YFP 310: Dusting Off Your Estate Plan

Tim Baker CFP®, RICP®, RLP® discusses the significance of the estate plan, what it includes, and 3 action steps you can take to button up your estate plan.

Episode Summary

On this week’s episode of the YFP Podcast, we tackle getting your estate plan buttoned up. We’re joined by Tim Baker, CFP®, RICP®, RLP®, Co-Founder of Your Financial Pharmacist, to talk about estate plan preparations. We go through why it’s important to plan your estate, what an estate plan includes, and what happens if you do not have one in place. Tim then shares his thoughts and insights on three action areas; documentation, beneficiaries, and legacy folders.

Key Points From the Episode

  • Tim shares some statistics related to estate plan documentation and preparations.
  • Why it’s important to have your estate plan.
  • Tim defines what exactly an estate plan is and what it includes.
  • Tim explains what happens if you do not have an estate plan in place.
  • Who needs an estate plan.
  • The objectives of having an estate plan.
  • We dive into three action areas; documentation, beneficiaries, and legacy folders. 
  • Why having things in order makes life and estate planning easier.
  • How they tackle the estate plan as part of the YFP Planning financial planning process: The First Five.

Episode Highlights

“[The estate plan] it’s one of those things that a lot of people have a blind spot for — [we] don’t like to think about our death or our income or [of] being incapacitated, essentially, which is what the estate plan tries to solve.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:04:48]

“At the end of the day, [an estate plan] is peace of mind in making sure that your loved ones are cared for in a way that is in line with your wishes.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:10:52]

“What the legacy folder is meant to be is that gathering place of all of the things that are important related to this topic. The estate plan documents, life insurance policies, trust documents, and tax returns.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:19:02]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[0:00:00] TU: Hey, everybody. Tim Ulbrich here. Thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast, where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. This week Tim Baker and I tackle an important and often overlooked part of the financial plan and that’s the estate plan. We get it. It’s not fun to think about end-of-life preparations, so we keep this one short and sweet. Covering what documents you need in place, why it’s important to check your beneficiaries, and why you should create a legacy folder if you don’t already have one. 

At YFP planning our team of certified financial planners is ready to help you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. Yes, financial freedom includes ensuring you have your estate plan buttoned up. If you’re interested in joining more than 280 households in 40-plus states that work with YFP planning for one-on-one financial planning and wealth management, you can book a free discovery call at yfpplanning.com. 

Whether you’re just getting started in the middle of your career or nearing retirement our team is ready to help. Whether or not YFP Planning’s financial planning services are a good fit for you, you know that we appreciate your support of this podcast and our mission to help pharmacists achieve financial freedom. All right. Let’s hear from today’s sponsor the American Pharmacists Association and then we’ll jump into my interview with YFP Co-Founder and Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker. 


[0:01:19] TU: Today’s episode of the Your Financial Pharmacists Podcast is brought to you by the American Pharmacists Association. APHA has partnered with Your Financial Pharmacists to deliver personalized financial education benefits for APHA members. Throughout the year APHA will be hosting a number of exclusive webinars covering topics like student loan debt payoff strategies, home-buying investing, insurance needs, and much more. 

Join APHA now to gain premier access to these educational resources and to receive discounts on YFP products and services. You can join APHA at a 25% discount by visiting pharmacists.com/join and using the coupon code YFP. Again, that’s pharmacists.com/join and using the coupon code YFP. 

Tim Baker, welcome back to the show. 

[0:02:08] TB: Yeah. Good to be here Tim. How’s it going? It is going, I’m excited for today’s discussion which we’re going to keep somewhat brief knowing that the talk around end-of-life planning is admittedly not the most exciting or uplifting topic. We’re going to be talking about exactly that dusting off the estate plan, making sure we take a minute to take stock of where we are at with these important documents. 

Tim, perhaps we have some people that are listening where it’s a chance to revisit the work that they’ve already done and to make sure those documents are up to date whereas for others it’s maybe just a point to get started. We’re going to cover some of the basics, obviously, this is not legal advice. We’re not attorneys but it is certainly an important part of the financial plan. 

Tim Baker, I think building off of what I just said I would expect that there are some gaps here as it relates to estate planning for some that again similar to insurance, not a really fun topic to think about let alone execute on, but the data really is eye-opening in terms of just how big of a gap this is for many when it comes to their financial plan. Tell us more about that. 

[0:03:17] TB: Yeah. There’s a stat out there Caring.com 2023 Wills and Estate Plan Study that said two out of three Americans do not have any type of a state plan document. I would say that with our work with clients, it’s probably more dire than that. I would say that nine out of ten, eight out of ten clients don’t have any type of documents in place. Now typically the further along you are in life, in your career the more dependents that you have or things that major life changes the more that that might force you to take stock, pause a little bit and say, “Hey, this is important,” But it is one of the major overlook components of a financial plan. 

It’s important for anyone to have an estate plan, but I think it’s more important if you same thing with life insurance, Tim, if you have a house, a spouse, and mouths to feed. Now those are typically the things that trigger people to start thinking about this, but on the other side of the coin as you’re retiring and moving into that state of your life, it’s important to make sure that it’s there and you have updated information, you might start thinking more about legacy and charitable things that you need to sprinkle into your financial plan, your estate plan that is warranted to dust it off a bit. But yet, it’s just one of those things that a lot of people have a blind spot for, if you don’t like to think about our death or our income or being incapacitated, essentially which is what the estate plan tries to solve.

[0:05:01] TU: Tim, when I present on this topic, I always put a disclaimer out there that, hey, this is not as we’re talking right here, the most exciting part of the financial plan for obvious reasons and the timing of this is really good. I’m actually in the middle of this section of the plan with our lead planner from YFP planning Kelly Reddy-Heffner. I’ve got some outstanding tasks at dragging my feet on to go back and review some of these documents that we established several years ago and update the legacy folder. We’ll talk about that here in today’s session. Unlike other parts when we came off the section on looking at investments and updating our nest egg it’s like, I’m all in. Let’s do those calculations. Let’s get the work done, right? That’s fun. That’s exciting. We’re planning and thinking about the future. 

This, not so much. I think, the data certainly shines a light on that, but it’s what we’re going to talk about here today such an important and often overlooked part of the financial plan that we want to make sure that as we’re building other parts of the plan that we’re playing a little bit of defense with the protection part as well. Tim, what exactly is in an estate plan before we get too far into the episode?

[0:06:06] TB: A lot of people when they hear state they think real estate, Tim, right? It’s not that. I mean, real estate could be part of your estate plan, but the estate plan is essentially the process of arranging in life the management disposal of your assets and property at death or even at in capacity. It’s really important. For a lot of people, the people that really value this type of work have either been burned by it themselves or have a family member who’ve been burned by it, but you really want to direct attention to this. It’s also a plan for health and property in the event that you are capacity like I mentioned.

If you are unable to pay your bills or you are unable to care for a child like, what happens? Unfortunately, if you don’t have an estate plan in place, the state in which you live in writes one for you in what’s called the probate process. Oftentimes, more often than not, you don’t want the state, you don’t want the government to basically say, “Hey this is what happens to your property. This is what happens to your kids.” You might have charitable intentions in your brain that are if they’re not written down in a will or something like that, it’s not going to happen. If these are things that are important to you which I think for most humans, making sure that I know who’s going to take care of my kids. We want to make sure that we’re working within a state attorney to do so. 

[0:07:34] TU: Next question I have for you, Tim in terms of, who needs one? As folks are listening you mentioned this previously talked about the house, the spouse, the mouths to feed, but generally speaking as our listeners hear this discussion, who really needs to have this front and center part of the plan?

[0:07:50] TB: Yeah. I think if you’re not in that population of people. If I’m a single person and maybe I’m rented or whatever. It doesn’t mean that you don’t need an estate plan. If you want to make sure that you are directing medical decisions and things like that, you need a state plan and you need to go through that. We put the emphasis on this, because again at the end of the day, we don’t want the dependents that are there if you leave us to not have a proper plan, but that doesn’t necessarily diminish any type of healthcare or plan in need if you’re single and you don’t have dependents or things like that.

I would say, everyone. Everyone should have an estate plan. I think working with an attorney I think is the best in class. Obviously, attorneys cost money. There are a lot of solutions out there that are more DIY forms and things like that which are a little bit cringe for me. But yeah, if you’re in the population of you’re a human and you have a heartbeat, it’s just one thing you should at least consider and go down the path to evaluate if it’s for you. 

[0:08:53] TU: We think about what we’re trying to address with the specific parts of the estate plan which we’ll get to here in a moment. I think peace of mind this is something that wherever you are in terms of the different phases and areas of life, knowing that you’ve shorted up this part of the plan. I would suspect that is one big part of the objectives of the estate plan, what else would you consider here?

[0:09:15] TB: Yeah. It’s peace of mind. Given a plan for your family for them to execute in terms of like, how you want to be cared for. How you want the property to be handled. All of that stuff. I think it is really an exercise in the efficient transfer of assets. What we’re really trying to do is minimize cost, so that could be things like taxes, probate, all the documents, all that stuff. Make sure that your stuff goes to the right person, so you hear horror stories of like, the life insurance policy goes to an ex, instead of like a current spouse. All that stuff is on the table. 

Those are the objectives. Create a plan so than in the event, Tim, that you’re not here that you have a quarterback for someone that can make sure that property and healthcare decisions are taken care of. It doesn’t have to be the same person. These are typically through power attorneys and the kids are taken care of. Could be that you have a testimony trust that’s set up in the event that you and Jess are no longer here, so then the trust would be created for the benefit of the boys. All of that stuff.

It could be, part of the estate plan. It could be directions that you give directly to your doctor. That’s called the Living Will. That says, “Hey if I’m – I don’t want a breathing tube or I don’t want a feeding tube.” Those types of things. Every state’s going to be different. There’s lots of stuff to cover, but the objective, I think at the end of the day I would put at the top of the list is peace of mind. Peace of mind for you. Peace of mind for the family. The cost and all that stuff is important too, especially if you’re looking at larger estates. 

[0:10:52] TU: Yeah.

[0:10:52] TB: But at the end of the day, it’s peace of mind in making sure that your loved ones are cared for in a way that is in line with your wishes.

[0:11:01] TU: This is one of those areas too, Tim, I see there can be momentum that comes from not only having this complete but also having the clarity and the peace of mind of the documents in place. It reminds me of some of the discussions we’ve had around, whether it’s doing an estate calculation as we plan for retirement, whether it’s figuring out how we’re going to tackle the student loans. Sometimes those numbers won’t change dramatically in the short term, but if we can have some of the peace of mind and the clarity around knowing that we’ve done some of the calculations, the evaluation. We’ve considered different factors and now we have a plan that we’re working towards. That momentum can be really powerful as we look at the financial plan at large.

I think the same thing here that this is one of those looming things of like, I know I should do it. I don’t really want to do it. There’s a lot to consider here. It’s overwhelming. It’s confusing. It’s not fun to think about. But once we can see through this and again not something that we just complete and put up on the shelf. We want to revisit this as well. Really, I think gives us a space to be able to move forward with other parts of the plan, as well. 

[0:12:04] TB: Yeah. I feel like once this gets checked off it’s a little bit of like, all right like, we have more capacity to look at other things and be excited about some other things knowing that this is taking care of. Again, it’s not necessarily that we just throw it on the shelf and we never look at it, but for a lot of people just to get over that hump and having those documents in place is a big boulder to roll up the hill. Yeah, super important to get it in there. Then our job as planners is to dust it off every once in a while and say, “Hey, what does this look like? Are there changes that need to be made etc.?” 

[0:12:41] TU: In terms of action items. Let’s talk about three areas that folks can think about. One would be getting the documents in place and we’ll do a quick mention of what those documents are. Again, the work to be done there really with an estate planning – estate planning attorney, ideally in collaboration with your financial planner. The second would be considerations around the beneficiaries. Then the third, we’ll talk about the legacy folder. Tim, as we move into action items here, number one get your documents in place. At a high level, what are the documents that folks should be considering? 

[0:13:12] TB: Yeah. I’m just looking at the estate checklist that Shayna and I have in our financial planning portal, so I can just go through these. 

[0:13:19] TU: Yeah.

[0:13:20] TB: Imagine a list on the left and then my name and Shay’s name on the top of the column. These are things like a will. Essentially, once you pass away the court in probate will read your will. Then if it’s a valid will, they’ll basically execute to that. Do you have a will in place? Power of attorney. Really, two types of power of attorney. There could be one for property. Basically, someone that’s going to take control of your bank account, your credit cards, your investment accounts. Either in the event that you’re incapacitated or at your death and figure out work with the courts to dispose of those or move those to the beneficiaries in an orderly fashion.

It could be a Living Will. A Living Will is those instructions that are made out to the doctor. Every state has a different term for it, but you would say, “Hey, do not resuscitate.” Any of these conditions. It could be a Living Trust. A Living Trust is essentially, where you are – if she and I had a – in some states, this makes a lot of sense, but if Shay and I decided to set up a Living Trust we would essentially, instead of our house being in our names it would be in the Baker family trust and all of those assets essentially avoid probate. The trustee in that moment would essentially take control of the trust and any assets that are inside of it whether it’s a house, an investment account, or whatever, the trustee is in charge of that.

It could be if you have kids, it could be like a testimony trust for the benefit of a minor, so some of those become in force or they’re created at one’s death. That would be another thing. Is just, there’s a trust, there are lots of different flavors of trust, but that would be another one that I would ask the attorney about to see if it’s in your best interest to create those. Then the last thing, if I didn’t mention this already is a check on beneficiary designations and get to that a little bit more, but those are the main documents. 

[0:15:13] TU: Great overview. We also talked about this with two state plan attorneys, in Episode 222 of the YFP Podcast. We’ll link to that in the show note. We had a good conversation with Nathan and Notesong. I love the way they break down and explain these documents in a very easy, to understand way. Even as you’re engaging and working with an estate plan attorney again, I think it’s valuable to feel like you have some background knowledge and exactly what do these terms mean. That’s number one, get your documents in place. Tim, number two. You alluded to which is something that I’ve overlooked in days gone by. It’s really considering the beneficiaries, especially after you have some of these documents in place. What are the areas that we want to consider as it relates to the beneficiaries and why is this important? 

[0:15:57] TB: Yeah. Again, looking at Shame and I’s financial planning, software here, we’re looking at the beneficiary rundown. It shows all of our different accounts from check-in, savings, CDs, investment accounts, our life insurance, and that type of thing. It basically, says like this is the account balance and then like, what’s the death benefit? Typically, if it’s like a cash account or investment, it’s the same. For a life insurance policy, it won’t have an account balance, but it’ll have – unless it’s permanent, but it’ll have a death benefit. 

Account balance column, death benefit column. Then it has a primary and a contingent beneficiary. Essentially, if I were to pass away all of my stuff would essentially go to Shay. If we were to pass away, then all of our stuff would go to the contingent beneficiary, which might be direct to our kids or in a trust in the name that’s created for the kids’ benefit. Going through this exercise is really, really important, because again, you hear those horror stories of like this – my stuff didn’t go to the right person and that’s causing pain and additional pain and anguish to the surviving heirs.

Having a checklist to go through and make sure that things go to the right people is really, really important. If you haven’t done that in a while, it’s important to do so and a lot of people don’t have a beneficiary set up. If that’s the case, then that goes through probate. If there isn’t a beneficiary that IRA for example goes right to Shay or goes right to the trust and that is good, because it avoids probate and you don’t have to worry about that in court. That’s a really important thing to make sure that you’re on top of.

[0:17:46] TU: Yeah. I think the thing that might get overlooked here, Tim, is maybe someone has a spouse where on an IRA or on a life insurance policy whatever it may be where before they set up some of their state planning documents. It might be the spouse and vice versa that are listed as a beneficiary and depending on how they set up the trust in the estate planning documents, they may need to switch some of that over time. 

Again, I think it just speaks to yes, there’s a lift up front of work to be done, but as other parts of the plan evolve this is something we want to be revisiting every, so often. We’ll talk about what this looks like in relation to our planning services and how the planning team is regularly engaged in this activity. That’s number two. Check your beneficiaries. Number three. Tim, again, I think such an important part of this process especially from a peace of mind is around this concept of a legacy folder. Creating one if you don’t have one. Updating one if you already have one. Tell us about what this looks like.

[0:18:43] TB: Yes. If you’re all buttoned up in those other areas of the docks in place and beneficiaries, that’s great. You’re ahead of a lot of people. However, if your loved ones don’t know where to find everything like the documents or passwords like, it makes their life a lot harder. What the legacy folder is really meant to be is that gathering place of all of the things that are important related to this topic. The estate plan documents, life insurance policies, trust documents, and tax returns. You could include something there like a side letter.

Tim, if I pass away, I want my ashes to be sprinkled on a linking financial field that’s not going to be in an estate plan, so things like that, that you want your loved ones to know about, maybe final wishes and even like passwords like, I can’t tell you Tim, how many – we probably have 10,000 passwords each day. Where are those? How do your loved ones access them? 

I think if you can create a legacy folder and either put it in a fireproof safe or a safety deposit box or some people do this electronically and you can give that to a loved one along with a death certificate, they’re able to operate and basically manage your estate much, much easier than if they’re trying to look for things and dig through folders and drawers and parts of the house that they don’t necessarily know where to go.

It’s that, hey, this is a folder or a filing system that has all of the things that are important related to this topic that your loved one knows about. Communicate to them where this stuff is. It’s really important, too. This could be important for your own stuff. This also could be important for if you are the executor or the person for say a parent. It’s important to have your house in order, but I think it’s also important that if you are the person that might be taking care of elderly parents that you know that what the plan is for them, as well.

[0:20:52] TU: Yeah. Have a copy of those documents as well on hand. This reminds me, Tim. One of the things you’ve said before on the podcast is for you, I think when the clocks change you use that as a signal to pull your credit, right? Do check in your credit report.

[0:21:04] TB: That’s right.

[0:21:05] TU: I think a similar rhythm here like whatever that is, especially with how quick information can I change whether it’s passwords, whether it’s new accounts, new documents, transfers of accounts like making sure that you’re looking at this on the regular. I love what you said, right? That we can do such a great job in getting all these documents together, but do others and our loved ones know where these are at in the event that something would happen that this is needed. 

This reminds me much, Tim of a great conversation I had way back when with Michelle Cooper who wrote a book on the topic of her journey as a widow to Love, Happiness and Financial Independence navigating some of the challenges that can come when you lose a loved one. Not only, obviously, emotionally what’s happening at that moment, but also then being able to navigate through that difficult time, especially if you’re in a situation where maybe one of the people in a household taking over a more active role of the finances, making sure that all parties have a good understanding, but what’s going on and where those documents are located.

This is an area, Tim where I get a lot of peace knowing that. Hey, if my financial planning team has access to these documents or knows where this information is as well, as parents, and in-laws, or whoever is going to be an integral part of the execution. That also helps in understanding that there’s more than one party that’s going to be involved to be able to sort this out and to be able to work through this.

[0:22:33] TB: Yeah. Again, if you put yourself in maybe in the state of a grieving spouse and you’re working with a planner that has visibility on this type of thing like the life insurance companies or whoever you’re dealing with. They’re not coming out of the woodwork to pay a claim. I would be like, “Hey, what about this?” Again, not to be morbid, but I would say, “To Jess. Hey, what about this life insurance policy?” Or this that she might not be thinking of because that’s not where her brain is.

I was talking to a loved one recently. I think it was something like some type of insurance policy. He was the executor for another family member. He was like, trying to find this document. He got lucky like he found like the policy that he was able to put in a claim, but they’re not like, if something happens, they’re not like banging down the door for them to pay you money. If you have everything in order here, it just makes life a lot easier.

[0:23:33] TU: Yeah.

[0:23:33] TB: And from a financial perspective it makes things a lot easier to get the support that you need for the heirs, for the dependents that are left behind.

[0:23:44] TU: Tim, do you see for folks that choose to do the legacy folder electronically, I would assume there’s still somewhat of a hybrid approach, right? I’m thinking about things like social security cards, birth certificates, and other things that they might want to have physically of court, a physical document in a fire safe proof, whereas other things they want to house electronically that makes it for easier updating. Probably, I’m curious from your perspective or either how you and Shay do it. Do you see folks doing more, hey, everything is hard copy in a safe or try to do as much electronic, a hybrid, what do you see?

[0:24:19] TB: Yeah. I mean, I think there’s some services out there that trying to do like an electronic offering. For us it’s like, it’s both. I’m a big Google user, so like we have a folder that has essentially everything in it. We use a password vault. There’s a document that has instructions related to that. 

[0:24:42] TU: Yup.

[0:24:43] TB: But then there are some things that the way that I do, it’s “see hard copy” and then there’s a spot that, because I’m like, for me to go back and scan some of these things or like policies like, I don’t know, but we got time for that, Tim. It’s a hybrid approach. I think the ease of use of being able to share some folders electronically using something like Google along with some of the paper stuff is how we’ve pieced it together so to speak, yeah.

[0:25:13] TU: Tim as we wrap up, I want to talk about how we functionally execute on the estate planning part of the financial plan as relates to the financial planning services that our team offers at YFP Planning. I would say to rare that someone comes up to the door interested in our services and saying, “Can’t wait to work with you guys. We’re going to work on the estate planning part.” – 

[0:25:32] TB: That’s right, yeah.

[0:25:32] TU: The insurance part of the plan. Usually, it’s, “Hey, we’re focused on saving or investing for the future, retirement planning, perhaps those folks earlier in the journey student loans, home buying, growing family, etc.” But this is one regardless that we’ve got to make sure that we’re looking at whether it’s the first thing on the list or not. What does this look like in terms of the planning team and the service we offer and how we execute on this?

[0:25:55] TB: Yeah. The way that we do this. The way that we tackle the plan and then this part of the plan is we have the first part of our engagement with clients, we call the first five. The first five is really designed to go through the critical pieces of a financial plan. The first one is, get organized. This is where we are going to do a deep dive into your client portal. We’re going to look at your checking, your savings, your investment accounts, your house, your mortgage, your student loans, all of the things with an eye for what’s your net worth? What’s the quantitative starting point?

The second meaning of the first five is we call scripture plan which is all about, now that we know where we’re at from a balance sheet perspective, from a net worth perspective where we’re going, so like, what are the goals? Like what’s important to you? This might where you might say like, “I want to take that trip to Paris. I want to maybe go down to part-time or four days a week. I want to retire in the next five years. I want to start volunteering.” It’s like a roadmap of where we want to go. For us to be able to advise clients we need to know where they’re at balance sheet and where they want to go balance sheet and like the goal stuff.

Then from there, it’s a plan overview. We’re looking at hash positions, savings plan, debt management, student loans for a lot of our clients and making sure that we do have the balance sheet and the goals right, so we’re confirming that. Planning for major purchases that type of thing. The fourth thing is typically what we call wealth building, so that’s the investments retirement planning, making sure that we’re moving accounts over for us to manage, allocating that in a way that’s in line with the risk profile, potentially looking at building retirement paychecks that type of thing, social security stuff.

Then the fifth one, typically, is wealth protection. This is where we really get into things like life insurance, disability insurance, or through the heavy hitters. It could be health insurance, other things, property casualty insurance, but also the other protection is the estate plan. In the absence of an estate plan, we’re going to recommend that they work with an attorney to get the state plan in place or it could be reviewing that and making sure that it’s up to date, it’s in line with what they need. They’re not exposed in any way and that, it’s in line with their wishes.

Then from there, the plan goes into more of a plan review and implementation. It’s the things that drives that agenda and the things that the client wants to talk about, the things that we feel are maybe the bleeding head wounds like, “Hey did you sign your will? Did you sign your state documents yet?” Make sure that those are in force. The things that are — we view as exposure or risks to the plan and then our regularly scheduled program. Hey, it’s been two and a half years, Tim, since we actually like, did a formal beneficiary review. Let’s get into the client portal, go through these accounts, and make sure, oh, you add it. You bought the CD, where is that going to go? Or we added this Roth IRA, can we check the primary condition, and beneficiaries and make sure that we’re sprinkling those types of checks in as we go? It’s been a while since we looked at the credit report. Let’s look at that.

That’s our rhythm. That’s our cadence, so we want to make sure that throughout the course of our relationship with clients that we’re touching all parts of the financial plan not just the parts that are exciting like maybe investments. Unfortunately, the estate plan falls to the bottom of the barrel. We want to make sure that we bring that up from time to time. We want to make sure it’s there, but then also, it’s current and in line with everything that the client wants.

[0:29:41] TU: Its a great overview. I think that’s valuable for our listeners to hear. I think sometimes when folks are looking at financial planning services, we throw that term out there generically and that can and does look wildly different from one firm to another about what they cover, what do they not cover, how often do they meet, as we’ve talked about before variants and fees and charges and scope of services and fiduciary responsibilities or not. All of these things can be different and to get a sneak peek into the first five and what to expect with the planning team obviously estate planning as one part, but a lot of work to be done getting that plan set up to begin with as well as ongoing.

We feel strongly Tim, whether someone’s coming in the door, “Hey, I’m near retirement and I’ve got three, four, five million dollars saved.” Or they’re coming in the door with a net worth of negative three hundred thousand dollars, because of student loans and other liabilities that it’s important that we walk through methodically. Those steps as we’ve seen that – in some cases maybe they’ve done some of that work, but often there’s some opportunities to be able to shore that up and make sure as you point out before we develop the path forward of whatever that plan is, whether that be starting at the beginning of saving or withdrawing some of that as they go into retirement. We got to have a good vision of where we’re going. We got to get organized before we can even do that. 

Great stuff, Tim. Dustin off the estate plan quick overview as we mentioned we’ll link to some of the previous episodes that we’ve talked about on this topic. One that will revisit occasionally as well for folks that are looking to learn more about YFP Planning, this comprehensive financial planning services. You can go to yfpplanning.com. We’ll also put a link in the show notes where you can book a free discovery call to learn more. Thanks so much, Tim.

[0:31:21] TB: Yeah. Thanks, Tim.


[0:31:22] TU: Before we wrap up today’s episode of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast, I want to again thank our sponsor the American Pharmacists Association. APHA is every pharmacist ally advocating on your behalf for better working conditions fair PBM practices and more opportunities for pharmacists to provide care. Make sure to join a bolder APHA to gain premier access to financial educational resources and to receive discounts on YFP products and services. You can join APHA at a 25% discount by visiting pharmacist.com/join and using the coupon code YFP. Again, that’s pharmacist.com/join using the coupon code YFP.

As we conclude this week’s podcast an important reminder that the content on this show has provided you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding material should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment.

Furthermore, the information contained in our archive, newsletters, blog, posts and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist unless, otherwise noted and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward-looking statements which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer.

Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week



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YFP 309: Top 10 Tax Blunders Pharmacists Make

Sean Richards, CPA, EA, outlines the ten most common mistakes he saw pharmacists make throughout the most recent tax season. This episode is sponsored by First Horizon.

About Today’s Guest

Sean Richards, CPA, EA, received his undergraduate degree in Corporate Finance and Accounting, as well as his Master of Accountancy, from Bentley University in Waltham, MA. Sean has been a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) since 2015 and received his Enrolled Agent certification earlier this year. Prior to joining the YFP team, Sean was the Senior Treasury Manager at PRA Group, a global debt buyer based in Norfolk, VA. He began his career at American Tower Corporation where, over 10 years, he held several positions in audit, treasury, and accounting. As the Director of YFP Tax, Sean focuses on broadening the company’s existing tax planning and preparation operations, as well as developing and launching new accounting offerings, including bookkeeping, payroll, and fractional CFO services.

Episode Summary

The tax filing deadline is behind us so time to sit back and relax, right?! As YFP Director of Tax, Sean Richards, CPA, EA, tells us today, it’s important we are keeping tax front of mind year-round to avoid common blunders that show up during tax filing season. During this episode, Sean outlines ten of the most common mistakes he saw pharmacists make throughout the tax season including his thoughts on how year-round planning can help mitigate these mistakes.

Key Points From the Episode

  • Sean gives us his tax-season rundown.
  • The award for the most difficult state for tax returns! 
  • Sean takes us through ten of the most common tax mistakes made by pharmacists. 
  • The cause of the ‘unwelcome surprises’ and how to avoid them.
  • Not taking advantage of tax laws: energy credits.
  • Underestimating the power of the HSA; a grossly underutilized tool of the financial plan.
  • A good reminder about over-contribution.
  • Having someone in your court to help you avoid taking nonqualified IRA distributions.
  • Not saving for taxes when earning additional income.
  • Also for our side hustlers: not expecting the FICA tax on self-employment income.
  • Some of the mishaps and mistakes that have to do with employer-dependent care.
  • Not factoring in PSLF when choosing a filing status.
  • Reporting implications: overlooking considerations with cryptocurrency.
  • A bonus mishap: education around extensions.
  • How year-round strategy planning can help pharmacists optimize their tax situation.

Episode Highlights

“I know, taxes aren’t something that people love to think about and want to be excited about but it’s one of those things where if you sweep it under the rug, it’s not going anywhere, it’s only going to grow under there.” — Sean Richards [0:6:55]

“If you’re making money that’s outside of a W2, whether it’s investment income, capital gains, whether it’s a side hustle, really anything where you’re not seeing that federal income tax withheld line, you better be putting taxes aside or being ready to pay that at the end of the year.” — Sean Richards [0:21:45]

“Crypto is treated like an investment as far as the IRS is concerned. It’s like a stock.” — Sean Richards [0:31:39]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[0:00:00.4] TU: Hey everybody, Tim Ulbrick here, and thank you for listening to The YFP Podcast, where each week, we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom.

On today’s episode, I welcome the director of tax, Sean Richards, back onto the show. Now that he has had a chance to take a breath from the last few months, working toward the tax filing deadline, I pick Sean’s brain about some of the most common blunders that he saw pharmacists make throughout the season and how year-round planning can help individuals not only avoid these mistakes but also optimize their tax situation.

If you’re looking to learn more about how YFP’s comprehensive tax planning service can help you and your tax situation, go to yfptax.com. Again, that’s yfptax.com Okay, let’s hear it from today’s sponsor, and then we’ll jump into the show.


[0:00:48.3] TU: Does saving 20% for a downpayment on a home feel like an uphill battle? It’s no secret that pharmacists have a lot of competing financial priorities, including high student loan debt, meaning that saving 20% for a downpayment on a home may take years. We’ve been on a hunt for a solution for pharmacists that are ready to purchase a home loan with a lower downpayment and are happy to have found that option with First Horizon.

First Horizon offers a professional home loan option, AKA, a doctor or pharmacist home loan that requires a 3% downpayment for a single-family home or townhome for first-time home buyers, has no PMI, and offers a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage on home loans up to USD 726,200. The pharmacist home loan is available in all states except Alaska and Hawaii and can be used to purchase condos as well. However, rates may be higher and a condo review has to be completed. 

To check out the requirements for First Horizon’s pharmacist home loan, and to start the pre-approval process, visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan. Again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan.


[0:02:00.2] TU: Sean, welcome back to the show.

[0:02:01.8] SR: Thanks for having me. Yeah, it feels like it’s been a while but I think that’s just because tax season tends to you know, slow time down for some of us over here.

[0:02:09.7] TU: You look much more rested than I saw you just a few weeks ago. So here we are on the other side of the tax filing deadline. We’re going to talk all in this episode about some of what you saw this season with the hopes that pharmacists can prevent some of those mishaps as they work throughout the year on their taxes but looks like you’ve been – haven’t had a chance to maybe recharge and refresh on sleep. So how are you feeling post-tax of mine?

[0:02:34.3] SR: Yeah, I’m feeling great. I’ve been catching up on some of the things that have been put on side burners so to speak but definitely getting a little bit of sleep, catching up with the family and stuff. It feels good. I’m well rested, there are still some things to tie up from last year but ready to move forward and look ahead to next year and like you said, try to hopefully get some of these ideas in people’s minds so they can plan now and not have any of this kind of hiccups or roadblocks come up next year.

[0:02:59.5] TU: So give us the rundown. I know there’s still work to be done with some of the individual and business extensions and some of the more complicated returns but how many returns did you and the team do thus far?

[0:03:09.2] SR: We did over 200 federal returns and a similar number on the state side. So I mean, if you think some folks have multiple states, some people are in states that don’t have taxes so you know, you kind of, they work themselves out there but yeah, over 200 federal returns. We did a fair number of extensions, there are some business returns mixed in there, so it’s kind of all over the place but that’s the rough number between the few of us here.

So definitely, it feels like quite an accomplishment here but yup, I mean, definitely have some of those more complex returns that we want to give a little bit more TLC to, those are still hanging out there. So now that we’re past the big push, we can really focus and try to maximize savings for those folks. So excited.

[0:03:48.1] TU: Which state, Sean? Which state wins the award for the most difficult state when it comes to returns?

[0:03:53.3] SR: Boy, I don’t know if I’m going to be getting a misery love company or if I’m going to be jading people because I feel like a lot of our listeners kind of land in this territory where our headquarters are but I had to say, Ohio, probably gets the cake, Pennsylvania right up there, close second but yeah, those two are probably the worst I’d have to say. 

So again, hopefully, people aren’t sitting there saying, “I love those states” and if that’s the case, you know, all the power to you but not for me.

[0:04:20.8] TU: Yeah and one of the opportunities, challenges, depending on how you want to look with it, you know, we’ve got tax clients, financial planning clients all across the country, which is a unique opportunity and challenge when you think about all of the nuances that happen, especially in the tax side, right? On a state basis or even here in Ohio, we have the RITA, Regional Income Tax Authority, did I get that right Sean?

[0:04:43.1] SR: Yup, you got it right.

[0:04:43.9] TU: Which provides another wrinkle. So it’s fun to hear you and the team complain about Ohio and PA and you know, some of the other states perhaps are a little bit easier. So let’s jump into the most common mistakes Sean, that you and the tax team so far is just making and we’ve compiled these on our website, yfptax.com. If you want to download these and read a little bit more information on each one, please do that.

So we’re going to go through this one by one and again, the hope of this is that we really want to shift the perspective around taxes that the only time we think about taxes are April, when we’re filing, right? This really needs to be proactive year-round planning. We’ll talk more about that at the end of the show and that’s why we thought, “Hey, here we are in the month of May, tax season is over but this is not a, ‘Put it up on the shelf, worry about it ‘till next year.’”

This is the prime opportunity to really be learning from the season that just was and looking at the opportunities ahead of how can we best optimize the situation before we get back into the filing next year. Again, If you want to download a copy of the guide where we talk about some of these mistakes, you can go to yfptax.com and do that. So number one on our list Sean, perhaps the most common, I would presume, you can tell me if otherwise is folks that got a surprise bill or a surprise refund when they got to filing. 

So my question here is, tell us more but what is the usual cause of these unwelcomed surprises?

[0:06:14.7] SR: Yeah, I would say that’s the most common and it’s probably purely because if you take a lot of these other things that we’ll talk about, they all sort of work their way into that at the end of the day. You know, if you’re making a mistake, somewhere along the way, you’re probably going to end up with either a large bill or a large refund, so it kind of encapsulates everything.

Yeah, and just to kind of go back to your point before, this really is the best time to be looking at these things. I mean, any time of the year is good but when you’re coming off tax season, you might be disappointed or looking at things saying, “Oh, that didn’t go the way I hoped it would, I had a bill or I had the refund.” You don’t want to just kind of say, “Oh, finally, I’m done with it, we’re passed the 18th, I’m filed” and sort of shake your hands off and say because what’s going to happen is you’ll be in the same spot next year. 

I mean, I know, taxes aren’t something that people love to think about and want to be excited about but it’s one of those things where if you sweep it under the rug, it’s not going anywhere, it’s only going to grow under there. So yeah, the surprise bills and refunds, I mean, that can really be a litany of different things that can cause it. The biggest thing I would say probably by far is really just simply not withholding correctly at your job.

And this one frustrates a lot of folks and I don’t blame people because you know, people will say, “Hey, I’ve been at the same company for a while now” or “You know, my situation’s not that complex, how can they not be withholding properly?” and I have to say as a tax accountant, I don’t love the new W4 that the IRS rolled out a few years ago. If anyone working for the IRS is listening to this and they want to give me their opinion on it, feel free, my line is open because you know, I’m a tax accountant.

[0:07:43.0] TU: I don’t think we have many pharmacists that are IRS agents.

[0:07:44.7] SR: Oh hey, you never know, there’s a little bit of overlap here. You don’t have to be a pharmacist to listen to the pod but no, I mean, with that one, I just, I really wish there was a way as an accountant to be able to say “Hey, withhold 18% from this client, please. Just withhold 20% from this client” but it’s not that simple. I know what they’re trying to do, they want to make it more user-friendly where folks kind of can’t mess that stuff up, or if they don’t know how to come up with that number, it’s supposed to kind of guide you through it. 

So I think the biggest thing there is that the W4 is sort of designed to try to pick up everything else that’s going on in your financial life aside from just that one job that you’re working and typically, what will happen is folks will get married and they won’t update their filing status or they’ll get married or maybe not even get married but say, they already were married, their spouse gets another job. 

They have a side gig and these are all things that you know if your company – your system doesn’t really know that that’s happening, right? So if you’re making money off to the side, doing another job, you work multiple jobs, your spouse works multiple jobs, you know all those things factor into what your tax bill is going to be at the end of the day and if your company doesn’t know what’s going on then it can’t withhold properly and I say, your company, the payroll company was kind of doing all that stuff behind the scenes.

So that one is tough because there’s not a perfect answer. Really, the best way to do it is to take a look in the middle of the year and say, “Okay, where am I at, where was I at last year?” You know obviously if you had any kind of issues last year, you can submit a new W4 and how to change that but doing a projection midyear, take a look at what you’ve already withheld, what you withheld last year, and try to tweak that now, that’s definitely the best time to do it.

[0:09:19.1] TU: Yeah, and we’re going to come back to that topic Sean, of a mid-year projection, why it’s so important on the tax side as we get into the summer months. So stay tuned for more. Again, we’re going to be talking tax all throughout the year as we think it’s certainly an important part of the financial plan. So that’s number one, would be a surprise bill of refund at filing. 

Number two Sean, not taking advantage of tax laws. This makes me think of some of the recent changes that you’ve talked about before on the show surrounding the inflation reduction act, and the electric vehicle credits. I know this seemed to cause a fair amount of confusion and concern this year during tax season, and maybe some surprises as well. So what are you referring to here as it relates to not taking advantage of the tax laws?

[0:10:00.8] SR: Yeah, and with that in particular, I mean, we keep kind of harping on the energy credits but that’s where the tax law tends to be going now. I mean, all these things that are coming out, there are changes sort of across the board but the biggest piece and where the biggest dollar savings are tend to be these renewable energy credits, improvements to your home that are energy efficient, things like that.

And yeah, at the end of last year, the inflation reduction act went in and there was a lot of confusion as to which credits change when those credits change. So some of the electric vehicle stuff happened at the day that the law actually went into effect, whereas some of the other energy credits like home improvements like I mentioned, windows and things like that, didn’t really increase until this year, 2023 going forward. 

So there were folks who spent money last year and were expecting a larger credit for their taxes in 2022 and didn’t see that. So it’s really just, you know, it’s difficult to stay on top of the tax law, especially if you’re not a tax accountant or aren’t familiar with those types of things and especially if you want to stay out of politics too but it’s really challenging because it’s one of those things where if you’re not spending the money in the right timeframe, it’s not something you can go back and change after the fact. 

You know, if you put windows on your house now that’s a 2023 event. When we’re doing your taxes in 2024, we can’t say “Hey, I wish you had not done your windows because they’re already done.” So it’s something where it’s really important to make sure that if you’re spending money, thinking that you’re going to get a credit or you’re hoping you’re going to get a credit, really understanding when those things go into effect, what the dollar value is, and what the limits are. 

That’s another thing that some of these things, they’re increasing their limits but they do still exist. So you know, if you spend, USD 50,000 on an improvement, you’re not necessarily going to get a USD 50,000 credit.

[0:11:42.6] TU: Yeah, and we’ve got some info on this, yfptax.com, we’re going to be updating this throughout the year as well so make sure to check out the information there and Sean, this is just another testament to why the year-round planning is so important, right?

If we’re looking at this in the tax year, so here we are, now in 2023, obviously, next spring, spring 2024, we’ll be filing for 2023. At that point, right? Decisions have been made in terms of what happened during that year.

So are there adjustments that we can be making mid-year or are there tax laws and situations like this that we can make sure we’re up to speed or at least have the right understanding before we make some of these bigger purchases that may or may not have the impact that we’re hoping they’re going to have.

So that’s number two, not taking advantage of the tax laws. Number three, Sean. I have to say this one pained me a little bit because we’ve talked so much about this on the show.

[0:12:34.4] SR: So much.

[0:12:35.1] TU: Which is, underestimating the power of the HSA, the health savings account. You know, we’ve continued to emphasize how this – only has tax advantages but we still see this as an utter underutilized tool in terms of the financial plan. So tell us more about what you’re seeing here.

[0:12:51.8] SR: Yeah, I think with the HSA, it’s one of those things where people think, “Oh, I need to have a lot of medical expenses to take advantage of it. If I’m putting money there and I don’t use it, I’m not going to get the full advantage of it” but really, you need to not have that mindset and really think of it as a secondary retirement vehicle basically where if you do have expenses that you need to take advantage of it, it exists for you. 

But if you think of it almost as a second IRA or something like that, then it kind of shifts that mindset of, “Oh, I need to have these health expenses” but yeah, HSAs, I know, ad nauseum we talk about it but they have the triple tax benefit. You get the deduction for your contributions, you get tax-free growth and you get to take it out tax-free. So you rarely see that triple tax benefit. This is one of those ones where there is a little bit more flexibility. 

I just mentioned some of those credits and having to get the dollar spent during the year. You have a little bit of flexibility with the HSA where you usually have up until the filing deadline to actually make contributions or on the flip side and we saw a lot of this is people who work multiple jobs or got married in kind of weren’t talking to their spouse and over-contributed. So you want to make sure if you did that, you pull that money out so you avoid any penalties there.

And again, you have a little bit of flexibility after year-end to make those changes but to any extent you can avoid that, obviously, it makes sense but yeah, the limits are going up next year. I think 77.50 for a family plan, you have to be on a high deductible plan but if you are and you’re not taking advantage, you’re really just losing out on that benefit honestly.

[0:14:15.5] TU: Sean, I’m glad you mentioned the over-contribution mishap that might happen here and I think it’s a good reminder. Tim Baker was my ear, you know, anytime we talk about backdoor or Roth IRAs, he’s always beaten the drama of you know, really there’s a lot of nuances to consider and we see on the planning side, our planning team works with a lot of folks that you know, are trying to unwind some of the mistakes related to the backdoor Roth IRA contributions.

And I think it’s a good reminder that as there’s more and more information out there, right? We talk about HSAs, it’s readily available, something you can learn about that yeah, we still have to cross out Ts and dot our Is and I think having someone in your corner, right? Financial planners, tax professionals, perhaps both that can help make sure we’re executing this properly, really, really important. 

