biden tax code look like versus what’s currently there in Trump and how is that going to affect everything? And I know we talk about the child tax credit, so that’s getting a little bit of press. Debt is getting a little bit of press, especially student loan debt, because of things like the PSLF shakeup and FedLoan servicing basically waving the white flag here. But for the most part, what you’re reading about are the markets. And you’re driven by the fact that you’re looking at your balances and you’re logging into your 401k and that’s affecting you. So again, it is a piece of the financial plan. But it is just that. And I will say that one of the big drivers of building wealth over long periods of time, over the course of a pharmacist’s career, is I look at it as really three main things. And there are other pieces of the financial plan. But it’s going to be the thing that really I think gets you to an inflection point where you really start to build wealth is that you have an efficient debt strategy, right? So I think the two big buckets for pharmacists are going to be student loans and your mortgage. You know, a lot of people are very willy-nilly, especially with the student loans — now we’re seeing a lot more people have a heightened degree of attention toward student loans, and I think we probably should take some credit for some of that, definitely the mindset and the knowledge of people that we talk to is completely different than when we started, when I started working with pharmacists years ago. So efficient debt payoff strategies, efficient investment strategies, and efficient tax strategies, which kind of overlay everything. And I think those are the big drivers that build wealth over time. So it is — those are ongoing things, but again, those things are not really worth anything, Tim, if your financial plan is not protected. So those are things like insurance and estate planning or if you don’t have the proper health insurance and you have a catastrophe or whatever that is. So these are all interconnected just like systems of the body that you are only as strong as your weakest link, to use a phrasing that people can relate to. So one client that I met with, they surpassed $1 million in net worth, but they still didn’t sign their — still didn’t get their life insurance stuff. It can be sometimes, ‘Oh, that’s not going to happen to me. I don’t need to worry about that.’ But that’s a big weakness of their financial plan. So investing is important. It’s not not important. It is part of the plan. And it is one of those things that’s going to drive your wealth-building over the course of your career. But you’ve got to make sure that all the other things line up and they’re kind of working in rhythm with driving your balance sheet forward, your net worth up, and allowing you to align the resources you have to execute to the goals — so these are the qualitative things, the things that are less about the 1s and 0s and more about what is a wealthy life to you, Tim? What is a wealthy life for Jess? And if you’re not doing those things, who cares? Like what’s the point? What’s the point of all of this stuff? What’s the point of paying down the debt or earning the salary or whatever? To me, it has to be this feeling of taking care of you today but then the future version of yourself. And for a lot of us because we’re not really introspective because of the busyness of life, we kind of fail to do that. And then we wake up 10 years later, and we’re like, ‘Oh. A lot of time went by, and I’m still exactly where I’m at with this goal that I want to achieve.’ So yeah, it’s definitely — it’s an integral part to the rest of the financial plan and important to recognize that.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and I bring this one forward, Tim, not to suppress the importance of investing but rather to elevate the importance of the others that I think may get overlooked out of the exciting aspects that come with investing. We see this firsthand, right? If we run a webinar at YFP on investing, bam! People are excited. If I run a webinar on like long-term disability and life insurance, like nobody is coming to listen to me talk about that or, you know, few people will be there. So you know, I think it’s just a good reminder that we look at the financial plan in a holistic manner. And that’s why we talk adamantly about the importance of comprehensive financial planning and making sure that we’re getting advice and input across the spectrum of the plan because at the end of the day, they are very much interconnected. Tim, No. 5 — and you’ve highlighted this a little bit already, and we’ve talked about it on the show before on Episode 073 — and that’s to re-evaluate the priority for investing. And you know, on that episode, Episode 073, we talked extensively about thinking of the different buckets, of course that’s not investment advice but just some general considerations around the priority of investing. And we’ll link to that in the show notes as we’ve got a really great visual that people can look at as a way to further educate themselves on this. But Tim, you mentioned tax-advantaged opportunities and seeing some of that in tax season as one example of this. But this time, again, I think is another example when we’re seeing ourselves perhaps because of something we’re hearing about or what other folks are doing is we’re losing sight of that priority of how we might be want to be investing the limited dollars that we do have to invest.

Tim Baker: Again, a lot of this is influence of even growing up, my mom was like, “Hey, there’s this new thing, a Roth IRA, we need to open those and get money into that.” You know, there’s these things that are kind of impressed upon us even growing up or not, or not impressed upon us at all. But I think it’s because, again, the ease of what is in people’s face in terms of like what they should be doing. But again, I think if you have kind of the basics in place with you can pay your bills, you have some 3-6 month reserve set aside in an emergency fund, the debt kind of is in check and is manageable, and there is a surplus for you to work with, that’s really when — or if not even before things like a 401k match or retirement plan match is really the first place that you look at because, again, you know, what we always say, it’s free money. So if you have a — if you make $100,000 and your employer matches 5%, and you’re not putting 5% to get that match, so to speak, if that’s the way it rolls out, then guess what? You just got a 5% raise essentially. That is typically step one is that if there is free money available in a match, you definitely should do that. From there, it gets a little bit more muddied because people — and even if you don’t have the match, it’s a little bit more money — from there, it’s things like an HSA if you have a high-deductible health plan that allows you to open up to an HSA, you know, you want to look at that because of the triple tax benefit that we’ve talked about in past episodes. It’s one of the big things that regardless of how much money you make, you can escape tax and allow that money to grow tax-free similar to an IRA, which is unheard of. You know, from there, you kind of have to do a little bit of digging and it depends on the strategy that you have with things like students loans and what your 401k might look like. But it might be to go back to the 401k, it might be look at things like IRAs, Roth IRAs, that type of thing. A lot of times, not all the time, money in a 401k can be more expensive, meaning there’s a lot of fees and things attached to those accounts that are very opaque or just not transparent to you. Not always the case, but a lot of times the smaller the employer, the more — you know, that’s a good rule of thumb — the more expensive it can be. So you kind of have to do a little bit of research, does it make sense for me to go back into the 401k and try to max that out to that $19,500? Or do I look at trying to max out an IRA, Roth IRA, which is $6,000? And then from there, we kind of talk about this in visual, like if you have access to a SEP IRA, a lot of people, especially a SEP IRA is typically for a small business or things like that. But that’s another avenue that you could potentially sock away some money for long-term investment that has a tax break. But then it’s things like a brokerage account where you can put as much money into there. A lot of people use brokerage accounts when they exhaust all of these accounts that we just mentioned or there is more of a near-term, so not necessarily a long-term, a near-term need. So my wife and I, we use a brokerage account that has a more conservative allocation because it’s just not as much time for like a car purchase, right? So we’re not being done any favors in the interest rates in terms of a saver, so right now it’s .5% in a high yield, so we’re trying to get a little bit more than that in a brokerage account, but that’s a slippery slope, right, because we don’t necessarily know how long we’re going to have that money invested, and the market could turn south tomorrow. But then I know some people get into real estate and other things, but the thing that we typically see here, Tim, when we talk about the priority is that these priorities aren’t necessarily what would be advisable when we actually look at the balance sheet and we actually talk about what the goals are for that particular — sometimes, they are out of order just because of curiosity or ease of use. “Hey, I can sit on the couch and see a commercial on Robinhood and open that and put money into crypto or this stock or that stock.” It’s just that’s how it is. And again, it’s more exciting than doing some of these boring things of like — it’s not exciting, Tim, to put money into an HSA. It’s just not. Even though us nerds are like, ah, triple tax benefit, it’s awesome. It’s not exciting. It just isn’t. I get it. But again, that’s why I think having a coach or an advocate to kind of help ask good questions and line up are these the things that are important to you and let’s line up the resources in a way that maximize or give you the most efficient outcomes? That’s what we’re trying to do.

Tim Ulbrich: So Tim, have you officially relabeled yet your brokerage accounts for the Swagger Wagon? Because it’s going to happen, the minivan, right? I mean…

Tim Baker: Oh, man.

Tim Ulbrich: If Shea’s listening, she’s like, “Heck no!”

Tim Baker: Yeah, well, she’s not listening. She’s not impressed with me at all. But no, it is not labeled. It needs to be. I’m on the wagon. I just don’t think she is yet. But maybe eventually.

Tim Ulbrich: Great stuff. So we talked about five considerations for investing in a volatile market. And you know, one of the themes I think of throughout this topic, Tim, is the obvious value that can come from accountability. You know, you mentioned in the form of coach, obviously we’re biased and firmly believe in the value of one-on-one comprehensive financial planning and coaching that we do with our team at YFP Planning. So for folks that have been thinking about that for some time and are listening and want to see if that’s a good fit for them and their financial goals and their plan going forward, you can book a free discovery call with us if you go to YFPPlanning.com, you can book that call right there. We’d be happy to talk with you further about our one-on-one planning service. As always, thank you for joining us on this week’s episode of the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast. And we could use your help in getting other pharmacists to find this show as well. And you can do that by leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to the show each week. Thanks for joining, as always, and have a great rest of your day.

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YFP 212: Checklist for Building a Strong Financial Foundation

Checklist for Building a Strong Financial Foundation

On this episode, sponsored by CommonBond, Tim Ulbrich shares his checklist for building a strong financial foundation.


Tim Ulbrich shares insight from one of his most popular talks for pharmacy students and recent pharmacy graduates, Preparing to Be Financially Fit. In this episode, he walks the listener through his checklist of five items and actions necessary for a solid financial foundation.

  1. Develop and automate a monthly system: Not only is it a good idea to create a vision for success with tangible goals and a budget for each month, but it is also equally important to automate when possible to get out of your way when it comes to saving, investing, and planning.
  2. Knock out the baby steps: Work to eliminate high-interest credit card debt and build your emergency fund.
  3. Have a student loan repayment plan: Inventory your student loans and determine your starting point. Work on a strategy to pay loans down. Your repayment options may include tuition reimbursement or repayment, loan forgiveness, or refinancing.
  4. Prepare for the catastrophic: This checklist item is referring to various types of insurance. Pharmacists should plan for potentially catastrophic events by ensuring that you are aptly insured both professionally and personally.
  5. Develop a plan for long-term investing: Lastly, a long-term investing plan is key to your financial independence and freedom however that may look for YOU.

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Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich: Hey, everyone. Tim Ulbrich here, and I’m flying solo this week as we talk about a checklist for building a strong financial foundation. Now, we’re a little bit over the halfway point through the year, and perhaps if you were like me for this year, you set some big, audacious goals, hopefully some of those financial goals, at the beginning of this year in December or January. And here we are, and maybe those goals have fallen by the wayside or we’ve forgotten about them. And this is a great time of year to bring those goals back, dust them off, and see where we’re at and adjust and see what we need to make for the second half of the year. And that’s what we’re going to talk about today when we talk about a checklist for building a strong financial foundation. My hope is that whether you’re listening and you’re someone who’s got $300,000 in student loan and feel like you’re spinning your wheels with trying to figure that out among other goals or whether you’re listening and you’re someone who’s got a net worth of $1 million or more, my hope is that everyone can take at least one or two things away from this episode.