Number four on the list, Sean, taking nonqualified IRA distributions. We are talking before the show, perhaps maybe even a little bit broader than IRAs, tell us more about this one.

[0:15:09.0] SR: Yeah, IRAs are really just kind of retirement plans in general. I know we just mentioned HSA as they’re a sort of a secondary retirement vehicle but just not taking advantage or properly utilizing IRAs. So we’ll start with the IRA piece, there are a couple of different things there. You can get a deduction for traditional IRA contributions.

Folks typically phase out of that pretty quickly and then the next kind of phase-out level will be your Roth contributions and kind of what you were just alluding to is that folks also kind of pretty quickly phase out of that as well and that’s one of those things where you don’t want to end up at the end of the year saying, “Ah, you made too much money but you already contributed this to your Roth.” 

So now you’re going to go back and pull it out and then try to do the backdoor that Tim was talking about. So yeah, to any extent, again, you can have somebody in your corner where you can say, “Hey, this is what I’ve done so far this year, does this make sense? Am I going to over contribute, am I going to be in a good spot? Do I have room to contribute more?” Definitely make sense to do and again, you know the IRA limits are going up next year.

Again, the contribution limit. So taking advantage of that makes a lot of sense and the other piece that you didn’t really mention there but we kind of alluded to is just retirements in general. I mean, 401(k)s at people’s businesses, not taking advantage of those. You know, having extra cash on hand and not maxing out your 401(k) whether it’s a Roth to get the benefits in the future or a traditional to get that tax benefit now. 

I mean, either way, we saw a lot of situations where folks had a lot of cushion there and could have contributed more and that’s one where that at 1231, you can’t go back. So can’t turn back time, got to get those in before the year and again, having someone in your court to say, “Hey, you know, you’ve only contributed up to 30% of your 401(k) and we’re already in October, you might want to do some catch ups” is really important.

[0:16:47.8] TU: Sean, did you get a feel, I’m just curious, from folks that, if I heard you correctly, it looked like they’re wise margin there. They could have made those contributions or as cash on hand but didn’t. You know is that just a, “Hey, we overlooked it” or do you have a sense of you know, some of the volatility in the market, inflation, what’s going on in the broader economy, that there’s some hesitancy in the contributions into the retirement vehicles and people wanting to hold on to more of that cash.

[0:17:11.2] SR: It could be a lot of different things. I mean, it could also just be an education thing. I mean, I know, even when I first started out at a corporate job coming out of the school, you get all these different paperwork and everything and they say, “Here’s your 401(k), here’s this, here’s that” and you’re just saying, “Okay, I want to get the company match. Great, I’ll put this amount down and everything” and you don’t really realize that you have a limit that you can hit yourself and kind of capitalize on. 

So I think it’s really just a matter of maybe not looking at cash flow, like you were saying, potentially not taking a look at that in the middle of the year. I don’t think there’s a whole lot of hesitancy with the market or anything like that. I think it’s more just a matter of, you kind of set it and forget it and you know, you come to the end of the year and somebody says to you, “Hey, did you know that you could have knocked USD 5,000 off of your taxable income if you’d contributed more to your 401(k)?” and a lot of people just say, “I didn’t know that” so.

[0:17:59.3] TU: Yeah, yup. Seeing the numbers, right? I think in help and hindsight and you know, once you see the impact on the tax situation like, “All right, got it, point made, I’ll make that a correction for next year.” Number five, Sean, I think is one we have not yet talked enough about on this show, which is not employing a bunching strategy for charitable giving.

So here without talking obviously about donations and really looking at how to potentially alternate as you look at the standard deduction and then bunching these and those off year. So tell us more about this one.

[0:18:30.5] SR: Yup. So this one is more of a unique scenario. It’s one that we always take a look at but not everybody’s going to fall into this bucket but if you do, it’s something that if you’re able to take advantage of, it can be very, very powerful. So the idea of bunching is really trying to pull itemized deductions as much as you can into one year and then in the next year, not having as many and taking the standard deduction because it just getting higher and higher nowadays. 

I mean, just the number of folks that we see taking the standard deduction, even though they have things like mortgage interest and taxes that they’re paying for still taking advantage of the standard deduction because it’s so much higher. 

So yeah, if you’re looking at it and you say, “Hey, you know, I was USD 500 away from the standard reduction” or “I itemized USD 500 more than the standard deduction this year” and you had quite a bit of charitable contributions, if you’re able, again, sort of pull those in and say, “Hey, if I’m going to do a thousand dollars over the next two years, I’m going to do a thousand dollars this year and maybe not anything next year” and you can do it on 1231 so you kind of the same feel for giving to them that the charity.

But, if you’re able to do that and take advantage of it, it can be really powerful, and that way you’re not losing out. That was one thing we got a lot of is, “Hey, I have a house and I paid this mortgage interest but I am taking the standard deduction. So am I losing that benefit?” and it’s not the best way to look at it but you’re not really getting the full benefit if you’re doing it that way.

[0:19:50.1] TU: Yeah, as you mentioned, this really applies, not to say that everyone, depending on the amounts of folks are giving but especially for those individuals that are giving additional dollars to various organizations, churches, nonprofits, communities, et cetera, there could be some real benefits to the bunching strategy and I’m you know, one who is victim to this in terms of just behavior, right? 

Where you might have contributions on an automatic monthly payment or you’re planning for it throughout the year and you just don’t take the time to take a step back and say, “Okay, from a strategy standpoint, I’m going to do the standard deduction this year and then we’re going to do the bunching strategy next year.” So again, just some proactive planning to make this happen.

[0:20:31.6] SR: And it doesn’t always work for everybody because I mean, I talk to people who said, “Hey, that doesn’t match my giving strategy” and that’s perfectly fine.

[0:20:37.8] TU: Sure, yup.

[0:20:38.3] SR: It’s really just if you wanted to help out your financial strategy, there are options out there. I’m not saying you should change the way you give to your charities. It just exists, right?

[0:20:48.6] TU: Number six and number seven are specifically for folks out there that are earning some additional income, side hustling, business income. So number six, Sean, not saving for taxes when earning additional income.

It sounds obvious but we see more and more pharmacists that are dabbling in various side hustles, consulting businesses, so I think this is becoming a more prevalent mistake, probably one that maybe you make once and then you don’t make again but talk to us about what you’re saying here.

[0:21:16.4] SR: Yeah. So I mean, it does sound simple on the surface but again, if you’re not used to it or it’s not something that you’ve kind of done before, it’s not second nature, I guess. So right, if you, you know, you work a W2 job, that federal income tax is being taken out, hopefully correctly, although as I mentioned in the first thing here, sometimes it’s not correct but you know, hopefully, your income tax is being taken out at the end of the year.

You sort of do a true-up and maybe owe a little bit, maybe you get a little bit back but that’s that. If you’re making money that’s outside of a W2, whether it’s investment income, capital gains, whether it’s a side hustle, or really anything where you’re not seeing that federal income tax withheld line, you better be putting taxes aside or being ready to pay that at the end of the year and like you said, typically, that’s one where if you make the mistake, you don’t do it again in the future. 

But you know, I think some people are just really excited about making money and they want to pour the money back into their business, which is perfectly fine. You know, we want to encourage people to build their businesses and invest back in but just make sure you’re setting aside enough at the end of the year to kind of make sure you have at least a little bit of a cushion there and having somebody to do that calculation for you. 

Because you know, just because you’re going to – you think you’re going to net this much at the end of the year, doesn’t mean that that’s what your tax bill will be. I mean, there’s lots of ins and outs there, different things you can do. So having somebody to be able to take a look and say, “Hey, you know, as of right now, you’ve made 50k of non-withheld income so you’re going to want to put 20% of that aside, 25% of that aside, just be ready for it.”

[0:22:45.8] TU: Yeah, and I think there’s here, a couple of pieces you’re highlighting, right? Which are the mechanics of where do I save it, how much should I be saving based on how much I’m earning, and then at what point do I need to be making quarterly estimated payments and I do this, right? 

I reached out to you and say, “Hey Sean, we’re coming up on the Q1 estimated payment.” Like based on what we’re seeing in terms of the financial statements like, what’s the plan, and then we’re saving in a tax account along the way to be ready for those payments. So good thing, right? If you’re paying tax, you’re growing the business. 

[0:23:15.0] SR: Exactly and I will admit the IRS estimated payment process, it doesn’t really even feel that natural. I mean, you are kind of doing the math yourself, going onto the website and just saying, “All right, here it is” and they just take it and then at the end of the year, it does. It comes into your play, it’s one of the lines where you basically say, “Okay, what did you withhold? What did you pay in? What did you owe?” and we do the math on it. 

But it just feels like you’re sort of sending money out into the abyss when you make the payments. So I kind of understand that folks are a little apprehensive and would rather hold off but again, I mean, I’m conservative. I’m a tax accountant but at the end of the day, I’d rather get a little bit more money back than owe a lot of money. 

[0:23:55.0] TU: Yeah and Sean, a separate conversation for a separate day. This is a little bit more to the business strategy but one of the things that I like about withholding at least a quarter of it but at least on your own side even on a monthly basis is it forces you to look at the financials of the business a little bit more closely, right? 

So I think there can be a tendency if I am not paying tax and then I get either caught off by a surprise bill or I just wait until the end of the year and pay it, you know, you may fall into the trap of assuming your business is more profitable than it actually is and so really looking at what is the service, what’s the product you’re offering and what’s the true financials if you’re considering the tax. 

[0:24:31.1] SR: Not to go too far off but another big thing is that a lot of people kind of just assume that cash and profit are the same thing. 

[0:24:36.4] TU: Exactly. 

[0:24:37.1] SR: That’s not always the situation, right? So you could have a big profit at the end of the day but if you are pouring that cash back in, you might not have any cash on hand. So they don’t always go one for one and if you get away from that it can really end up causing some problems for sure. 

[0:24:51.7] TU: Preach it, Sean. We need to come back and do an episode on that, the difference between cash on hand and profit of a business, so that’s a good one. 

[0:24:58.3] SR: Yeah, that one, I’ll make a note because that could be like a double episode but yep, I’ll put that one on the back burner for sure. 

[0:25:04.7] TU: So that’s number six, not saving for taxes when you’re earning additional income. Number seven, also for our side hustlers and those that are running a business, not expecting the FICA tax on self-employment income. Tell us more about the FICA tax here. 

[0:25:17.7] SR: Yep, so that’s kind of similar varied, similar vein as to what we were just talking about really just having to kind of put that money aside but again, something that’s not second nature. It’s not something that you’d really be typically thinking about until you get into this and potentially make a mistake, hopefully not but right. When you have these W2 jobs and the money is being taken out, you’re withholding for yourself and you’re paying social security and Medicare, which we call FICA for yourself. 

Your employer is paying half of that for you whether you realize it or not and when you are self-employed, so you have a partnership or your own kind of business and you are getting that money in, you have to pay that portion of FICA yourself. Now, the benefit is that you get that employer portion that the employer typically would be paying for you on a W2. You do get that as a deduction, so it helps a little bit but yeah. 

I mean, that what was it? 15.7% or whatever for FICA is coming out of your bill at the end of the day. So on top of the regular income tax you have to set aside, you should really be saving for that as well. That’s where you’ve heard me say before, you know, 20, 25%, maybe up to 30% depending on what your bracket is, you start to add that FICA in on top of it and you could be looking at quite a bit to be setting aside. 

[0:26:27.6] TU: Yeah Sean, this was one I would add to this as well. You know, the surprise of the cost of health insurance. This is one as well, you put those together and you go from a W2 job to running your own business is like, “Oh, okay.” So again, right? You’re looking at the financials in a very different way. 

[0:26:44.5] SR: Yep, exactly. Things to keep in mind. 

[0:26:46.8] TU: Number eight, Sean, has to do with some of the mishaps and mistakes with employer-dependent care. Tell us more about this one. 

[0:26:53.3] SR: Yeah. So there is a lot of different things with dependent care benefits that you can add to dependent care FSA. So it’s a little bit different than the HSA but with that, that one really is a little bit more of the, you know, I was saying with the mindset within HSA, “Oh, if I don’t have medical expenses and I don’t use it, you know it’s not going to be worth it for me.” It turns into an investment vehicle if you don’t use it. 

Dependent care FSAs, flexible spending accounts, if you have cash in that, that is more of an “if you don’t use it, you lose it” kind of thing. So that is something where if you’re pushing cash aside, they are pre-taxed dollars. You want to make sure you are using that for dependent care expenses during the year and the other thing is that if you are getting benefits from your company, you want to make sure that you are also putting that and actually spending that on dependent care. 

When I say that, I mean a nanny or a daycare or even if it’s a family friend but somebody that you’re putting their social security down and saying, “Hey, I paid this person this much money to watch my children” otherwise, that can become a taxable event. So you want to make sure that if you have kids, you’re getting these benefits, that you are utilizing the cash during the year and not kind of ending up with excess in those accounts at the end of the year exactly. 

[0:27:58.9] TU: Number nine Sean, an oldie but a goodie, one that I think has lots of attention given the three-year loan pause and that is, not factoring in PSLF when choosing a filing status. Tell us more about this one. 

[0:28:11.3] SR: Yeah and this one, I mean, you just eluded to it. It’s been very, very challenging, especially with the client base that we work with having that ambiguity on what’s going on with the loan system and trying to give guidance on this front because it’s really tough when you’re saying, “Hey, we’re not exactly sure if they’re going to turn back on and how all that looks and when we’re going to have to recertify all these things.” 

But yeah, what we’re talking about here is that typically when folks get married, if filing joint tends to be the best approach there and we always do a comparison at least on our side to say, “Okay, you know all else equal from an objective tax standpoint, filing jointly will save you X number of dollars versus filing separately” but when you are talking about PSLF and you get into these income-based repayment plans and are looking at AGI, that can really swing very, very rapidly between what your AGI is as merely filing separate individual versus your combined AGI with your spouse when you’re filing joint. 

So this is one where it’s a classic like you just mentioned Tim Baker, the old “it depends” really depends on your individual circumstances here. You’re going to want to look and say, “Hey, what do I have on my side? What does my spouse have on their side? If you separate us, what does that look like? What is my income base repayment plan? What numbers are they looking at?” and really like we just said, “When do I have to recertify these things?”

“When am I going to have these payments?” because it’s a matter of you could save $200 by filing jointly this year but if you are saving $50 a month on your payment by filing separately, that adds up very quickly. So it’s something where there’s a lot of moving pieces but it is something where if you are not looking at those pieces, you can very, very quickly end up spending a lot more money than you think. 

[0:29:49.3] TU: Yeah and it is so important. You know, we’re talking about PSLF here but the intersection of student loans and the tax strategy is one of many examples where the financial plan and the tax plan need to be jiving, and this example specifically brings us back to the origins of FYP Tax, right? I remember Tim Baker talking about, “Hey, we would develop these beautiful student loan repayment strategies and plans.”

Then they’d be, “Hey, go talk to your accountant” and not all accountants are well-versed in student loans, which is fair, right? Based on how nuanced they are and right now, how rapidly this information is changing. So shoutout to you Sean, the YFP Tax team, you know working with a tax prepare, working with an accountant that understands student loans. Again, this is just one example but really, the intersection of the financial plan and the tax plan is so important that those are jiving in the same direction. 

[0:30:39.8] SR: Yeah and like you said, I mean, not all accountants know about it and I know enough to be dangerous with it but you have to have financial planners that know about that too. I mean, that is something where I could be working with you and say, “Hey, I think from a tax standpoint it looks like this” and you could go bring that to your planner, and if they’re not really thinking about these implications, they can really get away from you quickly, you’re right. 

[0:30:58.3] TU: Number 10 on our list of ten common mistakes, mishaps that pharmacists were making during the most recent tax season is overlooking considerations with cryptocurrency. I mean, what would be a tax episode if we didn’t talk about crypto in digital assets, so what do we see here? 

[0:31:12.4] SR: Well, this one probably is a little bit different than we’ve seen in the past with crypto. It wasn’t so much that we are seeing people with these big gains that they were necessarily expecting. In fact, if anything it might have been the opposite given what kind of happened with the market and everything last year but in that and what I would say with that is you know, if you kind of take the gain-loss implications aside, the biggest thing I would say here is just the reporting aspect of it.

So cryptocurrency again and I feel like I harp on this all the time is crypto is treated like an investment as far as the IRS is concerned. It’s like a stock, so if you go and you’re doing all these microtransactions all the time and you’re using your crypto wallet to buy coffee down the street, that is effectively saying, “Okay, I’m going to sell X number of shares at this price on this day” whatever I bought it for back in the day that same security. 

You need to look at what your basis was and do the math, so if you are doing hundreds and thousands of these transactions every year, the reporting implications are significant and that’s not something where you can say and I am not just saying this because I’m an accountant, I’m biased where you can’t just say to your accountant, “Hey, here is my list of a thousand transactions, you know, figure it out for me.” 

You need to make sure that whatever system you’re using can spit that out in a digestible manner whether it is actually getting a form from the IRS or kind of getting a summary and one thing that we have seen is in a lot of these companies and I don’t blame them necessarily but a lot of them will kind of rope you in and say, “Hey, you know it is going to cost you five dollars a month for the basic crypto wallet” and everything like that. 

Then you get to the end of the year and all the tax forms that you need will be kind of an extra charge and you are not thinking about it and folks will say, “Well, I have an accountant, they can kind of do that for me” but I mean, again, and I am not just saying that because I don’t want to do it. It really is a matter of an accountant simply can’t take thousands of transactions and stick them onto a form. 

It is not a practical thing that can happen. So you want to make sure that whatever you’re doing and again, if you want to do all those transactions, hey, power to you but keep in mind it’s like you’re selling shares. You need to make sure you are getting something out of your system that an accountant can then use and file your taxes with because it’s not like spending money. It’s like selling stocks. 

[0:33:19.6] TU: Yeah, I am hopeful Sean, this is another one you know, where you can make this mistake once and you maybe approach it differently in the future, right? I think this is an education where your explanation is spot on. If we look at this in the eyes of the IRS, which is that we’re making a transaction in terms of like we were selling stock and especially if we’re using it to purchase things on a daily basis, right? 

A store, a cup of coffee, groceries, whatever like we don’t think about our stocks like that typically and so I think that — not to say people may not transact crypto for purchases just like you would dollars out of a brokerage account but maybe not on the frequency that it’s happening if you are able to think of it in that way and understand the reporting and the tax implications there, so great explanation. 

[0:34:04.6] SR: Exactly. I think like I said, that the basis is really the biggest thing and I, you know, people, if you talk to me you’ll hear me say it all the time and you’re probably sick of it but it is really being able to trace back and say again, like it’s like a stock, right? So if I sell XYZ NFT today, I need to make sure I know what I purchase XYZ NFT for in the future, and when you are doing all these things and you’re day trading so to speak, and saying, “All right, I am going to flip this one here and I’m going to go buy crypto with this one” and kind of moving, each one of those things has to be kind of traced back to the origin. 

If you don’t have that information, you could end up paying more, honestly. You know, if you don’t have the basis information and you are just going to end up sell, reporting it on your sale price and not have the basis in there, you can end up either paying more or again, reporting incorrectly. Both of those are not what we’re hoping for in our side at least. 

[0:34:55.9] TU: So if anyone heard Sean correctly as I heard him, all of your handwritten crypto transactions, your reports, your chicken scratch, you can email those to [email protected]. He will gladly – just kidding. 

[0:35:07.8] SR: Yep, I will go through all of it in all of my free time now. Absolutely, I will break it all down for you, please. 

[0:35:14.0] TU: Awesome. So that’s our ten common mistakes that you saw pharmacists making throughout the tax season. Can I add one more? We’re going to do a bonus round here for a moment and – 

[0:35:22.5] SR: Yeah, go for it. 

[0:35:23.2] TU: I think we need to do some education around extensions, right? I think this is an area where I know firsthand the first time I extended several years ago and I have gotten used to that practice now. It can feel uncomfortable, am I doing something wrong, does that mean I’m delinquent? But as you eluded to at the beginning of the show, there are some extensions that are happening with the more complex returns. 

We want to make sure that we have the time that we need. The misperception I think, I could be wrong, that’s out there is extension means bad or extension means delinquent but that’s not the case, right? So tell us more about the use of extensions and why they may be appropriate. 

[0:36:01.9] SR: Yeah, glad you’re giving me the bonus round. I would have had this as 1-A on my list if I would have thought that you would have actually allowed me to record this podcast if I did that. I thought that I came over the top of that one, we might be deferring this recording out to a future date but no, extensions, yeah. So it is actually kind of twofold. I would say that from who I’ve talked to and this could be clients. 

I mean, even family members that I was talking to during the tax season, checking up on how things are kind of going, I would say with the negative connotation, it’s one of two camps. It’s either, “Hey, the extension means bad and delinquent” or extension means, “Hey, I’m this crazy tax guy who has offshore accounts and you know, I make five million dollars and I need to have my accountant spend the extra time to do all of this stuff.” 

Those are really the two mindsets that I got a lot of. I mean, like I said, I talk to people that I know, I’ve known for a long period of time who I consider to be financially sound individuals and they said, “Oh extensions, those must be for your big ticket clients, right?” and the answer is not really. I mean, extensions simply give us, your accountant, and you more time to get your things together to allow us to dedicate the time to find you tax savings, get your things right, and not rush them. 

I mean, I know Paul, my team who I’m sure you’ve heard talk on this pod before but he’ll always say, I mean, if you have a surgeon who needs to do a thousand surgeries in a year, would you rather him do them all in three months or her do them all in three months or have them do it throughout the course of the year, you know, with X number during each month. So you got me all fired up because you know, extensions are near and dear to me. 

But I mean, really what it comes down to is we’re trying to do a lot of different returns and a lot of people have very complex situations but we want to make sure we get it right. We talked about states and local, moving states, and making sure states don’t talk nice to each other even ones that border each other are not – don’t always agree with how things are picked up and everything, and just getting all that information together, making sure we can parse through it, maximize your tax savings and everything, extensions just give you the time to do it. 

Now, the one thing I will say is it does not extend your due date to pay. That’s the biggest thing. So what you want to do is get an estimate, and make your payment if you think you are going to owe or in April or even beforehand but after that’s done, it really is a one-click kind of thing. It’s an automatic extension, once you do it, it’s six months. You get until October and that’s that. It really is not for delinquents. 

It is not for folks who didn’t get their stuff in on time or like I said, are using offshore accounts to do X, Y, and Z. It’s just simply to give your accountant more time to get it right. 

[0:38:41.5] TU: Well, thanks for allowing me to throw some kindling on the fire, so I appreciate that. 

[0:38:45.3] SR: Thank you, I appreciate that. 

[0:38:45.8] TU: You know, I think it is a good reminder not only in the perception of it but also you know, some folks may hear this and say, “Well, you know there is an opportunity cost that if I am getting a refund” and we don’t file that for three months, four months, five months later, whatever that those dollars could have been used elsewhere. True but my counterpoint to that would have been, one, if we are planning correctly throughout the year, we shouldn’t be expecting a massive refund. 

Second to that would be is that most often, extension doesn’t mean we’re buttoned up against the October deadline. It means that maybe instead of April 18th, it’s May 1st or 15th or even the end of April or into later in May or early June, whatever. So you know, it allows kind of that stretching out of the season to make sure that we’re doing the job that needs to be done, be done well, we are optimizing the situation. 

I think that certainly for folks that have more complicated returns, I think what we’re seeing in the industry in my perception even with an accountant we used to work with before building our own practice internally was, “Hey, you’re a small business owner. Hey, you own a bunch of real estate” hey, whatever like you’re automatically extended. You know, that’s just kind of the process of what they do to make sure that they have the time to do those returns well. 

[0:39:55.5] SR: Right and like you said, the idea of year-round tax planning is you’re working with your accountant throughout the course of the year. You are getting the information, you have rentals, you’re getting them, “Hey, I sold this place in November” and you are giving them the information in November so your accountant can already have that stuff ready to go and it’s not a situation of you’re in March and you say, “Hey, I forgot” or “FYI, sold my house back in January of last year. Here’s the 5,000 documents for it. Can we get this filed next week?” 

The answer is, I mean, we probably can but you know if we are thinking about these things ahead of time, we can spend the time that we think it deserves to get everything right, and if you are doing that planning throughout the course of the year, you can get 90, 95% of a tax return effectively done through the conversations that you’re having with your account throughout the year. So yep, absolutely. 

[0:40:40.4] TU: So Sean, let’s wrap up by talking through how the year-round planning can help pharmacists not only prevent these mistakes but again, better yet optimize your tax situation. That really is the focus of what you and the team are doing through the comprehensive tax planning, what we refer to as CTP. Again, not just that transactional return month of April, got to get it done but really that year-round strategy and planning. 

So you know, what is comprehensive tax planning? What do we offer? Why is it needed and who is it for and perhaps, not for as well? 

[0:41:11.3] SR: Yeah. So comprehensive tax planning is designed to really attack everything on this list, right? So it’s where you’re doing proactive planning and thinking about your tax situation now and not at the end or not in the beginning of next year looking back on this year and again saying, “I wish I could have done this” or “How could I have done this differently?” It’s getting ahead of those things now so you don’t have to worry about that. 

So things like mid-year projections, “Hey, let me grab your paystub, let me talk about some of those side gigs you’re doing, give me an updated PNL” or even if we’re doing your books for you, I’ll pull down the updated PNL and we’ll take a look. “Hey, you know you’ve withheld this much money so far, your side gig is going to make this much money we think so far. Have you put that money aside yet? Did you make an estimated payment?” 

“I think you should make a payment of this much” checking in on those things or being able to have the conversations of you know, “Hey, I just bought a rental property. Tell me about the short-term rental loophole” or “Tell me about what it’s going to take for me to be considered a real estate professional and be able to offset some of my active income with this passive income” or “Hey, I just bought the rental and hearing all about all these tax credits.” 

“How does that work? How do those tax credits affect my personal return and then how does it affect my rental property? Are those going to be different? Can I maximize them?” These are the conversations that we’ve been having with folks over the past few months looking back on last year but proactive tax planning is you’re having these conversations now. You are having them in May, June, and July and getting ahead of these things. 

So when we talk about March and April that big push, it is really a matter of, “Hey, did we do what we say we’re going to do? Excellent, great. Okay, what are your tax bills? Zero. As expected. Awesome, file? Done. Food to go.” Just really having that phone-a-friend CPA to ask questions for, “Hey, you mentioned bunching when we looked at my return last year. You said I was close to the itemizing. How can I actually employ that now?” 

Or “Hey, this is what I’ve contributed in my 401(k) so far this year, do I have room to add more?” things like that. Just getting ahead of it now while there’s room to make changes and not looking back and saying, “Ah, I really wish I did that.” 

[0:43:19.9] TU: Great stuff. So you know it’s again, not only that finally and it’s the mid-year projection, it is having an accountant in your corner to make sure you are executing throughout the year, answering those questions as they come up. So folks can learn more at ypftax.com. You can read more about that service, you can book a free discovery call to see whether or not it’s a good fit for your personal situation. 

And again, whether you came off the season and you’re like, “Hey, I did that myself and I never want to do that again” or you were surprised by a refund or a bill or perhaps you have a situation that’s changing, right? It could be moving, a new job, dependents, acquiring real estate, or building a small business, all are these I think there’s a few examples of things that we want to be thinking about in planning throughout the year. 

So again ypftax.com, you can learn more and book a free discovery call to see whether or not that’s a good fit. Sean, thanks so much for taking the time. I appreciate you coming on the post-tax season and looking forward to having you on throughout the year. 

[0:44:15.6] SR: Yeah, thanks, Tim. Glad to be back and hopefully next time, we’ll be able to talk more about some of these backburner items. So I am looking forward to it. 

[0:44:22.1] TU: Awesome. Thanks, Sean. 

[0:44:23.1] SR: Thanks. See you. 


[0:44:25.3] TU: Before we wrap up today’s show, I want to again thank this week’s sponsor of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast, First Horizon. We’re glad to have found a solution for pharmacists that are unable to save 20% for a down payment on a home. A lot of pharmacists in the YFP community have taken advantage of First Horizon’s pharmacist home loan, which requires a 3% down payment for a single-family home or townhome for first-time home buyers and has no PMI on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. 

To learn more about the requirements for First Horizon’s pharmacist home loan and to get started with the preapproval process, you can visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan. Again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan.


[0:45:10.4] TU: As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and it is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information on the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog post, and podcast is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist unless otherwise noted and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward-looking statements, which are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. 

Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week.


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The team at YFP Planning discusses a case study that includes balancing retirement savings with a major purchase and education planning.

Episode Summary

If we don’t earmark our cash for specific items, we’re very likely to spend it. In this YFP Planning Case Study, Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, Kelly Reddy-Heffner, CFP®, CSLP®, CDFA®, and Angel Melgoza, MS CFP® use a hypothetical couple (Joe and Jane Script) to discuss balancing retirement savings with a major purchase and education planning. After being provided with an overview of the couple’s finances and their goals for the future, Kelly and Angel pick apart their investment approach and offer advice for how they could make it more sound. From the importance of saving with the intention of avoiding getting hit with a surprise tax bill, this episode will make you think more deeply about the way you approach your financial plan!

Key Points From the Episode

  • Setting the scene for the Joe and Jane case study.
  • Joe and Jane’s net worth and their assets and liabilities.
  • Goals that Jane and Joe have for the future.
  • Kelly and Angel share their thoughts on the first steps Joe and Jane should take to optimize their financial situation.
  • How Angel recommends Jane and Joe deal with the funding of their children’s college education.
  • The importance of being open to making adjustments to your financial plan.
  • Working out which elements of your financial plan to prioritize. 
  • Why many people end up saving less money than they could.
  • How to avoid getting hit with a surprise tax bill. 
  • Angel’s approach to insurance. 
  • Documents that you should have in place to protect your family in case of your death or disability.

Episode Highlights

When I talk to clients and I look at their balance sheet, the first thing I want to make sure is that you have a sound emergency fund.” — Angel Melgoza [0:08:15]

We can’t do everything. We have to prioritize and decide what makes the most sense to overall have the best plan for the future.” — Kelly Reddy-Heffner [0:13:16]

We tend to save, but we also tend to spend anything that is not earmarked.” — Kelly Reddy-Heffner [0:19:05]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[0:00:00] TB: What is up, everyone? Welcome to our sixth edition of YFP Planning case study. Really excited to get into this one today. We’re going to talk about Joe and Jane Script. It’s a really creative name that we have here. We’re going to do something a little bit different for this particular case study. We’re going to basically set the client up in our planning tool, which is RightCapital. We’re going to stay, not necessarily so much in a spreadsheet, but in the planning tool and outline the details of Joe and Jane Script and their family and what they’re looking for. I am once again joined by our lead planners, Kelly Reddy-Heffner and Angel Melgoza.


[0:00:36] TB: Really excited for you guys to be here to chat about the scripts. What’s going on? Kelly, first to you, what’s going on in life? 

[0:00:43] KRH: Not too much. End of tax season, doing quarterly meetings and hoping that it stops raining in Pittsburgh at some point. 

[0:00:53] TB: Yeah. Crazy weather. When you guys were out here after tax season it was like spring-esque. Now it’s really cold again. It’s super weird. I put a vote for warmer weather here too. Angel, you’re probably accustomed to some warmer weather. How’s it going where you are? 

[0:01:12] AM: Very warm. Hot and humid actually. We’re preheating to our summer already. Yeah. 

[0:01:18] TB: Awesome. Let’s get into it guys. I’m going to share my screen, so apologies for those listening on the podcast, because this will be very visual. We’re going to talk through some concepts, but if you’re interested, check out the YouTube channel, we will have our beautiful smiling faces on the YouTube with a screen share of what we’re working through with the client. I’m going to work through this. What we’re looking at here is a snapshot and what this tells us at a very high level just what is going on with the client. I’m going to dig into some of the juicy details about Joe and Jane; the job, the balance sheet, some of the goals. 

The first thing I’m going to look at for Joe and Jane is just like where are they at? What are they doing? What’s the family look like? Joe recently accepted a new MSL job based out of Louisville, Kentucky. They’re both Louisville, Kentucky, University of Kentucky grads. That’s where they went to pharmacy school. Joe is an MSL. Jane is an oncology staff utilization pharmacist. They have twins Addison and Sean, age 11. Their home is in Louisville. They filed their taxes jointly, but they’re actually from the Boston area. They have a lot of family in the Boston area. 

The balance sheet really looks like this. I’m going to click into the balance sheet. Their balance sheet at present, their net worth is about, we’ll call it $894,000. They have about $1.3 million in assets with about $386,000 in liability. The assets break out a good amount in cash accounts, so they’re joint checking, they have $35,000, they have 80,000 in joint savings, so that’s 115,000, that’s liquid. Then they have a non-qualified or a joint taxable account that has about 15,000 in it. 

Then most of their investments are in qualified assets. Joe has an old 401k that he’s rolling over to YFP planning for us to manage that has about $196,000 in it. He’s currently contributing to his new 401k with his new MSL job that has 5500. Jane, her 401k is currently at 236,000. Joe has a Roth, it has about 85,000. He also has an HSA that has about 15. Then the kids, they both have 529s that are identical, about 19,000 that they’re currently contributing to. They own their home in Louisville. The property’s worth about 575,000 with a mortgage that has about 281,000 left. 

The other liabilities they have is a joint credit card that has about 15,000 that they normally pay off. They have a HELOC for home improvement that’s hanging out there that has about 19. Jane has a car note at 28. Then Joe still has some lingering student debt that’s about 12,500. One of the surprises that they had when they went to file, we were talking about tax season earlier guys, is they found out that about $30,000 tax bill and those are some surprises that are not fun to get, but they basically have to figure out how to pay off this $30,000 tax bill to the IRS. 

Overall net worth about 893. Now, to pivot to some of the goals that they have, they very much want to make sure they get back to Boston to see family. They want to make sure that they’re supporting the twins’ activities in sports. Between the two of them have more frequent date nights. From a career lifestyle, they want to make sure that in the future, they have the ability to work less if they can. They’d love to be able to purchase a vacation home, maybe pivot into a retirement home in Florida. They’d love to take a domestic, annual big trip with the family. 

One of the big goals that they have is to take the whole family to Australia before the kids go off to college in the next seven-ish years. Then they have some legacy goals where they want to be able to pay 100% of the twins’ college, at least for the four years of undergrad. They want to be able to give back to the University of Kentucky and also some other charities. That’s the picture of where they’re at. I know we have some topics of discussion listed here, but Kelly, what would you say jumps out at them. We didn’t get really too much into some of the insurance stuff, which we can dip into. Obviously, they have some debt that they have to work through, but what are some of the big things that you would tackle first with Joe and Jane? 

[0:05:30] KRH: At first glance, definitely a bit of a large cash position, so trying to figure out what is their spending to see like what the emergency fund should or could be and then seeing if they have some resources left to take care of some of the debt. The little student loan out there would probably be top of mind, making sure the credit card really is paid off each month. Those would be really important things to tackle early on, I would say. 

[0:06:05] TB: Yeah. I think one of the cool things that the tool has shown us is just a liquidity analysis. How much should you keep in that emergency fund? The target that we have here, if you assume current monthly expenses, which I think we should confirm, right? That’s one of the things that sometimes you can put in a box like what we spend, but when we actually connect actual spend accounts, it’s more than that. But their target for their emergency fund is about 40,000 and their actual liquidity between their checking and their savings is about 115. 

There’s probably a scenario that we could peel off some of those extra dollars and potentially pay off the credit card to your point, Kelly, to make sure that that is completely paid off, which the balance is 15,000 at this point. You also have a 19,000-hour home equity, which was one of your highest interest rates. If we look at the interest rates, and again, we didn’t necessarily go through this from the jump, but the mortgage is not bad, 281,000, three and a quarter percent. Home equity, line of credit, 6% which is a little bit higher. 

Jane’s car, which is about 28,000, 4%. Joe’s student loan, three and a half percent, so not terrible. The IRS would have to figure out what the payment plan is for that. I just put in a placeholder of three percent. Then the joint credit card, obviously 24%. Making sure we tackle this first. I agree. I think something along the lines of like right sizing in the cash position to either clear out debt or the conversation that we could have is does it make sense to put dollars towards things like an education goal or retirement? 

Again, I wouldn’t necessarily be sleeping very soundly at night if I knew that I owed the IRS money or if I had a credit card balance hanging over my head. I think a good analysis to go through with the two of them, just to see how do we deploy these extra resources, so to speak? Angel, how about you? When you look at their scenario at a high level, what jumps off the page for you? 

[0:08:12] AM: I have to echo Kelly’s thoughts here. Really, when I talk to clients and I look at their balance sheet, the first thing I want to make sure, because of course you have two little ones, is that you have a sound emergency fund. If you have an excess cash position, I think the second thing I’d like to look at is, of course, any debt that’s over. My rule of thumb is usually 6%. I think credit cards fall within that. Paying down that is just as good as investing. It goes back to the old saying of paying, saved as a penny earned. 

[0:08:43] TB:  Yup. Yeah. I think that’s one of the things is like, if you can guarantee a 6% investment, that’s not terrible. That’s where the S&P is, once you account for inflation over long periods of time. Definitely, looking at the debt would probably be first on the list. How about Angel, when you look at one of the big things that they have that I think is probably not one that we get a lot of in terms of, “Hey, this is my education plan for my kids,” it’s more of, “I’m not really sure how I want to approach the education.”

A lot of pharmacists, again, they feel the pain and the sting of student loans. They would rather not replicate that for the kids, but when you look at, “Hey, we want to send both of them 100% for four years in the next seven years or so,” how would you break that down for them in terms of the feasibility of it? 

[0:09:36] AM: I mean, twins are 11 years old right now. They’re not too far behind on the saving aspect of it, but of course, we want to make sure that we try to meet our clients’ goals as much as possible within the confines of keeping things realistic. When I say realistic, of course there’s so many ways to fund college from student loans to savings and cash flow. But there’s really only one way to fund your own retirement. When I get clients that are adamant and that’s just the number one most important thing to them, I just like to just go back and say, “Okay, well, what happens if you have to work a little longer to do this. Four or five, six more years? Are you okay with that?” 

One of the things that I love about RightCapital that it shows us, is there going to be a shortfall? If there’s a shortfall, how do we right that ship? But from a rule of thumb perspective, I mean, kids are still 11 years old. We don’t know if they’re going to get scholarships. We don’t know if they’re even going to be one to go to college. I would say a good starting point is maybe funding a third of the college tuition. 

[0:10:40] TB:  Yeah. If we look at the analysis on the tool and we messed around with the twins. We basically said, “Hey, both Joe and Jane are University of Kentucky grads so maybe one of their kids will go to Kentucky.” We picked Sean as the recipient of that. When we looked at that and we looked at Sean’s college goal and we basically looked up University of Kentucky, one of the interesting things is we can actually click in and we can choose either in-state or out-of-state. If we assume that we’re going to be in-state, the total cost for in-state tuition is about 35,600 per year. 

If we compare that to Addison’s college goal, it’s actually more. Addison’s college goal, if we use a goal to fund a public four-year in-state, it’s actually a little bit less at 28,000. But the interesting thing is right now what they’re saving, they’re saving about 200 bucks per month. $2,400 per year into the twins’ 529. $400 total, but separate 529s. If you look at the analysis, Sean, if we assume he’s going to the University of Kentucky, they’re not at 100%. They actually have a funding shortfall of about $157,000. That’s about 23% to the goal. 

Now Addison should be a little bit ahead, because if we use the four-year average versus University of Kentucky, she’s at 30%. The funding shortfall is about 112,000. This is probably an exercise, Kelly, in saying, “Hey, this is the reality of where we’re at today.” We know the goal is 100%. We’re pretty well below that. We’re not far from that one third rule that we always talk about. How would you approach it? I mean, Angel talked about affecting retirement, but maybe there are some levers that we can pull today to get closer to that, but how would you approach that with this particular client in terms of looking at the numbers? 

[0:12:47] KRH: Well, I think once you talk through some of those goals, I do think that Angel is right, like that conversation of how it directly impacts other goals. Most people do wish to retire at some reasonable point in time. I think that the next step is to show how retirement’s looking and how on track the household is for that. Often, we can’t do everything. We have to prioritize and decide what makes the most sense to overall have the best plan for the future. This already looks, like you said, Tim, in the range. We’re at 30% for Addison, a little bit lower for Sean with decisions. I would look at retirement and I’d also start laying the groundwork for having conversations with their children as well about what is going to be available and how to make good choices. Yeah, I guess I would look at the retirement numbers next to see, do those look like they’re in great shape? How are investments flowing for that? 

[0:14:00] TB: Yeah. I think that’s a great segue. I do want to come back to the tax bill, because I know we’ve had some discussion about that off-camera and what that looks like. Let’s look at the retirement analysis. Angel, can you set the tone here in terms of what we’re looking at? Right now, what they’re showing is a 54 probability of success, which doesn’t look that great. To Kelly’s point it might be where we’re looking at things like the vacation home that we haven’t yet talked about, sending the kids 100% through college, working longer in retirement and maybe rank order in those things in terms of what’s most important. How would you approach, you know, this is more of a dire outlook in terms of how the probability of success is looking here? 

[0:14:48] AM: One of the things I like to go over with clients is the 30,000 square foot view of it all before we really dive into the details and just let them know, “If we keep on going at the pace you’re going. If we keep your goals the same, that 54% or as I like to say, five out of 10 times you’re going to have to make adjustments. When adjustments need to be made, that’s what we’re here for to help you out with, of course.” That’s what this probability really says. I mean, the software in and of itself runs thousands of simulations of probabilities. Of course, because the clients are a little younger, there’s more than that. But it lays a good foundation to say there needs to be a change done and that’s what we’re here to help you with. 

[0:15:30] TB: Yeah. I think one of the things that we haven’t even talked about is just even like the way that they are invested might be a little bit more conservative compared to maybe what they need to be. I think looking in terms of other levers to pull might be where you don’t necessarily have to save any harder, but they have to maybe take a little bit more risk with their investments. That might be something to look at. 

Yeah. I think one of the things that can be lost here is that if you look at it, it’s like half the time you’re going to fail, half the time you’re going to succeed. It’s not really about that. It’s really, to your point, it’s like, we’re going to make adjustments on the fly meaning like, if we don’t do these things, the idea is that at the end of the rainbow when the plan is over is typically at Joe and Jane’s death, there’s still money there. If there’s not, then that’s what they would say is a failure, so to speak. 

Let’s talk about the Florida home. One of the big things that we were looking at when we were talking about their goals and some of the cash flow, we’re looking at a blueprint of, “Hey, we’re going to take it in annual vacation every year.” I use this nerdy lifestyle cargo, some new vehicle every seven years. Q7Y, so nerdy script shorthand. We have an Australia trip baked in here. What I basically did was just added it to the 10,000 that we’re saving, plus the 15. We’re saying like 25,000 for a family of four to go to Australia. No idea what that costs, so that would be something that we’d have to adjust as we approach that. 