You know, it dawned on me that one of the most common talks that I give to a group of pharmacists or pharmacy students or residents is preparing to be financially fit. And in that talk, I talk about five things that I believe make up a strong financial foundation. And the way I describe that financial foundation is if we think about our financial plan as if we’re building a home, right, before we can talk about or even think about the upgrades or the remodel of the kitchen or finishing the basement or adding on that patio or deck or even upgrading our landscaping or lighting, we’ve better make sure we’ve got good foundation in place from which we can then grow and make some of those decisions. And the same is true with our financial plan. And so sometimes, we’ve got to go back to the basics no matter where we are at our financial journey and make sure that we’ve got a good, solid foundation in place, one that doesn’t have any cracks or if we identify cracks, we fill some of those cracks in so that we can build and walk confidently in our financial plan, knowing that we’ve done the hard work to put that foundation in place. And one of my key takeaways and hopes for this episode is that we can all recognize that building wealth, achieving financial independence, living a rich life, whatever we want to call it, is really dependent upon having a good, solid foundation in place. So I’m going to walk through five areas that I believe make up this foundation, a checklist for building that foundation and within each one of these, I’m going to provide some additional resources and more information that you can dig deeper on any one of these topics.

Alright, so let’s jump in. No. 1 is Developing and Automating a Monthly System. Developing and automating a monthly system. Now what I’m talking about here — and you probably figured this out — what I’m talking about here is a budget, right, is a system, is a playbook that we can follow each and every month. And then we automate that system and really get ourselves out of the way so we can ensure we achieve our goals. I often don’t lead with the term “budgeting” because it’s not flashy, it’s not exciting, but it’s so foundational to the financial plan, no matter what budgeting method or process that you use.

So in this first step of developing an automated monthly system, you know, a few things that we need to think about. No. 1 is we’ve got to have a vision. We have to know where we want to go before we can take some steps forward. So before we get into the weeds of what budget system or template or method or tool or app, we’ve got to know where we’re going, right? We’ve got to take a look up and see what’s the vision? What’s the path? What’s the guiding light for our financial plan and the decisions that we’re going to make and ultimately the goals that we want to achieve? And we do this by asking ourselves some big, yet important questions, questions like what does financial success look like for you? For you individually, what does financial success look like? How would you define that? You know, why do you care about this topic of money to begin with, right? Money is simply a tool. So why don’t we care about this topic of money. Or perhaps another question may be one that I ask to many folks. You know, if you were to fast forward 25 years and look backwards, what would need to happen that you would think to yourself, you know what, well done, really good job with that whole topic of personal finances? You know, we believe at YFP Planning that really good financial plan takes care of your future self but allows you to live a rich life today, right? We’ve got to have this balance of the future, we’ve got to be looking ahead. But we also need to be prioritizing the things that are most important to us today. So when we’re talking about developing an automated monthly system, we’ve got to first start with the vision.

You know, next from that vision, we’ve got to set some tangible goals, right? So we’ve got to come away from the clouds, come down from the clouds and that dream and vision we have, and let’s set some tangible goals. You know, what are three or four things that we want to achieve over the next 6 or 12 months such that if we achieve those, we’re on the path towards achieving our long-term vision. So we’ve got to set some tangible goals and the more specific, the better.

Then we’ve got to track our spending, right? We’ve got to look backwards and say, ‘OK, I’ve got this vision. I’ve got these goals. Am I actually spending in a way that’s going to allow me to achieve these goals?’ I always encourage folks to do a 90-day lookback at their spending. This can be humbling. This can be eye-opening at times. Often, we may underestimate our true expenses in any given category. And perhaps for some of you, that’s not the case. But this is a good snapshot, 90 days. We’re not necessarily just looking at one month, which may be an outlier for any reason, but getting a good average over a 90-day period of how we’re spending in any individual category of the budget.

Then once we’ve set the vision, once we have some tangible goals, once we’ve looked back at our spending, now let’s jump into the budget, right? And a good budget I believe is one that we’re really proactively thinking about how we’re going to direct our dollars and how they’re going to be spent and allocated toward the goals we want to achieve. It’s that proactive intention in addition to then tracking the expenses throughout the month. And then finally, we want to implement a system that can automate the process. You know, one of my favorite interviews on the YFP podcast was when I interviewed Dr. Daniel Crosby, who’s the author of “The Behavioral Investor.” And he studies how we think and behave around this whole topic of personal finance. And one of the things he said, which really resonates with me and his research supports, is that we often individually, ourselves and the decisions we make are often some of the biggest barriers that we put in front of our financial plan and achieving the goals that we want to achieve. And so automation, Ramit Sethi does a great job of talking about this in his book, “I Will Teach You to Be Rich.” Ramit Sethi talks about how automation can be one of the most powerful and profitable systems that you can build when it comes to your financial plan, right? So once we’ve done the hard work of setting the vision and we have some tangible goals and we know and can track our spending and we’re then able to set the budget, let’s put on automation, let’s fund our goals first, and let’s feel confident in knowing that we’ve developed a system that’s going to help accelerate our financial plan.

So that’s Step No. 1 here is Developing and Automating a Monthly System as we work towards this checklist for a strong financial foundation. Some resources here I would point you to is we’ve got an Excel budget template at YFP that we’ve developed. Certainly not the only way to do budgeting. At the end of the day, a good budget is one that works for you. But if you’re looking for a place to get started or perhaps to take a new, fresh look at the budgeting system you have, you can go to YourFinancialPharmacist.com/budget and download that Excel template. Another resource here I would point you to is Episode 057 of the podcast. We talked about the power of automation in your financial plan. And so that may be another one to visit if you want to learn more about that concept of automation and how to implement that in your own system. So that’s Step No. 1, Developing and Automating Your Monthly System.

Step No. 2 is Knocking Out the Baby Steps. Now, if we think about the foundation as five physical bricks that’s making up a foundation, these five things that we’re talking about, I tend to think of this one, No. 2, Knocking Out the Baby Steps, as if it’s really the foundation of the foundation, if you will. Brick No. 1, right? And so we’re talking about the things here that for some of you that are listening, if you’re thinking, Tim, I just feel overwhelmed with multiple goals that I’m trying to achieve, I don’t know where to start. Perhaps I’ve got six figures of student loan debt. You know, I’ve got decisions that I need to make around some credit card debt. And I want to build an emergency fund or grow my emergency fund. I’m trying to purchase a home or I’ve got expenses for the family. I really want to accelerate my investing plan, and I just don’t know where to start and how to prioritize this. Knocking out the baby steps, this Step No. 2, is really meant to be the first step from which you then build even further. And the two things I’m talking about here are high interest rate credit card debt and emergency fund. So these are the two baby steps that we need to think about as we walk into our financial plan. Now I think these are fairly obvious, two things we’ve talked about on the show before, high interest rate credit card debt, we’re talking about here not any credit card expenses or bills that you pay off each and every month but rather that revolving credit card debt that’s accruing double digit interest, cards that are accruing 15-25% interest. And for obvious reasons related to that interest rate and the impact that that can have on the rest of your financial plan, we’ve got to knock that credit card debt out, that high interest rate consumer debt out as soon as possible. So think of this as really the piece where we need to stop the bleeding, right? We need to stop the bleeding before we can then begin to take some of these other steps forward.

The second part here of the baby steps is the emergency fund. We’ve talked about this before on the show, Episode 026, we actually talked about both of these things of baby stepping into your financial plan. And emergency fund, you know, some general rules of thumb that I think about are 3-6 months worth of expenses, 3-6 months worth of expenses. There’s some determination and of course decision-making in there. Is it 3 months? Is it 6 months? Is it somewhere in between? And that depends on several factors. We’re looking here, in my opinion, at an emergency fund as a place where we’re not necessarily very excited about the growth or the interest or the accrual of that account. This is the place where we want this account to be liquid and accessible, where we can get to this money when an emergency happens without disrupting the rest of our financial plan. So we’re going to be doing our investing elsewhere in the financial plan, right? So we want this to be liquid, we want it to be accessible, perhaps it’s going to earn a little bit of interest, nothing too exciting in the moment based on what rates are at on things like long-term savings accounts and money market accounts and so forth. But the purpose here is really more about the liquidity and the accessibility of this fund. So that’s Step No. 2 here, Knocking Out the Baby Steps, high interest rate credit card debt and the emergency fund.

No. 3, Having a Student Loan Repayment Plan. Now, notice I did not say being debt-free. Right? For some of you, perhaps that is the case. Maybe there’s an aggressive debt repayment. But for others of you, it may be loan forgiveness. And that might be 10-year Public Service Loan Forgiveness. That might be a longer time period of non-Public Service Loan Forgiveness or 20-25 years. This might be a federal plan that’s going to take a little bit longer or, again, could be an aggressive payoff. So it’s about having a plan. You know, so many folks that I talk to — and I felt this very much in my own journey, sometimes it’s about the intentionality of knowing that you’ve evaluated the options that are available to you — here, we’re talking about student loans — that you’ve weighed those options, you’ve considered those in the context of the rest of your financial plan and your goals, and you’ve made a decision and determined a path forward and have a plan for how and when this debt is going to get paid off, whether that debt getting paid off is 10 years from now, whether it’s two years from now, or whether it’s even longer or shorter than either of those. So this group listening knows very well, whether it’s those that are in the weeds of those or just been aware of the conversation around student loan debt and pharmacy education, but we’re facing a significant challenge right now. Today’s graduate is the median indebtedness of a pharmacy graduate right now is $175,000. Ten years ago, that was $100,000. We’ve seen a $75,000 increase in the median indebtedness of a pharmacy graduate over a 10-year period. That is what it is. Right? And if you actually look at that stacked up against what a pharmacist is making as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, you know, pharmacists’ income generally speaking have been relatively flat, right? We’ve seen some rise that you could argue accounts for some cost-of-living adjustments. But really, outside of that, we’re not seeing a significant bump up that would account for anywhere near what we’re seeing in terms of the rise of student loan debt.

And so we’ve got some work to do to put this plan together. And Step No. 1 is we’ve got to inventory our loans. We have to know exactly where we are at today. And I suspect many of you have already done this. This is knowing a list of my federal loans, a list of my private loans if applicable, who’s the loan servicing company, what’s the type of loan, what’s the interest rate on that loan? We’ve got to know everything about these loans so we can then determine what might make the most sense from a repayment option and strategy. And the reason why the inventory is so important is that often the loan type is going to direct, especially as we talk about federal options, is going to direct which repayment options may be available to you. And so sometimes — great example would be Public Service Loan Forgiveness — sometimes there’s some work that we have to do to consolidate those loans to then open up repayment options that allow us to pursue certain paths such as Public Service Loan Forgiveness.