Then the big outflows that really occur at Sean and Addison’s college in 2030 when Joe is 50 and Jane is 46, and really for the next four years. Then what he’s saying, or what they’re saying is that, “Once the kids are out of college, we’d like to be able to move on a vacation home.” I think what we’re seeing is that if we assume a vacation home is half a million and we put 20% down, we just see the plan be a bit exasperated. It’s like, “Hey, we don’t have enough cash money to put towards this.” It’s starting to pull from things like retirement accounts, which we would say probably don’t want to do that, correct? 

[0:17:43] AM: That’s right. 

[0:17:45] KRH: Yes. 

[0:17:46] TB: Then what’s the process here? As again, it goes back to what’s most important? How would you – Kelly, how would you break this down in terms of just prioritizing the goals for the client? 

[0:17:56] KRH: I definitely think part of it is conversation and talking through what is most important, like when you start to see data align that everything may not be possible. This is quite a bit of stress on a budget to have the four years of college for two children at the same time. Then the vacation home to be on the backside of that. The college timing is unlikely to change, but like the vacation home, if it’s done at a different time interval, does that make a difference? But looking at the numbers, the stressor is pretty significant. It pulls quite a bit from the retirement accounts. 

Then it’s looking at savings capacity. If you’re having the conversation that these items are all very important, you’d like to do as many as possible, then it’s looking to see, is there room each year now where you could be saving more if this is really what’s most important? We tend to save, but we also tend to spend anything that is not earmarked. We talk a lot about smart goals like, if college is a goal, if the Florida home is a goal. Really looking at how much you need to be putting into each account and do you have that like, some of the cash flows when we had looked off screen, look like there’s years where there could be some additional resources. Like, can we start there and say, “If you really get a little bit more intentional with saving, like those unsaved cash flows and the second to last, can you take some from there and help better meet the goals?” But we do tend to spend what we make. We tend to spend the extra almost before we’re going into goals a lot of times. 

[0:19:59] TB: Yeah. I think to your point, Kelly, if you look at their cash position, again, they have some debt, but there’s probably per their plan, they’re running a surplus of unsaved cash flows that if you say, “Hey, double your education or double the amount of money.” Right now, they’re putting 200 bucks into a taxable account, which we’re earmarking for a vacation home, 200 bucks to Addison’s 529 per month, 200 bucks to Sean’s 529. If you double that, maybe these numbers are closer to zero, maybe there is more of a shortage, but those are the things I think that, it goes back to one of the things we talk about all the time on the podcast is just like investing or saving with intention. 

I think it’s easier to do that than to put it in a dark hole, which is like a savings account. Now it’s good to have that when you do have a tax bill and things like that, but those would be the things that I would be pressing on. It’s like, can we do more from the aspect of dollars going into those three accounts? Even Joe’s 401k. He’s putting in 10% and he gets a decent match. Jane’s maxing that out. Can we get to 11, 12? What’s the road to get them to max out so we’re not seeing so much of a surplus of cash or basically on spend cash, but we’re directing them more intentionally towards the goals, if that makes sense?

Can we pivot and talk about the surprise tax bill? Like, this does happen, right? How does this happen? What are the ways to get in front of this? Cause this is never fun to go and file your taxes and say, “Hey, congratulations.” It’s better if you have $30,000 back, although we know that having that $30,000 in hand throughout the course of the year is important. When you’re on the other side of that, not many people are just putting money aside to pay the tax man. Why does this happen? Angel, how can we get in front of this? What are your thoughts with regard to the tax bill? 

[0:21:57] AM: One way it happens is that you don’t pay enough taxes during the year. Typically, what we do here is we do tax projections with tax professionals’ mid-year to see, are you on pace to paying your fair share of taxes? If you’re not, of course, we have to adjust that through your employer. Of course, that’s how to get in front of it, just to see, are you on pace to pay your fair share from this year’s taxes? 

[0:22:24] TB: Yeah. Probably what happened, because Joe’s employment is new, he left his old employer, is that the withholding was never set up correctly. Kelly, we know the tax bills, there are things that you can do to reduce that, but at the end of the day, you can’t circumvent that, right? Part of the problem that maybe why they’ve amassed more cash recently if we make that assumption is because we weren’t withholding enough to pay the IRS as we were earning those paychecks. 

[0:22:56] KRH: It’s an excellent first red flag like, “Oh, there’s more in my paycheck than I expected.” That’s probably the first place I would go is withholding. I do think working with the tax professional can be very helpful. I think the purpose of a projection is to minimize that huge surprise like, there’s going to be things that change. Over the course of a year, an average client household might change a job, which we have here, additional family member, the kids going to college, contributing to the 529 accounts can have an impact on the state tax. 

Doing a Roth conversion, at first, I was like, oh, maybe that bill was somebody decided to move a pretax into a taxable account and didn’t have professional advice on what might happen. Lots of things happen over the course of the year. A projection is not going to get to the penny, but it could help eliminate a big unpleasant surprise that would give a couple of months to change the withholding to look at the retirement contributions and get prepared. 

[0:24:09] TB: Yeah. Shout out to Sean Richards at YFP Tax. These are some of the things that he’s going to be doing with clients, a projection to get in front of some of those surprises. The tool that we have here gives a rough number based on last year of like, “Hey, at the end of this, Joe and Jane, we think that you’re going to have to pay about $42,000 in taxes. If we’re halfway through the year and you’ve paid around 20, 21,000, we’re good.” Again, very much broad strokes, but definitely would want to work with a tax professional to make sure that those types of surprises are mitigated because even things can happen at the very end of the year. It could be that Jane got a bonus that was higher than she thought and we have to make sure that the right amount is withheld. 

The other thing that we see for some of these tax surprises is like, if you do have side hustles, you’re making 1099 income and you’re not paying tax on top of that, it might make sense to withhold more from your W2 paycheck just to soften the blow a little bit. That would be one thing that hopefully we’re not going to replicate in the future and get in front of. The last area guys I want to just focus on is the insurance piece. 

We’re not going to get into disability, because I don’t think we have a whole lot of detail on that. But when you look at the life insurance right now, they’re really just showing a life insurance policy through Joe’s employer that’s about 50,000. Jane has 162,000 through her group policy. Obviously, I think with college on the docket, a mortgage, young kids, this is probably insufficient where we probably need to look at policies. Angel, how would you purchase with the client? 

[0:25:49] AM: There are a couple of ways, but I mean, I like to use rules of thumb to begin with. I mean, typically I like to look at our clients’ income, make sure they have either 10 times or 15 times insured, but there’s a formula that we use where it’s very need-based. We look at final expenses, the nationwide average. We look at liabilities that are happening, things like mortgages, things like student loans or other liabilities included in that. Definitely, because you have children, we like to throw in maybe about $100,000 up front if something does happen, if somebody predeceases the other, to make sure that your kids go to college and get educated. Then after that, we just throw in a couple of years of income to make sure that there’s a readjustment period and that any savings that you would have made while you were alive go into an account or your spouse can not take a dip in lifestyle. 

[0:26:46] TB: Yeah. I think you can definitely use the rules of thumb. I would probably sleep more comfortably at night if they had probably a million dollars each at a minimum between the two of them on top of their group policies. I think you can very much break it down by liabilities, adjustment period, all that stuff. I think some work to be done definitely with that. How about Kelly, if we look at the other part of wealth protection, believe it or not, they’re pretty decent. I think when the twins were born, they went through a lot of the state documents. Anything that you would call out here, maybe outside of just updating documents and just making sure that they’re good, that you would want them to work on from a state plan perspective?

[0:27:26] KRH: I’m excited that they have any documents in place, so that was a huge check mark. I don’t know if it’s just our discomfort with this conversation, it slightly surpasses the life insurance in terms of discomfort, but these documents are very important, especially with two young children, but even with a two-person household like, it just makes things so much easier. I’m amazed at the number of stories, I don’t know if it should relate to us, even though it’s famous people that are in the news, just how difficult it is to get through. I feel like there was just a recent article about another famous person in the news who passed away suddenly unexpectedly and his wife has been navigating for months, even though the state laws are friendly for the spouse. 

Always making sure that they’re up to date. Certainly, the guardian is big with having younger children. In this case, they don’t have a trust. That is a conversation with an attorney to see if – oh, actually living trust would be good to add to that. Sorry, I did not see those were not checked off. Yeah, that would probably be the one thing on the list just to make sure if anything is needed there. We are not attorneys at YFP, so we would default to legal expertise, but we can help provide guidance on looking into resources, documents needed, how to have those conversations with each other and with a professional. 

[0:29:07] TB: Yeah. I think this is a phased process, right, Kelly? It’s education of, “Here. These are the things you probably need.” Then bugging clients to get them in place. Then probably the last phase is, I think next level is make sure that you have a legacy folder. It’s all in one spot. The people that know that the people, the guardian, the executor know where to find this stuff. But to your point, it’s a tough one for us to really execute, because unless you have some experience with this, because again, not many of us want to think about our premature death or disability. Definitely the will, the power of attorneys for property, for health, the living will, even a basic beneficiary check, just to make sure that all of the things are where they should be. This tool actually has, I think a pretty good list of the different accounts out there and who’s the beneficiary and who’s the contingent beneficiary. 

Going through that every couple of years, I think is a good, good practice. Probably, just some little bit of touch up to do much more work on the life insurance side from a wealth protection perspective, but pretty okay from the estate plan. We just need to brush it up and make sure it’s current and well-rounded. We’ll leave it there. Kelly, Angel, thank you so much for joining me for this sixth installment of the case study. Hopefully we changed up a little bit. Hopefully this will be meaningful for our listeners out there and really looking forward to doing the next one with you. 

[0:30:37] AM: Thanks for having us. 


[0:30:40] As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information of the podcast and corresponding material should not be construed as a solicitation or offered to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

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YFP 305: Understanding Annuities: A Primer for Pharmacists

In over 300 episodes of Your Financial Pharmacist, we haven’t covered much about annuities and today, Tim Baker, CFP®, RICP®, RLP® joins Tim Ulbrich, PharmD to do just that. On this episode, sponsored by First Horizon, you’ll hear all about what annuities are, the main types and how they differ, common misunderstandings, fees associated with annuities, and how they can assist with building a retirement paycheck through the flooring strategy.

Episode Summary

This week on the YFP Podcast, YFP Co-Founder & CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, is joined by YFP Co-Founder & Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, RICP®, to discuss annuities.

Tim Baker explains what an annuity is, the main types of annuities, key terms and concepts to understand when evaluating annuity options, fees associated with annuities, and how annuities fit into the broader retirement income planning strategy.

During the second half of the episode, Tim and Tim discuss how annuities may fit into the flooring strategy of retirement income planning.

Key Points From the Episode

  • How common annuities are and Tim Baker’s high-level thoughts around them. 
  • The importance of viewing annuities from the lens of building a retirement paycheck.
  • Tim Baker explains longevity risk and how annuities address it.
  • What exactly an annuity is and the two phases of an annuity. 
  • Tim Baker delves into the main types of annuities and how they differ in structure and features. 
  • How the appeal for annuities has increased due to human psychology. 
  • Including annuities as part of retirement income strategy, the four ‘Ls’, and the flooring approach.
  • Why the psychological aspect of annuities is underrated. 
  • The biggest con of annuities: fees. 
  • How the tax treatment of annuities differs depending on the type of annuity and how it’s funded.

Episode Highlights

“We kind of shy away from [annuities] as a tool to be used in retirement.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:05:34]

“An annuity refers to an insurance contract where you give the insurance company money, typically in the form of a premium, and they invest the funds – with the idea of paying you back an income stream in the future.” — @TimBakerCFP [0:09:16]

“I’m less worried about legacy and I’m more worried about can my money sustain me?” — @TimBakerCFP [0:29:19]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[00:00:00] TU: Hey, everybody. Tim Ulbrich here. And thank you for listening to the YFP podcast, where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. 

This week, YFP co-founder and Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, joins me to talk about annuities. During the show, we discuss what an annuity is. The main types of products available. Key terms and concepts to understand when evaluating annuity options. How the fees are associated with these products? And how annuities may fit into the broader retirement income strategy? 

Before we jump into today’s topic of annuities, I recognize that many listeners may not be aware of what our team of certified financial planners do working one-on-one with more than 280 households in 40+ plus states. 

Our team offers fee-only high-touch financial planning that is customized to the pharmacy professional. Whether you’re a new practitioner, in the middle of your career, or nearing retirement, we have you covered. To learn more about how our financial planning services can help you live a rich life today while planning for the future, book a free discovery call at yfpplanning.com. 

Whether or not YFP planning, financial planning services, are a good fit for you, know that we appreciate your support of this podcast and our mission to help pharmacists achieve financial freedom. 

[00:01:18] TU: Does saving 20% for a down payment on a home feel like an uphill battle? It’s no secret that pharmacists have a lot of competing financial priorities, including high-student loan debt. Meaning that saving 20% for a down payment on a home may take years. 

We’ve been on a hunt for a solution for pharmacists that are ready to purchase a home loan with a lower down payment and are happy to have found that option with First Horizon. 

First Horizon offers a professional home loan option, AKA doctor or pharmacist home loan, that requires a 3% down payment for a single-family home or townhome for first-time home buyers. Has no PMI and offers a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage on home loans up to $726,200. 

The pharmacist home loan is available in all states except Alaska and Hawaii and can be used to purchase condos as well. However, rates may be higher. And a condo review has to be completed. 

To check out the requirements for First Horizon’s pharmacist home loan and to start the pre-approved process, visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan. Again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan. 


[00:02:30] TU: Tim Baker, welcome back. What’s the good news? 

[00:02:33] TB: Not much, Tim. Just kind of hopefully whining tax season down here shortly. The team is frantically at work crunching through tax returns. That’s really the theme of the next few weeks here. Excited for the deadline to be here and gone.

[00:02:49] TU: Yeah, shout out to the tax team. As you mentioned, Tim, hard at work. This season is intense. And we’re really looking forward to doing more year-round tax planning with these individuals. And if they’re listening, which I suspect the tax team is not, since they’re in the weeds right now, but grateful for all their contributions and the value they’re providing to clients and others in the YFP community. So, huge shout out to them. 

Tim, annuities. It’s hard to believe in 300+ episodes now the podcasts that we’ve done that we’ve really covered very little around annuities. I think we had an Ask a YFP CPF a while back that we touched on it briefly. 

And I’ll be honest, Tim, this is an area of the plan that I underestimated just how big it can be both in the volume of people that are purchasing annuities, the questions that are around the annuities, and how they can build under the retirement plan. 

One report from LIMRA was at over $310 billion dollars’ worth of annuities that were sold in 2022. And that was a 22% increase from 2021. Just a big area of the plan. I’m curious to hear at a high level your thoughts around annuities and how common they are as you hear those statistics. And maybe just as surprised as I am that we haven’t dabbled into this more yet. 

[00:04:07] TB: I think it depends who you talk to. I talk to some advisors that use them as part of their practice. I talk to a lot of advisors that I trust and that have looked on them that don’t necessarily use it as part of their practice. I think it’s going to be dependent on kind of the market and where we’re at. 

Annuities, kind of like long-term care insurance, Tim, kind of get a little bit of a bad rap. And rightfully so, in some instances. And we’ll kind of talk through that. But I think a lot of people, at the end of the day, it’s an insurance product at heart. But you can intertwine in investment products. That’s typically what a variable annuity is or like an index annuity is with this. 

But just like insurance, any other type of insurance, we don’t really like to give up our money in the form of a premium for coverage that we may or may not need. I think annuity is a little bit of a different breed. But there seems to be, again, some negative connotations around annuities mainly because like I got to give up my money for something that’s kind of nebulous in exchange. 

And I think for those reasons, it’s kind of more psychological that people are like, “Hmm, I’m going to stick to I have a million. It’s a 4% withdrawal rate. It’s $40,000 a year. Couple that with social security. I’m good.” 

And for a lot of reasons, maybe not so much. That 4% rule, I think a lot of people are looking at that and saying, “Hmm, going forward, I don’t know. That’s not necessarily the best rule of thumb to be using.” 

I think for all of those reasons and probably others that I didn’t mention, that we kind of shy away from this as a tool to be used in retirement. And again, I think that – I think everything should be on the table more or less. And biases aside to see, okay, what are the goals of the client? What’s the balance sheet look like? And then move from there. 

[00:05:51] TU: Yeah. And Tim, before we even jump into what is an annuity at a high level, what are the types of products that are out there? Advantages? Disadvantages. We’re going to get into that in more detail. But I think it’s important to take a step back and view this from the lens of building a retirement paycheque, right? 

We talked about that previously on the podcast. We’ll link to that episode in the show notes. But here, what we’re talking about is a sliver, apart, perhaps an important part, annuities, that are a broader part of how we’re going to build a retirement income stream. How we’re going to replace what was our paycheque and build that retirement income? I think it’s important that we lay that framework as we get into the weeds on the annuities. 

[00:06:34] TB: Yeah. I mean, I think, at the end of the day, when we are thinking about a financial plan, a lot of roads point to, “Can I accumulate enough assets to then not have to rely on a pay cheque and can kind of live my life?” And this topic is – a lot of us, we focus more so just on the accumulation phase and like save and invest, save and invest. But then when we get to the end of it, it’s like, “All right, how do we actually turn this into a sustainable paycheque for the rest of our lives with that timeline being unknown?” And that’s one of the things that annuities address. Because it’s unknown, the payment for a lot of these annuities can go out to the rest of your life. It addresses some longevity risk. 

It’s a crucial part of this discussion. And that’s why we’ve been big proponents of Social Security claiming strategy. It’s one of the most important decisions that you make in retirement. And this type of discussion around annuities and longevity risk is right there. 

I think it’s something that we should definitely bring to the top of the fold and make sure that we are situating this in a way that it goes back to kind of that retirement paycheck. And how does this all fit together? 

[00:07:49] TB: Yeah. And speaking of longevity risk, I pitched a question out there on LinkedIn to say, “Hey, Tim and I are going to be talking about annuities on the podcast. What questions do you have? Would love to hear from the community.” And one of the things that Bryce on LinkedIn said, to your point about longevity risk, is frame it as like the opposite of life insurance. You’re ensuring the risk of living longer than expected instead of shorter than expected. Tim, what are your thoughts on that viewpoint? And I guess, as a part of that, just what is an annuity and how does it work? 

[00:08:17] TU: I think it’s dead on. I think what Bryce said is when you think about longevity risk, that’s the risk that people are living longer than they expect, right? I can go on to socialsecurity.gov, put in my gender and my birthday, and says, “Okay, based on all of the data that they’ve collected since the beginning of time or for as long social security has been around, you’re going to live to 88.6-years-old.” 

But, Tim, I’m not going out like that. I’m going to be here until 95, 105. I’m going to be here for a while. That means that I potentially have 10, 15, maybe 20 years that, according to my plan – again, we as planners, we go out a little bit further to kind of model that. But think about having a decade worth of expenses. Probably a lot of medical expenses that aren’t accounted for. That’s what longevity risk is. That, to me, is one of the things that an annuity addresses. 

An annuity refers to an insurance contract where you give the insurance company money, typically in the form of a premium, and they invest the funds either very, very conservatively or could be more aggressively with the idea of paying you back an income stream in the future. That could be a fixed income stream. That could be a variable income stream. There’re so many different flavors of ice cream when it comes to annuities, Tim. That’s the basic concept. 

Typically, you really have two phases in annuity. You have what’s called the accumulation phase, where this is the annuities being funded. And it’s before the payouts begin. Any money in the annuity kind of grows on a tax-deferred basis during this stage. And then the second phase is the annuitization phase, where you say, “Hey, either I have the option or per the contract that I set up five years ago. It was a deferred annuity for five years.” Now these payments start and they are X based on the underlying performance of the investments or just what you agreed to five years ago. Again, there’re lots of different types of variation here. But essentially, that’s it. 

It’s kind of like Social Security, but not Social Security. The big difference is that Social Security, even with all the negative headlines, it’s still backed by the US government. There’re lots of fears there that benefits will be changed in the future. I think they will be to kind of keep it solvent. It’ll still be there. This is kind of like private Social Security in a sense where you say, “Hey, not US government.” But, “Hey, insurance company, here’s money either all at once or over whatever premium schedule that you set up. And then give me that money back in the form of an income stream.” 

What you’re doing is you’re increasing guaranteed income. Really, the only guaranteed income that most people will have, because pensions have really kind of gone away, is social security. What you’re trying to do is increase guaranteed income. And again, one of the things you have to look at is how is the insurance company rated? Are they rated well or not? Because there is risk of failure there and we’ve seen some bank failures that have, I think, shocked some people. That’s one of the things that you have to make sure that you are in tune with. But that’s essentially the broad strokes of an annuity. 

[00:11:36] TU: And, Tim, great point about the comparison to Social Security. It obviously operates very different. But we’ll come back here in a little bit about the concept of a flooring strategy. But essentially, if we think about, again, replacing our paycheck with a retirement income stream. For most folks, even with the negative press around on Social Security, it may be that, hey, from Social Security, and then plus or minus an annuity, we’re going to have some type of – let’s call it base income, right? Oversimplifying a little bit because of how those can fluctuate and be variable in the different products. But drawing on some type of base. And then we can talk about how to make up the rest of the paycheck from there. 

Types of annuities. Tim, I know this is a lot to cover in a short episode where we’re really focusing on some of the basics and we’re going to come back to this topic more in the future. But what are the main types of annuities. And how do they differ in terms of the structure and features? 

[00:12:28] TB: I’m going to rattle off a bunch of different types of annuities. You have the immediate annuities, immediate fixed annuities, immediate variable annuities, deferred annuities, deferred income annuities, fixed deferred annuities, indexed annuities, variable deferred annuities. There’s – 

[00:12:41] TU: Really easy to shop for, right? Is what you’re saying? 

[00:12:44] TB: Yeah. Yeah. Super straightforward. We’ll put these in two kind of macro categories. You have kind of immediate versus is deferred. An immediate annuity is just that let’s say you’re retiring and you have a $2 portfolio. And you say, “Hey, I want to take some money off the table in terms of like my traditional portfolio. The market is blah-blah-blah. The volatility. I’m going to put a quarter million dollars into an immediate annuity.” 

That means that I give the insurance company $250,000. And then within, I think, 13 months is what is considered an immediate annuity, you start receiving payments. A deferred annuity, the only difference is, is that you give that money today. And then 13-plus months later you get – there’s some growth there. Straight up, like if you do an immediate annuity today and you get that payment next month, the payment might be a little bit less. Versus if you wait 14 months, it might be a little bit more. That’s really the big difference. 

One of the big products that’s out there that’s an immediate annuity is called a single premium immediate income annuity, a SPIA. These are contracts. Generally, start in providing income before 13 months after the date of deposit. They’re typically bought as a period certain. 

One of the strategies that you could use – we just talked about social security and how powerful that could be. You could say, “Hey, I’m retiring at 65. I want to defer and get as many deferral credits for social security as possible. I’m going to buy a period certain of five years to get me to 70 so I can then claim Social Security.” That might be a way to kind of bridge the gap between that. 

And I think that’s a viable strategy, Tim, which people don’t think of. They might say, ” I’m just going to draw down my traditional portfolio.” You can buy it for a single life. So, just me. Or you and a spouse. A joint life. 

Obviously, the more people – typically, if it’s single life, and you are a guy, you are going to get paid higher. Versus a single life and you are female. Because females typically live longer. Single life versus joint life, if there’s two people, typically that payout is going to be less than a single life. Because there’s two basically occurrences for that annuity to kind of go away. 

The SPIAs are typically lifetime income vehicles. You must be paid at least 12 months substantially in equal payments. But it can be not just monthly. It can be quarterly, semi-annual, or even annual payments. 

Many SPIAs can accommodate a death benefit, which means that after you die, a lot of people – this is one of the misconceptions. A lot of people say, “All right if I give quarter million dollars to your insurance contract and I get one payment and then I keel over and die, I lose all that money.” And there are lots of ways to structure that to protect. It could be return of premium. It could be to pay it out for five or ten years. These are all kind of riders that you put on the annuity. 

And then you have a deferred annuity, which is basically the same thing again. But it’s like 13-plus months later. The other macro category, Tim, that I would talk to is the fixed versus variable annuity. Fixed annuities provide regular periodic payments to the annuity. They’re fixed. They’re the same. Just like a mortgage. You pay the same, I guess if your taxes go up a little bit. But you pay the same thing month after month. 

The variable annuity is based on the underlining performance of the funds that you kind of select. This is where the investment part comes in. You typically get a higher payment if the market does well and a lower payment if they don’t. 

The big problem that I have with variable annuities is the commissions and fees associated with it. I’d almost – just like we talk about, buy term life insurance, invest the difference. Anytime you mix these products and there’s complexity upon complexity, typically means that the fees are going to go up. 

But I would say the main types, immediate versus deferred, which is more about time-in. Fixed versus variable, which is more about the amount of payment that you’re going to receive connect it to whatever underlying investment that’s there. 

Now if you do a fixed, the insurance company is going to invest it. They’re just going to invest it very safely and typically not necessarily tied to market. Maybe treasuries or bonds, things like that. 

[00:17:04] TU: Tim, perhaps an oversimplification, but I would assume. I’m just thinking about this from why do these products exist. Obviously, they have to have viability from the person selling the policy, right? Just like a life insurance policy. And it feels like, while different based on variable or fix, that obviously they may be taking a larger lump sum of money investing and growing that at a greater return. Depending on the type of product and what you’re putting that money into. And then whatever they’re paying you out, in theory, their goal is to pay you out less so that they can make some money on the upside of that. 

And that’s not a bad thing, right? I mean, in terms of if we want some stability – and we’ll talk about the flooring here in a moment. That’s what we’re willing to potentially give up is some of that higher upside. And obviously, we’re putting floor on some of the downside as well depending on the type of product. But is that generally how these products work from the institution standpoint of how they’re making money off of them? 

[00:17:58] TB: Yeah. You know, no free lunch, right? In exchange for guaranteed income, I’m going to pull my money with other annuitants. And essentially, they’re playing the game of what do the morbidity table say? And can we still turn a profit? 

But I think of it as I put in a quarter million, Tim. You put in a quarter million. Joe Schmo puts in a quarter million. And we’re all drawing on those funds. But Joe Schmo might die at age 75. You might live to age 105 and I might be somewhere in the middle. 

But at the end of the day, you take a lot of maybe stress or some other things that are more soft, like more the human element, off the table. Because those checks are rolling in. I don’t have to worry about the markets as much. I mean, you still do. Because unless – we’ll talk about the flooring strategy. 

But like one of the things that I think can stretch out retirees, especially in markets like this where it’s really volatile, they’re up and down, they’ll be kind of trending down over the last couple years, is that, “Hey, I started with a million bucks. I’m four years into retirement and I have $750,000. Or I have –” That’s because of what I’ve taken out. Because of losses. The annuity kind of addresses some of those things where it’s like, yeah, you might take a haircut at the start. But for that haircut, you’re getting $1,000, $1,500 on top of that Social Security that you have kind of rolling in. 

[00:19:24] TU: And the emotional side. 

[00:19:25] TB: Yeah. 

[00:19:26] TU: Yeah. I mean, we haven’t talked a lot about that. Obviously, there’s a risk tolerance question here. But there’s also a peace of mind aspect to this as well in terms of building some of that base. 

And I think Tim, what you just shared there in terms of the market changes are probably why we have seen such a strong uptick in the purchase. I shared those stats early on in the episode, right? 

I mean, prior to that, we really were on this – what, 12, 14-year run of markets constantly going up. And obviously, we’ve had more volatility. And it would feel, like in a greater volatility or down market, the interests and annuities goes up. I mean, I think that would be human psychology, right?

[00:20:02] TB: You’re looking for more safety. And I would say that annuities typically are going to be – I think of myself as having more of an appetite for risk. But when I think about myself when I’m making these decisions in retirement, I feel like there’s a lot of appeal for this. 

It’s like, “Okay, can I peel off a percentage of my traditional portfolio to turn that into an income stream that’s matched with my social security?” That like, at the end of the day, like everything could fall apart. But I still have enough to pay for my living expenses. Like all that kind of stuff. And I think that’s a big deal.

[00:20:41] TU: Tim, I have this visual of like you and I in our 80s like sitting on our rockers, like drawing on the annuities. And like I’m still waiting for the Bills to win a Super Bowl. You’re still waiting for the Sixers process to work out that’s taken forever. 

[00:20:54] TB: Yeah. Yeah. 

[00:20:55] TU: We’ll see where that goes. 

[00:20:55] TB: Yeah, it’s going to happen. I think that the Sixers are good for a run. 

[00:20:58] TU: This is the year. This is the year. 

[00:21:00] TB: This is the year. 

[00:21:01] TU: We’ll see yeah so let’s talk about how annuities fit into the broader income strategy. We’ve danced around this a couple times now with the flooring strategy. We’ve talked about that previously on an episode that we covered Social Security. We’ll link to that in the show notes. But talk to us about annuities as part of the retirement income strategy and creating that floor. 

[00:21:19] TB: Yes. Again, I think when we’re looking at this, essentially, we’re trying to address kind of the four ‘Ls’ of retirement. It would be longevity. Do we have enough money to sustain us throughout lifestyle? Are we living the lifestyle that we want to live? Or do we have to adapt that because we didn’t plan enough, or we didn’t save enough, or whatever that looks like? Legacy. What do we leave behind to heirs? Or what are the things that are important to us that we want to make sure that we’re focusing on? And finally, liquidity. Do we have enough money that we can you know pull for those discretionary things? 

To me, we’re kind of looking at – with an annuity, we’re trying to address I would say like three major – actually, probably four major risks in retirement. One is the longevity risk, which we’ve talked about. One is excess withdrawal risk, which means that if we’re trying to build a paycheck, there is a risk that we’re going to be pulling too much, especially in the early years. Maybe we’re pulling 5%, 6%, 7% early on. And then later on, we have to pull a lot less because we just pulled too much early on. Or the market is wonky, which is probably the third risk, which is market risk. We want to, with annuity, try to eliminate the volatility. 

And probably the other one that’s maybe not necessarily talked about is like early loss of spouse. If you have social security, you and a spouse potentially could be pulling in two checks. But then when that spouse dies, now you have one. Annuity can help that as well, where you still have the dollars coming in. 

When we look at it from a flooring approach, the flooring approach is probably the most conservative approach to building a retirement paycheck. The flooring approach calls for special products to be used, a la annuities, to set the floor. What we essentially are trying to do is establish what are the essential spending amounts that we need? And then what are the discretionary amounts that we need? The basic needs would be food, shelter, clothing, transportation, insurance premiums, and health expenses. 

The main tools to kind of basically set that floor is going to be social security. Pensions, if you got them. Could be things like a bond ladder or TIPS and I bonds. And probably the last one is the annuity with fixed terms that have fixed terms or fixed payments. Or typically lifetime income streams. 

To kind of walk through an example here, is that I might sit down with a client and say, “All right. We have between house and food, gas, utilities, maybe some debt still, medical insurance, that’s going to be $5,400 a month.” And then if we add up all the discretionary between travel, gifts, dining out, entertainment, hobbies, maybe that’s another 2,000. I’m really going to look at that as two separate buckets. We’ll say 5,400 for essential and 2000 for discretionary. 

When I try to line up those income streams of like how are we going to cover the essential expenses? I know that this particular client, their benefit from Social Security is going to be $3,000 per month. I know that I have about a 2,400 gap. We’ll round it up to 2,500. About a 2,500 gap for those essential expenses. 

What most people do is that that’s when they typically say, “Hey, 4% rule. Draw down the portfolio.” What the flooring strategy says is, “Okay, we have 3,000. We want to get to, say, 5,500 for the essentials. Let’s go out and peel off part of the traditional portfolio and have an annuity fill in that 2,400, 2,500 per month gap.” 

So now, we go out, we say, “Okay, we’re going to take X from the traditional portfolio and we’re going to have a $3,000 check coming in for Social Security and then a $2,500 check coming in for the annuity.” That $5,500 meets the floor of those basic essential expenses. And then the remainder of the traditional portfolio, the 401K, the IRA, the simple IRA, the TSP, for those $2,000 for discretionary, we’re going to pull from the retirement portfolio. It could also be for part-time work, consultant work, or whatever. 

But that’s the idea, is that create the floor with – if the wheels come off, we have to pay these no matter what. And then the rest, kind of the fund money, comes from the traditional portfolio. 

For a lot of people, it’s just too conservative because they’re like, “I don’t want to give up X amount of my traditional portfolio for that $2,500 payment.” I was messing around with the immediate annuities.com. And you can put in a lot of different information to get a quote. 

Just give you an example, Tim. I put in my information as if I was 65 and Shea was 60. And I said, “All right, I’m going to put in $250,000.” Let’s pretend I have a $2 million portfolio. I’m going to basically spend that down essentially to 1.75. That $250,000, if I were to basically buy an immediate life annuity, this would cover my life and her life. Would basically pay me out $1,308 for the rest of my life.” 

[00:26:38] TU: Per month. 

[00:26:38] TB: Per month. 

[00:26:39] TU: Yeah. 

[00:26:40] TB: If you do life plus 10 years certain. This would be – if I buy this annuity at 65, and then I die at 67 and she dies at – she’s five years younger, 65 herself. It would pay out to the beneficiaries 10 years. There’s also one. That would go down a little bit. That’s 1,299. 

[00:27:00] TU: Which makes sense, because you’re getting that additional benefit. Yeah. 

[00:27:04] TB: If it’s life with a cash refund – this is like the whole, “Hey if I give the insurance money and I get two payments, do I not get my money back?” Life with a cash refund. Basically, what’s left there, that payment goes down to 1,267. 

And then it shows like five-year period certain. This was that whole idea of like, “Hey, if I want to extend Social Security or wait to do that,” if I do $250,000 for five years, you get 4,584 for those five years. 10-year period certain, 2,528. There are so many different variations of this in terms of how you purchase. 

[00:27:39] TU: I’m curious. Like 250k, let’s just look at that more simple kind of straight option. 250k that you’re giving up of a nest egg of whatever, $2 million, $3 million, that you’re going to get about $1,300 per month and that was going to cover you and Shea. What are your thoughts on that, right? Because I hear that, I kind of feel the emotional tug in my brain, right? There’s the safety security side that’s like, “Oh, man. I know a check’s coming in every month for 1,300 a month.” 

Assuming that I’ve saved enough for that 250k, isn’t going to be a massive percentage of the nest egg? I like that security. And then the other side, I’m like, “Geez! That’s only – what? 13,000, 14,000 a year. 

When you look at kind of floor income, I too think of myself as being a little bit more aggressive. And what could that 250 be worth if it grows? You start to get into risk tolerance and some of the analytical side. What’s your gut reaction when you hear 250k to 1,300?

[00:28:35] TB: I don’t know. I mean, again, I think about in the context of like $2 million portfolio, peel off a quarter million. Basically, a quarter million turns into 1,300. For whatever reason, I don’t hate that. I think that like, again, our strategy probably is going to be for us to defer Social Security and wait as long as possible. That payment is going to be pretty substantial. 

And then if you pepper in what you can get to at least reach that floor, I think that like just like any time you get like an insurance policy or your estate plan is set, I think there’s a could be like a feeling of like maybe you give up some upside. But like – I don’t know. I mean, I think like if I look at the worries that I would have in retirement, I’m less worried about legacy and I’m more worried about can my money sustain me? 

[00:29:24] TU: Which is interesting part of the plan, right? And that to me speaks to the value of, like we say all the time, not looking at this in a silo. Even what you just raise, where does someone sit in terms of their feelings around legacy and maybe leaving money to family or leaving big philanthropic gifts? Or is there risk or concern on the longevity side? Those bigger questions have to be discussed and answered before we can determine what’s the pathway that we’re going to take in purchasing annuity. 

[00:29:55] TB: If you look at it from the insurance perspective. If I’m 65 and I live to 95, that’s 30 years of $1,300 payments per month. When you multiply that out, that’s like $471,000. That I’m giving 250, I’m getting 2 – is there a risk that I die before that? Yeah. But you can also put those writers in that say, “Okay, you can get your premium back or a period certain.” 

What would that 250 do outside of it? To me, it’s like when you get – I think my approach to this is like I want to be as aggressive and pedal to the metal. But then when I get to like decision time right as I’m setting up my paycheck, I want – and that’s why we talk about like Social Security. I want as much guaranteed income as I can get with reason, right? 

I don’t know. Is it a quarter million? Is that half a million? Is it a hundred thousand? And again, like a quarter million out of a $1 million portfolio is a lot different animal. I want to make sure that I don’t have a $2 million portfolio. I have a $4 million, $5 million, $6 million portfolio that I can then look at this. 

It’s an exercise in kind of a little bit of the what-ifs. But like what do you value? For me, again, if we put ourselves back on the beach and I’m complaining about the six years and you’re complaining about the bills, the checks are rolling in. Social Security, the annuity check. I guess what I would argue is I’m less concerned about the markets, which my dad, every time I talk to him, maybe because I’m a financial planner. He’s like, “Oh, the market. Blah-blah-blah. My socks.” And I’m like, “Cool.”

[00:31:29] TU: What? 

[00:31:30] TB: Yeah. Like, how are those word searches going? But like I think the other argument that you can make is that you can afford more risk in a portfolio. Now the regulars might disagree with this. But this is something that the RICP was saying, is like, “If you can show in the grand scheme of things that you have two clients. One client that is straight, systemic withdrawal, 4% rule, blah-blah-blah.” Like, as you go through the eye of the storm, which is plus or minus five or ten years before and after retirement, you have to be super conservative. But if I can make the case that this client has what they need, then I don’t necessarily have to be as conservative. And I can still let the market do what it does over long periods of time, which is return 10%, 7% as we adjust down for inflation. 

[00:32:17] TU: That was my thought. As a piece of this we haven’t talked about, what you’re alluding to right now, is for those folks that have a sizable nest egg. Let’s say that the math shows they need three, but they’ve saved five or six. That’s a very different conversation than someone that maybe, “Hey, I needed two and I’m at 1.2.” 

Because it opens up. Again, depending on someone’s goal of risk tolerance, all the factors we need to discuss. If someone has a nest egg of five and the math says they needed three, if there’re other things they want to take more risk with, whether it’s in a traditional portfolio, whether, “Hey, I want to start a business. I want to start a foundation. I want to do X, Y, or Z.” This, to me, is very intriguing that you can write a check for an annuity that doesn’t have as big of an impact on percentage of the overall nest egg. And gives you some of that freedom and capacity not only mathematically, but mentally, to take some of that other risk. 

[00:33:11] TB: Yeah. And I think that’s one of the things I think is underrated and all this. It’s just the mental, the psychological aspect of it. Because, again, many retirees, they have social security. But a lot of their paycheck is based on their portfolio. You’re spending that down. Whereas I would make the argument, you have a big chunk that comes out with like the flooring strategy. But then you’re spending that down a lot less comparison. 

It’s a little bit of – for me personally if you check most of the boxes, I’m like risky, risky, risky. But then like I’m thinking about this in the context of like, me personally, I’m like, “I don’t know. That sounds pretty good.” If I can convert some chunk of my traditional portfolio to a lifetime income payment and not have to worry as much about a lot of these external factors that we have no control over. 

[00:33:58] TU: Which, let me get on the soapbox here for a minute, Tim. This, to me, is such a great example of why having a partner, a planner, a coach in your corner is so valuable. We talk about this at length on the show. But especially in products like this. The same can be said for a long-term disability policy. The same could be said for purchasing a home. Because of how these are marketed, it takes us down a pathway of making a decision on a singular part of the plan, right? 

And this is such a great example where we’re really talking about much broader issues, which is, “Hey, an annuity is one part of the retirement income strategy,” which we got to know what else is going on in the rest of the financial plan to be able to know where are we at in terms of building that retirement paycheck, which that information is needed to then determine what we may or may not need in an annuity. And then, obviously, the nuances within the annuity options. 

But behind all of that is what’s the point? What’s the purpose? What do I want to accomplish? What’s the risk? What’s the goals? And this is the behavioral part of the plan that I know, Tim, I fall victim to. Like I’m punching numbers in the calculator. And I’m on the website you’re on and I’m like, “Ah. I love it. I don’t love it.” And I quickly lose sight of, “All right. Step back. What’s the purpose? What’s the plan? What are we trying to accomplish? What are we trying to achieve?” And where does this one important but very small part fit within the context of everything else we’re trying to do? 

[00:35:24] TB: A lot of these things all fit together. Another thing that we’ve never talked about, which I think has a pretty nasty reputation, is even like things like reverse mortgages. And like how does that fit with this? Yeah, it’s multi-factor – like there’re just so many things to consider. 

And I think a lot of people, one, they want to know, are they okay? Are they crazy? And I think pharmacists in particular, they want to know that like the math kind of supports that. 

The cool thing about like what we can do is we can model all of these things out and say like, “Okay, this is how it affects you.” You know, the bottom line at the end of the day. And I think that this is another vote in the annuity corner, is I feel like sometimes, in retirement, people, they get so preoccupied with their money and with what the market is doing. 

And part of it is like you’re not – your day-to-day, especially early in retirement, there’s this kind of like, “All right, I reached the finish line. My identity has been I’m a pharmacist.” Like a lot of that’s tied up. And like, you know you try to fill. And a lot of it goes to things like finances and the markets and things like that. 

But when you look at your goals, like it’s typically not what you really want to do or enjoy doing. Some people do. But I think if you can take some of that stress out and really focus on what matters most, which might be volunteering, or traveling and things like that, and not have to worry about that. I mean, I think that’s a huge benefit. 

One of the things we haven’t talked about, there are lots of cons to annuities as well. There’re pros. But there’re cons as well that you have to be kind of aware of and before you make that decision. Because it’s a decision that you can’t really reverse. 

[00:37:05] TU: Let’s jump into one of those cons, Tim, which I often hear about. And before I started to dive more into this topic, I certainly had that talking point, which was fees, fees, fees, right? Annuities equals fees. And we probably underestimate the impact of those fees on the overall value of the product. Talk to us more objectively about the fees. How they work on these products? And what we should be considering? 

[00:37:27] TB: Yeah. When you think about the costs, the fees, related fees, obviously, you have the premiums. That’s what you give the insurance company for that income stream. But I remember when I got into financial planning, Tim, when I worked in the broker-dealer world, one of the things that I heard was like sell variable annuities. And I’m like, “Why?” And like because they pay 6% to 8% commission. And it was like just talked about like that. 

[00:37:53] TU: Do the math on that, right? A couple hundred thousand dollars.

[00:37:56] TB: Yeah. And I’m like, “Okay, the ones that have the higher commissions are – they have the longer surrender period.” Their surrender period, or their surrender charge, is where annuitants cannot make withdrawals during like a period of time or they get penalized. They pay a surrender charge or a fee. And these typically can last five, six, seven eight years. That’s involved. 

There are annuities that will work with like the fee-only community like us, where they’re commission-free. But they still have to make money somewhere. It could be where they have admin fees. I wouldn’t make money as an advisor because I get paid differently. But there are still admin fees. Could be a mortality expense. This is the compensation that the insurance company basically earns for taking a risk of like you outliving that amount of money that you give them. 

It could be if it is investment, like a variable annuity or an index annuity that there’s the expense ratio that you pay for those investments. And then all those riders. You know, you can have a rider for long-term care insurance that you can access your policy for long-term care. I should say, it could be a rider for return a premium. Or there’s lots of different writers that you can kind of tack on. 

That’s one of the things that, regardless of the annuity that you elect to purchase, you’ll likely have to pay at least administrative and mortality expenses. Again, some will not have surrender. Some will not have commissions. And the ones that I typically like, which are typically like the SPIA. Keep it simple stupid. Those are going to be the cheapest for that. 

But again, if I pay 1% or 2% to get a lifetime income, I’m willing to have that conversation. Versus I don’t know if I’m going to have that conversation at 6%, 7%, 8%. 

[00:39:47] TU: Yeah. Tim, I’m not ashamed about the bias I’m going to have here and saying what I say because we’re proud of the value of fee-only fiduciary advice. This is an example where separating the advice from the purchasing of the policy is really valuable, right? 

[00:40:02] TB: Totally. 

[00:40:02] TU: If I’m totally in an annuity and I’m trying to understand the nuances. What do I need? What do I not need? Not only does a good-fee only planner able to see the rest of the plan and help us advise it. But when we’re in that purchase decision, which is true with any other insurance policy as well. And that insurance policy is tied to a commission, separating the advice from the commission of the policy can be really valuable. 

We’re looking at two, three, four options. Understanding what we do or don’t need. Doesn’t mean people that are selling annuities are bad. But just understanding where the conflicts may arise. And then how do we mitigate those so we can ensure we get what we do need and don’t get what we don’t want? 

[00:40:40] TB: Yeah. Tim, variable annuities, and non-traded REITs. Back in the day, those were like sell those. And it was because of those commissions were just ridiculously high. And again, I think most people are inherently good and they want to do right by the client. 

But also, if you’re in that system, like you don’t really bat an eye at that. Where I’m like, “Geez.” I was new. I was like that doesn’t seem like something that we should just – I don’t want to say flaunt. But it didn’t sit well with me.

[00:41:11] TU: Tim, last question I want to ask you before we wrap up here. Refers to the pre-tax, after-tax component. My understanding is that annuities can be purchased with both pre-tax and after-tax dollars. And so, how does the tax treatment of annuities differ depending on the type of annuity and how it’s funded?

[00:41:27] TB: Yeah. I think the tax treatment, I think the best way to understand it is that think of it as very similar to a pre-tax and an after-tax IRA. If you purchase – say, we use that example. Let’s say I have my $2 million portfolio but a million of that is from a traditional – a pre-tax IRA. And I’m going to peal the $250,000 for my SPIA out of my pre-tax IRA. 

Essentially, the funding source is pre-tax. That annuity will be qualified. It’ll be funded with pre-tax money. Essentially, that means that when those payments start to come out, they are taxed as ordinary income just like it would be if I just withdrew it from the IRA. 

[00:42:15] TU: To move down to Florida? 

[00:42:17] TB: Yeah, exactly. Right. Exactly. I can void state Yeah. If I say, “Hey, on second thought, I want to fund my annuity with after-tax dollars.” Let’s say I use a Roth or it could be even let’s say a brokerage account. Those are post-tax dollars. You only pay taxes on the earnings or interest portion of the distribution but not the principal. 

They look at the bulk of that payment come back as like a return in principle. think of it very similarly to how you would just distribute a traditional 401k or a Roth 401k. One of the things to call out is that annuities still have that 10%. If you do this before 59 and a half, you still have a 10 penalty on those qualified annuities. 

I think there is – and don’t quote me on this. But I think if you say I’m 57, so I’m before 59 and a half, and I buy a SPIA and I knew – that means I basically annuitized that within 13 months. I think that circumvents that role because you’re basically drawing it out immediately. I think there are a little bit of like variations to the tax and the penalties. But pretty much I would say think of it as how you would distribute a pre-tax or an after-tax account. 

[00:43:32] TU: Tim, great stuff. We’ve covered a lot. But we’re just dabbling into the topic of annuities. One that we’re going to be talking more about along with other topics, especially to those pharmacists that are in that mid-career, pre-retiree, retiree. Things that we know are top of mind as they evaluate that transition maybe soon or a little bit later into retirement. 

And I really want to call out, as we wrap up here, our financial planning services offered by our five certified financial planners at YFP Planning. We work with pharmacists at all stages of their career. Whether you’re nearing retirement and you’re thinking about this decision on annuity. Whether you’re in the middle of your career. Or whether you’re a new practitioner, we have one-on-one comprehensive financial planning that is ready to meet your needs based on your goals and your stage of career. 

For those that are new practitioners, we’ve got a foundational financial planning offering. For those that are more in the middle to later in their careers, we have a wealth management service. And I will link to in the show notes a link where you can book a free discovery call with Justin, pharmacist from our team, to learn more about those services and whether or not they’re a good fit for what you’re looking for. 

Tim, thanks so much, as always. And looking forward to get back to it in the future.

[00:44:41] TB: You got it. 


[00:44:43] TU: Before we wrap up today’s show, I want to again thank this week’s sponsor of the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast, First Horizon. We’re glad to have found a solution for pharmacists that are unable to save 20% for a down payment on a home. 

A lot of pharmacists and the YFP community have taken advantage of First Horizon’s pharmacist home loan, which requires a 3% down payment for a single-family home or townhome for first-time home buyers and has no PMI on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. 

To learn more about the requirements for First Horizon’s pharmacist home loan and to get started with the pre-approval process, you can visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan. Again, that’s yourfinancialpharmacist.com/home-loan. 

As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts, and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of your financial pharmacists unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the date published. Such information may contain forward-looking statements are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacists.com/disclaimer. 

Thank you again for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacists podcast. Have a great rest of your week.



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YFP 300: Celebrating 300 Episodes of the YFP Podcast!

On this episode, sponsored by APhA, YFP Co-Founder & CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, and YFP Co-Founder & Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, RICP®, celebrate the 300th episode of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast! From student loan repayment strategies and investment planning to wealth protection and entrepreneurship, this podcast has strived to provide valuable insights and practical advice to help pharmacists achieve their financial goals each week. Tim and Tim reflect on some of the most memorable moments and guests from the past 299 episodes.

Episode Summary

YFP Co-Founder & CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, is joined by YFP Co-Founder & Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, RICP®, for a special episode of the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast. This week, Tim and Tim are celebrating the 300th episode of the podcast! After taking a moment to express their gratitude for the YFP team, the YFP community, guests, and listeners, they take some time to reflect on the first 299 episodes and just how far the Your Financial Pharmacist podcast has come in the last six years. 

Tim and Tim share some of their favorite moments from the show, illustrating the range and breadth of personal finance topics covered along the way and how each relates to the personal finance journey and financial planning for pharmacists. From student loan repayment strategies to wealth protection and entrepreneurship, the podcast has covered it all! Highlights include a snippet from the very first episode of the podcast, how YFP has fostered a community by sharing pharmacist debt-free stories, and stories of pharmacists working towards and achieving financial independence. Listeners will hear Tim and Tim examine common threads throughout the years, including the importance of balancing future financial needs with living a rich life today, entrepreneurship as it relates to personal finance, the emotional and behavioral side of the financial plan, and the importance of philanthropy and giving as part of the financial plan. Tim and Tim close with another sharing of gratitude and hint at plans for the future of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[00:00:00] TU: Welcome to a special episode of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. We are thrilled to be celebrating our 300th episode today, and we couldn’t have done it without you, our listeners, and supporters. Over the years, we’ve covered a wide range of personal finance topics tailored specifically to pharmacy professionals. From student loan repayment strategies and investment planning to wealth protection and entrepreneurship, we’ve strived to provide valuable insights and practical advice to help you achieve your financial goals. 

To mark this milestone, we have a special episode lined up for you today. Tim and I will be reflecting on some of our most memorable moments and guests from the past 299 episodes. So sit back, relax, and join us as we celebrate 300 episodes of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. 


[00:00:51] TU: Today’s episode of Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast is brought to by the American Pharmacists Association. APhA has partnered with Your Financial Pharmacist to deliver personalized financial education benefits for APhA members. Throughout the year, APhA will be hosting a number of exclusive webinars covering topics like student loan debt payoff strategies, home buying, investing, insurance needs, and much more. Join APhA now to gain premier access to these educational resources and to receive discounts on YFP products and services. You can join APhA at a 25% discount by visiting pharmacist.com/join and using the coupon code YFP. Again, that’s pharmacist.com/join and using the coupon code YFP. 

Tim, episode number 300. Can you believe it?

[00:01:41] TB: I can’t believe it, Tim. It’s kind of surreal, to be honest. I thought when we started this thing way back in the day, that this would be a great project to dedicate some time to, to kind of lend our voices to the topic. But fast forward to today and where the podcast has gone and some of the things that we’ve covered and some of the guests we’ve had on, it’s kind of crazy. What are your thoughts?

[00:02:05] TU: It’s been an amazing journey. We’ll talk about some of the backstory. We’re going to feature some of our favorite moments from the show over the last, what now, six and a half plus years of doing this. Excited to revisit some of those exciting moments and some of the themes of the show. I don’t think you or I would have ever predicted where this would have gone, over a million and a half downloads of the show. But I think more than anything, that number I think certainly is an achievement. 

But what gets you and I most excited is what we hear from individuals of the impact that the show is having. Hey, I listened to this episode and I took this action or it ignited a conversation between my spouse and I or connected me with another pharmacist or got me thinking in a different way. That’s the piece that gets me fired up, and I think the reason we started it in the first place and the reason we’re continuing to do it today.

[00:03:02] TB: Yes. I mean, it is such a – we’ve said this before. It’s such a great medium to get out there and kind of have listeners see a certain side of you and be able to educate, but also to share and be vulnerable. One of the surrealist things, and I don’t do them anymore, Justin Woods does, our Director of Business Development, but I used to get on calls with prospective clients that were looking for help on their financial plan. They would say things like, “Hey, Tim. I feel like I know you because I’ve been listening to the podcast for the last two years,” or whatever it looks like. After I – the red kind of drains out of my face. It is kind of quite flattering, and you kind of sit in front of this mic and this camera. You don’t really think that when you hit record that it really has an impact. 

But I do think that what YFP has done, and I think the major tool in which it has done this is through the podcast, is really moving the needle for financial education, financial literacy, hopefully, wellness in the pharmacy profession. I still think that we have a lot of work to do. I’d be interested to ask you what you think is next maybe at the end of the podcast and where we’re taking this thing. But, yes, I’m just super excited. I’m super grateful. I think I’m kind of like – I guess I’m technically listed as the cohost, but I kind of just show up, Tim, to be honest. I do my research on what I need to do. 

But I know you and Caitlin and Rose, so I want to give them flowers, just do such a great job of prepping. There’s so much work that goes into this that is kind of behind the scenes. Really, without you guys, we’re not at episode 300 in it. From my perspective, it seems seamless, although I know it is not. So I just want to make sure that I express my gratitude to you and Caitlin and Rose over the years because I think it’s been a team effort. As a fan of the show, as a cohost of the show, so to speak, I don’t take that lightly.

[00:05:01] TU: Yes. I’m glad you mentioned that here, Tim. I had wanted to say some thank yous at the end. But this is a great place to do it. Because when we started the show July 2017, we had talked about what would be the frequency, right? It’s going to be weekly? It’s going to be monthly. It’s going to be every other week. We had several folks tell us like, “Man, don’t do weekly. That is a huge commitment.” 

I think in the only style that Tim Baker does, it’s like, “Hey, let’s jump in the deep end and figure it out.” We were doing A to Z, right? Editing, content planning, topics. But that would not be possible. We would not have been able to sustain that rhythm of weekly episodes here now at episode 300 without Caitlin’s help, without Rose’s help, without the team’s help, without your engagement, without the guests that have come on the show, the people that continue to listen, the folks that ask questions. So it really has been a community effort, and it’s been an incredible honor to be able to sit in the seat. 

One of my favorite parts of the show, we’ll talk more about this throughout the episode, is I hadn’t really thought about like, hey, 300 episodes means 300 conversations that we get to be a part of, right? Sometimes, that’s a sneak peek into a story, a journey of financial wins. Sometimes, that’s media, another pharmacy entrepreneur, or an investor, or an expert on a topic. I get incredible benefit out of just sitting in the seat and learning from the guests that we bring onto the show each and every week. So I also want to give a shout-out to the many, many guests that we’ve had on the show. That’s something that we’re certainly looking to do in the future as well. 

Tim, I want to bring back a little bit of humor as we get started here. But I was going back through some email in prep for this episode and found a string of emails from you and I back and forth, fall 2016. This would be before we officially partnered on the business or even making the decision on the podcast. We were talking about what are some name ideas. What are some taglines? What are some topic lines or topic ideas as it relates to the show? Some of the ones we threw out there are Pills and Bills Radio with Tim and Tim, Scripting Financial Freedom, Tim and Tim and the money, Your Financial Script. 

Then all of a sudden, I remember this vividly, I was on vacation with my family in Hilton Head. You and I were talking on the phone, and you said, “Why don’t we call it the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast?” As simple as it sounds, like that was a very pivotal moment in the journey.

[00:07:26] TB: I think – I don’t know this for sure. But like we both kind of had two separate brands. We were doing very similar types of things. Obviously, you with education and the blog, and me with kind of working more one-on-one with pharmacists on their financial plan. But I think a lot of the underlying beliefs and kind of vision and direction was there. You’ve never said this, but maybe it was more obvious to you because like I think you had –

[00:07:54] TU: It wasn’t. Yeah. It wasn’t.

[00:07:56] TB: Yes. I don’t know. For me, like I love Script. I love Script Financial. That was the original name of my firm when I launched. It’s funny how much time you spend on kind of trivial things like logo and colors and things like that, which are they’re important. But you kind of overweight that. It’s kind of the same thing with this when I’m like, “Tim’s done a really good job of like developing a following in a very short time, and I don’t think I have much of an ego.” I’m like, “Why don’t we just use your banner and use kind of the goodwill that you’ve created?” 

I kind of think you’ll remember because you were at, yes, Hilton Head. I think – I don’t know. Was it a phone call that I – because I kind of remember you sitting on like a back step or a front step, and I was having this conversation. 

[00:08:41] TU: Yes. 

[00:08:45] TB: It was kind of like that aha of like, “Duh, why didn’t we think of this 40 emails ago?” Yes, it is kind of funny. Sometimes, it’s like Occam’s razor, right? It’s simplest thing that’s in front of your face, so yes. But some of those names. I think we were kind of trying to trade a little bit on like the Mike and Mike, the ESPN tandem that they’re not together anymore. But I think using the YFP brand just made the most sense in every facet of what we’re trying to achieve. 

[00:09:18] TU: So as we celebrate episode 300, as I mentioned, we’re going to go back to some of the most memorable moments from the show and highlight the various themes that we’ve covered over the past six-plus years. It all started with episode one back in July of 2017. Let’s take a listen where we talk about the origins of the show. 

Hey, everybody. Welcome to the very first episode of Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. We are so excited to be here. It’s been a long time in the making, and we can’t wait to get started on this journey. In this very first episode, we’re going to discuss the origins of this podcast coming to life, our individual journeys to the world of personal finance, why we care about this topic so much, and what we have coming up and planned for future episodes. 

So to the Your Financial Pharmacist community, I know there’s lots of you out there that have been following the blog over the past few years. So I am super excited to be bringing on Tim Baker to this journey. Tim is a certified financial planner, and he’s doing this business of personal finance and advising the right way. He’s a fee-only advisor, and he has a passion for working with pharmacists. He’s going to add tremendous value to this podcast and to the Your Financial Pharmacist community as a whole. So I can’t wait for you to get to meet him and know more about him. 

So, Tim, you remember that time we met at Bob Evans off of I-71 in Mansfield, Ohio. How random was that?

[00:10:43] TB: Yes. It was great. It was a magical breakfast. I think we sat down. Back up a little bit, we met each other actually via Twitter. That’s his thing. I think we realized that we were doing a lot of the same things, and we had a lot of the same passion. So, yes, that breakfast then in Bob Evans was great for me. I think it kind of was the first step in this direction of kind of partnering up and really bringing great content under the Your Financial Pharmacist brand and really build out the community. So I am super excited, Tim. I’m really ready to kind of begin this journey with you and get this podcast off the ground.

[00:11:30] TU: Tim, I got to admit. That’s a little bit uncomfortable to listen to. I can hear the nerves and excitement in our voices. We had no idea where things were going to go at that point, as we’ve already mentioned. But we knew that the podcast was a good next step after we had that first meeting. We had this shared passion of personal finance and pharmacy. But that takes you back, right, hearing that?

[00:11:50] TB: It does and it was left out of that. I actually turned on the first episode, and you hear like the intro. It’s so different now. It’s a lot better now. But like, yes, I definitely do not go back and listen to those. But at the time, I’m like, “Hey, this is pretty good.” I’m sure, and given everything, like it’s not bad. But it goes back to that point of, and you’ve been posting this lately on LinkedIn, you just got to start. The more that you get paralyzed in your brain, the less you’re going to learn. 

Obviously, 300 episodes in, I don’t know if I’m any more articulate or stutter any differently than I did then. But it was just so unknown. I think 300 repetitions later, I wouldn’t say it’s polished because – I will admit this. I edited, I think, the first 50 episodes of the podcast. I would take way too much time, Tim, to kind of take out like my ums and some of the imperfections. If you go through, like you’ll hear that probably episodes like 10 through 40 or something like that. But it’s just not genuine. It wasn’t really genuine. This is how I talk. I say lots of ums. I don’t say my geez. 

So I think that it was kind of a lesson for me. It’s like don’t try to be something that you’re not. In a world where I think everybody can kind of give you praise or give you like criticism, you kind of have to like filter that out. I think sometimes, like we’ll hear something of like, “Hey, you suck.” That sits well like more with you than like some of the other things that we hear that are positive. That’s kind of been part of the journey too, just being authentic. But it’s just kind of crazy to hear that, which I don’t know if I’ve ever listened to that since that episode, outside of doing the editing. I feel like we’ve come a long way.

[00:13:41] TU: Tim, one of the things we focused on very early on in the show, and we’ve continued, is sharing pharmacist stories. We really wanted to do this for a couple reasons. One, the topic of personal finance can be pretty dry. Two, we really wanted to foster and create a community where pharmacists were empowering and motivating one another. It’s one thing for us to teach and preach, and we certainly do that sometimes. It’s another thing to teach concepts and principles through stories. I think it really helps foster that sense of this isn’t just you or I delivering material. This is us as a collective community of pharmacy professionals coming together to help empower one another on the path towards achieving financial freedom. 

That was a really intentional decision, and I think we have seen the fruit of that throughout. Let’s listen into one of the many debt-free stories that we have featured. This is episode 31 with Adam and Brittany Patterson, starting with Adam talking about making the mental transition from student to new practitioner.

[00:14:49] AP: I would say throughout pharmacy school, I tried to mentally prepare myself going towards graduation. Listen to everybody tell me, “Hey, you’ll be making six figures. Don’t worry about it.” What a lot of people don’t consider at the time was that we actually don’t bring home six figures at the end of the day. They don’t factor in all the taxes and everything that cuts out of your paycheck. 

I didn’t really have a plan at how I was going to tackle the debt but knew that I had a grace period, six months, to figure it out before I started making payments. My wife and I always joked about how much it would take us or how long it would take us to pay off our loans. But it wasn’t until close to the end of the grace period that it all started to settle in. I think once we actually sat down and started to think about how much money we would owe in the long run, looking at the debt, looking at how much interest would build up, that we really started to focus on attacking that debt. So at first, I would say at graduation, it really doesn’t set in until that first payment is due.

[00:15:53] TU: Tim, you know the Pattersons well. This journey that was featured on episode 31 was when Adam and Brittany had paid off $211,000 of debt in 26 months. This really was a catalyst for their family and for their financial plan, right?

[00:16:08] TB: Yes. Shout out to Adam and Brittany. I hear Adam’s voice, and I’m like, “Man, I like that guy.” I haven’t talked to him in a while, and I need to reach out and see how they’re doing. They’re the face of our website. So you see their face when you go to yourfinancialpharmacist.com. 

Yes, I mean, they were really at the jumping-off point in terms of like, “Hey, what’s next? And how do we transition?” They’re just a great example of some of the behavioral finance that we’ll talk about some more in this episode. But just great – I was more thinking of it of like, as I’m listening to Adam, just some of the great people that I’ve got to work with, got to converse with, got to break bread with. They visited me and my daughter when they came through Baltimore, so just great people. 

But, yes, they’re just another great example of, I think, how they’ve approached, again, this mountain of debt and then how they’ve, I think, done a great job of transitioning from that. The big thing from them I think when they started working with me, they were renting a house. Then they bought a beautiful home there outside of Atlanta and Georgia. It’s just kind of awesome to see, to be honest, like the progress. I’m kind of more stuck not necessarily on the numbers but on like the people and the relationships that you develop. 

So, yes, I definitely jotted down a note that I got to reach out to Adam and Brittany and see how they’re doing. Hopefully, we can meet up with them soon. But just another great conversation and another great example of just being intentional with your financial plan, which I know is a common theme that we try to hit on.

[00:17:47] TU: Yes. That’s what I really remember from their journey. I’m so glad you’ve mentioned the personal relationship side of it, right? Because, I mean, the numbers on the debt repayment or the savings and investing, we love seeing that progress. But it’s about what does that mean for them and their family and living a rich life. It’s been fun to watch with the Pattersons. We’re going to come back and talk about that through the episode. 

Tim, one thing Adam said that really hit me was when he said, “I didn’t really have a plan for how to tackle the debt.” This is something that we hear on the regular. Maybe this is a little bit of a pat on our own back, but it feels like the conversation in pharmacy around student loans has become more nuanced in a good way, right? Pharmacists today in 2023 are asking us questions about student loans that demonstrates a level of baseline knowledge that we weren’t hearing back in 2017.

[00:18:38] TB: There’s a couple of shifts that are going on there. One, back in the day in 2017, 2018, 2019, there was a lot of pain around student loans and a lot of pain coupled with where the heck do I even start? Like, “How do I even take a proper inventory?” Then I think as the years went on, it was a pain. But I have a good baseline knowledge of what I have and what I need to pay back. But like how do I – what are the Xs and Os to do that? 

Now, since the pandemic, obviously, one of the things that’s happened since we launched the podcast, among other changes that have happened, the long pause that we’ve had, I think it shifted. We don’t hear a lot of pain around student loans because they kind of been out of sight, out of mind. I think that will shift back when the loans come back online and people are paying. But it’s kind of just been like this hibernating bear. But I would agree with you, Tim. I think I’d like to, hopefully, take some credit of why that shifted a little bit in terms of definitely a more nuanced, a more thoughtful approach to inventory or even like talking about different repayment plans, which were just non-existent before and, be honest, non-existent even in the financial planning world because a lot of this was just so new. 

So, yes, I mean, a lot of this is, obviously, Xs and Os. But I think when it comes down to what we’re trying to do is soothe the pain that a lot of our listeners had at the time and I still think will have once the pause basically is over. But, yes, it’s kind of been interesting to see that transition over time to where we’re at today. Then, again, in a couple of months, what that will look like when the payments start coming back on.

[00:20:28] TU: Again, shout out to the Pattersons. Grateful for their contribution, sharing that story. That is one of many debt-free stories that we’ve shared on the podcasts. We’ve covered student loans A to Z. So if anyone’s looking for either content, knowledge around student loans, or debt-free stories and journeys, go to some of the throwback episodes that we’ve had throughout the show. 

So student loans we’ve covered in detail on the show, a big part of the early days of YFP. But we’ve also focused heavily on stories of pharmacists that are working towards financial independence and living a rich life today, while taking care of their future selves. Let’s take a listen to one financial independence journey that of Cory and Cassie Jenks that we featured on episode 134.

[00:21:15] CJ: Yes. So you’ve had a couple of great guests talk about their FIRE journey, but it’s essentially financially independent, retire early. So you save enough, and the number that is commonly used is you save enough till you have 25 times your annual expenses. Then theoretically, you can withdraw that indefinitely at a four percent rate. To get there, basically, you’re going to have to really bust it for 10 to 20 years, depending on what your savings rate is, depending on what your own spending rate is. 

As Mister Money Mustache and hundreds of other bloggers and people have shown, it’s a very viable path. I think that if we had found that in our mid-20s, before kids, like, okay, we could have sucked it up and both worked full-time hardcore to get there. But then we had a kid and realized we want to have time with him, as much as he can be a little pain. So I came across this idea of CoastFI, and so the FI being financially independent. This says that if you saved enough at a high rate for a short period of time early on in your life and career, you’re going to have the time and compound interest to have it grow to what you need it to be by the time you retire. So that if you hit this CoastFI number, you can scale back the work you’re doing. You can take a job that has a little bit more risk, knowing that you don’t need to continue to contribute to your retirement in order to hit that number. 

Now, I love how you like to personalize this idea of personal finance because traditional FIRE people would get angry at you for not just going all the way through. Maybe CoastFI people will get angry at us because our version of it is to try to get to a number. But then still work some in order to save some. I don’t think we want to hit a number and then stop. So our version is to like get to the number we want and then have the freedom to contribute a little bit less as our lifestyle changes with our family.

[00:23:20] TU: Tim, one of the reasons I want to bring back this story is I’ve stayed in touch with Cory and Cassie. Great people, shout out to them. This was really a key pivotal moment for them and their family, this journey that they run towards financial independence and being intentional with the financial plan, just like we’ve talked about with the Pattersons. Since that point, because of the groundwork they had laid, Cory has been able to pursue his entrepreneurial efforts as an author, comedian, speaker. Cassie has been able to shift jobs to be more in alignment with what she was looking to do, which has really given them a lot of the flexibility that they were looking for with a young family, to be able to have that time together but also to be pursuing the things that they wanted to be doing professionally. 

So I think that that is such a great example of the combination of the financial plan and what we’re ultimately trying to achieve. One example of many, Tim, of something you often say, which is, hey, we’ve got to find this balance between living a rich life today and taking care of our future selves. Why is this such a central theme for you, personally, as well as for our planning team that works with our pharmacist households all across the country? 

[00:24:35] TB: That’s a great question, Tim. So why is that important? I think like before I answer that question, when I was listening to Cory, I was just thinking like it was a little bit of the same conversation we had when we were on a recent road trip because you kind of had mentioned planning for your boy’s college and kind of going all the way to one end of like, “Hey, I had this experience of having a lot of debt, so I don’t want them to experience that.” For me, the thing that was screaming, as I was listening to Cory speak and then kind of relating that to our conversation in the car, was planning is greater than the plan. What I mean by that is like it’s kind of the Mike Tyson quote. It’s like you have a plan until someone punches you in the face, or life happens, or you have a kid, which those are things. Having a kid, those are things that have happened since like we started the podcast, for me at least. I know you’ve added a couple to your crew. 

So it’s more about planning and less about the plan because the plan is going to change because change is an inevitable part of our life. I think the better that we can cope with change and plan around that, the better we will be. But the answer to your question about live a rich life today, live a rich life tomorrow, I think that a lot of the – and you’re starting to see it swing back the other way. A lot of the mantra is like save, save, save. Have enough for retirement and make sure you’re doing all these things for like the 30-year older version of yourself. 

But then there’s a lot more content and stuff out there. What was the book that you’ve recently read? Die with Zero or whatever. That’s kind of shifted that back. I think like the dangerous thing is that if you follow those kind of rules of thumb, you get to the end of the rainbow and you retire. Say you retire with five million. But if you would have taken that trip or those trips throughout the course of the year, or if you would have taken that one day a week to kind of work on a side hustle or spend time with your family, maybe you retire with two or three. 

To me, like the question I would ask the client would be like, “Well, what’s the point? What are we really trying to achieve? Is it to amass a bunch of ones and zeros in a bank account? Or is it to really live a rich life as you age through your 20s, 30s, 40s, hopefully, to your 100s?” I think that because we get so busy, we’re on to the next thing. Pharmacists are very type A. It’s, “Okay, I’ve done this. What’s next? Okay, I’ve done this. What’s next?” But I think what planning really does or I think if it’s done well, it really allows space for a conversation of is this what we really want. Is this a wealthy life? 

I think we can – this was me completely. I was raised, and I love my parents. But I was raised that the key to success or happiness, if you want to intertwine those two, is, Tim, you have to get the best grades that you can get to get into the best college that you can get into, to then graduate with the highest GPA, to get the best job, to make the most money. I realized in my first probably 30 years of life that like that didn’t necessarily add up to me, that I was often happiest when things were simpler, when I wasn’t making a lot of money. I had a lot more control of my time. I think it really forced me to kind of question and to evaluate what were the important things in my life. 

Unfortunately, especially if you kind of get into that trap of, man, I’m working 40, 50, 60 hours, there’s no capacity to really question am I on the right track or not. Sometimes, like it takes you to do that. Sometimes, it’s you and a partner. Sometimes, it’s a third party, an objective person like a therapist, like a financial planner, maybe a priest or a minister or whatever to kind of ask those pointed questions and to challenge the paradigm in which you are in. 

I’m happy to see that a lot more of the content or some of the discussion around this is not to – again, I kind of think about corporate America. Right or wrong, but corporate America is running a marathon at a sprinter’s pace, and it’s really not a sustainable thing. So whether that’s your profession, whether that’s the way that you’re spending money, the way that you’re spending your time, I really think that question of are we living a wealthy life today or are we living a wealthy life tomorrow. I think having balanced between those is such an important question to ask yourself, as you are kind of proceeding through life. 

Because I know, for me, like there’s been parts of my life where I’m like – it’s kind of like, all right, when you’re little, you kick your soccer ball into the sticker bushes, and you just stick your head down. You’re running and you get out as quickly as you can. Then you take some lumps. But sometimes, we just get stuck in those thorny bushes. You wake up and you’re 40 years old, 50 years old, 60 year olds. You’re like, “What the heck am I doing?” So I think being self-reflective, it’s really about that more than anything. 

[00:30:02] TU: Yeah. Tim, you’ve role-modeled this firsthand. Let’s take a listen back to episode 227, where we discuss this further, right? How much is enough, the importance of balancing experiences today with the future. This included your decision to buy your motorhome. Let’s take a listen.

[00:30:19] TB: One of the things I say to prospective clients, we might go through the wealth-building stage of the financial plan, and we’ll do a nest egg calculation that says, “Hey, Tim. You need five million dollars to retire.” That’s typically where they look at us like we have five million heads, right? Because it’s a big number that’s in the future that doesn’t really mean anything to me. So we go through the process of kind of discounting that back to a number that says, “Okay, if you’re putting this into your TSP or this into your IRA or this into your 401(k) a month, you’re on track, or you’re off track, right?” So we can kind of break that down into more of a digestible number to see if we’re trending to that goal, given a handful of assumptions. 

But the point of this story is if we do work together for the next 30 years, and you don’t have five million, you have 7 million, 8 million, 10 million, whatever that is, that’s great. Those numbers are bigger than five million. But if you’re miserable because you look back at that list of all the things that you wanted to do over 30 years, 20 years, 10 years, whatever that is, and you haven’t done anything, and you’re miserable because of it or you’re disappointed, the question I would ask you is what’s the freaking point?

[00:31:31] TU: That’s right. 

[00:31:33] TB: Why get this education? Why earn this money? Why pay down this debt? Why invest or whatever if we’re not going to intentionally direct it to the things that matter to you most? I don’t think that I’m going to be on my deathbed. I’m going to say I wish I would not have bought that RV. I just don’t think that in my heart of hearts because I just think about the reaction that my daughter and my niece has had, just when we pulled that up. Even the two camping trips that I had, I think I snapped a few pictures and texted them to you, Tim, even in our first camping trips. It’s going to be an adventure. 

To extrapolate that out, like that’s our lives, our lives, our adventures. But we have to be willing to take it and seize it. I think that’s what life planning really tries to get to the surface is what is that adventure and taking that road and not necessarily adapt to a paradigm that’s not yours.

[00:32:29] TU: Tim, that was great stuff. It has been a memory maker for your family. 

[00:32:33] TB: Yes. I was getting a little teary-eyed listening to that because it’s also like a good reminder for me to be completely honest. Sometimes, Shane and I will look at it. I’m like, “Man, is this worth it because they say it’s just a money suck?” But then when you look at it in totality, like just the things that in the short time that we’ve had it, it’s been a game changer. I don’t know, it’s – listen to that. The two things that were kind of evident to me is when I repeat myself a lot. So I say a lot of the same things over and over again, which I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing. It’s just kind of like part of my messaging. 

But also, like it’s a reminder. Because sometimes, like – and again like we’ve asked the question, even since we got it. Man, is this worth it? It’s a lot of money. Gas prices have gone up and all that kind of stuff. But it is. I mean, we recently changed where we store it, and I’m driving it from one to the other, and I’m just getting so jacked up. My son will see it parked out front. He’s like, “Oh, are we going camping?” He just lights up. He’s like, “I want to go camping.” I’m like, “No, buddy. We’re not going to go camping until it’s a little bit warmer.” He’s like genuinely upset. 

So, yes, we have a lot of plans for it. Obviously, we have to make sure that we budget and we have our plan built around it. But I would reiterate the same thing that I had said is like I don’t think that I’m going to be on my deathbed saying like, “I wish I wouldn’t have done that.” I think it’d be the opposite. I wish I would have done it sooner. I wish I would have done it longer or did more trips. So, yes, I think it’s just so important too. 

That’s the thing that I really enjoy about the work that we do after the podcasts turns off, and people say, “Hey, I want to work with you guys.” I think our planners do a really good job of like bringing forward, yes, we got to do the Xs and Os and the technical stuff. But bringing forward like that trip that you want to take or this goal that is not necessarily – it’s money-adjacent, right? Because a lot of the things we have to like plan the dollars for, but it’s not necessarily like traditional investing or an insurance policy. 

I think those things are just as important. I don’t know if a lot of planners feel that way. But to me, if you have that trip to Paris or the Pacific Northwest out there, I’m like, “Where’s the money for that? Let’s get this going. Let’s do this, and let’s cross it off the list and then move on to the next one.” 

[00:34:57] TU: Great stuff. One of the things I mentioned earlier, Tim, is the joy that it’s been to get to know some of the guests that we’ve had on the show. Many of which have led to some awesome friendships and collaborations and just a ton of fruit that has come from that. Most of our guests have been pharmacists. But we’ve had the opportunity to interview several New York Times bestselling authors, gurus in personal finance. This has been an honor. I mean, it’s been a ton of fun just to learn from these folks. I’ve been amazed at how gracious people can be with their time. 

Let’s take a listen back to my interview, one of these with Rachel Cruze, episode 215, where she discusses the emotional and behavioral side of the financial plan, including how we can write our own financial story.

[00:35:42] RC: When there’s so much hope, and I think even the money piece of my message that I communicate with people, it’s like no matter what mistakes you’ve made, yes, maybe you do have a ton of debt. So on a more logistical side, yes, you have a deeper hole to dig out of than the person next to you. But no matter what, you get to make decisions to say, “No, I actually want to change how I view something or the habits around money.” 

The same is true with your classroom. Some people – a lot of people, I would say, grew up in a hard environment when it came to money with their parents. But, yes, but you don’t have to just mirror that story, right? You can take charge of your life to say, “You know what? I’m not going to sit here and bash my parents, but I’m also not going to defend them. I’m going to just tell the truth and what happens. Here’s the truth. Okay, there’s some good stuff, and there’s some bad stuff. The bad stuff I can forgive, and I’m going to move forward, though, to choose something different for my life and my family.” 

I think it’s powerful, and I think we have to do that in all our parenting. I’m not a parenting expert, by any means. But I’m like, my husband and I have said, “Okay, this is our family. What are we going to choose to do in this? So the money piece is part of that.

[00:36:44] TU: Tim, I felt like this episode was oozing with wisdom, and I loved her authenticity. But one of the things she really hit on, we spent most of the conversation talking about, is really the behavioral side of the financial plan, the emotional side of the financial plan. She was alluding there to the money classroom that we grew up in, the money scripts that we hear growing up, and how much of an influence, whether we realize it or not, that that has on how we approach our finances today. 

So, Tim, from your perspective, either individually or also what you see with clients, like how important is that money classroom, is that money script in understanding what perspective you’re bringing into the financial plan to ultimately achieve the goals that you want to achieve?

[00:37:28] TB: Yes. I mean, we all have these money scripts. It could be money is the root of all evil, or money solves all your problems, or there’s – don’t trust people with money. There could be a lot of different things that based on your parents, their upbringing, and how they imprint that on you. It’s a big factor. I always kind of point to the Advisor’s Alpha Vanguard study, and that highlights if you work with a financial advisor. They’re supposedly returning three percent per year on your assets. Half of that is really attributed to not technical or any type of special analysis. It’s really like the behavioral coaching. 

That’s significant. I think that whether we want to believe it or not, like we all have these scripts, this baggage. It could be a positive thing. It could also be something that’s a limiting factor for us to really kind of achieve the goals that we have. I think that I’m dabbling more into it. I don’t think I’ve even told you this, Tim. But I’m dabbling more into like stoicism, so reading some books on stoicism and Marcus Aurelius. One of the big things that I’m pulling out of that is like you can really only control what you can control. A lot of our thoughts and a lot of the things that preoccupy us are things that are completely out of our control. 

It’s kind of what she was saying. You can think about your upbringing and how you were taught, and you can hold on to that and not let that go but probably to your detriment. It’s really about what are you doing today. What are the intentional actions that you’re doing today to better yourselves? That could be financially related. It could be something completely outside of that, just general wellness. 

I think that part of, again, working with a therapist, an advisor, whoever that is, is to kind of pull back some of that façade. Ask good question. Ask pointed questions. Challenge you to say again, are we really where we want to be. Or when you said this, let’s dissect that. Where’s that coming from? What is this? How is this serving you or not serving you? What are the limiting factors? 

We see this, I think, more often with people that are wading into spaces that they’re completely unfamiliar. So I’m thinking about like a business, and we hear things like impostor syndrome or – but it is true for that individual that is working a shift at a hospital or like a farm. All of that is there. So to me, again, it’s about reflecting on these behaviors and then questioning, does this serve me today. If it doesn’t, let it go, and then move on. I think building that as part of the plan is important. 

I was talking with one of our lead planners who’s doing a certification on financial like kind of psychology counseling. A lot of that is to kind of, again, uncover some of the things that she sees in clients to be able to better serve them or challenge them, when they utter X or Y in terms of how they approach their finances. So it’s really, really important the behavioral aspect of it. I think having the pulse on your own, which is very hard, is, I think, part of the building blocks of creating a plan that serves you and not others. So great episode.

[00:40:49] TU: Tim, as we’ve evolved in our own journey as entrepreneurs and have had the opportunity to connect with various pharmacists that are falling in a similar pathway, we quickly came to the realization that finance is a threat across so many not only individual stories but so many business stories. Whether it’s people that are dreaming about their idea, those that are in the thick of launching something or those that are looking to scale, it’s really hard to separate out our personal financial plan and goals from the business. 

That’s in part why we started featuring more and more of the show, I would say, over the last 100 episodes or so on pharmacy entrepreneurs, knowing that personal finance is a common thread to pharmacy entrepreneurship to that community. But also, given our personal passion for entrepreneurship, we wanted to give some examples and on some level inspire others with the many different ways that a pharmacist degree and license can be valuable. 

Let’s take a listen back to one of these pharmacy entrepreneurs’ interviews that we featured in 2022. That was Kun Yang, the Co-Founder and CEO of Pricklee Cactus Water, and he was featured along with his co-founder on Shark Tank.

[00:42:02] KY: I think there were a lot of moments. When I look back, it wasn’t like I think one specific – I mean, I do have a specific moment that I’ll share. But I think there were a lot of feelings that I think that felt familiar to me, even in that moment that I can kind of trace back and say, “Okay, this kind of makes a lot of sense.” So the moment really was walking into – I just finished our fellowship and program, and had started a new company. It was a spin-off of our existing fellowship business. I kind of just walked in and had really, really fallen in pretty deep appreciation for the opportunity and the people that I was working with. 

But I think one of the days I kind of walked in, and I looked around, and this was still pretty early on in our journey. But something hit me that I had always thought that through all the different career changes and exploration of getting to that point, that going this “non-traditional” path would have led me to move away from this feeling of “impostor syndrome” or feeling like everything that I was doing was actually getting more and more specific. It was because it was leading me to a point of clarity, right?

Really, over time, I realized that impostor syndrome and point of clarity had a lot to do with an understanding of who I wasn’t, as opposed to understanding of who I was. I think that’s something that probably a lot of us can relate to is growing up in your 20s and even maybe sometimes early 30s, you have a lot of ideas of maybe what you don’t like to do, right? Or what are some of the things that don’t excite you? What are some of the general things that do excite you? But you may not really understand specifically why or what you’re really good at to allow you to succeed in those roles. 

Again, all those feelings led to that one moment I walked in. I looked around in this open office setting, and I was kind of like, “Man, there’s a lot of incredibly talented and smart individuals around me. If I work really, really hard here for another 15, 20 years, I can really be like one of them.” These were at the time, again, all my heroes I looked up to that kind of forged the pathway for us before. 

I guess it hit me in that moment that there wasn’t a specific role that I could look at and say like that is exactly in specific what I wanted to do. I think that that was my – I call it a quarter-life crisis moment of all that impostor syndrome bubbling and kind of blowing up all at once, realizing that, “Wait a second. How could I have done all this and pursued all this specificity, only to feel this still in this moment?” There’s not much more specificity I could pursue. That was when it really kind of became an introspective question of like, “Is there something outside of pharmacy that I can apply my skills to still within the health and wellness space that we’re really passionate about, that I could find truth and clarity?”  

[00:44:37] TU: Tim, that was one of my favorite episodes of 2022 and just the opportunity to cross paths with Kun. We would later find out we’ve worked at the fellowship program. Shout out to the MCPHS fellowship program, Amee Mistry, who’s been our collaborator now five-plus years and some really incredible graduates that have come out of that program. One of which is being Kun. But just to hear his reflection on that episode of his quarter-life crisis of coming to this moment of, hey, my pharmacy degree and the experiences I’ve had are valuable. But that doesn’t necessarily mean I have to be identified by that or be identified by a traditional career path. I suspect maybe that connects a little bit with you as well on your own journey.

[00:45:21] TB: Yes. I think going back to Cory, like I think early on, Cory Jenks, like we definitely wanted to give a voice, more of a non-traditional path. I mean, you yourself, Tim, since we started the podcast, again, what’s changed? You’re no longer full-time in academia. You’re full-time with YFP, so more of a non-traditional. So I’ll preface this by saying like being an entrepreneur is not for everyone. I think that that’s important to say out loud because there’s a lot that goes into that. It’s not necessarily for every personality type. 