So there are three main buckets — when we talk about student loan repayment, there are three main buckets that we want to be thinking about. And I encourage you to think about them in this order. No. 1 is tuition reimbursement repayment. No. 2 is forgiveness. And No. 3 is just paying them off. And that could be paying them off either staying in the federal system or paying them off by moving those loans with a private company through the process known as refinancing. So when we think about these three options, if I had to go from those that would have the least number of listeners probably pursuing it, it would be probably tuition reimbursement payment, a little bit more would be forgiveness, and probably more would be that third bucket where you’re going to pay them off either through a refinance or through staying in the federal system. That first bucket, tuition reimbursement repayment, is referring to those pharmacists who enter employment situations where typically in exchange for some type of service — so think like military pharmacist types of positions, Indian Health Service and so forth, some VA locations through the Education Debt Reduction program — typically in exchange for some type of service, you’re going to have a portion or maybe in some cases all of your student loan balance that might be forgiven. And more often, we think here of federal programs. There are some situations where there are state-based programs. So for example, here in Ohio, there was a program for a period of time for pharmacists that were working in qualified healthcare clinics that were serving patients that were adversely impacted by the opioid epidemic, so think of pharmacists that might work in like federally qualified health centers, could be charitable pharmacy organizations and so forth. More often than not, though, we’re thinking here about federal programs. But it is worth looking into anything that might apply on the state level. So that’s the first bucket. The second bucket is forgiveness. Now within forgiveness on the federal level, there’s two options: one that is better known, Public Service Loan Forgiveness. We’ve talked about extensively on this show. It’s gotten a lot of national attention, some good, some bad, more bad. But I think that probably hasn’t been necessarily fair to that plan. And then the second option, which is not as well-known, is what we call non-Public Service Loan Forgiveness. And there’s some key differences, three things that I really think about differentiating PSLF and non-PSLF. No. 1 would be who you work for. So with Public Service Loan Forgiveness, you have to work for a qualified employer. Typically this is going to be a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization for most pharmacists. Some also would be a federal agency or organization. So think of pharmacists that are working in a hospital or health system setting, perhaps an academic environment and so forth. So that’s the first main difference between the two is who you work for. So PSLF, you have to work for a qualifying employer. Non-PSLF, it doesn’t matter who you work for. Second thing would be the time period. So with PSLF, it’s 120 payments, does not have to be consecutive, but 120 qualifying payments until you can apply for and receive tax-free forgiveness. So minimum of a 10-year period. With non-PSLF, you’re looking at a 20-25 year timeline. Third main difference is related to the taxes and the forgiveness. So with PSLF, if we cross our t’s and dot our i’s, that’s tax-free forgiveness. And with non-PSLF, it is taxable forgiveness. So let’s say 20 years from now, you go to — you’re at the point of forgiveness for the non-PSLF option with an income-driven repayment plan. Let’s say you make $100,000 in that year and you’ve got $100,000 that’s to be forgiven. And that year, your income would be taxed — or you’d have a taxable amount that would be $200,000, not $100,000 because that $100,000 that’s to be forgiven would be treated as taxable income. So this is referred to in the student loan groups as the tax bomb, right? So something we’ve got to be thinking about, we’ve got to plan for if we’re going to be pursuing this option. To many pharmacists that don’t qualify for PSLF and especially those that have a higher debt load, this is something that may be a viable option. And then the third bucket, as I mentioned, is we’re just going to pay them off. So we’re not going to have someone else reimburse/repay, we’re not going to have forgiveness, we’re just going to pay them off, either in the federal system or moving with a private lender through refinance. Now lots of logistics to think about here if you do refinance, different terms, different rate considerations, companies have differences between them. We’ve got lots of resources available on this at YourFinancialPharmacist.com on refinancing, fixed v. variable rates and so forth. And then not all the benefits and considerations are the same in the federal system as they are in the private. So things like income-driven repayment plan, forbearances, forgiveness upon death or disability, these are things that you want to be thinking about if you’re going to move your loans from the federal into the private system.

So I’m just scratching the surface here as we work through this checklist of a strong financial foundation and we talk about having a student loan repayment plan here in No. 3. I would point you to a great resource that was written by Tim Church, “The Ultimate Guide for Pharmacy Student Loan Repayment,” where it’s a blog post, really more of a mini e-book. He did an awesome job of going through a comprehensive, in-depth look at student loan repayment. And you can access that for free at YourFinancialPharmacist.com/ultimate.

OK, so that’s No. 3, Having a Student Loan Repayment. No. 4 is we have to Prepare for the Catastrophic, perhaps the least exciting part of the plan to be thinking about. So here, we’re talking about insurance, right? And while there’s many types of insurance that we want to be thinking about, of course health, auto, home, renter’s, etc., the ones I’m mainly spending time here on in No. 4 is professional liability, term life, and long-term disability. Now we’ve talked about these on the show before, Episode 155 we talked about the importance of professional liability insurance, what it is, why it’s important, who needs it, what to look for when shopping for a policy. So I’d check that out. We also have a great resource on term life and long-term disability. If you go to YourFinancialPharmacist.com main page and click on “Insurance,” you’ll see that information there. And my encouragement for you in this section as we talk about insurance briefly is please take the time to really understand these policies, as non-exciting as it may be, these are incredibly important. And I think this is an area where it’s easy to either be under- or over-insured. And both of those are things that we want to try to avoid. Right? Of course, under-insured, if we have a need for something like term life insurance or long-term disability and we don’t have that policy, that could perhaps be catastrophic to the financial plan, especially as we’re doing the hard work in the other areas that we’ve already talked about. But the other side of the equation also has a cost associated with it, right? If we have a policy which perhaps is more than we need or is not a best fit for our current needs in our financial plan, then that means those are dollars that are going towards a certain part of the financial plan that perhaps we could allocate elsewhere, whether that be investing or debt repayment or another part of the financial plan. So both are important. And this is an area I talk with pharmacists commonly about. And this is an area where I think that someone like a fee-only financial planner can really help provide objective advice and really be able to point someone in the right direction where they don’t necessarily have a vested interest in terms of how those policies are being sold. So make sure to check out some of the resources here on professional liability, Episode 155, and then term life/long-term disability by going to YourFinancialPharmacist.com, clicking on “Insurance.”

No. 5 here is Developing a Plan for Long-Term Investing. And we have talked extensively on the show about investing, from some of the basics, you know, in terms of what are the different accounts, whether that’s a 401k, a 403b, a Roth IRA, a traditional IRA, HSAs and so forth, and you can find all of that on previous shows. We’ve got more information on the website. We’ve also talked about things like the priority of investing. So you know, if we know we need to save each and every month, well, how do we begin to think about the priority? Right? We’ve got considerations around employer-sponsored retirement accounts, individual accounts, perhaps some other investment opportunities like real estate. And so how do we begin to think about the priority of investing? Very important topic. We’ve also talked about things like fees and how do we keep fees low? And if at the end of the day we’re going to be doing the hard work to save, how do we make sure we’re doing that in a way that is tax-efficient and we’re doing that in a way that is minimizing the fees that might eat away at that investment. So I would encourage you to think about at least the beginnings — remember, we’re talking about the foundation here — the beginnings of your long-term investing plan in three stages. And that is setting the vision, Part 1, then determining what the need is or how much to achieve that vision, that’s Part 2, and then we get into the x’s and o’s in Part 3 of actually determining how much are we going to save every month and where are we going to allocate those funds? And within those funds, how are we going to determine what we’re investing in, which aligns with our goals, which aligns with our risk tolerance and all of the other things that I’ve previously mentioned.

And so this is an area that I think for folks that are really at the beginning of their financial journey or even folks that maybe are listening and you’ve amassed a half a million a million dollars of wealth just through consistent, regular contributions into tax-advantaged retirement accounts but necessarily haven’t dug into the details or thought about how to take that to the next level, right? Both of those could apply. And so my encouragement for both groups and folks that are in between there is to really take a step back and ask yourself, what is the vision for my long-term investing plan? I mentioned at the beginning, money is simply a tool. What’s my vision for retirement? What does that look like? What do I want to do? What do I want to accomplish? Because that’s going to then inform how much do I need? Once I know what the vision, once I know what I want to accomplish, I can then start to determine OK, how much am I going to need to be able to make that a reality? Now, for those of you that have done this step, how much you need, you might have run some numbers in a nest egg calculator, it’s a topic that I often talk about when we’re speaking and sometimes I’ll even have folks that will go through that in real time. And inevitably, anytime we go through a nest egg calculation, you can see kind of that glossed-over look when you punch in the numbers and you hit “Calculate,” and you see that number that’s $3, $4, $5, $6 million. And it becomes number one, very overwhelming and number two, it feels very abstract in the moment. Whether retirement is 20 years away, 10 years away or 40 years away, that can be a big number that it’s hard to say, what does that actually means today? What do I do with that number, right? And so I think a good financial plan will really take that information and distill it down to OK, let’s discount that information back to today’s numbers, what does that mean for how much we need to be saving each and every month, and then let’s begin to put a plan in place and automate that plan so we’re contributing in a tax-efficient manner, we’re keeping the fees low, and we’re allowing compound interest to do its magic and time value of money to take its course. Right? And so we’ve got to bring it into terms that allow us to digest this and make it real or otherwise we’re going to get some of that paralysis analysis, five years goes by, 10 years go by, and we feel like we’re trying to play catch-up on our investing plan.

So as we walk through these five steps, we talked about developing and automating a monthly system, No. 1. We talked about knocking out the baby steps, No. 2. We talked about having a student loan repayment plan, No. 3. Preparing for the catastrophic, No. 4. And then No. 5, developing or perhaps accelerating your long-term investing plan. And for those that are listening, I want you to imagine for a moment, I want you to imagine for a moment that you’ve got a sound monthly system in place that accounts for all of your goals. You’ve thought through the things that are most important to you. You’ve looked at your current expenses. You’ve built in those goals into a monthly system, and you’ve automated the savings to begin to realize those goals. Imagine that just for a moment. I want you to imagine for those that are struggling with ‘I need to really flesh out and build out the emergency fund,’ or ‘I need to knock out that credit card debt,’ what would it feel like if you no longer had any credit card debt? What would it feel like if you had a fully-funded emergency fund? What’s next after that? For those that are thinking about their student loans, right, it’s hard to often look at other things when you’ve got a huge balance of student loans. As I highlighted earlier, yeah, you know, getting that to $0 is a goal, of course. But what would it feel like if you had a plan, knowing that you’ve evaluated all of the options, all of the federal options, forgiveness, non-forgiveness, private, etc., you’ve looked at the numbers, you’ve thought about the other considerations, you’ve determined a path forward that is best for you personal situation, and you’ve determined a plan that now allows you to look at your monthly expenses knowing that you’ve put a plan in place that that repayment option is best for your personal situation and you know exactly what that’s going to cost each and every month to achieve that goal and when you’re going to have that debt paid off? What would it feel like for those that are thinking, you know, ‘Am I underinsured when it comes to things like long-term disability or term life?’ or perhaps folks that are feeling like, ‘You know what, I bought a policy awhile ago that maybe wasn’t a good fit.’ What would it feel like if that got shored up? If we really looked at making sure we’ve got the right amount of insurance, not too much and not too little. And what would it feel like if we had a sound vision for the future of our financial plan in terms of what retirement may look like? And how much we would need to accomplish that goal and what it would take on a month-by-month basis — and of all of the financial lingo of 401k’s and IRAs and HSAs and brokerage accounts and all of these other options that we had a plan and path forward, knowing that we’re saving x per month with this goal, and we’re going to do it in this account with this strategy?