But I do think that, for me, personally, being an entrepreneur, I get a lot of juice and a lot of just energy listening to other entrepreneurs kind of share their story. This one in particular, obviously, we had them on the podcast and watched their Shark Tank episode. It’s very inspiring. I do think that one of the common things that comes out with a lot of these sources is the financial piece. That is a financial thread, whether it’s before, during, or even after the whole journey of being an entrepreneur. 

So I think, selfishly, we highlight some of the stories because like it’s part of the things that you and I are both interested in. I can hear my own story when I listen to Kun in this episode, and I’m sure a lot of other pharmacists that are going down this path. But I think that it’s another thing that for us to kind of give voices or to highlight. You don’t have to necessarily color within these lines. There’s a life outside of this. For some people, that clicks. For some, it doesn’t. These particular types of episodes, for me, personally, being a fan of the show, are just super inspiring. Again, I can hear my own story in a lot of them, so.

[00:47:13] TU: Yes. Tim, one of the things that comes to mind here is when we started doing more of these interviews, I’ve often shared with folks. I grew up in small business. We’ve had a family business. My dad’s been in business, advise businesses. I think that probably has stayed with me over time. But I just can’t get enough of talking with other entrepreneurs. What are you building? Why are you building it? What’s working? What’s not working? What are you learning about yourself and the journey? It’s incredible to have those conversations. 

One of my goals with these conversations was, hey, I’m not necessary expecting that any listener is going to listen to Kun’s story. Or I think about Allyson Brennan, the Founder of Emogene & Co. or Karine Wong, who founded My Guiltless Treats we had on the show, Victoria Reinhatz with Mobile Health Consultants, and the many stories we featured, Kelley Carlstrom and the awesome work that she’s doing. Not that a listener is going to say, “I’m going to go do exactly what Kelley’s doing.” But rather, it’s going to give them a different way of thinking, perhaps a source of inspiration or motivation of like, “I had no idea, like a pharmacist went that same traditional path that I went at one point or I am currently in.” 

If students are listening, and they went and did something that was non-traditional, they colored it outside of the lines. Again, we’re not suggesting that path is for everyone. But we want to give a voice to that, and I think we’re in a really exciting/disruptive time in our profession. Depending on how you look at disruption, it can be scary. That’s fair. But it also can be exciting. It means there’s opportunity for new ideas, new innovations to come to – and we’re seeing that out in the pharmacy entrepreneurship community. It’s really exciting. 

[00:48:55] TB: Yes. I mean and I think the writing’s on the wall. I would love to have maybe when I answer the question of like, “What’s next, Tim?” I actually have more long-form discussions about this, like the profession of pharmacy. I know there’s some other podcasts that, obviously, are strictly focused on that. But, yes, I mean, I think the writing’s on the wall for a lot of the things that we’ve been talking about with AI and Amazon and different legislative things that are out there that I think it is ripe for disruption. You can be on, “Hey, you embrace that,” or you could be on the, “I’m going to dig my heels in.” 

Yes, I think that when I look back at my journey before even meeting you, it was a podcast that I listened to over and over again. It was about financial planners that had a very similar story to me that were kind of leaving the traditional big siloed firm and doing it themselves. I’m like I remember having that like aha moment of, “I’m a pretty smart guy. I feel like I can figure this out.” I just took that leap. 

For me, and you see this in a lot of entrepreneurs, because unlike you, I didn’t grow up in that environment. I grew up in the environment of kind of what I was saying like, “Get the best job, i.e. the safest job.” Why would you ever like leave a steady paycheck to go start from zero? That’s a completely foreign concept in my family. I think for me is like once I made that switch, I kind of want to say like the chemistry of my brain change because, again, like I always talk, I said this on a recent post that you had, I was definitely that. A lot of pharmacists can relate to this. Every decision that I made, it was I’m going to dot all the Is. I’m going to cross all the Ts. I’m going to analyze every angle of this decision. Time will go by and I’ll be paralyzed by what should I do. 

Now, since becoming an entrepreneur, it’s really like I’m going to cannonball in and figure it out. I might swallow some water, but then I’m going to iterate, right? So I’m going to figure out what works or what doesn’t work. I’m going to save a lot of time doing that, and I’m still going to do a general analysis. But I think that mindset for me, I almost kind of equate it to like the chemistry in my brain. It’s like changed because and, again, I think you talk about entrepreneurship comes in a lot of forms. But it could be a side hustle. But it could be where you’re leaving your job in academia, and you’re doing this full-time. You’re uncapping your income potential. 

There’s just a lot of things that are attractive about it to me. Again, as a fan of the show and highlighting the stories, one, part of it is like I’m interested to see like what are people doing with our PharmD that’s related or even unrelated to the profession of pharmacy. What are some creative things that people are doing, and how is the profession going to pivot? Because I think to your point, it is ripe for disruption. 

So, yes, just super grateful to have, like I said, the individuals that you mentioned come on and share their story. I’m hoping to do much, much more of these in the future because they’re inspiring in the least, so. 

[00:52:14] TU: Yes. It’s so fun to give a voice to the stories here, the passion that comes through. One of the things I think I’ve shared with you, Tim, before, when I think about the traditional pie chart of the profession of pharmacy, right? You’ve got half or so that are in community practice. Maybe 20% or so that are in hospital practice, a smaller segment that’s an industry, smaller segment that’s in academia and research. Then that final five percent or so is very splintered between all these different opportunities. 

I think, if I had to put a crystal ball in the future of the profession, we’re going to see that splintered part of the pie chart become bigger and bigger with pharmacists pursuing more and more non-traditional options, which is exciting. The role of the pharmacist is an important one in our healthcare system. I think we’ve got some really cool ideas of things that our people are doing, and I have a feeling we’re going to reflect upon this period as one that was really disruptive in a good way for the profession.

[00:53:07] TB: Absolutely. 

[00:53:09] TU: So the last clip I want to share centers around the giving part of the financial plan. Let’s hear from pharmacist educator and Rising Suns Pharmacy Founder, Sarah Adkins, who came on episode 276 to talk about her why for giving, including the journey of starting a nonprofit pharmacy in Southeastern Ohio. Let’s hear from Sarah Adkins.

[00:53:30] SA: I was raised in the church. I think regardless of the spiritual realm in which you’re raised, a lot of my upbringing was about giving and making sure that those who were not as fortunate, that I gave to those people who were not as fortunate. I was taught that, I mean, since a young age. I think that, for me, that is – I don’t have a lot of money right in my – I never have needed that or wanted that. But I have time. Do I have time? That’s the question. 

[00:54:05] TU: That is the question. 

[00:54:07] SA: I think I don’t have time. But I definitely give wholeheartedly of my time is what I give. So I have given – it makes me feel good, truly. When I am at the free pharmacy, it is a lot like community pharmacy, right? It’s a lot. You’re on your feet. You’re taking phone calls. You’re answering questions. You’re trying to figure out cost of medications, spending a lot of time on the phone, asking patients about their insurance coverage or why are you not eligible and how much is your copay for this. 

I have a couple people, just because it’s come to my head. I have a woman who has an $8,000 deductible on her plan, $8,000. That always comes to my head about people with their deductibles. So why giving? Because I can, because I can. I’m bright. I have a good job. I have a lot of support from my family and my community. I can and I’m able, so why not? It makes me feel good. I feel like I’ve done something to make myself proud and to make my community proud and my family proud.

[00:55:14] TU: Because I can. All the fields there from Sarah, someone I have a great amount of admiration and respect for. Tim, her passion and mindset around giving of time and money is contagious. I know one of the things you and I are both excited about is as we work with thousands of pharmacists across the country and have the impact I think that we hope to have on improving the financial wellness, pharmacists working through paying off their own debt, getting a solid financial foundation in place, I think that, naturally, the next question for many pharmacists is how can I help. How can I help in whatever capacity means most to me? 

That might be something that’s more traditional in giving; nonprofits, churches, organizations. It might be family members, friends that are in need, other types of areas. But we really see this when we talk about the evolution of YFP and kind of the next phase of the podcast and other things we’re doing. I think the giving part of the financial plan is going to be a really important one.

[00:56:16] TB: I think sometimes there’s a little bit of guilt around this, especially kind of going back to the money scripts. I think this is a good money script to have is to give back. But sometimes, you got to put your own oxygen mask on before you can do that. So, yes, I think that this is one that I think naturally as people, again, kind of continue on their journey. They’re going to be looking for ways that they can kind of give back because a lot of people have been helped along the way as well. It’s something that you and I, again, have talked about in terms of like where does YFP fit in in this whole realm of giving. I think there’s going to be some things that we’re going to announce here in the future around that, which I’m really excited about. 

But, yes, it is one of those things that I’m hoping that we can shine more of a light on of stories like Sarah’s because I think it is so important, and it goes back to like what’s the point, right? She mentioned it, how it makes her feel. I think if you can incorporate that into your own financial plan or kind of the vision of what you’re trying to achieve, I think kind of all boats rise. So love the stories as well. I definitely want to make sure that we highlight more stories like this in the next 300 episodes. 

So, I guess, Tim, I guess, I’ll ask the question as like what do you think? What’s going to – what do the next 300 episodes have in store for us?

[00:57:45] TU: Well, this is the last – No, I’m just kidding. I think that there’s so much opportunity here. One of the things we’ve talked about is bringing this community together, right? Pharmacists empowering one another. This is not something that just Tim and I are leading or even our team at large. We really feel this vision and work around financial wellness for the profession of pharmacy is ongoing. The work needs to be done. That’s only going to happen at the level it needs to happen with the impact that it has the potential to have, if we can bring that community together to help one another empower one another share stories. So more stories are definitely on the horizon. 

Another thing that I have as a vision for the future is more voices on the show. I love doing this. But I recognize that there’s a ton of value and other perspectives, both internally and externally. So we’re going to have folks externally that are really passionate about certain topics. We’re working on this year with Corrie Sanders, Founder of Huna Health, leading our new pharmacy innovators series, featuring pharmacy entrepreneurs but also internally with the team, having more of the expertise of our certified financial planners, our tax professionals, other members of the YFP team to bring some other voices to the show. 

Then I think from a content standpoint, Tim, we’ve already started to make this transition that we want to make sure we’re representing the gamut of the pharmacy professional, right? From student pharmacist, new practitioner or mid-career, pre-retiree, retiree, we really feel like this topic of financial wellness in the profession of pharmacy is not narrowed into any one of those groups. It really spans the entirety because those topics are changing naturally as our phase of life evolves. So that will be done in content that we’re bringing to specifically more on that mid-career, pre-retire, retiree, as well as stories in those phases of life about that transition into retirement. 

I was just having a conversation yesterday with a pharmacist who’s mid-career. Kids are starting to get to the point of getting out of the house, was taking care of elderly parents. Totally different challenges and opportunities in different parts of the financial plan and wanting to make sure we’re bringing a voice to that as well. So that’s the future I see. We’ve been doing this long enough to know that you can only plan so much, right? There will be some pivot points that will naturally happen and, hopefully, some opportunities that come as well. 

Then we don’t have specifics on this yet, Tim, but both you and I share the vision of some more long-form content, bringing some more video in. We’d love to deck out YFP HQ with the studio and do some more video as well. So stay tuned. We might crack that down here in 2023. But what are your thoughts on that, other ideas you have for the vision as well?

[01:00:30] TB: Yes. I mean, I think we kind of follow the – At the time, when we launched the podcast, it was like keep it to like a commute, so like 30 minutes. We’re seeing a lot of successful podcasts go where – you just kind of turn the mic on and you’re just talking about a subject. A lot of the podcasts I listened to are an hour, an hour-plus. So I’m not necessarily advocating for us to kind of drone on about HSAs or things like that. But I would like to be talking more about – when I was looking at some of the statistics, some of our most listened to episodes are more or less about money and more about the broader profession and things like overall wellness. I think that is really important for us to discuss. 

I’m fortunate enough to be able to sit in our conference room here with you, Tim, and just kind of talk about broader issues. I think that some of those discussions, if we actually record it and put those out to the masses, would be valuable. Kind of getting your perspective, obviously, my perspective and kind of how I’ve worked with pharmacists over the years and even an outsider. So I think if you’re listening to this, we’re definitely open to feedback, whether that’s more long-form, broaden our scope a little bit. 

Are there people out there that are like, “Hey, I’ve been waiting for you to interview X, Y, or Z.”? Nominate yourself. We’d love to get more voices on the podcast and really make the next 300 episodes better than the first 300. Like I said, I want to do more. We talked about more shift in mid-career and retirees. I want to do more for my own kind of education on like money and kids and how we should approach that and what are some of the things that we should be teaching our kids. So we don’t kind of imprint some of these money scripts on them. 

There’s lots of things that I think we still are – we need to dust off and really work through. There’s probably a lot of guests that we need to have back on and get updates. So all of that is on the table. But, yes, I’m just super bullish about the work that we’ve done on the podcast, but also the work that’s yet to be done. Excited about the conversation and excited about the journey and continuing to learn on my end. Like I said, I’m a huge fan of the show myself. Yes, just excited for the next 300 in store.

[01:02:53] TU: I am too. It’s going to be a fun journey. It has been a fun journey. As we wrap up, I just want to, again, say thank you to the listeners. Tim, a thank you to you for the many hours you have put into the show, to the planning team, as we’ve had folks from there come on to the show, the many guests, just a few that we featured today. Again, a huge shout-out to Caitlin and Rose from the YFP team that are really the engine behind us putting out this content each and every week and being able to make the show go on. So big thank you to them. 

As Tim mentioned, and I’ll reiterate again, if you have an idea for the show, topic, guests, format of the show, we would love to hear that. You can email us, [email protected]. Last but certainly not least, if you’ve been a listener and you’ve liked the show, do us a favor. Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. That will help others find the show as well.

Tim, great stuff. Looking forward to the next 300. 

[01:03:46] TB: Oh, yes. 

[01:03:47] TU: Before we wrap up today’s episode of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast, I want to, again, thank our sponsor, the American Pharmacists Association. APhA is every pharmacist’s ally advocating on your behalf for better working conditions, better PBM practices, and more opportunities for pharmacists to provide care. Make sure to join a bolder APhA to gain premier access to financial educational resources and to receive discounts on YFP products and services. You can join APhA at a 25% discount by visiting pharmacists.com/join and using the coupon code YFP. Again, that’s pharmacist.com/join using the coupon code YFP. 


[01:04:27] TU: As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts, and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist, unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward-looking statements that are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. 

Thank you, again, for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week. 


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YFP 296: 5 Key Decisions for Long-Term Care Insurance

YFP Co-Founder & CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, is joined by YFP Co-Founder & Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, RICP®, to talk about long-term care insurance. During the show, they discuss what long-term care insurance does and does not cover, common misconceptions about long-term care policies, and five key considerations when purchasing a policy.

Episode Summary

This week on the YFP Podcast, YFP Co-Founder & CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, is joined by YFP Co-Founder & Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, RICP®, to discuss long-term care insurance. Tim Baker explains what a long-term care insurance policy is and what it does and does not cover. Tim and Tim move through some of the top reasons why someone would need long-term care, necessitating a long-term care insurance policy, and how that policy is triggered and paid out. Three common misconceptions surrounding long-term care insurance policies are mentioned, including thinking that medicare will cover all long-term care needs, optimism bias, and the belief that long-term care insurance policies are too expensive. 

In the second half of the episode, Tim and Tim address five key considerations when contemplating a long-term care policy, including when to look to purchase a long-term care policy, choosing a monthly benefit, choosing a deductible, deciding how long the benefit will be paid, and determining whether or not to have inflation protection on a policy. Tim and Tim wrap the episode with examples of different deductibles, benefit details, and policy costs. Listeners will hear realistic examples of long-term care policy details and may be surprised about the outcomes.

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Episode Transcript


[00:00:00] TU: Hey, everybody. Tim Ulbrich here, and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast, where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. 

This week, Tim Baker and I talk through a topic which we have not yet covered in detail on the show, and that is long-term care insurance. During the show, we discuss what long-term care insurance is, what it does and does not cover, and common misperceptions surrounding these policies. We also discuss five key considerations when purchasing a policy, including when to purchase one, what to consider in terms of a monthly benefit and deductible, whether or not it’s worth having inflation protection on a policy, and how long to determine that benefit will be paid. 

Before we jump into our discussion around long-term care insurance policies, I recognize that many listeners may not be aware of what the team at YFP Planning does in working one-on-one with more than 280 households in 40-plus states. YFP Planning offers fee-only high-touch financial planning that is customized to the pharmacy professional. If you’re interested in learning more about how working one-on-one with a certified financial planner may help you achieve your financial goals, you can book a free discovery call at yfpplanning.com. Whether or not YFP Planning’s financial planning services are a good fit for you, know that we appreciate your support of this podcast and our mission to help pharmacists achieve financial freedom. 


[00:01:21] TU: Tim Baker, welcome back to the show. 

[00:01:23] TB: Thanks, Tim. Happy to be here. What’s going on?

[00:01:25] TU: Excited to be continuing this journey on covering some of the topics for pharmacists that are listening in the second half of their career. We’re going to do that breaking down some of the long-term care insurance in terms of who needs it, what does it cover, how do you evaluate different factors when purchasing a policy. 

Tim, we’ve talked a lot about insurance on the show, health and home, auto, life, disability. But we haven’t really discussed long-term care insurance in detail. Our hope is whether someone’s at the front end of their career and they’re listening, just to gather some more information or learn about what this may entail later in their career, later in their life, or perhaps folks that are in the position of purchasing these policies right now or soon to be, that they’ll be able to take away an important part of the plan that probably is not talked about as enough. Would you agree?

[00:02:18] TB: It definitely is, and I think even my own thoughts have kind of evolved on this. I kind of came into the industry where we would have long-term care insurance policies in place, and they were just – The premiums were crazy, and there’s a lot of reasons why this type of insurance has kind of evolved over time. A lot of it’s like just there wasn’t a whole lot of information out there. We can kind of talk through that, but it is an important thing. 

I think when people live in longer, it’s definitely one of those things that I think at the fall, a lot of people are like, “Ah, it won’t happen to me,” or, “I don’t need that.” But as we’ll talk about, it is going to be a major part of the financial plan, and there is long-term care planning, which a lot of people, it’s kind of family and the money that I have. But hopefully, we take this conversation a step further. We talk about long-term care insurance. So I think that’s kind of the point of the conversation today.

[00:03:11] TU: Tim, insurance feels like one of those topics. You and I have talked about this before that when we speak with a group of pharmacists and we bring up the topic of insurance, you can just see eyes gloss over, right? I think that’s natural. I mean, who wants to think about – Whether it’s something like life or disability, it’s not an exciting thing to think about. Same thing here, being in a place where we might need long-term care insurance. Not a very rosy thought, right?

I think also just this concept of playing defense with the financial plan. Even though we know it’s important, it may not feel as exciting or as motivating as some of the investing parts of the plan, for example. So this feels like, Tim, a topic that we know is important. We’ve got to really translate that knowledge and perhaps have some accountability from a planner and someone that’s helping us to implement this, knowing that our tendency might be to mitigate and underestimate the risk and not focus on it as much as we do other parts of the plan.

[00:04:08] TB: Yeah. It’s just like, yeah, anything that we kind of put under like the wealth protection, whether that’s estate planning. Nobody wants to talk about their premature death or what’s going to happen to their kids or that type of thing or life insurance or even the disability insurance. They’re just not fun topics. But I think we as fiduciaries, we get to have these conversations with clients and have them think about it at the end of the day, right? Like what we’re trying to do is provide options and provide a path forward for them to kind of get from A to Z. Z, hopefully, as a financial freedom in a lifestyle that works for them. 

But along the way, there are pitfalls, and life comes at you fast. This is definitely one of the ones where it’s like, “Hey, I wish I would have done that or –” Again, I think so many financial advisors themselves chalk this up to like, “Hey, we’re just going to plan for this as it comes.” But I think the way the policies are written now, they’re a lot more – They’re priced, I think, better, and I think they should be something that are considered as part of the financial plan in general.

[00:05:14] TU: So, Tim, before we break down five key decisions that someone should consider as they’re evaluating a long-term care insurance policy, let’s talk through some of the background first. What exactly is long-term care insurance?

[00:05:27] TB: It is a product that’s really meant to mitigate the major risks in retirement, one of the major risks in retirement, which is long-term care risk, which, Tim, is the inability to care for yourself. Again, we’ll talk about what triggers this in terms of the things that you do as a part of your daily life. But as you get older, cognitively, physically, there’s a chance that you can’t care for yourself. So then what do you do? By default, a lot of people will kind of fall back on their family and that type of help.

So what-long term care insurance is it’s a policy that provides for a broad range of skilled custodial and other services provided over an extended period of time, typically, to like chronic illness, a physical disability, or a cognitive impairment. So as I mentioned, the default is that a lot of people that don’t have these policies, they rely on unpaid family members. So 80% of care usually comes from a family member, which can be negative to that particular family member, their own mental health and financial resources, professional status. 20 hours on average per week is what an unpaid family member will get. Like I said, it can negatively impact the caregiver’s health and career, if it’s for an extended period of time. 

Probably, unsurprisingly, I would say, Tim, the top reasons that long-term care really is needed is due to Alzheimer’s. That’s the number one. But the second one kind of surprised me. Arthritis was the second the second one and then cancer stroke. Then the fifth one was nervous system conditions. So the insurance really is a product that is meant to pay out. Typically, it’s a monthly amount to the insured to be able to basically pay it for paid care, whether that’s skilled or unskilled. We’ll kind of talk about that in a bit, but that’s really what long-term care insurances is.

[00:07:31] TU: I think, Tim, the classic example I always think about here is Alzheimer’s, right? As you mentioned, number one on the list, right? This is a condition that many of us probably had a loved one that we’re familiar with. You see the impact in terms of the progression of the disease, the level of care that’s needed, both financially and time, as you mentioned, caregivers within the family. 

But also, unlike some other conditions that may have a shorter lifespan, folks with Alzheimer’s can live a longer period of time, in a state where there’s a lot of care that’s needed. So I know personally, that’s what I have to think about in terms of mitigating the risk financially to my family or my boys as they get older, if Jess or I were to have Alzheimer’s. That seems like the classic example where while there could be a long period of time where care is needed, both financially, as well as the time intensity to provide that care.

[00:08:22] TB: Yeah. I mean, that – I think that’s it. We’ll talk about misconceptions. But I think that is dead on. I think when most people think about long-term care, though, they think about being stuck in a nursing home. It being really expensive, which is true. But a lot of the industry, what we’re really trying to pivot to is kind of that aging in place. 

A lot of these policies that we’ll talk about more is the insurance companies, they recognize that the cheapest way to age is to age in the home. So they’re going to do whatever they can to kind of keep you in place. So whether that’s ramps, handles for your shower, things like that. A lot of these policies have these written in as almost like add-ons because the longer that you can stay in a home and age in your home, the better. 

I think that’s the direction that planners should really go is at a minimum, provide a benefit that really allows you to age in place, age in your home as long as possible. So you don’t have to be in the nursing home. That’s where care gets really expensive and probably from a cognitive mental perspective, the patient not in as good a place, so.

[00:09:26] TU: Tim, you talked about common misperceptions. What are some of the main ones that you see around long-term care insurance?

[00:09:34] TB: Yeah. I think one of them is that Medicare. We kind of talked about this with Social Security. Social Security can – It’s going to pay for everything. We’re good. We’ve been paying into this all our life. We know that’s not true. Another one is that Medicare is going to hook me up if I need to go into a nursing home or even aging in place benefit. That’s really not true. The Medicare is not necessarily meant to cover any kind of care that’s long-term and chronic. So this is where you really have to kind of either, again, self-insure or find your own policy. 

Now, Medicaid, Tim, is there to help people in that regard. But that’s where you have to kind of be destitute. But there are strategies that are out there where people will spend down their dollars to kind of qualify for Medicare or Medicaid, if they need it. So the first one is Medicare really doesn’t cover you for long-term care coverage at all. So one of the things is that a lot of people recognize this as a concern. Just like you said, you’re talking about the boys and Jess. 

Long-term care is a retirement risk and a concern, but it’s definitely one of these things where optimism bias takes hold, where it’s like that’s, “Ah, that’s a concern but not for me because that’s going to happen to somebody else.” So roughly 60% of the US population will need long-term care services. If you’re 65 today, 70% of people 65 or older will need long-term care services. So this is more than the majority, right. So like that’s important to understand. 

Again, if you think about it too because of medicine and advances, like we’re living longer. But sometimes, we’re living longer with a chronic illness that we need some help. So there’s a lot of reasons why I think this number will continue to go north. The last one I would mention is that most believe that long-term care insurance is too expensive. Or just like we talked about with things like education planning, we need 100% solution. We have to have all the bells and whistles that the care is only provided for you at a nursing home. 

In reality, again, what we’re trying to do is to establish a policy that pays for care in the home. A lot of the policies now, they used to distinguish between what kind of care you were receiving. But to simplify it, if you qualify for care, whether it’s nursing home or skilled or whatever, at home, it’s still going to pay that amount. So they’ve kind of streamlined these policies to make it easier to understand. 

At the end of the day, you don’t need 100% solution. Even if you can put yourself in a position where the benefit that you’re receiving is essentially a 50% coupon, like we’ll take that at this point because that just makes things a lot easier. So those are some of the misconceptions that I think people have with regard to this type of insurance.

[00:12:20] TU: Tim, I want to dig a little bit deeper on a comment you made about optimism bias that I think really gets at the prevalence and the need, right? Anytime we’re looking at an insurance policy, whether it’s long-term disability, term life types of policies, you’re doing this risk evaluation of what’s the cost of the policy, what’s the potential benefit of the policy, and what’s the likelihood that I’m going to need it. 

I think early on, I remember learning a lot about long-term disability, and I was caught off guard of, wow, the statistics from the Social Security Administration on the percentage of people that have a disability at some point in their career is much higher that I would have ever anticipated. I think that speaks exactly what you said of, “Hey. Well, I’m relatively young, getting ready to turn 39 tomorrow, relatively young, have been relatively healthy. And therefore, I can’t really visualize a scenario where these policies may be enacted. And, hey, I could use these dollars elsewhere in the plan.”

So same thing here and, of course, we have to mitigate that risk. We have to put that risk into reality, and that’s where, I think, a third party and a coach and a planner can really help. But break this down here. Like what is the true prevalence and need, and what’s the dollars we’re trying to mitigate against here in terms of costs?

[00:13:32] TB: So when we talk about the need, we said about 60% of US population will need long-term care. What’s interesting, though, is less than 10% of people aged 65 and older have a long-term care insurance policy. 

[00:13:44] TU: Wow. 

[00:13:46] TB: Yeah. We said the stat for that was approximately 70%. So we have 10% that have it. More than 70% age 65 and older are going to need long-term care insurance. So obviously, there’s a huge gap there. Men and women are different. So the average care needed for a man is about 2.2 years. So they’ll need – Once they kind of trigger that policy, it typically pays out 2.2 years. 

For women, it’s quite a bit longer, 3.7 years. This is where if you’re a woman and you have a partner, a male partner, this is might be where you link your policies or have a shared policy, which you can do. So it kind of mitigates maybe buying a policy that will cover you for four or five years. 20%, so one in five, will need care for five-plus years. Again, I think some of these numbers will continue to go up. 

So there’s lots of – It’s going to be dependent on your area, like where you live, because every state’s going to be different in terms of how much care costs. But one of the metrics that we use, and this is the 2019 metrics, so it’s a little bit dated with pre-COVID and, obviously, inflation being what it was, but a semi-private room in the US for a nursing home costs on average $90,156 a year. 

If I’m looking at policies, I’m probably looking at, okay, what will cost me for someone five hours a week, and we’ll talk about this when we talk about breaking down the policy, five days a week, eight hours a day, some type of skilled or intermediate care, what does that cost? Then build it from there. So there’s shades of gray here, Tim, is what I’m trying to say with regard to – We don’t necessarily need a policy that pays that 90k. But maybe a policy that, again, focuses on aging in place that will have people come into the home to assist. So that’s kind of the gist of it.

[00:15:35] TU: So, Tim, when we look at these long-term care insurance policies, my mind is going on a path of like, “Well, what does it cover?” You’ve alluded to a couple things and really like what triggers a policy to pay out. Again, we think about this with long-term disability, and we think about, okay, what defines a disability. There’s some considerations around that, and when would the policy actually get paid out, and what things should we be thinking about. So same thing here, what triggers a policy to pay out and what’s it tend to cover?

[00:16:03] TB: The big things to remember with long-term care insurance policy is what’s called an ADL, an activity of daily living. They’ve actually modify this recently with IADLs, which is related to cognitive function. So an ADL, to go back to that, that is things like can you on your own bathe, dress, keep up personal hygiene, use the bathroom, maintain continence, kind of walk around with what they call mobility inside the house, transfer in and out a bit of a bed or a wheelchair. Typically, if you can’t do two or more of these things, this is where a policy will trigger. 

For an IADL, like this is more of a functional thing. So these could be things like shopping for personal items, managing your money, using the phone, preparing a meal, managing medication, or doing housework. If these ADLs are kind of in question, then what happens is that you’ll have an assessment done by a professional that will say, “Hey, this person needs care,” and then the policy will start paying out per the kind of the contract language or the policy. 

Some people, they need skilled care kind of right away, where it’s kind of 24 hours a day, and that’s typically if there’s more of like a medical need. Sometimes, if it’s more some of the bathing or some of the cognitive things of like help paying bills, it might be an intermediate, so a couple days a week type of thing. Really, the skilled versus intermediate care is really going to come down to frequency of how much is needed. That’s where an assessment will be done on the person to see, okay, what needs to happen in terms of people coming to the house. Or it could be moving to a facility to get the right care needed.

[00:17:54] TU: Tim, before we transition to really the second half of this show, we’re going to break down some considerations when selecting a long-term care insurance policy. We’ll talk through five specific things here in a little bit. But I think this is a chance, and I didn’t plan for this in the notes, but it just came to mind as you were talking. This really highlights an area where having a fee-only financial planner can be really, really valuable, right? So someone who is helping you evaluate a policy for, hey, what do you need? What are perhaps some things you may not need? What does the rest of your financial position, situation look like? Is self-insurance a possibility? Is it not? 

Then, ultimately, when you decide if you’re going to purchase a policy, again, helping vet that and kind of cut through some of the weeds that can often be there in the insurance space, knowing that they aren’t making money off of recommending that policy. Again, I think one of many reasons we see value in the field and the environment where someone can really objectively look across your plan, and you know that there’s really – We’ll never say no bias, right? There’s always bias involved in any decision conversation, but really where you can mitigate those biases, right?

[00:19:01] TB: Yeah. I think anytime that you can separate the sale of a product from advice, that’s a good thing. Now, Tim, I would say that a lot of these policies aren’t being sold. I think a lot of that, it’s funny because Lincoln Financial did a survey on advisor attitudes about long-term care, and 99% of advisors think it is essential for families to discuss long-term care. 

However, only 57% of advisors say they talk about it with clients, and I can understand why that is. Again, from my own perspective, it’s like, hey, when I was around long-term care early in my career, it was like, “Man, these premiums are going up every year. It almost feels like your health insurance every year open enrollments like, “Ah.” Everything’s getting more expensive. 

Again, I think because of lack of data, but I think because of the low rate, low interest environment, because people were not lapsing on to these policies, all these reasons were why these policies were not good. So I think people or like advisors were a little hesitant to bring it up. 

Now, again, long-term care planning should always be discussed. Insurance, I think we’re back to a place where these policies should really be considered. So, yeah, I definitely can see why that is the case. But it’s interesting because, again, we believe that anytime that you can separate the advice from the product and the commission’s involved, that’s a good thing.

[00:20:25] TU: So, Tim, as we look at mitigating this long-term care risk, you mentioned that at the beginning of the show, really there’s two big buckets that I see. One is the potential to self-insure. Then the second is, obviously, to purchase an insurance policy that helps to provide that protection. It feels like, just based off of what you’ve shared so far, that perhaps we have the pie chart a little bit backwards in terms of the number of folks that may need the policy, relative to those that actually have a policy. Meaning that a majority of folks are likely self-insuring now, when, in fact, maybe that should be the other way around. 

So talk to us about self-insure. Does that make sense for some folks, and how would that be evaluated?

[00:21:08] TB: Yes. So I think the biggest thing, it kind of goes back to like what are the goals, and what’s the balance sheet look like. To me, this is the conversation. If we are self-insured, like what are the sources of funding that we could tap into and kind of the break the glass scenario? So obviously, looking at the balance sheet with all your assets on the left, all your liabilities in the right, and then understanding, okay, these are –

Again, by default, we’re, obviously, talking about things like cash accounts, retirement accounts, allocating the Social Security check in that way. It could be how do we allocate home equity. There could be government programs out there that do assists, depending on the state and where you’re at. But it, essentially, is like the self-fund is – Then, obviously, the social side of it is do you have family members that can care for you that can help assist with this and the like? 

The hybrid approach, which is technically probably not self-funding, but a lot of insurance policies like life insurance now have asset-based or link policies that will provide some type of like rider for long-term care. So although they’re not primarily focused on that type of coverage, there are more policy that do offer that or even like annuities. Sometimes, annuities have long-term care provisions. Those are essentially on the table. 

Then finally, the backup for plan for self-funding is Medicaid. So when the money’s gone, you’re kind of at the behest of the Medicaid program and to provide kind of the care that you need. Yeah. So I think the big parts here are what’s your balance sheet look like? Where is this money going to come from for long-term care and then probably where’s the family going to be in this whole picture are kind of the two things that I would focus on with regard to self-insure.

[00:22:54] TU: So for the rest of our discussion, let’s assume that we’re going to evaluate and decide to purchase long-term care insurance policy. Now, it’s really down to what are some things that we should be thinking about, so five key decisions to consider when purchasing a policy. 

Number one, Tim, which I think is probably top of mind for everyone is when, right? I’ve heard, generally, mid-50s, but that feels like kind of that blanket advice of is that for everyone. So when should someone be looking to purchase the policy, and why is there potentially this a window of time where it’s optimal?

[00:23:29] TB: Yeah. So probably the conversation should start happening. Believe it or not, Tim, in the decade that I’m in that you are not in as in your 40s, in your late-40s, I think that’s probably when the conversation should start happening amongst family members or even your advisor. 

To purchase a policy, probably you’re correct. In your 50s is preferable. The average age of a purchase for long-term care insurance policies is 57. So that seems to be the sweet spot. Once you get into your 60s and 70s, the number of people who are denied coverage quadruples, and that’s typically because things like prescription and medications for this ailment or that ailment kind of increase. So you’re either denied coverage because of things like that, or the policies are just that much more expensive. 

Yeah. I think conversation in your late 40s and then start putting the pieces together in your 50s and to get a policy in place at a minimal, minimum to cover kind of that whole aging in place idea. So that’s kind of where we’re at.

[00:24:32] TU: Sort of broad level, we’re trying to play this dance between too early. Maybe a higher likelihood of getting coverage but, obviously, paying premiums for a longer period of time, and there is potentially a too early and then, as you mentioned, maybe a too late, where the amount of people that are denied coverage goes up. So finding that sweet spot and then taking a step back because you’re talking about how does this fit in with the rest of the plan in terms of cash flow in that policy. 

Tim, number two is choosing a monthly benefit in terms of five key decisions to consider in purchasing your policy. So how does someone start to really determine what is the monthly benefit that I need? Obviously, that’s going to feed into what that policy is going to cost.

[00:25:15] TB: I think at a baseline, we should consider a benefit that covers the typical cost of like care in the home, since, again, that’s 80% of where care is provided. So if we say we need someone to come in to help eight hours a day, five days a week, we think that, on average, and again some of these numbers might be a little bit dated, but we’ll say we need a benefit that pays out 5,000 to 6,000 dollars per month because that’s the average cost for care like that. That’s, I think, where I would start, and I would look at it as a monthly benefit. 

Again, back in the day, they had – If you needed care on this day, they would say, “Okay, you have a daily benefit versus a monthly benefit.” Most people look at this as a monthly benefit. So we’re looking at 5,000 to 6,000 dollars per month to kind of provide that baseline. I think that would be where I would start.

[00:26:07] TU: Hold that thought. Obviously, this isn’t advice. There’s lots of factors that are going to go into what exactly is that number for you. But hold that number in mind in terms of benefit five to six. We’re going to come back at the end and talk about a couple of case studies and just kind of ballpark what these policies might cost to get a benefit near or somewhere around that level. 

Tim, number three is choose a deductible. So talk to us about making this choice and how the elimination period factors in and what that means.

[00:26:35] TB: Yeah. So just like a disability insurance policy, your deductible is paid in time. The time period is called the elimination period. So once someone kind of assesses that, me as the insured, I need help with one or two or more of the ADLs. That’s when the clock essentially starts. So let’s say it is January 1st. Then if my elimination period is 90 days, essentially, if it’s on a calendar day elimination period, then I start receiving my benefit April 1st. So 90 days have elapsed. 

The other thing that can be written as a service is it could be a service day elimination period, not a calendar elimination. So a service day is if I’m only deemed that I need three days of care per week, and I have a 90-day elimination period, that could take substantially longer to basically get that benefit. So if we’re trying to get care to stay at home, I think sooner is better. I think a 90-day elimination period is probably a good baseline to use. So that’s kind of how I would look at that as. It’s the time that you have to wait for that benefit to be paid out. You pay your deductible in time, not necessarily dollars.

[00:27:49] TU: So we talked so far, Tim, about when potentially to purchase a policy, how to choose a monthly benefit, how to choose a deductible. The fourth consideration is deciding how long the benefit will be paid. Again, we keep coming back to long-term disability. The time, length of the policy can vary. Here we’re talking about the same thing, which is what’s the potential total bucket of the money that’s needed. So tell us more about how to consider this. This seems like a hard one to predict.

[00:28:17] TB: Yeah, it is. Again, if we look at kind of the average day, and we say that a female needs 3.7 years, then we might price a policy out for her that’s four years, 48 months. So we take that as kind of our number of months, and then we multiply it by – We’re going to say we need at least a $5,000 monthly benefit based on how much that five days by eight hours cost in the area that I’m living in. So 48 months times $5,000 is a $240,000 bucket. Essentially, that is kind of the money that you’re drawing on. So that’s the way that I would think about it. 

I think a way to kind of really drive down costs is if you have – If you’re a couple, and this isn’t – You don’t even have to be a married couple. But if you’re a couple, you can kind of connect the buckets with a rider. Again, if I’m thinking as a male like, “Oh, I don’t really need this,” I can, essentially, leave my bucket to Shay as kind of a contingent plan when I kind of pass away. That rider allows you to kind of link your buckets together. So it’s an NF2 versus NF1, which is a beneficial thing when we’re looking at how long the benefit will pay the individuals on the policy.

[00:29:30] TU: Tim, would that be like I have a policy, Jess has a policy, and then we both have a rider that links them? Or is that the strategy of like one person has a policy, and the other is linked, but they also don’t have a policy? How does that work?

[00:29:43] TB: It’s more of the second one. It’s like you kind of are both named on the one policy. 

[00:29:47] TU: Okay. Got it. 

[00:29:48] TB: Then it’s kind of a shared bucket for kind of your gender and age. 

[00:29:53] TU: That’s cool. I never heard of that before. So I learned something new today. It’s awesome. All right, number five, which is timely, consider inflation and, as well, as we just talked about some of the inflation protection and the benefits of Social Security having that provision. So number five, determining whether or not we need inflation protection on a policy. Tim, is this worth the additional costs? How does someone evaluate this?

[00:30:15] TB: This is probably one of the most expensive things on a policy because as you can see, especially a year over a year, how much inflation we’ve kind of experienced. So this would be probably one of the first things that I would downgrade from a policy. If you look at homecare cost, usually, it’s about one to two percent per year that it’s gone up, believe it or not. So there might be where you’re not necessarily linked to like a COLA, but it’s a flat 1%, 2%. 

That known quantity of one or two percent or whatever you select is a lot easier to be priced into a policy versus an unknown inflation that we just don’t know about. So that would probably be where I would cut. Obviously, it diminishes your purchasing power in the future. But it’s usually one of the things that drives the premium up in a policy. 

So I would say that might be if you get the sticker shock with, wow, that’s a lot with the inflation protected, I would price it without it or price it with a moderate one to two percent, and then see how that affects the price.

[00:31:18] TU: And hope we don’t have eight percent, right, and inflation long term?

[00:31:23] TB: Yeah. Although on the flip side of that, typically, a higher inflation market is better for these insurance companies to keep these policy, that was one of the things that they had thought that the inflation was going to be higher than it was. But because a lot of this has to be secured, like how they’re investing this money is very conservative. So if you’re paying 7% versus 2.5 or 3 percent, it should be a little bit of a benefit to the policy holder because the premium shouldn’t be as expensive in a higher interest rate environment, if that makes sense. 

[00:31:56] TU: Yep, absolutely. Tim, let’s wrap up with a couple examples where we can start to bring this to life with individuals at certain ages and how much benefit they may need and for how long and then what that might actually look like in terms of premium costs throughout the course of the year. So you want to talk us through a couple of these?

[00:32:16] TB: Yeah. So I really have kind of an example that shows a couple. So one of the studies – I don’t know if this was Lincoln as well. But they kind of surveyed couples and asked like how much they would be willing to pay for long-term care insurance. The number was right in that kind of 2500 to 3,000 dollars per year. The example that I’m going to show, it kind of shows around that $3,000 like premium. So if we have a 55-year-old couple in this first plan, they had that shared care, so it’s a link benefit, it’s kind of a regular rate. So just like life insurance, you could be preferred, which is kind of top of the line. Regular rate is kind of average health. 

If we’re looking at a $9,000 per month benefit with no inflation rider, there’s four years of coverage, so essentially two per person. But, again, it’s linked. That gives us basically a $460,000 gross benefit, and the premium for that is just under $3,100, $3,094 per year. So again, if I’m looking at this couple, and I’m like, “Hey, there’s no inflation rider, but you get $9,000 a month for four years,” it’s almost a half a million dollar bucket. Like is that worth $3,100 per year? Studies show that most people would jump at that. 

[00:33:36] TU: That’s lower than I would have thought, to be honest.

[00:33:39] TB: Hey, when I was learning about this too, like learn about this, me too. Like I was kind of floored by that.

[00:33:43] TU: Is that fixed? Or does that go up, the policy? Can that rise? 

[00:33:47] TB: It can go up. Like the premium can go up. But I think because of – So like back in the day, this policy might cost like half of this. But then because we didn’t have the right data and all those reasons that we were talking about, the premium will go up substantially. We’re not seeing that as much in terms of the huge jumps in premium because of, again, they miscalculated the mortality and the morbidity risk back in the day. The lapse assumptions were they thought that 5% of policies would lapse was closer to like 1% back in the day. So now, because of the information is a little bit better, you shouldn’t see that jump covered. 