So I think as we think about those, even as I’m reflecting on those in my own personal journey, you know, there’s always work to be done. Right? Whether, as I mentioned at the beginning, whether you’re listening and have a net worth of $1 million or net worth of -$500,000, there’s always work to be done. And while there’s always work to be done, wow, what a different position and mindset to be in when we can operate from a place knowing that we’ve got a strong foundation upon which we can build the rest of our financial plan. And so I’d be remiss here if I didn’t highlight that what we do at YFP Planning, one-on-one comprehensive financial planning, this is it, right? We’re looking at every situation on an individual basis to determine what does this foundation look like for you or for a pharmacist who’s really trying to focus on accelerating the second half of their career, is approaching retirement and wants to really think about more of the distribution phase and what’s involved in that from a tax standpoint. One-on-one financial planning allows us to really dig deep and really evaluate your situation on an individual basis. And so I would encourage folks if that’s something that you’ve been thinking about, you can schedule a free discovery call to determine whether or not what we offer is a good fit for you. You can do that at YFPPlanning.com, you can schedule a discovery call and learn more about what that looks like.

As always, I appreciate you joining for this week’s episode of the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast. And I think we have an exciting second half of the year ahead. If you’ve liked what you heard on this episode or previous episodes, please do us a favor and leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts each and every week. That’s how more pharmacy professionals can help them to find this show and ultimately help us on our mission of helping as many pharmacists as possible achieve financial freedom. Have a great rest of your day.

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YFP 210: Why Net Worth Matters

Why Net Worth Matters

On this episode, sponsored by APhA, Tim Baker discusses why net worth matters, how to calculate your net worth, and why net worth, not income, is the true indicator of your financial health.


Net worth can be the most critical data point for determining your financial health. Tim Baker explains how to calculate your net worth, detailing that it can be as simple as the value of your assets minus your liabilities. Tim shares that many people do not know their net worth because few tools available to the general public can quickly aggregate that information. Years ago, you would take out a pen and paper and compare assets to liabilities. Now, you might do that same work in a spreadsheet, but the document wouldn’t be a living document like your net worth truly is. Tim also details which items to include in asset and liability columns and why certain accounts or property might remain off the balance sheet.

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Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich: Tim Baker, good to have you back on the show.

Tim Baker: Hey, Tim. Good to be back. Glad to chat with you for a full episode here. Excited to dive into today’s topic.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, really excited to talk about net worth in detail, a concept, a term we’ve mentioned many times but I don’t think we have thoroughly explained, really dug into how is net worth calculated? Why is it so important to the financial plan? And why do we choose to use net worth as one factor in terms of how we price our financial planning services? And so we’re going to talk about all of that and much more on today’s episode. I want to start briefly and mention to our listeners that net worth for me individually is something that is really important when I think back to my own personal journey and financial plan. So 2012 — short story here — 2012, four years after I graduated with my PharmD, my wife Jess making a good, decent, six-figure pharmacist income, and realized at the moment after hearing about this term of net worth, realized that I had a net worth that was -$225,000. And we’re going to talk in a little bit about how to calculate that. But that was a very pivotal moment for Jess and I and our financial plan to say, wait a minute. Income looks good, we don’t feel like things are necessarily off the rails in any way, but mathematically, the net worth is not necessarily showing that we’re in good financial health and good financial position. And so that was a key moment for us to really turn the ship in terms of our financial plan and ultimately led us to paying off the rest of our balance of a pretty big amount of student loan debt and then obviously able to move on to other financial goals from there. So Tim, for you, when did you realize that net worth was not only important to you individually but also really such a primary factor that you built it into the financial planning model that in terms of how we charge clients, that one factor of that is net worth.

Tim Baker: Yeah, it’s a great question, Tim. And I think like you talk about your personal story, like same. Like I’ve gone through phases of my life, I look back even growing up and when I was in high school I was really a good saver. You know, we were kind of told that we had to pay for college and if we wanted to drive and all that kind of stuff that we were kind of on our own. So I kind of went through this period of being like a really good saver. And then when I was at West Point, my first year at the academy, you know, 9/11 happened and our view of the world drastically changed. And I think my spending kind of changed with it. I was kind of more of like a YOLO, not necessarily worried about tomorrow but really focused on today. And from a spending perspective, that didn’t really help me, my balance sheet. So I’ve definitely gone through times in my life where my net worth was not growing. And I don’t know that for a fact, but I just know that some of the debt that I was taking on and that my savings was not growing, that was the case. And I think part of the problem or part of the reason that a lot of people when they hear “net worth,” they’re like, “I don’t even know what mine is,” because there’s not really an app for that, so to speak, where it ties everything together. So we know that hey, we can kind of see what our credit card bills are, and we can kind of see what’s in our checking account and we might look at our 401k from time to time and our home value and what’s left on the mortgage, but really to tie that together, it takes a bit of work to do that. But then I kind of evolved and got into financial planning and really my mindset around money has really changed and really even has changed even more so so I’m less — you know, I kind of went from YOLO to being a financial planner and kind of believing a lot of the things that a lot of the gurus in save, save, save. But I think I’ve also softened on that a little bit in terms of like having a strong financial plan is important and making sure that the numbers are moving in the right direction, the 1s and 0s with regard to your net worth. But that ain’t the end-all, be-all, Tim. And I know we talk about this obviously a lot. It really is an exercise in trying to thread the needle between again, taking care of yourself today, so YOLO, but also making sure that we can retire comfortably and we want to plan for tomorrow. So in terms of planning, you know, when I started Script Financial way back in the day before YFP Planning and our work together, you know, I was looking at what a lot of financial planners were doing, and I came across this income and net worth model. And the more I thought about it, I’m like — and this is as I was trying to, even before I launched my firm that was really dedicated to helping pharmacists with their financial plan — I was like, I really like that because it’s kind of — it captures everything. Like everything financially typically touches the balance sheet, right? So you know, so if you’re thinking of like, what is net worth? Net worth is really, it equals your assets, the things that you own, so think checking, savings, investment accounts, the value of your home, minus your liabilities, which are the things that you owe, so student loan debt, credit cards, the mortgage left on your house, the loan to your crazy uncle Steve for whatever, like those are the things that are the subtractors. And that’s your net worth. And for a lot of pharmacists, especially starting out, that can be super negative. So we’ve had clients that have come on that their net worth is almost -$1 million, but then we also work with clients that are multimillionaires. So to me, it made sense to really focus on the net worth because we can’t control everything about the financial plan, but there are a lot of things that we can control, and I think the net worth kind of encapsulates a lot. And I think it’s the biggest, it’s the best number to focus on as you’re trying to view progress and improvement with regard to the financial plan over time.

Tim Ulbrich: So Tim, as you mentioned, simple calculation, right? Net worth is assets, what you own, minus liabilities, what you owe. Some common questions I think that I know I’ve gotten and I’ve thought myself when people actually start to put pen to paper here are, you know, what assets might I include or not include? I know there’s some thought about like depreciating assets such as a car. Is that something I should include as an asset or not? And then on the liabilities side, things like revolving credit card debt or obviously that could be ongoing with interest accruing but things that pay off each month or those types of things. So when you’re actually getting in the weeds on assets minus liabilities, is this worth really starting to get into ah, is this truly an asset or is this not an asset? This has this tax and so forth. How do you think about what actually falls into these or does not fall into these buckets?

Tim Baker: Yeah, I mean, it goes back to that whole idea of like garbage-in, garbage-out, right, Tim? So the better the data is, the more accurate and the more empowered you can potentially be to make good decisions. Something like a 401k and the value of your home, that’s a no-brainer because for most people, that’s typically the largest assets that is on the balance sheet.

Tim Ulbrich: That’s right.

Tim Baker: The home is going to be a little bit of a moving target because, you know, you look at the Zestimate, you might say, “No way that I can get that for my house,” although, right now everything is en fuego. A home — and yeah, something like that, what people will pay for is, that’s the value. So that can be a little bit of a moving target, but I think it’s worth tracking over time. The question about a car, you know, like when we talk about that, we typically don’t include that because in most cases, the value of the car depreciates as the note does in a lot of ways. Now if you buy a car cash, then maybe that’s a different story. But things like a credit card, yeah, I mean, if you have a balance that you’re carrying, I would definitely include that. If you don’t, maybe not, if that’s your behavior. But I think like — so back in the olden days, Tim, this would be like a pen and a notepad, right? So you would put all of your liabilities on the left side, big line down the center, put all your assets, add those up, and then basically what’s the difference, and that’s your net worth. Now, you know, either with Excel or something like that, you can do it a little bit — that’s still manual because you still have to look at these balances. But there are lots of tools out there that you can actually aggregate all of the different financial institutions that you’re using. So for our tool, basically when a client comes on board, once they become a client, the first thing that they do is we send them a welcome email and they get links to their client portal, and they link their checking, their savings, their credit cards, their student loans, their mortgage, basically all of their financial accounts. And for a lot of people, Tim, if you think about it, it’s the first time they’ve seen all of their stuff in one spot. So like how can we plan for things if we don’t really know what we have or we know kind of in the abstract of what we have. But then especially for couples, right?

Tim Ulbrich: That’s right.

Tim Baker: It’s the first time that they see all of their stuff in one spot. So you know, and that’s because we bank over here, we invest over here, our student loans are over here, so to have that on one platform, that is so powerful just to see like where the heck are you? Where are we at? Which is a big component of — it’s half of the equation of when I say, “It depends,” that’s one of the big components is like, where are we at, so that we can advise you on where we want to go. I think the net worth, again, and what you include in that, by and large, you want checking and savings, your cash accounts, investments, the value of your house, student loans, credit cards that you’re carrying, personal debt, mortgage, etc. Some of the other stuff might be if you have like fine art or things like that, you can include that all in there. But you know, depending on how big that is in your portfolio, I know there’s some people that their business is one of their biggest assets that they would account for on their net worth or maybe a cash value life insurance. So it’s going to depend, but I would say don’t get lost in that minutia. I think the act of just going through it and doing it and just seeing — it’s just like budgeting, right? — just seeing what works, what doesn’t work. If you don’t think that tracking x number is important, then don’t do it. So that’s my thought.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, no fine art in this house, Tim, with four boys. So that would get trashed for sure.

Tim Baker: Yeah.

Tim Ulbrich: You know, I was just logging on, we use, as you alluded to, we use a tool for our planning clients called eMoney. And one of the things I love about that is, you know, I just logged onto my account, front and center is net worth. Right?

Tim Baker: Yeah.

Tim Ulbrich: And you know, we talk about in the book “Seven Figure Pharmacist” that net worth is really your financial vitals check. It’s a great indicator of your financial health. And I find this helpful because there’s times — and it can be days, sometimes it’s within a month — where you’re like, man, things are going really well or the opposite, I feel like things are falling off the rails financially, right? And then you log on and this allows you to take a step back and say OK, what is the direction that things are going? And what’s happening in the asset column, what’s happening in the liability column? And I think having this front and center and tracking the progress over time and obviously through growing assets and paying down the liabilities, we want to see this number tick up over time. And of course, that’s going to be a big part of what we’re trying to do with the financial planning process. Tim, talk to us for a moment, you know, Sarah Stanley-Fallaw, who we had on, author of “The Next Millionaire Next Door” on Episode 200, in that book and I also remember discussion of this in “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” this idea of income-affluent versus balance sheet-affluent. Talk to us just a little bit at a high level, you know, what those two things are referring to and why this mindset is so important.

Tim Baker: Yeah, so I think so many — and we talk, we actually talked about this or around this, Tim, in terms of like YFP and the growth of the business where like we have these revenue goals and things like that and we really want to grow YFP and really touch as many pharmacists as we can. But that’s an ego metric, right? You know, to say, hey, we grew this many in terms of in revenue. It’s the same with income. What really matters from a business perspective is profitability. And it’s kind of the same on the individual side is — and we’ve talked about it, although we kind of do talk out of both sides of our mouth. So like one of the things that we’ve said, especially with pharmacists that are coming out that may have bought into the mantra of like, hey, don’t worry about your student loans, don’t worry about your finances, once you get that six-figure income, everything works itself out. And we know that that is not necessarily true. But the flip side of that, Tim, is one of the most valuable things that a pharmacist has with regard to their finances is their income, right? So without income, nothing moves. I think when we look at income affluence versus like balance sheet affluence is that we also know that there’s a lot of people and listeners out there, you can be one of them, I used to be one of these people, you could have friends and family that are like that, is that if you earn $100,000 and that’s the money that comes in the door, $100,000 goes out or $120,000 goes out because it’s kind of an exercise in keeping up with the Joneses. And the whole idea behind “The Next Millionaire Next Door,” which was following up on “The Millionaire Next Door,” is the whole idea is that most millionaires that you come across are not flashing it around. Right? So they’re not driving the $80,000 sports car, they’re not living in certain neighborhoods. So the idea is that this is more about what you keep, right? So to grow wealth over time is to kind of steer clear of some of those more ego things and really direct resources to what matters most. So like I don’t have a problem with a client spending money on a luxury sports car if that lines up with their goals and what their view of a wealthy life is. But we also know that money is a finite thing, so we can’t necessarily have our cake and eat it too in every part of our financial plan. So there is give-and-take. So what we try to do is really shift the idea behind, hey, this is the amount of money that we make to really focus on the net worth and show how that really drives progress and drives the conversation of what is a wealthy life. Because there’s a lot of people that make seven figures worth of income and have nothing to show for it. They’re not necessarily achieving their goals of travel and being able to take care of loved ones and giving and being able to be on track at a certain retirement age. So that is really what financial planning is designed to do is to align this great resource that pharmacists have and direct that towards the goals that they have to make sure that we’re maximizing or optimizing what a wealthy life is for that particular individual.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah. And Tim, I want to talk about that further because I think that concept of living a wealthy life, you know, I suspect many pharmacists like myself might be of the mindset of, hey, I can squirrel money away and I can save it for the future, but I think there’s balance when it comes to the financial plan. And I think this is one area, to your credit of the model that we’ve built at YFP, that our planning team does an awesome job, and that’s ensuring that one’s financial plan is considering both the now and the future. As you say, it can’t just be about the 1s and the 0s in your bank account. So we’ve got to find this balance between taking care of your future self but also living a rich life today. And that really comes down to quantitative and qualitative factors of the financial plan. And I think financial planners are known for focusing on the numbers, right? And we’ve really built a process I think that is so important that we’re also covering some of the things that aren’t numbers-based. And certainly they could be number-based if we’re going to determine how we’re going to spend and allocate money, but in terms of goals and things we want to achieve, it’s not about, again, the 1s and 0s in the bank account. So tell us from the planning perspective, what does this actually look like? You know, I’m a new client, I’m meeting with you, like how do I actually begin to tell that story and what are you doing to extract this information so that we can then weave that into the numeric part of the financial plan?

Tim Baker: If we start with the balance sheet, Tim, right, so the net worth, we’ve got to know where we’re at, right? That’s the vital check that we’re really looking for. So that’s really our first data point. The second part of that is now that we know where we’re at, where the heck are we going? So that is where we actually slow down and ask clients some introspective questions about like what is, what do you want out of this life? What is a wealthy life for you? Like if today was your last day, what would be things that you haven’t yet done that you want to do? Or if you had 5-10 years left or if money were no object, what would be the thing that — how would you build your day-to-day schedule? So like really kind of going through a series of questions and extracting information so it really paints a picture of now that we know where we’re at, at least financially, where do we want to go? And those two things, Tim, is what changes the whole answer of like, ‘Hey, well, should I do this or that?’ Before I know those things, it’s like, ‘Well, it depends.’ Now that we know these things, where are we at and where are we wanting to go, we can actually advise clients on their financial plan. So how we do that really is to look at all the different pieces. So like once we figure out that picture, our job, which ultimately, our job as a planning team, which ultimately supports our mission at YFP which is to empower a community of pharmacists to achieve financial freedom, our mission in the planning team is a little bit different. It’s a little bit more granular. Our job with clients is to help clients grow and protect income, which is the lifeblood of the financial plan — without that, nothing moves — grow and protect your net worth, which is essentially what sticks, while keeping your goals in mind. That’s our jam, right? So that’s how we feel that we can best help pharmacists achieve financial freedom. So we do that through all the different pieces of the financial plan, which is fundamentals, which might include savings plan and debt management, cash flow and budgeting, insurance, investment, the tax piece, the estate plan, and then all of these other supplemental pieces like credit, salary negotiation, the home purchase and real estate investing, education planning. It might be ‘I’m an entrepreneur, I want to start a business.’ All of that stuff basically are the — those are the processes that get us to really refining out the financial plan and then the quantitative, and then we kind of observe the quantitative and qualitative results and then adjust from there. So the quantitative results, the one that we focus on most, is the net worth. So the idea is that when you become a client, we’re going to say, “Hey, your net worth, you’re starting at -$50,000. And our hope is in a short amount of time, we go from the negative to the little bit less negative to the positive to that multi, that seven-figure pharmacist status.” Or if you’re already positive, it’s to kind of keep that rolling and make sure that we are efficiently growing the net worth. I think the other thing, which I think often gets lost with other financial planners, is the qualitative. It is really that, the things that are outside of the 1s and 0s, which for pharmacists, sometimes that could be tough, Tim, because you guys are scientists, you want to say, “OK, what’s — if I pay this amount in fees, this is what I want to get back.” I completely get it. But to me, it’s the qualitative stuff that really is typically the things that when I get off of a call or I’m here and Robert and Kelly talk about their interactions with clients, that I want to run through a wall because I’m just so jacked up about like what we’re doing and how we’re transforming clients. Like that’s the special stuff. And I really, what I really like to say is that we want to build out a life plan that is supported by the financial plan, not the other way around. Right?

Tim Ulbrich: Yes.

Tim Baker: That’s our jam.

Tim Ulbrich: So important, the life plan that is supported by the financial plan. I just think that’s a completely different way of thinking. You know, I’m going to overgeneralize the industry for a moment, but I think that, again, it’s easy to focus on the numbers, and we’ve talked extensively on the show about why often that may be the case, you know, all the incentives in terms of why the dollars. So if you’re sitting down with a client, you know, and this is one of I think the beauties of a fee-only model where you’ve got their best interests in mind, if something is more experience-based, Tim, sometimes that might be let’s spend some money to make this happen because we said it’s important, and we’ve accounted for it in the rest of the goals and what we’re trying to do. Now, again, it’s a balance. We need to take care of our future self while taking care of ourself today and living a rich life. But you know, that traditional model would be take that money and stuff it into an IRA because that might be a greater percentage of fees — you know, we talked about fees recently on the show. So I think that is so important when folks are looking for financial planning, whether that’s with us or somewhere else, is is that life plan being connected and have a strong connection thread with the financial plan? And I’ll say from personal experience, Tim, for Jess and I working with you, like it just feels like life goes by at lightning speed. And part of that may be phase of life, you know, young family, whatever. But just to slow down and not only think about these goals but then to have somebody actually put these back up in front of you every so often and say, “Hey, Tim and Jess, you guys said this was important. Like what are we doing about it?”

Tim Baker: Yeah.

Tim Ulbrich: You know, “What are we doing about it?” And I need that because I am the person that I’ll try to squirrel away $4 instead of $3 million. And I know, like I know in my head, that when it’s all said and done, I’m not going to care if that was $2.5 or $3 or $3.5 and $4. Like there’s a point where enough is enough, but it’s the experiences and the other things that I think are really going to matter.

Tim Baker: Yeah. You are going to look back and be like, ‘Ah, I wish I would have done this with Sam and Everett and Levi. Like I wouldn’t — and Ben and done all these things.’ And we’ve talked about this, and I’ll cite a personal story. You know, my wife and I, we’ve been saving money really to kind of look at the next level from a real estate perspective, and we kind of just took a pause and we had this extensive conversation of like, do we really want to do this? You know, Olivia is our 6-year-old, we have Liam who’s turning 2. And we really have a window of time, right? We have a window of time where we have them as a captive audience, right? Maybe 10 years before Olivia is like, ‘Dad, get out of my face.’

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, you’re going to be still cool for awhile. Yeah.

Tim Baker: Yeah, like so I look at that like my dad — actually, my dad jokes do not land with her. She’s like, ‘Daddy.’ So I’m already losing that a little bit. But in terms of being able to spend time and have those experiences, that’s a small window. It is a very small window. And the discussion is really around should we put this into an investment, which from a number perspective is going to be probably the best thing that we can do, right? There’s no guarantees, right, with real estate or any investment. But to put this chunk of money there or do we do what my vision was in my life plan — so I’ve recently completed the Registered Life Planning designation, and when I was life planning, I still remember it like it was yesterday. You create this vision, and you create this energy behind this vision sometime in the near future. And for me, it was buying an RV and having the freedom in the summers and on the weekends or long weekends and maybe weeks at a time to go and travel and adventure and see national parks and things like that. But part of me, Tim, is like — the financial planner in me is man, if we purchase an RV, that’s a use asset that’s depreciating over time, I can’t rent that — I guess I can kind of rent it out. And it’s kind of nonsense, right? It’s kind of like a no-brainer. And it’s a struggle, right, even for me where I’m pushing, we’re pushing clients to really achieve that wealthy life. This is the thing when I talk about it, I get excited and passionate about. And for some people, it’s starting a family, for some people, it’s playing in a band. For some people, it’s horseback riding. These are examples that we’ve had with clients that, you know, they were like, when they talk about it, they just light up. And I’m like, this has to be in your financial plan. Like when you talk about becoming a mom or you talk about before you were in pharmacy school, these were the things that you were passionate about. I know we have, and I know we have some credit card debt, and I know we want to get the investment game rolling, but we’ve got to stop and smell the roses along the way and make sure that we’re taking care of ourselves today. So it’s just a passion of mine, and these are the things, like when you kind of look at a situation that clients think — and we know this with millennials in particular but we’re seeing it with like sandwich generation and Gen X and even Baby Boomers in terms of how they can retire, with millennials, it’s everything is going to the right. Like marriage, home purchase, kids, and I want to challenge that. I want to — if you work with a professional, I want to challenge that. And I think if we’re doing things — and sometimes, we as a team, we don’t necessarily think about all the things that we do technically, the things that most people expect about an efficient debt payoff process, an efficient investment process, efficient tax plan, like we don’t really think about those as much as we should, and we should pat ourselves on the back in terms of what we do with clients. But that to me is like table stakes. It’s the next level of things to then challenge the client of like, ‘Well, maybe that timeline of 5 years is not accurate. Maybe we can do a little bit more.’ And I think if you then couple that with an efficient budget and spending plan, I mean, really the sky’s the limit. And that’s what I really get jacked up about. You know, I get jacked up about the pharmacist that says, “Hey, here’s my 4-month-year-old, this is your fault, Tim,” in more of a conversation like, we thought that we would have to wait so much longer, not because we paid off our loans or we did this or that, it’s because we have confidence in our plan. And that to me is what continues to drive me and jack me up and really push forward, and that’s why we get up in the morning to really push forward that mission, again, to empower pharmacists to achieve financial freedom. It’s a great job, it’s a great position to be in to be able to influence that in such a way.