Now, that is one of the benefits, Tim. We talked about one of those hybrid policies with like a whole life policy. Those premiums are set. So one of the things that is the advantage of the hybrid policies that you don’t have those jumps in premiums that you would potentially in a more of a traditional plan. But I would say that they’re priced a little bit better from the jump, you’re not going to see that. So that’s the policy without that inflation rider. 

[00:34:50] TU: Tim, I’m wondering if many people are kind of having the thought I am in the moment. As I look at this and I’m kind of seeing this for the first time, as you’re talking about it, and we prep for the show, like that is lower than I would have anticipated for more benefit. I mean, you talked about some ranges, kind of a baseline floor, not advice, but generally speaking, 5,000 to 6,000 dollars per month. 

This policy here, if I heard you correctly, was a little bit higher right now, 9,000 per month, didn’t have an inflation rider. But it did have that benefit between the couples that you talked about, and that doesn’t seem crazy high. So I guess what I’m wondering is if many folks are listening, like myself that have parents either in or nearing retirement, like, hey, maybe this isn’t a decision for me right here in this moment. But, hey, what about my parents? Like are they adequately covered, and do they have maybe some of these common misperceptions around long-term care insurance? Could I, should I initiate a conversation, right? 

It’s reminded me back of when we had Cameron Huddleston on the show, who wrote Mom and Dad, We Need to Talk, all about engaging in financial conversations with our parents. They may not be comfortable. But if I think about where the care often may fall financially and time on the children like selfishly, like should this be a conversation we’re initiating?

[00:36:08] TB: Well, yeah, and a lot of the conversation that we’re having and a lot of that based on Cameron’s book that we’re having with the younger clients is, obviously, they need to get their own estate plan in place. But is your parent’s estate plan in place because, ultimately, that’s going to affect you. The same is true for this. 

So although my parents have always told me like they never want to be a burden and put me out on the ice flow, like that’s fine with us, at the end of the day, like we’re not going to not care for our family. We’re going to do the best we can do kind of either in time or dollars to make sure that they’re okay. So, yeah, I mean, it’s definitely something that it’s a conversation that we should have, and that’s so much about financial planning. 

Most people probably not even on the radar. As a professional, I would say, two or three, four years ago, this wasn’t on my radar, just because of the experience that I had with policies early in my career. But to me, I think it’s important to at least have the conversation with your advisor, with your loved ones about what are the options. 

[00:37:12] TU: Yeah. I guess what I’m thinking about here and, again, somewhat selfishly, and shout out to my parents who have done an awesome job, both tidying up this part of the plan, as well as communicating it with my brother and I, which I think is the other piece is like there’s the action or the inaction. But then there’s the actual conversations as well of like is everyone aware. So we have an estate plan or we have this long-term care insurance policy or we don’t. But are we all aware, and are we having an open conversation about it? I think that’s so helpful. 

But as I look at these numbers, and we think about maybe somebody who’s in their early to mid-50s, with elderly parents, and what may happen in terms of long-term care risks, like that could be catastrophic on their financial plan. But the amount of these policies is not catastrophic. So I think that this is just another great example. We’re actually going to bring Cameron back on the show, I think, middle of this year to have some more of these conversations about the emotional side of the planet. How do we engage in those conversations, especially when it’s with our parents? So this was a great reminder of that.

[00:38:15] TB: Yeah. Tim, if I could go down, I want to kind of use a similar example. But this this is with a policy that has an inflation rider, just so you can see the difference. 

[00:38:23] TU: Yep.

[00:38:24] TB: So a 55-year-old couple, shared care, regular rate. This time, they start with a lower benefit because they’re going to put the inflation rider. So instead of it being 9,000, whereas the one was higher because there was no inflation rider. So this is $4,100 per month, same coverage, four years of coverage, two per person. The starting benefit is not the 460,000. It’s the 210,000. But we know it’s inflation-protected. 

So that gross benefit, when you factor that in, it’s a 509,000 worth benefit, but the premium for this is just under 3,000, 2,956. So less than half of the benefits of 4,100 versus 9,000, but the premium was about level or about 100 bucks apart. So you can see how that inflation rider can really be expensive. It’s just a matter of like do you want to start with a lower amount of coverage with the inflation rider or maybe a higher amount to kind of get to where you need? But again, some of these numbers, again, surprising to me when I initially saw these. 

[00:39:25] TU: Tim, as I’m looking at the numbers here and the two examples, like it’s a really cool example and reminder, especially when shopping for insurance. Like design the need of what you want from a policy and then shop accordingly versus shopping from the monthly amount, right? Which I think is our tendency of what the budget might afford or might fit in. 

But here you have two examples where the yearly amount is, essentially, the same. It’s within $100, actually closer to like 50, 60 bucks. So essentially, the same over the course of the year, but two very different constructs and designs of these policies. So what do you need? What do you not need? Then going from there. 

Tim, [inaudible 00:40:01]. We talked about it in kind of a siloed approach of, hey, you may self-insure, or you’re going to buy a policy. But probably for many folks, it’s maybe a little bit of both, right?

[00:40:11] TB: I think it often comes down to kind of, yeah, a hybrid approach, where it might be a mix of self-funding, maybe some creative housing decisions in terms of how to use equity in the house or maybe moving in with loved ones. It could be, again, what is the family support. But then, hopefully, at a minimum, maybe a baseline long-term care insurance policy. So I think that’s often the case with a lot of things. It’s not kind of a binary A or B choice. It’s kind of a mix of a lot of things. 

Again, I think that’s where these conversations are so important. Having a handle on the balance sheet is so important, and then having a handle on what your goals are, what are the resources that are available to you to kind of allow you to age gracefully, so to speak, and make sure that you’re cared for, and you’re living a wealthy life. So, yeah, I think, hopefully. Like you said, we haven’t talked about this a lot. I think it needs to be talked about more, and just figure out what is best for you and your family.

[00:41:11] TU: Great stuff, as always, Tim, and yet another example of a part of the financial plan where, ideally, we’re not making these decisions in a silo, right? We’re looking across the spectrum of the financial plan. You mentioned several examples throughout this episode, where determining what we do or don’t need with long-term care insurance, which, of course, we’re looking at just one sliver of the whole plan, is dependent on what else is going on. So I think just another reminder, the value of having a coach, having a planner in your corner. 

Whether you’re someone listening who’s on the front end of your career and you’re thinking about this way off into the distance or perhaps thinking about this for your parents or for folks that are in the middle of evaluating shopping these policies, we’d love to have the chance to talk with you, to talk more about our one-on-one comprehensive financial planning services, what they are, how insurance among many other parts of the financial planner included in that engagement. 

For folks that want to learn more, you can book a free discovery call with Justin Woods, a pharmacist on our team, by going to yfpplanning.com. We’ll also link directly into the show notes the link where you can book a call with him. 

Tim, thanks so much and looking forward to continuing this conversation. 

[00:42:19] TB: You got it. 


[00:42:20] TU: As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts, and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist, unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward-looking statements that are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. 

Thank you, again, for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week. 


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YFP 295: 10 Common Social Security Mistakes to Avoid (Part 2)

YFP Co-Founder & CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, is joined by YFP Co-Founder & Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, RICP®, to wrap up the two-part series on common social security mistakes to avoid.

Episode Summary

This week, YFP Co-Founder & CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, is joined by YFP Co-Founder & Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, RICP®, to wrap up the two-part series on ten common social security mistakes to avoid. Tim and Tim start the discussion with a quick review of the first five common social security mistakes to avoid: not checking your earnings record, only considering your own benefits and not knowing what benefits are available, not understanding how social security benefits are calculated, taking social security too early, and not coordinating benefits with your spouse. They move on to dig into the second half of the list, including mistakes like not considering the cost of living adjustment (COLA) and how it changes your benefits, not planning for taxes on social security benefits, assuming social security benefits will fully cover your living expenses in retirement, how getting divorced too soon or remarrying can change social security benefits, and the mistake of viewing your social security benefits through the wrong lens. They share about potential dangers of polar opposite views on social security and how viewing social security as an insurance framework tackles a variety of financial risks that can impact the financial plan. 

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[00:00:00] TU: Hey, everybody. Tim Ulbrich here, and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast, where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. 

This week, Tim Baker and I wrap up our two-part series on 10 Common Social Security Mistakes to Avoid. Now, whether you’re a new practitioner, where Social Security is far off in the distance, perhaps in the middle of your career listening or approaching that timeline towards retirement, I recognize that many listeners may not be aware of what the team at YFP Planning does in working one-on-one with more than 280 households in 40-plus states. YFP Planning offers fee-only high-touch financial planning that is customized to pharmacy professionals at all stages of their career. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how working one-on-one with a certified financial planner may help you achieve your financial goals, you can book a free discovery call at yfpplanning.com. Whether or not YFP Planning financial planning services are a good fit for you, know that we appreciate your support of this podcast and our mission to help pharmacists achieve financial freedom. Okay, let’s jump into my interview with Tim Baker, where we complete our 10 Common Social Security Mistakes to Avoid. 


[00:01:11] TU: Tim, welcome back.

[00:01:13] TB: Good to be here, Tim. How’s it going?

[00:01:14] TU: It is going well. I’m looking forward to part two of our series on 10 Common Social Security Mistakes to Avoid. If you missed last week’s episode 294, make sure to check it out, link in the show notes below, where recovered the first five Common Social Security Mistakes. 

Tim, we talked through not checking your earnings record and making sure you’ve got a good view on what’s going on in the ssa.gov profile and some of the tools in there. We talked about not knowing some of the specifics of the benefits that are available, spousal benefits and disability benefits. We also talked about how benefits are calculated and then some of the strategies around potentially the timing of claiming Social Security. So a lot of information in that episode. Make sure to check it out. 

Tim, let’s jump right into number 6 on our list of 10 common mistakes, which is the cost of living adjustment. We talked briefly about this last time, but it really needs the attention that it deserves. So tell us more about the Social Security COLA and how that works.

[00:02:11] TB: Yeah. So every year, the government looks at the consumer price index for urban wage earners and clerical workers, and they do this I think – I think this is in fourth quarter. Based on the CPI-W, they announce what like the change in payments would be for security or other government benefits. This year was – Most years, it’s very incremental, right? Because inflation hasn’t been what it was year over year from 2021, ’22, what we’ve seen. But last year, they announced and then put it into practice that the benefit would increase by 8.7%, which is huge, Tim, if you think about it. 

Because if we take a step back and we talk about one of the major pieces of the retirement paycheck, obviously, Social Security, which is what we’re talking about, the other major piece is the investment portfolio. So one of the reasons why we put our money into the markets and we, hopefully, take aggressive but intelligent risk is because, unfortunately, we can’t stuff the mattress full of cash and then hope that in 30 years, when we go to retire, that that’s going to be enough to sustain us. So the reason that we invest and we earn dividends and we earn capital appreciation on investments is to outpace really two things. It’s the tax monster and the inflation monster. That’s why we do this. 

One of the beautiful things about Social Security is that it is inflation-protected. So your payments going from December to January got almost a 9% bump to month over month, which is huge. What we have said is that they don’t even sell annuities on the market right now, as I’m aware, that has a cost of living adjustment rider, which means that when I’m talking about annuity, all an annuity is is your own Social Security benefit that you’re creating yourself. So it’s where you say, “Hey, I have $100,000. I’m going to give this to the insurance company, and then they’re going to pay me for life or for a term certain X amount of dollars per month for that lump sum of cash.” 

I can even go on to the market and say, “Hey, you see what Social Security is doing, where they’re simply giving me that 9%.” Or hopefully, it’s not that big. We don’t have inflation starting to temper down, but it could be 5% next year. It could be 7% the following year. You can’t even get that on the marketplace. So Wade Pfau, who is a professor at the American College, he’s written a lot of books on retirement. He’s basically saying that Social Security is really the cheapest annuity money can buy, even the firm process. So you can’t even get that on the market. 

Now, what you can yet, Tim, is you can get a rider that says, “Hey, it’ll go up 3% every year or 2% every year.” That’s typically the component that drives the price of the annuity because two or three percent could keep pace with inflation. But this year, you’re like, “Hey, you’re down 6% if you have a 3% rider based on the difference.” So really what we’re doing with Social Security and it being protected by inflation is we’re protecting your buying power. We know that the price of gas, the price of eggs, the price of other groceries, housing, utilities, everything has gone up. For a retiree on a fixed income, that can be super stressful. But at least if a good portion of your retirement paycheck is protected by this inflation protection, it’s a little bit of a feather in the cap. 

Social Security payments, just to clarify, they’re adjusted every year based on inflation, based on that CPI index. This is another important thing. By law, an individual’s benefit can’t decline, even in deflationary times. So that’s one thing that your benefit could stay the same. Usually, it goes up every year. When we’ve had a year like this, where there’s been a lot of inflation, you see that matched in the benefit increasing by 8.7% this year. So I think that this is one of the things that is often overlooked. When we’re buying policies or doing things, like cost of living always comes up, and it’s one of the more expensive things because it’s just an unknown. We just don’t know where it’s going, so the fact that the government has our back in this regard. 

Again, a lot of people, we pay for Social Security. Like that comes out of your check every time. So this is just allowing us or the government allowing us to kind of get those payments for life. So they’re doing what they need to do on the back end to make sure that that is sustained. But to me, this is important piece that it is inflation-protected. Again, being on a fixed income, there’s risk there that if you’re not, you’re just being priced out. Your standard of living is affected without it.

[00:07:04] TU: Yeah, Tim. New news to me. That’s really neat. I was unaware of, essentially, the floor, right? That they’re in a deflationary time period, that the benefit can’t go the other way, which makes sense, right? That while some people are using Social Security benefit, obviously, for goods and services that are going up with inflation or in a deflationary period, those costs would go down. There are other things that are fixed that aren’t going to go the other way. So that would make it difficult for planning. 

Tim, I was feeling good about my high-yield savings account with Ally at what? 34 or 35 –

[00:07:34] TB: 3.4. 

[00:07:34] TU: So I saw 87, and I was like, “Oh, man. Still losing, right?” That’s inflation, so. 

[00:07:40] TB: Yeah. You know what? Every little bit helps. Again, most banks, they kind of just collect that money on the float. So I like seeing those payments roll in, even though I know that it’s a jungle out there with inflation.

[00:07:53] TU: I’m glad that you mentioned the tax monster and the inflation monster. Obviously, we just talked about the inflation monster and addressing that with COLA. But our number seven common Social Security mistake really gets to the tax piece. I think, as we’ve talked about many times on the show, tax, like inflation, is often an overlooked part of the financial plan. 

Tim, when it comes to this number seven mistake, not planning for taxes on Social Security benefits, another example of the integration of tax planning with the financial plan. So how are Social Security benefits taxed, and how could this impact, potentially, someone’s decision to whether or not they’re going to earn additional income as well?

[00:08:32] TB: Yeah. So to your point, shout out to our tax team at YFP Tax, Sean Richards and Paul and Ariel, I think this is another indication or another example of having a professional look at this and help decide on this as important. 

So one of the things that people don’t know is that up to 85% of your Social Security benefit could be taxed at the federal level, if you earn substantial outside income, such as wage or dividends. Really, the benefit, Tim, the percentage of your benefit that’s subject to income taxes really depends on what’s called your combined income. So your combined income is essentially 50% of your household’s Social Security benefit, plus any other taxable income, which could be wages that you receive from a W-2 or a 1099, plus any tax-exempt interest, which is typically things for like bonds, that type of thing. 

So 50% of Social Security benefit, plus taxable income, plus tax-exempt interest income. That’s essentially your combined income, and that’s how it is determined, like what your tax will actually be. So one of the interesting things is that back in the ‘80s, I believe it was the ‘70s, ‘80s. A smaller percentage of people’s Social Security was being taxed, and a lot of it is because some of these thresholds that they’ve set were not indexed for inflation. But as time has gone on, and people have earned more money, we’ve seen it creep up to where now a recent study projected that going forward, about 56 of beneficiaries will pay taxes on at least some of their Social Security benefits. 

It’s good to kind of sit down and see, okay, if I’m earning additional money or I have a portfolio that spits out of income, how does that affect what I’m going to pay taxes on? Then probably even more, a broader conversation is really, okay, if I do additional work, am I going to lose some of my benefit, which is also a misnomer and probably something that should have made this list as well. Like if you make a lot of money, you don’t necessarily lose the benefit. You just don’t – They just kind of pause it, and they give it back to you later. 

Earning money in retirement, so to speak, is actually a great strategy. But understanding kind of the tax and how it affects the benefit itself is important to know. Again, it can be great because it, obviously, helps maintain the portfolio and all that stuff. But it’s really important to understand that the tax is. Again, if you work with an accountant, a CPA, an enrolled agent, they should be able to walk you through, okay, this is what the tax bill is going to look like on your Social Security benefit. I think that’s an important piece of the puzzle as well.

[00:11:21] TU: Yeah. Tim, it’s reminding me back too on 275. We talked through how to build a retirement paycheck, right? You talked about that a little bit on the last episode as well, but so important. I mean, at the end of the day, like for planning purposes, we want to know what is the takeout, right? What’s the net? So we can plan for our expenses and goals and other things that we’re working towards. 

Another good example is you mentioned of not only thinking about the sources of income, one being Social Security, that are going to make up our retirement income. But what are the tax implications, and the tax optimization strategies to, obviously, pay our fair share, right? But no more, right? We want to be able to allocate those dollars.

[00:11:59] TB: Yeah. If you know that your tax bill is going to be higher for that year, maybe the paycheck, the source is really coming from things like a Roth account, which you’ve already paid the taxes on. Or an after tax account, which you might have to pay capital gains tax on. But that’s different than ordinary income tax, and you leave the traditional accounts alone a bit. That’s why at the end of the day, a lot of people ask me like what proportion should be in pretax versus Roth versus like a taxable account. 

It’s tough to say, again, depending on like where you live and what you’re doing because state taxes are different. But I think it’s a good bet to have a little bit in column A, a little bit in column B, and a little bit in column C, and be able to kind of like pull from those different accounts, depending on what’s going on in that time in your life. So, yeah, just, again, having that optionality is another key theme in all of this.

[00:12:55] TU: Tim, as we move on to number eight on our list, which is assuming Social Security benefits can fully cover your living expenses, I think we’ve highlighted well the benefits of Social Security. We talked about the COLA. We talked about potentially the size of that benefit. You gave some examples in the last episode, as you were looking at your ssa.gov, online portal. 

I think maybe some folks might be listening and be like, “Man, do I need to be saving as much as I am outside of Social Security? Can I potentially depend more upon that than I was planning?” So what is the potential mistake here in assuming that Social Security benefits can fully cover your living expenses?

[00:13:32] TB: Yeah. I think it’s – When we’re sitting here and like, “Wow, it’s COLA,” and if I can work till 70, well, I’m going to work till 70, anyway. So it’s funny because like a lot of clients that come to us, and maybe they have a couple $100,000 in debt, they’ll be like, “Man, I’m never going to retire. I’ll never be able to retire.” Then we kind of start to deconstruct that repayment, and then we start to get them in a portfolio that does its thing. Over a couple years, you can start to see the script flip, so to speak on, okay, like I think there’s a path forward. 

In a lot of those scenarios, we’re not even really accounting for Social Security in a lot of ways. When we say we’re going to plan first, as if it’s not there. But the reality is it will be there. Again, it might be dependent on how far away you are from retirement. It might be a lesser benefit. But I think it is definitely a mistake to say, and some people do believe this that it’s like, “Hey, I’m going to do what I can do in my 401(k) and my IRA, and I’m not going to kill myself because I know that the Social Security benefit will be there for me.” 

I would say that, that is – Again, if we’re talking about optionality, if we’re talking about we don’t really know how long we’re going to live, we don’t really even know how long we’re going to be able to work, all of those things, I think, tend to say, “Hey, let’s do what we can to kind of make sure we have a good healthy portfolio that we can draw from.” We don’t know where inflation is going to be. We don’t know really know where the US markets are going to be in the next 30 or 40 years. Again, I still feel super bullish about that. But the fact remains that it is unknown. 

But I would say that, and these are really beginning of 2022 numbers, the average for all retired workers, the benefit is about $1,657 per month. That’s 20 grand a year, Tim.

[00:15:23] TU: Yeah. That’s lower than I would have thought.

[00:15:25] TB: Yeah. I think we’re actually going to – But I think that for so many people who are collecting this benefit, the mindset was like 62 and go. It’s like once I get to that, I’m going to get the money because I’m only going till 68 or 69 or 70. So I want to get the money while the getting is good. We’re starting to see that trend really shift, where I think people are starting to understand, okay, I can defer. Or they’re just naturally working longer because of some of the affirmation things like debt, student loan debt, etc. 

The average for older couples in situations where both spouses receive benefits is $2,753 a month or about $33,000 a year. There’s a lot of different ways to kind of skin the cat, so to speak. But a lot of planners will say, okay, if you make $100,000 as a household, they’ll use anywhere from 60 to 80 percent of those dollars and to say, “Hey, you need 60,000 to 80,000 dollars to live because they discount it, and a lot of the discount is based on really the fact that like while you’re in retirement, you might be saving 10, 20, 30 percent or more. 

Then also ideal, that’s not necessarily true in early retirement because you’re typically a kid in the candy store where you’re like, “Wow, I need to go do all the things I defer while I was working, so travel and that type of thing.” So there is a little bit of a smile, so to speak, of spending where it starts higher, and then it starts to come down as you age. Then as you age, medical expenses get larger, so it kind of increases. 

[00:17:00] TU: Yeah, makes sense. 

[00:17:01] TB: But when you compare that, again, 100,000, most of the clients that we’re working with are making a way above that as a household. So 100,000, 33% of that is covered. It’s not a huge portion of that paycheck, and it’s even going to be smaller the further you climb up kind of the pay ladder. 

So this is to say, and we’re kind of talking at both sides of our mounts, how great of a benefit it is. But it’s also to say that it’s not going to be the end-all be-all for you in terms of retirement, unless your lifestyle just says, hey, I can live off of $33,000, which maybe some people can do that and go from there. So to me, that’s a big thing. If we’re looking at somebody, their stats, Social Security will be a major source of income for many retirees, especially like lower income levels. It represents about 30% of the income for older adults. 

Specifically, when you kind of go down from a gender perspective, about 30% of men and 42% of women receive at least half of their income from Social Security. Then probably one of the more concerning things is that roughly 12% of men and 15% of women rely on Social Security for 90% of their income. Again, hopefully, the people that are on our listeners, because of some of the socioeconomic differences and resources available and, hopefully, the education that they’re receiving from a financial literacy, that will not be them in the future. But it is safe to say that it could be 20 to 30 percent of what you’re relying on, which is getting a good chunk of money. If that can grow because we are differing, and it is inflation-protected, that’s the power of the Social Security benefit.

[00:18:47] TU: Yeah. Tim, this reminds me. One of the takeaways I’ve had just from listening, and you teach and talk on this topic, is to really kind of avoid the polar extremes of use on Social Security, right? I think there’s some folks that, especially maybe earlier in the career, like Social Security is not going to be anything, and we can establish why that probably won’t be the case in the first episode. 

Then here we’re talking about the other side of the spectrum, which is assuming it’s going to fully cover all my expenses, and I think for obvious reasons of what you just highlighted, probably not going to do that for the vast majority of folks. But it can be a really good in-between, just like we talked about building a foundation early in your career with the financial plan here. Like you’ve got this foundation or at least some of the makeup of the floor that’s going to give us some insurances. It’s not nothing but it’s also not going to be everything that we need, as it relates to retirement planning.

[00:19:35] TB: Yeah. Like we mentioned before, like if you’re pretty conservative in your approach, if you can get Social Security and maybe annuity that you purchased by peeling off a couple $100,000 of your investment portfolio, and you can say, “Okay, this check from Social Security, plus this check from the insurance company for my annuity is going to provide for all of the necessities that I need,” like there’s a feeling of freedom there.

Now, someone who has more appetite for risk, they’re like, “Well, I would almost rather just kind of spend down my portfolio and be able to enjoy the things that I want to enjoy without paying that huge bill up front.” But there’s also stress in saying, “Okay. Hey, the market is down 30% and I’m drawing on it,” versus if you were just getting that paycheck built in. So there is a different approach. It’s based on your appetite for risk, and what we’re just kind of describing here is the flooring strategy versus the systemic withdrawal strategy, who I think can be – You can have hybrids of that as well. But, yeah, important to kind of see what is the best way to tackle it for you and go from there.

[00:20:44] TU: Tim, number nine on our list of 10 Common Social Security Mistakes refers to those that may get divorced and then potentially remarry as well. Talk us through what are the implications of the Social Security benefit for these situations?

[00:20:58] TB: Yeah. So sometimes, people don’t know that if they’re divorced and the failed marriage kind of meet certain criteria, you’re actually eligible for a benefit based on your spousal Social Security record or your ex-spouse’s Social Security record. So essentially, the rules for this is that you have to be divorced. The marriage has had to last at least 10 years. You are age 62 or older. You’re still unmarried. Then your ex-spouse is eligible to receive a Social Security retirement benefit or disability benefits and your benefit. So if you’re a worker, your benefit from your own work is less than what you would receive under your ex’s earnings record. 

The other interesting thing, which kind of makes sense because as a divorce say, you’re not like – You shouldn’t be all up in like your ex-spouses like business and when they’re going to retire and claim. But they don’t need to be claiming the benefit. Whereas if I’m married and my spouse can’t claim on my benefit, unless I’ve claimed the benefit. So those are really the rules. So like, again, it might be where if you’ve been married for nine years and you’re looking at divorce, it might be best to kind of get to that 10-year mark, so stay married longer, to activate that benefit. 

Or even just as you move on and have other relationships, whether you want to actually marry or not because once you marry, then that comes off, and then you’re kind of tied to your new spouse’s benefit, that type of thing. So it is one of those things that, obviously, Tim divorce can be a very emotional thing, and we would never advocate for someone to be in a situation that is unsafe or doesn’t make sense for them. But if it’s kind of a more of an amicable thing, it is something that you should definitely use and understand in terms of strategy. 

The interesting thing, Tim, and I listened to a lecture on this, if you’re married and divorced multiple times, I mean, you could have a stable of ex-spouses that can be claiming on your benefit, and that’s kind of where maybe some of the inefficiencies. If I have three or four ex-spouses, and they’re claiming off of like one worker’s benefit that’s been paid into, and then there could be children involved with that, the bill could pile up, so to speak, for Social Security. I wonder, I wonder. This is just be speculating out loud. I wonder if this is one of the things they potentially tighten up in terms of what this looks like in the future. 

So we know that, obviously, divorce is a reality for a lot of Americans and, obviously, this is the benefit that should be there. But I wonder if this is one of the things that they look at in the future. 

[00:23:41] TU: For the record, Shay, nothing to worry about. Tim mentioned three ex-spouses. Just an example, in case she’s listening. 

[00:23:48] TB: Yeah, exactly right. 

[00:23:49] TU: This is the test, right? Is Shay listening to the podcast or not? We’re going to find out.

[00:23:53] TB: She says she does. She says she does. But I probably need to like quiz her or drop some –

[00:23:59] TU: Well, this is deep and a part two of a series, so like –

[00:24:02] TB: I know. For her, she’s probably sleeping or fell asleep listening to me talk about this stuff.

[00:24:09] TU: All right. Number 10 on our list is looking through the wrong lens. Tim, this is a new concept for me, as it relates to Social Security and looking at it as an investment framework or an insurance framework. Describe the difference. Tell us more here

[00:24:24] TB: Yeah. So I think so many people, when they approach the decision on when to claim, they look at it from the vantage point of like, “Okay, if I’ve put money into the system over the last 30 or 40 years as I’ve worked, I want to get as much money back and more.” So a lot of advisors would use what’s called a breakeven analysis. Basically, they would say, “Okay. If you claim at 62, here’s your reduced benefit. But if you were to wait to claim at 70, there’s eight years where you’re not claiming it, and it’s at any increased benefit. So where did those kind of cross?” 

For a lot of people, it’s usually between age 80 and 84. So if you’re like, “Well, my uncle Donald or my aunt Ginny,” or whatever died at 78, then I’m like, “I’m definitely taking it early.” Many retirees, they live a lot longer than they think they will. So the average person at 65, they’re going to live. Once they get to 65, there’s a really good chance you’re going to live to 85 and beyond.

[00:25:25] TU: Yeah. Life expectancy increases once you get to a certain age. Yep. 

[00:25:28] TB: Yep. So I feel like too many people think of it as an investment that only pays off if they live a long time, and they worry too much about what happens if they don’t live as long as they expect. The thought is that this framework gets the focus – This framework focuses on the wrong issue, dying young instead of living a long kind of retirement with a good kind of standard of living. 

The opposite one, where I think the decision really should reside, is in the insurance framework. So why do we buy insurance? We buy insurance because we want to mitigate risk. Again, this is not advice because everyone’s situation is different. But typically, the longer you to defer, the more you kind of scratch the itch of mitigating some of these risks related to retirement, so one being longevity risk. So longevity risk is that you live too long, where you’re going to basically outlast your money. 

Deferring Social Security and looking through for that framework, you get a larger stream of lifetime income, long-term care risks. So one of the things that I talked about with a smile is that you could get to a point where you need to use nursing homes or that type of thing. Because you deferred Social Security, you have more resources, i.e. in your portfolio, later in life to kind of cover that inflation risk. 

Again, we’ve talked about this. A larger percent of your income is protected against inflation. That’s a beautiful thing. Things like frailty risks, which is as you get older and cognitively you might not be as sharp as you were, this really simplifies the decision making because, again, a bigger portion of your income is covered, and it’s inflation-protected. Even things like elder financial risks streams of income is – They’re less at risk to kind of be stolen and take advantage of versus like a couple million dollars in an account. 

Excess withdrawal risk, so this is where you’re locking in larger income stream in Social Security, so eliminating risk of generating income from the portfolio assets. Again, market risks, it eliminates volatility and returns. Then early loss of spouse risk, where you’re deferring, again, a larger benefit. Even if I’m in poor health and I defer my benefit, when I were to pass away, even if it’s sooner, it might be larger than what Shay would do. 

At the end of the day, you kind of look at it from the standpoint of, okay, if I have a short – So if I look at this from the strategy of claiming early versus claiming later, and I look at my retirement time horizon, whether it’s a short time horizon or a long time horizon, the only way that it works out to claim early is that if I claim early, it’s worked out, I get a lesser benefit. But I die early, so it worked out. If I claim early and my time horizon is actually longer, I permanently reduced my lifestyle because the benefit just isn’t as good. If I claim late and I have a short retirement, it’s minimal harm done because at the end of the day, again, a spouse could still use that. At the end of the day, it’s not necessarily there. It’s there to kind of provide a baseline for your needs. 

Then if you claim late and you have a longer time horizon, you’ve permanently increased the lifestyle. Again, that’s where I think that most people will fall is that they’re going to live longer than they think. At the end of the day, they’ve permanently increased their lifestyle because of the deferral credits that they’re going to get 8% a year. Think about it as that 8% a year raise that you get for every year that you defer. 

To me, that’s the crux of the issue. It really should be less about kind of a breakeven analysis and more about what is the impact that a decision like this can have permanently on my lifestyle, and what is it that we’re really trying to tackle. I would argue that the Social Security should be more, again, looking through from an insurance mitigating risk, and then the portfolio is where you’re really trying to maximize, okay, vacation and grandkids and things like that. So everyone’s going to be different. But to me 

I think people are starting to come around on this, as they really look at this and they see, hey, we’re just living longer, inflation-protected, all those things that we talked about in the segments. But it is a really important decision, if we haven’t got that point across, that you want to make sure that you’re looking at this from an analytical approach and then overlaying that, again, with what your goals are in retirement.

[00:30:02] TU: Yeah. I think what you’re highlighting here, which is really interesting, something I hadn’t considered before is this is a framework, a mindset in terms of are you thinking about this more from the investment strategy, more from the insurance, and kind of bringing us full circle. Like what I’m interpreting is if you’re able to plan earlier and throughout your career by building other investment streams that you can pull from, it allows you to have maybe some more freedom and peace of mind and viewing that Social Security as an insurance piece and less as a need on the investment side. I think that’s a really, really great example and something that seems obvious that we need to be thinking about in great detail. 

Tim, this has been great, 10 Common Social Security Mistakes to Avoid. We’re going to continue to build out more information on this topic, I think, I hope, as we’ve highlighted so much to consider around Social Security as a part of the financial plan. We’ve just scratched the surface really here in these two episodes. We also did an introductory episode on Social Security back on 242. We’ll link to that in the show notes. But much more to come, and we’re going to tap into Tim’s expertise and the expertise of the planning team at YFP Planning to really bring us some more content in this area. 

So, Tim, as always, appreciate your time and looking forward to more coming on this topic.

[00:31:15] TB: Yeah. It was fun, Tim. Thanks. 


[00:31:17] TU: As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts, and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist, unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward-looking statements that are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. 

Thank you, again, for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week. 


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YFP 294: 10 Common Social Security Mistakes to Avoid (Part 1)

Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, is joined by YFP Co-Founder & Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, to kick off a two-part series on ten common social security mistakes to avoid.

Episode Summary

This week, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, is joined by YFP Co-Founder & Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP®, to kick off a two-part series on ten common social security mistakes to avoid. Highlights of the show include Tim Baker sharing about the Retirement Income Certified Professional designation and training and why it is a crucial aspect of the overall financial plan. Tim and Tim dig into tackling the complex and critical decision of when to start claiming social security benefits, why it is an integral part of the financial plan, and how the program is funded. They then get into the weeds on the first five of ten social security mistakes people make and how to avoid them. Major mistakes include not checking your social security earnings statement for accuracy, only considering your benefits or not knowing what benefits are available to you, and not understanding how social security benefits are calculated. Tim and Tim discuss the mistakes of taking social security too early, not working long enough, and not coordinating social security benefits with a spouse and how all impact the financial plan. Listeners will hear practical ways to get on the path to success and learn about resources available to prevent those common social security mistakes. 

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[00:00:00] TU: Hey, everybody. Tim Ulbrich here, and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast, where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. 

This week, I had the pleasure of welcoming YFP Co-founder and Director of Financial Planning, Tim Baker, to kick off a two-part series on 10 Common Social Security Mistakes to Avoid. In addition to talking through just how big a part of the financial plan Social Security can be, we talk about the first 5 of 10 common mistakes, including some big ones like taking Social Security too early, not understanding how the benefits are calculated, and not coordinating benefits with a spouse.

Now, before we jump into the show, I recognize that many listeners may not be aware of what the team at YFP Planning does in working one-on-one with more than 250 households in 40-plus states. YFP Planning offers fee-only high-touch financial planning that is customized to the pharmacy professional. If you’re interested in learning more about how working one-on-one with a certified financial planner may help you achieve your financial goals, you can book a free discovery call at yfpplanning.com. Whether or not YFP Planning’s financial planning services are a good fit for you, know that we appreciate your support of this podcast and our mission to help pharmacists achieve financial freedom. 

Okay, let’s jump into part one of 10 Common Social Security Mistakes to Avoid. 


[00:01:21] TU: Tim Baker, welcome back to the show.

[00:01:23] TB: Thanks, Tim. Happy to be here. I lost my voice over the weekend. So hopefully, this will be okay. But, yeah, I’m doing well. How about you?

[00:01:32] TU: Go Eagles, right? 

[00:01:33] TB: Go birds. Yeah. I was at the NFC Championship in Philadelphia. Shout out to my cousin, Pete, for scoring some tickets, and it was crazy. One of the best sporting events I’ve ever been to. It was great. Yeah. 

[00:01:46] TU: Love it. Love it. So, Tim, you recently completed the RICP training, which connects well with the topic that we’re going to talk about today, considering Social Security is such a big part of the retirement planning process for many folks. Before we jump into the topic today, tell us more about the RICP training and why it’s such an important really aspect to the overall financial plan.

[00:02:10] TB: Yeah. So RICP stands for Retirement Income Certified Professional. I think what it does is it kind of expands further on the deculumation or the withdrawal part of the retirement phase. So I think so much of what the CFP really focuses on is just accumulating assets to get to that destination. I think what the RICP – First, it says it’s not really a destination. It’s more of like a journey. It’s a process. I think a lot of retirees, they think they’re like, “All right, I’m 65. I’ve made it,” and it’s so far from that. 

But then the idea really is to say, okay, we have all of these assets that we built up over the last 30 or 40 years. How do we then translate that into a recurring paycheck that lasts us for the rest of our life, which is a timeline that’s undetermined? So it’s looking at sources of income like Social Security, like retirement plans, like individual retirement plans, like home equity, how does long-term care, insurance, health insurance, Medicare fit into this, any type of executive benefits? If you’re a single business owner, what are the risks in retirement? What are your overall goals? What are we trying to accomplish? 

Kind of really put that together as people are transitioning from the workforce, sometimes very abruptly, whether it’s their choice or not. Sometimes, it’s a phased retirement. But to do that in a way that, again, is sustainable for the course of the plan. So that’s really what it is. Obviously, Social Security is a huge part of this and probably one of the biggest things that a retired professional or a retired person has to answer is how does one access. How does one determine Social Security benefits? When should I do this? How? 

Yeah. I think it’s often an overlooked part of the of the plan. There’s so much focus on climb the mountain. But if you ever watched any type of documentaries about Everest, probably the hardest part is getting down and the most dangerous. So that’s kind of the best analogy I can give.

[00:04:23] TU: Yeah. That’s why I’m excited not only to dig deeper into Social Security, which we’ll do on this episode of the next, but to dig deeper into more of that climb down the mountain, right? We’ve spent a lot of time in the first five and a half years of this podcast, talking about issues related to the climbing up the mountain. I think that whether someone’s approaching retirement, whether they’re in the middle of their career, or whether they’re on the front end of their career, beginning to think about this, and even if it’s, “Hey, I’m on the front of my career, but I’m planting some seeds.” 

Obviously, for those that are listening that are a little bit closer, there’s some tangible takeaway items that they can implement, hopefully, sooner rather than later. But so much attention given to the front end, the accumulation side. We want to spend some more time here in ’23 and into next year as well, talking about the decumulation. 

So today, we’re kicking off a two-part series on 10 Common Social Security Mistakes to Avoid. We’re going to tackle five this week. We’ll tackle five next week. Just about a year ago, we talked Social Security 101, including the history, how it works, why it matters to the financial plan. We’ll link to that episode, which was episode 242, in the show notes. Tim, we’re not going to rehash everything we covered in 242. But let’s get some of the fundamentals related to Social Security on the table so that we have a framework to consider, as we talk about these 10 common mistakes. 

So first and foremost, I think that decision about when to claim Social Security benefits, arguably one of the most important decisions that clients will make, that individuals will make, is in your retirement. Why is that the case?

[00:05:54] TB: I think it’s the case because for a lot of Americans, it’s going to be the biggest source of income that they have, even more so than money that’s coming from a 401(k) or equity built in the house. So many people – There is this impression that Social Security is going to be the paycheck that dominates. Unfortunately, for a lot of people, that’s the case. Hopefully, for a lot of our listeners, that is not the case because of either good planning outside of Social Security or even good claiming strategies. 

The thing that makes Social security so powerful, one, is backed by the full faith and credit of the US taxpayers backed by the government, which is probably some of the surest assets that are out there, no matter what you think about. Where the economy is going or if Social Security’s going to be there, it is, I think, one of those things, unfortunately or fortunately, that it’s just too big to fail. So people hear horror stories about it’s going to go bankrupt. It’ll be there when – If you’re 25, 35, 45, if you’re listening, it’ll be there. It might not be what it looks like for retirees right now. But nonetheless, it will be there. 

I think one of the big thing I think that is often overlooked, and we’ll talk about that, is it is inflation-protected. So when we saw inflation run rampant in 2022, Social Security and a lot of these other government payments that go out went up, I think, by about 8.7%. One of the things we’ll talk about this is like you can’t buy an annuity that has a COLA, that has a cost-of-living adjustment out there. So one of the big strategies is that you want that Social Security payment to you and your spouse to be the largest it can be.

I think so many people, so many retirees, similar to like a student loan strategy, kind of just goes with the flow or talks to a colleague, and that becomes the basis for how they approach their security. But it really needs to be a lot more in depth than that. It’s going to be a big part of your retirement paycheck. We want to make sure that we have all the data, and we understand the system to be able to make the best claiming decision that we can. 

When we talk about our first point here, I’ll give an example of just looking at my own statement what that looks like. Obviously, I’m a few years off. But when we talk about the student loans, the delta between scenario A versus scenario Z can be hundreds of thousands of dollars. So that’s important to understand.

[00:08:28] TU: Tim, just a general scope, I think you make a good point that whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing, depending how you look at it, maybe too big to fail. I think there’s many folks that are maybe earlier in their career, they hear pay Social Security, and they think, “Hey, that’s not going to be a thing.” But I think if we take a step back and really look at just how big Social Security is in terms of like who receives the benefits, how many people receive the benefits. 

[00:08:52] TB: Yes. Some of the numbers? 

[00:08:52] TU: Yeah. And how big this is for many folks in terms of their income in retirement.

[00:08:58] TB: Yeah. So the number is the majority of American retirees receive more than half of their retirement income from Social Security. So that is the most important retirement asset on the balance sheet, so to speak, even though it doesn’t show up as something on their balance sheet. There’s just a lot of dollars involved. A client who currently claims benefits at the age of 70 and who is eligible for maximum Social Security benefit will receive a benefit that’s like 50k a year. 

So over 20 years, that really kind of relates about a million dollars in inflation adjusted spending power. So if you think about that in that context, where it’s like, “Oh, it’s 1,500 bucks a month or it’s 3,000 bucks,” maybe it doesn’t hit. But there’s a lot of dollars involved. Really, for a lot of people, not everyone but working longer and deferring, which we talk about with an investment, typically how you feel is what you should do. You should do the exact opposite in investment. 

It’s almost like the same with Social Security. It’s like if you’re like, “Man, I need to get out of my job. I’m ready to retire,” working longer and differing are strategies that can have the most impact to help you kind of mitigate the longevity risk, is the risk of running out of money because, one, it’s another year where you’re not spending in retirement. But it’s also another year where you’re deferring, and you’re potentially earning credits, deferral credits, that makes that dollar amount larger. 

We’ll talk about the whole, well, if I put money into, I want to make sure I get every dollar out. People look at this from a breakeven perspective, which I think is a little bit flawed, and we’ll talk about that in one of our things. But if we actually break down the numbers, there’s about 47 million retired workers who are receiving benefits that are around $73 billion per month. So it’s huge. 

The second biggest pie are disabled workers. That’s another thing that we’re going to outline. About eight million disabled workers receive about $10.3 billion. Then there’s survivors’ benefits. So this is, typically, you have a worker that dies, and they have children or a spouse that might be receiving benefits, about six million or survivors that are receiving benefits at about 7.3 billion. So it’s very much a piece of the puzzle. 