Tim Ulbrich: Tim Baker, great stuff today. Loved the discussion on the importance of net worth and setting both quantitative and qualitative financial goals. And throughout the episode, several times we mentioned and referred to specific parts of our planning process at YFP Planning. So for folks that are listening to today’s episode and are interested in learning more about our one-on-one comprehensive financial planning services, you can head on over to YFPPlanning.com, you can schedule and book a free discovery call and determine whether or not our services may be a good fit for you. As always, we appreciate you joining us for this week’s episode of the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast. Please do us a favor and leave us a rating and review on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen to the show each and every week. That helps other pharmacy professionals find out and learn about this show. Thanks again for listening, and have a great rest of your week.

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YFP 208: Why Minimizing Fees On Your Investments Is So Important

Why Minimizing Fees On Your Investments Is So Important

Tim Baker digs into the f-word we want to minimize when it comes to our investments…FEES! When you do the hard work to save money, you should be interested in keeping as much of that investment intact by minimizing the fees that can take away from your long-term gains. Tim discusses various fees, the impact these fees can have on achieving your long-term savings goals, and strategies you can take to evaluate the fees related to your own investment plan.


Tim Baker discusses the many types of fees associated with your investments and their impact on your financial plan, including expense ratios, platform fees, trading fees, and advisor fees. He also breaks down the ABCs of mutual funds: A shares, B shares, and C shares and the types of fees each of these investments may include. Tim further details how these fees can impact your investments over time, affect growth, and impact your financial plan overall.

Tim discusses his experiences with clients, sharing that many do not know they are being charged various fees or do not understand the full impact the cost can be in the long term. While many fees may be challenging to uncover, Tim shares the importance of asking questions about fees, whether you are just getting started or are farther into your investment history. Investors should be asking what their fees are, why they are paying them, and the benefit – if any – they have on the investments.

Tim mentions that it’s okay to pay a fee for professional help but be wary when advisors are charging commission because there may be a conflict of interest. Tim also suggests you ask what you are getting for your fees across the board, with professional services as well as the investments themselves. Typically, the expense that you pay does not equate to increased benefits for the investor, so trimming those fees whenever and wherever possible may benefit the investor over time.

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Episode Transcript

Tim Ulbrich: Tim, back-to-back episodes. Good to have you on again.

Tim Baker: Yeah, good to be back. I’m excited for this episode. I think it’s going to be hopefully valuable for those that are listening.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, I think so. And we talked last week about common financial errors or mistakes, some that we’ve made, some we’ve seen other pharmacist clients, colleagues, make. And today, we’re talking about one that was not on that list of common mistakes we discussed last episode but certainly can have a major impact on how much wealth you’re able to build. And we’re going to talk really big numbers at the impact that fees can have, fees on the investments is going to be the focus of today’s discussion and hopefully shedding some light on a topic that maybe folks have heard about but haven’t really thought about and evaluated for their own investing plan. So Tim, one of the things I share when I talk on the topic of investing is that if you’re going to do all of the hard work to save money each and every month, take advantage of compound interest and the time value of money, then we want to do everything we can to maintain as much of the pie as possible. And I often think that there’s really three big things that can eat at our investment pie: that’s taxes — and we’ve talked about that on several episodes on the show of things that we can do from the tax-advantaged investing standpoint — inflation — obviously can be out of control to some degree — and then the third is the one we’re going to be talking about today, which is fees. And something I’ve heard you say before is that you need to follow the “Three F Rule” of 401k management. And that’s Figure out the Fees First. So that’s what we’re going to be digging into today, and that’s even beyond just the 401k when we talk about fees. So Tim, before we get too far into the weeds about this discussion of fees, let’s back up a bit as some may be thinking, fees on my investments? What fees on my investments? So talk to us a little bit about the common fees that are out there when it comes to one’s individual investment portfolio.

Tim Baker: Yeah, if I could even back up further, Tim, I would even say like the importance of this — like it shouldn’t be understated. And I think that, you know, when we — kind of like when I talk about baby stepping the financial plan, we look at things like what does the emergency fund look like, what does the consumer debt look like.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah.

Tim Baker: When we dive in particular into the investment part of the financial plan, one of the first things I look at is fees. And you know, outside of the asset allocation, which the asset allocation being like how do I divvy up in a broad sense between like stocks versus bonds and you can actually get more granular than that, outside of the asset allocations, the fees probably play one of the biggest roles in your ability to kind of build wealth over time and really the fees, just like you mentioned along with tax and inflation, is it can really be in a factor that erodes that ability to build wealth. So it’s super important. And you know, when I look at the fees, one of the problems in the industry is that the industry is not super transparent with regard to what the investor pays. A lot of these can be wrapped up in products that are sold to investors or not necessarily appropriately disclosed on a statement. So you’re really up against it when you’re trying to figure out, OK, what exactly am I paying? And the fact that it can be a little bit opaque in that regard is frustrating. I think that’s one of the things that we work with our clients is to show them, ‘Hey, did you know that you’re paying this in your 401k?’ And most people are like, ‘I had no idea.’ Then the question is, ‘Is that good or bad?’ And I’m like, ‘Well, it’s typically higher than what we see,’ or something along those lines. So to me, the name in the game is really trying to understand — to answer the question, what are the things that you could be charged? And then like what is that exactly for your particular case? So if we look at the things that we typically see, if we look at the 401k first, you know, the things that are typically in the 401k are things like platform fees. So this might be where Fidelity or Schwab or someone might charge you a fee just to really have an account with them. And that’s less common in a 401k. You typically see them more in brokerage accounts, more in IRAs. When I was in the broker dealer world, we would charge — the custodian would charge clients just to have an account open. And a lot of this is in also response to like lower entrance environments. You know, they’re trying to make money where they can. And sometimes these additional line item fees are created. Things like trading fees and transaction fees. So this is like anytime that you buy and sell, again, typically you don’t see these inside of a 401k, but you do see these outside, like a brokerage account, an IRA, you know, if you buy stock ABC, sometimes you’ll be charged anywhere from $7 to $50 a trade. Now, these have kind of become less and less common as a lot of the custodians want to be competitive and they’ll waive fees and things like that.

Tim Ulbrich: Race to 0 here, right?

Tim Baker: Exactly.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah.

Tim Baker: Yep. The other thing that you would see are things like advisor fees. So these can be both within inside and outside of a 401k. So these are things like, ‘Hey, I work with an advisor, and they charge me a flat 1% on the investments that they’re managing.’ It could also come in the form of commissions, and that’s a whole other ball of wax in terms of how an A share, a B share, a C share mutual fund, you typically don’t see commissions inside of a 401k, but you do see — sometimes you see C share, which are commissions, inside of a 401k. But you typically see those more in brokerage accounts, IRAs, and such that. And then probably the last one that basically permeates just about every investment is expense ratio. So the expense ratio is the money that the fund takes to kind of run the fund. So if I’m a mutual fund manager, Tim, and I’m in charge of a large cap mutual fund, you know, I’m managing billions of dollars, so I’m pulling a bunch of investors’ money together to buy large cap stocks and the like. Then I need to pay myself, I need to pay for the fancy office on Wall Street, I need to be able to pay for information. I might even need to pay sales people to go out and market my fund. So those all are basically captured in an expense ratio. So the expense ratio basically, you know, takes money out of that fund and it’s shared, that expense is shared, with the rest of the investors that are invested in it. So those are typically the broad strokes. You also see other ones I would say outside — and these kind of can get wrapped up into platform fees — but you’ll see like administrative or like bookkeeping fees in a 401k. And this could be like record keeping and all of the laws that are surrounding 401k plans and 403b’s. These can be pretty prohibitive. Sometimes they’re a flat fee, sometimes they’re a percentage. But these are kind of just administrative fees that, again, that are not listed on a — they’re not listed on a statement anywhere. It’s just part of the plan and what the plan takes to make sure it runs within the laws of the United States.

Tim Ulbrich: Tim, when I hear you say, you know — and obviously it depends on the account, you mentioned some of these may be more applicable to like an IRA, brokerage, others across the board, but several different types of fees you mentioned, right? Platform fees, advisor fees, trading fees, sometimes commission fees, expense ratios perhaps is the one that folks may be most aware of. My follow-up question is transparency and understanding of these fees. So those are two very different things to me. You know? Even if something is transparent, how it’s disclosed or how somebody may be informed of it or how easy it is to find that information obviously can lead to whether or not they may have an understanding of it. So in your experience working with clients and really more specifically our clients at YFP Planning, is this something that you find folks are surprised by? And how transparent and accessible is this information to either the individual or you as the advisor trying to work with them?

Tim Baker: Yeah, Tim, so I think it is a surprise. And what I typically try to do to kind of make it a little bit more real is put it in real dollar sense. So you know, one of the things that when we talk to pharmacy schools and we’re trying to like drive home the point that this isn’t Monopoly money, that when you graduate, you’re like at with the average student loan debt that graduates are coming out with, it’s a $2,000 payment for 10 years. And when most people think about it in that terms, you’re like, ‘Oh, OK, that becomes more real.’ So I try to do the same thing with the fees. So yeah, like when we go over this, I think at first, it’s like, ‘Oh, OK, well that doesn’t sound that bad.’ You know, so like I’m looking at this independent pharmacist, their 401k, and typically the smaller the employer, the worse the 401k is or the most more expensive it is per each participant. So like this particular pharmacist, their all-in when they look at the administrative fees and the average investment fees, it’s about 1.27%. So you’re like, ‘Wow, that doesn’t sound too bad, 1.27%.’ But if you have $100,000 in that 401k, that’s $1,270 per year that the 401k and the funds inside of the 401k basically absorbs. So with this particular client, they have $250,000 in that, so that’s a lot more. It’s a lot more money. It’s more than double that every year. And again, it’s not like it’s a line item on the statement anywhere. It’s what the 401k takes to run and the investments take to basically run the funds that they’re in. So what we really try to do is, again, look at it — and we have tools that can assess that information. But even to do it yourself — and I’ve tried to do this even outside of the tools that we use — it’s hard to find. You have to find basically the plan. Every year, they have to file what’s called a Form 5500 with the IRS that basically outlines how much money is in the fund and what are the assets, what are the liabilities, if there’s any loans, what are the admin expenses. And a lot of those are just a dollar amount that’s populated in there. So like sometimes you might see like, ‘Oh, my administrative fee is 1.2%.’ And then the next time we log into our tool, it’s 1.4% just because there’s new data that’s been filed with the IRS. So it’s a little bit of a moving target as well. And I think the — you know, I think I read a stat somewhere that the average 401k all-in expense is about like 1.68%.

Tim Ulbrich: That’s wild.

Tim Baker: So — yeah. And again, when I look at our 401k that we’ve set up at YFP, I think it’s less than .2%. I think the fees have changed a little bit for ours, but I think when you look at the expense ratio and everything, it’s less than .2%. So it’s a factor of 8. So if I’m paying $1,000 — and again, that’s a pretty large 401k with that, then I don’t want to pay $8,000 a year. So those are some of the things that most people when they say, ‘Oh, like 1.2% is not bad,’ but then when we actually put in dollars — and then if we compound that year over year, it really adds up. So to me, the fees are so important. And I think another discussion to have is like OK, but like are the fees worth it?

Tim Ulbrich: That’s right. Yep.

Tim Baker: And I would say in a lot of the cases, no. I mean, with some of these fees, you have to pay the fees to be able to like have the fund run and things like that. But in a lot of cases, if you’re paying 10x the amount in terms of an expense ratio, you’re not getting 10x the performance or it’s not 10x safer for the same amount of performance. So every type of fee is going to be different in why you would pay this versus that, but in most cases, the name of the game is to kind of shave that down as much as you can to really the investments unadulterated so it can grow and really allow you to build wealth over 10, 20, 30 years, whatever the time horizon is.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and I think one of the things, Tim, I’ve heard you say often is that our job, your job, and the planning team’s job, one of the roles is to really try to keep as much of that contribution intact as possible and allow the compound growth to do its thing, right? So really minimize the fees that are coming out of that. And I think that’s so important. You know, again, back to my earlier comment, if you’re already doing the hard work, right, to put away whatever percentage of your income each and every month towards long-term savings, then why do we want to give up anything in terms of the fees? And that example you gave is really powerful, that independent pharmacist who’s got $250,000 in that account with a 1.27%, which is, as you mentioned, is lower than the average 401k. You know, that’s a little over $3,000 this year. But as that account continues to grow and compound, that $250,000 is eventually going to turn into likely $300,000 and $400,000 and $500,000 and so on. And that fee obviously will continue to go up over time. So let me ask the big and nebulous question. Like yeah, maybe a 10x fee isn’t worth or justified that you’re going to have that value, but is there a place where the fees are justified? You know, such that whatever would be the net return inclusive of fees makes the fees worth it? And how do you evaluate that decision?

Tim Baker: Yeah, I mean, I think with — so it’s going to sound a little self-serving, but I think if you’re paying an advisor, a fiduciary, a fee-only advisor, and you’re paying them say whatever percentage out of your investments to be able to do financial planning or investment management or what we do, which is very comprehensive with the tax work and really a lot of different components there, I think that the return that you get far exceeds what you pay. The idea is that our focus is on more of wealth building, not necessarily just the investments and everything else but it kind of is beyond that. When I think of the — if you take things like expense ratio as an example, I’m looking at a client who — you know, and that same client that was at 1.27%, I think when we first started working with them, it was close to 2% because there are things that you can control and there are things that you can’t control with regard to the 401k. So things that you can’t really control are things like administrative, record keeping fees. Like that’s just — you know, I always talk about with the investments in a 401k, that’s the sandbox. Like those are the toys that you can play with. There’s only 10, 20 mutual funds in there. And it’s the same thing, like with some of the fees, you can’t really effect change unless you’re small enough that you can, you work for an independent pharmacy, you can say, “Hey, boss, this 401k is pretty terrible. Can we replace it?” For bigger organizations, that’s a harder thing to go about. So you’re kind of stuck with those fees. But things that you can control somewhat are things like the expense ratio. So this particular client’s, her average investment fees are .06%. So that’s her expense ratio. But when we started, it was closer to .8%. So again, a $100,000 portfolio, just for this part of the portfolio, she’s paying $60 per year whereas before she’s paying over $800. So the reason that we did that — or how we got there is that the funds that she was in, she was selecting a lot of the funds that she heard of like American funds or I think there was like a Morgan Stanley here and JP Morgan. And these funds are more expensive as in comparison. So I’m in this particular portfolio, and I’m looking at the mid-cap fund that she was in, it’s called a Touchstone mid cap, and the ticker is TMPIX. That costs .9%. So if I had $100,000 just in this, I would be paying $900 per year. What we replaced that with was an iShares fund that basically is .05%. So .9% versus .05%. So $50 on $100,000 or $900. So like those are things that you can control. And for the most part, there’s going to be differences, especially as you get to mid and small and international funds. Like there will be some differences in performance and some differences here and there, but for the most part, you know, like if I look at those same funds and I have the data that says over the course of a year, the mid cap iShares that we put her in is up 56%. The one that was more expensive is up 33%. You know, five years, it’s pretty close, 17% with the one that we put her in, 16%. So the performance, these are things you have to look at: since inception, 10% versus 9% for that. So like there are things that you have to look at, but typically the expense that you pay is not worth it. And for things like large cap, when you click into those and you say, ‘OK, what am I actually invested in?’ So like what are the underlying funds, it’s the same stuff, Tim. It’s things like that we know about. It’s Apple, it’s Microsoft, it’s Amazon, Facebook. It’s just that if you wrap it in a more expensive wrapper, you charge 5, 6, 10x just because it’s a known entity, even though Vanguard and iShares are pretty known, there is — like from a large cap fund, it should be very cheap because everyone is invested in the same stuff. So I don’t like paying high administrative fees. I don’t mind paying like a flat dollar amount, so like there’s sometimes you see like, oh, it’s $80. OK. That’s better than .8%. Expense ratio, I don’t like paying a high expense ratio. I don’t like when advisors charge commission. I just think that there’s a conflict of interest there. So these are typically outside of the 401k. So I think it’s OK to pay a fee for professional help, but it just depends on like what do you get for that? And you know, and all of the associated fees that come with that, what do you get for that? So if there are 401k’s that charge you .2% or less and then there’s some that charge you close to 2%, that’s a big range over the course of — and are you getting 12x more value there? And I typically say the answer is no.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, I think it’s just a really good reminder, you know, Tim, that No. 1, not all fees are created equal. Right? So really asking yourself, what may or may not be justified with this fee? And then you know, I think really evaluating and understanding what your current fee situation is and recognizing that some of that may not be in your control, to your point, that especially for those that work for a larger organization, unless you’ve got the ear of HR and can influence those decisions, that 401k plan is probably what it is in terms of some of those fees. But within the fee options, might you have some control when it comes to expense ratio and then obviously in other accounts, IRA and so forth, then you can leverage other options to reduce those fees. Tim, I suspect that many of our listeners, especially those that are listening today that have been saving for some time, might be investing in mutual funds through various institutions to be unnamed and are paying substantial fees and, as we’ve discussed, aren’t even aware of it. So I want to take a few minutes to just break down the A, B, Cs of mutual funds. And that’s A shares, B shares, and C shares. So can you quickly define the difference between A shares, B shares, and C shares and then talk to us a little bit about what is the fees or could be the fees associated with those types of shares?

Tim Baker: Yeah, so whenever you see A shares, B shares, C shares, what you typically — think commission. So that’s — it’s a sales commission for that intermediary, the intermediary being the financial advisor, that is selling you a product, i.e. a mutual fund, in exchange for a commission. And I’ve sold these in the past, so like I’m a big proponent of fee-only. I haven’t always been a fee-only advisor. I started in the industry in fee-based, which is often confused for fee-only. A lot of the fee-only people want advisors that are fee-based to identify as fee and commission. So when I was in this model, I thought, again, I thought we were great because we didn’t have to sell a proprietary product that was with one of the big financial institutions. We could basically sell whatever we wanted. But the reality is that you want to really work with someone that is not selling on commission, in my opinion, because I think there’s a conflict of interest there. So anytime that you have the sale of a product with advice, there’s a conflict. So when you hear or see A, B, C shares — and you can typically see this, you can see this on the statement, but it’s not necessarily as intuitive as you would want it. So like I’m looking at a statement from a very big institution that I know goes and markets to pharmacists, talks to pharmacy schools, but on the statement, I see the mutual funds that this particular pharmacist was in was a Washington Mutual Investors Fund, CL A. So CL A. So that’s Class A, which that’s an A share mutual fund. So what that means is that for an A share mutual fund, these are up front basically fees or commissions with lower expense ratios. So these are typically better for long-term investors. I would say they’re not necessarily good for anybody. But the idea, Tim, is that if this particular — say you opened up an IRA with me and I basically charged you an A share commission, this particular fund I think basically charges 5.75%. So $5,000 times 5.75%, that’s a $287 commission that goes straight to me. So basically, when I look at my statement the next time, my statement is going to be like $4,700. It’s going to be $300 short. A lot of advisors don’t necessarily like to sell those because it can be very, you know, abrupt for clients. The other way to basically sell these — and I’ve never sold a B share, and I’m not sure how prevalent they are, but a B share, it’s basically, it has high exit fees for when you sell and higher expense ratios. But they convert over to A shares over basically the course of many years. So the idea is that you don’t get that kind of abrupt fee, but if you hold the investment long enough, it basically converts into an A share. And I don’t have as much experience with these and I haven’t seen these much, even on statements. But the one that I do see fairly often is called a C share. So these have higher expense ratios than A shares and a small exit fee that’s typically waived after one year. So the idea is that in that same example, if you were to basically buy, put $5,000 into a C share mutual fund, you wouldn’t necessarily get hit with a big commission up front, but what’s basically on there is — and it’s kind of built into the total expense ratio — is 12b1 fees. So this is like a marketing fee. So as the advisor, I would be making say like 1% as long as you held that investment. So it’s more of a trailing commission that you pay versus an up front commission. And these could be very prohibitive to an investor. Lots of fees that you really don’t understand how you’re paying. And the advisor is basically getting paid that marketing or that service fee over the course of however long you’ve held that investment.

Tim Ulbrich: So Tim, let me ask the question that I suspect many of our listeners are thinking, that I’m thinking individually as you describe A shares, B shares, C shares on the heels of our discussion of today’s day and age where we can obviously have an option to reduce some of those fees, whether that be up front trading fees or even ongoing expense ratios. There’s other options that are out there. What is the role, if any, for these A shares, B shares, and C shares? Like are these ever in the best interest of a client? And I say that dramatically knowing it’s not a black-and-white answer, but why would I invest in an A share, B share, or C share?