We’ll talk about kind of the averages when we – I think in part two, where we’re talking about like how much this is actually percentage-wise covered from a paycheck perspective. So it’s a big thing. Again, like I think just like we talked about other parts of the plan, you got to take the emotional inventory. You got to take what the actual statements or the balance sheet looks like, and then make the best claim decision for you. That’s, hopefully, some of the things that we’ll uncover.

[00:11:43] TU: So with that, let’s jump into 10 Common Social Security Mistakes to Avoid. Again, we’ll tackle five this week. We’ll tackle five next week. So tip number one Common Social Security Mistake to Avoid is not checking your earnings record for accuracy. Tim, whether someone is nearing retirement, listening in the middle of their career or listening on the front end of their career, tell us more about where they can go to find this information and making sure that they don’t make this mistake.

[00:12:09] TB: Yeah. I think in an effort to go more paperless, I think back in the day, once you reach a certain age, you get like a statement every month. Now, I think they’re moving to every quarter. They’re trying to kind of modernize. For maybe retirees, that can be a little bit of a hard sell. The best place to go is to ssa.gov. You can – It’s the my Social Security website. I signed on right before we hopped on here. It’s really easy to get on, and the website is actually pretty easy to navigate. We’ve talked about some other things related to student loans. The websites that the government built actually is pretty good, same thing with like the IRS tools. S

When I log on, Tim, just to kind of give you a description of what this looks like, I can download my Social Security statement. I can go and replace my Social Security card. I can view my benefit verification letter. The big thing that catches my eyes when I first log in, it’s called the eligibility and earnings section. It basically says that you have 40 work credits you need to receive benefits, and there’s four blocks. There’s a big checkmark, which basically means that I have earned enough credits to earn Social Security. 

So Social Security credits, you can earn for a year. You earn a credit by – I think in 2023, dollars is a little bit more than $1,600 in that year. So 1,600 times four, if I earn that amount of money, then I get four credits. Essentially, I need 40 credits to collect Social Security. So it’s essentially 10 years of earnings. But the cool thing is that under that section, it says review your full earnings record now. So when I click on that, it takes me to the eligibility earnings, and it goes back, essentially, from when I first started making money back whenever that was. 

When we talk about accuracy, one of the big things that you want to do is you want to make sure that when I filed my taxes in 2022, it shows the tax Social Security earnings dollars, and this is basically how they calculate that. There is a cap, but that’s basically how they calculate what your benefit is. So I can go back and see, okay, this is the amount of money I made in ’21, ’20 for me, all the way back to 1998, Tim, where I earned $353. 

[00:14:25] TU: Love it. 

[00:14:26] TB: So this is really important because they’re looking at the way that the – And we’ll get into this a little bit more, but they look at, essentially, the 35 highest years of earnings. If there aren’t 35 years, then they essentially use zero dollar year, which moves your average down. So you want to make sure that when you’re reviewing this, that your earnings record is correct. It’s not infallible, like you find errors here. So you want to make sure that when you go back and you’re looking at the top 35 years, that it’s accurate. You’re getting the best benefit you can. 

It basically lists for me from 2022, all the way back to 1998. I’m just eyeballing. I’m like, okay, that makes sense because I left the workforce here, or I work part time or that type of thing, just to make sure it looks good. The other thing worth mentioning when we talk about deferral, for a lot of people, the last years before they’re retired is typically their highest income years. So that’s another feather in the cap of like defer work longer. We’re closer to that full retirement age and beyond that. For a lot of us, it’s going to be 65. But then the longer you defer to age 70 is when the benefit gets the highest. The earnings record is going to be the biggest thing in terms of accuracy and making sure in that. 

But the other cool thing about this, Tim, is there’s actually like a section on here that shows me if I were to retire at age 67, it says your monthly benefit at full retirement age is going to be $2,599. So it shows me like this pretty cool graph that says, okay, at age 67, this is your full retirement age. Your benefit’s 2600 bucks, if I retire early, say five years early at 62, which is the earliest I can collect it, that drops to $1,774.

[00:16:21] TU: It’s almost 900 bucks, right, yours Tim?

[00:16:22] TB: Yeah. Yeah, exactly right. But then if I defer, so if I worked three years longer from age 67 to age 70, that goes up to the delayed retirement where I earn referral credits, 3,231. So that’s the thing is like when I’m when I’m talking about tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousand, the earliest I want to get out, it’s 1,700, 1,800 bucks. The latest, age 70, eight years later, 3,231. 

So that’s where – Again, and this is inflation-protected. So that’s a huge thing, where those dollars go up every year with what the index says. But then you can also look at disability benefits, I mean, if you have them. It talks about Medicare part A and B, and how you qualify for that. But it’s just a good – When we talk about when we work with clients, get organized, the big thing is looking at the balance sheet, looking at what’s coming in income-wise. Like this is going to be a huge part of that for the retiree or someone who’s transitioning into that. So checking it, making sure it’s accurate. 

The earnings is going to be a huge thing that a lot of people don’t do. You want to make sure that you audit it as you go and make sure it’s accurate. So if it’s not, you can make the necessary adjustments.

[00:17:39] TU: Yeah. So takeaway number one, if you haven’t already done so or recently done so, ssa.gov. Log in to my Social Security. You can access your statements, look at the dashboard. Tim’s looking at and talking about, obviously, looking at whether or not you have the 40 work credits. Then looking at some of those simulations for when you may retire. 

Tim, I also like – You can play with some of this, right? So you can change your future salary. You can include a spouse or not include a spouse. You can see how that changes the benefits amount as well. So similar to some of the credit I’ve been given to the Department of Ed lately on what they built, that is studentaid.gov, I think they’ve done a really good job with this, so credit where credit’s due. 

[00:18:17] TB: I agree. Yep. 

[00:18:19] TU: So that’s the number one mistake, not checking your earnings record, not being aware of your Social Security account. Number two, Tim, is only considering your own benefits and not knowing what other benefits are available. So I suspect that folks are most familiar with retirement benefits in Social Security but perhaps to a lesser degree or maybe not even all some of the survivor and disability benefits. Talk to us about really the breadth of benefits that fall under the Social Security benefit.

[00:18:48] TB: Yeah. So the retirement benefits are the big one, and one of the things that is often overlooked is kind of that, yeah, those spousal benefits that are available for non-working spouses as early as age 62. Typically, a lot of the benefits are like kind of hinged on the worker. So if the worker isn’t collecting, then the spouse can’t collect, unless there’s a divorce, and we’ll talk about divorce here later. If it’s a separate household, even though you’re divorced and maybe you had to be married at least 10 years, then you can collect, even if the working divorced spouse is not collecting. 

To go back, a lot of the benefits hinges on the working spouse collecting the benefit, unless retired. But the worker must claim the worker benefit to trigger the spousal benefit at full retirement age, which is kind of that middle number, so 67 for me. If you’re a little bit older, it could be 65, 66 years old. But at full retirement age, the spousal benefit is 50% of the workers’ PIA, and we’ll talk about that a little bit. But basically, that’s the number that they use. 

The spousal benefit is not affected by the age that the worker claims benefits. So it’s basically once the worker claims it, it’s 50% of that benefit, but it can be reduced if – The spousal benefit can be reduced if it’s claimed before that full retirement age, which again, for me, is 67. Then deferring that benefit does not increase. So there is no referral credits for a spousal benefit. So getting that beyond full retirement age doesn’t make any sense. The spousal and survivor benefits do not increase, like I said, past full retirement age. 

The other interesting thing is that if a spouse is caring for a child that’s under 16, you can receive the full benefits, regardless of the caregiver’s spouse’s age. So there’s a lot of just little like nuance here that if you aren’t part of Social Security, you can, again, look these up and see if you would be eligible for a benefit. But this can also be paid for a dependent, an unmarried child under 18. So if I’m 65, and I’ve retired, and I’m collecting my benefit, and I have a 15-year-old daughter, they’re eligible for a benefit, as an example. 

Then if there’s a disability, as long as the disability started before age 22, there’s another benefits there related to that. There can be, Tim, a fat family like maximum applied. So like if my family – If I have two dependents and a spouse and then myself and then we’re all drawing like four checks, essentially, there is a cap per family that has to be considered, and that changes over time. 

It’s just interesting to know, again, a lot of people overlook this. Unless they’re looking at their mail, which there might be some notices here, or working with a planner sometimes, like this goes unpaid. So you want to make sure that, again, this is a system that you pay into as a worker. That you want to make sure that you and your dependents have the ability to collect the maximum amount.

[00:21:50] TU: Tim, one thing that stands out here real quick is it feels like this is a good example. I mean, there’s many that you just listed off there, where really getting in the weeds and planning could be helpful. But I’m thinking about – Selfishly, I think about my situation, Jess, and others that maybe have a nonworking spouse. Like when you talk about things about a spousal benefit and the percentages and that being hinged on the worker and that it doesn’t have the deferment credits, like there’s really some calculations to be done there of like does it make sense that there’s a strategy around spouse gaining employment, and what might that look like, and what’s the net benefit relative to the time. 

Or if the plan is that there’s a nonworking spouse, and it’s going to remain that way for whatever reason, then kind of understanding some of those nuances, right? It’d be hinged on the individual that’s working. What are the risks and benefits of that? Then also, that there’s not things like that deferral credit, right? So there’s a lot to unpack there.

[00:22:49] TB: Yeah. Even taking a step further, if your full retirement age is 67, and you decide to take it at 67, the things that you would have going on there is, say, your benefit is $5,000 at 67. Jess, if she decided not to work, it would be 50% of that, so $2,500. Or do you wait to get that 8% every year, which is essentially going from 67 at age 70, it increases by 8% every year. So you say you claim at age 70, which she can’t claim until you’re claiming, and then she gets 50% of that, right? 

If you were to pass away or she were to pass away, you basically get the larger of that benefit. So if you’re at 5,000 and she’s at 2,500, that’s 7500 hours for the household. But then if you were to pass away before her, she would get your benefit. So you would get 5,000, but the other 2500 we’re going to turn off. So the exercise then is what is the best strategy for you to claim to get the maximum out versus deferring. So there’s lots that goes into this. 

Again, even me making blanket statements of like, “Hey, deferring usually makes the most sense,” for your case, maybe that’s not the case because you want to turn that benefit on as quickly as possible because deferring for her is not going to really matter. 

[00:24:12] TU: Yeah. But that highlights the value of the planning here, right? Yeah. I mean, you talked about at the beginning building a retirement paycheck. Well, that paycheck is going to come from multiple sources. Here we’re only talking about one source and within that one source all the decisions and the nuances.

[00:24:28] TB: Exactly, right. Yep. The second population of people, Tim, so everybody we’ve talked about so far in terms of like benefits, that’s like the worker and like their dependents. So the next bucket is for when that worker dies, so you have like a survivor benefit. When a person who has worked and paid Social Security taxes dies, certain members of family may be eligible for survivor benefits. So a widow, widower would get full survivor benefits are available at full retirement age, but reduced benefits can begin as early as age 60. 

This is a whole another ball of wax that we get tested on for the RICP. That can be very confusing to understand. If the widow or widower is disabled, the benefits can then begin as early as age 50, not 60. Then full retirement, full benefits are also available if the widow is caring for a deceased person’s child who is under age 16. You can also get survivor benefits if divorced spouses are under certain conditions. Or unmarried children younger than 18 can also get a benefit. Children under the age of 80 or 18 or older, if you’re disabled before 22, so this kind of falls very similar to the worker benefits. Then dependent parents aged 62 or older. So if I am –

[00:25:43] TU: Interesting. 

[00:25:45] TB: Yeah. So say I’m taking care of my mom, and I’m receiving a work benefit, and then I die, my mom might not be receiving a check for Social Security. She might get her own. But if she’s not, then she has the ability to actually get a benefit based on my Social Security. Again, a lot of nuance when a worker passes away as well.

[00:26:07] TU: Tim, what about disability? I know this is an area when I’ve talked to folks before that are evaluating Social Security, asking questions, thinking about Social Security, it’s always focused on the retirement income side of it. But a big part of Social Security on the disability side as well, correct?

[00:26:23] TB: That is correct. I think what we had said in the beginning that it is the second most behind – Yeah, second most behind workers benefits is the disabled workers. About 8.1 disabled workers receiving about $10.3 billion per month. This one’s tough, though, because the Social Security definition for disability is pretty strict. So to receive disability benefits requires providing proof that the worker is incapable of engaging in any type of gainful employment, any type of a gainful employment. 

You have to be in a pretty tough medical status to be able to get this, and they typically have an end date. So they’re paid until the earliest of death, the end of disability, or attainment of full retirement age. So then you would go – So if I were disabled at age 55, and I was still alive at age 67, then I would switch over to my worker benefits. It can be pretty strict to be able to get the disability benefit, but it is the second largest after workers benefits. It’s a pretty strict interpretation of work and gainful employment. 

It is important to know, again, do I have a worker benefit? Do I have a survivor benefit available to me or my kids? Do I have a disability benefit? So kudos to the website. I would be on there. Obviously, there’s a lot of education, but then being able to log in and see, hey, I do have this benefit because I paid enough into it. There’s some assurance there, to know that.

[00:27:57] TU: Tim, when I see on the disability side that the worker is incapable of engaging in any type of gainful employment, my first thought is, well, this seems to be why, for so many pharmacists, we’re often looking at standalone long-term disability insurance policies that have some type of an own occupation component to it. Am I reading that correctly?

[00:28:16] TB: Correct. Yep. Yep. 

[00:28:17] TU: Okay. Yeah. 

[00:28:19] TB: Really, the reason for that is like what often happens, if it’s not an occupation, say I’m a pharmacist and say I’m in an awful car accident, and I cognitively can no longer do the work of a pharmacist, that doesn’t necessarily mean I can’t do the work of bagging groceries or doing something like that. So what the insurance company could say is like we’re going to deny the claim because you can still have gainful employment. It’s just not for the employment that you were trained for. So that’s just – Yeah, it’s important to know that. 

[00:28:51] TU: Good stuff. Number three on our list of 10 Common Social Security Mistakes is not understanding how benefits are calculated. Tim, admittedly, this is something I know very little about. You’ve already thrown around a term. I’m sure you’ll define PIA. Tell us more about the formulas that are used to determine one’s benefit?

[00:29:09] TB: Yeah. So the two big terms here is the PIA, the primary insurance amount, and the AIM, the average indexed monthly earnings, which I alluded to a little bit. So the worker’s benefit is tied to the primary insurance amount, PIA, which is a benefit formula applied to the worker’s average indexed monthly earnings or AIMs. That’s a mouthful. So the way you get to aim is you add together all of the index wages for the highest 35 years, and you divide that by 420 months or 35 years, and that’s the AIM. 

So if you look at this on a timeline, the timeline zero is kind of the PIA. Then anything before that, so if you retire early, say at 62, that’s kind of a reduction, and I’ll take you through the math on that, then anything to age 70, which is the opposite on the spectrum, is a credit. So the worker’s benefit is reduced by – Of course, we don’t want to make this simple, Tim, but it’s five-ninths of 1% of the PIA for each month before retirement age up to 36 months. So essentially, you’re getting a haircut five-ninths of 1% of PIA for every month before your full retirement age. 

If it’s greater than 36 months, it’s further reduced by five-twelfths of 1% per month. So in my exam, I’m basically calculating this. I’m like, okay, the full retirement age is 65. They – Yeah, no doubt. So here’s an example. If we’re claiming 44 years early, that’s 48 months. So the first 36 months, it’s five-ninths of 1%. Then the last 12 months to get to the 48 is five-twelfths of 1%. So if I do the math there, that’s a 25% reduction. So five-ninths times 36, plus five-twelfths times 12, the 12 months is 25%. 

[00:31:06] TU: Four years early. 

[00:31:08] TB: Correct. So that tells me that my paycheck is reduced by 25%. So if my primary insurance amount was 1,500, then my benefit would be reduced by 25% or 1,125. The scary thing or not the scary thing, but the problem is, Tim, is like once you do that, there are some like you can unwind it. If you claim early, you have 12 months to kind of give the money back. Or you can give them money back and say, “I’m just kidding. I want to actually defer.” 

But once you take that haircut, you take that haircut. Again, you still might get the cost of living so that 1,125, if you’ve got that in 2022, you still get the 8.7% increase. But I would rather have the 8.7% increase on that 1,500. So if you defer the worker’s benefit, it increases by two-thirds of 1% for each month, until age 70 or 8% per year. So if that 1,500, basically, I go all the way out to age 70, for every year, essentially, it’s about 8% per year, which is why when I was looking at my benefit, I’m like, all right, 2,600 bucks at age 67, if I wait to age 70, 3,231. That’s kind of the idea.

[00:32:27] TU: What was your spread, Tim, your low to your high, 62 to 70? What was your –

[00:32:31] TB: 62, I’m getting $1,774. To age 70, I’m thinking 3,231s. What is that? 70, 80% difference between the two or something like that?

[00:32:43] TU: Quick $1,500 about. Yep.

[00:32:45] TB: Yeah. It’s significant. We’re talking about this a little bit, Tim, but what people are saying is like, “Well, if I retire at age 62, I’m probably going to live to age 65.” Like people have kind of very little sense of their own mortality, and they typically live longer than what they think. Now, that’s not always the case. There are some people that it does make sense to claim, and we’ll talk about a little bit more of the mindset. But a lot of advisors and people, it’s like, well, it’s kind of a breakeven. It’s like, well, if you are collecting at 62, that’s eight years of collecting it at that versus waiting at 70. There’s a breakeven analysis that you can do. But I think that’s flawed in a sense, in terms of it looking at it from an investment decision versus like an insurance decision. We’ll talk about that in the next episode.

[00:33:34] TU: Tim, a question I have, when you talked about the benefit going up 8% per year by deferring, is that 8% plus the COLA then, just like it was on the downside? You know what I’m saying?

[00:33:48] TB: Correct. 

[00:33:49] TU: Okay. 

[00:33:49] TB: Yeah. 

[00:33:50] TU: Yeah. I mean, that’s wild, right? I was just kind of taking those numbers like, so instead of 1,500 going to 1,125, getting reduced by 25%. Essentially taking that up 8% per year and, obviously, it’s 8% on the 8%. But then adding to that the COLA piece, like that’s where the numbers start to really deviate.

[00:34:08] TB: Yeah. Again, this was a crazy year, so –

[00:34:13] TU: Yeah, that’s right. That’s right.

[00:34:14] TB: I’d have to look at in terms of like what the – But I feel like it’s gone up, even in years of very little inflation. The CPIW, which is the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, is essentially what they use to adjust it, even if it’s a 1%, 2%. Yeah. That’s completely separate from the deferral credit of 8% that you receive away from inflation. Again, that can be huge. 

[00:34:41] TU: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Again, I think this is a good reminder, like we’re talking in generalities. I think you mentioned, Tim, the importance of, hey, we can run the math. You can run a breakeven. But it doesn’t stop there, right. As we highlighted earlier in our conversation, there are so many layers to this and considering spousal benefits and quality of life and overall health condition, what you’re doing. 

I mean, there are so many things that consider that, yeah, I mean, there are cases where someone may claim early, as we look at generally. Certainly, the math here would advocate that deferring makes sense, but that may not always be the decision. I think that’s where the planning really comes into play. 

All right, number 4 on our list of 10 Common Social Security Mistakes is taking Social Security too early, not working long enough. Tim, we talked about this a little bit already, and perhaps it’s due to the age of my parents and in-laws, where this topic is one that comes up a lot. But this feels like a topic that is often discussed, often debated. So talk us through some of the major implications here.

[00:35:42] TB: Yeah. Just like any other parts of the plan, Tim, like what we’re really trying to strive for here is optionality. I can speak to my own parent, at least my dad. When he retired, it was kind of out of his hands because his company was bought by another company, and he was kind of duplicitous. So his options there were, okay, find a new job at 65 or whatever it was or start retiring. 

Again, like if I’m him, in that moment, I’m probably trying to use other sources of income. So I can then defer Social Security, get the biggest benefit. Sometimes, your plan is out of your hands because of external things like that. You want to prepare yourself as best you can to kind of cushion the blow, again, if you are, if you do kind of get phased out of the workforce. A lot of it, it’s related to scale backs and things like that. But sometimes, a lot of it is health. 

Sometimes, you’re like, “Oh, I’m definitely going to work to age 65, or I’m definitely going to work to age 70.” I think it’s something like 40% of the time, that’s not the case. So 40%, that’s a coin flip, a coin flip, Tim. Sometimes – Now, just because you’re not working doesn’t necessarily mean you have to claim Social Security. But for a lot of us, especially for a huge portion of that, you have to, right? But the argument that I would make is that if you can build a plan to have enough retirement assets or being able to tap home equity or taxable brokerage assets to kind of bridge that gap, it allows for further sustainability later because just more of your dollars are coming from Social Security, versus taking a 30% haircut or whatever it is. Yeah. Not working long enough is huge. 

The other factor is that, again, typically, towards the end of your careers, when most of us are working or earning the most money, which, basically, we’re looking at the highest 35 years, so it could be I’m making $200,000. If I decide to work another year, $200,000, maybe that’s taken zero or that $358 a year that I had in 1998 off the table. Then my benefit is going up even higher. 

But then the other side of it is like it is another year, where you’re not essentially senior. You’re not in senior unemployment, i.e. retirement, where you’re not basically generating your retirement paycheck yourself, which, again, is the whole purpose of retirement. So there’s a lot of people that are now really trying to either phase into retirement, or they have lifestyle, jobs, or businesses, or things that they do that maybe bring some dollars in that they’re not full stop. 

Because, again, from an emotional standpoint, we talk about this from an identity perspective, a lot of us like my identity is very much wrapped up in the job that I have, which can be unhealthy. But we’re seeing high levels of depression and drug use, alcoholism in retirees that we haven’t seen before. I think it’s because a lot more people are talking about it. But that’s another benefit of like easing in from a work perspective. 

But as we talked about it, again, it’s a 30% reduction if you claim at age 62, versus full retirement age. If you work past it to get the full credits, 8% per year. The difference, it can be like 70 to 80 percent between age 62 to age 70 in terms of the benefit, if you defer. One of the things that is if you’re listening to this, and you’re like, “Ah, I just retired summer of last year, and I took the benefit right away,” there isn’t the ability. It’s called a withdrawal of application, which can be made by a worker within 12 months of claiming the benefits. 

It’s basically like a take back seats, like do over. You’re like, “Oh, I just kind of did what everyone else is doing, and my situation maybe requires some more TLC and attention to see. Like maybe I can get by or not claim this. I can work part time. I can consult or do whatever to kind of grow that benefit to –” Where you’re getting that 8% raise to age 70. I think that’s important. Really important to look at.

[00:39:57] TU: Tim, one of the things that just hit me as we were talking, to reiterate something we lead with, is the need for time, attention, love, planning, whatever you want to call it for Social Security. We spend so much time – When I think about numbers like $5,000 a month, right, just throwing a round numbers here, as we’re looking at some of our examples, $5,000 a month, and the attention and time we give to building and putting together a nest egg that would generate $5,000 a month, while we, I think, largely often kind of wander, walk into perhaps on some level and inform the decisions around Social Security, the implication around Social Security, a very similar level here we’re talking about, and it’s substantial, significant level, several thousand dollars per month. 

I think it just highlights, as we’re digging into some of these numbers and how to optimize it, how much time and attention Social Security does really need and deserve as a part of the financial plan and one that admittedly – We look back over the first five years and said, hey, we haven’t really talked about Social Security. It’s a huge part of the financial plan, and that’s in part why we’re talking more about it right now.

[00:41:02] TB: Yeah. Again, just like anything, the financial plan is not necessarily built in a day. I think a path towards financial freedom, how you just decide that, is months. It’s years. It’s decades of being very intentional, of working towards stated goals. Social Security is a part of that. Again, we often think of it as just I’m earning money, 35 years of earnings in the background. But a tweak here or a tweak there, someone listening, and they’re like, “Hey, I can definitely earn $1,600 times four a year to turn that benefit on for me.” 

Even if it’s a small benefit, I mean, that might be a car payment. It might be a chunk of rent. It might be groceries. So I think every little bit counts. At the end of the day, what really – Again, it goes back to the being intentional but then optionality when you get to that moment. Again, like one of the things that we do – Again, if we use the term, if we use 5,000, 60 grand a year for that, we might need another 60 grand to live. 

So let’s say it’s 120,000. Essentially, what we’re doing then is we’re looking at those alternate sources, which could be pretax dollars from a traditional 401(k), after tax dollars from, say, a Roth IRA, a taxable account. We’re kind of trying to bring all those in, and it could be money from home equity. It could be money from an annuity that we take a chunk of the portfolio, and we say, “Hey. For us to get to a minimum, maybe it’s not – Maybe we need 80,000.” So maybe we buy a $20,000 annuity for that year or for like a term or whatever to get to that level. Then you know that based on Social Security and based on what that annuity is going to pay you that I’ll food, I’ll have a roof over my head, all those basic necessities. So everything else that’s coming from the portfolio, which is kind of cream. 

Essentially, what I’m describing is like the flooring strategy. But, yeah, it’s huge. It’s huge. Again, I think what we’re advocating for is just intentionality. So it leads to optionality in the future.

[00:43:23] TU: Yeah. It’s separate conversation for a separate day. But just things that are coming into my mind as we walk through some of this if you have a solid flooring strategy in place, if that’s the route and pathway you’d go, like does that change your risk tolerance or risk capacity around investing or other opportunities? Again, all this feeds into to one another. 

All right, let’s wrap up this two-part series on 10 Common Social Security Mistakes. We’ll finish up with number five here, and we’ll pick up next week with 6 through 10. Number five is making sure that we’re not looking at this in a vacuum and specifically not coordinating benefits with a spouse. Tell us more about this one, Tim.

[00:44:01] TB: Yeah. Kind of I’m thinking about this. We do have a lot of people that come through the door that’s like, “I’m looking for a financial plan just for myself,” but they’re married. I’m like it is hard to do because up and down, whether it’s a shared benefit like a home or even something like Social Security, like you got to be on the same page. 

As we said, the spousal benefit does not increase if the worker defers benefits. But a survivor benefit may. You can get credit based on that because it’s based on the PIA of the worker. One of the things that like we often hear is like, “Well, I’m in poor health, or like my dad and my uncle, they all died in their early or late 60s, early 70s.” But it might make sense. So even if the spouse, who is in poor health, it might make sense to defer the benefit because the longer you defer – 

Again, if we give an example of spouse A has a benefit of 1,700, and spouse B has a benefit of 3,000, that’s a $4,700 per benefit. But if I can defer spouse B to get the 3,500 or to get the 3,800, I still can either pick mine, which is 1,700, or my spouse’s at 3,000, when they do pass away. 

Again, it can’t be looked at a vacuum. You really have to look at everything. But a lot of people at default, they’re like, “Hey, I just got to get the money as quickly as possible.” Because I put all this money into, I want to get out. That kind of goes back to like the whole investment. So it really is important for you and your spouse to go back to the first one, where it’s like look at your earnings. Look at everything. Make sure it’s accurate. Then really coordinate the benefit that maximizes the dollar for the household, when both spouses are alive but then also when one spouse predeceases the other. 

So not in a vacuum, just like so many other pieces of the financial plan, you need to really make sure that there’s a coordination strategy there to, again, maximize the benefit and not leave money on the table.

[00:46:00] TU: Tim, one of the themes I’m hearing from you, especially for folks that are listening that have still a decent runway to save, is what can we be doing to take off that pressure of early claiming, if that’s not the move that we would desire to make, for the reasons we’ve talked about looking at the dollars and cents here?

Can we build those other sources that we can pull from, when it comes to that retirement paycheck? You mentioned the traditional retirement accounts, Roth IRAs, brokerage accounts, etc. Can we build those up in a way that relieves that pressure? Then if the decision really should be different for some and, again, that may not be a blanket for all, but we take that out of the equation, pressure out of the equation. 

[00:46:42] TB: Yeah. I think this all goes back to like goals, like what is your goals around retirement? It’s funny. Like it goes back to all the other pieces that we talked about what the financial plan. It’s like what’s the balance sheet say? What are the sources of income, and where are we trying to go? What are the goals? It’s the same, whether you’re starting out, or it’s the same, whether you’re starting to wind down your career, so to speak. 

Having a good eye on like where you’re at and where you want to go is just as important at age 60, 65, 70, as it is at 25, 30. To me, it’s really, really important to have these conversations out loud. I always – I laugh at myself, where I’m like, “Man, I love what I do. I love the work that we’re doing at YFP. I can see myself working at least till age 70 to get ready for retirement age.” But I also know that like we can be fickle creatures, right? Something could happen outside of our control that just makes the work that we’re doing a lot harder. There can be a lot of things. 

So I think even checking in with yourself, checking in with your spouse in terms of like what you want is important. But then if you do have to kind of pivot because of maybe some of the things that we did 20, 10 years ago, we have the option to say, okay, we can still not be hasty with our retirement claim or Social Security claiming strategy because we have the ability to pull through other sources to still max them out, max out like what we get from the system. 

Again, like I would almost say that this decision is going to be one of the bedrock decisions, if not the bedrock decisions, because we’re looking for sure things. Although, again, like there might be differences in the benefit in the future, it’s still going to be there, and it’s still going to be inflation-protected and all those things that is really positive about the Social Security benefits. So, yeah, I think, hopefully, this is a good first five and looking forward to getting to the next five. But I can’t stress the importance of this decision on the retirement income plan.

[00:48:43] TU: Great stuff as always, Tim Baker. We’re going to pick up next week, as we continue with 10 Common Social Security Mistakes to Avoid. Again, I’d reference you back to episode 242, where we relate some of the foundation around Social Security. We look forward to talking more about this topic throughout the year. 

For folks that are listening, especially, Tim, I’m talking about folks that are maybe in that later part of their career, nearing retirement, a lot of these questions are really coming to life around Social Security. It’s moving from the education to the decision making, if you will. We’d love to have a chance to talk with you to determine whether or not the financial planning services that we offer at YFP Planning are a good fit for you. So you can do that by booking a free discovery call at yfpplanning.com. Again, that’s yfpplanning.com. 

Tim, thanks so much, and we’ll be back next week. 


[00:49:29] TU: As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts, and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist, unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward-looking statements that are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. 

Thank you, again, for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week. 


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YFP 290: Getting Ready for Tax Season

Sean Richards, CPA, EA returns to the podcast to discuss difference between tax planning and tax preparation, how effective tax planning can prevent costly mistakes, tax changes for 2023, and the basics of YFP’s Comprehensive Tax Planning. 

About Today’s Guest

Sean Richards, CPA, EA, received his undergraduate degree in Corporate Finance and Accounting, as well as his Master of Accountancy, from Bentley University in Waltham, MA. Sean has been a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) since 2015 and received his Enrolled Agent certification earlier this year. Prior to joining the YFP team, Sean was the Senior Treasury Manager at PRA Group, a global debt buyer based in Norfolk, VA. He began his career at American Tower Corporation where, over 10 years, he held several positions in audit, treasury, and accounting. As the Director of YFP Tax, Sean focuses on broadening the company’s existing tax planning and preparation operations, as well as developing and launching new accounting offerings, including bookkeeping, payroll, and fractional CFO services.

Episode Summary

This week on the YFP Podcast, YFP Co-Founder & CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, welcomes Sean Richards, CPA, EA, back to the podcast to discuss getting ready for tax season. In their conversation, Tim and Sean discuss the difference between tax planning and tax preparation, how effective tax planning can prevent costly mistakes, tax changes for 2023, and the basics of YFP Comprehensive Tax Planning. Listeners will hear ways to prevent costly mistakes during tax filing season, including building a strategy around PSLF, nuances of real estate investing, and the impact of a side hustle or additional business income. Sean explains that the best way to avoid these mistakes would be through proactive tax planning throughout the year, but in particular, before tax season. Tim leads the conversation to the differences between tax planning and tax preparation, plus various tax changes for the 2023 tax filing season and into the future. Sean shares resources and information on changes to charitable contributions, energy credits, and clean energy credits. Sean closes out the conversation with an introduction to YFP Tax, the new YFP Tax website, and the various services available to clients including YFP’s Comprehensive Tax Planning (CTP), what it is, and the type of client the service would be a good fit for. 

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[00:00:00] TU: Hey, everybody. Tim Ulbrich here, and welcome to this week’s episode of the YFP Podcast, where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. 

Now, aside from being pharmacists with a passion for personal finance, there’s something else that you and I have in common, and that’s that we have to file our taxes each year. Now, I know what you might be thinking. Tim, it’s only January, and the tax filing deadline is still a few months away. 95 days to be exact, in case you’re counting. Do I need to start thinking about taxes right now? 

I get it. But the truth is that now is an important time to shift gears and start thinking about the strategies that you can use to optimize your tax situation, and that’s why I’m excited to welcome back onto the show YFP Director of Tax, Sean Richards, to talk through getting ready for tax season. We discuss on this episode the difference between tax planning and tax preparation and how effective tax planning can prevent costly mistakes. To learn more about the services offered by YFP Tax, you can visit yfptax.com. 

Now, whether you’re looking for help with your individual taxes, business taxes, or both, YFP’s comprehensive tax planning combines traditional filing with our proactive year-round planning process. All right, let’s jump into my interview with YFP Director of Tax, Sean Richards. 


[00:01:22] TU: Sean, welcome back to the show.

[00:01:24] SR: Thanks for having me, and I’m excited to be here before we get into tax season, while I actually still have a chance to get on the pod and talk to you. 

[00:01:31] TU: Absolutely.

[00:01:32] SR: Catch me in a couple of weeks, and I’m probably going to ignore all of your calls and everything. So get me while you have me.

[00:01:37] TU: Tis the season indeed. We had you on episode 283 not too long ago. We talked about how to optimize your tax situation as a pharmacy professional. We’ll link to that in the show notes for folks that want to go back to that. But as you mentioned, here we are in the midst of tax season, this episode going live right around the middle of January. Sean, this is about the time where we start to see those tax forms coming in the mail. I don’t know. Folks maybe are like me, where I start to pile those up on my desk. Maybe clutter the –

[00:02:06] SR: [inaudible 00:02:06] or whatever. 

[00:02:09] TU: Clutter the countertop a little bit. It’s that visual reminder that we’re going to be filing our taxes. One of the things we’re going to talk about here today, not only what are some things that folks can do to, hopefully, have a smooth tax filing season, but also how can we be strategizing and planning, hopefully, year round and not necessarily just house on fire when we go to file our taxes each April. 

So we’re going to talk in really a few different parts. Number one, what are some of the ways that folks can prevent some of the costly mistakes during filing this season? What are some most common mistakes that you see? We’ll then talk about some of the differences between tax preparation and tax planning. Then we’ll talk about some of the changes that folks need to be aware of for both this tax filing season, some of those coming from the Inflation Reduction Act, and then also some of the things that folks can be looking out for into the future. So I’m ready if you’re ready. Should we do this?

[00:03:07] SR: I’m always ready. Like I said, this is the most ready I’ll be for a while. So here we go.

[00:03:12] TU: So let’s jump into some of the costly mistakes that folks may find themselves making during the filing season. Obviously, we want to avoid this if we can. You recently wrote a blog post on this topic. We’ll link to that in the show notes. But give us some of the examples, as you’ve been talking with many pharmacists that are interacting with YFP Tax, many pharmacy clients. What are some of these examples of mistakes that are being made that if we had some more proactive planning, perhaps we could prevent it?

[00:03:43] SR: Yeah, and thanks for bringing up that blog post because that really gets into the nature of how a lot of these kind of arise and can be prevented. Not to give everything away about that, but the idea of the whole thing is really just sort of being able to go back in time, if you could, right? In a lot of circumstances in life, it would be nice to be able to get a redo and be able to go back and kind of get a mulligan, if you will. But with a lot of things in life, you can’t do that, and taxes are one of those things. 

So I would say the biggest examples where I see pharmacists or anybody really making mistakes when it comes to taxes is not planning ahead and kind of looking back and saying, “Oh boy. I wish I had done that.” So that time that you had a great year, and you made a ton of money, and maybe you’ve had a side gig going, and you had so much cash that you didn’t know what to do with it. But then you come to the end of the year and you didn’t have that cash anymore when your actual tax bill comes due. So, “Oh, I wish I could have put some of that money aside, done a projection, see what I’m going to owe at the end of the year.” Maybe make estimated tax payments if you apply for something like that. 

Or something like, “Hey, real estate’s hot right now.” You bought up a place. You fixed it up. You finally sold it. You hit that peak before interest rates went up, and now you’re sitting there going, “Oh, my goodness. I have to pay taxes on all those capital gains.” What are some things you could have done to maybe make different improvements to the house or take advantage of those improvements against your bases when you’re calculating the taxes? Or, “Hey, maybe I could have invested in some solar property or something.” Take advantage of some of those credits that we’ll talk about with the Inflation Reduction Act. So things of that nature. 

A big one with pharmacists is loan forgiveness, right? PSLF. If you’re looking at this, and you’re saying you did your taxes, and you’re going to apply for forgiveness in the future and say, “Oh, maybe I could have filed separate for my spouse last year. If I had done this a little bit differently, then maybe I could have had some more of my loans forgiven.” So it tends to always be an – I’m not going to say always, but there tends to be a common recurring theme of if I just planned ahead, and I could go back in time and change these things, maybe that problem wouldn’t be there. 

But actually, now that I think about it, I had a personal situation. I like to bring this one up because it’s near and dear to me and if I can ever prevent folks from having the same thing. I know, early in my career, I was lucky enough to have RSUs given, granted to me, and I was a young budding accountant and went to do my taxes and paid the capital gains and said, “Okay, that’s fine. I understand. I cashed them in. I have my capital gains.”

It wasn’t until I was looking at it a little bit down the line and talking to some of my colleagues that I realized I didn’t actually account for that properly. I had already paid taxes on some of that, and then I went and basically double-counted and paid again. So RSUs are one of those things. I know a lot of pharmacists get them. They get excited about them. If you don’t really pay attention or you don’t talk to somebody who knows what they’re doing with these things, you can end up double paying, and the IRS certainly won’t reach out and let you know that you did that. You have to find that on your own.

[00:06:44] TU: Yeah. Sean, to that point, we’ve worked with a lot of the pharmaceutical industry fellowship programs, and as a result, have a handful of those that are in pharmaceutical industry as clients, whether it’s on the planning side or on the tax side. So this is something that we see come up a lot about trying to understand what are RSUs, and what are some of those tax implications. Certainly, student loans, you mentioned PSLF strategy. It’s a big one in our community, real estate. We’ve got a whole separate podcast dedicated to that topic. So of course, that can be something that’s top of mind.

Then the first one you mentioned is something, Sean, I know I’m seeing and hearing more and more of. We featured many pharmacists on the show that are beginning to monetize their clinical expertise in a variety of different ways, whether that’s a business, whether that’s a side hustle, or perhaps a side hustle that turned into a business. As you mentioned, often there’s that new income that’s coming in. By the time we get around to filing, we’re maybe putting that income back into use in the business or other expenses that come up. Then there’s that surprise tax bill. So, yes, we’re doing good. We’re growing the business. We’re achieving that goal of monetizing whatever we’d been working on. But are we proactively planning for, obviously, the tax bill that’s going to be due? How can we plan for that throughout the year? So great examples I know that will touch many people that are listening. 

The next question then is what is the antidote to these mistakes? You mentioned a couple times you were sharing that really that more proactive tax planning, not just necessarily looking at that point of filing, where we’re looking backwards, but really thinking strategically throughout the year can help us not only prevent these mistakes, but also optimize our overall tax strategy. So define for us the difference of tax planning versus tax preparation, and why it’s so important that we understand how these two are so different.

[00:08:36] SR: Sure. So tax preparation is the traditional what you think of with taxes. It’s, hey, you go to your account at the end of the year. You hand them a big box of receipts and say, “Here’s all the stuff.” All the things that you were just talking about you get in the mail, you put a little pile on the table, you bring it to your accountant and say, “These are what I have. This is what I did last year. Get my taxes done for me.” 

That also is the traditional area where people kind of are fearful about taxes or have that stress like, “Oh, my goodness. Am I going to owe something?” Or even getting a big refund can be a good thing. But at the same time, you just gave the government an interest free loan for however long, right? I mean, getting a big refund, there’s probably a pretty good chance you could have done something better with that cash. So that’s typically the surprise or the idea I was talking about like, “Oh, goodness. I wish I had done that in the middle of the year in July,” something like that. 

That’s tax preparation, and it’s not inherently a bad thing. It needs to get done. Again, it’s what most people are familiar with, whether it’s going to an accountant or going on to TurboTax yourself and getting it done. But that also, again, is where a lot of these stresses tend to come from. On the flip side of that is this idea of tax planning. So that is not just thinking about taxes at the end of the year, but making sure that you’re keeping them top of mind throughout the course of the year, and you’re synergizing your tax strategy with your overall financial strategy. 

One thing I want to be clear about is I don’t want people sitting there all day long thinking about tax because, I mean, maybe I want to do that. But a lot of people don’t, and that’s not what we’re getting at with tax planning. It’s not where you’re sitting there all day long and how is this going to impact my taxes? It’s just making sure that when you’re making decisions, that it’s not something that you’re thinking about in April or next filing season. But it’s something that is in your mind. So, hey, I’m thinking about buying a property at the end of the year. What will those implications be from a tax standpoint? Or I’ve been working this side gig. Should I be putting cash aside and trying to plan ahead and everything? 

One analogy, if you’ve ever heard me on the pod, I think I talked about this before. If you’ve ever talked to me in person, you’re probably sick of hearing this one. But I often compare it to tax preparation at the end of the year. It’s like a film editor versus tax planning. It’s like a film director who can kind of change things over the course of the year. A new analogy I’ll kind of introduce this time around, I’m really into cooking. So what I found it to be is tax planning is sort of like reading the recipe, prepping your ingredients, getting everything kind of ready to go. Like you watch these tasty videos. They all have everything measured out, and they’re just pouring it in at the time, and it’s all kind of ready. 

Versus tax preparation is the last step of getting everything plated and putting it all together. Would you want to do all that piece, without having done any of the prep work to begin with? Are you going to try to throw everything together when you haven’t even cut the potatoes or anything yet? No. I mean, ideally, if you’re preparing a meal, you want to also plan, cut the things, read the recipe, and just have a good idea throughout the course of the thing. So that’ll be my new analogy going forward maybe until I get sick of cooking, and then I can come up with something else.

[00:11:35] TU: I’m smiling because I can totally see you this past weekend cooking and thinking, “Oh, I’ve got another analogy for how I’m going to explain tax planning versus tax preparation.” 

[00:11:45] SR: Exactly. I was probably panicking and realize I didn’t cut something ahead of time that I needed to put in and was saying, “Oh, my goodness. If I had just done that ahead of time and made the connection there.” Most likely, this would happen.