Tim Baker: So in my experience in this world, you would charge a client — and this is going to be very true for many kind of new practitioners and pharmacists that are out there that are maybe seeking help and a lot of people that are listening to this. So the industry and really why I’m here sitting in this seat and why, Tim, we’re partners, it kind of is derived from the story or the way that the industry basically operates. So when I was in the fee and commission, the fee-based world, it was — and I started working with a lot of pharmacists — the going advice was — you know, and I remember, I actually remember, I have this pivotal memory where I was talking to my mentor and I think the pharmacist couple that I was working with, they had something like $300,000 in student loans. And I was like, ‘Hey, mentor, like what do you think that we should do with this client’s?’ And basically, the advice was, to me, to how to advise the client was to say, “Hey, just tell them the loans will figure themselves out. Either a snowball or something like that, focus on the highest interest first,” which is terrible advice, Tim, as we all know, that the student loans are going to be more nuanced. And then you know, because this client maybe had like $20,000 to invest, that’s not a lot of money. So like it was sell them insurance that they didn’t need, so whether that was life or disability insurance, and then invest their IRA or something like that and then just touch base with them every couple years until they have $50,000, $100,000, $250,000, and then you can actually ‘help’ them. The problem with this model, Tim, is that it’s not a planning issue. Like we work with clients that are in their 30s that there is a lot of need there to get their investments, their debt, their cash flowing budgeting, their insurance, their credit, their taxes, all humming and working in a unified fashion that we’re really trying to take the resources that the client has and apply them in a way that is a wealthy life to them. It’s not a planning issue. It’s a pricing issue. And unfortunately, the way that the industry is set up is that, hey, unless you have investments, I can’t really do anything for you. And it’s because somebody with $20,000, that’s $200 a year on a 1% AUM versus if someone had $200,000, 1%, that’s $2,000. So money talks, right? So that’s where A share and C share and those types of commissions come into play is like typically if it was less than $50,000 or typically less than $100,000, you would charge these commissions, especially the A share, because it was a higher upfront or a C share because it was more — I want to say it was more undetected, under the radar. And then you would couple that with a crappy insurance product or disability that they might not need. Or maybe they do need, but you’re still making commission on that. And that was a way for you to help the client and make a little bit of money, feed yourself at the same time. And I don’t want to — so I also don’t want to paint a picture, sometimes especially in the fee-only community, there is this picture that’s painted that like people that charge commissions are evil. They’re not. They’re not. It’s just the difference in model. And you know, I was early enough in my career that I recognized — in financial services — that I recognized that there was a better way, and that’s being fee-only and that’s not charging these commissions. So I was able to pivot away from that. It’s not that they’re evil, it’s just that I think the model or the system that they’re in doesn’t necessarily suit itself for a lot of clients. You know, typically — we talk about this with insurance — typically the better the insurance product is for the person that’s selling it, the worse it is for the person that’s basically buying it. So there is this kind of 0-sum, so to speak. So if you’re out there and you’re like, ‘Hmm, I’m listening to Tim and I’m going to look at my statement and see,’ if you see like A’s and C’s next to your mutual fund that says Class A or just I’m looking at one that says Investo Equity and Income Funds C, I know that that particular — at that particular time, he’s being charged kind of an ongoing trail that’s eating away. And again, if he’s being serviced for that, maybe that’s worth it. But in most cases, it’s not. I wouldn’t say that there’s ever — there’s never a time — but I would say, you know, again, there are advisors out there that will work with you in a fiduciary capacity and that should be divorced from the commissions that you would make from selling a product. So one of the things that, you know, kind of longer story longer, Tim, one of the things that I talk about, when I was in the broker-dealer world, the fee-based, fee and commission world, this is the story that I tell prospects and clients is you know, I would show up to the office and I would see on my counter, I’m like, ‘Oh, this mutual fund wholesaler is going to come a-knocking.’ And that wholesaler would show up to our office in a fancy suit, he would take basically the advisors in our office, which was me and my mentor, he would take us out to a fancy dinner or a fancy lunch, I should say, he would show us fancy glossies about why his funds were so — or her funds were so great. And then he would basically say, “Hey, when your client Tim Ulbrich, when he leaves his job or if he has money on the side and he wants to roll over that Fidelity 401k, like use our funds.” And —

Tim Ulbrich: Sounds like another industry I know, Tim.

Tim Baker: Yeah, it sounds like drug rep, right? And when I say that, most people are like, ‘Oh yeah.’ But here’s the difference, Tim. Like in the medical world, my understanding is that it’s illegal for physicians to get kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies because it taints their ability to prescribe medication without the strings attached, right?

Tim Ulbrich: Absolutely. Yep.

Tim Baker: But if we compare that to my industry, the financial services, not only is it legal, it’s prevalent. So like 95% of advisors out there operate in this manner. So like now, like no one takes me out to lunch, Tim. No one takes me out to lunch because I’m not incentivized to put someone in these mutual funds because I don’t make a commission from that. So what I’m incentivized to do is to put the client in the best situation across the board, but particularly for the investments we’re talking about where they’re paying the least amount for the most gain. So like, I would get through those lunches — again, they’re not all bad. You would learn something. But you kind of felt like you needed to take a shower because you kind of — you know, they gave you something. They gave you a nice lunch, so you’re kind of like, alright, well, if this client rolls it over, you kind of feel beholden to them. And I just hated that feeling. And by the way, if you’re putting those sales rep out in the field, that costs money.

Tim Ulbrich: That’s right.

Tim Baker: Who pays for that? The investor does. And that typically means that fund that you’re investing in is going to be more expensive. So I remember having this conversation, you know, and I was talking to this old wholesaler, this experienced, I should say, wholesaler, and I’m like — and I found the kind of story to really dig deeper, and I’m like, “So how can you guys justify charging 1.5% on your large cap when I could put the client in a Vanguard fund that’s .05%?” And he started talking about like, you know — and again, there was nothing about that when I was buying because it’s literally 10x more — like it’s so much more, and I just don’t think that you get that return. So I know a little bit — kind of on a tangent there — but to me, it’s one of these things that I think as a pharmacist, these are things that you probably aren’t looking at that over the course of years really have a compounding factor, either from a negative perspective or if you can remove those, it can be very positive. So it’s important to maybe dust off your statement and look at it and really understand what you’re paying.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and as we zoom out for a moment, Tim, to that point coming full circle here, don’t underestimate the long-term impact of these fees. You know, any one year, especially for those that are maybe getting started with investing and haven’t built up that large portfolio, you might look at 1%, 1.2%, 1.5% and say, ‘Eh, what’s the big deal?’ But if you look at 1.5%, as an example, versus .2% as another example and perhaps even an opportunity to get lower than that, over the long range of 30 or 35 years, that’s a big frickin’ deal.

Tim Baker: Yeah.

Tim Ulbrich: Big deal. And I wrote a blog post a couple years back that we’ll link to in the show notes really showing two side-by-side examples of somebody who’s investing over 35 years, another person same timeline, 1.5% average annual fee versus .2%, and it ends up being the difference of $1 million. And the title of that article is “Are You Making this $1 Million Mistake?” And you know, for some, maybe it’s larger. For others, maybe it’s a little bit smaller. But I think it’s so important that we uncover, understand, and begin to put a plan in place that can minimize these fees if possible wherever you have control of doing that. Tim, two perspectives I want to talk about as we wrap up this really important: And that’s first, from the perspective of, ‘Hey, I’m listening and I’m at the beginning of my investing journey. What can I do?’ And then somebody who’s listening that says, ‘You know what, I’m more in the wealth-building phase. I’ve been investing, maybe I’ve got a loose understanding of some of these fees but I’m not exactly sure. And what can I do and pivot now? And is it perhaps too late or not?’ So what would you say to those two individuals, one who’s just getting started, what tangible steps that I can take, and somebody who’s maybe a little bit later on in their journey and wondering is it too late and are there steps that I can take to help reconcile some of this issue around fees?

Tim Baker: Yeah, so I think for both of those buckets of people, I think it really goes back to what are your goals, right? So I think some people, they work with an advisor because they think that’s the right thing to do. And the advisor, you know, unfortunately sometimes it’s like every solution is the same. So everyone needs insurance and I need to make that commission. And that’s not true. I think it’s really understanding what your goals are, and that’s the first and foremost thing. And I think from there, if you’re at the beginning of the journey, I think it’s ask questions. You know, if I’m looking at my 401k statement, I want to understand why am I paying these fees? A lot of 401k’s, they have these managed solutions, and I’m like, well what do you get for that? And most of the time, it’s not a whole lot. Same thing like if you’re at the beginning and you maybe, you were contacted by an advisor in pharmacy school, chances are if you started working with them, a lot of those in mutual funds and IRAs and even — we just signed on a client that was sold this recently, and we’re like, it’s kind of a process of unwinding them. It’s really being cognizant of this and don’t sweep this under the rug. So like it’s definitely something that can compound over many, many years. So you want to get it right out of the gate. And it isn’t ever too late. So for the second, for the wealth-building phase, people that maybe have been working with an advisor for a long time or maybe their advisor is someone that’s been in the family, things have changed. So like even 10 years ago, what was offered in terms of high expenses and commissions and things like that, that day is thankfully dying with the advent of Vanguard and really trying to drive fees down and things like that. But I look at some of these well-known institutions that a lot of pharmacists work with, there’s just a better route. So like, you know, I’m looking at this particular statement, and the all-in for what this particular client was paying on commissions and everything like that was something like 1.75%.

Tim Ulbrich: Sheesh.

Tim Baker: You know? And if I compare that to like what we do, like if we were to move that into an IRA, it’s like .05%. And it almost sounds like fake. It sounds like it’s not real. But the reality is it’s like if you can get your money in a position where it’s unadulterated by those kind of hidden — and I could say they are kind of hidden because if you look at the statement and I search like “commission” or “fee,” it’s nonexistent. There might be like a fee disclaimer in the small print, but again, it’s not a line item that’s very obvious to the investor. So I would just say, like I would question, again, if you’re in a wealth-building stage, I would question what you’re currently in and if there’s a better way, just like we do with car insurance and things like that. There are opportunities out there to potentially be in a better position to again, really allow you to build money and grow wealth over time.

Tim Ulbrich: Yeah, and Tim, I would wrap up here by telling our listeners and community, whether you’re at the beginning of this journey, whether you’re in that wealth-building phase, whether you’re somewhere in between, I think this obviously is such an important topic. And we would love to have the opportunity to talk with you to see if what we offer at YFP Planning is a good fit for you and your individual plan and situation. And folks can find more by going to YFPPlanning.com, they can schedule a free discovery call. And I’m going to toot our own horn for a minute, but I’m so proud of what we have built — Tim, really what you have built starting back in the days of Script Financial, which is a fee-only comprehensive financial planning model. And one of the things I so appreciate about that model is it’s fully transparent, the fees are the fees in terms of what we charge for our services, and the client is paying our financial planning team for the advice that they’re giving related to their financial plan as a whole. So you know, whether that means we’ve got to spend a boatload of time on the investments and the retirement side of the plan, whether that’s we need to spend some time on the tax side or the insurance side or the student loan side or the home buying side, whatever would be the aspect of the financial plan, by nature, because of how that client is transparently paying for the advice and the transparency of those fees, we can spend the time where we feel like it’s most needed for the client and their financial plan and ultimately is in their best interest. And so that’s a model that I’m really proud of that we offer to the YFP community and for folks that are looking for a financial planner or perhaps re-evaluating the relationship they have currently, head on over to YFPPlanning.com and you can schedule a free discovery call. Tim Baker, great stuff, as always. And appreciate your time and expertise here as it relates to the discussion of fees and looking forward to upcoming content we have for the second half of 2021.

Tim Baker: Yeah, thanks, Tim.

Tim Ulbrich: As always, a thank you to the listeners for joining us on this week’s episode. And as we wrap up this first half of 2021, we appreciate you listening but also would appreciate if you could leave us a rating and review on Apple podcasts, which ultimately helps other people find this show. Our mission is to help as many pharmacy professionals as we can on their path towards achieving financial freedom, and one way we can do that is by reaching more people with this show. So if you haven’t already done so, please do us that favor, leave us a rating and review and ultimately that will help others find the show in the future. Thanks for joining us and have a great rest of your week.

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