[00:11:55] TU: Yeah. I think you’ve given some really good examples, Sean. I was thinking about this this morning. Even when I was working a W-2 job, a pretty simple tax return, pre-kids, there still was this kind of underlying feeling of like, “Am I really optimizing everything?” What I don’t know, I don’t know. Number one, yeah, I could do the TurboTax. I could do the H&R Block. I could figure that out. But how is this really interfacing with the rest of the financial plan? Then, obviously, over time, as things become more complicated, more than one income perhaps or rental properties or children enter the equation, changes of income throughout the year, all these different scenarios where there’s some real time adjustments that you want to make, as well as how can we look at all these things across the plan to make sure we’re optimizing this in the best way we can. 

Sean, you know this because you’re my phone a friend on the tax side. But probably once a week, once every other week, it’s a, “Hey, I’ve got this notice. I’ve got this question. What about this? What’s it looking as we’re thinking about the estimated payment, whether it’s on the business income or question related to the real estate piece?” So there’s just so many things going on, and I feel like I have a high level understanding. But there’s a whole another layer of depth that, obviously, you and others with this expertise have and can really advise people to be thinking across the entirety of what’s going on with the taxes and the financial plan. But also looking at how can we be more proactive than just simply doing the filing each year.

[00:13:24] SR: Yep, I agree. The thing is, is that taxes often become a stressor for folks because they don’t plan ahead. That’s the biggest thing is that you go to your mailbox, and you see a letter, and it says the IRS on the top, and you immediately get this fear in your head. It’s because you think, “Oh, what did I do wrong? Or what should I have done otherwise,” or something like that. 

I mean, it really just comes down to if you are thinking about these things proactively, if you have sort of that phone a friend that you can reach out to throughout the course of the year, you’re not going to be worried when the time comes because you’ll say, “I already talked to him about that. I already know what this is going to be. Oh, this letter from the IRS is just the refund check that I’m expecting to come back from them.” It’s not going to be that fear anymore.

[00:14:02] TU: So let’s shift gears and talk about some of the tax changes that individuals should be aware of. I think one of the main advantages in working with a professional is that you as the individual don’t have to sift through all the changes that are happening and understand the implications to your own plan. You can get the CliffsNotes version of that or someone that’s looking out for you and, obviously, has an understanding of your individual situation. 

Sean, my understanding is there are some changes that folks should be aware of that impact this filing season. Then there’s also some other changes on the horizon that will impact things in the future. Tell us more.

[00:14:36] SR: Yeah. I mean, at this stage of the game, I don’t want to say it’s too late. It’s almost never too late to do really anything. But given that we’re getting into January of 2023 now, not a whole lot to talk about for 2022, but just a couple things to keep top of mind for folks, especially because it’s questions that people may have when they’re talking to their accountant about, “Hey, this looks a little different than last year.” 

So one big thing that will probably be glaring to a lot of folks is there was a $300 above the line, we call it, credit for charitable deductions that has happened for the past couple of years. So that basically, even if you’re not itemizing your deductions, if you’ve made charitable contributions, you were able to take $300 of that as a credit, that is sort of a no more going forward. So in order to take those charitable contributions, you’re going to have to itemize your deductions. 

Again, I just want to point that one out because I know a lot of people, it was right there on the front of the – On the form. So a lot of people will probably think, “Hey, what happened to that?” But that also brings up a good point that you always want to – Another reason why working with a tax professional stay on top of these things is really helpful because different states, different jurisdictions all have different rules when it comes to these things. I know I was just talking about charitable contributions, for example. In the state of Arizona, that’s actually something where you’re able to make donations up until the filing date. Sort of like you can traditionally with IRA accounts when you think of on the federal side of things. 

That’s another reason why I say even though it might seem like it’s too late, it’s not always too late, and you really want to keep in mind that different states and different jurisdictions have different kind of rules with that. 

[00:16:05] TU: Which is why, Sean, you love the Ohio jurisdiction and the [inaudible 00:16:09], right? Isn’t that your favorite? 

[00:16:11] SR: Yeah. Love would be one word that I could use to describe it. I would definitely say that that’s one of them. It keeps me on top of my game. I could say that too. I’m running out of nice things to say. But, yep, sure, we’ll go with that. 

Sticking on the subject of sort of top of mind 2022, things to keep in mind, one of them – This is not so much of a, hey, it’s something that you can still do now, just something that you’re going to want to really be careful of, especially when you’re talking to your accountant and probably trying to argue. Hey, how come I’m not getting the credit for this or something? You alluded to the Inflation Reduction Act. So that was the act that President Biden signed back in August. So a lot of changes to a lot of things, specifically, energy credits, things of that nature. A good number of changes to keep an eye on there. 

A big one is the Residential Clean Energy Credit. So that is traditionally – Forgive me, I can’t think of the old name. They keep changing the names of these things. But keep in mind solar, geothermal, that type of thing, really the renewable energy sources. So that was supposed to drop down to a 26% credit in 2022. That bumped back up to 30% in 2022, and that’s going to go all the way out through 2032. So that’s a good one to keep in mind. 

Electric cars, that’s another one, very important. So as of – The date on this one is August 16th. So if you bought a car before August 16th of last year, electric car, sort of the old rules, I won’t get into those. You’re probably familiar with them. If you bought a car beginning August 16th and through the end of last year, an electric car, there’s a final assembly requirement where your vehicle must have been assembled in North America. Those rules apply as of August 16th of last year, so something definitely to keep in mind there. 

Then going forward into 2023, if you purchase a car in this year going forward, there’s not only final assembly rules, but there’s mineral sourcing rules. There’s sort of battery component rules. So a lot stricter requirements there. We can link to – The Department of Energy has a good list where you can kind of put in your VIN and see if your vehicle qualifies and what it is. But the long story short there is it’s $7,500 credit going forward. But again, you want to keep those dates in mind whenever you purchase the vehicle. So it’s kind of one of those things to keep in mind now. 

That’s a good segue into 2023. So again, closing the door in 2022, a lot of good things heading into 2023, specifically around those energy credits. We talked about new – Or electric vehicles. We talked about new electric vehicles. But starting this year might bring a lot of people into the used market here, so used electric vehicles. That will be a new credit, 30% up to 4k of those. So that’s something definitely to look forward to. 

Energy credits, again, not so much on the solar geothermal side, but more on the, hey, I got new doors, new windows, the typical sort of regular household improvements. You’re probably familiar with those being a $500 lifetime credit. That starting this year going forward is actually going to be a $1,200 annual credit, so that is quite the jump there. Definitely some new restrictions and everything to keep an eye on. Obviously, you want to talk to an accountant about all that kind of stuff. But that’s a very big jump from $500 a lifetime to $1,200 a year. So definitely want to take advantage of that going forward.

[00:19:34] TU: Is that one that if I invest, I don’t know, $10,000 in new windows, that you can disperse that credit over several years? Or is it within the year of purchase for 1,200, right? Because a lot of those examples you gave, windows, doors, roofs, etc. are, obviously, going to be fairly significant expenses.

[00:19:54] SR: Yeah. It’s in the year that you actually dole out the cash that you get the credit back. In a lot of cases, these credits are nonrefundable. So what that means is that if you, at the end of the day, don’t owe anything or don’t have any taxes to offset, you don’t get that credit back for you. So refundable credit basically means, hey, if I actually offset all of my taxes and still then get some, you’ll actually get that back as a refund. 

A lot of these energy credits, you just want to take a look at all of them. I won’t get into which of which. But some of those are nonrefundable, meaning they’ll offset your taxes that year but not going forward.

[00:20:30] TU: Which is another great example of planning, right? 

[00:20:31] SR: Of planning. Exactly, exactly right. You beat me to it, where if you’re making a big capital purchase, you say, “All right, I’m putting in these new windows or I’m getting this solar. I’m finally getting it done,” you want to make sure you have the taxes to offset. Maybe you sell some of those investments that you’ve had for a while. Take on some of those capital gains. Use the credits to offset it or – That’s where that tax planning definitely comes into play. Absolutely. You’re taking my job, man.

[00:20:56] TU: Sorry. It was a good example. I was just thinking about all – Obviously, a large percent of our community may be doing home improvement projects, other things. This is a common one, I think, will be coming up.

[00:21:05] SR: Absolutely. Yep. But, yeah, I mean, sticking to this year, I don’t want to say it was a boring year. Every year from a tax standpoint is exciting in my mind. But the biggest thing I would say outside of the energy stuff, the name of the game has been inflation. So obviously, inflation is top of mind for a lot of folks. So a lot of inflation-related changes going into next year, and what does that mean? Mostly means limits are going up for a lot of things. 

So 401(k), deferral limits. That was up $2,000. That’ll be 2,500 this year. Catch up deposits also up 1,000, so that’ll be $7,500 this year. IRA contributions went up $500, so that’s $6,500 this year. The catch up stayed the same on that, but similarly, inflation. So starting next year, 2024, that will be indexed to inflation. That’s another one there. Tax brackets, so all the tax brackets were bumped up a bit due to inflation. I’m not going to get into the specifics of which one. Each of those, each of the limits are there. The overall story is that you basically can make more money before you bump into that next bracket. 

But the one thing I really want to hone in on there is a lot of people don’t really – I don’t want to say don’t understand the concept of tax brackets. But a lot of people think, “Oh, I don’t want to make another $1,000 because that’s going to bump me into the next bracket. Or how’s that affect me? Is that going to put me the next tax bracket? Or how’s that look with everything?” I just want to make sure a lot of folks on here understand the idea of incremental dollars being taxed at that next bracket. So what does that mean? 

If you’re right on the edge, and you make an extra $100 that bumps you into that next tax bracket, that $100 will be at the new tax rate. The rest of your cash is all getting taxed at the rates that you were before. So I don’t want anybody here who’s got two job offers on the table and saying, “I don’t want to take this higher one because it’s going to put me in the next tax bracket.” That’s not how it works. It’s only going to be a couple extra dollars. I know that’s a big scary one. So that’s where you hear about effective rates and everything. There’s a lot we can get into there, but I just don’t want to scare folks any more than they already are.

[00:23:07] TU: Sean, it reminded me as you’re talking. I’m sure many folks listening are familiar with the Schitt’s Creek episode, where David is talking about the tax-write offs and the things that he’s buying because they’re tax-write off, right? This –

[00:23:20] SR: Write-off, yeah. 

[00:23:20] TU: It’s like we need an episode on the incremental approach. I mean, you hear that all the time of like, “Oh, I don’t want to go in the next tax bracket. Or if I earn additional money, I’m going to go into that.” I think a lot of that may come from the misunderstanding of how that works in terms of the incremental approach.

[00:23:37] SR: Exactly, right. You’d never want to turn down more cash. I think we had talked about before. But even though it might not seem like the best thing, a bigger tax bill at the end of the day generally means that you actually did better that year.

[00:23:49] TU: Yeah. Well, this is great stuff, Sean, and I want to transition. One of things we’re really excited about as we head into this tax filing season is that for new clients of YFP Tax, we’re really putting a stake in the ground that we’re not doing filing only. One of the reasons we got to that decision point was everything that we’re talking about right here, which is that we really feel like tax when done well is really proactive. It’s strategic, and we’re thinking about this year round so that we can optimize that situation. Yes, filing is a part of that, of course, but we really need to be thinking more strategically. 

So that’s one of the reasons that we are really excited, Sean, to be introducing YFP’s what we’re calling CTP, comprehensive tax planning. Tell us more about what it is, who is it for, and potentially who is it not for as well. 

[00:24:39] SR: Yeah. So comprehensive tax planning is – It’s a lot of what we had talked about before, right? So the idea of really synergizing your tax strategy with the rest of your financial strategy. It’s something where you’re touching base with us throughout the course of the year, and it really depends on what your individual needs are. It’s not something where we’re saying, “Hey. Every Friday at five o’clock, we’re all getting on the call. It’s the YFP Tax happy hour. We’re all going to talk about taxes and everything.” That’s not what this is all about. It’s really for everybody to look at their own situation and say, “Hey, I’m looking for more guidance on my withholdings.” Maybe it’s something where we’re meeting a couple times a year to talk about, “Hey, I have this new side job. I think I have to make estimated payments now. Can we talk about what that looks like?”

Or maybe it’s something where I have a real estate property that I’m thinking about purchasing at the end of the year, but I don’t even want to begin to go down that path until I can talk about what are the implications here. What if I rent it out a couple days a year? What if I rent it out 100 days a year? How’s that look? Can I live there? What are the tax implications? So it’s really for folks who want to not wait until the end of the year, like I said, and say, “Hey, here’s my box of receipts. I’ll see you next April. Get my stuff done,” and who really want to be able to sleep at night when it comes to taxes and don’t want to open up their mailbox and say, “Oh, no. It’s the IRS. What could this possibly be?”

[00:26:01] TU: Sean, if I’m interested in learning more about the comprehensive tax planning or perhaps even ready to get started, where’s the best place that I should go?

[00:26:09] SR: So the best place to go would be yfptax.com. So that’s our new and improved website we launched recently. It has a lot of different resources on there. It has the blog that you mentioned before, a lot of videos that we posted throughout the course of the year with some of these updates and some of these new tax laws that we’re talking about. It really has a breakdown of all the different services that we have. 

So whether it’s the comprehensive tax planning, CTP, that we’re talking about here, or maybe you have a side gig and you’re interested in doing some bookkeeping for that. We offer bookkeeping services, all the way from, “Hey, I just have a couple of contractors I need to do payroll for,” all the way up through what we call our fractional CFO service, which is more of the, “Hey, let’s sit down. Let’s talk strategy about my business. Let’s put some forecasts and budgeting together and everything.” That website will have a great starting point to get you started. 

But from there, you can get in touch with me. I’ll answer any questions you have. We can get on the phone. If you want to look at my face, we can get a Zoom call together. Or I’m happy to talk via email, answer any questions. So you can reach me personally at [email protected]. Again, you can also go to www.ypftax.com. You’ll get links to me. You’ll get links to all the things that we’re talking about here. That’s the best place to start. 

What I would say is, definitely, if you’re interested, don’t wait. We’re getting into tax season. I know that I’m biased to say that, but I think you’re going to lose a lot of us in a couple of weeks. So might be not a bad time to hop on there and take a look.

[00:27:34] TU: Don’t wait indeed. This is really the – Now, I’m not going to say quiet. You guys got a lot of stuff going on, but really the lull before the storm that is the tax season and then, obviously, some hibernation of rest and recovery thereafter. So make sure to head on over to yfptax.com. Lots more information there. As Sean mentioned, you can reach out to him directly to set up a call, get some more information. If you’re ready to get going, you can also click on a complete a quick form. You can get started. But all the information is there on the website. 

Sean, thanks so much, and we look forward to hearing from you after tax season.

[00:28:06] SR: Thank you. Yeah. It’s definitely the calm before the storm. But like I said, it’s sort of like if you watch the weather channel before a hurricane. Even though it’s the calm, everybody’s still prepping and getting ready and everything. Then once it’s all said and done, yeah, it’ll be nice to touch base in May once everything’s kind of a little bit calmer.

[00:28:23] TU: Great stuff. Thanks, Sean. 

[00:28:24] SR: Thank you.


[00:28:25] TU: As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts, and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist, unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward-looking statements that are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. 

Thank you, again, for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week. 


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YFP 288: An Interview with Suze Orman (YFP Classic)

This week we replay a YFP Podcast Classic. Suze Orman, #1 New York Times bestselling author on personal finance with over 25 million books in circulation, joins Tim Ulbrich on today’s episode. They talk about her most recent book Women & Money: Be Strong, Be Smart, Be Secure and the advice Suze has for pharmacy professionals feeling overwhelmed with their student loan debt and managing their financial plan. 

About Today’s Guest

Suze Orman has been called “a force in the world of personal finance” and a “one-woman financial advice power house” by USA today. A #1 New York Times bestselling author, magazine and online columnist, writer/producer, and one of the top motivational speakers in the world today, Orman is undeniably America’s most recognized expert on personal finance.

Orman was the contributing editor to “O” The Oprah Magazine for 16 years, the Costco Connection Magazine for over 18 years, and hosted the award winning Suze Orman Show, which aired every Saturday night on CNBC for 13 years. Over her television career Suze has accomplished that which no other television personality ever has before. Not only is she the single most successful fundraiser in the history of Public Television, but she has also garnered an unprecedented eight Gracie awards, more than anyone in the entire history of this prestigious award. The Gracies recognize the nation’s best radio, television, and cable programming for, by, and about women.

In March 2013, Forbes magazine awarded Suze a spot in the top 10 on a list of the most influential celebrities of 2013. In January 2013, The Television Academy Foundation’s Archive of American Television has honored Suze’s broadcast career accomplishments with her recent inclusion in its historic Emmy TV Legends interview collection.

In 2010, Orman was also honored with the Touchstone Award from Women in Cable Telecommunications, was named one of “The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women” by Forbes and was presented with an Honorary Doctor of Commercial Science degree from Bentley University. In that same month, Orman received the Gracie Allen Tribute Award from the American Women in Radio and Television (AWRT); the Gracie Allen Tribute Award is bestowed upon an individual who truly plays a key role in laying the foundation for future generations of women in the media.

In October 2009, Orman was the recipient of a Visionary Award from the Council for Economic Education for being a champion on economic empowerment. In July 2009, Forbes named Orman 18th on their list of The Most Influential Women In Media. In May 2009, Orman was presented with an honorary degree Doctor of Humane Letters from the University of Illinois. In May 2009 and May 2008, Time Magazine named Orman as one of the TIME 100, The World’s Most Influential People. In October 2008, Orman was the recipient of the National Equality Award from the Human Rights Campaign.

In April 2008, Orman was presented with the Amelia Earhart Award for her message of financial empowerment for women. Saturday Night Live has spoofed Suze six times during 2008-2011. In 2007, Business Week named Orman one of the top ten motivational speakers in the world-she was the ONLY woman on that list, thereby making her 2007’s top female motivational speaker in the world.

Orman who grew up on the South Side of Chicago earned a bachelor’s degree in social work at the University of Illinois and at the age of 30 was still a waitress making $400 a month.

Episode Summary

Happy Holidays! This week, we bring back a YFP Podcast classic! YFP Co-Founder & CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD, is joined by the one and only, Suze Orman. Suze, #1 New York Times bestselling personal finance author with over 25 million books in circulation, talks about her book, Women & Money: Be Strong, Be Smart, Be Secure, and shares advice for pharmacy professionals feeling overwhelmed with their student loan debt and managing their financial plan.

Suze shares her journey of being a waitress until she was 30 years old and going through a loss of $50,000 from an investment through Merryl Lynch in a three month time period. This is where her passion for personal finance began. Suze landed a job at Merryl Lynch, quickly began rising in rankings and eventually started her own firm. Suze became an advocate to ensure other people’s investments make more money than she’s earning. 

Suze says it’s important to have a healthy relationship with money and that there is no shame big enough to keep you from who you are meant to be. She shares that fear, shame and anger are the three internal obstacles to wealth. 

In regards to student loans, particularly for those with the biggest debt loads, Suze says that first and foremost you have to understand the ramifications that unpaid student loan debt will have on your life. She suggests following the standard repayment plan to minimize the additional interest and amount added on the end of loan (if following an income driven plan), and the taxes to be paid if the loan is forgiven. After paying off your student loan debt, Suze says that you can start dreaming. If an employer offers a 401(k) or 403(b) with an employer match, Suze suggests to contribute to the retirement account only up until the amount of the match. 

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Episode Transcript


[00:00:00] TU: Hey, everybody. Happy holidays. Tim Ulbrich here, and thank you for listening to the YFP Podcast, where each week we strive to inspire and encourage you on your path towards achieving financial freedom. 

This week, our team at YFP is taking off an annual tradition for us, as we reflect on the year behind us, plan the year ahead, and most importantly, spend time with family and friends. Since our team is on a break this week, I’m bringing back one of our most listened to episodes of all time. That’s an episode from July 2019, where I had the pleasure of interviewing the one and only Suze Orman, a number one New York Times bestselling author on personal finance with over 25 million books in circulation. 

On the show, we talked about one of her books, Women & Money: Be Strong, Be Smart, Be Secure, and the advice she has for pharmacists, as it relates to managing their finances. Now, Suze has been called a force in the world of personal finance and a one-woman financial advice powerhouse by USA Today. She’s a number one New York Times bestselling author, magazine and online columnist, writer, producer, and one of the top motivational speakers in the world. Orman was a contributing editor to the O, The Oprah Magazine, for 16 years, the Costco Connection magazine for over 18 years, and hosted the award-winning Suze Orman Show, which aired every Saturday night on CNBC for 13 years. 

With that said, it’s without question and honor to welcome Suze Orman to the YPF Podcast. 


[00:01:28] TU: Suze, before we jump in to discuss how pharmacists can be more intentional with their financial plan, I want to give a shout-out to one of our avid listeners, Amanda Copolinski, who is a super fan of yours that said, “Tim, you need to interview Suze on the podcast. Her message will resonate so well with your listeners in the financial issues that pharmacists are facing.” So while you have impacted millions of people, Amanda is one of those. Because of your work, your message will now impact thousands more in our community. So thank you so much for coming on the show.

[00:02:00] SO: You’re welcome. But, Tim, I just have to say one thing about Amanda, seriously. Amanda asked, and because she had a voice, because it is so important, particularly, that women have a voice, and they ask for what they want, and because she asked for what she wanted, even though it was for the good of all, it obviously was also good for Amanda. She got what she wanted. So if we can just learn to ask for what we want, I mean, what’s the worst thing that could happen? I say no. So then it wouldn’t have mattered if even – Do you see what I mean? So, Amanda, you go girl, you go girl, you go girl. All right, we can go now.

[00:02:41] TU: So before we jump in and talk more about your book, Women & Money: Be Strong, Be Smart, Be Secure, I’m curious and want our listeners to know as well a little bit more about your background into this world of personal finance that has led you to transform millions of people on their own financial journey. Were there a series of events or an aha moment for you that set you on this path, on this journey to teach and empower others about personal finance? 

[00:03:07] SO: Yeah. It was a very simple story, actually, where I was a waitress till I was 30 years of age in Berkeley, California. Having been a waitress for seven years, making $400 a month, to make a very long story short, I had this idea that I could open up my own restaurant because I made these people a fortune with all my ideas. My parents had absolutely no money. My mother was a secretary. My father was sick most of his life, blah, blah, blah, blah. And the customers I had been waiting on lent me $50,000 to open up my own restaurant. 

So I’m, again, making a long story short. They had me put that money in Merrill Lynch, which was a brokerage firm. I had a crooked broker. Within three months, all $50,000 was lost. Now, I didn’t know what to do, and I thought I know I can be a broker. They just make you broker. Because during those three months, I really loved starting to learn about a world that was so foreign to me. I didn’t even know what a money market was or Merrill Lynch was. 

Anyway, I went and applied for a job at Merrill Lynch because I knew I wanted to pay these people back that lent me $50,000, and I wasn’t going to do that at $400 a month, which was my salary as a waitress. They hired me to fill their women’s quota. While I was working for them, I realized what my broker did was illegal, and I also had been told that women belonged barefoot and pregnant. They had to hire me, but they would fire me in six months. So while I was working for them, I sued them with the help of somebody who worked for Merrill Lynch who told me what had happened to me was illegal. Because I sued them, they couldn’t fire me. 

During the two years until it came to court, and they then settled outside of court because I was their number six producing broker at the time, but what happened was during that time, those two years, I realized, oh, my God, how many people out there don’t have the money to lose? Like all right, I was young. I could have somehow come back. But what if it were my parents? What if it were your parents? What if it was somebody who that was every penny they had to their name? 

Even though I was a financial advisor, in terms of serving people at that time, I became an advocate to make sure that every single person that invested money, that their money meant more than the money I was going to earn off of them. I put them before me. People first, then money, then things. It was those people that mattered because I was one of those people. Before you knew it, I just rose and rose in the ranks, started my own firm, and here we are today.

[00:06:20] TU: Indeed. I think that’s a good segue into talking about your million-copy, 

number one New York Times bestselling book, Women & Money: Be Strong, Be Smart, Be Secure. As you may or may not already know, the profession of pharmacy is made up of a majority of women, approximately 60-40 split, two-thirds, one-third of graduates today, roughly speaking. So I think this message in your book is certainly going to resonate with our audience. 

You start the book with a chapter titled Imagine What’s Possible, and there’s a passage in there that I want to briefly read that really stood out to me. You said, “Women can invest, save, and handle debt just as well and skillfully as any man. I still believe that. Why would anyone think differently? So imagine my surprise when I learned that some of the people closest to me in my life were in the dark about their own finances. Clueless or, in some cases, willfully resisting, doing what they knew needed to be done. I’m talking about smart, competent, accomplished women who present a face to the world that is pure confidence and capability.” 

So why, Suze, is this topic of personal finance, even for well, smart, accomplished women, such as the pharmacists listening, and heck, regardless of gender, I would say this is true. Really smart people that often can’t effectively manage their money. What are the root causes for them?

[00:07:42] SO: Yeah. You just used the word can’t. Oh, they can. Women have more talent in their little fingers, I’m so sorry to say, more capability than most men have in both hands, really. I don’t say that as a put-down to men. It’s just that women hold up the entire sky here in the United States. They take care of their parents, their children, their spouse, their brothers, their sisters, their employees, their clients, their patients, everybody, their pets, their plants. When it’s all said and done, when they’re 50 or 60 years of age, that’s when, for the very first time, they start to think about themselves. 

You have got to remember that women have the ability to give birth, in most cases. They have the ability to feed that which they have given birth to, in most cases. So a woman’s nature is to nurture, is to take care of everybody else before she takes care of herself. So it’s not that she can’t. It’s she doesn’t want to. She doesn’t want to. She wants to make sure that her kids, in particular – A woman will do anything to make sure that her children are fine. That is not true with men. That is not true with men. 

I used to think that it was until 2008 came along and when people were laid off of their jobs. They lost their home. They lost their retirement. They lost everything. Women would go back to work, working three or four jobs, a waitress, a cocktail waitress, anything, just to put food on the table. A man, if they had a $200,000 job, would not go back to work if all they were offered was $60,000. They weren’t going to do it. 

Again, it’s not putting men down. Please, men, don’t think that because I don’t put you down. It’s the socialization effect of the difference between a man and a woman. So a woman just will do it all, but she won’t take care of herself. She chooses not to. In any aspect, she’ll only take care of her household expenses. You know why? Because her house holds everybody that she loves. That’s the only difference. That’s the only difference, boyfriend. That’s the only difference.

[00:10:06] TU: Which is a good segue to talk about healthy relationships with money because in the book, you mention that in order to build a healthy relationship with money, there are attitudes that women need to get rid of, with the first of these being these weights or burdens that you referenced that are commonly carried around, one being the burden of shame and the second being the tendency of blame. Can you tell us more about this concept of blame?

[00:10:29] SO: Yep. You know, in the book, I talk about truthfully that there is no blame big enough or shame big enough to keep you who you are meant from being. There just isn’t. Sometimes, we’re ashamed that we don’t know about money. Sometimes, we’re ashamed that we don’t have the money that we need to be able to give our children what they want. 

Now, what I just said was very heavy, believe it or not, because it’s really difficult. I mean, I just experienced it. I had my niece here. In fact, I had all my nieces here, but one in particular that has a five-year-old child who loves Pluto more than life itself. He literally thinks Pluto is alive. He said to me, “Aunt Suze, how do I get a real Pluto?” I mean, “You mean a dog?” He said, “No, really. I want this Pluto to be alive.” You could just see, you want to give this kid anything this kid wants because he’s so fabulous. Not that – All your kids are fabulous, to you, anyway. 

So a mother feels, especially if she’s a single mother, that she has to make up for the loss of a father figure or another mother figure or parent figure, and she does it usually by purchasing things for her kids because when they go to school, oh, but this kid has this cute backpack, and this kid has this, and look at these watches, and look at this iPhone. So it becomes very interesting that a lot of times, you’re ashamed of what you yourself don’t have. You’re not proud that you have anything. You’re ashamed of what you don’t have, and you blame it, usually, on somebody else. Or you blame it on yourself. 

It’s – Fear, shame, and anger are the three internal obstacles to wealth. They just are. I have people – I know you’re talking about the book right now, but my true love at this moment in time is the Women & Money podcast because it’s on the Women & Money podcast that you can hear. You can hear via the emails that are sent in the shame and the blame that women feel, the anger that they have at themselves for staying in a relationship that they don’t want to be in, but they don’t have the money to leave, the confusion that’s out there. A lot of these women are so powerless because they’re not powerful over their own money.

[00:13:10] TU: In the book, you go through a detailed financial empowerment plan, which I think is incredibly helpful for our listeners to hear more about since we know many pharmacists are struggling with spinning their wheels financially, graduating now with more than six figures of student loan debt, the average about $166,000, having many competing financial priorities with home buying, starting up a family, building up reserves, saving up for retirement. The list goes on and on. So the question is where does one start when they are looking at so many competing financial priorities, and it can feel so overwhelming?

[00:13:42] SO: You start by, number one, really understanding the ramifications that student loan debt that goes unpaid will have on your life forever. So your number one, bar none, is your student loan debt, and you have got to understand the difference between paying back student loan debt on the standard repayment method and the income-based repayment methods. You have to understand that in your head, if you think, “Oh, I have all this debt. I’m just going to pay back a little bit because I don’t have that much of an income, and they’re going to forgive it in 20 or 25 years. I’ll be OK,” no, you won’t. 

You won’t because if under the standard repayment method, your monthly payment should be $1,500 a month, and under income-based repayment, you’re only $750 a month, that $750 difference gets added onto the back end of your loan, plus interest. When they forgive it, when a debt is forgiven, you need to pay taxes on that, as if it were ordinary income. It is possible that if you do that over 20 years, you’re going to end up owing more than you even started with that they’re going to forgive.

So you have to be realistic here. If you’re going to go in this industry, if you’re going to become a vet, if you’re going to become anything with massive student loan debt, then you have to put your priorities in place. Your first priority is your student loan. After your student loan, hopefully, on the standard repayment method, it is paid off, then start dreaming. Ten years isn’t that big of a deal. It will come, and it will go. But don’t try to do it all at once.

[00:15:45] TU: Yeah. That’s really timely. I know for many pharmacists that are listening to this, they’re looking at, as I mentioned, six figures of student loan debt, $160,000, $170,000, $200,000 of loan, unsubsidized many of those, interest rates that are at six to eight percent. So obviously, those interest rates and the growing interest and the baby interest can have an incredible negative impact on their financial plan. 

That being a good segue, I think, into the conversation about loan forgiveness, which has gotten a lot of attention with the upcoming presidential elections, and we’ve had some discussion with Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, have forgiveness plans that are out there. Not even getting into specific candidates or politics or the individual policies, I think it brings up an interesting discussion around loan forgiveness and the positives and benefits of that, relative to what people learn through the process of paying off student loans. 

I know, for me, individually, going through the process of paying off more than $200,000 of student loan debt, there was a lot I learned and that my wife and I learned through that lesson in terms of budgeting, working together, setting goals. But I also understand that for many, and certainly would have been the case for us as well, not having that debt would have been fantastic. So how do we reconcile forgiveness relative to being able to learn through that process?

[00:16:58] SO: First of all, let’s talk about student loan debt to begin with and the viability of it. Is everybody crazy that we should have to pay, our children should have to pay $200,000 for a college education?

[00:17:13] TU: Amen.

[00:17:14] SO: Like is that, just to begin with, the sickest thing you have ever heard in your life? So while everybody’s dealing with the debt that we have, what we also should be dealing with is why are we paying that kind of money? Listen, if that’s what these financial institutions need to keep the buildings and the teachers and everything going, maybe we need to go to online universities that are fully credited that everything is done online because the burden that these kids are leaving school with is so heavy. It is the number one question that I am asked. What is so sad, it is the number one question that I do not really have an answer for because they will not let you discharge it in bankruptcy. They do not –

I mean, it is crazy that you pay the same amount of money to get a master’s in social work as you do an MBA. Really? So tuitions, number one, should be based on the area that you are specializing in. Hey, if you’re going to graduate and you’re going to make $200,000, $400,000, $500,000 a year, fine. Then you start spending money that then subsidizes those that are going to make $30,000 a year because they want to be a teacher. Or whatever it may be. But I do think what’s going to start to happen is that people are going to have to start going to community colleges for the first two years or so, and then probably switch over. But then, you have to be crazy if you go to a school that’s $50,000 a year. 

Now, with that said, I get when you want to be a vet, when you want to be a pharmacist, when you want to be a doctor. That’s what they charge. So if you know, if you know beforehand that that’s what it’s going to cost you, and you have an unsubsidized loan, which means that it is growing while you are in school, can you at least pay the interest on that loan while you’re in school? 

I know everybody’s going to say, “But, Suze, I’m working full-time at school. I can’t.” Oh, yes, you can. I had to put myself through school. I worked until 2:00 AM every morning. I started at 7:00. I worked seven days a week for four years straight. Don’t you dare tell Suze Orman you can’t do it. You most certainly can. You just don’t want to. When you have debt that you can’t pay back, this is not a choice if you can or you can’t, if you want to or you don’t want to. You have to, and it’s – I don’t mean to sound harsh to you, but you’ll thank me years from now that at least you haven’t accumulated an interest rate on top of everything else.

[00:20:02] TU: Suze, one of the most common questions that I get and I’m sure you get all the time as well is how do I balance paying off my student loan debt relative to investing and saving for the future? As we think about pharmacy professionals specifically, many of them have gone through lots of education to get where they are. They may have four years of undergrad. They have four years – Likely, some people more in terms of getting their doctorate degree. They may go on and do residency training. 

So here they are, and they look at the clock and say, “Yes, I’m young. But I also know I need to aggressively save, and I keep hearing the message of I need to be putting away money for the future. But I’ve got $160,000, $180,000, $200,000 of student loan debt, unsubsidized loans, six to eight percent. So how do I balance the two of these?” What advice do you give people to help them think through that?

[00:20:48] SO: I would not not pay a student loan under the standard repayment method in order to then save in a retirement account. Obviously, if you work for a corporation that gives you a 401(k) or a 403(b) or whatever it may be, and it matches your contribution, then you have absolutely no choice whatsoever but to absolutely at least invest up to the point of the match. After that, your very first bill that has to be paid before you can decide anything is your student loan repayment. 

After you know what it’s going to cost you to pay on your student loan, then you have to make a decision. Oh, do I have to move in with six or seven kids and all live together in order just to do whatever? What do I have to do after that payment? Is there any money left over? If there is, what will it allow me to do? It may only allow you, I know you’re going to really think I’ve lost it, to move back in with your parents for a number of years.

[00:21:53] TU: You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.

[00:21:54] SO: You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. For all of us to make it in today’s society, we have to either really enhance the nuclear unit and nuclear family, and really help each other. Or if we can’t do what we’re born into, then create our own nuclear family, whereas five or six of you get together and you go, “Okay, we have this problem.” It’s not like communal living, but it’s how do we solve this problem? So rather than you each have your own individual apartment, you each have your own car, you each have all of this stuff, what can you do as a group of people? Uber and Lyft and Zipcars, all of that came, especially Zipcars, about people who couldn’t afford to have their own car. 

Again, I don’t mean to be Suze Smackdown here. But I do want you just to be realistic about your life and the independence dream, living on your own, having all of these things. Nothing will give you more pleasure than having money versus things.

[00:23:08] TU: Yeah. My wife and I talk often, as we think about our own financial situations, that we felt some of that pressure in our mid-20s of wanting to live up to the lifestyle that our parents have gotten to after 30 or 40 years. So I think really reshifting expectations and thinking about specifically today’s pharmacy graduates just really has to be intentional with their financial plan and change some of those expectations to set them up to be successful in the long run. 

Shifting gears a little bit, I want to talk about planning for the future, and we recently had on the show Cameron Huddleston, author of the book, Mom and Dad: How to Have Essential Conversations with Your Parents About Their Finances, an excellent book that has me thinking more and more about the significance and importance of healthy and open financial conversations with family about money and ensuring that the estate planning process is well thought out and is in place. 

I noticed that you offer a protection portfolio that is meant to help people take the worry out of protecting themselves, their assets, and their family. So tell us a little bit more about why this process of having a protection portfolio in place is so important and what information is compiled in a portfolio like this.

[00:24:19] SO: What’s really important is for everybody to understand that we have no control over the things that happen to us. Are we going to be in an accident? I mean, really, just the other day, Tim, you know I live on a private island, and I’m driving down this road. I mean, there are no cars on this private island. There are only golf carts. There were only like – There’s 80 homes. There’s nobody here most of the time. I’m driving back to my house, and I come up on a golf cart that overturned on these four 20-year-olds, and they were seriously hurt, all right? I mean, five minutes before then, they were on this private island, having a fabulous time. Now, I’m like, “Oh, my God.” 

So anything can happen at any time, and every one of you needs to be protected against the what ifs of life. May you always hope for the best, but may you plan for the worst, whether it’s an accident, an illness, an early death, whatever it may be. The number of emails I get from 40-year-old women, 50-year-old women, 30-year-old women saying, “Suze, my spouse died. I have three kids. I never expected to be in this situation.” They go on and on and on about it. 

This is also, what I’m about to tell you, very important if you have parents. Because if you have parents, the question becomes like – My mom lived till she was 97. If something happens to your parents, they lose their mind, so to speak, they have dementia, they have Alzheimer’s, and they can’t write their checks anymore or pay their bills, who’s going to take care of them? You can’t do anything for them, unless you have what I call the must-have documents. Not only a will, a living revocable trust, an advanced directive, and a durable power of attorney for healthcare. You must have those. 

But most of the time, lawyers tell you, “All you need is a will.” Oh, give me a break. The less money you have, the more you need a living revocable trust because wills make it so that in most cases, if you own a piece of real estate or whatever it may be, your estate has to go through probate. Guess who gets the probate fees? The lawyer that told you all you need is a will. So a living revocable trust not only passes your assets from one person to another within a two-week period of time, no fees, nothing. But in case of an incapacity, it will say you can sign for so-and-so. So-and-so can sign for you. It sets up your estate every way you want it, and it also helps you because minors cannot inherit money. 

So if you have young children, and both you and your spouse are killed in a car crash, something happens, the money can’t go to your minors. If you left your money to them via your will, good luck. It’s going to end up in a blocked account until they’re 18. So with that said, most trusts, if you go to see a trust lawyer, first of all, you have to know there are good trust lawyers. Most of them are not, are at least $2,500. Every time you make a change, $500, $1,000, you’re just sitting here talking to me about you don’t have even have enough money to pay your student loan debt. Where are you going to get $2,500 to do a will, a trust, an advanced directive, a durable power of attorney for healthcare? Every time you need to make a change, where are you going to get the money to do that? 

So years ago, with my own trust lawyer, I created what’s called the must-have documents. These documents are my documents. If you were to look at my trust, my will, everything, you would see these. But I wanted to do it at a price that every single person could afford. So we created over $2,500 worth of state-of-the-art documents for approximately $69. What’s great about these documents, not only are they fabulous. Every time the law changes, they automatically get updated, but you can change it as many times as you want. 

So if you go from one kid to two kids, you go back to your computer, you change them. So you never have to pay for it again. If you’re interested, really, in that offer, you can just go to suzeorman.com/offer. Through there, it’s $69. Otherwise, you’ll see it sold for $100, $90. They’re sold for all over the place. But these documents have changed the lives of millions and millions and millions of people over the years.

[00:29:28] TU: Yeah. I think it’s also important for our listeners just to consider the peace of mind of having all of this together. When you think about all of the things that are found in estate planning documents, and my wife and I went through this process we’ve talked about on the podcast before, where you put together insurance policy information and where your accounts are at and birth certificates and all of the papers that would need to be readily accessible, in addition to all of your estate planning documents. To get there and the conversations you have and the peace of mind it provides is incredible. Again, suzeorman.com/offer will get you there. 

Suze, I want to wrap up our time together by talking about legacy, and I’m fascinated with learning more about what drives very successful, highly influential individuals such as yourself to take on the life’s mission and work that they do. So for you, as you look back on a career that is undeniably wildly successful and that has positively transformed the lives of millions of people, what is the legacy that you’re leaving?

[00:30:31] SO: I hope the legacy that I leave is that women in particular, but men as well, but women in particular really know that they are more capable than they have any idea, that they will never be powerful in life until they’re powerful over their own money, how they think about it, how they feel about it, and how they invest it, and that every one of them, one of them, has what it takes to be more and to have more. They just have to want to. 

I don’t really know. I don’t know how to answer that because I never think about what I’m going to leave. I only really think about what I’m doing. I can tell you right now, like one of my friends said to me, “You just can’t help yourself, can you, Suze Orman?” So with the Women & Money podcast, people write in their emails. I keep saying, “I’m not going to answer them. I can’t answer all these emails.” Now, I’ve answered almost every one, except four. I’ve got four left, and then they’ll mount up again, and blah, blah, blah, blah. 

But I have such a desire for every single woman and the men smart enough to listen, but really for every single woman to get the right advice, the best advice, to start to educate them so that they become smart enough, strong enough, secure enough. So they can start educating their daughters and their sisters and their aunts and their moms and their grandmas and everybody. So that we start really teaching one another because I’m just so afraid of where this world – Truthfully, the hatred in this world that we are experiencing right now, I am very afraid of where it’s going to take us next year. So I hope I leave a legacy of love and power. That’s what I really hope I leave.

[00:32:45] TU: Yeah. What really stands out to me, Suze, the work that you’re doing, and you alluded to this, is the generational impact that it’s having, and that will forever go on. I mean, that’s an amazing thing, when you think about transforming somebody’s personal financial life. Let’s say they’re a mother, and they pass it on to their kids and their friends and their cousins and their network, and that gets passed on to another generation. That is incredible transformational work that will forever have impact. So I thank you for that work, and I know it’s had an impact here on me in even having the opportunity to talk with you today. 

To our listeners, as Suze mentioned, she responds to her requests as it relates to the podcast that she has each and every week, the Suze Orman’s Women & Money podcast. So if you have a question for Suze that we did not touch on during today’s show, make sure to reach out at [email protected]

Again, as a reminder, make sure to head on over to suzeorman.com, S-U-Z-E-O-R-M-A-N.com, where you can learn more about Suze, including her blog, the podcast, comprehensive resources, live events that she hosts, and books and products that are designed to help empower you in your own financial plan. 

Suze, again, thank you so much for coming on the show, and I’m grateful for what you were able to share and the impact that it will have on our community. Thank you very much.

[00:34:04] SO: Anytime, boyfriend. Anytime.


[00:34:07] TU: As we conclude this week’s podcast, an important reminder that the content on this show is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for investment or any other advice. Information in the podcast and corresponding materials should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any investment or related financial products. We urge listeners to consult with a financial advisor with respect to any investment. 

Furthermore, the information contained in our archived newsletters, blog posts, and podcasts is not updated and may not be accurate at the time you listen to it on the podcast. Opinions and analyses expressed herein are solely those of Your Financial Pharmacist, unless otherwise noted, and constitute judgments as of the dates published. Such information may contain forward-looking statements that are not intended to be guarantees of future events. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. For more information, please visit yourfinancialpharmacist.com/disclaimer. 

Thank you, again, for your support of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast. Have a great rest of your week. 


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